#Department of Foreign Affairs
jerickreforba25 · 29 days
[EDITORIAL] Navigating the Perils of North Korea’s Ballistic Ambitions
Jerick Combate Reforba
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North Korea’s recent satellite launch using ballistic missile technology has heightened regional tensions, prompting the Philippines and global allies to call for compliance with UN resolutions and peaceful dialogue. This incident underscores the urgent need for diplomatic efforts and balanced responses to ensure Indo-Pacific stability.
The recent satellite launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), conducted using ballistic missile technology, has once again cast a long shadow over the Korean Peninsula and the broader Indo-Pacific region. This development, roundly condemned by the Philippine government, underscores the persistent volatility and intricate geopolitical dynamics at play in this part of the world.
North Korea’s actions are more than a mere technical endeavor to place a satellite into orbit. They represent a calculated maneuver that challenges international norms and UN Security Council resolutions designed to curb the proliferation of ballistic missile technology. The Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) has rightly identified this launch as a provocative act that threatens regional stability, economic progress, and peace.
Historical Context and Global Reactions
Historically, North Korea has repeatedly tested the boundaries of international patience with its missile and nuclear tests. Each instance has triggered waves of global condemnation, economic sanctions, and diplomatic efforts to bring Pyongyang back to the negotiation table. The latest launch, despite its apparent failure, is a stark reminder of the regime’s relentless pursuit of advanced military capabilities.
The Philippine government’s response reflects a broader international consensus. Nations around the world, particularly those in close geographical proximity like Japan and South Korea, have expressed alarm and disapproval. South Korea’s military reports of the launch, coupled with North Korea’s claims of attempting to deploy a "spy satellite," suggest a dual-purpose strategy: advancing space capabilities while simultaneously enhancing its ballistic missile program.
The Impact on Regional Stability
The Indo-Pacific region, a critical hub for global trade and economic activity, cannot afford the destabilizing effects of such military provocations. The ripple effects of North Korea’s actions are profound. They strain the fragile peace on the Korean Peninsula, compel neighboring countries to bolster their defenses, and complicate diplomatic engagements aimed at denuclearization and reconciliation.
In this delicate context, the Philippines’ stance is particularly noteworthy. As a nation committed to peace, security, and the rule of law, the Philippines has consistently advocated for a “complete, verifiable, and irreversible” denuclearization of North Korea. This principled position not only aligns with international expectations but also underscores the Philippines’ role as a responsible stakeholder in regional security.
The Call for Constructive Dialogue
The DFA’s call for North Korea to engage in constructive and peaceful dialogue with South Korea is a plea for rationality and diplomacy. Past interactions between the two Koreas, though often fraught with tension, have occasionally yielded positive outcomes. The historic summits and intermittent talks have shown that dialogue, albeit challenging, is possible and can lead to meaningful agreements.
However, dialogue alone is insufficient without a genuine commitment from Pyongyang to abide by its international obligations. The DPRK’s continued defiance, manifested through missile tests and military posturing, undermines trust and hampers efforts to achieve lasting peace. Therefore, the international community must maintain a unified stance, combining diplomatic pressure with incentives for compliance.
Economic and Humanitarian Considerations
Beyond the immediate security concerns, North Korea’s actions have significant economic and humanitarian implications. The resources allocated to missile and satellite programs are substantial, diverting funds from the dire needs of its population. Economic sanctions, while necessary to curtail military advancements, also contribute to the hardship faced by ordinary North Koreans.
Thus, a balanced approach is essential. While stringent measures are necessary to prevent the proliferation of missile technology, the international community must also consider avenues to alleviate humanitarian suffering. Engagement through humanitarian aid, cultural exchanges, and economic cooperation, conditional upon denuclearization commitments, could pave the way for a more stable and prosperous Korean Peninsula.
A Path Forward
The Philippine government’s condemnation of North Korea’s latest launch is a reaffirmation of its dedication to regional peace and security. It is a call to action for the international community to uphold the principles of non-proliferation and peaceful coexistence. Moving forward, sustained diplomatic efforts, backed by a robust international legal framework, are crucial.
In conclusion, North Korea’s missile launch is a complex issue that transcends mere technological achievement. It is a geopolitical challenge that requires a nuanced and multifaceted response. The Philippines, along with its regional and global partners, must continue to champion dialogue, uphold international norms, and strive for a world where peace and security are not held hostage by the threat of ballistic missiles.
The Philippine condemnation of North Korea’s recent satellite launch has sparked a range of reactions. Regional allies, including Japan and South Korea, have echoed similar concerns, emphasizing the threat to regional stability and the need for collective security measures. The United States has reaffirmed its commitment to defending its allies and called for stronger international sanctions. Meanwhile, China and Russia have urged restraint and dialogue, highlighting the need for diplomatic solutions over punitive measures. Within the Philippines, experts stress the importance of a balanced approach, advocating for sustained diplomatic pressure alongside humanitarian engagement to address both security and humanitarian concerns. The consensus underscores a unified stance against North Korea’s defiance, emphasizing the urgent need for compliance with international norms and constructive dialogue to ensure lasting peace and stability in the region.
Takeaways and Final Thoughts
The recent North Korean satellite launch using ballistic missile technology has intensified regional tensions and highlighted the urgent need for a unified international response. The Philippines, echoing global concerns, has condemned the launch, calling for North Korea to comply with UN resolutions and engage in peaceful dialogue. This incident underscores the fragile nature of peace in the Indo-Pacific and the importance of sustained diplomatic efforts to achieve denuclearization. Moving forward, balancing diplomatic pressure with humanitarian considerations will be crucial in addressing both security and the well-being of North Korea’s population. The international community must remain steadfast in promoting peace and stability through dialogue and adherence to international norms.
Heavenly Father,
We come before You with heavy hearts, seeking Your divine intervention and guidance in these tumultuous times. Lord, we lift up the situation in the Korean Peninsula, where recent events have stirred fear and uncertainty. We ask for Your peace to descend upon this region, calming tensions and fostering understanding among nations.
Father, we pray for the leaders of North Korea, that they may turn their hearts towards peace and cooperation. Grant them wisdom and compassion to make decisions that honor human dignity and the well-being of their people. We ask that You soften their hearts, so they may seek constructive dialogue and reconciliation with their neighbors, particularly South Korea.
Lord, we lift up the leaders of the Philippines and other nations affected by these developments. Grant them strength and wisdom as they navigate these challenges. May their actions be guided by justice, mercy, and a sincere desire for peace. Help them to stand firm in their principles while extending a hand of diplomacy and dialogue.
We pray for the people of North Korea, who endure hardships and uncertainty. Provide for their needs, protect them from harm, and let Your light shine in their lives, offering hope and comfort. Lord, we ask that humanitarian efforts reach those in need, and that barriers to aid and understanding be overcome.
Jesus, Prince of Peace, we call upon Your name to bring about a resolution that is rooted in Your love and righteousness. Help the international community to work together, fostering a spirit of cooperation and unity. May they uphold the principles of peace, justice, and human dignity in all their efforts.
Lord, we know that You are sovereign over all nations and that Your plans are for good. We trust in Your timing and Your ways. Give us patience and perseverance as we continue to pray for peace. Help us to be peacemakers in our own lives, reflecting Your love and grace in all we do.
We ask all this in the powerful and precious name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Discussion Questions
1. How can the international community balance the need for stringent measures against North Korea’s missile tests with the imperative to address humanitarian concerns within the country?
2. What are the potential roles that smaller nations, like the Philippines, can play in promoting peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region amid rising tensions with North Korea?
For comments, feedbacks, questions and suggestions, E-mail us at [email protected].
© 2024 Jerick Combate Reforba. All rights reserved.
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abovetopsecretxxl · 7 months
Dep of Foreign Affairs - Foreign Operations - Budget - Congress Original Document
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seachranaidhe · 1 year
All Eight DUP MP's Voted For The Border and Nationality Bill - Leading The Way To The Electronic Travel Authorisation Scheme (ETA) - Which Threatens Our Health Service Provision and Tourism in the North Warns Irish Government.
All Eight DUP MP’s Voted For The Border and Nationality Bill – Leading The Way To The Electronic Travel Authorisation Scheme (ETA) – Which Threatens Our Health Service Provision and Tourism in the North Warns Irish Government.
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minilibrarian · 1 year
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This week I had the privilege of visiting the oldest federal library in the country! I got to see some really cool historical documents up close (a chronicle signed by Thomas Jefferson, a pamphlet written by Alexander Hamilton, & George Washington’s personal dictionary) and learn more about the library’s unique, global work. Who says field trips should end after K-12?!
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ivygorgon · 2 months
Enforce Leahy! No funding to IDF troops who’ve committed human rights abuses!
354 so far! Help us get to 500 signers!
I’ve just learned from Pro Publica that “a special State Department panel recommended months ago that Secretary of State Blinken disqualify multiple Israeli military and police units from receiving U.S. aid after reviewing allegations that they committed serious human rights abuses.” But Blinken has failed to act on the proposal. This in the face of growing international criticism of the Israeli military’s conduct in Gaza.
I’m livid about this. We cannot keep sending unconditional military aid to anyone, regardless of whom, if they are committing human rights abuses. We have Leahy laws to prevent it, and they are not being enforced here. It’s unacceptable.
The U.S. government needs to stop giving the Israeli government a blank check. Israel has a right to defend itself, of course, but the abuses described in Pro Publica’s report can’t be defined as self defense under anyone’s definition of the term. They’re abhorrent and our tax dollars mustn’t be spent on them. Thanks.
▶ Created on April 17 by Jess Craven
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minnesotafollower · 10 months
Cuba Arrests 17 linked to Russian Trafficking Network Recruiting Cubans for War in Ukraine   
As reported in yesterday’s post to this blog, the Cuban Government on September 4th stated that it “has detected and it is working to neutralize and dismantle a human trafficking network that operates from Russia in order to incorporate Cuban citizens living there and even some living in Cuba, into the military forces that participate in military operations in Ukraine. Attempts of this nature…
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The disorder in the House is leaving lawmakers fuming over their inability to stay apprised on national security matters, as it is blocking them from entering classified briefings or meeting with top officials.
Lawmakers say they can’t even go into a special room known as the sensitive compartmented information facility or SCIF where they discuss top-secret information with national security officials.
Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) said he was blocked from entering the SCIF by security as he arrived for a meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff on “matters in the Indo-Pacific.”
“I’m informed by House security that technically, I don’t have a clearance. I’m a member of the Intel Committee. I’m on the Armed Services Committee, and I can’t meet in the SCIF to conduct essential business. My point is we have work to do that we can’t do right now,” he said at a press conference alongside other Republicans pleading for a quick resolution to Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) quest for the gavel.
McCarthy supporters are largely sounding the alarm on the national security issue as they try to pressure opponents to reach a deal on the Speaker fight. McCarthy lost an eighth straight ballot to become Speaker on Thursday afternoon.
Incoming chairs for the House intelligence, Armed Services, and Foreign Affairs committees complained the delay is hindering their oversight of the Biden administration — a top priority for the GOP majority.
“There is no oversight of the White House, State Department, Department of Defense, or the intelligence community. We cannot let personal politics place the safety and security of the United States at risk,” Reps. Michael Turner (Ohio), Mike Rogers (Ala.), and Michael McCaul (Texas) said in a statement.
Lawmakers don’t directly hold security clearances but are deemed trustworthy for receiving such information simply by the office they hold.
Other briefings are restricted by committee membership — and the committees cannot be formally comprised until a Speaker is elected.
“No members have clearances. Our election is supposed to be our vetting process. But the rules only let Intel Committee members view certain materials, the vast majority of the classified materials, and until we’re constituted, members really aren’t able to get those kinds of briefings or accesses,” said Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who lead the intelligence committee during the prior session.
Talks to reach a deal among Republicans to make McCarthy the Speaker have not been successful so far.
Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.), who is among those opposing McCarthy, suggested in comments Thursday that it could take much more work to reach a deal. One of the concessions that has been discussed is a proposal that would allow a single member of Congress to force a vote to oust the Speaker.
“There is a trust issue with the gentleman who wants to be Speaker,” Perry said. “It is hard to restore trust in just a month or two and it’s really hard to betray confidences in a meeting where the details are then leaked out to the press.”
The group has also floated having members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus be appointed as subcommittee chairs, subverting the normal process. The idea has drawn pushback from Rogers, the top Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, who characterized it as “insane.”
“As if Kevin McCarthy or any Speaker magically gets to tell members, ‘Oh, by the way, I’m giving your seat to somebody else who’s an aggravation to the conference,’” Rogers told The Hill. “It just shows how insane they are.”
The total freeze has also led to an interesting dynamic.
A GOP staffer told The Hill that staff who receive security clearances due to the nature of their work are still able to access the SCIF and receive briefings, even as lawmakers cannot.
“Nobody on our committee can go down and get briefed on things,” Schiff said.
“The committee will need to be reconstituted. And most of the materials are only accessible to members of the committee and until reconstituted there are no members of the committee,” he told The Hill. “So Intel is more impacted really than probably just about any other committee.”
The Intelligence Committee’s formation is more complicated than some other House panels, with members typically seeking waivers to bypass limitations on how many terms a member can sit on the panel — a nod to the importance of institutional knowledge in the constant churn of Congress.
“Every delay here has a compounding impact. Because the first thing that happens, there has to be a Speaker. Then committees are constituted, but Intel is a select committee. So the leader on the minority side and the Speaker have to agree to ratios. Then they have to work out other waivers that have to take place. Who’s the rank[ing member] or who’s the chairman, all these things take time,” said Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.), who will need a wavier to continue to serve on the panel.
Some see the shutdown of the House over the Speaker fight as embarrassing and worry it could have negative real-world consequences.
McCaul, the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told The Hill on Thursday that he was worried about missing classified hearings on matters like Syria and the war in Ukraine.
“Classified briefings about things like that Iran bombed our base in Syria,” he said. “You know, what’s going on in China and Taiwan? What’s going on in Ukraine? We don’t have time to get our classified briefings.”
Quigley said it doesn’t take more than just a few days for lawmakers to fall behind on world affairs.
“The world doesn’t stop because one caucus can’t agree. And a couple of days is one thing. Beyond that, it gets complicated and eventually dangerous. You’re flying blind. You don’t know what’s happening,” he said.
Gallagher said the standoff risks hurting the nation’s global standing.
“We’ve seen what happens over the last two years. When deterrence fails, when weakness invites aggression. It’s up to this Congress to restore deterrence, to restore peace through strength, but we aren’t able to do that vital work until we actually get past the Speaker vote, populate our committees and start getting to work,” he said.
In some corners, the ire is only growing at the 20 lawmakers objecting to McCarthy’s leadership.
“We have business, serious business, to do. This is not the place to be frivolous,” Rogers said. “And we’ve got some people who are being very frivolous right now.”
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mossadegh · 1 year
In June 1964, the Shah of Iran and Farah made an unofficial trip to the USA. The CIA found the monarch “sensitive, often moody”, confronting “a rising middle class [that] has agitated restlessly for greater political power and accelerated economic and social change…” ••• “Since the overthrow of the Mossadeq regime in 1953 he has operated largely as a dictator, with a thin facade of parliamentary democratic procedures.”
The Mossadegh Project
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defensenow · 18 hours
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nationallawreview · 8 days
Implications of Executive Action for Family Unity and Retention of DACA Talent for Employers and Individuals
Highlights On June 18, the executive branch announced one of the most significant executive actions affecting U.S. immigration since establishing the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in 2012 The family unity action would allow many undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens to obtain green cards in the U.S. without needing to depart the country The DACA provisions would make it…
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rhk111sblog · 11 months
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I just find it highly amusing that the Deparment of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Secretary Enrique Manalo now wants to establish “Strategic Partnership” and “Maritime Cooperation” with Vietnam, the very same Country which occupies MOST of the Features that are being claimed by the Philippines, and who STOLE Pugad Island from the Philippines.
This is exactly the type of HYPOCRISY we see with these Pro-American People in our Government. Imagine that, the DFA constantly makes noise about “China”, and yet here is Vietnam who we also have Territorial Disputes with, but they insist on making “Friends” with Vietnam while constantly DEMONIZING China.
Now if their excuse is that China is more “Aggressive” than Vietnam, that is because the PROPAGANDA of the Americans and their Filipino Dogs is to CONSTANTLY GOAD China into Action while keeping away from Vietnam’s occupied Territories. That is how they MANIPULATE the Perception of the Filipino People against China but not against Vietnam
SOURCE: PH, Vietnam reinforce Strategic Partnership amid Maritime Security Threats {Archived Link}
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carlocarrasco · 13 days
Additional visa requirement for Chinese tourists revealed by DFA
The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) announced that Chinese tourists who intend to secure a temporary visitor’s visa for travel to the Philippines will have to come up with an additional requirement, according to a GMA Network news report. To put things in perspective, posted below is an excerpt from GMA Network news report. Some parts in boldface… The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)…
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Fililipino Diaspora Mass Migration / Immigration Plan year 2100 - Operation One Piece as part of the Bagong Pilipinas and Filipinas Ultramar
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Filipino Diaspora from the Philippines will become the Biggest Diaspora in the WORLD by Year 2100.
 IF China Attacks / Invades the Philippines; and IF China Occupies Manila, Philippines will IMMEDIATELY Send 60 Million Filipinos like Filipino Migrants / Filipino Immigrants, Filipino Settlers, Filipino Asylum Seekers, Filipino Refugees and Filipino Exiles or 60% of the 120 Million - 200 Million Philippine Population to going Overseas throughout the World like Oceania, Americas and Europe via the Pacific Ocean (and Atlantic Ocean by Panama Canal) by building a "60 MILLION MASSIVE PACIFIC OCEAN SHIPPING PINOY IMMIGRANT ARMADA" in 100,000 Ships, 200,000 Planes and 5 Million Vehicles to be added to existing 12 Million Overseas Filipinos. The Filipinos are NOT JOKING AROUND. The Global Filipino Diaspora will / must increase from 12 Million Overseas Filipinos into a 72 MILLION OVERSEAS FILIPINOS within 5 years!!! The Global Filipino Diaspora of 12 Million to 72 Million Overseas Filipinos and Foreigners / Mestizos with Filipino Ancestry will SEEK REVENGE / will AVENGE THE PHILIPPINES by Making the 50 Million Overseas Pure-Blooded CCP Chinese (INTSIK / TSEKWA) including Chinese Immigrants, Chinese Tourists, Chinese Agents, Chinese Students, Chinese Spies, Overseas Chinese United Fronts, Chinese Triads, Overseas Chinese Police Station Personnel, Chinese Propagandists, Chinese CCP Officials, Macau Officials, Hong Kong Officials, Chinese Diplomats and Chinese Bussimen with their children, family and relatives living Overseas / Abroad / outside China, Pro-China Communists, Pro-China Leftists, Pro-China Socialists, Maoists, Pro-China Marxists, Zionists, Pro-China Propagandists, Pro-China Informants, Anti-Filipino Capitalists, ANTIFA Anarchists and Abortionists around the World will "VANISHED FOR GOOD" and will PAY in "GOLD AND BLOOD" in Overseas POGROMS as parts of the Future GLOBAL FILIPINO DIASPORA WARS.
The 72 Million Filipino Diaspora WILL MAKE the 50 Million Overseas Chinese (INTSIK / TSEKWA), 30 Million Overseas Russians (BATNIK) and 8 Million Jews (DUGYOT) to PAY the WHOLE COST and Expenses of Mass Immigration and Permanent Resettlement at the "NEW FILIPINO HOMELANDS" or the "BAGONG PILIPINAS" Abroad along the Synchronization of the "FILIPINAS ULTRAMAR" Policy in United States (California [The City Los Angeles will become "NEW MANILA" of the Americas / New World. The Los Angeles County will become the "NEW METRO MANILA". The Southern California will become the "NEW MEGA MANILA".], Oregon, Washington, Alaska, New York, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, Colorado, Arizona, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Virginia, Texas, Florida and Hawaii), Canada (British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Manitoba, Quebec, and Saskatchewan), Australia (Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria), New Zealand, Mexico (Colima, Michoacan, Jalisco, Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas), Britain, Portugal, Spain, France, El Salvador, Hispaniola, Colombia, Panama and Ecuador of more than 60 Million Filipinos / or 60% of the Whole Philippine Population at the Wake of the Chinese Invasion of the Philippines / Chinese Occupation of Manila in "GOLD and BLOOD".
The 60 Million Filipinos Going Overseas within less than 5 Years IF China Invades the Philippines / If China Occupies Manila Formula:
Australia 🇦🇺 - 3 Million Filipinos (23 MILLION MAX in Year 2100)
New Zealand 🇳🇿 - 1 Million Filipinos (10 MILLION MAX in Year 2100)
Canada 🇨🇦 - 3 Million Filipinos (25 MILLION MAX in Year 2100)
Mexico 🇲🇽 - 2 Million Filipinos (60 MILLION MAX in Year 2100)
Latin America and Caribbean - 10 Million Filipinos / or 20 Million Filipinos (200 MILLION MAX in Year 2100)
United States of America US/USA 🇺🇸 - 30 Million Filipinos (100 MILLION MAX in Year 2100)
Europe 🇪🇺 - 11 Million Filipinos (100 MILLION MAX in Year 2100)
Great Britain / United Kingdom UK 🇬🇧 - 2 Million Filipinos (35 MILLION MAX in Year 2100)
Rest of the World - 100 MILLION FILIPINOS MAX in Year 2100
PS: Or the 60% of the Entire 120 Million to 200 Million Philippine Population in 100,000 Ships, 200,000 Planes and 5 Million Vehicles in order to achieve the target from the current 12 Million Overseas Filipinos into more than 72 MILLION OVERSEAS FILIPINOS!!!
I want to Make a 700 page "GLOBAL FILIPINO DIASPORA IDEOLOGY BOOK" for the Filipino Diaspora Plan to the World at Year 2100, OR Someone MUST Make a 700 page "GLOBAL FILIPINO DIASPORA IDEOLOGY BOOK" for the Filipino Diaspora Plan to the World at Year 2100 .
United States - American Dream
China - Common Prosperity
Spain - La Hispanidad
France - Francophonie
Britain - Pax Britanica
Russia - Ruskiy Mir
Germany - Lebensraum
Mexico - La Vida Loca
Turkey - Neo Ottoman Empire / Golden Apple
Saudi Arabia - Great Ummah / Khalifah
Iran - Ahlul Bayt
India - Jhai Sri Ram
The 72 Million Filipino Diaspora will IMPOSE a Real Life "ONE PIECE WORLD" in the Whole Planet Earth which means Overseas Filipinos will participate to ALL International / Global Political and Social Events around the World to make the Whole World MORE INSANE than ever due to Reckless "Filipino Madness" whether the other Countries like it or not. A lot of Countries want the so called "PEACE", but the Filipino Diaspora wants only "ONE PIECE" beacuse ONE PIECE IS REAL (but cannot find One Piece in the Philippines AKA Foosha Village, Manila the real life Loguetown, so the 60 Million Filipinos must Mass Immigrate abroad to find their own One Piece). The Filipino Diaspora will Make the ONE PIECE - FINAL WAR Saga a REALITY!!!
The More Than 72 Million Overseas Filipino Diaspora MUST Carry Out the "OPERATION ONE PIECE" at ALL Costs!!!
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multimediacreative · 5 months
BiograView was contacted by QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute with a media release of this Pacific alliance to combat mosquito-borne diseases. With all the hype around Covid-19 it is easy to forget other diseases still prevalent in the world.  It is great to see so many international organisations working together to combat the still-present, mosquito-borne diseases.  Twelve international…
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fairuzfan · 2 months
"Israel also secretly hires Jewish Americans as spies to work out of its Washington embassy and its consulates around the United States to covertly surveil and monitor fellow Americans, including students. Thoroughly vetted to ensure loyalty to Israel, many of those hired have spent years heavily involved in pro-Israeli activities from the time they were in college and before. Among them was Julia Reifkind, who led a pro-Israel group at the University of California at Davis before moving on to become an activist with AIPAC. After she graduated in 2016, she was hired by Israel and assigned to its embassy in Washington.
Reifkind had good preparation for her assignment. Thinking that Kleinfeld was a fellow pro-Israel activist, over dinner at Washington’s Mari Vanna restaurant she revealed that while at AIPAC she spent much of her time deceiving college students about her covert connection to the organization. “Obviously, I’m an AIPAC-trained campus activist,” she said. “When you’re lobbying on behalf of AIPAC, you don’t say AIPAC, you say, ‘I’m a pro-Israel student from UC Davis.’ And when you’re meeting with students on campus I would never say, ‘I am the AIPAC campus rep.’ I’d say, ‘My name is Julia and I’m a pro-Israel student.’”
At the embassy, Reifkind focused on developing intelligence on fellow Americans, including students on college campuses. “So nobody really knows what we’re doing,” she said. “But mainly it’s been a lot of research like monitoring BDS.”
In a different conversation, Reifkind explained: “It’s mainly gathering intel, reporting back to Israel. That’s a lot of what I do. To report back to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Strategic Affairs, and make sure they have the right information.” Among the ways she spies on pro-Palestinian activists and Palestinian human rights supporters is with phony Facebook accounts. “I have my fake Facebook that I follow all the SJP [Students for Justice in Palestine] accounts. I have some fake names. My name is Jay Bernard or something.”
Once Reifkind collected the intelligence on her targets, she passed it on to her boss at the embassy. Then it was sent to the Ministry of Strategic Affairs and other offices over a secure encrypted system called Cables. It’s “really secure,” she said. “I don’t have access to [it] because I’m an American.… I’ve seen it, it looks really bizarre…. And then they’ll send something back and he’ll translate it and tell me what I need to do.”
Since the brutal Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians on October 7 and the Israeli invasion of Gaza, the ICC and its US-based spy networks are no doubt working overtime. But there is little likelihood of interference by the FBI—well trained to look the other way when it comes to Israel. It was a situation that even frustrated a former head of the FBI’s counterintelligence division. When I asked him why no one would talk to me about Israel’s massive espionage in the United States, he simply shook his head.
“You don’t think Israel’s a sensitive topic?” he asked, requesting that his name not be used. “So, Israel has been looked at and is being looked at and that’s all I can tell you,” he said. “But nobody’s doing anything.”
“Why not?” I asked.
“You can imagine,” is all he would say, implying high-level political involvement. I then said that I was planning to write about the topic. “I hope you do. I hope you do,” he said. Sighing, he added, “I’ve been there done that. I know it. I’ve brought cases to the Department of Justice on Israel.” Cases that were never opened."
— Israel’s War on American Student Activists by James Bamford on The Nation
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astrologydayz · 8 months
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Venus in 12th house, or 5th/8th house ruler in 12th house can get into "love" affairs while being on vacations/retreats/In foreign countries/while they're in a hospital/psych ward, and even in prison
Mars square/quincunx MC makes u so damn fine! U can carry yourself a bit "rougher" tho/look unapproachable = "people being intimidated by u", & u being a little "what the fuck u staring at", and we love it💋🤣. People with Venus conjunct/trine/quintile Eros asteroid - 433) r really sexual individuals. But they most of the time need a "personal connection" of some kind, before jumping in2 bed with someone. They ooze sexual confidence tho, because they know what they want&need sexually🤤🫦. Casanova asteroid - 7328) in Libra/7th house/aspecting Jupiter can “stray" away from their partner, quite easily. They can quickly find somebody else, that they find more "fascinating". They get bored fast! But this mostly applies 2men tho💻📓.
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Inner planets in earth signs = very sexual beings, so idk what the fuck people r on about. We just don't fuck the 1st John we c on the street🤷‍♀️. Really picky when choosing a sexual/romantic partner, and we also need 2 know that you're trustworthy 1st. But when you finally pull through, we'll show u what freaky means😘.
Scorpio Mars in/8th/12 house in a MAN'S chart can go 4 hourssss 😵‍💫😵‍💫🫠🫠. Unless Mars is afflicted by other planets, like Saturn, or Jupiter. Saturn ruled people got piercings almost always - body/head/genitals🫦👅). Saturn rules piercings, (restriction, and Steel). Add a little pain 2 the mix, &😍.
Pluto conjunct Mars in a MAN'S chart = some serious sex appeal. They're so fucking smooth2, and have no problem with showing their dominant side. They can easily steal yo girl⚠🍆🔮. Everyone wants a piece💦🙄🤣👄.
Venus/Mars/Pluto in 3rd house likes 2 talk during sex. "U like that baby?" "tell me how much u want it", "yeah I like it, when u got your mouth full🍆🍑". They also get off on how much u can "out smart them" - Book smart or Street smart, either way🧏🤭🤓.
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Sun opposite Black Moon Lilith can look for sexual partners that looks, or reminds them of their dad🤷‍♀️(Daddy issues).
Funny how people say that Mars/Venus in 8th/8th house in Scorpio people gets more interested, if u make us jealous??? I will literally erase u🫠🧐. If we wanted to share a person, we would have gone 2 a strip club instead.
Venus square Jupiter does not mean that the individual is "addicted 2 sex", unless anything else shows so.
Jupiter in 9th house/Jupiter aspecting 9th house can show that u have big hips/big thighs/long legs💛👅.
Asteroid Varuna (20000) conjunct/trine your 7th house means that your sexual partners makes u famous, "worldwide attention" because of who u date/have close relationships with✨. If it's in Gemini (example), then u could date famous singers, actors, motivational speakers, things like that.
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POF conjunct 5th house can cause the individual 2 be very experienced in the department of love, by the end of their lives. They've dated a lot of different people most of the time, and have had all kinds of relationships - polyamorous with some, monogamous with others - examples.
Records asteroid - 30718) conjunct/opposite Mars in a MAN'S chart, can show that he "enchants" people (usually worldwide) with his sex appeal🤤🫠. The opposition shows a "complication", when it comes 2 this = wanting 2 break records for your talent/s/work, & not only4sex appeal👽.
U don't have 2 have Venus/Mars aspecting each other 2 be fine af/gain a lot of attraction from others bc of your looks/sex appeal. Look at Zac Efron - when he was young, Jungkook - BTS, Tupac🤤, Jackson Wang, Hyunjin from Skz, Rihanna, Marilyn, Austin Butler, Justin Bieber - I don't think he's hot, but some people do - I could keep going.
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Women with Mars/Venus conjunct/in 8th house = typically sexually attracted2 "misunderstood individuals" - "someone who's bad, &only good4her" kind of thing. She needs an EVERYTHING BUDDY! A loyal lover/best friend/partner in crime! someone who will never doubt her, but challenge her/someone who brings a healthy amount of “competition"/sexy bantering. She also want someone who's REALLY ready2dominate the fuck out of her, bc she's so used2 dominating people on a daily basis💁‍♀️.
Eros - (433) conjunct 11th house = being sexually attracted 2friends/finding fwb relationships 2be the perfect "arrangement"🎉💃.
Mars conjunct/trine "Dominiona" asteroid - 24899) in a MAN'S chart = a VERY sexually dominant man😤👅. "Big daddy takes little daddy energy" - they can command 10 men like that🤌. Won't let anyone try2run up on em, at any time🫠🤤. Masters at dominating "brats"2, they'll put yo ass in place babe💋.
Venus quincunx Eros asteroid - 433) shows us that an individual typically feels like they're not as sexually "appealing" as people say they r/they won't believe others words. They won't "realise" that they're sexy as hell! They let their insecurities speak4them a lot. But once they start getting that “self assurance/self confidence” = they'll quickly realise that they're the shit, when it comes 2 "seducing" - "enticing" others❤️🍒.
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