wttt new york’s #1 fan
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stawpny · 24 days ago
New York was a real asshole to New Jersey 😭
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stawpny · 24 days ago
I periodically consider writing Mass x Penn x NY x Virginia but it would come out as:
Virginia, watching all 3 do something horribly dumb: I can’t believe I’m going to fuck those guys.
Maryland, standing next to her also watching them do the dumb thing: … you dont have to.
Virginia: nah I’m gonna.
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stawpny · 28 days ago
gonna GET ALL OF MY MOOTS with my ideas because I need to YAP so I'm going to do it here
I usually yap to my moot Forever-Eternal about their characters but I'll switch back to the state names for this
Colorado is incredibly academically smart but god damn does he eat stuff not meant to be eaten. He unknowingly participated in the Tide Pod Challenge back in like 2018 I think because he got really high and mistook one for candy. He was caught in the act of eating a second one before being stopped
Coco will eat a whole ass stick without batting an eye because he's probably consumed worse. He's probably eaten several pennies or coins before or probably even a brick. I'd go as far as to say a brick he smashed into pieces because it was a dare he received
moving on- wanted to talk about MA/NJ/NY
like, NY being a book worm. Biggest book worm but we already knew that. Also probably tired all the time, opposite of insomniac to me because I see this man loving sleep a little too much but it's because the bed and his partners are too comfortable to be getting up. He's laying on top of the residential Frat Boy (Mass) because he has a thick body and that makes warmth and therefore the Cat Man (New York) over there finds it as a peak resting spot. NY will climb on top of this man the absolute SECOND he sits down
Mass is tallest, NY is shortest. Fight me. I enjoy a short NY so much because of the "short = angry" thing
NJ is over there making Crimes in the kitchen for fun. His ass knows how to cook properly because NY forced the knowledge into his brain but NJ just said "nuh uh" and now creates one Food Crime per month. If it were per week then he would've been dead and strangled
I will literally fight people over these three because they drive me fucking insane
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stawpny · 1 month ago
massyork marriage for Valentine’s Day
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extra doodle NOT from doodle page (crazy, I know!!!,)
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I have a feeling that this ship won’t leave so I am embracing it
(you should TOTALLY embrace it too)
(now, I am starving from the lack of massyork content 😔)
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stawpny · 2 months ago
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drops this and sprints out of the room
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stawpny · 2 months ago
The thirteen probably complain SO MUCH about the old jokes but they all are old so they can't complain, its not allowed:
Not a single one of them is capable of sitting down or standing up without groaning loud enough for the entire house to hear.
They all pull the "when I was a kid we walked five miles in the snow uphill both ways to go to school" stories like 7 times a day.
Also the "If you aren't old enough to remember the revolution, you're not old enough for your opinion to matter to me" (but they don't listen to each other either so rlly its a shitty excuse).
"When I was your age I had three jobs and seven roommates all named William and was happy as a clam, while you young states get on the tick tock and make videos complaining about everything"
speaking of put 'the' before every app name, 'the tiktok' 'the youtube' 'the google' 'the instagram' 'the facebook' it's not necessary. California loses a bit more sanity every time they hear it, NY being their bf is definitly doing it on purpose by now.
"Western States" (said in the same tone as 'kids these days') -- a true and real quote by the state of Delaware.
they eat dinner at like 4 pm. because. logic.
They all have at least 1 stereotypical old person collection, those little porcelain statues, decorative plates, stamps, coins, fucking cuckoo clocks. props if u collect that stuff its neat but dear lord.
they're all stubborn about it but half of them need glasses, the other half should start looking into hearing aids, at least two or three should really be using a cane but it's going to take not being able to read menus, hours of going "WHAT?" from like 4 feet away, and a broken hip before any of them "admit defeat" or whatever they think it is.
They all lore drop like no ones business, one second you're watching tv while daring to sit next to one of them and the next second you're getting first had details of Valley Forge, “that sounds traumatizing” “it was character building”
They also bring up decades old drama that was between people that are long dead. The states all sitting around getting to hear about the pettiest feuds the founding fathers ever had. Tell Lin to get his pen ready we need a whole second musical just about this undocumented beef.
the old jokes are the singular thing Florida keeps his mouth shut on bc he’s older then all of them and if he’s not careful they’ll come for him next.
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stawpny · 2 months ago
Rosegold/caliyork for the thingie and also indulging myself by drawing old man York 🤭
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And Uncropped as well
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stawpny · 2 months ago
everytime i see a new massyork post i feel like that one rapid dog gif.
Haha! yes, I know what you mean (even if i don't experience it for this fandom)! -cedar
that's me with ohio x michigan actually haha -bee
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stawpny · 2 months ago
(New York slid the paper him and California are currently drawing on back to him)
New York, tapping California on the shoulder: Watch this.
New York: Yo dibujo.
California, eyes welling up with tears, shaking his head: My bilingual king.
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stawpny · 2 months ago
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dewdle page extra:
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stawpny · 2 months ago
important question for all of wttt tumblr…
i want to write a massyork fanfic (as there’s only 10 on ao3 and i’m really fixated on it right now <\3) but i have ZERO ideas or any plot lines…
i’m request for any writers or anyone in general for ideas cause i’d really like to contribute to my favorite ship more
massyork is so underrated. I personally am a huge fan of dialogue prompt lists- I like to start scenes with a line of dialogue, and see where it takes me from there. it might be nice to start writing without planning it out ahead of time- you never know where a story will take you!
opening this up to the wttt fandom in case anyone has more specific ideas haha. I wish you the best in your writing endeavors, anon!
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stawpny · 2 months ago
I actually meant like what does New York call Florida for a pet name what does he call him? Orange slices or dolphin boy
OH SORRYYY!! I PROBABLY READ IT WRONG 😥 (this totally isn’t like… 5 months later uhhhhh)
“citrus freak” and “Everglades”
I like “orange slices” , that ones cuuttteee “sunshine” too
I feel he would call him all sorts of marine animals like
“shark boy” “alligator man” (dolphin boy too 😘)
when he’s mad at him it’s probably “crocodile child” or something like that
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stawpny · 2 months ago
headcannons 😘
-main 5 bonding time: half off apps at applebees (Florida always asks for the apples… if not.. *gulp* the bees)
-new york owns a jerboa named frankuel (also he dyes his pigeons different colors)
-California is a terrible party-planner. do u know that one episode of SpongeBob where he has a whole list of things to do at his party and nobody sticks to anything? yeah.. (truly, nobody comes anyway)
-we’ve adressed this but Gov has to be unbearable to talk with. he is the most awkward person to exist and I just know it. I believe he’s got too many secrets.
-by many accounts, Alaska has been seen talking to animals— not like “who’s a good boy’ but more like “what do you think about the socioeconomic status of the world?”
-New York has a deep connection with birds, specifically pigeons and seagulls, but also like crows and other birds that (partially) rely on humans to feed them. he can’t go anywhere without at least one of the three attacking him.
-^ like he’ll willingly feed them but will call them names when they start flocking around him.
(more seagulls fly in)
New York, giving them part of his food: I fucking hate all of you
New York, then throwing the rest of it at them: I hope you all die
ummm the main reason I haven’t posted HC’s as much as I used to is because I have no ideas
like all my creativity has left 😔 and my motivation is nonexistent
I’m not gonna leave this fandom probably any time soon but I’m like in a drought (taking AP’s is not for procrastinators like me)
but I’ll try to make more 🙏
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stawpny · 2 months ago
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extra doodle from my doodle page
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stawpny · 2 months ago
random states and their genre of music they would listen to
New York: punk rock (musicals..)
Massachusetts: dad rock (90’s) or like that one Irish song I have no idea the name of
California: pop (mainly 2000’s but he’ll play popular songs occasionally)
Texas: capitalist country
Florida: absolutely anything
Louisiana: southern jazz (did u know there’s a house in New Orleans)
Illinois: Midwest emo (The Front Bottoms, Modern Baseball, all of it)
New Jersey: indie folk (the crane wives is all I can see him listen to)
Alaska: noah kahan and Hozier
Connecticut: entirety of the yacht rock station
Washington: grunge rock
Gov: only listens to horrible pop songs they play on the radio
Nevada: ayesha erotica
Virginia: classical fella
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stawpny · 3 months ago
idk if I should repost it on ao3, but it’s up on wattpad and if ur still interested you can read it
same user as ao3!!
Hi, what happened to your MassYork Coffee Shop AU fic on AO3? Did you take it down? I loved it by the way; it was a shame to see it gone from my bookmarks. Thank you, have a great day!
yes unfortunately I did take it down
idk why but I couldn’t think back to it as a good fic, and it just kinda made me feel embarrassed whenever I thought of it 😔
tho I could put it back up, It’s not totally confirmed if I will stop writing it
(I might js post it on wattpad in my shitpost book tho)
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stawpny · 3 months ago
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Texas is a huge shit talker and he has the best shit to talk about
just know you will be talked about while California paints his nails light blue and New York will just lay beside them like a brick wall.
(his nails were already painted and he’s waiting for them to dry)
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