#DoorDash Meal Delivery Service
kevinmmiller · 8 months
Paper Release: A Discussion on the Release of the New "Uber Eats Index", and including its Rationale (Chicago), and Efficiencies (Los Angeles)
The creator of this paper, after attempting to find the most cost efficient take out order, and order substitution delivery service. And after discovering the ability with the Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card. To be able to order, with little to no ad
Uber Eats Index – Courtesy of Kevin Michael Miller Uber Eats Index As A Percentage – Courtesy of Kevin Michael Miller The creator of this paper, after attempting to find the most cost efficient take out order, and order substitution delivery service. And after discovering the ability with the Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card. To be able to order, with little to no additional delivery…
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crippledpunks · 3 months
if you try to police disabled peoples' diets INCLUDING how they spend their money on food: i just want to ask why? what do you gain from this? like seriously, what do you actually gain from displaying holier-than-thou behavior toward another person's spending and dietary habits? who cares if you would spend your money "better"? you're not them. this is a form of abuse. you literally have no idea what the disabled person can safely digest and actually gains nutrients and energy from. you have no clue, even if you share the same disorder, you are not that person, nor are you their gastroenterologist or other specialist.
telling disabled people to "eat healthier," "eat more salads," "eat more fresh fruits," "eat more fresh vegetables," "eat more grains," and so on can not only be outwardly dangerous for people who have digestive issues like inflammatory bowel diseases, gastroparesis, irritable bowel disease, acid reflux, a history of ulcers, gastritis, and a long list of other digestive health issues, it can outright kill someone if they form a blockage. this can also injure, sicken or kill diabetics, people with non-diabetic low or high blood sugar, blood pressure issues, kidney and liver issues, and many other people.
not only that but you're potentially forcing a neurodivergent person to eat foods that nauseate, sicken, or disgust them, and for what? autistic people know what foods are safe for them to eat. adhd people need to find finds they can manage to keep in their homes without spoiling. dissociative people, people with ADHD, head trauma, develeopmental disorders, other people with memory issues, dementia, alzheimers, psychotic people, and other mental and cognitive health issues need foods they can prepare safely, because many mentally ill and neurodivergent people can't safe;y cook without risk of injury or damage to their home.
people who deal with allergies and intolerances are constantly struggling with being told how to eat when they are the ones who know their experience the most. NOBODY gives a fuck about people with allergies and literally nobody takes food intolerances seriously. i can't digest animal products OR byproducts anymore. i lost the ability. but sometimes i question "maybe i can try it again because this food is cheaper." well. i decided i was spending too much on groceries due to inflation and bought cow's milk instead of almond milk and got so sick it was something i had never seen before. i do NOT need to prioritize "saving money" over eating foods i can safely digest. i had an IBS attack early this morning because i ate some cheese- because it is a "cheap, easy source of protein."
some disabled people need to use certain services like pre-prepared foods being delivered to their homes, be it meals on wheels, or hello fresh. guilting these people for using the services because they could "just cook at home" is insulting to say the least. many of these services have tailored meals with consistent ingredients with limitations on contaminants with allergens.
here's the big one that everyone fucking hates but needs to accept immediately: some disabled people are too exhausted, in pain, dissociated, psychotic, unable to focus, unable to follow instructions, or in other ways unable to cook for themselves and need to use food delivery services like doordash and uber eats.
some disabled people can't or don't want to drive due to their disabilities! blind disabled people exist! para- and quadriplegics exist! people with hand tremors exist! working disabled people exist! amputees exist! disabled parents exist! disabled people who care for partners and family exist!
this one is sooooooo taboo and i'm sick of it. first of all, dashers and uber drivers are every day people who need to earn income. these are people's jobs and their lives are in fact on the line because this is a lot of drivers' primary income. enough with guilting people on this one. i'm fucking sick of it. y'all hate independently employed people and it shows. this isn't a luxury just relegated to rich white moms: disabled people need to have prepared, easy to eat foods delivered to our homes too. y'all need to leave people the fuck alone when it comes to takeout.
the second someone poorer and more disabled than you does something you do regularly, suddenly you're sending articles and giving paragraphs and paragraphs of advice on how to spend money better and how the disabled person "just needs to eat rice, beans, ramen, and frozen vegetables" because disabled people are not allowed comfort NOR convenience in your eyes. this is absolutely asinine. stop it. EATING is not relegated to the privileged
disabled people are people and need to eat. why you are prioritizing money over a literal human need is beyond me this is sick behavior. why do you care so much more about the money than the person ?why is money more important than someone's safety to you? why would anyone rather see someone "spend money the right way" over a human being EATING FOOD and especially foods they KNOW won't make them sick. policing how any disabled person spends their money on food is also unnecessary and abusive. it serves nothing to gain and everything to lose. so what if you think a disabled person spends too much money on food? you do too- we all do: food should be fucking free. get over yourself and let disabled people eat. leave your greed at the door, stop feeling entitled over other peoples' finances and spending habits.
telling a disabled person how to "eat healthier" will not make you healthier, and it will not do them any good, either. all it does is serve to stroke your ego because you believed you ""helped"" someone but all you did was give unsolicited advice that will be forever moot because you do not live in that person's body. don't care if you know them personally: you ain't them. so back off, let disabled people eat. food ain't just for the rich. food ain't just for the abled. let people access food in ways that are safe for us or get the fuck out of our way because all you're doing is causing problems and making disabled people's health problems WORSE.
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schafpudel · 9 months
Epidemiology of the Raven's Blood
Part 0: Prologue
Realistically, the blood does things because it's convenient to the plot of the anime, and no deeper thought needs to be put in than that. However, while it does explain inconsistencies in its writing, it's boring and not fun to my pattern-seeking brain. I like to piece together coherent internal logic to stuff in fiction, even if I know the authors themselves didn't think that hard about it. It's fun to me!
At the same time, Princess Tutu's meta-fictional conceit does give us some wiggle room to borrow the Doylist understanding and smuggle it back into a Watsonian explanation. So...
In-universe, I think, the purpose of the Raven’s Blood can be understood as a plot device to easily convert a separate “character” and their body into a narrative extension of the Raven; that this is why Drosselmeyer would write it into the logic of his story. Bored of a character you introduced previously and want to heighten the stakes? They're a toadie of the Raven now. And when we go a level down in fictionality...
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To the Raven, other living things exist to be exploited. The only use you can have, beyond being a meal, is being a pawn who can get it what it wants – and what it wants is to consume. Like some ancient castle-bound vampire or wicked dragon, its power and intelligence are ultimately in service of a simple predatory desire. If you are neither edible nor manipulable, you are simply a nuisance.
Diseases and parasites will manipulate pain and pleasure, fear and love, the body and the brain. But while a real disease or parasite’s goal in psychological and physiological manipulation is to reproduce, to turn the infected into a means by which to spread itself to new hosts... the Raven's curse is uninterested in this. What matters, to the Raven, is that the cursed becomes a minion and a pawn, who can bring its prey closer to its own mouth.
Part 1: Lay All Your Love On Me
Part 2: Serving Your Heart On A Platter
I’m sure you’ve heard of a sickness that feeds predators their prey. Toxoplasmosis, for example makes male rats as horny and lovesick over the smell of cat urine as they are at the scent of female rats, switching the pathways of fear and desire, to lure them into being devoured. The pathways between the two run parallel, you see. For the infected, every cat becomes a succubus, a siren, a beautiful creature calling its prey to their willing doom. And, if the parasite gets what it wants, this is how the rat dies.
       Why am I talking about this? Because Mytho starts talking about feeding himself to birds literally the day that his symptoms start presenting, in episode 14.
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It’s true he’s saying this while antagonizing Fakir, so one could also brush it off as him just Saying Shit to make his roommate as uncomfortable as possible. But also – we know what the Raven wants, in the end.
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For most of season 2, however, Raven!Mytho doesn’t continue to talk about feeding himself to crows. He’s mostly focused on seducing sacrifices, manipulating public opinion, having meltdowns about not being loved enough, and being petty to Fakir and Kraehe. His sense of self-preservation (in as much as Mytho has ever had one, cough) seems genuinely intact for episodes 15 through 21. If Mytho is feeling weirdly giggly about getting eaten during that timespan, he’s doing an awfully good job of hiding it.
And then Mytho starts molting into a crow monster at the end of episode 21, and the rat toxoplasmosis symptoms kicks back in.
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(We're not told what he's smiling about here in episode 22, but the next episode, episode 23, makes it obvious:)
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This does seem likely to be a Mytho-specific symptom; Rue shows no sign of this. The Raven has been particularly invested in eating Mytho’s heart for a long time, after all; Mytho’s job as the Raven’s doordash delivery guy was always going to be temporary even if he hadn’t beeninterrupted every time. It’s entirely possible that other people could end up with this “symptom” too, but we never see it.
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The fact that Raven!Mytho proceeds to acts so strangely cuddly after telling Kraehe she’s an ugly fuck (but also that he needs her love) feels somehow related to this enthusiasm for getting eaten by crows. His voice delivery in the Japanese audio for the heart/lips/blood line sounds…  …I hate to say this.
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It sounds like he thinks a crow girl ripping out his heart and touching it onto her mouth is really hot.
(Yea, of course she's shaped like an uggo human (and he's in the process of moulting into a majestic raven and he's sosososo excited for that) - but hey, she's technically a crow as far as he knows, and she has black feathers....)
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(And while regular!Mytho seems negative to neutral about that in season 1, Raven!Mytho only ever complimented Kraehe for having crow-like qualities.)
Anyways! In Mytho's final state under the Raven's Blood, he immediately obeys the Raven's orders to be devoured, completely ignoring Rue and Tutu's pleas.
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...You know, until the Fairytale Confession of Love, because this is a magical curse and it is a fairytale.
Part 3 and Part 4 are not ready yet but are in the works. See you soon.
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sleeplessscripts · 4 months
I wanna talk about how being disabled is hard.
I can't safely drive because of my epilepsy. It's gotten worse in the past few weeks, to where I'm having multiple seizures a day. I'm stuck at home, due to the laws being that I cannot drive anywhere.
Because I'm unable to go out and socialize, or work, or do anything really, because it's unsafe for me to do that right now due to the seizure risk, I'm depressed as fuck. I haven't been eating or drinking water. I haven't seen any of my friends. Nobody has had time to call me or talk to me.
When you are unable to go places, or find rides, or socialize, you get extremely extremely depressed. I've spent an absurd amount of money to doordash food twice this week so I can have something to eat. I don't have groceries in my cupboards, I'm down to frozen and canned vegetables, and that's it.
In order to get groceries I have to rely on a delivery service. I live in a food desert, so prices are extremely high, and because I can't work, I can't always afford the $15+ delivery fees.
Because I'm depressed I haven't wanted to cook whatsoever, I have been eating a lot of chips that were supposed to be saved for my epileptic episodes, to recover faster. I've been eating maybe one meal a day at most. In order for my antipsychotics and anxiety medicine to work, I need to eat at least 500 Calories.
Because I can't grocery shop, and because I'm depressed, and because nothing sounds good to eat, and I'm unable to keep any food down or eat more than one or two bites, because I have gone without eating for weeks, nothing sounds good or worthwhile to order through grocery delivery.
It's a cycle and it's a hole and it just drives you further and further downwards, and it's hard to stop. It's not something I want to be experiencing right now.
It's not easy. Never believe that it's easy.
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Well, we could've gone out for a nice dinner.
But no, he wanted to stay home and get doordash. So fine , OK. I get home a little late from work, and he is already mad because he is trying to set up his phone & he did something wrong.
He could have waited for me and we could have done it together, but no. The more he tries to do it, the more frustrated he gets. He absolutely will not call customer support.
And now it is my fault. Because I would not wait for him to decide to take us out of all weekend to go get the phones. Are we live is so far away from everything you have to drive about 90 miles an hour to find an AT&T store. He doesn't like driving and he never wants to leave the house. . in both our phones are shot. His won't turn on hardly anymore.
It is all my fault because I had the phones delivered through the mail rather than waiting for us to go buy them in a store.
The closest AT&T store is 90 miles away. And he never wants to take me anywhere and right now I cannot drive myself without a new glasses prescription. And we freakin needed phones.
I offer to help. I suggest he call customer service.
But he just throws both of his phones at me and tells me to fix it.
Like I know how. But because I'm cool and collected, I'm able to set up mine.
Finally, I'm able to call customer support and after quite a while, we get his phone set up.. By this time, it is 8:30 pm.
We don't have a lot of choices on doordash, but there is at least one actual restaurant on there. But he doesn't want this. He wants pizza and I do not want the doordash person driving all over town.
I did not want pizza at all. I figure I'll get a buffalo chicken melt from myself. I get some bread sticks. And get him. A pizza. Between that jacks did delivery fee and had to. For the driver, it is 50 dollars.
When it gets to your he wants to know why. I didn't order dessert and when I told him that I couldn't forget. Because what we got was 50 hours a yes. Even more mad. Eddie's going on on. About how every time he tries to do anything. It gets ruined. Yes, it does get ruin. It gets ruined by him because he is bipolar and just lets everything around away with him. He refuses to take medication for it and then we have episodes like we did the night where I am the one that bears the most of all of it.
25th anniversary. You're not gonna have another 1 of these idiots. I didn't want anything fancy. I literally just wanted a nice meal. And not to be screamed at.
And he did buy me roses for the first time in like. 20 years. But then he goes & ruins it.
And blames it on me.
Then he goes on moaning about how everything is ruined. Yes it is. Because he lets the smallest things drive him crazy. And when it drives him crazy, he takes everything out on me like its somehow my fault.
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clownprince · 1 year
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Am I exaggerating for getting upset about this?
This is precisely why I don’t like celebrating my birthday with people. I don’t like to be the center of attention, I don’t like to ask for things, and I don’t like people to make a fuss about me.
This year I planned to go away, but circumstances with a work project made me unsure if I’d be able to have a holiday on the week of my birthday.
We did finish, but I didn’t book anything just in case. And I was tired and I felt like I just needed to recharge.
So I stayed home this week, and I just planned to do things on my birthday. Random things that I like, all by myself.
But my family insisted that we should go out to eat to celebrate. My friends wanted to celebrate with me too, but I’m celebrating with them tomorrow, which I prefer because it’s not really my birthday anymore.
People don’t get that I don’t like celebrating my birthday: it’s not that I don’t even want to acknowledge that it’s my birthday, it’s just that I think it’s weird, honestly, to have people do things for me on this day just because I was born (something that I had absolutely no say in). My birthday is technically just for me. I’m here, I’m gonna do something special for myself, nobody else needs to be involved. I don’t know if that’s weird, bur that’s just how I think.
So I managed to convince my family that I didn’t want to go out to eat, that we could just have a low key thing in my sister’s house, with some extended family, very small. And I didn’t want any special meal, I just wanted pizza from this one place, and I decided that I wanted to drink Aperol Spritz and that I wanted blueberry pie instead of cake. I even made the pie myself, last night, I bought the Aperol and the Prosecco and oranges, and all my sister had to do was order the pizzas. I mentioned the one restaurant specifically. They make excellent pizzas.
This morning it was rainy and perfect, I slept in. Then I went to a museum and loved it. Then I had an excellent lunch at one of my new favorite places. I got home, got ready, headed to my sister’s. They made me Aperol Spritz.
Then the pizzas got there, and they were from this place that I detest, not the place I requested. I asked why they hadn’t ordered from that place, they said there didn’t seem to be any delivery available from any of the apps (our equivalents to DoorDash, UberEats, etc). I said the place has it’s own delivery service. My sister said she didn’t know that, so they ordered from this place. They didn’t even ask me for an alternative that I would like too. I really hate that pizza. I couldn’t even take one bite. It’s disgusting (to me, not necessarily to others).
I was already upset, because it was such a simple thing that I asked, and they got it wrong and didn’t even try to problem-solve it. They could have asked me if I liked that place, they could have asked me why I wanted that other place specifically, they could have asked anything. But they just ordered whatever was most convenient. They just teased me mercilessly about being too picky, that I was making too big a deal. Even my niece tore into me (my ten-year-old niece, whom I recall crying once over a salad her mum made her full of ingredients that she didn’t like, was accusing me of being too picky…). I said that I had only asked for this one specific thing, and they still made me feel really ridiculous about being upset over the pizza place choice. Then my brother-in-law ordered three more pizzas from another place that I do like, but by then I wasn’t hungry anymore, I didn’t want pizza anymore, it was later and I wasn’t hungry anymore, but he still ordered them, and then he continued to tease me about it. They all did. They all made a fuss. I don’t fucking like people making a fuss.
By the time the new pizza arrived, I was no longer fucking hungry, but I still had to eat at least a couple of slices, because they ordered them specifically for me… and I felt guilty and awful…
And of course I feel ridiculous, I know it’s such an insignificant problem to have. But… I shouldn’t have been made to feel so awful on my fucking birthday, that I didn’t even want to celebrate in the first place. I thought I was doing them a favor by making things very simple and low key, and I’m grateful that they want to celebrate me and everything…
This is the kind of thing that reinforces the idea that maybe I’m a fucking nuisance to my family, that I can meek and be ridiculed or I can be assertive and be ridiculed too, that I maybe do hyper fixate on things and that they will never understand or try to understand me or my feelings, and so why express my feelings if they’re going to either be made fun of or dismissed anyway…
Anyway, at least my pie was really good.
Next year I’m fucking off to Scandinavia and going to Sweden for Eurovision and spending my birthday in the middle of a fjord and not dealing with this kind of shit.
I love my family, and I like them; they’re not perfect obviously, but sometimes they can be really tone-deaf when it comes to me…
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junipercastor · 9 months
i understand the criticism and lobby for workers rights of people employed by delivery companies like doordash or uber eats or instacart, but what could people who are disabled or live in a food desert without ready access to transportation do in the meantime?
before i moved back to my home city i was staying in a different one for school and that city was awful. the bus system was awful too, although im thankful we had one at all. id see a lot of elderly people wheeling their personal carts full of grocery on my way home. the ride from my school took about an hour each way and i transferred three buses twice too. that's how far apart things were! in a city, even. i think the walmart they all went to was closer but that still really sucks :/ there were a lot of older people in my area because there was a retirement home a block from me as well as a seniors building downtown.. i know personally if i took the bus to the store, the trip took up the better half of my day. i was fortunate enough to have my aunt take me shopping for grocery when i came back home to visit. sometimes i walked pretty far to get to where i needed to go or asked one of my housemates to drive me but he worked pretty late so he couldn't always be around to carpool us. a couple times i relied on instacart, and im guessing that's what a lot of people do over there. i know my other housemates did lol, and they had cars... what im getting at is that i was lucky
im going to stop using delivery services if workers aren't compensated fairly by their companies, but im uncertain if i can take a stance against them tbh given that idk what else could be used for people who need it :/ smth like meals on wheels? i dunno
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nickgerlich · 1 year
Ghost In The Machine
Leave it to human ingenuity. Or perhaps I should say corporate genius. It seems that for every process, law, or method, there is a hack to work around it. Never mind that things were probably good enough the way they were. It’s just that, in our zeal to have an edge over others, we look for the loopholes.
Like all of the ghost kitchens and virtual brands we have discussed earlier this term. While I lauded them early—and correctly so—for leveraging their physical locations so they could test out new concepts and menu items on Uber Eats, DoorDash, and others, it has now become apparent that some of these players have simply duplicated their menus and slapped on a different brand name just so it could grab another line on the list of restaurants we see on our phones.
And now Uber Eats is fighting back, saying that in order to get those multiple listings, the virtual brand must have at least a 60% different menu. Who would have thought it would all come down to this?
But it is a good response from Uber Eats, because they have been taken advantage of in all this by those restaurants and ghost kitchens—which we define as an establishment with no indoor seating, and often located in an industrial park or even parking lot—who are trying to simply boost their odds of making online sales.
Whoa. That may very well qualify as the longest sentence I have written this semester. But I digress.
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It is fair conclusion jumping to agree that the kitchens being accused of such chicanery are just being smart. They can try different price points, names, and a slew of other marketing variables, without having to actually create new products. And they are betting that most consumers will never notice. Just imagine, though, a Little Caesars—for example—also selling Bigga Pizza Pies, but they all come out of the same oven with the same crust, sauce, mozzarella, and toppings. Could you tell? And would you even care?

Uber Eats, et al., all want to make money, to be fair, but they do not want their service to be scammed like this. Getting two listings is little different form somehow managing to wrangle two display ads in a newspaper when you bought one, or any number of other of duplicative examples.
But wait, there’s more! Uber is also raising the bar on those it does list, requiring each establishment to have at least a 4.3 out of 5 rating on their app, have fewer than five-percent of orders canceled, and have fewer than five-percent delivery and order errors.
Thus far, Uber has removed more than 5000 entities it attests are simply clones of their parent, finding, in one instance, that a New York deli had 14 such clones under its umbrella. Can you imagine submitting 14 resumes for a job, each with a different name, but the person were the same? Shakespeare said a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but that doesn’t work so well in job hunting or restaurant listings.
Uber says, though, it counts 40,000 virtual listings. Its internal police department is going to have its hands full enforcing its latest policy decision.
I know. You’ve probably already started thinking of a new hack in the wake of Uber clamping down. Why not simply give different names and/or plating variations so that the items are still pretty much the same, but look different on your screen? That would likely be easy. Imagine a meal of the Monster Burger and French Fries also being listed under a different brand as the Hamburger Monstre and pomme frites. Pretty much the same thing, but one sounds so cosmopolitan and worldly.
I’m pretty sure the ghost kitchens are already preparing their workarounds, because that’s the way we all roll. The spoils go to those who can hack the best. Meanwhile, just be careful placing your food orders. You might just be a victim as well. I can see that international burger fetching a higher price tag if only because it uses French words.
And I can imagine you looking like a ghost when you find out you’ve been duped, too.
Dr “Or You Could Just Cook At Home“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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$36.17 wasted when ordering Taco Bell from DoorDash. The Mexican pizza was spilt all in the bottom, the tacos had such little meat and cheese that it was basically all shell and sauce. The quesadillas and a drink never even made it to me. This is one in a long line of really messed up orders!!! Usually they understand and send replacement or credits, but now, since we have reported the mess ups too much, they can’t do anything but report it back to whoever. I’m so frustrated. I canceled my dash pass and am heavily reconsidering using DoorDash again. It’s not right to punish the customer for missing, messed up or wrong orders. I get that people make mistake but come on, this is ridiculous. You charge an arm and a leg for careless drivers who don’t check if your order is all there. I wish there was a delivery service that actually did check if the order matched the food before it got to you! Seriously though. Disappointed in a meal I was so excited for.
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akiradolce · 2 years
Subathon Over!
After 55 hours, my subathon comes to a close! There's a lot I learned from this experience. The first is that I'm able to do it, so that was a huge confidence boost! Even though, I found mild success with my subathon, there's a few things that I was upset with as well...
The first thing was that I was sick, so that was a huge upsetting part for me. I wasn't able to be 100% at full entertainer mode since I still had to focus on being healthy. That means a lot of the more physically demanding things were not possible. So no karaoke, no Ring Fit. I even had forcing push-ups/sit-ups/squats as an incentive. I ended up doing them, but it was the most I could do.
Another thing was that even with an active chat, I ended up feeling very lonely. I wasn't able to interact with my friends outside of the stream. The only few times I was able to was during BRBs and just before going to bed. Even on waking up, I immediately had to check on the stream to make sure it was still up or that no hate raids and trolls decided to cause trouble.
There's not much time for other people when tending to an "always on" stream. I was only able to speak to another person once through the entire 55 hours, which was after a friend raided my stream and I openly invited them to join since they weren't planning on going to bed afterwards. I didn't even speak to family at all during the whole thing.
Food was also a huge issue. From my experience with the stream, time was precious. Time away from the stream meant losing retention and potential contributions. I always felt like I was in a rush to get things done. Because I was sick, I also constantly needed water to refresh my system, even more than usual to help recover from whatever sickness I caught. I wanted to eat bit more substantial meals like pasta and chicken, but those are things that you can't just set on a stove and come back to. I didn't have roommates or family that were able to help or cook for me, so that was a huge struggle.
My advice if I were to ever do this again, and to anyone reading that's looking to do a subathon, is to make food ahead of time. Make a huge pot of chili in a slow cooker, get a rice cooker, buy family sized lasagna that take like 1hr30 to cook in an oven. Depending on the success of your subathon, DoorDash could be your friend. In my case, I wasn't able to justify DoorDash or any other delivery service. The only outside food I got was Taco Bell, which was an incentive, and not by choice.
Another huge issue was finding ways to keep the stream active with clear info. I definitely feel like I should have prepared a bit more beforehand, but I was unable to make the proper preparations due to being basically bedridden up until the day before the start day. I would have gotten a YouTube playlist set up for when I slept and set up labels that could let people know what the next incentive was. I think the worst thing was not having moderators able to help. Because everything had to be done by myself. Changing titles, tracking incentives and rewards, removing troublesome users. I also unfortunately had an issue with the marathon timer, where I had to manually add time. A lot of the workload made it hard to focus on providing an engaging stream.
Even though I struggled a lot, I ended up creating a lot of fun and memorable moments. I would definitely try this again in the future, but with my experience on how I handled this, I would know a bit better on how to handle everything. My only regret was not being able to reach my follower goal during the event and having to dip into my own savings just to continue streaming while I'm in Japan.
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purplesurveys · 2 years
What color are your eyes? They’re dark brown.
Is anyone you work with currently on maternity leave or vacation? Yeah, this girl I work with for the same client but is from a different agency. Come to think of it she’s been out since around May or June.
Favorite boy’s name? I’ve taken a liking to the names Liam, Noah, Jacob, and Seth.
Baked macaroni and cheese or regular? Ooh, I love me some good baked mac.
What’s the first thing you learned how to draw? It had to have been either a stick figure or a house.
Name one of your friends’ children: None of my friends have kids, but I’m already ready to be the best aunt lol.
What was the name of your 5th grade teacher? Her name is Victoria. I remember her coming off as intimidating since she’s a little older than the rest of the other teachers in the level, but is actually quite nice (and funny) if you get to know her better. I wonder how she’s doing; I hope she’s been healthy.
Sterling silver or titanium? Uhhhh don’t really have a preference on this one.
How many hours do you work in a day? It can range anywhere from 8 to like 15 on a bad day.
Have you ever been to a casino? I’ve been in one, but I only walked past the different slots(?) and roulettes since I had been a few days shy of turning 18 at the time. Now that I’m 24 I think I would still steer clear since I don’t want to fall into that trap.
Who wrote the last book you read? No clue.
What’s the middle name of your bestfriend? Not sharing that.
What’s your favorite food? These days, it’s fried chicken and waffles.
How far away do you live from the closest aquarium? An hour and a half away.
Favorite girls name? Mia, Charlotte, Elizabeth. Wyatt and Elliott are also growing on me.
Name one of your candle scents: I like scents that are supposed to remind you of the sea.
What’s the name of your favorite restaurant? This local Korean restaurant that’s a 15 minute drive away. Owner’s Korean, so every single meal is as Korean as it gets. My only wish is that they start serving miyeokguk since I’m sure many people go there for birthday feasts and such.
Are you in a relationship? If so, how long? I haven’t been in a relationship in like two years, and am not interested in getting in one any time soon.
Who in your family has a birthday in January? My dad, on the last day of the month.
When was the last time you lost power? How long was it out and the cause? September. There was a typhoon at the time so our area and the neighboring cities lost electricity then; it was out for pretty much the entire afternoon, which was a big inconvenience since I had work that day and data wasn’t doing its job very well.
Do you know any twins? I know my sister had a couple of classmates who were sets of twins.
What’s your favorite flower? Peonies. Pick 3 random colors: Olive, pastel pink, purple.
Would you ever dye your hair that color? My hair is already purple; I’ve also been meaning to dye my hair olive someday. I’m not a fan of pink hair on me, though; too bright for my liking.
Do you own any underwear that color? Just in pink.
Can this be used as a last name? Everyone in this country has Hispanic surnames so if you encounter people with colors as their last name, they are most likely expatriates lol.
What’s your favorite country song? Not a fan of country.
Do you drink alcohol? Yeah, largely in social settings. I try to cut back on drinking on my own as I don’t want to form a habit.
Do you use any food delivery services such as UberEats, DoorDash, etc? Yeah, I get Grab like 1-2 times a week.
What color is your mailbox? We don’t have one.
What age did you lose your virginity? I was 18.
Dogs or cats? Dogs.
Do you know anyone who’s been to prison? I do. What’s one thing on your shopping list? I wanna restock on Bibimmyeon noodles so bad. The first time I bought it I only got one pack in case I ended up not liking it, but it was SO good and my tastebuds have been looking for it ever since lol.
Freeze tag or musical chairs? Musical chairs, because I was good at it.
Where did you go on your last vacation? Batangas. Have you ever been stuck in the mud? I don’t think I have.
What was the last thing you took a picture of? My ticket to Seonho’s fanmeet! I can’t believe I’m seeing him :’) He was my first post-breakup fixation, so my relationship with him holds so a lot more meaning and significance than my other fandoms. Start-Up gave me something to sink my teeth into during my major depression days; from there I started watching 2 Days 1 Night too and Seonho had always been my favorite. I’m really excited and I’m gonna have to try not cry when I see him lol
Name someone you work with: Bea. How far away is the closest Walmart? Idk...978937438483433 miles maybe.
Chick-fil-A, Taco Bell or McDonald’s? McDonald’s only because it’s the most accessible. Taco Bell is GREAT but we only have like 4 branches and all of them are too far for me to be willing to travel. No Chick-Fil-As here and besides, I’ve heard they’re quite problematic too? I think it’s anti-LGBT sentiments, if I remember correctly.
Did you ever get an allowance as a child? It was starting in high school. I had packed food throughout grade school.
What food do you see the most of at baby showers? I’ve never even been to one.
Do you know the capital of your state? We don’t have states but yeah I know the capital of what our equivalent is.
Have you ever rode on a motorcycle? Just a scooter, never a motorcycle.
When’s the last time you ate any type of sweet? Yesterday when I had these Milo bites that tasted a lot like Maltesers.
Pizza rolls or bagel bites? PIZZA ROLLS
What kind of flooring is in the room you’re in? Concrete.
Is the internet connection good where you live at? Yeah. I’m at the rooftop and I am right in front of our giant wifi antenna lol so I’d be pretty shocked if the connection is bad here. Do you need to do laundry? Nope.
What’s your favorite scent? The sea, bakeries, and freshly-brewed coffee.
Have you ever lived in a hotel before? Nope.
What kind of pets does your grandmother have? My paternal grandma has like 5 dogs; she has always been a huge dog lover; and actually, Kimi was a gift from her. She was always so amazed that Kimi outlived the rest of his family and lived for as long as he did :)
Do you follow any type of trials? Like...subscription trials? I have no ongoing ones.
What’s the last show you really got into that you have to wait for the next season of? The only ongoing series I enjoy is The Crown. Otherwise, I’m not a fan of following shows that are currently on air because I haaaaaate waiting.
SpongeBob or Patrick? Spongebob. Patrick is hilarious but his stupidity can annoy me at times hahaha.
When’s the last time you saw fireworks? During the now-trauma-inducing PR event I handled last June. The event I lost so much sleep for, lost a part of myself for, and the event that forced me to put my grief for Kimi aside. Fuck that client forever.
Have you ever witnessed a car accident? Not as it happened, but I have seen hundreds of accident aftermaths.
Do you own a pair of fuzzy socks? No.
What kind of ice cream is your favorite? Those that have hard chocolate shells YUM
Have you ever been skinny dipping? Nooooo, not a fan of the idea. I could never do that, even around close friends.
Sprinkles or frosting? Frosting.
Do you like mushrooms? Love them. I had the most amazing mushroom soup at our company Christmas party last Friday and this question just made me crave it all over again.
How many tattoos do you have? Zero. Do you own any type of hand sanitizers? Yeah I have a BT21 one hahaha.
Have you ever worked in a grocery store? I haven’t.
What’s your Subway order? I never order Subway. I don’t dislike it, but it’s just never been a go-to choice.
When was the last time you used the bathroom? An hour ago.
Do you know how to roller skate? I mean I can’t do tricks, but I can keep my balance and glide. I used to own a pair as a kid and would practice nonstop around the house.
Can you read sheet music? No.
How old is your youngest sibling? 19.
Do you have an Amazon account? No.
What day is payday? I’d rather not share that.
What’s one food your family has at Thanksgiving? At what?
Do you like painting? I love looking at paintings, but I rarely do it myself. When I do, it’s through paint by number kits; I’ve never actually crafted a portrait on my own.
Have you ever been swimming with dolphins? I haven’t. I’d rather watch them from a distance.
What’s your favorite snack food? Mozzarella sticks.
You’re watching Law & Order, is it the regular or SVU? I’ve never been into that. Not a big fan of crime series in general, actually.
What were you doing last time it snowed? I’ve never seen snow.
Do you have to sleep with a fan on? Only during the summer. I can usually go through nights with the fan turned off as long as the aircon is on.
Chapstick or lip gloss? I don’t use either.
When was the last time you took a shower? This morning before I headed to the mall to pick up my ticket.
Do you know how to play basketball? No, I’ve never understood the more specific rules; and am even more awful at the court in the handful of times I was forced to play basketball.
Name one thing you put on a salad: I just like spicy tuna salad; and that has lettuce, tuna sashimi, spicy mayo, and sometimes panko. Do you own anything that’s your favorite color? Yeah my wallet is pink.
What’s the last thing you ordered from a Mexican restaurant? Nachos and grilled chicken.
Do you carry a purse or a backpack? I always use shoulder bags.
What kind of soda is your favorite? I don’t enjoy soda but in the times I’m too shy to decline, I just go for Sprite.
Have you ever cut yourself shaving? Sure, but for the most part I shave carefully and very gingerly because seeing blood come out of me makes my entire body turn into jelly lol 
Penguins or pandas? That’s so tough! But I think I’ll go with pandas heheh.
Do you like your in-laws? I love the one in-law I have (cousin-in-law) and wish I can hang out with her more! That’s probably more possible now that my cousin and she are engaged; should make that a goal this 2023 :)
What do you usually do for Christmas? We usually hop around our relatives and their houses so we can celebrate Christmas with them. Within our immediate family, we open gifts on the 24th.
Have you ever used any type of Aromatherapy? Yeah, we have an essential oil diffuser that I’d use from time to time.
Toe socks or ankle socks? Ankle.
Who’s your favorite Pokémon character? Ho-Oh.
What’s the temperature range in your area? 27ºC to 5,000,000ºC.
Does your trash need to be taken out? Not anymore; we take it out every evening and I think that’s been done already.
Nachos or chips and salsa? Nachos; the more customizable the better.
What’s the name of your pets? Cooper and Agi.
Have you been around anyone that creeped you out? I guess, but thankfully it’s always just been people I encounter in passing.
What’s your Chick-fil-A order? I’ve never had Chick-Fil-A.
Regular or pink lemonade? Regular, I guess. I’m not familiar with pink lemonade and idk what it’s in it.
Do you know anyone who’s lost their house in a natural disaster? No, but living in a typhoon-prone country there is usually always someone I know - relatives, friends - who have had to deal with major flooding and damages to their furniture after a typhoon.
What’s your favorite candy? Gummy candies.
Chinese or Japanese cuisine? Japanese. Chinese culture is so deeply ingrained in ours that their cuisine might as well be considered pseudo-Filipino at this point hahaha, and I’d rather explore other cuisines.
Colored pencils or sharpies? It depends what I’m using them for.
Do you own a pair of Crocs? Nah but I’m badly considering getting a pair just for the Jibbitz.
Have you ever been to DisneyWorld? Nope.
Does anyone in your family have a birthday in February? Yes, one of my uncles (mom’s brother).
How long does it take for your phone to fully charge? 45 minutes to an hour.
What color is your hairbrush? Purple.
Is there any movies out that you want to see? No.
Do you know how to run a cash register? I don’t.
Chicken or beef noodles? Uh, pork belly hahaha. What year did you get your drivers license? 2016.
Do you have any piercings? I do but I haven’t put earrings on them in years. Amazingly enough neither has closed up this entire time.
What kind of makeup do you wear? In the times I have to put my PR personality on for events and (begrudgingly) put on makeup, I head towards my sister’s foundation, eyeshadow, concealer, and highlighter; and if I have enough energy for it, eyeliner.
What’s your Taco Bell order? I just get one of their burritos. Idk what they call it.
Do you wear any type of shimmer spray or glitter? No.
Have you ever lived in a trailer/doublewide? Nopes.
What’s your boyfriends/girlfriends middle name? I don’t have one.
Are you into anime? Mm, not really. I watched Pokemon and Slam Dunk as a kid but that’s it. As an adult, the only anime thing I’ve watched and enjoyed is Kimi no Na wa.
Pizza or nacho lunchables? Idk what Lunchables are.
Have you ever been to a strip club? I’ve never been but that’s long been on my bucket list to experience entering one even just once haha.
Do you know how to play any instruments? Nope.
Have you ever been inside of a courtroom? Not the smaller ones. I’ve been to the House of Representatives though - once, for a journalism assignment.
What kind of restaurants do you eat at while you’re on vacation? We definitely try the local cuisines/delicacies. Places like McDonald’s and other fast food options are a big no-no in our family when we’re traveling.
Did you ever participate in any pageants when you were younger? No, and I’m glad my family never put me in them.
What kind of cheese is your favorite? Mozzarella, burrata, and feta.
Does your phone have any cracks or scuffs? MIRACULOUSLY enough it doesn’t. It’s been 10 months and it looks the same as the day I bought it.
Have you ever had a professional massage? Just once. But I didn’t like how you have to strip down to your underwear; it made me really uncomfortable so I haven’t booked another appointment since then. Masseuse was amazing at her job though.
Which would you rather have, twins or triplets? Oof, just one kid at a time please.
Do you drink energy drinks? No, I’m scared of them and their possible effects on my body lol.
Can you swim? I mean, I honestly don’t think I’d last long if I found myself in like a shipwreck and had to tread for hours on end. But if by ‘swimming’ you meant if I knew strokes, then yeah I know a number of them. I took swimming classes as a child and also had PE classes where swimming was mandatory.
Make the perfect taco salad: I don’t eat taco salads.
Have you ever lived with friends or a roommate? Never have.
Who in your family has a birthday in March? Two of my cousins and my late maternal grandpa.
What kind of pasta do you like? Spaghetti and fettuccine.
Do you know how to play volleyball? Sure. It’s a lot easier to understand than basketball, for sure.
How much decorating do you do around the holidays? Not much. We just put a tree up and have that decorated as fuck with a million trinkets and that’s it.
Have you ever been on a cruise? I have.
At what age did you learn how to tie your shoes? I was around 5 and had to learn since we had an ‘exam’ on it in kindergarten. Basically you had to demonstrate that you know how to tie your own shoelaces.
Oreos or chocolate chip cookies? Chocolate chip cookies. Oreo biscuits themselves taste too manufactured for me and I prefer it incorporated in other sweets, like cheesecake and ice cream.
What did you dress up for Halloween as a child? I didn’t go trick or treating all that much and the one notable costume I remember putting on was Tinkerbell.
Can you count to ten in Spanish? Yes, thanks to all the hours spent watching Dora.
Name a character from your favorite TV show: Gus Fring, absolute badass of a man.
Do you like going to arcades? They’re okay, but they aren’t my main idea for a fun time with friends as for the most part I find them pretty crowded. I also feel too old for them sometimes lol.
What was the last personal care item you bought from the store? A razor.
Airplanes or helicopters? Airplanes. 
Have you ever been camping for more than a week? Nopes.
What kind of meat do you like the most? Pork belly.
Do you actually stop and pet dogs you actually see? Stray dogs, yes. I feel that they need so much more of the world’s kindness. But if it’s a pet dog, I typically would just say hi from a distance; I’ll only pet if the owner goes first and gives me a go-signal to do so, and if the dog does not look stressed.
Have you ever been in an ambulance? No. What’s the craziest thing you’ve found at a hotel before? In Singapore our room had switches that would draw the curtains open and close. It was such a simple piece of technology that I’m sure first-world countries have anyway, but as someone from the Philippines I was so amazed haha.
How far is the closest Target? Refer to my answer for Wal-Mart.
Snakes or spiders? Snakes.
What’s your Panera Bread order? What?
Do you have any cool keychains? My Tata ones :)
How old is your oldest living grandparent? My maternal grandma turned 76 yesterday.
Do you watch movies? Yes, but not nearly as often as I used to.
Who in your family has a birthday in April? Me and my brother.
Have you ever had your nails done professionally? I don’t think so.
What color Christmas tree do you use? Green.
What’s your go to dipping sauces? Spicy mayo, mayo + ketchup, soy sauce, sesame oil, gochujang sauce.
Do you know how to properly pack a U-Haul truck? No...I’m not sure I know what that is, either.
What was your least favorite math? Calculus and trig were so pointless and useless to me. I HAAATED taking those classes in senior year knowing I was headed towards a journalism course lol.
Have you ever been published in a magazine? Possibly.
What color is your snow gloves? I don’t own a pair of those.
How old were you when you last went to the dentist? 24. I went a few times a couple of months ago to get my teeth cleaned, get x-rays done, and have a wisdom tooth pulled out. Do you own a printer? We don’t. My family just doesn’t print that often enough to get a printer altogether.
What’s your Applebees order? I’ve never eaten at the one Applebees branch that we have in the country.
Do you bring home seashells from the beach? I would never do that.
What kind of video games do you play? I don’t really play video games. My skillset is largely limited to phone app games, hahaha.
Is anyone in your family in law enforcement? No. I remember one of my uncles (dad’s brother) enrolling at I think it was a police academy??? but nothing came out of that I believe and he ended up just switching career fields.
How long ago was the last funeral you attended? The last wake I attended was Nacho’s in 2019. I’ve never been to a funeral.
What color is the blanket on your bed? Pink.
Where did you get your name from? First name was from my dad; my second name was picked by my mom.
Do you wear lipstick? Nope.
What’s a fruit you dislike? Mangoes.
What kind of donuts do you like? Ones with a chocolate glaze.
Do you know how to braid hair? I never learned how to.
What’s one accessory you wear? I don’t really. I always have a black hairtie on my wrist but I know that barely counts lol.
How many hoodies/jackets do you own? Less than ten, I know that much.
What was the last name of the road you lived on? Wow, I’m not sharing that.
What brand of chocolate do you prefer? Reese’s.
Nike or Adidas? Nikeeeeeeeeee. I might be handling Adidas at work but I’ll always be a Nike girl.
What will your future wedding colors be? Do I even know if I’ll be getting a wedding? Do you have a phone mount in your car? No. I really need one though considering I use Waze every time I drive, even during the times I know where I’m going.
Make the perfect omelet: Cheese, tomatoes, bell peppers, few bits of jalapeño. Sometimes ketchup.
What’s the name of the air freshener closest to you? There isn’t one near me.
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fhjdbvhj · 6 days
Restaurant that delivers food Hoboken NJ
Hoboken, New Jersey, is home to a diverse range of restaurants offering a wide array of cuisines, and many of them provide delivery services to cater to the city’s bustling lifestyle. Whether you're craving Italian, American, Asian, or fusion dishes, there are numerous restaurants that deliver delicious food right to your doorstep. Here are some of the top restaurants in Hoboken that offer delivery:
Restaurant that delivers food Hoboken NJ
1. Otto Strada
Cuisine: Italian Specialties: Otto Strada is known for its authentic Italian dishes, including homemade pasta, wood-fired pizzas, and classic Italian comfort foods. They focus on fresh, locally sourced ingredients, and their delivery service ensures that you can enjoy a taste of Italy at home.
Popular Dishes: Margherita Pizza, Rigatoni alla Vodka, and Chicken Parmigiana.
Delivery: Available through apps like Grubhub, Uber Eats, and DoorDash.
2. Honeygrow
Cuisine: Asian Fusion Specialties: Honeygrow offers customizable stir-fries, salads, and their signature honeybar, where you can create a bowl with fruits, honey, and toppings. Their food is healthy, fresh, and quick to deliver, making it a great option for lunch or dinner.
Popular Dishes: Sesame Garlic Stir-Fry, Spicy Garlic Stir-Fry, and Make-Your-Own Salad.
Delivery: Available through platforms like Uber Eats and DoorDash.
3. La Isla
Cuisine: Cuban Specialties: A Hoboken institution, La Isla is famous for its Cuban-inspired dishes, including Ropa Vieja, Empanadas, and Cuban sandwiches. They offer large portions, bold flavors, and satisfying meals for delivery.
Popular Dishes: Cuban Sandwich, Ropa Vieja, and Tostones.
Delivery: Available through services like Seamless, Uber Eats, and DoorDash.
4. Bareburger
Cuisine: Organic Burgers and American Specialties: Bareburger focuses on delivering organic, locally sourced burgers, sandwiches, and salads. They offer a variety of proteins, including beef, turkey, and plant-based options like the Beyond Burger.
Popular Dishes: The American Burger, Sweet Potato Fries, and Beyond Burger.
Delivery: Available via Uber Eats, DoorDash, and Grubhub.
5. Charrito’s
Cuisine: Mexican Specialties: Charrito’s is known for its flavorful, authentic Mexican dishes. The restaurant offers a wide range of traditional Mexican entrees, including enchiladas, tacos, and guacamole made fresh to order.
Popular Dishes: Chicken Enchiladas, Tacos al Pastor, and Guacamole.
Delivery: Available through Grubhub, Uber Eats, and DoorDash.
6. Hoboken Pie
Cuisine: Pizza Specialties: If you're in the mood for pizza, Hoboken Pie delivers a range of pizza styles from classic New York-style slices to gourmet pies with creative toppings. The restaurant also offers a selection of pasta, salads, and sides.
Popular Dishes: Pepperoni Pizza, White Pizza, and Buffalo Chicken Pizza.
Delivery: Available on Seamless, Grubhub, and Slice.
7. Turning Point
Cuisine: Breakfast & Brunch Specialties: For those who prefer breakfast and brunch delivered, Turning Point offers a variety of breakfast items like pancakes, waffles, omelets, and fresh-pressed juices. It’s perfect for starting your day with a hearty meal without leaving your house.
Popular Dishes: Avocado Toast, Blueberry Pancakes, and Classic Eggs Benedict.
Delivery: Available through Uber Eats and DoorDash.
8. Sushi House of Hoboken
Cuisine: Japanese Specialties: Sushi House offers a wide variety of sushi rolls, sashimi, and Japanese appetizers, perfect for sushi lovers. They offer both traditional and creative sushi options for delivery.
Popular Dishes: Spicy Tuna Roll, Dragon Roll, and Shrimp Tempura.
Delivery: Available on Grubhub, Uber Eats, and DoorDash.
9. Mamoun’s Falafel
Cuisine: Middle Eastern Specialties: Mamoun’s Falafel is known for its delicious Middle Eastern fare, including falafel, shawarma, and hummus platters. Their affordable and tasty menu items are great for a quick and satisfying meal delivered to your door.
Popular Dishes: Falafel Sandwich, Chicken Shawarma, and Hummus with Pita.
Delivery: Available through Grubhub, Uber Eats, and DoorDash.
10. Greek Town
Cuisine: Greek Specialties: Greek Town offers a variety of Greek dishes, including gyros, souvlaki, and moussaka. Their Mediterranean flavors and fresh ingredients make it a great option for a healthy yet satisfying meal.
Popular Dishes: Chicken Gyro, Spanakopita, and Greek Salad.
Delivery: Available via Seamless, Uber Eats, and DoorDash.
Hoboken’s restaurant scene offers plenty of options for delivery, making it easy to enjoy a wide variety of cuisines from the comfort of your home. Whether you're in the mood for Italian, Cuban, or sushi, these restaurants provide reliable delivery services through popular apps like Grubhub, Uber Eats, and DoorDash. From casual eats to more gourmet offerings, Hoboken has something for everyone.
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schrood · 10 days
Top Food Delivery Apps: Why Schrood is Your Best Choice
In today’s fast-paced world, food delivery apps have become an essential part of everyday life. Whether you’re looking for a quick lunch, a family dinner, or something special for the weekend, these apps provide the convenience of having meals delivered to your door in just a few taps. With a variety of options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the best one. Here, we break down some of the Top Food Delivery Apps and show why Schrood stands out from the crowd.
1. Schrood: Australia’s Best Food Delivery App
When it comes to reliability, affordability, and a great selection of food, Schrood tops the list. Unlike other apps that may focus solely on delivery speed or a specific cuisine, Schrood provides a balance of everything:
Wide Range of Restaurants: From local favorites to popular chains, Schrood connects users with a vast selection of eateries.
Affordable Delivery Fees: Schrood is known for offering lower delivery charges compared to other competitors, making it a cost-effective choice for regular users.
Fast Delivery Times: With an efficient network of delivery drivers, Schrood ensures that your food arrives fresh and on time, even during peak hours.
User-Friendly Interface: Schrood’s app is easy to navigate, allowing users to quickly place orders, track deliveries, and even schedule meals in advance.
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2. Uber Eats
Uber Eats is a well-known platform, boasting a massive global presence. It connects users to a wide variety of restaurants, and its easy integration with the Uber app makes it convenient for users who are already familiar with the interface. However, high delivery fees can sometimes be a downside.
3. DoorDash
DoorDash is another big name in the food delivery space, offering a vast range of restaurants and fast delivery. DoorDash’s DashPass subscription plan is appealing for frequent users, but some users may find that the app’s pricing and fees are higher compared to competitors like Schrood.
4. Menulog
Menulog is popular for its vast selection of restaurants and promotional deals. However, compared to Schrood, it may not always have the fastest delivery times, especially in more remote areas.
5. Deliveroo
Deliveroo is known for its quick service and well-established partnerships with top restaurants. However, its availability is limited to major cities, and it might not be the most budget-friendly option.
Why Schrood is the Smart Choice for Australians
If you’re looking for a food delivery app that ticks all the boxes—great selection, affordability, and reliability—Schrood is the go-to option. By combining the best features of its competitors while keeping the user experience at the forefront, Schrood offers a seamless food delivery experience tailored to the needs of Australians.
Key Features That Set Schrood Apart:
No Subscription Needed: Enjoy all the benefits without having to sign up for premium plans or subscriptions.
24/7 Availability: Whether it’s an early morning coffee or a late night snack, Schrood delivers whenever hunger strikes.
Exclusive Local Deals: Schrood frequently partners with local restaurants to offer discounts and special deals, helping you save more.
While many food delivery apps offer similar services, Schrood is quickly becoming a top choice in Australia. By focusing on affordability, speed, and a wide range of restaurant options, Schrood provides everything you need in a Food Delivery App. Ready to try the best? Download Schrood today and experience food delivery done right!
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inventcolabs · 15 days
What Are the Key Steps to Building a DoorDash Clone App?
Introduction The popularity of apps like DoorDash has propelled the industry’s astonishing development in meal delivery. With these platforms, customers, restaurants, and delivery services can order and receive food in a simple manner. They have become indispensable. A thorough grasp of both technical and business factors is necessary while developing a DoorDash clone software in order to…
0 notes
centurytechsolution · 25 days
How to Build a Successful On-demand Delivery App?
These days the use of online taxis is a common custom if we decide to go out. The mobile apps such as GrubHub, DoorDash, Postmates, Airbnb, and Uber that offer on-demand service have radically changed the movement of individuals by commuting. 
 The on-demand delivery app development has now enabled customers to acquire their goods with the quickest and most flexible means possible, something that would be made impossible under normal business models. By pursuing non-conventional enterprises, the development of on-demand
According to a report by Statista:  
The platform delivery market worldwide is predicted to experience significant growth in revenue. The projected figures indicate a staggering US$282.60 billion by 2024.
The growth is expected to continue at an annual rate of 4.79% (CAGR 2024-2028), resulting in a projected market volume of US$340.80 billion by 2028.
The above statistics show that the on-demand delivery apps have become the new face of the market, because of their popularity over the last few years. And why not? Afterall, who wouldn’t want the simplicity and convenience of getting anything and everything at your favorite place? 
When you're a business owner and you want to make an on-demand delivery mobile application, first, you should compete only with the other companies and identify the technology required to develop a user-centric on-demand delivery app.
   So, in this post, we will take a look at how an on-demand delivery app can be built. But before we move ahead, let’s first understand more about on-demand delivery apps.  
What is an On Demand Delivery App? 
  We are well aware of the fact that technology has simplified our day-to-day activities, we are always with our smartphones, it is quite possible that you have been getting a on-demand delivery app delivered to your place at least once.
These applications allow you to hit hotel reservations, food orders, and even enjoy a ride with just a few taps on your phone. On-demand food delivery app is such an easy and convenient tool that it can provide services only when you need them. You can order anything you need with just one tap.
On-demand apps have two parts: One is the group of people who ask for different services, and the other is the businesses or people who do the work and finish these requests.
Different Types of On Demand Delivery Apps
Similar to other utility-focused mobile apps, we can group on-demand delivery app development into 3 main types:
Business to Business (B2B) 
In the B2B category, business is aligned with one another on the common principle of supply and demand, but as technology has advanced, the face of B2B on-demand delivery apps has greatly transformed. 
Some notable B2B on-demand delivery Apps include Bolt, Metro wholesale, and Walmart wholesale.
Business to Consumer (B2C)
In the business-to-consumer (B2C) frame, firms offer services directly to those paying for it. For example, apps specializing in food delivery offer ready-to-eat meals. Even if the firm does not have a kitchen, they can create an app where their audience can access their partnered kitchen as they make a choice. A few of the leading business-to-consumer (B2C) apps for on-demand delivery are TaskRabbit, Easy Taxi, and Uber Eats.
Consumer to Consumer (C2C) 
P2P, an abbreviation of person-to-person, is the more common name for the C2C category on-demand delivery apps. These apps are popular with consumers and provide trust and security. A few examples of C2C on-demand delivery apps are Local Guddy, GLOCALZONE and many others.  
Small businesses are a bigger priority for on-demand delivery apps, but consumers should not be overlooked. C2C on-demand delivery apps are out there for someone if they can find an effective way to enter the market. 
Key Benefits of On Demand Delivery Apps for Businesses 
On-demand delivery application solutions have increased in utility and both ways, including three specific impacts like speeding up ROI within organizations, providing numerous benefits, and creating appealing consumer opportunities to boost sales and improve consumer satisfaction.
Here are some other key benefits of on demand delivery apps for enterprises: – 
It Simplifies the Business Process
Interactions with customers are important for any B2C business. On-demand delivery app solutions offer a seamless online space for connecting with customers who need immediate services delivered to their location.
When an app offers features like seeking services nearby, booking services online, connecting to service providers, and multiple payment gateways, it makes it incredibly convenient for the customers, which they can access just with a few taps. Additionally, 
On-demand hotel delivery apps development, can also provide businesses with a way to show off their offerings, discounts, and new arrivals. This way, businesses can take care of all operations online and quickly, saving a lot of time and resources at their disposal.
Helps in Achieving Financial Targets with Increased ROI 
Currently, to be successful, small companies and enterprises need to tackle current issues and modify everything in line with customer demands. Mobile applications have become an essential tool to meet the demanding needs of customers and that is why investing in an on-demand delivery application is a valuable investment to make.
The on-demand delivery app gives you full flexibility of providing custom services offered. This provides an opportunity to make well-informed decisions, and make adjustments in your strategy, pricing based on current market scenarios.
If you run a business such as a grocery store, food services or restaurant services, service delivery or transportation and logistics like a taxi service, etc., an on-demand delivery app can help you scale your business activities and not just increase your ROI.
Improves Visibility and Helps You reach the Target Audience 
Businesses allocate a large portion of their revenue to advertising and marketing efforts to achieve business growth and awareness, which can be quite costly. Utilizing on-demand delivery services is a way to overcome this challenge by tapping into an already existing network of potential customers both including a variety of people.
If you are thinking of investing in digital solutions to better the visibility of your current business operations and simultaneously increase scalability then building an on-demand hotel booking app is a great option. Here’s a guide.
Gather Important Customer Data
Users need to have an account with on-demand delivery apps where they can either login or signup to use the services provided by the service providers, this allows app owners to get their valuable contact details like Name, Mobile Number, Email-Address & Location etc.
Such kind of information helps the businesses to segment their customers on various bases such as age, lifestyle, behavior and choice and hence they could be able to relate themselves with their customers more effectively by providing them with the products or services having inbuilt features(which suits better to their needs and wants) that can satisfy their demands and choices.
For example, you can use this data to do email marketing where you send right offer at right time or add more customer centric features in app.
Better Cost Efficiency for Businesses 
There are many advantages of a delivery app as it helps in reducing operational costs & human dependency because with the help of digital automation you can simply your entire process right from taking orders, resolving queries to delivery & payment.
Cost-Effective: On-demand apps are cost-effective because with the help of on-demand app it becomes very easy to run a business in this advance technological world.
Moreover, the on-demand delivery apps also help in cutting down the promotion and advertisement cost. The enterprises can promote their offers, discounts and update notifications within the app which reduces the need of other advertisements.
On Demand Delivery Apps: Use Cases Across Different Sectors  
When we say on-demand apps, especially delivery apps, there’s hardly any industry which has not witnessed the rising popularity of on-demand delivery service apps.
From on-demand insurance app solutions to on demand courier app development, the services are reaching heights across the globe.
Here are some use cases on how on-demand delivery apps have been used across different sectors: –
Travel and Tourism Sector 
It is impossible to talk about building a successful app without mentioning the travel industry, especially when brands like Uber have laid the groundwork for successful on-demand taxi booking app development solutions.
 Online Food Delivery Sector  
One of the most trending models in the real-time delivery industry is an on-demand food delivery app development. Brands like UberEats, InstaCart, GrubHub and many others have been in the space leading this path for a while, and now plenty more are joining the industry.
Home Services Industry  
Home Services on demand apps are not as trendy compared to the others but these are hitting the vibe.
People use these apps to solve problems like doorstep cleaning, beauty and wellness in as well movers and packers across the world.
Health Care Sector
The healthcare industry is experiencing growth in on-demand delivery as well. The use cases for the on-demand health care is highly extensive.
An on-demand doctor appointment app will allow you to bridge the gap between the doctors and patient in real-time or build an on-demand delivery of medicine type apps where people who want medicines and hospital equipment can get them at their door-step.
How to Develop an On-Demand Delivery App: Key Features and Capabilities 
The on-demand delivery app functions change as per the stakeholders are described in next section. We will, however, delve into them one by one now.
1. Admin Features 
Content Administration  
With this function, the information about the product or service from price to contacts, your schedule and everything that users can consider important for themselves.
Management of Orders 
This component keeps track of all orders placed, delivered, feedback, and payment information on the system. 
2. Customer Features 
Simple and Easy Log In  
The first thing you see when starting the app is called a landing screen. They either sign up or log in to the app for more info.
Placing Order  
Once the users select a product/service, they make way to order it or book an appointment for service. Making it easy to place an order same day or schedule out a later service.
Since users can choose how to do the payment either paying at home or through a card of any kind. Users are offered so many other options for Payment methods.
Location Tracking 
This feature allows customers to track the delivery man, etc well in advance and accordingly arrange things.
Push Notifications  
Utilizing this feature consumers can check-in & monitor real-time progress of the orders. It can even be seen as major app marketing tactics.
Ratings and Reviews 
This is the instrumently that permits individuals to discern and quantify on services they have accepted. You can give them choice to comment rather than just passing Star ratings.
Technologies Used to Develop On Demand Delivery Apps 
In order to create a successful on-demand delivery application that works without issues, you need the right set of technologies. It is cost-effective and accelerates the development process.
Let’s look at the technological factors that are required to build an effective on-demand delivery app: – 
Front-End (Client Side) 
An application's client refers to its user interface, the component with which the end user interacts. The following technologies are commonly used to create front-end applications for iOS, Android, or the Web:
Swift, Objective-C, and Swift UI for iOS 
React Native, Kotlin, and Java for Android 
HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, and Angular.js for the Web.
Using these technologies, you can design a visual and user-friendly interface for your application.
Back-End (Server Side)
All application work is done in the back end. Connects to databases and external programs, manages data and implements business strategies.
In back-end development, the following technologies are commonly used: – 
Programming languages such as Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Elixir. 
Web frameworks including Phoenix, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. 
Server platforms like Nginx. 
Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platforms such as EC2, S3, etc.  
Using these techniques, a reliable foundation can be created for the required transportation equipment.
3. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) 
APIs play an important role in connecting the backend and frontend of an application. They also make it easy to integrate external services into your application.
APIs define how different parts of your application talk to each other. RESTful APIs and GraphQL are two popular technologies for creating APIs.
In short, the collection of technologies required to create an application-based application is a combination of front-end, back-end, and API technologies. The best technology for each model should be used to ensure a smooth development process.
How Much Does It Cost to Develop an On Demand Delivery Application? 
Without fully understanding the details of your services, it is impossible to provide an accurate price estimate for food delivery equipment, food delivery equipment or pharmaceutical delivery equipment.
Factors such as application complexity, development team,  platform, and strategy all play a role in total cost.
However here is the average cost to develop an on-demand delivery app: – 
Basic App: $25,000 – $50,000 
Medium Complexity App: $60,000 – $80,000 
Highly Complex App: $100,000+ 
To estimate the cost of your desired delivery program, contact our business experts today and share your business idea.
From the information above, we can conclude that on-demand delivery software can be useful for any business, regardless of size.
On-demand delivery software businesses continue to grow in a variety of industries, including healthcare and logistics. Therefore, various founders and entrepreneurs enter this industry.
If you are planning to run an on-demand app as well, you can follow this post from start to finish as we have provided you with accurate and detailed information to help you out.
So why wait any longer? Contact a reliable mobile app development company in USA and start your project today.
Build Your Own On-Demand Delivery App with Century Tech Solution
From the  information above, we can confirm that a demand generation program can be an important part of any business, regardless of  size.
Century Tech Solution is a mobile and we ased company based in USA and India.
Work with Century Tech Solution a delivery company in the India, to create your own application that offers recommendations that use the latest technology and the best user experience.
With our mobile app development experience, we can bring  app ideas, enabling your business to succeed in this ever-changing digital market. View our portfolio to see how our customized solutions can transform your business. Don't miss  the opportunity to make your business successful, contact us today and start your journey to innovation and growth!
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