#Dani isn't just a Clone of Danny
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year ago
David Cain had a backup plan
(I know I literally just made a "Villains backup plan" Post yesterday with Trigon, but I also thought of this)
So! David Cain needed insurance, his Weapon was perfect so far but it didn't hurt to have a backup plan.
He took some of his Weapons DNA and stored it for later Use. When the Weapon escaped, and it became clear that he would not be able to capture it again, he turned to his Backup Plan.
He took the DNA and struck a Deal with a relatively new Villain going by Plasmius. Plasmius would get the DNA to test his Cloning Technology, and in return David would get the Clone once the tests were done.
The Deal was set, and Plasmius asked for 1 Year to complete the Cloning Process and Deliver.
But it seems that Plasmius had other plans.
Instead he took the DNA and incorporated it into the Structure of his own Weapon. An Unstable Clone known as Danielle that he planned to use against his Nemesis, Phantom. Unfortunately for him, his Plans failed and the Clone turned against him, escaping into the world.
Which left Vlad in a bit of a pickle, when 6 months later the Assasin he had made a deal with returned looking for his Weapon. The news did not go over well...
Now, David Cain is on the search for his Second Weapon, and while it may take a while to find it, he knows he will not fail this time.
Ellie is having the time of her life! She had escaped from under Vlad's thumb over 2 years ago, and was still exploring the world! Fulfilling her Obsession of Exploration while also reveling in her own Freedom.
She hadn't aged, and probably wouldn't for another 10 years if Frostbite's estimates were right, but she was making it work well enough.
Unfortunately she had recently noticed some shady guys tracking her whenever she stopped in a City, so she couldn't stay for as long anymore, but that was fine.
It was probably just more Fruitloops set on her by Vlad, she had taken care of enough of those guys. It would be easy!
6 Months later and she was not fine.
The Fruitloops following her had turned out to he working for an entirely different Fruitloop, who was actually a serious threat. He had gotten his hands on Ecto Weaponry, and was using it to try to capture her.
She wanted to go find Danny, but it turns out he had moved in with Jazz in a different city the moment he turned 17. He just never got the chance to inform her because she had lost her phone back when this whole thing started. He had left a message with Sam and Tucker though.
She thinks they mentioned it being called Gotham, so maybe she can find them there?
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bluerosefox · 5 months ago
Stellar Collisions
Back at it again with a DPxDC prompt.
It does have deaged Dani (Ellie)
Only this time its KonxDanny idea!~
Supernova, Kon's new hero name since Jon took over the Superboy name now, wasn't expecting to be called out to... especially in the sky... by another floating/flying person and-
They were cute as heck.
Glowing green eyes, and white hair, a bit shorter than him. He was floating in the air with a soft glow around himself as well.
And he was holding a white haired, very similar looking toddler in his arms, only the toddler had longer hair that was tied in pigtails. And the toddler was staring at Kon with large, almost sparkling eyes.
The young man, around Kon's age if he guessed, smiled and floated a bit closer, his face friendly and warm. When the young man stopped he kindly asked "Hey, would it be any trouble for you to autograph something for my daughter? She's a huge fan!"
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silverydragonheart-blog · 17 days ago
Im real again it's against my will but au where jason todd is just dani that's it that's the post its a sure fire way to have danny todd
Context I was just laying here and went "hey yknow danny todd as danny fenton because of dani" and I was thinking about the "danny fenton is trans" headcanon and just what if dani was too?
Dani: I'm the only stable clone because I'm a girl
Dani later after without learning danny is even trans: yknow what I think I want the name jason after jazz
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novelistwriter · 1 month ago
The Father of Clones
DP x DC Prompt
Danny really hates (not really) his daughter sometimes. Dani, his little Starlight, has been bringing in other clones whenever she returns from a trip to the mortal realm.
It all started when Dani wanted another parent and thought that Danny dating would bring that. Danny has tried dating Sam and Tucker before, but their dynamic makes them siblings more than lovers. He isn't too close to anyone else, Valerie and him are still friends after their breakup. Then she began to travel around again, but to find Danny a suitor, it just so happens that she brings back clones to her father each time she fails at finding a suitor for Danny.
Conner, Match, Respawn, Bizarro, the Roy Harper clone, Heretic, Jarro, and Inertia all find themselves forced into a new dimension by the clone girl they ran into, where they find themselves inside an imposing Castle with a Young Man in armor that's made up of the stars and space, with a Frozen Crown floating above his head and a glowing Ring on his right hand.
At first, the Clones try to leave, but Dani wants a bigger family and keeps them from leaving, so they have to bond with Danny. Not even Danny or anyone else can convince Dani to change her mind.
It's a long process, with the beginning having been rocky because none of the Clones wanted to be there. But, eventually, the Clones do warm up to Danny and bond with him in different ways. They even become other Clone kids to Danny, with Danny having told them his age, being close to 300, and still looking around his early 20's because he accepted the Crown of Flames and the Ring of Rage at that point in his half-life.
Dani had dragged her entire family out for bonding in the mortal realm, and that means her ENTIRE family, so it's her, Danny, her clone siblings, Aunt Sam, Aunt Jazz, Uncle Tucker, Grandpa Clockwork and Dan.
The Justice League learns about the family bonding and is wary because this skinny young man in his early 20s is out with people who look like people who they have fought/are friends with because he has two teens who look like a younger Superman/Clark, a teen that looks like Slade/Deathstroke and Talia's kid, a grey skinned Superman, a man that looks like an older Damian Wayne, another man that looks like Roy Harper/Arsenal, Batman's Starro Clone, and a teen that looks like Bart Allen/Impulse. They don't know who the others with him are, but they need to know what the young man's intentions are.
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artstaeus3600 · 2 months ago
I've seen the concept of Kon either having a third parent in his DNA or instead of Lex Luthor it was someone else, so what if we replaced Lex's DNA with Danny's?
Danny's been the Ghost King for hundreds of years now his family has long since passed, Dan isn't around anymore since he's been helping Clockwork with Timeline screwups (something to do with flashes? He wasn't really paying attention) and well Dani's off exploring and discovering places, I mean she comes back occasionally but not as often as Danny would like, so Danny decided why not visit a human realm, and so he does, he explores the cities and stars, he doesn't really hide he's not human looking with his pointed ears, long fangs, and glowing eyes, and while he was there some lucky bastard got some of his DNA. This person also just so happens to be the person to switch Lex's DNA with a much stronger candidate (aka Danny)
Danny hadn't noticed at the moment cause it was a busy train ride, but he did immediately notice when a new life came to be, immediately claiming him as one of the parents, so of course he immediately went to go look and see what that was about cause he doesn't remember sleeping with someone? And he hasn't even been here that long for a baby to be born? And after some searcing he finds a lab and a baby in the tube and we'll, he went completely feral at the sight and destroyed the building, which caught some of the Justice League's attention and all they find is a destroyed building owned by Cadmus.
Danny is now back in the apartment he was renting while he was taking a vacation from being the Ghost King (he was lonely), with his brand new baby he'd guess around 3 months old but he's not an expert, and he just falls in love with him the same way he did with Dani but the thing is the baby isn't a Halfa like him even with his DNA he's more like Jazz with being extremely liminal (so mostly all the instincts of a ghost but none of the powers), and we'll Jazz couldn't ever really stay long in the zone before she'd end up a permanent resident, so taking this baby with him back to the zone was a no go, at least not for long periods of time.
So that's where he's been for the last two months with his baby who he named Conner Nightingale, Nightingale after his fake ID for this human life, and he's just adoring being a father and sure he wonders sometimes who the other parent is but he can't exactly take Conner to a normal hospital, cause of the ghost biology, except the few checkups with Frostbite telling him the other parent isn't human, Dani was also told about her new nephew and loves bringing him new toys to see if he'll like it whenever she comes around.
While Danny has been taking care of Conner the Justice League has been trying to figure out what happened with that Cadmus building was doing before it got destroyed, and found out it was a cloning lab, who they were trying to clone they haven't found yet cause of the scattered/destroyed files...
Edit: Part 2
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demonic0angel · 3 months ago
Dead Silent. One of the batfam ask Danny why he’s more clingy than his siblings and Danny just goes “huh??” Cuz he’s probably the LEAST clingy. Dan is Yandere Levels of clingy, Jazz is Ride or Die clingy, Dani is probably Stalker clingy, and don’t even get him started on their parents.
Danny, by comparison, is the normal one and I feel like that should be appreciated so much more.
(This is SO freaking funny and you're so right omg. It got long bc I got excited again lmaooo)
"You... you think I'm... clingy?!" Danny cried in shock, looking around for a camera. Were they serious? Was this actually real?
Duke said with a shrug, "Well... I mean, I always see you around Cass. We're just asking."
"I am literally the least clingy and the most normal out of my siblings."
Jason snorted from where he stood behind Tim's chair. Everyone was listening in but only Damian and Duke had the graciousness to not pretend that they weren't. Even Cass was staring, blinking as she was held in Danny's arms for a cuddle after the patrol.
"Oh yeah? Prove it."
Danny glared at him and pointed to his shadow, which stretched out beneath him from the Batcave's lights.
"One, the only reason she doesn't follow you around everywhere is because Jazz literally has Shadow following you whenever you go out." As he said this, two eyes blinked from within Jason's shadow and then disappeared just as quickly. "Two, she had all of your medical information on a file in her phone! And just information on you, period! Three, just yesterday, she blew up two ships and took down a trafficking ring by herself because she got reports that they put a hit on you! And don't even talk about how normal she is compared to me, because she definitely isn't! You just think she's a normal amount of clingy because the both of you have your brains rotted from romance novels!"
Jason made a face. It was one of great affront, grudging acceptance, and a wistful adoration. Danny couldn't even feel smug for proving him right because the look on his face was just disgusting.
Cass giggled from within his arms.
Dick opened his mouth and Danny pointed at him aggressively, clutching at Cass as he said, "You can't speak either! Dan is literally the most clingy out of all of us! You know what Jazz said?! He literally has abandonment issues and codependency!! Y'know what his name was before we came here?! It's "World Destroyer"! The only reason he hasn't done anything is because he really likes you and wants to spend most of his time watching you and keeping you safe instead of going around and causing destruction!"
Dick blinked. "But he also—"
"Wrong! He uses clones to do stuff while he keeps watch over you, and you're the only reason he has a moral code at all."
Dick made a considering face and then he smiled. "Aww, that's kinda cute. I didn't know he was so clingy."
Danny muttered to Cass, "Are you seeing this bullshit?"
She giggled again and patted at his arms that were wrapped around her neck.
Duke nodded, amusement on his face. "I see your point. But what about Dani? You're definitely clingier than her."
Danny made an error noise. "Nope! The entire Young Justice is codependent and clingy, so it just looks normal. And Dani just follows around Kon and Tim in intervals so you can't see either of them." He also grimaced at Tim, who was still working at the computer. "And Tim is already watching them, aren't you? You three are a bunch of freaks."
Tim looked up with a small smirk, much to Damian's audible disgust. "You got me there. I keep trackers and cameras on all of them. And Dani's usually just invisible."
Danny smiled triumphantly. "Hah! See? I'm the least clingy!"
There were murmurs of agreement and then Duke said, "I don't know, I think all four of you are clingy and weird."
Danny sulked. "No I'm not."
Duke gestured to all of him. "You're literally climbing Cass like a koala."
Okay, so his legs were wrapped around her waist and he was hanging onto her like a sticker, but so what? She didn't mind!
Cass snickered and said, "It's okay. He's light."
"Yeah, I'm light," grumbled Danny as he squeezed her.
Duke and Damian shared a look, as Duke said, "We should get out of here. Thank god these freaks are taken."
"Agreed. Thank goodness we are the most normal."
Now there were cries of outrage throughout the entire cave all over again.
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evilminji · 1 year ago
You Know How There Are Those AU? Where SUPER Injured Ghosts Need To Retreat To Their Core?
No one seems to be USING that to its fullest potential! For SHENANIGANS! Because! Who?? Could POSSIBLY carry a Halfa's Core safely... but another Halfa?! A FULL ghost would KILL them. A human would be killed! What terribly precarious peril we find ourselves in! Oh nooooooo!
Well, no worry!
As much as Dani fuckin HATES this. That there is her brother. Her Template. Her Clone Daddy and Bestest of Bros. Like HECK she's gonna let him suffer for centuries and possibly DIE. She can take it, Doc! Pop him in! We'll go road tripping and-
What do you MEAN "No"?
Unstable??! Of course she's unstable! But the-.... Oh.
Turns OUT? Dani? Can hitch a ride in DANNY for Emergency Medical Aid... but NOT the other way around. Her body is too loosely held together. He would parasiticly consume her from within. Instead of feeding off her Ecto System like injured ghosts are supposed too, because she's a CLONE? AND an unstable one at that? His Core would just... see her body as free ectoplasm. All of it.
He'd eat her.
Which mean Frostbite can not and WILL NOT allow that.
But he's HURT! That big, off screen, cataclysmic Fight To Save Everybody From *cough cough mumbles* and settle us all in the DC universe, REALLY messed him up! What are we supposed to DO!? He can't STAY like this!!!
Enter-> My FAVORITE DCxDP Trash Ship! Vlad&Lex!!! *horrified screaming from the crowds, someone shouts "oh god, no! Please!"* Ha! There are no gods here, silly billys! Only two terrible, terrible HIGHLY Dramatic, self serving, incredibly damaged, gay peacocks. In Business Suits that cost more then your house is worth.
They're AWFUL~♡
And! Vlad was sent ahead to lay the ground work. Insure there would be no GIWs. Also because no one could stand him and his EXTENSIVE criminal record. But that's besides the point.
You know what he found? A Business Nemesis. Who he routinely dates and/or Dramatically Hate Fu-*coughs* I mean, attempts a Corporate Take Over(tm) off. You know how it is. Business. He ALSO gets to make it no secret he's a "Meta", thanks to the INCOMPETENCE of one Jack Fenton, because that- *seething rant*
Yet? Dispite his STILL burning hatred for Jack? And his finally letting go of Maddie? You know what he STILL wants?
For Danny to be his Son.
*Gets a call from Frostbite*
...............soooooo........ what you're SAYING is..... I can be pregnant with Daniel.
You, Frostbite, need ME, Vladimir Masters, THE ONLY OTHER HALFA, to carry Daniel around inside my body, in what to all appearances resembles a pregnancy, in order to heal him. Because I am an Older And Stronger Halfa Upon Which He Relies.
*instantly begins plotting*
Just? Imagine. Vlad is a FUCKIN LIAR. No one but him would even KNOW what was going on! He just? Rocks up one day, like? *falsely demure* "oh I couldn't POSSIBLY has any scotch, Lex! >:) I'm eating for Two~☆" and just? Deals the MAXIMUM amount of psychic damage he can.
Probably says it at their weekly, public, Veiled Threats Brunch.
It makes front page news. Luthor choked on his eggs. The paparazzi lost their SHIT. Vlad is doing the FULL Celebrity Mom Thing. The classes. The photo shoots. The Gucci sunglasses as he peruses high end strollers. All while HEAVILY suggesting that not only is "The Baby" Lex's.... but that he's going to withhold the child and deny Lex any access.
Danny isn't even aware. He's in a lovely lil medical coma. Dani is trying to find a good spot to plop down Amity. She just know Vlad is being... Vlad. Meh. He can handle it. Dan? He's not even IN the human realm and is not sure he wants to be.
But over in the LEAGUE? Everything's on fuckin FIRE.
Kon is losing his SHIT and Clark is thousand yard staring into the void. Kon's half brother is in the hands of a... Less Then Ideal... Meta that Batman is PRETTY sure is highly suspect. Might be a deliberate weapons experiment. Certainly is a hostage. And the DRAMA.
Lex has never been worse.
He might actually stab his...partner? Vlad. At the hospital. The SECOND the child is born. There are already long term kidnapping plans in the making. He's hiring lawyers. Getting VICIOUS. There have been talks with DEATHSTROKE. By BOTH OF THEM.
Clark wants to cry.
@hypewinter @ailithnight @nerdpoe @hdgnj @the-witchhunter @mutable-manifestation @babbling-babull
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justafanwarrior · 1 year ago
I think it would be only fair if Dani hated this and rejected Clark as a father. The second he introduces her like this her head snaps toward him and she practically growls at him that it is not her name, she is Dani Phantom not Kal-El. She does not need a father she already has one (and a half, Vlad may be a fruitloop but he's getting better and is also funding her travels, he's not her father, never will be after everything but he is a semi-trustworthy actual adult figure in her life).
She longs to go home, wants to call for her father Danny, wants to snuggle in his arms and let him take her through Space to discover something new (to her), cuddle with him as he tells her about whatever star, galaxy or planet he brought her to.
When she has a particulary bad day he takes her to a planet, travels around it with her and then takes her to the Infinite Realms to discover the ghostly counterpart of this planet.
Maybe when she'll feel less violated she'll ask if he can take her to Krypton. But now she can't. Not when she knows the second she'll fly away the boy scout will follow her, track her down, try to chain her to his family for 'her own safety' because he was afraid Luthor would find her.
Her core pulses with anger at the very thought.
'I want Danny, I want my dad', Dani thinks to herself as Superman nods but keeps introducing her as his daughter anyway.
Dani was travelling the world. She had a blast! Sure, Batman was constantly trying to catch her, and Superman kept finding her no matter what she did, but Wonder Woman was so cool! She was a live Amazonian! The only ones she had met were the dead ones, like Pandora. She kept Danny updated on her adventures.
A month later; she starts to destabilize. Wonder Woman is the first one to notice, but Dani knows what’s going on. She needs to reach Danny. She needs his help.
She never made it.
Instead, she wakes up in the Justice League infirmary, hooked up to multiple machines, and in her human form. Superman is sitting by her bedside and helps her pull the respirator out of her throat when she gags.
She gets the full story almost immediately. When she collapsed, Wonder Woman caught her and brought her to a place called the Watchtower—where she was now. They found her cells dying of an unknown disease and had tried everything to save her. They noticed that her DNA had been falling apart: it needed to be stabilized. (She already knew that it was a possibility) Initially; they had tried to use Wonder Woman’s dna, but her body rejected it. Batman’s had been used next, but it had also been rejected. In an attempt to save her, they injected her with Superman’s dna. Her body accepted it, and now Superman was genetically her father. The dna she carried before was only half of her dna now.
She felt violated. Betrayed. They had messed with her dna and had changed it without her permission. She wanted to be angry, but she knew it was for her best interest. She knew that Danny wasn’t going to be happy with the situation whenever he found out, though.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 10 months ago
Our second DCXDP au has Danny hiding in Gotham with the cores of Dani, Dan and two other clones who survived. They need DNA to be able to reform but it's in a ‘it doesn't have to be now’ kind of way. Not just Danny’s DNA but another to to balance out their genes.
They'll become babies and be raised up. Dani was melting but forced Danny to promise he wouldn't find someone right away he'd take his time to fall in love first. Dan did the same and the twin clones did to.
Danny decides it's a good idea but keeps the cores safe. He ran to Gotham in the DC universe because the GIW were to close to killing him. His parents, Jazz, Sam, Grandma Ida and the Foleys all followed. Grandma Ida is running some gang down in crime alley having a blast with Sam, constantly trying to hook Sam up with Jason who Ida is in a turf war with. Tucker is happily running a tech company that will soon outstrip it's competitors., his parents helping Jazz is terrifying in Arkham as she tears our corruption.
Maddie abd Jack found out about the Leauge of Assassins and went: study time. Danny, knowing its corrupted ecto and also not wanting to deal with assassins lets then have fun. So Ra’s is dealing with liminal mad scientists who keep stealing the Pits and also have uncovered two Damian clones they kidnapped. Their kids now.
But we’re focusing on Danny who is in college and living a peaceful life which is what he wants most of all. The cores of his kids are always on him just in case and he's casually dating. It's great. He can just be Danny the guy who is super into space and plans on being a mechanic for the watch tower.
Then one day Two-Face attacks the cafe he's at (because of a sale it was having where it was two for one on some sort of new treat). Danny has to run for his life. He gets hit and the bag he has the cores in is harmed. One falls out and he freaks, diving for it. He grabs it just as Black Bat swoops in to save him. She flies him up to a roof.
They land and then she moves to grab one of the cores that fell out. Danny gets antsy but it requires skin contact so it should be okay, she's wearing gloves after all. It'll be fine!
On her part, Cass is wondering why her hand feels tingly but there isn't anything malicious in the mans face so she thinks it might just be the orb she caught being weird. She swings off, noting that she has a hole in her glove.
Danny goes home and doesn't think about it until he realizes that the core the hero touched is growing. And it's getting sick without the touch of its other parent.
Cass on the other hand feels strange. Like she's pulled somewhere. She instantly thinks of the guy and alerts the others to him. They hunt him down to find him on a rooftop. He's surprised to see them, holding an Orb that’s glowing.
“I thought it would take longer…” the man says. He shakes his head. “Umm… rip the band-aids off- I'm nottotslly human.”
The Batfam kinda pauses cause he's giving this info up for free. Cass is eyeing him closely. It's just her, Batman and Robin in front of the man. Everyone else is listening in or in the shadows.
“I ran away from my home dimension cause they were hunting me down to kill me because they believed I was non-sentient. You know sad trench- I mean, John Constantine? I think he put in the word we’re friendly,” the man babbles. The orb shines. “Okay, okay. I need to… Black Bat did your glove have a hole in it when you touched this?”
Cass hums but nods. Barbara has Constantine on the line (and no one wants to know the blckmail she has to make him answer) and he's confirming it's a friendly.
“Okay, okay… this is a Core and it's the heart, soul, brain, everything of an ecto-entity like me. And it… it’s my child. But it needed a second set of DNA. It's fine dormant, it doesn't hurt the baby. But it…” the man swallows. “Skin touch.”
Cass knows in a second what he's leading up to. She touched the orb. It needed DNA.
That's her baby in his hands.
Que the chaos.
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mazamba · 10 months ago
Baby Steps
Dani slurped her milkshake noisily as she shifted back to the visible spectrum, interrupting the argument between the so-called adults. It'd been a hectic week, she'd been part of Young Justice for less than a week, yet they already had a crisis in the form of a maybe-evil clone.
"Do you mind?" growled Batman.
"Try a different word."
Superman raised an eyebrow.
""Father" is too heavy, try "brother" instead," she continued, "I mean, Phantom's technically my dad, but I don't call him that. He's my 'cuz!"
"What we call each other isn't the problem."
"No, but it's less scary isn't it? Danny was fifteen when I met him. Imagine if I'd called him dad. He'd have freaked out!"
Batman nodded, seeing the logic.
"And even then, I kinda needed some time to put my head together, you know?" she rattled on, floating crisscross applesauce in midair like a balloon in the breeze, "It's the real reason I left the first time. Maybe some time apart would be good for them? Microdose in family!"
"What we call each other isn't even half of the problem," sighed Superman, "you're a clone too, right? You once told me it was weird to know things you didn't remember learning. Clones are made and programed, sometimes with sleeper programming."
"True, but that's what we're here for," she figured, "I mean, I can't take you on, but Superboy's a different story. If he does go nuts, he has the whole Junior League to take care of him."
"I can't ask you to put yourself in danger."
"You're not, I'm volunteering," figured Stray, finally floating down to the ground, "look, Phantom and I work because we took the time to figure out who we are to each other. You two need time to figure out what you are, not get shoved together and hope for the best."
Batman grunted.
"This is a shock, it was a shock for Danny too. Sa- A mutual friend told me he had a panic attack an hour after I left. Started looking into childcare and stuff. She had to stop him from running after me with a diaper bag and they both crashed into a tree. Tu- a different friend sent me a picture."
"Your point?" sighed the Bat.
"I just said it? Forcing things helps no one. Just... put them in general proximity of each other and let the cards lay where they may. I know what you want to help Superboy, but forcing them into a get along shirt is just gonna hurt them both. You have to think of Superman too."
"And if he does go rogue?"
"Then we stop him."
"That easy?"
"That easy."
Superman sighed. As much as he hated to admit it, the whole situation was a lot less scary by simply changing the word. And what Stray said made sense, in a roundabout sort of way.
For his part, Batman was mentally kicking himself for hyper-focusing on Superboy's needs without taking Clark's feelings into consideration.
"We'll go with your plan," he agreed, "Superman, I'll need you to have a word with Black Canary. She will mediate with you and Superboy whenever you wish to meet, but I need you both to agree to this before we move forward."
"And if we can't?"
"Then he'll have to get adopted into somewhere else," figured Dani, sitting in midair again, "nothing good will happen if we just dump him on you. Neither one of you deserve what happened."
I'm sick of people dumping on Clark. Considering how he and the others live, I can't blame him for being suspicious.
Some other guy got replaced by a clone that didn't even know he was a clone. It wouldn't be that weird for Connor to have sleeper programming.
If anything, this is on Batman and the others for trying to force a relationship.
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the-witchhunter · 1 year ago
DP x DC: Ghost x Family
So, back on my cute romcom BS
So the premise. Dani, as Danny's speed grown clone, wasn't the most physically stable. Turns out, it's really hard to speed grow a clone, and even harder when ectoplasm is involved. There's not enough time for the structures to properly stabilize and that leaves the cellular structure pretty weak and prone to breaking down into goo. The ecto dejecto was just a temporary solution and other measures were needed
aka Dani had to essentially grow a body from scratch the old fashion way, so she's now physically her actual age minus a couple months
So Danny, at the age of 20, is the father of a 4 year old Dani and is trying to keep a low profile in Gotham. His and his daughter's existence is still illegal, and being the single father of a 4 year old ghost girl isn't exactly easy. Now Danny has to deal with the very real threat of CPS being called on him by a neighbor, and trying to get Dani into school without either of them having papers for their assumed identity of Danny and Dani Nightingale and money to by fake documents. He'd ask Tucker, but that requires braking radio silence and potentially putting a target on all three of their backs.
Danny, desperate, asks his neighbor Jason to pose as his significant other for a meeting. Jason agrees, but things escalated and frankly he's now emotionally invested and committing to the bit
So now he and Danny have legally been married for about 4 months according to the papers Babs made them. The fake ID, birth certificates, SSNs, and high school diploma for the Nightingales were simple enough for her to do, but man Jason is going to owe her a BIG favor for this.
They move in together, Dani goes to a good private school, Jason is effectively Danny's sugar daddy paying for a sizable chunk of all this, and they are committing to the loving married couple bit, which is hard to do when the new in-laws are detectives
The best part?
Danny has not figured out Jason is the Red Hood, and Jason doesn't know about the ghost stuff. The only one that does? Dani, and she is physically and mentally 4 and watching Jason and Danny fall in love
oh the shenanigans
I've been watching SPY x FAMILY and just need the fake relationship/family turns into a real relationship/found family dynamic. Jason is basically Loid, Danny is pretty much Yor, Dani fills the role of Anya, and uncle Dick is Yuri, except he's doting on Dani.
Dick is a smart man, but I love the headcanon that Jason is his emotional blindspot. Jason? MY Littlewing? He couldn't possibly.
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goinggoingghone · 2 years ago
dp x dc au except Danny Isn't A Clone.
Shocker. He looks remarkably similar to Robin!Jason, a scrawny little kid (he's sixteen, come on, he's not that scrawny!!! (Wishful thinking, Danno.)) and radiates death vibes.
So Jason's off being Red Hood and killing or whatever he does I'm not actually sure, and Danny's run away to Gotham bc of ectoplasm and GIW and stuff. Yippee.
Sam and Tucker come with him ofc bc I'm a sucker for everlasting trio.
Batfam clocks this guy as a dead ringer (hah) for Jacy Boy and DNA sample him.
Surprise, surprise. Lazarus water. Pit juice. Ra's al Ghul gunk. League liquid. Ectoplasm.
Now Danny's just wondering why these poorly dressed spandex vigilantes are stalking him on a date with his partners. Are they *that* interested in what he's ordering for dinner??
Cue Danny being oblivious to what they want and Batfam just losing their minds over all these signals to Jason's clone that he just isn't picking up. Like, they've learned from Kon what not to do with a clone!! They're gonna love this clone!! AND HE'S NOT PICKING UP THEIR HINTS!!
and then they see Dani. And Dan. At the park. With Danny.
Obviously the most likely conclusion was that they're all clones that escaped from the same facility.
Tucker found out about the whole scheme ages ago and he's just having a great time with Sam watching Danny, Dani, and Dan being so oblivious. Well, mostly Danny and Elle. Dan definitely knows, he just doesn't want to get involved.
Watching Bruce Wayne pulling his hair out over this mysterious, oblivious "clone" child from the Batcave security cameras is almost worth the verbal smackdown (and subsequent gossip session) from Oracle.
At this point, everybody's in on it but Danny, Dani, Bruce, Dick, Damian, and Tim. Babs, Duke, Steph, and Cass all are in the know.
It all comes to a head when Jason comes back with a redhead girlfriend named Jazz.
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novelistwriter · 2 months ago
Fruitloop Phantom
DP x DC Prompt
The Nasty Burger explosion happens, but when Danny is much older, it takes his family, friends, and countless others with it.
He is under Vlad's care for a few months, as he is 17 and still in school. Vlad is slowly getting worse and worse, caring for Danny is only slightly fulfilling his obsession, but not enough to keep the Fruitloop existing.
Dani had come rushing back to the Manor in Amity that Danny and Vlad share. Dani is destabilizing, and everything Danny and Vlad do isn't working. So Danny takes Dani to Frostbite.
One Ghost Doctor trip later, and a little interference from an old-time Ghost, Danny is in Gotham, looking for the Red Hood, as the revenants ectoplasm is needed to help Dani.
Danny and the Red Hood have a one night stand, Frostbite said that the only way to get the needed ectoplasm without harming the Red Hood is through sex, and Danny had been crushing on the 'Avenger of the Dead' after he had seen some images of the man. And since Danny is Trans, he is capable of hosting the new Halfa in his body.
Dani had been reborn, but not as the same girl she once was, as she is no longer a clone but a full person. Her new name is Elaine Jasmine Fenton. Vlad got to hold her once before the Fruitloop had passed on the next day, leaving Danny as the Heir to Dalv.co. Now, Danny has a company and the Infinite Realms/Ghost Zone to run.
A few years go by, and Elaine is almost 6. When Danny returns to Gotham to set up a branch of Dalv.co in the city, he just doesn't expect to run into the Red Hood again until the man saves their daughter from whoever decided that she was a new Wayne kid and brought her back to him(technically not wrong, but Danny doesn't know that).
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bluerosefox · 2 years ago
Friendships Between Realms (YJ and Danny Shenanigans Being Peek Friendship)
So the 90s YJ group got into a lot of shenanigans tbh. Like a lot and mostly without their mentors knowledge. And whenever I think of YJ I think of the Core 4 (mainly cause Tim is my fav, and the Core 4 is just so amazing together) anyways I honestly wouldn't put it past them if they had accidentally summoned or were being sacrificed by some cult, or meet Danny who accidentally fell into their world via a random portal in someway. (In this DC and Phantom universes are not on the same world, fyi)
Like Danny, still new to being a hero but getting the hang of it, meets them, learns some things from them, and actually gets along with them to the point that when he has to leave Robin gives him a communication device to keep in touch (and Robin Tim would, despite being the second most paranoid of the Bats this boy lies to Batman to his face and had hidden an entire Batmoblie cost in the Batarang budget and keeps it with YJ) and Danny does.
It's nice to have hero friends who understand the struggle of balancing hero and normal lives. Don't get him wrong Danny loves Tucker, Sam and Jazz but sometimes they just don't... fully get it. The danger, the stress, the anxiety, the relief when things are solved or saved, etc etc that comes with being a hero or at least try to be one. They don't understand the urge he gets at like 3 am to go patrol Amity Park just to make sure everything is safe. YJ on the other hand does.
He talks to them about his problems and they help out and Danny in turn helps them out too when he can. Like they needed help with Secret, call up Danny see if he knows what kind of ghost she is (he turned to Clockwork and Frostbite in that case) and Danny in turn talked to them about Dan (they told him about them having to face their own future evil self to at one point). Danny talks to Conner when Dani came into the picture, he wants to make sure he doesn't screw up like Superman did towards his clone's feelings and self worth. Etc etc.
Point is, despite being dimensions and Realms apart, YJ and Phantom are friends and have been in touch. He's friends with all the YJ at the time and keeps in touch with them all but is very close with the Core 4. (Danny was the one that reassured Tim when Bruce was thought to be dead. Couldn't find his soul or ghost in the Realms and Clockwork was being 1000% more crypticd about Batman when Danny had asked if he was lost in time, Danny (or CW) couldn't do much to help due to certain rules but Danny could tell Tim "He isn't dead. Just lost. You're not insane Rob I promise."
So imagine a few years later, DCverse is under heavy near world ending supernatural danger and it gets to the point someone in JLD suggests they may have to summon the Ghost King in order to stop it (maybe its an old ancient ghost/spirit someone foolishly unleased). Of course there are some that strongly advise not to, that summoning him would spell the end of everything, but someone else points out they're already close to that edge they already got no other choice.
So they try and it fails and everyone is confused.
Bart, because of course it's gonna be Bart, returns from helping evacuations takes one look at the summoning circle and says.
"Why are you using those outdated sigals and symbols? That'd like trying to call an out of service number." Bart says before he speed texts Tim, Conner, and Cassie to come over.
Tim, RR, takes one look at the circle and asks who they were trying to summon. When told they were trying to get the Ghost King, him and the Core 4 look at each other before Tim pulls out his communicator and texts Danny.
It takes less than a few minutes before RR tells Impulse that Danny was cool with the summoning and to bring him in. Impulse nods and quickly runs around and changes the old summoning circle around with new symbols and sigals. Then RR turns to most of the JLD members and says sternly.
"You all better not memorize this, this is Phantom's personal summoning line and he only wants friends to know it. He gave us permission."
And with Superboy (Conner) and Wonder Girl agreeing with nods.
Before any of the JL or the JLD could really ask or even interrogate what that meant Impulse was done with the preparation. the Summoning circle was changed around with constellations and other signs of stars, there was a bag of fresh burgers and three milkshakes in the middle of it, and under it was a stylized symbol of a D and a P.
Its Impulse who starts the... chant and raises his hands up. (its actually the dumbest song anyone can think of. Danny wanted it to be funny and the Core 4 totally encouraged it) the candles shift from red to green fire, the star symbols start glowing before flying around on the floor in a circle like shooting stars, the area starts feeling like a cold winter wind beginning to blow, and the stylized symbol is glowing green before...
Danny pops up in his Ghost King form (flaming crown, galaxy cape, looking more ghostly than human but still a teen), finishing up the song and laughing. When he spots his friends he's grinning and waving hello to them, all of them greeting him back.
The JL are confused as heck but noticed how shell-shocked most if not all the members of JLD as their staring at what has to be the Ghost King...
Basically. I want Danny to be one of the people/things the 90s YJ did/meet during their insane shenanigans that most of their mentors most likely didn't know about. They all kept in touch and if they knew, and were later invited to the coronation, of Danny becoming the new Ghost King and later needs to bring out the big guns against a supernatural entity and stuns everyone else that they have a friend in a very high place well... yeah.
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often-daydreaming · 10 months ago
Kind of a joke prompt.
I've read countless prompts and fics talking about how the Anti-Ecto Acts affect Danny, Dani, Dan, the heroes, etc, but what if it was just a random bunch of people coming up with a work around in order to finally get rid of a lot the supervillains that were protected by the law.
Like Ben (I don't know why I came up with Ben for this) and a couple of his friends start talking about how certain supervillains can get away with just about anything only to get a few months in prison when one of them brings up the Fentons who are one step away from being mad scientists. Anybody who ever went to school with them is bound to bring them up at least once but they get brought up and eventually everyone ends up joking about how many heroes have 'come back from the dead' since the everyday civilian would probably think they were on a vacation or doing some sort of undercover work whenever they aren't seen out in public for a while. Ben adds on to the idea by bringing up how many supervillains have come back from the dead and it kind of snowballs from there until it finally gets to the dumbest idea any of them have ever had.
How would you kill a ghost, zombie, whatever?
What would someone like the Joker even be considered since he's apparently died on a number of different occasions and is somehow so insane nobody can give him the death penalty. Wait... What was that about the Fentons... Their research... Huh??? Let me see that for a second... That could work... It could actually work. We just have to word it the right way, maybe make up a couple of things to make it sound scary but it could work.
It doesn't even have to be about the Joker. With the number of enemies Luthor has you can't tell me there isn't at least one rich person willing to jump on the chance of legally having a way to get rid of him for good. Cause he's faked his death before, been dying only to transfer his consciousness into a clone body and probably pulled off even more crazy things I don't know about and this insane idea might be just the thing they'd need to finally get rid of him since he'd no longer have any rights if the Anti-Ecto Acts pass.
But then they start hearing about a supposed ghost kid and what's this about a hunter in a mech suit and a biker with a sentient shadow. Obviously he's just a meta. The mech suit guy simply had way too much time on his hands and the biker has to be magic. Just look at the baby hero and his rogue gallery roughing each other up but the Fentons are screaming about ghosts again, they're even on the local news now so we have to double down on everything if we want this to work. Quick, grab a couple of guys and go act like Team Rocket until we've handled things over here. You're O, that's Q. He can be Z if he wants. I don't really care who does what just shove the alien squid whatever back into the portal before a Green Lantern shows up complaining about some sort of space law we've probably broke then go around telling everyone you destroyed it or something. They can't prove we didn't.
Remember, we're supposed to be the 'bad guys' people.
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sanguinesmi1e · 2 months ago
DPXDC Scum Villain Self-Saving System crossover prompt:
Dash Baxter's Self Saving System
Danny Phantom exists in the DC universe. . . as a TV show. Robin grew up watching Danny and identifies strongly with the young hero. It’s fun escapism! One night after patrol while ranting online about how stupid Phantom Planet is as a finale, how many dropped plot threads there are, how so much of the rich worldbuilding is just throwaway lines that are never explored again, Robin triggers the Transmigration System and gets isekai-ed into Amity Park. 
Now Robin is trapped in the role of Schoolyard Bully Dash Baxter and must fix the plot and avoid OOC behavior in order to return home.
Which Robin is it? I can see this going several ways: 1) Tim Drake: Already canonically a huge nerd and would absolutely hate being stuck in the role of mean dumb jock. Would manage to become best friends with the everlasting trio as soon as he got the OOC function turned off. Tucker would love geeking out with Tim over tech, and Sam would pick up on his gothic Bat vibes. He transmigrates because a combination of sleep deprivation, untreated injuries from vigilantism, compromised immune system from lack of spleen, and an unhealthy dose of caffeine cause him to keel over and die like Shen Yuan. With Dash’s natural athleticism and Tim’s ingenuity he could either cobble together or get his hands on some anti-ecto weaponry and become Hunter to Val’s Huntress. Would definitely trigger a whole new plotline around clones. Meanwhile back in Gotham Batman is going off the rails after a second Robin dies on his watch. 2) Jason: Gets isekai-ed during the explosion in Ethiopia. His revival is predicated on him completing the plot in Amity Park. UTRH is subverted by his quest to get back to Danny/bring Danny to Gotham. He's learned better coping strategies from Jazz. Sneaks into Fentonworks and steals a bunch of weapons immediately. Shoots Spectra in the face with the Fenton Bazooka the second she shows up. He'd love having Mr. Lancer for English. 3) Dick: Recently took up the mantle of Nightwing and broke away from Bruce. Does not enjoy being a teen again in high school (with normie parents! ugh!!). Actually doesn’t have a difficult time adjusting to Dash’s social life since he’s a natural leader and very charismatic, and unlike Dash isn't cruel and violent. Absolutely has a difficult time adjusting to Dash’s physique because it is *not bendy enough* and he keeps on pulling muscles. Returns to Gotham to discover Jason’s death and calls in a favor from Danny to find his brother’s wandering spirit. 4) Stephanie: Trans Dash Baxter with Stephanie’s personality actually sounds amazing. I think she’d still pursue Jazz like Dash did, but with a much higher rate of success. Not sure if it would be fair to drop someone as hot as a trans version of Stephanie in Amity though, she would become the main character and everyone would forget the ghost boy. 5) Damian: not sure where I’d go with this, but it could be fun. He’d probably stab Vlad, which I would enjoy. Might also stab Star and Paulina, which would get him nerfed by the System. Would probably first seek out Vlad to obtain weaponry comparable to Huntress' and manipulate him into believing they shared a common goal, then betray him at a key moment. He has lots of experience dealing with megalomaniacal rich men from his time with Ra's and the League. Would get on great with Dani. 5) Jarro: Please please please someone write this I have no idea how, but it would be hilarious and Jarro would be seriously weirded out by having a human body. Whether this is a ship or platonic relationship depends on the pairing I think.
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