#wtc building 7
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9/11: Blueprint for Truth-The Architecture of Destruction-114min.
#9/11#false flag#inside job#war on terror#physics#engineering#architecture#jet fuel can't melt steel beams#government cover up#cover up#propaganda#9/11 was an inside job#wtc building 7#Bush did 9/11#9/11 is a joke#psy ops#george w bush#dick cheney#donald rumsfeld
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It's pretty interesting that the US had intel about an imminent attack on US soil prior to 9/11, but none of the intel specified where or how it was gonna happen or who was gonna be involved. I imagine on September 11 some fed in New York was just busy checking to see if anyone with a foreign name bought too much fertilizer recently before hearing a plane pass by
#s3lf#9/11#oh by the way#buildings 4 5 6 7 of the WTC had federal government offices#including CIA and FBI (they spy on the UN)#so i imagine the fed in question being there when the plane hit
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I reblogged it earlier but I'm glad the Something Awful Forums 9/11 thread was archived because it's an incredibly important slice of internet history. For the record I think 9/11 was thousands of personal tragedies for the direct victims of the attacks but one big national farce that led to America's ongoing slide into fascism, and the nationalism and remembrance around it is a joke especially in the wake of the same amount of deaths every fucking day in the US during the height of coronavirus.
Nevertheless I think it's important that if you do not remember because you were too young or just didn't exist on Sept 11, 2001 to read the Something Awful 9/11 forums to get an idea of what the internet was like at the moment when America changed to 24 hour news cycles and renewed hyper-nationalism not seen since WWII.
This all happened before Twitter, Facebook, before Discord. Before smart phones. Before most people had cell phones. When a lot of people still had dial-up internet, even. Some people in the thread were relying on radio because internet and TV weren't keeping up.
It was a live event of internet denizens reacting to the biggest national event (and among the biggest international events) of the past 25 years. It was also a slice of what the internet was like at the turn of the millennium. Not only that, but people accurately calling out who was responsible, and what would result before the attacks even finished.
Keep in mind that the links that follow contain images of the event, lots of Islamophobia, people calling for the Middle East to be nuked, people blaming Palestine, casual racist and homophobic language (this was Something Awful after all), etc etc. They preserved the first 17 pages which spanned about 24 hours during the events. It's the origin of the "WATCH BUSH START A FUCKING WAR" screenshot.
Links under the fold. I've also annotated the pages with notes regarding the timeline and any posts of interest. Note the thread was preserved in Pacific Time even though the page says times are Eastern. That's incorrect. Post timestamps are 3 hours behind Eastern Time, which is the time zone where the attacks occurred:
Page 1 - Note the first post was edited to include images of the second attack. The thread started after the first plane hit. Second plane hitting the WTC happens here too.
Page 2 - Poster accurately calling out Bin Laden was responsible at 9:14 AM EST
Page 4
Page 5 - First official acknowledgement it was a terrorist attack.
Page 6 - Pentagon hit
Page 7
Page 8
Page 9 - Commercial flights grounded by FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)
Page 10 - First mention of towers collapsing at end of page
Page 11 - More reactions to collapse of first tower. People thinking it was a bomb or yet another plane. Rumors about a fourth plane just missing the White House (these are false and predate the actual 4th plane crash by minutes)
Page 12
Page 13 - By this point there's just rampant speculation about more bombs at the WTC, the US Capitol building being hit, etc (all false). Remember this is all just people reacting to TV news and radio and the rumor mill via phone, AIM, IRC, and maybe text messages.
Page 14 - By this point internet news sites are overwhelmed
Page 15 - Second tower collapses. First acknowledgement of the fourth plane that crashed in PA.
Page 16 - There's an abrupt time jump in the threads, I think it was the result of admins pruning the activity or the SA forums going down. This page starts on 9/12 even though it is page 16. American flag signatures and ribbons start appearing.
Page 17
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★☆★☆ Say hello to North and South!! They are part of an immortal species I created called "Building Souls"! They are the building souls for the original World Trade Center towers! I often post about them on my DA account :) ☆★☆★
★☆Cool things I wanted to point out:☆★
North's arms are pointed up while South's arms are pointed down, as a way to go along with their names (north - up, south - down)
I purposely made South's mouth open and North's mouth closed. this is because when I usually draw them, It is the opposite.
North is holding a silver platter as reference to WOTW
South's eyelash is colored a very dark pink as a reference to Spooky Spoon, her voice claim, who is pink. The pose she is making is also a reference to 6 from BFB
Here are their plane-impact and collapse versions in case anyone is wondering:
!!! Please don't make any 9/11 jokes in the comments !!!
★☆★☆ PS: Marriott, a character I posted about before, Is also a Building Soul! She's the building soul for the original 3 WTC, a hotel that was in between the towers! Since I have shown you all my building soul characters for WTC 1, 2, & 3, I will post WTC buildings 4, 5, 6, & 7 next! ☆★☆★
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Being raised by a conspiracy theorist was…probably damaging to me in some way, but what it did accomplish was immunizing me against like…every conspiracy theory.
Oh, person who is for some reason just now reading about 9/11 truther theories in the year of our Lord two thousand sixteen, you want to know if I’ve heard the news about George W. Bush orchestrating a domestic terrorist attack in order to start a war with Iraq for Oil Reasons? What, did someone show you a video of WTC Building 7 collapsing or something?
You’re just hearing about chemtrails? The things my father started pointing out to me when I was eleven or twelve?
Oh, you’ve started listening to things David Icke says? Are you aware he’s the anti-Semite who believes in the Reptilian Elite? You haven’t gotten that far yet? Yeah, you should jump ship while you’re ahead.
It has been a baffling experience because, while I have never been under the impression that others believed some of the stuff my dad believed (and in some cases, still believes, though things have certainly improved. He’s no longer into QAnon, and actually finds his past belief in that deeply mortifying.), but I did experience that thing from the XKCD comic “Average Familiarity”
where I assumed people were aware of these theories in greater detail than is actually normal to know. So, it was absolutely bonkers to me that someone told me they had been listening to David Icke, and they didn’t know he was the Reptilian Elite guy.
Anyway, I am now impervious to (or at least highly skeptical of) pretty much any new conspiracy theory that’s thrown my way.
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Hii! What are some of your favorite places in New York? I'd like to visit the state one day and I'm curious about what cool places there are besides the city's skyscrapers :D
(happy birthday again!! 🎉)
so honestly, I don’t know many places, but I have some cool ones, especially if you like history or exploring
1: Montauk Lighthouse or Montuak in general: Montauk is like the farthest point out east on LI and it’s so pretty. If you like beaches, you should def go. The lighthouse was owned by George Washington too, and you can go inside and see all historical stuff.
2: Psych Centers: I know I’m not allowed to go in them, but it’s cool to walk around and look at all the old buildings. Atleast for me. Fun fact, one of the psych centers on LI was one of the first places were lobotomy’s were available 😍.
3: Fire Island: Also a very beachy area, but it’s a very nice island that kind of borders LI. Has very nice beaches too. (Robert Moses is the one I go to)
4: Port Jefferson: I love going there and the ice cream from that place is bomb. Has some history stuff about them building boats and things about the harbor.
5: Liberty Island and Ellis Island: Both very cool places, visited them twice so far! I love history and if u like history you need to go to Ellis Island. It walks you through the journey of an immigrant from Europe coming into the US from that Island.
6: The Oculus: I’ve been there once and Jesus, it’s pretty big. It has many layers of like a mall-like building and I think a train or subway does down into the building, but idk. all I know that it’s fucking cool and huge.
7: THE BIG FUCKING DUCK: ok, so I’ve never been in it, but basically it’s a huge fucking duck that’s kinda like a mini gift shop but it’s so cute and big ajmwhajanwnw.
8:Nature Trails: Trust, you can pretty much drive anywhere on LI or maybe anywhere else, and you could find a trail somewhere. Especially around lakes or beaches. love walking around especially in the fall.
9: WTC: alright, ik u asked for things other than skyscrapers, but still, the World Trade Center is literally so cool. people seem to underestimate how big those buildings are and the memorial footprints are. Those huge pools of water are very pretty, and I like how they made the memorial different from others so no one would forget.
10: Murals: All over this beautiful state, there are murals EVERYWHERE. especially in the city. I loved walking through China Town or Little Italy seeing all the cultural murals- also, Definitly visit China Town and Little Italy, they are so different but so cool! B)
okay, so ik all of these are about Long Island/NYC, but those are really all the places I go to😭
anyways, I hope you liked this
thanks for the ask!! <3
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Martin and I visit New York City. Blog 3 of this series .
Continuing with 7/31/2011
7/31/2011 Sunday 11:54am
Greenacre Park. “A private park for public use.”
No cameras, no exercising, no kids and no pets except on a leash. There is a snack bar where they sell hot apple cider. NO ALCOHOL SOLD THERE.
It’s like a haven from the rest of 51st street.
MAC’s up showering. He feels better. His jangled body loosens.
Greenacre park is a good place to be just pre the World Trade Center (WTC) visit. There is a soothing waterfall int the park. A tribute to the WTC.
Sunday is a good day to visit the WTC. What were they all doing July 31, 2001, the people who died on 9/11/2001 at ground zero?
We were all 10 years younger.
Greenacre Park is also a nice place to think about my late partner Jim.
The ubiquitous, iconic, New York City water towers are visible from the park.
It’s kind of nice being in a place where photographs and exercise are not allowed. They are, in their own way, invasive.
This NYNY visit is not so much about running around and doing as it is about be.ing. Greenacre Park is perfect. A healing place.
It’s loud enough here because of the waterfall that it drowns out the city sounds. You can’t talk on the phone. It inspires and enforces contemplation. “My time”.
7 minutes to 2 pm
Martin beautifies. I sit by the air conditioner watching sun bathers on an adjacent roof top. “New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York” the radio rambles.“Sleepy's Mattress Sale! “One of the comedians made fun of it last night. I thought He made Sleepy’s up! “Sleepy’s, the mattress of professionals.”
9:14pm EST
Dark again. The taxi dropped us at ground zero (WTC). What is this? A mistake? Nothing there but tomb stones, an old church and big fences. And a half way finished new tower. A foreign man kept asking me “Is this all there is? Is this 9/11?”
MAC’s back. Breaking Bad’s on.
MAC and I just walked back from McDonald’s. It was sprinkling and cool/warm. MAC ordered food, but, didn’t eat
We were going to go to the Empire State Building after dark. He sleeps now.
My body aches, knees and arms. What’s wrong? Instead of working out, we walked around ground zero. The biggest acknowledgement of what happened at ground zero on 9/11/2001 is the ancient church cemetery across the street from ground zero. It stands as a silent soldier saying “this is what happened. This happened." And jets flew "through" the buildings as we stood there. Haunting. People at ground zero today talked and thought and inquired.
Then we taxied to the High Line elevated walking trail. MAC loved it. The plants. The buildings.
Then, back to the Pod Hotel for a rest.
Oh, MAC and I then went up on the Pod roof and looked around at the view from there of the City."
End of entry
Greenacre Park is located at 217 E 51st Street, New York, NY.
The Tower built to replace the WTC twin towers is called One World Trade Center . It was completed in 2014.
The September 11, 2001 attacks, per Wikipedia, were four coordinated Islamist suicide terrorist attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States. Four jets were high jacked. Two were flown into the World Trade Towers. One was flown into the Pentagon. And one, flight 93, was forced by passengers to crash in Pennsylvania. A movie called “Flight 93” later came out about the events that transpired that day.
Breaking Bad was a TV series that MAC loved. It was about an all American White family that got heavily involved in drug manufacturing and sales. It was outrageous and fun at the same time.
#7/31/2011#World Trade Center#World Trade Center Ground Zero 9/11/2001#The Winter Garden New York City#The High Line New York City#Greenacre park New York City#No phone#kids#cameras or exercise foster contemplation in Greenacre park#Breaking Bad
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please tell me your best 9/11 facts im actually curiojs
1. This is my favorite fact of all. there exists a photo of one of the hijackers doing bong rips. the sad part is we aren't allowed to see it. I asked all the right ppl but unfortunately its not something the public will probably get to see :(
2. Mohamed Atta once went to see the jungle book in theaters with his roommate in germany. He (Atta) got so mad about all the people talking during the movie that he kept angrily muttering "Chaos!" the entire time and was so mad about the whole ordeal he shut himself in his room the rest of the day.
3. So lets talk about jet fuel and steel beams. Sure, jet fuel itself cant melt beams. What really happened is the impact of the plane crash blew off the fireproofing in the towers. The jet fuel and the explosion ignited a lot of fires, and the steel beams of the towers started to become malleable (not melted!) from the intense heat, causing the walls of the towers to bend in on themselves. Eventually the force of the walls sagging became so intense that the building collapsed in on itself, causing a sort of domino effect. The twin towers were constructed with a method that is characteristically different than other skyscrapers have been built with. I am not too well versed on the physics of it all, but basically, a unique construction led to a unique collapse and that is "the deal" with the way the towers fell. Also, some of the jet fuel fell into the elevator shafts and exploded into flames on lower floors. Basically, the fact the towers were built to be more open and hollow compared to other skyscrapers meant that a lot of fires were able to spread in these circumstances.
4. The architect for the WTC actually worked with The Saudi Binladin Group, a construction conglomerate founded by Osama Bin Laden's Father. As far as I know, thats as far as the connection goes between the two and anything that says theres more to this is just kind of unfounded theorizing
5. observers actually thought that flight 77 (the one that crashed into the pentagon) was a military aircraft, because the speed and advanced manuevers they saw made them think it was a military plane. On that note, the hijacker pilot of this flight, Hani Hanjour, was unique in that he had a career as a commercial pilot beforehand in the 90s.
6. Ziad Jarrah's roommate in florida once saw him crash a plane into a building while playing microsoft flight simulator. He (the roommate) found it funny at the time, but not in hindsight, of course.
7. Also, according to this same roommate, Jarrah really enjoyed watching the show F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
8. Ironically, when designing the WTC, they did wonder about a situation if a jet airliner were to crash into the towers.
9. Also when designing the world trade center, they increased the floor space plan to be (coincidentally) about as large as that as the pentagon.
10. Mohamed Atta's email was discovered to have contained file attachments infected with the SirCam malware. (i just like this fact bc its a crossover between my special interests. malware and 9/11.)
11. Lastly, they actually didnt decide on what targets to hit in the attack until July of 2001 despite having planned the attack for the past 3 years!!! crazy!
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Quick Scroll
Tonight I went through my LinkedIn contacts to find that one person has worked on the set of Chicago Fire for the last seven years. Another person has been a set director for The Bear for the first two seasons.
Other people have worked their way through the various big names of all 5-7 major architectural firms in Chicago. Still others were finalists in the WTC projects. While others have developed, built and sold high end residential units, and others have become heads of building departments.
I guess I feel lucky to have landed a personal business that has lasted 3 years. Others have and haven’t been so lucky. What I really mean is, where I’ve come from - this really was never an opportunity.
I’ll ride the wave where it takes me.
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some some footage on 9/11 I had never seen before inside building #7 where a uniformed man warns the photographer ..you better get out this whole place is coming down ...they were in the lobby after at least one of the towers had collapsed
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I Can Never Forget
September 11, 2001:
I was 6 going on 7 years old. It was a bright and sunny Tuesday morning. I was in kindergarten. I remember it all vividly. It seemed like a regular Tuesday morning, but little did any of us know....it was going to be for from normal.
7:59 AM – Flight 11
takes off from Boston, headed for Los Angeles, California. There are 76 passengers, 11 crew members, and 5 hijackers on board.
8:15 AM – United Airlines Flight 175
takes off from Boston, also headed for Los Angeles. There are 51 passengers, 9 crew members, and 5 hijackers on board.
8:19 AM
A flight attendant on Flight 11, Betty Ann Ong, alerts ground personnel that a hijacking is underway and that the cockpit is unreachable.
8:20 AM – American Airlines Flight 77
takes off from Dulles, outside of Washington, DC, headed for Los Angeles. There are 53 passengers, 6 crew members, and 5 hijackers on board.
8:24 AM
Mohamed Atta, a hijacker on Flight 11, unintentionally alerts air controllers in Boston to the attack. He meant to press the button that allowed him to talk to the passengers on his flight.
8:37 AM
After hearing the broadcast from Atta on Flight 11, Boston air traffic control alerts the US Air Force’s Northeast Defense Sector, who then mobilizes the Air National Guard to follow the plane.
8:42 AM – United Flight 93
takes off from Newark, New Jersey, after a delay due to routine traffic. It was headed for San Francisco, California. There are 33 passengers, 7 crew members, and 4 hijackers are on board.
8:46 AM – Flight 11
crashes into the World Trade Center’s North Tower. All passengers aboard are instantly killed, and employees of the WTC are trapped above the 91st floor.
9:03 AM – Flight 175
crashes into the WTC’s South Tower. All passengers aboard are killed instantly, and so are an unknown number of people in the tower.
9:05 AM
President George W. Bush, in an elementary school classroom in Florida, is informed about the hit on the second tower. His chief of staff, Andrew Card, whispers the chilling news into the president’s ear. Bush later wrote about his response: “I made the decision not to jump up immediately and leave the classroom. I didn’t want to rattle the kids. I wanted to project a sense of calm… I had been in enough crises to know that the first thing the leader has to do is to project calm.”
9:28 AM
Hijackers attack on Flight 93.
9:37 AM – Flight 77
crashes into the Pentagon. All passengers aboard are instantly killed, and so are 125 civilian and military personnel in the building.
9:45 AM
US airspace is shut down under Operation Yellow Ribbon. All civilian aircraft are ordered to land at the nearest airport.
9:55 AM – Air Force One
with President George W. Bush aboard takes off from Florida.
9:57 AM
Passengers aboard Flight 93 begin to run up toward the cockpit. Jarrah, the pilot, begins to roll the plane back and forth in an attempt to destabilize the revolt.
9:59 AM
The South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses.
10:02 AM – Flight 93
plows into an empty field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Although its ultimate target is unknown, it was likely heading for either the White House or the US Capitol.
10:18 AM
President Bush authorizes any non-grounded planes to be shot down. At that time, all four hijacked planes had already crashed, but the president’s team was operating under the impression that Flight 93 was still in the air.
10:28 AM
The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapses.
10:53 AM
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld orders the US military to move to a higher state of alert, going to DEFCON 3.
11:45 AM – Air Force 1
lands at Barksdale Air Force Base near Shreveport, Louisiana.
12:15 PM
Airspace in the United States is completely free of all commercial and private flights.
1:30 PM – Air Force 1
Leaves Barksdale
2:30 PM
Rudy Giuliani, the mayor of New York City, visits the fallen Twin Towers of the World Trade Center at what becomes known as Ground Zero.
3:00 PM – Air Force 1
lands at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska, and President Bush is immediately taken to a secure bunker that is capable of withstanding a nuclear attack.
4:30 PM – Air Force 1
leaves Offutt and heads back toward Andrews Air Force base near Washington, DC.
5:30 PM
Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapses.
8:30 PM
President Bush addresses the nation
A Word from Lux
9/11 is an emotionally draining day for me. I was in kindergarten when it happened, and I lost a friend in the attacks. She and her family had moved to NYC for her dad's job. I usually don't remember a lot from my childhood or elementary school, but I remember everything vividly like it was yesterday.
If I seem off my game or not myself, I do apologize. Just ever since that day when the anniversary came around, I became an emotional mess with so many different thoughts. I was 6 going on 7 and can still see Mrs. Amy's scared expression when she and Mrs. Penny was watching the TV screens of the airing of the WTC. I remember we went on full lockdown, and Mr. Dexeaux announcing that the US was under a terrorist attack. Nobody was allowed to leave. Parents couldn't check their kids out of school. Nobody was allowed on or off property. Kids couldn't go into the hallways. We couldn't have recess. We had these shitty bagged lunches of ham and cheese hoagies. Ms. K was scared shitless and didn't know what to say or do.
I remember when I finally got home, and mom tried asking me if I understood what happened. I was too little to comprehend. I didn't know how to process anything of what happened that day. I just remember everyone being scared and holding back tears.
That same day, I spoke to my god brother. Bush had declared war on terrorism and Dominick was deployed 3 times during Project Iraqi Freedom and the war on terrorism. He went to Felujah, Baghdad, and Afghanistan. It was a mess.
I just hate that I relive the memories from kindergarten when it all happened. I hate that I see it all so vividly. When I think back to it, I go back into that state of panic that I didn't understand back then. It all comes flooding back every year. Every year, it feels like it happened yesterday.

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Everyone forgets about building 7. On the news 20 mins before it collapsed. There were no planes so why did it explode? People are stupid.
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🔍✨ Explore the Top YouTube Comments on WTC Building 7 Collapse! 🏢💥
On 9/11, the world witnessed a tragic event that changed history. The collapse of the Twin Towers is well-known, but what about Building Seven? 🧐
Check out this blog post summarizing the insights from commenters on the video capturing the collapse of WTC Building Seven. 🗽🔎
💭 Lack of Awareness 😔 💬 Controversial Debate 🔥 💡 Suspicion and Rethinking 🤔 🚒 Firefighters' Testimonies 🚨 🐠 Fishy Happenings 🐟 ❓ Questioning Official Narrative 📚 🔍 Suspicious Circumstances 🤨 💣 Controlled Demolition 💥 🎯 Perfectly-Executed-Demolition 👌 🔥 Skepticism of Fire Damage 🏢🔥
Join the conversation and dive into these intriguing perspectives on 9/11.
Let's explore the truth together! 🗣️💭💡
#WTCBuilding7#911Truth#BuildingSevenCollapse#DebatesAndTheories#never forget 9/11#9/11 attacks#wtc7#world trade center#9/11 memorial#terrorists#us politics#us history#learnsomethingneweveryday#the more you know#knowledge is power#knowledgeseekers#reeducate yourselves#think for yourself#think for yourselves#educate yourselves
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