#Diabetes suck
shxleo97 · 1 year
I hate dawn phenomena. As if waking up late night in itself isn’t annoying, but to be woken up by the constant beeping of a reader is worse. The alert is more of a drill that punches a whole into my skull.
I already have a nuisance of migraine episodes, and this just triggers it even more, making me stressed, causing more hyperglycemia episodes.
Enter exhaustion and endless coughs caused by irritation of my lungs and sinuses.
You’d think the raving glucose levels are enough to drive you to the brink of hell, but TO ADD CYSTIC FIBROSIS EPISODES AND ALL ITS TAIL OF OTHER COMPLICATIONS INTO THE MIX? Have mercy.
I was fine with my sleeping bacteria and gnawing pains but commmmmnooonnnnn LET A WOMAN SLEEP.
This cycle of hell is freakishly annoying and irritating.
Thank you.
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nattravn-art · 5 months
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David Eilander "the Magician"
You might've seen him before at @thecrimsonvalley-creates since we came up with this face together!
I personally headcanon that he's got dubious eating/sleeping habits. He sometimes cuts meals by smoking and consuming large amounts of caffeine and sugar. As shown here: drinking Rusty Lake Cola, made with genuine Lake water. There are no side effects to this drink. Don't worry about it. :)
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lifemod17 · 3 days
Me: been feeling icky and gross and having just enough spoons to get things done
Also me: 'ahh yes, my blood sugar has been through the roof lately!'
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yamsgarden · 2 months
Just some more Still Wakes the Deep blah blah, but omg having just been diagnosed Diabetes type 1 myself recently, it makes me only love and feel for Roy 10X more...
This shit is litteraly poison, but so does the food we eat with how much sugar there is in ugh OTL
Never thought in a million year I had DT1, I had 0 symptoms and am in pretty good shape, but then suddenly, organs are starting to hurt really badly out of nowhere...
Don't wait too long poeple and check with your doctors even if there's ''nothing'' T0T and to all Diabetic ppl out there, keep on fighting 💪✨
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the-acid-pear · 2 months
Honestly if you're of the belief Dave is some sort of reptile or adjacent creature the fact that he adopted a reptile and named him after Henry and then an amphibian and named it after Jack is... Makes me a little emotional.
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paranoidkid · 3 months
helppppp being disabled is so expensive fuuuck. i have like. an old insulin pump (~6 years old?) and my endocrinologist said I should get a newer model and the CGM that goes with it which runs in a loop, and that would be AMAZING for my blood sugar and keeping me a1c down but… out of pocket with the insurance I have right now (deductible not met) is $2,000 . and goddamn I do not have $2k . they have a payment plan but it’s like $50/mo for 4 years and I might die if I commit to that. but wouldn’t a new pump and cgm that work together be nice… on top of having a new service dog also??
just for the record at my current job I make $10/hr + tips and work ~25h/wk which obviously isn’t great and then I have to pay 525.60 to my dad for rent (cringe) and then leftover from that I have maybe $200 every two weeks to keep to myself but it doesn’t even keep to myself because I have a new puppy and I go to therapy and am disabled so I have doctors appointments and debts and it’s just like come ON man does everything have to be this expensive ???? why does my CGM sensor right now cost 37.99 a piece and my quarter yearly endo appointments cost $45 for just the appointment not including the debt I have accrued for the labs and other various testing that’s like $608 right now… ON TOP OF THE $1.4K DENTIST DEBT I HAVE ??!!?!? it’s over for me. fuck
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guinevereslancelot · 5 months
most fucked up thing about the body's response to not eating is when you're so hungry you feel like you're gonna throw up. this does not make it easier to eat food actually
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densewentz · 7 months
exhausted health update because I have to rant somewhere lol
So we're ending day 12 of my mysterious right-sided numbness. It's moved from just my torso all the way down my right leg to my toes, so now I'm just hobbling around half numb rip. And now the torso numbness feels like im being vacuum sealed or something, just a horrible tightness and lack that makes it impossible to ignore. Went to the ER the other night and had 2 panic attacks within the span of the several hours I was there, got my bloodwork redone and a cat scan which all came back with a big Nothing on them. They told me I needed an MRI but that I'd have to go through my Primary Care and after I told them my primary wouldnt see me until May they referred me to a new primary not in my network so that's been a dead end rip. So far everyone is pointing at my horrific anxiety as the cause but not one doctor has actually offered me help for the anxiety despite me having the active panic attacks in the office lol. My Primary wont see me for several months despite the severity of my current condition and none of the mental health programs I've reached out to will get back to me so for now I'm just. Existing in this anxiety Ouroboros where my anxiety causes my numbness which causes anxiety which causes numbness. I'm trying stupid home remedies to try and minimize the active anxiety attacks but so far we've just been circling around alternating Holy Basil, Benadryl and literally just drinking Rum and going to sleep, which sure all help my anxiety a little maybe but also make it almost impossible for me to function normally during the day. This is making art difficult so commissions are going slow which is obviously making me more anxious lol. I also am home alone most of the week managing the household, which is made more difficult since right now the numbness in my foot/leg makes it dangerous for me to drive and difficult for me to get around my house to do daily tasks. Idk man I'm just tired as all hell and I seem to vacillate wildly between full anxiety breakdowns and depressive/dissociative episodes. At any rate during the week I'll just be constantly calling and harassing every doctor/therapist I can get a number for trying to find someone who will be able to either address my anxiety directly or can at least get me into an MRI to rule out MS or anything else that ISNT anxiety. I'm going to become the bane of the medical profession for a while. Wish me luck!
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arionawrites · 10 months
decided to make a list of all my diagnosed issues and like fucking. god damn. how am i just living day to day.
#nine bullet points#of diagnosed things i struggle#i struggle with#1. type one diabetes 2. adhd 3. bipolar 4. severe anxiety 5. depression 6. insomnia 7. migraines 8. dpdr 9. ptsd#and im just ?? existing like this??? literally how what the fuck#there’s more than that too thats just like the actual able to be diagnosed shit#probably also at least slightly autistic but my psychologist said that its not bad enough to impact me big time and a diagnosis would do mor#more harm than good so im just kind. Not lmao#but also: abandonment issues self worth issues guilty conscience issues feeling unworthy of literally everything issues#awful at establishing boundaries#sh issues#(not for like years but its a struggle to not relapse every year esp during winter)#suicidal ideation but at least ive never actually been suicidal#not bc i particularly love being alive but because the fact that i dont know what comes after death scares me too much lmao#even at my lowest of lows i have not wanted to kms SOLELY bc the unknown scares me enough to be like#yeah this sucks but at least i know it#at least it’s like familiar which is sad but still true lma#OH ALSO eating disorder lmao. diabulimia is a thing.#genuinely how have i not been fucking hospitalized#not in a bad way but like. idk how i havent gotten to that point yet#tho to be fair there are multiple points i probably should have been tbh#i just. dont want to worry people? or inconvenience anyone. and i know im not gonna kms so its easy to be like ‘i dont need that’#i have overshared way too much in these tags sorry i’ll stop now#if anyone has actually read all of these: i’m sorry. i love you. i hope you feel better than i do. i hope you smiled today.
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domripley · 20 hours
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fuzzypeachflower · 1 year
my parents refuse to cover my insulin for the month bc "i can just pay for it" im a minor and I don't have insurance for it. but if I don't have it I can get really sick and die, I'm really scared right now.
I really don't want to bother anyone but can someone venmo me please.. it would also just help to repost if you don't have enough money
it's Tammy-Johnson-811.
or add my friends cashapp so they can pay me
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detentiontrack · 9 months
I have this theory that 99.5% of people who drink diet soda don’t actually “prefer the taste of diet”, they just have diet culture deeply embedded into their brain and it’s second nature to choose the zero calorie option
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caitlyn-kirammans · 1 month
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in-ten-tion · 4 months
as a diabetic i don't think we talk about how much time you lose when your blood sugar is out of control. i've been lying in bed since i got up this morning because i woke up to a 350+ bs (feeling like absolute shit) and gave myself insulin, waited and found out it wasn't working, so i inspected my inset and found out i'd ripped half of it out in my sleep so i hadn't received any of that insulin, so then i had to reapply an inset, gave myself more insulin and am now waiting for it to come down again. it's been about 2 hours, and i planned on getting so much done before work this morning but now since i feel like shit since my bs is high i can't do anything but lie in bed until i feel better. non-diabetics/chronically ill ppl just don't ever have to deal with this sort of time loss. idk it's just frustrating yknow
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eleinemk · 2 months
Why do I have to click "I am not a robot" to pay my hospital bill? If a robot wants to pay my bills LET IT!
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asteralpine · 9 months
Hey could someone do me a favor and tell me exactly how my blood sugar was "so low" last night and this morning that my Dexcom kept waking me up with those terrifying URGENT LOW alarms (that I mostly just ignored and didn't treat because I felt absolutely fine), but now that I'm up and moving around (without eating), the sensor is reading in the low 200s?
(I don't sleep on my sensor, so it's not compression lows. Maybe just lack-of-blood-flow lows or let's-fuck-with-her-lol lows.)
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