#mostly platonic omegaverse
puppetmaster13u · 9 months
So thinkin more of Dragon Gotham, and once more, I am not drawing three separate dragon forms for Every gothamite ever. So I used Predict Morphology on Flight Rising to come up with general ideas/visualizations for each dragon form. So I guess have a Part 1 of that lol.
SO, first of all, each of these will be in the order of Alpha, Beta, Omega, though some characters might prefer one gender over the other, or not bother to change into one of these forms often. Anyway, enjoy.
Alfred Pennyworth
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Jim Gordon
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Bruce Wayne
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Kate Kane
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Lemme know your ideas and thoughts lol. I am also open to reblogs with goons and civilians. Pretty much original character Gothamites lol. Hood needs his Merry Men and the Goonion needs people in it after all lol.
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kittykatninja321 · 6 months
I went “I’m not into this but let’s hear them out” on one too many omegaverse fics and now I have thoughts and opinions and headcanons and shit. Horrifying. Please be careful it could happen to you
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“Luffy was all kinds of stupid-cute during heat week…”
It’s been 84 years since I fanfic’d…
But I finally watched One Piece all the way through and. This. Happened…
ABO fluff, no smut, cuddles galore. Takes place on the Sunny en route to Dress Rosa. Implied one-sided pining Lawlu, mild possibly one-sided Zolu. Asexual Omega Luffy having snuggly-times with the Straw-Hats.
The Straw-Hat pirates were many things.
First and foremost: they were a band of single-minded idiots, at least as ridiculous as they were formidable.
But they were also a pack — one of the most peculiar packs Trafalgar Law had ever seen.
They were infamously unorthodox, as far as pirate crews went. Most packs are no more than 6-10 in number, so whole crews usually aren’t packs. And the packs within a single crew are normally blood-related.
Not so for the Straw-Hats. They were a small crew, and they were pack-mates not by blood but by choice.
But the part that went from uncommon to almost unheard of? The ship’s captain, the pack leader, was in fact an omega.
The rest of the crew were betas, with the exception of Roronoa Zoro, the feared alpha swordsman from East Blue. But the former pirate hunter followed his omega captain with unwavering loyalty.
Many found it puzzling. Traditionally the captain is always an alpha, the alpha of the pack in every meaning of the word. But not one of the Straw-Hats seemed bothered in the least by their upside-down ship dynamics.
And in a fight, every enemy soon learned that no one was stronger than Straw-Hat Luffy, the teenage omega with an unyielding ambition to become the king of pirates.
It was still a hard pill for some people to swallow. Omegas are thought of as physically weak, or demure, or soft-featured. But Luffy was certainly none of those things!
(…Although, he did have a bit of a baby-face.)
And every omega goes into heat, yes. But contrary to popular belief? It’s not a sustained, uncontrollably aroused state. It depends on the individual, but most omegas just become sensitive to physical touch during heat, and seek out cuddles and pettings. Nothing so debilitating as the popular beliefs about omega heats!
All the same, the Straw-Hat crew during Luffy’s heat was… quite a sight to behold.
Now, the thing about the captain of the Heart pirates? He didn’t like to appear in any way vulnerable, to either his enemies or his allies. So his expression was almost always grim. He only smiled in a devilish, cunning way that revealed no softness. It made him feel armored, somehow, if no one could tell what he really felt under his veneer of confidence.
And there was no greater threat to Trafalgar Law’s famously stoic image than unbearable cuteness.
This was why Law was prone to casting aghast glares when he was forced to behold the adorable. If he didn’t, a smile might slip - the gentle kind of smile that didn’t befit a fearsome pirate captain.
So throughout the Straw-Hat captain’s heat, the Heart pirates captain wore an even more severe glower than usual.
Because Luffy was all kinds of stupid-cute during heat week.
Ussop, Chopper and Luffy were already always all over each other, like a trio of little boys. But during Luffy’s heat?
Luffy would carry Chopper around everywhere like a stuffed toy. He’d swing on his heels side to side, tucking his chin snugly into the top of Chopper’s hat… blithely ignoring increasingly exasperated requests of “put me down, please”. To get anything done, the reindeer doctor had to shift into his heavy point form while Luffy just held on still, hanging like a cape over Chopper’s big fuzzy shoulders.
When it was Ussop’s turn (because apparently no crew member was safe from captain cuddles), Luffy typically scooped the sniper up with the same ease as he did Chopper. After dangling awkwardly over Luffy’s shoulder with a flat expression, Ussop usually could persuade his captain to ease him into a piggyback position. As long as Ussop kept his arms tight around him, Luffy seemed content to parade around with his friend on his back, giggling like a maniac even when Ussop wasn’t cracking jokes in his ear.
Nami was much more strict in her approach with heat-touchy Luffy.
“Nuh-uh, you know the drill, dummy! Let me finish what I’m doing first,” she’d snap when she was in the middle of something, and Luffy had inevitably tried to sneak a hug. He’d pout and sit impatiently on the galley floor while Nami gathered up her navigation materials off the table.
When she was ready, she would find herself a seat, pull a pillow into her lap, and turn to Luffy.
“Okay. C’mere you limpet.”
Luffy then happily bounced up and scrambled so that his head was on the pillow in Nami’s lap. She’d make a show of sighing like it was a huge chore while she scratched and ruffled at his black head of hair. But she couldn’t help a small, fond smile as she shook her head.
That sleepy-kitten smile on the strawhat captain’s face as he nestled into the pillow and outright purred… it was so adorable, Law contemplated clawing his own damn eyes out.
Brook, Franky and Robin gave no sign that anything the omega did with them was less than a normal, everyday occurrence.
It had taken Law a moment to even notice something amiss when Brook walked by him. None of the crew looked twice at the sight, and the skeleton man himself carried his lanky form much the same as always.
Law had to do a double-take when he realized that there was something attached to one of Brook’s legs. Wrapped like a bandage around his shin was one rubbery omega captain, hanging on like a toddler riding his mother’s ankles.
Brook merely refilled and sipped from his teacup, apparently unbothered.
Law had noticed before that the musician wore the highest quality cloth. His trousers in particular were made of the softest materials, maybe to compensate for his harsh and uninviting bone body. Luffy seemed happy enough to rub his cheek against the fabric like a cat, despite the lack of flesh or body heat underneath.
When it came to the Straw-Hat’s shipwright, Luffy preferred to sling his body over the cyborg’s enormous shoulders like a scarf. He dangled upside down on one side of Franky, the rest of him hanging over the other side in an inhuman stretch. It didn’t seem to hinder Franky in his work. He did pause sometimes to show Luffy an invention or upgrade up-close, or to pop out the smaller mechanical hand inside his big hand to boop the omega’s nose.
The high-pitched squawk Luffy made at that was gut-bustingly cute.
And then there was Robin…
The so-called Devil Child’s serene smile grew a little when her captain stumbled over to her, usually at the end of the day after running around with Ussop and Chopper. He didn’t need to say a word. She would simply sit on the floor and gesture to her lap, and he’d plop drowsily right into her arms.
If she didn’t already have a book in hand, she’d grab one and settle herself so that Luffy was strewn over her lap like an overgrown puppy. She sprouted extra hands to simultaneously hold up her book and squeeze Luffy’s spindly limbs to herself.
Sanji tended to comment that he wished he were in Robin’s arms like that, in an annoying, singsongy voice. This was ignored by all.
But then, the Straw-Hat’s cook could not escape his own round of cuddle-attacks from Luffy.
The blond crewman was always going out of his way to proclaim his eternal infatuation with any and all woman-folk. While he was actually quite friendly with the men in his crew (except for the swordsman, for reasons unknown to Law), he didn’t fawn over them the way he would the female crew members.
True to his lady’s man image, Sanji would complain at first when Luffy glomped him from behind. He’d insist that he didn’t want a man clinging to him, making halfhearted efforts to shake Luffy off. But he gave that up pretty quick. As Sanji assumed a defeated posture, Luffy clamped onto him like a backpack and peered with interest at the food he was preparing.
Sanji then entered an obviously familiar routine of catching and batting away stretchy hands out of ingredients, maneuvering expertly around the kitchen as though he wasn’t weighed down by a cuddly omega captain on his back. Occasionally he held a spoon up to let Luffy have a taste of something. Luffy’s face would light right up and Sanji’s eyes would soften. The kid clearly loved Sanji’s food, and Sanji clearly couldn’t help but spoil the kid just a little.
The last crew member, Zoro, almost seemed to be avoiding Luffy.
That wasn’t all too surprising. The swordsmen was an alpha, after all. Law was too, but he wasn’t that affected by heat pheromones. They just made him a little antsy.
It varies from alpha to alpha, but some have more severe reactions to omega heats. Intense mood fluctuations are common, as well as mild-to-moderate physical discomfort. Or it could be vice versa; the omega could have an adverse reaction to a specific alpha’s pheromones during their heat.
They would have known by now if Luffy had that problem with Law’s pheromones, though. So Law didn’t bother to evade the omega altogether.
Law could only assume Zoro and Luffy just weren’t comfortable around each other during high-pheromone production periods (which Law would never admit made him feel a bit superior to the other alpha, because there was no cause to boast about pheromone compatibility with a dumbass like Straw-Hat Luffy).
But then one afternoon Law finally saw them.
He’d been looking for a quiet corner to get a much needed break from the boisterous Straw-Hats, and decided to try the crow’s nest. But once he reached it he stopped with a jolt.
There, propped against the mast at the center of the nest, was Zoro and Luffy.
Zoro hadn’t been avoiding Luffy. He probably just didn’t want the others to see this… because the alpha and the omega were napping together in an embarrassingly sweet embrace.
The rubber captain sat at a straddle in his first mate’s lap. Smushing the side of his face against Zoro’s chest, Luffy had his arms wrapped all the way around them both in a stretchy loop that came back to his own shoulders. One of Zoro’s bulky arms was draped lazily over Luffy’s waist, while the other arm pillowed the back of his own head.
The two highest-bounty Straw-Hats, all soft and cuddled up? It was too compromising a position for a pirate captain and his first mate!
Law took a second too long just staring.
Even though Zoro was always napping, he was a light sleeper. His one good eye snapped open almost right away and fixed on Law. A growl slipped out of the half-awake swordsman. It was probably just instinct, sleepy brain only processing that another alpha was in the same space as his in-heat captain.
Law was still irked by it.
Up until now, Zoro had shown the good sense not to provoke the other alpha during this tenuous alliance. Now he had the audacity not only to growl at him, but to do it with a snoozing Luffy in his lap. For some reason that made it so much more annoying.
So Law sneered and turned up his nose. “Comfortable?” he asked snidely.
He was unreasonably bothered by the protective grip Zoro tightened on Luffy.
Although a faint blush rose in the swordsman’s face, his eye narrowed and he looked like he was about to retort.
Instead Zoro was interrupted by Luffy stirring slightly against him.
Both alphas’ attentions turned immediately to the omega. But he didn’t wake. Luffy just nuzzled against his crew mate and made a funny little lip-smacking noise. After mumbling something that sounded suspiciously like “meat”, he went quiet again.
Law wasn’t able to appreciate the uncharacteristic warmth overtaking Zoro’s expression. He was in no position to tease or condescend to the younger alpha - not with how unfairly cute the sleepy omega was being. It was a hard sucker punch to the ego.
The surgeon of death only huffed, trying to sound disgusted, and chose to use his devil fruit power to teleport out of there. His chest was clenching and Law knew it had nothing to do with cardiac or respiratory health. So Law glared at the floor and willed himself to calm down.
It was bad enough that anyone, anything, was making his heart palpitate like this. That it was over a rival pirate captain was even more humiliating.
He couldn’t even blame it on heat pheromones. It wasn’t the omega’s scent, or the faint tug of instinct in Law’s alpha hindbrain.
It was the look on that doe-eyed face when Luffy’s pack showed him their affection. It was the puppyish wiggle in his body when Luffy was getting himself comfortable on someone’s lap or back. It was the childish giggling Luffy would start up unprovoked, which eventually faded into sleepy purring.
It was that Luffy was just so cute, damn it!!
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nmakii · 7 months
‘Can I ask you to do something about Alastor×reader? About y/n being a modern girl (2023-2024), and she often has strange gestures or words towards Alastor. One time she talked to him in modern language, making him confused and very curious. (You can expand the situation as you like, sorry my English is not very good)’
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— alastor x modern!reader (platonic or romantic!)
— alastor calls reader “good girl” so mostly fem!coded
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alastor gets slangs that are common such as LOL, WTF, IDK but doesn’t get some that aren’t as common like LMFAO, IDRC, or WTAF since they’re just making them longer, so it’s quite useless…
he also doesn’t quite get shortcuts for words. one time you left him a note “lol brb rq imma b back in like 20 min. j gon pick smt up” most of it was honestly gibberish to him, but at the very least, he understood you’ll be back in 20 minutes.
gets really angry when you say things like “stop reaching, gooner. you’re just pissed that you’re a beta.” because; one, you’re blatantly disrespecting the radio demon and telling him to shut up. and two, he doesn’t get what any of that meant. what’s a gooner?
also gets annoyed often when you start singing songs like “i’m the alpha, i’m the leader” or “sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler” because, it’s a reflection on modern society and how music quality in modern times have plummeted significantly.
what happened to those beautiful songs such as “the man i love”? has it been replaced by this rizzler nonsense??? honestly, you’re giving alastor more and more reasons to dislike modernity… you’re lucky he finds your company enjoyable
in a desperate attempt to connect with you, he asked angel about your humor, hoping he’d understand. alastor knows that if anything, velvette would know. but, he’d rather get beaten by lucifer than ask the vees for help…
sadly for him, angel is just as confused. although, he at least knew what this alpha bullshit was, vaguely explaining furries and the alpha-beta-omegaverse to him…
you were in the hotel den, scrolling on social media as alastor walked in. “s/o, be a dear and fetch me some chicken breasts from the butcher, would you? i’d like to prepare something for tonight’s dinner.” alastor smiled
“hmm… nah. go do it yourself, furry” you giggled brattishly. “hahah… what did you call me?” alastor asked sternly, his face now close with yours, antlers increasing only slightly in size. “ah…” you stuttered.
alastor was never this mad when you said stuff like that, what was so different today? maybe he was in a bad mood? “ah… ill get it…” you conceded, using your hands to lightly push alastor away, lest he decides you’ll be for dinner…………
alastor snickered before patting you on the head. “good girl. don’t call me that again, this old dog can still learn new tricks, y’know?” he teasingly sang out. “huh?” you asked. “did you learn what a furry is?” you bit your lip, holding back your laughter.
“indeed, i did. horrifying that you’d think i would indulge in such hobbies…” he sighed, looking a little uncomfortable through his stressed smile. “what..? i don’t think you’re a furry, alastor. it’s not that deep. furry is just something that i used to laugh about with my friends back on earth.” you shallowly laughed, copying his actions by rubbing his hair.
he has to admit, that little mistranslation was a little funny looking back on it. but, he is a little disheartened that he got you scared over nothing. you were just having your fun and he got all pissed off. he’d definitely try to instead ask you about your slang as to prevent such a thing again…
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lexirosewrites · 1 year
hi, I’m LexiRoseWrites
(pfp made by @/itcanbepalped)
☆ you can call me Lexi or Lex
☆ 28, nonbinary, bisexual, autistic, and a nurse
☆ they/he/she, but they/he preferred— gendered terms of any sort are fine with me!
☆ twitter/X: @LexiRoseWrites1
☆ my inbox is open and you’re welcome to ask me anything or send me a request! (I will delete hate/bullying sent, so don’t bother)
☆ please ask before writing about one of my posts! I am not a prompt generator, so make sure you ask first!!
☆ this is an 18+ blog because while I write lots of steddie and specifically omegaverse content, occasionally you’ll find NSFW things or a dead dove here (always heavily tagged) because I’m apparently the big scary proshipper you’ve been warned about
☆ blog navigation: #my fics, #my asks, #wip Wednesday, #throwback Thursday fics, #spreadsheet Saturday, #slick Sunday
↓ masterlist of ficlets and fics below the cut ↓
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☆ Amnesia ☆ Card Games ☆ Dinner Reservations ☆ Handcuffs ☆ Lingerie ☆ Not Dating ☆ Serial Killer Soulmates: part 1 | part 2 ☆ Steve Accidentally Summons a Demon: part 1 | part 2 ☆ Steve Isn’t Coping ☆ Transfem Stevie ☆
Omegaverse Steddie:
☆ 24-Hour Diner: part 1 | part 2 ☆ Alpha-for-Hire Eddie ☆ Autistic Omega Steve ☆ Baby Mine ☆ Birthday Massage ☆ Bitchy Omega Steve / Lovesick Alpha Eddie: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 ☆ Camboy Steve ☆ Everyone is a Beta ☆ Expectations ☆ Fake Dating Fertility Clinic ☆ Fate Binds Us ☆ Hairdresser Steve/Rockstar Eddie ☆ Health Class ☆ Hellfire Cult ☆ I didn’t know we were dating: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 ☆ Infertility ☆ Kas Eddie ☆ Losing Control ☆ Nestless Omega Steve ☆ Older Steve/Younger Eddie ☆ Oral Coach Steve ☆ Pathetic Omega Steve ☆ Platonic Stobin ☆ Scent Blockers ☆ Speak Now ☆ Steve Gets A Puppy ☆ Such A Good Boy ☆ The Bachelor ☆ The Best Present ☆ The Reunion ☆ Time Loop ☆ Unknowingly Claimed ☆ Wealthy Steve/Busker Eddie ☆
General Omegaverse:
☆ Alpha/Omega Voices ☆ Basic Guide to Omegaverse Terms ☆ Bite Lore ☆ Rejection Sickness ☆ Scruffing ☆
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All of my fics are steddie unless otherwise stated, mostly explicit and omegaverse, but check actual tags before reading anything please!
☆ Current WIPs ☆
A Million Dreams: A/B/O, circus AU, 2/4 chapters, 10k
Keep Digging (until you find my heart buried next to yours in the ground): A/B/O, archeology au, soulmates, reincarnation, 2/3 chapters, 17k
Scatter The Ashes: A/B/O, mafia AU, sequel to Watch It All Burn, 4/16 chapters, 18k
Waking Up In Vegas: A/B/O, accidental mating, rockstar Eddie, 5/15 chapters, 33k
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☆ Unfinished (Series) ☆
Going For The Gold: A/B/O, ice skater Steve/hockey player Eddie, 18k
Jailbirds Can’t Fly: A/B/O, dead dove, prison AU, bitching, 12k
Keep It On Campus: A/B/O, college AU, 22k
Lucky Number 666: A/B/O, mafia AU, single parent Steve, 3k
My Heart’s Been Borrowed and Yours Has Been Blue: A/B/O, divorced kindergarten teacher Steve/tattoo artist Eddie, 25k
The Bunny and The Wolf: A/B/O, mafia AU, 154k
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☆ Complete ☆
A Prince and His Pauper: A/B/O, medieval/royalty AU, stuttering Steve, 100k
All I Want For Christmas Is You: A/B/O, Christmas fic, 6k
And The Sun Will Rise: A/B/O, zombie apocalypse AU, 41k
Baby Mine: A/B/O, omega Eddie/alpha Steve, unplanned pregnancy, hurt/comfort, 2k
Bandaids (And Other Home Remedies): A/B/O, pediatric nurse Steve/single dad Eddie, 87k
Bleeding Heart: A/B/O, vampire Eddie/human Steve, 21k
Business Before Pleasure: A/B/O, Buckingham, Office AU, 16k
Exigency Contact: A/B/O, threesome, Steddie/Stargyle/Steddigyle, rockstar Eddie, 10k
Five Years: amnesia, 1k
Fragile (Handle With Care): A/B/O, soulmates, rockstar Eddie, 117k
He’s So Mean: A/B/O, high school AU, 3k
Let Me Be Your (Teddy Bear): A/B/O, bitching, 11k
Mad World: trans male Eddie, childhood friends, 3k
More of You to Love: A/B/O, chubby Steve, 4k
Never Be Alone Again: A/B/O, dead dove, stalker Eddie, 3k
Oblivious: t4t, mutual pining, 3k
On A Different Page: A/B/O, didn’t know they were dating, 7k
Online, Offline (Out of My Mind): A/B/O, soulmates, online dating, actor Steve/mechanic Eddie, 41k
Screaming Your Name In The Dark: A/B/O, dead dove, Kas Eddie, alternating past/present timelines, 27k
Silver: A/B/O, silverfox omega Steve/younger alpha Eddie, 6k
Tell Me About It, Stud: A/B/O, studding, 7k
The Rings Stay On: cis female Steve, 4k
The Start of Something Perfect: A/B/O, soulmates, 2k
The Stutter and The Freak: stuttering Steve, 14k
Touch Me: A/B/O, omega/omega, therapist Eddie/touch-repulsed Steve, 12k
Unholy Matrimony: demon Eddie/human Steve, 5k
Unsafe Bet: A/B/O, high school AU, dating as a prank, 65k
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honeyhotteoks · 1 year
this night together - chapter seven (j.yh + s.mg)
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chapter seven: any time now
chapter summary: things are finally back to normal, but how long can that really last?
warnings: references to a/b/o dynamics such as heat and knotting and designations, general reader horny thoughts, masturbation
notes: major love for everyone who's been so patient while i worked on this chapter and this fic in general. i've been going through it recently, but hopefully this is a little fun one before we get back to the smut and angst ♡
pairings: alpha!yunho x alpha!mingi x omega!reader.......... but we're also featuring some alpha!seonghwa x reader, omega!wooyoung x reader (platonic)
genre: smut, a/b/o/omegaverse, angst, fluff, romance, polyamory
word count: 9.7K
previous chapter | next chapter | AO3
“No, no I’m telling you,” Hongjoong asserts, his eyes full of passion as he leans across the table, “Bowie was the greatest artist of our time. Period.” 
It's at this exact moment that you can see Seonghwa’s eyes go fuzzy as he realizes he’s introduced two of the more argumentative and passionate people he’s ever met to each other, and now he has to live with the consequences. And it’s not even like you and Hongjoong disagree, in reality you’re mostly just agreeing with each other - just loudly and with excitable hand gestures. 
You start going down the deep rabbit hole of Hongjoong’s musical preferences again and Seonghwa starts to look for a natural place to cut in, you can see it on his face, but you’re too focused on debating which of Bowie’s albums is actually the greatest of all time to even care. It’s only the second time you’ve met him, but it clicked with him quickly, and despite barely knowing him, here you are. 
“Favorite era?” Hongjoong recaptures your attention and you lean back in your seat. 
“This is hard,” You admit. 
“Mhm,” Hongjoong takes a sip of his drink and leans forward on the table, “there’s a right answer.” 
“Are we talking style or music?” You counter back. 
“You two,” Seonghwa groans, “I’m getting a headache,” 
“Shush,” Hongjoong slaps his friend’s arm softly, “you wanted us to be friends, right?” 
“At what cost,” Seonghwa smirks as he knocks back his drink. 
“Style or music,” You repeat, nudging Hongjoong. 
“Style,” He narrows his eyes. 
“Thin white duke,” You answer with zero hesitation. 
“Oh,” Seonghwa laughs, “you would,” 
“What?” You laugh, “What could that possibly say about me?” 
Seonghwa shrugs but Hongjoong nods, “He’s right,” 
“Sure,” You roll your eyes. 
“You like a man in a suit, that’s what it says,” Hongjoong laughs, “but I would have picked Berlin era.” 
“So we both like a man in a suit,” You nod at him. 
“You got me there,” He laughs, running a hand through his shock of blue hair. 
“I never hear music like that anymore,” You comment and Hongjoong smiles. 
“I’d love to produce something like that,” He admits, “but you need someone with a much stronger vocal range for that.” 
Seonghwa nods along, and it’s clear it’s not the first time he’s heard this sentiment from Hongjoong. 
“Stronger than the idols KQ has now?” You ask, your eyebrow raised. 
He nods, “It’s not that they’re not good, everyone’s very talented and I enjoy working with them… but the chance to work with someone one in a million is different,” 
“I could see that,” You concede. You don’t know much about music production or vocal performance, but you know a one in a million voice when you hear it. 
“You won’t have to wait long from the buzz I’m hearing,” Seonghwa drops his voice to a bit of a hushed tone even though there’s considerable space between your table and anyone else. 
“I’m not holding my breath,” Hongjoong says, “I don’t want to get my hopes up,” 
“I know it’s a longshot,” Seonghwa offers, “but I’m hearing good things,”
“Me too,” Hongjoong says, “but nothing’s on paper yet, so you know how these things go.” 
“So…” You give them a pointed expression. 
“Right,” Seonghwa leans in, “KQ is currently courting a big name from a group that just disbanded,” 
“To take on a senior group?” 
“No,” Hongjoong shakes his head, “just one of the members, as a solo artist.” 
“Oh,” You drop your voice, “who?” 
“You can’t say anything,” Seonghwa makes a hand gesture as if to say you’re dead if you do, “but Choi Jongho,” 
The pause between the three of you seems weighty, but you don’t know him and you have to admit it with a little shrug, “I’ve never heard of him,” 
“What?” Hongjoong shakes his head in disbelief, “I mean that’s crazy,” 
“I don’t keep up with it as much as you’d think,” 
“I mean,” Hongjoong blinks, “he’s the one in a million, he’s the voice.” 
“I believe you,” You nod quickly, “I just don’t know him.” 
“Well,” He sighs, “hopefully you will. If our CEO can close the deal,” 
“You really want to produce for him that badly? He’s that good?” You ask. 
“Without question,” He sighs, “I would kill to write him some R&B,” 
“Oh, now there’s a thought,” You lean in. 
“You just need so much more vocal texture,” Hongjoong explains, “but if you heard him, you’d get it.”
You nod along. 
Hongjoong sighs and leans back in his chair, running a hand through his hair again, the silver of his many rings catching in the overhead light, “If he signs we could get an album together for early next year,” 
“You really want to work with him that badly?” You nod, “He must be amazing.” 
“He is,” Hongjoong hums, “so cross your fingers.” 
You do and show him your hand, “Done,” 
The server passes by your table and smoothly passes the check towards Seonghwa, but Hongjoong intercepts it with practiced ease and slips his heavier credit card into the billfold before returning it to the server’s waiting hands. 
“Thank you,” The server nods, “I’ll be right back with this.” 
“Thank you, Joong,” Seonghwa smiles, “next time on me,” 
Hongjoong waves his hand and you realize it’s much the same as the last dinner. You wonder just how well producers are paid if this is his casual attitude towards a bill for three people eating rich cuts of meat and having crafted cocktails, but judging from Hongjoong’s lack of concern at the check’s total, he’s paid pretty well. 
“Thank you, Hongjoong,” You echo. 
“Of course,” Hongjoong smiles, and then the bill is back in his hands to sign off before you’re all up and away out the door. 
You walk a little ways with them, in the direction of a much busier block so you can catch a taxi home, all the while Hongjoong and Seonghwa chat about people you’ve yet to meet at the company and old times. They’ve been friends for years, you could gather that even without the download of information Seonghwa gave you after your first dinner out with them. They have an easy way about them that makes you smile, and even though you’re not in on any of these stories or jokes, it still feels comfortable. They both exude cool, in their style and the way they walk and talk, their handsome smiles and the cut of their clothes, but they never stray too far into pretension and it makes you like them both all the more. 
When Hongjoong checks his phone briefly as he walks and hums quietly, Seonghwa makes a disappointed noise with his tongue against his teeth. 
“What?” Hongjoong glances up. 
“Stop thinking about work,” Seonghwa interrupts his brain, “it’s ten o’clock,” 
“Normally I’m still working, you know,” Hongjoong tucks his phone away and makes a face. 
“You do that to yourself, Joong,” Seonghwa comments. 
“I know, I know,” He shrugs, “there’s nothing wrong with working hard.” He swivels his head to you at the same time Seonghwa does. 
“Don’t look at me,” You throw up your hands in surrender, “I can’t help you, Hwa, I’m at the studio late every day.” 
“I have to stop attracting friends who do nothing but work,” Seonghwa says, but he smiles despite his words. 
“Speaking of work,” Hongjoong grins conspiratorially at you, “he said you’re on the choreography team for the new tracks,” 
“Yes,” You catch Seonghwa’s pleased eye, “I’m assisting with it,” 
“How do you like the title song?” He asks. 
“I think it’s an earworm,” You admit, “I’ve been hearing it in my head for days,” 
“Not too commercial?” He asks. 
“I said it was going to be popular,” Seonghwa groans, “not that it’s commercial,” 
“I’m just asking,” Hongjoong throws a hand out to his side to smack Seonghwa’s arm. 
“It’s not,” You shake your head vehemently, “it’s just good, and catchy as hell,” 
“I can’t wait to see what your team does with it,” Hongjoong admits with a sigh, “I’m proud of this album,”
“I’m looking forward to hearing the whole thing,” 
“When it’s finished you should come to the listening party,” He offers, his steps slowing as you make it to the curb of the busier street. 
“I would love to,” You smile, and Seonghwa nods.
“You’ll be alright to get home?” Hongjoong asks, turning towards you. 
“Let me,” Seonghwa steps past you to the edge of the sidewalk and raises an arm out to beckon a taxi over, and a yellow cab flicks its occupied light on and smoothly cuts over to the side lane. 
“Thanks, Hwa,” 
“Come out again soon?” Hongjoong asks, “I didn’t even get to my thoughts on 90s music,”
“Anytime,” You smile as Seonghwa opens up the taxi door for you. 
“I’ll send you some albums,” He adds.
“I love it,” You nod and move to the open door, catching Seonghwa’s eye as you do. 
“See you tomorrow,” He says as you slide into your seat. 
He waits for you to swing your legs inside the car and then shuts the door tight, tapping on the hood and backing away to stand next to Hongjoong. He waves, and as the taxi pulls away they turn to walk back the way you came. 
Things stay perfectly in this new status quo for weeks, your life so much fuller and richer than the first few months you worked at KQ and tried to find inroads of friendship. Now you have dinner from time to time with Seonghwa and Hongjoong, drinks with your new dance troupe trio, workouts with San, coffee breaks with Wooyoung, and a growing sense of normalcy with Yunho and Mingi as you get back to work with them. 
You’re just starting to get comfortable when your phone reminds you that normal never lasts. 
As ever, things change. 
The shift starts with the first real peace offering you get from Yunho, weeks after the first night back in the studio with them. You’re buried in your phone trying to map out the dates of your next heat, paying exactly zero attention to your surroundings as you go through the app on your phone that tracks out your cycle symptoms. One that sends you painfully patronizing push notifications like - Hey girlie! Your heat is scheduled to start anytime in the next two weeks! Be sure to drink lots of water!! - complete with a panting red faced emoji. The last person you really want to see at this second is Yunho, or Mingi for that matter, and to be reminded of everything that happened a few months ago, but you’re never quite so lucky. 
Yunho’s hand enters your eyeline, dropping a coffee on the table in front of you and you jump at the sudden break in your concentration as you snap your phone lock on and let it slip through your fingers. 
“Sorry,” He smiles, “I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“It’s okay,” You take a steadying breath as you watch him reach for your phone that skid across the floor, “I was just lost in thought,” 
“Mm,” He passes the phone back to you and you’re infinitely grateful for your panic response that locked the phone and darkened the screen to save you any more embarrassment, “is everything okay? You seem a little stressed,” 
“I’m good,” You assure him. 
Adjusting the cap on his head he gestures to the coffee, “Well, either way you looked like you could use one of these,” 
“Thank you,” You smile, trying to let the moment be normal. You had missed him bringing you little things. Before your heat he was always checking up on you, delivering water bottles and protein bars and iced americanos. You can’t help but comment on it as you lift the coffee and give it a shake, “it’s been a while,” 
“I know,” He grimaces, “I’m sorry,” 
“Don’t be,” You brush him off, “I just meant it’s nice, I’m really glad we’re friends again.” 
He swallows a little tightly, glancing to his side, and you know being vulnerable like this isn’t really his favorite thing but he’s trying, “I am sorry though,” he says finally, “Mingi and I shouldn’t have let things get so weird. That was… I mean, this is work. We shouldn’t have let it interfere like that, we should have just talked to you.” 
“Me too,” You murmur, letting him off the hook, “it goes both ways.” 
“Yeah,” He breathes, and then his eyes come up, “but friends? That’s what you want?” 
“Of course,” You nod quickly, the sharp idea of going back to barely talking or looking at each other making you queasy, and the past few weeks of working together with them has felt like a weight off your shoulders. 
There’s a beat between you, and a noise to your right as the door to the break room opens and bodies spill in. Someone shouts your name, but your eyes are holding so tightly to Yunho that you don’t even know who it was, you don’t really care. You need to know that he’s on the same page. 
Yunho nods finally and smiles, “Good, okay, friends,” 
Mingi crashes into him from the side with an arm slung over his shoulders and his face lit up in a bright smile, “Hey,” 
“Hi,” You smile, watching as Yunho crosses his arms loosely and lets Mingi stay clinging onto him. You catch Mingi’s eyes, “You’re in a good mood today,” 
“I guess so,” He shrugs, “it’s a good day,” 
The chair to your side moves and your head snaps over to see San flopping down, a freshly mixed protein smoothie in hand, “You’re late,” he comments and you snap a look to your watch. 
Fifteen minutes late to your training with him, and you grimace, “Shit, I’m sorry,” 
“It’s cool, I’ll just have to remember this when you’re begging to get out of the last set,” His eyebrows quirk up at you playfully. 
Mingi makes a quiet noise and when you look back up at him he’s pouting, “You never let me give you training tips,” 
“That’s because you hate the gym,” You laugh. 
His nose crinkles, “True,” 
Yunho laughs at the exchange and shrugs Mingi off and he looks like he’s about to add something to the conversation, but the door opens again and Dahan and Yujin cut their way through the dining area. 
Yujin catches your eye and smiles, “Ready for today?” 
You nod and try not to seem too terrified, “Definitely,” 
“See you at four,” She says, brushing past your table and heading for the coffee stations at the far side of the room. 
You let out a shaky breath, one you didn’t know you were holding quite so tightly in your chest and Yunho’s brow knits together, “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing,” You assure him, “it’s just a big day for me,” 
“The meeting?” He asks, referring to the session later today where you and the rest of the crew will meet with the girl group members for the first time. You’ve been elected to run them through some of the point choreography, and while everyone will be working together, you’re first and that level of spotlight makes you buzz with anxiety. 
“Yeah,” You shrug, trying to stay casual about it, “it’s not that big of a deal, I know, but I’m still nervous,” 
“You’ve been working like crazy,” San cuts in, smoothing a hand over your fidgeting fingers to calm you down, “you’re going to be fine, when have you ever choked?” 
“You’re right,” You breathe, pulling your hand back and pushing your hair away from your face, “Yujin and Dahan are just very good.” You don’t elaborate, but the idea of teaching choreography in front of them makes your heart thump loudly in your chest. 
“You’re very good,” Mingi dismisses instantly with a noise in his throat. 
“Thanks, Mingi,” 
“It’s first time jitters,” Yunho smiles, “I get them every time we do something new,” 
“You do?” Your eyebrows shoot high. 
“Mhm,” He nods, “actually, I have an idea,” 
“Let’s go for a run,” Yunho checks his watch and then nods. 
“Yunho,” You glance to San, “I don’t know,” 
“It clears my head every time, trust me,” He presses, “something about running outside… it’s definitely going to get you out of your head.” 
“Go,” San nods, brushing off your unspoken concern about ditching him. 
“You don’t mind?” You check with him. 
“Nah,” He grins, pushing himself up to stand and offering you a hand to help you to your feet too, “I’ll just go bother Wooyoung,” 
“I’m sure he’ll thank me for that,” You laugh. 
“He should be so grateful,” San brushes your arm lightly with his fingers and then gives you a warm smile, “but you go, relax, and text me later.” 
“I will,” You nod, and he jogs off. 
You twist back to Yunho and Mingi at the sound of a throat clearing and Mingi shifts from foot to foot, “I’d join you on the run, but,” 
“You hate running,” Yunho finishes for him, “you’re good,” 
There’s a beat of silence between the three of you, and then Yunho clears his throat again, “Meet me out front in ten? I just need to change,” 
“Sure,” You have to do the same, and idly in the back of your mind you wonder if he’s a good runner, the kind of person who makes it look easy. 
“Great,” He smiles and then he’s off. 
Mingi watches him go and then shifts his attention back to you, “You’ll be great today,” 
“You think?” Your nervousness slips out. 
“I know.” He nods, pointed with no room for discussion. 
You swallow tightly, but agree anyway. 
Mingi guides you back out of the pull of your own thoughts when he claps a hand down on your shoulder as he moves past you and around the table, “Just chill,” 
“Chill,” You repeat dumbly. 
“Mhm,” He shrugs, quirking up an eyebrow at you as he pushes through the door and away. 
You’re used to his naturally flirtatious energy, but even a look that intense from him can send your stomach into little flip flops. Your phone dings again in your pocket, the familiar sound of your cycle app sending you another reminder and you don’t even bother to look and see what it says, your lingering gaze on Mingi is enough to tell you. 
Alone in the break room you sigh and run your hands through your hair before shaking the little interaction off and heading out to meet Yunho. By the time you’re out front he’s already there, and you think it’s quite possible that this is the biggest mistake you’ve ever made when you lay eyes on him. He’s dressed comfortably, in shorts and running shoes, but it’s the sleeveless black top that makes your pulse quicken. 
“Alright,” He says as he sees you approaching, “let’s do it.” 
“Okay,” You stretch out your arms in front of you and do your best to focus on your own body and not his and all the ways you’ve seen it move before. 
He waves you along and then starts to run. 
You set a pace together with ease, and you’re not sure if it’s Yunho accommodating you or you accommodating him, but either way you fall into step smoothly as you start jogging through the streets of Seoul. He adjusts the black cap on his head and settles his arms into a comfortable running position and he slowly starts to increase the pace, but you match him smoothly right back. 
“Do you have a route?” You ask between controlled breaths. 
“Yeah,” He nods, gesturing up ahead, “just follow me,” 
You murmur your agreement, and then refocus your eyes ahead and not on the man to your side. He’s right, you do need this. Your shoulders have been tense with stress for days, your body tired and feeling jittery, but the steady steps over the pavement and the cool air have your muscles relaxing already. You stay focused on your breath and the rest starts to melt away. 
“This way,” He directs after a little while heading straight, and he takes a smooth left turn across a busy intersection where the walk signs are lit up for you. 
In the distance is a block of trees marking the start of one of the riverside parks, and you’re sure that’s where he’s running to. You can feel him glancing down at you every so often, making sure you’re still at his side, and it’s oddly comforting to run with him and not alone for once. It’s been a while since you’ve been out like this, you’ve taken to sticking with San in the comfort of the KQ gyms, but with Yunho at your side it feels comfortable and right. 
“Good?” He asks as you push over the next street and into the entrance of the trail, hooking through two lines of trees. 
“Good,” You confirm, “you?” 
He smiles and laughs a little, but keeps running, “Definitely,” 
You push on and keep pace, moving down the pathway through the trees, nothing but the sound of each other’s breath for company. Being cocooned in trees, this close to the water, makes you feel insulated from the city and with every step your worries about the meeting later have started to fall away. 
You glance to Yunho and see that his eyes are still focused ahead, but you swallow hard at the pink blush across his cheeks and collarbones, the sweat now visible on his tanned skin. You have such a clear image of him above you, broad hand on your cheek and cock buried inside your body, looking flushed and sweaty just as he does now. 
“Feeling better?” He asks, not slowing his run at all. 
His voice jolts you out of your meandering thoughts, “Hmm?” 
“Are you feeling any better?” He tries again, “less stressed?” 
“A little,” You concede. 
He nods, but keeps moving. The lack of conversation between you both normally feels tight and unnatural, but lately it’s started to feel safe again. He’s always been a person you can just be around, nothing extra, just existing. It finally, finally feels right again. 
You make your way a little further into the park until it starts to curve around with the bend of the river. Yunho gestures up ahead to a block of benches that overlook the water and he glances down at you, “Let’s take a breath there and then double back,” 
As you approach the benches and start to slow, Yunho grins, “It’s gorgeous today,” 
“It really is,” You agree, chest heaving a little at the effort from the run and you focus on deep steady inhales and exhales. 
He walks past the benches and up to the railing at the water, leaning down and resting his elbows on the dark blue painted steel, “That looks fun,” he comments, gesturing towards a group of boats on the water. 
“Mm,” You sigh, leaning next to him, your arms nearly brushing, “especially on a day like today.” 
He nods quietly, his eyes closing for a moment as he soaks up the warm sun, and then he turns towards you and leans against the railing with his hip, “So,” he says, “is it first time jitters, or is something else going on?” 
“W-what do you mean?” His words break you out of your thoughts again, and you didn’t even realize your mind was slipping away somewhere else, but every time he interrupts you it’s painfully obvious to you that you can’t stop worrying. 
“I’ve seen you nervous,” He comments, “this feels like more,” 
You shift towards him and look up, “A little, maybe,” 
“Tell me,” He prompts you, extending his hand for a fraction of a second before he lets it drop back to his thigh. 
Your first thought is that you want to touch him too, but you resist it. 
“Teaching these girls,” You trail off, dropping your eyes again to the ripple of the water as it kisses the rocky shore, “something about doing it in front of Yujin and Dahan… and even you,” 
“Me?” His voice runs high. 
“It’s just scary,” You admit, “I’m sure I’ll get over it.” 
“I don’t want to make you scared,” He murmurs.
  “It’s not that,” You glance up at him, but it’s safer to keep your focus on the water, “I just…. I don’t know if I belong in that room yet, and today all the attention will be on me. I’ve never taught anyone like this before,” 
“Yes, you have,” Yunho finally does touch you, nudging your arm and getting your eyes back on him, “you came up with good stuff for this routine. You taught all of us, and I saw you practicing everything together to show them. You’re ready,” 
“You really believe that?” The words slip out. 
“y/n,” His brow furrows, “of course I do, I wouldn’t have suggested you in the first place if I thought you couldn’t do this.” 
He’s right, you can do this, and with flying colors too if you really set your mind to it, but the question still brews in the back of your brain and you have to ask. “Yunho,” You sigh, “why did you suggest me?” 
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“We weren’t talking,” You explain, “we were barely looking at each other in the studio, but you still pulled me into this project. Why?” 
He’s still for a moment, his eyes flicking over your face and then he sighs, “Because you’re good, and because I know how hard you were working even when we weren’t talking. And because,” he pauses, “because I wanted you there,”
“For me or for my skills?”
“For your skills,” He nods, “the fact that it’s you… well, that just made my choice easier.” 
“You really mean that, don’t you?” You murmur.
  “I do,” He nods, “so be regular nervous all you want, but never doubt your place in the room, okay? I wouldn’t do that to you.” 
“Thank you, Yunho,” 
He nods and looks back out to the water before checking his watch and taking a deep breath, “You ready to head back?” 
“Let’s do it,” You agree with a sigh, shaking out your limbs. 
“Did this help?” He asks as he pushes off the railing. 
“Yeah,” You smile, “I mean, I’m still a little terrified, but I think that’s normal.” 
“Mhm,” He smooths his hand across your shoulders and gives you a squeeze, “plus, I promise you can dance circles around these girls any day of the week,” 
“Oh, shut up,” You roll your eyes, “now you’re laying it on too thick,” 
“I don’t lie,” He grins, “you know that already,” 
You open your mouth to retort but he takes the wind right out of your sails when he starts to jog backwards and he sticks his tongue out to tease you. As he twists around he calls back over his shoulder, “Race you back!”
You scramble forwards, “Hey! No fair, you got a head start,” 
He keeps running, but you hear him laugh, “Catch up then!”
You pump your legs harder, moving as fast as possible as you try to reach him. You watch as he glances back over his shoulder, goading you into pushing yourself harder, something swells in your chest. He’s close, if you just pick it up a little more, focus a little more, you’ll reach him. Maybe pass him. 
“You still with me?” He shouts back, voice light. 
Your heart is pounding in your ears, blood rushing loud, and your chest is screaming with the effort of working your body this hard but you don’t care. You want to win, you need to win. You pump your legs harder, clear your mind, and race. You gain on him inch by inch and you grin when you hear him laugh again, catching you in his peripheral vision as you scream up next to him. He says something but you miss it, your head too focused on every step in front of you. 
When you finally make it back to KQ you all but skid into the back entrance with him, colliding shoulder to shoulder and having to brace yourself on the entryway wall so you don’t pitch right over onto the hardwood floor. 
Yunho’s hands close over your hips to steady you, and you hear his heavy breath above you before he laughs, “Jesus, you’re fast,” 
“You annoyed me,” You wheeze, pressing on your side where a painful, sharp stitch has taken up residence. 
Your fingers brush along his for the barest of seconds and he pulls his hands back instantly before giving you an apologetic smile and pulling off his ball cap to wipe the sweat off his brow with the bottom of his shirt. The quick flash of his abs makes you dizzy. 
“I still won,” Yunho sighs, leaning against the wall. 
You shoot him a look, but you’re still catching your breath and at this point it’s not even worth the fight. As you raise your head to look at him, you suddenly notice the crowded hallway towards the side of the door. Wooyoung and San stand close together, angled towards you but clearly just in halted conversation with Minseok, Yujin, and two of the other dancers. 
Wooyoung gives you a single pointed eyebrow raise. 
“Were you racing?” Minseok asks, glancing between the two of you. 
You make an affirmative noise, all you can do while you recover.
  “Fun,” Wooyoung laughs a little to himself and if you had the energy you’d smack him, but you can’t even bother. 
“Why?” Minseok asks. 
“Why not?” Yunho shrugs and then turns his attention back to you, “Good?” 
“Good,” You nod.
  For a second he looks like he wants to say something else, maybe give you one last encouraging speech, but he just settles on a smile, “See you in there,” 
You nod, smiling back up at him, and then he pushes through the little pocket of your coworkers to get back to the locker rooms. You take another second to catch your breath against the wall, Wooyoung making an expression you need to roll your eyes at, but then you realize. You feel great. 
The nerves from the whole day have dissipated, the surging rush of endorphins from pushing yourself so hard, drowning out anything in your body except adrenaline, joy, and a little exhaustion. You could kiss him. 
At four o’clock, when you walk into the room, you do it with a clear head. In the back of the studio, Yunho smiles. 
A week later, your app dings again and this time it’s right on the money.
You submit the paperwork on Thursday after practice, another lozenge tucked into your cheek as you start to feel the first signs of your upcoming heat. It’s already better than last time, a more familiar kind of cycle than what you last experienced. You’re used to it being mostly mild, a few times a year leaving you achy and sore, and insatiably horny, but nothing like the desperate cramping from before. 
This time you have things down to a predictable science, and though you might have a few moments of serious weakness or deeper feelings of heat, you’d be fine. This time there would be no dizzy desperation, no crying into your pillow in hopes that an alpha would soothe you and take it away. No begging to be claimed. It would be fine. 
You should be fine. 
You leave the paperwork on the back desk and hurry out to catch a ride back home before you start to really feel it, but all you can imagine is Yunho’s face when he picks up the papers and you need to not be in the building when that happens. 
At home you set yourself up for the next few days. Bedroom door locked, a stash of water bottles, a stack of towels, and a bedside table full of charged and ready toys. You get undressed out of your restrictive leggings and tighter clothes, and pull on a simple pair of sleep shorts and a loose oversized top. Fabric that won’t cling or make you hot, just comfortable enough to relax and take it easy as your body starts to sink into heat. 
For a while things are normal and fine, regular aches and pains. You watch a show on your iPad and zone out the feeling, but eventually every little shift of your hips feels sharper, and a low throb starts to pulse inside you. It’s evening when you start to lose focus on the drama you’re watching. Something about the male lead seems familiar to you and your mind keeps drifting. 
You settle back into the cushions to get more comfortable and to try and refocus on the show, but the ghost sensation of lips on your throat makes your eyes drift closed. 
Your hand is pushing under the elastic of your sleep shorts before you can even think it through. 
Your mind keeps replaying the image of Mingi pushing his glasses up into his hair and smiling, the way his hands ran over your body and landed firm on your hips. Yunho’s head between your thighs. Both their fingers searching your body, pushing inside you, pulling you apart over and over again. Their hot breath on your throat. Pretty omega, they called you. Something tumbles in your chest, knots build up in your stomach. Your fingers feel good but they pale in comparison to what you had before and you work yourself up and up but nothing quite comes close to the edge of pleasure you’re looking for. 
You’re my best girl. 
You bite back a moan and push two fingers inside yourself. 
You can almost feel their hands on you, their hot kisses, gentle nips of your skin, but you can’t find the feeling of them inside you. You quicken your hand and replay the images faster in your mind. You miss them, you need them, you want them. You come hard and fast with a shudder, your eyes snapping back open. 
There she is. That’s our girl.
“F-fuck,” You breathe to yourself, pulling your hand out of your shorts. Your chest is heaving, a light sheen of sweat over you, and your core throbs like your body wants you to go again. 
“Oh my god,” You breathe, pushing yourself off the bed and stumbling into the bathroom, “what is wrong with you, get a grip,” 
You shake it off, trying to ignore the fact that you just thought about them while you were getting yourself off. It’s just heat, that’s all it ever is with them, that has to be it. Hot alphas will always scramble your brain at a time like this, you just have to listen to yourself and get a grip.
With a sigh you wash your hands, crawl back into bed, and try to just fall asleep and ignore the images still looping in the back of your brain. 
You don’t sleep though, you can’t. 
You toss and you turn, and you ache, but you don’t sleep. 
Around the third hour of trying to soothe your cramps with a heating pad that you decide to say fuck it and ask for help. You have a small window of time to get to wherever you’ll be spending the duration of your heat, and even though you know with your suppressants this won’t be quite as bad as before, your body still wants.
For a second you think about Mingi. You miss his hands, his easy smile, the way he would slowly stroke your back and massage your hips. You miss his scent, his warmth, and his all encompassing comfort. But things have just started to get back to normal at the studio with him and Yunho and you can’t let a moment of heat weakness lead you back. 
You open your phone, flipping through social media in an attempt to distract your mind but before you know it you have Yunho’s contact open and you’re fighting the urge to call, just to hear his voice for a second. 
Your finger hovers over the button, you can hear his voice in your mind. 
Sweetheart, just tell me where you are, I’m coming to get you. 
You can see it. 
But it’s just your heat. No matter how much Wooyoung likes to tease you about having a crush, it’s just this. Biology you can’t control rewiring your brain and telling you that they’re your perfect match. But you don’t believe in perfect matches or scent pairings. You don’t.
A particularly tight cramp ripples through your middle and you clench your fist through the pain, shifting in your bedding once again, sweat building at your brow. 
In a flash of genius and panic, you close Yunho’s contact card and open another. 
The phone rings and rings. 
He’s busy, you’ve probably missed him, and when he offered he was drunk anyways so he probably doesn’t remember but then suddenly the phone clicks and connects and his warm voice fills your ear, “Hey, y/n,” 
“S-Seonghwa,” You sigh, trying to sound as put together as possible, “hey,” 
“Is everything okay?” He checks, and you hear a little background noise and hope to god he’s not still at the studio. 
“Definitely,” You press your eyes closed and bite the inside of your lip to keep from making a tight, stressed sound. 
“Okay…” He waits a moment and then adds, “then what’s going on? You never call,”
The cramp passes and you take a breath, “Sorry, are you busy? I can call later,” 
“No, no,” He says, “I’m just grabbing a drink with Wooyoung and Joong,” 
“Is that y/n?” You hear Wooyoung in the background, “Tell her to come meet us!”
“Woo,” Seonghwa’s voice sounds a little far from the receiver and then he comes back on the line, “If you’re free, you can come meet us? We were just thinking about dinner, Hongjoong has a new project for us, you might be interested,” 
“Oh,” For a second, in the space between your cramps you forget why you called in the first place, “a new song?” 
“Two,” You can practically hear the smile on Seonghwa’s face. 
“Exciting,” You smile. 
“So what do you say,” Seonghwa says, “come out?” 
You would, you wish you could, but you shake your head, “I can’t, I actually… I’ll be out for a couple of days. I submitted the paperwork this morning,” 
“Are you going somewhere?” He asks, not yet picking up on the obvious. 
“Leave,” You smile at his question. 
“Leave,” He repeats, “oh, oh leave!” 
“Say it louder, Seonghwa,” You groan. 
“Is that why you’re calling?” He says, and a little blush creeps into your cheeks at the thought that he’s with other people and talking to you about this like it’s nothing. 
“Kind of,” You admit, “I don’t know, you’re busy I just remembered what you said, but you don’t have to,” 
“How are you now? I’m at least thirty minutes away, is that too long?” 
Warmth blooms in your chest, “I’m fine, honestly, go have dinner,” 
You can practically see him rolling his eyes when he says, “Stop being a martyr. Listen, I’ll call you right back, okay?” 
“And don’t worry,” He assures, his voice honeyed and warm, “I will call, I’ll only be a minute,” 
“Okay,” You manage, “thank you, Hwa,” 
He says something more but you miss it with the light commotion in the background, and then the line clicks dead. 
It takes two minutes, but he calls you right back. 
“Hey,” You sigh into the receiver. 
“Can you text Woo your address?” Seonghwa asks first, “We’re grabbing a cab,” 
“Oh,” You flip the phone on speaker and start typing, “okay, yeah, I’m… Seonghwa, are you sure?” 
“Mhm,” He replies, “as long as you are.” 
“Give me the phone,” You hear Wooyoung and immediately laugh. 
“What do you want?” Seonghwa says, clearly not talking to you. 
“Phone,” You hear him say and then after a brief groan, Wooyoung’s voice is in your ear, “Hey, you,” 
“Hey,” Something about him calms you instantly. 
“How far gone are you? Should we pick stuff up on our way or can you come back to my place?” He’s straight and to the point but still gentle, and you’re starting to feel glad that you called them and not anyone else. 
“I’m fine,” You assure him, “I can make it to yours. My roommates are here, I think it would be….” 
“Got it,” He says, “well just rest, we’ll be there soon,” 
Tears well up in your eyes and you sniffle softly, trying to keep it to yourself.
He picks up on the soft sound immediately, “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” 
You swallow and wipe away the gathering moisture, “Nothing, you’re both just being so nice,” 
“Aw,” He murmurs, “jagiya you’re one of us now, we always take care of each other.” 
“Is she crying?” You hear Seonghwa’s voice raise an octave in the background. 
“She’s good,” Wooyoung brushes it off, “alright, twenty minutes okay, get your stuff, take a deep breath, and I’ll text you when we’re downstairs.” 
“Thanks, Woo,” You manage. 
“Deep breaths,” He reminds, and then he’s gone. 
You must be insane. You must be fully crazy to invite this type of chaos into your life twice with yet another group of men, but something about this feels right. It feels safe and sure, and something about Wooyoung being an omega too is just making all of this feel so much simpler than last time. At least where your heart is concerned. 
It takes you all twenty minutes to get your things together, but you decide to focus on this instead of what all this chaos might mean. You pack a bag of necessities and then change into something loose but more presentable than your sleep clothes. When your phone buzzes again you don’t even look down at it, you just know that it’s Wooyoung arriving right on the dot and you slip out of your apartment as quietly as you can. 
Downstairs a car waits across the street and when Seonghwa emerges to greet you, he rushes forwards to take your bags. Your cheeks light up with blush and you have to take a half, staggering step backwards, already being outside and in the presence of an alpha your subconscious mind is reacting to him. 
“Let me get these,” Seonghwa says, pulling the bags from your hands, and the touch of his warm skin along yours has a shaky breath leaving your lips.
“Thanks,” You murmur, watching him pack them into the trunk of the cab, and then he turns. 
He takes a good look at you and nods, “Yeah, let’s get you to Woo’s,” 
“Is it obvious?” You cup your cheeks. 
“Not too much,” He assures you, extending his hand for you to take, “but let’s not waste time,” 
“Let’s go,” You nod, and he tugs you forwards gently to get you into the car. You settle into the middle seat between Wooyoung and Seonghwa easily. 
“Doing good?” Wooyoung asks you, trying to be subtle in front of the driver. 
“Mhm,” You nod, and you smile when he laces your fingers together and gives you a squeeze. 
Seonghwa gives the next address to the driver and you’re away. 
It’s quiet at first, all you can focus on is the way the miles slowly tick down on the map the driver is using, and you try to breathe through your mouth in the closed car full of competing scents but it’s nearly impossible. Seonghwa’s scent envelops you easily, especially in the closed air circulation of the car. Warm, like freshly brewed coffee. You close your eyes as a cramp passes through you and you try not to think of him even though his leg keeps bumping into yours every time the car takes a turn. 
The automated sound of a window breaks your concentration and you glance to your side. Seonghwa isn’t looking at you, but he’s cracked the back window a couple of inches, and the pulse of clean air leaves you able to take a shaky inhale and exhale. Wooyoung squeezes your hand again. 
The mileage counter keeps clicking down. Seonghwa’s scent stays present in your mind despite the fresh air. Your stomach tightens. The car takes a particularly curving turn and your body is pressed against Seonghwa’s from knee to shoulder and you squeeze Wooyoung’s hand back instead of letting the whine in your throat bubble out. 
Your stomach clenches again, and then you feel it. A rush of slick as your body prepares, a flushing flood of hot warmth rolling up your body and through your cheeks. Seonghwa’s arm crosses over you like a seatbelt and he closes his hand over your left thigh, his thumb drawing slow circles to keep you steady and protect you from anyone noticing. 
You let yourself glance up at him once more, but he’s still focused out the window, doing his best to comfort you without drawing an ounce of attention. 
“Out front?” The driver asks suddenly, and you realize the building ahead across the intersection must be theirs. 
“That’s perfect,” Seonghwa replies smoothly, “thank you.” 
The minute it takes to cross the intersection feels never ending, and then suddenly things start moving at two-times speed. As the heat cramps increase, Seonghwa’s arm is around your waist and Wooyoung is left hauling your stuff up into the elevator. They get you inside smoothly and as the doors close, Seonghwa lets out a sigh of relief. 
“I thought I was going to have to fight every alpha in the lobby,” Seonghwa laughs as the elevator begins to climb, “are you sure you’re on suppressants?” 
You can’t help but elbow him slightly in the ribs, “Yes,” 
“I’m kidding,” He squeezes you, “you just smell like an extremely edible cake,” 
“Mm,” You murmur as a small cramp passes, “well, you know, this is why I’m on the strong stuff,” 
The elevator doors open and Wooyoung steps out before you, glancing to either side down the apartment hallway before beckoning you both forwards. He gets out his keys and glances over his shoulder at you both, “Which?” 
You tell him the brand as you lean harder on Seonghwa who hushes you softly with a comforting squeeze. 
“Ah,” Wooyoung nods, “no wonder,” 
You open your mouth to ask him what he means by that, but he’s too busy pushing open the door to his apartment and opening it up for you both to slip inside. 
His place is overwhelmingly simple and clean, utilitarian with dark black furniture and gray moody accents, but it suits him. He drops his keys off on the kitchen island and beckons you inside, “Come on in, get comfortable,” 
Seonghwa steers you to the couch and settles you down on the middle cushion, “So, where are we at?” 
Settled onto the couch now, you honestly feel fine. Your back hurts a little, and your joints are a little stiff, but the aching, pulsing pain you felt back at your apartment has mostly dissipated, “I think I’m fine,” 
“I mean,” You cross your legs, your hands itching to wrap a cozy blanket around yourself but finding none, “off meds I was practically feral, this is…. manageable,” 
“Manageable is good,” Seonghwa smiles. 
Wooyoung settles his hand over your yours, soothing your little trembles and then he dips his head to catch your eyes, “I have a room all set up,” 
“You do?” Your eyes widen. 
“Mm,” He tangles your fingers together again and gives you a squeeze, “I used to have a roommate but when he moved out I just converted the second bedroom,” 
“Oh,” You breathe, and you can’t imagine the expense to maintain an apartment large enough to have your very own heat sanctuary, but you dream of the day you get to. 
“Let’s go relax in there,” Wooyoung nods, “maybe you’ll like it and get a little sleep,” 
“Should we talk?” You glance up at Seonghwa. 
“We will,” Seonghwa assures you as he shrugs off his blazer, “but go get comfortable, I’ll start setting up,” 
“Setting up?” You ask, confusion evident in your voice. 
“Ah,” Wooyoung bumps you with his shoulder, “our Seonghwa takes his caretaker responsibilities very seriously,” 
“You’ll want for nothing here, jagiya,” Seonghwa smiles and takes a slight bow, “Wooyoungie is the most pampered omega in Seoul, it will be nice to take care of someone less bratty for a change,” 
You laugh sharply and cover your mouth with your hand, “What have I gotten myself into?” 
“A fun weekend,” Seonghwa smiles, “now relax, let Woo show you the place.” 
Already this feels less stressful than before, and maybe that’s the level of your heat or maybe it’s them, but it feels easy. Wooyoung pulls you up and watches you carefully as you stand to make sure you’re feeling well, and then he guides you down the hall. 
Wooyoung’s nesting room is exactly what you’ve been looking for. The bed in this room isn’t necessarily large, but what it is, is covered in blankets and plush pillows. The second bedroom of his apartment has been so smoothly converted into an office and omega haven that you almost wish you had been here for your last, harder heat. 
“Okay,” Wooyoung walks you in, “there’s a robe on the back of the door you can use, the mini fridge is pretty stocked, and on that shelf by the bed there’s lozenges, wipes, towels, you name it.” 
“Oh my God,” You breathe, scanning over everything as he gestures. 
“And over in that bedside table,” He points out the single nightstand, “there’s pretty much any toy you’ll need.” 
“Oh,” You blush. 
“Hwa and I will be here, of course,” He assures you, “but I like a little extra something,” 
“Right,” You smile, “of course you do,” 
A gentle knock on the door behind you brings you out of your focus, studying every inch of his perfect heat sanctuary and you turn to see Seonghwa leaning against the door frame. 
“How are you feeling?” He asks gently. 
“Like myself,” You tell him honestly, “it’s starting, but it doesn’t feel too bad.” 
“Mm,” He nods, “it probably won’t be quite as bad as last time, but I’m certainly here for whatever you need,” 
“Thank you, Hwa,” You smile, “I can’t thank you enough,” 
His eyes light up with warmth and then he looks over you both, “This is nice,” he comments, “the two of you in here,” 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” Wooyoung laughs as he leans against the desk, “no one’s ready for your knot yet,” 
A throb pulses through you, but blissfully no one notices. 
“I just think it’s nice,” He shrugs, “two pretty omegas,”
You blush. 
“Oh,” Seonghwa smiles as he notices your pink cheeks, “you liked that,” 
“Hwa,” You protest weakly. 
“Ignore him,” Wooyoung cuts in front of you and leads you back to the bed, “get cozy, you’ll love this.” 
He all but puts you in the bed himself, but in minutes you’re relaxed against the cushions, under cooling sheets and downy comforters. Seonghwa waits in the doorway while you get settled, but once you are he smiles and crosses the room to sit on the edge of the bed. 
“You’re feeling alright?” He asks, reaching for your hand. 
“So far,” You nod, “and this bed is wildly comfortable,” 
“Good,” Seonghwa’s fingers smooth over your wrist, slowly stroking your gland and easing you further, “I’m going to go fix you both something for dinner, and if you need anything in the meantime Wooyoung will be right here,” 
“Okay,” You breathe. 
“I’m going to give Sannie a ring too,” His voice evens out in his chest, low and warm and tender to keep you melting into the bed under you, “is it okay if I tell him you’re here?” 
“Alright then,” He smiles, “just relax,” 
“Feeling pretty relaxed,” You tell him. 
The sound of your phone vibrating on Wooyoung’s desk draws your eyes, but you focus back on Seonghwa when he says, “I’m sure we can relax you more, don’t worry.” 
“You’re forward,” You nudge his thigh. 
“And you called me for sex,” He shrugs, “who’s forward now?” 
Wooyoung laughs sharply and claps his hands, “This weekend is going to be very fun,” 
Your phone buzzes again, then again, and your brows draw together as you look towards it, “Could you,” 
Seonghwa doesn’t let you finish your sentence, he crosses the room quickly and then passes your phone over to you, “I’ll be back in a little while, okay?” 
“Thank you,” 
He nods with a warm expression, and then leaves you and Wooyoung be inside this little cocoon. 
“Glad you called?” Wooyoung grins, cheeky and teasing.
  “Mm,” You sink deeper into the pillows behind you, “I might have to move in, just for this bed,” 
His nose crinkles, “We’ve got to update your space, you should have somewhere like this too,” 
“I’d like that,” You sigh, “someday,” 
Your phone buzzes again. 
“Soon,” Wooyoung dismisses, “until then you can always come here,” 
“Well, that’s really nice of you, but,” You tear your eyes away from him to finally illuminate the screen of your phone and your words die on your lips when you see the messages. 
Yunho’s name on your screen makes your breath quicken and you open the chat. 
hey I got your paperwork. of course it’s fine, but would you please let me know you’re somewhere safe? 
I probably shouldn’t have asked that. 
I just want to make sure you made it home safely, that’s all. If you need help getting home, you know I’m only a phone call away. 
Just… please let me know. 
“y/n?” Wooyoung’s voice breaks through your buzzing brain as you read Yunho’s messages over and over. 
“What?” You manage, glancing up for the briefest second to catch his worried expression. 
“What’s going on?” He asks softly. 
“Um,” You murmur, but then your phone buzzes in your hand again, this time not a message from Yunho at all. 
He’s freaking out a little bit, but I told him you’re probably already home and sleeping. 
Which you are, right? 
The two texts from Mingi hang in front of you and a tense feeling knots up in your throat. 
“Hey,” Wooyoung interrupts again, pushing his way into the bed beside you without preamble and sidling up to your side, “are you crying?”
“No,” You shake your head, “sorry, I just,”
He waits, holding your gaze with his warm brown eyes and attentive nods, and before you know it you’re letting the phone fall into his hands. 
He reads the texts quietly, and then hums, “They’re worried,”
“I know,” Your voice is small. 
“Do you want to respond?” He asks. 
“I don’t know,” You confess honestly. 
“You don’t owe them anything,” He murmurs quietly, locking your phone and setting it to the side so he can turn to you, “I know I keep teasing you about it, but if you wanted to be with them you would have called them. You know how you feel, not me,” 
He smooths your hair back and cups your cheek, gathering you a little closer under the covers. You take a deep, shaky breath, and the sudden scent of him all around you feels like a blanket. Fresh linen and summer salt, like falling into bed after a long day in the sun on the beach. His skin is warm against yours and familiar. 
“Do you really think that?” You ask.
“Mhm,” He all but whispers, “and either way, you don’t owe them a response right now. You owe yourself rest,” 
He gives you a minute, and then rubs his thumb over your cheek, “You want to watch something dumb? Maybe fall asleep on me?” 
You nod, lips locking tight as your throat stays tense. You feel like if you talk about anything else you might start crying, so you let him pull you closer and grab the remote for the TV mounted on the far wall. He doesn’t ask you what you want to watch, he doesn’t push you any further, he knows you need him to just take care of things before you crumble and text them back. 
He selects something funny without putting too much thought into it, and wraps his arm around you as you settle your cheek onto his chest. This was what you were missing so much the last time you went through heat, the steadying comfort of another omega. Your fluttering nerves fall away, and his scent makes you feel warm and your eyes heavy. 
“Woo,” You murmur into his shirt. 
“You’re the best friend I’ve ever had,” You confess. 
He sighs, fingers finding yours under the comforter, “And you’re mine,” 
You snuggle into him a little more, fingertips brushing the warm hollow of his throat and your heart slowing to a steady, easy rhythm to pump in time with his. Distantly as you fall into sleep, you feel the buzz of your phone again somewhere halfway across the mattress, but this time you don’t even open your eyes. 
Wooyoung silences it when it buzzes again, his words soft against your hair when he says, “It’ll all wait until tomorrow, babe, you just rest easy,” 
You nod, a yawn taking over you and he chuckles.
“Just sleep,” He murmurs softly, and you do, their messages left unanswered. 
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fabled-lady-twilla · 3 months
Twilla's Ever Growing ShigaDeku Fanfiction Recommendation List
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Before diving in, please be advised that this list has everything from platonic friendship, soft and fluffy romance, omegaverse fics, problematic or dead dove content, fantasy, scifi, and horror fics, some fem Izuku and fem Shiga, and of course, plenty of smut. I'm open to reading (mostly) anything as long as I think it's well-written and it's something I find interesting or compelling. These fics are just the ones I've found so far, and eventually more will be added.
Please read the warnings on the fics themselves! All of the following recommendations can be found on AO3. I hope you enjoy! 😊
Queerplatonic Friendship
FGAP (Four Games about Pain) by 13thStep
reconcile by whatagoodegg
Cherry Milkshakes by smol_bird
Marks and Ties by GrowingAHead (shelleyk0503)
ShandMan18 by ShotoTodorhoeki
Rebuilt Anew by em_proxy
it's all fun and games till somebody falls in love by orphan_account
The Push And Pull Of Death And Life (But Which Is Worse Depends On Your Perspective) by Otaku6337
Some Degree of Romance
Baby Spice by MidnightTrashGoblin
Logical Ruse by AngeliaDark
Ask me if you dare by Niftyhope
Losing Definition by LittleLady95
Reach for me. by Lubylu1989
Lovers of Lost Dimensions by miss_nighteye (terryh)
A Home Within The Light by MissMidnightsPlace
Lusus Naturae by TenkonoTama
answer me. by supercrunch
To Depend on the Enemy by AMedicalMistake
What the Heart Wants by erza_mikazuki
Sleepwalking (When You're Gone) by ReadingToMusic
Total Simp Behaviour by ReadingToMusic
Mind-melting by ReadingToMusic
Red Ledger by AdoxographicGrim
What Baking Can Do by ACafeofSandandBones
Resthaven by StarsGarters
Don’t give strangers on the internet your name (you might fall in love with them) by IchiroIsCoolGuy
Don’t give strangers on the internet your name (you might want to marry them) by IchiroIsCoolGuy
Dead Dove, Problematic, or Smut
Wicked Ties by A_Single_Cactus (Dub-con)
Push and Pull by A_Single_Cactus (Dub-con)
good boy by a_sentimental_man (Dub-con)
Prince and Pauper by 13thStep (Obsession)
Hatakikomi by 13thStep (Captivity)
Made for me by overwhore (Captivity)
Corrosion by ReadingToMusic (Corruption)
Step It Up by AdoxographicGrim (Step-siblings)
How to Court a Broken Omega by StarsGarters
Changes by A_Single_Cactus
“Can’t You See That You’re Lost?” by DerpressoResso
It's Called Public Service by AdoxographicGrim (Mild Dub-con)
Dear Agony by miss_nighteye (terryh) (Dub-con)
praying mantis by adipocere (Non-con, probably the darkest fic)
Adventure, Scifi, Fantasy, Horror
What Grows Here by Aravis
The Last Dragon by celebisaur
Castaway by StarsGarters
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by StarsGarters
Hidden in Plain Sight by A_Single_Cactus
Female Izuku + Male Tomura
According to Persephone by MamaDonovan (Very Dub-con)
Queen of the Underworld by MamaDonovan
Beautiful Disaster by miss_nighteye (terryh)
Female Izuku + Female Tomura
tell me lies, lies, beautiful lies by miss_nighteye (terryh)
i’m yours to keep by miss_nighteye (terryh)
A Familiar Sensation by A_Single_Cactus
Sad or Tragic Ending
and my one true love called me a monster by orphan_account
Nothing Else in the World but One Another by tristeza
Let me know if you have a recommendation to add! 💚💚💚
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necrotic-nephilim · 1 month
for the ask game
tim creates a clone of kon, but this is dicktim tim has to carry the fetus or breastfeed it, but dick suddenly gets a mommy kink and immediately falls in love
for the ask game!
DICKTIM MOMMY KINK. how did you know i have such a thing for just about any Batcest ship where the other person calls Tim mommy. i don't even know why i just think that shit is so fun.
it'd have to be Omegaverse for me, that's the only scenario i personally could write m-preg. i like the thought of no one knowing that Tim has gone on this crusade. and after 99 failures, Tim's so desperate and angry he tries in vitro fertilization. the first few times it doesn't work so he doesn't take it too seriously, at this point it's just a compulsion. he gets to a point he stops taking the pregnancy tests. so when about a month later, he's experiencing morning sickness and he's missed his heat, Tim has an 'oh, shit.' moment. and well. telling Dick first is his *natural* answer. (i think he'd also go to Steph, but in canon she'd be "dead" at this point) Tim doesn't know what to do, he didn't think he'd get this far. Dick is comforting and grounding, agreeing to help Tim hide this the best he can. Tim has to time it right, fake a bad injury so it makes sense he's benched and wearing baggy sweaters for a few months.
it's platonic at first. Dick is an alpha but his bond with Tim is more of a pack bond and he's just trying to help Tim through this awkward situation he got himself into. (and not laugh at him too much in the process bc well. only Tim. only Tim could manage this.) the pregnancy hormones have Tim all over the place. he's seeking comfort and Dick is trying to keep it platonic and professional, even when he's cuddling Tim or bringing him weird cravings at 2 am. the trust in Dick and Tim's bond makes Dick Tim's only real support system. (also just bc the Titans were a goddamn mess in this era) maybe at some point they tell Bruce the truth but Bruce is dealing with Jason so. bigger fish. it forces them closer as Dick is the only one who can help Tim with the awkward sides of pregnancy. Dick is basically living with Tim and because Tim can't satiate the itch to be in the field (he's tried sneaking out, it earned him a lecture from Dick and a warning that Dick would handcuff him to the radiator if Tim tried that again) so Tim runs comms. for anyone who asks, but mostly for Dick, to the point he's in Dick's ear even when Dick doesn't need the backup, just to keep each other company.
i think, as the pregnancy went on and Tim's chest started to fill out and his hips are bigger, that's when Dick's feeling shift. one second Tim is just his pack, the next Tim is suddenly a very pretty, very vulnerable omega that's Dick is protecting and his wires get all kinds of crossed about it. he starts dousing himself in scent blockers so Tim doesn't notice the change, can't smell how much Dick wants him. which makes Tim annoyed because Dick's scent has been a consistent calming factor keeping the worst of his hormones in check. it'd lead to an awkward fight where Dick is dancing around the truth and Tim just wants to bite him out of anger. finally, Dick admits it and. Tim kind of bluescreens bc sure he's had a crush on Dick for years, but it's sort of like your celebrity crush calling you up and asking for a date. it makes no sense and he can't wrap his head around it. he almost thinks Dick is making fun of him, because Tim is super self-conscious about the pregnancy and mortified he put himself in this situation. it takes a lot of reassurance and a long conversation, but. well, they do end up having sex.
Dick doesn't *mean* to call Tim mommy the first time. he knows Tim hates being emasculated as an omega, and knows Tim is vulnerable about being pregnant. their sex is gentle, no matter how much Tim insists he can take it because Dick doesn't want to hurt the baby, or Tim. it's when Tim finally huffs with annoyance and flips them over -reminding Dick that Tim is still trained and deadly, even like this- to take control and actually get the rough sex he needs right now, when it slips out. there's something just very pretty about Tim taking control and taking what he needs from Dick, but still being whiny and squirmy on top of him. so the first time Dick calls him mommy is an accident and they're *both* startled by just how much they like it. their sex life goes from soft and caring to *very* interesting overnight, where Dick doesn't hide how much he likes Tim's chest. and well. breastfeeding kink. for completely scientific reasons, of course. just to help the milk flow and make sure Tim's body is adjusting well. definitely not bc of the noises Tim makes when Dick does it no sir.
when Tim finally has the clone baby, they're both smitten with this tiny clone. i think they'd end up mating and either say it's Dick's baby or they adopted it. (the lie only works short term bc well, sooner or later that baby's going to start lifting trucks. not to mention Kon does come back to life and is perturbed by how much Tim's kid looks like him.) it's a very cute, fluffy happily ever after sort of deal, with plenty of mommy kink. i think Tim would be huffy and annoyed at how long he'd have to wait for sex bc in my mind, Tim uses sex as a stress relief and is very annoyed when he's deprived of it so, they'd find creative ways around it.
#necrotic festerings#dicktim#tim drake x dick grayson#dick grayson x tim drake#timdick#batcest#mpreg#nsft#to be clear i'm so not here to yuck anyone's yum about mpreg in the confines of like. normal guy giving birth#it's just not my personal wheelhouse#and tbf you could do this with trans!tim and make it work#but as an afab trans person who's infertile i won't lie. i forget afab trans ppl can have babies.#fully goes over my head.#if you ever read one of my fics and go “why didn't they use protection he could get pregnant??”#know the answer is i fucking *forgot* most afab ppl are fertile.#same with periods bc i don't get mine. straight up forget everyone else does a monthly blood sacrifice.#anywhore#this one is a tad out of my wheelhouse so it was fun to think about!#bc usually i wouldn't explore an idea like this so it was a fun challenge to see how i would do it#do love that mid typing it i checked comic dates to see if steph was 'dead' and she was then i continued on like nothing happened#2006 was a weird era for comics.#i think a soft idea is a fun lil palette cleanser after the dead dove so this one was cute!!#anyway more mpreg should have just the weirdness of pregnancy#messy hormones! cravings! body changes! being unable to tie your own damn shoes!#that's the FUN of it#like dick would regularly see tim naked even before feelings bloomed just because tim needed help getting in his damn pants.#so when feelings start dick is sweating for his life helping Tim dress like. don't be suspicious. don't be suspicious.#tim in dick's clothes bc his own don't fit anymore >>>#i do love mommy kink tho it's my fave how'd you know.#fussy bottom mommy tim. how i love you.
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myfanfic-urfantrash · 5 months
I would like to ask for Alpha!reader X omegas!stellaron hunters (platonic for silver Wolf obviously) they are As a big family and the omegas rely on being intimate with the reader, I would like more context and plot but my creativity is limited
Kept this sfw since you said they're like a big family.
cw: omegaverse
As the only Alpha of the all Omega Stellaron Hunters it's their job, as the only Alpha, to tend to their needs to the best of their abilities.
Being the youngest of the omegas has it's perks. Silver Wolf is always tended to first out of everyone. She gets first pick of what ever clothes they have to add to their nests, she gets to be scented first, and she gets to have them cuddle her first when she's not feeling her best from her heat. Overall she's the most spoiled out of everyone in the Stellaron Hunters.
Silver Wolf's nest is filled with snacks and games and looks more like a gamers nest rather than a proper nest. But it's comfortable and it works for her. Invites the Alpha to cuddle and play games with her in her nest and demands they scent something of hers should she win, which is a lot.
Blade and Kafka, mostly Kafka, are amused by how attentive their only Alpha is to their pup junior but it also does something to them. Seeing them care so much and tend to her needs makes the part of them that desires a mate burn with desire for them though they won't act on it. Blade won't act because he thinks it's pointless or that he doesn't deserve to desire them while Kafka won't act because she wants to see Blade cave first.
Blade doesn't mind being scented at all which was a shock at first, but it's because he finds their scent rather calming that he doesn't react negatively. Kafka seeks them out to be scented often, teasing them while their doing so. She compliments them and tells them how nice it must be to be an Alpha especially one who smells so nice. She means these words of course but getting to see their reaction is entertainment for her.
Kafka is bold enough to nest in the same room as their Alpha much to the others annoyance. She does it to mess with them and to test their self-restraint. Can't have an Alpha that just disregards them or would treat them poorly, can they? No. So she's in charge of making sure they keep in line, though it's unnecessary. Her nests aren't lavish or anything but they are quite roomy and comfortable, filled with pillows and soft sheets. Is also one of the boldest and out right asks them to join her nest or scent any items she likes.
Blade doesn't ask for much of anything really, so it's up to the Alpha to provide for him things he might want but doesn't ask for. Leaving him a box of scented items usually works to help him build his nest though he usually only uses what's in the box so it's really up to them to get any nesting materials for him. His nests aren't the best but at least he tries.
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wordy-little-witch · 7 months
I have the wildest soft spot for omegaverse stuff done well, specifically with worldbuilding and nuance and dynamic takes so here's mine:
((For context, platonic Shanks and Buggy))
Roger's crew was mostly Alphas and some Betas, so when they took two Pups on (one from infancy, one later on), they weren't really expecting much. Then Shanks presented as an Alpha. Oh, they think, okay that checks out. Might need to start looking into giving the boys their own rooms, but things are chill for now. Not much changes beyond Shanks trying to cuddle Buggy a little bit more than usual. Red's pretty even tempered, as far as Alphas go! This is gonna be fine-
And then Buggy complains of a stomach ache.
They don't realize at first what it is. Crocus does note that he has a slight fever, Roger is a bit more frantic in his general smothering habits, and Buggy's even allowing it, but they just think the poor dear is getting sick again.
That night, Buggy shakes Shanks awake. He's flushed and lightheaded and everything hurts, he's not okay, he needs something and he doesn't know what, his bones are itching - and Shanks pulls him into his bed, into a hug, and Buggy burrows closer, whining, a soft sound Shanks has never heard quite like this, but Buggy is upset, and he smells distressed, he's scared so-
He yells for dad, and Crocus, Roger and Ray come running. They all panic because Buggy is absolutely presenting, but that is a HEAT, and they're NOT EQUIPPED FOR THIS, Crocus sends Ray to update the course to find the closest possible docking spot, he tries to pick Buggy up, pull him away from Shanks, and Buggy growls. Everyone freezes, and Roger reaches out to pet the blue haired boy's head, earning a tiny chirp even as their junebug clung to his packmate harder. Shanks cuddles him back just as tightly, and Buggy squirms until he can grab Roger's sleeve, tugs as he blinks up at the man with pleading blue eyes.
Crocus admits that his familiarity with omegan health is lacking, it being a rather small field of study officially. He's not entirely sure what he can do, especially given Buggy's natural health issues they've already determined and his Devil Fruit. It's a learning curve. But the first Heats are typically the worst - more painful, overwhelming, etc, as they are essentially a biological startup sequence. Things shift, move, activate, and the first can often lead to heatsickness - given Buggy's general demeanor already, that's a higher concern.
As it is, it becomes smth of a chaotic frenzy of trying to keep a hormonal firecracker both calm and resting. This is not made easier with Buggy's clinginess, nor his odd skill in simply disappearing because he got bored, came back to the Nest to find someone missing (they went to search for him), and now's he's sniffling and everyone is trying to avoid a sobbing clown.
Now for context, Alphas, Betas, Omegas - these are all secondary to your primary genders. The primary is the general default of genetics and are multifaceted. Your secondary is a mix of genetic and instinctive reaction to thing, or rather how your brain is hardwired to respond to external stimuli. You can transition either or both, and some can change secondaries without intervention. Typically changed secondaries happen in adulthood and are either a bit of clownfish type biology bullshit or a result of a sudden, stark paradigm shift.
Buggy never really had much reason either way to change much - he's always been fairly serious about very specific things, and while being an Omega - the ONLY Omega at that - on the crew was a point of insecurity, he never really thought the instincts that came with it were bad. ((He also didn't think to hate THAT bit, he hated other things about himself)).
But yeah, Buggy being an Omega. I dunno. I just very specifically love that take.
Also Buggy's crew being aware of his designation makes me so happy. Like. He'd definitely be the type to not give a flying fuck about gender, assigned or otherwise, sexuality, race, whatever the fuck. He values what you HAVE, not what you ARE, and I think he'd be adamant on that with his crew. Sexism, misogyny, racism, trans or homophobia is stomped out faster than you could blink. And if he catches wind of a question of consent, he is handling that matter PERSONALLY.
((Bonus points, by and large, most don't know Buggy's secondary bc he uses scent patches and doesn't fit the stereotypes. There's theories, but the main one is him being a Beta or a weird Alpha, Omegas and Piracy are not a concept which go hand in hand very often to the public eye.
Cross Guild was formed with that little tidbit unknown, and it led to some very silly hijinks and shenanigans))
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
I can't help but think that Waylon Jones is seen as super attractive in Dragon Omegaverse Gotham. Man is a walking tank with scales, fangs, and a tail even in human form and even ignoring that dragon form is a normal aspect of personal appearance to them all there has got to be Gothamites whose preferences run towards draconic over humanoid.
Oh definitely!
Any other city and he would not be seen well, but in Gotham, like you said, those that live there are just Built Different. And yeah, some people very much prefer more draconic forms to human ones. I mean, just look at people IRL lmao.
Not to mention in some continuities Waylon has protected a large group of homeless people who lived in the sewers. Which to Gothamites is Very Attractive.
So yeah. You're 100% right lol.
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spencer-is-dead · 1 month
Alright im going to stop screaming now that i have your attention
Up next are some fics that I quite enjoyed
Desiderium by ahenix. Really nice character study on Twilight.
Reflected in your eyes by Princessgaurd. A very relaxing post reveal pre relationship twiyor fic. 11k words of pining
Count by Luinel. Twilight having ptsd is one of my favorite headcanons, because it just makes so much sense. This was such a good fic and i heartily recommend it for the father daughter moments.
In the aftermath by OrcPaladinArthur. As always, this author never fails to deliver. This fic is so good you guys, you have no idea. It actually inspired one of my own fics lol
Also here’s two fics that would get me put on the weird person list but pop off I guess
What follows by piracytheorist. I do have a love for this fic for inspiring what became the loid eye club, i genuinely would not be the same person if not for this fic. Do mind the trigger warnings tho lol
After summers of fasting (i feel hunger at last) by BuzzCat. I shit you not you will forget that this is omegaverse mpreg with how well it’s written. It mostly focuses on twilight and Sylvia’s platonic relationship. It’s really wholesome(?) but I just find the juxtaposition between mpreg and familial-esque bonds really amusing???
Some fics of mine that I recommend
I’ll stay by your side , my most popular fic to date (thankfully surpassing my first ever fic that sucks ass)
Clementine, your bog standard “anya gets kidnapped by the scientists” fanfic with some Loid introspection. Unfortunately not finished but I WILL GET TO IT
Face me, in which Twilight literally loses his very identity. Very proud of this one lol
Tastes like blood, in which Yor seeks revenge after someone does a revenge on Loid. Fun oc stuff. Maya you could do no wrong in my eyes. Fun fact, the reason it’s called tastes like blood comes from the term “the sweet taste of revenge” and in this case revenge tastes like blood. I know, it’s a weird title.
A way out, started out as a very average whump fic but somehow turned into a study on Twilight’s mental health? Do mind the trigger warnings, this one gets very dark
And thats it. Those are all the fics I recommend. Hope you find something good
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citrus-writing · 3 months
Hia, I’m citrus, 22, she/her. 
I write mostly yandere stuff these days, but i sometimes try my hand at non yan stuff too. My current hyperfixation is hunter x hunter! 
Any character under 18 will be aged up! Characters under 15 can only be requested platonically! 
Writing styles: 
Drabbles (300-500 words) 
Headcanons (written in bullet point form) 
Matchup (200 ish words detailing who i would pair you with from a fandom of your choice) 
Fire emblem three houses! (All of the students, Seteth, Flayn, Rhea, Jeritza) 
DDLC / doki doki literature club! (monika, sayori, yuri, natuski) 
HXH / hunter x hunter! (the phantom troupe mostly) 
If you want someone who isn't on the list, feel free to ask anyways! I might have forgotten them! The worst I can say is no! 
Expect more fandoms to be added over time! 
Citrus-Writing Masterlists - Google Docs
Request guidelines: 
Please specify- 
Reader’s gender (if unspecified, i will default to female reader) 
The writing style you would prefer (drabbles, headcanons, etc) 
The character(s) you’d like ((i will do up to four characters in one ask)) 
Any other specific requests you’d like, such as; reader’s traits, the scenario you had in mind, a poly ship, etc! 
If any of these aren’t specified, i’ll write it however it comes to mind
Will write: 
Character x reader 
Any gender reader ( if not specified, i will default to female reader )
Specific traits ( such as weight, height, hair color, etc. including mental health!) 
Monogamous or polyamorous 
Romantic or platonic 
Smut // Angst // Fluff 
Won't write: 
Character x character (i’m picky about ships, and generally have low motivation for writing character x character fics. I may sometimes post character x character fics, but i don't take requests for them) 
Any romantic/sexual content for underage characters 
Pregnancy (in any form) (including lactation)
Daddy kink 
I reserve the right to turn down any request, but I will answer why I turned it down! 
Thank you for reading! Please enjoy your stay! 
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daylightdabbles · 8 months
Teyvat Omegaverse AU - Biology
With the help of @biscuit-babbles, I have developed a set of headcanons for what an omegaverse AU in Genshin Impact might look like. This post is about the biology of omegas vs alphas vs betas, but I will also write about how different nations interact with this. This is NSFW, mostly because it discuses reproduction alongside other traits. NSFW Minors do not interact
Humans are the only species to have subsexs. While other species exist that look similar to humans, such as Liyue's Yaksha and Inazuma's Tengu with their ability to take on human form, they do not have the subsexs. Hybrid species, such as the Kätzlein Clan in Mondstadt, do have subsexes which provides insight on their genetic history. Often times, though, non-human species tend to be 'assigned' a subsex based on their behavior by humans, especially when they live in close proximity to each other.
In Teyvat, beyond the primary sex of a person (female, male, intersex, eta), a human is also born with a subsex. This subsex, also known as a secondary sex, is independent of a person's primary sex and can be either alpha, beta or omega. While the subsex is assigned at birth, the differences between them show up around the time of puberty.
Any combination of primary and secondary sex can exist. It is important to note that reproductive traits are determined by the sub sex rather than the primary. While primary sex has more noticeable effects on a person's body, they are not indicative of a person's subsex or their ability to impregnate or carry offspring. It is unknown currently why there exists both a primary and secondary sex in humans, considering most species only exabit a primary sex.
Traits of Subsexs
Alphas are considered the more dominant subsex by most cultures in Teyvat. This does not mean that they are viewed as on a higher level in the social hierarchy though, as places like Sumeru and Fontaine actually value betas more than alphas. Alphas are often viewed as the counterpart of omegas. Alphas make up around 30% of any given population.
Alphas do produce phenomes, but it is on the level akin to betas. They can produce basic pheromones that can denote identity or some high intensity emotions, such as rage. Due to their enhanced sense of smell, alphas have an easier time identifying different emotional states in others, especially omegas who have a wide range of pheromones. This is what tends to push alphas to leadership or mediator positions as they tend to have an easier time reading people's intentions and emotions.
Alphas have an enhanced sense of smell compared to betas and omegas outside of heat. Alphas are able to pick up subtle scents and even have the ability to 'track' akin to canine species. Some alphas are even recorded to be able to pick up scents hounds can't, however this tends to be detrimental to these alpha's social lives and is considered unusual.
This subsex also is noted for being able to put on muscle mass and have increased stamina compared to betas and omegas. While alphas are not inherently stronger, alphas do have an easier time than other subsexs reaching higher levels of strength and endurance. Conversely, they can gain weight easier than other subsexs. Most alphas also tend to 'wander' more than betas or alphas, often travelling to other places or feel the need to 'stretch their legs'.
Alphas are mostly noted for being territorial over people they consider part of their 'pack', which is used here to describe the groups of people they are close to via familiar, platonic or romantic bonds. They tend to show more protective behaviors and often have shorter tempers when they feel like their pack is 'threatened.' There is evidence that alphas are predisposition to have a stronger fight or flight response, with a heavy leaning towards the fight response.
This subsex has a lot of traits that lead to the 'Roaming Alpha Theory'. Alphas have a lot of traits that would support them or encourage them to leave their pack of origin to join or create a different pack. This would have increased gene flow between groups of humans, ensuring healthy genetic variation with separate populations. With the ability to 'track' down different groups and ability to gain muscle mass or fat, alphas would be well equipped to survive outside of a group setting for a bit. The territorialness could help with creating a pack and the ability to interpreted pheromones could help maintain the pack overtime.
Alphas, regardless of primary sex, have the ability to impregnate. Alphas are born with a penis and testes, however the rest of their body is determined by their primary sex. Female alphas lack a vagina but still retain breast tissue. However, this breast tissue lacks memory glands, seeming to serve no purpose for feeding offspring. This supports the theory that alphas, and subsexs in general, are an offshoot of when humans were only betas.
'Rut' is a term used for the hormonal response to the pheromones released by an omega who is unrelated to them and is in heat. It is a state of increased sex drive and heightened release of oxytocin when performing bonding acts with others. It is estimated to take about 8-12 hours around an omega in heat for an alpha to enter rut, with about 4 hours to exit rut after being removed from the pheromone stimuli.
In 'rut', alphas often take care of their omega partners as alphas don't experience the same level of hormones in rut as omegas do in heat. They also experience a positive feedback loop with omega pheromone during this time, though outside of rut and heat, alphas are impacted by omega phenomes to a lesser degree. When alpha's react to an omega's pheromones, the change in behavior triggers an increased hormonal response in the omega, which releases more pheromones. This can be a really pleasant time for both the omega and the alpha, but also can be traumatizing if forced.
Betas are the considered the more flexible of the subsex. They are often considered to be a blend of alpha and omega traits, despite evidence suggesting omegas and alphas appeared later in human evolutionary history than betas. Often viewed as more rational due to not being affected by pheromones, betas make up 60% of the human population.
Betas can smell pheromones but are unable to understand the nuances of omega pheromones nor able to pick up on pheromones except those released by very strong emotional responses. Like alphas, betas produce pheromones but only ones that denote individual identity and with strong emotions. They have an average sense of smell and are unable to track like alphas, but also aren't prone towards experiencing any discomfort around strong scents like vinegar.They can still pick up on personal identifying scents when physically close to someone.
Betas are considered the most resilient of the subsexs as they do not have to deal with the complexities of alpha and omega traits, such as not being rendered overstimulated by pheromones or not having cold sensitivity. Their lack of response to pheromones and other hormone based phenomenons, leave them more flexible in biological and social roles. Their scents are also more stable, which is appealing to the scent sensitive alpha, and their lack of response to pheromones appeals to omegas due to beta's not potentially overwhelming them during heat.
Betas are the most common subsex. Unlike with alphas and omegas, their reproductive traits are associated with their primary sex, with female betas being able to bear offspring and male betas being able to impregnate. This does not impact their compatibility with omegas or alphas. Betas do not experience rut or heat periods.
Omegas, making up 10% of the population, are viewed as the submissive subsex by most cultures. Considered the counterpart to alphas, omegas are noted for their fertility, complex pheromones and being the most impacted physically by their subsex.
Omegas have a heightened sense of touch. This leads to them being sensitive to textures, often requiring clothes specially designed for the individual omega to be worn comfortably. This comes into play during 'nesting', which will be discussed later on. It also means omegas are more affected by touch, often experiencing heighted positive emotions with friendly touch and heightened negative responses to harmful touch. Most omegas enjoy touching their friends, family and loved ones, often doing things like hugging them or seeking physical affection more often for comfort than other forms of affection.
Omegas are cold sensitive, getting cold easier than other subsexs. It was theorized that this is a trait that evolved to encourage omegas to stay in packs, seeking warmth. This also connected to their large 'nests', or spaces filled with textures appealing to the omega and is a place the omega feels secure in.
Interestingly, omegas themselves lack a scent associated with their individual identity. Instead, omegas 'adopt' the scent of the area they feel comfortable in or consider home, often times where they live or grew up. This leads to omegas having scents more related to location, such as an omega from Mondstadt have notes of windwheel asters in their scent, or people they are very close to, such as having elements of their partner's scent in their own scent. It is theorized to be something meant to help figure out which pack an omega is apart of, or if the omega already has a partner/partners so other alphas don't attempt to court the omega.
Omegas also have a wide range of pheromones that they release subconsciously. Unlike alphas or betas, omegas don't just release pheromones when experiencing intense emotions and instead have pheromones related to a wide variety of emotions. This tends to get omegas stereotyped as 'emotional' because alphas can pick up on the nuances of their scent (though some betas have been able to pick up the nuances as well).
Omegas have a standard sense of smell, akin to betas. They can also smell identifying scents but have to be physically close to catch it, similarly to how betas can only pick up an identifying scent when hugging someone. There is an exception to this, however. When an omega is in 'heat', or a period when the omega is ovulating and is experiencing an intense amount of hormones, omegas will experience a heightened sense of smell to the point they can pick up on scents meant to denote an indvidual's identity from clothes they wore or things scented, akin to the level of an alpha.
Roughly once every 3 months, an adult omega will enter a period of time called 'heat'. It can last anywhere from 3- 5 days and is a period of time where the omega is experiencing an intense rush of hormones, influencing their behavior. This is also when an omega is ovulating, with 1 - 2 ova commonly being released. During this time, an omega experiences heightened sensitivity to stimuli, heightened sense of smell, increased sexual drive and need for companionship. Omegas also tend to experience 'brain fog' during this time and have difficulty completing certain tasks, meaning prep work is required for a safe heat, alongside an attentive partner. This likely is what caused the 'nesting' instinct to develop in omegas.
'Nesting' refers to the set of behaviors omegas do to create a nest. Nesting usually happens when an omega is approaching heat, but often times its maintenance work as omegas tend to have an established nest year-round. It involves the gathering of materials to create a large 'bed', usually using things that smell like people they are close to and/or are a pleasant texture to the omega. It also involves gathering food and other supplies. Omegas also tend to withdraw a bit when nearing their heat, seeking warm and comfortable places instead.
Omegas are the subsex most effected by their subsex, which has led to the stereotype of them being 'delicate' or 'needing to be protected.' Beyond having difficulties in colder environments and their heats, omegas are just as capable as other subsexs.
Another interesting facet of an omega's heat is the difference in response to individuals around them. While heat can be overwhelming, impacting an omegas ability and in some cases ability to process surroundings due to increased sensitivity to smells, touch and hormones, that doesn't mean omegas are only acting on instinct. If taken care of by a family member or someone the omega isn't interested in sexually, omegas will experience a decrease in their sex drive during heat. This usually leads to increased playfulness, cuddling and sensory activities. This phenomenon is often referred to as a 'warmth' and can even happen instead of a heat due to high levels of stress.
While alphas are territorial over people, omegas are territorial over areas. This usually is just the area that their nest is, usually their homes, but some omegas will claim larger areas. There have been records of omegas claiming whole villages as 'theirs', fiercely guarding the area and the inhabitants from threats. This also tends to make omegas less likely to move, often becoming very attached to their dwellings. Omegas in heat are especially territorial as they are vulnerable while in heat.
Regardless of primary sex, omegas are able to carry offspring. Omegas are born with a vagina and uterus. Male omega, while having a seemingly flat chest, do have mammary glands. These glands grow when the male omega is pregnant as to feed their offspring. Since having twins is not uncommon for omegas, and they heal faster after childbirth than omegas, it is possible their relative rarity as a subsex is meant to ensure there aren't large population booms. It is theorized omegas, and by extension subsexs, evolved in order to combat high mortaility rates due to how dangerous Teyvat is. It isn't uncommon for someone to die due to Teyvat's environment or creatures, so humans evolved ways to make up for this.
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frownyalfred · 9 months
(Copy pasted from a comment I left on your fic nocturn a few days ago) :
I find this fic to be interesting in the way it makes me uncomfortable. I've been putting off reading your omegaverse au for the simple reason I cannot stand shipping trios (nothing against it in real life of course, just a personal preference) and yet the premise of this short fic intrigued me. Having to think about one's own biases it's always an excellent reason to get out of your comfort zone. Without trying to come off as rude, may I ask why you're so decided not to make the three of them end up together in your fic? You've seem to have played with the idea already with other drabbles of the same au.
And, without intending to sound obscene, would this particular reaction Bruce and Clark have (the stares, the permission, the comfort, the nonchalance) be the same if it was Jason who did the same? Without reading your main fic I assumed Lex would be treated as a pup. I'm curious how this world you've made works, so sex-open and yet so monogamous. It's intriguing.
(additional thoughts I just had) :
I remember you mentioning Dick wasn't considered a pup. Could he ever be pack? If he could, could he be in the nest? Could his reaction be the same as Lex? Would it be acceptable?
For the main fic ASOH I don’t want a Lex/Bruce/Clark pairing since I find their pack bonds as platonic partners much more interesting. There are some blurred boundaries, as explored by Lex in nocturne, but they’re not romantically involved. I have written a small snippet or two (in the fic a sea of honey) where there is an elseworld for the pairing, but it won’t appear in the main fic.
Jason, as evidenced in the a sea of honey snippet, is a pup (presented yes but the kiddo of the group) and any sexual activity in the nest either happens when he’s not there or creates pheromones that put him to sleep. I imagine those are mostly coming from Bruce as Pack Omega. So yes, he’s different from Lex in that his pack bonds with Bruce and Clark cause a different reaction, where Lex is affected and Jason is put to sleep.
Dick, if/when he appears in this series, has his own pack and as such likely wouldn’t spend a lot of time in Bruce’s nest. I imagine any sexual activity would irk his senses and he would feel very awkward and like he was infringing on territory that wasn’t his.
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kamiana-ruzha · 3 months
so i saw this post by @klinefelterrible
and... let's talk Transformers sex.
i can't say that i am a very big specialist in that area, but some time ago i had to dive deep after realising my mistake after translating tf anatomy dictionary, so yeah, with a few dozen hundreds of read fics too i feel authorised enough to talk about that.
this post is more of a simplified summary on fanlore tf sex page, which is here. for more detailed and specific post i recommend this one by @/sweet7simple it's a must read for any tf-ficwriter, especially the ones that explore the theme of sparklings in their works.
so. let's begin with what was my mistake: assuming that tf sex, which is mostly called "interface", has only one type. in fact, it has three: sticky, plug'n'play and the mindfuck. sparkmerge/bond occurs in them all but will be covered briefly.
i won't cover the "squishy" as no-one really uses it.
let's dive in 🫶
sticky interface is the most popular, i'm sure it's the one you've seen in most of E&M rated tf fanfiction on ao3.
it's quite simple: "spike" is a penis-analog and "valve" is analog of vagina.
valve has sensitivity nodes, calipers, labia, and is formed meshed sleeve. it also has a 'seal' which, you got it, indicates if a bot had been penetrated or not.
all words you use in ordinary dick description apply to a spike, BUT for more detailed description of its structure really go check out the post by sweet7simple.
both organs may have biolights, modifications (think sex toys functions); during intimacy they work the same human organs work. yes, they can make kids too.
the interface panel for valve is called a "valve cover" and for a spike - a "spike housing". both may be called an interface array
interface stands for sexual intercourse of any type.
most transformers have both spike and a valve, exceptions can be created in your fics.
plug'n'play is second popular tf sex type. in some cases, it's more platonic, in others - almost like sticky interface. sometimes penis-analog is called 'cable', vagina one - interface array.
this type is based on electric charge, sent or downloaded from one partner to another. the friction doesn't usually occur.
i've seen it barely five times so i'd be thankful if someone more educated in that matter shares their knowledge.
the type i called mindfuck is almost like cordial psychic cord, that thing from tfp. this fic, for example, is great at exploring that type. unfortunately, i can't find another example, but the concept is the same.
basically, it's the same plug'n'play but the cords join at the backs of their heads and they share pleasant memories or download cute cat memes or smth. it's more of a mental pleasure and the mindfuck was a joking name.
sparkbond is almost the same, but they share all the memories during literal bonding of their souls. but, the bond is not required to feel pleasure - it could just be an extra tool, for example, to sent a em-wave of pleasure or comfort or whatever other emotions that can be sent. i will do more research and post about sparkbond once again in the future.
i'd also mention the heat modes – basically, they are the same ones animals have in nature and people have in omegaverse fanfiction. usually, the purpose is the same – bitlet. hot body temperature, heightened libido, excessive lubrication - you name it.
i'd be glad if that long read was useful in any way 🫶
have a flower💠
and go write robot porn
i bless you
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