#Dagonet's son
kikari-27 · 2 years
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Alguien de le paciencia a Dagonet Jr.
Jeje añadiéndole más salsa al ship.
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taliesin-the-bored · 4 months
A few things which are “canon” somewhere for people who are worried they’re stretching it too far
Arthur was killed by a giant cat. 
Arthur killed the cat.
Arthur didn’t fight the cat. Kay did.
Kay and Bedivere use salmon as taxis. 
Lucan is half giant, half lion. (This Lucan, Lucano in the original Italian, is evil and not related to Bedivere). 
King Arthur raided the land of the dead.
The human knight Caradoc Briefbras has three half siblings: a dog, a horse, and a pig.
A large portion of Arthur’s troops was killed a while before Camlann by his nephew’s attack ravens in self-defense. Arthur and said nephew were playing chess at the time and neither did much to stop it.
Merlin retired peacefully and went to live in the countryside with Taliesin.
Wherever Arthur walks, plants die. They don’t grow back for years.
Arthur had a spunky (half?) brother who died in battle after making a mysterious oath.
Dagonet is more or less able to run the kingdom when Arthur is gone. His biggest error is overspending on mercenaries.
Guinevere has an evil almost identical twin half-sister.
Hector beat up all the best knights except for Galahad while possessed by a demon.
Gawain plays tennis.
Gawain has used a chessboard as a weapon.
Near the start of his reign, Arthur left Lot in charge of the kingdom and went on a quest with a sassy parrot.
Gawain or Galahad succeeded Arthur as king. 
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marthalmary · 3 months
Arthur Pendragon son of Ector
Arthur was raised by sir Ector in the forest Sauvage. One day his father brought him and his older brother Kay to Camelot to celebrate founding day, on this day he runs into a church yard were he finds and pulls the sword from the stone. The sword is then stolen from him by another boy. 14 years later he returns to Camelot to take back what is his.
Morgan daughter of Gorlois
Morgan is the youngest daughter of the late Gorlois and Igraine. Morgan dreams of being the castle alchemist. She is friends with Bedivere and in a relationship with Dagonet.
Dagonet of Camelot
Dagonet is the court jester of Camelot. At a young age he almost died in a fire that killed his family, he was then send to an orphanage where he met Bedivere, soon after they both becomes friends with Morgen.
Bedivere of Camelot
Bedivere was left at the steps of an orphanage as a baby. His only friends growing up were Morgen and Dagonet. He runs a small bookshop which is always closed most of the time
Aurelius The 2nd, prince of Camelot
Aurelius became the prince of Camelot after stealing the sword from Arthur and lying to the church and court. Morgen wants to be friends with him as she thanks that he is her brother that was kidnapped as a child, he does not want this. Aurelius is know to be found sleeping any where in the castle
Guinevere of Cameliard
Guinevere is princesses of Cameliard. She lives in Camelot awaiting her marriage with prince Aurelius. She is a romantic and is often see daydreaming about her future with her beloved. Guinevere is one of the people that Aurelius seems to actually enjoy, which led to people wondering why the two have not yet wed
Merlin the Wizard
Merlin is the owner of the amber bathhouse which is rumored to be a front to a brothel and bar where he makes people deals using his demonic powers, the church has not yet found enough proof to confirm this. No one knows were he comes from, one day a young noble enters his bathhouse in hopes that the wizard will help him over throw the prince
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
if mk, mei, and red son were squires for the knights of the round table, who's squires would they be?
OK OK I THINK I GOT IT (anon forgive me for my late reply, I wanted time to plan this out)
with Mei, I can see her being a squire to Percival bc she would love training that’s focused on strength and wearing sleeveless uniform, OR Gwaine bc chaotic man meets chaotic girl and goes “ah she was just like me” (Also they do share being children of the wealthy but desiring to be separated from that or have the freedom to be themselves without the restrictions that come with nobility/wealth soooooooo!
Red Son I feel is super picky and would not be a big fan of Gwaine (who would join Mei in teasing him), so imma go with Leon and:or Elyan because Leon is a by the book knight and Red Som seems like a type A kind of person. however, I also say Elyan because while Elyan is someone who would take squire training seriously, he wouldn’t say no to having some fun and might approach it better than Gwaine or Lancelot (man’s too noble for his taste and also the duality of him freaks Red Son out)
MK would be Lancelot’s squire (Wukong can never know, the jealous little shit). both guys have a goal to protect and be good and both have a very black & white outlook on morality (meaning, swk saved the townspeople from dbk and is therefore a hero, or Merlin used magic to help aid me in defeating the griffin therefore he proves magic can be a force for good)
ngl MK would internalize all of Lancelot’s teaching about honor and the code but also he would be a great encourager and be patient enough to help walk MK through areas he isn’t that good at. also, Lancelot is great at giving advice (something MK always craves and yet receives the bare minimum— tho good advice he DOES get is ignored by him), so he can also help there
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avenclov · 2 years
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Can we pls talk about him
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queer-ragnelle · 2 years
Other than Arthur’s son—who else should Twrch Trwyth kill?
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icebrooding · 24 days
A non-comprehensive first word-vomit of my thoughts abt Janthir wilds in non-chronological order:
Poky is my son and if anything happens to him I will commit Crimes of a very bad nature. I also called he and Braham would be great friends even before it got mentioned as a possibility right at the end.
I really like what they've done with the Warclaw; not only is the new skin extremely cute but I've been having so much fun w/ it's skills. Boing boing boing.
This soundtrack fucks REALLY hard??? Like holy shit??
Isgarren soft boy story reveal (but I already knew he was soft from SotO anyway but this is probably the most explicit we've had about just how soft--)
Greer is gonna have a lot of people horny for him, I can just kinda feel it? If people want to fuck the bog queen, I can imagine people also want to fuck the sexy-voiced Titan.
The 'boss segments' sure felt like boss segments, holy shit. I had no real issues on the first Greer and Decima fights but the one at the end actually caused me a lot of issues. Not sure how, but it did.
I really love the first half of the expac being this kind of 'low stakes' feeling adventure (and really FEELING like a good adventure, the way the maps are designed and their scale making exploring them SO good ouegh), and then the latter half is this slowly ramping 'oh fuck, Titans', culminating in 'oh fuck. /another/ titan.'
I somehow REALLY really appreciate the 'we cannot do this we need to retreat' stuff. I really liked the one at the end, the Commander's hesitance before calling off the pursuit. Feels like they've really learned over the years that rushing in isn't in their (or anyone's) best interest.
I genuinely always thought Sorrow was gonna be a polar bear. Did not expect a grizzly, but appreciate the subversion of my expectations. Even after her reveal I'd expected the lowland appearance to be an illusion of some kind, but nah. Girl straight up grizzly. Gotta respect.
On that note, I did have a joke going on for a few months of 'we walk into the lowland kodan lands and just find her sitting amongst them like 'oh shit'' so this was pleasant for me lmao.
Sincerely curious on how things will go between her and Isgarren after that little catfight. I don't wanna see Dagda crushed by losing her again :sadcat: She's like the kid caught between a really bad divorce--
Can Lyhr finally meet Rand again--
Can Stoic Alder be my new dad? And can he please not die I cannot bear (HAH) if anything happens to him either ; _ ;
where is zojja
Mildly upset that we're shown not to really remember Dagonet. I REMEMBER YOU, BIG BRO :crycat:
on that note did his voice get deeper
I feel like the horror of the White Mantle came across really strongly, as someone who (still, damnit) hasn't gone far in GW1, reading the notes around Syntri really painted a really gruesome and horrific image of the sentiments at the time... it was upsetting, to say the least.
Fuck? Ether towers and Jade Constructs though--
I would have appreciated any warning from my friend abt how going into the water of Syntri was like reliving my least favourite parts of Subnautica all over again.
I'm just gonna pretend we didn't talk to Anise at the end of the story LMFAO. I did not like that, honestly.
spear aesthetic fucks even if i suck at it
Caithe getting to sit on the fireplace is iconic. queen behaviour
look, if we're (MAYBE) going to the domain of anguish (maybe isgarren can scream enough to open a portal again for us) then can we finally just bring legavo there and go ham? i'm sure it'll be fine.
more thoughts at another point when i can formulate sentences
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nvminnd · 8 months
Je viens de revoir KV1 pour la 1ere fois depuis sa sortie en salle et voici quelques random thoughts :
Venec le Fenec 💯💯
Je trouve que le jeu de Guillaume Gallienne va pas trop avec l'écriture de AA, ça a l'air un peu forcé (le perso en lui-même est sympa par contre)
Loth est complètement à bout, prions pour un putsch dans KV2 sinon j'ai peur pour sa santé mentale
Le Duc d'Aquitaine est incroyable, manupilation émotionnelle tout en délicatesse
Bohort et Gauvain ces petits choux à la crême avec leur petite table ronde je les aime
Fière de Bohort et de son évolution capillaire
Calo se fait toujours tailler parce qu'il est trop chiant j'aime ce running gag
Lui par contre je comprends moins son cheminement capillaire, d'où il sort ces cheveux ?
Séli et Élias : wlw et mlm BFFs 🏳️‍🌈
Galessin a sûrement passé ces 10 dernières années à bronzer sur un rampart et franchement mood
Gareth a la même manière de parler que Gauvain 🥹
Les filles de Karadoc qui ont AUCUN PROBLÈME à l'idée de buter leur mère 😃
D'ailleurs Mevanwi est incroyable, l'attitude, le costume, une reine
Toujours aussi déçue des retrouvailles entre les semi-croustillants, les resistants de Gaunes et Arthur. Ça fait 10 ans que vous vous êtes pas vus, vous étes censées être proches (surtout Perceval et Arthur), où est la grande séquence émotion ?
Ah pardon, non, on a quand même de très jolies retrouvailles entre Léodagan et les catapultes 🥰
Guenièvre. Juste Guenièvre 💜
D'ailleurs y'a quand même un gros progrès au niveau des personnages féminins par rapport aux debuts de la série
J'aime beaucoup la nouvelle génération, même si je suis pas toujours convaincue par leur jeu
Je trouve que les flashbacks sont pas super utiles niveau narration ou même développement du personnage d'Arthur. Ca nous apprend pas grand chose de plus. À voir si ça a de l'importance plus tard.
La partie de robobrole j'aime bien, c'est l'évolution logique des jeux bizarres de Perceval
Je suis pas fan des répliques qui sont là pour le fan-service, mais y'en avait moins que dans mon souvenir
J'aime bien le running gag des frères et soeurs qui ont l'air de sortir de nulle part (alors qu'ils ont tous été mentionnés à un moment dans la série si je me trompe pas ? À part Gareth peut-être ?)
Du coup j'attends la nièce et la soeur de Galessin et la tatan de Karadoc dans KV2 hein.
Dagonet je me demande ce qu'il a fait pour mériter être à peu près au même rang que Loth, Blaise et le Jurisconsul, et pas sur les ramparts avec Galessin
La bataille finale est parfaite, que ça soit le plan avec les burgondes ou le duel Lancelot/Arthur
Conclusion j'ai beaucoup plus apprécié le film lors de ce deuxième visionnage. J'avais peut-être trop d'attentes quand je l'ai vu au cinéma. Il se passe un peu trop de trucs, y'a un peu trop de nouveaux personnages pas toujours utiles, mais ça pose bien les bases pour la suite. En espérant un retour d'Yvain, et aussi d'Anna parce que je me demande ce qu'elle a foutu pendant 10 ans 🫡
(et puis c'est grâce à ce film que j'arrive enfin à peu près à reconnaître Sting donc c'est toujours ça de prix)
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laudys83 · 2 years
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Marbod + being tender and soft and loving both with his wife AND his lover
Merci @dagonet pour son tuto gifs avec Photoshop! Premier gifset pour moi, tu veux bien me dire si c’est bien ou pas? 
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mdpikachu · 11 months
Full list of the fanservants ive made/are making/etc, wildly out of order
-saber sir kay (the first. my boy. my angry son. my boy who gets to be in everything i make forever now)
-pretender carmilla (the book) (could be another class but unsure)
-saber arséne lupin (his np cannot kill, steal from the rich, have kids anyway, lose your wife inevitably, who cares about the rules?)
-archer sir galehaut (gay behemoth of a man with a migraine that could cripple god)
-berserker sir marhaus (dying to tristan of all people hurts your pride, especially as he was like 12. opposite number to Gawain)
-sir dagonet (the jester. yknow. as a joke)
-lancer king mark de lyons (he uses guns)
-foreigner sherlock holmes (ruler but 2 steps to the left and the eldritch monstrosity cares about his mental health more than holmes does. somehow)
-foreigner john watson (caster but 2 steps to the left and this wasnt meant to happen either but it did and he gets to rot about it)
-space merlin and merlin "alter" (nicknamed morne and memrys for consistency with another au)
-fantomas (and juve) (forgot their class but it changes a lot) dual unit. it goes in a way.
-[?] vivian. lady of the lake but shes jacked. shes a blacksmith. morgan le fae who. saberface? god no.
-caster maxwells demon doesnt count but i gave custom skills bc no one will give me mats to wORK WITH.
-lancer prototype cu also doesnt count but make him a werewolf. everything else is the same
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abduloki · 1 year
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Tales of the Jedi E2
Jedi Master Dooku and his Padawan, Qui-Gon Jinn, are sent to a dilapidated village on a planet to retrieve Senator Dagonet's kidnapped son. There, they find the corrupt senator is starving his people and refusing to step down from his position, driving them to this desperate plot. 
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kikari-27 · 2 years
Ship Meme
Ok tengan.
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Creanme ni si quiera se porque los junte solo me vi tales of the jedi y una interacción de apenas segundos y tuve un deja-vu con el Dinluke.
Ni siquiera sabemos el nombre del hijo del Senador Dagonet pero bueno.
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pia-writes-things · 2 years
Aujourd'hui, c'est l'anniversaire de la première fois que j'ai vu KV1, mais aussi de mon entrée "officielle" dans le fandom !
Et je voulais toustes vous dire une grand MERCI ! L'année 2022 a été une des années les plus bizarres de ma vie, faites de hauts très hauts et de bas très bas, et la série, le film et vous toustes m'avez accompagnée et donné plein d'amour et permis de ne pas devenir totalement folle ou déprimée pendant certaine périodes.
C'est aussi grâce à vous que je me suis améliorée en écriture, grâce à vos commentaires trop choupi qui me redonnaient le sourire et la motivation à chaque fois !
Donc voilà, je voulais vraiment vous dire un grand merci : sans le fandom, mon année aurait été un peu moins belle, un peu plus sombre et un peu plus morne qu'elle ne l'a été, donc merci, vraiment.
Spéciale dédicace à @saecookie pour m'avoir fait découvrir l'univers, présenté au fandom et beta-reading quasi toutes mes fics KT, à @moon-arts02 pour avoir pris tellement de temps pour illustrer Remonter la pente et refaire mes journées, et pour son cadeau du secret santa incroyable, à @dagonet pour tous les gifs qui me remettent dans mes feels de la meilleure des manières, à @pigeonneaux pour les fanarts magnifiques, à @sloubs pour les takes incroyables sur KT (mais aussi sur AA, réel queen behaviour sur ces takes là), à @ironist-lady pour les fanfics Pendranièvre incroyable et à @superiorkenshi pour être le meilleur lutin du secret santa à qui offrir quelque chose <3
Mais globalement, merci à TOUSTES !! Je suis trop contente de faire partie du fandom, je vous aime toustes d'amour et j'espère pouvoir continuer comme ça looongtemps <3
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marthalmary · 4 months
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Left to right
Aurelianus the second
Bedivere (sitting)
Gawain (standing)
Base by queencookiemonster on DeviantArt
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
Squires being named after older knights/relatives is definitely plausible and not at all uncommon, considering there's, like, three Isoldes and four or five Elaines, and that's why people had epithets or bynames like "Bors the Elder" and "Bors the Younger" or "Elaine of Astolat" and "Elaine of Corbenic."
So we have Lucan the Observant, Nathan the Uppity, Bedivere the Smaller, and Roland the Stabby (yes to Galahad being Lancelot's favourite squire) and may I also put forth for consideration:
Gareth and Gaheris, twin brothers who regularly switch knights and are still waiting for someone to notice.
Dagonet, simultaneously the funniest and meanest mf in the squad, he will Vicious Mockery your ass into dust, try him, and knock your teeth out if that doesn't work.
Andred, (who is totally not related to Tristan, whaaat??, and definitely wasn't snuck in by Elyan, nooooo) who has absolutely taught his bros how to pick locks and pockets and steals Agravaine's stuff all the time.
And Loholt, who...may or may not be a Druid??? Nobody's really sure, they've never seen a tattoo, but it might be somewhere private, who knows? Again. Not their problem. And he's fun.
anon making me open old notes of mine at 7 in the morning dw this is not an inconvenience ily <3
i see your gareth and gaheris twins and raise you gwaine and leon are the only knights who notice. gwaine encourages the switching and even helps in confusing his other knights for the fun of it. leon is too tired to handle something as minor as a stunt like this, so he let's them off scott free. (lucan calls it nepotism because they're his little cousins, but gaheris tells him to shove it and stop being jealous).
bedivere, aka beddy, aka the baby of the group. he abuses his title as the youngest and the squires hate/love him for it. they got themselves into trouble? beddy bats his eyes and the knight don't lecture them too much. training is more grueling? beddy only does half of it because percival felt bad ("HOW DARE HE MESS WITH SIR PERCY'S BLEEDING HEART!!!" "roland let it go" "NEVER HE WILL RUE THE DAY--")
andred sends correspondence letters for elyan and the letters are just him rambling on about his life as a knight to tristan and isolde. tristan is conflicted because he's proud of his surrogate son but also upset that he's a knight of all things. although alternate idea: elyan takes andred in after the s4 finale because tristan is wracked with grief and cannot care for andred the way he and isolde used to, so elyan offers to take the boy in and raise him to be someone they can be proud of and T^T
dagonet and nathan are rivals
nuff said
we also have feirefiz a squire from a distant land who is somehow related to percival but the specifics are hazy. everytime the kid talks about his homeland it only adds to the mystery and confusion because "did you say you had a sword made from diamonds????" "yes, yes, the sword is an heirloom, what's not clicking."
BORS MY BELOVED he worships the ground lancelot walks in and wishes to be the best squire to ever squire. he is ruthless with his pranks and some squires question where his ideas come from.
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a-menaceinpink · 1 year
Tales of the Jedi, Episode 2: Justice
This is my first time watching any of the Tales of the Jedi episodes, and I have to say that I really like this animation style. It reminds me of a mixture of both the original original Clone Wars (AKA 2002-2004 version) and the early seasons of SW:TCW, just a little bit more elegantly done.
Anyway. To plot!
This episode is a short story of then-Jedi Count Dooku and his then-apprentice, Qui-Gon Jinn. Based on what I know of them, I think this episode does an excellent job of establishing the basis for their later character arcs.
Dooku here is openly against the Jedi's apparnet position of "serving the Senate" over serving the actual people of the Republic. While I don't think that is actually what the Jedi are doing at this point in time, it's excellent background information for understanding how the Jedi Order is perceived during the fading years of the Old Republic. Although the Jedi do, in principle, serve the people over the Senate, the standoff between Dooku and Dagonet indicates that this principle has probably become increasingly muddy, as the Jedi take on tasks at the Senate's request or appear to follow the Senate's behest.
It's also clear that, although Jedi are known to the common folk, their purpose, powers, and overall authority is not. This would definitely make it easier to make the public turn against them after the Clone Wars.
Aside from the Jedi PR and politics, there's also a strong foundation for the corruption and entitlement present in the Republic during the Prequel/Clone Wars Era. It emphasizes just how radically different Padme, Bail, and Mon Mothma are for fighting for equality for everyone in the galaxy.
Now for character studies!
Dooku is already showing signs of falling to the dark side, even before the whole choking incident. His righteous indignation and anger at the treatment of the citizens in the face of Dagonet is admirable, but it quickly devolves into just anger. It's no longer about those he's trying to save here, it's about how he feels about the entire situation with the Republic Senate. Not to mention that instead of attempting a more peaceful form of diplomacy when looking for the Senator's son, his first move is a veiled threat, laying his lightsaber on the table. (Side note: sick as fuck to see those lightsaber handles in blue and not red)
Qui-Gon, on the other hand, doesn't give us much to go off of, other than that he's compassionate and clearly wants to avoid bloodshed (i.e. death/murder) at all costs. While in line with how he's portrayed in the films, I'm hoping for a little more from in the next couple episodes, as I believe him to be woefully underdeveloped on screen.
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