#Damian the guardian
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naowominutella · 5 months ago
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Art FRIIIGHT!!!!!!
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naowominutella · 6 months ago
dunno if u remember me, i dont have a smiling critter oc, But i do have damian. You tried to draw her in an ask once( i had asked for a hug)
could you draw damian just holding a bunch of the others bitty critters?
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I’m redoing this
Reblog/Ask me a character you want to turn bitty. I’ll do it for real this time, free and no charges, promise 👍
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months ago
Teacher: Class, we have a new student joining us today. Danny, could you tell us a little about yourself? Danny, standing up: Ugh, okay. My name is Danny Fenton. I'm from Amity Park, Illinois. I moved to Gotham with my siblings. Teacher: That's lovely, Danny. Do you have any hobbies? Danny: I like to stargaze, but it's tricky here in Gotham to see them. Teacher waiting for more: *Stare* Classroom: *stare* Danny panics as the class stares at him. I also really liked helping Dan with his experiments. Teacher: Who's Dan? Danny: He's my eldest brother. He got a job at Wayne Labs three months ago, so we moved. Classmate: What kind of experiments do you guys do? Danny: Dan's a chemist. He likes to create antidotes to various poisons or toxic substances. Last month, he made the new Anti-Fear Gass Antidote! Classmate: *scoff* Yeah, right, and I'm the tooth fairy Classroom: *laughs* Teacher: Alright, everyone, settle down. Danny, welcome to Gotham, but you should be careful with your fibs. They can be dangerous in this city. Danny: I'm not lying. Teacher: Of course not. Everyone turn to pages three and twelve in your math textbooks- Danny, please sit down. Danny: *sits* It wasn't a lie Damian: I believe you. Danny: Really? Damian: Yes, my Father signs Dan Fenton's paychecks. Danny: Oh, does he work at Wayne Labs, too? Damian: .....In a way. Would you happen to know who I am? Danny: Damian Al Ghul. I heard you tell the teacher you prefer that name. Damian: .....Yes. Your pronunciation of my last is perfect. Most people claim it's too hard. Danny shrugs: If I can learn to pronounce Obi-Wan Kenobi, I can learn how to say your last name. Most people are just rude. Damian, under his breath: Is this the rush Mother felt when she found her Beloved? Danny: What? I'm sorry I didn't catch that Damian: Do not worry about it. Merely know that you belong to me now Danny: Like a friend? Damian:.....In a way. Danny: Cool :D
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tanglepelt · 2 years ago
Dc x dp idea 66
Danny and Damian are twins.
Danny does not excel at majority of training. He does excel at stealth. One day he overhears a discussion regarding how there could only be one heir.
He knows he can’t defeat Damian. He also just doesn’t want to. They are by no means close, but it’s still his twin. So right there and then he plots.
Danny fakes his own death. Lighting a fire “accidentally” to “dispose” of his corpse. No risk of the pits bringing him back.
This leads to him in amity park. The Fentons were strange enough to take him in. A son story about how his family wants him dead. Jazz had always wanted a little brother.
Over time Danny realizes just how toxic the league was. Jazz helped a lot. He feels guilty about leaving Damian behind. And for having Damian “kill” him. Sneaking into the league is out of the question so he stews in guilt. Then the accident happens. 5 years later.
So he does go back. Damian isn’t there.
He ends up at a gala with Vlad or sam.
He sees Damian. Danny shoots his shot. Just popping up by him. Apologizing for using him to fake his own death and asking if he managed to realize how bad the league was.
All while dodging Damian’s attacks.
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1alchemistart · 2 years ago
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throwing these here before the new chapter comes out tomorrow ✌️
i actually added captions for when these were made this time, since the dates are more varied AKLJFDL (more recent art that’s whyyy)
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reverseoforah · 11 months ago
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mochinek0 · 4 months ago
Drama-Bomb: Part 3
Marinette could feel the tension in the dining hall, as soon as she entered. A man, very similar to Damian, was at the head of the table. On his left was his mother and on the right were three gentleman; obviously his brothers from the way he described them. She could feel everyone's gaze on her immediately.
'Why did he decide now of all times to tell them about us?'
"So, how did you two meet?" Dick asked, immediately after Marinette had sat down.
"Dick!" growled Bruce.
"What we're all curious?" he defended himself, "Shouldn't we ask?"
"I see you gave them nothing." Marinette turned towards Damian.
"Was I suppose to?" he questioned, "I seem to recall a similar situation. Waterboarding would have been a better experience.
Mari giggled, "Maman was not that bad, not this quick, either. "
"Your father's size, at the very least, would have been enough." Damian recalled.
"I told you he looked big, but was a teddy bear." she smiled.
"Father is big." Damian stated, "You're father rivals Bane."
"Teddy Bear." Mari sang back.
Damian sighed. He knew he wasn't going to win this argument. He looked up to see his family was already examining their body language and mannerisms.
The Waynes remained silent. Damian and his girlfriend seemed close. She was teasing Damian and he wasn't getting upset. Apparently, he was secure enough to meet her parents. How long ago, they had no idea.
She turned towards Dick, "We met at university."
"How long have you been dating?" Tim asked next, "Apparently, Damian mentioned years? I was asleep when he told us."
"Two, almost three." she answered, calmly.
The Waynes sat there in shock. They knew Damian wasn't one to joke, but how had they not noticed him in a relationship for that long. How had he snuck out and left on dates?
'Have we gotten sloppy?'
Damian leaned closer to her, "They like to pry into every detail. They feel offended I was able to keep you a secret for so long."
Mari just giggled.
"What made you ask him out?" Jason questioned.
Marinette sighed, "Seems you've misunderstood. Damain asked me out."
She noticed that seemed to have caught them all off guard, even his mother.
Offended, Damian huffed, "I have eyes; thank you."
"Uh, De-Damian…same question." Jason spoke.
"Her creativity and intelligence." He announced.
"Huh?" Dick replied.
"We have business classes together." the youngest explained, "She has a unique way of looking at problems and strategizing her work."
"Why did you say yes?" Tim asked, quickly.
Damian's girlfriend smiled, "I like how honest he is."
"I mean," Jason shrugged, "that's one way to say 'offend people'."
"More like he is blunt with his words." Mari replied, "He doesn't mix his words or hide behind lies. It's not something everyone likes. People like to hear what they want, not what they need."
That wasn't the answer they had been expecting.
Talia sipped on her wine, "You know, Dear, you could do so much better."
"Mother!" Damian growled out.
Marinette remained silent and looked down at her plate.
'I guess everyone else thinks the same. They're all so quiet. His dad has just been looking at me and hasn't even asked me a question.'
"Silence, Damian." Talia remarked, "I was talking to Marinette."
Marinette looked up towards Talia. She could see Jason cackling out of the corner of her eyes. She quickly looked at her boyfriend and surprisingly, he looked offended.
"My Dear," his mother continued, "if I have learned anything, is that these Wayne Boys, adopted or not, have the emotional compatibility of a gold fish. Something is always making them late for a date or they have to reschedule, last moment. Holidays like Valentine's Day or Anniversaries are not a priority for them; it's just another day to forget."
Marinette could see Bruce's face turning red and him attempting to shrink into the background. She couldn't help the snort and started laughing.
"Habibiti?" Damian asked, concerned.
"Relax, Damian." Mari smiled, "I'm sure your mother is just watching out for you. You mentioned your parents don't live together so she's sharing her experience. They do have a lot of questions; I believe my parents interrogated you as well."
Damian leaned against the back of his chair, "Tch."
They watched in amazement as Damian's girlfriend seemed to have some sort of command over him. He didn't talk back or complain. Talia watched as the boy she had raised fall in line with his lover. The feeling eased Bruce a tiny bit about the whole dinner.
"If our relationship were to continue, in the future, I'll sign whatever prenup you want me to, as long as my lawyer looks it over first." Marinette explained, trying to ease the tension in the room.
"Huh?" spoke a confused Tim.
"Well," Mari began, "Damian isn't as……extroverted as Mr. Wayne, but a woman does need her own reassurance."
"Such as?" Bruce asked, not sure if he liked what the answer was going to be.
"Damian keeps the Wayne fortune and I keep the money I make from my own business. I'll even keep my maiden name, if that's your desire." she stated, "Many woman want money, power or fame. Others…..revenge."
"And you?" Jason prodded.
"Let's just say if Damian were to follow in his father's….playboy theatrics," she smiled, "he would spend the rest of his life in regret and searching for someone who would never be found again."
Bruce cleared his throat.
'No wonder Damian told me not to use the 'Brucie' persona. She was definitely not a fan.'
"I don’t know." Dick chimed in, "He has the money and the power….the resources."
Marinette opened her mouth, but Damian shouted, "Enough!"
He turned to her and kept his gaze on his girlfriend, "Instantly?" he questioned.
Marinette glared at him, "Damian, you would be lucky if that's all I do. Adrien knows damn well how I get when I'm angry. I can and will leave you in a pile of ash, should you turn into my enemy. If you touch one of the few people I despise, beyond reason, I'll leave half your body on your mother's doorstep and the other, here, on the manor steps."
The room fell silent, with a bated breath for Damian's reaction.
"Understood, Habibiti." he replied.
"What if it's for a business meeting?" Dick quickly questioned.
He quickly found himself on the other end of Marinette's glare. He found he didn't like it and understood why Damian had caved. It was worse than Bruce's silence and Alfred's disappointment stance.
"Damian knows how to speak up for himself and say no. He doesn't like unknown people in his personal space and I respect his boundaries." Mari declared, "The fact that you have to ask me, tell me you still haven't learned this and you don't know your brother at all. The only thing that will happen is he will harbor resentment towards you."
"And if Damian chooses to come live with me?" Talia asked, shifting the focus.
"Fashion is universal." Mari smiled, "I can buy materials and sell from anywhere. I've had my own clients since I was thirteen."
Plagg zipped out from his hiding place, "Give me cheese, already! I'm tired of the back and forth when they all know."
"Plagg!" Damian hissed.
He turned to see his holder's family looking confused and frozen.
"Oh, they didn't know." he guessed.
"No they didn't!" Damian growled, reaching for him, "You're not getting your cheese now!"
"No!" Plagg cried, and quickly flew at Damian's face.
He latched on and whined, "It's your fault! You didn't feed me!"
"You didn't feed him!" Marinette asked, glaring at him.
The family watched the back and forth argument, trying to grasp what was going on. It was like Damian was being scolded for not feeding a child; no, not just a child, their child.
"I fed him!" Damian argued back.
Marinette gave him a pointed look.
"He fed me 'string cheese'!" Plagg cried out, "It didn't even taste like cheese. It was peelable! Bug, your husband is a menace to society!"
Marinette sighed, "That’s' why he's your holder."
'Wait! Damian's married!'
'Since when did he get a floating cat?'
'What is that thing?'
'How does she know what it is and why is Damian taking care of it?'
'If Demon Brat being a menace is a good thing. That thing isn't so good.'
Talia smiled, raising her glass, "Seems I underestimated you."
"Yes, you did." Marinette spoke, keeping her eyes on Talia.
The last thing she expected was for Damian's mother to say was, "Welcome to the family."
"Wait!" shouted Jason, "What?"
Marinette sighed, "Come out, Tikki. Might as well, since Plagg's stomach got him in trouble again."
The Batfam watched as a giant ladybug flew from out of nowhere and yanked on the floating cat's eat, chastising him.
"What are they?" Time questioned.
"Kwamis." Talia spoke, "Or Gods, to be precise."
Marinette glanced at Damian's mother. Talia held up her hands in surrender, briefly.
"Seems my son is much more tact when it comes to this relationships." she declared, with a smile "To think you hid a marriage from both of us."
Bruce tensed. He had forgotten the flying cat had called him that.
'He hadn't known Damian was dating. He didn't know he had gotten married. What else didn't he know about his son?'
Bruce looked over at his son and noticed his ear tips had turned red.
"Uh, that's Plagg's nickname for him." Marinette spoke, clearly embarrassed, "We're not….actually married."
Bruce relaxed more into his seat.
"We should-" he began.
Mari declared, "They won't be picked up on any recording devices, visually or audio."
"Alfred!" Jason shouted, "Bring out the hard liquor."
Bruce just nodded. He hadn't expected anything that had happened this week. His son was dating someone with access to Gods. Talia was sitting at the dinner table like she had always lived there. The girlfriend obviously knew who they all were and about his son's questionable past. A drink sound like a good idea.
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whywouldisayprinter · 28 days ago
When you first look at the Batfam, you might be tempted to see a good old Classic Family structure but like single dad edition.
But if you're enlightened (like me) you see that none of them have a normal, nuclear relationship to all the other members.
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naowominutella · 1 year ago
gremlins listen up
wanna be comfortable and wear a skirt? aint got one? Got a belt and blanket instead???
introducing blanket skilt
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(These where in my science note book if you where wondering)
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All gremlins must reblog
send to your friends your famly
show me your combinations layering or foldin
Oh and one more thing
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Gremlin mode (you just fold the top layer over your head)
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marvelwizardz · 1 month ago
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daydreamerwonderkid · 1 year ago
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There's no script atm and no one's been cast yet
But y'all I'm shaking
This has the potential to be either really fucking good or really fucking bad
Crossing my fingers that this doesn't turn into a complete fucking mess, holy shit
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aalghul · 6 months ago
i don't even think duke and bruce have a strictly father/son relationship because they're a lot more like what bruce and tim were doing while bruce had temporary guardianship over him but that still keeps duke as a core member so im gonna keep pushing him in conversations that ignore him for no real reason lol
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naowominutella · 4 months ago
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Some doodles of my backroom explorer girl
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malfiora · 8 months ago
doing research for an AU and wanted to share the goodies in case anyone else was interested.
According to New Jersey law:
To become a legal guardian, one must apply, pass a background check, pay the court filing fee, and show up in court. Guardianship is eligible if the person being cared for is a child whose parents/family can't care for them (newest version of this: kinship legal guardian) or an adult is incapacitated. (More here)
Kinship legal guardians (KLGs) cannot replace parents, who still retain custody and visiting rights and are obligated to financially support their child. On the other hand, adoption means the adopter completely replaces the birth parent(s) for custody. (Even more here) Both biological parents must consent to the adoption, except for the bio dad if he is unaware of the child or does not have a legal commitment to the child. (Yes, more here)
Some interesting points:
Parents retain the right to visit their kids with a KLG and are still responsible for child support for them.
If a child is adopted, they may no longer be eligible for inheritance from their birth/former parents.
KLGs are not allowed to change their child's name; adoptive parents are.
KLGs have to have some connection to the child's family and/or a positive relationship with the child, and have lived with the child for 12 months.
Both guardians and adoptive parents are eligible to government financial support.
Since Bruce never adopted Dick and he's often described as Bruce's ward, Bruce was likely just appointed Dick's legal guardian until he was 18 👌🏾
By NJ law, Bruce wouldn't have been able to adopt Tim, Steph, or Cass since their living parents could or would not consent to it 🙅🏾‍♀️
EDIT: Bruce could (and did) adopt Tim after his parents died/were incapacitated, and Cass probably doesn't even legally exist sooooo
Jason and Duke are fair game 👍🏾
And Damian comes with a no-return policy ❤️
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slipperywhenwet0o0 · 7 months ago
Thinking about Natalie Berzatto and Donna Berzatto
And Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne
(I’m projecting ~)
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nightmare-foundation · 6 months ago
Tbh someone should like. Absolutely make a post analyzing Dick and Damians parallels/similarities cause I feel like they have a good amount of parallels and it makes me SO sad no one talks about it??
I feel a little insane for seeing it bc no one talks about it. And I can't even put my thoughts into words either
Just,, they have similarities that kill me
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