#Digital Colour
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harkthorn · 25 days ago
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Sketch of an Aplomado falcon. Ballpoint pen lines, then threw on some very basic messy digital flats/colour
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michaeldrawrrett · 1 year ago
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GOBLIN WEEK MOVES INEXORABLY ONWARD: The Motley Knight Kagrasz Vecksplasian leans on his Dragon-Slaying Pikeblade in his PATCHWORK RAIMENT, his GLISTENING ARMOURED CODPIECE, and adopting his traditonal JAUNTY POSE. A loosely-organised union of farmworkers turned itinerant Sellswords (And also Sellspears, Sellaxes, and even Sellshovels if no swords are available), they are renowned for their quick wits, fast hands, and a strong aversion to colour coordination
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foxwayart · 1 year ago
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oh hey another update for my slarpg fan comic "Family", this time of mah gurl Melody! <3 progress is still slow given I'm still dealing with life stuff, but it was nice to chip away at it a bit, I swear when everything is dealt with I'll be able to get pages ACTUALLY finished and uploaded, but for now enjoy this panel.
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zelly-raptor · 26 days ago
21/02/2025: Ena and Hourglass Dog.
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Today is Ena Day! (As far as I am aware). That most beautiful day where we celebrate all things Ena!
Ena for those of Y'all that have been living under a Rock is a Web series created by Joel G. A series staring the Titular character "Ena" and their friend "Moony" going on some adventure whether it being Ena giving Moony a Gift or attending an Auction to try and win "Hourglass Dog" and well stuff happens and by "Stuff happens" I mean something completely Surreal and "Out there" so to speak.
There is a clear influence on other art forms in Ena including Cubism, Dadaism and references to 90s computer and Videogame graphics, So I attempted to capture that in my own fan arts here.
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splendidsneb · 1 year ago
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EDIT: Fan of the icons? Wanna to say 'Hey, good job!' And support me? Consider buying a sticker!
Greetings lovelies, I've been busy with another project and it's finally time to share.
As you can see, I've taken it upon myself to redraw my entire DbD Icon Pack.
This was no small task, I had a total of 73 characters to redraw, colour and format to work in game. (and not a whole lot of free time to do so)
I've been working on this icon pack since 2016, and as time has passed, both my skill as an artist, as well as the way I render certain things have changed, so I decided to go ahead and redo the entire project in a more cohesive style, as well as more closely reference official models when making the initial sketches, as quite a few of the old pieces were just me eye balling things and saying "close enough", so while you'll see some characters that look the same over all with minor tweaks to fix mistakes like Meg or Trapper, you'll also see some art that was completely redone for characters that I just wasn't happy with the quality, like Jeff of Doctor.
I even made a point of eye dropping all colours used directly from the previous version of the icons, along with reusing the same textures.
I wanted the icons to feel as close to the originals as I could make them, while still taking into account that the new UI features the icons on a dark background, which caused some visibility issues with the previous version, which were made with (at the time) lighter colour background in mind.
The new versions now have a white outline which keeps the icons from blurring into the background and getting lost.
I'm really happy with how this has turn out, and I hope you like it too!
That being said, while I will only be updating this version going forwards, I'm not going to delete the older version, so if you're a super fan of the previous version and would prefer to keep using them, you absolutely can!
The 'New and Improved' version can be found on NightLight app under "Sketched In Profile.", as well as here as a [Mega] if you'd prefer that.
If you wish to use the previous version of the icons, you can click the Mega and find them located in the folder entitled "!Legacy Icons." They'll be at the front of the list for easy access.
Feel free to take a peak at what they look like in game below!
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As always, if you have any questions or concerns about using these, feel free to reach out!
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nikola-the-noodle · 9 months ago
I finsihed this like 2 days ago and forgot to post it O-O
I had a lot of fun colouring this in and I think it turned out great :D
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passingspiritz · 7 days ago
Junji Ito poster
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monster-muridae · 3 months ago
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Tiny Print Club - Jan 25!
We are onto year 2 of tiny print club and I couldn't be more happy! This months print is a throw back with a new lick of colour :) originally I wanted to do this very styalised like the red print, but putting colour on it was so much fun, and leaving the graves/monuments stark white fit so nicely. I just didn't honestly know where to stop the green in the trees either.
Year two celebrations may be delayed a month just due to them not arriving from the printers in the time frame I ordered.
Join as a member // Donate £9 for a one off // Join with a ticket for a set amount of time.
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lumpydigits · 5 months ago
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I'm a bit late, but I couldn't not draw something when World Snow Leopard Day fell in the middle of Ace Week!
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harkthorn · 2 months ago
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Domestic pigeon griffon. Ridiculous creature. Imagining this one as a house pet, always there to hoover up crumbs
(Borrowed laptop has a poor screen, so colours may be weird)
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michaeldrawrrett · 1 year ago
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A VERY LATE GOBLIN WEEK THAT GOT AWAY FROM ME, SOMEWHAT: Aurikom the Orrery Goblin sits aboard her Cloudship spinning Shooting-Star-Stuff onto her Celestial Spindle, from where it will be expertly woven into one of her glimmering and TERRIBLY chic Sky-Cloaks
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foxwayart · 1 year ago
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Commissions are REOPEN! I'm gonna be opening five slots, so come grab em while you can! Please fill out the google form, which includes terms of service, and prices: H E R E
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zelly-raptor · 9 days ago
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Continuing my Quest to draw Sonic characters here's everyone's favourite Enchilada I mean Echidna "Knuckles". As a Kid me and my friends liked Knuckles so much so that we could no longer play Sonic on the School playground cause we all wanted to be Knuckles 😂.
Who could blame us though? He's got alot going for him, he's got Spikes on his Knuckles, he can Glide some how? And he's Super strong. I'm liking his Film incarnation where he's voiced by Actor and Rap artist Idris Elba (What you didn't know Idris could Rap?).
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fork99 · 1 year ago
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xP sketches under cut
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sketches n stuff
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tamikadraws · 2 years ago
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Sonic and his freedom fightin' pals. Art style inspired by Spaz and colours by Jason Jensen.
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unscrupulousartist · 1 year ago
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recoloured an old ink drawing for some server art
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