#Discretionary Fund Management
wealthmanagement25 · 18 days
The Importance of Discretionary Fund Management and Inheritance Tax Planning
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Managing wealth effectively requires careful planning and the right strategies. At Harry Robinson Wealth Management in Cardiff, two key services offered to clients are discretionary fund management and inheritance tax planning. These services are designed to help individuals maximise their financial potential while ensuring that their legacy is protected for future generations.
Discretionary Fund Management
Discretionary fund management involves the expert handling of an investment portfolio on behalf of a client. Rather than the client making individual investment decisions, a professional fund manager is entrusted with the responsibility to buy, sell, and manage investments. This approach offers flexibility, as it allows the fund manager to respond swiftly to market changes, seizing opportunities and mitigating risks without delay. Harry Robinson Wealth Management provides bespoke discretionary fund management services tailored to an individual’s risk profile, financial goals, and investment horizon. This ensures that each portfolio is managed with the client's best interests at heart, optimising returns while considering market volatility.
Inheritance Tax Planning
Inheritance tax (IHT) can significantly reduce the value of your estate if not managed properly. Effective inheritance tax planning is crucial to ensure your wealth is passed on to your loved ones rather than being diminished by taxes. At Harry Robinson Wealth Management, clients receive expert advice on how to reduce their IHT liability. This may involve making use of tax-efficient investment vehicles, gifting strategies, and setting up trusts. The goal is to help clients retain control over their assets while ensuring that a larger portion of their estate is passed on to their heirs.
Combining discretionary fund management with robust inheritance tax planning provides a comprehensive approach to wealth management. By leveraging these services, clients can rest assured that their financial future is in good hands. To learn more, visit Harry Robinson Wealth Management.
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moondirti · 27 days
imagine being the poor soul assigned to work a serial murder investigation under detective john mactavish.
you're good at your job. analytical, committed, discrete. possessing an eye for detail that turns the most convoluted problems simple, and a mental stamina to sustain you through the more gruesome aspects of your work. but with the explosive nature of this case, in particular — the crimes perfectly suited to garner media attention, victims offed too fast and sporadically for authorities to keep up, stirring an uproar by people who feel as though you are not doing enough — your captain sees it best to place someone… better liked, at the forefront. an agent able to empathise, communicate, reassure, and flash a comforting smile for the public.
charm, you think, makes for a lot of things. the rogue scot proves to you that it does not help make a good sleuth.
his investigation strategies are inelegant. the only thing he manages to do effectively upon processing every emergency call is waste department resources. by the time you arrive on scene — because being supplanted as head has its unfortunate effect on when you get notified — technicians are overwhelmed collecting trace materials he's deemed vital (though they're clearly not); pathologists have been given information conflicting with the results of their examinations, skewing results; and there's absolutely no sign of the profiler working on branching the series of murders to one suspect.
it's like that, day in and day out. the patterns you were slowly starting to uncover come apart quick. mactavish overwrites your list of suspects, trashes 'trivial' witness statements, takes informants off payroll to reallocate discretionary funds towards surveillance tools no one is trained to handle, and is an overall nuisance when you take up your complains with him. you know this case like the back of your hand, have worked on it for months now. if he could just heed your advice and think about what he's doing before he does it, then your combined efforts could crack things open sooner rather than later.
charming. reckless. he also seems especially gifted at steamrolling your complaints—
take it up wi' the boss, lamb. there's a reason ah got pit in charge—ye need tae stop worryin' yer wee heid aboot these things. jist look at ma track record. speaks for itself, i think. say, how aboot ah treat ye tae dinner an' a private massage this week'nd, help ye unwind? ye're a bonnie thing under that issued jacket o' yours. gotta learn tae take it off, sometimes.
it's your antisocial nature that shuts you up. or that's what you like to believe, anyway — the closest thing you can attribute an overactive stomach to. in your own time, you test the integrity of his word and pull some strings to access his history. a near perfect case clearance rate, go figure, accompanied by glowing recommendations from every captain he's ever served. described as clever, crafty, tenacious.
words and numbers don't exactly do much to ease your conscious. you need evidence, a lead, a testimony, an arrest, to believe all the praise — especially with a growing list of families whose grief doesn't get easier.
still, you're quiet. more pliant, afterwards.
johnny takes a liking to your attitude shift.
if not a shaky starting trust, it just means that you don't complain when he bullies you into his car to kickstart a canvass. or as he reaches over to fasten your seatbelt for you, or when he pinches your cheek with some cheery encouragement on the tip of his tongue. you're obviously tired, still suspicious, but you let him do what he wants with little to say about it; driving from street to street, knocking on doors and asking random citizens if they've seen or heard anything suspicious.
and really, it's the final test when, by dusk, he gets nothing more than a you still haven't found my stolen car.
he waits to see if you have something witty to say about what a waste of time it all was. a comment to really grind at his gears, muttered under your breath like all the other foul doubts you think he hasn't heard.
(driving to the last house on his list, the sky deepening from pink to purple to black. everyone at the office should have retired by now, and will have expected you to have done so yourself. it's really a wonder he managed to get you out here. you must have put sense on the back burner to miss the purpose this excursion lacks. the fact that neighbourhood canvasses are only done after a fresh crime scene. never like this, mid-week, for no reason at all.)
only you stay silent.
he's glad you can learn to listen.
home is a comfort after such a long, tricky day.
johnny lets you knock on the door this time, standing two steps behind so he can properly absorb his handiwork. when simon answers, nursing a cigarette with a mean, cruel twist of his lips, he feels his heart strain a little between his ribs.
"good work, mutt." a large fist hooks under the collar of your jacket. before you know it, you're being slammed into the doorframe, knocked unconscious, and hauled into the foyer. "this one's pretty. might jus' keep 'er."
"aye, sir. easy tae break too, ah reckon."
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
I like how your lieutenants math headcanons post implies Yumichika does tax evasion. How else does squad 11 afford repairs for all the times it has presumably been trashed by enthusiastic brawling.
This is not the first time I have accused Yumichika of doing a little light embezzling, you know, as a hobby.
One of my favorite ironies of the Gotei-13 setup is that you become captain by merit of being good at beating people up, but then the job itself is like 49% paperwork and 49% management, with ass-kicking taking up the other 2%, if you're lucky. I think the actual most important function of a captain, and the one thing that cannot really be delegated to a lieutenant, is asking for money.
It's always very vague what all of the non-specialist squads do with their time and resources. I imagine though, that in addition to whatever Bullshit-of-the-Day Yamamoto makes his captains do, they have general standing duties. I imagine there's something similar to a bid process that goes into this. When there is new work that needs to be done, any captain that's interested in taking it on would have to provide a proposal for why their squad is suited for that task and what resources they would require to get it done. (Or sometimes Yamamoto might make everyone submit a proposal, whether anyone wants that job or not). At the end of the year, they have to provide accounting of their costs and summaries of their accomplishments. A savvy captain is good at figuring out which tasks are going to bring in cash and acclaim to their squad, which, in turn, is going to allow them to recruit better people, reward their high performers, and provide their officers with interesting and rewarding work. A proven track record is going to go a long way in winning future work, but so is knowing how to work the system. Here's where the system is pretty broken (I say, with utmost affection), because if you look at say, Squad 6, Byakuya a) knows all of the secrets of writing Proposals Central 46 Loves to Get because his grandfather was making him write these things for his allowance when he was 10 years old, b) people love to do favors for him because he's rich, and c) he can use his own money/money the clan approves as a discretionary fund for planting cherry trees and buying everyone dress uniforms, so that stuff never has to show up as a line item so his expenses always look super-clean. Other captains have their own techniques for getting cashola--no one understands what Mayuri does, so when he asks for 12 million kan to develop illuminated shadow-defeating inflatable armor (with color-changing LEDs), they're like "sure, sounds legit." Unohana just asks very politely and drops some vague hints about her very precise knowledge of anatomy. This is also the reason that Squad 10 is constantly doing all of the worst jobs-- Hitsugaya bids on everything and is extremely honest and ethical. Even Ukitake plays the game better than he does.
But you know who does not? Zaraki. Zaraki could not give two shits about this. He does not want to read the monthly RFP roundup newsletter. He does not want to write memos. He just wants to fight things. Give him something to fight. I think Squad 11 officers already get paid below standard rates because most of them did not graduate Shin'ou, which bumps them way down on the Gotei-equivalent of the GS scale. As you say, they break their own shit, constantly. And on top of that, I think Zaraki also has almost no concept of what money is worth. He's a simple guy with pretty simple desires. He lives on base, has, like, three outfits, and goes drinking sometimes. You can't even buy a really sweet truck in Soul Society. He comes from the literal worst part of the Rukon, which probably didn't even use money-- everything is luxurious to him.
I think a lot of the Squad 11 guys buy into the Zaraki lifestyle. They're also from the Rukon, they're just happy to have a sword and their weekly booze. But on the other hand, they are vastly under-compensated relative to their work. I think everyone has a roommate, whereas most seated officers in other squads get personal quarters. There are strong fighters elsewhere in the Gotei, people with experience and fighting knowledge, that would consider joining Squad 11, but they're not taking the pay cut. They can't keep seated officers. Every so often, they get an insane person (Renji, Iba) who joins for some limited period of time. It ups their vibe enormously, and then that person leaves after they've worked through whatever personal shit that led them to join Squad 11 in the first place.
So, Yumichika does what he has to do. He reads the the monthly RFP roundup newsletter, and if anything sounds like it involves a lot of violence, he uses his graphic design skills and his rock-bottom budget to put together a nice little proposal, and sends it off with Yachiru to Squad 1. Zaraki is not even really cognizant of this process, he just knows that sometimes they get good jobs that he likes. For as low as his budgets are, Yumichika still knows how to pad them out extensively, and how to file for project year extensions.
He's also the one who controls intra-squad expenditures. Yes, we would all to spend our entire budget on "swords", but unfortunately, we have to pay for the mess hall you buffoons exploded last week if you ever want to eat again. Yumichika may give off the appearance of extravagance, but he is very much the "pulls into the drivethru and orders (1) small black coffee" to the rest of Squad 11's "McDonalds! McDonalds! McDonalds!"
Also, for the record, he very much does do some straight-up embezzling. Eye feathers don't pay for themselves, you know.
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thestraggletag · 9 months
Gluttony, a RSS Fic
Surprise, @tickletorso, it is I, your Secret Santa! Here to wish you some early tidings of joy and bring a little smut to this festive season. I hope things there are ok (I read that the weather is awful right now, so I hope you're coping!) and that you're getting the finishing touches there for the holidays. Here is my present, which wrote itself so I absolve myself of any guilt regarding it. It just came out like that. Hope you enjoy, though!
Summary: Mr Gold had always fancied the idea of running into Belle French, the posh new town librarian, at an elegant party, wearing a designer dress and sitting next to him to share a fancy meal. The reality was, he had to admit, not quite how he had pictured it.
Ever since Regina Mills had won her first election as mayor of Storybrooke she had always had at least one scheme in the works. Her first success had been bringing back the Miner’s Day Festival, an inconsequential local celebration that, he had to admit, had turned out to be good to attract some nearby tourism. A few years later she had followed her initial hit with an expansion of the local hospital, a very popular idea by any measure, and later with the reopening of the local library. That last little bit had been good to boost real estate prices, so he had actually supported her actively. And just last year she had overseen the construction of a new playground, just in time for her adopted toddler son, a lovely little chap by all accounts, unlike his adopted mother, to enjoy it.
Sadly for the library, and the librarian, Regina’s love-affair with the public building had lasted about as long as it had taken her to understand what a drag keeping it open was to her carefully-curated budget. Royce Gold wasn’t really surprised about it. Regina tended to be, sadly, a bit short-sighted when it came to her ambitious pursuits, and dismissive of what no longer appealed to her.
Her latest scheme- some expensive vanity redecoration project aimed at “elevating” the town from solid middle-class to upper-middle-class or, even better, upper-class- had recently gone over budget, and Regina had not managed to bully the town council- bully him, mostly- to let her have use of discretionary funds. Instead, she had managed to divert funds allocated to fixing the library’s leaky roof to compensate for what money she was missing. 
Royce didn’t care much about that latest obsession of hers. Motherhood had made her ruthless in the pursuit of the sort of perfection that was finally good enough for her wee bairn. Nevermind that Henry looked like a happy, healthy, well-adapted little chap who wasn’t lacking anything that a posher town could potentially offer. Regina, however, was blind to such things and had made the betterment of Storybrooke’s social class her newest quest. She had tried to approach him as an ally first, convinced that he would see the benefits of her way of thinking. She was wrong, of course. He didn’t see the appeal in turning the town into some cookie cutter suburban monstrosity. He rather liked Storybrooke the way it was. He had selected it specifically because of its inconsequential small-town charm, and saw no need to change that. He didn’t mind having to go out of town when he fancied something less mundane or to order from outside whatever extravagant tastes might strike his fancy. Storybrooke was sleepy and quiet, and though there was definitely room for improvement, he didn’t want to change the essence of it. Small, charming and sometimes even a bit unsavoury. 
Places like The Rabbit Hole made him nostalgic for the run-down pubs he used to frequent back in Glasgow, when he was an uneducated street urchin with more ambition than sense. Regina didn’t see that in him, or chose to ignore it, thinking that whatever barbarism remained in him from his rough upbringing was a flaw he would be eager to cleanse or conceal, eager to welcome more people of “his class” in town to cover whatever filth still clung to him.
She was wrong, of course. Royce Gold wasn’t a man to lie to himself. He saw no point in it, no gain. He knew who he was, what he was. A bastard son of no one from the dodgy part of an already dodgy city. No polishing or education, both of which he had strived to get, would ever erase that, nor did he want it gone. He had grappled with the notion for years as he pulled himself out of misery one deal at a time, but he had learned to embrace it in the end. He could pretend, put on Armani and Brioni and enjoy a good bottle of Scotch, turning his head at the swill he had once upon a time guzzled down gladly, but inside he was still that small child who had grown up on the streets, grifting and fighting for whatever he wanted to own and keep. And he liked it. He liked the edge it gave him. How desperation and need had sharpened him, like a dagger. 
The mayor was blind to it, but he knew well that a bit of savagery still clung to him, coiling beneath his expensive suits. He had just learned to channel it into deal-making and, perhaps, the very occasional bout of violence. Just a little beating here and there to relieve the stress, and only ever with good reason. Like that time he had rendered Keith Nott unconscious after he had found him accosting the librarian.
His thoughts turned towards her. Isabelle French. Belle French. Belle. Not a small town girl by any means, and yet, against all odds, she fit in perfectly. She was a strange gust of fresh air, ruffling the stale stillness of the town with her quirkiness and her cultured background. He knew a posh lass when he saw one and Belle French was definitely posh. A lavish wee bird, the kind that he had never been allowed near when he was young. Private-school educated, with a fancy degree from Cambridge and a rather expensive wardrobe. The kind that only people who knew quality could appreciate, no flashy branding or ostentatious touches. But he had an eye for beauty and quality, and could easily tell her clothing was too rich for most people’s blood. Her shoes alone were decadent, and her good taste he knew was acquired from a lifetime of being around the finer things in life. She had been to his shop and correctly identified several of the most valuable antiques, which would not have appeared so to the untrained eye. 
And yet. And yet she had no trouble drinking with the miners, whose rough manners and bawdy jokes she took in stride and who she could, apparently, drink under the table. She had no trouble striking a friendship with Miss Lucas, whose outrageous fashion sense and reputation sometimes scared people away, or with Gus Souris, the shy mechanic who had a rather unearned reputation for aggression after Sidney Glass, who ran the local gossip rag on the side when he was not trying to look respectable as the editor of the Storybrooke Mirror, had blown a minor bar fight- where Mr Mius had been the victim- out of proportion in order to embellish a story. She also seemed intent on participating in all the trite small town affairs Storybrooke had to offer. She had carved a space for herself, in spite of her quirkiness, out of sheer force of will. 
He had tried to tell himself at first that all he felt for her was admiration. For how she refused to cow to Regina, or pretended she didn’t understand Mother Superior’s unsubtle jibes at her reputation for wearing short skirts or hanging around undesirable people. Then he told himself that he was a man with eyes and as such he could recognise that Belle French was, objectively speaking, an attractive woman. In the way he liked the most, disarmingly wee, with reddish-brown hair and the bluest eyes he had ever seen. With a sort of effortless elegance that could not be feigned, or copied. She was gorgeous, and he had no problem admitting that. The sort of lass too good for the likes of him.
But at some point he had to come to the painful realisation it wasn’t just her looks. Belle French, if possible, was more beautiful on the inside than she was on the outside. Genuinely kind, volunteering at the animal shelter and lending her ear to whoever had a problem and her hand to anyone who needed help. And intelligent too, not just a bleeding heart with good intentions. With a unfeigned thirst for knowledge and almost obsessive when it came to books and all the wonders that they entailed. He had been smitten by their third conversation, and in love by their fifth. He had gotten a library card only so he could check out books in order to see her, though he had to admit that her book recommendations, along with the improvements she had made to the selection of books in the library, caught his attention as well. 
Being in love with Belle French soon became the new normal for him and he told himself nothing needed to come out of it. Through some bizarre miracle the librarian seemed to consider him a friend and did not object to his sporadic visits to the library, often engaging him in conversation and keeping him for longer than he had planned to stay. And she visited him at his shop too, not necessarily to buy something but to inspect any new treasures he might have acquired. And, like the fool he was, he obliged her every time. It was nice, he told himself. And harmless. As long as he didn’t get any silly ideas about where their relationship stood and did not push things further than what was appropriate it would be fine.
He had so internalised his feelings that he barely felt a flutter in the pit of his stomach when he entered the library and saw Miss French shelving books, wearing a lovely Valentino dress in dark blue wool tweed, with flesh-coloured tights and a cardigan to ward off the chill, a wine-red hairband keeping her faintly-bronze curls off her face. Perfection, as always, and he could let himself admire it because he was in control of himself and his emotions.
He was. As long as he did her best to not look at her sleek Santoni ankle-length boots, of course. He knew his limits, after all, and his weaknesses. His disproportionate fondness for her shoes was the biggest chink in his armour. 
Like always her eyes lit up when she saw him, a delightful smile spreading across her lips. She smelt like vanilla and bergamot, with a subtle aftertaste of jasmine, a perfect winter scent. He hoped that he was not smiling as hard as he felt he was.
“Mr Gold, how nice to see you! It’s been a while since you’ve ventured into my library. How are you?”
He liked how she called it her library, like that little possessive flair in her.
“I was about to ask you the same. I heard about Regina’s latest stunt and thought I would inquire as to how bad things are.” Anyone else would have likely accused him of behaving like a shark smelling blood in the water. But not Belle French.
“It’s kind of you to ask. I wish I could say the roof could keep for a couple of months till the next budgetary meeting, but it won’t last the winter. Marco confirmed it yesterday. I’ll have to get the cash quickly, somehow. I have a bit of a supplementary income”- he had always suspected so, given her clothes and shoes “but it’s nowhere near enough for something like this. And I have savings, but I’d hate to dip into them. My mamam always stressed the importance of having savings.”
Ah, yes, Colette French, who apparently had been, in fact, French. She had told him early on that she had passed when she was still young, and small stories about her. A lovely woman and a devoted mother, apparently. He rather envied her that.
“I-I might have an alternative for you, then. An offer.” He paused, wanting to get things right. Wanting to get his offer right. “I could, perhaps, be persuaded to lend you the money, at a reduced interest rate, something negligible. After all-” He paused, feeling like he was coming across as too eager- “The library is good for the town’s real estate. Keeping it open works in my best interest. It’s just good business, you see.” Yes, that was good. Sounded convincing and appropriately self-serving.
“That’s a lovely offer, but I’m not looking to make a deal.” Belle smiled up at him, with not one ounce of distrust or fear, which took a bit of the sting out of her rejection. “I’m picking up a temporary job that pays really well, so I’ll just have to dip into my savings a tiny bit, I’ll make it up in no time after the holidays.”
He flexed his fingers around the handle of his cane, feeling a sudden and acute rage towards Regina. The library had been her project, and as the mayor it was her responsibility to make sure the town’s buildings were properly maintained. And yet she got to swan around in pursuit of whatever new fad took her fancy and it was Belle French who had to sacrifice her time and effort to make sure Storybrooke got to keep and enjoy the many essential public services the library provided.
“As a librarian you’re paid by the town to work at the library, not the other way around. And your hours are already ridiculous, cannot imagine they leave much room for anything, let alone a side-gig.”
“Oh, I don’t mind. It’s temporary, and a friend’s father owns the business, so I know I’ll be comfortable. I know what the library means to the people around here, so I’ll do whatever I can to keep it open.”
Whatever she could, apparently, did not involve making a deal with him. Which he was not going to take personally. At all. 
“It’s also not the first time I’m left scrambling for a bit of cash. Once, when I was in uni, my dad got into a bit of trouble so I got a gig as an Easter bunny for a private party. Which, I thought, would be rather charming. Only the costume was, to put it mildly, absolutely terrifying and no child wanted to get anywhere near me.”
She was a delightful storyteller, he had always thought so. Funny and engaging, both to the wee bairns that she read to several afternoons a week- he had memorised the storytime schedule so he could sneak in to “browse” and enjoy the cadence of her voice in the background as tots hanged on to her every word- and to adults. She leaned close as she told the story, pausing for dramatic effect at the right time and bursting into laughter at the end, pulling a reluctant bark of laughter out of him and looking delighted at having done so, a secretive little smile pulling at her lips. He would’ve called it flirty, if it hadn’t been directed at him.
“In the interest of looking to avoid you traumatising any more children, could I get you to reconsider my deal? It’d be the best one I’ve ever offered, some might say you’d be taking advantage of me. That would make you incredibly popular around here.”
She smiled, recognising his attempt at humour, but shook her head.
“I’ll be fine without it, I promise. Besides, I wouldn’t want a deal between us. It would… muddy things, don’t you think?”
“Of course.
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He was still thinking about the library days later, as he sat behind a rented car making its way across upper Manhattan. A courageous little thing, with boundless optimism. Too good for the town she fought for and certainly too good for him. Which explained her rejection of his help. But at least that grounded him in reality, reminded him where they stood. No use longing for more.
With that finite thought he tried to relax and ready himself for the little soiree he was about to attend. He had dressed himself with care, knowing the subtle power play behind a well-tailored, black Kiton suit paired with an understated Gucci shirt and a bold tie and pocket square combo for a splash of brashness. It was his battle uniform, of as much use to him as his brass knuckles had been when he was a young lad. And to him this evening was akin to a fight.
Though people in Storybrooke thought his money came from his real estate portfolio and his profitable deals, those were mostly ways to maintain himself on top of the power structure of Storybrooke, above whatever elected official- Regina Mills, as of late- occupied the mayorship at the time. His real money came from deals, yes, but those he helped broker between companies behind closed doors in the business world. Some of the biggest mergers, take-overs or joint ventures of the past years had happened because he had acted as the middle-man, making the necessary introduction, ironing out the terms for both parties, smoothing over any perceived wrinkle. He used to actively seek those deals, when he was younger and looking to make his fortune. Nowadays he had to make himself attend a few society parties to be seen and perhaps approached, or at least partially propositioned, and he would decide later whether the deal was sweet enough for him to get involved in. Otherwise he would return to Storybrooke and bask in the simplicity of it. Another reason why he didn-t want things to change. He had sought the town out as a retreat from the corporate world, a place of escape where he could disappear until it was time to show up at another party.
He had come to this one mostly as a favour to the hostess. Corinne Deville was a longtime… frenemy, he supposed, who he kept in touch nowadays mostly so she could be his eyes and ears around the city. She knew everyone worth knowing on the island and her parties, at least, were never dull, stale business affairs. She liked to be a bit outrageous and had the money to pull it off. And she always had good booze and a lot of it, which was enticement enough. He rather thought a rooftop party in early December was a bit of a bold choice, but Corrie was like that, and the Peninsula Hotel, though not his first choice for a Manhattan stay, was acceptable. 
He arrived fashionably late, so that everyone could see him as he came in. That way he didn’t need to do the rounds and he got to see who was looking at the entrance, as if waiting for someone, and swiftly turned around and avoided eye contact when they saw him, as if afraid to look too eager or interested. Those people would inevitably approach him at some point in the evening. All he had to do was get himself a drink, something to eat, and seat himself somewhere off to a side, looking vaguely approachable. 
But first, he needed to greet the host. Corrie wasn’t one to play hard to get, thankfully, rather effusively swanning over to him to give him her customary two kisses on the air just next to his cheeks. She looked amazing, wearing a black-red orchid mermaid-style Alexander McQueen, with a voluminous stole to protect her naked shoulders from the nippy Manhattan winter air. She was clearly already drunk, yet she almost didn’t look it, managing to walk gracefully in spite of the alcohol and the cumbersome shape of her dress. He knew her too well not to notice the way her eyes were just a bit redder than usual, or the way her grip on her glass was just the slightest bit unstable. Besides, she was holding a Martini, which was usually her third drink, right after a Gimlet and a Tom Collins. 
“Royce, dah-ling, so thrilled to have you join my little party.” She smiled, all teeth, like a predator showing its weapons, and ushered him to the bar. “I’ve ordered that expensive Scotch you like to drink, had it brought specially for you. Never say I don’t do things for you. And there is… a lovely and a bit risqué food arrangement, do try it. Some very good, very expensive sushi, with a rather spectacular presentation specially commissioned for this get-together.”
He glanced to a corner of the terrace, where he could see some tables laid out, with a rather large number of people around them. 
“Some interesting antique set, perhaps?”
“Rather the opposite, dahling.”
She left him once they reached the bar and, almost against his will, he found himself curious as to what surprise Corrie had prepared for this particular evening. He asked for his Scotch, a 25-year-old Glenmorangie Signet that he hoped Corrie hadn’t blabbed about to anyone else, so he wouldn’t have to share- and sauntered over to the tables set up with the sushi, noticing again the inordinate amount of people lingering around them. Most of them, he noticed, were men.
He understood then when he spotted a foot peeking from behind a wall of people, naked and attached to what looked like an equally-naked calf. He got the gist of it right away. After all, it was hardly a novelty, though he couldn’t recall ever attending a party where sushi had been served in such a way. It was Nyotaimori, the practice of serving sushi on top of a naked woman, a fad from the 60’s born from the economic bonanza of the era in Japan and inspired by some much older Japanese food-play practices having to do with sake rather than sushi. Rather trite, in his opinion, but allowed for a bit of harmless titillation without it actually being very boundary-breaking. Something right up Corrie’s ally, risqué enough to make her party memorable but not too taboo that would get her exiled from the Manhattan social scene.
He grabbed a plate and slowly made his way along the tables, barely seeing the skin on display. It didn’t interest him much, though he was glad to see the entire thing was done in a rather tasteful fashion, with not only the bare bits of modesty guaranteed but also with somewhat of an artistic flair. The models’ important areas were covered by lovely bits of greenery and flowers- and bless Corrie for avoiding the mistletoe and holly typical of the season in favour of something less hackneyed- but there was a theme and a colour palate, with bits of the skin on displayed painted to imitate the swirling brushstrokes of vaguely-oriental designs in different shades, depending on the model. 
A glint of gold caught his eye as he added his twelfth piece of sushi to his plate, a model painted in delicate shades of his namesake and blue, which, along with her creamy complexion, reminded him of a porcelain tea set he had at his shop. The colour palate complimented her hair rather nicely, a rather fetching shade of red-brown that reminded him of Belle French.
Rather a lot, actually.
Come to think of it, the model’s softly-blushed skin was also the exact shade of the librarian’s. And she also had a beauty mark on her left inner-thigh, close enough to her knee to be seen when she wore some of her more flirty skirts during spring and summer. He staggered close, almost losing his grip on his plate, his eyes refusing to acknowledge what they were seeing as truth. It was fucking Belle French. Naked. On top of a table. With delicious food spread over her, ready to be plucked and eaten. Surreptitiously, Royce pinched himself. No, not a dream. Sounded a lot like a dream, but no.
After the initial shock wore off- and he managed to pull himself together the slightest bit- he forced himself to think about his choices. Should he approach her? Would it be awkward, would she be embarrassed? He didn’t want to shame her in any way, especially given that this was clearly the temp gig she had gotten to help pay for repairs to the library. And what would it mean for their future relationship? Would this damage whatever small relationship they had? He rather liked their little talks and their small everyday interactions. But she might not want to interact with him much at all if she knew he had seen her naked.
As straight-out-of-his-fucking-fantasies a naked Belle French on top of a table slattered with food was, it was not worth risking the everyday Belle French he got to enjoy every day. She hadn’t spotted him yet, so he could quietly slip away and she would be none the wiser. She seemed distracted by the people around her, mostly young men, circling her like vultures, spending too much time deciding on what piece of sushi to take, pretending to be musing over the selection while their eyes drifted towards her covered breasts. Insolent little things, trying to engage her in talk while the librarian struggled not to make eye contact and keep a placid expression without making it look like she was inviting their advances. She was also trying not to fidget as a man used his chopsticks to try and move a leaf covering her lower right breast under the guise of trying to pick a piece of nigiri. Where the fuck was Corrie and why was she letting something like that happen? Hadn’t any of those wannabe executives learned basic manners? Or the barest notion of consent?
The cherry on top of that absolute clusterfuck was a tall, brawny fellow- someone’s favoured son, no doubt, the lad didn’t look like he could count to ten by himself-, some junior VP that distantly rung a bell, pretending to be too clumsy with the chopstick to try and pick up a piece of maki with his bare hands. The moment he saw Belle flinch at the touch of the man’s fingers he decided that enough was really enough. His cane came out a second later, smacking the offending hand away as he told the eejit, in his most Scottish tone, to keep his hands to himself. The idiot looked like he was going to protest before he realised whose cane that was. Looking like he would rather be chewing glass, but also like he might be shitting his pants, the oaf apologised, quickly scurrying off. He smiled with thinly-veiled satisfaction, setting his cane back by his side.
“Mr Gold?”
He turned to look at Miss French, making sure his eyes never strayed from her face, both to convey that he was not looking at her nude body and to try and read carefully any emotion flickering across her eyes. She didn’t look uncomfortable, to his surprise, at least not more than she had before she had noticed him there. Rather she looked cheery, as she always did with him, and more than a bit relieved. He noticed that most other youngsters fluttering around her had gone along with the big lummox, likely scared off by his presence.
“It’s so lovely to see you!”
“It is?”
The librarian laughed, one of her hands reaching out to touch his on top of his cane.
“Of course. Under rather peculiar circumstances, but it’s nice to see a familiar face here.”
And of course it was. She was naked in a party full of strangers, some of them entirely devoid of manners. Seeing a familiar face, someone who could intercede in her favour since she was limited in her actions by her circumstances, was a comfort. And to have someone like him, who could instil fear into people’s hearts even more so. Which meant he had to stay. He could not leave her exposed to whatever lech or overconfident idiot who decided to let his small prick do the thinking.
“It is rather lovely to see you, Miss French. I do so enjoy our talks, and I had resigned myself to a rather dull evening of empty platitudes and boring business talk. Would you mind if I sat next to you?”
She didn’t seem to object, her eyes reflecting pleasure instead of panic, though she did glance around and confessed she wasn’t supposed to talk to the guests.
“Corrie won’t mind, she’ll be delighted I’m sticking around for longer than I intended. Don’t worry.”
It took him a moment to signal for a waiter to get him a chair, sitting right next to the librarian’s head, his glass of Scotch by her hip and his plate of sushi in his hands. He sat himself at an angle so that he could both look at her in the eye and also glare at any passerby that even thought about approaching Belle, a bit like an old dragon guarding his hoard or, if he tried to look at things in a more benign way, guarding the fair princess. He had amassed a fearsome enough reputation with the present crowd to foresee little trouble staking his claim.
He had prepared himself for an awkward evening, telling himself he would endure the discomfort for Miss French’s own ease, but he had been mistaken. It was surprisingly easy to “get over” her nudity. Being so close to Belle while she was wearing nothing- with bits of her bare skin painted the colour of his namesake- was still intoxicating as hell, but he managed to quickly reign in that sensation and store it somewhere in his subconscious to deal with it at a later date- no doubt in nightly fantasies for weeks, if not months, to come. 
He had always thought her attractive to the point of distraction, but it was her mind and her conversation that had always kept him coming back. It was lovely to have her “all to himself” for so long. Their library interludes were always cut short by a patron or some crisis, and she tended to visit his shop during her brief afternoon break right before school ended, which meant she could never stay for longer than twenty minutes. But here she was free, with no one to claim her time and attention but himself, and after a few failed attempts at starting a conversation- she was nude, after all, and he could not imagine himself being very socially graceful in her position- she managed to engage him in a light-hearted discussion about books, starting with a ranking of books by Thomas Hardy based on how depressive they were, both agreeing to put in first place Tess D’Urbervilles  but squabbling good-natured about second place. He maintained the honour went to The Woodlanders, while she argued strongly in favour of Jude, the Obscure.
It was a much more engaging discussion than it had any right to be, mostly thanks to the librarian’s sincere passion for the subject, combined with her extensive knowledge. He saw how effortlessly cultured she was, and how at ease she was amongst the wealthy and privileged, even while wearing nothing but a skimpy thong and some strategically-placed foliage and paint. A posh bird like had often admired from afar as a lad, a perfect fit among the Upper East side crowd around them. And yet she wasn’t snobbish like a lot of them where, or like one would expect someone like her to be. She wasn’t putting on airs or feigning interests. She was as she presented herself to be, her manners effortless instead of artificially refined and her intellect sharp from curiosity rather than a need to boast. But it was her generous spirit what was more fetching about her. A sincere concern for anyone that crossed her path, from a drunk miner to a grumpy, misanthrope pawnbroker who no one else liked.
Even when he attempted to do something for her- it was cold out, so he managed to talk a poor waiter into bringing some of the spare braziers he knew the hotel had in abundance and had distributed generously already to the nearby tables were people were sitting and talking, so that she would be more comfortable. She had thanked him and immediately insisted that she didn’t need as many as he wanted to light around her, telling him to distribute them amongst the other living displays as well.
“It’s not fair that they should go cold just because they don’t have a guardian angel to look after them like I do.”
Time passed without him noticing. He waved away the few people stupid enough not to correctly read his body language and try to approach him for conversation, having decided that it wasn’t a night prime for dealmaking like he had previously intended. Instead it was a night for talking about literature and the places they had been, recalling anecdotes from their college years and in general sharing bits about their lives. It was the most he had ever shared of himself with another person, more intimate than Belle’s nudity. She told him about her mother, and how she had come from money. Old money. But she had fallen in love with an Aussie with more ambition than wealth, and had moved to the ends of the world to be with him. Later he had proven himself, building a successful business and allowing her a childhood spent half in Australia and half in Europe with her mom and her grandparents. 
But Moe French’s entrepreneurial spirit did not survive his wife’s death, and so he had let his business languish. Her mother, who had fretted for her only daughter’s future during the last months of her life, had set up a considerable trust fund, which had allowed her to go to college in England for her undergrad and graduate degree. And later, when her mother’s parents had passed away, she had inherited a modest investment portfolio, which accounted for the few luxuries she allowed herself as a small town librarian.
He, in turn, shared as much as he could stomach about his rather sordid upbringing. An unwanted mongrel, son of a mother who he never knew and a father he would rather forget. Left behind by both at a young age, to beg, borrow and steal a life for himself. It wasn’t until he had come into contact with distant relatives- two of his father’s cousins, who lived modestly but honestly outside of Glasgow, that he had been given a chance to settle, to get an education. Still, he had learned bad habits that had been difficult to break and he had continued with them in his new life, brawling for cash, gambling and doing unsavoury jobs to raise the money needed to get his law degree. It should have made him uncomfortable to expose their stark differences in upbringing and breeding, but there was nothing but understanding and compassion in Belle’s eyes, something he would’ve mistaken for pity if he didn’t know her well.
“Thank you for sharing all of that with me. It must not have been easy.”
They were so enthralled in their own little world that they both startled when they began to clear the tables in preparation for dessert. It was to be a selection of fruits and tarts, served in the same style.
“But before there’ll be a bit of a break, mostly so that us models can walk about a bit and freshen up. Will you be here when I come back?”
The way she said it, with a hopeful lilt, looking at him from beneath her lashes, had him nodding effusively. Wild horses could not drag him away. He did think the idea of walking around sounded good, and he wanted to refresh his drink. While he was at the bar he had the idea to request a glass of ice water and a straw, so he could offer Belle a drink if she was thirsty while she worked. While he waited, not minding that the bartender was a bit busy at the moment, he felt someone approach from behind, one boney, well-manicured hand sliding up his shoulder. He smelt smoke, and considered himself lucky that the hand currently slipping something into the pocket of his suit jacket wasn’t the one holding Corrie’s trademark long cigarette holder.
“I’m so thrilled you’re still here, darling. And given how you’ve been spending the evening so far I thought I would give you a present. One you’ll like, for a change.”
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, knowing Corrie was looking intently at him, he fished whatever she had put into his pocket out. It was a sleek keycard, one from the Peninsula.
“As an admirer of fine, beautiful things I thought you might want a more… private setting where to study your latest find. I would not usually condone it, but she seemed so willing, so strangely… receptive of your attention, that I thought it might not go amiss to get you a room for the night. You know, just in case you’re too tired or hungover to go back home safely, of course.”
He could see her grin out of his peripheral vision, something feral with a hint of madness that summed up Corinne perfectly. He rolled his eyes, affecting an unaffected manner, knowing it would piss her off not to get a rise out of him.
“Corrie, I wish you’d stop after the fifth drink. Once you get into the gin tonics you grow somewhat fanciful.”
“Be that way. Keep your secrets. I’m not here to interrogate you, dear. Just doing my one good deed of the year before time runs out. I was cutting it rather close.”
With that she sauntered off, but he paid her no mind. Let her think whatever she wanted. He knew it wasn’t like what she was implying with Belle. They were just two friends, or friendly acquaintances, though perhaps that was too distant in light of all the bits of themselves they had shared with each other that night. But still, nothing like Corrie was suggesting, nothing unseemly, just two people having a friendly and thoughtful con-
Belle was back. They had laid her down on her stomach this time around, a few gauzy bits of nothing covering her incredible ass from his view, her head pillowed in her arms, which meant he could see the soft curve of the side of a small, perfect breast. Along her delicate spine and sloping shoulders someone had arranged bits of fruit, bombons and bite-sized tarts. He narrowed his eyes, swearing he could hear Corinne’s shrill laughter in the background.
He took a deep breath, shaking his head. He was not some slobbering animal. And Belle was a lady. He would keep it together, would march there and pretend nothing was amiss. Would not give the perfection before him a second glance. When he sat down he focused on Belle’s face, the way her eyes lit up when she spotted him, no doubt grateful to have her protector return and keep the mannerless young men from before at bay. When he offered her some water, shyly, she beamed at him, as if he had offered her the moon.
“You’re so kind, Mr Gold. And such a gentleman.”
His ears burned at hearing Belle fucking French, with her exotic accent and posh manners, call him a gentleman. He had to force himself not to preen. 
“Please, call me Royce.”
“Only if you call me Belle, as I’ve told you to do before.”
She gratefully sipped at the water offered, making a pleased sound in the back of her throat that threatened to go straight to his groin. Thankfully he was sitting down, which allowed him a bit of coverage. With herculean effort he sought to resume their conversation, which had moved on to a rather spirited debate on the merits of the different adaptations of Around the world in 80 days.
They were in the middle of comparing Cantinflas and Eric Idle’s Passepartouts when the librarian fidgeted the slightest bit, looking uncomfortable.
“What’s the matter? Are you unwell? Do you need me to call someone?”
Belle sighed, shaking her head.
“I’m just hungry. They had to retouch my body paint a lot when I took a break, so I never got to eat any of the power bars I brought specially for that purpose. And it’s not helping that whatever they’ve put on me smells rather heavenly. It’s strange to be literally brimming with food and yet unable to eat.”
He had to agree with her about the food. It smelled amazing, the bombons nestled inside foil wrappers to protect them from her skin’s warmth- warmth he was very specifically trying hard to think about– and the pieces of fruit, cut and arranged into fanciful, artistic shapes, glistened in the dim light of the terrace, looking beyond succulent.
“I could- I could feed you if you wish. It’d be no problem.”
‘It’d be all sorts of problems, but oh so worth it.’
“Oh, you wouldn’t mind? Because that would be lovely.”
“What would you like?”
“I saw some lovely raspberry tarts and some Royce nama chocolate squares that looked amazing. Just not dark chocolate please, I can’t stand it.”
“More for me then.”
Gingerly, making extremely sure he did not touch her skin at all if possible, he picked up a few selections of sweets, arranging them into a plate so she could pick and choose what she wanted. When she made a selection he made sure to hold it out to her so she could bite into it without worrying about his fingers, though he still felt the phantom touch of her breath on his skin even when he tried his best to get himself out of the way. It was a heady, altogether surreal experience: the closeness, the trust, the implied intimacy of the gesture. A dream fucking come true, as far as Royce was concerned, the single most erotic moment of his life and it was happening in public. He had come to the party with the intention of testing the waters for new deals and he would leave it empty-handed and yet a changed man.
‘Best. Night. Ever.’
But as nice as it was, it couldn't last forever. He tried to pretend at first he did not see the signs, the way the crowd around them began to dwindle down, the waiters passing around with trays laden with champagne flutes, offering a “last round”. The writing was on the wall even before he saw the first of the “living displays”, the one closest to the exit, being taken away. Still, neither moved or made a comment about things coming to an end, not even when Belle was the last model left out. 
At some point, however, they had to acknowledge that something was happening, because the waiters were beginning to clear the tables, the bar was getting ready to close, and no one had come for Belle. She seemed puzzled by it, but he imagined it had something to do with the fact that no one had wanted to bother him. Perhaps Corrie had said something, or perhaps his reputation had done the talking. Either way it was unacceptable that Belle be made to wait, exposed in cold weather that no amount of heaters could nullify, for someone to finally come get it. He proposed he get his long overcoat so she could drape it around herself and he would escort her then back to wherever she had left her clothes and things, so that she wouldn’t have to walk around half-naked alone.
He loathed to leave her, but there was no choice. He hurried to the coat room, commanding the attention of the poor sod running up and down fetching coats, and managed to get his long Zegna cashmere coat in no time. Pleased with his expedience he rushed back, pausing when he noticed that something wasn’t right. Belle was still in the far corner of the terrace where he had left her, but she had scrambled to a sitting position on the table, using the white tablecloth she had been lying on to cover herself as much as possible as a tall man- the lumbering idiot from hours before, now clearly drunk off his arse-  leaned close to her, one hand gripping one of her naked forearms. She was trying to shake him off, her body language screaming her discomfort and unease, but she was clearly reluctant to make a scene, the power imbalance working against her. 
Thankfully it wasn’t working against him. He felt no restraint or compunction when the urge to do violence overtook him. Thankfully he had, as always, a handy weapon as his disposal. It took one sweep of his cane, once he was close enough, to get the idiot away from her, the surprise at the unexpected blow to his side making him let go of Belle before staggering back a few paces. A few more blows had him first on his knees and later sprawled out on the floor, and only Belle’s gentle hand on the back of his jacket got him to put his cane down. With enviable nonchalance he signalled for a passing waiter, letting him know that the poor bloke on the floor had had a bit too much to drink and should be scraped off the floor and put into a cab as soon as it could be arranged.
“Right away, sir. Thank you for letting me know.”
He tried not to gloat as three people were called away from clearing the nearby tables to pick up the unfortunate young man, no one making a comment as they dragged the lummox away. Good fucking riddance. Realising that he still held his coat in his hands he turned around and swiftly draped it around Belle, noticing with pleasure that, though she had had a front scene to his violent outburst, she didn’t shy away from his touch. Rather the contrary.
“Are you alright? Was he bothering you for long? Did he say something inappropriate?”
“No, nothing like that. He was just not taking no for an answer, and looked drunk enough to try to do something stupid out in public. Thank you for taking care of him.”
Fuck, it was doing things to him that a prim and proper lass like Belle French was thanking him for behaving in a less than gentlemanly manner. Right out of his fantasies as a lad, the idea of a posh bird that would revel in his most coarse manners, in the violent habits he had had to acquire at an early age. It all threatened to go to his head or, even worse, his groin, so he forced himself to push it to the side and concentrate on Belle's immediate wellbeing. Wrapped up as she was in his coat- and fuck, did she nuzzle the lapel and take a deep breath, as if smelling his cologne in the collar of his coat?- she was clothed enough to get off the table and walk out of the terrace. He accompanied her past what was clearly a staging area for the models, given the remnants of body paint and the leaves and petals strewn on the floor, until they arrived at a large room with screens in the corners, clearly where the models had first disrobed. Only one bag was left, a Jackie Smith tote he recognised as Belle’s. He glanced around, noticing there was no place to shower, just some baby wipes packets with which he gathered the models were supposed to wipe the paint off their bodies before putting their clothes back on. Which wouldn’t do, really. Not at all.
“I-I have a room. Here at the hotel. With a shower.”
She stood there, looking waifish and small in his oversized coat, with paint still on her skin and her hair in disarray, yet even then there was an air of understated elegance about her, something in the way she carried herself. Himself, on the other hand, could not boast the same, feeling like he was sweating as he waffled on about how he got the hotel key as a prank but now she could put it to good use to shower and relax, perhaps charge ungodly amounts of room service. It would serve Corrie right to have her little joke backfire on her like that and-
He paused when he noticed how much closer Belle was than a second before. She was looking up at him with something akin to… expectation, almost, and clutching the sleeve of his suit jacket, almost afraid he would take off. There was a patience to her look, as if she was trying to coerce a shy deer to eat from her hand, and Royce’s eyes narrowed, a puzzle slowly unravelling in his mind. He recognised that look, she had worn it often around him as of late, something tinged with affectionate exasperation, as if she was waiting for him to figure something out, something that should be obvious. A nagging voice that had been whispering in the back of his mind now started yelling, telling him he was an idiot for not seeing what was right in front of him.
Could she… could she fancy him? Was that possible? Was he just so fucking dense and self-loathing that he hadn’t realise Belle fucking French was coming onto him? That she had been for a while? It sounded too much like wishful thinking to be true, but there was also no other way to account for how close the librarian was standing to him, how hopeful she seemed as she looked up at him. He froze, unwilling to accept the reality in front of him and yet unable to deny it.
Thankfully for Royce the librarian seemed to notice and understand his inner turmoil, a soft look overtaking her face before she slowly, carefully, leaned into him, standing on her tippy toes to reach him and making sure he had more than enough time to pull away in case her advances were unwelcomed.
No fucking chance of that.
The magnetic pull of her, in the end, overcame his deep-seated denial, pushing him forward, his attention drifting towards her mouth, so laser-focused on the heat and the scent radiating from her that he almost forgot where they were.
When he did, he pulled away, babbling about how this wasn’t a private enough place for her to kiss him while wearing nothing but his overcoat. His self-restraint only went so far and his control had been close to breaking the whole evening. If she kissed him he would not be able to stop. It was a shameful confession, but Belle barely batted an eye, looking briefly deep in thought before she took one of his hands in hers.
“You mentioned you had a room, right?” He nodded dumbly, unwilling to connect the dots himself and assume she was saying what he thought she was saying. “Maybe that would be a better place for this?”
There was no mistaking her meaning, not even for someone like Royce Gold, for whom denial was an Olympic event. When she tugged at his hand he didn’t fight her, hopeless to do anything but follow behind her, vaguely dazed, having only enough presence of mind to offer to carry Belle’s bag, which she politely declined. The elevator ride seemed to take forever, even though they were going down only one floor. Corrie had given him one of the best rooms in the hotel. She never half-assed things and wasn’t known for being cheap. 
He held it together till the hotel door was firmly shut behind them, at which point he pounced on her, restraint and decorum entirely absent after four fucking hours of close, unrelenting contact with a naked Belle French. He had been good, so good, but they were behind closed doors and Belle had made it clear that she was not opposed to his advances, so whatever disguise of gentlemanliness he had created over the years was now in tatters and only the unpolished, savage beast from Glasgow remained, intent on quenching its thirst on her. He pressed her up against the hotel door, his mouth eagerly seeking hers out, pleased when she opened herself up to him eagerly, her hands going around his shoulders so they could tangle in his hair. She felt amazing against him, soft and pliant, smelling faintly of something fruity and a scent that was uniquely hers, a mixture of vanilla and the smell of a new book. It was intoxicating, and so he pressed closer, the hand not clutching his cane for dear life wrapping around her waist, resenting the fact that he could not touch her directly. He had relished the fact that she had been wrapped in his coat only minutes ago, when they were outside and she was shivering. But the room they were now in was cosy and warm, with an artificial gas fire crackling nearby. There was, therefore, no need for the librarian to remain bundled so he tugged at the fastened buttons of his coat, humming in pleasure when it was Belle herself that reached down to undo them, shimming out of the outfit altogether a second later.
He could feel her then, gloriously nude but for a scrap of skin-coloured fabric covering her cunt, soft as he had always imagined she would be, skin like silk beneath his fingertips. She didn’t seem to mind her lack of clothing, didn’t shy away from his hands or his lips when he began to explore her throat and the gentle slope of her right shoulder. She was delightfully responsive beneath him, making the softest, most devastating noises as he nipped at bits of flesh, taking care to avoid the big swatches of skin covered by the gold and blue paint.
“You don- Oh, dear Lord- you don’t have to worry about the paint. It’s edible.”
“Come again?”
He couldn’t possibly have heard her correctly.
“Yes it’s-” She sighed when he caressed her spine- “It’s chocolate paint. For safety, mostly, in case the food came into contact with it.”
He blinked, pausing a second to take stock of the situation. He was in a lavish hotel room with Belle French, who was basically naked and, apparently slathered in strategically-placed swirls of chocolate paint. And they were making out like wild beasts. This was beyond his wildest dreams, so far-fetched that it could not possibly be a figment of his imagination. Even his subconscious had limits. Reality, apparently, didn’t.
“You’re gonna be the death of me.” His Scottish brogue, reasserting itself as a result of the drink, the lateness of the hour and how absolutely out of his mind he was with lust, made him slur his words. “Fucking minx, been teasing me the whole bloody night. So gorgeous, so lovely to an old monster like me…”
He lost himself in the feel and smell of her, feeling starved for every bit of her he could kiss and touch. She was perfect, everything about her the right size and feel for him, as if she had been made to fit him. Her skin felt warm and soft beneath her tongue, the taste of her pairing well with the taste of chocolate from the paint, and she was delightfully responsive, no pretence or air of artifice in her as she pulled at his hair and whimpered helplessly. There was also no faking the delicious wetness between her legs, the scrap of fabric that was her flesh-coloured thong drenched to the touch. 
“Take me to bed.”
He had dreamed about Belle French telling him just that, but not even his wildest dream could have conjured up the reality of it, the way she sighed it, her hands grabbing handfuls of his hair to drag his ear against her mouth, the way it was both a plea and an order. He hastened to comply either way, manoeuvring both of them down the small hallway to the suite, where the king-sized bed stood pride of place. In the small journey there he had somehow lost his dinner jacket, the librarian’s nimble hands working on his tie, undoing the Eldredge knot with an ease that had him imagining her, wearing nothing but one of his shirts, kneeling on his bed and tying his tie, a lovely little domestic tableau with implications that set his blood on fire.
The bed at the Peninsula had standard, if luxurious, white bedding, nothing quite like his burgundy sheets and cream damask comforter, but he barely registered any of it. His senses were full of Belle, who managed to half-shove him into the bed, swiftly climbing on top of him before he could complain about their separation. She sought his mouth immediately, her fingers sinking into his hair to change the angle of the kiss just so. When she let go he whimpered, immediately missing the scratch of her nails against his scalp, but he quieted when he realised she was undoing the buttons of his shirt, having finally done away with his tie and, apparently, his belt. Crafty little thing, this lass, devious beneath her prim and proper facade. And all his, his to kiss and touch, to lay down the bed, legs dangling from the edge while he dragged that little scrap of lace generously called underwear, allowing him to see her in all of her glory. She was every bit as perfect as he had imagined, and so smooth. She was almost entirely devoid of hair from the waist down, a small strip of soft curls the only thing left. 
“So lovely.”
She was. Lush curves, smooth skin and the irresistible lure of unfettered enthusiasm. The moment he put his mouth on her she was like a livewire, practically vibrating beneath his touch, the tension and energy in her impossible to ignore. It made him feel powerful, and more than a bit smug, to know that a woman like her, who could have anyone with a look and a gesture, was trembling with barely-repressed desire because his tongue was lapping at her cunt, his hands curling around her thighs, teasing the edges of her labia. None of the young, rich assholes that had circled her like vultures before he had seen her had interested her, only him, old and crippled as he was.
It wasn’t long before he felt her tense even further, her back bowing in a perfect arc and her whimpers turning into loud moans. He thought briefly about denying her the pleasure she was building towards, to drag things out to heighten the sensations, but soon came to the conclusion he didn’t have the self-control to deny her. So when he felt her tumble close to the edge he sunk two fingers into her, the heat and pressure making his already hard cock ache. He was not going to survive her. Thankfully she came just as he thought he was going to lose the last shreds of his composure, her cries distracting him from his more pressing needs. She was beautiful when she came, as far away from the composed, prim lass he was used to seeing, wild and uninhibited. A magnificent sight to behold, one he tried hard to prolong for as long as possible. Eventually, sadly, she grew slack, almost boneless, one hand lazily combing his hair, as if he was some pampered pet who had done a good thing. The feeling was exhilarating. 
“Mmmmh, that was…” she sighed, her nails scratching against the sensitive skin of his nape. “Wonderful.”
He smiled against the supple skin of her thigh, feeling smug, like he often did after a beneficial deal being signed. He didn’t even care that he was so hard it bordered on painful, not when he could smell Belle, feel her warmth and revel in the knowledge that he had made her come apart.
“I’m cold. Come up here?”
The hand petting his hair tugged on it, leading him to crawl over to the bed after quickly discarding his pants and socks and, after a deep breath for courage, his underwear. He pretended not to notice Belle staring at his cock as he climbed on top of her, trying to distract himself with the feeling of her hands as they explored his naked back, pausing every time they encountered a scar. He had amassed a small collection of them, mostly in his late teens and early twenties, knife wounds and a couple made with glass. They were all faded, the only one standing out being the curved one on his side, product of a rusty blade he had mostly-but-not-quite managed to dodge, and the one on his right shoulder. That one had gone in deep but hadn’t been able to hit anything major. 
“Do any of them hurt?”
Belle’s voice was soft, her eyes wide and the slightest bit watery, likely imagining the pain he must have gone through to acquire each of his marks. He shook his head quickly, wanting to reassure them.
“No.” He paused, wondering if saying anything further would be oversharing. But she had to know. It would be a factor if things… progressed. “My ankle does, sometimes. When it’s raining, or I’ve been overexerting it.”
To her credit she didn’t even try to glance down, her focus entirely on his face, likely trying to read any signs of discomfort that might appear there. He kissed the hand that went to cup his face, for once not mistaking compassion for pity.
“Are you comfortable?”
At that he smirked and, daringly, he ground his hips against hers, bringing her attention to his rather desperate state.
“Not really, but my ankle doesn’t hurt, if that’s what you were asking.”
He was rewarded by a genuine laugh, easing whatever leftover bit of self-consciousness he might still have felt. He leaned down to capture her mouth, eager to devour her whole. She was delicious, still tasting of the raspberry tart he had hand-fed her, and something uniquely hers, which he had already tasted when he had delved his tongue into her cunt. But now he could also feel her beneath him, all the soft curves he had dreamed about pressing against him, her body cradling his like he was something precious. Beneath the buzzing of adrenaline and the thrill of his desires coming true there was an undercurrent of safety he was surprised to feel. He was safe with her, he knew this innately. Safe from judgement or ridicule, safe to expose those parts of him that were weak or ugly without feeling like he was ceding the high ground, leaving himself open to an attack. And that small undercurrent of safety, somehow, heightened everything else he was feeling. Allowed him to let go.
“I can practically hear you thinking, you’re doing it so loud.”
Belle’s voice, throaty from her screaming earlier, sent a shiver down his spine. He burrowed his head against her breasts, anchoring himself in the moment, and apologetically kissed the skin there. One kiss turned to two, and before he knew it he was taking one of her rosy nipples into his mouth and sucking reverently on it, like he had often imagined doing in his own home, usually after a few drinks. She was wonderfully responsive, squirming in the most delightful way, each movement sending sharp spikes through his groin and reminding him that if he didn’t manage to do something about it he was liable to explode. Luckily his lass was bold and brass, and the sort to take charge, and so when he was distracted by her lovely breasts- just the right size for his hands, and so, so soft- she moved one hand down to grasp him firmly and, with the help of a bit of shimmying, guide him to her entrance.
“Oh, fuck, I forgot to ask about…” She hissed when a startled movement made him bump her clit with the tip of his cock. “Protection. I-I mean, I’m clean and on the pill but if you want-”
He had no doubt that there were condoms in the room. It had been, after all, paid for by Corrie to unsubtly encourage him to fuck someone silly in it. The drawers of both nightstands were probably chock full of them, likely in all colours and sizes, and it would take but a moment to crawl over either one to grab what he needed. But the thought of feeling her fully was too good to pass up.
“Fuck, sweetheart, I’m clean too. Can I- can I really…?”
He couldn’t finish the phrase, nor take that last plunge, but before he could try to shake himself out of his stupor she draped her legs around his hips, hooking her feet right in the dip where his spine met his ass, nudging him rather unsubtly forward till he was, blessedly, balls deep into her, his cock enveloped by silky, wet heat that had him almost coming right then and there. He gritted his teeth and almost bit his tongue off in an effort to not shame himself, body tense for another reason entirely as he fought to control himself. It seemed to take forever but eventually he began to thrust, first tentatively, afraid of hurting her or discovering he hadn’t quite gotten it together as he hoped he had, but need, that itch that was growing to rule every instinct he had, slowly pushed him to go faster, to thrust harder. Belle met him move for move, canting her hips forward, her nails digging into his back in a way that should have felt painful but only enhanced the pleasure building up inside of him. She was, like before, delightfully vocal, and disarmingly demanding, telling him to go harder, to give her more.
“Insatiable little minx,” he grunted, trying not to stare at her breasts as they bounced with the force of their actions. If he got distracted he ran the risk of spending himself inside her without bringing her to orgasm at least one more time and that was unacceptable. “You’ll be the death of me.”
It felt a little bit like he was on the brink of death, of a pleasure so acute it was indistinguishable from pain. His hard-earned self-control was close to snapping and only his pride was keeping him going. Desperate to feel her flutter around him he braced his upper body on his left arm and both his knees, leaving his right hand free to trail down her stomach and dip in-between her thighs, looking for that bit of flesh that he had previously only touched with his lips and tongue. He let her cries guide his fingers, letting her gasps and keens set the pace as he stroked her slowly at first, increasing the tempo and the pressure in response to her needy demands. Finally she tensed beneath him, back arching in a perfect bow as she came, loud and uninhibited, her cunt gripping him tight as it spasmed, the feeling too much for him to bear. His orgasm was quieter, his groans muffled by her hair and skin as he pressed his head against the crook of her shoulder and spilled himself into her for what seemed like forever, a catharsis that felt both physical and mental.
Afterwards he had enough sense to collapse to the side instead of falling bonelessly on top of Belle like he had wanted to. His heart was pounding a mile a minute, and he felt cold and clammy, but a second later Belle was cuddling up to him, draping a leg over his, making sure to keep her feet away from his ankle. He drew her close, greedily seeking out her warmth and the reassurance she brought. He dared drape an arm around her, his fingers ghosting up and down one of her exposed arms.
“Any complaints?”
He kept his tone light, flippant even, but he paid attention closely to her face, trying to read her expression. She looked dishevelled and delightfully smug, satisfaction oozing out of her, stretching out like a cat in a sunspot, but then frowned, her nose wrinkling a bit. He tensed, preparing himself for whatever had put that look in her face. Maybe she was having second thoughts already?
“I’m sticky.”
“Come again?”
“From the edible paint and your valiant efforts to rid me of it. Don’t misunderstand me, it felt heavenly when you were licking the paint off but now that my skin is dry it feels… well, sticky.”
“Oh.” He shook his head, willing his blood to flow upwards to his brain again and allow him to think somewhat coherently. “I’m sure the bathroom’s facilities are more than adequate. These sort of rooms usually come with the full package, a spacious shower and a bathtub with all the bells and whistles.”
Her eyes sparkled and he patted himself in the back mentally for clearly saying the right thing.
“Oh, it’s been ages since I’ve been able to take a bath. The apartment above the library only has a rather pitiful shower stall and I love a good soak in a tub every now and then. Some bubble bath, a glass of wine and a good book… And maybe some company.”
There was no mistaking the look she shot him, eyes heavy-lidded and glittering with promises.
“You don’t suppose the bathtub here is big enough for two, do you?”
Her tone, mellow and just the littlest bit sultry, had him aflame and made his tired body reconsider the time it would take to rise to the challenge once more.
“Only one way to find out.”
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threadatl · 3 months
Update on Jackson Street Bridge Placemaking Project
By Darin Givens | June 18, 2024
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We had a brief meeting with Atlanta DOT staff today to check in on the Jackson Street Bridge Placemaking Project, which was selected by the city in 2018 as part of a contest.
The basic concept was to put a protected bike lane here to prevent cars from parking in it, and to add a parklet for enjoying the view and taking photos. It's been a while since we heard any news about it, so it was good to get an update.
Some notes:
The project is now fully funded through a combo of ATL DOT money and some discretionary funding from City Councilmembers (both Liliana Bakhtiari and Amir Farokhi).
"Procurement starts in Q3 or Q4 this year" and construction will likely start in the beginning of 2025.
Atlanta Downtown Improvement District (ADID) will be in charge of construction. They told us the reason for this is ADID will provide a shorter timeline for the work and it will be done for less money (which makes you wonder: why is ATL DOT management of projects such a liability for timelines and spending?).
Nothing about the overall design appears to have changed over the years. It's a protected bike lane across the bridge, with a seating area/platform for photos and some planters for greenery, plus a flashing beacon to help cyclists turn from Jackson Street onto the Path.
They said they'd look into publishing the design documents online after a final level of approval before procurement.
Anyway...it was 2018 when the Jackson Street Bridge Placemaking Project was selected to move forward by the City. It'll likely be 2025 when construction starts (fingers crossed). It'll be great to see work begin, but holy cow it takes too long for projects to happen.
We'll say a fond word of remembrance here for Kimberli Sargent, the wonderful Atlanta planner who was shepherding this Jackson Street project in 2021 when she was hit by a drunk driver. Kimberli passed away from her injuries in 2022. She was a joy to interact with and is missed.
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bugbyte · 10 months
Time yet again for #healthposting! What wonders await this time? Ha ha, oh god
So today, round 2 of trying to get absolutely any kind of working pain control, with a whole new doctor although at the same clinic, and for the second time I was completely blown off and literally told "what do you want us to do?"
I just blanked out at this because what kind of question is that to open with, at a pain management clinic, where I am literally telling you I haven't had any kind of normal life in the past two years due to feeling like my body is shredding itself alive at all hours of the day? Clearly I am here because my pain is unmanaged.
I brought a ton of my own notes, because that seems to be the only way anyone takes me seriously, and in the end was told basically, "I can't help you but maybe you should see the medical marijuana guy."
Fine, I say, I will literally take anything at this point because I cannot function anymore. I make the appointment. I go home.
I look up information on what my insurance covers, and bing, it's a whole fucking scam because health insurance in the US won't cover medical marijuana, even if it's legal in the state I'm in, because it's technically still illegal at the federal level. So, I have an appointment I can't pay for, for a medication that will probably help me, which, again, I cannot pay for. I simply do not have the discretionary funds for it. We're barely getting by.
I have absolutely no idea what to do here. I just want to like. Do work. Draw. Leave my house from time to time. Not spend all day in my bed because everything else hurts too much. I didn't think this was asking for so much but apparently it is.
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tomorrowusa · 8 months
Thanks to Ukrainian drones, the Russian guided missile corvette Ivanovets is now sleeping with the fishes. BTW, great vid above! 🇺🇦❤️
Ukraine thought to have sunk Russian warship near occupied Crimea
Ukrainian forces are believed to have sunk the Russian Ivanovets warship near occupied Crimea in a sophisticated overnight attack by multiple sea drones, demonstrating Kyiv’s expanding power in the Black Sea. Ukraine’s military intelligence published a grainy video showing several sea drones attacking the Russian corvette, ending with three dramatic images showing it listing, exploding and sinking into the water. Ukraine said the boat had been sunk, as did leading Russian military bloggers. Hours later, western officials said they believed the warship had been destroyed in an attack that used long range uncrewed drones. [ ... ] Russia did not immediately comment on the incident, but a number of pro-Kremlin military bloggers close to Moscow confirmed that the Ivanovets warship was hit. [ ... ] Although Ukraine began the war with no navy, scuttling its only frigate to prevent it from falling into Russian hands, Kyiv has gradually pushed back on Moscow’s early dominance of the Black Sea through long range missile attacks and the innovative use of sea drones.
Considering that the Vermont National Guard probably has more military ships than Ukraine, the Ukrainian Navy now terrifies the Russian Black Sea fleet. There's little Russian presence in the western part of the sea these days.
The Ivanovets probably thought it was safe where it was anchored. It was in a body of water called Lake Donuzlav in occupied Crimea. Though it is more like a bay with a narrow opening to the Black Sea.
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^^^ That opening is just 435 meters wide, a little over 4.5 US football fields. But Ukrainian sea drone pilots managed to navigate several of their kamikaze vessels into the bay without being detected up to that point.
The sinking of the Ivanovets is just one of several bits of good news for Ukraine in the past few days.
Putin toady Viktor Orbán, the homophobic leader of Turkey Hungary, was forced to back down from his threat to block €50 billion in aid to Ukraine.
EU agrees €50bn package for Ukraine as Viktor Orbán bows to pressure
A robust and united position among EU member states convinced Viktor Orbán to end his “blackmail” and support a €50bn (£43bn) funding package for Ukraine, European prime ministers have said. The Hungarian prime minister, who had been vowing to block the funds since December, performed one of the fastest U-turns seen at a leaders’ summit after six weeks of brinkmanship. There was relief that the deal was finally done but also a sense of fury among leaders who had been dragged to Brussels for the second time in as many months to try to get the package over the line after Orbán blocked the aid in December. The Finnish prime minister, Petteri Orpo, said: “Nobody can blackmail 26 countries of the EU. Our values were not for sale.” Donald Tusk, the Polish prime minister, who said he had “nothing nice” to say to the Hungarian prime minister, warned there would be no reward for Orbán or anyone who had tried to solicit “rotten compromises”.
Also, Dark Brandon strikes again! President Biden is using his discretionary powers as commander-in-chief to get some military aid to Ukraine while the House Putin Caucus at the direction of sex offender Donald Trump continues to block Biden's $61 billion aid package.
First Ecuador, Now Greece: Joe Biden Is Finding More And More Countries To Help Him Arm Ukraine
“Ring-trade.” Remember that term. Increasingly, it’s how U.S. president Joe Biden is arming Ukraine. He did it with Ecuador. Now he’s doing it with Greece, too. A ring-trade is, in essence, a circular swap. One country pays or arms a second country so the second country can arm a third country. Germany pioneered the ring-trade—Ringtausch—for supporting Ukraine, most notably giving to... The Czech Republic: 14 Leopard 2 tanks and an engineering vehicle in exchange for the Czech Republic having given to Ukraine potentially dozens of T-72 tanks; Greece: 40 Marder fighting vehicles so that Greece could donate to Ukraine 40 BMP-1 fighting vehicles; Slovakia: 15 Leopard 2A4s to compensate for 30 BVP-1 fighting vehicles Slovakia donated to Ukraine. Slovenia: 45 military-grade heavy trucks so that Slovenia would give to Ukraine 28 M-55S tanks. The United States with its greater stocks of old weapons eventually could surpass Germany as a ring-trader. And it has every reason to do so. For four months now, a small contingent of pro-Russia Republican lawmakers, led by the extremist speaker of the U.S. House Mike Johnson, has blocked $61 billion in new U.S. government funding for Ukraine’s war effort. In early January, Ecuadorian president Daniel Noboa revealed in a radio interview that Ecuador would give to the United States “scrap” weapons in exchange for new weapons—worth $200 million—that the United States would provide at a later date. The United States then would donate the “scrap” to Ukraine. Some of that old hardware apparently shipped aboard an Antonov An-124 airlifter on Jan. 25. [ ... ] According to Greek newspaper Kathimerini and other media, the Biden administration offered the government in Athens three 87-foot Protector-class patrol boats, two Lockheed Martin C-130H airlifters, 10 Allison T56 turboprop engines for Lockheed P-3 patrol planes plus 60 M-2 Bradley fighting vehicles and a consignment of transport trucks. In exchange for this largess, the Americans want the Greeks to donate more weapons to the Ukrainians. “We continue to be interested in the defense capabilities that Greece could transfer or sell to Ukraine,” Blinken wrote. The Greek government reportedly already has earmarked old weapons for onward transfer to the government in Kyiv. As with Ecuador, the trade could involve air-defense equipment: S-300 and Hawk long-range missiles and launchers and Tor and Osa short-range missiles and launchers. This indirect U.S. support of Ukraine via ring-trades is necessary because, starting in October, Republicans in the U.S. Congress made it clear they probably never will approve additional direct military aid to Ukraine. [ ... ] [L]ook for Biden to get more creative as Republican intransigence persists. The president even could donate excess defense articles directly to Ukraine, and in large quantities, assuming Ukraine or some other country pays for shipping.
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informativeideas · 5 months
Management of personal finance
Introduction:In today's fast-paced world, managing your personal finances is more important than ever. Personal financial management refers to the process of effectively managing your financial resources to achieve your financial goals and secure your future. Whether it's saving for retirement, buying a home, or simply living comfortably, sound financial management practices can make a big difference.The Importance of Managing Personal Finances:Effective personal financial management is critical for a number of reasons.Financial Stability: It provides stability by helping you budget, manage debt and build an emergency fund for unexpected situations. Expense Goals Attainment: With the right management, you can set and achieve financial goals, whether they are short-term goals like buying a new car or long-term goals like a comfortable retirement.Less stress: Good financial management reduces stress by providing control over finances and peace of mind about the future.Wealth Building: It lays the foundation for building wealth through smart investing, saving and spending habits.Tips for effective personal finance management:Budgeting:Track your income and expenses to understand where your money is going.Set aside money for essentials like housing, groceries and services, as well as discretionary spending and savings.Review your budget regularly and adjust it according to changes in income or expenses.Manage debt wisely:Prioritize paying off high-interest debt, such as credit card balances, to avoid accumulating unnecessary interest.Consider debt consolidation or negotiating with creditors to lower interest rates or payment amounts.Avoid taking on new debt unless absolutely necessary and make sure it fits your budget.Build an emergency fund:Try to save enough to cover 3-6 months of living expenses in the event of job loss, medical emergencies or other contingencies.Keep your emergency fund in a separate, easily accessible account, such as a high-quality savings account.Save and invest regularly:Make a habit of saving a portion of your income every month, even if it is a small amount.Take advantage of employer-sponsored retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs to save for retirement in a tax-efficient way.Diversify your investment portfolio to spread risk and maximize long-term returns.Live within your means:Avoid overspending by distinguishing between wants and needs and prioritizing spending on essentials.Look for ways to cut costs, such as cooking at home, shopping or eliminating unnecessary orders.Practice delayed gratification by saving for big purchases instead of relying on credit.Stay informed:Educate yourself on personal finance topics such as investing, taxes and insurance so you can make informed decisions.Stay informed about changes in financial laws and regulations that may affect the economy.Consider consulting a financial professional, such as a Chartered Financial Planner, for personal guidance.Conclusion:Mastering personal finance management isn't just about making money; it's about making smart choices with the money you have. By budgeting, managing debt, saving and investing regularly, and living within your means, you can take control of your financial future and work towards your goals. Remember, financial freedom is attainable with the right knowledge and discipline. Start managing your personal finances effectively today and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.
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daxbuz · 6 months
Personal finance strategies for saving and investing
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Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Importance of Personal Finance Strategies
3. Saving Strategies
1. Budgeting
2. Automating Savings
3. Cutting Expenses
4. Investing Strategies
1. Diversification
2. Retirement Accounts
3. Passive Income Streams
5. Conclusion: Maximizing Financial Growth
6. FAQ Section
In the realm of personal finance, navigating the complexities of saving and investing can be daunting. However, armed with the right strategies and knowledge, individuals can pave their way to financial security and prosperity. This comprehensive review delves into the intricacies of personal finance strategies for saving and investing in 2024, exploring various techniques and approaches to optimize wealth accumulation and growth.
**1. Importance of Personal Finance Strategies:**
Effective personal finance strategies serve as the cornerstone for achieving financial stability and long-term prosperity. By meticulously planning and implementing strategies tailored to individual goals and circumstances, individuals can gain control over their finances, mitigate risks, and build a solid foundation for future endeavors. Whether aiming for short-term goals like purchasing a home or planning for retirement, strategic financial management is indispensable.
**2. Saving Strategies:**
**1. Budgeting:**
Budgeting stands as the fundamental pillar of financial management, providing a roadmap for allocating income and expenses. By meticulously tracking expenses and setting realistic spending limits, individuals can identify areas of overspending and redirect funds towards savings and investments. Utilizing budgeting apps or spreadsheets simplifies the process, enabling better decision-making and fostering financial discipline.
**2. Automating Savings:**
Automation streamlines the saving process, ensuring consistent contributions towards financial goals. Setting up automatic transfers from checking to savings accounts or utilizing employer-sponsored retirement plans automates savings, removing the temptation to spend impulsively. Additionally, utilizing apps that round up purchases to the nearest dollar and deposit the difference into savings accounts fosters incremental savings growth effortlessly.
**3. Cutting Expenses:**
Trimming unnecessary expenses is paramount in bolstering savings potential. Conducting regular expense audits aids in identifying discretionary spending that can be reduced or eliminated. Negotiating bills, opting for generic brands, and embracing frugal habits contribute to significant cost savings over time. Redirecting these savings towards investments amplifies wealth-building opportunities and accelerates financial progress.
**3. Investing Strategies:**
**1. Diversification:**
Diversification is the bedrock of investment strategy, spreading risk across various asset classes to minimize exposure to volatility. By allocating investments across stocks, bonds, real estate, and alternative assets, individuals can optimize risk-adjusted returns and cushion against market fluctuations. Regular rebalancing ensures alignment with evolving financial goals and risk tolerance levels.
**2. Retirement Accounts:**
Maximizing contributions to retirement accounts such as 401(k)s or IRAs offers tax advantages and accelerates wealth accumulation. Employers often match contributions to retirement plans, amplifying the benefits of consistent savings. Leveraging tax-deferred growth and compound interest within retirement accounts empowers individuals to secure a comfortable retirement lifestyle.
**3. Passive Income Streams:**
Diversifying income sources through passive streams complements traditional employment income, fostering financial resilience and independence. Investing in dividend-paying stocks, rental properties, or creating digital assets like e-books or online courses generates recurring income with minimal ongoing effort. Cultivating multiple passive income streams bolsters financial security and enhances wealth-building potential.
**5. Conclusion: Maximizing Financial Growth:**
In conclusion, embracing personalized finance strategies tailored to individual circumstances is paramount in achieving financial prosperity. By prioritizing saving and investing, individuals can cultivate a robust financial foundation, mitigate risks, and capitalize on growth opportunities. With discipline, diligence, and strategic planning, the path to financial freedom becomes attainable for everyone.
**6. FAQ Section:**
1. Q: How much of my income should I allocate towards savings?
A: Financial experts recommend saving at least 20% of income towards savings and investments to ensure long-term financial security.
2. Q: Is it better to pay off debt before saving or investing?
A: It depends on the interest rates of the debt. High-interest debt should be prioritized for repayment, while simultaneously allocating a portion towards savings and investments to capitalize on compounding returns.
3. Q: What are some low-risk investment options for beginners?
A: Beginner-friendly investment options include index funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and robo-advisor platforms, offering diversified exposure to the market with minimal risk.
4. Q: How often should I review my investment portfolio?
A: Regular portfolio reviews, typically quarterly or semi-annually, are recommended to ensure alignment with financial goals, risk tolerance, and market conditions. Rebalancing may be necessary to maintain diversification and optimize performance.
Learn more
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barani900 · 1 year
Overcoming Personal Financial Insecurity and Financial Anxiety
Personal financial insecurity and financial anxiety can cause significant stress in our lives. It can affect our relationships, job performance, and overall mental and physical health. Personal financial insecurity and anxiety can result from various factors such as a lack of savings, debt, job loss, or unexpected expenses. However, there are practical steps that individuals can take to overcome financial insecurity and anxiety and regain control of their financial situation. In this blog, we will analyze the causes of financial insecurity and anxiety and provide remedies and suggestions for overcoming them.
The first step in overcoming personal financial insecurity and anxiety is to understand the root causes. One of the most common causes of financial insecurity and anxiety is a lack of savings. Many individuals live paycheck to paycheck and do not have an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses such as medical bills or car repairs. Another cause of financial insecurity and anxiety is debt. High levels of debt can cause individuals to feel overwhelmed and powerless. Job loss or reduced income can also contribute to financial insecurity and anxiety. Finally, unexpected expenses such as home repairs or medical bills can cause financial insecurity and anxiety, especially if the individual does not have the resources to cover the costs.
One of the most effective remedies for financial insecurity and anxiety is to create a budget. A budget allows individuals to see where their money is going and make adjustments to their spending habits. Creating a budget requires tracking all expenses, including bills, groceries, and discretionary spending. Once an individual knows how much they are spending, they can prioritize their expenses and identify areas where they can reduce their spending.
Another remedy for financial insecurity and anxiety is to increase savings. Even a small amount of savings can provide a sense of security and help individuals cover unexpected expenses. A good rule of thumb is to save three to six months of living expenses in an emergency fund. Individuals can increase their savings by automating savings contributions, reducing expenses, or increasing their income.
To address debt, individuals can create a debt repayment plan. A debt repayment plan involves paying off high-interest debt first and then focusing on lower interest debt. Snowball and avalanche methods are two popular debt repayment strategies. The snowball method involves paying off the smallest debt first, while the avalanche method involves paying off the debt with the highest interest rate first.
In case of job loss or reduced income, individuals can create a plan for reducing expenses, cutting back on non-essential spending, and finding additional sources of income. They can also consider applying for unemployment benefits or seeking assistance from non-profit organizations.
There are several suggestions that individuals can follow to reduce financial insecurity and anxiety. These include avoiding unnecessary debt, building an emergency fund, creating a budget, tracking expenses, reducing expenses, and increasing income. It is also essential to plan for retirement and invest in retirement accounts such as 401(k)s or IRAs.
Individuals can also seek professional advice from financial planners or counselors. Financial planners can provide advice on investing, retirement planning, and tax planning. Financial counselors can help individuals manage debt, create a budget, and develop financial goals.
Another suggestion is to practice self-care and stress-management techniques. Financial insecurity and anxiety can cause stress, which can lead to physical and mental health problems. Engaging in activities such as exercise, meditation, or therapy can help individuals reduce stress and improve their overall well-being.
Personal financial insecurity and anxiety can cause significant stress in our lives, but there are practical steps that individuals can take to overcome them. By creating a budget, increasing savings, reducing debt, and seeking professional advice, individuals can regain control of their financial situation and reduce financial insecurity and anxiety. Practicing self-care and stress-management techniques can also help individuals manage the stress caused by financial insecurity and anxiety and improve their overall well-being.
It is important to note that overcoming financial insecurity and anxiety is a journey and not a one-time fix. It requires consistent effort, discipline, and patience. Individuals should be realistic in their expectations and celebrate small wins along the way. Furthermore, it is important for individuals to understand that financial insecurity and anxiety can affect anyone, regardless of their income level or social status. Therefore, it is important to avoid judging oneself or others for experiencing financial insecurity and anxiety.
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news-of-the-day · 1 year
The Biden administration and Speaker McCarthy managed to hash out a budget deal over the weekend, but it still has to pass congress and both sides aren't particularly pleased with it. The deal suspends the debt limit for two years, but as a concession there have to be cuts in all discretionary, nondefense spending. This includes the IRS, the budget of which Biden wanted to increase to go after wealthy taxpayers who aren't paying. It also adds work requirements for food stamps, releases several billion set aside for COVID, ends the freeze on student loans, and allows the construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline. I'd like to take this opportunity to talk about the budget in general because all this wrangling doesn't really touch on the biggest problem the US is facing. We can divide the budget between mandatory, discretionary, and interest. Interest is about 8% and is payment for all the borrowing. Discretionary is about 30% and is basically add ons that aren't required by law, like wanting to buy more tanks, have some studies on wildlife, or federal funding for public schools. Mandatory holds the biggest chunk at 63%, and that's where the issue is. The US spends almost half of its budget on medicare/medicaid and social security, and it's going to get worse as people age and have less children. For example, my father received about $2500/month in social security, and in the last three years of his life probably burned through $500K of medicare. That's a lot of taxes for just one person. Considering the birth rate is going down, there will be even less people to fill the pot of money required to pay those benefits, and the US will have to borrow even more to cover the difference. There are a lot of ways to solve this--the most obvious is raise the retirement age to 68--but any move is extremely unpopular and neither Republicans nor Democrats want to address it, so they just haggle over the discretionary stuff instead.
In probably the most important election of the year, Turkish President Erdogan won another five-year term. The first round on May 14th was close, so by Turkish law a second round happened last Sunday. However the results remained very close because his popularity sank due to economic issues and the response to the earthquake earlier this year.
Russia has continuously been bombarding Kiev. Yesterday a drone strike hit Moscow, but with only minimal damage.
The Sudanese army suspended its ceasefire talks and fighting is flaring up again.
The Sackler family was granted shielding from current or future civil lawsuits over the opioid crisis in return for $6B. Perdue Pharma is one of the major players in pushing its pain medication and kicking off a massive opioid crisis in the US from the 2000s until today. Perdue was sued to the point of bankruptcy for its role, but its owners the Sacklers were also targeted, and whether they're personally liable or not has been languishing in the courts for years until now.
The Texas legislature voted to impeach its AG, Ken Paxton. He has been accused of securities fraud, bribery, using his office to help friends (he's being impeached for this offense), and stealing a $1000 pen on camera. He entered national news in 2020 when he brought a case to the Supreme Court to ask it to change the swing states from Biden to Trump, which is an insane and completely nonsensical request legally, (note: the following is speculation) and the gossip at the time was he was looking to ingratiate himself to Trump for a presidential pardon because there was no other reasonable explanation for that action.
1) AP, NYT, Vox 2) Axios 3) AP 4) Reuters 5) Financial Times 6) CNN
Sorry, I took a short break because my brother had a baby. Regular updates will resume.
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the-rushit-mind · 1 year
Introduction: Managing your personal finances can be challenging, but it's also essential if you want to achieve financial security and independence. Fortunately, there are many simple and effective ways to save money and build wealth, even if you're on a tight budget. In this blog post, we'll discuss five practical tips that you can start implementing today to improve your financial situation.
Create a Budget: One of the most important things you can do to manage your money is to create a budget. A budget is a plan that helps you track your income and expenses, and it can help you identify areas where you can cut back and save money. Start by listing all of your income sources, such as your salary, freelance income, or side hustle earnings. Then, list all of your expenses, including rent/mortgage payments, utilities, food, transportation, and entertainment. Subtract your expenses from your income, and see how much money you have left over each month. Use this surplus to pay off debt or save for your financial goals.
Cut Back on Expenses: Once you have a budget, it's time to look for ways to cut back on expenses. Start by looking at your discretionary spending, such as eating out, shopping, and subscriptions. Consider reducing or eliminating these expenses, and look for cheaper alternatives. For example, you can cook more meals at home, shop for second-hand clothes, or cancel subscriptions that you don't use. Every dollar you save can go towards building wealth.
Automate Your Savings: Saving money can be challenging, but it's essential if you want to build wealth. One way to make saving easier is to automate it. Set up automatic transfers from your checking account to your savings account each month. You can also enroll in your employer's retirement plan or open an individual retirement account (IRA) to save for your retirement. Automating your savings ensures that you're putting money aside consistently, even when you're busy or forgetful.
Use Credit Wisely: Credit cards can be useful for building credit and earning rewards, but they can also be a source of debt if you're not careful. To use credit wisely, it's important to pay off your balance in full each month to avoid interest charges. You can also look for credit cards with low interest rates or no annual fees. Be cautious of using credit for impulse purchases or to fund a lifestyle that you can't afford. If you do carry a balance, aim to pay off as much as possible each month to reduce your debt and interest charges.
Invest for the Future: Investing is an essential part of building wealth over the long term. Even if you're starting with a small amount, you can still invest in stocks, bonds, or mutual funds through an online broker or robo-advisor. Investing allows you to earn higher returns than traditional savings accounts, but it also involves some risk. Be sure to do your research and consult with a financial advisor if you're unsure about investing.
Conclusion: Building wealth and achieving financial security is a journey, but it starts with simple actions that you can take toda. By creating a budget, cutting back on expenses, automating your savings, using credit wisely, and investing for the future, you can start building a solid financial foundation. Remember that every small step you take towards financial health and wealth is a step in the right direction.
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mariacallous · 2 years
The Senate is set to remain under Democratic control in 2023, while the majority in the House of Representatives remains unsettled—though most projections suggest Republicans will enjoy a very narrow majority. Much attention is already being paid to what’s to come in January, but before the 118th Congress is sworn in, the 117th Congress must finish its work in the so-called “lame duck” session. Here are four things to watch:
Two fiscal issues are likely to be a major focus of the last weeks of the 117th Congress: getting an omnibus spending bill done and deciding whether or not to deal with the debt limit.
The current measure funding discretionary federal programs expires on December 16, so avoiding a partial government shutdown requires action before that deadline. Prior to the passage of the current stopgap measure in September, factions of House and Senate Republicans had lobbied to run a temporary spending bill into January 2023 in possible anticipation of a new majority with different spending priorities.
With Republicans likely to take control of the House—albeit narrowly—Democrats will be especially eager to complete work on a full omnibus package for the balance of the fiscal year. Doing so will require both parties actually completing negotiations on a package and ensuring it has the support of at least 10 Republicans in the Senate necessary to end a filibuster. The expected difficulty of managing the House under a narrow Republican majority in January may factor into some members’ calculations; a high-stakes showdown over keeping the government open just weeks into a new Congress may be an unattractive enough proposition for some GOP legislators that they will be willing to leave it to the lame duck session.
Given the expected narrow House Republican majority, Democrats will also need to decide whether to try to address the debt ceiling in the lame duck or leave it on the agenda for next year. Estimates put the date by which the debt limit will need to be addressed at some point in the third quarter of 2023, but lessons from the last shift to a Republican House majority under a Democratic president loom large. Indeed, in 2011, the newly GOP-controlled House saw a sizable faction of members insist on large spending cuts in exchange for their support in raising the debt limit. A complicated deal in the form of the Budget Control Act of 2011, which imposed discretionary spending caps for a decade, meant catastrophe was averted, but threats from Republicans could produce a similar showdown next year. Democrats have legislative options for preemptively addressing the debt limit in the lame duck, but will have to decide whether the brinkmanship being proffered by Republicans means they should spend time and political capital on the issue before the end of the year.
While fiscal issues will be front and center, several other legislative items also remain ripe for further action. Reports indicate that one such measure, to codify the federal recognition of same-sex marriages, is likely to be voted on as soon as this week in the Senate; the House had passed a similar bill prior to the elections. Other priorities include reforms to the Electoral Count Act, additional aid to Ukraine, funding for fighting the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and extending expiring tax provisions. One item that is especially likely to move—and, perhaps, carry along with it some other provisions—is the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA. The annual defense policy bill is seen as a must pass measure, but as a result, it can end up bearing political conflicts that slow down its progress.
And finally, since May 2020, House members have had the option of voting via proxy—that is, designating a colleague who, after receiving directions from the absent member, votes on the floor in his or her place. Originally designed as a way to reduce individual and collective risk from COVID-19, proxy voting has been used more expansively through 2021 and 2022, including by several members running for higher office who, perhaps, took advantage of the procedure to spend more time on the campaign trail.
Proxy voting’s future in the 118th Congress is in doubt. If elected Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy has pledged to end the practice—and while his narrow majority may alter that calculation, it is certainly possible that the final weeks of the 117th Congress will also be the final days of proxy voting. Either way, expect the lame duck to feature proxy voting heavily. In 2020, there were 226 new proxy designations between Election Day and the end of the session, including eight departing members who designated a proxy for the first time.
In the contemporary Congress, deadline-driven legislating is a common occurrence, with the specter of the winter holidays often looming as an especially powerful action forcing mechanism. This year looks to be no different.
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Uhhh what about 12 👀
lilith and beatrice in the midst of their divorce
“Don’t apologize.” Beatrice gets that look on her face, the one that she has when she’s trying to solve an especially difficult problem, brows knit together and a far away look in her eyes. “We’ll need to make sure there are no clauses about discretionary oversight in either of our family funds, I believe I weeded all of those out when we got married but a second glance never hurt.”
Lilith’s a little confused and mostly scared, so all she manages is a strangled whine. Beatrice looks down at her and cocks her head to the side, an unasked question in the flit of her brow.
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chainzsw-199 · 1 year
Report: Efficient Strategies for Teenagers to Optimize Savings
Date: May 23, 2023
This financial report aims to provide teenagers with practical guidance on saving money in a systematic and effective manner. By following the recommended strategies outlined below, young individuals can develop a solid foundation for their financial future.
1. Set Clear Financial Goals:
To embark on a successful savings journey, it is crucial to establish clear financial goals. Identify both short-term objectives, such as purchasing a new gadget or saving for a trip, and long-term goals like college tuition or building an emergency fund. Defining these goals will help prioritize your saving efforts.
2. Create a Budget:
Developing a budget is essential for effective money management. Begin by tracking your income and expenses, distinguishing between essential and discretionary spending. Allocate a portion of your income towards savings and ensure that your expenses align with your budget. This disciplined approach will enable you to save systematically.
3. Differentiate Between Wants and Needs:
Understanding the distinction between wants and needs is vital for prudent financial decision-making. Prioritize necessary expenses such as food, clothing, and education, while exercising restraint with discretionary purchases. By minimizing impulsive spending, you can allocate a larger portion of your income towards savings.
4. Implement the "Pay Yourself First" Principle:
To ensure consistent savings, adopt the "pay yourself first" principle. Set up an automated transfer of funds from your income to a designated savings account at the beginning of each month. Treating savings as a non-negotiable expense will cultivate a habit of saving regularly.
5. Explore Money-Saving Apps and Tools:
Leverage technology to your advantage by utilizing money-saving apps and tools. These platforms can help track expenses, set financial goals, and even provide insights into potential savings opportunities. By harnessing the power of technology, you can optimize your savings efforts.
6. Minimize Unnecessary Expenses:
Identify areas where you can cut back on unnecessary expenses. Evaluate subscription services, entertainment choices, and eating out habits. Consider alternative options, such as borrowing books from the library or preparing meals at home, to reduce unnecessary costs and boost your savings potential.
7. Embrace the Power of Saving:
Saving money is not merely about restricting spending but also about embracing the concept of delayed gratification. Develop a mindset that appreciates the long-term benefits of saving. Celebrate small milestones along the way, and view saving as an investment in your future financial well-being.
By implementing these strategies and consistently practicing disciplined financial habits, teenagers can lay a strong foundation for their financial future. Establishing clear goals, creating a budget, differentiating between wants and needs, and adopting the "pay yourself first" principle are key steps towards optimizing savings. Additionally, leveraging technology, reducing unnecessary expenses, and embracing the power of saving will contribute to long-term financial success. Remember, developing sound financial habits early in life will pave the way for a secure and prosperous future.
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alwayscollective · 10 hours
How to Budget Effectively When Renting an Apartment with Utilities Included
Renting an apartment is a significant financial commitment, and understanding how to manage your budget is crucial for a stress-free living experience. When you choose apartments with utilities included for rent, you can simplify your budgeting process and gain better control over your finances. In this blog, we’ll discuss effective budgeting strategies to help you thrive in your new home.
1. Understand Your Total Monthly Costs
When renting an apartment with utilities included, the first step is to understand what your total monthly costs will look like. While the rent covers utilities like water, electricity, and gas, there may still be additional expenses to consider, such as:
Rent: The fixed monthly amount for your apartment.
Internet and Cable: Often not included in utilities, so budget for these separately.
Renter’s Insurance: A small but important cost that protects your belongings.
Groceries and Household Supplies: Essential living expenses that vary based on personal habits.
Tip: Create a detailed list of all potential monthly expenses to get a clearer picture of your financial obligations.
2. Create a Realistic Budget
Once you understand your total costs, it’s time to create a budget. Here’s a simple approach:
A. Track Your Income
Calculate your total monthly income from all sources, including your salary, side gigs, or other income streams.
B. Allocate Your Expenses
Use the following guidelines to allocate your income:
Housing Costs (30%): Aim to spend no more than 30% of your monthly income on rent and utilities combined.
Groceries (10-15%): Plan for your grocery bills based on your eating habits.
Transportation (10-15%): Include costs for public transit or fuel for your car.
Savings (10-20%): Set aside a portion of your income for emergencies and future goals.
Discretionary Spending (10-15%): Reserve money for entertainment, dining out, and other non-essential expenses.
Tip: Use budgeting apps like Mint or YNAB (You Need a Budget) to help you track your expenses and adjust as necessary.
3. Take Advantage of Fixed Costs
One of the key benefits of apartments with utilities included for rent is the predictability of costs. With fixed utility payments, you won’t have to worry about fluctuating bills each month. This allows you to budget more effectively and plan for savings.
Tip: Keep an eye on your utility usage, even if it’s included in rent. Being mindful of your consumption can lead to good habits and potential savings in the long run.
4. Plan for Unexpected Expenses
Life is unpredictable, so it’s essential to set aside some money for unexpected costs. Even in apartments with utilities included, you might encounter:
Repair Costs: While major repairs are usually the landlord’s responsibility, minor repairs can arise.
Emergency Expenses: Medical bills or car repairs can pop up unexpectedly.
Tip: Aim to build an emergency fund that covers 3-6 months of living expenses. This will provide peace of mind and financial stability.
5. Review and Adjust Regularly
Your budget should be a living document that evolves with your circumstances. Regularly review your income and expenses to ensure you’re staying on track.
Tip: Set aside time each month to assess your budget. Adjust categories based on your spending habits and any changes in income or expenses.
6. Explore Cost-Saving Strategies
While living in an apartment with utilities included simplifies many aspects of budgeting, there are still ways to save money:
Cook at Home: Reduce dining-out expenses by preparing meals at home.
Utilize Free Resources: Take advantage of community events and free entertainment options.
Use Public Transportation: If possible, opt for public transit to save on fuel and parking costs.
7. Conclusion
Budgeting effectively when renting apartments with utilities included can lead to a more manageable and enjoyable living experience. By understanding your total costs, creating a realistic budget, planning for unexpected expenses, and regularly reviewing your financial situation, you can set yourself up for success.
If you’re considering apartments with utilities included for rent, use these tips to make the most of your new home and keep your finances in check. Happy budgeting!
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