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tumbler-polls · 1 year ago
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
Submitted by @anon.
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artbyblastweave · 12 days ago
The official stance of this blog on the topic of Mark Millar is that he deserves basically infinite scorn for his thoroughly early-oughts embrace of bigotry-as-a-punchline, as well as his frequent moralistic spasms brought about by his terminal Catholicism. However, I'll hear no criticism whatsoever of the batshit, gonzo, excessive, self-indulgent, patently implausible events of his plotting and storytelling proper. That infinite-seven-year-olds-on-typewriters energy is frankly the main selling point of his writing.
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naptimeneos · 11 months ago
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⸝⸝ DEILIX - image id in alt id & under cut
(dependent + anisolix)
a DPD experience in which it affects how you show affection, social bonds, love, and/or care in general. It may feel submissive, inconsistent, overwhelming, or overall different to how people without DPD experience these things, and may cause issues with forming relationships or bonds. DPD version of anisolix by psychopunks & narcilix by obnebulant-mogai
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coined by div ! original flag & orientation by psychopunks, flag based on one and two
(alt id ; two side-by-side flags. they are nearly identical, except for the middle stripe. this stripe is darker in the right flag. the flags have nine equally-sized stripes, which have the following colours from top to bottom: rose gold, dull pink, faded purple, solid pink, grape purple / dark scarlet, metallic blue, grey, pale chestnut, pale apricot.)
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memepipboy · 2 months ago
I’m trying really hard this year to work on Dependent again!! It’s gonna take longer even now that I’m actively working on it because I’m kind of trying a different uploading format 🥰 but look forward to it!!!
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thepersonalwords · 9 months ago
There is no death without life. Therefore, death depends entirely on life.
Mwanandeke Kindembo
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chronoport · 1 year ago
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A gender under the genderdollic system related to being both dependent and a doll !!
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wanderingmind867 · 4 days ago
Okay, Rick. You made Magnus Chase the least relatable character ever, and yet somehow I don't hate his perspective. I just hate his taste in fiction, his hobbies, his…well, everything, really. But I kind of feel like explaining more. So let's break down how Magnus Chase is someone almost opposite to me. And again: I do like his perspective. We do have a few things in common. But we're also very different, so it's impressive I can empathize with him so well. I think.
Things about Magnus Chase:
He loves the outdoors
he likes these graphic novels: Sandman by Neil Gaiman, Watchmen by Alan Moore
I'd always found it hard to sleep indoors unless I had total darkness and nothing to distract me. (Quote from him somewhere around chapter 10).
He likes Horror Fiction: He mentions loving Stephen King.
He's almost incredibly independent. He does everything for himself, probably because he grew up homeless. But it's hard to relate to. Because as I mention below, independence is something I strongly lack.
Things about Me:
I hate being out in nature. Why would I want to be out in a muggy forest with bugs and heat!? I'd much rather take a beautiful library or manor over the outdoors. Nature is only good in photography. And that's something I will admit: I love nature from a distance. But camping? Doing all this outdoor stuff? Oh...oh, no. Not for me.
I hate Alan Moore's writing, and I want to kill Neil Gaiman 50 different ways. The man gave me my first childhood nightmares, and I will not ever forgive him for that. Watchmen sounds like it had potential, but every character was awful (besides maybe doctor manhattan). And anything Neil Gaiman touches turns to kindling in my eyes. Gods, I hate that f***ing man.
I can't sleep in total darkness and silence. It freaks me out. I start imagining things in the dark, and I get panicky and nervous. I need sound and light to sleep. I fall asleep every night to the same DVD of The Flintstones, with the volume low enough so it won't keep me awake. For years, this has been my routine. It works for me.
I despise horror fiction. It scares me and messes me up mentally. Stephen King was someone my mom loved, and i'll simply never understand why.
I'm the opposite of dependent. I'm severely dependent on my dad. My dad gets my water. He cooks for me. He helps me with my clothes sometimes. He runs my baths. He does everything for me. So no. I am not independent, and I really don't know how i'll ever handle actually being independent.
So…yeah. Magnus Chase is the opposite of me in every way. His storytelling perspective is funny, but it's kind of hard to relate to someone this different from you. Leo Valdez had a lot of the same character traits as Magnus, but he speaks to me so much more! Leo was in foster care a lot (which is close enough to homelessness while being different from it), he lost his mom and ran from the problem with humour too. But where Leo has his love for machines (which is relatable), Magnus has this love of Nature (which is frankly, not very relatable). I'm gonna keep going with this book, but I just felt like getting this all off my chest.
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momentsbeforemass · 4 months ago
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One of the dumbest things I do is wait for things to calm down.
Telling myself that it will all be better after whatever I’m currently dealing with is over.
Putting off being at peace until something is finished. Making my peace dependent on having down time. Where everything else is at peace.
Here’s why it truly is one of the dumbest things that I do.
First, even if it works, it means that my peace will intermittent.
Second, it actually doesn’t work. Because that’s not how life works.
There’s the old line (attributed to a bunch of different people) that “history is just one thing after another.” That’s life in general. There really isn’t any down time, any off season where stuff stops happening – even for just a moment.
But the big reason it’s one of the dumbest things I do? If this is how I’m looking at things, then I’ve made what’s going on inside me dependent on what’s going on around me.
I’ve let myself be dependent on things that I cannot depend on. If that’s not self-sabotage, then I don’t know what is.
This is what I was thinking about when I read today’s Gospel. Peter is in a boat that’s being tossed about by the waves, because the wind is against it, when he sees Jesus walking on the water.
Peter says to Jesus, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.”
Jesus replies, “Come.”
Peter gets out of the boat and starts walking to Jesus on the water.
Then he looks around, sees how strong the wind is, sees how rough the waves are, and gets scared. When he does, he starts to sink and cries out to Jesus, “Lord, save me!”
Immediately, Jesus saves him.
The thing that sticks with me is that the wind and the waves didn’t die down when Peter got out of the boat.
Peter walks on the water – the same rough water that is still tossing the boat around, in the same wind that’s still whipping up the waves. In the middle of the wind and the waves, Peter walks along peacefully. Because Peter is focused on Jesus.
The moment he starts paying more attention to the wind and the waves? The moment he starts to focus on all the things that tell him that it’s impossible to walk along peacefully in the middle of a storm? He starts to sink.
The takeaway is obvious. So obvious that it embarrasses me to say that I struggle with this.
But I do. I keep focusing on the wrong thing, on the wind and the waves. On the stuff outside of me, the stuff that I can’t depend on. With my unspoken assumption that all that stuff has to be at peace, before I can be at peace.
If that’s not self-sabotage, then I don’t know what is.
So I’ll ask Him for help as I founder. And He’ll stretch out His hand and catch me.
Again. Because we’ve done this before.
I don’t know why, but He never grows weary of helping me.
That’s not true. Actually, I do know why.
And it’s why I know He’s the one that I can depend on.
Today’s Readings
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dk-thrive · 7 months ago
I had neither the solace of company nor the solace of financial stability nor the solace of utility to others. I’d thought I was trading the last thing for the other two, but in reality I’d just been giving everything up.
— Sarah Manguso, Liars: A Novel (Hogarth, July 23, 2024)
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doeyedangel · 6 months ago
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dpdculture · 10 months ago
DPD culture is a friend asking you what do you want to do, and it causes you a lot of anxiety, and you wish they could just choose for you.
DPD culture is
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quotelr · 1 month ago
If you don’t leave your job, your job will leave you someday
Sunday Adelaja
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memepipboy · 6 hours ago
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Hehe they are pals…unless…?
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thepersonalwords · 1 year ago
There is no death without life. Therefore, death depends entirely on life.
Mwanandeke Kindembo
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picsfortheday · 11 months ago
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