#Do you use egg whites or yolk for breading?
eatingexpired · 2 years
Do you use egg whites or yolk for breading?
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Do you use egg whites or yolk for breading?
What happens if I use egg white instead of egg yolk?
When breading chicken Do you use the whole egg?
Can you use egg whites for chicken breading?
Can you use egg whites instead of whole egg for breading?
Can you use egg yolk for breading?
Does egg yolk or white bind?
0 notes
maxgicalgirl · 1 year
My sister is trying to cook homemade chicken nuggets and she called me to ask questions and coach her through it like girl I have no idea how to cook these will be the worst chicken nuggets ever made
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fuckingrecipes · 13 days
Do you have advice on the art of sandwiches? I feel like i my best sandwich at home is still leagues below the worst sandwich ive bought at a restaurant
Since sandwiches are infinitely variable, I'm going to assume you're trying to make my favorite sandwich: the Turkey Club, sandwich style not sub style.
Your goal is to MAXIMIZE FLAVOR.
Thicker bread. Standard slice size for bread isn't going to cut it, here. You want thick-slice bread.
Sourdough, or French Bread not 'White' bread. You want it chewy, with a thicker crust. Hearty.
Extra-Heavy Mayo. Restaurants do not use standard mayo from the grocery. Extra-heavy mayo has a higher ratio of egg yolks, giving it a richer flavor and thicker consistency for both spreading and using in tuna or egg salad. It's also more of a warm ivory color, rather than 'white.'
Instead of yellow deli mustard, try a ground-whole-seed mustard. It has a spicier, richer profile, and a little more vinegar.
Be generous with condiments. You're making a good sandwich, not cutting calories.
SEASON your sandwich. Dust the vegetables - salt and pepper goes a long way! Dried oregano, onion powder, garlic powder are also champs. My fave is to take a spicy blend (like a fajita seasoning blend) and sprinkle generously over the mayo before adding other stuff.
Lettuce CRUNCH is important. Include the pale crispy parts in your sandwich, not just the soft green leaf parts. Use romaine and arugula, not 'iceburg' lettuce, which has next to zero flavor.
If you're using texture leafy greens like arugula, toss it in a vinaigrette before piling it onto the sandwich. The vinegar zing makes a statement.
The tomato should have a strong flavor of its own. Salt & pepper on ripe tomato is heavenly. Make sure your seasoning hits the tomato.
If you're adding onion, make sure the slices are super duper thin-sliced. Like, mandolin-thin. Translucent-thin. Red onion is king.
If you want it toasted, make sure the cheese and meat gets hot, but the greens/tomato/onion is added afterward so it stays cold and crisp.
Don't be afraid to STACK IT TALL. CRAM IT FULL! How many sandwiches from restaurants feel impossible to fit in your mouth at first glance? Most of 'em. Make it big. With the meat, especially, they often CRAM the meat in there. No single-layer of ham slices here.
It's ok to MIX MEATS. Fry up some bacon (extra crispy!) or crisp up some pepperoni and layer it with your turkey.
Once you're done, wrap your sandwich in parchment paper (not WAX paper, there's a difference), then slice in half. By wrapping it, you force all the ingredients to smush together and start blending flavors. This makes 'em all a little better and stops them from sliding around, so it's easy to get a bite with every ingredient at once, and stops the sandwich from actually falling apart.
Honestly, the biggest 'secrets' of sandwich making is:
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somber-cryptid · 22 days
Kim Rok Soo learning to cook at a really young age.
Like. Five or six. When there was nothing ready to eat in his uncle's cabinets that he could find. The milk had gone bad, and the only other thing in the fridge was an egg or two.
His uncle hadn't been back for two days, and he preferred it that way. He could wash his own clothes in the sink and hang them to dry by the window. Get up for school by himself, dress himself, and walk to school by himself. The only issue was food.
He got food at school for free. That was the best food in Kim Rok Soo's opinion. Food he did not have to risk asking his uncle for. His teachers even praised him for eating all of his side dishes when his classmates were picky about theirs. Being picky was something that you needed money for.
Kim Rok Soo didn't have any money. If he did, then his uncle probably took it with him. When he was older, he'd get a bunch of money and share it with everyone but his uncle. That would be a while, though, and he was hungry now.
Yesterday, he'd eaten the last slice of bread in the entire apartment (he'd checked everywhere, even his uncle's room.) It'd been moldy, but as his uncle often said, 'beggars can't be choosers.' Kim Rok Soo now missed the bread he'd had to pick little blue spots off of. He should've eaten the spots, too. Maybe then he wouldn't be as hungry as he was right now.
Now he stood in front of the fridge (careful not to open it, his uncle got mad if kim rok soo ran up the electricity bill) thinking hard about the egg sitting inside of it. What if his uncle got home and wanted the egg? Then what? Get hit a lot just because Kim Rok Soo couldn't wait until the next day? It wasn't even the weekend yet.
Kim Rok Soo still ended up opening the fridge and holding the egg in his hand. He could crack it open over a cup and slurp it down. Kim Rok Soo didn't want to take such a risk for something he couldn't even chew though.
So he decided to cook it. He'd seen it in books, television, and even in person when his uncle was still nice to him. If he could do the rest by himself, he could do this by himself, too.
Kim Rok Soo gathered his supplies (a stool to stand on, a pan, and his uncle's egg) and stood in front of the stove. Remembering what cooking an egg looked like, he cracked his egg on the counter and emptied the inside onto the pan. A few eggshells fell in, but Kim Rok Soo just picked them out like he did the blue spots in the bread.
He knew which knob to use to turn the stove on, but he didn't know how much. So he decided to turn it halfway and left it on medium.
Kim Rok Soo stood there for what he felt was an eternity just watching his uncle's egg. Then the edges started to turn white, and he felt a little thrill. His stomach grumbled in anticipation. The pan kept getting hotter, and eventually, Kim Rok Soo couldn't see the pan through the egg anymore. As far as Kim Rok Soo knew, the egg was done.
A very smart child, Kim Rok Soo made sure to turn off the stove. His uncle had left it on before and blamed him for it, so Kim Rok Soo couldn't forget how important it was.
He put his plate on the table and then tried to flip the pan over so the egg would come out. The yolk hit the side of his plate, but the rest of his egg didn't budge. Kim Rok Soo frowned.
What the hell? It never ended up that way for anybody else. He'd just have to ask the auntie downstairs about it. She'd taught him how to fold his shirts too.
In the end, Kim Rok Soo found a spoon and scraped the rest of the egg into his plate.
It was pretty good, or at least Kim Rok Soo thought so. He was still hungry afterwards, but not as hungry. The entire process left him feeling satisfied. Another thing he could do on his own. Soon enough, he'd be able to live on his own and never see his uncle again.
Thinking about it, he'd have to get a job too, wouldn't he? You had to earn your meals after all.
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the-jellicle-duelist · 5 months
do you have fresh pasta advice? specifically ravioli. I am finding a recipe now and made tortellini once before with some success but I trust you on all things food
i have advice for almost everything !
generalllyyyyyy speaking 1 cup of flour + 1 egg + 1/2 tsp of salt will get you to pasta dough. the dials you can turn are typically adding More egg yolks.
for ravioli specifically, you need to make sure you develop enough gluten. this can be accomplished in a lot of ways, but the thing to keep in mind is that the more yolks you add, the more difficult it will be to develop gluten. because yolks are primarily fat with some water. and fat inhibits gluten development.
your dough needs to be strong enough so that you can roll it Thin enough that when you lay the dough on top of itself, it has enough structural integrity it won’t rip or tear either thru pressing it together, or during cooking
pasta dough is pretty dry by design, which makes developing gluten harder. so my best advice for the mixing portion is to get your dough combined until it’s not got dry spots but isn’t smooth. cover it, and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. this will hydrate the flour and naturally develop your gluten without much need to Knead
after that time, give it a few kneads to get it smoother. you should at this point wrap it up and refrigerate it for at least an hour, but 3 or 4 is ideal. you can also make a bigger batch, and then divide it and freeze it at this point
when it comes to the rolling part, i’m assuming you’re using a machine although rolling pins will also work with this advice.
with ravioli, you will want to go a step or even two more thin than with a fresh tagliatelle or similar, because again you’re basically going to double the thickness of each raviolo at its seams and edges.
it’s going to get Really Long. so start with a small piece of dough. and run it thru the machine and get it to half of the thickness levels. fold it over a few times onto itself. and start over. here again, this is also kneading the dough, but it’s also elongating the gluten strands which builds strength. (if you bake bread at all and have done stretch and folds, this is a similar principle)
your dough should be really smooth at this point. if it’s sticking at all, you can very lightly dust some flour onto the surface of the dough. but don’t go insane. if it’s cracking or splitting, repeat the previous step. i have done this sometimes two or even three times so if it isn’t Smooth, give it another go
at this point, you’re ready to do the final rolling. on your machine, process it thru each thickness until you’re down to your last 2 (some machines have 6, 7 or even 10 levels of thickness it just depends)
if your dough lets a ton of light thru, you’re probably too thin. you want the level above. if you go to thin, you can reroll it out it will be fine
the Right thickness will be something that when you fold over on itself feels more or less like where you would stop for regular pasta. (usually this is the 2nd or 3rd to last setting depending on your machine) and then fill however you want. egg white thoroughly mixed with a small amount of water makes a good sealant (and you might have an egg white if you added yolk to your base dough.) but also water works well. if you’re dough has been kind of sticky you may not need any water at all.
a lot of this is Feel, and Intuition which is unfortunately hard to convey over a tumblr post. but hopefully this gives you some things to think about as you go forth on your ravioli adventure.
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ediet-the-right-way · 14 days
Today’s (Family Sized) Meal Prep ✨
Keeping everything clean and to minimal ingredients
As I don’t want my children to also struggle with eating disorder, I try and keep everything as clean and unprocessed as possible. (In addition, making sure to do the opposite of how my parents fed us where me and my siblings were all obese growing up …)
For myself, I have my own food I make. I made plain old chicken breast, purple potato, I have a tub of seaweed salad, and I made some sautéed cabbage, and egg whites, with separated egg yolks.
For the family, I made home made sandwich bread (or I’m attempting rather, I guess we’ll see when it’s out of the oven 🤡), but it was with whole wheat flour and Monkfruit instead of sugar to keep it sugar free. I also made them rice, orange sweet potato, and going to make the rest of the chicken for them.
Cooking in bulk like this, I have had no cravings for any of this food and no want at all to binge. I didn’t eat any of it while prepping it, (aside from a taste test to make sure things were cooked right). I find that meal prepping clean, unprocessed foods, you’re more in tune with your hunger cues. Eating clean makes this much more manageable.
Pics below ✨
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See you later ✨
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evelyn-art-05 · 2 years
ooo if it’s not too much trouble, could you please share the recipe? even thought i’m sure i’ll fail (by my standers bc if it’s not perfect i failed lmao) i’d still love to give it a shot
ofc!! it's no problem :D and don't worry mine wasn't perfect either!! it was my first try
* 3/4 cup warm whole milk
* 3 tbsp white granulated sugar
* 2 and 1/4 tsp active/instant yeast
* 1/4 cup unsalted (or salted doesn't matter) softened butter
* 1 large egg
* 2 and 1/3 cups flour
* 2 egg yolks
* pour milk into small or medium saucepan/pot, and place under medium heat until it is warm to the touch (wash your hands!)
* pour milk into large mixing bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer, and add sugar and yeast. lightly whisk, and leave to sit for about 10 to 15 minutes. mixture should double or triple in size! (make sure there's a good layer of foam on top from the yeast)
* once the mixture is done sitting, add in the softended butter and egg, and whisk together (the butter should not be melted, and it will likely be in chunks in the mix. that is okay!)
* using a stand mixer (or a wooden spoon if you're me), mix in flour until it is tougher to mix. then, using the hook attachment (still a wooden spoon for me, my arms hurt [you can also dip your hands in flour and mix it that way! much easier for mex even if it's a bit messy. just keep kneading and squishing the dough together]) to knead in the dough until soft and smooth
* the dough should still be sticky at this point. place it on a clean, lightly floured surface, and knead the dough (adding bits of flour as desired) until the surface is no longer completely sticky to the touch (feel free to knead for a while! it's relaxing and the longer you do it, the more the bread will be able to soften and rise when baking)
* place the dough in a lightly greased bowl with a rag or towel covering the top and let it sit for an hour and a half to rise. dough should double in size (don't panic if it doesn't fully! that's also fine)
* when the dough is done rising, remove from the dough and separate it into 8 or 9 balls of dough. you can do this by either cutting it or ripping it and then smoothing it out
* line a 9x9 baking pan with parchment paper (or just grease it), and place the dough balls inside as desired. preheat your oven to 350° Fahrenheit. Using two large eggs, separate the egg yolks from the rest of the egg and spread the mixed yolk on top of the rolls before baking (this will create that perfect golden brown top! it will keep it from being crunchy and will instead be bouncy)
* Bake the bread rolls for 20-25 minutes, or until the tops are golden brown and have a decent resistance when pressed. remove from the baking pan and let cool until no longer buning to touch, and then enjoy! :)
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ask-red-guy-dhmis · 3 months
Is it this guy?
Fish and juice
Steak and beef
Beans and eggs
Steak, eggs
Are you hungry?
You look to be a bit hungry
Duh, duh, duh, duh
Lots of people get hungry
That's your body
Hungry comes from your body
Get off me
But your body
It must, to have to be healthy
What's that? A tasty snack
You don't want to go around and eat a snack like that
Greedy, to eat all that
You'll end up with your teeth all grey
Do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, doing healthy
Food is talking
Let's get healthy now
You see, the body is like a special house
With blood, hair and organs in the different rooms
Oh look, there's Mr. Bladder there in the basement, ha, ha
Now food comes in through the chimney, mouth
And goes from room to room, greeting the different organs
Now, the good healthy food is very nice and polite to the organs
And so, is invited to stay for the party
But the bad, not healthy food
Are very rude and must leave through the cat flap
That doesn't make sense
To, to, to, to, to
To, to, to, to, to, to be healthy
What's that? A tasty snack
You don't want to go around and eat a snack like that
Greedy to eat all of that
You'll end up with your gums all grey
Yeah, but something's wrong
Exactly, how do we know which ones are the healthy foods to eat?
Well, that's easy
The food groups can easily be sorted using the simple health shape
Choosing normal plain looking foods
Such as bread, cream, white sauce and aspic
Keep the body ticking over just nicely
Isn't that right?
I need to go
But wait!
What's this?
Fancy, show-offy foods like
Cooked meats, fruit salad, soil food, and yolk
These foods will clog up the body
With unnecessary detail
Oh, no! Look, It's all broken and on the floor
Everything tastes great
Maybe we should wait before we put it on the plate
Or it could be too late
I don't want to do this any more
I choose a pizza slice
Bread and cheese will taste so nice
What's that? A pizza slice
But you're better off with plain white sauce
What's that? Plain white sauce
Plain white sauce makes your teeth go grey
Doesn't matter, just throw it away
Why not try something else on your tray
Oh, what's that? A lovely pie
But you're going to end up sad inside
Ewh! Sad inside
But everyone has their teeth go grey
Just eat yeast and it'll go away
But how much have you had today?
Too much yeast makes your teeth go grey
How about some onion paste?
Looks like fun, have a taste
That wasn't onion paste
You shouldn't eat food in a stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's...
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josiesbooksauce · 2 months
i originally wanted this to be a place where I read absurd d!et books and try the absurd d!et found therein
i still plan on doing that but I'm going to start with something else
i found this d!et on tiktok: Allstar Cheer D!ets & Routine Rules
if its hard to read, don't worry, i'll transcribe it below
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Weekly Weigh-In's (Be Responsible)
5'0-5'3 - 90-100 lb 5'4 - 5'6 - 100-105 lb 5'7-5'9 - 105-115 lb
*Do NOT eat 20 hours before a competitions (Our uniforms are tight for a reason!) *Drink at LEAST 2.5 liters of water a day *You may only drink water or another drink IF approved by one of your coaches *Fast from 7 pm - 8 am *Two pieces of fruit per day *Only 3 snacks a week (Choose Wisely) *NO white bread *NO pasta at ALL! *Nothing cooked or fried with oil *Please skip out on lunch during school *Get your protein goals in (provided by one of your coaches) *No dressings on your salads! *Download the "MyNetDiary" or "Myfitnesspal" apps and log everything! *No Cows Milk (find a low-calorie substitute) *No butter *No egg yolks (Only use egg whites please!) *One week before competitions you are expected to restrict your food intake *Anything in a package is not good for you please avoid them as much as possible! *No Desserts
so I’m going to follow this as closely as possible. “school” will be replaced with work. “coach” will be replaced with an ai coach. my ai coach said I could drink diet soda, tea, black coffee, almond milk, and protein shakes (no alcohol tho :/) and she said I should eat 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
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tf2-oneshots · 1 year
hullo i heard you like mediscout *slides this request to you like a crisp $20 bill*
medic tries to make some kind of classic german food for dinner and scout won’t leave him the hell alone. medic enjoys the company but pretends to be annoyed. :3
Mediscout is *chef’s kiss*
Warning: none!
Rating: General
A heavy, white onion is washed and peeled in a kitchen sink. Medic places it next to peeled potatoes on a cutting board. Fetching a knife, he cuts into the vegetables, shaping each slice according to the recipe book sat on the counter. Halfway through his cutting, the sharp squeak of sneakers rapidly approaches.
“Yo, doc! Didn’t realize it was your turn to cook. Lucky for you, I’m here to help.” Scout swings himself into the kitchen, shoving himself right in Medic’s workspace. The doctor nudges him with a hip and continues chopping the vegetables.
“The offer is appreciated, but I can do it myself. Run along and set the table.” Two eggs are taken from the fridge and cracked into a bowl. He squints at a pesky piece of shell that fell into the egg whites and carefully takes it out.
“Already did that, daddy-o. You like that? Heard it on tv last night. Yeah, you totally like it.” An eye roll. Medic takes out a fork, whisking the yolks despite an actual whisk being a mere five feet away. Using his much wider torso, he blocks Scout from working his way towards the ingredients.
“What are you making? Is it fries? I like mine super crispy, like, the really crunchy kind.” Scout can’t explain it, but chomping down on them satisfies something inside of him. He tries standing on his toes to peer over the German’s shoulder, but Medic simply nudges him away again.
“Latkes and chicken schnitzels. Now, shoo! I have to concentrate.” He waves a hand at Scout, but that does little to deter the younger man. The American simply opens the fridge and takes out the packet of chicken kept in side.
“You work the lakeys. I’ll get these bad boys cooking. Just gotta bread it, fry it, and add some cheese.” Scout takes out a plate and sprinkles it with bread crumbs. He then gets out another set of eggs only for a hand to grab his thin little wrist. Said hands leads to a Medic with a smile that’s far too wide.
“If you put cheese on them, I’ll kill you.” With that, he frees Scout’s wrist. The younger gives a salute, not wanting to test Medic in that regard. With a quick gander at the recipe book, Scout is off to making schnitzels.
Both halves of the meal hit pans of shallow oil that sizzles upon impact. The doctor looks to his lover who’s eyeing his schnitzels. Scout holds a strong gaze, refusing to let a single one burn. It has to be perfect for Medic.
“You’re adorable, hase.” Leaning down, the German gives his lover a kiss on the temple. Scout blushes, caught off guard by the sudden affection. He mutters something with a smile before flipping the thin slices of chicken. He might not be the quietest chef, but to Medic, he’s the cutest.
I love them :3 -H
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eatingexpired · 2 years
Do you use egg whites or yolk for breading?
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Do you use egg whites or yolk for breading?
What happens if I use egg white instead of egg yolk?
When breading chicken Do you use the whole egg?
Can you use egg whites for chicken breading?
Can you use egg whites instead of whole egg for breading?
Can you use egg yolk for breading?
Does egg yolk or white bind?
Can you use egg white instead of yolk?
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officialbabayaga · 5 months
because of some deficiencies i found out about from my last blood test i have to prioritize eating eggs and bread which is GREAT but i’ve gotten addicted to fried egg grilled cheeses.
you have to use two pans, and start half a grilled cheese (1 slice of bread grilling with half the cheese on top) with a lid to get the cheese on top as melty as possible. and then time it perfectly so the first side will be golden brown at the same time your perfect over-medium egg (runny yolk, set white) is done. then you put the egg on the half of the sandwich already in the pan, put the rest of the cheese and the second bread slice on top, and then carefully flip it to do the other side. you have to eat it with a knife and fork but it’s literally transcendent and the only reason i’m sure it isn’t sold in every restaurant that caters to drunk & hungover people is because you’ve gotta get that timing so right
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blushcoloreddreams · 9 months
Toast with poached eggs
serves two people 15 min
2 eggs
2 large slices of Italian bread, brioche, or sliced ​​bread)
½ avocado *optional
Slices of raw ham (from Parma or spanish jamón) *optional
1 tablespoon of vinegar
Extra virgin olive oil to your taste
Salt and ground black pepper
Butter to grease the pan
You can use cream cheese on the toast instead of avocado. Can also replace the raw ham for a slice of bacon and, besides that, use sweet or spicy paprika over the egg to season it
For the toast
Heat a non-stick frying pan and grease it with butter.
Brown both sides of the bread slices in melted butter in frying pan over medium heat.
Remove the avocado avocado husk with the help of a spoon and and cut delicate thin slices (in the shape of arch, with the avocado facing down
Arrange the avocado slices overthe bread already golden and add a trickle of extra virgin olive oil.
Place the ham slices cut into strips (1 finger thick more or less) over the avocado to make it easier to bite later, * since that raw ham is somewhat resistant.
For the poached eggs
Heat the water until boiling and add the vinegar to a small but deep pot (at least 4 fingers deep and space to make 1 egg at a time) and add the vinegar
Carefully break one of the eggs over a sieve so that the part less dense from the white, drains. Then return the egg to a ramekin or low cup.
Lower the heat on the pan and, with a spoon, make light circular movements, as if stirring water — a small whirlpool forms in the center.
Drop the egg in the center of the whirlpool and do not move any further until it is cooked.Observe that the egg is wrapped and the “bag” forms.
Remove the egg with a slotted spoon (that big, flat, holey spoon or with a sieve) when the white is firm enough and serve it on top of the already assembled toast. *If you don't like runny yolks, let it cook a little longer.
Note: this is a classic technique, which causes some difficulty at first time. Try a few times, don't give up if the first one doesn'twork!
Another way to do this would be to line a small pot with plastic wrap; break the egg in the center; close the plastic film like a “bag”, surrounding the egg and Place it in the pan, holding it by the tip until it cooks.
Finish with salt and ground black pepper to taste!
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sillysadduck · 6 months
Is it this guy?
Fish and juice
Steak and beef
Beans and eggs
Steak, eggs
Are you hungry?
You look to be a bit hungry
Duh, duh, duh, duh
Lots of people get hungry
That's your body
Hungry comes from your body
Get off me
But your body
It must, to have to be healthy
What's that? A tasty snack
You don't want to go around and eat a snack like that
Greedy, to eat all that
You'll end up with your teeth all grey
Do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, doing healthy
Food is talking
Let's get healthy now
You see, the body is like a special house
With blood, hair and organs in the different rooms
Oh look, there's Mr. Bladder there in the basement, ha, ha
Now food comes in through the chimney, mouth
And goes from room to room, greeting the different organs
Now, the good healthy food is very nice and polite to the organs
And so, is invited to stay for the party
But the bad, not healthy food
Are very rude and must leave through the cat flap
That doesn't make sense
To, to, to, to, to
To, to, to, to, to, to be healthy
What's that? A tasty snack
You don't want to go around and eat a snack like that
Greedy to eat all of that
You'll end up with your gums all grey
Yeah, but something's wrong
Exactly, how do we know which ones are the healthy foods to eat?
Well, that's easy
The food groups can easily be sorted using the simple health shape
Choosing normal plain looking foods
Such as bread, cream, white sauce and aspic
Keep the body ticking over just nicely
Isn't that right?
I need to go
But wait!
What's this?
Fancy, show-offy foods like
Cooked meats, fruit salad, soil food, and yolk
These foods will clog up the body
With unnecessary detail
Oh, no! Look, It's all broken and on the floor
Everything tastes great
Maybe we should wait before we put it on the plate
Or it could be too late
I don't want to do this any more
I choose a pizza slice
Bread and cheese will taste so nice
What's that? A pizza slice
But you're better off with plain white sauce
What's that? Plain white sauce
Plain white sauce makes your teeth go grey
Doesn't matter, just throw it away
Why not try something else on your tray
Oh, what's that? A lovely pie
But you're going to end up sad inside
Ewh! Sad inside
But everyone has their teeth go grey
Just eat yeast and it'll go away
But how much have you had today?
Too much yeast makes your teeth go grey
How about some onion paste?
Looks like fun, have a taste
That wasn't onion paste
You shouldn't eat food in a stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's plate
A stranger's...
yall dont know this but he has been spamming this on our private chat non stop
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tisorridalamor · 6 months
I have been making this breakfast sandwich once a weekend for like... 5 weeks now? It's REALLY good! Read below for my BDG breakfast sandwich tips ✨
First things first, all of the ingredients for this freeze and thaw really well so if you're worried about buying like a bunch of sausage and not getting enough use out of it just cut patties and throw it in the freezer :) I've been keeping the buns, sausage, and bacon in the freezer and then thawing what I need the night before I plan to make it (the frozen hash browns just go straight in the pan, the bacon could too but I'd recommend thawing the sausage). The official ingredients list is:
Frozen hash browns
⚠️ INGREDIENTS ALERT ⚠️: There's quite a bit here and you can use less sausage and hash browns especially than you think you might need. This sandwich is quite heavy for me so I think less can be more for this one. Of course this varies person to person so measure with your heart 🫶
I don't have a nice long flat pan like BDG has in his vid, but I managed just fine with a standard nonstick skillet and had my smaller skillet on another burner be the "warming zone". I can confirm that after a few times this sandwich only takes about 30 min to put together (even for two people) + clean up. Just start with the bacon and sausage to get the juices flowing, then throw down the hash browns and finish off with the egg and toasting the bread.
HASH BROWN TIPS: Easily the hardest part of this is getting the hash browns correct so here is some advice:
Get em in the pan early and let them sit. They will take the longest out of all the items if you want to get em real crispy since you're probably taking them straight from the freezer
DON'T MESS WITH THEM. LET THEM SIT. Even with this advice though I had a hard time getting them to stick together in a patty (maybe it's the brand I'm using? 🤔) so...
If you're having trouble getting them to stay together, use a bit of egg or melt cheese on top to force them to stick :)
If they do end up falling apart, you can still use them on the sandwich: put the ketchup on the bottom bun as glue and sprinkle your hash browns on top and they won't fall off the sandwich, then top with the other ingredients.
My personal modifications: The best part of cooking is doing whatever you want so here's my personal shake ups:
Pepper jack cheese cause it's the best cheese
I don't scramble my eggs cause I love a runny yolk - the technique to still getting a "patty" out of the egg is to have the pan real hot then crack it at the edge of the pan and carefully flip it over itself so you cook the whites around the yolk, tilting the pan and using the wall to help maneuver the egg. Yes this results in a far messier sandwich. No I don't care.
PEPPER!!! Crank that shit babyyyy (for context I have a pepper grinder)
Genuinely don't remember if BDG does this in his vid but I like to toast both sides of the bun and kinda squish it down a bit. Due to the egg this has the potential to be a tall sandwich so this helps reduce the height
Overall an excellent breakfast sandwich to me as someone who is a breakfast sandwich connoisseur. I was skeptical about the hash browns and ketchup but they really do add some good flavor to the sandwich. I recommend making it once or twice matching BDG's recipe before getting silly with it (I think it's important to start from the beginning if you can to learn what YOU think works and what doesn't before making a bunch of changes. I would not have used ketchup if the recipe didn't call for it but it's a great addition and I always use it now). I think he also has some great tips - the one about letting the sausage patty cook a bunch on one side, then flipping and using the crispy to flatten it out is so genius. I ❤️ lazy cooking
FUTURE RESEARCH: I have some ideas for what to do next with my sandwiches personally. I'm looking forward to trying these and you should like this post if you want to hear about my future endeavors:
Using cheap croissants as the bread. I love cheap crappy croissants, they're SO GOOD on breakfast sandwiches so I need to try them here
Removing the bacon or sausage. Like I mentioned, I think this is a pretty heavy sandwich and I don't think both are needed (though they are REALLY good). I might get just as much enjoyment without both personally
Adding avocado. I love avocado + bacon + egg sandwiches so this would be perfect for me personally with the has browns
I should possibly try thawing some hash browns to see if they stick together better when thawed first...
(unrelated to the sandwich) I now have a massive bag of hash browns in my freezer cause these don't come in small amounts. I've personally never been a big hash brown person... but making them real thin and crispy for this sandwich has opened a new door for me. I will be cooking them more to see what else I can do with em
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gone-fish-mode · 7 months
How do you make soft boiled eggs?? They look tasty
ok believe it or not i FUCKED those eggs UP because I had the heat too low. Whites were too runny so I fished out the yolk with my hand. But here is how I make and eat them, because I can normally do it right. 10/10 choice for any kin who wants to indulge in some easy raw food without having to get actual raw food.
things you need:
-pot to boil them in + a lid
-the eggs
-things to get the egg out in and out of the hot water with (i use an ice cream scoop or a spoon)
-ice water (but dont make it until i tell you)
If you are paranoid about spoiled food like me, drop your eggs in a cup of water. If they float, they're bad. If they sink, they're ok to eat! Eggs have a bit of buoyancy to them, so they may turn upright, but as long as they're touching the bottom of the glass and there is water above the egg, they're good to go.
Put some water in the pot. Make sure the eggs will be fully submerged, with half an inch to a full inch of water over them.
Boil the water, and then bring the heat down a bit to a rapid simmer. Should still be hot and bubbly, but not boiling!
drop the eggs in and let them cook from 5-7 minutes. 5 mins will have the whites hard and yolk runny. 7 mins will have the yolk much less runny! I usually go for 6 mins.
While the eggs are boiling, make a cup of ice water.
After your eggs are done, immediately put them into the ice water for a little bit. If you don't, they'll cook themselves and you wont get that lovely runny yolk.
After like 20 seconds in the ice water, you're all good to go. Crack them babies OPEN and enjoy.
Personally I LOVE to get some toast or bread and dip it in the yolk. But I'll also just eat the whole thing in one go. Very primal feeling. I love it.
I am not good at writing recipes but hopefully u can glean the process from that! You can also look it up, there are tons of websites and videos about it.
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