#David Bayu
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David Bayu Pasrah Sidang Asusila Perdana Putrinya Terpaksa Ditunda
JAKARTA – Putri dari musisi legendaris David Bayu yakni Audrey Davis ditemani pengacaranya Sandy Arifin terlihat menyambangi Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Jakarta Selatan pada hari ini, Senin (6/1). Kedatangannya adalah untuk menjalani sidang perdana terkait dugaan penyebaran video syur yang melibatkan Audrey. Agenda sidang hari ini disampaikan Sandy ialah mendengarkan keterangan saksi yang terdiri dari…
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Akui Pemeran Video Syur, Polda: Putri David Bayu Audrey Davis Diperiksa Sebagai Saksi
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interview meme
——— character question sheet
▌real name: Nova Badree (her last name isn't her actual last name, but she never could remember it after her death. Her brother isn't a big help.)
▌single or taken: Single (default) - Was going to get married before her future husband was murdered.
▌abilities or powers: For any verses involving magic / powers, Nova is capable of manipulating both electric and technology (as they go hand in hand with each other). Even going as far as manipulating the data within said technology. She could also do other things as well like manipulate water or even fire, but she doesn't use it as much. In a more normal / mundane verses (like rdr2 or Yakuza), she is capable of surviving out in the wilderness. In general, she knows how to fight with various of weapons as well as know many martial arts.
▌eye colour: Brown
▌hair colour: Dark brown (depending on the verse, she may have blue highlights).
▌family members: David (Father), Charlotte (Mother), Sophie (Older sister), Clay (Older brother), Liam (Older brother), unnamed brother (Older brother), and Cornelius (Brother-in-law).
▌pets: Petals (RDR2 / Wild West verse but that's her shire horse).
▌something they don’t like: Negativity and coldness / winter.
▌hobbies/activities: Cooking, crafting, writing, reading, and dancing.
▌ever hurt anyone before: Only if it is necessary.
▌ever killed anyone before: She had, but only because she has no other choice. If push comes to shove, she can and will take another lives yet chooses not to!
▌animal that represents them: I am not sure at this point. I'm struggling with this.
▌worst habits: Stubborn, Self-doubts (every now and then), and can come off too energetic.
▌role models: Clay, Skylar, and various of fictional characters. Depending on the verse, it may be different people. Such as Jaheria (bg3) or even Kiryu (Yakuza).
▌sexual orientation: Demisexual bisexual.
▌thoughts on marriage/kids: She does want to get married but not really big on kids. She doesn't mind taking care of kids at all. Just prefers to not have any of her own. Plus, she isn't really a motherly type. More like a sisterly type.
▌fears: Being abandoned and being useless.
▌style preferences: Nautical-themed or anything comfortable.
▌someone they love: Clay (he's always going to be the few people who she will put at top), Esmeralda, Cornelius, and Duncan. Insert anyone else that makes a connection with her in the rpc.
▌approach to friendships: Nova may be awkward when making friends, but she absolutely loves making friends. She can and will be found approaching others to befriend them.
▌thoughts on pie: She thinks they are alright. She does enjoy apple pie the most with whip cream. Probably a little too much whip cream.
▌favourite drink: It depends on the verse, but she prefers tea.
▌favourite place to spend time at: Anywhere that has running water or near anything swamp-related. Such as near the river or in Bayu Nwa (in rdr2).
▌swim in the lake or in the ocean: Both, though she leans more on the ocean. She grew up around the ocean.
▌their type: That's, eh, complicated. Her type is all over the place. It ranges from someone who is opposite than her in personality to someone who is like a golden retriever.
▌camping or indoors: Indoors, though she gotten used to camping outdoors. The only reason why I say indoors because Nova was a city girl before she was forced to camp outdoors.
Tagged by: Stolen
Tagging: Y'all
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oo! how did any of them achieve artificial immortality?
Cyra- So what makes it artificial is you have to be born with immortality for it to "count". The only way to be born with it is if you were born a God, or born to two human parents and have a strong connection with one of the elements. Both are extremely rare though. I was gifted my immortality back when I was a servant/soldier of the moon and sea goddess Eden, and then double confirmed it when I accidentally reached godhood, but that's the story for another day 😅. David was also granted immortality by Bayu shortly after they got married after a LOT of discussion. Sage was granted immortality by me very recently actually. Just like it was with David it was a LONG discussion, however we both agreed that Sprout will not have to deal with immortality during that discussion.
(Thank you so much for being my first ask!!)
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Audrey Davis Masih Syok, David Bayu Selalu Berikan Pendampingan
Musisi David Bayu kembali mendatangi Polda Metro Jaya untuk mendampingi putrinya, Audrey Davis menjalani pemeriksaan lanjutan Subdit Siber Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya, Selasa (13/8/2024). Dalam kesempatan tersebut, David mengatakan bahwa putrinya masih merasa tidak enak badan untuk menjalani pemeriksaan. Namun ia tetap mendampingi putrinya. “Sebenarnya hari ini dia masih nggak enak badan,…
#Hukum#Indonesia#Jabodetabek#Kepolisian Republik Indonesia#Nasional#Nusantara#Polda Metro Jaya#Polisi#Polri
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Audrey Davis Video anak David Bayu Naif Video Syur Viral yang mau videonya bisa ke telegram maupun ke WA / daftar langsung ke Rindubola dari pada susah cari di twitter
katanya lg ada yg viral2 yah?? 😌 mimin udh ada videonya lho…
tinggal daftar dan depo aja di Rindubola nanti mimin kasih 3 videonya via PM :p
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Rutan Kapuas Ikut Serta dalam Kegiatan Pra Rekonsiliasi Pemutakhiran Data Laporan Keuangan dan BMN Semester I Tahun 2024
Palangkaraya,- Rumah Tahanan (Rutan) Kelas IIB Kapuas turut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan Pra Rekonsiliasi Pemutakhiran Data Laporan Keuangan dan Barang Milik Negara (BMN) Semester I Tahun 2024. Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan oleh Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Kalimantan Tengah pada tanggal 1 hingga 3 Juli 2024.
Rutan Kapuas mengirimkan 2 orang perwakilan pegawai untuk menghadiri kegiatan tersebut, yaitu Yudi Agung Wicaksono dan Rizaini Bayu Saputra. Mereka bergabung dengan seluruh Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) pemasyarakatan se-Kalimantan Tengah dalam mengikuti serangkaian agenda pra rekonsiliasi.
Kepala Rutan Kapuas, David Anderson S., menyatakan bahwa partisipasi Rutan Kapuas dalam kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memastikan akurasi dan kepatuhan data keuangan serta BMN yang dilaporkan.
"Kami mengirimkan perwakilan pegawai kami untuk mengikuti kegiatan pra rekonsiliasi ini. Hal ini merupakan wujud komitmen Rutan Kapuas dalam menjaga transparansi dan akuntabilitas pengelolaan keuangan dan aset negara," ungkap David.
Selama 3 hari pelaksanaan, peserta kegiatan melakukan pemutakhiran data, identifikasi permasalahan, serta melakukan rekonsiliasi bersama tim dari Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Kalimantan Tengah. Para pegawai Rutan Kapuas aktif terlibat dalam setiap sesi diskusi dan presentasi.
Kegiatan Pra Rekonsiliasi Pemutakhiran Data Laporan Keuangan dan BMN Semester I Tahun 2024 ini diharapkan dapat membantu Rutan Kapuas dalam memperkuat tata kelola keuangan dan aset negara, sekaligus meningkatkan transparansi dan akuntabilitas pengelolaan Rutan.
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Naif adalah grup musik Indonesia yang berdiri pada tanggal 22 Oktober 1995 di Jakarta.
Awalnya Naif terdiri dari Emil (Mohammad Amil Hussein, bass), David (David Bayu Danangjaya, vokal), Jarwo (Fajar Endra Taruna, gitar), dan Pepeng (Franki Indrasmoro Sumbodo, drum) serta Chandra (keyboard).
Naif masuk dapur rekaman dan berhasil menelurkan debut album Naif (1998) dengan Mobil Balap sebagai tembang jagoannya.
Daftar Lagu:
(00:00:00) 1. 7 Bidadari (00:05:02) 2. Air Dan Api (00:08:15) 3. Ajojing (00:12:02) 4. Aku Rela (00:14:22) 5. Alangkah Indahnya Indonesia (00:17:11) 6. Apa Adanya (00:21:32) 7. Benci Untuk Mencinta (00:25:30) 8. Berubah (00:29:28) 9. Buta Hati (00:34:35) 10. Bye Babe By (00:39:23) 11. Cuek (00:44:14) 12. Curi Curi Pandang (00:47:23) 13. Di Mana Aku Disini (00:52:10) 14. Dia Adalah Pusaka Sejuta Umat Manusia Yang Ada Di Seluruh Dunia (00:55:55) 15. Dimana Aku Disini (01:00:40) 16. Electrified (01:05:18) 17. Elton John (01:08:45) 18. Hai Monas (01:14:07) 19. Hidup Itu Indah (01:18:24) 20. Itulah Cinta (01:22:54) 21. Jauh (01:26:34) 22. Jikalau (01:29:39) 23. Johan & Enny (01:32:34) 24. Jual Pesona (01:37:40) 25. Karena Kamu Cuma Satu (01:42:11) 26. Katakan Iya (01:46:23) 27. kau (01:50:24) 28. Kenali Drimu
(01:53:35) 29. Kencan Pertama (01:57:12) 30. Kontak Jodoh (02:02:10) 31. Kuda Besi (02:05:25) 32. Lagu Fajar (02:09:35) 33. Lagu Wanita (02:13:38) 34. Mau (02:17:56) 35. Mobil Balap (02:21:30) 36. Naif (instrumental) (02:26:27) 37. Nyali (02:30:44) 38. Piknik '72 (02:33:54) 39. Planet Cinta (02:39:44) 40. Possesif (02:43:57) 41. Rumah Yang Yahud (02:47:28) 42. Safari Menuju Laut (02:50:57) 43. Sedjak (02:54:18) 44. Selalu (02:58:38) 45. Selama Ada Cinta (03:01:08) 46. Senang Bersamamu (03:04:18) 47. Sepi (03:08:47) 48. Si Mesin Waktu (03:12:37) 49. Superstar (03:16:19) 50. Tak Mampu Mendua (03:19:08) 51. Televisi (03:22:31) 52. Tersenyumlah (03:25:14) 53. tidurlah (03:29:17) 54. Tjah Ajoe Ft. Chrisye (03:33:18) 55. Towal Towel (03:37:19) 56. Yts Ibu
#naif #lagujadul #lagukenangan #lagunostalgia #lagunostalgiapopuler #lagunostalgiaindonesia #andipratamastudio #putarmusik #putarmusiklirik #putarmusiklyrik #lagulawas #tembangkenangan #fullalbum #laguindonesia #laguindonesiahits #laguterbaru #laguspotify #lagutiktok #laguterpopuler #7bidadari #airdanapi #ajojing #akurela #alangkahindahnyaindonesia #apaadanya #benciuntukmencinta #berubah #butahati #byebabeby #cuek #curicuripandang #dimanaakudisini #diaadalahpusakasejutaumatmanusiayangadadiseluruhdunia #dimanaakudisini #electrified #eltonjohn #haimonas #hidupituindah #itulahcinta #jauh #jikalau #johan&enny #jualpesona #karenakamucumasatu #katakaniya #kau #kenalidrimu #kencanpertama #kontakjodoh #kudabesi #lagufajar #laguwanita #mau #mobilbalap #naif(instrumental) #nyali #piknik'72 #planetcinta #possesif #rumahyangyahud #safarimenujulaut #sedjak #selalu #selamaadacinta #senangbersamamu #sepi #simesinwaktu #superstar #takmampumendua #televisi #tersenyumlah #tidurlah #tjahajoeft.chrisye #towaltowel #ytsibu
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Kau yang selalu aku rindu
Dan kau yang selalu aku tunggu
Tapi kau kau kau tidak
Begitu kepadaku
Kau yang selalu aku cinta
Dan kau yang selalu aku sayang
Tapi kau kau kau tidak
Begitu kepadaku
Cintaku bertepuk sebelah tangan
Sayangku hanyalah tinggal kenangan
I’ve been hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt
But I’m fine fine fine fine fine
But it's okay for me now
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Drama Motif Balas Dendam, Mantan Pacar Audrey Davis Ditangkap Usai Sebarkan Video Syur
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The role of plasma angiotensin-converting enzyme and interleukin-6 levels on the prognosis of non-dialysis chronic kidney disease patients
Image: Max Pixel Article published in J. Pharm. Pharmacogn. Res., vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 55-62, January-February 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.56499/jppres22.1518_11.1.55 Hendri Susilo1,2**, Mochammad Thaha3,4, Budi Susetyo Pikir1,2, Mochamad Yusuf Alsagaff1,2, Satriyo Dwi Suryantoro3,4, Ifan Ali Wafa5, Nando Reza Pratama5, David Setyo Budi5, Bayu Satria Wiratama6, Citrawati Dyah Kencono…
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Some things I saw at the Bay Area Now 8 exhibition at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. Am I procrastinating on the assignment I’m supposed to be writing about these things that’s due in less than 3 hours? Absolutely. I included the artists names in the captions, except for the first image.
#Bay Area Now 8#BAN8#YBCA#Yerba Buena Center for the Arts#Jamil Hellu#Andrew Wilson#Josh Faught#David Bayus#sculpture#photography#installation
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Dampingi Pemeriksaan Audrey Davis, David Bayu: Selalu Support untuk Anak, Mohon Doanya
Eks vokalis Naif, David Bayu buka suara perihal kasus dugaan video syur yang melibatkan putrinya, Audrey Davis usai mendampingi anaknya menjalani pemeriksaan di Polda Metro Jaya. David mengatakan bahwa dirinya akan selalu mendukung anaknya menjalani kasus dugaan video syur yang mirip dengan Audrey. “Selalu support untuk anak. Intinya selalu support untuk anak. Mohon doanya,” ucap David kepada…
#Hukum#Indonesia#Jabodetabek#Kepolisian Republik Indonesia#Nasional#Nusantara#Polda Metro Jaya#Polisi#Polri
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Pegawai Rutan Kapuas Raih Peringkat 10 Besar dalam Pelatihan Teknis Administrasi Perkantoran
Kapuas, 5 Maret 2024 - Pegawai Rutan Kapuas, Rizaini Bayu Saputra, telah berhasil meraih peringkat 10 besar dalam Pelatihan Teknis Administrasi Perkantoran Tingkat Dasar Angkatan II & III TA 2024 yang diselenggarakan Oleh Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Hukum dan HAM Jawa Tengah dengan metode Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ).
Dalam pelatihan yang diikuti oleh perwakilan peserta dari seluruh UPT di Indonesia, Rizaini berhasil mencatatkan dirinya sebagai salah satu yang terbaik, meraih peringkat 8.
Kepala Rutan Kapuas, David Anderson S., merasa sangat bangga dengan prestasi yang diraih olehnya Ia mengatakan, "Prestasi ini merupakan bukti nyata dari komitmen dan kerja keras Rizaini dalam mengembangkan keterampilan administrasi perkantoran. Semoga apa yang didapat dalam pelatihan dapat di implementasikan dalam pekerjaannya sehari-hari."
Rizaini sendiri mengaku sangat senang dan terharu dengan pencapaian ini. Ia berterima kasih kepada seluruh pihak yang telah mendukungnya dalam perjalanan pelatihan ini. "Saya berharap prestasi ini dapat menjadi motivasi bagi rekan-rekan saya untuk terus berusaha dan mengembangkan diri dalam bidang administrasi perkantoran," ucap Rizaini.
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In 1993, NASA, the Russian Federal Space Agency (RKA), Japan’s Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) all finally agreed to a treaty to launch the International Space Station. It would be another five years before construction began and the first long-term residents finally floated aboard the ISS in the year 2000. - If only these countries had taken a look at the burgeoning underground electronic music scene, which was already launching kids into zero-gravity deep space as early as the summer of 1992. That’s when The Orb played chess on Top of the Pops as their epochal single “Blue Room” floated up the charts. These were mental trips, starting with Warp’s 1992 landmark “Artificial Intelligence” compilation (featuring a spliff-smoking cyborg), which introduced a new generation of producers who had become enamored with house, acid, and techno. These artists soon began to push into unplumbed regions of the music, exploring the spongy, diaphanous space in between all those 808s and 303s. Early practitioners like The KLF, the Orb, Pete Namlook, Mixmaster Morris, and the like, began to offer up alternative sounds for those coming down from a loud, pounding night out—places to cool off, come back down to earth, and well…“chill out.” - The concept of the chill-out room might have been idealistic and utopian rather than a fully-realized space, though. “They never really seemed to have succeeded as an actual club’s chill out-room,” Jamie Tiller says, speaking about the music featured on Virtual Dreams: Ambient Explorations In The House & Techno Age, 1993-1997, a compilation on his label Music from Memory.
“The music was always leaking from the main room. Or the chill-out room was just filled with people who were simply too high, trying to sober up or looking for somewhere to pass out. It seemed to work better as a pre- or post-club experience at home.”
Whether it was in your living room or in a loud club, ambient electronic music served as a gateway for listeners hesitant to go out clubbing. “I was an indie kid, and I got into electronic music via this scene, as going out to clubs was not really my thing,” says DJ Ivan Smagghe. “Then the first raves happened in France, and there were always some chill-out or alternative room. I got started DJing in those, actually.” Some of the tracks he recalled from his days in the chill-out rooms on the continent and from working as a record store clerk informed his recent compilation, IDMEMO – A Future Of Nostalgia, compiled with fellow DJ (and Offen Music head) Vladimir Ivkovic. Tim Humphrey recently started the reissue label re:discovery records to revive this particular era of electronic music, while also admitting to a love for chill-out rooms.
“I grew up with ’90s ambient, and that style and period of music is near and dear to me. It takes you away to another place, like reading a great sci-fi book. It’s mysterious and futuristic, you can escape from whatever is going on in your life. The music makes you dream.”
So far, his label has reissued astoundingly great early works from the likes of American practitioners like David Moufang and Taylor Deupree, with upcoming reissues of long-revered releases from A Positive Life and Adham Shaikh. Regional varietals of ambient electronic from that era have also recently resurfaced. And beyond the trappings of the chill-out room, a few dedicated diggers have revealed the early ’90s on through the early ‘00s to be a particularly fertile time of exploration. Matthew Xue, who runs the Australian record label A Colourful Storm and DJs/compiles as Moopie, found himself particularly enamored with tracks from this time period that “were often the ‘delicate’ outliers on an album or CD compilation that contained heavier or denser tracks,” he says. “Bayu and I looked for songs that we felt had some romantic, desirous, and longing sensibilities to it.” The end result is the dreamy Still in My Arms. With the heavier drums absent, these dreamier elements were allowed to float up to the surface. Similarly, Justin Cantrell, another Australian who runs the Daisart label, found a curious realm culled from otherwise forgotten and out-of-print tapes, records, CD-Rs, and the like, exploring his country’s relatively isolated take on ambient electronic music with the Wound Without a Tear compilation.
“I’m fascinated by ephemera as a memory enhancer,” he says. “The longer we live, the more prone we are to forget. These minor things from our lives that bring us back to a time and a place often push us closer to each other—sometimes almost touching.”
Even adrift in the imaginary space of such ambient electronic atmospheres, the warmth of such music still shines through ...
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