#Donald Rumsfeld
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older-is-better ¡ 17 days ago
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Donald H. Rumsfeld 🅘🅝 🅡🅔🅐🅛 🅖🅐🅨 🅕🅐🅝🅣🅐🅢🅨 !
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nodynasty4us ¡ 5 months ago
From the October 12, 2024 essay:
Fortunately Jay Richards, director of the DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family at the right-wing Heritage Foundation think tank, was there to square the circle. “Classic Trump hyperbole,” he declared. “Directionally correct but carefully engineered to drive critics crazy over the details.” Problem solved: Trump wasn’t exaggerating, and he definitely wasn’t just getting mad about something that never happened—he was being directionally correct.
And being directionally correct—or sometimes directionally accurate—is, according to many of Donald Trump’s supporters, something that Donald Trump is very good at. His claims about trans athletes, immigrants, and the 2020 election might not be strictly true, these advocates say, but they are directionally so, because he’s talking about a real problem, or at least a feeling that there’s a real problem.
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politicalrpf ¡ 6 months ago
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Chief of Staff Donald Rumsfeld does a handstand on a chair, 1974.
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antebellumite ¡ 5 months ago
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play spot the symbolism with the woodstein-nixinger-chensfeld alliance.
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gregor-samsung ¡ 6 months ago
" Qualcuno uscí da una tavola calda e cercò di porgergli una bottiglia d’acqua. Era una donna che indossava una mascherina antipolvere e un cappellino con la visiera, e ritrasse la bottiglia e svitò il tappo e quindi gliela tese di nuovo. Lui posò la valigetta per prenderla, a malapena conscio che non stava usando il braccio sinistro, che aveva dovuto posare la valigetta prima di poter prendere la bottiglia. Tre furgoni della polizia svoltarono e si precipitarono verso downtown, a sirene spiegate. Chiuse gli occhi e bevve, e sentí l’acqua scorrergli nel corpo trascinando giú con sé polvere e fuliggine. La donna lo stava fissando. Gli disse qualcosa che lui non sentí, quindi le restituí la bottiglia e raccolse la valigetta. Il lungo sorso d’acqua gli lasciò un retrogusto di sangue. Riprese a camminare. Un carrello del supermercato giaceva immobile e vuoto. Dietro c’era una donna, girata verso di lui, con del nastro della polizia avvolto intorno alla testa e al viso, di quel nastro giallo con la scritta caution che delimita la scena di un delitto. I suoi occhi erano piccole increspature bianche nella mascherina sgargiante, e lei stringeva la maniglia del carrello e se ne stava lí, a guardare dentro il fumo.
Fece in tempo a udire il suono del secondo crollo. Attraversò Canal Street e cominciò a vedere le cose, per qualche motivo, in modo diverso. Non parevano pregnanti come al solito, le strade lastricate, i fabbricati in ghisa. C’era una qualche mancanza cruciale nelle cose intorno a lui. Erano incompiute, per cosí dire. Erano inosservate, per cosí dire. Forse era quello l’aspetto che avevano le cose quando non c’era nessuno che le vedesse. Udí il suono del secondo crollo, o lo avvertí nel tremore dell'aria, la torre nord che cadeva, uno sconcerto sommesso di voci in lontananza. La torre nord che crollava era lui. Il cielo era piú leggero, lí, e riusciva a respirare piú facilmente. C’erano altri dietro di lui, migliaia, che andavano riempiendo la media distanza, una massa prossima a formarsi, gente che fuoriusciva dal fumo. Proseguí finché non dovette fermarsi. Lo investí rapida, la consapevolezza di non poter andare oltre. Provò a dirsi che era vivo, ma era un’idea troppo oscura per riuscire a prendere corpo. Non c’erano taxi e il traffico in genere scarseggiava e allora apparve un vecchio furgoncino, una ditta elettrica di Long Island City, e gli si accostò e il conducente si sporse verso il finestrino dal lato del passeggero a esaminare ciò che stava vedendo, un uomo incrostato di cenere, di materia polverizzata, e gli chiese dove voleva andare. Fu solo una volta salito a bordo e chiusa la portiera che capí dov’era diretto fin dall'inizio. "
Don Delillo, L'uomo che cade, traduzione di Matteo Colombo, Einaudi, 2008. [Libro elettronico]
[Edizione originale: Falling Man, Charles Scribner's Sonspublisher, New York City, 2007]
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oldinterneticons ¡ 2 years ago
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Asses of Evil
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ophilosoraptoro ¡ 6 months ago
9/11: Blueprint for Truth-The Architecture of Destruction-114min.
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lil-als ¡ 1 year ago
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Weird political sex symbols + clickbaity titles
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kramlabs ¡ 2 years ago
Rumsfeld accidentally telling the truth?
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filosofablogger ¡ 2 years ago
A Little Thing Called "Integrity"
I quit my job once after working at the company for just over a year.  Why?  It was a small company owned by one woman who could at times be sweet as syrup, and at other times unreasonable as a two-year-old child.  At the end of the year, in preparing the financial statements that would be used as a basis for filing that year’s taxes, she told me to record a large number of her personal…
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lunasspecto ¡ 2 years ago
A track from my album South Tower, released today, 2023-08-03. "Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting…"
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politicalrpf ¡ 5 months ago
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Various political references in various issues of MAD Magazine. (May 2001, January 2004, January 2005)
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antebellumite ¡ 5 months ago
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that's his (rumsfeld's) boytoy malewife sorry what
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daisukitoo ¡ 7 months ago
Unknown knowns
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funniest draft ever. what the fuck was i realizing
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canadianabroadvery ¡ 8 months ago
from the article " ...
If Trump is truly worse, it is because he would “finish off” the Palestinians, while Biden practices what appears to be a more benign form of genocide, a plan that at least leaves some Palestinians alive.
Looking closer, even this measure does not add up partly because Biden has no red line, no point at which “Israel” has gone so far in its genocide that weapons shipments stop.
For example, in early May, Biden drew a red line across an “Israeli” invasion of Rafah, an area that had previously been declared a safe zone.
Yet when “Israel” bombed Rafah’s nylon tents, burning families alive, Biden claimed that it was only a “limited” incursion, not the all-out invasion that he had warned against...."
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republicanidiots ¡ 6 months ago
More proof that Republicans are a threat to national security because they have no sense of empathy. Without that, they have no problem sending young men and women into a conflict.
"I am not a wimp." -- President George H. W. Bush
"You go with the army you have." -- Donald Rumsfeld -- explaining why he used unarmored vehicles for the soldiers during the Iraqi invasions.
Mitt Romney's reply to why none of his six sons was ever in the military: "They're serving by helping me become president."
Governor George W. Bush's reply when asked to guess the last words of a woman he sent for lethal injection: "Please don't kill me"
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These people never seem to tire of showing us what complete pieces of shit they are!
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