#Doomsday: Last Survivors
eschergirls · 2 months
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milkawa-and-co submitted:
"Don't you hate it when zombies attack during your bunny dance reharsal ? Ad for Doomsday: Last Survivor by IGG.COM. They have so many ads of sexy girls in weird outfits"
Zombies are so rude.  But also polite because they seem to be letting her get away despite her not very efficient running style.  I'm going to assume they probably have her in heels or something below frame, if this game even exists in any way below this very specific frame of ad space which it probably doesn't.
Incidentally, you know all those terrible mobile game ads that we see with fake games that aren't at all what the games are like.  Apparently somebody actually turned them into a collection of games.  So if you've ever actually wanted to play those weird games, they exist now! (this is not an ad, i just think it's funny)  I don't know if "prancing away from zombies in my bunny ears and yoga pants while pushing my butt out" is a game in that collection though.  Maybe the next one...
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peridotglimmer · 10 months
Count on me to play a dumb mobile game to pass some time and immediately start shipping two characters despite there being like... barely a double drabble's worth of lore in canon.
Look. I know absolutely no-one plays this game for the story/the lore. But my queer-ass brain saw two intelligent women in a zombie apocalypse and latched on to them and refused to let go. So here we are.
Fandom: Doomsday: Last Survivors (Mobile Game) Relationship: Angela/Cynthia Calamity Tags: Pre-Relationship, Set Sometime During the Peggy Infection Arc, Awkward Flirting, The Ethics of Killing Zombies, The Hippocratic Oath Summary: Cynthia talks to Angela as she leaves Peggy's room.
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Some readers are waiting for me to denounce violent resistance. They imagine that without this assurance, which they ask of no Israeli, I do not have the right to speak. They believe they are owed a version of Palestinian which surrenders everything white, Western liberalism affords our oppressors, and itself: the right to exist, the right to self-defense. They have criminalized our nonviolent forms of protest, killed peaceful demonstrators, imprisoned our poets, and assassinated our journalists. They do not believe in our historical or contemporary suffering. At the same time, they believe it is our natural state—part of the hazy, brown landscape of abjection in the so-called “Arab World.” It is an abjection we must accept, silently and upon the pain of our deaths.
“But what about Hamas?” I grew up with this question whipped at my face every time I declared my people’s right to survive. “What about Hamas?” It didn’t matter if I’d just asked for clean water or the right to return to our stolen land. “What about Hamas?” they’d ask, holding my humanity hostage. Their smug smiles at this question, which they saw as a rhetorical coup. I gave them hours, pages of my words. I filled rooms with my hot breath, panting, “We are not terrorists—Hamas is a symptom of oppression—yes of course I condemn extremism—this is a struggle for human rights—Israel propped up Hamas for years—please look at our children—please, don’t you see our helpless elders?—please, if you don’t respect us as humans, could you spare some pity?”
Tens of thousands turn out in city after city, Palestinian flags flying from New York City and London to Baghdad and Kuala Lumpur. Pro-Palestine rallies are banned in France, Vienna, and Berlin. French protesters, defying these orders, are sprayed with tear gas. Hundreds of Jewish activists block Senator Chuck Schumer’s home in Brooklyn, protesting the senator’s full-throated support of Israeli bombings. Dozens, including the descendants of Holocaust survivors, are arrested.
“This feels different,” my friends and I murmur to each other. The question we do not ask: Will it last?
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marksbear2 · 4 months
I really recommend watching fallout, I’ve been so in love with it and especially my man Cooper.
Warnings!! ⚠️ Some headcanons will include smut!! It’ll be a mix of fluff and smut!!! And some will before the nuke. Includes Gn, FTM of Afab reader, and male reader. ⚠️
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— He has a hate and love relationship with you whenever you mock his accent. It really throws him off during a argument. It makes him lose his thought process.
— When your not doing it in a middle of a argument he finds it cute and attractive. He starts chuckling and smiling like some teenage girl.
— He threatens you sometimes saying he’ll tie you up and leave you for dead or raiders or scavengers to find and kill. 
— He’s been protective of you even before doomsday. He hates anyone even standing to close to you, or when you help survivors.
— Often puts his cowboy hat on you and tells you the ‘Cowboy hat rule’ and you fall for it every time
— You and him making out while his bounty is on the floor tied up. You and him disappearing off somewhere leaving the bounty just to come back with clothes a mess and wrinkly with either you or him with a limp or wiping the corners of yours mouths.
— Him manhandling and being rough with his bounties to show off to you and to get you jealous.
— He often called you inside his dressing room to make out one last time before he went out and got on camera or two have a quick fuck trying to stay quiet so no one hears.
— He kisses you during an argument to shut you up. 
— He really has a small temper and accidentally says something either hurtful or goes off on. He apologizes by going on his knees and taking your hands apologizing with his accent.
— When having sex and he gets all overstimulated he whines and his thick southern accent becomes all cracky and whining becoming completely pathetic.
— He loves it when you become out of no where dominant. 
— He secretly gets off to you just holding his lasso or any type of rope. He himself doesn’t know why it turns him on so much at the sight.
— When he’s being the dominant one he would humiliate you with his harsh and cold words forcing you to accept them and sometimes when he wants you to repeat them for him. Telling you what you are.
— Him finding a cowboy hat not exactly like his but it’s something as you two walk around in the wasteland in cool cowboy survivor like outfits.
— Really good with his fingers. 
— You probably found him first after the nuke and such looking at the damages to the his body and skin. You comforted him for years telling him that he’s still the handsome dashing movie star Cooper you first met.
— He really hates when you two have to spilt ways, even if it was for months or the smallest a day or hour. He really is attached to you and wants to be at your side every second wanting to make sure your okay. He wants to the one to protect you.
— Since you two are living in the apocalypse he rarely sees you completely lean. So the first time he saw you without dust, or blood or dust he fell in love with you all over again. Touching your body carefully and worshipping you and also like some damn dog rubbing his hard on against you.
— If you were a vaultie he often called you it and makes fun of your outfit. He treats you exactly what he thinks of the vaulters. 
— He was the first person in years, ever since you got in the vault to have sex with. It was like losing your virginity all over again just to now some bounty hunter.
— Duding a argument he always has this one like that “Your a vaultie, you wouldn’t understand.” He knows it pisses you off but he doesn’t care especially during an argument but at the end of it he always feel regret.
— He lasso’s and drag you you around since your a vaultie and doesn’t trust you enough to be in the Outland by yourself.  He treats you like some newborn baby.
— The first time you two met you two were always going back and forth over and over to the point you got him so angry he shoved you down and forced you on your knees and fucked you right there in the outside in the middle of the open it wasn’t like anyone would see. But you were fresh out of the vault and hadn’t had sex in forever you had orgasm and orgasm he felt like the king of the world.
— He helps you with dysphoria by finding the most masculine clothes he finds off the people he kills and gives it to you as some sort of gift. 
— Doesn’t hesitate for a second and shot someone the moment they misgender you went off their tongue shooting them right in the chest then head.
— He would wrap your chest with bandages.
— Whenever your feeling down he would and very willing to eat you out whenever he can. He would bury his face in it licking and sucking your clit while he fingers you like his life dependent on it. He wouldn’t even care about his own pleasure and only focused on you. He calls your clit your cock and loves to suck it. 
— He loves seeing his cock move in and out of your pussy, he loves rubbing it against it. Always promises just to do the tip but ends up slipping it all inside. He fucks you while rubbing your clit and loves getting you all wet and excited to make you put your clothes back in.
— He would stay up all night comforting you whenever you have second thoughts about being a man.
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foolishlyzephyrus · 5 months
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This was a very silly goofy post I enjoyed but it also sparked genuine curiosity: how accurate is this? I’m a data hound, so I did some fact checking. Please be aware I am by no means an expert and this was simply a result of some cursory investigating and inputting stuff into a calculator.
For RTD, I took it to mean any episode title that was singular. Only eight out of the sixty episodes of RTD’s run have one word titles, with six having two syllables (Dalek, Doomsday, Gridlock, 42, Utopia, and Midnight) and the other two being monosyllabic (Rose and Blink). That’s roughly 13% of his episodes. Definitely a trend but he was actually quite creative with his titles. Here’s some other fun statistical stuff: the most popular words in episode titles appear to be ‘dead’ (The Unquiet Dead, Forest of the Dead and Planet of The Dead), ‘planet’ (Impossible Planet, Planet of the Ood, Planet of the Dead) and ‘time’ (Last of the Time Lords, End of Time Part 1 and End of Time Part 2) occurring at about 5% each, with ‘earth’ and ‘doctor’ occurring twice each respectively.
For Moffat, I went a little more broad, considering any episode that used the naming convention ‘of’/‘of the’ or featured ‘doctor’ in any capacity. Out of the eighty-four episodes in his run, twenty six filled the criteria, that’s about 31%. Eighteen adhered to the ‘of’ requirement (Victory of the Daleks, The Time of Angels, The Vampires of Venice, Day of the Moon, Curse of the Black Spot, The Wedding of River Song, Asylum of the Daleks, The Power of Three, The Bells of Saint John, The Rings of Akhaten, Journey to the Center of the TARDIS, Robot of Sherwood, In the Forest of the Night, The Husbands of River Song, The Pyramid at the End of the World, The Lie of the Land, The Empress of Mars, and The Eaters of Light), four contained the word ‘doctor’ (Vincent and the Doctor, The Doctor’s Wife, The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe, and The Doctor Falls), and four fit into both categories (The Name of the Doctor, The Day of the Doctor, The Time of the Doctor and The Return of Doctor Mysterio; it’s funny once you realize that Name, Day and Time were all released sequentially). The claim is thereby substantiated, the man loves his ‘of’s’.
Chibnall’s criteria was difficult to discern but I decided on anything that contained the name of a Who monster classic or otherwise, was a part, or similarly used ‘of’/‘of the’. My findings were quite interesting as there was bunch of overlap between my selected categories. As a whole, out of the thirty-one episodes in Chibnall’s run, eighteen fit the criteria. That’s an overwhelming 58%, so it is most definitely correct assumption. In terms of part episodes, there were eight as there are two proper parted episodes (Spyfall, Part 1 and Spyfall, Part 2) and the serialized six-episode Flux series. Thirteen episodes contain ‘of’/‘of the’ with six exclusively using ‘of’/‘of the’ (The Demons of the Punjab, The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror, The Haunting of Villa Diodati, Chapter Five: Survivors of the Flux, Power of The Doctor). This is where it gets interesting, as the remaining seven episodes containing ‘of’ are all the Who monster episodes (Ascension of the Cybermen, Revolution of the Daleks, Fugitive of the Judoon, Chapter Two: War of the Sontarans, Chapter Four: Village of the Angels, Eve of the Daleks, Legend of the Sea Devils). It would appear that Chibnall is an equal fiend for ‘of’s’, especially considering the monsters. So, very on brand for classic who naming conventions as well.
To conclude, it was a largely factual silly goofy post (props to @fanonical) and I enjoyed my little data collection exercise.
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ex-cult-classic · 1 month
the umbrella academy ending obviously sucked a whole lot
but one of the main themes being “the cult was right” is not something any cult survivor wants to see
like a doomsday occurring to ‘cleanse’ the world being the main plot of the last episode is insane
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ufonaut · 8 months
"a disaster beyond description" - the parallax view on parallax (& coast city's destruction)
i've often talked about the importance of pre-parallax retcon hal jordan, what a radical move his downfall had been for an art medium so uniquely focused on status quo and how much walking that back in post-2005 continuity damaged the character & his development. however, something i've become increasingly interested in lately is the outsider point of view on the magnitude of coast city's destruction and hal's descent into madness -- the reverberations of one of the darkest days in the dcu were far and wide for a good long while there but rarely acknowledged outside of nostalgia pieces nowadays and even more rarely understood as a thoroughly visceral, well-written, well-planned arc that intentionally portrayed the superhero world as largely unsympathetic to the trauma of one of their own but the average civilian as grappling with that loss nearly on the same scale that hal did.
to that effect, i thought i would show a highlights reel of this outsider POV and how much it adds to the weight of the pre-2005 story. while i've accepted some tie-ins to major events (ie zero hour 1994, final night 1996), this will feature titles entirely unrelated to green lantern presented in real life chronological order by publication date in order to showcase the impact that's compelled me so (that's no convergence: green lantern, no legends of the dcu #33-36, etc).
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"every office, every home, every school and hospital is atomized. the west coast and its entire ecosystem is instantaneously shattered-- and more than seven million men, women and children that once called the coast city area home-- die."
to set the scene, the explosion that destroys coast city actually appears in superman 1987 #80 (cover date: aug 1993) as part of hank henshaw and mongul's plan.
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the destruction had spread as far as santa barbara & the los padres national forest. getting closer to ground zero, hank henshaw also proceeds to resolutely take care of a handful of the sole survivors:
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(adventures of superman 1987 #503, cover date: aug 1993)
you all know the reading order here. past the return of superman and the events of emerald twilight, the first outsiders to have gotten the news are the darkstars
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whose immediate course of action is to brand hal jordan a criminal (darkstars #23, cover date: aug 1994)
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and as zero hour-induced temporal anomalies keep coming up, the darkstars start seriously considering further tampering with time in order to prevent "the creation of a power-mad monster" (darkstars #24, cover date: sept 1994).
it's a sentiment that the majority of hal's justice league colleagues share, as zero hour: crisis in time and the final night both tell us, but a more sympathetic view comes two years later in the spectre 1992 #47 (cover date: nov 1996)
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and a more neutral one from waverider in superman: the doomsday wars #2 (cover date: dec 1998)
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interestingly enough, more details of the in-universe perception of hal's actions comes from deadman: dead again
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where we learn that "sources close to the JLA" have actually issued a press statement naming hal as wholly responsible for the green lantern corps massacre, with no hint that they've been equally forthcoming about the motive behind his actions (deadman: dead again #4, cover date: oct 2001)
the last pre-retcon word goes to superman: day of doom #3 (cover date: jan 2003), a sobering portrayal of the immense horror of coast city's annihilation and subsequently a look into the reality that had made hal snap:
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post-retcon, nostalgia pieces like dcu: legacies #8 (feb 2011) and dc retroactive: superman - the 80s (oct 2011) both treat the mad-with-grief version of the story as the truth -- as does the 2015 convergence event --but outside of these few instances, the tour de force of storytelling that is this years-long arc has been cast aside in favor of an unnecessary retcon. as the zero hour: crisis in time 30th anniversary approaches, i'd say it's just the right time to remember that hal (unrepentant hal, power-hungry hal, hell-bent on making everything right hal) had had a perfectly proportional reaction to the tragedy he'd endured, if not outright a justified one.
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tawneybel · 1 year
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Note: Vecna, the body horror... husband. Nothing tentacular happens, but it’s mentioned. That and breeding.
Imagine Vecna feeling a special connection to you.
A visceral wasteland should have been terrifying. Voracious looking fauna and flora. Decidedly un-mammalian beasts attempting mimicry anyway. Prehensile tendrils that needed to be quickly side-stepped. Everything viscid. 
Nothing seemed to have eyes. They didn’t need them to sense your warm body. It was intriguing. You didn’t just stumble into an alternate dimension. No, you fell through the rabbit hole into a one-of-a-kind biome. 
Not quite fell. Ascended.
It almost felt like a higher plane of existence. Where did that feeling come from? You were the only sapient being in the Upside Down.
Some of these things were parasitic. They infested brains. If not dewormed, hosts melted and melded into abominations that put the Thing to shame. Well, maybe not. The Thing from Another World’s remake was horrifying. Made the Upside Down feel almost homey. Or fantastical. Or fantastically horrifying. Like an album cover from some band Eddie Munson was into. 
You shook your head. Maybe the air here wasn’t doing you any favors.
An undercurrent of… resignation? No, determination. Determination to continue. By myself. A party of one. An undercurrent- Nothing’s current here. It’s apocalyptic. Post-apocalyptic. A billion years from the destruction of Hawkin-
Either way, it was good you were wearing a similar color scheme to the landscape. Land-of-the-deadscape. Made you feel safer. Made you look like you belonged. Even when you reached the elevated figure. 
Unsure how to proceed, neither of you moved.
Now, this guy actually had eyes. You assumed he was dead. (After first wondering if he was an idol. Chiseled by some doomsday cult.) Punctured by tentacles. When Vecna’s lids moved, you sighed. 
No red irises. No all-black peepers. No hollowed sockets. His baby blues were the most normal thing in the Upside Down. Was he flayed? A member of the Flayed? The sole survivor of the Mind Flayer’s liquidation? 
“Hi, I’m ______,” slipped out.
You couldn’t help it. You were just so relieved to see another human. Even one so corpse-like. He wasn’t half-dead. Or, at least, didn’t seem to be. Then again, maybe he wasn’t in control of his body. 
Maybe his skin wasn’t always that way, your mind whispered. What was up with his body, anyway? Your gaze slid down. No nipples, no navel, no genitalia. Probably no finger- or toeprints. A mental image of him on a throne, like the Horned King, holding out a hand made you bite the corner of your mouth. He probably wouldn’t hold hands, let alone want your lips on his. 
You looked at him the same way he looked at spiders. More or less. Too fascinated to be scared. If anything, you looked concerned. Like you knew what he’d once been. You seemed to be having trouble figuring out whether he belonged here or not. Vecna’s expression didn’t soften, but his heart did.  
One flitted to his last conversation with Eleven. His fraternal behavior. All for naught. That’s what he thought after she shoved him into the Upside Down. Now she wouldn’t get to have you as a sister-in-law.
…humans are a unique type of pest. Multiplying…
Well, he could make you something better than human. Make you make something better than human. Of course, he’d need to utilize tentacles for insemination. At first. Then maybe try it out with more Flayed. 
If his favorite arthropods were insects, particularly social insects, he might’ve called you his queen. Too bad female spiders were just called that, female spiders. Not a cute name like doe, jill, or vixen. And baby animal names sounded too saccharine. At least ones for mammals. Spiderling, maybe. Unless that’s what a term of endearment you wanted to save for your offspring. 
“Henry,” he rasped. Peter Ballard stayed in the lab. Unless maybe you had orderly fantasies. Or were just curious about what he looked like post-banishment.
Wet dreams would be even more fun to infest a brain with than premortem nightmares.
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a-wartime-paradox · 1 year
Paradox of the Thirteenth, or "There's a surprising amount of Faction Paradox in Series 11-13"
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Despite not being many fan's top choice, the Thirteenth Doctor's era shared concepts with the Faction Paradox series surprisingly often. Some of these were explicit, such as The Paradox Moon featuring Siblings Same and Different (although these Siblings' Faction is otherwise unrelated to the FP Faction, as of 2023), whilst others are simply similarities in creative choices, again varying in how obvious they are, from the "Ashad" (Series 12 - The Timeless Children) resembling FP's technosapiens, to Time Lords "binding" time in Once, Upon Time (part of Series 13/Flux)
So, here I will attempt to list every possible connection between the Thirteenth Doctor/Chris Chibnal's era of Doctor Who and the Faction Paradox mythology
Firstly, an explanation as to why this is all happening...
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Explanation as to why the Thirteen Doctor is meeting Faction Paradox-esque entities.
The War has been ended for a long time, and the Great Houses have finally, actually, fallen (see The Timeless Children) leaving no one to hold up their imposed metastructure of history. Why didn't anyone invade in Series 1-7, before the Time Lords returned?, you ask. Well, it's not because The Day of the Doctor is a bootstrap, as I don't believe in perfect bootstraps, but rather because well... They did. During Series 1, the Reapers arrived, explicitly due to the lack of Time Lords (Father's Day), and so did a lone Dalek (Dalek), and finally the original Dalek Emperor's last Time War fleet (The Parting of the Ways). Then in Series 2, the Cult of Skaro arrived (Army of Ghosts/Doomsday), followed by Davros (The Stolen Earth/Journey's End)- who along with the Supreme Dalek, somehow survived the Crucible's fall (The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar)- and then the New Dalek Paradigm emerged, from survivors of the War (Victory of the Daleks). All this interference from War-time participants is what's preventing pre-Anchoring entities entering the Third Universe, as it echoes the status quo which was so hostile to their very existence.
Oh, and "Dvapara Yuga" means "the Dark Times, as understood to not be an early period of universal history, but rather the state of history metatemporally predating Rassilon's anchoring of the thread"
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She is born out of an interaction with a past Doctor (Twice Upon a Time) - if it wasn't for acausal (and unintentionally) intervention of the First Doctor, the Thirteenth Doctor never would have existed. This is a bit of a stretch, as interference forwards in a timeline is much less paradoxical than the reverse, but this is her first appearance so...
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The Solitract, from It Takes You Away, is an intelligent & conscious universe, exiled from the main universe in order to allow for it's creation. "Creation" here probably refers to Event One/The Big Bang, but, if one is on the train of "the universe before the Anchoring of the Thread didn't have a beginning, and the Big Bang was retroactively added by Urizen [Rassilon]", then this is very easily re-interpreted as a mention of the early Sun Builders (a.k.a Time Lords) cleaning up their area of spacetime in preparation for imposing rationality on it. To be even more bold, I may suggest that this isn't a universe at all, but instead an intercreational, a class of being first mentioned in The Book of the War, although one type was first mentioned in the BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures novel The Taking of Planet 5, as a "Swimmer". I propose that the Solitract is not a Swimmer, or a Leviathan, but rather a smaller intercreational, perhaps growing out of the Third Universe (the main DW/FP universe), before being banished by the Great Houses. See Explanation as to why the Thirteen Doctor is meeting Faction Paradox-esque entities at the top of this post.
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The Ux, from The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, are clearly some gods from the Dvapara Yuga.
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Orphan 55 features a future version of Earth which deviates heavily from most other depictions of it. Speculatively, this means the Thirteenth Doctor travelled to an aberrant timeline, or that the Ghost Point has somehow worsened since the degradation of the Great Houses's imposed metastructure, rather than healing.
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During Fugitive of the Judoon, the Doctor interacts with Gallifrey's distant past. I can't really explain this even by the standard explanation at the top of this post. However, one thing interesting to note is that the ancient Time Lord "Gat" considered "Mutter's Spiral" to be a "tiny galaxy". This is notable because Gallifrey is basically always said to be in the centre of Mutter's Spiral - that is, the Milky Way - and naming a galaxy as "tiny" kind of implies that you aren't from it. Maybe Gallifrey wasn't always in Mutter's Spiral, and got moved? Or maybe Gat and the Division come from some alternative Gallifrey? I don't know, just interesting to note.
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The novel At Childhood's End (written by Sophie Aldred, actor for Ace) featured Ace meeting the Thirteenth Doctor, and descriptions of the former's fractured timelines. Notably, the next time Ace and the Doctor met (in The Power of the Doctor), neither one of them mentioned this, almost as if the timeline in which it happened had fractured...
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Rakaya and Zellin from Can You Hear Me? are clearly some kind of pre-anchoring gods like the Ux. In Time Lord Victorious short story The Guide to the Dark Times, it was confirmed that they were, specifically, Eternals (not the MCU kind), and another Time Lord Victorious text, a novel called The Knight, the Fool, and the Dead, claimed that Eternals were among the other inhabitants of the Dark Times, the "Old Ones". Interestingly, multiple Eternals do indeed appear in the "classic" series of Doctor Who, implying that the Anchoring did not fully remove them, but as they didn't appear in NuWho until now, I feel safe in speculating that the War somehow barred them from it - perhaps they'd joined the conflict, on the side of both the Time Lords, Daleks, the Enemy, and others, "helping out" wherever it benefited them?
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Ashad, first appearing in The Haunting of Villo Diodati, and then in the following serial Ascension of the Cybermen/The Timeless Children, is an "emotional Cyberman". Any readers of Faction Paradox could immediately draw the connection between this and Faction Paradox's "technosapiens", named as such partially to avoid infringing on the BBC's trademark, but also because The Book of the War showed that many sects of posthumanity had become cyborgs, but many were not emotionless and evil like the Cybermen.
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The Timeless Child, first appearing in The Timeless Children, is vaguely reminiscent of the idea hinted upon in The Book of the War that the Great Houses stole the power of regeneration from another species, in The Book of the War being the Great Vampires, and in The Timeless Children being the titular Timeless Child. This note of continuity was expanded upon by the writer @aristidetwain in his short story Out of the Box introduced the "Child-That-Was-Taken", intended to be a member of the Yssgaroth species, and to be the Timeless Child itself. Additionally, this Child was the motivator for the Great Vampires' war with the Great Houses, the Eternal War (a.k.a First War in Heaven).
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In The Timeless Children, Tecteun is shown alongside Rassilon and Omega. Previously, the figure alongside Rassilon and Omega was the Other, a version of the Doctor from before he was the Doctor. My personal fix for this, which I admittedly took from @/aristidetwain, is that there were many Others, assisting Rassilon and Omega at different points in time. Other Others may be the human Dr. Who from the novel Human Nature, the Eleventh Doctor "Cheesemaker" (The Lost Dimension), Osiris (in his car future), and the Sixth Doctor (The Scrolls of Rassilon)
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In Shadow in the Mirror, the Thirteenth Doctor released Aphasia / Daughter of Mine from her mirror of entrapment, despite the fact that Aphasia mentioned a "ginger haired doctor" who "believed himself to be the last" (likely Muldwych/Merlin), meaning that the Doctor had been interacting with Aphasia out-of-order, which is... Reasonably dangerous.
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Throughout Flux, the villains "Swarm" and "Azure" attempt to remove the Mouri from the planet Time, effectively de-anchoring the thread. They're method, strangely, is to try to destroy the entire universe using "the flux".
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Village of the Angels features the first instance of Weeping Angels being shown to posses proper intelligence, as they ally themselves with Tecteun, presumably in exchange for something, and even more interestingly, they have a rogue member, suggesting power structures in their ranks. This isn't particularly Faction Paradox -related, but it feels like it is, and I hope Faction Paradox writers use Weeping Angel - analogues to continue to explore this.
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Eve of the Daleks features the Doctor "resetting" the TARDIS, causing a localised time loop. However, perhaps more notably, the Daleks which appear in this episode are "Dalek Executioners", which make their debut in Time Lord Victorious.
The Power of the Doctor won't be mentioned here, perhaps I'll grant it a full post going over all of its batshit-insanity (affectionate?) some other time.
This post was made after I saw @familyparadox remark at the high amount of Faction/Thirteen content
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redheadjustin · 2 years
Can I request a Dc X kid Kryptonian reader? Specifically Conner or the other supes. Maybe readers parents survived the destruction of the planet, or the reader is from a different universe or timeline.
Maybe the reader is stronger than your average Kryptonian, so he's born with white hair instead. And he can't control his powers well. Maybe he gets attached to Conner? It's up to you. -🐊
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Conner hated Different dimensions. Most heroes do. They make things more complicated and that was about the LAST thing heroes wanted. Especially when it resulted in you being here. Don’t get Conner wrong, he was happy to have you. Though officially he was your older brother, you had a father son relationship with the clone of Superman. He was sweet to you and never needed to raise his voice, not that it was needed given your super hearing, but you were probably the most well behaved kid but that was due to the dimension you came from.
You came from a dimension where there were three survivors of Krypton. Superman AKA Clark Kent, Supergirl AKA Kara Danvers and your father, Omega AKA Y/F/N Kent. Yes, your father was the older brother To Superman. Key word, Was. You see, Your home dimension was an offshoot of the one the Justice lords occupied. But, your father was also killed beside Wally West AKA The Flash. With The Flash and Omega dead the public became restless. The public wanted Luthor Impeached and removed from office. The Public mourned for the loss of two amazing heroes. The public watched as the execution was aired on live television. They watched as Omega Held The Flash in his arms as a kryptonite bullet was shot through his heart. The public’s reaction wasn’t that different from the hero community’s. But for the Justice League? They were out for blood. They lost two of their founding members. They lost both their older brother figure and Younger brother.
But, the one whose life was most impacted was you. You were four at the time but you still remember everything. You remember your Uncle Clark telling you about your dad. You remember crying into the S sheleid. You remember smiling when he told you Luthor was dead. You thought that's how the world should be. That the Justice Lords needed to be in control.
Then you found old YouTube clips of your dad as Omega. And you noticed that your Uncle Clark wasn’t like he was now. That he smiled and the world seemed more free. Then, the Justice Lords found a dimension like yours but with three key differences. Their world’s Flash and Omega were still alive. As was their Luthor.
You were about 6 when the Justice Lords went to Take over the Justice League’s world. You were left in the Batcave when you accidentally set a portal to the Justice Leauge’s Superman’s fortress of solitude. You were a six year old boy so off course you went through not knowing that your Uncle Clark was getting his ass handed to him.
You were in awe of this world’s fortress of solitude. It was the same as the one you grew up around. But this one feels lighter and purer. It had all the same trophies and such but this felt like it was all done in the RIGHT way.
You were admiring the trophies and didn’t notice footsteps behind you. Conner was surprised to see a small child come out of a type of portal he hadn't seen before. He smiled with bittersweet happiness as you looked at the Omega memorial. Some things don’t change from universe to universe. This universe’s Omega was killed by doomsday. Not in a political execution. You looked up in awe at both the statue and the uniform. Justice Lord Superman couldn’t bear to look at your father’s uniform.
In this universe Omega didn’t have time to settle down thus you were never born in this universe. Conner moved up slightly behind you. It was only then did he see the red sun bracelet on your wrist. Your Uncle Clark had said “I don’t want you to have powers so I don’t lose you too.”  It made sense at first but now it felt like he was scared of you. Conner knew what red sun felt like and he absolutely hated the fact anyone would put a red sun bracelet on a six year old.
“Yeah, Uncle Y/F/N was a cool hero. He was super kind to everyone.” You jumped at the voice. You turned to the voice and thought maybe Uncle Clark had a kid hidden. But as the two of you began to talk You quickly began to realize this wasn’t your universe. The two of you were unaware the Justice Lords had invaded this universe. And when Connor contacted the Justice League this world’s Superman Came to meet you and you told him your story. Justice League's Superman didn’t want to send you back but he couldn't support you in this world. So, Connor took you in.
Connor used Titans Tower a lot during your childhood as it had a lot of rooms and was hardly okcupid. Connor loves to carry you around. You were hardly on your feet. He also loves to hug you and also teaches you how to fly. You are just a bit faster than Connor but you think that Connor just lets you win. He’s alway there for a tuck in at night. No matter what. Darkside couldn’t stop him from tucking you in.
Overall you were very happy to be Connor’s son and couldn't wish for anyone better. You missed your Daddy but Connor kept your mind off it and took care of any problem you might have. And You were his Superkid and you couldn’t be happier.
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 5, Poll 15
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Seven of Nine-Star Trek Voyager and Picard
She is an ex-borg, and as such needs mechanical prosthetics to function and has PTSD from assimilation. She is canonically gay, and has dated several women in Star Trek Picard.
She's a space ranger who is a lesbian!! What more could you want?
Submitted by @convenient-plot-device
Kuruto Ryuki-AI: The Somnium Files- Nirvana Initiative
LGBTQ+: He is canonically bisexual (his romantic feelings for another male character are an important part of the plot, and he has a physical relationship with a different character who’s a woman). Disability: He experiences psychotic episodes as well as/possibly caused by PTSD. While I wouldn’t call it perfect rep, the game treats this with surprising empathy—the other characters are only ever gently concerned about him, which ultimately helps him into a place where he can start managing his symptoms. It’s possibly the only video game I’ve ever seen where a character discusses doing inpatient psychiatric care as a serious option that might save his life, not as a threat or a horror level.
CANONICALLY MLM!! Probably bi but they're very vague about whether he likes women. He definitely has a crush on his cringefail male mentor tho <3 And he canonically has hallucinations and dissociative episodes! Also he's missing an eye and uses a prosthetic eye instead, which feels less notable considering the same can be said for at least 3 other main characters in the games, but he's still disabled!!! I'd also argue he's heavily implied to have PTSD considering a lot of his issues come from trauma.
He is clearly Bisexual, based on both his unrequited love for "Mr. Date" (Kaname Date, who I have also submitted), and his attraction to multiple female characters, including the very difficult to categorize relationship he has with the female sentient A.I. "Tama" that is implanted in his Prosthetic left eyeball (referred to in-universe as an "AI-Ball"). Also, quoting directly from the personality section of his article on the wiki (Spoilers ahead for the game AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES - nirvanA Initiative): "Another of Ryuki's defining traits is his difficulties with mental health. Although generally calm and collected, he is shown to suffer some form of survivor's guilt and PTSD; although he tries to channel his grief into determination for his investigative work, he generally does not handle emotional stress well, and is prone to bouts of depression, obsession, deep self doubt, and self-blame. His struggles initially stemmed from the traumatic loss of his twin brother in a traffic accident in pursuit of a criminal, and his dislike of stopped clocks, and his hatred of criminals originates from the same event. Additionally, as his symptoms appear to worsen as a result of more traumatic events that occurred during the events of the original Half Body Killing investigations (specifically his feelings of guilt over the apparent death of Date and his exposure to [an extremely potent and long-lasting fictional psychoactive drug that was going to be used in a doomsday cult's terrorist plot]), he becomes prone to dissociation, memory lapses, hallucinations, derealization, and even mania. He also appears to be strangely susceptible to the videos tied to the HB-Case (though this was the case even before his exposure to [the fictional psychoactive drug]), as they seem to trigger his dissociative episodes and hallucinations that leave him questioning his sense of reality. All this, in combination with his struggle to accept forgiveness from other people, lead him to spiral easily, and give him the appearance of being self-destructive and even dangerous. However, deep down he is merely a vulnerable person who deeply struggles with guilt and self-worth, and seeks atonement for his mistakes, but doesn't believe he is deserving of it. With the support of others, he is ultimately able to find the will to pull himself out his depression and start to recover."
(Qualifying answer is also my propaganda!)
He's just... so skrunkly... He's a silly guy with so many problems and relies on the support AI inside his prosthetic eyeball :) He fell in love with a guy and then that guy went missing because of him and he blamed himself for 6 years while his mental health slipped (and it was ALREADY bad before that so... yeah, it really sucks). He's going through it constantly, but he's still funny and loveable and just trying his best ;-;
(In addition to the propaganda below, I highly recommend that the reasoning for his qualification be included in some capacity for propaganda) Ryuki grew up both rich and highly educated until his parents were killed in a plane crash. He was living with his younger brother until his death in 2014 when he was hit by a truck and half of his body was utterly crushed. The only thing Ryuki has left of his deceased parents is a white Rolls Royce Phantom limousine, which he uses as his primary means of transportation. Ryuki always sits in the back seat, with Tama using the car camera to steer the vehicle remotely. As Tama is an AI, the car is technically classified as "self-driving".
Mod Note: this man is known to me as orange man.
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peridotglimmer · 10 months
I lowkey ship Angela & Cynthia
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Currently in the middle of writing the Lloyd Hansen mini series The Agenda Today, & will soon be posting another Rafe Camerin mini series When The Bough Breaks. That being said though, I always have a constantly evolving WiP list. So, without further ado, here is a glimpse at a Universe series I will begin posting once TAT & WTBB finish.
Let me know what you think!
featuring Rafe Cameron, Ransom Drysdale, & Billy Russo
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1.] RISE - Having finished her third year of college, reader & her friends are excited for an early summer camping trip deep in the woods. However, little do they know, the world they left will never again be the world they return to...
PART TWO : THE MIDST w/ Ransome Drysdale
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2.] SUMMIT - Having been raised under a doomsday prepper her whole life, reader is fit for a vastly disintegrated world. It's been a year since the last time she saw another human, & the next one that crosses her path will test her survival skills...
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3.] FALL - Five years since the world ended. Five years since reader has become the reluctant leader of survivors in the city. Five years, mostly everything has run smoothly. That is until an opposing force wants to take over the world reader has built so carefully...
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This is going to be my first Universe wide series. I imagine each part will be 10-20 chapters. There is not set release date until I finish my current Lloyd Hansen & Rafe Cameron mini series.
Until then, talk to me. Are you looking forward to the apocalyptic universe? Which part are most intrigued by? I want to know.
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stackslip · 1 year
people went insane about the last two pages which, valid, i cackled out loud myself, but there's so many little details in this chapter that make my head spin, like:
nayuta getting her classmates to give her their desserts. that's so insanely petty i love this child i love that she's still very much the control devil and a little shit
the scale of the mass deaths and disappearances makes so much sense and it's gonna keep getting worse, and it's good to see how it affects everyone in society. so far we've mostly been seeing orphans who've lost their parents but kids themselves are just as likely to die, if not moreso!
asa's recurring dream.......... What Does This Mean
oh i'm losing my mind about this one. "report any persons inciting fear" could mean anything, from reporting wannabe doomsday prophets out of worry they'd increase the fear and thus the power of devils, to grifters, to an excuse to report and jail anybody who says anything about the government as "people inciting fear" lol
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also yeah this is affecting the entire world. fun
watch the chainsaw man society get more and more powerful, watch as pochita's powers decrease, watch as eventually something happens to turn awe and adoration of chainsaw man into utter terror and thus increase his power
there's something really nasty about the talk show host inviting teenage haruka who's seen so many people die and is obviously so dedicated to chainsaw man in part because the world is so fucked up just to poke fun at him, like his classmates weren't murdered a couple of weeks ago.
i really, really like the use of mirrors here. genuinely
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also fami's "you don't need to think"........ hmmmm the makima parallels are increasing
a world without evil.......... yeah they're gonna try to use pochita's powers to erase some things huh. we know yoshida talked about erasing death a while back huh
g-d i generally have absolutely no feelings on yoshida whatsoever except that he's fucking hilarious. hysterical even. gosh denji sure is good i plucked you out of class huh!!!!
he is certainly not beating the accusations either lmao
also denji losing his mind at public safety (bc no way this ain't public safety or a government org) putting their hands on nayuta......... emo
you know for all the jokes about yaoi it's definitely kinda chilling that denji would propose sexual favours in exchange for nayuta's safety. like idk if fujimoto is ever gonna explicitly state that denji is a csa survivor but it's hard for me to not think of this as another clue in that direction
only one week wait this time YIPPEE
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Zombie Apocalypse AU Marinette be like:
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P.S. It's one of Heroes from "Doomsday: Last Survivors" mobile game, through honestly, she looks as if someone ran "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Loyal Dog, Shotgun, Zombie Apocalyse" through some AI Picture Generator
You're not wrong tho
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keganexe · 1 year
Meet The Agents of Rot
I've been working on Blister City, an upcoming far future setting guide for playing survivors on the last city of Mars, for what feels like an eternity now. I want to start sharing some of my favorite factions, npcs, locations, and mechanics from the guide just so I have something to point to if folks want to know more about it as I ever approach finishing the game.
Follow that link up above if you want some basic information on Mars and the setting, because I'm gonna dive right in like you know everything else already.
So first up, lets meet one of my favorite factions, The Agents of Rot.
Who Are the Agents of Rot?
In the simplest form, The Agents are a doomsday cult devoted to the teachings of a long dead and unnamed scholar. They believe the destruction of humanity is already happening, and unstoppable; and they long only prepare everyone for the oncoming end times, without any desire to hasten the coming end.
In 2143, The Agents of Rot first landed in the city of Ambition (which would later become Blister City) after having been chased off earth by The Crusade for their heretical religious beliefs. With them came the first of the Prophet Machines, cobbled together old tech that spits out endless streams of numbers and letters, from which adherents claim the future can be known and prepared for. Upon their arrival to Mars, The Agents had a dire portent, Mars would fall in 2191.
Their portents were ignored, but history would go on too stare back in wonder as their preaching was true. Down to the minute. Ultimate Mars does fall, and today The Agents of Rot occupy a strange space in the city, their heretical beliefs seemingly true, but their message still unpopular for the folks in the last city.
Where Are the Agents of Rot?
In The Mids, the second layer of the three layer Blister City, sits The Smokestack District. In The Lowers, directly under this district the industry of the Blister is booming. Miasma is refined, plasteel is produced, and the toxic smoke of industry pushes up through the levels unstopped by those with the power to demand better.
It is in the worst of this toxic runoff we find The Smokestack District, and herein find some of the worst of the city. The folks who call The Smokestacks home are a combination of those with the expensive lung bionics that make breathing here safe, trading a lifetime of debt for an opportunity to live in an apartment they can afford; and those chased out by the rest of the city, largely unmodified and suffering short lives as the air toxicity kills slowly but painfully and surely.
In The Smokestack District you can find The Rot Chapel, one of few wooden buildings in the city, although the building itself is dilapidated, rotting, and covered in soot. A walk through the church shows mildewed religious statues, sitting undisturbed next to rack after rack of advanced computers; each beeping away at impossible maths. Cries echo out across the church as more prophets discover portents of the future in the hodgepodge of numbers lighting up across screens.
The Agents of Rot in Play
In Blister City, you can find yourself working alongside or against any number of factions in the city, each with a list of pros and cons for helping or harming them. While the factions usually only provide these boons and banes during missions for or against them, The Agents of Rot instead always provide boons and banes for players.
If You Make an Ally of The Agents
+1: The Agents consider you a fledgling acolyte of their faith. Rot Shops are open to you, as are their churches for those looking to lay low.
+2: The Agents consider you a true believer. You gain a discount in Rot Shops, and gain access to their medical centers.
+3: The Agents have begun to see prophecies of you. Once ever you can go to them, and have them tell you a terrible but true fact about events yet to happen.
If You Make an Enemy of The Agents
-1: The Agents of Rot are scared of you and your crew. You are actively turned away from Rot Churches and Rot Shops, violently if necessary.
-2: The Agents consider you persona non grata, and take to the streets preaching of the dangers of being near you, and your allies.
-3: The Agents have begun to see prophecies of you, and it terrifies them. The Agents pool all of their resources, and will hire whoever it takes to kill you, and challenge the hands of fate.
Final Thoughts
The Agents of Rot are but one of 25 named factions, and have (like all the factions do) complicated ties to the city and the other factions. They frequently find themselves allied with The Children of The Red Sands, other religious outsiders to the city; and working against The Rusakli, a quiet order of well liked healers who The Prophet Machines keep spitting out warnings against.
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