#this is coming from me thinking about my fanfic bucket list btw
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reservoirreputation · 1 year ago
Walking Dead's 'Don't Open, Dead Inside' but it's 'Dead Dove, Do Not Eat'
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captainrandomstranger18 · 4 years ago
My dearest Captain,
Good morning! Or good afternoon I suppose, or whatever time it is where you are.
1. I would like to, but I don’t always
2. I do, intp
3. I’m not sure I fully believe in astrology, but I do enjoy it anyway. I’m a pisces
4. I’m cool with almost any pronouns, but most people just use she/her
5. Fanfic, but also sci-fi, fantasy, and adventure
6. I do indeed, I ship spirk, mcspirk, ineffable husbands, and more that aren’t coming to my brain at the moment
7. Toxic Thoughts by Faith Marie, because somehow I relate to pretty much everything in it, including the positive parts
8. A water filter, some sort of food, sunscreen, my phone(and a way to charge it), and maybe my guitar because that would be a great place to practice without fear of judgment
I eagerly await your response.
Dearest L,
Good evening (since it is evening when I am writing this), or whatever time it is when you read this!
1. I didn’t used to, but now I kinda do believe in ghosts. As a matter of fact, I think I saw one once at a party (its kind of a long story, but I will tell you if you’d like.)
2. I’m an infp
3. I don’t really believe in astrology either but I think its fun. I’m a taurus 
4. I am also cool with any pronouns but most people who know me use she/her
5. I write fanfic, poetry, and I’m currently working on a fantasy/adventure rom-com series. It’s cool that you write sci-fi! That’s a genre that I’ve always admired but have never been able to write anything for. I would like to read some of your writings at some point (if that’s ok with you, of course).
6. Ohhh boy. I ship so many ships. I ship spirk, mcspirk, and ineffable husbands as well! Other ships of mine include daforge, garashir, cecilos (from welcome to night vale), and some others that i can’t remember. My first ship ever was Stucky so that one will always have a place in my heart. 
7. “Home” by cavetown. I once did an analysis of this song and how i relate to every single line in it. I like to listen to this song whenever im having a mental breakdown lol. (I just listened to Toxic Thoughts btw and that was a really really good song! I added it to my ever-growing playlist of songs i like.)
8. I would bring a lighter, a water filter, a tent, a journal/notebook, and a long book. (I don’t read nearly as much as I’d like to, so being stranded on an island would be a good opportunity, I think.) (Also you play the guitar? That’s so cool!!)
Now for some new questions (Also, if you ever want to propose any questions of your own, feel free to do so):
1. What are some things on your bucket list?
2. Would you rather suddenly turn into a tree or into a star? (the kind of star in space, not a famous person)
3. What is the best kind of dessert in your opinion?
4. Do you like frogs?
5. What is your favorite kind of animal?
6. Do you like plain, strawberry, or chocolate milk the best?
7. What were you for Halloween last month?
8. Have you ever jolted awake in the middle of the night with a brilliant idea, written it down, gone to sleep, woken up in the morning, looked at what you wrote, and then judged your past self? (This is based on personal experience)
9. If you were to wake up one day as a pirate captain, what would you do? What sorts of rules would you impose upon the crew?
10. If you had the chance to sword fight someone, would you?
11. If you could time travel to any point in history, past present or future, where would you go and why?
12. What youtubers / youtube channels do you like to watch?
13. What are three things you like about yourself?
14. If you could change anything about your life, what would you change and why?
Sorry I had so many questions this time, also sorry if they are getting more obscure / fantastical. 
I can’t wait for the next letter!
Yours Truly, 
M (Captain)
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mizukixtsukiyomi · 7 years ago
11 Questions Tag
I was tagged by @doodle-roon & @bunny-wk-fanfic. I can’t just do one because I love you both.
1. Post the rules 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. And tag 11 people
@doodle-roon‘s questions:
1. Can you explain your favorite color without saying what it is?
This is a hard one, especially since I suck at describing things and the irony of me being a writer...well, it’s dark, yet calming. It can remind you of a dark and cool night where gold star shine their purpose. It’s a water reflecting a mix of night.
2. Describe your favorite thing about one of the people you’ve met online.
We can both fangirl over every husband anime we have claimed, and the continuous talks have always made my days. I love to hear about her day, hearing her talk about her favorite anime/game husbandos and her kind heart <3
3. How are you feeling today and can you find a quote to go with it?
“ Today I will not stress over things I can’t control.” - Author Unknown
These past two weeks have been very challenging, and mostly because I have been trying to learn to cope with my anxiety and calm it down when I am at work. I conquered many fears while I was doing it, but even so I remember crying all the anxiety out after work. If you have anxiety or have similar situations you may understand how hard it is to keep it in and then finally it comes out. So right now, I am okay (since it is Sunday), but I am at the same time worried about Monday for work.
4. Did anything memorable happen this year?
Many things that I would consider memorable. I got my license which I never thought I would, and I got a job! And I was able to visit Japan again <3 and lastly, graduated with my Bachelor’s and started on graduate school. Hoping next year continues to bless me, and others.
5. What genre/type of book do you typically avoid? What would change your mind about it?
Oh, that is a good question. I usually avoid non-fiction, mainly because some can bore me, BUT if they are interesting like real crime books, and ones I can learn about interesting people, then I read them.
6. Dark, milk, white, or no chocolate?
Most definitely dark chocolate!
7. What’s something that you’ve learned as you’ve aged?
Nothing goes as planned, but having some sort of plan does help. Adult life isn’t easy, and people paint this picture of what it is. The truth is, it isn’t pretty, but life is about learning new things every day, and making mistakes is how you will learn more. Don’t be afraid of the unknown <3.
8. What’s your favorite thing about your favorite holiday?
I love Christmas! There is something about this holiday that gives me peace, and I just love that feeling Christmas brings. It’s hard to explain, but Christmas reminds me how lucky I have been every year despite the challenges.
9.  Are you more intrigued by the past or the future?
You know, it’s a mix of the two. I like to learn about the past in hopes the future becomes a better place. The past has been ugly, and although that can never change, the future can. And one of the things I love to see about the future is how things progress whether it be morals, technology, and watching and hearing kids wanting to do better for the world.
10. Where did you get your taste in music?
I have a weird taste in music, especially since I like to listen to soundtracks. I absolutely love them (Ivan Torrent Reverie album is amazing). I think they started when I listened to anime soundtracks and then youtube just recommending more different ones. As far as music with lyrics, I get it from my mother. She loves latin music, so I listen to it in my car haha.
11. Top three things on your bucket list.
1. Visit most of the Asian countries
2. Become fluent in Japanese
3. Write a book
@bunny-wk-fanfic‘s questions:
1. Is there something you can do or do better than your family?
You know, I don’t know, but maybe take in information a bit differently. My mother has always told me I am a fast learner and have a good memory of news, facts, history, etc. so she says I am good with academics - that’s it haha.
2. If you had the chance to be with whoever you wanted for a weekend, regardless of status/cultural differences/ect., what would you do with them?
Oh, I would pick Ellen! I want to have a deep conversation, and just thank her for being such a humble human being. I love her so much, and I hope to meet her someday, but Barack Obama is on this list, too.
3. What is your favorite time of year and why?
Fall season for me because I love that I can finally use my boots that have been dusting up in my closet. I live in Arizona, btw. And also I can wear more jeans, and long sleeves. I hate shorts and stuff haha.
4. Who was your first character crush?
That would have to be Ichigo from Bleach. I mean, he is still cute, but I have others who are at the top of the list hehe.
5. What was your future dream when you were a kid?
Becoming a teacher. Don’t know why, but I had always wanted to be a teacher not to teach them because I know kids can teach me so much more than I can.
6. Book-Comics-Games vs Movie/Manga vs Anime. Which version is better?
This one is tough, but I would pick Movie/Manga vs Anime, but books can be included, too!
7. What is the fondest memory you have in regards to practical scaring another person?
Since I was little (and before my mother married my stepdad), I was living with my grandmother, aunt, and my mother in an apartment and I would love to wait for them to come out of the bathroom, and I just pop out from the side. They would laugh and then get angry.
8. Is there anything from your childhood that you think that should be brought back? ie. a toy, game, candy, fashion, show, etc.
This is coming back (I think?) but oversized denim jackets. I just love them <3
9. If there was one thing you could change in the world today, and it would be universal, what would it be?
Government corruption. Period. I think it has ruined so many innocent families, and I just wish these people would be gone.
10. What was your favorite subject in grade school and is it still your favorite now? Yes, no, what?
Math. I enjoy it; it’s like a puzzle. Although I saw that the method they do things now in grade school has changed!
11. What are you looking forward to this Christmas?
Food! And the beautiful Christmas lights. Sometimes the lights really put a little joy in me.
My Questions:
If you could be in any movie/cartoon/anime/book world, what would it be, and why?
What do you do on a rainy day (if you were to have the day off)?
Which childhood movie/cartoon/anime do you wish they would remake?
How would you describe your fashion-style?
If you had all the money in the world, what country would you live in?
Is there something you are proud you have accomplished so far?
Who is your ultimate OTP? (can be crossover or OC).
What will be your goal or resolution for 2018?
What is something you will not wear (hats, sweaters, shorts, etc.)?
If you could meet any celebrity, which one would it and why?
Have you made friendships online that you would consider are special to you?
Tagging (if you have been tagged, you can ignore mine):
@masquerabe @joker2113 @kakashixangela @fenrae-l @yoursalwaysfics @saey0ungs @shinsen-haruki @wolfluvr420 @starmienight @creamdream0426 @strudelqueen
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