#Disability Visability
tygenco · 6 months
The update on things is that the housemate is financially flat-lined. If 'thoughts and prayers' were actual currency then I'd be covered for a decade's worth of rent by this point.
For those who don't know: the housemate has become mobility disabled due to a life-altering injury, and then there's the other medical conditions that took the opportunity to go "hiiii, we're heeeere!" They're in a care facility at this point--they've been there since the beginning of December 2023.
I cannot cover the rent on my own, in its entirety, because I do not pull in enough income to do so. I've depleted my tiny buffer and have no other resources. Family is unable to help any more than they already do. Being Autistic, and trying to handle all my Things while dealing with this on my own is making it very difficult to maintain what little 'cool-headedness' I've had in my day to day. I am drowning under the pressure and therapy and meds can only get me so far.
Please, please help.
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Body positivity comes off as very aggravating to me and some other disabled people I know (not everyone obviously)
It's just annoying when there are signs and posters everywhere saying things like "love your body for everything it does for you!" Cause, like no? I'm sorry but I don't like my body, it's defective and causes me a lot of pain. But I also think part of what confuses other people when I talk about this is that to me, my body is not me, it's just the vessel I live in. I don't identify myself with it and quite honestly I do not like it.
But I also happen to think that it is very attractive, but like as an observation not a moral or value based thing. Even if I thought I was unattractive so what? That doesn't mean anything about me as a person doesn't make me less then those I find nice to look at.
Idk I just don't like when I try and talk about how I hate my body people dismiss that and tell me all the reasons I should love it, it feels very dismissive of my lived experience. That's not to say I think people shouldn't love their body power to them if it makes them happy but dont try and force me to love what limits and hurts me.
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reel-fear · 3 months
Happy Disability Pride Month! Please don't support SCAVENGER ON THE WIND
CW for body horror, disturbing imagery and paranoia triggers below!
I know a lot of people are probably excited about this MAP
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It's one that came out recently and got a lot of views fairly quickly. However, as you can see it features body horror and disturbing imagery in its thumbnail.
This is dangerous and not okay for multiple reasons. For one. Warrior Cats is a series for children, children are not good at handling disturbing imagery nor body horror. It could give them nightmares, stress, or even trauma in the worst cases. See stuff like Smile HD and other shock horror using children's media that is luckily now commonly frowned upon.
That's not to say all horror using children's media is unethical just that it 1. Should come with a prominent warning that it is not for kids and 2. Shouldn't feature shocking content in the thumbnail as anyone who could be triggered or disturbed by that content can't prevent YouTube from showing it to them. This video breaks both rules.
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This is the only warning the MAP has. It mentions nothing specific that could actually trigger someone and doesn't even bother to label itself as not something kids should consume. This warning has all the usefulness of opening a game that tells you "This Game Contains Scenes". I'm sure many of you are thinking it could just be a simple and easy-to-fix mistake...
However, the host is not interested in fixing any of this despite people politely pointing out these exact problems. Which I will show soon.
Another important thing is that generally making horror content should always be done with caution. You shouldn't include anything too graphic or disturbing in your thumbnail and oftentimes it's preferred you keep it very tame. Doing otherwise could cause people with particular triggers to have a horrible reaction to them.
Sadly disabled people are already really ignored and stepped over in a lot of horror communities, analogue horror is sadly a very prominent one. People with physical disabilities are often tagged as "Body Horror" with no consideration to how hurtful that label could be to them and sometimes even used as disturbing images to jumpscare you in stuff like games inspired by Mandela Catalogue.
the mentally ill are only treated worse both by fans of horror and by horror content itself. This treatment actively contributes to their discrimination in real life, which is why it's so important to listen to them on topics like this. Sadly it doesn't seem like this host cares for them at all.
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This extremely defensive and immature post was made in response to these incredibly polite and kind comments.
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These people were:
Super polite
Offered solutions to this problem.
Were just trying to prevent harm coming from people who might find the content in this MAP disturbing.
The replies they received were none of the above. Funky and Erlkremling [A prominent horror WC artist] both dismissed these concerns with Erlkremling being particularly rude to them.
This is dangerous but most of all shows an extreme lack of care or regard to those who suffer from mental disorders.
I myself tried to point this out, only to get even crueler comments from the host and Erlkremling.
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This is to put bluntly, fucking cruel to those who suffer from these problems. Why is it that when Cheetah Z has flashing lights that could harm people it's a problem but saying 'don't put disturbing imagery in your THUMBNAILS which nobody can prevent from being shoved into their dash' it's too far to compare them?? This is so blatantly treating mentally ill folks like their issues, their struggles, THEIR SAFETY FOR FUCKS SAKE, is less important than their 'actually disabled' counterparts.
They are literally admitting this is a problem, that other popular horror medias in this fandom suffer this problem. But instead of seeing that and saying "oh my god, I'm contributing to a running problem of ableism in this fandom I should stop." They're saying "Well if those other people ALSO think a png is more important than disabled people's safety surely I'm in the right!"
The absolutely apathy towards the suffering of disabled people has genuinely brought me to tears just thinking of the way they replied to me. THIS IS OVER A PNG, A THUMBNAIL THEY COULD TAKE JUST A FEW HOURS TO REDRAW, that fucking image to them is more important than the safety of disabled folks. Happy fucking disability pride month to you too btw.
To put it bluntly, if you see this situation for the upsetting awful mess it is I would highly suggest not supporting this MAP and letting the participants know what kind of behavior they are associating themselves with.
Here's a link with all the map parts, tell the participants what kind of behavior they are encouraging by taking part in this project.
Here's the og map call, tell the host how unacceptable and cruel this treatment of the mentally ill is.
Sadly unless there is a big backlash, it's very unlikely any of these creators will care about those they have affected. I honestly can't even describe how horrible all the things they have implied in these comments is.
To try and argue some people are just 'too mentally ill' to belong in internet spaces is HORRIBLE, they want people they deem 'too disabled' to simply NOT EXIST in online spaces. This is literally them fully admitting some disabled people simply don't belong in public spaces, don't deserve to be heard in online discussions and are simply not as important as other disabled folks when it comes to making things accessible for them.
I've been genuinely losing sleep over this at times, neurotypical people just have no idea how stressful, how upsetting and how hurtful it can be to know you're considered 'lesser' than other 'actually disabled' folks. To be trampled and spoken over, spoken to like you're NOTHING on these issues. So please from the pleas of a disabled artist in this space.
Please, Please reblog and spread this, on this month above all else we should be focused on stopping this kind of behavior.
Just because it's a consistent issue in this fandom doesn't make it okay to spread it even more. In fact I am inviting anyone reading this, if you see gore, body horror and general disturbing imagery in a thumbnail please inform the uploader of the real damage it can do to the mentally ill. Sadly, I put off posting this for a long time, because I didn't think anyone would listen or care unless I did it this month.
That's just a sad reality for a lot of mentally ill folks, in online spaces we're silenced. We just have to live with that a lot of the time, but I'm not gonna let this slide on a month dedicated to people like me and those who behavior like this hurts. Neither should you.
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puzzlingrubberknife · 3 months
Happy disability pride month y'all!!
Shoutout to disabled selfshippers and f/os that are either canonicay or headcanonically disabled :3
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stangeranfanficion · 1 year
One thing that I will never get over was the influx of people in the Sims community who actively rallyed against disabilities being included in the sims because it was "too sad"
Like jesus fucking christ
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cpunkwitch · 4 months
Just because someone isn't visibly disabled doesn't mean they aren't physically disabled
You don't need to be a mobility aid user or have it on you to use the disabled stall. There's no bathroom pass for stalls especially not on disabled stalls.
Just because you can't see that someone is disabled doesn't mean they don't need the disabled parking spot
Let people use resources, especially if it doesn't effect you.
No one has a say on who is and isn't disabled nor what resources they should use unless it genuinely is hindering other people. Which in most cases like this it isn't.
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be-good-to-bugs · 4 months
would love if people would be normal about tourettes
#the bin#of qll my disabilities tourettes is the one i have the most to say about. and its the one i deal with the most social bullshit from#i hate how people treat me not ticcing like its a good thing. its good for you. for me its miserable.#and how they feel entitled to the knowledge of how my tics have been#i hate so much when ill do something very strange or disruptive and immediately get asked if i ever did that at work#every conversation about it feels like im being made fun of or looked at like something so other#its either treated like a nuisance to others. a source if entertainment. or like a horrible curse i have thats bad because of the social#impact it has and others treating me bad. insulting pity. they treat it so different to all my other disabilities#the other ones are treated like a quirk of the body that sucks. like how people i know talk about their own pain#but pain caused by tics is different. people talk wbout it not like a disability but like a magic curse#and no matter how much i ask for it to be ignored by others they refuse. they act like theyre helping me by asking me wbout it#or giving commentary qbout it when i tic. leawve me alone. you treat it liek a tragety because i have to live with such a visable thing#that others dont understand and deal with weird looks and commentary. and then give me weird looks and commentary#i hate it. tourettes itself kinda sucks bc tics are physically unpleasant but its tolerable. thats just how my kife is#what isnt tolerable is howw people act about it. nobody in my family is normal wbout it. after iw was diagnosed its like they all saw me as#a different person. ugh
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To See is To Be. And. I want to See More of Me! Disability is just one part of a character. It can be a focus, or in the background or somewhere in between. It depends on the person. It depends on the disability. But it can always be a part of the story. So let’s see what that could look like in some of our favorite stories. Ochako Uraraka from MHA Let’s increase VisibiliMe! What if Uravity had a disability? Like say type 1 diabetes. Type 1 is a genetic condition that tends to develop in childhood that makes it difficult for the body to keep a healthy level of sugar in the blood. Like many children born with chronic conditions, Uraraka had to be responsible early, and develop a routine of nutrition and exercise to maintain her sugar levels. This led to her dependable attitude and love of martial arts and fitness. Uraraka uses a device called a Dexcom to monitor her glucose, which can be placed all around the body. Ochako grew up watching her family struggle to keep up with her medical bills, leading to her want to make money. So she became determined to pay back her parents both literally and figuratively and prove that just because she has a disability doesn’t mean she can’t be a hero.
Edited · 56s
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Just for disability pride month I want everyone to know
Thank you!<3333
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wheresernie · 1 year
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Meet Luca (he/they)
[ID: a color pencil drawing of a pale light skinned man with wavy blonde hair, strabismus and a partially closed right eye, a bumpy nose bridge with a wart on the left side. He has a red birthmark under his nose and a hoop lip ring. He wears a blue denim jacket with brown shoulders. He has right eyebrow piercings as well. He is smiling and looking at the camera. END ID]
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sho-haizono · 13 days
Every day I get one more boy in honors english/ spanish away from killing myself to prove a point .
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horrorsequel · 2 months
chin hair only thing local man likes about himself, mom constantly mentions he should shave it and he says he will later. he is mostly lying.
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sushisusii · 16 days
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Not all disabilities are visable. Even I need help sometimes
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alighted-willow · 11 months
Sometimes I wonder if I'm slipping in my discipline or if all my struggles are just in my head; surmountable through will.
Then I'll be thirty minutes into slipping in and out of hypnogogic hallucinations or be cleaning up the third nosebleed I've had this week and go “Oh, right. That.”
Whenever I get frustrated at my medical team I start singing the Medical Anomaly in my head.
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cobwebbed-crow · 1 year
Never, under any circumstance, is it okay for you to call someone else's body triggering. It's never okay for you to label someone else's body as "wrong" just because you're hurting.
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ryandjaxon · 1 year
You rarely see politicians in wheelchairs like FDR or other visible disabilities. There needs to be more inclusivity. #diversity #WeThePeople excerpt from the lecture The Great Tours: Washington DC
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