#Davo Sculdun
starwarsblr · 2 years
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ANDOR S01E12 Rix Road
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andorshitdaily · 4 months
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ROUND THIRTEEN CATEGORY: Most Likely to Spill the Beans
Two will win and go into the yearbook. Who's it going to be?
Round Fourteen Category: Best Facial Expressions
NOMINATE NOW (and maybe provide a screenshot or suggestion of when I can find a screenshot? for fun?)
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i think it's even more devastating to Mon to know how easy it would be to introduce her daughter to the money lender's son. Leida is already eagerly choosing to follow the old Chandrilan ways. I imagine she doesn't understand the full scope of what she'd be signing up for, but Mon – to not even have to go against her daughter's wishes – just her own conscience.
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space-blue · 2 years
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Mon using her daughter Leida to unlock funds for the rebellion, knowing full well she's a little fundie who adores the concept of traditional marriages.
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rebeljyn-moved · 2 years
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Davo Sculdun and Mon Mothma in Andor S01xE10
Bonus: When the fish realizes it was caught by the bait.
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colleybri · 1 month
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Davo Sculden
‘They make a game of it, and we play. I already know I’ve won.
I’ve played this game for years; make a move only when you can predict your opponent’s response.
Her husband, the gambler, never learnt that lesson.
We both want what the other has. Win, win. It’s the only option and she knows it. She can’t walk away. I can sense her deseperation beneath the crisp veneer.
If only she hadn’t left things quite so late.
An introduction, that’s all. But we both know it’s more than that. We both play the game.
She knows when she’s lost.’
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Mon Mothma
‘It’s like facing an executioner. Not that I should know, living this sheltered life. But I have a rich imagination. Especially now, trying to grasp the enormity of what we are facing. Of what Luthen might have done and the things Vel has seen.
Meanwhile I’m on a couch opposite a thug who proposing the unthinkable.
Except nothing is unthinkable anymore.
Of course, he knows this. And that I know it too.
The blade is at my throat. I had been distracted by the stone in my own hand.
The point is sharp with the promise of pain to come.’
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darth-memes · 2 years
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mayhaps-a-blog · 2 years
I think I’ve figured out why I’m frustrated with Mon Mothma’s characterization in Andor.
I still love the show, I still think they’re doing something interesting with it, I’m still looking forward to where they go with it, but what they’ve also done is nerfed her character.
In the movies and Aftermath, Mon is a powerhouse of a Senator, a founding member of the Rebellion who led with a strong sense of justice and duty. She goes on to lead the New Republic through its most difficult early years, through growing pains and multiple assassination attempts by Imperial holdouts and angry Republic Senators alike.
But in Andor, she’s not a leader. Luthen’s the leader, trying to bring the Rebel groups together; Mon’s just a moneylender. And even for that, she’s reliant on Tay Kolma and Davo Sculdun. Meanwhile, Perrin has control of the home - planning dinner parties without her involvement, spending his time with her enemies. There’s very few women in her life - Vel seems to be the only one - she doesn’t even seem to have friends.
For the main female character - the only main female character - she remains widely under the power of the men in her life.
It’s interesting seeing the Andor story shape up; it’s the story of sacrifice, about fascist powers and the price of rebellion. I’m hoping they’re headed towards a more powerful Mon, stepping up as Luthen and the others fall.
But I’m also just really tired of stories where the woman is on the back foot. And I was looking forward to something different with Mon Mothma, leader of the Rebel Alliance, finally getting some more screentime.
Maybe someday we’ll get a strong female leader who doesn’t need a man holding her hand, but apparently not in Andor.
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elli-incarnate · 2 years
Omfg Davo Sculdun
“One of the great indulgences of great wealth is the freedom from other people’s opinions.”
“As cumbersome as they [banking regulations] are avoidable … they made it a game, and we play.”
What perfect character.
They made a banking subplot interesting. Or at least this banker character. Star Wars banking. I never thought I'd care about Star Wars banking subplots. I guess I care about banking subplots that perfectly criticize late stage capitalism.
Andor Andor Andor
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starwarsblr · 2 years
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- I have a 14-year-old son. I'd like to bring him with me. - You can't be serious. - I'm not asking for betrothal. - Then what are we talking about? - An introduction. Your daughter is 13. She'll soon come of age. Two young people. Attractive and privileged Chandrilan citizens.
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andorshitdaily · 3 months
Wandor Wednesday Wars #7 - Quarterfinals
What are the rules? Whatever you want, it's literally just drinking.
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the rush clovis vibes are strong with this one
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corellianhounds · 2 years
I think it’s worth pointing out that Davo Sculdun isn’t just trying to weasel a favor out of Mon Mothma by leveraging a match between their children in exchange for her having private access to her family’s money, he’s very much trying to cement a political tie and future sway for whatever he sees fit.
If Mothma trades a family alliance for privacy of funds, she’s not just sacrificing her daughter’s happiness and trust/relationship with her— she’d be trading Leida’s safety, security, and choice of her own future right along with it.
Sculdun’s a thug; Mothma tells us as much, and that’s very much in line with what we’re seeing of this guy. If Sculdun wants something he thinks Mon Mothma would be able to do with her position as a politician and Mothma is against it, all he has to do is say “It would be a shame if something happened to Leida on a family trip…” to put the pressure on Mothma to enact policies in his favor.
Sculdun is angling for a hostage.
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firelordderpy · 2 years
Mon Mothma’s choice
Andor spoilers below,
If you’ve not watched the last two episodes go watch them it’s a really really good show.
So in the latest Episodes of Andor Mon Mothma has been given a choice to either marry her daughter Leida off to the son of the Banker Davo Sculdun, or risk the Empire discovering her money laundering scheme.
While there’s a lot of talk about how awful a choice it is and whether she will have to sacrifice her daughter’s future for the rebellion, as the episode was titled, there is only one way out, and that is accepting Davo’s offer, not only for the Rebellion, but for her own daughter’s sake. Mon Mothma has already sacrificed her entire family to the rebellion, she just doesn’t realize it yet.
What happens if the Empire discovers her little operation? Leida and Perrin aren’t getting away scot-free, after Dr. Gorst is done with Mon Mothma they’re next, and that’s assuming that Dr. Gorst doesn’t go to work on them first in an effort to make Mothma start talking.
IF they survive, and that’s a big IF, they will be condemned to a life of Imperial slavery, reading speeches about Chandrilan loyal to the Empire, with a blaster pointed at the back of their neck.
Mon Mothma has only one way out.
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eachlittlebird · 2 years
I can’t believe it took me until last night to realize why Perrin Fertha and Davo Sculdun looked so familiar to me.
They were both members of Henry VIII’s sleazy entourage in Wolf Hall.
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sudden-stops-kill · 2 years
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