#Disc dog
tricksforclicks · 5 months
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Updif 2024 performance round
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elvenferretots · 2 months
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I never in a thousand years thought Ten would be able to pull a placement in UpDog, and yet here he was this weekend getting a first and a second! I could happy cry.
Valkyrie said playing disc in 90 degree weather is dumb, but still pulled off one first place in Skyhoundz.
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grison-in-space · 1 year
Yeah, okay, Dogblr. Matilda is making it extremely clear that she wants to play disc more than any other thing we do together: she wants to play disc so badly that she will attempt to conscript any human who holds still long enough to release her outside where the frisbees are, and then also come out and throw them.
She has already taught herself to leap 2-5 feet in the air, sometimes while twisting and flipping, to catch a Frisbee sailing through the air. She will bring me discs or drop them as asked. I am a mediocre thrower but I get a lot of practice these days. We are using cheap shitty PetSmart frisbees mostly with a couple of Chuckit Paraflights for her training go bag. I'm open to purchasing better discs but they have to be sturdy: my dogs aren't allowed to chew Frisbees, but Benton tends to get hyperfixated by digging at frisbees in the dirt and it's not always possible to immediately get them back. I am also poor, so budget stuff is great.
I listen to my dog--I already had plans to enroll her in a disc class next summer--but while I know the kinds of things that help set up a puppy for agility well and that a puppy absolutely should not do, I do not know those things for disc. Matilda is 10mo: still definitely growing. I don't think I can stop her choosing to jump for things, even flippy jumps; she's frankly too fast and too determined. She does not give a shit about wipe-outs or falling. She wants a chance to catch a flying disc above basically every other reward in her universe.
What should I know about disc to keep my puppy from injuring herself and to help us elaborate the game she loves together?
I will be starting with MN Disc Dogs as a reading guide but does anyone know of good disc dog resources? Their getting started page is for people struggling with a different problem than I have: teaching the dogs that the Frisbee can be fun to catch in the air. Matilda knows that the Frisbee is fun and has been known to steal totally dead Frisbees off tables and present them to someone to throw. Are there any good disc dog resources predicated on wandering into the sport because your dog is extremely motivated and you are a hapless naif?
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She's ready. Throw the Frisbee.
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lloonlloon · 7 months
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Uppy Bowl Sunday!!!! 🥏
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On our very first beach trip, Thistle caught her first and second rollers ever! This is the second
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stinkybrowndogs · 1 year
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Custom disc dog stickers! Big thank you to @k9jocks for letting me use their super cute pup as a model!
You can order one of your own Here!
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zaryathelaika · 1 year
Judging from the hang time Zarya is giving while retrieving her favourite soccer ball, she might become a decent frisbee dog. Her hind legs are not as powerful as Pavel's, the kangaroo laika, but damn, she has a high clearance. Pavel will retrieve as well, but he only does it because of the trust system and mutual relationship, which would otherwise be easily broken in the wrong hands. He likes working with his partner, but is very picky about who he wants to work with. Pavel will retrieve game birds for his new partner. Won't post pictures because Tumblr doesn't have a way to blur photos like Twitter or Mastodon. Zarya retrieves because she lives for the retrieve. Laikas are not supposed to be frisbee dogs, and there are highly specialized retrieving lines from Moscow. Although the original Indigenous population will retrieve because Mansi and Khanty peoples hunt waterfowls; but the arrangements are more like "oh, you need a moose dog? I have two, want mine? I only need to feed one. Do you have a marten dog to give in exchange for the moose dog? I am in need of one" rather than any kind of systematic breeding. At the risk of going off-topic, there is a guy local to me claiming to have retrieving lines imported from Ukraine.
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musicaldogtrio · 2 years
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I haven’t been very good at keeping ya’ll updated. But Butter got halfway to qualifying for Updog’s nationals (Updif) this year. We got a little sidetracked with a different sport though, so we won’t be pushing hard to go to Updif after all.
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kat-n-dog · 2 years
Disc training update
Agh. No way. Could it be....that my dog has....drive?????
Our last couple of sessions have been Really Good. He's focused on the disc. He WANTS the disc. He's tracking it down and catching it, like, with intent. AND bringing it back. He brings it to me and we tug for a minute and he puts his whole body into it - he's never played tug like that before. He lets go when I ask and immediately performs a come-around so that I'll throw the disc for him.
Part of me is like where did this come from?? Out of nowhere?? But it's not out of nowhere. We've been practicing for months, and I've been employing drive-building practices with him the entire time. And it....worked????
We still have a long way to go, and he's still not nearly as into it as other dogs I've worked with. Might not ever be. But this is the first time I've felt like our work is starting to pay off. Damn
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discsanddogs · 2 years
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One of my club members got some snaps of my gremlin during her set of runs
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tricksforclicks · 5 months
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Hopper's updif criteria round.
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elvenferretots · 22 days
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grison-in-space · 11 months
Huh. Ordered a three pack of glow in the dark Jawz Hyperflites as the evenings get shorter, but this time I actually ordered a set of 7in Pups instead of the full size ones.
And.... she loves the Pups. Matilda's big Jawz were met with disgust (her) and awkward regret (me): I'm much worse at aiming them, they're heavier, and they're therefore much harder to catch. That said, for a dog who routinely tries to catch discs by intercepting them with her body, returning to the cheap plastic PetSmart discs is not a great idea. So we were grumpily trudging along, trying to be safe.
Enter the 7inch Pup. Suddenly they're much lighter and more maneuverable again. They're smaller, so short little Matilda finds them easier to carry. She seems to like the material fine, she's easy on her discs, and she's back to gleefully insisting that HUMAN THROW THE FRISBEE instead of suggesting repeatedly that we play with the jolly ball instead.
I really wouldn't have expected the much smaller and slightly cheaper disc to be so much better for us, but shows what I know! I'm really pleased with it.
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lloonlloon · 1 year
My dog deserves someone who can throw 😭
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catching it!!!! Hell yeah!!!
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stinkybrowndogs · 1 year
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