#Deaths Whiterose
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pilot-boi · 4 months ago
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FINALLY FINALLY getting back to posting
This is a commission of Ruby/Weiss/Young Maria (I can’t remember their ship name) for the very lovely @powertaco
Want some art of your own? [Buy Me A Ko-Fi]
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glassofoj-twitter · 2 months ago
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Stargazing commission for @powertaco 🤍❤️🩵
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spartanblacksmith · 6 days ago
I made something for @powertaco's event, Death's White Rose Week.
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Enjoying the Little Things in the Morning of Deaths White Rose.
Day 4: Little Quirks.
Art by @fillmargarin.
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rwby-confess · 9 months ago
Aight you want Rare Pairs? Death's WhiteRose. My ot3. Ruby/Weiss/Young Maria Calavera. I have people refuse to draw art of them because it's 'problematic' ignoring that it's almost always a Maria was born later au.
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Maria gets two people who don't care about her name she can trust to watch her back (cause clearly silver eye warriors have to worry about salem trying to kill them so in that they can be united).
Ruby gets a slightly older S.eves mentor, Weiss gets people who care about her for her, and Whiterose get a more battle hardened battle bae who will teach them how to fight to survive.
Ruby and Maria are gremlins off the field and help Weiss relax as Weiss helps keep the two of them on track.
Weiss supports, and fights at range. Ruby can do either, but Maria is the close combat master between them.
Their songs are all counterpoints of each other (using Grimm Reaper as Maria's songs), they have complimentary colors, and Maria is absolutely the type to make them talk things out when the going gets tough.
Each of them is missing a parent, at least one rather, and they're all very very lonely people, and the idea of them finding companionship in each other is great.
If maria was young in canon I do have to admit I don't know if I'd ship Ruby with Weiss, or Maria more, but thankfully with fanfic I don't have to make such a choice.
#2 jailbirds
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I feel like this gets slept on because it's a m/f ship. I have no honest idea why people ship Robyn with winter instead because Qrow outside of Ruby and Yang is the only person to show interest in who Qrow is as a person.
Clover usually just ignored Qrow's semblance or feelings because he didn't HAVE to deal with the side effects of Qrow's semblance, but Robyn, did, and does.
She stays regardless. On the plane when Clover got up and was about to arrest Qrow, Robyn literally goes straight to the nuclear option of 'i will murder you if you try to arrest this man'.
She, and Qrow are both headstrong people, but Qrow has shown he's willing to listen to her, and she to him. She talked him down from wanting to murder Ironwood, he clearly values and listens to her.
She built him a monument to his niece, and they have complimentary fighting styles (she can fight out of range of his semblance ala Ruby in the Tyrian fight). They're both the sort of fighter who learns the same way.
When the chance to escape happens the first thing they do is make sure the other is alright.
Time, and time again she has had to deal with his semblance (hey plane crash, tyrian escaping, getting arrested and so on), and the bad luck it brings, and time and time again she has consistently chosen to be there for Qrow, and treat him like a person and not his semblance.
Imagine Qrow having a bad day, and then Robyn just gently takes his hand, and tells him he is more than his semblance, and he's a great person worth getting to know, and she's not leaving, and then her hands glow green.
Just god man, but not let's ship Robyn and Winter because it's two women who never interact but are both from Atlas. Gag me.
I have more, but eh flooding your ask enough as is.
Confession #110
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trialbystory · 2 months ago
Status update!
A Burning WhiteRose IGPX au is going up...in the next 10-ish days probably?Then I'd like to work on at least a couple things for @powertaco 's Death's Whiterose week next month, and I've got something I'd like to do for March, but may ornmay not happen. Also the Eternal Conflict DWR story and original Romance continue to get pecked away at.
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it-me-butts · 2 years ago
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Witness: The cashew kick that started the legendary cashew wars
Pspspspsps @powertaco
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duckdoeswords · 2 years ago
To Earn Ones Favor Ch.1 - For Your Favor
Summary: Weiss was suffocating in her life as royalty. Suffocating to the point where she could barely breathe. So, when the chance to leave, to run away from her duties, from her Father who wants to marry her off, she takes it. Leaving with two silver-eyed women her life changes but whether for the better or not, well, only time will tell.
Words: 3,057
Main Relationship: Weiss Schnee/Ruby Rose/Maria Calavera
Rating: T
Notes: A commission for @powertaco to write a Deaths WhiteRose AU. Hope other people enjoy it as much as they do!
The capital city of Atlas was a hive of activity as the birthday celebration for the King’s youngest daughter was in full swing and all were excitedly enjoying the festivities. All except for the youngest daughter whose celebration this was in honor of. She sat in the shade of a tent near the front of the tournament grounds watching as the servants set up for the main draw of the day. 
Weiss leaned into her hand, letting out a heavy sigh. “Is something wrong, Your Highness?” Klein spoke as he poured tea from a porcelain pot into a matching cup. “Are you not enjoying your birthday celebration?” 
“Did anyone even think to ask me if this was something I wanted?” Weiss grumbled as she took the tea, bringing it to her lips she took a deep breath of the black tea before taking a small sip. “Did anyone think to ask if this was how I wanted my 21st birthday to be celebrated?” 
Klein was silent nodding as he returned to standing at attention. “Well,” He spoke slowly. “Perhaps you can try and find something to enjoy? Even just something small maybe?” The butler smiled, eyes crinkling with the action. 
“Maybe.” Weiss sighed as she set her cup back on the table, watching as the servant continued to put up the tournament brackets. Standing up she moved to look at the finalized brackets. A lot of men had signed up. Of course, they had. After all, this was a chance to show off and earn a favor from the King and Queen. It didn’t make Weiss feel any better about what she was being forced to endure. Not much to enjoy when her birthday was being used as a way to try and find a suitor. 
As Weiss dragged her eyes over the names, two suddenly jumped out at her because they were women's names. Ruby and Maria. Maybe this would be a little less of a sausage fest than she originally thought. ‘Interesting. This will be…interesting.’ She thought as she returned to the shade of the tent, collapsing back into the wooden seat. She reached for her tea, watching as people moved back and forth past the opening, putting the finishing touches on the tournament grounds. Erecting the stands where spectators would sit observing the combatants and a stage where the announcements would be made. 
Speaking of announcements, as the preparations finished the announcer climbed on the stage and spoke into a cone, voice echoing through the grounds. “Will all combatants please make their way to the tournament grounds!” 
“Shall we?” Klein spoke leaning forward, smiling brightly.
Continued on Ao3
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amelia-yap · 10 months ago
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//◕_◕ )👉👈
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powertaco · 2 months ago
Happy Holidays from the DWR Gang
From the incredible @amelia-yap AND @galdsy have the goobers celebrating the holidays!
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everyones-berry · 7 months ago
Ruby, Weiss and young Maria getting ready Commissioned by @powertaco
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chaoticevilspacewitch · 8 days ago
A Grimm Day at the Beach
"A Grimm Day at the Beach", a Death's White Rose fanfic for @powertaco . Our adorable thruplet heads to the beach for the day... and of course things go wrong, and Weiss has to fix it.
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scham-wcan · 1 month ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: RWBY Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee, Maria Calavera/Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee, Cinder Fall/Winter Schnee Characters: Ruby Rose (RWBY), Weiss Schnee, Maria Calavera, Cinder Fall, Winter Schnee (RWBY) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Post-Canon, schnee family au, Young Maria Calavera, Cinder Fall Redemption, Anima Adventures, They’re all gonna have a fun time, Lil bit of injury, lil bit of angst, Lots of DWR and CW times Summary:
Argus is in the deep throws of recovery following the war, with a seemingly persistent but multi faceted threat beyond its walls isolating it from the lands. With the hope of solving their problems, Argus petitions Atlas’ Huntsmen Commission for their assistance, and who should answer the call but the Flagship team who just wanted an easy Hunt away from home?
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powertaco · 2 months ago
Just gals being pals. Maria sharing her love of stargazing, and space with her girlfriends who are just happy to have her there with her
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Stargazing commission for @powertaco 🤍❤️🩵
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dinodogs · 11 months ago
I think at this point my dislike for the Wr community as a 10 year long whiterose shipper has been well voiced but like. This new hate feels so forced and so incredibly stupid?
I get it, as I said before I have had many, many issues in the past but this borderline ridiculous. Shout out to Ghouls and Margarin for taking the brunt of it tbh.
It appears even the 'positive' rwby youtubers can't help but jump at the chance to hate on people and get innocent people harassed because they DARE have whiterose in their bio cause One Guy said something they didn't agree with.
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manlyquail · 5 months ago
So this was a really interesting and fun story to write for @powertaco in answering their ask! It, much like most stories I write, spiraled out of my control the better I got to know the characters and explore the situation. I definitely think I’ll do more exploring of this ot3 in the future, especially to give a chance for the ship to sail properly, but this was also a good motivator to get back into the swing of writing fanfic again!
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: RWBY Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee, Maria Calavera/Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee, Maria Calavera/Ruby Rose Characters: Ruby Rose (RWBY), Maria Calavera, Weiss Schnee Additional Tags: Romance, Eventual Romance, Drama & Romance, Fluff and Angst, Angst and Romance, First Meetings, Alternate Universe - Real World, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, OT3, Polyamory, Pre-Poly Summary:
Weiss Schnee has just transferred to Beacon Academy after living a rather lavish life in Atlas. While she knows that life won't be the same in Vale, she's surprised by the fact that people aren't immediately lining up to try and befriend her. By the time she does finally meet someone she's distraught to discover they were more interested in her dessert than her. In the end, the life Weiss expected to find in Vale ends up being far different than the life she ends up living.
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couldtheycatchkira · 14 days ago
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