#Disability Scooters
liberaljane · 2 months
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Busy daydreaming about an accessible future
Digital illustration of a fat brown queer fem. She is seated in a mobility scooter and holding a picket sign that reads, 'if it's not accessible, it's not acceptable.' Her scooter is green and pink, and in the front basket is a white cat holding a fish.
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I turned my mobility scooter into a Pirate Ship. It features over 1000 LED lights. 8 firing cannons with smoke, lights, and sound. A talking score on the back with the Disney and Pirates of the Caribbean ride soundtrack. Plus more.
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Mobility Aids Sydney is a term that covers a range of devices and equipment used by people with physical disabilities. It includes mobility aids for the upper body, lower body and for the hands. is an Australian distributor of Disability Aids Sydney for people with disabilities. We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible service and support. We will always do our best to help you find the right product to suit your needs.
The reduction in Mobility Aids Seniors caused by age-related decline or other illness or disease can be a very stressful time. The inability to complete specific tasks, or to move effortlessly as you would like to be a significant impact on your physical and mental well-being.
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In any stage of the course of our lives we are likely to be in need of assistance due to a variety of reasons. Thinking about ways to improve your life and help you could be a significant improvement in your quality of life as it progresses.
Our name is All Care Mobility, we are a specialist in helping people with disabilities and seniors. disabled by offering the most efficient mobility aids that are made available by trustworthy brands, and are able to be found in Australia all across the country.
We are excited to be able announce our grand opening for our newly opened store located in Sydney. Mobility Caring is a leading provider of different mobility aids, such as mobility scooters and wheelchairs, mobility aids, such as walking aids, as well as walking aids. Our staff is well-equipped to help you choose the best mobility aid Sydney that will meet your needs.
We would like to provide those who need additional help with items that will assist in improving their lives and getting easily around. The showroom we have in Sydney will be stocked with all of our products available online to be displayed. If you're worried about the type of mobility aid you need or don't know how that aids in mobility can assist you with your daily life. Check out our showroom where you can take a look at the different items we provide and find out how they can assist you in the day-to-day activities of life.
We're a certified NDIS and an accredited home-care provider. we're here to help you to live a more fulfilling and enjoyable life that meets your needs. Our extensive knowledge of the field will enable us to aid you live you life to the highest possible extent.
For More Information Visit Website
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heart-buzz · 11 months
something i think a lot of able-bodied people (or really, ANYONE who doesn't use an electric mobility device) fail to realize is that while having a power chair can certainly open up your ability to go places, many places are not power chair/scooter friendly. even curbs aren't power chair friendly, (frankly im ignoring the width of sidewalks for this post... 😒) the first time i left my home with my chair, i had an emotional breakdown upon coming home, because my own driveway isn't power chair friendly. the curb has a two inch rise, which simply can't be rolled over. we'd already had to buy an expensive ramp to get OUT of the house, and i had to get out of my chair (ow) so that my fiance could lift the chair over the curb. if he wasn't there with me, i would've been out of luck. not only would i have had to leave my $5000 chair outside on the street, i would've had to walk myself back inside, which is one of the main contributions of my back pain. btw, insurance doesn't cover anything towards non-permanent chair ramps. as a disabled person, you are expected to cover those expenses yourself, and they are not cheap.
i also realized that not every road has an ADA-compliant curb to roll onto. do you know what that means? that means i have to drive my chair in the street, with actual cars. do you know the top speed of my chair? it's 5.1 miles per hour. im not sure if it's illegal to pass someone in a mobility scooter, but no one wanted to drive around me when this happened so i held up the traffic on a somewhat busy road. it was embarrassing and somewhat frightening.
i guess all im saying is, please think about power chair and scooter users when you think about wheelchair accessibility. please consider what our heavier, battery-operated chairs can and can't do when it comes to curbs and ramps.
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giantkillerjack · 5 months
You shouldn't get a wheelchair, walker, cane, shower chair, or any kind of assistive technology mobility aid because then you might become dependent on them. Just like how you also shouldn't get glasses if you have bad eyesight because then you might become dependent on those.
For instance, if you end up stuck using corrective eyewear, you could actually lose your ability to tell what things are even when they are extremely blurry! You need to get used to having migraines from seeing unclearly because if you wear glasses all the time, you are basically giving up!! You don't need to see things coming at you from far away! You just need to get good at dodging, and if you can't, then you have no one to blame but yourself!!
For example, I read a really heart-worming article recently about a girl who was stuck using glasses - just absolutely, tragically trapped in her eyewear from dawn to dusk, even though she was good and never ever complained; and I heard she trained herself to discern the blurry faces of her loved ones with 60% accuracy! - she was even able to walk down the aisle at her wedding WITHOUT forcing the discomfort of seeing a woman in glasses on all her guests!!
Sure, she had to give her vows with a splitting headache, and she couldn't see her husband's expression when he said "I do," but overall, SO inspi-ration-al!!! So up-lifting!!
(She didn't even have to use a seeing eye cane, which would have been the worst-case scenario, obviously, because she worked hard to make sure she looked LESS disabled, not MORE disabled!!! Everyone knows blind people exist solely to be a cautionary tale to sighted people!!)
Also, did you know some people get glasses when they only need them a little bit?? How selfish of them! Sure, there's not a shortage, and an increase in demand would result in overall increased accessibility to glasses--but emotionally it's like taking glasses away from someone who needs them more! After all, if everyone who needed glasses got them, then...... um...... more people would have glasses! Which is probably bad!!!!
I also had a friend who was trapped in glasses who saved up all her money for laser eye surgery, and I don't know why everyone doesn't just do that! Sure, some doctors say some people don't "qualify" and it "won't help" those people, but that's why you can't give up!! You don't want to be one of those people!
After all, what's the worse thing that could happen with an unnecessary laser surgery to the face that comes with crippling debt??? It's worth the risk to gain your FREEDOM back, and I'm so proud of my friend!!
Tragically, she did die later that year while driving Uber and squinting at street signs, but at least now I know my friend is finally free from the shackles of her terrible eyesight. #ripAshley #rippedAshley #justripit 😌😌😌❤😇😇😇
And that's why you shouldn't get used to using a mobility aid!! Because, like glasses, they are inherently embarrassing to be seen with; and - like glasses - it is more noble to suffer silently than to depend on unnatural technologies that force you to rely on them; AND - just like glasses - by abstaining from using them, you DEFINITELY benefit SO many people in tangible life-changing ways!!! (Besides, everyone else will be so much more comfortable if you just look normal! 😊)
I hope you learned something today. 💖
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hate-kill-repeat · 1 year
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makin some new guys
ID in alt text!
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smoov-criminal · 1 year
if you use more than one, choose which you use more. if you use them equally, choose which you like the best or find the most helpful
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puppyuserboxes · 8 months
disablity aid userboxes
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lemony-ink · 3 months
It's disability pride month! On day 1 I'm here to remind you that able-bodied people do not wish they had mobility aids
if you think about how much easier it would be to do basic tasks if you had a mobility aid or other kind of aid but aren't sure if you should, you absolutely should.
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activescooter · 2 days
Mobility Scooters: What You Should Know
Discover the best portable mobility scooters and travel scooters with Active Scooters. As a leading provider of mobility scooters in Australia, they offer a diverse range of options to suit various needs. Their selection includes high-quality disability scooters designed for comfort, durability, and ease of use. Mobility Caring is ensuring that each scooter provides the independence and mobility you deserve. Whether you're looking for a lightweight scooter for travel or a reliable model for daily use, our expert team is here to help you find the perfect solution. Explore our range today:  https://activescooters.com.au/mobility-scooters-what-you-should-know/
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theatrekidenergy · 2 months
Please reblog for larger results!
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iamyouknow-yours · 7 months
It's been over a year since I got my mobility scooter and longer since I got my cane. So... Mobility Aid Appreciation Post!
Put your own mobility aid appreciation in the notes, I would like to read!
Wheelchair edition:
I can go on fun adventures with friends, spontaneously as well!
I have gone to various parks, to get snacks, and the other day I scooted from university all the way to my friend's house! I went on the side of a small motorway which was a little bit terrifying but it was fun and I was safe.
I can get around campus so speedily. Well apart from that the accessible routes are a little backwards. But I can go fast to them and arrive before people ambling between classes.
Part of the reason is because people just jump out of my way when they see me coming. They move so fast to not be in my way, it is very funny.
Part 2 of that is that I can go through crowds quite easily. It's a little annoying bc people aren't expecting to look down to see people trying to move. But once they see me they move. And they tell other people to move.
People let me sit at the front of things. I got to sit right at the front of a convention panel and I was so near Kat Graham!!
People open doors for me.
I hardly ever have to wait in line for things, I get put in the front and get to skip the queue.
I can be out of the house for much, much longer.
I am way more patient about my friends wanting to take their time doing things and looking in shops because I don't have to stand, I can sit while they do that.
I have way more stamina for being hungry or cold or tired or sore because I can be sitting while experiencing those things.
The battery has only started Running Out one time and even then she did get me home.
It's helped with learning to drive a car because I am better at understanding the turning circle and how reversing while turning works.
I have gotten better at using my scooter! I am pretty good at maneuvering and judging her distance and stuff. I only bump into corners if I'm in a hurry and in my house ie not making an effort to not hit people's walls.
I've had interesting conversations with people who have come up to me to ask about getting one for a family member. This may be not a perk to some people! So keep that in mind. But I think it's also about my vibe, I usually give off the vibe of "you can come talk to me".
Cane edition:
People give up their seats for me. Especially on the train. If there are no seats, then the old women will squish together and then we all sit next to each other. People are really nice about giving me a seat.
I can climb stairs so much easier!
I haven't lost my balance or fallen or twisted my ankle once while using it.
I can lean on it when I get tired which means I can stay out for a bit longer.
I can use it to get up so so much more easily.
I have a built in fidget toy with the strap.
It folds up and so I can put it in my bag to have just in case.
I hurt my leg one time and boom I already had a mobility aid.
I can use it to walk when my tummy hurts and I can't stand up straight.
And to alleviate your fears, no one has asked me why I switch hands when I use it.
Reminder that it is fully allowed and okay to lie to people when they ask why you're using a mobility aid. You can also say, "It's really difficult to talk about."
Or a funny/brave response like "I didn't read the terms and conditions." and "none of your business".
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milkweedman · 7 months
Not me putting off trying my wheel again bc im afraid that even on a 'good day' I might not be able to treadle. Hah. :/
Edit: OK either im not on a good day or else my good days are now hell, so I guess I will be avoiding the wheel out of sheer emotional self preservation
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smoov-criminal · 1 year
on the last poll (here), canes were at over 50%, so i wanna get some data on other mobility aids. if you use more than one, choose which you use more. if you use them equally, choose which you like the best or find the most helpful
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saturns-emotes · 20 days
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A bunch of mobility aids!
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its-ticsticstics · 1 year
I'm visually impaired and cannot drive a car. Not even with the most intense glasses could I drive. I'm not legally blind, but because of my severely impaired vision, I cannot drive and legally cannot still .
I use a mobility scooter to travel. The closest store to me is 45 minutes away if I walked as a seeing person, which I cannot. I can navigate side walks and crossing signs on my scooter because they have different textures in the road and auditory crossing signal sounds too. And people get mad whenever I get out of the scooter. As if I'm pretending to not be able to walk ...and the reason im using a scooter has NOTHING to do with that.
Not everyone you see using a mobility aid is using it for the reason you're expecting. And we're still allowed to exist without harassment.
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