#Data Science Platform research Data Science Platform report Data Science Platform research report
drdemonprince · 7 months
It’s “urks me” anon. I agree with your reply very much. I know I sent the ask but you did not have to reply as in depth as you did and it genuinely made me feel a lot more comfortable with the space you are creating. I kinda wish you had explained yourself that well in the beginning but hey I of all people know online communication is difficult and this is an evolving convo. Also I’m going to be real your followers have been being a lot more annoying than you ever could be and it was affecting my mood when talking to you. It’s less that healthy people talking about risk management inherently annoys me and more that they are constantly slipping in microaggressions and minor misinfo when they talk about it. Even if the choices they are making are (sometimes…) reasonable it is so obvious that they were not listening to the important technical details vulnerable people were speaking and only heard “blah blah blah scary stuff and restrictions blah blah blah” like…!? I think overshaming is one piece of the puzzle. But I think a lot of people, including many so called allies and covid-aware people, simply don’t listen to us very carefully regardless of how diplomatic we’re being. Maybe they think they already know the technical details even though they clearly don’t? Idk it’s very irritating.
Thanks for your message. This is another place where I get very enraged at our public institutions for failing us so catastrophically! We have all been so systematically misled about COVID, and the actual infection numbers and other ever-evolving data on how it's currently spreading is actively covered up, and not made accessible by journalistic institutions, so on that level I do not hold individiduals reponsible for not understanding things.
Chronically ill, disabled, and otherwise COVID-conscious people have been forced to become the public health information apparatus and have done incredible amounts of thankless work geneating the data, reporting on it, monitoring wastewater levels, delving deeply into the latest research, creating infographics, and trying to spread the word to the public about it, but they have no assistance in it, and no platform beyond what they can build online. and those online communities tend to become siloed because of how social media algorithms work, and so people who have been spreading the facts relentlessly every single day routinely bump up against people who do not see those same posts hardly ever because they are in different pockets of the internet. Which comes down both to their choices and priorities, and due to algortihmic echo-chambers, and economic and political incentive structures silencing the work that COVID-conscious folks do.
And yes, also, people very much do shut down and turn away when confronted with scary information... that's a very well-established fact within public health and persuasion science that has remained a real barrier to public awareness campaigns for a long time. People do not process information about death and threat well at all. So much so that many public health intitatives of the past had to limit talk of death and scary outcomes if they want people to things like get a cancer screening or contemplate quitting smoking. the cigarette companies themselves funded "anti smoking" campaigns that were awash in images of death and bodily decay because they knew those kinds of messages shut people down and actually make them less likely to quit. (i write a lot about this stuff in my new book).
This is where conversations about tactics do become relevant again -- mentioning death or the direness of long COVID isn't "shaming", it's not moral sanctimoniousness, it's not "wrong" to do, it is accurate! but it doesn't usually work persuasively. and I do think there is more we could do to frame masking and taking covid mitigation measures as a thing for a person to take pride in, feel empowered by, and feel connected to others by doing, which generally is what we find to be more effective in public health research.
to return to the cancer comparison, we tend to find that "think of how much peace of mind you'll feel after your cancer screening! take a positive step for your health!" is a more effective framing that actually inspires behavioral change than "if you don't find out that you have pancreatic cancer in time you will most likely die. here are the stats on how many people die of it." That kind of messaging tends to make people less likely to take proactive steps. even though it's all rooted in actual facts.
I have seen some propaganda (postive connotation) evoking a kind of positive, empowering idea regarding masking at protests, but I'd love to see more of it. Sounding the alarm repeatedly does not work for a variety of psychological reasons. people get both numb to it if they've heard something is a "pressing serious life and death emergency" for long enough, and paradoxically, they also overwhelmed by the bleakness. we see a similar thing happening with climate change. these situations ARE dire and people SHOULD care, but in order to make caring feel concrete and possible, behaviorally, we have to frame information in an empowering way.
of course, there are COVID conscious people who do do that and devote lots of energy to crafting such persuasive messages! and still have to cope with being silenced, downgraded by the algorithm, ignored, attacked by anti-maskers, etc. and lots of people understandably feel that they have tried everything and that people still don't care. from where they are sitting as one person that's the emotional reality and that's often the lived intepersonal experience. but that appearance of other people not caring was engineered...and lord i hope we can find a way to socially engineer a collective way out of it, because what we are doing isn't working well enough. unfortunately the thing we need the most desperately is just more people spreading the message and giving a shit.
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superlinguo · 8 months
Himalayan Linguistics, Linguistics Vanguard and the Australian Journal of Linguistics
In 2024 I have returned to my role as an editor of Himalayan Linguistics, and have joined the editorial boards of two other journals; Linguistics Vanguard and the Australian Journal of Linguistics. I've published in each of these journals before joining the editorial boards, and it's lovely to be involved in three journals across three different areas of interest.
Himalayan Linguistics is a fully Open Access journal, while Linguistics Vanguard and the Australian Journal of Linguistics have a mix of open access and licensed content. If you are an academic and your work is relevant to any of these three journals, please consider them for your next research paper!
Himalayan Linguistics
One of my first academic publications was with Himalayan Linguistics in 2013. I've been so grateful for all the work of the editorial team over the years that I joined the board, and then stepped up as editor in 2022. My co-editors are Gregory Anderson and You-Jing Lin.
Himalayan Linguistics costs nothing to read, and charges no fees for publishing. We're lucky to have the University of California eScholarship infrastructure for publishing. It's my favourite model for academic research.
From the website:
Himalayan Linguistics is an online peer-reviewed journal specializing in languages of the Himalayan region. We publish articles, book reviews, book notices and field reports in the semi-annual issues of the journals. We also publish grammars, dictionaries, and text collections as free-standing publications in our “Archive” series. Himalayan Linguistics is free; that is, there is no subscription fee, and there is no fee charged to authors who publish their papers in HL.
My publications in HL, Superlinguo summary posts:
The relationship between Yolmo and Kagate: Article in Himalayan Linguistics
Reported evidentiality in Tibeto-Burman languages
Linguistics Vanguard
Linguistics Vanguard launched in 2015 and I was eyeing it off for years before being delighted to have a chance to submit a paper for the 2023 Special Issue on scifi corpus methods. Yup, it's the kind of journal that's cool enough to have a whole special issue on using corpora to do linguistics on scifi. I have another paper in the revisions process with LV on lingcomm. I can attest to the speedy process and focus on conciseness. I'm delighted to join as an area manager for gesture and multimodal submissions.
Linguistics Vanguard is a new channel for high quality articles and innovative approaches in all major fields of linguistics. This multimodal journal is published solely online and provides an accessible platform supporting both traditional and new kinds of publications. Linguistics Vanguard seeks to publish concise and up-to-date reports on the state of the art in linguistics as well as cutting-edge research papers. With its topical breadth of coverage and anticipated quick rate of production, it is one of the leading platforms for scientific exchange in linguistics. Its broad theoretical range, international scope, and diversity of article formats engage students and scholars alike.
My publications in LV, Superlinguo summary posts:
From Star Trek to The Hunger Games: Emblem gestures in science fiction and their uptake in popular culture
Australian Journal of Linguistics
The Australian Linguistic Society is my local linguistics org, and I'm delighted to join an editorial board full of people whose work I deeply respect. I'm also happy to report the AJL recently adopted the Tromsø Recommendations for data citation.
The Australian Journal of Linguistics is the official journal of the Australian Linguistic Society and the premier international journal on language in Australia and the region. The focus of the journal is research on Australian Indigenous languages, Australian Englishes, community languages in Australia, language in Australian society, and languages of the Australian-Pacific region. The journal publishes papers that make a significant theoretical, methodological and/or practical contribution to the field and are accessible to a broad audience.
My publications in AJL, Superlinguo summary posts:
Ten years of Linguistics in the Pub (Australian Journal of Linguistics)
Revisiting Significant Action and Gesture Categorization
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Threads, Meta's new social media app, has signed up 100 million new users less than a week since its launch last Wednesday, making it the fastest-growing app in history.
Like other social media apps, users probably barely scanned − or skipped − the terms and conditions for what information Threads can collect, share and sell about them.
Meta probably already had a lot of information about users because Threads is built upon its Instagram platform.
Start the day smarter. Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning.
So how much does Threads already know about you, and what can it do with that data? Here are a few reasons to be concerned about your privacy.
What information does Threads collect?
Social media platforms monetize user data by selling relevant ads based on your location and activity, but, along with the usual app privacy requests like browsing history and location data, Threads also asks for financial information, health and fitness data, diagnostics and a nefarious-sounding "sensitive info."
Many users have voiced concern over Threads for its 14-point list of data permissions you're granting Meta to use the app. Twitter, by comparison, has 10 of these.
"I would say it's at the outer boundaries of what's usually expected, which is to be expected from its connection to Facebook, a brand long known for being especially hungry to take in user data and commercialize it in different ways," says Dan Ackerman, the new editor-in-chief at Gizmodo, a leading technology, science and culture news publication.
Android users can toggle off some of the data requests from the app, while the Apple App Store is "more take-it-or-leave it," Ackerman said.
"It also doesn't help that there's no browser-based fully functional version of Threads right now, and so you have to use the app version," he said.
Meta declined my request for comment and clarification.
Is Threads data collection worse than Twitter?
It's not necessarily malicious, suggests Tim Bajarin, a veteran technology analyst and Chairman of the San Jose, California-based market research firm Creative Strategies. "Users should know this Threads data list is pulled directly from Instagram, and it's all tied to their advertising engine when they start to monetize Threads.  
"When you sign off on financial info, for example, they're not looking at your bank statements or anything," Bajarin said.
Rather, Threads collects what you're posting about and liking, where you are, and whether you bought something through a third-party site, app or game you logged into using your connected Facebook/Instagram ID (usually to avoid creating a new password altogether).
Bajarin said users are granting Meta access for future advertising.
"Meta isn't giving you a free app out of the goodness of their heart − they're there to make money, which is mostly from advertising."
Threads can collect and save this information, and the data can also be shared with third-party services that connect to your Threads profile.
Can you deactivate Threads?
Yes, but you cannot delete it without also deleting Instagram, Bajarin said.
"Meta built (Threads) on the Instagram infrastructure, on top of the program itself, and so it would be very difficult to uninstall one and not both – at least the way it's engineered today. ... They could eventually be spun out to be completely separate apps," Bajarin said.
To deactivate (but not delete) your Threads account, Adam Mosseri − the Instagram boss who now spearheads the Threads app – says you can choose to hide your Threads profile and content, delete individual Threads posts and set your profile to private, as reported by USA TODAY contributor Jennifer Jolly.
"Threads is powered by Instagram, so right now it's just one account, but we're looking into a way to delete your Threads account separately,” he posted.
Ackerman said the fact Threads is built on Instagram is actually a boon for Meta and users, "as it's especially easy to sign up for, has no wait list, and is simple to use." But "in order to delete your Threads account after you sign up, you’ll need to delete your Instagram account, as well, which reminds me of the difficulty people had deleting their Facebook accounts in the past, and how there was a lot of fine print about what data Facebook would keep unless you jumped through extra hoops."
Is the Threads app safe?
Threads is asking for more permissions than Twitter, so it boils down to your comfort level.
Though some of the privacy permissions seem ludicrous – granting Threads access to health and activity data and other "sensitive info" on a smartphone just seems wrong – no one is forcing users to install and use Threads or any other social media app that monetizes its free platform by delivering personalized, contextual ads to you.
Threads is available in more than 100 countries, but perhaps it's no surprise it isn't available in the Europe Union just yet: Meta was forced to pay more than $400 million by EU regulators for forcing users to accept targeted ads.
Personally, I am using and enjoying Threads quite a bit but wish there was more clarity about how my data is collected and used. And I'm disappointed Meta declined to clarify things.
I select "Ask not to track" on all iPhone apps to reduce an app's visibility into my web browsing activity, and I have a virtual private network (VPN) on my computer for extra privacy, but perhaps it's true there is nothing truly free in this world – it's just up to each person to decide whether the cost is worth it.
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jcmarchi · 3 months
The tenured engineers of 2024
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-tenured-engineers-of-2024/
The tenured engineers of 2024
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In 2024, MIT granted tenure to 11 faculty members across the School of Engineering. This year’s tenured engineers hold appointments in the departments of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS, which reports jointly to the School of Engineering and MIT Schwarzman College of Computing), Mechanical Engineering, and Nuclear Science and Engineering.
“My heartfelt congratulations to the 11 engineering faculty members on receiving tenure. These faculty have already made a lasting impact in the School of Engineering through both advances in their field and their dedication as educators and mentors,” says Anantha Chandrakasan, chief innovation and strategy officer, dean of engineering, and the Vannevar Bush Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
This year’s newly tenured engineering faculty include:
Adam Belay, associate professor of computer science and principal investigator at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), works on operating systems, runtime systems, and distributed systems. He is particularly interested in developing practical methods for microsecond-scale computing and cloud resource management, with many applications relating to performance and computing efficiency within large data centers.
Irmgard Bischofberger, Class of 1942 Career Development Professor and associate professor of mechanical engineering, is an expert in the mechanisms of pattern formation and instabilities in complex fluids. Her research reveals new insights into classical understanding of instabilities and has wide relevance to physical systems and industrial processes. Further, she is dedicated to science communication and generates exquisite visualizations of complex fluidic phenomena from her research.
Matteo Bucci serves as the Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Associate Professor of nuclear science and engineering. His research group studies two-phase heat transfer mechanisms in nuclear reactors and space systems, develops high-resolution, nonintrusive diagnostics and surface engineering techniques to enhance two-phase heat transfer, and creates machine-learning tools to accelerate data analysis and conduct autonomous heat transfer experiments.
Luca Carlone, the Boeing Career Development Professor in Aeronautics and Astronautics, is head of the Sensing, Perception, Autonomy, and Robot Kinetics Laboratory and principal investigator at the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems. His research focuses on the cutting edge of robotics and autonomous systems research, with a particular interest in designing certifiable perception algorithms for high-integrity autonomous systems and developing algorithms and systems for real-time 3D scene understanding on mobile robotics platforms operating in the real world.
Manya Ghobadi, associate professor of computer science and principal investigator at CSAIL, builds efficient network infrastructures that optimize resource use, energy consumption, and availability of large-scale systems. She is a leading expert in networks with reconfigurable physical layers, and many of the ideas she has helped develop are part of real-world systems.
Zachary (Zach) Hartwig serves as the Robert N. Noyce Career Development Professor in the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, with a co-appointment at MIT’s Plasma Science and Fusion Center. His current research focuses on the development of high-field superconducting magnet technologies for fusion energy and accelerated irradiation methods for fusion materials using ion beams. He is a co-founder of Commonwealth Fusion Systems, a private company commercializing fusion energy.
Admir Masic, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, focuses on bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern material technologies. He applies his expertise in the fields of in situ and operando spectroscopic techniques to develop sustainable materials for construction, energy, and the environment.
Stefanie Mueller is the TIBCO Career Development Professor in the Department of EECS. Mueller has a joint appointment in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and is a principal investigator at CSAIL. She develops novel hardware and software systems that give objects new capabilities. Among other applications, her lab creates health sensing devices and electronic sensing devices for curved surfaces; embedded sensors; fabrication techniques that enable objects to be trackable via invisible marker; and objects with reprogrammable and interactive appearances.
Koroush Shirvan serves as the Atlantic Richfield Career Development Professor in Energy Studies in the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering. He specializes in the development and assessment of advanced nuclear reactor technology. He is currently focused on accelerating innovations in nuclear fuels, reactor design, and small modular reactors to improve the sustainability of current and next-generation power plants. His approach combines multiple scales, physics and disciplines to realize innovative solutions in the highly regulated nuclear energy sector.
Julian Shun, associate professor of computer science and principal investigator at CSAIL, focuses on the theory and practice of parallel and high-performance computing. He is interested in designing algorithms that are efficient in both theory and practice, as well as high-level frameworks that make it easier for programmers to write efficient parallel code. His research has focused on designing solutions for graphs, spatial data, and dynamic problems.
Zachary P. Smith, Robert N. Noyce Career Development Professor and associate professor of chemical engineering, focuses on the molecular-level design, synthesis, and characterization of polymers and inorganic materials for applications in membrane-based separations, which is a promising aid for the energy industry and the environment, from dissolving olefins found in plastics or rubber, to capturing smokestack carbon dioxide emissions. He is a co-founder and chief scientist of Osmoses, a startup aiming to commercialize membrane technology for industrial gas separations.
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sethshead · 9 months
For example, a student at CUNY and an associate geography professor at Oregon State convinced a bunch of outlets to cover their science project. They used radar data to “map” any changes in the building landscape in Gaza since the war started and chalked up every single possible change to Israeli bombing. I want to be entirely fair to the researchers here: They do point out that they don’t really know what their results mean. “Applying that method using radar signals from the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1 satellite,” ABC News reports, “the researchers said they were able to detect the number of buildings damaged, but were not able to determine how badly the buildings had been affected.” Possibly as many as half the buildings in northern Gaza were affected in this extremely vague way, say the duo. That got translated, in the Associated Press version of the writeup, to: “Israel’s offensive has destroyed over two-thirds of all structures in northern Gaza.” Then the AP offers a truly braindead comparison: “By some measures, destruction in Gaza has outpaced Allied bombings of Germany during World War II.”
This is the methodology by which the media arrives at its breathlessly hyperbolic anti-Israel narrative. It exaggerates every small data point until they can claim that this Gaza war, tragic as it is, somehow compares to or exceeds the destructiveness of World War II, a conflict which not-so-subtle included a genocide of Jews that took six million, not 20,000 lives - and in the case of the Holocaust, all civilian.
That the media draws such equivalencies while Aleppo and Mariupol still smolder, short decades after Mosul, Grozny, and Sarajevo (and that's only post-Cold War) should insult every reader's intelligence. Hell, China tore down 3/4 of Kashgar without any battles being fought, and where was such coverage then? I guess no Jews, no news. But a narrative's gotta be pushed, so the collective outrage cycle continues, based on the most tenuous of evidence and logic.
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lenbryant · 1 year
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LONG POST. Let's stop making psychopaths rich and powerful. I wasn't much of a Twitter fan before he bought it. Now that X-Man has turned it into a cesspool, I'm glad to stay away.
(LA Times) Column: Scientists used to love Twitter. Thanks to Elon Musk, they’re giving up on it By Michael Hiltzik, Business Columnist, Aug. 25, 2023 
In the first couple of years of the COVID-19 pandemic, Peter Hotez, an expert in vaccines and tropical medicine at Baylor University, found Twitter to be “a useful and at times almost essential tool for timely and important exchange of information.”
The platform banned the most aggressive anti-vaccine and anti-science trolls, leaving a relatively safe space “for mainstream physicians, epidemiologists, and biomedical scientists to share their unpublished findings” or make others aware of recent postings on professional sites.
After Elon Musk acquired the site in October 2022, he reopened its gates to trolls trying to counteract sound science with misinformation and outright lies and attacking responsible researchers with harassment and death threats. (He has also rebranded the site as “X,” for no discernible reason.)
"Twitter has become such a toxic place that you almost wonder, when is it no longer constructive to post on it." — Timothy Caulfield, University of Alberta
“Now it’s just a cesspool of trolls and bots” dispensing hate, Hotez says. He no longer allows users to post replies to his tweets because of the trolls’ torrent of “death threats and fascination with Nazi and other hate symbols.” And he has reduced all his activities online.
Hotez is not alone in mourning the disintegration of this once-indispensable social media platform. Scientists are abandoning X in droves, according to a recent survey by Nature. Of the survey respondents, “more than half reported that they have reduced the time they spend on the platform in the past six months and just under 7% have stopped using it altogether.”
The survey attributed the decline in usage to Musk’s “largely unpopular changes to Twitter, including cutting down on content moderation; ditching its ‘blue-check’ verification system in favor of one that grants paying members additional clout and privileges; charging money for access to data for research; [and] limiting the number of tweets users can see.”
And it was conducted before Musk said the platform would eliminate the ability to block harassers.
Concerns about the decline of X as a source of reliable information extends beyond the scientific and academic communities. During the apparent coup attempt in Russia in June, journalists noticed its relative uselessness at helping them find real-time, breaking information from the ground and sifting fact from fakery, due in part to Musk’s trashing of its account verification system.
Public safety officials such as weather forecasters and emergency managers have expressed fears that the site’s deterioration will interfere with their efforts to disseminate urgent messages to residents of a crisis zone and inundate them instead with dangerous misinformation from unverified but seemingly genuine accounts.
Sure enough, during the Maui fires, X quickly became filled with conspiracy theories about the disaster’s cause.
Still, it’s in the scientific and academic communities where Twitter’s onetime promise seems to have evaporated the most.
Only a few years ago, using Twitter “became almost the norm,” says Timothy Caulfield, an expert in science communication at the University of Alberta and a veteran debunker of pseudoscience. “Academics and scholars were encouraged to go to places like Twitter to build their community, to disseminate their research and to create content the general public, policy-makers and the media could access.”
As long ago as 2014, Twitter stood out in a Nature survey as a general, nontechnical social media site that researchers could consult on their own initiative to follow discussions, discover peers and content, post their own work and follow and comment on scientific discussions.
By late 2022, in the pre-Musk period, more than a third of all scientific papers were getting tweeted, according to a group of European researchers; in the first 12 months of the pandemic, they found, “more than half of all journal articles on COVID-19 ... were mentioned at least once on Twitter.”
Despite the political discord caused by the pandemic, Twitter remained a valued “sounding board, megaphone and common room,” Nature reported last December, calling the platform “a place to broadcast research findings, debate issues in academia and interact with people who they wouldn’t normally meet up with.”
By then, however, scientists were already anxious about the platform’s continued value as a communications tool.
Almost immediately after taking ownership of Twitter on Oct. 27, Musk eviscerated its content moderation team. On Nov. 23, Twitter announced that it is “no longer enforcing the COVID-19 misleading information policy,” which had been in place since early 2021 and was crucial in suppressing dangerous disinformation about the pandemic.
For some researchers, the last straw was a Dec. 11 Musk tweet in which he stated, “My pronouns are prosecute/Fauci.”
The tweet did more than mock the LGBTQ+ rights movement, members of which often post their preferred pronouns online; it aligned Musk with the witless efforts of right-wingers like Florida’s buffoonish Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, to turn Anthony Fauci, a revered expert in virology and immunology, into a villain — even a putative criminal — because of his advocacy of sound anti-pandemic policies.
University of Washington biologist Carl T. Bergstrom wrote on the social media platform Mastodon that Musk’s tweet was “the straw that broke the camel’s back” for him, prompting him to leave Twitter.
“You can’t have meaningful and productive scientific collaboration on a platform run by a right-wing troll who denies science when its results are inconvenient to him and just simply to hear his audience cheer,” Bergstrom wrote.
Fauci had already received death threats from members of this benighted group, resulting in the government placing him under the protection of armed federal agents. Asked about the Musk tweet, Fauci labeled Twitter, accurately, “a cesspool of information.”
Musk’s vast reach on Twitter, Fauci said, “stirs up a lot of hate in people who have no idea why they’re hating — they’re hating because somebody like that is tweeting about it.”
That’s not to say that the platform was ever devoid of misinformation or even harassment, Hotez and Caulfield agree. But the tools existed to wean them out, and the balance of good versus bad tended to tip toward the former.
“In the early days, 10% to 20% of the replies and engagement I got were negative — trolls and harassment,” Caulfield told me. “Now, it’s 90%, and for some of my posts, 100% — trolls, harassment, death threats.”
Topics that have been infected with right-wing ideology bring out the most toxic responses, Caulfield says, such as vaccines, LGBTQ+ issues and climate change.
“Twitter has also always been a forum for threats against scientists, but it’s gotten worse under Elon,” agrees Angela Rasmussen, a virologist who studies the virus that causes COVID-19. “Previously, enough threats would result in suspension or removal from the platform. Now it’s a free for all, with people openly threatening others with physical and sexual violence, saying unguardedly bigoted things and unambiguous hate speech, and sometimes getting unvarnished praise from Elon for doing so.”
Today the question in many scientists’ minds is where to find an alternative to X. There’s no scarcity of choices — the social media sites Mastodon, Spoutible, Bluesky and Threads (a service of Meta) have all offered themselves as Twitter-like platforms, as have many others.
But none has yet come close to the critical mass of users that the old Twitter assembled, nor the ability to curate one’s own set of accounts to follow or followers to accept. Most lack the ease of use valued by experienced Twitter users. And the very abundance of options works against any one of them supplanting X in the near term.
As a result, many scientists and other users are hanging on to X, hoping that a single alternative will emerge or, more optimistically, that X’s glide path will be reversed before it becomes utterly worthless.
Caulfield, like many other users, already has found himself thinking harder before tweeting about research that might draw out the trolls, racists, Nazis and other ghouls whom Musk has welcomed back onto the platform.
“Twitter has become such a toxic place that you almost wonder, when is it no longer constructive to post on it,” Caulfield says. “It’s gotten really dark. I’ve always thought that if we leave, we just make room for more trolls, more misinformation, more rage, and to have science-informed content on Twitter remains important, because you don’t want the dark forces to win. That’s still my position, but I’m wavering.”
Photo: Elon Musk, Twitter killer. (Susan Walsh / Associated Press)
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newsinsight4u · 1 year
Best Apps for Students in Pakistan: Boosting Productivity and Learning
With the rapid advancement of technology, smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, offering countless applications designed to make our daily tasks easier and more efficient. For students in Pakistan, there are a plethora of apps available that can enhance their learning experience, boost productivity, and simplify various educational tasks. In this article, we will explore some of the best apps for students in Pakistan, providing a comprehensive list of tools that can help them excel academically.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a globally renowned online learning platform that offers a wide range of courses and educational resources. From mathematics and science to humanities and economics, Khan Academy provides interactive lessons and practice exercises for students of all ages. The app covers various subjects aligned with the Pakistani curriculum, making it an ideal choice for students looking to reinforce their knowledge and prepare for exams.
Evernote is a versatile note-taking app that enables students to capture and organize their ideas, lecture notes, and research materials in one place. With features like text recognition, voice memos, and file attachments, it facilitates seamless note-taking and ensures that important information is always at hand. Students can create notebooks for each subject, add tags for easy categorization, and even synchronize their notes across multiple devices.
Learning a new language can broaden horizons and open up new opportunities. Duolingo is a popular language learning app that offers courses in various languages, including Urdu, English, and other foreign languages. Through gamified lessons, interactive exercises, and personalized learning paths, Duolingo makes language acquisition engaging and enjoyable.
Maintaining focus and avoiding distractions can be challenging for students. Forest is a unique productivity app that helps students stay focused by gamifying the process. Users plant a virtual tree and set a timer for a specified period, during which they must resist the urge to use their phones. If successful, the tree grows, but if they exit the app, the tree withers. This visually appealing concept encourages students to stay committed and develop better study habits.
MyStudyLife is an all-in-one study planner app designed to keep students organized and on track with their assignments, exams, and class schedules. It allows users to input their courses, create to-do lists, set reminders, and even sync data with other devices. With its intuitive interface and comprehensive features, MyStudyLife serves as a reliable companion for students to manage their academic commitments effectively.
Effective written communication is crucial for academic success. Grammarly is a powerful writing assistant app that helps students improve their writing skills. It provides real-time grammar and spelling checks, suggests vocabulary enhancements, and offers insights on sentence structure and style. Whether writing essays, reports, or emails, Grammarly ensures that students' written work is clear, concise, and error-free.
NOON Academy
NOON Academy is an online tutoring app that offers personalized educational services to students in Pakistan. It provides live classes with qualified teachers who cover a wide range of subjects, including mathematics, science, English, and more. The app also offers exam preparation courses, interactive quizzes, and progress tracking features to help students monitor their performance. With NOON Academy, students can receive additional guidance and support to supplement their classroom learning.
In today's digital age, leveraging technology to enhance learning and productivity is paramount for students in Pakistan. The apps mentioned above offer valuable tools and resources to support students in their educational journey. From online learning platforms like Khan Academy and NOON Academy to productivity apps like Forest and study planners like MyStudyLife, these applications cater to various aspects of a student's academic life. By utilizing these apps, students can streamline their tasks, improve their learning efficiency, and excel in their studies. Embrace the power of technology and make the most of these apps to unlock your true potential as a student in Pakistan.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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First rocket produced 100% in Brazil 🇧🇷 is launched from the Alcântara Launch Center
The unprecedented feat is part of Operation Santa Branca and took place this Sunday (10/23), in Maranhão.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/25/2022 - 11:00 in Brazil, Space, Brazilian Air Force
October 23rd! Aviator Day and Brazilian Air Force Day (FAB). This year, the date has become even more significant! The Alcântara Launch Center (CLA) launched the VSB-30 suborbital vehicle, from the Suborbital Microgravity Platform (PSM), which was developed by the Institute of Aeronautics and Space (IAE).
The project is part of Operation Santa Branca.
With Brazilian production and 100% national payload, the VSB-30 is a rocket of the probe family, which had solid propulsion stages, rotationally stabilized and with the ability to transport loads of up to 400 kg, at altitudes in the range of 270 km. In this launch, the rocket took on board the scientific experiment "Multiuser Oven", developed by the National Institute of Space Research (INPE).
The Minister of Science and Technology and Innovation, Paulo Alvim, who was accompanied by his entourage composed of Directors, Secretaries and Heads of offices of the ministry, were present at the event. In addition, the President of the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), Colonel Engineer Carlos Augusto Teixeira de Moura, witnessed the launch.
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"First of all, we have to celebrate the success of Operation Santa Branca. It is a source of pride to see the competence of Brazilian professionals, who did not give up the dream of making launches here at CLA. The VSB-30 is a Brazilian rocket and this will be the beginning of a cycle of many achievements that will certainly come," said Minister Paulo Alvim.
VSB-30 release
The launch of the rocket took place at 2:20 p.m. and reached its peak with 4 minutes and 1 second, already with an altitude of 227 km, totaling a flight of 7 minutes and 44 seconds. The payload fell 185 kilometers from the coast and military personnel specialized in this type of mission, aboard FAB helicopters, rescued the cargo.
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"Operation Santa Branca has been successfully completed. There was a great preparation with the teams of the Institute of Aeronautics and Space and the ORBITAL Company, who made the PSM, an experiment that we are in the process of homologation. It was months of preparation for this moment and, for us at CLA, it is a sense of duty fulfilled. Now we have all the necessary data to present to the launching companies," reported the Director of CLA, Colonel Engineer Fernando Benitez Leal.
Operation Safety
In order to ensure the total success of Operation Santa Branca, several security measures have been taken. For the population living in the CLA region, the FAB issued communications alerting the entire population. In addition, fishermen and riverside dwellers were guided regarding fishing on the site. The same care was taken with respect to airspace, which was blocked for flights in the region.
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According to Lieutenant Colonel Engineer Rogério Moreira Cazo, security is the fundamental item for the success of the operation. In the organic matter, the Security and Defense Group (GSD) escorted the rocket until it reached the vehicle's integration area. "We did all area surveillance, with access and image control. We did a perimeter work with the placement of barriers that could guarantee the total safety of all people," explained the Officer.
Regarding the safety of the launch, the care was careful, mainly because approximately 95% of the load is composed of fuel. In this matter, Lieutenant Colonel Moreira reported that the Brazilian Space Program rocket works with solid fuel, so, to avoid incidents, electrostatic discharge tests and the total isolation of the launch air were carried out. "We monitored all possible issues that could occur and eliminated all of them. In addition, we reserve ourselves so that any situation is resolved and remedied. With all this care, we achieved our goal and the mission was a success," he concluded.
Operation Santa Branca
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Operation Santa Branca consists of the launch of a VSB-30 rocket, which had a payload module with a Microgravity Suborbital Platform Qualification Model (MQ-PSM). With this qualification, PSM will be used to carry out experiments in a microgravity environment.
With the success of the Operation, Brazil will be able to explore this type of launch for those interested in scientific research and the development of technologies.
Photos: Sergeant Figueira/ Cecomsaer - Video: Sergeant Ronan/ Cecomsaer
Source: Air Force Agency, by Lieutenant Eniele Santos
Tags: CLA - Alcântara Launch CenterSpaceFAB - Brazilian Air Force
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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uem-jaipur · 13 hours
The Future of Higher Education: Trends in Private Universities in Jaipur
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In recent years, private universities in Jaipur have been reshaping the educational landscape with innovative approaches and new trends. As the world of higher education evolves, these institutions are leading the way in offering cutting-edge programs and technologies. Let's explore the current trends and what they mean for students.
Emerging Trends in Private Universities
Private universities in Jaipur are expanding beyond traditional educational models. A significant trend is the rise of higher education courses tailored to emerging industries. For example, universities now offer programs in fields like artificial intelligence, data science, and digital marketing. According to a 2023 report by the Education Commission of India, these courses are designed to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving job market and are increasingly popular among students seeking to enter high-growth sectors.
Additionally, interdisciplinary studies are gaining traction. Students now have the option to blend disciplines, such as combining business management with environmental science. This approach not only broadens their knowledge but also prepares them for diverse career opportunities. Research from the National Association of Colleges and Employers highlights that such cross-disciplinary skills are highly valued in today's workforce.
Adoption of Advanced Technologies
Another trend is the integration of advanced technologies in education. Many private universities in Jaipur are incorporating virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) into their curricula. These technologies provide immersive learning experiences, such as virtual field trips and interactive simulations. For instance, a 2022 study by TechEd Innovations found that students using VR for engineering education showed improved comprehension of complex concepts compared to traditional methods.
Online learning platforms are also becoming more prominent. With flexible scheduling and a range of courses, students can now pursue education at their own pace. The 2023 Global Education Technology Report notes that online learning has made higher education courses more accessible, allowing students to balance their studies with work or personal commitments.
Focus on Skill Development and Employability
Private universities in Jaipur are increasingly emphasizing skill development. Many programs now include internships, live projects, and industry collaborations to enhance practical learning. A 2024 survey by the Indian Council of Educational Research indicates that students who engage in hands-on learning experiences are more likely to secure employment soon after graduation.
This focus on employability is reflected in the growing number of specialized training sessions and workshops offered by universities. For example, students might receive additional training in digital marketing or data analytics, directly aligning with industry needs. This practical approach helps students gain relevant skills and improve their job prospects.
Personalized Learning Experiences
Personalized education is another key trend. Private universities are offering tailored learning paths to meet individual student needs. This could involve choosing specific modules or receiving personalized mentorship. A 2023 study by the Learning Personalized Institute found that personalized learning approaches can significantly enhance student engagement and academic success.
Such customization allows students to focus on their strengths and career aspirations. For example, a student interested in digital marketing might receive targeted resources and support in that field. This personalized approach ensures that students get the most out of their education and are better prepared for their chosen careers.
Enhancing Campus Facilities and Infrastructure
The physical infrastructure of universities is also evolving. Modern campuses in Jaipur are being equipped with smart classrooms, research labs, and recreational areas. According to a 2024 report by the Campus Development Foundation, these facilities are designed to create a conducive learning environment and enhance the overall student experience.
Campuses now feature collaborative spaces that encourage teamwork and creativity. This setup is intended to foster skills such as problem-solving and collaboration, which are crucial in today’s interconnected world.
The future of higher education in Jaipur is looking bright with the growth of private universities in Jaipur driving significant change. By focusing on innovative higher education courses, integrating advanced technologies, and emphasizing skill development, these institutions are shaping a new educational landscape. For students, this means more opportunities to gain relevant skills and enjoy a richer learning experience. As these trends continue to evolve, they promise to make higher education more dynamic and tailored to the needs of the modern world.
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jonathanblogs2024 · 3 days
AI and Document Insights: Simplifying Complex Research Projects with Photon Insights
AI and Document Insights: Simplifying Complex Research Projects with Photon Insights
As research is an inexact science, keeping track of vast amounts of data can be daunting. Complicated projects often include reviewing multiple documents, extracting relevant insights from them, synthesizing findings from various sources and synthesizing these into one cohesive research report. Unfortunately, this process can be time consuming and subject to human error, making accuracy and efficiency an ongoing struggle for researchers. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI), platforms like Photon Insights are revolutionizing how researchers handle document insights; streamlining complex projects more efficiently while increasing productivity — this article explores how AI improves document insights while Photon Insights helps researchers navigate projects more successfully than ever before!
Researching Document Insights to Gain New Insights
Documenting insights is vital for researchers across disciplines for multiple reasons, including:
1. Information Overload: Researchers often face an overwhelming amount of information from academic articles, reports, and studies that needs to be processed efficiently to obtain valuable insights for meaningful analysis. Extracting key insights efficiently is paramount.
2. Improved Understanding: Accurate insights help researchers grasp complex topics, identify trends and understand the repercussions of their findings.
3. Evidence-Based Decision Making: Documented insights enable researchers to support their conclusions with solid evidence, which is key for maintaining credibility within academic and corporate environments.
4. Streamlined Collaboration: When conducting multidisciplinary research projects, sharing insights among team members is paramount for cohesive progress and informed decision-making.
Challenges Involve Traditional Document Analysis
Traditional methods for document analysis present several hurdles.
1. Time-Consuming Processes: Reviewing and extracting information from numerous documents manually can take considerable time, limiting research progress.
2. Risk of Human Error: Manual analysis can lead to inaccuracies due to human interpretation, leading to discrepancies and discrepancies within data.
3. Difficulties with Handling Unstructured Data: Research data often contains unstructured content that makes analysis and derivation of insights difficult without using specialist software tools.
4. Limited Collaboration: Sharing insights between team members can be cumbersome when using static documents and manual processes as means for sharing insight.
How AI Is Transforming Document Insights
Document analysis with artificial intelligence (AI) offers several significant advantages for researchers looking to simplify complex projects:
Automated Data Extraction Processes (ADEPs)
AI algorithms can automatically extract relevant data from documents, significantly shortening manual analysis time and freeing researchers up to focus on interpreting their findings rather than collecting information.
Keyword Focus: Automated Data Extraction and Time Efficiency
Photon Insights employs advanced data extraction techniques that enable researchers to quickly gather insights from various documents, streamlining their workflow.
2. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Natural Language Processing (NLP) allows AI to understand human language, providing insights from unstructured sources like articles and reports. NLP identifies key themes, concepts, and sentiments that make complex texts easier for researchers to grasp the main points.
Keyword Focus: Natural Language Processing and Text Analysis
Researchers can leverage Photon Insights’ NLP capabilities to extract meaningful insights from large volumes of documents, deepening their understanding of complex subjects.
Enhance Search Capabilities
AI-powered search functions allow researchers to query documents using natural language, and return results that are contextual rather than simply keyword matching. This feature improves accuracy and efficiency of research processes.
Keyword Focus: Improve Search, Contextual Queries
Photon Insights provides advanced search functionalities that enable users to quickly locate the information they require, creating smoother research workflows.
Intelligent Summarization (ISS)
AI can produce concise summaries of lengthy documents, outlining only the key information. This allows researchers to quickly assess which documents warrant further study and make informed decisions.
Keyword Focus: Intelligent Summarization, Rapid Insights
Photon Insights provides intelligent summarization tools to enable researchers to gain quick and immediate insights from large amounts of text, saving both time and effort in the process.
5. Collaborative Features
AI-driven platforms can enhance collaboration by allowing team members to easily share insights, comments, and annotations in real time — an indispensable feature that ensures all team members stay informed throughout the research process.
Keyword Focus: Collaborative Features, Real-Time Sharing
Photon Insights encourages collaboration among researchers by enabling them to engage with each other’s findings and insights seamlessly — thus creating a more productive research environment.
Photon Insights Advantage
Photon Insights stands out as an invaluable tool for researchers seeking to leverage AI for document insights. Here’s how it enhances research experiences:
1. Comprehensive Document Management system.
Photon Insights allows users to efficiently organize and manage their documents, providing easy access to relevant materials — an essential step in maintaining an efficient research workflow.
2. User-Friendly Interface
The platform’s intuitive user interface makes navigating documents and extracting insights much simpler, making it ideal for researchers of all skill levels.
3. Customizable Dashboards
Researchers can create customized dashboards that represent their specific research interests and priorities, providing for more focused data analysis and insights.
Integration of Other Tools
Photon Insights provides users with seamless integration between various research tools and databases, enabling them to streamline their workflows and maximize research capabilities.
5. Continuous Development and Learning
Photon Insights’ AI algorithms learn from user interactions, continually honing in on relevance for each researcher to ensure they get the most relevant and up-to-date results possible. This ensures they receive relevant and valuable data.
Case Studies of Success With Photon Insights
Consider these case studies as examples of AI’s effectiveness in document insights:
Case Study 1: Academic Research
Academic researchers investigating climate change made use of Photon Insights to rapidly review hundreds of scientific articles. With its automated data extraction and intelligent summarization features, this team was able to synthesize critical findings more quickly for publication as an extensive review paper with wide appeal.
Case Study 2: Corporate Analysis
Photon Insights helped a corporate research department streamline their market analysis process. Utilizing its NLP capabilities, the team were able to extract sentiment data from industry reports and news articles, providing real-time market intelligence insights for informed strategic decisions.
Case Study 3 — Healthcare Research
Photon Insights was used by a healthcare research group to analyze patient data and clinical studies. With its automated extraction of relevant insights, the team were able to quickly identify trends in treatment outcomes which ultimately resulted in improved care strategies and protocols.
Future of AI and Document Insights
As AI technology develops further, its role in document insights may grow increasingly significant. A number of trends may determine its development:
1. Greater Automation: Automating document analysis will further increase efficiency, enabling researchers to focus on interpretation and application instead.
2. Advances in AI Capabilities: Advancements in artificial intelligence algorithms will increase both accuracy and depth of insights drawn from complex documents.
3. Integrating Emerging Technologies: When combined, AI and emerging technologies such as blockchain and augmented reality could create new avenues for document insights and analysis.
4. Emphasis on Ethical AI: As AI becomes more integrated into research, attention to ethical considerations will become ever more essential to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability.
AI is revolutionizing how researchers manage document insights, streamlining complex projects and improving overall efficiency. From automating data extraction and natural language processing to intelligent summarization capabilities, AI enables researchers to navigate large volumes of information with ease.
Photon Insights stands at the forefront of this transformation, offering an AI-powered suite of tools designed to optimize document analysis and foster collaboration. As research requirements increase, adopting solutions like Photon Insights will become essential in meeting those demands while increasing productivity and gaining insights. With so much data out there already available online, AI solutions such as Photon Insights offer key differentiators that will lead to success both academically and corporately alike.
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digitalxonixblogs · 3 days
AI and Document Insights: Simplifying Complex Research Projects with Photon Insights
AI and Document Insights: Simplifying Complex Research Projects with Photon Insights
As research is an inexact science, keeping track of vast amounts of data can be daunting. Complicated projects often include reviewing multiple documents, extracting relevant insights from them, synthesizing findings from various sources and synthesizing these into one cohesive research report. Unfortunately, this process can be time consuming and subject to human error, making accuracy and efficiency an ongoing struggle for researchers. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI), platforms like Photon Insights are revolutionizing how researchers handle document insights; streamlining complex projects more efficiently while increasing productivity — this article explores how AI improves document insights while Photon Insights helps researchers navigate projects more successfully than ever before!
Researching Document Insights to Gain New Insights
Documenting insights is vital for researchers across disciplines for multiple reasons, including:
1. Information Overload: Researchers often face an overwhelming amount of information from academic articles, reports, and studies that needs to be processed efficiently to obtain valuable insights for meaningful analysis. Extracting key insights efficiently is paramount.
2. Improved Understanding: Accurate insights help researchers grasp complex topics, identify trends and understand the repercussions of their findings.
3. Evidence-Based Decision Making: Documented insights enable researchers to support their conclusions with solid evidence, which is key for maintaining credibility within academic and corporate environments.
4. Streamlined Collaboration: When conducting multidisciplinary research projects, sharing insights among team members is paramount for cohesive progress and informed decision-making.
Challenges Involve Traditional Document Analysis
Traditional methods for document analysis present several hurdles.
1. Time-Consuming Processes: Reviewing and extracting information from numerous documents manually can take considerable time, limiting research progress.
2. Risk of Human Error: Manual analysis can lead to inaccuracies due to human interpretation, leading to discrepancies and discrepancies within data.
3. Difficulties with Handling Unstructured Data: Research data often contains unstructured content that makes analysis and derivation of insights difficult without using specialist software tools.
4. Limited Collaboration: Sharing insights between team members can be cumbersome when using static documents and manual processes as means for sharing insight.
How AI Is Transforming Document Insights
Document analysis with artificial intelligence (AI) offers several significant advantages for researchers looking to simplify complex projects:
Automated Data Extraction Processes (ADEPs)
AI algorithms can automatically extract relevant data from documents, significantly shortening manual analysis time and freeing researchers up to focus on interpreting their findings rather than collecting information.
Keyword Focus: Automated Data Extraction and Time Efficiency
Photon Insights employs advanced data extraction techniques that enable researchers to quickly gather insights from various documents, streamlining their workflow.
2. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Natural Language Processing (NLP) allows AI to understand human language, providing insights from unstructured sources like articles and reports. NLP identifies key themes, concepts, and sentiments that make complex texts easier for researchers to grasp the main points.
Keyword Focus: Natural Language Processing and Text Analysis
Researchers can leverage Photon Insights’ NLP capabilities to extract meaningful insights from large volumes of documents, deepening their understanding of complex subjects.
Enhance Search Capabilities
AI-powered search functions allow researchers to query documents using natural language, and return results that are contextual rather than simply keyword matching. This feature improves accuracy and efficiency of research processes.
Keyword Focus: Improve Search, Contextual Queries
Photon Insights provides advanced search functionalities that enable users to quickly locate the information they require, creating smoother research workflows.
Intelligent Summarization (ISS)
AI can produce concise summaries of lengthy documents, outlining only the key information. This allows researchers to quickly assess which documents warrant further study and make informed decisions.
Keyword Focus: Intelligent Summarization, Rapid Insights
Photon Insights provides intelligent summarization tools to enable researchers to gain quick and immediate insights from large amounts of text, saving both time and effort in the process.
5. Collaborative Features
AI-driven platforms can enhance collaboration by allowing team members to easily share insights, comments, and annotations in real time — an indispensable feature that ensures all team members stay informed throughout the research process.
Keyword Focus: Collaborative Features, Real-Time Sharing
Photon Insights encourages collaboration among researchers by enabling them to engage with each other’s findings and insights seamlessly — thus creating a more productive research environment.
Photon Insights Advantage
Photon Insights stands out as an invaluable tool for researchers seeking to leverage AI for document insights. Here’s how it enhances research experiences:
1. Comprehensive Document Management system.
Photon Insights allows users to efficiently organize and manage their documents, providing easy access to relevant materials — an essential step in maintaining an efficient research workflow.
2. User-Friendly Interface
The platform’s intuitive user interface makes navigating documents and extracting insights much simpler, making it ideal for researchers of all skill levels.
3. Customizable Dashboards
Researchers can create customized dashboards that represent their specific research interests and priorities, providing for more focused data analysis and insights.
Integration of Other Tools
Photon Insights provides users with seamless integration between various research tools and databases, enabling them to streamline their workflows and maximize research capabilities.
5. Continuous Development and Learning
Photon Insights’ AI algorithms learn from user interactions, continually honing in on relevance for each researcher to ensure they get the most relevant and up-to-date results possible. This ensures they receive relevant and valuable data.
Case Studies of Success With Photon Insights
Consider these case studies as examples of AI’s effectiveness in document insights:
Case Study 1: Academic Research
Academic researchers investigating climate change made use of Photon Insights to rapidly review hundreds of scientific articles. With its automated data extraction and intelligent summarization features, this team was able to synthesize critical findings more quickly for publication as an extensive review paper with wide appeal.
Case Study 2: Corporate Analysis
Photon Insights helped a corporate research department streamline their market analysis process. Utilizing its NLP capabilities, the team were able to extract sentiment data from industry reports and news articles, providing real-time market intelligence insights for informed strategic decisions.
Case Study 3 — Healthcare Research
Photon Insights was used by a healthcare research group to analyze patient data and clinical studies. With its automated extraction of relevant insights, the team were able to quickly identify trends in treatment outcomes which ultimately resulted in improved care strategies and protocols.
Future of AI and Document Insights
As AI technology develops further, its role in document insights may grow increasingly significant. A number of trends may determine its development:
1. Greater Automation: Automating document analysis will further increase efficiency, enabling researchers to focus on interpretation and application instead.
2. Advances in AI Capabilities: Advancements in artificial intelligence algorithms will increase both accuracy and depth of insights drawn from complex documents.
3. Integrating Emerging Technologies: When combined, AI and emerging technologies such as blockchain and augmented reality could create new avenues for document insights and analysis.
4. Emphasis on Ethical AI: As AI becomes more integrated into research, attention to ethical considerations will become ever more essential to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability.
AI is revolutionizing how researchers manage document insights, streamlining complex projects and improving overall efficiency. From automating data extraction and natural language processing to intelligent summarization capabilities, AI enables researchers to navigate large volumes of information with ease.
Photon Insights stands at the forefront of this transformation, offering an AI-powered suite of tools designed to optimize document analysis and foster collaboration. As research requirements increase, adopting solutions like Photon Insights will become essential in meeting those demands while increasing productivity and gaining insights. With so much data out there already available online, AI solutions such as Photon Insights offer key differentiators that will lead to success both academically and corporately alike.
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photon-insights · 4 days
AI and Document Insights: Simplifying Complex Research Projects with Photon Insights
As research is an inexact science, keeping track of vast amounts of data can be daunting. Complicated projects often include reviewing multiple documents, extracting relevant insights from them, synthesizing findings from various sources and synthesizing these into one cohesive research report. Unfortunately, this process can be time consuming and subject to human error, making accuracy and efficiency an ongoing struggle for researchers. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI), platforms like Photon Insights are revolutionizing how researchers handle document insights; streamlining complex projects more efficiently while increasing productivity — this article explores how AI improves document insights while Photon Insights helps researchers navigate projects more successfully than ever before!
Researching Document Insights to Gain New Insights
Documenting insights is vital for researchers across disciplines for multiple reasons, including:
1. Information Overload: Researchers often face an overwhelming amount of information from academic articles, reports, and studies that needs to be processed efficiently to obtain valuable insights for meaningful analysis. Extracting key insights efficiently is paramount.
2. Improved Understanding: Accurate insights help researchers grasp complex topics, identify trends and understand the repercussions of their findings.
3. Evidence-Based Decision Making: Documented insights enable researchers to support their conclusions with solid evidence, which is key for maintaining credibility within academic and corporate environments.
4. Streamlined Collaboration: When conducting multidisciplinary research projects, sharing insights among team members is paramount for cohesive progress and informed decision-making.
Challenges Involve Traditional Document Analysis
Traditional methods for document analysis present several hurdles.
1. Time-Consuming Processes: Reviewing and extracting information from numerous documents manually can take considerable time, limiting research progress.
2. Risk of Human Error: Manual analysis can lead to inaccuracies due to human interpretation, leading to discrepancies and discrepancies within data.
3. Difficulties with Handling Unstructured Data: Research data often contains unstructured content that makes analysis and derivation of insights difficult without using specialist software tools.
4. Limited Collaboration: Sharing insights between team members can be cumbersome when using static documents and manual processes as means for sharing insight.
How AI Is Transforming Document Insights
Document analysis with artificial intelligence (AI) offers several significant advantages for researchers looking to simplify complex projects:
Automated Data Extraction Processes (ADEPs)
AI algorithms can automatically extract relevant data from documents, significantly shortening manual analysis time and freeing researchers up to focus on interpreting their findings rather than collecting information.
Keyword Focus: Automated Data Extraction and Time Efficiency
Photon Insights employs advanced data extraction techniques that enable researchers to quickly gather insights from various documents, streamlining their workflow.
2. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Natural Language Processing (NLP) allows AI to understand human language, providing insights from unstructured sources like articles and reports. NLP identifies key themes, concepts, and sentiments that make complex texts easier for researchers to grasp the main points.
Keyword Focus: Natural Language Processing and Text Analysis
Researchers can leverage Photon Insights’ NLP capabilities to extract meaningful insights from large volumes of documents, deepening their understanding of complex subjects.
Enhance Search Capabilities
AI-powered search functions allow researchers to query documents using natural language, and return results that are contextual rather than simply keyword matching. This feature improves accuracy and efficiency of research processes.
Keyword Focus: Improve Search, Contextual Queries
Photon Insights provides advanced search functionalities that enable users to quickly locate the information they require, creating smoother research workflows.
Intelligent Summarization (ISS)
AI can produce concise summaries of lengthy documents, outlining only the key information. This allows researchers to quickly assess which documents warrant further study and make informed decisions.
Keyword Focus: Intelligent Summarization, Rapid Insights
Photon Insights provides intelligent summarization tools to enable researchers to gain quick and immediate insights from large amounts of text, saving both time and effort in the process.
5. Collaborative Features
AI-driven platforms can enhance collaboration by allowing team members to easily share insights, comments, and annotations in real time — an indispensable feature that ensures all team members stay informed throughout the research process.
Keyword Focus: Collaborative Features, Real-Time Sharing
Photon Insights encourages collaboration among researchers by enabling them to engage with each other’s findings and insights seamlessly — thus creating a more productive research environment.
Photon Insights Advantage
Photon Insights stands out as an invaluable tool for researchers seeking to leverage AI for document insights. Here’s how it enhances research experiences:
1. Comprehensive Document Management system.
Photon Insights allows users to efficiently organize and manage their documents, providing easy access to relevant materials — an essential step in maintaining an efficient research workflow.
2. User-Friendly Interface
The platform’s intuitive user interface makes navigating documents and extracting insights much simpler, making it ideal for researchers of all skill levels.
3. Customizable Dashboards
Researchers can create customized dashboards that represent their specific research interests and priorities, providing for more focused data analysis and insights.
Integration of Other Tools
Photon Insights provides users with seamless integration between various research tools and databases, enabling them to streamline their workflows and maximize research capabilities.
5. Continuous Development and Learning
Photon Insights’ AI algorithms learn from user interactions, continually honing in on relevance for each researcher to ensure they get the most relevant and up-to-date results possible. This ensures they receive relevant and valuable data.
Case Studies of Success With Photon Insights
Consider these case studies as examples of AI’s effectiveness in document insights:
Case Study 1: Academic Research
Academic researchers investigating climate change made use of Photon Insights to rapidly review hundreds of scientific articles. With its automated data extraction and intelligent summarization features, this team was able to synthesize critical findings more quickly for publication as an extensive review paper with wide appeal.
Case Study 2: Corporate Analysis
Photon Insights helped a corporate research department streamline their market analysis process. Utilizing its NLP capabilities, the team were able to extract sentiment data from industry reports and news articles, providing real-time market intelligence insights for informed strategic decisions.
Case Study 3 — Healthcare Research
Photon Insights was used by a healthcare research group to analyze patient data and clinical studies. With its automated extraction of relevant insights, the team were able to quickly identify trends in treatment outcomes which ultimately resulted in improved care strategies and protocols.
Future of AI and Document Insights
As AI technology develops further, its role in document insights may grow increasingly significant. A number of trends may determine its development:
1. Greater Automation: Automating document analysis will further increase efficiency, enabling researchers to focus on interpretation and application instead.
2. Advances in AI Capabilities: Advancements in artificial intelligence algorithms will increase both accuracy and depth of insights drawn from complex documents.
3. Integrating Emerging Technologies: When combined, AI and emerging technologies such as blockchain and augmented reality could create new avenues for document insights and analysis.
4. Emphasis on Ethical AI: As AI becomes more integrated into research, attention to ethical considerations will become ever more essential to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability.
AI is revolutionizing how researchers manage document insights, streamlining complex projects and improving overall efficiency. From automating data extraction and natural language processing to intelligent summarization capabilities, AI enables researchers to navigate large volumes of information with ease.
Photon Insights stands at the forefront of this transformation, offering an AI-powered suite of tools designed to optimize document analysis and foster collaboration. As research requirements increase, adopting solutions like Photon Insights will become essential in meeting those demands while increasing productivity and gaining insights. With so much data out there already available online, AI solutions such as Photon Insights offer key differentiators that will lead to success both academically and corporately alike.
0 notes
jamespotter7860 · 4 days
AI and Document Insights: Simplifying Complex Research Projects with Photon Insights
As research is an inexact science, keeping track of vast amounts of data can be daunting. Complicated projects often include reviewing multiple documents, extracting relevant insights from them, synthesizing findings from various sources and synthesizing these into one cohesive research report. Unfortunately, this process can be time consuming and subject to human error, making accuracy and efficiency an ongoing struggle for researchers. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI), platforms like Photon Insights are revolutionizing how researchers handle document insights; streamlining complex projects more efficiently while increasing productivity — this article explores how AI improves document insights while Photon Insights helps researchers navigate projects more successfully than ever before!
Researching Document Insights to Gain New Insights
Documenting insights is vital for researchers across disciplines for multiple reasons, including:
1. Information Overload: Researchers often face an overwhelming amount of information from academic articles, reports, and studies that needs to be processed efficiently to obtain valuable insights for meaningful analysis. Extracting key insights efficiently is paramount.
2. Improved Understanding: Accurate insights help researchers grasp complex topics, identify trends and understand the repercussions of their findings.
3. Evidence-Based Decision Making: Documented insights enable researchers to support their conclusions with solid evidence, which is key for maintaining credibility within academic and corporate environments.
4. Streamlined Collaboration: When conducting multidisciplinary research projects, sharing insights among team members is paramount for cohesive progress and informed decision-making.
Challenges Involve Traditional Document Analysis
Traditional methods for document analysis present several hurdles.
1. Time-Consuming Processes: Reviewing and extracting information from numerous documents manually can take considerable time, limiting research progress.
2. Risk of Human Error: Manual analysis can lead to inaccuracies due to human interpretation, leading to discrepancies and discrepancies within data.
3. Difficulties with Handling Unstructured Data: Research data often contains unstructured content that makes analysis and derivation of insights difficult without using specialist software tools.
4. Limited Collaboration: Sharing insights between team members can be cumbersome when using static documents and manual processes as means for sharing insight.
How AI Is Transforming Document Insights
Document analysis with artificial intelligence (AI) offers several significant advantages for researchers looking to simplify complex projects:
Automated Data Extraction Processes (ADEPs)
AI algorithms can automatically extract relevant data from documents, significantly shortening manual analysis time and freeing researchers up to focus on interpreting their findings rather than collecting information.
Keyword Focus: Automated Data Extraction and Time Efficiency
Photon Insights employs advanced data extraction techniques that enable researchers to quickly gather insights from various documents, streamlining their workflow.
2. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Natural Language Processing (NLP) allows AI to understand human language, providing insights from unstructured sources like articles and reports. NLP identifies key themes, concepts, and sentiments that make complex texts easier for researchers to grasp the main points.
Keyword Focus: Natural Language Processing and Text Analysis
Researchers can leverage Photon Insights’ NLP capabilities to extract meaningful insights from large volumes of documents, deepening their understanding of complex subjects.
Enhance Search Capabilities
AI-powered search functions allow researchers to query documents using natural language, and return results that are contextual rather than simply keyword matching. This feature improves accuracy and efficiency of research processes.
Keyword Focus: Improve Search, Contextual Queries
Photon Insights provides advanced search functionalities that enable users to quickly locate the information they require, creating smoother research workflows.
Intelligent Summarization (ISS)
AI can produce concise summaries of lengthy documents, outlining only the key information. This allows researchers to quickly assess which documents warrant further study and make informed decisions.
Keyword Focus: Intelligent Summarization, Rapid Insights
Photon Insights provides intelligent summarization tools to enable researchers to gain quick and immediate insights from large amounts of text, saving both time and effort in the process.
5. Collaborative Features
AI-driven platforms can enhance collaboration by allowing team members to easily share insights, comments, and annotations in real time — an indispensable feature that ensures all team members stay informed throughout the research process.
Keyword Focus: Collaborative Features, Real-Time Sharing
Photon Insights encourages collaboration among researchers by enabling them to engage with each other’s findings and insights seamlessly — thus creating a more productive research environment.
Photon Insights Advantage
Photon Insights stands out as an invaluable tool for researchers seeking to leverage AI for document insights. Here’s how it enhances research experiences:
1. Comprehensive Document Management system.
Photon Insights allows users to efficiently organize and manage their documents, providing easy access to relevant materials — an essential step in maintaining an efficient research workflow.
2. User-Friendly Interface
The platform’s intuitive user interface makes navigating documents and extracting insights much simpler, making it ideal for researchers of all skill levels.
3. Customizable Dashboards
Researchers can create customized dashboards that represent their specific research interests and priorities, providing for more focused data analysis and insights.
Integration of Other Tools
Photon Insights provides users with seamless integration between various research tools and databases, enabling them to streamline their workflows and maximize research capabilities.
5. Continuous Development and Learning
Photon Insights’ AI algorithms learn from user interactions, continually honing in on relevance for each researcher to ensure they get the most relevant and up-to-date results possible. This ensures they receive relevant and valuable data.
Case Studies of Success With Photon Insights
Consider these case studies as examples of AI’s effectiveness in document insights:
Case Study 1: Academic Research
Academic researchers investigating climate change made use of Photon Insights to rapidly review hundreds of scientific articles. With its automated data extraction and intelligent summarization features, this team was able to synthesize critical findings more quickly for publication as an extensive review paper with wide appeal.
Case Study 2: Corporate Analysis
Photon Insights helped a corporate research department streamline their market analysis process. Utilizing its NLP capabilities, the team were able to extract sentiment data from industry reports and news articles, providing real-time market intelligence insights for informed strategic decisions.
Case Study 3 — Healthcare Research
Photon Insights was used by a healthcare research group to analyze patient data and clinical studies. With its automated extraction of relevant insights, the team were able to quickly identify trends in treatment outcomes which ultimately resulted in improved care strategies and protocols.
Future of AI and Document Insights
As AI technology develops further, its role in document insights may grow increasingly significant. A number of trends may determine its development:
1. Greater Automation: Automating document analysis will further increase efficiency, enabling researchers to focus on interpretation and application instead.
2. Advances in AI Capabilities: Advancements in artificial intelligence algorithms will increase both accuracy and depth of insights drawn from complex documents.
3. Integrating Emerging Technologies: When combined, AI and emerging technologies such as blockchain and augmented reality could create new avenues for document insights and analysis.
4. Emphasis on Ethical AI: As AI becomes more integrated into research, attention to ethical considerations will become ever more essential to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability.
AI is revolutionizing how researchers manage document insights, streamlining complex projects and improving overall efficiency. From automating data extraction and natural language processing to intelligent summarization capabilities, AI enables researchers to navigate large volumes of information with ease.
Photon Insights stands at the forefront of this transformation, offering an AI-powered suite of tools designed to optimize document analysis and foster collaboration. As research requirements increase, adopting solutions like Photon Insights will become essential in meeting those demands while increasing productivity and gaining insights. With so much data out there already available online, AI solutions such as Photon Insights offer key differentiators that will lead to success both academically and corporately alike.
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tamanna31 · 9 days
Alternative Data Market Size, Status and Forecast 2030
Alternative Data Industry Overview
The global alternative data market size was valued at USD 7.20 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 50.6% from 2024 to 2030. The key drivers attributed to market expansion include the significant increase in the types of alternative information sources over the last decade. While web scraping and financial transactions are the most common sources, the emerging sources, including mobile devices, social media, satellites, sensors, IoT-enabled devices, and others, are gaining wider popularity. As such, the companies are actively expanding their offering by gathering information from all such sources.
The rising demand from hedge funds is expected to boost market growth significantly. More than half of hedge fund managers are now using it to gain a competitive edge by generating outperformance and supporting the risk management processes. More than 400 companies are engaged in selling alternative data to hedge funds, thereby contributing significantly to market revenue. Alternative data refers to the undiscovered which is not within the traditional sources such as SEC filings, financial statements, press releases, and management presentations. It is compiled from various sources such as e-commerce portals, public records, social media, financial transactions, web traffic, mobile devices, sensors, satellites, etc.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of theAlternative Data Market
Applying specific analytics to this compiled set yields additional insights that were previously unknown, and are used by investors to evaluate investment opportunities. As this new information is a crucial differentiator that contributes to the alpha (market outperformance), the buy-side entities, such as hedge funds, mutual funds, private equity funds, pension funds, unit trusts, and life insurance companies, are actively using it to build fundamental investment models to outperform the market.
Alternative data, compared to the usual financials gathered from traditional sources, is difficult to utilize in strategic plans. It is often unstructured, lacks specific patterns, and is collected very frequently. Thus, the investors need expert personnel and various technologies, including analytics platforms, fluid data architecture, data science, and testing tools, to leverage the meaningful information from it. Further, Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, such as machine learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) are gaining popularity for analysis. AI-enabled processing increases information generation and helps to extract hidden patterns. As such, AI-based analytics tools are anticipated to boost the growth of the market for alternative data over the forecast period.
While most companies utilize various sources and tools to gain insights and predictive capabilities, regulatory constraints are expected to be the primary challenges for the market players. The increasing emphasis on regulations such as California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), along with other privacy regulations, pose threats to some of the alternative data sources. For instance, sources such as mobile devices, social media, and mobile application usage often conflict with consumer privacy issues. Any dataset that companies analyze needs to be completely free from Personal Identifiable Information (PII). Therefore, the providers’ compliance with privacy policies is a crucial factor for sustaining the market.
Browse through Grand View Research's  Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
The global natural language processing market size was valued at USD 27.73 billion in 2022 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 40.4% from 2023 to 2030.
The global mobile application market size was valued at USD 252.89 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.3% from 2024 to 2030.
Key Companies profiled:
Earnest Research
M Science
Thinknum Alternative Data
UBS Evidence Lab
Key Alternative Data Company Insights
Some of the key players operating in the market include UBS, M Science LLC, and RavenPack.
UBS provides data-driven insights by harvesting, cleansing, and connecting numerous data items across various specialized areas. The company provides insights for more than 1,000 companies of all sizes on a subscription basis to its Evidence Lab Innovations platform subscribers. UBS offers insightful datasets across more than 55 specialized products. The company’s various types of alternative data offerings include geospatial data, pricing data, sentimental data, social media data, and transaction data, among others.
M Science LLC is a data-driven research and analytics firm that provides critical customer insights to leading financial institutions and private & government corporations. The company integrates data science and technology, and financial models to transform raw data into actionable insights, enabling its customers to make smarter and more informed decisions. It caters to automotive, consumer durables, internet & telecommunication, and media industries.
Thinknum Alternative Data and Earnest are some of the emerging alternative data companies.
Thinknum Alternative Data organizes, processes, and analyzes public data from the web and offers over 300 companies (across the globe) unique real-time insights. The company’s clients include hedge funds, universities, internet companies, and investment firms. Its clients access these datasets via an Application Programming Interface (API) and User Interface (UI). A few critical datasets include job listing sites, LinkedIn profiles, and Facebook followers, among others.
Earnest is a data analytics company that provides critical information on consumer spending habits to government agencies, corporations, management consultants, and institutional investors by utilizing real-time data. The company uses tools for fundamental analytics of retail pricing, healthcare claims, consumer spending, and foot traffic to offer structured datasets with clear and correlated signals. These datasets are computed to understand national health trends and consumer habits.
Recent Developments
In April 2023, Thinknum Alternative Data launched new data fields to its employee sentiment datasets for people analytics teams and investors to use this as an 'employee NPS' proxy, and support highly-rated employers set up interviews through employee referrals.
In September 2022, Thinknum Alternative Data announced its plan to combine data Similarweb, SensorTower, Thinknum, Caplight, and Pathmatics with Lagoon, a sophisticated infrastructure platform to deliver an alternative data source for investment research, due diligence, deal sourcing and origination, and post-acquisition strategies in private markets.
Order a free sample PDF of the Alternative Data Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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market-spy · 10 days
Patient Engagement Solutions Market Forecast to Grow at 17.54%  CAGR from 2024 to 2031 | SkyQuest Technology
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The Global Patient Engagement Solutions Market was valued at USD 16.58 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow to USD 70 billion by 2031, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.54% during the forecast period (2024-2031).
Market Overview
Patient engagement solutions refer to tools like online patient portals that enable medical organizations to interact effectively with their patients. The growing awareness of mobile health technologies, an aging population, and government incentives are driving demand for these solutions. Patients increasingly use technology to monitor and manage their health, particularly in cases of chronic illnesses. Innovations in health tracking, wearable devices, and remote monitoring are further boosting this market.
Get your free sample: https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/patient-engagement-solutions-market
Key Market Dynamics
Drivers: The advancement of mobile apps and wearables, increased awareness of chronic disease management, and government initiatives such as the Meaningful Use Act are propelling market growth.
Restraints: Strict regulatory frameworks like HIPAA and concerns over the protection of patient data are hindering wider adoption of patient engagement solutions.
Segmental Analysis Segmental Analysis
Software (Standalone Software, and Services
Therapeutic Area
Chronic Diseases, Fitness, and Others
Telehealth, E-Prescribing, and Billing & Payments
End Users
Providers and Payers Regional Insights
North America leads the market, driven by the widespread adoption of mobile health (mHealth) and electronic health records (EHRs). Government support and significant investments also contribute to regional dominance.
Asia Pacific is the fastest-growing region, with rising demand for modern healthcare systems, an increase in smartphone users, and government initiatives supporting patient engagement solutions.
Ask for customization: https://www.skyquestt.com/speak-with-analyst/patient-engagement-solutions-market
Competitive Landscape
McKesson Corporation (US) 
Allscripts (US) 
ResMed (US) 
Epic Systems Corporation (US) 
Orion Health (New Zealand) 
GetWellNetwork (US) 
Athenahealth (US) 
Oneview Healthcare (Ireland) 
Cognizant (US) 
Symphony Care (US) 
Harris Healthcare (US) 
Recent Developments
Engage Technologies Group Inc. partnered with APX Platform in April 2023 to create an industry-disrupting Practice Performance System aimed at improving patient engagement.
Athenahealth Inc. implemented its cloud-based EHR and patient engagement solution with LCH Health and Community Services in May 2023.
Go through the detailed TOC of the report: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/patient-engagement-solutions-market
Market Trends
The rise in personalized care and the adoption of mobile technology are major trends shaping the patient engagement solutions market. Mobile health apps and wearables are enabling patients to monitor and manage their health on their own, fostering higher patient engagement.
The patient engagement solutions market is experiencing significant growth driven by technological advancements and increasing patient awareness. Major players are competing in a rapidly evolving field, introducing innovative solutions and forming strategic partnerships to capture market share. The market is expected to expand substantially through 2031, with increasing demand for personalized healthcare solutions and remote monitoring technologies.
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We work closely with innovators, inventors, innovation seekers, entrepreneurs, companies and investors alike in leveraging external sources of R&D. Moreover, we help them in optimizing the economic potential of their intellectual assets. Our experiences with innovation management and commercialization have expanded our reach across North America, Europe, ASEAN and Asia Pacific.
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editorbjpmr · 11 days
Manuscript Submission Open: BJPMR Awaits Your Research!
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Welcome to the British Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (BJPMR), a premier platform for groundbreaking research in the pharmaceutical and medical fields. Our journal provides an excellent opportunity for researchers to share their discoveries with a global audience, enhancing the advancement of medical science. Here’s why BJPMR is the ideal choice for your manuscript submission and how it can benefit your research career.
### Keep Abreast Of The Most Recent Research
Staying updated with the latest research is crucial for any medical or pharmaceutical professional. BJPMR offers access to cutting-edge studies and reviews that push the boundaries of current knowledge. By publishing with us, you not only contribute to this ever-expanding repository of knowledge but also gain insights into the latest advancements and trends in your field. Our journal’s commitment to quality ensures that your work is evaluated against the highest standards, keeping you at the forefront of medical research.
### Share Your Discoveries For Publishing
Sharing your research findings is essential for the advancement of science and medicine. BJPMR provides a platform where your discoveries can reach an extensive audience of healthcare professionals, researchers, and academics. Whether you have novel research results, clinical trials, or innovative pharmaceutical studies, submitting your manuscript to BJPMR ensures that your work receives the recognition it deserves. We are dedicated to publishing high-quality research that can influence practice and policy in the medical and pharmaceutical industries.
### Obtain Reliable Medical Data On The Web
In the digital age, access to reliable medical data is more important than ever. BJPMR ensures that all published research is backed by rigorous peer review and high-quality data. Our commitment to transparency and accuracy means that readers can trust the information presented in our journal. By contributing to BJPMR, you are part of a trusted source of medical data that professionals rely on for making informed decisions in clinical practice and research.
### Investigate Various Research Subjects Available
BJPMR covers a wide range of research subjects within the pharmaceutical and medical fields. From clinical trials and drug development to medical innovations and healthcare policy, our journal embraces diverse topics that reflect the breadth of current research interests. As an author, you can explore and investigate various research subjects, contributing to multiple facets of medical science. This diversity not only enhances your research profile but also broadens the impact of your work.
### Network With Healthcare Experts Globally
Publishing with BJPMR opens doors to networking opportunities with healthcare experts from around the world. Our journal attracts a global readership, including researchers, clinicians, and academics who are leaders in their fields. By submitting your manuscript, you connect with a network of professionals who share your research interests and can offer valuable feedback and collaboration opportunities. This global network can be instrumental in advancing your career and expanding your professional connections.
### Expand Your Medical Expertise Repository
Contributing to BJPMR allows you to expand your repository of medical expertise. Our journal provides a platform for publishing detailed research studies, reviews, and case reports that enhance your knowledge base and professional skills. By engaging with our journal, you not only showcase your research capabilities but also gain access to a wealth of information that can further your understanding of complex medical and pharmaceutical topics.
### Seek Solutions To Medical Inquiries
BJPMR is dedicated to addressing pressing medical inquiries through high-quality research. Our journal serves as a forum for exploring solutions to significant healthcare challenges and unanswered questions. By submitting your work to BJPMR, you contribute to finding solutions that can improve patient care, advance treatment methods, and address critical issues in the medical field. Your research has the potential to make a meaningful impact on global health outcomes.
### Play A Role In Advancing Medical Science Now
Joining BJPMR as an author means playing a pivotal role in advancing medical science. Our journal is committed to publishing research that drives progress and innovation in healthcare. By submitting your manuscript, you become part of a community that strives to push the boundaries of medical knowledge and improve health outcomes worldwide. This is your chance to contribute to the advancement of science and make a difference in the field.
### FAQs
**1. What types of manuscripts does BJPMR accept?**
BJPMR accepts a variety of manuscripts, including original research articles, review papers, case reports, and clinical trials in the fields of pharmaceutical and medical sciences. We welcome studies that offer new insights, significant findings, and advancements in healthcare.
**2. How can I submit my manuscript to BJPMR?**
To submit your manuscript, visit the BJPMR website and use our online submission system. Ensure your manuscript adheres to our submission guidelines, which include formatting requirements and necessary documents. Once submitted, your work will undergo a rigorous peer review process.
**3. What is the review process for submissions?**
BJPMR employs a thorough peer review process where submitted manuscripts are evaluated by experts in the relevant field. Reviewers assess the quality, validity, and relevance of the research. Based on their feedback, the manuscript may be accepted, revised, or rejected.
**4. How long does it take to get feedback on my submission?**
The review process typically takes a few weeks, depending on the complexity of the manuscript and the availability of reviewers. BJPMR aims to provide timely feedback to authors and ensure a smooth review process. You will receive updates on your submission status through our online system.
**5. Can I track the status of my submission?**
Yes, BJPMR provides an online tracking system that allows authors to monitor the status of their submission. You can log in to your account to view updates on the review process, make revisions, and check the final decision on your manuscript.
### Conclusion
In conclusion, the British Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (BJPMR) offers an exceptional platform for researchers to share their work and contribute to the advancement of medical science. By submitting your manuscript to BJPMR, you gain access to a global network of professionals, stay updated with the latest research, and play a role in addressing critical healthcare challenges. We invite you to take advantage of this opportunity and contribute to our esteemed journal. For more updates and insights, please subscribe to the BJPMR YouTube channel and stay connected with our research community.
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Stay connected with the latest developments in pharmaceutical and medical research by subscribing to the BJPMR YouTube channel! Our channel provides a wealth of content, including expert interviews, research highlights, and tips for successful manuscript submissions. Whether you’re a researcher, academic, or industry professional, our videos will keep you informed and inspired. Don’t miss out on valuable insights and updates from leaders in the field. Click the subscribe button now and be part of a growing community dedicated to advancing scientific knowledge and innovation!
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