#Dove Reads Comics
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peacerisendove · 3 months ago
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Young Justice (2019) #17
Bart Allen: What? Kon-El: You just never stop being the best friend a friend can be. You just never stop.
Hi???? I'm gonna cry? They are the cutest ever!! Kon and Bart's relationship is so underrated.
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yasmeensh · 2 years ago
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Zelda 2 Link my beloved
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sincosma · 4 months ago
i rewatched xmen first class for fun and have landed face first in cherik all over again, a ship i havent really been engaged with since like 2014? so anyway, sorry in advance followers lmao
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dementedspeedster · 8 months ago
//I think the insistence to not read any of Thad's appearances past the Impu/se comics or that his appearances post Impu/se are out of character for him has poisoned the well regarding fandom's understanding of his character. Popular fandom interpretations also don't help.
I think with regard to Thad there is an inundation in fandom of the character people want Thad to be and not the character that Thad actually is. And I'm personally frustrated with it.
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phoenixkaptain · 18 hours ago
That reminds me. Random Teen Titans Thoughts #the one with Harlequin
I love Mal getting a little horn. Calling him "Hornblower" is a little, uh, well...
Mal literally beat Azrael in a fist fight. Hell yeah man.
Bumblebee is incredibly adorable. And her attacking Mal just to prove to him that the Teen Titans don't value him is incredibly sad.
Duela Dent. "Joker's Daughter." Harlequin. I think she's kinda neat. I like that she has a bubble blower in the shape of a pipe. I like that she punches a guy because he expected her to, in her words "stand there waiting to fall off a ledge." Absolutely obsessed with her holding on to the back of Robin's bike while she rollerskates. I like this lil lady. I especially like that she is in a full three-piece, pinstripe suit like holy-
I've never liked Blonde Batgirl. I still can't help but not. Sorry Blonde Batgirl, I'm unfortunately with Hawk on this one. The real Batgirl has a whole different outfit and red hair. She doesn't even look like a bat-!
Can't believe they gave my baby such crippling anxiety and a severe case of imposter syndrome that Aqualad straight up faints because his brain tells him he isn't good enough and his body had to find some problem so he could go home. Aqualad doesn't deserve this! He's a core member!! Aqualad is so perfect for maybe only specific scenarios but during those scenarios he's unbeatable, I tell you!!! I don't care it was sixty years ago, whoever slandered Aqualad in the 60s and 70s, I am thoroughly disappointed.
I can only assume that Aquaman telling the Teen Titans it was all their fault was his version of "Look at him. He's got anxiety now"
Robin, as always, is just. Hanging out. Punning. I love that he gets along with the girlies so well. Literally romantic interest goes right in one ear and out the other. He does not care. He is focused on making puns relating to the current situation and acrobatics. And even the acrobatics are part of the punning. Robin is relentless.
Speedy, my guy, the last few comics just made him horrible. Like, straight up he's unlikeable sometimes. What're you doing, Roy? What happened to your deep love for Dick (haha), Roy?? What happened to you??? Did we have to make Speedy the misogynist? Couldn't it have just been the villains?
The last dozen-ish comics are barely worth reading. Like, I love Harlequin and Bumblebee. They're great and they have really cool arsenals and they both wear so much clothing it's like they aren't even comic book girls from the seventies. But the comics featuring them are super rushed. And while they're still cheesy and fun, they just don't have the same energy as earlier issues.
You can really tell that these comics were the predecessors of the New Teen Titans. From introducing more female members and reintroducing Beast Boy or Hawk and Dove, to laying the groundwork for dealing with their emotional issues alongside crime fighting. Duela's definitely a predecessor of characters with villain parents (specifically in Teen Titans, not just in general), Mal and Aqualad both have their waning self-confidence, Donna's sense of self was brought up way earlier and they bring it back to the forefront pretty much immediately in New Teen Titans. The last few issues are all linked in a way the earlier ones just aren't. It lays the foundation for the later Teen Titans series. Historically and from a character perspective, the last issues of the original Teen Titans run is fascinating.
From a storytelling perspective, it sort of feels like they had twenty issues worth of story to get done in ten issues.
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wolfsbanesparks · 2 years ago
Hey y'all!
After a few minor delays I've finally posted the first chapter of my serial killer fic, Pretty Little Thing!
This is much darker than my usual fics, so please read the tags and chapter specific warnings carefully before jumping in! This story tackles a lot of dark subject matter so please be wary.
If you see anything that you think needs an additional tag, please let me know in the comments so I can add it.
Also this fic is non linear! We will be jumping back and forth in time before syncing up the two main story lines near the end. I'll be putting dates for each chapter to help you all follow along.
Captain Marvel has gone missing and the whole world is looking for him.
Billy Batson has also gone missing and no one has noticed.
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wanderingmind867 · 3 months ago
It's an intriguing concept, but Dove is always better than Hawk. I see all of my negative aspects in Hawk. My temper, proclivity for snapping at people, etc. But it's all taken to extremes, which i blame on steve ditko never seeming to understand nuanced morality. Dove is adorable and sad and charming. Hawk looks like someone who'd bully me. And their politics embody this too: one reads like a violent, anti-communist warhawk who hates anything that isn't conservative and law and order. While the other is a pacifist who fights, but only when he has to. They can't make Don Hall not come off like the best kid ever here. He's just...who can hate that face? He's perfect.
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Im gonna be completely honest with you guys right now...
Im a fake fan.
I don't actually know how to characterize Clive because I haven't played Unwound/Lost Future yet,,
In my binge playing of the professor layton games i skipped over it because i wanna finish every game available to me before i play i because its my favorite storyline wise GWNVDBS
Ive literally only characterized him so far based off of vibes i got by reading the wiki and projecting
.....and fanfiction.
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peacerisendove · 3 months ago
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Young Justice 80-Page Giant Vol 1 #1
BART LOOKS SO CUTE WITH COWBOY BOOTS!!! OH MY GOD. That's genuinely such a good look for him.
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fancyfade · 2 years ago
I know the writers intend on portraying hawk and dove as equally valid (at least if you believe the responses in the letter columns) but issue 15 hawk is really a moron. Yes, hawk, mshulla and kestrel, the last of whom is possessing your friend and completely controlling her, are super pro personal freedom
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uncultureddoubloon · 2 months ago
I wanna read more batman comics but my library has hit it's daily lending limit on Hoopla so I either gotta wait over an hour for midnight to tick over so i can get a new book or i go to sleep
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necrotic-nephilim · 7 months ago
What do you think about the fab five polycule
(Dick x donna x wally x garth x roy)
i'll be SO honest i wish i had like. insightful interesting opinions on them but i've always been a Young Justice kid and sort of. breezed past consuming Fab Five Teen Titans content-
but of what i *do* know, from the few comics i've read with these characters is this is one of the best ships for Dick, honestly. it always deeply annoys me when fanon content breezes past the Titans as if they're just some distant teammates and not some of Dick's closest friends, if not a second family. *especially* the Fab Five. for most, if not all of them, it's the first time getting to actually connect with other teen heroes. so there's something fun about how sort of terrible they are at it, at first. they all care about each other a lot. but they're kind of chucked into the deep figuring out how to work with each other and get along with *very* different personalities, so it's fun to see where the conflict comes.
as a ship, i do really love it. the Titans are a family. like we call a lot of teams found families, but for the Fab Five, that shit is the truest. they depend on each other and trust each other. when Dick and Bruce are on outs and Bruce fires him, he goes to the Titans.
i also enjoy how, to an extent, all of them are outsiders of some kind. Donna is alone in a new world she's never experienced, the same as Garth. Roy is still new and awkward to living the rich life with Oliver. Wally doesn't connect to his parents well. and of course, Dick has lost his parents and only has Bruce, who isn't the most emotionally available. of course they're going to cling to each other, as the first people they can really develop connections too. they're very clingy with each other and i think that's both cute and *fun* to explore like, codependency issues with them. how protective they can be of each other, how they default to trusting each other over their mentors, etc. it's all very interesting for a polycule, especially since for most of them, it's their first real relationship. i'm a big fan of "none of us know what dating looks like bc we've had such strange childhoods so we don't understand the Rules very well. we're all just going to date each other bc why would i date only one of you. do teamups count as dates now." vibes with teenage polycules. and the Fab Five just. have that on lock. they each fulfill a different "niche" in the group. Garth is the softer, more emotional one you can go to if you're upset. Donna is the one for planning bright fun trips and making sure you don't wallow. Roy is protective and can pretend to be suave, but he shows affection through gift giving and grand gestures where words fail him. Wally can cheer any of them up with jokes and distractions. and of course Dick is the logical one who makes sure they all keep their heads on and don't drown in the responsibility.
overall i think it's a really cute ship and i do wish i just. knew more about them to be able to write them/read fic of it because i do love their dynamic. and i'm just a firm believer in the Titans being Dick's family, just as important to him as the Batfam. they're a disaster and for that you gotta love them.
#necrotic answerings#fab five#ty for asking!!#i love getting asks liek this even if on things i don't know a ton about#i think the only real comics i've read of the fab five are world's finest: teen titans and teen titans: year one#and some of the silver age stuff but only ever for the plot not for those characters specifically#so like. i know enough to vaguely understand the characters#but i did have to approach it from the perspective of dick bc obviously i know him the best#i am interested in reading more about garth. he's a little cutie. i love him.#he seems very easy to whump. you could do a lot of dead dove things to that boy.#also this is darker in concept#but i find the way bruce dislikes the titans and dick working with them pretty fascinating#bc the reasonable answer is it's the first time dick is operating outside of bruce and it just gives bruce anxiety#but the *fun* answer is: brudick vs fab five polycule#where bruce is hyper possessive of dick developing other potentially romantic bonds#or just bonds in general#so he tries to come in between it#if i ever wrote a fab five polycule fic#that's the route i would take personally. very dark controlling brudick with the titans slowly taking notice and growing more concerned#otherwise tho i leave this ship to be written by ppl who understand them more#bc i know next to nothing about a lot of them#dick and roy i understand#garth i'm interested in#couldn't tell you much about wally or donna tho#and i prefer wally as flash when i do read him. bc he's a disaster man.#i really haven't read much titans content in general i fear#i've read some new teen titans for like. slade content and whatnot#and some of the 2003 run but besides that. i was always on the yj side of the fence#that said i will say *as* a core four truther#the fab five are *always* going to be closer as a team than the core four.
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thatlovelydove · 5 months ago
bro i cant make another bulletin board about dc characters i need to finish the starfire one and then start the Donna and terry creepy relationship one...but now my brain wants to start one about babs character through the years....
someone help...
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kudosmyhero · 1 year ago
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home #7: Oracle
Read Date: June 05, 2023 Cover Date: December 2010 ● Writer: Marc Andreyko ● Penciler: Agustin Padilla ● Inker: Agustin Padilla ● Colorist: Brian Buccellato ● Letterer: Dave Sharpe ● Editor: Mike Marts ◦ Janelle Asselin ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● Vicki Vale is somehow both quite intelligent and an insufferable idiot
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● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: Barbara Gordon is in a panic - she has discovered that Ra's al Ghul has summoned the Seven Men of Death to move out against Vicki Vale, making her realize that he was the one who put out a bounty on her head. She hacks into the Insider's comm-link, much to his surprise, and lets him know that it's Ra's who is the mastermind behind it all. After confirming he has Vicki with him, he's quick to pull her away from a window, telling her that one misstep would mean the end for all of them. As he heads out, he asks for some of Barbara's "birds" to help distract the Seven Men - she chooses her back-ups: Batgirl, Man-Bat, Ragman, Manhunter, Hawk and Dove. As she does, she wonders if the Insider truly is Bruce, then reminisces to the time after she was paralyzed by the Joker. When Bruce came to see her, she attempted to drive him away with her self-wallowing. Instead Bruce tells her not to let this tragedy shape her life like his did. After months of training, she shows off her Watchtower.
Her thoughts are interrupted when Batgirl, Hawk and Dove contact her. Through simple hacking, she's able to lure the Seven Men of Death to the Birds' location, allowing Insider to escape with Vicki. However, one of them is able to attack them and, injured, Insider is forced to make Vicki run. The Birds take down the assassins while the Insider defeats his attacker, learning that Ra's wants Vicki dead because he doesn't want Batman's legacy tainted by her reveal. Hearing that, Oracle lets slip that she's figured out the Insider is actually Bruce. She asks if Dick and Damian know, but he reveals they don't at the moment, and that now isn't the time.
Elsewhere, Vicki smashes her cell phone, realizing she might be traced. She finds a working pay phone and calls Alfred for help, only to be captured by the White Ghost, leaving Alfred to worry about her fate.
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Fan Art: Oracle/Barbara Gordon by sentryJ
Accompanying Podcast: ● Batgirl to Oracle - episode 14
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ace-does-stuff · 1 year ago
*cracks knuckles* it is time
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reservoirreputation · 1 year ago
Walking Dead's 'Don't Open, Dead Inside' but it's 'Dead Dove, Do Not Eat'
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