#Dog Ashes indeed
ihnmaims · 1 month
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dcxdpdabbles · 9 months
In the cave boy fic, I hope Danny has to end up fighting against reanimated hot dogs (I blame the Joker) and when asked why he can fight off reanimated meat. he comments that that's a normal Tuesday in his house as his mom and dad end up reanimating dinner at least once a week, and honestly being here is the longest time he spent without having to fight against reanimated food. He loves his parents but they really need to practice better lab safety or at least stop putting the ectoplasm samples in the same fridge with the food.
This is also adjusted to the cave boy storyline before he takes out the Joker.
One morning, Brucie wakes up and decides to cook everyone breakfast since the night previous was rough for the crime fighters. Almost everyone had gotten injured in one of Riddler's games, nothing life-threatening, but they would be sore and in some cases, in casts for some time. Alfred had been the one to patch the heroes up, so even the aged butler had a rough time.
Bruice had woken before anyone, quickly frying up some sausages, making various versions of eggs (boiled, scrambled, fried, over-easy, omelets) spread out on the table for them to pick which lond they wanted. He made some oatmeal and cut up various fruit in a pretty arrangement of swans.
When the family finally dragged their tired bodies down to the table, they were all greeted by the sight of Alfred being utterly flabbergasted by the spread Bruice proudly presented. Bruicie happily has them take a seat, gathering a plate for them- not before forcing Alfred to sit at the head of the table and make Bruce move to the seat usually reserved for the Lady of the house- and cheerfully place a plate before him.
Everyone was giving each other unsure looks or staring at the plates in wonder. Even Bruce.
Because if there was one thing that was another consent in all the multiverse it was that Bruce Wayne can not cook. The closest any variate has even gotten was burned beyond recognition ash.
Yet here was an entire spread that while not the meal of kings still looked rather taste and some may even say artsty.
"Don't just sit there. Dig in!" Brucie laughs. His hair bounces around his face in an adorable helo, and the family can only stare.
"How did you do this? Is it laced with something?" Tim's voice is heavy with suspicion, which would have been an overreaction if everyone wasn't feeling the same way.
"What? No, It's just eggs, sausage and fruit. With some presentation, I guess, but this isn't hard to make," Brucie says with a hint of defensiveness. "I worked really hard on it."
"We all appricate it Brucie." Dick speaks up leveling the table with a hard look "And we will eat it no matter the taste."
Ah, that must be it. It may look editable, but indeed it would taste terrible. In fact, they wouldn't put it past a version of Bruce Wayne to cause them all to cling to a toilet with his cooking.
Knowing it best to get it over with, the Bats pick up a utensil and carefully cut a bite of eggs or sausage. They hesitate for a moment- Brucie digs in, chewing loudly and quickly through his omelet-throwing. Each other looks to wish them luck, and in one symmetrical movement, everyone eats.
It's...heavenly. It tastes as good as Alfred's food, which they thought no one could match. Before they know it, they fill their plates and go for seconds, not long afterward.
Alfred is all but glowing with paternal pride by the end.
"Young Master Brucie, I had no idea you knew how to cook and so wonderfully as well!" Aldred compliments
Brucie looks up, one piece of sausage dangling from his mouth, reminding them he had no table manners. How in the world does Alfred of his world allow that? They would never know.
Brucie swallows before grinning widely. "Thanks. I love cooking when it's not attacking me."
"Come again?" Bruce asks, blinking slowly as Brucie launches into tale after tale about his food reanimating and creating armies in the family fridge to fight for their freedoms. Or just eating as quickly as possible to prevent the food from coming to life.
He jokingly points at the plate with the sausage. "We better hurry before they develop eyes."
He then just goes back to eating like nothing and the rest of the table is left horrified. Eventually, Brucie excuses himself to go watch a mind-numbing movie- because he doesn't do anything- and they rush the food down to the cave for tests.
They all panic until the results come back like usual, and they realize that he is likely just joking. They all feel bad for doubting him, all but Tim and Cass, who knew Brucie had not lied or joked.
His food honestly did come to life in his old world. They just don't know what to do with that information.
Why did Bruce have to be weird in all universes?
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skunkox · 5 months
Lap Dogs
This was originally just gonna be Asher and Darlin', but ya know, redacted brainrot.
Legs over Baaabe's lap
Lap = Pillow
Has done the half sitting half standing thing in wolf form on Baaabe.
Whines when told to move
Has jumped into David's lap on more than one occasion.
Still dose.
Angel sits in Baaabe's lap to make it "fair"
Has sat on milo and pretended to not notice.
Lap time pocky game.
Puppy dog eyes only work once a month.
Thinks Sam's lap is their home adress.
Has growled from his lap
Lap = pillow
Has been force-fed vegetables/ medicine ( Only time Sam has used force)
Refused to sit in Sam's lap for week after.
Has pushed Ash off of Sam's lap before it could happen.
Darlin' and Ash have both sat on each other's backs after wrestling in both human and wolf form.
Has jumped into Milo's lap during horror movie nights as teens. (They both deny it.)
Has used puppy dog eyes when Sam tried to get them up. (Man is whipped)
Doesn't sit in SH's lap often but won't say no to a little pampering.
Likes when SH runs their fingers through his hair.
Thigh appreciator
Enjoys looking into their eyes and reaching up to their face.
It's a sandwich if he's pulled into SH's lap and Arggo sits on his (hope I spelled that right)
Make out sessions be like
Won't sit in Angel's lap bur has laid his head there.
Does indeed snore when he sleeps there (drools too)
Totally wasn't lulled by the Minecraft music.
Chest scratches? Yes. Angel is sworn to secrecy.
Will rant about how a job went.
When he's really sick and out of it, will actively hunt Angel down, make them sit, and lay there.
Will and has growled when Angel starts to move too much.
My apologies if Milo and David's are a little off.
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enhypencores · 4 months
Bleed Me Dry Pt II
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Lee Heeseung X Y/N
Genre: Yandere Romance/ Thriller/ Stalker
Prompt: "If I carve you into my blood, will you believe my love?"
Word Count: 11K+
WARNING⚠️: Explicit content, profanity, sexual harassment, heated make outs, female stereotyping, use of a derogatory word, violence, lots of blood, aggression, toxic masculinity, yandere, manipulation, mentions of self exit, drugs, unhealthy relationships and mental health issues. Y/N described with long hair and brown eyes.
Cameos: Jake, Jay, Sunghoon, Sunoo, Yeji, Karina, Jaemin and Jisung
A/N: Please read the warnings carefully before proceeding. There's heavy discussions and complex character dynamics. None of it is healthy. This is a work of fiction, please read it as such. If I missed out any, lemme know.
PS: I’d love to hear your feedback <3
Heeseung had gathered some crucial knowledge from a heavily drunk Jake.
“Intelligent and tall. She’s got a thing for them… She had this crush on a dude in the first semester. Told her he was a jerk, didn’t listen, and you know… he broke her heart. His name? Think it was park jeong guk? jeong woo? I don’t know… It was just some guy. She’s stupid…”
He had wanted to punch that knowing look off Jake’s face as he insulted you, but Heeseung tried swallowing down the surging fury.
Because, indeed, you were so stupid. Why had you allowed some loser into your life? When Heeseung gets you, he will make sure to treasure every part of you. He wouldn’t need anyone else. He would use his every breath to cherish you, only you.
Despite the hostility he felt upon hearing of your previous crush, the good news was that Heeseung unintentionally matched the description. He had never been so grateful for his genes until this moment; traits he once considered useless suddenly becoming his most prized.
Heeseung bore a good height, and his mind was like a computer program. At just ten years old, his father had assumed he’d discover the cure for cancer—yet to come true, but everyone in college believed if anyone could do it, it was Lee Heeseung.
A special one, born to lead, a saviour, they claimed. But Heeseung never wanted to be his father’s golden child. He didn’t want to contribute to society or garner the world’s praise. He barely had friends—except for Kim Sunoo, Heeseung’s childhood partner in crime.
To the world, Heeseung was an overachiever, but he knew his excellence was merely a distraction from his twisted mind. His father was the first to notice the disconnect.
Heeseung chose medicine on a whim, a flick of a coin—heads or tails. The boredom in his life drove him to try everything: paragliding, boxing, swimming, drugs and unrestrained, animalistic sex. He had lived countless lives in two decades.
Early teenage years, his father took it upon himself to train his son, instilling social norms and enforcing strict rules as he tried moulding Heeseung into someone 'normal.' Like a dog on a leash, he made Heeseung more human while maintaining a safe distance to avoid getting scratched. Heeseung understood this from the moment he gained consciousness: his father was scared of him. Terrified.
He never discovered what exactly made his father lock his door every night, but whatever it was, it confirmed a small suspicion: Heeseung was unlovable.
It wasn’t anything detrimental really, because Heeseung never felt the need to seek love. Even in psychological terms, a human's absolute necessities were food, shelter, sex, and safety. When he could survive on the bare minimum, why should he look for something as wasteful as love? He'd rather spend time gaming and pretending to outshine the world’s brilliant minds.
Now, Heeseung was tired of the boredom. So tired that he thought to end it. How long could one treck through an aimless journey?
The realisation that he could cease to exist and no one would know his whereabouts made him feel somewhat better. The taste of death brought him immense curiosity. Would he turn to dust and ashes? Would he be forgotten in memories?
He didn’t think anyone would remember him. To his father, he was a trophy; to his friends, a competition; and to outsiders, a freak. His loss would merely be a statistic: a decline in Korea’s population digits, a decrease in the number of distinction holders in the country, and one less student in Seoul University’s register.
That’s what he thought.
Until he came across you.
You, with your brown eyes, small frame, your liveliness and your beauty.
It was a rainy day in Seoul when he was walking past the bus stand after wrecking his father’s beloved car in a deliberate crash. Unfortunately, he made it out unscathed, only injuring the vehicle. Maybe Heeseung had been born with a shit ton of luck, destined to waste it away.
Regardless, thanks to that golden tub of luck, he was able to land his gaze on you. Heeseung unintentionally remembered countless formulae and research, but the one thing he intended to remember—fucking forced himself to perfectly encode in his memory—was the way you looked that day.
Brown hair slightly wet, sticking to your jawline, knitted brows, and wide eyes staring up at the sky in vengeful retaliation. Heeseung stopped in his tracks.
He had never seen an angel angry.
You dialled a number on your mobile and spoke calmly into your phone.
“The bus is running late. Pick me up.” He remembered a sulking pout on your lips.
“It’s raining! I don’t even have an umbrella. You want me to walk?” He remembered incredulous horror written across your features, lips frowning at the caller’s words.
“Fine... Please! There, I said it, now come quick.” He remembered you rolling your eyes, biting your lip and clenching your bag’s strap tighter.
The phone call ended, and you folded your arms over your chest, letting the damp material cling to your bust, detailing the line of your bra as you tapped your foot on the drenched footpath, staring ahead in longing.
That day, an inactive section of his brain burst out with life, that’s all he could theorise. He wanted to devour you, grope your drenched body, kiss your red mouth, force his fingers into your most sensitive tissues and consume your cries.
He wanted to destroy the person on that call with you, bury them within the earth’s deepest pits so they’d never return to you. He wanted the earth to swallow you and him together, so he could hide you away and savour this moment. He wanted to be the only existence to remember you, here, standing at the bus stop, waiting for a ride home.
Why were you here alone anyway? Who was coming?
Heeseung wanted to shadow you from the rain. If he was a part of your life, he’d chase away all the buses—let alone make you wait for one to pick you up. He would stand drenched in the rain if it meant your ass would only meet the covers of his seat.
A booming motion of the car made your eyes light up. Heeseung’s chest knotted up, a foreign emotion bubbling in his throat as a blonde braked his car before you. You hurried to climb into the passenger’s seat, and then he drove away. Just like that.
He hadn’t hurt someone so far in this life, but the urge to drive a car into the blonde grew tenaciously strong. He had never felt such hatred and venom consume his being. The thought of you getting into that car, going away to share a life Heeseung wasn’t a part of left a gnawing anger in his chest.
His heart which hadn’t felt something in so long suddenly felt alive, riveting with twisted emotions. Heeseung didn’t want to live, but suddenly he didn’t want to die either. He didn’t wish to be remembered, but suddenly he wanted at least one person to remember.
That day he came to a staggering conclusion: Heeseung was unfit to be loved, but he wasn’t unfit to love.
Peak hours on a Monday afternoon started early. Waitresses ambled from one table to another, carrying orders as the room bustled with young college students, conversing and gossiping while awaiting their snacks. The rich essence of chocolate and coffee beans filled the air, stirring hunger among individuals working alone with their noses in laptops and textbooks.
Heeseung’s lips curved in a knowing smile: if you were here, you’d be one of those unaccompanied goody two shoes, sipping on a chocolate milkshake, jotting things down in your notebook. He pictured your brows scrunched as you wrapped your beautiful lips around the straw, gulping long sips and pulling away with a content smile.
“Baby, can’t we go somewhere more private?”
His jaw tightened, aggravated at the shrill interruption. He feigned a smile, his gaze falling back on the red-haired bimbo who stared at him like he was the answer to her every prayer.
Heeseung grabbed a fork, scooping up a bite of strawberry cheesecake before filling his mouth. His stomach fluttered as he revelled in the sweet texture. Ever since stealing those kisses, he couldn’t stop craving sweet treats. He even bought some candies on his way home that morning, already feeling the withdrawals kicking in.
“But how’ll we do this—in private?”
The girl stared in confusion before she was yanked into his embrace, his warm lips slamming into hers, kissing her aggressively, the sweet creaminess from the cake transferring into her mouth. She moaned, licking his lips incessantly, begging for entrance, but Heeseung dismissed her attempts, his brows furrowed in annoyance.
Nervously, the red-haired girl slid her chair closer, biting her lip as she observed the underwhelmed expression on his face.
“What’s wrong? Are you mad at me?” She sulked, sucking at her teeth, staring up with concern.
Heeseung shook his head and pulled her into his lap. “Did you do something to make me mad?” He mumbled, rubbing his nose down her neck, peppering small kisses to distract her from his response.
“Ah—n-no! I didn’t,” she gasped, her concern melting away already, her head tilting back as Heeseung planted kisses down her collarbone.
“Shouldn’t you be at uni right now?” He abruptly changed the topic, portraying the perfectly caring boyfriend who gave a shit about her life.
“Yeah, but I’ll ask a friend for the class notes,” she mustered up, her breath laborious as Heeseung ran his hand down her thigh, his kisses growing feistier against her exposed neck.
“Hm, are you that smart?” He pressed on, his patience running out. “Thought I’d fucked you dumb already,” he whispered repulsive words, his hand covering her thighs as the girl tightened in his hold, her lips pressed together to silence any sound, cautious of their surroundings.
Heeseung’s gaze changed, a menacing darkness flashing through. “Smart bitches,” he began, his words blunt and aggressive. “Fucking hate them. Running their big mouths all the damn time,” he declared, his bitter tone making her knees quiver in arousal.
“Tell me, baby, you’re not one of those, are you?” He urged.
One way to access a woman’s weaknesses was to put her up against another.
The girl whose name he had forgotten the second she uttered it, shook her head with desperation. Had he asked her to admit to murder, she would have agreed.
“No!” She yelped, alarmed at his lack of interest. “I’m so dumb. Barely passing this degree,” she confessed, her voice cracking as she spread her knees for his attention.
“Hm—really?” He mocked, and she nodded, her body pleading for his approval. “But your course is so tough. You must be so smart.” Heeseung’s tone dripped with sarcasm, his frown hinting at his displeasure.
The girl choked; her breaths alarmingly rapid as Heeseung’s fingers trailed closer to her clothed centre. “But not me—there’s some smart girls in my class. I—I’m not like them, Hee,” she rambled, her eyes screwing shut.
“Smart girls like—yourself?” He threw the bait, challenging her, and she immediately shook her head, her body jolting as Heeseung flicked his fingers against her centre.
“Not me—not me. This other girl—Ah!” She bit her tongue, her body trembling as Heeseung drew faint circles against her clit. “There’s—Y/N!”
“She’s like the smartest—oh!”
Heeseung halted his movement, his teeth gritting in frustration, anger bubbling up his throat as the girl kept moaning into her words, prolonging this ordeal. He hadn’t spent the last three days coercing a second-year pharmacology student from your college to serenade and romance. He wanted information.
The girl’s arched frame twisted at the sudden lack of touch, her wet gaze darting to Heeseung’s in urgency.
“Speak,” he commanded bluntly, his usual sugar-coated tone gone along with his smile.
The girl’s expression faltered, her blood turning cold. “Uh—there’s this girl—she’s really smart, always acing her exams,” she responded reluctantly, her insecure gaze attempting to read his intentions.
Heeseung’s hand slid back down to her leaking centre, his movement more vigorous as he wrapped his lips on her earlobe. “You’re so hot like this—like a dumb bitch for me,” he drawled, sucking her sensitive flesh.
His sudden shift in demeanour seemed like a hallucination, his voice now intentionally low and sultry. “You wouldn’t want to be like Y/N, hm? You’re my good girl.”
The girl was a goner. Her head dropped back onto his shoulder, her eyes shut, and her body trembling from his touch, his previous indifference a distant memory.
“Yeah—I am—so—so dumb for you,” she babbled nonsensically. Heeseung’s flicks quickened.
“That bitch—she’s so smart and talks too much, probably why no one likes her. Such a loser— I don’t know why Park Jongseong’s crazy for her.”
Heeseung’s arm faltered, his body freezing.
The girl, lost in the throes of her arousal, ignored it, urgently pressing her hand down to maintain the pressure. “She’s so full of herself. Bet she’s as virgin as a nun—but maybe—she finally let poor Jongseong have a go, who kno—Ah!”
Heeseung yanked her hair back, his clenched fist tightening and ripping a few strands. His gaze was predatory, chest heaving as he stared down at the horrified girl.
“I’ll rip that tongue out, sweetheart,” he hissed, his venomous tone cutting through and gripping her heart with horror.
The sickening words replayed like a broken record. A searing sting flared inside his chest, his jaw tightening as he thought of that name: Park Jongseong.
Of course, it was the guy from the photos—it fit him perfectly. His arrogant, self-righteous demeanour, that overly exaggerated smile on his face as he held you. It had to be him.
The imagery the stupid girl on his lap painted, her words dripping with malice for his Y/N; everything began to suffocate his lungs.
Heeseung stared down, his hand still gripping her locks as she looked at him with disbelief.
As he released his grip, she winced, her eyes wet with tears.
Heeseung wrapped an arm around her waist like a shackle, holding her captive as he leaned forward and picked up the steaming hot coffee she had ordered. She flinched as he pushed the cup to her lips.
The girl stared at him like he had grown two heads.
“It’s too hot—”
“Leave one sip behind, and you’ll wish you had listened.”
Her heart raced, body turning cold. Heeseung’s chilling gaze and crooked smile were laced with demonic intent, making her stomach churn. She had never felt her organs shrivel with just the sight of a man’s empty gaze.
She realised at that very moment. She had to obey or else… she didn’t even want to consider what could happen.
She took the heated cup, gulping down her spit to ease the pressure in her throat.
Then she clung to the cup and downed the entire thing. The first rush of liquid scalded the roof of her mouth. Burns trailed down her tongue, to her throat, buzzing all the way into her stomach. Bloody broils flared up, her muscles jolting in agony as pain overwhelmed her cognition. With an excruciating sob, she dropped the empty cup, shattering it on the ground as she tried screaming for help. 
The busy café didn’t seem to notice anything but the shatter, rolling their eyes at the couple’s antics before continuing with their own endeavours.
Heeseung patted her head, smiling in satisfaction. “That’s my good girl.” 
The sobbing girl tore herself from his lap. Standing on quivering limbs, she scrambled to grab her purse and dashed towards the exit.
To Heeseung’s delight, the red-haired bimbo wasn’t so useless after all. He now had a name: Park Jongseong.
Grabbing his phone, Heeseung dialled a number.
“Sim, for your birthday, let’s plan something crazy.”
The homeroom buzzed with chatter as students scattered to join their friends at the end of the lecture. While most were preparing to head home, you had to stay back for the weekly council meeting. With your head slack on the table, you shut your eyes and let out an irked groan, wishing you could abandon all your duties and just scramble home.
“Y/N, just resign already. You’re too exhausted,” Yeji, your best friend, called out, rolling her eyes as she zipped up her tote bag.
You groaned again, slamming your head against the table. “You have no idea how badly I want to take your stupid advice,” you whined, rubbing your temples in pain.
Yeji, her pink hair perfectly styled, retouched her lip gloss and eyed your sulking frame. “You take on too much for no reason,” she sighed, finishing her touch-up and patting your head.
��Can’t you loosen up? Look at me, we have finals coming up, and I’m off clubbing with Jaemin,” she gloated, her smile widening at the thought of her boyfriend.
Getting into the world’s best university on an eighty per cent scholarship was tough, but no one prepared you for the strenuous part: upholding those perks. Paired with a demanding course load, extracurriculars and volunteer work felt like a constant nuisance.
“I wish…” you muttered.
Knowing her best friend’s upright nature, Yeji shook her head in defeat.
“Besides that, I’ll be having fun soon,” you iterated, and Yeji instantly grew alert, her eyes wide with anticipation.
“You’re getting a boyfriend?” She gasped, grabbing your shoulders to turn you towards her in excitement. 
“No!” You dismissed, and Yeji’s excitement died as soon as it began, releasing your shoulders in frustration.
“At this point, I strongly believe you wish to die a virgin,” she remarked, running her fingers through her dark strands, her gaze cold. “You even rejected Jongseong,” Yeji huffed.
You winced.
It had been three months since you had been hit by a truck of feelings from the raven-haired boy. Three months of discomfort and pain.
You were introduced to your senior, Park Jongseong, as a good friend of Na Jaemin. The two friend groups had merged, and soon the initial trio—Yeji, Ji-min, and you—grew an acquaintanceship with their group: Jay, Jaemin, and Jisung.
Since you had been to an all-girls school, the first few months of interactions were painstakingly awkward. You felt like an outsider even in a room full of familiar people.
You envied your best friends Yeji and Ji-min for their effortless socialisation skills. Whilst they enjoyed trips and study sessions with the guys, you drew a line, only speaking when spoken to.
In the first year, you were constantly running away from this new world of discomfort. Jay, however, refused to draw a barrier. Like the definition of a headstrong man, he never gave up. Gestures like stopping you in the hallways to talk about his hobbies and inviting you to all his parties showed you that Jay was making a real effort at friendship.
All of it came tumbling down when he confessed to you. The friendship you treasured faded, and you both became strangers again.
“Don’t bring him up,” you gritted, your heart plummeting as you remembered all the distant memories.
You recalled that nightmarish day. You might take this to your grave but Park Jongseong was your first crush. You secretly liked him throughout the farce of friendship.
He held your bag after class, joined extracurriculars like the music society and learned amazing guitar skills. He took you shopping to destress after you failed your lab assessment and played silly nursery rhymes on his guitar to make you laugh. Everything was special until the last day of the second semester.
Jay had asked you to a movie, and as always, you assumed he meant everyone in the friend group, so you called Yeji and Ji-min along.
The moment he saw you walk in with the girls, his expression fell with dismay. Instead of speaking to you about it, he handed the popcorn to your friends and left.
You followed him instantly, but maybe you shouldn’t have.
“Jay!” You chased after him, your heels thudding against the pavement, confusion painted on your features.
He paused in his tracks and turned, his eyes darkening.
“What’s wrong?”
Instead of responding, Jay’s gaze narrowed, a strained chuckle leaving his mouth. “Don’t act dumb now,” he rasped, his voice bitter.
You opened your mouth to question him, but he suddenly stepped close, his towering frame making your insides queasy.
“It’s always the same with you. How long will you pretend?” Jay’s voice trembled with accusation.
“Do you not see me? Chasing after you like a fucking loser. I’ve spent months trying to figure you out. Stop this game of hide and seek!” He roared, tightening his hold on your shoulders as he stared down at you like a wounded wolf.
You felt so wronged and hurt, your throat clogging up with emotions.
Because Jay was right. You were playing dumb, looking past his feelings, ignoring your own to hide away. Your insecurities and fear of disappointment were louder than his words, ringing in your head like tinnitus.
Because you had always assumed someone as rich and well-put-together as Park Jongseong didn’t need to like a mediocre girl on a scholarship.
You felt that breaking his heart might save his friendship, might save you from the pain of losing his love. So you wanted to sever all chances before you even tasted his love.
“What’re you talking about?”
“Tell me, Y/N. Have you ever once liked me?” He questioned, his gaze softening as he held your face in his hands, his pupils trembling with need.
His arms dropped, his gaze dull and empty as he stared into your tearful eyes.
“We’re good friends, Jay. Look, we don’t have to rush into anything—”
You felt chills run down your spine as he cut off your words, his tone sharp and damaging.
“Delete my number. Don’t ever come see me.”
“And if I ever accidentally find my way back to you, slap me awake like this again.”
He tore his arm from your grip and you two never spoke again.
And then a week later, he started dating your friend Ji-min.
“Y/N!” You snapped out of your thoughts, head swirling with flashbacks as Yeji shouted for your attention. “What fun were you referring to?” She shifted closer, curiosity written across her features.
You smiled, flicking her forehead away.
“Jake suddenly wants a big birthday bash for his twenty-second,” you told her, thinking back to this morning when he was talking over the phone with his friends, inviting them to his party.
Seeing you pass by, he called you back, his face glowing with excitement as he ended the call.
“Invite all your friends and their mamas— it’s my 22nd!” He roared, and you imagined he’d burst into a Taylor Swift, ‘22’, any minute now.
“Jake? He usually calls them juvenile,” Yeji giggled, thinking back to the time she had a fat crush on your brother and how she stuck to him like a leech until he shooed her off.
You nodded, rolling your eyes at your brother’s weird mood swings. “He wants to hold a grand party. You’re invited, I guess,” you waved her off, and Yeji laughed, her eyes twinkling in joy.
“Of course, I’ll be coming with my boo,” she winked. “Is it at the house?” Yeji asked, twirling her strands excitedly.
You shook your head, tidying your desk and packing up. “He’s planning it with his friend, Heeseung.”
Yeji gasped at the name as if it had evoked a cocktail party effect, her eyes wide as she held onto your shoulders. “That friend you had a wet dream of?”
Your jaw dropped, eyes wide in fear, darting across the hall to make sure no one heard her. “Shut up!” You yelled, your cheeks flushed red, the memory of your filthy mind fuelling your embarrassment.
Yeji laughed, a playful glint flashing in her hazel eyes. “What, did I lie?” She crudely announced, and you felt helpless, unable to feign innocence. 
The night had left you shaken up. The truth was, you had never felt this affected by a hallucination— imagination, whatever it was, it blurred the lines between reality and fiction. You imagined Heeseung fondling your breasts, kissing your lips. All of it was a newfound hunger.
You scrambled to call Yeji soon after to regain some composure. After a long discussion, her diagnosis was a ‘severe case of ovulation’, and she prescribed, ‘getting dicked down asap’.
After that night, you kept wishing for more hallucinations, but your brain refused to cooperate. You had to rely on a picture you had stolen from Jake’s phone of Heeseung in a black button-down with his legs spread apart on the couch, his lap seeming so inviting that your abdomen clenched with need.
Maybe, you were ovulating. But why was it so intense?
“You know, maybe you should shoot your shot with him,” Yeji suggested, patting your shoulder as she stood alert, waving at the man standing in the doorway.
“My ride’s here, bye girly!” Yeji waved, setting her already perfect hair for the nth time before skipping to the smiling blonde, his gaze practically shooting hearts at your friend. Jaemin grabbed her hand, and they scattered off.
You sighed.
Lee Heeseung, what are you doing to me?
Booming music drowned out any chance of conversation. Guests sprawled in like ants to a sugar cube. Faces glowed with joy, arms carried gifts, and gazes sparkled with anticipation as they searched for the man of honour.
But it wasn't the birthday boy they sought. It was Lee Heeseung, the man who had invited the entire university to his farmhouse. It was a privilege, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
During his four years at the university, he hadn’t spared anyone a glance—let alone befriended anyone. When news circulated of Sim Jaeyun’s birthday invite at Heeseung’s, everyone jumped at the chance.
Girls skipped lessons to find the perfect dress, while guys ransacked their wardrobes for branded watches. Curiosity grew almost sleep-depriving. Who was this friend that Heeseung, the man who never let anyone into his circle, deemed worthy of a lavish party? For weeks, the university buzzed with gossip and excitement leading up to this day.
Heeseung’s gaze was fixed on the main entrance, his lips pressed into a thin line. He remained unmoving as over-enthusiastic people rushed to greet him.
He knew the world like the back of his hand. They hated him and despised his arrogance, yet they flocked to him like moths to a flame. All he had to do was give them a chance, let down his guard and the world would surrender in his palms. But it didn’t matter.
As long as he had your attention, the world could be his.
Jake appeared out of nowhere, his arm settling on Heeseung’s shoulder, smiling as his soccer mates walked in.
“You’re ignoring the entire hall,” Jake muttered, his grip tightening on Heeseung’s shoulder to warn him.
Heeseung glanced at the clock for the nth time, his fingers tapping impatiently against his glass. He barely acknowledged the birthday boy's attempt at conversation, his irritation mounting as the clock ticked on without your presence.
“Where is she?” He questioned.
“She had a presentation to finish up,” Jake said, rolling his eyes. “She’ll be here with Yeji and Jaemin soon.”
Jake wasn’t stupid. He had once believed he was special to Heeseung. The notorious case of Heeseung’s egocentrism was a popular topic in the university’s hallways. Even his soccer buddies claimed Heeseung was a nutcase with extreme intelligence.
When Heeseung approached the basketball team and defeated Jake, the established ace of Seoul University, Jake developed a sense of respect and admiration for him. Despite everyone’s claims, Jake realized Heeseung’s issue wasn’t indifference or social deficiencies.
Everyone was infatuated, enthralled, and unequivocally aware of Heeseung’s gift; he commanded attention because he was extraordinary. The problem was that Heeseung didn’t care about them, and when people realized this, their fantasy shattered, leaving them scraping for bits of attention and bitter envy.
Jake knew Heeseung kept him around for a reason, but despite his awareness, Jake was willing to be a pawn if it meant catching Heeseung’s attention.
“Jakey Jakey— it’s your birthday!” Jake looked away, finding his best friend, Park Sunghoon, on the other end of the hall with a gift bag. Jake’s smile grew, and he signalled to Heeseung that he was heading over. Heeseung nodded, and Jake scurried off.
Heeseung averted his gaze, staring back at the main entrance. The delay grew unbearable, and he considered heading out to the parking lot when suddenly he spotted Jaemin and Yeji walking inside.
He stood alert, his gaze tensely fixed on the door.
He held his breath as you walked into his line of sight. His body felt the shift, breath quickening. His fists tightened, and his gaze traced your body with unfiltered haste. 
Fuck, that black body-con dress, outlining your curves, hugging your body like a second skin. His grip on the glass tightened. The dress revealed your defined collarbones, and the slit from the knee paired with black-heeled boots showcased your smooth, honeyed legs. Your hair was curled slightly, silky strands falling in waves against your cheeks, reaching your elbows.
Heeseung’s head throbbed as he tried to decipher his feelings. Seeing you walk inside with that dress made something rise in his throat, and it wasn’t from the alcohol. It was worse, mentally and physically damaging.
How fucking demeaning. He was a man who never felt the burn of envy, but a fucking dress had him feeling so weak—so horribly jealous.
He wished he could tear it off and burn it to ashes like the scorching flames in his own blood. He had planned this moment all morning, intending to walk up to you with a smile, but now he found it difficult to breathe, let alone move.
However, the world doesn’t stop. Even if he couldn’t move, you very much could.
Your stray gaze finally landed on the familiar figure, and you walked up to him. You still weren’t mentally prepared to face the man you had been dreaming of for the past few weeks, but you found it unkind to ignore him when he had planned this lavish party.
You smiled, holding out a small gift bag.
“As far as I recall, it’s not my birthday,” Heeseung finally found his voice, his cheeky comment making you narrow your eyes.
“It’s basic etiquette to bring something when you visit someone,” you replied a hint of playfulness in your tone. You caught sight of the gift display in the backdrop where innumerable presents were mounted on the table. “I’ll take it there,” you politely acknowledged.
You were ready to walk off, but Heeseung pulled you back, instantly grabbing the present. Taken aback, you opened your mouth to question him, but he ignored your curious gaze.
Everyone stealing reserved glances at the duo paused, their eyes wide, jaws dropped in amusement. Like a boy opening his Christmas gifts, Heeseung rushed to untie the ribbon and tear through the wrapping paper.
“Heeseung, it’s not that great…” your panicked voice cut through, cautious of everyone’s expectant gaze on your gift. The plea went right through him, and he finally discovered a small clear bottle.
You brought him cologne.
You had racked your brain for days on what to bring him, and you had decided upon a blackberry cologne. The succulent scent carried a sinful aura, an intimidating and enigmatic aroma that perfectly captured Lee Heeseung.
Heeseung ran his thumb over the label. Then he unscrewed the top and sprayed it on his wrist. As he brought it to his nose, his heart felt fuller than before.
He imagined you walking into a Jo Malone store, attentively trying numerous scents until the abundant smells overstimulated your senses as you thought of him. How long did you spend deciding on the perfect one? How long did he manage to fill up your head?
“It’s just a small gift,” you mumbled, analysing his features.
“It’s perfect.” He said it with so much sincerity, you had no choice but to believe him.
“Where’s my gift?” Jake appeared with some of his rowdy friends from the sports club, his arm linked with the ice skater, Park Sunghoon. He pouted dramatically, his bottom lip sticking out. You rolled your eyes at his antics.
“Last I checked, you asked me to buy you a Nintendo Switch as an early birthday present,” you replied. Jake gave you a mock glare. “That was ages ago,” he huffed.
Before you could retort, you caught Yeji's eyes from across the room. She stood by the bar, urgently motioning for you to come over. The alarmed look on her face made you excuse yourself from the guys as you hurried to her.
Yeji grabbed your arm with an intense grip, struggling to catch her breath as a crazed laugh bubbled up her throat.
“You’re kidding,” she gasped. “You were talking about Lee Heeseung!” She roared with laughter, her expression priceless as she turned to you.
You stared at her, confused. “What?”
“Y/N!” She shook you slightly, her wide eyes trembling with excitement. “You don’t know him? He’s popular across the entire district!”
Seeing your blank expression, Yeji took it upon herself to fill you in. She pulled out her phone and showed you Seoul University's popular forum dedicated to Heeseung. As she clicked through the links, you realised the man was practically the definition of perfection.
His father owned a large-scale pharmaceutical corporation, and Heeseung was the sole heir. Despite this parental security, he was at the top of his classes, captain of the basketball team, head of the arts and music society, and president of student affairs. By his second semester, he had already secured an internship at HYBE, a massive healthcare conglomerate—separate from his father’s influence. He was so incredibly intelligent that the college even commemorated his achievements with dedicated newsletter columns and interview sessions.
As you absorbed this overwhelming information, Yeji’s tone flattened, her lips pressing into a thin line. “But, Y/N, he’s known as a player,” she reluctantly added. “Apparently, there hasn’t been a girl he hasn’t had.”
You stared silently at the soles of your boots.
Of course, he was a player. Anyone would drop to their knees for a chance to be with him. You had read somewhere that gravitational pull was the strongest in a black hole, but science hadn’t investigated the world’s pull towards Heeseung. You had only met him a couple of days ago, yet he had already made you feel so unbearably enraptured.
Ruminating over Yeji’s words, you were speechless at your own disappointment. How could he affect you so terribly?
“But—he’s never had anything serious,” Yeji tried to console you, squeezing your shoulder.
Throat tightening, you attempted a smile.
“Who invited them?” Yeji's gasp broke through your thoughts, her mouth hanging open, eyes bulging in shock as she stared behind you.
You shifted, turning to see what had her so stunned.
Your jaw dropped.
In walked a couple, hand in hand, wearing complimentary outfits. A couple you hadn’t spoken to in ages, a couple that haunted your sleepless nights: Park Jongseong and Yu Ji-min.
Your frantic gaze searched for Jake, conflicting emotions swirling across your face as you tried to make sense of your surroundings. Your older brother stood inattentive, engrossed in a conversation with Sunghoon as Jay approached him, wearing a broad smile. You watched them exchange a quick handshake, Jake accepting a large gift box.
“Why would Jake invite him?” Yeji huffed.
You didn’t know—but a gut feeling told you this was meant to happen.
The familiar gaze met yours. He was now heading to the leather couch beside his girlfriend, his eyes trained on you. You offered him a tight smile, your insides trembling in growing anxiety.
Jay was stern, his gaze cold and disdainful. Whilst maintaining eye contact, he pulled his girlfriend to sit on his lap, his grip tight on Ji-min’s waist as she whispered something into his ear. 
Your smile dropped at his immaturity.
You had lost both your friends, Jay and Ji-min, because of your mistakes. You had avoided them like the plague, and something deep within you suggested that the mysterious rumours circulating around the university weren’t just random gossip; they were spread by someone you had once considered as close as Yeji.
Something more sinister gnawed at your insides. 
Amidst the chaos, you felt someone’s piercing gaze on you. Like a magnet, you found him. Under the blue strobe light, Heeseung stood leaning against the bar’s counter, flanked by a few girls, with his eyes fixed on you, watching like a hawk.
Though he was a stranger—a complete nobody in your world—you still felt he was reading you like an open book. Anxiety washed over you, your throat drying up under his intense scrutiny. If your life was split into meaningful chapters, Heeseung knew it by heart, his gaze uncomfortably invasive, expectant as if judging your next move.
A waiter zooming by caught your attention, and you pounced on the opportunity. Fingers trembling, you grabbed a glass of champagne and downed it in one go, the liquor leaving a bitter burn in your throat.
“Y/N, you don’t hold your liquor well,” Yeji frowned. One drink never hurt anyone, and besides, this was a party—everyone was soon going to lose their marbles.
You turned away, grabbing another drink from a passing waiter.
“Y/N, stop!” Yeji warned. You smiled tightly, ready to throw more alcohol into your system.
In a flash, Heeseung, who had been a good fifty people away, stood towering over you. He snatched the glass from your grasp and chugged it down. You watched in disbelief as he slammed the empty glass on a passing waiter’s tray, his gaze darkening as he stared at you. Yeji took it as her cue to scram, rushing to accompany her boyfriend on the dance floor.
Your stomach clenched with want. Even simply dressed in a black t-shirt and leather jeans, his expression sour, his appeal was uncanny. He made you forget the elephant in the room.
“So— he bothers you that much?” Heeseung spat, his voice low and venomous.
He had planned to watch from the sidelines. Jongseong’s name was enough for Heeseung to find sources and sniff out your past link. He was told you had rejected the boy, but that didn’t match Jake’s description of your first crush.
It didn’t take long for Heeseung to realise that you really did like Jongseong, your affection reflected in that picture you still chose to keep. The reason you had declined his proposal wasn’t a mystery either. You feared ruining a chance at friendship, and that conclusion made Heeseung sleepless.
Heeseung had orchestrated this party and invited Jongseong, just to watch your heartbreak. He wanted to dwell in the forlorn misery in your gaze, relish in the fury and hatred fuelling your agonised expression. He wanted you to shatter so that you were left with no choice but to find him. So that he could collect those shards and piece you together. For himself.
Yet here you stood, bothered and apologetic. There wasn’t one bad bone inside you, your heart pure like the sunshine that streaks through his curtains every morning.
“How do you know about Jay?” You curiously pointed out, folding your arms and gazing up at the man.
Heeseung flinched at the nickname. Tightening his fists, he responded with gritted teeth. He didn’t need to lie for this.
One word and your face crumbled, your finger pointing at the blonde who laughed beside his friends. “Why can’t that idiot keep his mouth shut?” You complained, glaring daggers. You couldn’t believe your brother blurted out your business to Heeseung.
“Do you still want him?”
Say it.
Say it, and he’ll burn this place down, along with Park Jongseong, leaving you with nothing—not even a corpse to mourn—just a speck of remains and dirt.
“I don’t.”
His eyes shifted back to their brown.
“I just wish I hadn’t lost my friends.” You glanced down at your shoes, face shrouded in despair as you reminisced the past.
Heeseung watched the sorrow flicker in your deprived eyes.
This was simpler than he had imagined.
“Let’s get the party started!” Jake yelled at the top of his lungs, carrying a huge celebratory bottle of champagne as everyone huddled around him.
Yeji appeared by your side, dragging you towards the crowd where Jake prepared to unseal the wine, like a cake-cutting ceremony. From your peripheral vision, you noticed Heeseung walk up beside you—until everyone, including Jake, roared for him to come forward.
You watched Heeseung shake his head dismissively, but Jake’s adamant smile made him falter. For the first time, you saw a crack in Heeseung’s stern façade, a genuine sense of joy flashing through his expression.
You watched with intrigue as he stepped up, and Jake finally celebrated his twenty second. Everyone cheered as Jake popped the cork and showered Heeseung and Sunghoon with the essence.
Yeji over-excitedly gasped. During her overjoyed dance, she accidentally slipped forward, toppling her glass of wine onto your dress’s front. You quickly wiped at it, but the liquid soaked into the flimsy fabric with ease.
“Shit— sorry boo,” she cried over the music. You shook your head, dismissing her concern.
“I’m heading to the washroom,” you muttered. She nodded, unsure of your words, as the loud roaring and music drowned everything.
You slipped away from the chaos, excusing your way through until you managed to escape to the other end of the hall. You followed the dim hallway, the raucousness dissolving, as you searched for the nearest bathroom. You found a door at the far end with a staircase to your right and sped towards it.
“Long time.”
You turned, instantly freezing up.
Jay stood at the other end, speaking with his familiar calculated baritone. He stepped forward, watching your shocked expression morph into disappointment.
“Oh, seems like you’re not too happy to see me here,” he claimed, now standing a mere step away, his tone dripping with malice. “Is the princess running away again?” The darkness returned, his jaw clenched.
You gulped, standing upright. “I don’t have anything to say to you,” you told him, turning away.
A bitter chuckle escaped his chest. “Of course, you don’t,” he spat. “Now that you’ve found a man, you don’t have much to say,” he claimed, running his fingers through his dark strands, his gaze menacing.
Your throat burned with hostility. “You’re ridiculous,” you huffed. “Following a girl when you’ve already got a girlfriend—seems like I dodged a bullet.” You uttered the words, disturbed by his arrogant nonchalance, and instantly the atmosphere grew with heightening tension.
Your cruel words seemed to inflict some damage as Jay’s body trembled, his fists tightening in aggravation.
Because you were right. He knew it.
As you stepped away, all common sense evaded him. He grabbed your wrist and slammed you to the wall, a gasp wrenching out of your chest as he hovered above, his hands gripping your waist with an iron grip.
“I never needed you,” he whispered, his eyes wide and pained as you attempted to free yourself, but Jay’s grip on your waist only tightened. “I’ve just liked the chase. You were so full of yourself—so pathetic. Nothing about you ever made me feel something—anything—”
A bloodcurdling scream wrenched out of your throat as a shattering sound reverberated within your frame. Your eyes bulged out, heart trashing and body quivering in horror. One second Jay was standing, staring at you like a madman, and the next, he was knocked to the ground, blood splattering against your cheeks, staining your dress and skin scarlet.
Breathe. Take a deep breath. Breathe.
You plummeted to the floor, your knees giving out as Jay’s forehead and neck covered in red pooled on the ground. You internally prepared yourself as you looked up, staring at the perpetrator.
A dull void of a gaze, Heeseung’s hand was wrapped around a half-shattered bottle with its sharpened edges dripping Jay’s blood. Your insides clenched in horror.
Heeseung stepped closer as Jay’s limp frame scrambled to sit up, his gaze chasing the danger, his grip on his head loosening as he spotted the man.
“You—you fucking lunatic—what the fuck is wrong with—”
Jay’s yelps fell on deaf ears as Heeseung discarded the bottle and plummeted to the floor before you, his pupils drained of colour and hands trembling as he caressed your cheeks. His thumb rubbed at the splashes of blood, eyes wide with terror—a terror you had never seen. More than his own actions, his line of concern was the beads of red staining your complexion.
“Hee…” you tried to speak, your throat dry and lips quivering.
“It’s okay—you’re okay,” his voice trembled as he consoled himself, more than anyone, his gaze frantically running over your body.
What you didn’t realise was Jay reaching out to grab the loitering bottle. Heeseung’s warm gaze and words were so captivating, pulling you away from the unfolding catastrophe. Suddenly, the fantasy shattered. Jay smashed the bottle against the back of Heeseung’s head.
You screamed, your body jerking alert as you pulled Heeseung into your arms, sobbing aloud. Jay stood on trembling legs, glaring at Heeseung with a poisonous look before limping away. You tightened your hold on Heeseung, your body shaking despite his grievous injury. The attack was strong enough to lash out blood but not wilful enough to break the bottle like Heeseung had done.
You tried to pull away to check his wound, but Heeseung pulled you back into his chest, his arms wrapping around you protectively.
Fuck. He could die right now and he’d be happy. Over the fucking moon. He almost wanted to thank that low-life for brusing him because it worked in his favour.
You gazed upon him with sympathetic attention, like you were gazing upon a wounded puppy. You were finally in his arms, letting him envelop you. He inhaled the scent of vanilla and fresh peaches, his hold on your frame tightening with desperation.
He wanted to consume you.
“Heeseung, let me see your wound,” you softly cried into his shoulder, unable to breathe at the intensity of his clutch.
“It’s not deep—nothing compared to what that moron will take home,” Heeseung arrogantly claimed. His prideful tone made your insides hurl; it reminded you of the initiation. Heeseung had started it all; he had slammed a glass bottle into Jay’s head.
You pushed him back, your gaze stern as you met his aggravated one. “Why?” You cried hysterically, recalling the insanity of the previous moment. “How could you—”
Heeseung’s expression grew colder than ice. “I’ll break every bone he used to touch you,” he declared, the honesty in his tone sending chills down your spine. 
“You literally almost murdered him!” You screeched.
Heeseung cracked a deluded smile. “He’ll wish I had.”
You felt speechless. Utterly stunned into silence. What did that mean? You wanted to assume that his fury made him speak nonsense, that he didn’t mean a word. However, when you stared into Heeseung’s gaze, your stomach turned at the resolute darkness, his words horrifyingly blunt and absurd.
You were about to call him out when you noticed trail of blood slither down the side of his face. You gasped. "You need to get to a hospital,” you urged.
“And explain what?” He scoffed with a playful smile.
You felt bewildered. Of course, you didn't care at the moment! As long as he got treated, you didn't care what lie he spat out.
You glared at him. “You need to get it checked out, Heeseung,” you muttered with concern, noticing the blood kept gushing in thicker streams.
Wordlessly, Heeseung grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers, and nodded as he pulled you to stand. You sighed in relief, grateful that he was finally listening. His grip never faltering on your hand, you both turned towards the venue.
Heeseung suddenly pulled you back, ignoring your confusion, instead climbing up the staircase. “What’re you doing?” You groaned, attempting to retract, but Heeseung just kept walking.
Upstairs, the living room was carpeted with posh couches and chairs. You passed by expensive paintings hung up on the wall as Heeseung took you inside a dark room, stalking through blindly until he pushed at another door.
Lights flickering on, you surveyed the unfamiliar surroundings. Heeseung had brought you to a bathroom. You glanced at him in confusion as he shut the door and turned towards you.
“Heeseung, what’re you doing?”
“You said I need to get my injury checked out,” he responded, leaning down and grabbing a first aid kit from the cubby hole. “I’m doing it,” he flashed you a clever smile, his eyes shining with amusement.
Even if you were about to throw a tantrum, you couldn’t anymore. Heeseung’s words, his eyes, his smile, everything was enough for you to sit still and obey. You watched as he stepped towards the large mirror. He casually tilted his head to inspect the wound.
Expressionless, he opened up the first aid kit, grabbing a transparent bottle and cotton pads like a professional, as if he had already addressed such wounds in the past. With practised nonchalance, he soaked the cotton pad with the liquid and pressed it into the wound.
You winced, instinctively jumping forward to grab the bottle from his hand.
“Who deals with a wound like that!” You screeched hysterically.
Heeseung turned, his brows raised, lips pressed in confusion. You put forward your palm, glaring at him. He surveyed your stern expression and, to your surprise, gave in easily, handing you the stained cotton ball without putting up a fight. You had imagined he would claim he knew more—but Heeseung just stared at you passively. You gulped, edging forward.
You knew the wound was deeply ingrained on the right side of his head, but reaching it was an issue. You were a good half a person shorter than him, his towering frame allowing you to reach only his chest. Standing on your tiptoes, you could only make it to his collarbone. You tried pushing up to reach the mark, but it remained physically impossible.
You noticed the amusement sparking in his expression, his lips curving into a gentle smile. “What’s so funny?” You gruffly questioned, and his smile only grew more.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you up, setting you on the cold basin. He turned, towering between your parted legs.
You quickly recovered, ignoring the butterflies fluttering in your chest or the heat stirring from where he had just touched you. You reached up. The angle allowed you to address the wound better.
Thankfully, there was a single cut, slashing down to the nape. You held the cotton against the cut, letting it absorb the blood, and then gently swirled it across.
Heeseung’s breathing suddenly grew heavy, and you flinched, quickly scanning his face for hints of pain. “Is it too bad?” You muttered, your eyes wide and voice reluctantly soft.
He nodded. It was painful, so unbearably agonising like he was thrown into a fuming furnace, burning and dying, then reincarnating and burning every breath he spent in your vicinity.
His fists tightened, his gaze tracing your attentive expression, your lips puckered in deep concentration, hands so gentle, like a mother’s touch—or what Heeseung assumed must’ve been had he ever felt one. The past month he only dreamed of this moment—to have you before him, launched between his legs, attending only to him.
You cleaned up his wound with precision. He had practice, but your touch was magical—a healing balm of its own.
“Have you done this for anyone else?” His question came out gruffer than expected, his stomach twisting as he imagined you perched on a sink like this for someone else.
You finished cleaning up, moving to grab the bandage. “Of course not,” you huffed, peeling the bandaid from the wrapper.
“I just know I’m not supposed to stab wounds like that,” you sarcastically claimed, reminded of him jabbing his head. “You’re the future doctor… you should know this,” you leaned to the side, pressing the band-aid into his scalp.
“They teach us how to treat,” he stated. “Whatever gets the job done,” he shrugged.
You couldn’t help but grimace at his words.
“If you don’t treat with the element of pain in mind, you’ll hurt yourself more.”
Heeseung's throat was suddenly tighter than normal.
You wiped your hands with a tissue. Shifting closer, you inspected Heeseung’s injury one more time. You were about to get off the sink when you noticed glimmering bits of glass nestled in his hair. Impulsively, you reached out, flicking the strands.
“Oh—!” You jerked away, your finger cut by an unseen sharp edge that pierced the flesh.
Before the blood even oozed out, Heeseung sprang forward, grabbing your wrist, his gaze wide with horror as he impulsively pulled your finger into his mouth.
An astonished gasp escaped your chest.
Wide-eyed, you watched Heeseung suck around your finger.
At the first drop of your blood against his tongue, Heeseung’s eyes screwed shut, his body heating up, the metallic taste mixed with your skin’s sweetness creating a delicious buzz within his taste buds. Maybe if he drank enough, you'd really become a part of his being; if he fused your blood with his, you'd somehow become his.
He lapped at the drop incessantly, his hand reaching to lock your wrist in place as he covered your finger with saliva.
There was a shift in the air. You felt it in your bones.
As he looked up, meeting your eyes while simultaneously drenching your finger inside his mouth, your body began to heat up. A burn ignited at the centre of your legs, your imagination running wild, your limbs quivering.
Time became meaningless as he revelled in the euphoric bliss. When he noticed you weren’t pulling away or flinching, his muscles clenched with want. Instead, your cheeks were redd, eyes fluttering in bashfulness. Warmth in his blood shot lower, pooling within his sensitive region.
A thrum vibrated his own being as Heeseung popped another finger into his mouth, his sucking growing intense, lascivious, and hungrier. Your body jolted as his slick enveloped your digits, his tongue tirelessly flicking and tasting.
You wanted to intervene and stop this madness, but suddenly you couldn’t find your voice. Your throat refused to cooperate, and your lips denied any help.
His gaze was trained on your expressions, every blink, every gasp. He wanted to memorise the way your cheeks blushed scarlet and mouth opened in silent gasps. You were so beautiful, so perfect, so his.
“Hee—” you managed to choke out.
Heeseung’s hardness jerked in his pants, his body shaking with want. You had just attempted to say his name.
Suddenly, he pulled his mouth away and yanked you to the floor. You fell against his chest, your feet staggering on the marble floor, a stunned gasp escaping your mouth. He didn’t let you process it, his moves sharp and abrupt.
Your jaw dropped as you felt the tent of arousal straining against your abdomen. Your underwear was drenched, muscles taut as the reality dawned upon you. Lee Heeseung wanted you.
“Feel that—fuck—do you feel it?” He rasped against your ear, his hardened tone and body making you forget any coherent response, your body tensing up in his embrace. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful—stunning—so breathtaking. You make me—” His voice cracked as he felt nestled his nose against your neck, sniffing like a dog.
“Make you…” you pleaded for him to continue, craving his validation.
“Make me pathetic—so damn pathetic,” he blurted, his mind elsewhere as he sucked onto your earlobe.
His kisses ran down your neck, and he urgently flicked the hair away to feast. He pressed his lips gently, wanting to savour every moment and worship every inch, but within the first contact, his patience was out the window. He pushed his throbbing body into yours, knocking you against the sink as his mouth opened wide, biting into your flesh.
His mind fell numb as your taste and scent drove him to the brink of euphoria. He found it strange how you turned him into a quivering virgin mess with just this.
Your gasps reverberated in the bathroom walls, your frame quivering.
His touch was desperate, persistent like he was holding onto you for dear life. Fingers interlocked in your strands, body shaking with restrain as his mouth devoured your neck, you felt lost in a sea of pure bliss. You hadn’t had many sexual experiences in your life, but whatever make out sessions you had shared with boys in first year didn’t live up to this feeling, this hunger— from him.
Every hair on his body stood alert. Your sounds were so pretty just like your body. He knew he couldn’t live without absolutely breaking your resilience. He had to tear through your exterior and drag out the vulnerable girl who moves to his rhythm, sings to his beat and responds to his call.
“Heeseung—Ah!” Your body tensed, his name falling from your mouth as his kisses grew frantic, prolonged. You were so flustered that you felt the world knock off its axis. You urgently held onto his tense shoulders, hoping you wouldn't fall over with the intensity of his want.
Had it been any other girl in his arms, anyone, he’d have thrown her on the floor and fulfilled his depraved desires. He’d have coerced her lust, used and abused her body like a mere object for his release. He wanted to do the same to you like he’d envisioned every night.
But you weren’t any girl. You weren't a momentary escape. For the first time in his life, he wanted it both: lust and love. He wanted to ruin you for everyone— not just physically but emotionally. He wanted your body and your soul.
And you were the sole reason he unwillingly held back, restrained his desire to rip you apart.
Breathless and flustered, you struggled to gather your thoughts. Your body was begging for him, but you couldn’t look past the reality.
This was Lee Heeseung, the hottest playboy, the genius, the most eligible bachelor in Korea—and most importantly, your brother’s best friend. You were calling his name so embarrassingly, and you were certain going all the way, he’d have nothing to do with you after tonight. He was like a forbidden fruit, so effortlessly desirable but never yours.
He will never be yours.
Your eyes burned with tears. You had managed to like him so much, and tonight it would crumble apart. Just the way you had ended up running from Jay, you should run from Heeseung before he takes your heart with him.
Determined, you pushed against him. The sudden move knocked him away, his reddened face twisting in confusion and frustration at the distance.
You quickly stumbled to the sink, splashing cold water on your face. Your complexion as red as a cherry, eyes shining, indicating hints of your previous bliss; Heeseung had littered red and purple marks all over your neck, his saliva still warming your flesh.
Behind you, Heeseung appeared, wrapping his arms around your waist. His eyes locked onto your reflection, his gaze darkening as it traced the curve of your neck. The heat between you intensified, his desire becoming evident as he pressed his aching body into yours. His eyes fluttered shut, savouring the sensation of your soft curves against him.
Embarrassingly, your abdomen clenched again.
“T—this is wrong. Stop,” you babbled, pushing him away, your dejected tone falling on deaf ears as he pressed into you again. “Heeseung—” You turned, using all your force to push him away. He looked up, his eyes clearly unfocused.
The bathroom was getting stuffy now. His unnerving gaze made it hard to breathe. You stepped away, yanking the bathroom door open and rushing out into the bleak room, your breathing unnecessarily heavy. Your body was aching with arousal, wanting to go back into his arms and give yourself up.
Heeseung shot out, grabbing your waist and jerking you into his hold, his heavy breaths lingering against your earlobe. You tried pulling away when suddenly he whipped you around.
With darkness blinding your vision, you couldn’t evade him as he yanked you into his chest and slammed his lips into yours.
The taste of cherries overwhelmed your senses, your body liquifying as he immediately plunged his tongue into your mouth, tasting you.
Every instant in his life had brought him to this moment. He knew it when he kissed your mouth, licked your tongue, traced your gums—he knew you were meant for him. Your beauty was his to ruin. Your taste was his to devour. Your love was his to take.
A strange sensation flared up in his chest, spreading to his heart. For the first time, all his medical knowledge felt useless—he didn’t even feel human because even they could identify sensations.
Heeseung cupped your jaw, his lips trembling as he took in all your taste had to offer. His teeth clashed with yours, and his saliva dripped down your chin, his tongue rolling against yours as he poured an overwhelming flood of unnamed emotions into you.
His erection pressed against your lower stomach as he kissed you breathlessly. Suddenly, he was tearing at his buttons, desperate to feel your skin against his.
His kiss felt urgent, charged with arousal. You felt like you would blow into tattered pieces with the intensity of his touch, his deprivation and lust. Your fingers ran through his tousled strands, clenching for semblance of control as he sucked the soul out of you.
Your lungs flared up in discomfort due to the limited oxygen supply. You gasped, pushing at his shoulders with all your strength. Heeseung’s grip didn’t falter. Your gasps grew more strained and alarming. Only when you felt tears blurring your vision did Heeseung relent.
Both of you panted like dogs, heaving breaths echoing through the room.
“Stop it!” You screamed, pushing him away as you blindly searched for the exit. 
Yellow lights flickered on, the sudden burst blinding you momentarily. Heeseung stood like a barrier blocking the door, his advantage clear as he seemed to have the room mapped out in his head.
Pupils blown out, he panted, his gaze clouded with the need to ravage and devour you whole. His undone button-down hung the shoulders, revealing honey toned chest and tense abs, descending lower into his pants. Your mouth dried up, but you forced yourself to remain unfeeling.
You voiced out, “Let me go—”
“Why?” He asked gruffly. His eyes locked onto your trembling orbs, his brows arching in frustration.
“I can’t have you?” He whispered.
His words were laced with provocation. He hadn’t felt such an urgency to ruin someone, ever. He ached to feel your skin against his. He was hurting to fill you. If you wanted, he would plummet to his knees, stick out his tongue and shamelessly beg, plead. 
You looked at him with indifference. “You’re my brother’s—”
“So what?” He barked, his abrupt interruption making your breath stutter.
He stepped closer until he had you pressed against the wall, his arms on either side, locking you in place. You hadn’t expected him to be this eager. Why did he care? A man like Heeseung could get any woman on earth. One look and they’d drop their panties to the floor. Your glare grew more acrimonious at the realisation.
You pushed at his chest, your fingers grazing his warm skin, lighting up fireworks in your system. “I refuse to be your one-night fantasy, Heeseung,” you stuttered, unshed tears slipping out.
The fury in his gaze collapsed, his lips parting in stunned horror.
This was your chance…to run free, to protect whatever’s left of your heart. Hastily, you dashed to the door, your grip pulling at the handle when suddenly Heeseung was behind you, enveloping your waist.
You screamed and struggled, your feet kicking the air as he carried you away and tossed you onto the bed. You fought against his manhandling, punching and pushing against him, but he just stared at you like you were a weak feline lashing out.
He let you burst out until your energy had depleted and you fell limp.
“You’re fucking joking,” he laughed, disbelief coursing through his frame. “One night fantasy?” He spat, his fists tightening at the audacity of your words.
You stared back, matching his intensity. “Isn’t it famously known?" You huffed. “You don’t touch a woman you’ve had once,” you snarled, your tone dripping with hostility.
That sent him spiralling. “I don’t,” he declared. He watched the spark in your eyes die down, tears running down your cheeks. You attempted to get up, but Heeseung dropped to his knees, his hands scrambling to cup your face.
His heart pounded so hard, that he felt its drumming within his entire being. “You’re not any woman,” his voice cracked, his throat tightening as he kissed your tears one by one. “You’re mine."
He hadn’t said anything more honest in his entire life.
Yet, you looked at him the same—awfully sceptical, disbelieving. He had attempted to pour out his heart, claim you as his, but you gazed at him like he was a liar, a deceiver. Heeseung dropped his arms, anger surging within his blood.
“You don’t believe me,” he declared, his tone laced with bitter sarcasm.
You wanted to so badly—but you had no reason to. Why would he fall for you?
You watched as Heeseung’s gaze frantically scoured the room.
Something ominous was happening. You felt your stomach twist. You called his name, but he turned away, dashing towards the study table. You stared in confusion as he grabbed his car key. 
Without any warning, Heeseung struck the sharp edge into his chest, stabbing himself in his sternum. A scream lurched out your throat, your breath stuttering as you attempted to get to him. He forced the key inside, tearing through the flesh in a line. Blood gushed through the wound, but Heeseung’s concentration remained firm.
“What the fuck— stop-stop!” You screeched, finally getting a hold of his arm.
He didn’t stop, still working on creating the art piece he wanted you to see. You felt lightheaded as you fought against his determined actions. Unable to knock him back into reality, you decided to fling at the key, letting it slip from his grasp.
Horror ceased your chest. The scarred flesh formed a letter— your initial. You gazed up at him, your throat constricting as a soul-stirring chill escalated down your spine.
“If I carve you in my blood, will you believe me?” A pained gaze, a torn heart, a horrifying smile.
Your limbs trembled.
You glanced at the wound, lips parting in silent horror.
This was absurd— absolute madness. You couldn’t wrap your head around it, but you knew it was awfully dangerous like playing with fire or chasing a lion into its den. You should be scared— fearing for your life. You should escape right now when you have the chance. You should run and never look back.
There are many shoulds' you encounter in life, but none of them hold any value when something as desirable holds you by the throat. Someone as irresistibly horrifying as Lee Heeseung. Whatever you did next, you knew your fate was sealed. Even if you ran, you couldn't outrun him-- and somewhere in the pool of longing in your depraved heart, you didn't want to. You didn't want to find a way out.
You leaned down and wrapped your lips around his honey peck, swirling your tongue and licking the scarlet oozing from his self-inflicted wound, surprising yourself as you swallowed it down. 
Life and death stood at a standstill. Had you pushed him away, he’d still have ruined you, broken your soul to pieces and killed himself over hurting you. But you chose to acknowledge, indulge in his pained longing, accepting it like a lover's call, making him want to live more— chase more— love more. 
Vision glazed, heart thundering against his chest, he wrapped you in a breathless embrace.
Amid the chaos, a strained voice invaded the room. “Hee— fuck, we’ve got a problem.” 
Your head shot towards the door, eyes wide with fear. 
Your brother was at the door.
A rampant knock. “Hee— you in there?” Jake's voice spilt into the heated room, your body freezing. Heeseung didn't even spare the door a glance as he pressed himself within your body.
“They’ve come looking for drugs— I don’t know who’s called but the police are searching the place.”
Your eyes bulged out of their sockets, jaw-dropping in horror.
Drugs? Police? 
Instead of concern or a slight hint of fear, Heeseung’s grip tightened on your wrists, and he attacked your lips, invading your mouth. You gasped, caught off guard, your jaw opening in a silent gasp. He swallowed your protests, his hands releasing your wrists to grope your butt-cheeks as he hoisted you up in his arms while sucking on your bottom lip. 
“Bro— are you seriously fucking someone right now?” Jake’s incredulous tone made you want to dig a hole and bury yourself inside.
Heeseung’s grip on your buttocks tightened, his groans purposefully filling the room like a silent message for Jake. His knees gave out, knocking you down, your body crashing into the bed as he vigorously unbuckled his jeans. His warm tongue feasted through your mouth, swallowing your complaints, his head lolling into your shoulders as he pressed wet, hasty bites down your neck. 
Another knock. 
“Fuck— Heeseung get out here! They’ve arrested Jongseong.”
You gasped.
What the fuck?
Heeseung paused.
Through glazed vision, he stared down at you. His lips slowly formed a smile that made every hair on your body rise.
Kim Sunoo had really come through, orchestrating a flawless drug raid, planting the evidence in Jongseong's bags and vanishing without a trace. Jay would waste away five years in prison for drug possession— barely enough to atone for the pain he gave you, hopefully enough to erase the longing that fucker held for you. Heeseung knew he owed his partner in crime a bottle of Soju next time Sunoo visited their shared farmhouse.
“Heeseung, we should—”
Heeseung licked your mouth, holding your trembling body in place, his fingers desperately tugging at your straps. Despite your persistence, he didn’t care for anything at the moment. Someone could tell him that the entire house was on fire or that the universe had collided into a meteor, crumbling to bits and pieces, and he’d still ignore it all.
For now, he will spend every second making you his—until his love is conveyed through his hunger, until his touch leaves scars and burns on your soul, until you love him enough to bleed him dry.
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cosmerelists · 2 months
The Great Mistborn Era 1 vs. Stormlight Debate: Whose Planet is More Barren?
As requested by anon. :)
Part 1: Flora & Fauna
Hoid: Welcome, welcome, to the great Scadrial & Roshar debate!
Hoid: Kelsier, would you like to start?
Kelsier: [slaps down picture of mare flower]
Kelsier: THAT.....is what we used to have.
Kelsier: Now all of our plants are a dreary brown, trying to survive in a world blanketed in ash.
Kelsier: We have some horses, some dogs, some cats, but I wouldn't say it's a teeming zoological wonderland.
Kelsier: Because, again, the land is 99% ash. And nothing much can survive.
Hoid: Shallan, your reply?
Shallan: No place with life is barren.
Shallan: But if I WERE going to make this argument, I might point out that what we have.....is crab.
Kelsier: Like....just one big one?
Shallan: Oh, we got crab-dogs. Crab-bugs. Crab-oxen. Crab-people. But they're all essentially Crab.
Shallan: To be fair, we do have a few other types: we have horses too (so that cancels yours out) and pigs.
Shallan: And our plants? Well, they do have color, to be fair, but they are basically all things that have to hide in crevices to survive the giant continent-crossing storm that roams around making a "zoological wonderland" pretty tough for us as well.
Hoid: [carefully considering]
Hoid: As much as I hate to say it, this point goes to Kelsier. I've been to both places. Scadrial is indeed an ash-brown sewer pit.
Kelsier: (Yay?)
Part 2: Food, Leisure, the Arts
Elend: Let me say this first: if you're born a noble, then the situation is not that bad. You have food, you have dancing and music, you have culture.
Elend: But that is not how it is for the majority of the population.
Elend: The majority of the population are skaa, who are enslaved, and who do...not have any of those things in a good way.
Elend: So if we go by the majority--as we should--then yes, our planet is notably barren in its food, its leisure pursuits, and its art.
Kaladin: We do war mostly.
Kaladin: We eat rocks.
Kaladin: It's soulcast rocks, which means it is turned into grain. That tastes bad.
Kaladin: And that's not just darkeyes, who are the oppressed people. The lighteyes live pretty much the same way. Although they do more leisure stuff when they're not at war.
Kaladin: Then there're the parshmen, who locked away their consciousnesses and got enslaved, and who had to relearn things like how to play cards once they were freed. Because their enslaved lives were truly devoid of anything good.
Kaladin: So.
Hoid: Yeah...I'm giving this point to Roshar. It sucks there.
Elend: ...One day, I WILL win a debate.
Part 3: Morality
Ham: Morally barren? Yeah, we got that on Scadrial.
Ham: Turns out our Lord Ruler, who became kind of a god, physically rewired the population so his friends could be nobles and everyone else would be slaves. Like, they became physically different.
Ham: Others he used hemalurgy on so that they became nonhuman--like the kandra and the koloss, who can be taken over and controlled due to their spikes.
Ham: Plus, like, our society just ran on horrible slavery. I don't want to go into it, but it was bad.
Ham: And while I think any ability is morally neutral at the outset, our "murder people to steal their power" ability, hemalurgy, is hard to spin in a good way.
Venli: I see. So humans basically did shitty things to other humans?
Venli: I'm a Listener, aka a native of this planet. Humans came here after destroying their own planet.
Venli: Made my people into rhythmless slaves.
Venli: And we're STILL fighting a literally eternal war where some people on each side can't die, so they just keep coming back more and more insane.
Venli: Also even among themselves? The human system of deciding who's good and who's bad based on eye color of all things? Whack.
Hoid: Wow! You've both made such good arguments about why your societies are morally barren and horrible to live in.
Hoid: I do think Scadrial is worse, though.
Venli: A human would say that.
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sorrowfulrosebud · 2 years
The Lone Wolf (again…)
Wolf! Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Contents: in which Wolf! Katsuki royally fucks up
Genre: extreme angst
CW: this is a very dark fanfic so I can’t really put the tws without spoiling the story. I’ll try my best anyway. TWS for blood, neglect, death and etc.
This is for @vampyrsm s collaboration! I’m sorry it took so long but it’s finally here! It can also be considered an alternative AU for my papa wolf series and can be read as a stand-alone piece.
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“I’m leaving you”.
These were the words that made you stop scrubbing the dishes in the basin as the muscular frame of your mate stood unbreakably behind you. Your brows furrowed at the proclamation, wondering where the hell it had come from.
You had had a slight idea that he was unhappy, being more growly and quick to trigger than usual, but you had just assumed that he was nearing his rut again. Determined to see what he had to say, you stood your ground and remained facing the stone basin. The slight trembling in your hand informed Bakugou that you had indeed heard what he had sprung on you and took your silence as a means of continuing his speech.
“I’m getting soft and weak, for god’s sake. I’m a wolf, not some sort of damn domesticated house pet that you can play with whenever you feel like it. I can feel it that staying here is making me lose my edge, and what kind of wolf would stay with some sort of weak little human like you, huh? The very idea would have you slaughtered in my pack for acting like a domesticated pet,” Bakugou spat. The way he borderline snarled the word made it seem like it was some sort of dirty slur.
But I suppose, when you are forcefully ripped from one lifestyle and thrown into another, you’re bound to feel shaken up. That’s the strange thing though. The last year and a half of your life after meeting him was the best time of your life, and judging from the endless belly rubs, walks in the woods and helping him through his ruts, you were certain he had the same feelings for you as you did him.
The way you had met was less than conventional; when checking your rabbit traps and snares in the forest, you had found Bakugou muzzled, naked and chained by a collar to one of the thickest trees with a huge gaping wound slicing his Achille’s tendon to prevent him from running away. (Not that he could have to begin with. You figured that it was to add insult to quite literal injuries).
As a twig snapped under your hunting boots, the thrashing of the chain ceased as carmine eyes pored into yours. You were mesmerised by how a well-sculpted man could seem so animalistic until you were able properly see the well hidden ash blonde ears tucked in with the rest of his hair and with a quick swish, you were also notified of a fluffy tail being raised on alert. A sharp snarl pierced the air as Bakugou tried lunging at you, secretly dying internally from the horrible humiliation of someone from the species he’s mortal enemies with seeing him in such a disgusting manner.
In Bakugou’s pack (as he explained to you), being even remotely associated with humans would mean that you were the lowest of the low; a domesticated dog who would do cheap tricks for their master. Bakugou had been found sneaking off to the local human village to observe how humans function as a society, to study what they eat, how they take care of their young and how they farm crops. The leaders of the pack (his parents) decided that the punishment should fit the crime:
First, the traitor would be stripped naked as a symbol of stripping their morals for the enemy
Next, the heels would be sliced open to prevent any further disloyalty to the traitor’s new master by running away after the disloyalty for the pack was displayed
Then the traitor would be muzzled since it is a reflection of the biggest rule in the pack: NEVER SPEAK TO A HUMAN
The most humiliating thing was next. The traitor would be collared and leashed to a tree in hunter territory since acting like a pet means that you get treated like a pet, much like a dog being chained to a kennel. If the traitor loves humans so much, they can see how much they enjoy being skinned for their fur and having their teeth torn out for jewellery.
Eager to help the handsome stranger that you found, you raised your arms in peace and ambled slowly in front of him. You were EXTREMELY aware of his claws so you sat a good three feet away. Bakugou couldn’t deny that he was intrigued by your actions; he was still highly on guard but most hunters would have raced away for a spear or bow and arrow to put him out of his misery. With a small smile, you had introduced yourself to him to try to establish some sort of relationship, only to be met with an annoyed growl and chuff of his breath. In an instant you totally remembered that he was naked and rootled through your bag for a spare pair of hunting trousers that you carried. Your soft hands held them out to Bakugou to see if he wanted them instead of sitting there with his whole body on show.
Bakugou made no move to grab them from you, thinking that you had doused them in chloroform or some other drug that would seduce him to sleep. Instead, he just glared at you with intense eyes. The yanking on the chain had stopped completely as he studied you ferociously.
“Go on, you can take them! I can’t guarantee that they’ll fit you but I’m sure it’s better than sitting out here naked and covered in your own blood,” you offered with a gentle smile. Katsuki glowered at you as you set them down for him and turned your back so he could change himself.
Internally, Katsuki was in two minds; accept the clothes and kill you at any point in time if you threatened him, or sit here bound and helpless for god knows how long…
Katsuki growled as the fabric temporarily dug into his bleeding heels. He eventually managed to shimmy them up his legs, toned calves strained against the fabric due to their size.
“Are you done? Can I turn around right now?” You asked him politely. Katsuki let out an annoyed growl at your question, but you took it as a yes. You turned back around, borderline chuckling at the size of your trousers on Katsuki’s lower half before immediately being shut up with an angered glare.
“Okay, I’m sorry. Now you’re going to have to stay still whilst I-” you fumbled in your pocket for a knife, the silver blade glinting in the sun.
You only just managed to avoid the swiping of claws against your skin as Katsuki lunged for you, hackles raised and sandy ears pulled taunt against his head. Your fingertips pressed against the wound and you audibly winced at the amount of blood; even though he nicked you, there was still 4 big slits in the side of your tunic.
“Fuck, shit that hurts! What the actual fucking hell, asshole?!” You yelled at him, “I was going to unlock the muzzle around your mouth!”
Katsuki still growls, but his ears go back to normal. His entire body feels so… sluggish.
“Woah, hey are you okay?” Your face donned a worried look as the adrenaline of his night finally floated away from him and he slumped unceremoniously at your legs.
The pops and crackling of the toasty fire surrounded Katsuki’s senses as he finally started the descent out of sleep. He had no fucking clue where he was; there were certainly no soft couches back in his cave, nor were there little carved woodworks of various woodland creatures.
A soft humming could be heard from what Katsuki would assume to have been the kitchen. You entered Katsuki’s eyesight with a carefully balanced tray of stew (lamb by the small of it), and placed it carefully on the oak coffee table next to your plush couch. Katsuki shot up from the couch, snarl in his throat, ears all the way back and hackles raised as you raised your hands once again.
“Hey, relax, please! I’m not going to do anything, I swear! I just wanted to make sure you’re alright. You passed out on me in the woods, so I took you back to my house to clean your wounds and feed you,” you lowered your hands to your waist and looked at Katsuki for his reaction. His ears slowly went back to their original position, the glint from his fangs could still be seen. His breathing was harsh, toned pecs heaving in his fear rage.
He slowly reached for the bowl of stew before sniffing it.
Well, it doesn’t smell poisoned. He thought. Might as well eat some, I’m fucking starving.
He tucked in with hesitation, but as soon as the first bite of juicy lamb hit his tongue, the bowl was next to empty. You stood dazed at how fast he consumed the bowl before offering your hand out to him. Katsuki immediately shrank back on the couch.
“Woah, I just wanted to know if you wanted seconds? You’re obviously hungry and there’s plenty more in the pot if you want some,” you spoke gently to him, almost like he was a pup, or a wild animal. Katsuki clearly thought for a second before shoving the bowl in your chest with an annoyed huff. You smiled at him widely before trotting back into the kitchen.
It suddenly dawned on him that he didn’t have any extra heaviness from that damned collar on his neck, and upon further inspection, you actually had stitched up the gaping wounds on his ankles. He still wore the trousers you had gifted him, so he was at least quietly grateful that you granted him privacy.
Well. This is going to be one hell of a summer.
“Katsuki, what the hell do you mean? You’re leaving?? When did you decide this?!” You turned around to face him properly and were instantly met with an annoyed expression.
“It doesn’t matter when I decided it, I’m fucking leaving and there’s nothing you can do about it!” He snarled at you. Deep inside, he loved you more than anything he could ever think of. He wanted to be your mate for his entire life, to wake up with you every morning and maybe if you would let him, indulge in his fantasy of having a few pups of your own. Alas, he had heard rumours around the village about a group of werewolves terrorising the local village’s cattle and he desperately wanted to see his old pack again.
“But Katsuki, please think about it! Where would you go?! You know that if your old pack were to see you again, they are more likely inclined to kill you!” You shouted at him, face crumpled up in tears.
“No they fucking wouldn’t, my pack respected and adored me! I just put my own personal interests before the safety of my pack, and that got me landed here in this shitty fucking cabin with you. A filthy human who would probably sell me to a hunter the minute I started acting like a true wolf,” he snapped back, his eyes dilating to pin pricks in his anger. Your own eyes glared back at him with tears delicately lacing your lash line.
“They. Fucking. Left. You. For. Dead. You went against your pack, and your PARENTS of all fucking people decided that they would slice their own fucking SON and LEAVE HIM FOR DEAD! I have done nothing but take care of you, through each of your ruts, each full moon, I EVEN FUCKING NURSED YOU BACK TO HEALTH.
DAY AND FUCKING NIGHT, I WAS AT YOUR SIDE HELPING YOU TO WALK AGAIN! EVERY INJURY YOU EVER HAD, I WAS THERE TO CLEAN UP AND KISS. SO DON’T YOU EVER FUCKING DARE SAY THAT I’M JUST SOME STUPID FUCKING HUMAN WHEN I WAS MORE OF A PACK TO YOU THAN YOUR OWN FAMILY!” The words were spewing like venom at this point, you couldn’t fucking breath and the tears were pouring down your face thick and fast. In an instant, Katsuki had a death grip on your wrist, carmine eyes reduced to slits and his ears were flat against his head.
“Don’t. You. Ever. Disrespect my fucking pack again. Y’know, my pack was right. Humans do nothing but brainwash you into domestic shit. This was a mistake from the start,” he spat maliciously. His claws were digging deep into your wrist, making your face screw up in pain.
“K-Katsuki, let go! You’re hurting me!” You sobbed as you tried to pry him off. It wasn’t until the smell of blood hit his nose that Katsuki realised that he had actually hurt you. With a cry of pain, you clutched your bleeding wrist to your chest. The red stained your shirt a violent colour.
Katsuki could feel his rage ebb away and was slowly being replaced by worry.
“Woah, hey are you ok-“ he tries before you flinch away from him, hitting your back against the sink behind you in an attempt to get away. Your whimpers physically hurt him in ways he never knew existed.
“Hey, don’t push me away! I’m trying to see-“ he tries again before you finally turn to him and his heart breaks further at your teary face.
This was such a stupid fucking thought, he was so fucking stupid, why the hell would he leave you for his old pack?! Katsuki finally reflected on your words before his blood felt like ice. Why would he say such awful things to you to try to prove to an old pack who left him for dead?!
“Baby, please, I want to help,” he borderline whimpers, ears twitching dolefully. Your face screwed up in anger before you stood at your full height.
“You want to leave you fucking bastard, then leave. I’m not going to fucking stop you. I hope your pack was fucking worth the one person who stuck with you these last few years. Now, get the fuck out of my house.” You snarled lowly, eyebrows furrowed in pain. Katsuki reached out for you with a trembling hand before you started borderline shrieking.
Katsuki had never felt so low in his entire life. You started swaying in your rage, trying to shoo him away. He let out a whimper as he looked at you one last time before fleeing out of the house, your screams of pain and fear ringing in his head.
1 year later…
Katsuki was miserable. Utterly, and purely miserable. He had found his old pack, and for a moment that had hope flutter through his stomach. Until of course, as you predicted, they tried to kill him for his betrayal (and the fact that he still stank of human).
Slurs of “pet” could be heard through the snarls as Katsuki had narrowly avoided claws and fangs, before tumbling down a hill and running for his life. It was against his morals to do so but he couldn’t face losing another family.
For the past year, Katsuki had tried making his own way of life; finding a small cave further into the mountain range near your cabin and stealing from the local village for meats and blankets. He made his own new home, but it didn’t feel the same without you whatsoever.
He missed you. He missed your sleepy smiles, he missed your stupid little jokes, he missed kissing you awake on Sunday mornings, he missed… you. Every night, his hands loosen the thick red collar you had given him as a joke and thumbed it carefully. Trembling hands caress the leather as small tear stains plop onto it and whimpers reverberate around his cave. It may have started as a joke, but he never took it off even after you threw him out, only to lament painfully on his regret. Most nights he substituted your soft body for his tail, clinging on to it until it hurt.
He hadn’t seen you for a year. 365 days without your cuddles, belly rubs, gentle kisses and warm smiles. Katsuki could feel himself going mad, so he made a decision.
He was going to apologise.
Katsuki checked his appearance in a puddle that had accumulated in his cave; his hair was somewhat kept better, his ears and tail were freshly groomed and he held a large bouquet of wild flowers he found in a field.
Katsuki let out a shaky breath before hardening his face.
“I just have to show her how much she really means to me. I can’t- I can’t be without her.”
And so he began the trek to your cabin.
He began to walk at dusk; it gave him a cloak of protection from hunters, plus you would be really surprised. It only took him about half an hour to find your cabin tucked snugly in the back of the woods. But the sight before him made his blood feel like ice.
The door was absolutely shredded. Large claw marks had sliced the door to oblivion, as well as the surrounding walls. Even though it was almost as thick as the trees that the wood came from, it was nearly folded in half and torn off its hinges.
Bile raised in his throat. As did his hackles.
“(Y/N?)” he tried anxiously.
No answer. However, he detected a new smell.
He crept behind the door, immediately on high alert. Whatever did this was not fucking human.
His heart lurched dramatically at the state of your home; all of your belongings were either torn to shreds or thrown across your floors. Carpets were torn up, pillows shredded, curtains torn from their windows.
“(Y/N)! I’m not fucking joking, if you’re there then say something!” He yelled through the house. Fluffy ears twitched intensely, desperate to hear some call of validation. He was frightened absolutely shitless. The only other time he had felt so afraid was the day he lost you.
Katsuki pinpointed the noise to upstairs. All survival instincts flew out of the window as he bolted up the stairs, only thing on his mind was to ensure your safety. He nearly fell down a few steps before reaching what was your shared bedroom.
The bile actually came out.
Your bedroom door was identical to the one downstairs; torn to shreds and laid in pieces on the ground. The soft blankets that laid on your bed had gigantic claw marks slicing through them, all the way down to your thick mattress.
Again, your curtains were brutally ripped off the window. The window itself had been smashed, shiny fragments glittering across the entirety of the room. Katsuki stepped lightly on the floor, the smell of blood poisoning his sensitive nostrils.
It was the strongest in your bedroom and-
“Oh my fucking god, no.”
Strewn like a rag doll, mangled on the floor in an inhumane position was
The exact same slices on your door were buried deep into your stomach and neck. Thick, red torrents of blood seeped from your body and deep into the wooden floor. Your eyes had completely glazed over, staring back at him with gray.
Tears had crept down your face in your last few moments; Katsuki could smell the salt on your face.
“B-baby? Oh my fucking god, please no!” He screamed brokenly into your corpse. His tears dampened the dress you were wearing (the same one you wore when he tore your heart from its chest). All Katsuki could do was scream in pure, unfiltered pain at the loss of his love.
Memories of you both flittered through Katsuki’s mind. Mornings where the sunlight trickled into your bedroom as he studied your face sleepily. Memories of the sweet and shy kisses, of lazy summer days, of comfort from agonising nightmares all cursed Katsuki as he mourned your death.
He truly had nothing now. No family. No friends. No you.
So, Katsuki did the only thing his paralysed mind could think of; the same claws that scarred your wrist brought hell down on his neck, his claws shredding his gullet within seconds.
Katsuki coughed, once, twice before the metallic tang of blood seeped into his mouth and seeped down his face in buckets. Not that he could see before due to the tears in his eyes, but the quickening of the blood down his body reduced his vision greatly, black spots already swimming in and out of his peripheral.
He only managed to sink down beside you, wanting his last dying moments to be beside the very person that made him happy. The very person who changed his life. The very person who’s life he had ruined.
Through the tears, Katsuki nestled his head close to you, tears dripping on to your wounds as he found it increasingly difficult to breath. He gasped unconsciously for breath as he tried to grip on to you, feeling scared of his descent into death. As long as you were there, he would follow you and plead for forgiveness.
He started to feel content.
‘I- I’m so sorry. I’m coming,’ he thought. His face rested on your shoulder as his body started to shut down completely.
But it wasn’t until his final breath did his eyes shoot open one last time at the sound of the four small whimpers across the room.
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kentoberry · 2 years
A MILLION OTHER GIRLS — shoko ieiri.
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⭒— SUMMARY : you visit your girlfriend on her smoke break.
⭒— CONTENT : [ 18+ ; minors do not interact. ] · degradation , name calling , fem reader , threats of violence , bimbo reader , smoking , branding / burning , impacy play , petplay themes .
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"you're such a fucking whore, you know that, baby?" shoko commented. you were sat on her lap, smirking as you placed another kiss to her neck.
"dunno what you're talking about,"
as much as those faux-innocent giggles of yours infuriated her, there's nobody else she would rather be spending her smoking break with. you decided to visit her at work, clad in that stupidly tiny skirt that as good as had your dumb cunt on display for anybody that spared a glance and a low-cut tee that made it painfully obviously you weren't wearing a bra.
"i'll have to remove all six of gojo's fuckin' eyes for how he stared at your pretty tits. i bet he's holed up in one of the bathrooms fucking his fist at the thought of you, don't you think?" shoko took another drag of her cigarette, eyeing you up and down. "such a slut for attention. how many other guys did ya walk past, hmm? how many of 'em do you think i'm gonna have to dissect for thinking about that cute little cunt of yours?"
you played along with her little game, sitting up straight as you straddled her. one hand was across your chest, meticulously placed so that it pushed your tits up, and the other's elbow rested on it as your fingers tapped your chin, over exaggerating the fact that you were deep in thought.
"don't play with me, bitch. we both know bimbos like you are too dumb to think for yourself."
scowling a little, you puffed out your bottom lip in a pout. shoko used her free hand to cup your face and drag her thumb across your bottom lip whilst continuing to smoke with the other. after swiping some of your lip gloss, she brought the digit to her mouth and licked a singular, long stripe up it.
"bubblegum? my favourite," she praised, "it's almost like i picked it out for you, hmm?"
shoko chuckled darkly. she did, indeed pick it out for you, along with your salacious outfit. the woman loved to remind you that pretty whores like you couldn't function without her help, so she made sure to do even the most basic of tasks you weren't capable of doing: like picking your clothes for the day. she wanted your cunt to be easily accessible when you inevitably crawled over to visit her — and at this point, you weren't even sure that you owned any panties since she never let you wear them.
her hand slid underneath your skirt, dragging her middle finger along your already wet cunt. she lightly tapped your clit, amused at how responsive you were to her touch. when you arched your back and leaned into her a little, she only took a long drag and proceeded to blow the smoke in your face.
any sane person would have retreated right there and then, coughing and spluttering. but you weren't that smart, were you, sweetie? even after shoko slapped your pussy harshly, you moaned.
"my perfect fucking slut," she groaned, "careful, or else the whole campus will here you, baby. who am i kidding? you'd like that, wouldn't you?"
you nodded shyly, whimpering as the cool metal of her rings grazed over your damp slit. shoko loved how easy you were.
she took a moment to check her watch, sighing to herself.
"looks like my break is over, sweetheart." you looked at her with your wide, sparkly eyes, "none of that puppy dog shit. how about we mark you up a little though, make sure everyone that sees you knows whose whore you are?"
the question was rhetorical, for shoko then took a final smoke before pushing the cigarette butt into the sensitive skin of your chest. you had to hold back your tears, the burning sensation already resulting in a yelp of pain. she only cooed over you, complimenting how pretty you looked with her ash decorating your cleavage.
"head to my office, baby. be good for me, and i'll fuck you like a real mutt."
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lttl3babybug · 2 months
Can you wite fic of shane watching his fav cartoon pwese
Indeed I can my friend! :D I’m not sure if blue’s clue’s counts as a cartoon but I just feel like Shane would enjoy it!!
Tv Time
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He was cold. He was tired. He was hungry. Nothing was going his way. As he stormed his way into your farmhouse instantly you could tell he just needed a moment. His grumbling filled your ears as he walked past the kitchen you were currently cleaning. The sound of the springs of the couch bouncing became the next thing you heard, “babe” he called. You peaked your head over, the poor thing.
Shane’s eyes were sunken and tired, his sweater dirty and covered in ash, he hadn’t even taken off his work uniform. “Can you get me a beer?” He asked with a soft pout as he turned to face you, a soft sigh fell from your lips. “Don’t you think there’s a better way we can deal with these big feelings?” You ask, slowly saunter towards his slouched form on the couch
Shane’s grimace softened slightly, he knew what you were referring to. His therapist recommended a thing called ‘Age Regression’ which he, of course thought was bull. That was..until you got him to do it. He wouldn’t admit it but god he loved the way you pampered and fussed over him.
Before he could object to anything a sippy cup of juice was placed into his hands, a plate of apple slices in his lap and the tv flipped over to Blue’s Clue’s. “God damn it love I’m not- I’m not doing this..” he slowly trailed off. Shane’s eyes were transfixed on the screen, watching the blue dog bounce about while the host looked for clue’s on whatever had gone missing in today’s episode. Eventually his voice came in small and softly, “Blue..” he mumble pointing at the tv.
You watched as Shane looked back up at you, still pointing to the tv, he repeated again, “Blue..look, ‘s Blue”. God how could you not smile at that? “Yeah baby..‘s Blue” you smile, hands on his shoulders as you gently massage them. Shane still seemed hesitant to let himself fully slip, you watched as he eyed the sippy cup of orange juice, slowly you brought it up to his lips and tilt it back. “Good boy” you hum, watching Shane visibly relax, his shoulders fell and eyes began to droop as you sat by him.
Blue’s clue’s continued to play and eventually Shane’s soft murmur’s and mumble’s become snores. His head on your shoulder, you didn’t dare move, didn’t dare turn off the tv. He was warm. He was fed. And he was in your arms.
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yoitsjay · 9 months
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Pairings: Keegan P. Russ x M!Reader
Summary: you had been hiding your abilities ever since your kind had been wiped out. But your team was in danger, you had to do something... at the cost of your life perhaps?
Warnings: mentions of death, COD typical violence, blood, gunshots and gun wounds, fire, revival, nudity
Word count: 3,161
You, like everyone else now, were a hybrid. There was no real or true human left in the world, not since the monsters and creatures began to mix breed with humans, and the humans of course fell in love with the idea of having a monster as a lover, who wouldn't? they were faster, stronger, more intelligent and in most cases, hotter. You were a member of the Ghosts, a renowned special forces team in the United States. You were a new member, unfortunate as that was however regardless the team accepted you as one of their own.. maybe because you were strong… or terrifying.
The Ghosts consisted of a mix of hybrids, Logan was a vampire hybrid with enhanced smell and super strength, Hesh was a werewolf hybrid with the smell, hearing, scent and vision to boot, Ajax was an avian hybrid with strong wings which matched his hair. And then there was Keegan, and keegan being the leader seemed quite powerful himself, Being a wraith he had the ability to disappear into shadows, physical shadows that could snap the neck of an enemy without much force. He was strong on top of that, with his training and his ability. Made him all the more sexy really.
And then there was you, one of the strongest hybrids in the world… a phoenix. This mythical legend is said to never die, and if it did it would simply be reborn from ash over and over again, the only thing to kill a phoenix is iron as it will burn them and kill them. Because they are so powerful they were hunted down and killed, all but you and your mother who managed to escape one fateful night… your father and brothers weren't so lucky, but you were.
The thing was, they had no idea that you were a phoenix hybrid, your mother told you to hide your abilities, lie and say you weren't a hybrid, or that you were something else completely. Now it wasn't entirely impossible to be a human in a hybrid run world, they did still exist but the few humans that were around were used as slaves for the superior like dragons, or other powerful beasts, so, human it was then.
Despite posing as a human you were still abnormally strong, and you had a faster regeneration rate than most other people in the Ghosts, but when they ask you always used the same lie, that you were tested on because you were human and it gave you regeneration, or inhuman strength when you were indeed human. Still, you were strong and funny, and if Keegan liked you then so did the rest of the ghosts. But in order to protect you and your abilities, you still had to hide it.
Currently you are sitting in a transport plane with the rest of the Ghosts, sitting across from Keegan and between Logan and Hash. They were like brothers to you, so them pushing and nudging you didn't really bug you. Ajax was seated beside Keegan and then of course there was Riley, the ever brave Ghost dog, who was laying in her own carrier, strapped down so it wouldn't move, but it was a big crate so she was comfortable. The test of the Ghosts were back on base or… dead, may they rest in peace. So it was just you and the boys listed already.
You were heading to Chile where you heard reports of some pretty bad militia reading havoc on the locals, while also wearing rumors that he was part of an Operation in Russia, a terrorist operation that you had to shut down. Little did you know how dangerous it all would be… regardless, the plane landed on a bare strip between two smaller mountain ranges, and there was already a big truck waiting for you. A driver was waiting outside with a more serious look on his face, however when he saw the Ghosts his smile grew and he waved as you and your team walked over. “Mr. Russ, Ajax, thank you and the rest of you for coming, we are in desperate need of your help now more than ever. I'll explain everything on the way but we need to get moving.” The man stated, and the Ghost piled into the car with you being right between Keegan and Logan.
See, you and Keegan had a secret you both hid from the rest of the team, a couple months ago you were in a tight situation with Keegan and it escalated… but not in a bad way. And ever since then you and him… well let's just say it developed into something that the rest of the team would tease you for. Regardless, no matter what mission you and Keegan were on it was always his personal mission to touch you and tease you in some form of way, whether it was when you were in a sniper position with him and he HAD to touch your thigh or ass, or hold your waist to keep you still. It was frustrating, yet you never stopped him before.
Keegan even had the balls to do something like that now, sneaking a hand behind you and down the back of your pants, subtly squeezing your ass which made you tense up quite a bit, though when the car suddenly hit a large bump in the road you took the opportunity to pull Keegans arm away, and instead grip onto him and Logan so you didn't fall forward since there were no seat belts. “Fuck that was a bad bump.” you played off quickly, patting Logan’s thigh which you previously had an iron grip on, shifting yourself so you were more comfortable in your seat. You pinched Keegan however, a subtle way of telling him “not here asshole” before letting him go too.
When you arrived at your destination Keegan and Ajax talked with the driver, getting more information while you, David and Logan took all your gear into the safe house where you would be staying and planning. The two brothers left their gear on the table like ruffians, however you took the time and instead moved them to a safer location so the table could be used to plan with a map amongst other things.
When Keegan and Ajax came back inside it was time to divide and conquer. Ajax stepped forward to separate the teams, however because there was an odd number between them there would either be a group of three, or two groups of two and one loner.
“Alright, Keegan and Logan and Y/n you're in a group, Hesh you're with me. Here's the plan. Keegan and his group are going to be infiltrating the West part of this compound here where we believe our target is staying. Hesh and I will take the East side. Once inside we split off and each take a section of the house, luckily enough there are five sections. Y/n you take the southwest corner, Keegan you take the northwest. Logan, you head to the center where there are some hostages being held, free them and arm them and then get their help to take over the compound. Hesh will take the southeast corner and I'll take the northeast. Clear your sections and if you find our target bring him to the center of the compound alive for questioning. If anything goes wrong, get out of the compound and meet at the rendezvous point here-”
While Ajax was explaining everything, he pointed to certain sections on the map, showing the team where they would all be going, and then again once they would split up. You felt uneasy, however. It's not that you didn't trust Ajax, or didn't believe that this plan would work, but you just had an uneasy feeling in your mind. A hum left your lips but you nodded to the plan, you wouldn't let anyone get hurt, that was a vow you silently swore to everyone.
However, now, it was time to rest as the infiltration would be tomorrow. There were not enough rooms for you individually so you split up again, however even though Keegan was offered his own room he rejected it and grabbed you to bunk with instead, bringing you to the master bedroom where he closed and locked the door once you both were inside. “God it's been weeks since we've been alone darlin I missed you.” He grumbled, dropping his bag as he pulled you into his arms, holding you tight.
You chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck as you embraced him in return, pulling off your mask so he could see your face as you smiled at him. “I could say the same Keeg, but that was a risky move that you pulled back in the car.” you huffed, pulling away with furrowed eyebrows. Keegan shrugged, almost like he didn't care anymore which was probably the truth.
“Y/n I don't want to hide our relationship- whatever it is- from the boys anymore. They have almost caught us a dozen times now and I know they're starting to get suspicious. I know they won't judge, or tell anyone else… but I don't want to hide my feelings for you.” He huffed, sliding his hands down your waist. You sighed, leaning up and kissing his cheek which still had the mask covering it. You didn't bother taking it off, knowing Keegan would if he felt comfortable, but this was a new place, who knows who could be watching.
“I know Keegan… look- how about we tell them after the mission then. We have to keep everyone's heads clear for tomorrow, we wouldn't want to distract them and get them hurt.” You explained, and Keegan nodded in agreement. However before you could move away he quickly pulled you close, pulling his mask up over his nose as he leaned in and kissed you gently, smiling against your lips before pulling away shortly after.
“I'll protect you and them no matter what. You guys are my family, and you're my everything.” He spoke softly, kissing you again just once, only to pull away too soon, walking into the bathroom attached to the bedroom to shower and get ready to sleep. You rolled your eyes, having already showered before leaving so you just stripped down to the under clothes you had on, getting in bed and getting comfortable.
Tomorrow would be a wild day, you knew it.
You were up before anyone else that following morning, now downstairs in the kitchen making breakfast for the team with whatever breakfast foods were left in the fridge for you and the boys. There wasn't much, mostly ration tubes amongst snacks and other things, but you managed to cook up a pretty decent breakfast, setting the table.
You grew up in a house of women, being the second oldest you were taught a lot of the house chores too, so doing stuff like this not only came easy to you, but it was like second nature to get it done. The Ghosts were always grateful for your help and cooking however, it just meant they didn't have to cook for themselves as long as you were around.
When everyone was awake because of the smell of food, they all wondered downstairs to the table, thanking you, finding a plate and eating almost immediately. They were like zombies or robots, awake but programmed to do straightforward things like this… you chuckled to yourself before finding a seat and eating with them. Logan was somewhat excited about the mission, and his brother shared that excitement but you still felt nervous…
After breakfast it was time to leave, the Ghosts gathered their weapons and gear, arming themselves to carry as much as they could while you attached a med pack to the back of your gear, followed by a couple of reloads for your rifle and pistols, strapping knives to your legs, hiding some in your boots, under your sleeve where an arm sheath was, and then putting a hunting knife in its designated sheath on your vest, and lastly getting your radio in place.
When all of the Ghosts were ready, you left in the same car that picked you up from your transport plane. The driver brought you close to the compound but it was still far enough where you had to walk the rest of the way. Once you were close enough on foot you split into your groups, you Keegan and Logan, and then Ajax and Hesh going the opposite way. With your weapon in hand you fell into line behind Keegan as he sprinted to the west wall, you started looking for a way in without explosives while Keegan had readied the C4… but before you could place it, you pressed in a brick and with surprise the wall in front of you shifted and opened up to reveal a dark corridor that lead into the compound.
“Lucky me.” You muttered, allowing Keegan to take the lead again as you took your position second with Logan watching your back. Successfully you managed to get into the compound, and with a whispered battle cry, you split up with your group, stealthily creeping through the south west corridor, using your knife to Stealth kill anyone you crept up on. You did have a picture of what your target looked like. Short, brown hair and green eyes with a very pale complexion, always wearing his medals whether fake or real. Very arrogant.
You continued to search your corridor clearing rooms through your radio like everyone else, however just as you cleared the last room you heard gunshots from the other side of the building, followed by shouts over the radio from Ajax. “Hash Is down! Shot to the knee he's okay but we need backup! NorthEast corridor!” Ajax called out through the radio, immediately your knife was back in its sheath and your assault rifle was in your hands and you were running down through the south hallway, killing any enemy you stumbled across before running to the North hallway where you saw Hash clutching his knee. Immediately you got down on your knees beside him, shooting a few enemy soldiers who came up from behind you before you grabbed the med pack and started patching up his knee. “It went through Hash, I can't tell if it hit a nerve or not but I'm going to stop the bleeding.” You explained, not giving him any warning as you pressed down roughly with your hands, putting pressure on both sides of the wound. Soon Logan arrived and he covered your flank, but more and more soldiers surrounded you, and your team was starting to run out of bullets. Hash had passed out from the pain but that didn't stop you from holding that pressure. “Where's keegan?” You suddenly asked Logan, realizing he wasn't there. Logans eyes went wide and he looked around in a panic. That's when you heard sounds of struggle. A grunt left your lips, and you looked at Ajax. “we've got this, go get Keegan.” You pleaded, pulling your hands away when you were sure the bleeding was stopped (while secretly using the powers you hid to heal him faster).
Once Ajax moved, you covered his position and started shooting the enemies in front of him, eventually giving him a clear way to get to Keegan. He brought the man back, and luckily Keegan was uninjured. But Keegan, Ajax and now you were out of bullets, and Logan was running out even after using Hash’ bullets. It was like they knew you were here…
Just then explosions were heard from the south west corridor, then again where Keegan was. The house shook violently, and you quickly realized they were dropping bombs. “Quick, to the middle I have an idea!” You shouted, and Logan grabbed his brother who was still unconscious. You lead everyone to the middle, surrounding yourself with furniture and crates. Everyone was in danger if you didn't do something… you had to do something…
You stood up quickly, bullets whizzing past your face bit you ignored it, stripping off your gear as you looked down at Keegan. “what are you doing Y/n get down!” He shouted, but you shook your head. “I'm doing what I should have done long ago. I'm done hiding what I am Keegan. I'm not human, I've never been human… Keegan, Ajax, Logan… I'm The Phoenix.” You stated, and with that fire erupted out of your skin, but to them it wasn't hot fire, nor did it burn them, you started transforming into a large beast, covered in fire. Your wings spread out, and you covered your team with said wings as several bombs were dropped around you. However because you had covered your team and protected them, they were unharmed. The compound had been flattened, and obviously your target escaped…
But as the dust settled and Keegan opened his eyes, he realized that… you weren't there. You had sacrificed your life and now- you were a pile of ash in the middle of the Ghosts, hot to the touch. Keegan tensed up, experiencing not only the loss of a teammate, but the loss of his lover.
Keegan screamed, throwing a piece of furniture that surrounded them away as he took a few steps forward, Logan held his brother close since he was still unconscious, and Ajax just stared at the pile of ash. But… that wasn't the end, no…
Out of the ash, a fire sparked and suddenly a smaller version of the Phoenix you had turned too had materialized out of that ash, reborn you were, and once all the ash was gone, the fire went out and there you stood… naked as a newborn babe. A nervous chuckle left your lips, and immediately Ajax looked away, as did Logan. “Keegan?” You called out…
The man turned with disbelief, running towards you and picking you up in his arms. He didn't care if they were watching, but he pulled off his mask and he kissed you, setting you down on the ground before pulling away, quickly realizing that you were in fact naked. “well look at that, naked for me darling?” He asked with a smirk, only to get slapped on the arm. However he didn't care.
You were alive and safe, and now that he and the team knew what you actually were, they vowed to keep you safe. Once you got some clothes on, you were taken home, as was Hash who needed to heal still but he'd be able to walk again, thanks to you and your abilities…
Your target got away, but Keegan would find him, he couldn't forgive what had been done to you, even if you were revived it still called for revenge… and he would get it, for you.
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peeetlovers · 3 months
Six Things You Need to Know When Your Dog Dies
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The loss of a beloved dog is a deeply emotional and challenging experience. Knowing what steps to take and understanding the processes involved can help you navigate this difficult time with a bit more ease and clarity. Here are six crucial things you need to know when your dog dies, presented in detail to provide comprehensive guidance.
1. Immediate Steps to Take
Verify the Death
First, confirm that your dog has indeed passed away. Look for the absence of breathing and a heartbeat, and check for unresponsive pupils. If you are unsure, contact your veterinarian immediately for confirmation.
Handle the Body with Care
If your dog has died at home, handle the body with respect and care. Wear gloves and gently wrap your dog in a blanket or sheet. Place the body on a waterproof surface or in a cool area to delay decomposition until you decide on the next steps.
2. Notify Your Veterinarian
Seek Professional Guidance
Contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. They can confirm the death if needed and provide advice on handling the remains. Vets can also discuss options such as cremation, burial, or other memorial services.
Consider Medical Records
Your veterinarian can help you manage your dog’s medical records. This can be important if you decide to have an autopsy performed to understand the cause of death, which might be necessary for certain health or breeding considerations.
3. Understand Your Options for Handling the Remains
Home Burial
If you choose to bury your dog at home, check local laws and regulations to ensure it’s allowed. Select an appropriate location on your property, away from water sources and high-traffic areas. Dig a grave that is at least 3 to 4 feet deep to prevent other animals from disturbing it.
Cremation is a common and respectful option. There are two types: communal cremation, where multiple pets are cremated together, and individual cremation, where your pet is cremated alone, and the ashes are returned to you. Discuss these options with your vet or a pet crematorium.
Pet Cemeteries
Pet cemeteries offer a professional and dignified place to bury your dog. They provide services such as burial plots, headstones, and maintenance. This option can give you a permanent place to visit and remember your pet.
4. Consider a Memorial
Create a Lasting Tribute
Creating a memorial can help you process your grief and honor your dog's memory. Options include planting a tree or garden in their favorite spot, making a donation to an animal charity in their name, or creating a scrapbook or photo album of cherished memories.
Personal Items
Keep some of your dog's personal items, such as their collar, tags, or a favorite toy, as keepsakes. These items can provide comfort and a tangible connection to your pet.
5. Understand the Grieving Process
Allow Yourself to Grieve
Grief is a natural response to loss, and it's important to allow yourself to feel and process your emotions. Everyone grieves differently, so take the time you need. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who understand your loss.
Seek Support
Consider joining a pet loss support group or talking to a counselor who specializes in grief. Sharing your feelings with others who have experienced similar losses can be incredibly therapeutic and provide valuable support.
6. Plan for the Future
Reflect on Future Pet Ownership
After the loss of a dog, some people choose to get another pet, while others may need more time. Reflect on your feelings and consider when or if you are ready for a new companion. Each pet is unique, and adopting another should feel like the right decision for you.
Learn from the Experience
Consider what you learned from your time with your dog and how it can inform future pet ownership. Whether it's medical care, training, or lifestyle adjustments, use this knowledge to provide an even better environment for any future pets.
Losing a dog is an incredibly painful experience, but understanding these six key aspects can help you navigate through the process with more clarity and support. From handling the immediate steps and consulting with your veterinarian, to making decisions about memorials and understanding the grieving process, being informed can provide some solace during this challenging time. Remember to seek support and take the time you need to honor the memory of your beloved pet.
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ilykaveh · 2 years
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like the way she flick her wrist ღ 彡 !
★ — you visit shoko ieiri on her smoke break.
★ — content: degradation , name calling , fem reader , threats of violence , bimbo reader , smoking , branding / burning , impacy play , petplay themes .
minors do not interact.
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"you're such a fucking whore, you know that, baby?" shoko commented. you were sat on her lap, smirking as you placed another kiss to her neck.
"dunno what you're talking about,"
as much as those faux-innocent giggles of yours infuriated her, there's nobody else she would rather be spending her smoking break with. you decided to visit her at work, clad in that stupidly tiny skirt that as good as had your dumb cunt on display for anybody that spared a glance and a low-cut tee that made it painfully obviously you weren't wearing a bra.
"i'll have to remove all six of gojo's fuckin' eyes for how he stared at your pretty tits. i bet he's holed up in one of the bathrooms fucking his fist at the thought of you, don't you think?" shoko took another drag of her cigarette, eyeing you up and down. "such a slut for attention. how many other guys did ya walk past, hmm? how many of 'em do you think i'm gonna have to dissect for thinking about that cute little cunt of yours?" 
you played along with her little game, sitting up straight as you straddled her. one hand was across your chest, meticulously placed so that it pushed your tits up, and the other's elbow rested on it as your fingers tapped your chin, over exaggerating the fact that you were deep in thought.
"don't play with me, bitch. we both know bimbos like you are too dumb to think for yourself."
scowling a little, you puffed out your bottom lip in a pout. shoko used her free hand to cup your face and drag her thumb across your bottom lip whilst continuing to smoke with the other. after swiping some of your lip gloss, she brought the digit to her mouth and licked a singular, long stripe up it. 
"bubblegum? my favourite," she praised, "it's almost like i picked it out for you, hmm?"
shoko chuckled darkly. she did, indeed pick it out for you, along with your salacious outfit. the woman loved to remind you that pretty whores like you couldn't function without her help, so she made sure to do even the most basic of tasks you weren't capable of doing: like picking your clothes for the day. she wanted your cunt to be easily accessible when you inevitably crawled over to visit her — and at this point, you weren't even sure that you owned any panties since she never let you wear them. 
her hand slid underneath your skirt, dragging her middle finger along your already wet cunt. she lightly tapped your clit, amused at how responsive you were to her touch. when you arched your back and leaned into her a little, she only took a long drag and proceeded to blow the smoke in your face.
any sane person would have retreated right there and then, coughing and spluttering. but you weren't that smart, were you, sweetie? even after shoko slapped your pussy harshly, you moaned. 
"my perfect fucking slut," she groaned, "careful, or else the whole campus will here you, baby. who am i kidding? you'd like that, wouldn't you?" 
you nodded shyly, whimpering as the cool metal of her rings grazed over your damp slit. shoko loved how easy you were. 
she took a moment to check her watch, sighing to herself. 
"looks like my break is over, sweetheart." you looked at her with your wide, sparkly eyes, "none of that puppy dog shit. how about we mark you up a little though, make sure everyone that sees you knows whose whore you are?"
the question was rhetorical, for shoko then took a final smoke before pushing the cigarette butt into the sensitive skin of your chest. you had to hold back your tears, the burning sensation already resulting in a yelp of pain. she only cooed over you, complimenting how pretty you looked with her ash decorating your cleavage.
"head to my office, baby. be good for me, and i'll fuck you like a real mutt."
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pennyblossom-meta · 2 months
The Queen is a mute - AO3
Summary: An experimental essay on the foils and grievances of Alicent Hightower, Queen Regent of the Seven Kingdoms. For a mind heavy with burdens has a withering heart.
HotD S02E05. Seeing Alicent sit at the Small Council, breathing heavily and miserable among the men who finally found a perfect justification to set her aside was a punch in the gut. However, this was the result of many mistakes she made along the way.
Is this not what you wanted, oh Queen?
In wondrous folly of that most false, a dragon indeed — though snake-tongued and bereft of the principles thou embodies in body and soul, through motherhood and magnanimous martyrdom, struggles aplenty and burdens phenomenal; cast upon thee by the Seven and thy sire. Thou art the Mother of the Kingdom, standing high above reproach atop erect flesh of white cloak and Hand, a halo of righteousness shining bright under the scorching sun of this Land of Kings, under the blaze of dragon fire.
Thy son sits on the throne, crowned Aegon the Second of His name. Grief and joy witness the ceremony whilst a shadow clad in sharp teeth and laughter casts its gaze over this descent into misery.
All is light and warm blood, destiny satisfied at last. Hail the King, all rise in applause for Aegon, the true successor to a conqueror’s dream, He who follows the line of glory and war. Such is His fate, thy son whomst thou hast placed on the throne of swords, where thy liege and husband ruled for short decades of peace, striving for the diplomacy of fools. Kindness makes one a marionette to sharper minds, it is a flaw that allows for the strings of fate to pull and push until they snap. Thou hast learnt this lesson in the dawn of childhood and been instructed in its traditions, begrudging others the freedom to be and become whilst thy place remains in the sidelines.
And yet, with all the sacrifices thou hast suffered, thy liege and husband prepares another for reign instead of the true firstborn. Yet another betrayal, this consent to submission of falsehood through gritted teeth. The long shadow of Rhaenyra lingering with her crooked smile and lying tongue.
Could thy liege have known? Of the filth and squalor, of bastards bearing locks of white spread across the city, stumbling in pits and brothels like discarded bones to feed wandering dogs. The fetid smell of drink and whores in Flea Bottom. Dismal, improper and tantamount to the bohemian pleasures thou hast criticized, willingly trapped inside an ivory cage while the key remains in the lock within thy reach. The trappings of Green and deserving virtues become a mantra for the sufferings that require some solace. 
Had thy liege known of the love thou refused to give, always casting a disapproving eye and demanding, thy feelings of resentment towards family and matrimony? How the child grew into adulthood with dreams shattered and forced into the play of those thirsting for power?
Mayhaps. Thou the sanctity of a Queen lies in Her burden. Furthering the line, thy role until death. Thy liege he was — yet love is a feeling that belongs with the dead, scattered to ashes with true wife. Convenience and comfort are small prices to pay for that most rare of treasures: the freedom to assert personal agency. It is expected in this cruel world of Kings and dragons, of war and strife even during tense decades of peace.
A Father gone. Thy liege and husband dead. 
The firstborn lies in a bed of feathers, struggling for breath. Though he was impetuous like a hawk (not a dragon), going in circles without a wing, this twist of fate does not surprise you. The King is a bigger fool than most, an asset to command and to do nothing else.
The second, a murderer and usurper. Bathing in blood and dragon fury with one eye open. 
Thy last child a riddle of prophetic lunacy thou cannot understand.  
Had thou cast thy lot with the one whose heart truly had set on better times, mayhaps this Small Council would not trample over thou. The call of power was too strong to resist, thy righteous resentment too vicious to fight against. Gullible to the machinations of the status quo. Or perhaps resigned to them, furthering what never suited you or those like you. 
“We Light the Way”, as per thy ancient motto. Is this indeed the will of the Gods and of the land, is this the correct way? 
The Queen sits among the men, once again set aside. Dismissed.
The Queen is a mute.
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inuyashamybeloved · 1 month
“Fallen” chapter 2 sneak peek.
(Currently dealing with some bumps in the writing process of Front Piece—my current mood is not compatible with such a light and comedic story, but working with Fallen is helping me flush the sad outta my system, so hopefully in the next week or so I’ll be able to start chapter 17 of FP.)
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Kagome discreetly followed the couple down the street after exiting the club. It was sheer luck that made her discover her current target. She’d been watching the crowd, and an accidental glance at a mirror behind the bar showed her the girl dancing and talking animatedly to absolutely nobody. When Kagome looked directly at the dance floor, there was indeed a man dancing with the girl. Not wanting to stake the vampire in front of so many people and cause a commotion, she waited in the shadows until the couple left the joint.
It was clear the jackass was leading the poor girl to an empty alley to enjoy his dinner without any witnesses. Gripping the concealed stake in her sleeve a little tighter, Kagome quickened her pace to reach the couple before he could attack the poor girl. The Slayer had learned long ago that nothing good came from outing a vampire in front of their would-be victim. Why cause them unnecessary trauma and nightmares when she could resort to more subtle ways to make them flee?
“How dare you?! Is this your new flavor of the week?! You cheating bastard!” she yelled with all the indignation she could muster as she stormed toward the pair. Kagome noticed how the girl gave the guy a once-over and took a step back. That wasn’t enough, she needed the girl to go away, so the Slayer glared at her, pointing an accusatory finger. “You, scram before I take it out on you!”
That sobered the girl, who quickly made her way out of the alley, uttering an embarrassed “Sorry, didn’t know he had a girlfriend” while the vampire went from confused to angry when he realized what was going on. Kagome made sure to remain between him and the retreating girl, ready to act if he decided to chase her.
“Bitch, you’re gonna pay for that!” he snarled at Kagome before showing his true face and lunging at her.
She didn’t bother with a retort as she got into a defensive stance, using his momentum to her advantage and rolling him over her shoulder. The movement destabilized his balance and the vampire landed harshly against a trash can, giving her that extra second to get the upper hand and quickly staking him in the heart. Kagome dusted the sleeve where some of his ashes had landed and soon was exiting the alley and heading home. Tonight had been a slow night and the little action she saw left her utterly bored, it also didn’t help that nobody interesting played at The Roxy.
It was Friday night, and Sunset Blvd. was teeming with people going in and out of the different clubs and the loud motorcycles cruising around, their riders eager to pick up women looking for some fun.
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Inuyasha strolled down the busy streets the following morning, the large poster tube strapped to his back and the black beanie giving him a sort of bohemian look. Nobody would ever suspect that the sunglasses obscuring his eyes weren’t sitting on human ears, or that the knit cap was hiding his actual dog ears; at the same time, nobody would imagine a katana was stored in the large tube. It wasn’t that he needed his sword for protection or anything; he just couldn’t bring himself to leave it behind in his room when the likelihood of someone breaking in and stealing it was a real possibility.
He had spent the last two hours getting some basic provisions—including said tube—before heading to Santa Monica Blvd. to look for a nice place to squat. It wasn’t that he was picky, Inuyasha just wanted solitude and not to deal with too many strong, awful smells that would give him constant headaches. He usually could manage a night or two in an abandoned building where other humans and demons squatted but after a while, the smell of urine, feces, and body odors was nauseating to his overly sensitive nose. So he usually looked for private warehouses or stores where he could spend the night, hiding in storage areas behind boxes.
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Chapter 1 on Ao3
(The characters of Inuyasha in a Buffyverse setting, where Kagome is the Slayer.)
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lim-boe · 10 months
Ever my savior III
Part 1
Part 2
No warnings on this one. Not beta read so if you see any mistakes I would appreciate it if you let me know.
It is a little longer and finally involves Jon. ;)
The man caked in blood was Jon Snow. 
After the affair in the courtyard, Ramsey was locked in the cages with his dogs. You later heard he was ripped apart by those same dogs. 
You saw Lord Snow start to delegate and split his forces so they could settle the battle adrenaline and recover. 
The next time you saw him he was clean. He truly was a wolf among men. His face held turmoil but he was a leader and assured his men of the peace they would encounter as they reclaimed Winterfell. 
You continue your daily chores as the new inhabitants of Winterfell moved in. Avoiding Sansa wasn’t too difficult. You did not want to remind her of Ramsey just as much as you did not want her to remind you of him. The Castle buzzed with the news of the reoccupation by the Stark family. 
You have learned things from the gossip in the kitchens which is where you tried to stay almost all day. You heard that Sansa took the Lord’s room which you thought was peculiar since Lord Snow seemed to be the in charge and he was the Lord of Winterfell. You did not know where the Lord or his commanders had claimed their sleeping quarters. 
One night you were finishing up the collection of dishes from the great hall and while you were carrying the two last mugs of half finished Ale to the kitchen you turned the corner and almost slammed into someone. 
He caught you by the shoulders and kept you upright as you stumbled.
“ I’m so sorry-” You looked up to the three people you had the least desire to run into in the entire castle, “ m-my Lord”
Lord Snow, Lady Stark, and Lord Balish all stared at you, each with drastically different emotions swirling onto their facades. 
“ No need to apologize, are you alright?”, The dark haired man who held your shoulders spoke first.
You sighed, “ Yes my Lord, thank you,” You ducked your head, and just as you began to make your escape behind the trio, little finger called after you. 
“ Lady Ashe!”
You flinched, but turned to acknowledge him,” Hello Lord Baliesh.” 
You notice Lord Snow look curiously between you and Littlefinger, and the Lady Stark looked quite astonished at the greeting you and Balish shared. 
“You’re a lady?” Sansa asked you, but before you could answer she turned to Balish, “And you know her?”
“ Yes, Lady Sansa, I thought you would recognize a fellow Lady of the North?” Balish asks then addresses you, 
“ Lady Ashe forgive me for asking, but why are you here, and not at Castle Ashe?” 
You try to answer but stutter over your words. 
Lord Snow blinks hard then, “ Ashe?”,  he pauses for a second then continues with a look of epiphany, “you hail from Ashewood!” 
You nod, “ Yes my lord.”
Sansa seems to wake from her shocked stupor, “ You were a lady this whole time,” She almost growls.
A wolf indeed.
“ Yes, My lady-”
“Do not pretend to be polite, You never were before.” She sneers.
“ I wasn’t permitted to speak to you-” You start.
“ You were not permitted to speak to me. You cannot possibly be serious,” she took a deep breath and slowly stalked towards you, “ You saw what he did to me, and you never helped, spoke, or even acknowledged me.” She continued.
You knew why she was upset, but you could not fathom why she was so hostile.
“ He hurt me, and you did nothing.” She finished.
“ I could not!” You finally spoke.
You looked into her angry eyes and met her fury. “ He hurt everyone, he was- he was cruel, if I helped you, there was no telling what he would do to either of us! To Theon!”
Taken aback by your response Sansa says nothing.
Embarrassed by your outburst you cast your eyes to the floor, “ apologies my lady,” You turned and bowed slightly to the other two, “My lords,” and you scurried to the kitchen to drop off the mugs and practically ran to your quarters. 
The girl lowered her head as she walked towards the kitchen.
Not the girl.
Lady Ashe.
Jon is jerked from his thoughts by Sansa letting out an exasperated sigh. 
“ You know her?”, Jon asks, a little peeved by Sansa’s rude demeanor towards the Lady.
Sansa turns to glare at him, “ Sort of,” she groans, “ Not really, but I know she was serving Ramsey,” she finished sharpley.
“I’d say she was more than a servant girl to the Boltons,” Lord Balish chimes in, 
Jon tenses at this. With your reaction to Sansa and Lord Balish’s comment, your service could not have been pleasant.
“What do you mean”, Jon grumbles, his eyes meeting Littlefinger’s. 
“ She was promised to Ramsey before Sansa was made an option,” Sansa glares at him and he flinches a bit but continues, “ I do not know why she was not sent back to ashewood after the engagement was ended, but the Boltons were nothing if not cruel. I imagine she entertained Ramsey, or she was something he could hold over her father and brother, who I do believe, did not survive the battle.” 
Jon winces, he knew the pain of loss and capture. 
Sansa keeps her face pinched as she says, “ I didn’t know she was a Lady of the North, but that does not excuse her for ignoring Ramsey’s cruelty. She is a lady for Gods sake, she had more power to help than Theon did, but he was the one to help me escape!”
“ Sansa.”, Jon finds himself scolding, she blinks in surprise,” did you not hear what she just said. She knew of Ramsey’s incessant need to harm others, she knew because she experienced it first hand.” 
Lord Balish looks mildly impressed at Jon for being able to pick up what he himself had seen. 
Jon cuts Sansa off, “ But nothing. She is just as much a victim as you are, if not more. She was with Ramsey before you were and after you left.” Jon takes a deep breath.
“ I will walk you to your room Sansa. Lord Balish, I trust you can find your own quarters.”
Littlefinger bows his head and walks off. 
“Jon you cannot scold me, I am not a child.” Sansa speaks as they walk to her room.
He does not look at her when he says, “ Then do not act like one.”
Sansa makes an offended sound at this” Jon-”
“ No Sansa. You will not be hostile to Lady Ashe. She is a guest in Winterfell. Our guest who has suffered at the hands of the same man that you killed for revenge. We will not be harsh to a woman who’s only fault was fear.” 
And with that Jon left her at her door and stalked away to his own room.
During his journey to his bed he thought over the encounter.
Why was she cleaning?
Fucking Boltons. 
After your encounter with the nobles, you worked that much harder on being unoticable. You kept put of the spaces where you might see them and only left the kitchen and your quarters to do chores that were absolutely necessary. 
Jon never seemed to be able to find you. He wanted to relieve you of your service and welcome you as a guest, but he never seemed to have enough time in the day to find you without being bombarded by a bannerman, Sansa, or Littlefinger. 
Remembering Lord Snows comment about your family, you went to the maester one night, hoping to catch him alone. You knocked on his door and you were permitted entrance. 
“Good Evening My Lady” he says, sorting through papers on his desk, “ what can I help you with?”
“Maester”, you greeted, “ I was hoping you would allow me to use a bit of parchment and a quill to write my mother in Ashewood.”
“ Of course my dear”, he gestures to the stack of unused paper and offers you a quill and ink.
“ Thank you”, you say and start to write
Dear Mother, 
I have been in Winterfell for far too long. Since you are now in charge of Ashewood I would like to request that you would permit me to travel home to assist in the recovery of our house and promise fealty to the Starks once more.
You roll of the paper and the maester wraps it in twine and assures you that he will make sure you get the returning letter when the raven brings it. 
You thank him and walk back to your quarters. 
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icy-wings-art-corner · 4 months
PMD: Ashen Adventures
In a world of Pokemon, the young Riolu named Ash is eager to join the Indigo League. He hopes, by joining the renowned guild, he’ll be able to travel across the land, training and learning along the way until he’s the greatest adventurer there ever was. And finally the day has come, to take the first steps first step towards his journey! Also known as: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Anime. A reimagining of the Pokemon Anime, where the world is that of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, and everyone is a normal Pokemon. What differences will this spawn? What Pokemon will each person turn out to be? And how does a Pokeball work in such a world? Read on to find out!
Read on AO3:
The sunlight slowly shone through a simple window, its rays creeping onto the sleeping, blue form of a Riolu, who lay in bed, snuggled against a large pillow. The Riolu slowly blinked as the light landed on his face, forcing him from his dreams.
“Mmm, what? What time is it?” The pup asked as he stretched, blinked and sat up in his bed. He turned to his bedside table as his eyes searched for his alarm clock, only for his body to tense once he finally laid eyes on it. He lunged at the simple machine and gripped it perhaps a bit too tightly, “Ahh! That can’t be right I-” He quickly turned the clock around and his posture drooped, “I didn’t set the alarm?”
He shook his head again and ripped his bedsheets off himself and tensed to toss the clock from his grasp, before quickly reconsidering and gently placing it back where it belonged. The novel, little machines were, perhaps not entirely uncommon, but he generally knew better than to be careless with his possessions. Most of the time. Leaping from his bed, he quickly grabbed his favorite hat, white and red with a green stylized L on the front, before he tore out of his room and hopped down the stairs.
“Mom! I overslept, I have to go now!” He shouted as he came to the stair landing.
Hearing a chuckle, he turned to see his mother, a tall Lucario, her beauty untarnished even as she held her fair share of scars. She placed a paw on his head, ruffling his hat, “Come on Ash, there’s no need to rush. Although, a real master adventurer would have gotten up when he said he would.” She said, teasing him slightly, “But, you did get up at the perfect time for some breakfast.”
Ash didn’t brush off his mom’s paw, but he did stare up with a determined look, “But I have to get an early start! If I don’t then Gary will beat me to the Guild headquarters and have a headstart on me!”
“Speaking of Gary,” A voice behind Ash’s mom spoke, quickly revealed to be a Charmeleon, who fished an envelope from within his lab coat, “Before he set out on his journey, he gave me this note to give to you, Ash.”
Ash grabbed the envelope, from the Charmeleon’s claws, his apprehension stifled by the reptile’s presence, “Oh, Professor Oak, you’re here. Wait! Does that mean Gary already left?! Who’s he even going with?”
Oak smiled and nodded, “Indeed, he left early in the morning with the Squirtle son of a colleague of mine. They’ve met from time to time and got along quite well, so they decided to give being a team a shot, since they both wanted to go and join the Guild as Adventurers.”
Ash grabbed his head in frustration, “Agh! He’s already formed a team, too!”
Deciding to not dwell on that for the moment, he quickly tore open Gary’s letter and unfolded it. His expression quickly turned unimpressed as he read, ‘Dear Ash, as I am obviously way ahead of your sleeping in, loser self, I just wanted to wish ya luck on catching up to me and my Shell Bro. After all, it’d be no fun to absolutely trounce you in Adventuring if you weren’t always hot on my tail! Smell ya later Dog Bro!’ And for good measure Gary had drawn a small, cartoonish Eevee who was lazily pulling down his lower eyelid and sticking out his tongue.
“Of course he’d do this to me.” Ash said calmly before childishly erupting, crushing the letter in his paw, “I’ll show you Gary! I’ll become the greatest Adventurer before you even decide on an evolution!”
Before Ash could continue proclaiming imminent superiority over Gary, a third voice spoke as a figure exited the kitchen, “And with a belly full of breakfast I’m sure you’ll catch up to Gary in no time.”
The voice belonged to a Mr. Mime who was cheerfully carrying a veritable feast of breakfast foodstuffs over to a table. Though the breakfast was masterfully made, bearing an appearance of pure delicacy, Ash, while looking conflicted, mostly held a look that screamed his urge to run out and begin his journey just that second.
Ash’s mom just chuckled and lightly pushed the Riolu towards the table, “Come on Ash, Mimey went through a lot of trouble on this breakfast, and not only should you be well fed before going on any adventure, I’m sure you’d want to make sure our dear Professor doesn’t keel over on your way there.”
Oak let out a small sound of offense, but Ash let out a sigh and nodded, “Fine. A quick breakfast, then I’m going to go and start my adventure!” As he moved over to his seat and took it he looked to the cook, “Thanks, Mimey.”
The four ate the lovingly made meal, though Ash quickened the pace with how he wolfed down his food, leading to the family standing outside their home. While Ash fidgeted in place, overflowing with excited energy, his mom knelt down and gave him a hug, “Now remember Ash, listen to Oak, listen to Guild leadership once you get to the headquarters, and make sure to write home, okay?”
Ash hugged back, the one and only ache of beginning his journey, of leaving his home for an extended period of time, “I will mom. I’ll write you every time I can.” The two separated, Ash trying to keep his smile from quivering as his mom held out a satchel, which he accepted, “Thanks mom.”
Delia proudly smiled at her son, “And remember Ash, don’t shirk your aura training, okay? It’s pretty important for a great adventurer after all.”
Ash sighed and nodded, “I know, I know. It’s just real hard sometimes.”
“Well, some of the best things in life are hard, but ultimately satisfying in the end. Just keep at it, and I’m sure you’ll make a breakthrough sometime sweetie.” She said in a reassuring tone.
Oak pat Ash on the shoulder as he looked to the Lucario, sensing even her slight unease, “Don’t worry Delia, I’ll see Ash to Indigo Plateau and make sure he gets there safe.”
“You have my full trust Professor,” Delia chuckled, “Have a good journey you two, don’t get into too much trouble, alright?”
With that, Oak and Ash made their way away from the home, waving back at Delia and Mimey before focusing on traveling forward. As they walked, Oak turned to Ash, “Just so you know Ash, we will need to stop by my lab before we properly head out.”
“Oh, come on Professor! Do we have to?” Ash complained, deflating slightly.
The Charmeleon simply chuckled, “Don’t worry, it won’t take long.”
Ash straightened up, determination on his face, “Alright then. We’ll just need to make it quick!” 
And with that the Riolu charged off towards Oak’s residence, leaving the professor to stumble slightly and run after the boy. “Agh! Ash, hold up a second will you? I’m not the young Charmander I used to be!”
In no time at all thanks to Ash’s impatience, the two ran up to Oak’s lab. As Oak panted slightly and made his way to the door, Ash tilted his head, “So, what do you need here anyway?”
He smiled and knocked on his own door, “I just needed to pick up my grand nephew first.”
“But Gary is already ahead of me…” Ash said before stumbling back with a look of horror, “Don’t tell me there are TWO Garys!” Only for a look of embarrassment to overtake him, “But wait, Gary is your grandson…”
Oak laughed at the boy’s fear and shook his head, “Oh no, this is my grand nephew who lives a ways away from Pallet Town, so I doubt you two would have even met. His mother asked me to look after him for a bit, so he’ll be joining us on the journey.”
Ash crossed his arms and pouted, “Well, alright. Just so long as he doesn’t slow us down too much.”
A new voice spoke as the door to Oak’s lab opened, “Really you should worry about slowing yourself down more than anything else.”
Ash snapped his eyes to the small figure exiting the lab. A yellow paw handed a satchel to Professor Oak, who took it and placed it around his shoulder with practiced ease. The Riolu glared at the yellow Pokemon with red cheeks, who had the gall to look smug at the future adventurer, “Who are you calling slow? I’m gonna be the greatest adventurer!”
“Now, now boys. There’s no need to fight.” Oak said with an awkward smile, “Now, Ash, this is my grand nephew, Pikachu, and Pikachu, this is Ash, the son of a dear friend who asked me to escort Ash to the Guild and properly start his journey.”
The smug mouse simply smirked as he fiddled with a satchel of his own, “Ain’t much of an adventurer if he needs an escort.” He then laughed and pointed at Ash’s hat, “I mean, with a hat like that you look more like a tourist than an adventurer!”
“Why you-!” Ash began to say before Oak stepped between them, waving his claws in a placating manner.
Oak adopted a more firm expression, “Enough of that you two, we are going on a decently long journey, so I’d ask you two to try and get along. Besides, we are wasting daylight either way.” He looked to the dark, cloud laden sky and frowned, “And that doesn’t seem to be in good supply. It looks like it’s going to rain.”
Ash his paws together, “You’re right Professor! The more time we spend here, the bigger of a head start Gary is gonna get on me! And if a rainstorm hits, that’ll only give him a bigger one! There’s no time to waste!” He turned on his heel and eagerly began to power walk away from the lab, Oak simply shrugging with a good nature smile as he went to catch up, while Pikachu rolled his eyes.
As the clouds slowly began to crowd the sky, and a small sprinkle of rain began to fall, cooling the air, the boys entered into what seemed like their third argument, and Oak could only let out a sigh. They were even worse than Gary and Ash when they argued, it seemed.
“Just saying,” Pikachu said in a cheerful tone, “Haste makes waste, and any two bit adventurer would know that.”
Ash continued to angrily march along the hilly path, as he scrunched up his muzzle and responded, “It doesn’t matter what you think, or what you say! I’m STILL gonna be the greatest adventurer any mon has ever seen! Just you wait!”
Oak let out a second sigh as Pikachu promptly began to respond, until a fluttering of wings sounded, followed by a whirlwind of feathers slamming into the traveling mons, and while Oak remained standing through the attack, it sent his young charges rolling down the hillside, “Ash! Pikachu!” Before he could follow, a few of Spearow swooped low, and began to harry the Charmeleon.
For Ash and Pikachu, things weren’t much better. They rolled heel over head down the large hill, through mostly grass, over a few rocks and recently made mud, until they harshly slammed into a particularly hard bush.
Pikachu was the first to regain his footing, shaking his head vigorously and looking around, with fearful glances, only seeing stretches and bends of tall, thick bushes, with wet, glistening leaves acting as walls. A creeping worry entered him as he saw the way they had come in had disappeared, “Oh no. We must have fallen into a dungeon! A-and Oak isn’t here!”
Ash furiously leapt to his paws, lightly fixing and brushing some mud off his hat in the process, “Those jerks! They must have planned this! Shoving travelers down the hill into the mouth of a dungeon!” He quickly took in the surrounding area with worry etching itself into his features, “Oak could be in danger! We have to hurry!”
Frowning, Pikachu gestured around them, his arm shaking slightly, “And how do we do that when we’re stuck in a dungeon?”
Ash returned Pikachu’s frown with his own, “By getting out, that’s how!”
“Oh, because it’s just that easy. So easy, why those outlaws will probably escort us out of here, apologize to us and throw us a tea party.” Said Pikachu, sarcasm dripping from his words.
Clenching his paws into fists, Ash bared his teeth in frustration, “Oh shut up! You don’t have a plan, but I do! Dungeons are always weirdly formed, like mazes! So, I’m going to follow one wall of the dungeon until I find the stairs, then I’ll do it again, and again! As many floors as it takes to get out of here, and back to Oak and then I’ll bring these outlaws to justice!” 
Pikachu took a step towards Ash, his sarcastic sneer morphing into a look of fury as he spoke, “And how exactly are you going to deliver justice even if you get out? If anything, had you actually got up early, like you were supposed to, like cousin Gary did, we wouldn’t be in this mess. Maybe if it looked like you even tried training, and weren’t so obviously pathetic to the point you don’t even have a partner to form a team with yet, OAK wouldn’t be alone with a bunch of outlaws right now!” He shouted, similarly balling up his fists.
Ash was silent, taken aback before his surprise changed to a quivering indignation as his eyes took on a particular sheen. The Riolu turned on his heel and began to stomp away, staying near the right hand wall, “You can j-just stay here with your brilliant plan of nothing while I actually go and TRY something!” Ash yelled as he refused to turn around, his voice breaking near the end.
Pikachu felt annoyance flood through him, and even a bit of remorse, while sparks bounced from his cheeks while he absorbed Ash’s rebuttal, absorbed the obvious emotions he was forcing down as he walked away. He was split, definitely disliking the idea of following after Ash, seeing him as the reason they were in the mess, even if he had a point about trying to get out. He just didn’t think the Riolu could do anything to help. Still, a sigh overcame him, it would be wrong to leave Ash to his own devices.
He may not like the pup, but Pikachu doubted he could face Oak or Gary if anything happened to him. As much as Gary had mocked Ash the few times Pikachu had met him, he could still feel the warmth in the words the eevee spoke. And Oak would never forgive himself if Ash so much as got hurt under his watch.
With a half hearted grimace, Pikachu took after the angry Riolu, managing to catch up relatively quickly. As he approached, brushing a bit against the hedgewall, Ash whipped his head around, apparently expecting an outlaw, only to scowl and turn forward again. “W-what? Got bored doing nothing?” Even in that quick moment before he turned away, Pikachu thought Ash’s eyes looked a little red.
Despite his sour mood resurfacing, Pikachu let out a mix of a sigh and a groan, “I followed because somebody has to make sure you don’t get yourself killed until you get to the guild.”
Ash scoffed, turning down a new path along with the wall, “I don’t need your help.”
“New guild recruits don’t even get asked to deal with outlaws, and you think you, without even being part of the guild yet, can take on multiple outlaws?” Pikachu asked in exasperation.
Ash refused to turn to Pikachu as he responded, “It doesn’t matter! I’m not going to stand by and hide when outlaws are attacking somebody, especially not Professor Oak!”
Pikachu was formulating a response when a fluttering of wings, and from a side path barreled a Spearow who almost slammed into Pikachu who managed to dodge. Before Ash or Pikachu could properly think, a cacophony of wings flapped from the same passageway and a veritable flood of Spearow began to pour from the path.
Both of them made the same decisions and booked it away from the recovering Spearow and his friends.
Pikachu spared a single glance and blanched at the sheer volume of Spearow fluttering after them, “How many Spearow does it take to attack travelers like this?!”
Even as he ran, breathing heavily, with fear clear on his voice, he growled out, “Probably too cowardly to attack anybody without overwhelming force!”
“Rich coming from the ‘greatest adventurer’ who’s running from outlaws!” Pikachu yelled.
“Great adventurers are not suicidal! And you’re running away with me!” Ash retorted.
Before more arguing could commence, Pikachu felt a sudden pain to his back, as weight slammed into him, throwing him off balance and sending him to the muddy floor. He gasped for air after a moment, struggling to his paws and sending a thunder wave out blindly, in the rough direction his attacker came from.
A screech sounded success for his efforts, but another feathered fiend slammed into him with a peck, wrenching a scream from him as he was sent tumbling back into the mud. Before he could even try to stand again, more and more attacks slammed into him from all sides as the legion of feathers descended on him. Beaks and claws lunged for him whichever way he twisted to get away, whenever he tried to summon his electricity to protect himself, with his attempts slowly waning, faltering under the constant barrage.
Only for the constant attacks, the pressure, to lift with the sound of squawks and fleshy thumps. He felt himself be lifted up, to begin to be carried, if quickly and roughly. With a groan he cracked his eyes open, finding himself in Ash’s arms, a stalwart look on the Riolu’s face, even when he winced from a stumbled dodge, or glancing blow from the Spearow, he refused to stop. Pikachu grimaced as the pains lingered, or were aggravated by the jostling movement of Ash.
Despite his dodging and tenacity, Ash’s determination could only go on so long, and so, a Spearow came up beside, and slammed into them, sending the duo tumbling into an open section of the dungeon. Ash coughed as he tried to catch his breath, and Pikachu grit his teeth as the tumble hit every bruise he had.
Shaking his head, Pikachu shakily tried to get to his feet, only to be slammed to the ground from a very angry peck. “Kah! I hate ‘lectric types! Always give me muscle spasms!” A Spearow growled.
“Well what do ya expect? You were the one underestimating an electric type, again. ‘S like ya didn’t even try an dodge.” A calmer Spearow answered.
The first ruffled his feathers, “Don’t matter none! Let’s just knock this ‘lectric out and be done with this.”
Pikachu tried again to stand, only for his hand to slip through the mud, landing him on his side. He clenched his teeth harder and closed his eyes, awaiting the pain to befall him again as the thumping of Spearow talons played across the floor towards him. Only the pain didn’t come, and the thumping took a tonal change, accompanied by a pair of squawks.
He blinked his eyes open and looked ahead to see the two Spearow thrown to the ground and Ash standing in between the Spearow and Pikachu defiantly. More outlaw Spearow entered into the room, followed by a large Fearow.
The Fearow glared down at Ash, a sneer on his tone, “Rambunctious little pup, ain’t you? Normally I’d expect a youngun like you to quiver and cower. So… Playing at being a hero for your little friend?”
Ash growled and hardened his stance, preparing to be rushed, “I am Ash Riolu of Pallet Town! I’m going to be the greatest adventurer the world has ever seen! And I won’t let you hurt Pikachu, or anyone, anymore!”
A laugh rippled through the congregation of Spearow before the Fearow answered, “Well, nice dream you’ve got, hate to tell you, pup, but we’re going to have to break it!” Without hesitation, the surrounding Spearow launched forward, towards Ash.
Pikachu watched as, even in the face of overwhelming enemies, Ash stood his ground, lashing his paws out at Spearow after Spearow, watched as the young Riolu refused to dodge, preferring to take the flurry of pecks coming his way if it meant slamming his paw into their face or chest. The more Ash punched, the faster he seemed to get, his paws even becoming laced with blue light that appeared to grow brighter. At least until the Fearow charged in, throwing Ash back, harshly onto the ground. From Pikachu’s view, despite the cuts, the bruises and the mud, he sustained, Ash got to his feet, his hat abandoned on the floor, and stiltedly, shakily took a fighting pose once again. “I… I won’t let you…”
“Have to hand it to ya,” The Fearow jeered, “Ain’t every day we find some mon with your kind of fighting spirit. Your electric Rattata fell quite quickly, yet here we have a fighting type like yourself holding up. Were things even a little more in your favor, maybe ya’d have made it out, guess it’s just your unlucky day.”
The world seemed to slow down to Pikachu, as the Fearow and surrounding Spearow charged, intense expressions promising to end Ash’s defiance. He felt sparks lance across his body, as determination filled him up, and through the pain, Pikachu lurched from the ground, forcing his muscles to leap over Ash, who looked up in surprise. With a scowl on his face, Pikachu forced all his strength into the electricity that sparked, and let it out in a massive blast, “Ha CHU!”
The sound of thunder blasted across the dungeon room, as the blinding electrical light shone. Only for silence to reign.
Ash had fallen to his knees, surprise played across his face, his breathing heavy. The outlaws all laid out upon the ground in various heaps as sparks leapt from their unconscious forms. It took Ash a few moments to center himself long enough to process the sight before him, until he saw a prone yellow form, “Pikachu!” Ash exclaimed, as he tried to get to his feet, only to wince and stumble. Still, he forced himself to crawl to Pikachu’s side. “Pikachu, are you okay?” 
A groan was his only response at first, until Pikachu struggled to roll over, “Ugh… I feel like I was bullied by a thunderstorm.”
The statement pulled a laugh from Ash, as he looked at Pikachu, scuffed and bruised, and covered in mud from the amount of times he’d been thrown to the dungeon floor, but definitely better than the lightly smoking forms of the feathered outlaws. “You know, that was pretty cool.” He said with a tired, if ecstatic smile, “You took down, like, ten outlaws in one attack!”
Another groan sounded from Pikachu, “Silver linings.” There was a moment of silence between the two, before Pikachu looked at Ash, particularly a cut on the Riolu’s cheek, worry in his eyes, “… What about you? They didn’t get you too badly did they?”
At Pikachu’s words, Ash put on a brave face, “Ah, I’m fine. It’s gonna take more than a few flying types to take me down!” Only to wince, and hold his side, “But… they did get a few hits in.”
Pikachu let out a sigh, slowly sitting up with a pained grimace. “Ash, you’re a fighting type. What were you doing jumping in front of a hoard of flying type outlaws? You could have been seriously hurt.”
Ash chuckled as he braced Pikachu’s back as best he could, “We both got hurt a little, but we managed to get through it fine.” He smiled at Pikachu, a sincere expression that was very different from the looks Ash had given him even only a little while ago, “Besides, I couldn’t just let them hurt you. And that attack you did, that was totally awesome!”
The Riolu’s tail wagged, conveying his smile, while Pikachu sighed and shook his head, though even he was unable to keep a smile of his own off his face. “Glad you think so, ‘cause it hurt a lot, even on my end.” Smile still on his face, Pikachu turned back to Ash, “But I’m glad you’re okay.” His eyes flicked down in mild surprise, “Huh, looks like your hat landed here.”
Ash’s tail picked up speed as he reached for the surprisingly nearby hat, and put it on his head, “Thank goodness. I would have hated to lose it before Oak got me to Indigo Plateau at least.” There was a moment of peace, only for Ash’s eyes to bug out of his skull, “Wait! We forgot about Professor Oak!”
Pikachu immediately tried to stand, only to wobble and fall back with a gasp, “We-we have to go help him!”
“No arguments there!” Ash said, and with surprising gentleness, helped Pikachu to his feet, letting him lean on Ash as they tried their best to hurry to the exit. Their urgency led to Ash going a bit too fast, causing Pikachu to harshly suck air through his teeth. “S-sorry!” Ash said, shifting his grip on his friend.
Pikachu shook his head, “No, no problem. We need to get to Oak before the rest of the outlaws get to him. No way all of them followed us in here.”
But, as they awkwardly shuffled around the knocked out outlaws towards the room’s exit, a disheveled looking Professor Oak flew around the corner, wisps of smoke flying from the corners of his mouth, “Boys! Boys are you okay?”
“Uncle Oak!” Pikachu yelled in relief as he leapt at the Charmeleon, grabbing him in a hug. Ash happily followed behind as Pikachu lightly pulled away with a questioning expression, “How’d you get away from the outlaws?”
Oak was about to respond when Ash let out an amazed, “Whoa! Hey, Pikachu look at this!” His interruption surprised both Pikachu and Oak enough that Pikachu hobbled a bit away from his uncle to look down the hall, seeing a decent few Spearow, far more than Ash could have hit before they ran, lay splayed out across the forested dungeon corridor, with small bits of smoke still dissipating over them. Ash cheerfully pointed at the outlaws as he looked at Pikachu, “You must have blasted these guys too!”
Pikachu gaped at the outlaws and Ash’s exclamation, before turning to Oak, “R-really?”
Oak glanced from the corridor to the room the two boys had left and chuckled, “I suppose you had more strength than you thought, hmm? But now, we should get out of this dungeon. Outlaws, or no outlaws”
Rather quickly, and decently painlessly, Oak led the two through the dungeon, finding it mercifully short, so much so, they managed to avoid running into any dungeon inhabitants. As the trio trudged up the muddy hill that Ash and Pikachu had been thrown down, the rain from before beginning to end, Oak fished an odd device out of his scuffed lab coat, and began to tap away at it.
“Professor?” Ash began to ask in mild awe, “Is that a Pokedex?”
Oak looked up from the device, giving it one last tap, “Ah, yes this is a Pokedex. Being a professor has its perks, and the guild has been kind enough to let me borrow a few over the years. I’m just sending a message so nearby guild teams can come and scoop up the outlaws. Don’t want them waking up and getting away to do this again.” He smiled at the pup, “I’m sure you’ll get one yourself soon enough once you get onto a guild team.”
His words brought pause to Ash, who shuffled in place before turning to Pikachu, “Hey, Pikadchu? Can I ask you a question?”
“Uh, sure Ash. What is it?” Pikachu said as he looked at Ash, quirking an eyebrow.
Ash fiddled with his paws for a moment before tilting his head slightly, “Would-would you like to make a team with me?”
Pikachu blinked a few times, mouth opening and closing for a moment, “Why? I-I mean, why would you want me on a team? We… didn’t exactly get along.”
The Riolu nodded, his aura feelers bobbing along as he looked to the side, “Yeah, yeah. And you were right when you said I didn’t even have a partner, like Gary did.” He turned his gaze back Pikachu, a small smile on his face, “But, I think we worked well together, had each others’ backs when it mattered, and I’d really like to have someone like you by my side on my adventure.”
Still trying to process it all, Pikachu tried to deflect slightly, though with a small smirk, “Even if we fight like we did back there?”
Ash rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, “Yeah, we kinda got off on the wrong foot didn’t we? But… you weren’t really wrong. Still.” He said, extending a paw, “Offer’s still open.”
Pikachu watched Ash’s paw, his thoughts continuing to tumble in uncertainty. He looked at Ash, the Riolu smiling despite the bruises, cuts and mud that covered him, and let out a sigh, “Oh, what the heck.” And he took Ash’s paw in his own, gently shaking it, “It’s… I don’t have any plans, really anyway. Uh,” He turned to Professor Oak, “It is okay, right uncle?”
The Charmeleon chuckled and pat Pikachu on his head, “I’m certain your mother would be happy to hear about this, more than anything. Either way, you have my full support.”
With a renewed, glowing grin, Pikachu nodded and turned back to Ash, “Then I guess it’s official.”
Ash happily pumped his paw into the air, “Yes!”
Oak watched the two, glad to see the two finding a camaraderie between them, “Well, congratulations to you two. I’d say this deserves a little something.” Without another word, he whipped out two Pokedex which he held out to the two of them.
Ash snatched his quickly, grinning almost ferally at the electronic rectangle, “Really?!” Only for the smile to fall, being replaced by a look of confusion, “But we’re not even officially a guild team yet.”
“Like I said, the guild has entrusted me with a few here or there. I’m sure they won’t mind me giving you two your Pokedexs a little early.” Oak said with a wink.
Pikachu took his Pokedex, more gently than Ash did, “All of this feels so sudden.” He glanced to Ash who was admiring his new gadget and smiled, “Not that that’s bad I guess.”
Professor Oak nodded, “Well, with all that excitement, we should probably get a move on. We’ve already been waylaid enough as it is.”
The two young Pokemon voiced their agreement, and tucked their respective Pokedexs away before beginning to follow Professor Oak once again. All of them were sore and tired, but far happier than the previous argumentative atmosphere that followed them before.
After a while of walking, the group crest a large hill. Ash eagerly rushed forward for a better view, smiling at the nearby city, the silhouette of farther off buildings rising above the surrounding trees, and off to the side, on a mountain, was the intricate complex that was the heart of the Indigo Guild, Indigo Plateau. Tying it all together, was a rainbow, shining over the land.
As Ash admired the view, something caught his eye, that pointed to excitedly, “Hey, who’s that Pokemon there? Flying through the rainbow?”
Oak and Pikachu walked up next to Ash and squinted at the figure, flying in the distance. Oak hummed and smiled at the Riolu, “Well, there are many Pokemon across the world. Some unknown, some legendary, or mythical that only tales tell of great adventurers encountering them. Maybe you’ll get to meet them someday.”
Ash watched as the large, flying Pokemon sparkled as it passed the rainbow and out of sight, before speaking to Pikachu, “There’s so many secrets in the world. And we’re gonna see them all!”
Pikachu shook his head with a laugh, “Gonna find every secret as we journey far and wide, huh?”
“Of course!” Ash said, taking in the sight before him, what was but a small fragment of the world he was going to see, “And this is the first step of our journey.”
Pikachu watched Ash, watched his excitement with a smile. He gently took Ash’s paw into his own, and Ash looked down with a little confusion, “Our journey to be the greatest?”
Ash laughed and pumped their entwined paws into the air, “The greatest adventuring team the world’s ever seen!”
A/N: This was originally going to be written for a 5K oneshot writing challenge some time ago, but I hit a snag and some depression which held off me finishing this, and in fact, the negative thoughts tried to get me to delete what I had already written, though luckily I managed not too, and finally got around to finishing this.
The initial idea was very simple, a loose adaptation of the first Pokemon anime episode but set in a PMD style world, and while it still is, I have scrounged up a decent amount of ideas for where this world could go next. What Pokemon the various characters would be, what changes to things could happen, either because “I wanna” to mostly necessitated due to the fact that everyone is a Pokemon so certain aspects may not exactly translate well. The various LORE and world building to how the guild league functions, how gyms and badges work and so on.
All that potential is why this, initially just a oneshot, is open to have more chapters added, if I can get my brain to agree, along with all the other story ideas rumbling around in my head, as even a loose adaptation of the adventures from the anime into this “Pokemon Anime but PMD AU’ would be a significant undertaking which would rumble alongside my many other “significant undertakings” that my brain dares to throw at me as story ideas. And then many of my smaller story ideas tend to get away from me and balloon into giant undertakings as well, hah. But, I’ll see what I can throw here from time to time, especially if I can get my writing speed up compared to how it is currently.
As always, thoughts, opinions, pointing out writing errors and more are always welcome in the comments, and thank you for spending some of your time to read what I’ve written.
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blue-hamble · 11 months
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Must all pirates be filled only with jest and rowdiness and fun? Is it not enough to look to the sea and sky, and yearn?
Uisge regards your questions with a smile as he absently plucks at his instrument. Even when he normally speaks, his voice is rich and melodious--soft without a melody to follow. Roses fail to completely mask the sharp scent of malt and ashes. (lore below the cut)
"Uisge" grew up with a different name, in a small Ice clan that was close-knit but not particularly affectionate. He was fascinated by fiction, specifically romantic art and music (of which his own family didn't show too much interest). He would devour books and pictures and performances with gusto. He threw his lot with the first wandering ship that came by, and started his career as a bard among pirates! Uisge learned a lot and was happy, despite the occasional brush with danger. He grew fond of his crewmates and delighted in performing to an enthusiastic audience (even salty sea dogs can shed a tear for love!); he named himself and took the surname "Chladach" after the ship. One evening, a touch too tipsy, Uisge decided to sneak off the ship and fool around with fellow enthusiasts of song and soliloquy. He awoke to news of ash, and the charred remains of his ship and crewmates--an attack in the night from old rivals had taken them by surprise, leaving no survivors. In sorrow Uisge turned back to the taverns and pubs that saved his life and mourned. His lyre and voice carried his pain and made him a fairly popular performer. Tales of a "lovelorn picaroon" yearning for something to ease the heartbreak of a lost home, penning dozens of songs and burning these unsent letters in hopes their ashes will reach the intended dead. Ultimately Uisge mourns that he cannot seem to stop mourning. His habits of imbibing alcohol and casual arson leave much to be desired, and his persistently lovelorn works (though quite popular! and indeed very good) do not soften his grief. Presently he has befriended Captain Emerald, a corsair and captain of the Tsunami Gem. Emerald had recommended to him the services of a sort-of ghost (?) therapist, Neomeris, and it seems to be doing quite a lot of good! He is not a formal member of the crew, but often travels with them.
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