The Kataang Fanfiction Archive
260 posts
Archived here is the best Kataang fanfiction, gathered from around the internet and organized for your convenience. Whether Kataang is a casual ship, your OTP, or just a BroTP, you'll find what you're looking for here in this archive. Community feedback welcomed!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Kataang Week Story Master List
The voting ballot will be posted tomorrow after submissions close! Below are all the amazing stories authored this year that will be on the ballot.
NOTE: If you submitted and were missed on this list, please message this page or @kataang-week for an update!
Submissions: Close on FRIDAY AUG 5, MIDNIGHT EST.
Winners: Announced on AUG 20TH and receive custom icons designed by kabocha!
THE LIST (links in the title):
4AM by IndigoJupiter
Admiration by kataangiscanon
Admiration by TheBakingQueen 
and my voice becomes the driving force by faerialchemist
blue ribbons by OceanMyth
Bonzu by CoyoteLemon 
Drunk Kataang by TheBakingQueen
Everlasting by chocomd
Free as the Wind by Flameohotwife
Liquid Courage by itsmoonpeaches
Lush by CoyoteLemon
No One Else in the World by BaSingSeSocialite
Office Visit by Cell151
Power Couple by TheBakingQueen
Prompts at Random by IHaveSomeThoughts
Putting Katara to Bed by Marjojo02
Quiet Moments by TheBakingQueen
Reprise by itsmoonpeaches
Silence and Sparrowkeets by Flameohotwife
loving you quietly (but it still hurts) by MysticRobin
Sneaking Off by TheBakingQueen
Soft Words by BaSingSeSocialite
So I Wait for You by Dilettantism
Something Blue and a Snapdragon in her Shoe by IndigoJupiter
This May Hurt (But I’ll Be Gentle) by PrettyInPurple00
The Ten-Thousandth Gala by SouthernOscillation
Ties that Bind by Flameohotwife
Wait For Me by Marjojo02
Wait For Me by TheBakingQueen
Without Water by chocomd
You Don’t Say by BaSingSeSocialite
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Do you know the fiction when sand is gone from Katara for a couple of years?
Oooooh there are a few nice reunion fics where Aang is gone for a few years. Here are some off the top of my head:
Helpless by ymoah. Rated M. Summary: "He was the Avatar. He belonged to the world, not to her." Katara broke it off with Aang after realising that he would never just be hers. It's five years later and there's inevitably a reunion.
You Cut Through All the Noise by Wanderinghooves. Rated T. Summary: A year is such an excruciatingly long time. Aang is sent abroad for a year of diplomacy while Katara helps to rebuild at home. Distance makes the heart grow lonely.
Three Years and Five Months by Lyralocke. Rated T. Summary: Kataang. Three years and five months of space separate Aang and Katara when he suddenly returns to the South Pole, and nobody knows what it will take to bridge the gap.
Reunion by @sweetavidyajones. Rated E. Summary: Katara and Aang have not seen each other for more than four years. Because reunion stories are fun. And they are even more fun when they are smutty.
Healing by carpethefanfics. Rated E. Summary: As Katara grows into strongest Master Waterbender of both the Southern and Norther tribes, as Aang grows into the Avatar he was always meant to be leaving, there is little space left for love to grow.
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I forgot the name of this fanfiction and I've been looking for it for a while now but it's this fic where Aang doesn't see Katara for a few years and Katara teaches kids waterbending in the South and Aang finally sees Katara again since Sokka (or Toph) were getting married and they finally meet again after a while. (And sort of deal with their issues.) Not an 'Aang needs to go away for Avatar duties' fic more like 'they were just busy and haven't talked to each other in a while' fic.
Hello and sorry for the extreme delay in response! I've been searching around and I think this is the fic you're looking for: An Arrow to Home (previously archived) by MavsGirl22 on ffn.
Summary: A wedding approaches, a friendship is rekindled, and something new is revealed... KataraxAang
15 chapters, 46k+ words, Rating: K+
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Love is a battlefield
Summary: Aang’s greatest desire, to end the war and bring peace to the world after a hundred years, for Katara, is about to be fulfilled.
Word count: 6,955
Author’s note: This prompt gave me two different vibes: something sensual OR something serious. I can’t bring myself to write good smut yet, so obviously I chose the latter option. Besides, I knew exactly who and what desire they have. Preparing for the invasion on the Day of Black Sun, thinking about his feelings towards Katara and dealing with the outcome - (more or less) from Aang’s point of view.
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idk if you’ve done this alr but #26 for the dialogue prompts “it was you the whole time” with kataang would rejuvenate my soul🥺🤲🏾
Well...I probably won’t do this very often, but I did not write you a ficlet. I have given you an entire full 2-parter fic. (Oops?) I do hope you enjoy it! Part 2 coming soon! It’s almost done!
Title: The Soul-Farer
Once when Katara was five-years-old, she asked for a story about the Air Nomads to help her fall asleep.
Hers was a culture of storytelling, of oral tradition that even the children found sacred to their people. It was the waters of their life, the legends and folktales that had to be told because there was no need to write them down when they had their songs and their words.
From the great dancing Southern Lights where the spirits played in the festivals each year, to the Mother of the Ocean who complimented the moon. There were the tales of the folk of the highlands, those who had given themselves into nature and lived as shapeshifting beings that could change from animal to animal. Everything had a spirit, a soul. The weather, the mountainside, the iceberg that bobbed erratically upon the rough waters in the edges of a storm.
Or, Katara and Aang meet as children, and together they learn to live.
ao3 || ko-fi
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Now that I have a tumblr, I should probably post the most popular fic I've written. This is basically a ripoff of the Psych episode Last Night Gus, which is itself a ripoff of The Hangover, but it's in the Avatar universe. The plot isn't the same, but there are a few jokes I lifted directly. I am of the opinion that every single show should have a Hangover Episode.
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love, take your time
Coconutsaiyan asked for “Maybe a small prompt about Katara saying “I love you” to Aang after the finale kiss” on this post. This started out answering that prompt, but then just got sidetracked, sorry.
read on ao3
The inside of the seashell is smooth against her fingertips. 
It’s much larger than any of the other ones they’ve found along the beach so far— and the only one that Katara found herself. Aang darts across the sand, and despite his lanky arms and legs he’s far more similar to the tiny seabirds sprinting away from the waves than she’ll ever say, bending down every now and then to look at something half buried.
Love has grown slowly between the two of them. Not because there is a lack of love, but because a love as deep and timeless as what threatens them takes time, an irony that is not lost on Katara. She was forged by war and tumult, and that can be hard to forget. She moves when she feels safe and certain, when there is no risk that Aang could be taken away from her at any moment. As time passes, the distance between them shrinks.
Words come easy to Aang, and they spill over and out with every breath that he takes. They build, layer by layer, soft and strong all at the same time. It’s more overwhelming to Katara than any true tide could ever be. How can she return so much sentiment already? They’ve only been together for a scarce few years.
So what if they’ve known each other for a couple years and a war?
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Special thanks to Mod Atarah ( @penguinsledder​ ) for the lovely gif!
What is Kataang Week?
Kataang Week is when we, as a corner of the fandom, celebrate the ship Kataang! The prompts for Kataang Week 2021 were selected through four rounds of voting over the last few weeks and all prompts were submitted by Tumblr users.
Cool, when is it?
Summer Kataang Week 2021 starts on Monday, July 26th - a little over six weeks from today - and ends on Monday, August 2nd.  
How do I participate?
The most common ways to participate are by creating art or writing a fic and posting it online. Some people try and create something for every day while others only fill one or two prompts.  
As always, we want to reassure you that it’s perfectly okay not to do every prompt! We just hope to have lovely pieces to share on each day.
But I can’t draw or write!
That’s totally fine - there are more ways to participate! You can sing a song, create a graphic, write a poem - just about anything really. You can also show your support by reblogging and liking other people’s contributions.
What are the prompts?
The following will be the running order for Kataang Week 2021:
Height Difference - Monday July 26th
Blending Cultures - Tuesday July 27th
Missing Scenes/Post-Canon - Wednesday July 28th
Role Swap - Thursday July 29th
Healing - Friday July 30th
Tease - Saturday July 31st
The Sea & The Sky/Soulmate AU - Sunday August 1st
Free Day - Monday August 2nd
*Missing Scenes and Post-Canon, as well as The Sea & The Sky and Soulmate AU were tied with votes, so instead of flipping a coin/deciding on my own, I am including both tied prompts as options. You can incorporate one or both prompts for each day. And I am also doing this because I see no advantage to any additional rounds of voting and further delays.
**And as always, there is a Free Day at the end of the week.  You can use this day to post anything you’d like!  It can be a prompt that didn’t receive enough votes or something you’ve been wanting to work on, anything goes!
How should I tag my work?
The easiest way for us to find your work so we can reblog it to this blog is by using the tag “kataang week”. Using “kataang” and “kataangtag” also help. You must tag one of the three in your first five tags otherwise it doesn’t appear in the search.
Sometimes even properly tagged posts may not appear when we search the tags, so if you do not see your content reblogged, please let us know.
Once we’ve reblogged it to this blog we add our own tags (a prompt tag and a user tag) for easy organization.  This means we can find all the work for one prompt or all the work from one user in one easy click (this also means that if you have changed your username since participating last year you need to let us know so we can update your tag!).
Can I post my stuff other places online too?
Of course you can!
Why six weeks?  Is that enough time?
Traditionally, we like to provide our content creators seven weeks (for the seven prompts) to create quality content. Kataang Week is also traditionally held in the last week of July.  
Delays in voting and preparations were caused by a myriad of reasons this year, but ultimately falls entirely on me (Mod Dan) and I apologize for not having everything ready for the seven week mark.
If you are unable to complete a prompt in time, please do not fret.  You can alert this blog by mentioning it in your post (ex. @kataang-week​ ) or messaging one of the mods and your content will still be shared even if it is a week (or a month - or sometimes more!) late.
We also like to post WIP for Kataang Week and encourage everyone else to do so as well - we reblog it here for motivation!
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, don’t hesitate to send an ask. Don’t forget to reblog this as well to help spread the word!
Good luck, Kataangers, and happy content creating! :) - The Mods
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Title: Bygone
Title: Bygone Words: ~500 AO3 Link Notes: Two ficlets in one day! Well gotta keep my mind off my wedding tomorrow being cancelled! Another Kataang Island discord prompt. CHAOS.
Prompt: Aang uses curses from 100 years ago and Gran-Gran is having none of it from her future grandson-in-law.
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Fic: Ostentatious
Title: Ostentatious Words: 800 Notes: This was a prompt from the Kataang Island Discord. May chaos reign. I took a few liberties with it because I don’t know much about cars.
Prompt: Katara runs a bar and her new favourite regular is a simple monk with the most decked-out ride anyone has ever seen.
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Part 1 of my Kataang Valentine’s Bash fic for @kataang-week is now up!
Title: Balance
Part 1: Clouds
Made for Kataang Valentine’s Bash 2021: Complementary, with the prompt pair: Clouds and Storm.
“Well, hello there, Princess Katara,” said a voice from behind her. She turned around with some sort of giddy shock only to meet his brilliant silver eyes. The icy blue walls of the chief’s palace—though ‘palace’ was a strong word for it when the Northern Water Tribe boasted a much larger residence—reflected on his face, making him look as if he were an ethereal spirit.
Aang was ginning at her, just as bright in his orange and yellow acolyte robes as ever. He was proud to be an Air Nomad from the Southern Air Temple, their closest neighbors besides Kyoshi Island. He came to her as always, a jovial cloud gliding in the sky over the sea.
Or, Katara is the heir to the Southern Water Tribe. Aang is a master airbender. They are two parts of the same whole.
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I hope my fic favor still stands! I was wondering if you could write a Kataang family fic? I've just been in a Kataang family mood lately😂 Thank you for being so sweet to me!!💞💞💞😭😭
It does, in fact, still stand! <3 This took a million years, but we have finally arrived. Hope you like it!
“Where are we going, daddy? I want to know,” Kya whined as she angled the top half of her body from the outer edge of Appa’s saddle. She was getting impatient, and she was insistent that everyone knew about it.
The wind was in her face, and her dark hair whipped around like a maelstrom that could not be contained. 
She was an entire eight-years-old—practically an adult—and she was not entrusted with all the fun secrets Princess Izumi was. It was an atrocity to be sure. Just because Little Miss Prissy Firebender just so happened to be the Fire Lord’s daughter and older than her by a few years did not mean that Kya was not just as mature.
She heard a sigh come up from the front. The familiar indulgent tenor of her father who was steering their flying bison as they rode on it as a family. “Patience, Kya,” said Aang. “You’ll find out soon.”
“But why do I have to wait?” she moaned, flopping back into the soft middle of the saddle. Next to her, her older brother, Bumi groaned as her arm slapped him in the face.
“It’s our family vacation and your mother and I wanted it to be a surprise,” replied her father. 
Her mother hummed in agreement at his side. Katara tilted her head, raising her eyebrow at Kya as she looked her in the eye. “I thought you liked that it was a surprise?” she asked, chucking. “Even Tenzin couldn’t contain his energy, and you know how your brother is. He tired himself out from all his excited airbending.”
Kya rolled her eyes, bringing her attention to the blue of the sky that passed them overheard. “Tenzy’s five. He’s a baby. He’s tired after everything,” she said. “Boom’s a baby too. He’s super tired.”
Bumi stirred, shooting up at her comment. He pouted right into her face. “Hey!” he shouted, sounding every bit as indignant as he probably should have felt.
Aang started laughing. Katara rubbed at her eyes. “This is going to be a long vacation,” she sighed. 
Still, none of the bickering prepared Kya for what came next. The air had already begun to feel strange. Wet-like. Humid? She was practically wading through hot soup so high up, and she knew that was peculiar. Republic City might have been a place that sat right next to an ocean, but it never felt quite like this.
Appa roared, and then there was the telltale scent of sea salt. She should have noticed it before, but somehow it was more pronounced wherever they were. There was squirming from little Tenzin at the other end of the saddle, and a yelp from Bumi. Their lemur, Momo chittered a few times too, tail curling in and out like a cat playing with yarn.
“We’re here!” exclaimed Aang, and he flicked his wrists so that the reins steered Appa downward.
“Woah!” yelled Bumi, laughing as they started their decent. The winds were stronger in Kya’s face. “This is amazing, dad! You didn’t tell us we were going to a paradise!”
Blinking, Kya peered over the edge as well. Before her, she saw black sands. Pristine, onyx beaches. A bright azure cove stretched for miles, little dots of people milling about and playing some sort of game with a net. There were red and gold roofs that peppered the island, and emerald grass that swayed on the hills that made it up. 
“Welcome to Ember Island!” laughed her dad. “The best place to sort out any problems and also to escape onto the back of a giant lion turtle!”
Katara smacked him on the arm, giggling. “Oh, don’t be so dramatic, Aang!” she teased.
When they landed, it was to alight on a private beach. There was a grand-looking house in the background with a cobbled courtyard. There were panels of rice paper sliding doors that were made to perfection, gold-leaf trim that shone in the sunlight at every corner of the red tiled roofs. Pillars stretched far and wide into various sky wells. 
Kya ignored all of it in favor of leaping right into the ocean. 
She splashed as soon as she landed, grinning with every turn she made and every spin. It was warm water, but refreshing in such a summery environment. She and her siblings stripped down to their undergarments as soon as her mother yelled at them for getting their clothes wet. She might have had to suffer having a bunch of liquid getting waterbended out of her clothes, but she would try to forget that.
“Water fight!” yelled Bumi, and they were throwing waves at each other. (Not that he had much of an advantage because Kya had maneuvered a rather large bubble of water over his head to annoy him. It did not help that Tenzin sneezed and caused a miniature tsunami that her father had to bend them out of.)
Kya tried to copy Katara and made a lumpy and misshapen surf board. She ended up having to ride behind her father’s legs in order to catch enough traction on a wave. Tenzin was too afraid to hitch a ride, and Bumi took turns between them. 
At the end of the day when the sun was low and setting, her mother and father brought them to sit underneath a palm tree on the beach. Kya smiled, watching the painted colors of pink, purple, and yellow drift across the horizon. 
“Who wants some fresh watermelon juice?” her mother offered, holding one large melon in each hand. 
“Me!” cheered Bumi. Tenzin reluctantly agreed after him.
Katara placed one in Kya’s hands, and Kya spent the next few minutes sipping through the straw. It was sweet and tart at the same time. 
“We should do this again sometime,” said Aang, leaning into the mishmash that was the rest of Kya’s crazy family. 
Kya perked up at that. “Kyoshi Island? Can we ride the giant kois? Pretty please?”
Katara started to protest, but as usual, Aang agreed with an enthusiastic chime. More bickering started, but all Kya could do was sink back into the sand and let her toes work into the grains. 
Today was a good day.
ao3 || ko-fi
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Master list of momoandzuzu18’s fanfic:
Upwelling - canon divergent AU in which Katara remains unsure about her feelings for Aang for years following the end of the war. As a master waterbender and healer, her responsibilities and aspirations come first to her when considering her commitment to her best friend. As they grow, her perceptions of relationships, love, and family rooted in her culture and upbringing begin to transform. in progress (currently 98k words), ao3 /
Daddy’s Little Girl - when Katara suggests that Aang should take the lead more often in bed, he comes home from a several week long trip to the Fire Nation with some new ideas for exactly how to take care of her. 9k words, ao3 /
Conception - it hadn’t taken him long after their son’s birth to realize his obsession with his wife’s breast milk. However, she hadn’t allowed him to indulge, really, until Bumi started eating some solid foods and began asking to be nursed less. As he eyed the spreading wet circles above her nipples, he was very grateful that he was able to enjoy what their son no longer did. 4k words, ao3 /
Handcuffs - after Aang has a bad day at work, Katara offers him some comfort by taking over in bed that night. 6k words, ao3 /
Blowing Off Steam - in which Aang is away for a week and phone sex commences. 5k words, ao3 /
The Lunar Effect - Katara is unable to sleep during the full moon; together, she and Aang find something to do with all of her extra energy. 4k words, ao3 /
Coming Home - a six month long trip to the air temples with a group of acolytes gives Aang (and Katara) time to think about their plans for the future. When he finally returns for a celebration at the Fire Nation Palace, Katara finds it hard to be upset with him for his long absence in the face of his renewed commitment to their relationship. 18k words, ao3 /
Second Attempt - Aang is much better able to concentrate on making Katara feel good the second time around. Prequel to Coming Home. 4k words, ao3 /
The Avatar’s Love - in which there is no balcony kiss or get together after the end of the Hundred Year War. Several years later, Aang is still not over his feelings for his best friend. One night, his friends get drunk at a party and Toph says something that causes Katara to begin to see him in a different light. 9k words, ao3 /
Growing Together - when Aang and Katara are mistaken for husband and wife by a mayor in the Fire Nation colonies and given a single bedroom for the night, they are encouraged to explore the physical limitations of their relationship. 8k words, ao3
A Lesson in Privacy - Katara sees something neither of them intended, and things get tense between the two. Aang struggles to find the best way to make amends while Katara, after some contemplation, takes a different approach. 7k words, ao3
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Hi there! I’ve been trying to find a Kataang fanfic story for a while- it’s post war I think a few years after, and it’s one where Aang is I think killed because he jumps In front of a knife to save Katara, and there’s a long time where Katara is depressed having to live without him but then he is I guess back from the dead and he comes back to them and the story continues on to them actually making good terms with the man who killed Aang and they all stop an evil spirit together. (More info is I think the man who killed Aang, his name starts with an N if that helps). Pretty sure it’s also M rated.
Hi! Haven't read this myself yet, but I believe you're looking for Avatar: The Dawning of Darkness by AvatarBeau96. Based on your account of it I should check it out asap 👀
- H.K.
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Take My Hand
Author: Unoriginalpoet
Rating: G
Summary: "I can't change what happened, you're right, but there's nothing to say I can't change how tonight ends. And, I just figured.. it would be a shame to let the most beautiful woman I've ever seen go to bed without at least one dance tonight." A small look into a simple moment between Katara and Aang where he asks her to take his hand once more, just like when they were kids.
Read the story here!
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Yet another one
This is a tried and true trope, but I love finding good arranged marriage fics! Ones where either Katara or Aang have to marry someone else and they're still trying to find a way to find each other anyway! If you know of any of those, I would love to read them!
Wedges of Ice and Air by A.D Curtis
It’s not exactly what you asked for but it’s very similar to the situation.
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I Feel Him in the Wind …
It was when the sun cracked open upon the landscape like a burning yolk, spreading its golden fingers along the crystalline landscape of her native land. When she first stepped out of the stagnant air of indoors and let her face meet the fresh, invigorating arctic air.
That’s when it would always happen.  It was something so common, so simple, and that’s what got her the most. It was when the wind played with a tendril of her hair and it was so homely, so familiar – such a part of her everyday world that a shock ran through her system every time she had to check herself and anchor her mind in reality.   It couldn’t be Aang. It was the wind. But for so many years, it was the quiet touch of her love. It was a playful burst of wind up her dress, a gentle caress of it along her jaw, a whisper sashaying through her hair like invisible fingertips.  She would open her eyes or turn around and he would be there, eyes shining like the silver lining of cloud shapes and overflowing with unabashed love. And alone in the crisp, cold morning air she took off a glove and put her hand out; felt the smooth energy of wind in the sensitive flesh between her fingers. She felt the sting in her eyes and let herself get a little emotional in the silence as she smiled privately, as if reflecting inwardly upon a personal joke.  Because for everyone else in the world, it was just the wind. But for her until the end of her days, it would always be Aang. 
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