#I will gladly elaborate if people want me to lol
puppetmaster13u · 2 months
I was reminded of a Thing from the reblogs on the Mermay 03 Prompt
Very similar vibes. But with platonic omegaverse, and dragons. Gotham? Already cursed to hell and back. But then another curse was formed via the museum bringing in this strange statue. That of course got stolen because solid crystal and gold. Then got broken, split in half. And oop. New Curse.
Now before I get into the curse, lemme explain the omegaverse side of things. Everyone is born a secondary gender labeled Alpha, Omega, or Beta. There's also medical conditions where one is neither, usually a mix of genetic and hormonal issues. Gotham however, is Weird. They have no set scent according to Outsiders. Really? They can shift and switch (Yes there's a large LGTBQ percentage in the population) at will. It can take months for someone new to the city, but those that have been there for a few generations can do it in hours. For those like the Waynes or other founders who have been there since the beginning of the city? Minutes. It's more than a little unnerving to Outsiders who are used to things staying the same.
But that curse (or blessing as others call it) mixed with the new dragon one. See, they can all change into draconic form, and do their best to keep that secret. But they also have different forms depending on the secondary sex they are at that time.
@f4nd0m-fun & @golden-buddle idk if u'd be interested in this but-
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reiding-writing · 9 months
Are u willing to do a fic about an unsub!reader with early seasons Spencer? Like, the BAU has to team up with the unsub to catch another criminal with a similar M.O. to them and hijinks ensue (could be angsty hijinks or could be general scooby doo type situations) Idk!! I really like ur works and I've been thinking about this thing for days but my ass sucks at writing lol ;;
copycat—s.reid [1]
The replication of a disturbing 2004 serial murder case calls for the BAU to get involved with the assistance of none other than the original killer themself. And whilst Spencer didn’t work the original case, he was eager to learn every detail about it, including its offender.
WARNINGS: made up murder case, graphic depictions of violence, implied suicide (actually murder), mentions of spencer’s addiction, sociopathic reader
s3!spencer/gn!unsub!reader || mystery || 4.5k || masterlist!!
part one !! , part two !!
unsub!reader masterlist!!
a/n: sorry to the person who requested this because tumblr deleted the actual ask but i did have it copied so at least it wasn’t completely lost 😭😭😭
left it here because people tend not to want to read really long fics. if people want a part two i will gladly oblige but otherwise its a decent stand alone to see how spencer would interact with an unsub like this
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“James Harden, 23, was found two days ago on the bench of a public park in Los Flores, Orange County,”
The BAU team, barr Hotch, all settled in their seats as JJ arrived in the room.
JJ pressed a button on the small remote in her hand, two photos, one of each wrist of the victim, appearing on the screen behind her. “Both wrists had been slit, and the cause of death was concluded to be blood loss,”
“So, why are we being called in exactly?” Morgan raised an eyebrow, taking a sip from his coffee. The team was *tired*. They’d only gotten off a case three days before, and they were all in need of a break.
“Well, if you’d allow me to finish,” JJ shoots Morgan a pointed look to which he promptly raised his hands in surrender.
JJ presses the remote again, images of the victim’s wrists being replaced with images of his face.
There was a mix of reactions from the group, all of which perturbed, but some with more intent than others.
His head was laid limp over the back of the bench, his face pale and his lips white from the lack of blood flow to his head. Nothing they hadn’t seen before.
His eyes however, were a different story, covered up by a pair of red roses that had seemingly had their stems forcibly pierced into the victims eyeballs, leaving a trail of oxidised blood down his cheeks.
Morgan and Garcia shared a concerned glance that they simultaneously turned towards JJ, who matched their expression with her own.
“They didn’t-”
JJ shakes her head at the beginning of Morgan’s question, and Emily and Spencer share a confused glance that they turn towards their three teammates who seem to be locked in a silent conversation that only they understood.
“I feel like i’m back in high school again,” Rossi pipes up at the three from his seat, inadvertently calling them out on their exclusion of Emily, Spencer, and Rossi from their conversation.
JJ sighs as she adverts her eyes towards Rossi, her shoulders sagging slightly. “We worked a case in 2004…” She hesitates to elaborate any further about the details, and Spencer takes the opportunity to voice is own curiosity.
“You didn’t solve it?” He tucks his hair behind his ear, eyes glistening slightly as his eyebrows furrowed in JJ’s direction.
It’d been three years since 2004, and the idea that an UnSub could go postal for that long with an FBI target on their back was- something, to say the least.
“No, we did-” Garcia nods her head determinedly, her eyes lingering on the screen as if she was more focused on the images than the conversation.
“So, a copycat then?” Emily adds her part to the conversation, clearly concerned for her friend’s wellbeing.
“Most likely,” JJ nods her head sharply, looking back at the screen once more. “There’s only been one recorded victim so far, but we want to stop whoever is responsible before anything else happens,”
“Are you alright Garcia?” Emily’s eyes remain fixated on Garcia’s face, her usually upbeat persona dwindling into something more solemn.
“Hm? Oh, yes, of course my love bug, i’m alright,” Garcia shoots Emily a small smile as if to emphasise her point. “It was the first case I ever worked on is all, they just… stick with you ya know?”
Emily nods softly at her explanation. She knew what it felt like to have your first case stick in the back of your mind.
“Alright settle down everyone,” Hotch’s voice echoed through the conference room before he even stepped inside, and the team all diverted their attention towards him.
“I trust they’ve been briefed?” Hotch looks towards JJ, who gives him a nod before stepping aside so that he can take her place at the head of the table.
Hotch walks into the conference room with someone at his side. Someone who makes Morgan’s hand clench into fists and the small hint of optimism that Garcia had managed to keep fizzle from her eyes.
“You can’t be serious.” Morgan’s voice was stern and challenging as his eyes narrowed in Hotch’s direction. “Hotch-“
Hotch halts Morgan’s attempt at a rebuttal with his hand, raised in Morgan’s direction as he knits his eyebrows into a line. “They will be a valuable asset to the investigation.”
“You can’t bring a psychopath in here and expect us to just go along with it-” Morgan’s argument was interrupted by your voice from where you stood behind Hotch, hands clasped together behind your back.
Morgan’s expression furrows further if that’s possible, eyes staring daggers at your face. “Close enough.”
“Actually, Psychopaths and Sociopaths are fundamentally different, with the only real similarity between the two being an extreme lack of human empathy,” Your eyes flicker towards Spencer as he corrects Morgan’s assessment, raising an eyebrow in his direction out of intrigue.
“Either way, you cannot expect me to be okay with working alongside a serial killer.” Morgan’s eyes don’t stray from Hotch’s as he speaks, not backing down from his standing.
“I don’t expect you to be. But that doesn’t change the fact that they will be joining us for this investigation.” Hotch’s tone marks the end of the debate, one that Morgan knew he’d lost before it even started.
Hotch gestures for you to take a seat at one of the empty chairs and you oblige, leaning the side of your left foot on top of your right thigh and relaxing back into the swivel chair as Morgan’s eyes bore holes into the back of your head.
The fact that you were even here was enough to spark the embers of rage in the back of his mind.
The fact that you were walking around freely with no restraints was even worse.
“For those of you who weren’t present, in 2004, the BAU team was called out to Malibu to investigate a series of murders that littered the city.” Hotch’s eyes flicker over to where Emily, Rossi, and Spencer were sitting.
“Eighteen people were killed over the span of ten days, crossing age, gender, and race boundaries typical of a normal M.O, with the only link being two roses in place of the victim’s eyes.”
Hotch’s eyes turn towards the images on the screen, yours following his own as you examine the photos with a small huff. “Are you sure that is person is copying me and that it’s not just a coincidence?”
“Putting roses in peoples’ eyes isn’t something we see in the field every day,” Hotch’s explanation is blunt and straight forward.
“My roses were white.” You tilt your head at him with a raised eyebrow. “That’s a pretty stark difference to just ignore.”
“Maybe he’s trying to make a name for himself,” Spencer throws the idea out into the air at your observation, seemingly undeterred by your criminal history now that his head was submerged in the case.
“Then be original.” You face furrows with a roll of your eyes. “Don’t copy somebody else’s idea, it’s not that hard,”
“That’s enough,” Hotch’s voice cuts through the conversation, his arms crossed over his chest. “We’ll discuss the details on the plane.”
Hotch picks up one of the open files on the table and tucks it under his arm. “Wheels up in thirty, i’ll meet you all there,”
A gesture of his head for you to follow him later, and he’s exiting the conference room with you on his tail.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You walk right past Hotch’s seat as you board the jet, opting to take a seat directly opposite the genius doctor that had managed to capture your attention in the conference room.
He looks up awkwardly as you sit down, not exactly sure what he’s supposed to do. Should he start a conversation with you? Should he continue reading his file and pretend he can’t feel your eyes pouring over his features like you were sizing him up.
He doesn’t have to think for too long.
“What’s your name?” Your tone lacks any social grace, but he supposes he can’t blame you. It’s not like it’s your fault you don’t feel or express your emotions in the same way that the majority does.
“It’s- uh- Spe- Spencer,” His awkwardness really shines through his tone, left hand scratching at his right elbow as a self-soothing strategy.
Two seconds into a conversation and he already wants to dig himself a hole and hide in it for the rest of eternity.
“Spencer Reid- Doctor Spencer Reid,” He purses his lips into a line once he’s settled on his full title, but it doesn’t stop him from blurting out more in his effort to get all of his thoughts out of his head. “Spencer’s fine though…”
“Doctor? Of what?” You skirt past his awkward introduction in your pursuit to know more, and he’s grateful that his completely lack of social skills doesn’t scare you off like it would most people.
“Well- I have PhDs in Mathematics, Engineering, and Chemistry,” Spencer tucks his hair behind his ear, his file falling over the side of his lap into the gap between his leg and the arm of the chair. “But i also have bachelor’s degrees in Sociology and Psychology,”
He shuts himself off after his over-winded explanation with a purse of his lips in your direction.
“I have a bachelor’s degree in Psychology,” Spencer’s eyes practically light up at your words, completely forgetting that you’re a convicted serial killer and instead hyper-fixating on your academic interests.
“Really? Did you do a Bachelor of Arts or Science?” You can almost feel the enthusiasm radiating off of his body as he leans forward in his chair slightly.
“Science,” You tap the side of your head with your finger and Spencer thinks he understands. It’s the same reason he studied psychology himself.
Because he was different.
Because his brain worked in different ways than other people.
He couldn’t even imagine how much more severe it was for somebody like you.
“How do you know so much?” Your tone isn’t chastising. It’s not questioning his knowledge because he’s ’too young’ or ‘doesn’t look like someone who would be an expert’ in niche academic areas. You genuinely just wanted to know.
“Well- I have a 187 IQ and an eidetic memory,” You’re eyes followed his as he explained his intelligence to you, chasing them to ensure the two of you maintained eye contact. “And I have a reading speed of 20,000 words per minute,”
You hum at his answer, seemingly satisfied as you lean back in the jet seat.
The silence between you doesn’t have time to get awkward before Hotch is calling the team’s attention to go over the details of the case thus far.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Spencer spends most of his first night in Los Flores on a laptop.
Garcia almost has an aneurism when he asks her if he could borrow one of hers.
It takes him almost 30 minutes to figure out how to use it, face lit by the harsh white light of the screen and softened slightly by the warm yellow of the lamp on his hotel bed’s side table.
Once he manages to pull up the internet browser he spends the next multiple hours researching. Pouring over every news article and journalist report that he can about the 2004 Malibu case that had you in its centre.
The 2004 ‘Malibu Rose Killer’. One of the most prolific serial killers in California’s history.
Eighteen people dead in just ten days. An extremely rapid escalation that held no victim pattern of any kind.
A spree that only stopped when the police found both of your adoptive parents dead after a welfare check concerning your father not turning up to work. Your two first victims.
You’d told the courts that it was a manic breakdown. A symptom of your previously undiagnosed sociopathy. That you weren’t in your right mind when it happened.
It worked to a degree, swerving you of a death penalty, but the fact that your parents’ crime scene had shown signs of recognition for your actions halted your defence quite a bit.
Instead of slitting their radial artery and leaving them to bleed out, you’d severed their spines from the brain stem whilst they slept.
And instead of piercing their eyeballs with two roses, you’d instead chosen to lay one in between their two bodies instead.
That was enough for the prosecution to say you had at least some knowledge of the severity of your actions, and so instead of being carted off to a psychiatric prison you were left in a regular old high security prison to serve two consecutive life sentences for the murder of your parents with an annual mental assessment.
He assumes that’s why you agreed to be here. To gain a lenience on your sentence.
He didn’t know why he found your story so fascinating, but he knew that he’d only be able to refrain from asking you questions for so long.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
“Spit it out.” Your words snap Spencer out of his thought-filled dazed, blinking at you as he slowly regains his senses.
“Spit it out. Whatever you have to say to me.” Your tone, as he’s come to expect over the last few days, is very flat and straight to the point, clearly agitated at his eyes lingering on you for what you’d deemed too long.
You walk around the small table at the Orange County’s Los Flores police station with your arms crossed, confined there for the majority of the case as to not possibly initiate any ‘aggressive urges’ that might spawn from seeing a replica of your past crimes.
Spencer’s left hand absentmindedly scratches at his right elbow at your glare, clearing his throat and averting eye contact with you, both out of embarrassment of his unintentional staring and self-preservation towards your proclivity to get angry without real aggravation. “I- It’s nothing really,”
Your head tilts at him, your eyes telling him enough that your patience was waining and that you would get whatever he was thinking about out of him.
“I uh- did some reading… about your case-” Your expression morphs into an emotion that he can’t quite place at his confession, and he feels an overwhelming pressure to keep explaining himself as well as to just sew his mouth shut so he can’t say anything.
“And… um- there was a part about it that didn’t really make sense to me,” He’s thrown himself in the deep end now, any hope of changing the topic of conversation long gone as he watches your eyebrow quirk in curiosity.
“Your parents…” Spencer’s eyes scan your expression intently as he mutters out the words, gauging your reaction to his words before he dares to continue.
“What about them?” You remain indifferent if not mildly compelled by the line of thought running through his head, and he’s internally relieved that he hasn’t pressed any of the wrong buttons in your fragile emotional state.
“Why?” Spencer mirrors the short, straight to the point wording that you seemed to be so fond of, and he can see you blank expression waver slightly at the question, like you weren’t sure how to answer it.
He watches the wrinkle in your brow become more prominent, how your eyes seem to loose focus and flicker around the room, the way you subconsciously shift from one foot to the other.
He’s not entirely surprised by your reaction. Sociopaths were very capable of harbouring emotions like everyone else. Anger, happiness, sadness, love, and even fear. Even if the intensity of them and the way they were expressed was different.
Right now your expression read as confusion mixed with mild apprehension, like you were considering whether or not you wanted to answer his question.
You still didn’t seem angry, which he was grateful for. He might have been a qualified agent, but that was with the exception of him not having to pass a physical examination.
And he really didn’t want to risk having to physically defend himself against someone who managed to kill eighteen people in the span of ten days because he’d accidentally said the wrong thing.
“They didn’t deserve to live with the knowledge of what I was going to do,” You tone is a lot less apathetic as you come to your answer, stopping intravenously to collect your words.
Spencer’s eyebrows furrow at your answer, not quite sure what to make of it.
“My turn,” Your eyes scan Spencer’s facial features, watching how Spencer’s eyebrows raise as you don’t give him time to compute your answer. “Do your higher ups know you’re an addict?”
The question is blunt, clear, and lacks any subtlety whatsoever despite the two of you technically being in a public place, even if you were the only people in the room.
Spencer’s eyes snap towards yours, surprise written all over his face. “You- I- Uh-“ His mouth falls open and closed like a fish as he tries to string a coherent sentence together, blinking at you with wide eyes.
How did you know that?
He falls short of an answer to your question, his eyes questioning you silently.
“Does your team know?”
Spencer shakes his head slowly. “If they do no one’s ever mentioned it..” He doesn’t know why he’s exposing himself to you like this, but theirs something in the look your giving him that tells him that he can’t lie to you.
“What great friends.” Your voice is practically dripping in sarcasm, and Spencer can’t help but subconsciously agree with you.
He’d waited and waited for someone to recognise that something was off with him. That he wasn’t all there.
But instead of it being one of his coworkers, some of which he’d known for years, it was a sociopathic serial killer that he’d known for 37 hours and 16 minutes.
Lucky him.
“They have more important things to worry about,” His hand returns to scratching at his elbow through his shirt, clearly uncomfortable with the topic of conversation.
You raise your eyebrow at him, clearly intrigued by the misfortune riddling his life; Almost as if it was a private viewing of a feature film made solely for your entertainment.
“Stop doing that.”
Spencer raises his eyes towards yours once more at your words, wide and glossy and making him look like a pathetic little puppy who’d been told off for tearing up a couch cushion.
You wonder how deep that patheticness goes.
“Don’t scratch. It’s annoying to watch and it’ll make your withdrawals worse.” You depart from the room before he can give you an answer, shutting the door harshly behind you as you spot Hotch in the main foyer of the station.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
“I’m bored.” You swing your legs over the edge of the table you were sat on. You’d spent the last four days confined either to the hotel room you were sharing with Hotch or the small meeting room the OCPD had reserved for the BAU during the case.
You wanted a change of scenery. Desperately. You could only deal with monotony for so long.
At least back in your cell you activities you could engage in.
Instead you were just stuck as a fact checker for the details of each victim.
Five people had died now. Following your victim pattern to a T.
The first a young white man. The second a middle aged white woman. The third a male black college student. The fourth and fifth a young gay couple.
It agitated you. What happened to originality? Get your own random victims.
“You can accompany Morgan and I to the coroner’s office,” Spencer offered you a pursed smile at his suggestion, partly because he knew you’d be able to see more differences between the originals and recreations in person than through photos and partly because he wanted to crack you open.
He wanted to know everything about you. He wanted to know what made you tick. How you rationalised your crimes. How your sociopathy developed.
He was in deep. And his brain wanted answers.
“Absolutely not.” Morgan shot down the idea immediately with a stern shake of his head. “There is no way in hell we are bringing them with us,”
“They might catch something that we won’t be able to,” Spencer’s rationalisation wasn’t exactly wrong. Even in copy cat murders the offender always left a piece of themself behind. Something of their own personality rather than the killer they were trying to replicate.
It could be so tiny that no one would recognise it. Apart from the original offender of course.
“They might catch the bright idea to try and attack somebody.”
“Oh please-“ You roll your eyes at Morgan. “If I was going to have another mental break at seeing a recreation of my past endeavours I would have had it already,”
Morgan narrows your eyes at you calling your murder spree your ‘past endeavours’. You hadn’t published a book or painted some mural. You’d killed eighteen people.
“Reid’s right,”
He doesn’t have time to get angry at you.
“Hotch-“ Morgan looks completely betrayed.
“There’s only so much they can do to help us from here. We want to stop this before anyone else gets hurt.” Hotch’s tone is stern, leaving no room for argument.
“And if they do spiral out of control,” Hotch’s eyes flicker between Morgan and yourself. “I trust you’ll be able to take care of it.”
Morgan mutters something under his breath about ‘stupid hierarchies’ and how much he hated your guts as he left the meeting room with a huff, although more composed than you thought he’d be.
“Are you ready to leave?” Spencer’s question snaps you out of your revelling over Morgan’s distaste for you, although your small smile of satisfaction doesn’t falter as your eyes meet Spencer’s.
“Let’s go Doctor. I’m ready to get out of this beige abomination.”
You push yourself off the table and leave out of the same door that Morgan had, Spencer following closely behind you.
He was oddly grateful about your decency to respect his title, and it only made him want to read you like a book even more.
- part two !!
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preeningpisces · 6 months
Choso NSFW Headcanons
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Lemme know if you want me to elaborate/write something about any of these ♥️
18+ content below, mdni, implied chubby f!reader
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❥ Choso is extremely submissive in the way that he will do whatever you want in bed. If you want to be dominated, through your guidance and some trial & error, he’ll do it for you happily. If you want to tie him up & make him cry, he’ll gladly cry the prettiest tears for you
❥ You have to remind him he needs to discover his own wants & desires, rather than going along with whatever you want
❥ Can be very dirty because he doesn’t really have a sense of shame when it comes to sex. For instance, he sees licking your neck no differently than licking your foot, and is confused when you react negatively. He wasn’t exactly raised with any societal/cultural influences on his sexuality
❥ He does some odd shit like bite your armpit and when you chastise him he turns into the sad hamster meme
❥ We all know he busts in like 3 seconds, does it need to be said? He can’t help it—his dick is brand new, fresh off the shelf
❥ Bro cannot get enough when you first start having sex together; he can be pushy at times LOL but will relent & be respectful if you ask him to
❥ Very INTENSE. He prefers positions where he can make eye contact, and this mfer will stare into your soul the whole time. Also likes positions where he can get your tits in his mouth
❥ Doesn’t tend to be playful in bed, but will try to match your energy if you are
❥ Period sex makes him go craaaaazy. He’s all up in there in every way. He earns his red wings immediately
❥ I know in my soul that he’s hairy. He’s a hairy guy! No way he isn’t. Exfoliate your face with his hairy titties
❥ Lowkey into body hair himself, and doesn’t get why people are so obsessed with shaving. Likes feeling your legs when they get prickly, or if the hair is grown out. Absolutely LOVES an 80s bush
❥ On that note, anything that is naturally so human gets him going, like sweat. Kind of into musk too. He’s the type that likes it when you’ve marinated a bit LMFAO kind of pouts if you insist on showering before he goes down on you. So cute
❥ His cum doesn’t shoot, it leaks, and there’s a fuck ton of it. Stroking him through his orgasm is really fucking messy, and really fucking hot
❥ Oh my god he is awful at dirty talk at the beginning, bitch has NO CLUE what to say
❥ He learns tho, don’t you fret. Like I said, he doesn’t really get embarrassed when it comes to sex, but he also has no concept of what’s considered sexy and what’s not. You just have to survive the awkward stage (and maybe share some source material for him to reference)
❥ Fucking loves titties. Even when you aren’t having sex, just cuddling, that’s where he likes to rest his hands the most. If you have heavy tits he’ll offer to support them for you. It’s a genuine act of kindness, but also one he benefits from greatly. Rests his head on your chest when he needs to unwind
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 1 year
Went ahead and read this post. And laughed a little, ngl.
It's basically a defense post for shipping Sonic with human girls, and a hate post towards Sonamy/Sonally shippers. Called 'em all "fanbrats." Immediate generalization, assuming all of us are the same.
I'm a Sonamy shipper, not Sonally. Why I don't ship Sonally? All I've seen of Sally -- while she's generally a good person -- she's very controlling, especially of Sonic himself. She doesn't like Sonic for who he is; she's constantly trying to make him more serious and their personalities clash an awful lot. But does that mean I hate on and judge Sonally shippers? No. It's just a ship with fictional characters, peeps. Lighten up. I don't get triggered if I see others making art for them and stuff. I just move on because it's not for me.
Ah, yeah, Amy's worse qualities HAVEN'T disappeared? Sorry, could someone remind me of a time during the IDW comics, during Frontiers, during MOSTH, when Amy was making Sonic uncomfortable with stalker-esque behavior? Right. There wasn't any. It's a little something called character development and maturity. Happens as one grows older.
And this isn't the first time I've seen people complain that they're turning Amy into Sally 2.0. Actually, they're not. Amy Rose has a heart for people that Sally never did. In IDW, Amy took over the Resistance and changed it into the Restoration because Knuckles disbanded it on a whim, and she couldn't bear to see so many people displaced and in trouble. Because she's got that heart and LOVE for people. That passion.
Amy loves Sonic exactly for who he is. (I've talked a little about this before but will gladly elaborate for those who refuse to see.) She outright said to him, "I can't change you. I don't want to change you."
She loves that he's an adventurer. She loves that he has a heart for people like she does as well. She loves everything about him -- through anything.
Another person claimed they didn't ship Sonamy because "Amy only loves the hero facade Sonic puts on." Sorry, remember that episode in Sonic X where it showed Amy was well aware of Sonic's dislike/fear of water, and instead of getting angry or disappointed with him, she made him a good luck charm bracelet to make him feel better? Or that time when she scolded Knuckles for making fun of said fear? Or when he was badly electrocuted to the point of unconsciousness and she stepped up to take care of him? Or when she dove into a giant mass of water after him, knowing she might not be able to save him but not wanting him to be alone? I could go on and on.
That love of hers, that passion, is also for people in general (he's just #1 in her heart, according to Sega). In Frontiers, she showed concern for him when he appeared to be struggling. She shared her desires to share her love with the world, even if it meant taking them apart, and he encouraged her to do so, adding that he wanted to hear all about it when she got back.
Pardon us for feeling like Sonamy is more canon after Frontiers. I'd like to see YOU come up with a platonic explanation for "Wish we were sharing an umbrella, Amy," and "Amy, I should've made up my mind sooner."
Also, it's pretty unlikely Amy is still 12. They stopped confirming their ages years ago. With how much has been happening, I wouldn't be surprised if they're all aged up several years.
"Thinking we know better than Sega themselves." Bruh, "Sega themselves" have confirmed time and time again that Sonic has feelings for Amy. The only reason (besides the mandates lol) he hasn't confessed to her is because
Sonic isn't good at dealing with feelings
Sonic isn't ready for a relationship at this point in his life/doesn't need one
Sonic loves Amy, and Amy loves Sonic. But they're both aware that Sonic doesn't want a relationship for the time being, so they're fine being friends.
Pardon the rant, lol. And jsyk, this isn't necessarily a persuasive speech. If this convinced you to ship Sonamy, cool! If it didn't, I don't care. Again, these are just ships with fictional characters. I have fun with them. I don't get outraged if people don't ship what I do. If you don't like it, move past this post and keep scrolling. See if I care. 😂
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turboautismrobot · 2 months
a kokichi truther could sit me down and ramble about how awsome he is for like an hour and id gladly listen but i still wouldnt understand why people are so drawn to him
i mean, hes the v3 antag and of course people will be drawn to the antag, byakuya and komaeda are also incredibly popular characters, but kokichis character falls so flat to me i just dont get it at all
fanon kokichi often makes him lean into the "not actually evil" thing or erases it completely and makes him straight up evil and a piece of shit and i like those interpretations way more than what he actually is :/
chapter 4 of v3 was insane yes but i still dont understand why he killed miu if hes so "against murder" (which side note but being "against murder" is the funniest shit i ever like killing people is bad?? yeah no shit its fucking bad, welcome to being a normal person bruh) and chapter 5 solidified kokichi as an attempt on the writers part to make another komaeda
but heres the thing with trying to make the same impact that nagito did, komaeda is such a carefully constructed character with so much depth and so many layers that you cant emulate him without an insane amount of work, all of the pieces for nagitos character fall into place seamlessly, he makes sense
kokichi will have monokuma tell you, though his motive video, which has no reason to lie to the audience since it was only ment for kokichi to watch, that he abhors murder and has strictly prohibited it within his gang, and then manipulate gonta into killing miu and watch him do it with a straight face. pick one liar boy
after komaeda dies he is still relevant, after you clock the suicide his trial becomes increasingly terrifying, even when hes dead he seems to be fully in control of the trial, theres a whole mini chapter just about him and kamukura, hinata is still conflicted about him and wants to understand him after he dies, theres the whole cutting his own arm off and replacing it with junkos thing. even if he doesnt have the whole narrative at gun point nagito is still significant after his death, the game still makes a point to bring him up and presence or lack there of is meaningful
after ouma boy dies and his trial is over we find out he, somehow, isnt actually evil and it kind of Ends At That. we find out the camera bots trough the blueprint he made but none of the characters give him any thought after it, his abscence isnt noticed, hes not missed, no one pays him any mind after his death, not even the game. rantaro, the first death of the game, becomes more significant than the antagonist that had been with us the entire time
nagitos luck talent is relevant, its trough his luck that he is traumatized time and time again and turns out the way he is, its trough his luck that he survives the russian roulette and gets the hope's peak file, its trough his luck that his insanely elaborate kamikaze plan ALMOST works, its trough hinatas understanding of nagito and his luck that it fails at the very end
kokichis supreme leader talent is irrelevant, his skills as a petty theif have more spotlight than his talent, in a game with so much emphasis on talent that we have the talent ultimate labs the antagonists talent means nothing, kokichi never leads anything, in fact he isolates and fucks off to the ether for most of the game, i cannot recall a single moment his talent was relevant other than making everyone belive he lead the remnants of despair at some point (which side note if some random mf showed up trying to become a new leader to the despairs they would have killed him i think lmao. specially if its post dr2)
i dont have a conclusion to end this on, im not a kokichi enjoyer but he has successfully become a minor roman empire in my brain due to how mid he is lol
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devilcatdarling · 2 years
Hollow, Ghost
7, 12, 13
Hope you don't mind that there are many of these :>
Ok so I did #12 and #13 for Hollow in another answer recently so be sure to check out the "#Hollow Knight Asks" tag for my page! I'll do #7 for Hollow here since I've not done that one for them yet and then the rest for Ghost!
7. the moment of theirs that made me the happiest
- Hollow: it's a tie between them walking out of the temple in Embrace the Void and them going batshit on Radiance in Dream No More. They get so little screentime in game so the absolute bad bitch energy of "I win and there's nothing you can do about it" in both of these endings made me go feral and I (accidentally) slammed my Xbox controller down during their two seconds of (half) onscreen time in ETV and the poor controller still makes a rattling sound to this day lol. The fact they gave us a canon ending where Hollow lives and actually staggers out. Yes I know DNM is more popular but ETV is the cope I needed mentally for the "you thought you'd seen the last of me! Surprise! I survived through all this shit and will live while the gods responsible roll around in their graves" and will gladly grab and run with it like the feral little rat that I am
-Ghost: shade lord Super Saiyan transformation complete with happy meal snacking Radiance and then Godseeker as desert because she talked so much shit. Something about the entire ETV ending timeline where Ghost looks at the other solutions and says "nah" and goes through so much so they get to smack the Radiance around like a squeaky dog toy is my favorite thing for them. I literally yelled "YES GET HER ASS! YOU TELL HER!" when they go for Radiance and then I just dissolved into ungraceful incoherency when they snatch Godseeker up like the last Pringle chip in the can. Ghost got what Ghost deserved lol
12. what I like about the way the fandom portrays them
Ghost- I like the specific flavor of fandom Ghost where they're this absolute force of (controlled) chaos. A bundle of fully-capable-of-mass-destruction God wrapped neatly in this tiny potato form and they are quiet and observant, giving little ability to read them as they observe the world. An enigma. They give off this older-than-time-and-knowing-beyond-comprehension feel and yet at any moment they want to they're going to whip out the nail and smash some shit to see what it does or buy an overpriced new lantern or charm they don't need because it's sparkly and looks cool. I love the carefully calculated balance between "This is an ancient force capable of swallowing gods and unleashing hell upon the unfortunate and it's face and body language gives nothing away" and "this is a shiny button that says Do Not Press and I'm going to press it anyway because I can and ooooo is that a rotten egg? I need it right now"
13. what I don't like about how the fandom portrays them
Ghost- ehhh probably when people make them TOO overly emotional and openly expressive. So little is elaborated about their backstory that there's nothing that really bothers me too bad, though I like when they have a careful balance of some childlike wonder in the world, mixed with this muted sense of an ageless otherworldly creature with a quiet way of doing things. Ghost is kinda an enigma in that we don't really know WHY they are the way that they are. They seemingly hatched with Hollow and are a clutchmate so they're definitely not a "baby" in that sense, but physically Hollow matured into adult form whereas Ghost apparently didn't. Is it because they needed something external to promote growth into an adult molt that they were deprived of? Are they even Hollow's past hatchmate or just the Shade god of the abyss condensing itself into a form tied to the Hollow Knight's greatest regrets to allow it to move more freely? Either way they clearly have a will and certain desires, but it's muted in such a way that just really seems to fit with their mysterious persona and when people make them too openly clingy and visibly expressive in their motivations it kinda turns me off. "What are they doing and why?" As they do things with little elaboration and explanation fits better for them imo
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songliili · 8 months
:O firstprince murder husbands??? PLEASE elaborate
murder husbands is my favorite genre of fanfic (shout out to duckyboos for making me fall in love and being my favourite fic author of all time) and i've been thinking for months "would firstprince work in that genre?"
i couldn't find a way, because alex's most defining trait is that he's good and wants to help people and change the world for the better, so killing??? doesn't compute.
tbh, i saw pez and nora working better with that dynamic, but i wanted firstprince dammit!
so i kept thinking and thinking and then one day there was a prompt in the brownstone server for the weekly drabble and idk, something clicked. i decided that i want to work on this using the prompts from the server, cause i'm loving this freedom of simply working on one word and writing starting from that.
there is a very vague and general idea of a plot, which is: alex is a lawyer, henry is his boyfriend (then fiancé, then husband), after alex loses the nth big name case because of the corruption in the system he snaps and takes matters into his own hands. henry doesn't know at first, but he figures it out and then helps alex.
as of now i only have three scenes written, but the last one i like very much, so....
“I thought I had them, I really thought we’d win this case. Every puzzle piece was in the right place, I was sure the jury was on my side!”
Henry plays with Alex’s curls, calmly twirling them on his fingers. “That can mean only one thing, love.”
Alex burrows in Henry’s chest even more, his fury placated for now. “They paid someone to win.”
Henry stays silent for a couple of seconds, then, “I was thinking: a car accident, this time.”
“What about the CEO?”
Henry smiles, a dangerous glint in his eyes. “He gets the usual treatment, dear: you.”
i have no idea when this will be posted cause it's gonna be based on ✨ vibes ✨ aka: whenever i feel like i have enough drabbles to knit together in a way that makes sense lol
i know not many people in this fandom like darker fics, but i hope someone will enjoy it as much as i am while writing for it.
WIP tag game
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princesseevee06 · 1 year
HI ANON THANK YOU SO MUCH SHCHSHDHSHF i’m assuming this ask is about ytr and not just asking me about like. my life (although i would gladly talk about that too LMAO)
(also you saying “go eevee” reminds me of that “go white boy go” post LOL. not that i am complaining)
ok fun fact this is actually my second time writing this because tumblr crashed the first time. But. I AM GOING TO TAKE THIS SPACE TO TALK A LITTLE BIT ABOUT KANNA KIZUCHI!!!! BECAUSE I LOVE HER SO SO MUCH!!!! AND SHE DOES NOT GET ENOUGH IN THIS AU!!!!!
most of kanna’s role in ytr is in haunting the narrative. or well, at least she haunts kugie. kugie feels sososo much guilt for what happened to kanna in their first trial (idk if i elaborated on this before but basically kanna gets the key, immediately uses it on kugie, and kugie is unable to solve the trial in time which leads to kanna going. squish 💥) i wanted to explore more here into the idea of kanna having “kind hallucinations” in the original game, and i thought it would be fitting for kugie to also have these “kind” hallucinations of kanna. she sees this perfect image of her little sister, the image that she wanted to protect— and in a way i think that makes it almost worse for her because it reminds her that kanna isn’t actually here. although over time these images of her also begin to become a source of strength rather than something weighing her down. :)
there’s also kanna and sou(midori) content here pre-death game like when he is still in the process of recruiting her. because i love them soso much i think they are literally the most underutilized greenblings dynamic and i needed to envision what kind of silly antics they’d get up to. i imagine sou acting polite if not a little rambunctious with kanna and this would instantly stir up a “you’remmy friend now :) we’re having soft tacos later” reaction in her (she doesn’t need to know he dissects people for fun as long as she’s having fun, right? ^_^) i also just think it would be super funny if sou acted awful to pretty much everyone else but if Anyone is even slightly mean to kanna he will assassinate them. (i had this stupid crack headcanon of sou getting in trouble because he spends some of the death game budget on taking kanna to build-a-bear LMAOOOO)
and in the death game itself there’s a kanna ai to accompany the shin ai on floor 5 :) she acts super similar to her canon self if not the same i just thought it would be fun to see a mini kanna helping out the crew…although it does get really awkward cause obviously kugie is thrown into Many Emotions upon seeing an ai replication of her dead sister.
sorry there really isn’t anything of relevant plot substance in this i just love kanna she’s so sweet and silly 😭 but you said i could talk about ANYTHING so you GET ANYTHING 💥💥💥💥
here is a small doodle of ytr kanna and also a pretty terrible sprite edit i did of her. both of these are from a While ago
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titsthedamnseason · 2 years
is the zodiac academy really worth it? because I want something new to read but there are so many mixed reviews 👀
the tldr for this is yes as long as you know what you’re getting into. but there’s nothing i love more than explaining my own thoughts so i will also gladly elaborate despite no one asking
the reason i picked up this series was that i wanted something to read that would keep my attention for awhile, plus i was specifically looking for something with a large fandom following so there was actually content and this series has a lot of tiktoks, fanart, memes etc etc. so in that sense it has paid off as expected. i also didn’t have super high expectations which i think made my reading experience more reasonable. plus, i think that right before the last book releases is the prime time to read any long series - you get the excitement of a release without having to wait to long on cliffhangers multiple times and never have to reread
i have rated the books decently so far (pretty much a 3.5 for all of them which on my scale equates to being “fine”) and i saw someone on reddit (who would have thought i’d ever find myself on za reddit?!) ask why someone else kept reading the series if they rated it so low and the best explanation i saw was that it’s kind of like the twilight series - technically, the books aren’t written very well but i enjoy reading them because they’re entertaining. there’s a lot of typos (which tbh i think is kind of elitist when people complain about), weird inconsistencies in terms of british v american spellings/phrases (i didn’t think they were supposed to have british accents but the characters will sometimes use a british turn of phrase and confuse me because the girls that are supposed to be from chicago do it too - but the authors are british i believe so it makes sense), very basic and irrelevant plotlines (i’m literally just here for the romance, which has honestly gone downhill overtime lol), and so on. but i didn’t come into this fantasy romance series, literally called “zodiac academy” ffs, expecting any level of high literature. i’m just here for some mindless entertainment and so far it has been the perfect series to give me a laugh when i’m stressed over classes
i would say the biggest issue people have with the series is that it’s a bully romance…..which is strange because it could not be any more advertised as such. like, that’s how it’s marketed, there are content warnings at the beginning of each book, fantasy romance is often pretty dark, etc. so if you’re not someone who likes that but reads it anyway and then criticizes it for containing the thing it was advertised as….i can’t help you there lol.
however i’m actually going to contradict this a little to say that i think “bully romance” is somewhat of a misnomer in this situation. i don’t blame people or the authors for labeling it this way since it does take place in a school setting but i really think that’s the only thing that even qualifies it as such? i see the conflict as much more being a political rivalry so while it’s definitely enemies to lovers, i wouldn’t categorize it as “bullying” in the same sense i’ve never seen anyone call tfota a bully romance despite cardan also terrorizing jude when they were at school together. the conflict is solely politically driven and the people involved have mutual animosity. the “bullies” only have the edge because they have more magical knowledge but the twins that are getting bullied never lie down and take it and are actually even more powerful than them. if they truly are bullies, they’re pretty bad at it lol.
all this is to say, i usually hate bully romance novels but i really don’t mind it here at all. i think it’s a combination of the fact that the reason for their cruelty isn’t some bs “i’m depressed” “my parents hit me so i’ll hit you” “you’re so attractive that it makes me mad” etc and is actually literally only coming from a place of political strife, which is also known the whole time. like it’s never some secret that ends up getting revealed as for why the bullies act the way they do - it’s always known and they all even manage to get along / laugh together a lot because they get along as people despite their opposing statuses in life. i also think that because it isn’t your average standalone or duology bullying, but instead a whole series, the antagonists have a lot more time to change and grow in both the eyes of the reader and the twins
there’s also a teacher student romance with an age gap of 8 (i think?) years which if anyone knows me, knows is soooo not my cup of tea. but for some reason i like it here 🤭 i just think they’re really cute. but also when pll was airing i was a diehard ezria and now i can only look back at that time and cringe so i can only hope hindsight will be kind to me in this situation too
people also give it a lot of slack for being repetitive which i don’t really have a problem with. like i said, the fantasy/political elements are just plain bad anyway so i’m only here for the romance and interpersonal drama but even when i’m reading something play out that we’ve already seen i’m never like “ugh this again” i’m like “yessss omg this again” and pulling out some popcorn knowing it’s just good drama lol. i think the people who have this critique must not be reality tv fans who have to watch the same episodes week after week and the same seasons with production’s perfect unoriginally crafted drama every year lol
the last thing i’ll say i like about this is just that i think the series is funny and it has a good friend group! even when they’re against each other the characters have great connections and banter and plenty of scenes spent in each other’s orbit without all the negativity so it’s all leading towards a very nicely crafted found family plot that is chef’s kiss. they are a messy group of friends and like half of them have slept together and the other half has tried to but THEYRE MY MESSY GROUP OF FRIENDS!
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supernovaa-remnant · 1 year
yay, i get to be immortalized too :D
but oh my god, the marks people leave behind, i say as i shake you violently. another thing i lose my mind over when i think about it for too long.
because you are so right, it's not only about the ones that outlive us like buildings or art or whatever. like, for example, i still think about one of my ex-friends sometimes. we've known each other for years, did so many things together, but then shit happened and now we haven't talked or even seen each other in like four years. but i still remember her and the fun we had together so fondly.
and to think that's it the other way around too, that maybe the barista i once told i liked their pin still thinks about that sometimes and smiles at the memory like... it's fucking mind-blowing.
anyway, i'll stop now, or i'll be in danger of crying too.
okay, closing the chapter on interstellar... i'm gonna admit, asking me, a movie and tv show freak, about media was the worst (or best, depending on how you wanna look at it lol) decision ever, because i will give you a whole fucking list with reasons.
first of all, i know you like star trek so i hate to admit that i'm the enemy... i'm a star wars girlie.
jokes aside, i do love star wars, especially the original movies, rogue one (probably one of my favorite movies, mention it in my vicinity and i will talk for at least 30 minutes), and andor (the show). i just think that, excluding the last two movies, it's an amazing universe and a lot of the media that came from it is really fucking good. i adore it.
other sci-fi/sci-fi adjacent stuff i like:
ready player one (mostly the movie lol dives into virtual reality and it's influence on real life in the future, really fun and well-made)
dark (german show though from what i know it also got really popular on netflix. a lot of stuff i think you could like, since it's central storyline centers around time travel via wormhole lol actually one of my favorite shows ever, it is so insanely good)
roswell, new mexico (silly alien show lol not that serious compared to some other stuff here but it's fun and the plotline actually is pretty interesting)
the swarm (another german show though it is made in english. this is the adjacent i mentioned above since i think it's not 100% sci-fi but has a lot of elements to it. set on earth in our time with marine life slowly turning against humanity. another show that's super well made)
and that's everything i can think of right now (as if this ask isn't long enough already). please let me know if you decide to check any of these out because i need someone to talk about it with lol
there's a lot of aspects of humanity that make me emotional—the way we impact each other's lives in seemingly unnoticeable ways, the urge to leave proof we existed (the Golden Record we sent to space that will still be there floating in the void long after the Earth has been swallowed by the sun), the fact that we've found new ways to love (because we didn't use to be able to know so much about people across the globe, but now, in this age of globalization, it's lead to people finding new ways to love). there's so much and I would go on longer and in more depth if I didn't feel like I was about to cry lol (please do ask me to elaborate more though if you want—I'd gladly talk more about this with more prompting lol).
I think it's been lovely to hear you talk about media and cinematography :D I love it when people talk abt stuff they're passionate about
[dramatic gasp] a star wars girlie? I'm sorry sky... I fear we can no longer be friends [single tear runs down cheek as I turn away and dramatically leave the room]
uh.. anyway, jokes aside, I think Star Wars is pretty cool. I watched it more when I was younger. Idk why, but it doesn't appeal to me as much as other sci-fi. Just personal preference, I think. I did really like the original movies, though. (Although I must admit I don't remember them well... maybe I should re-watch).
Star Trek is the sci-fi I've been primarily consuming for the past couple years, and I am a Star Trek girlie (ignore the fact that I haven't watched the original series), but deep down in my core, I'm more of a Stargate girlie. Samantha Carter is the character who inspired me to be an astrophysicist, and the characters in that show (specifically Sg-1) feel like they raised me in some ways lmao. There's a lot to be said on the more problematic aspects of Stargate (the most noticeable being the fact that it's built upon the ancient aliens conspiracy.. yikes), but I think there's a lot to love about it despite that :3
I'm a big fan of 90s-early 2000s sci-fi (probably bc of my dad tbh) which includes, like, tng-ds9-voy era of star trek, stargate, sacntuary, and farscape to name a fwew. First sci-fi I was ever a really big fan of was Doctor Who though.
Uh, but enough about my sci-fi interests.
Those all sound like really cool shows!! I'll say it now that I am, like, notoriously bad at watching recommended shows (esp bc I'm busy w/ uni and stuff), so apologies in advance if I don't get to them. I'd love to hear you talk more about them though and what you like about the shows (whether that be storytelling, cinematography, both). If you want to, ofc.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
154 of 2023
Random Secrets from Others 2! [True or False]
Created by joybucket
I have a lot of fun making these. These are random people's secrets that I have found online. Put an X next to the secrets that you share, and elaborate if you wish. Have fun! :)
Everyone around me is religious, but I'm an atheist, and no one knows. My friend told me he has cancer and will likely die within a year. ....and he told me not to tell anyone about it. I absolutely loved being pregnant and would gladly carry someone else's child. 🤰 I'm jealous of women who have a happy experience while pregnant. 🤰 I feel like I'm so far behind when it comes to dating that I never really had the courage to ask anyone out. I was raised super religious, and I started losing my faith when I was 23. (earlier) My first two years of college were the best two years of my life so far, and I wish I could go back and re-live them again. I've relapsed with my anorexia. ...I know I've relapsed. I know this could kill me. But it's not enough for me to overcome the messed up part of my brain that says "at least you'll die thinner." I've been dealing with an eating disorder for over a decade now, and it's not an easy battle. My parents don't know I'm gay. If they found out I'd end up homeless. My family doesn't know I walked out on my job nearly four weeks ago, and I'm too embarrassed to tell them, because I don't want any more financial help from them. My depression hasn't actually gotten any better and if anything, it has gotten worse. But I feel so guilty every time I talk to my friends about it, so I stopped talking about it, and now everyone thinks I'm doing better. I don't know what to do. My life isn't perfect. In fact, it's far from it. I just found out I'm pregnant. I haven't let anyone take a photo of me in years, because I gained weight. I haven't been able to feel genuine happiness for a long time now; I've only been able to feel stress, sadness, and anger. It's driving me crazy. I'm soon to be homeless. My high school best friend was gay. ....and he was in a leadership position in the local church. ....even when he was married to a woman, while at the same time sleeping with a man. I just graduated from college, and now I'm really depressed. I don't feel an emotional connection to any of my friends or family. Despite being really happy and satisfied in my current relationship, I still have feelings for my ex. I'm in love with my best friend. One of my biggest fears is losing touch with reality. I've been hallucinating, and I'm scared to tell anyone. I have a chronic illness and I'm making it worse by staying in the workforce, but I get so much of my identity from my career that I just can't leave it yet. I was sexually assaulted as a high schooler, and I still blame myself. I like drinking more than I have a desire to stop, and I'm not sure where that's going to lead me. I've had people wonder dumbfounded at how I'm still single. I'm bulimic. Only my wife knows, and not to the fullest extent. My grades have dropped dramatically since I went to college, and I'm too ashamed to tell my parents. I had feelings for a man that was older than my dad. I don't feel motivated enough to go back to college, but I'm afraid to tell anyone that, because they'll probably just brush it off by saying I'm lazy. I'm sleeping with my coworker. (he’s my husband lol) I have a boyfriend in another city. I weigh more than I care to admit. I don't love him. I just lust after him. I am sleeping with him for his money. I hate his new girlfriend, but I smile when she is around. I'm terrified of having children. I was raped. My best friend saved my life. I'm bisexual. ....and I feel alone at church because of it. I've stuffed my bra. I used to be a Christian, but I'm not sure I would call myself one anymore. I joined a sports team so I could see everyone naked. COVID taught me who my real friends are. George Floyd's death taught me who the true racists are. Technology today makes me feel like an alien. 💻👽 Gambling destroyed my last marriage. The problem with getting to know people is that once you know them, you might not want to know them anymore. I plan to end it all soon. Finally. I am asexual. ....and I don't know where I fit in! Most of the time I feel like a complete loser and failure. I'll never give up. I smoke pot, and I'm afraid I'm smoking away my future. My local public library played a crucial role in my recovery from severe depression. 📚 I am proving to my childhood self that I'm exactly who I promised who I would be. I'm really proud of that. I wish I had spent more time just being a kid. I think most adults are kind of boring...but they don't have to be. Honestly, I'm glad the weddings I had for 2020 were canceled. My friends' weddings were getting EXPENSIVE! 💒 Now that we are forced to be distant, I finally realized I am ready to be close to someone again. My ring is fake. I'm THAT lonely and THAT pathetic. 💍 I want to have ceiling stars in my bedroom even when I'm married with kids of my own. ✨ I feel helpless watching your mental illness destroy you. I'm cheating in my college classes. I'm trying real hard not to panic. Just for once, I'd like to be the pretty girl. It is so hard to make friends in college. College was easy for making friends, even for an introvert like me. It's the "real" adult world that shrinks your friend base. My dad used to spank my mom in front of us. I'm terrified that this might end with you killing me. Never once did I imagine that love might be so hard to find. Maybe it only happens to others. Some people plan vacations; I plan my divorce. I wasted so many years. I really want to be famous, but only so I can meet other famous people. My porn addiction made me unable to feel real love. I am starting to like myself fully for the first time. I've stalked my crushes on social media. My work friends are my only friends. I'm thinking of getting back together with my ex, so I won't have to spend the festive season alone. 🎄 I married a man I didn't love to wound the one who meant the world to me. I'd never known joy until I started traveling alone. Everyone envies that I'm traveling the world, when what I want most is for you to ask me to stay. My personality is dependent on coffee. ☕️ All signs point to God. But I don't WANT them to! I have a chronic disease that is slowly killing me. I'm mad at myself for taking so long to figure out it was rape. I've finally stopped trying to be perfect. I've never been happier. Now that I look the way I always wanted to look, I'm less happy than before. Words cannot describe how thankful I am that your suicide attempt failed. Being gay is much less fun now that we've forced them to accept us. 🏳️‍🌈 My life looks much better on social media. Truth is, I'm miserable. I want another child so badly.
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umepnnn · 3 years
astro observations i
!! these are solely based on my personal opinions, observations, and experiences. take what resonates 💗
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some sagittarius (suns/stelliums/personal planets) i know tend to put their phone on the max volume when they watch youtube videos, tiktok, etc.
and sometimes it's without the consideration for others who are also doing/watching something in the same space.
to be exact, i saw this in people who either had scorpio sun + sagittarius stellium or sagittarius sun + scorpio stellium 😃
sagittarius people like to sing or sing a lot, some like dancing too.
virgo mercuries at a pisces degree (12°, 24°) could have good grades, even all As, but people would still get surprised when they see them study.
i find cancers, especially risings, bad at lying and i think it's because of their expressiveness in their facial expressions and the way they talk.
taurus venuses can like someone (romantically) for a very long time.
this could be one-sided crush for years, long-term relationships, or even being unable to get over an ex for a long time.
virgos don't really make up lies, they tend to hide.
pisces risings look so good with blue eyes and/or cool undertone makeup/style.
sagittarius mercuries at a scorpio degree (8°, 20°) and/or in 8H don't know what tf they're saying but people tend to just agree with them.
they also come up with the most bizarre lies/plans to get away from doing something and people would still believe it & go along with them.
taurus sun/rising/degree in AC are very photogenic.
✨ itsy-bitsy commercial break ✨
personal note. i think jung jaewon is a cancer rising.
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it'll be easier to observe watching his videos and interviews but here are some pictures in case anyone wants to take a guess :)
won't be elaborating much because i think i might make a separate post for him lololol but look at those big eyes and the round-ish face pluss the calming watery vibes (*´ー`*)
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andd... we're back 🌟
gemini moons just know what to do in any event/situation, or they look like they do, especially in domestic stuff.
geminis are known for just ✨knowing✨ things, while moon shows our natural instincts/habits in situations.
pisces venuses tend to post sad quotes or songs when they're upset in love (and they want their partner to know that).
people who have venus square saturn are usually in a love hate relationship with people with authority (parents, teachers, bosses, etc).
pisces mars are clueless and they show it when reacting to things. a lot of times they use that cluelessness (feigning innocence) to lie too.
as a pisces rising, i get away with a lot of stuff and i don't even know why i do.
probably because pisces risings are treated more gently than others?
i noticed that whenever i got into trouble along with my friends, the adults who's doing the scolding would talk to me in a softer tone while my friends would get yelled at their faces lmao
capricorn men's eyes are soooo attractive. i notice this in men with capricorn stelliums, especially ones that have sun included.
maybe it's just me who's attracted to capricorns LOL but to provide examples: kim taehyung bts and timothee chalamet with a capricorn stellium of sun mercury mars uranus neptune, zayn malik with capricorn sun mercury uranus neptune. and a guy friend of mine who has cap sun mercury and chiron.
gemini suns/risings/stelliums tend to have baby-ish teeth. like the two in the front might look a little bit bigger than the rest and have a slight plunge like a rabbit's. or sometimes their smile just looks very child-like.
taurus placements 🤝 2H virgo/virgo placements: having keen taste of food
"this water tastes different" (literally what they said to me)
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hope everyone enjoyed this 🌟 i would gladly appreciate any feedbacks and inputs on these! just remember that they are only observations which are NOT meant to be taken seriously 💗
always grateful for reblogs 💞 please take care and stay healthy!
sending love and positive energies, lily.
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© 2021 umepnnn — all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, steal or repost.
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glowingbadger · 3 years
Can I get some SFW and nsfw modern day Kaeya and Diluc stuff? Ty ty!
Damn I hadn't even thought about ModernAU Genshin before lol should be interesting- lesgoooo~
Side note- Genshin refuses to make actual sense of any of the ages of its characters, so I'm going with, like... mid-20's, semi-recently out of college for these two.
Kaeya, Diluc x GN Reader - ModernAU! headcanons
SFW (nsfw below the cut)
- He's in law school, and has a real knack for discovering hilarious and exploitable legal loopholes. It's also a field that suits him for a number of reasons- it makes use of his infectious natural charm, and keeps him entertained with the 'stories' you happen upon working with people's legal and personal problems. He's also the best dressed in any of his classes, and in any given courtroom. Those who know luxury clothing when they see it can't help incredulously wondering how he affords his wardrobe while still technically a student.
- Kaeya is such a shitposter. He habitually 'likes' any and everything you post on any and all social media platforms- but he'll also comment "mmm who's that sexy thing" beneath the most innocuous images of you. He sends you dumb memes at concerning hours of the night- frequently while intoxicated, and especially when you've had a stressful day.
- As a partner, Kaeya is surprisingly loyal. His friends (and yours) will joke about him being a total slut, how you must have to keep him on such a short leash. He doesn't take offense to this though, and in a way, he gets a kick out of being perceived this way. But in truth, since he's been with you, he's never once considered anyone else. When you're alone together, there's a warmth in his gaze and a gentleness to his touch that no one else has ever seen.
- Everywhere Kaeya goes, he seems to "know a guy." He's always got an in- and an elaborate story of how he met this person and why they're, frankly, worryingly open to doing him favors. It's rare that a date with Kaeya goes by without you being offered free drinks, free desserts, a better seat at a restaurant or theatre, etc. Generally, when pressed, he'll wave a hand and say, "Babe come on, you know me- I just love making friends." Though you've heard whispers that some of his "friends" are just people who can't afford to be on his bad side.
- Was on track to become a police officer for some time, but it took barely a month from completing his training for him to become entirely disillusioned with the entire system. He quit (bluntly and forcefully, I might add) and now works as a P.I. His quietly thoughtful and serious nature puts clients at ease while allowing him to examine each case efficiently and effectively. I also figure we'd still carry over the "bartending at night" angle from the games- it's a great way to network and gain intel while undercover.
- His phone is basically a device for work, the news, and sometimes for contacting you, and absolutely nothing else. He hates the constant noise of social media, and refuses to jump on trends when things move too fast to get meaningfully invested in anything. Still, while he tries to angle his screen so you won't see it, he has set a picture of you as his wallpaper.
- Diluc loves the quiet, domestic side of your relationship. He treasures things like cooking together, cuddling on the couch with a movie, or even working on chores and projects together. He comes from money (though he doesn't talk about it much), so the more down to earth life that he's made with you is precious to him, and he appreciates all of the little moments that reaffirm your bond. That said, he does have an excellent memory for things like birthdays, anniversaries and such, and he is not shy about spending some cash on such occasions.
- Your friends all think he's super hot (and they're right), but are also a bit intimidated by him. Once, you tried showing them a sweet message he sent you drowning in heart emojis and they insisted that couldn't be him. Now there's a running joke in your friend group about your secret side-guy who leaves you nice voicemails when you've had a bad day and has flowers sent to your work- since they're convinced someone as serious and put-together as Diluc couldn't be your incredibly affectionate boyfriend.
NSFW 18+ v
- Kaeya loves showing you off, especially in an outfit he bought just for you. It seriously turns him on to watch you over a nice dinner out wearing something a bit risque that he selected for you, noting the appreciative glances in your direction from others nearby, and knowing that you're his. The way his line of sight wanders your body all night makes it exceedingly clear that he can't wait to tear that lovely outfit off of you when he has you alone.
- Definitely the adventurous and experimental sort when it comes to kink, and he especially enjoys a bit of exhibitionism or semi-public fooling around. During a similar date night, with you looking so positively delicious across the table, he'll watch with a wolfish smirk as you squirm from the vibrations of a toy he pushed inside of you earlier that evening. He reclines in his seat and levels his gaze on you, saying, "My, darling, are you feeling alright? You look a bit flushed..." as his hand fiddles with the toy's remote. Then, once he gets you home or- even better -to a hotel, he'll press you against the window as he fucks you into panting, mindless bliss. Sometimes he doesn't even want to wait that long, and he'll find somewhere to park his car and fuck you in his back seat
- Kaeya has sending dick pics and lewd selfies down to an art. Seriously, his pictures are beautiful- of course helped by the fact that his body is gorgeous as well. Naturally, he loves to receive erotic images of you as well, and will save each and every one of them for "later use." If you're into it, he'll gladly send you a video of himself stroking his cock just for you, while describing every filthy thing he imagines doing to you in explicit detail.
- Generally speaking, Diluc wants to wine and dine you before the spicy business. He's a romantic at heart, and he wants you to know that he adores every part of you- and your body just happens to be one item on that list. He's not as obvious with his desires as some, but lingering gazes across the dinner table, or a hand at the small of your back trailing around your waist, all make his intentions clear. There's no doubt your lovely evening together will end with his strong body pressing you against his matress, his lips at your throat and your thighs clinging around his hips.
- He's generally fairly private about his sex life- not shy, per say, but insistent that your mutual pleasure is something for only the two of you. He's also not likely to sext or send lewd photos unless you really, really want them (and he's kind of adorably awkward about it at first even if he does try for you)- but if you tease him by sending him something naughty, his mind short circuits. His face burns crimson and he stops whatever he was doing and just stares at your beautiful body on the screen, as though he can already feel you in his hands.
- Diluc is a busy man, so there's likely to be stretches when the time and energy for sex simply isn't there. But once he's wrapped up a case and he finally has some time to breathe, you can bet he'll lift you into his arms and carry you to the bedroom the first chance he gets. You might even start to suspect that it's a way for him to vent his work stress when his thick cock pounds into you so nice and steady and deep- but you're certainly not about to complain, especially when you've been without him for so long.
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creativesplat · 3 years
I often try not to be too critical on this blog, but I thought I ought to mention it. 
Star Wars the Clone Wars has some serious problems. 
Some things are just not handled delicately or correctly in any way shape or form. I’m not going to talk about the Clovis arcs here, since @englishlady has already done a very good job on that, and will instead elaborate on my opinions about the Zygerria arc. 
Trigger warnings for discussion of slavery, non-consensual stuff, and sexual harassment. 
Anakin’s portrayal was the thing that really frustrated me at first. This is a man who has suffered under slavery, abuse, and violence for the first nine years of his life, and the story writers are telling me that he is almost entirely comfortable bantering with his Padawan whilst surrounded by awful things from his past? After a few years you don’t just get over trauma, but his reactions seem to have. 
I have been through nothing even remotely as bad as this, but the bad stuff that has happened in my past isn’t something I can get over, and when it’s brought up I feel rather uncomfortable, uneasy, or downright rotten. 
The show writers really should have looked at this and said: ‘we are putting a character who has experienced childhood trauma into a position where he will be confronted by it and may experience it again, let’s try to handle it sensitively’ but what they actually went for was: ‘we’re doing episodes on slavery, there should be scantily clad ladies and the overall message that slavery is bad’ Yes. Slavery is bad. Everyone knows that. In dealing with such a sensitive topic, it should be handled better. Not just ‘slavery bad, but ooh look girls!’ (I will be getting on to the inappropriate costume design in a moment, btw), but also some delicacy and tact. These are real world problems that people today still suffer from, they should be handled more appropriately. 
There was one line that really stood out to me (although all of them were rather poor) and that was where Ahsoka is discussing her roll on the mission. 
Here’s the conversation from the Clone War’s TV show: 
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Here’s the conversation from the comic. 
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See the difference? 
It feels really really tone deaf for the only character that is making light of the situation the only one who has actually experienced it. It felt a little like saying: ‘oh this sort of thing isn’t that bad, hehe lol’. It felt dismissive and not only unpleasant in terms of the real world as well, but also just incredibly poor writing and story telling. 
You don’t even need to realise he has emotional trauma to realise his character would be uncomfortable in that situation, he doesn’t like sand and he’s on a desert planet. He doesn’t like putting Ahsoka in danger, and Ahsoka is in danger. I mean maybe I’m just a little judgmental or maybe I misread it… but… IDK, the portrayal of Anakin really cheesed me off. 
Here’s the bits that may be a bit triggering, just a warning:
Ahsoka’s outfit is in no way shape or form appropriate. She is dressed like a sex slave, and she is a child. 
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Anakin would have probably chosen the outfits for this mission, because you know, he has the most knowledge on the subject. You can not tell me that the Ex-Slave Anakin Skywalker would gladly dress his underage female Padawan in saucy clothes. 
This was a creative decision which made no sense in the story or for the characters, and it has some rather unfortunate implications. Whilst Ahsoka is not in any way harmed sexually there is the implication that something could have happened, had the Queen or Anakin allowed it. That is a rather distressing concept. It is inappropriate, particularly for a young child. 
In the comics Ahsoka was dressed like Shmi Skywalker. 
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It would have made no difference to the story had they kept her dressed as Shmi Skywalker. I don’t really understand why they decided to dress a 15 year old girl as what appears to be a sex slave. It is disgusting and inappropriate. 
Although, full disclaimer, I have never read the comics. I have only seen some of these pictures when researching to write this little opinion piece, so they may have handled the subject matter inappropriately too, I’m not sure.
Another monumental wrong doing on the part of the writers was to make the ‘romance’ between Anakin and Miraj Scintel feel (with the music and staging) like a pining love. 
She had his friends captured and seriously harmed, had him electrocuted until he fainted, and is the queen of an entire slave empire. 
It was not a romance, or even a pining one-sided love.
At best it was sexual harassment of a powerless prisoner/ slave. 
At worst it was sexual assault. 
He woke up on her bed (which a few people have pointed out is a little unnerving and suggestive), she was very touchy with him (and he is uncomfortable with it), and she threatened him with hurting Ahsoka and Obi Wan (indirectly but it was clearly still implied) and the people who wrote the show said that they wanted the audience to feel some form of pity at her death because of their ‘romance’.
There are some moments where the writers imply that Anakin might not be entirely as into their ‘relationship’ as she is, telling her that she had “all the power” in their dynamic, but he looks so nonchalant at this point that it might go over the head of an audience member. He is telling her that she is forcing a relationship on him, and that he is powerless to stop it, and it’s played off as a blasé interaction. 
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I’m not entirely sure you can put those things in a show and try to play it off as romantic to get the ‘child-friendly’ rating. They could have quite easily at least attempted to deal with the serious subject matter that they introduced. There was a suicide and a significant amount of torture and abuse in these three episodes, so there was no excuse when the show glossed over such obvious and unpleasant misconduct.
I don’t know what it is with the writers writing abusive, predatory characters who’s deaths are supposed to inspire pity. Miraj Scintell was handled as poorly as Rush Clovis was, and I don’t really have a solution to that.
Maybe if you’re watching the Zygerria arc of the clone wars, don’t watch it with younger siblings or your children.
Although, this is completely an opinion piece, so if you totally disagree or think I’m a bit of a hater or just being judgemental, that’s fine. I may be being too harsh, IDK.
I’d like to think that this was an honest mistake from the writers rather than them being deliberately obtuse or inappropriate.
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onepieceshifters · 3 years
Hey! I'm a shifter too, in my wr I've scripted there's a laptop that can answer any headcanons or questions. Still haven't managed a complete shift, but I'm trying. I'm so interested in using shifting to find out things about characters. Do you use shifting in anyway to answer headcanon asks? I personally want to know what the "real" answer to ask's are instead of what a person would want to here. Could I request relationship hc's for Croccodile with a male s/o?
hey hey remy here :)
oh, i love the idea of having a laptop that can generate the answers to headcanons, that would make our job 10x easier LOL.
we don't necessarily use shifting itself to answer headcanon asks, but usually we draw from our experience interacting with the characters. we can also use divination forms such as channeling, tarot cards, pendulum, shufflemancy, etc...
the one you would most likely want to know about if you're looking to communicate with people from your DR is channeling, which to quote admin jax is "a form of divination where you can speak, hear, be touched, or feel their presence. it's the process of communicating with someone in reality's higher self."
of course, when channeling you cannot be physically harmed, even if you can feel touch. the most you’ll get is a phantom pain, and that’s in rare scenarios where the person you’re channeling decides to be a little silly. (for example, when sanji kicked admin blue and she could feel it in her ribs, or when my drself used her devil fruit on me and i could feel the sting 💀)
most of our admins have experience with channeling since we usually channel our crewmates / people from our drs! personally, i've channeled sanji the most, and i can usually keep sessions going for an hour or more at a time if i'm not drained!
now why we wouldn't usually use this for answering asks, there's two reasons:
channeling can be really draining, especially if it's not someone you're accustomed to channeling regularly! one of the first times i channeled sanji, i kept the channel open for over an hour, and once i closed it i felt like falling over asleep LOL
two, the recipient may not always be comfortable answering the questions asked. for example if i hit up crocodile rn and asked, "hey, my man, how would you act around your boyfriend?" he might try to stab me LOL
if anyone wants to know more about channeling or the process of doing it, feel free to send an ask and i'll always gladly elaborate further!
it's honestly so fun to channel lolol not every one piece fan can say that they've been personally yelled at by boa hancock (i was terrified)
unfortunately none of us write crocodile but i hope this was still informative~
- 🐀
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realcube · 4 years
sleepy haikyuu headcanons 💤
pairings: nishinoya x reader, tendō x reader, kageyama x reader
tw// swearing, violence(?), she//her reader, angst, overthinking, fluff 
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Yū Nishinoya
midnight pillow fights with Noya 💓
i could leave at that but i shall elaborate 
whenever you sleepover at his house (or vice versa), every time y’all say that you are gonna pull an all-nighter and have chaotic fun
but it never works because being chaotic requires a lot of energy, so you both end up falling asleep at like 2AM-ish 🥱
the closest that y’all have gotten to an all-nighter is 5AM
anyway, it’s not a tradition - more like something that just ends up happening every time Noya is over, perhaps a curse lol
but at some time of night, you’ll say something to irk Noya and he’ll throw/hit you with a pillow 
not to intentionally start shit but just as playful ‘shut up’ sorta thing
but something about the sharp impact of the pillow just pisses you off and you instinctively launch a pillow right back at him and it’s always a bit harder than you meant for it to be  
thus, a pillow fight ensues  
Noya had always envisioned a pillow fight with a female as a playful, sensual experience 
but there was absolutely nothing playful or sensual about the way you powerbombed him and then proceeded to suffocate him with your pillow 
you would both be feistily beating each other with the pillow, the room filling with your battle cries and screams ╰(‵□′)╯
and this would only end once both of your harsh, quick hits turned sloppy and tired 
eventually, you’d both just drop unconscious during the fight and wake up in the weirdest positions 
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Satori Tendō
he is the self-certified ‘worst cuddler’ (ಥ _ ಥ)
not only is he extremely sensitive to temperature, he’s also filled with too much energy to just stay in the same position with you for god knows how long 
it’s not that he didn’t like to cuddle, though. 🥺 i mean, nothing made him feel more safe than you in his arms but he was just unable to stop himself from getting restless when he did it for too long 
but there were some nights that he wasn’t as fidgety, though
most of the time, it was after a big volleyball game or a hard day at practise and he was absolutely exhausted (_ _)。゜zzZ
he’d literally just detours to your house to catch up like he usually does but his demeanour clearly isn’t the same when he’s worn out so you invite him in for a few minutes and he’d gladly (and gratefully) accepts 
he’d just flop down on the couch beside you, his arms just automatically finding your waist and thoughtlessly pulling you against his chest as he laid back, staring at the ceiling
he found himself muttering random things about his day when you asked him, but nothing he said seemed to be in chronological order - unless he brushed his teeth during volleyball practise, which - now that you think about it - doesn’t sound too out of character for him.
his hand found it’s way into your hair and started caressing your scalp, slowly drifting off as the little tune you hummed into his shoulder sent relaxing vibration throughout his body ( ̄o ̄) . z Z
and this wasn’t a one-time thing either, whenever he comes to your house drained from practise, a similar chain of events always end up happening 
the only difference being that sometimes it was in your bed rather than on the couch 
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Tobio Kageyama 
i feel like bb has nightmares, like frequently 🥺
i mean, if i was him i’d have nightmares too; he has so much important shit riding on his performance - it’s a miracle that this man can even sleep with how much stress he must be under 
like, he’s kinda failing school/ he doesn’t have the best grades and if he doesn’t do well on tests then his opportunity to go to camps and train volleyball could be taken 
speaking of volleyball, he probably is so stressed from being a part of a team and having people rely on him - not the mention that he clearly isn’t very good at processing his feelings considering that he expresses most negative emotion he feels towards Hinata in the form of anger   
then there is the pressure of keeping his relationships and not naturally distancing himself from the people he loves
like you, for example
he goes to bed with all these horrible thoughts in his head and whenever he tries to think positive, it  always backfires
he’ll be like ‘i’m the worst person to be around, it’s clear nobody likes me.’
then he kinda shakes it off like, ‘wait, no. don’t think that. i know that (Y/N) loves me and i love her back.’
but his mind never leaves him alone, ‘am i even sure she loves me? i mean, i act so stand-offish towards her - yeah, she probably barely tolerates me. and she was talking about hinata’s spike yesterday, she’s probably going to dump me for him.’
it was a heart-wrenching thought but what could kageyama do? 
for now, he’d just lie down beside you on your bed as you scrolled away on your phone, completely unaware that he just mentally rehearsed how he was going to react when you broke up with him
“goodnight, kags. love you.” you hummed, turning around to place a kiss on his cheeks like you always do when he sleeps over
kageyama nodded, trying to act cool and collected despite the fact he was internally nervous as hell, “night, (y/n).” he paused, trying his best to lift the corners of his lips into a kind - rather than intimidating - smile, “love you too.”
‘look, i called her by her first name - i’m so romantic.’ that was probably the nicest thing he’s thought to himself all day
with that, you both try to get some rest 
aaaannnndddddd cue the part when he wakes up in a cold sweat, shivering slightly as he looks over to you with wide eyes to reassure himself that your not gone 
his heavy breathing alerts you that he is awake so you pry one eye open to look at him, “not again, tobio.” you said wearily, forcing yourself to sit up and attempt to wrap him in a hug but he just jerked away from your touch
you sighed, “what happened?”
kageyama blinked rapidly, darting his gaze around the room before it finally landed back on you
“i- the walls- and you were almost d-” he began coughing, resulting in you immediately reaching over to your nightstand and handing him the bottle of water you had lying there
he took a few gulps before letting out a refreshed ‘ah’, his stare glued to your lips the whole time
eventually, he was able to grumble “it was nothing.” (⊙_⊙;)
upon hearing his evidently fake answer, you shoved out your bottom lip and whined, “shut up, tobio. i was obviously something; why won’t you tell me?”
“because it was nothing.” he said without missing a beat, then he proceeded to lay down so he could fall back asleep - as if this time it’d go better for him
“Kageyama!” you barked, resulting his eyes jolting back open, “You always have nightmares at my house; I’m starting to wonder if you’re scared of me or something.” 
kageyama shook his head before nonchalantly responding, “it’s the cherry blossom air freshener - maybe use vanilla or something next time.” he joked, unable to resist a smile as you playfully punched his shoulder.
you sighed, clearly not going to get an answer out of like every other time you’ve tired, so you just decided to  try fall back asleep and try reclaim the little bit of sanity you had left
“(y/n).” kageyama grumbled, wanting to make it seem like he was half-asleep but he was far from it as he pulse was still going crazy as that nightmare shook his to the core. “are you going to dump me? because if you are, now would be a good time.” 
he spoke, praying to every deity he could think of that you wouldn’t say yes - but if you did, now would be a good time as he could storm out and since it was dark outside, the streets would be deserted meaning that nobody would be there to witness the tears streaming down his cheeks as he sprinted through the night 
you rolled your eyes, “is that what this is about?” you didn’t mean for it to come off so harsh as you actually felt a great amount of sympathy for kageyama but just unable to express it in the way you desired
“stop crying.” you hissed, making kageyama quirk an eyebrow.
“I’m not crying-” he replied until suddenly, he realised that your comment was directed at yourself as you hastily buried your head into his chest and he felt something soak through the fabric of his shirt. 
“I’m not going to break up with you kageyama, you stupid moron idiot!” you snapped against his shirt.
don’t ask why that nickname made kageyama’s heart flutter
“get those crazy ideas out of your head or i’ll have to take them out for you 🔪--” you could barely even finish your sentence before both you and kageyama burst out laughing
it was probably just the ambience of being cozy under a blanket with each other in a freezing cold room that reeked of cherry blossom but some how you both some how fell even harder for one another
although what you said wasn’t the most moving or motivating, your intention was clear and from then on, kageyama was a lot more upfront with you💕 
he’d tell you if he ever felt uncomfortable or if he was ever worried and you’d either make him feel better or make him laugh and then insist that he goes to talk to suga or daichi
also after that night, (and once you ditched the air freshener and started burning vanilla essence) he only had ‘sweet dreams’ whenever he stayed over at yours 
(or at least that is what he said whenever you asked him. in reality, his dreams were about volleyball and tsukishima chasing him through the mall on a velociraptor but whatever, it was a step up from the nightmares anyway. 🏃‍♂️ 🦖 )
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