#Draco malfoy. D
iamnmbr3 · 4 months
Voldemort: So you had Harry Potter captured and completely at your mercy on the Hogwarts Express and you let him go?
Draco: Oops? I did break his nose first.
Voldemort: So you had Harry Potter captured and completely at your mercy on the floor of your living room and you let him go??
Draco: I didn't realize it was him? I thought it was a different dark haired, green eyed wizard with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead.
Lucius during the Battle of Hogwarts: Where's my son?
Voldemort: Perhaps he has befriended Harry Potter.
Lucius: How could you say that?
Voldemort: ....
Voldemort: Have you met your son?
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blackcathjp · 7 months
drarry fic recs loosely based on my post: fics where harry has a praise kink / draco's dirty talk makes harry's brain fuzzy and needy.
i especially love fics where draco calls him "sweetheart" or "darling", so cute and hot when he says it so naturally, feels so intimate and loving.
mostly pwps and dmhp fics.
the way you say my name by innerlilith (5k)
the inspiration for this post... the reason why my brain chemistry transformed, the reason for my obsession with sweet pet names. their relationship develops in such a real way, the banter is so drarry. you can feel the sexual (and romanticl!) tension build and build until it breaks and the climax is SO satisfying. also really love draco's "unhinged flirt" characterization. harry getting so hot under the collar is just *chef's kiss*.
far from the tree by aideomai (112k)
reason #2 for this post. it's THE fic. need i say more? you just have to read it. draco can't believe harry would want him, yet he's posessive and can't let him go. harry's obsessed and will do anything to protect him. throw in some angst, mystery, kinky times, next gen kids, draco calling harry "darling" (and subsequently changing the trajectory of my life), and voila! a masterpiece.
dinner and diatribes by hephaestiions (5k)
legilimency sex is SO UNDERRATED. another fic that altered my brain chemistry and lives in my mind rent-free. established loving relationship, with draco knowing how to help and ruin harry. be his peace of mind and make him crackle with sexual need and wild magic. it's a truly delicious fic that is filthy, intimate, and comforting. "to forever and a day" is such a devastating declaration of love.
back where we began by cassiara (25k)
oh. my. god. the way it's slightly teacher/student dynamics but not really, combined with accidental bonding and sorta legilimency because harry is impulsive and curious and obsessed with draco's voice in his head. like??!
stamina spells pleasure by lettered (10k)
bonkers multiple orgasms fic with dom draco and magical spells for sexy times! when i say harry deserves to be RAILED and reduced into a needy little mess, i mean this!
knot your average coworker by @thecouchsofa (22k)
werewolf draco and oblivious harry! subtle praise kink, great feisty banter. sweet and hot fic about harry's desire to care for draco, and draco being baffled by that. also, harry's obsessed with his knot 😏 that is all.
bonus fics (not so much about praise kink):
the earth from a distance by spqr / @andthepeople (15k)
genius and competent draco and action-oriented, need-to-be-useful harry! masterful world-building about 16th century hogwarts, lovely speculative twist on life in the past. survival-based co-dependent relationship turned into intimate & loving romance.
paragraph twelve, clause four by innerlilith (15k)
innerlilith knows how to write lust and tension with longing and gentleness. this is all about quidditch player harry and his sexy bodyguard draco, with a silly premise of hearing your love/hate crush wank loudly next door. the scene where draco begs to see more and how his words make harry turn into a puddle... the push and pull, the burning need, you just have to be there, the build up is so worth it.
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ravenclaw-sass · 1 year
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art by migunovanika
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underwittingly · 1 year
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midnight rendezvous
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 4 months
Happy 44th birthday, Draco! You deserved so much better than you got in your youth but I hope your life now is greater 🫶🏻
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madeofbees · 2 years
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I’m a trust fund baby you can trust me~~
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pixydustworld · 2 years
The marriage law was announced at 2pm on a Tuesday.
By 2:15 Hermione had already drafted a motion to dismiss the law entirely. It was a good motion, too. If she’d sent a copy to Ron, he would’ve replied with: wow! lots of words! good stuff!
At 2:17 her motion was denied.
“It’s best to just accept defeat.” Malfoy said from his side of the office, bookshelves neat, papers all stacked in order. “You won’t win this one.”
“I’m not in the habit of giving up.” Hermione snapped. Her side of the office was cluttered, less pristine. Her bookshelf had a nasty habit of overflowing all over the floor, stacks of books balancing precariously on every surface. “A fire hazard.” Malfoy had sneered at her once, “Breaking several codes.”
“Hm.” Malfoy said, “I hadn’t noticed.” He was smiling softly, like he’d just told the funniest joke in the world. Waiting, almost patiently for her to smile. Stupid man with his stupid grin, Hermione wanted to throw a book at his head.
“This is archaic.” Hermione hissed. “The Ministry has gone too far. They can't force us to marry anyone.”
Even as she spoke, a squirming feeling of doubt was beginning to take root in her chest — being friends with Harry came with many things. Companionship and love, but it also came with a healthy distrust of the government (like a free gift basket! but terrible one).
Malfoy ignored her complaints. "Marriage Acts aren't as mid-evil as you're making them out to be." He said, with that annoying voice he used when he knew he was right about something, "They serve a purpose."
"A purpose?" Hermione could practically feel the beginnings of an aneurysm. A fitting death, slumped over her desk, surrounded by unfinished documents and discovered by Draco Malfoy, "Are you actually defending this?"
She would have to find a new partner. A new office, one where he wasn't constantly surrounding her, swimming on the edge of her peripheral vision. Maybe Dean Thomas would let her set up a current workplace in his records closet, he was always bragging about how it was big enough for him to take naps in during work —
"No." Malfoy said, somehow even more amused now, "I don't support it."
"Oh." Hermione said, very eloquently, "That's good."
"But," Malfoy continued, still distinctly unruffled while Hermione was very ruffled, "Most people will be unfazed. It's a Pure-Blood tradition. My parents have always planned to arrange a marriage contract.” Malfoy shrugged, “It’s not absolutely unheard of.”
“Well," Hermione said, out of breath from all the pacing she was doing, "Your parents are terrible.”
“Of course.” Malfoy said, like it was obvious. “They would never allow me the opportunity to sully the Malfoy name. Producing the correct heir is the only thing I’ll ever be good at.”
Hermione frowned. “Hearing about your family isn’t good for our working relationship. It makes me feel bad for you.”
“We can’t have that.” Malfoy said.
“No,” she agreed with a sigh, “we can’t have that.”
“So, tell me Granger. What is your plan?” His grin became less self indulgent, more fake. “You’ll have to marry someone. It'll undoubtably be the event of the season — have a fiancé you’ve been hiding from me?”
Hermione narrowed her eyes. “Do you think I could hide anything from you?”
Malfoy knew when she changed the scent of her shampoo, when she switched up her coffee order — he even knew if she was sleeping less than usual. It was impossibly annoying to be around someone so observant, someone so intent on cataloguing her every move.
"If I had a secret fiancé, which I don't, I'm confident that you're competent enough to have sniffed him out by now."
Malfoy responding grin was slow and syrupy. "You think I'm competent?"
“Piss off, Malfoy.”
“Is he shorter than me? Is that it? Didn’t want to introduce us because you knew he’d feel bad?”
“You’re taller than everyone.” Hermione said, annoyed, again, “You would obviously be taller than my imaginary fiancé. You’re like an angelic giraffe.”
“You think I’m angelic?”
"Two compliments on top of each other, are you feeling alright, Granger?"
"Shut up."
At 2:20, Hermione began to clean her side of the office, desperate for an excuse not to talk to Malfoy.
At 2:22, Harry slammed through her door, completely demolishing the (very little) progress Hermione had made in cleaning up her side of the office.
“I’ll marry you.” Harry said, slightly out of breath, like he’d sprinted all the way to her office, “Do you think we can kiss without making a face? We’ll have to practice.”
“I’m not marrying you.” Hermione said from the floor behind her desk, “You are engaged to Theo.” She was laying on her back with a book covering her face, feeling rightfully sorry for herself.
“Theo won’t mind.” Harry said in the voice he reserved for whenever he wanted people to listen to him (i am harry potter! and i did not spill mustard on the couch! you have to believe me, i saved the world!) “It will be quick. I can get us rings before the day is over.”
"No." Hermione said, still on the floor, "I've gone along with enough of your stupid ideas. This is too much."
Because, despite it all, Harry would do this. Without hesitation, blind loyalty and unwavering determination — Harry would marry her and be pleased with his choices. He was lovely, but at times, Harry could be a misguided idiot.
"This is where you draw the line?" Malfoy hummed, "Interesting to catch a glimpse into the inner workings of your mind."
Finally scrambling to her feet (after a few more seconds of wallowing) Hermione was horrified to find a familiar look on Harry's face — one that promised something stupid.
"I'll figure it out. " Harry said, with a shrug that reminded Hermione of their childhood (occidentally, the stress headache she was feeling also reminded her of their childhood). He pointed a stoic finger at her. "Don't make a face when I kiss you."
Then, he left.
“Theo wouldn’t mind,” Malfoy said in a helpful voice, “He’d probably marry you as well. Would it be Granger-Potter-Nott? Or Granger-Nott-Potter? Better figure that out soon. Potter seems eager to find those rings.”
Hermione threw a book at his head.
Malfoy caught it with ease, his stupid Quidditch hands.
“I have an idea,” Malfoy said after a moment.
Hermione ignored him. “There has to be a way out of this.” She was pacing again, sensible shoes kicked off to the corner (where she’d undoubtedly forget them) “I could write another motion? A longer one this time. With more quotes.”
“Marry me instead.”
Hermione stopped pacing. “Excuse me?”
“I’m your best option.”
“I have many options —
“Weasley already tricked someone into marrying him and Potter is engaged to my only friend.” He frowned, in a mocking sort of way. “Did I leave anyone out?”
“No.” Hermione said flatly. “You didn’t.”
“Alright then. Marry me.”
“Hah.” She said, “Hah. I take back everything I’ve ever said about you. Malfoy, you are funny.”
“I’m being serious.” He said, looking annoyed. Fantastic, they were both annoyed. Like they always were.
“We can get married before the law passes and then you can do what you do best.” Malfoy continued, like that was a totally normal thing to say.
“Which is?” Without her shoes, the height difference was unbearably noticeable. She had to tilt her head back to meet his eyes. At some point he'd stopped being a willowy wraith of a person and began the unfortunate process of filling out.
He didn’t look away. “Destroy everyone’s expectations and free the downtrodden.”
Hermione rolled her eyes. “What would you get out of this arrangement?”
Malfoy shrugged, too practiced to be nonchalant. “I’d be married to a war hero. It would do wonders for my reputation.”
“And you would be married to me.” Hermione said, beginning to feel like this was getting too real, “We both know that would never happen.”
“Never.” She agreed.
He wasn’t smiling that lazy smile from before, this one was different. Sharper. “I don’t think that’s true.”
“Besides,” Hermione continued on loudly, “you’re no gentleman. No need to pretend. I don’t need saving, I’ll figure this out myself.”
“You don’t need to.” Malfoy said, “I will help. I want to fuck over the Ministry for many reasons, but mainly because they declined your motion.”
He was on her side of the office now, leaning casually against her desk, inches away from where she stood. He was too pretty up close, like staring at the sun.
“It was very good.” Hermione breathed.
Malfoy nodded, almost too good at pretending to be sincere.
“I’m sure it was good. You touched it. Everything you touch is golden.”
“You truly want to help me?”
“I’ve only offered several times.”
Hermione narrowed her eyes. “All to fuck over the Ministry? No other reason?”
“Maybe I want you all to myself.”
Hermione's eye twitched.
"Don't tease me." She managed to hiss. "Not about this."
She saw when he realized, a flicker of excitement in his eyes — when he noticed her apparent misery at how completely and helplessly she was drawn to him.
"I'd never dream of it." Malfoy said warmly, "You could kill me with ease, only an idiot would be careless around you."
She thought of all the long nights they spent together, crammed in their tiny little office. How she looked forward to her day, if only to see his stupidly pointy face. How she tried to date, but couldn’t. Because it wasn’t right — her dates were too kind, too short.
Not him.
How, through everything, he was the first person she thought of in the morning, the person she thought of in the darkness of the night, when no one could see her wandering hands — the person she looked at for a challenge, for relief and support.
Despite her best attempts, Hermione Granger had fallen in love with Draco Malfoy and now, here he was, seeming to share in her suffering.
“We’d have to consummate the marriage.” She said, giving him one last out. “You’d have to see me naked.”
“I’m sure I’ll survive.”
“I’m very bossy,” she said, “and I work all the time.”
“Good thing we share an office.”
“I’m not easy to love.”
Malfoy scoffed. “It’s been easy enough for me.”
He was close enough to touch, so uncharacteristically open. Looking down at her with fondness she didn’t know he possessed.
“I’m selfish.” Malfoy warned, “Do not forget that. I will help you destroy this law and anything else you want. Burn it all down if you want to. But I won’t be letting you go. Not now, after I've gotten you."
“I suppose that’s fine.” Hermione said softly, watching as his hand moved to touch her face, warm against her skin. "It'll be bearable to be around you, I suppose."
As he held her face in his hands, Hermione watched as his grin transform into something different, something new — a smile she'd only seen glimpses of, one only for her. "I'll work very hard to make our marriage a tolerable one." He said.
"Good," Hermione breathed, stretching up to kiss him, to finally press her lips against his, "I can't wait."
Hermione was married at 3pm on a Tuesday.
It was a small ceremony.
Harry, although he'd never publicly admit it, was relieved.
Despite his best attempts, he would've made a face when Hermione had kissed him.
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Notoriety - Drarry
Harry Prefers to be known for some things more than others.
Warnings - a/b/o dynamics, alpha!harry, omega!draco, pwp, p in a smut, begging, slight d/s dynamics, i'm wary of tagging tbh don't want it taken down
Harry Potter is known for a lot of things. He has been since shortly after his first birthday.
He's known for defeating the Dark Lord twice, for fighting in a Wizarding War, for winning said war, for being the youngest Professor in Hogwarts, and for being Witch Weekly's most eligible bachelor for eighty-three consecutive weeks.
He's also known for being the coolest godfather ever, the best friend a man could have, and for being the most awesome professor ever. All three of these are the accomplishments Harry relishes in having, clinging to those compliments when the others attempt to be too heavy to carry.
He's been accused of many other things.
Never this. Never in his wildest dreams had he hoped or even allowed himself to hope for this.
Draco Malfoy was willingly in his company, willingly stepping between Harry's spread thighs with flushed red cheeks.
Things were tentative, still just new to them both.
"You have to be the most self-restrained Alpha I've ever come across," Draco murmured, lowering himself to his knees.
No one had ever accused Harry of having self-restraint. Especially not Hogwarts' newest Potion Master. The second youngest Professor to ever be employed by Hogwarts.
"Is that so?" Harry's voice had dipped several octaves, coming out closer to a growl as Draco rested his hands on Harry's thighs. He smelled overbearingly sweet, the scent resting on Harry's tongue and reminding him of Honeyduke's most decadent chocolate.
"I've never had the issue of having to beg before, Harry." Draco looked up through his lashes, biting on his bottom lip. "But if that's what it will take then I'm willing to."
Harry freed Draco's lip with his thumb, smoothing the teeth mark gently. Draco's eyes were almost black as he slipped the digit into his mouth, letting his tongue brush the pad of Harry's thumb.
"Isn't there a three-date rule?" Harry chuckled, pressing down on Draco's tongue, trapping it so he couldn't speak, could use the usual Malfoy snark. "I'm trying to be a gentleman, to court you."
In truth, Harry had wanted to bend Draco over the hardwood of his office desk that day he had approached Harry tentatively on his first day in Hogwarts. He had come to make amends as if Harry could hold a grudge against the man.
As if Harry had a choice. As if he hadn't been half in love with him since they were children. The obsessive stalking, the dreams that had plagued him since he had first presented at sixteen.
There was something confusing about wanking yourself raw every time he spotted the man he was supposed to hate so fervently. Especially in the midst of a war where they had fallen on opposites sides.
But this Draco Malfoy, Professor Draco Malfoy, was no angst-ridden teenager. He was for all intents and purposes, the most attractive Omega Harry had ever seen.
Long graceful limbs, hair that had been grown out just long enough for Harry to wrap his fist in, and an arse that Harry had a hard time taking his eye off.
Harry watched saliva pool along the sides of his thumb, dribbling down Draco's chin as Harry kept his thumb in place, keeping the Omega silent.
Draco mewled, his hands sliding further up his thighs to the button of the Alpha's slacks. Harry allowed Draco to undo his button but caught his hands with his free one when they moved to his zipper. He stared Draco down when he swallowed roughly and dipped his head slightly in deference.
"I'm trying to treat you as I should. Trying to be chivalrous, walking you back to your door every night, buying you flowers, and treating you like a proper Omega should be treated." Harry reminded him. He pressed harder down on Draco's tongue when he attempted to speak. Instead, a garbled moan fell from his lips.
Harry arched into Draco's hands, pressing them tighter to his crotch with his own hands. "Coming back to my own chambers and fucking my fist thinking of that tight little hole."
Draco's eyes rolled in his head as he began to suck on Harry's thumb in earnest, flexing his hands. "You don't want to be treated right, do you?"
Draco blinked, attempting to focus on Harry's words but he was too far gone, his arousal permeating the air like a vat of Amortentia. Harry inhaled deeply, his cock throbbing. Draco flexed his hands again.
"You don't want me to buy you flowers or drop you off at your chambers every night, do you? You want me to drag you back to my own chambers and fill that tight little hole, don't you?" Harry released Draco's hands, batting them away to undo his own zipper. He freed his cock with a hiss.
Draco's hands fell down by his side as his breath heaved and his eyes locked on the almost angry-looking tip of Harry's cock like he was a starving man. "So here's what we're going to do. You're going to prep yourself, get that tight little hole all wet and loose for me. I'm going to stroke my cock and if you're ready before I come then you can sit on my cock. If not, well then I guess it's your hard luck."
Harry released Draco's tongue, spreading the saliva on it over his cock and groaning to himself. Draco watched with rapt attention, quivering in place. Harry smirked, stroking himself from root to tip before Draco spurred into action.
He vanished his trousers and pants, rather than move from his kneeled position, and his scent's potency increased tenfold. Harry groaned again, speeding his hand up and twisting his wrist just how he liked it.
He'd had a lot of time to perfect his wanking ability, none more so than in the last three months since Draco had joined the faculty. He was surprised he hadn't given himself carpal tunnel with how often he had found himself thinking of Draco exactly like this.
The man in question was moaning loudly, bouncing on the fingers he had unceremoniously shoved inside himself. He was sweating, a red flush spreading down his chest. Harry had missed him vanishing his shirt.
"That's it, baby. Just like that." Harry grunted, fucking up into his fist. "Show me how you fuck yourself while thinking of me."
Draco's eyes rolled in his head but he focused on Harry's cock again, adding another finger if his moan was anything to go by. Harry pressed his thumb against the gland that ran the length of his cock and bucked up again, clenching his jaw.
Draco appraised him with hooded eyes before deciding he'd had enough and scrambled up to straddle Harry's lap. When Harry attempted to push his trousers down Draco shook his head, one hand replacing Harry's and dropping himself down on Harry's cock.
"Let me get these off." Harry insisted, hand on his trousers again. Draco shook his head, freezing on Harry's cock as he bottomed out. His arse clenched and the tight heat had Harry restraining himself from thrusting up.
"Leave 'em on. It's hotter." Draco insisted. Harry smirked at Draco's very obvious interest in this power play, leaving him at Harry's mercy. before he could tease Draco about it his words were cut off by a loud growl as Draco began to bounce on Harry's cock.
"So good, so fucking good." Draco whimpered, falling forward to press his face against Harry's bonding gland, inhaling deeply.
"So fucking tight, Jesus Draco." Harry couldn't fight the urge, wrapping an arm around Draco's waist and fucking up into him. Draco was babbling incoherently now, every second word was Harry's name.
Slick dripped down Harry's cock, a sticky mess on his balls and thighs and he was sure that he'd smell of Draco for days to come, all of which drove Harry to fuck into Draco harder and faster.
"Please, please," Draco begged against Harry's neck, his hot breath making Harry's hair stand on end. "Knot me, knot me, knot me."
"That what you want, baby? You want to be the perfect little Omega, taking my knot, huh?" Harry growled against Draco's shoulder before biting down on the soft flesh.
Draco howled, babbling incomprehensibly again. Harry could feel the beginning of his knot, that familiar heat that had his eyes clenching shut. "Don't know if it'll fit, if you can handle me."
"Please, I can. It will fit." Draco wailed desperately. "I'll be so good, I promise. Alpha, please."
Harry tilted his head back as he thrust up, pushing the knot into Draco who screamed. Harry thrust shallowly, pulling at Draco's abused rim. "Please, please."
Three more shallow thrusts had Draco clenching down impossibly tight and cumming between their bodies. He sagged against Harry, hitching sobs as Harry continued to fuck into him, chasing his own release.
"Wan' it, Alpha. Please." Draco whimpered, clenching around Harry's knot. Harry gave in, allowing the sensation to pull him under, his hands clenching into Draco's hips as his vision whited out and he came.
When Harry blinked his eyes open again he smiled gently down at the Omega who was purring contentedly in Harry's arms. Hary stroked a hand up and down Draco's sweat-slicked back and the Omega sat up, clenching accidentally around Harry's knot.
He wore a soft smile, bashful after everything. Harry raised a hand to cup his cheek and pulled him into a sweet kiss, more than aware he hadn't kissed Draco since they were leaving the restaurant they had dinner in.
"Sweet boy." Harry hummed when he pulled away. Draco groaned, attempting to hide his smile in Harry's hand. "How do you feel?"
"So good." Draco stretched, clenching down on Harry again. This time it wasn't an accident. "Think you can go again, old man?"
"You're older than me." Harry protested with a laugh. "'sides, maybe we should let this knot go down first."
"Why?" Draco asked, bouncing himself shallowly. His own cock began to stir with interest and Harry felt his breath catch as he looked over his Omega.
His head was thrown back, one hand against Harry's chest for balance and the other on his own cock. "Alpha, my Alpha."
That one might be Harry's favorite thing to be known for these days.
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dodgerkedavra · 1 month
Perpetual Motion, Perpetual Sound [Wireless Fic Claim)
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Perpetual Motion, Perpetual Sound by dodgerkedavra
Word Count: 51k
Rating: E
Summary: Harry Potter can't sleep.
Then the Lumos fades away, and Draco’s tugging the blankets over him—when did they get into the bed?—and Harry wriggles across the mattress and flings an arm and a leg over Draco and pushes his face into Draco’s neck. “That’s it.” Draco runs his fingers through Harry’s still-damp hair. “That’s perfect. Stay there.” “Is this dating?” Harry mumbles, his brain like syrup. “Boyfriends?” “This is boyfriends,” Draco answers sleepily. “Please, please, don’t forget again.” “Didn’t forget anything.” Harry didn’t forget a single thing. He wouldn’t forget being boyfriends with Draco. “That’s right, darling. That’s right.” Harry closes his eyes. He wiggles the toes of his left foot as subtly as he can to take the edge off the restlessness in his legs. His entire body, actually, but it will keep Draco up if he shakes his foot all night. Draco falls asleep, his arm getting heavier on Harry’s waist. The song stays quiet for beats and beats and beats of Draco’s heart. Then it gets louder, like someone tiptoeing across the room.  Like someone leaning down to breathe on the back of Harry’s neck. Harry opens his eyes and listens.
Read on AO3!
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narcisscamalfoy · 21 days
thinking of drarry on this fine evening
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dewitty1 · 4 months
Everybody Hates a Tourist
wolfpants @wolfpants
Chapters: 10/10 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, Dean Thomas, Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnigan, Ernie Macmillan, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Theodore Nott, Hermione Granger, Pansy Parkinson, Andromeda Black Tonks, Teddy Lupin, Neville Longbottom Additional Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Ministry of Magic Employee Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy in the Muggle World, POV Harry Potter, POV Draco Malfoy, Minor Draco Malfoy/Original Male Character(s), Minor Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Minor Harry Potter/Original Male Character(s), Coming Out, Sexuality, Enemies to Friends, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Brighton - Freeform, Hiking, Yorkshire, British pop culture, 2000s, Drinking, Smoking, Reference to suicide of a minor character, Nightmares, Pureblood Politics (Harry Potter), Draco Malfoy's facial scar, Beaches, Bars and Pubs, Clubbing, Stag Nights & Bachelor Parties, Explicit Sexual Content, realistic sex, Frottage, Blow Jobs, Dirty Talk, Spit Kink, Come Eating, Hand Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Pillow Talk, Switching, Rimming, Angst and Fluff and Smut, H/D Wireless 2023
On a stag do in sunny Brighton with the Gryffindor lads, the last person Harry expects to run into is Draco Malfoy. After a glimpse of Malfoy’s Muggle life in Britain’s gay capital, Harry’s curiosity gets the better of him and he finds himself returning to the seaside again and again, drawn to the city, drawn to this new version of Malfoy that Harry barely recognises from school.
Meanwhile, Draco’s just trying to live his big and best queer life: working for the weekend, chasing hot men, getting lost in Brighton's nightlife, and making friends with the neighbourhood cats. Why does his former school rival and crush have to show up and spoil everything?
(੭ˊ͈ ꒵ˋ͈)੭*⁺˚. * ・ 。゚☆
The room is hot; Draco doesn’t normally sleep in his clothes like this.
He thinks of what Potter told him, that he normally sleeps in his pants at home, and he wonders if —
—a sudden cool touch swipes across Draco’s forehead, breaking Draco’s sluggish train of thought. It moves slowly, Potter’s arm momentarily blocking the hazy morning light shining in from the window above their heads.
Draco looks up. 
Potter is staring at him across the pillows, his inky black lashes low, his face sleep-soft. His fingers are ticklish, careful, and when they find Draco’s scar, Draco holds his breath.
Potter runs the pad of his thumb from the point of Draco’s chin to the inch just below Draco’s nose where the scar ends; he follows the path, over and over, warmth and shame and hurt swirling deep in the pit of Draco’s stomach. 
Draco opens his mouth but no words come out. 
Potter’s thumb dips to touch the most sensitive, fragile part of Draco’s throat, his fingers splaying across Draco’s jaw, and he says, his voice rough, “I’m sorry—”
—and Draco says, “Don’t—”
—but Potter says “I’m sorry,” again, and Draco kisses him.
He presses into Potter’s space to do it, pushing a hand roughly into Potter’s wild, dark curls, hooking his thumb onto the hinge of Potter’s sharp jaw. Potter’s mouth opens readily, and it’s hot, so hot, and Draco doesn’t care that he tastes like last night’s wine, he doesn’t care that his own body is grotty and unwashed in yesterday’s clothes, because all that matters is the heat of Potter’s mouth and the swipe of his tongue and the immediate arch of his hard, willing body against Draco’s when he kisses him back roughly, moaning from the deepest part of his chest, hands gripping Draco’s arms—
Bzzz. Beep. Bzzz. Beep.
Potter pulls back, breathless, blinking.
Draco’s lips sting from the scrape of Potter’s beard, his heart hammering hard in his chest, the heat between his legs throbbing.
“What—” he mutters, but Potter’s already sitting, patting his hands wildly around the bedding until he finds it: his phone.
“Shit,” Potter says, rubbing his eyes, pushing his glasses on, peering at the screen. He groans. “Shit, I—Draco, I’m sorry,” he says. He looks at Draco sheepishly. “I kind of have to go. Like right now.”
Draco sits up quickly. He ignores the rush of blood, the sicky feeling in the back of his throat. “Go? Go where?”
“Home. London. I’ve—shit,” Potter mutters, climbing awkwardly out of bed, hopping around to find his shoes. He won’t meet Draco’s eyes. “I’ve messed something up and I have to go.”
“Er—alright,” Draco says, swallowing.
“Everything’s paid for,” Potter reminds him.
“I’m not worried about that,” Draco snaps.
“No—I… I know. I’m sorry,” Potter babbles, running a hand through his messy hair. He shoulders his rucksack. Grips his wand in hand and hobbles to the bed. “I’ll text you, alright?” he murmurs, leaning over Draco. He presses a quick peck to Draco’s lips, then another longer, lingering kiss, and with that, he Disapparates, vanishing from the room with a soft pop.
Draco flops back onto the pillows, head spinning, skin burning with flush. He closes his eyes.
(๑♡⌓♡๑)♡*✧ ✰ 。*
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iamnmbr3 · 5 months
consider established drarry just casually using each other's wands all the time because they are so magically compatible and trust each other so absolutely that they can use each other's wands nearly as well as their own so if it's for something minor they'll both just grab whatever wand happens to be nearest at hand
and like. technically it's not pda. but there's something so intimate in the way they are so intertwined even in this that people around always feel as though they're witnessing something private.
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katsmtmsdoodles · 3 months
Reblog for bigger sample size! Based on this post by @rigorwhoring
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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ravenclaw-sass · 2 months
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Draco grimaced and then found her eyes again. "I don't yet know what I want, Granger, but…" He briefly hesitated. "But being around you feels good," he finished quietly.
Hermione reached out to take his hand. He looked down as she did and slowly interlaced their fingers before finding her eyes again. She gave him a smile.
"So what do you want to do?" she asked.
He gave her hand a squeeze. "Continue what we started before the holidays." He smirked. "And see how long it takes before one of us murders the other."
Hermione immediately pulled her hand back from his and stared at him in mock-anger, but Draco's smirk just widened as he leaned in and grabbed the front of her robes, pulling her in for another kiss.
Chapter 41 | Read the rest here: [FFN]
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greattemptation · 5 months
In his mind's eye, Harry could see it stretch out before him: all the milestones, all the achievements, all the challenges.
And standing before him, he saw the reason why: all grey eyes and brittle temper and willingness to finally--finally--say yes.
day 3 of @microficmay, 41 words
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lavndvrr · 5 months
watching me slowly fall down the drarry hole
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