allthecanadianpolitics · 11 months
A Manitoba judge has upheld the province's ban on homegrown non-medical cannabis, saying it is within its rights to impose the regulation.
The ruling is in a case brought before the courts in August 2020 by TobaGrown, a cannabis advocacy organization, which argued that the federal Cannabis Act doesn't give provinces and territories the permission to implement a ban, and that the existing regulation is overly punitive.
In her written decision, released last Friday, Manitoba Court of King's Bench Justice Shauna McCarthy rejected a claim that the ban was unconstitutional and an infringement on federal jurisdiction.
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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visionsofthefu · 2 years
So fucking what? I'm sick of this puritanical cult that thinks they have authority over us. When exactly did we sign contracts saying we would never do recreational drugs? When did we ever vote on this? When did we ever sign up to this fascism? Fuck off. These laws are ones belonging to arseholes who think we should bend the knee to them. Fuck the police who hold up unjust laws for the puritans. Fuck you. Enough is enough. This is ridiculous. Fuck your shitty laws. It's not protecting people, it's about punishing people for doing something that is natural to human culture. Fuck this fascism. I'm sick of it.
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antiprohibit · 19 days
Is Drug Prohibition Compatible with American Ideals?
The American Flag is a symbol of the efforts of the people to form a more perfect union with their government. Drug prohibition, the legislative effort to outlaw the production, distribution, possession, and consumption of certain substances, stands in stark contrast to many core Western and American ideals. As the West prides itself on values such as personal freedom, limited government…
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darqx · 1 month
Lawrence x Rire perchance ? I would love to see my two favorites together :]
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This was supposed to be part of an answer dump but i decided to separate it lol. Redraw of this pic!
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dotmo · 2 years
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marilynthornhilllover · 3 months
I know that you love me, you don't need to remind me,
Emily. P x Jennifer. J x Fem!Reader
Warning: talk of drug consumption, reader is high, mood swings, use of guns (weed) , bad flirting, mommy kink, praise kink, teasing, cringe kiss etc .
A/n: I saw that new jennifer and emily episode where Emily was high and they were so cute! Had to make a fic😌
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It was that quite long awaited time of the year where criminal agents are given two weeks off from work. You were beyond exhausted but nevertheless was very happy to finally be able to take off your FBI vest and feeling relieved that you won't have to be picking it up for another week or so.
You soon realized that you literally didn't have plans arranged for the upcoming two weeks ahead, or even tonight. Everyone was pairing up as they packed up their office stuff and headed out. Spencer and Derek laughed and gave eachother a high five as they made their way downstairs to sign out while Emily and jj were already giggling about some random joke as they continued to pack up.
You nervously decided to walk up to them standing in the corridor like a shadow making sure not to seem creepy— but maybe you were doing the opposite. Ever since you joined the team, yes you did make friends but no one ever went the extra mile to offer to hang out with you. Only Emily would now and then eat lunch with you at her desk.
Jennifer wasn't bad either, she did offer to help you with a case file once, you went over to her house which you complimented her for the cozy interior, and yes the boys were also good to you but on a employee holiday like this no one was paying any attention whatsoever to you. They already plans of their own.
You on the other hand, had none, all you were gonna do was shower, eat, sleep and repeat for the next week or so. Nothing productive, not as if you had anything to do either. Prentiss and Mantegna had insisted that someone help you with case files so its not as if you have a major cade to crack over the holiday.
You were as free as a bird and your energetic self needed something to reinforce that energy into. If you could have went on a cruise for two weeks you definitely would have.
Emily scoffed at Jennifer's joke before turning around and spotting you cuddled up in the corner like a little mouse. She tilted her head to the side before approaching you with a warm smile.
" hey hon, you got any plans for the holiday?" She asked chewing a piece of gum that she had been for the entire day — somtimes you wonder if any flavour at all is still existence in it.
" uhh nope, but I'll sure my couch has plans for me though" you said sarcastically and of course she laughed, because Emily laughs at anything and everything which you did find cute. Emily always made sure that she kept everyone at a level where they felt at their absolute best when around her.
She was never mean to anyone really. Always funny, ambitious, smart and talented she was everything. Sometimes her aura was just too high, but she was always still approachable and not prideful.
Emily was like one of those drugs that you couldn't stop using because it feels too good, and when you do take it, it altars with your entire brain function and chemistry.
And speaking of chemistry, that was something you and Emily had alot of. Everytime her eyes made contact with yours, you felt as if your body was thrown into the deepest pits of hell. You'd get shivers everytime she passed you or called you a pet name. You'd go completely weak in your knees when she made the littlest amount of psychical contact with your skin — it was absolutely ridiculous just how easily she could get under your skin.
Or the time when you were making coffee in the kitchen and she needed to grab something from the top shelf and she moved you by putting her hands on your hips, with her chest pressed so closely against your back with face by your neck.
Emily made you question things. You knew you always had a thing for older women, always, since highschool and it never seemed to go away. And Emily was exactly your type, you just weren't sure if she felt the same way in return and you didn't wanna ruin the amazing friendship you both had by letting your stupid emotions and hormones get the best of yourself.
" well I'm sure you'll find something to entertain yourself, JJ and I are hooking up at her place tonight for snacks and a movie" she placed hands on her hips are she turned to look at jj who was texting away on her phone before turning back to you. You gaved her a akward smile, before a breathy nervous laugh escaped your mouth.
" hooking up huh" you saw as her eye brows quirked before a sly smile came into evidence on her face and quickly glanced at Jennifer who was now angrily texting before taking a step closer towards you, closing the the last gap space that was there. Her body heat and perfume over took your senses making your breath hitch.
You pressed your palm against her chest sneaking a quick glance at jj and the camera above. Emily was looking at you with a teasing smirk, she leaned down besides your ear and whispered.
" do wanna hook up with me as well?" She pulled back to see the reaction on your face and just as she imagined it was absolutely priceless. She chuckled before pulling away completely.
" oh my God emily would you leave poor y/n alone, let's go already" Jennifer said with a tint of exhaustion and annoyance her voice. Emily chuckled before gently caressing your cheek. The both women waved you goodbye before departing and going their way.
You sighed before picking up your bag and leaving, you locked your office door and went home. You did decided to walk with a few case files home and evidence objects to keep yourself busy during the holiday to stop yourself from going insane from the intense boredom you were prone to have.
— — — —
Emily and Jennifer had just sat down and were about to enjoy their late afternoon with wine and salt and vinegar chips when a continuation of loud knocking could be heard on jj's front door. Both women looked at eachother with utter confusion on their faces — the weren't expecting anyone. Jennifer decided to get up and go check the door, Emily following closely behind with her hand placed tightly on her gun.
The door bell soon started ringing along with the knocks which triggered Jennifer even more. Unlocking the door Jennifer threw it open, not caring what stood on the opposite side of it, after all emily was ready to protect her best friend at all cost, even if it meant shooting someone in their foor.
" if I had my way I swear I would—" as soon as she saw you she stopped talking, her eye brows quirked as she squinted her eyes to make a better appearance of your face in the dim moon light. Emily let out a soft sigh when she saw you but quickly went back into a state of worry at the same time.
Now you had both women wondering what you were doing at their house.
" y/n? I didn't know you were coming over, did Emily invite you?" Jennifer turned around hoping to get a confirmation nod from Emily but she shook her head and pursed her lips, letting her know she was just as confused as her.
" Well aren't you guys a bit rude, aren't you gonna invite me in?" You muttered but before they could react you let yourself in. You carefully walked down the long fancy corridor switching off some lights on your way because they made your eyes burn, making your way to the living room area, having knowing your way around jj's house since the last two times you were there.
You stumbled over the coffee table and landed right onto the sofa, face first with a soft groan. You dropped the ziplock bag of cheese puffs you had brought onto the floor.
She walked up to you and you and sat beside you on the couch, she picked you up by both your forearms and made you look at her.
Both women side eyed eachother, both in desperate need to know what on God's green earth was going on. Jennifer leaned against the wall to further scrutinize you. Emily on the other hand was just worried how you got here on your own with no car or phone.
" hey y/n sweetie are you..... drunk?" Her voice sounded like when water got into a phone speaker and you tried to play a song— you couldn't understand it. You rubbed your eyes and glanced at the table to which your face instantly lit up when you saw the salt and vinegar lays chips.
You grabbed them ferociously then took out some chopsticks you had stuffed in the back pocket of your jeans and started eating the chips. At this point both women were flabbergasted, mouths open, jaws dropped. Jennifer took a deep breath before she turned around and went to her fridge to grab you a drink to help you sober up because it was crystal clear that you were beyond drunk, drunk was an understatement.
" what time is it?" You suddenly asked putting the chips down and dusting off your hands.
" time for some hydration, here you go" Jennifer said as she passed you a bottle of cold cranberry juice. Once again your face lit up like a child on Christmas day.
" ohhhh, it's got what plants crave!" You exclaimed. The look on Jennifer's face when you said that was priceless as Emily silently continued to look at you with a completely blanket stare.
You placed the bottle of juice at the side of your head as if it was an ice pack and burped. You cleared your throat before speaking up again.
" have you guys seen that movie! Idiot city!.... wait city Idiot... wait... yeah" it's like your body was replaced with a child's and this called for huge concern. Emily sighed heavily and took the bottle from your hand.
" Idiocracy?" Jennifer whispered and you nodded.
" I knew I liked you! Ohhh, I and on my way here I saw a cat jumping off your house roof then it turned into a dog and flew away as a mosquito" you said before the loudest laugh took you over that you almost started crying.
Emily whispered " oh good lord" before she shook her head, Jennifer was still completely and totally lost for words. Jennifer had a feeling that being drunk would not cause someone to behave like this— well of course she knew, she's a profiler. She had a feeling you were high, but she didn't want you to act out and she would need proof for Emily because knowing her she wouldn't believe for a minute you would do drugs.
" umm y/n what's in the bag?" Jennifer asked and your eyebrows quirked, you placed your finger at you ear urging her to repeat even though she was so damn close to you.
" What's in the bag" she repeated as she dragged her words this time. You shrugged.
" I don't know what time the supermarket closes" emily stood up and walked towards to kitchen to grab her phone, you had the agent stressed. Jennifer just took it upon herself to grab the bag of " cheese puffs" before she walked towards emily.
" look I know you may not believe but I have a pretty good feeling that, that girl right there is literally the profound definition of what we call high" emily scoffed.
" Oh come on, she probably had too much wine I mean weren't we just about to drink wine as well?" She restated trying to convince Jennifer, but honestly to this rate she just couldn't, Jennifer was already convinced from her own opinion.
" emily elizabeth prentiss which wine do you know makes someone this drunk?" Jennifer asked, emphasizing on the last two words of her sentence. Emily shrugged before looking back at you, who was now sniffing the air every two seconds like a curious dog. Jennifer rolled her eyes before opening the bag of cheese puffs and taking a sniff.
She gaged before pulling away quickly.
" this smells like straight up weed!" She swiftly turned to let Emily have a sniff, to which Emily pulled away as well. Jennifer closed the bag and turned it around where there was writing in black. " DO NOT OPEN, CONTAINS CASE 101 EVIDENCE".
" you ate the case evidence! Oh my god!" Jennifer looked like she was going to erupt like a volcano and her high pitched tone of voice was making your head hurt and ears ring.
" I was hungry, and I didn't know that they were edibles" you whispered as you squinted your eyes since it was getting harder to see. Jennifer looked at you in disbelief as she turned to Emily for back up. Before Emily could utter a word Jennifer was already furious.
" Emily, don't even! She basically ate the entire bag!" She shouted. She saided pacing the room with her fingers gently massaging her temple to calm her.
" what are we gonna tell hotch, or even worst David" Jennifer covered her face with her both her hands before leaning over the kitchen counter.
" Well I mean, she probably just ate the backup stash, it should be fine, we should really be worrying about is her health" emily muttered scratching her head. Jennifer looked up at emily as her jaw dropped.
" your defending her?!" Emily raised her hands in defense but before she could reply Jennifer took the chance.
" I seriously cannot believe you right now!" Jennifer once again, started pacing the room, this time even more quicker.
" Oh come on jj, what are the odds that people make silly mistakes like these?" Jennifer stopped, and looked at emily with wide eyes.
" Well with the odds as high as her I'd say zero!" She said angrily before picking up her phone.
Emily sighed before looking over at you who was now eating the chips and gnawing your teeth wildly making crumbs fall all over the place. In a way Emily felt bad for you, mostly pity because she knew what you did was down right stupid but Jennifer was being a tadbit too harsh on you in your current position — knowing you couldn't properly comprehend the situation or what was going on.
" ok I'll take her home and we can speak to the team about this tomorrow when y/n is a better state of mind, ok?" Emily said in a reassuring voice. Jennifer sighed in frustration before biting her lip and nodding approvingly.
Emily carefully picked you up off the couch and wrapped her arm around your waist as she insisted to take you home safely. Her body warmth was comforting and her perfume was like a lullaby putting you to sleep this time. You melted in her embrace as she took you outside.
Your vision was blurred and the cold air on your skin — although you had a jacket on, was making you shiver. Seeing this emily hugged you tighter. She opened the door to her wagon and assisted you into the passenger seat and putting on your seat belt for you. You looked at her, she looked like one of those ancient paintings,the ones you can't withdraw your eyes from, the Renaissance ones.
You weren't sure if maybe it was the drugs or the hormones that came after taking the drugs but you felt the need to kiss emily, your eyes flicked down to her lips that were slightly parted as she concentrated on getting the seatbelt to adjust to your liking. Her smooth skin and wrinkled lines that ran across her forehead and eye line area, her little cute eye bags from all the hard work she does.
You couldn't resist the urge, she was a drug, she was your drug. You licked your lips and leaned in. Your lips connected with hers in a slow soft kiss. You closed your eyes and allowed yourself to enjoy the moment. Emily didn't pull away, she was surprised yes, but she didn't pull away. Emily couldn't cover up the feeling she felt for you but she also didn't want to take advantage of your drunken state.
Taking it that she was enjoying it as much as you, you tried to force your tongue into her mouth but that's when she pulled away. Your brows furrowed and for a moment the drugs may have returned your common sense and you realized what you did — what you were trying to do. And soon the embarrassment and cringe settled in.
" sorry, oh God I'm so stupid!" You whispered as you fought back tears, you covered your face with both hands and started sobbing. Emily sprinted around to the drivers seat to comfort you. She gently peeled your hands away from your face, holding your palms in hers she caressed them with her knuckles softly. You sniffed and shook your head in denial before looking out the window.
" hey, sweetheart look at me please" her voice was as soft as an angel and so gentle as if you were something valuable that could be broken, that's something you loved about emily, she was so comforting in all circumstances, no matter what. She placed her hand under your jaw and turned you to look at her. She stared at you with her cute Bambi eyes so filled of love, and she so badly wanted to say " I love you" but she knew you wouldn't be able to comprehend them.
" look y/n, i wanna— kiss you back but I can't. That doesn't mean I don't want to, I just want you to be able to give me your full sober concent." She spoke as slowly and clearly as possible so you won't misinterpret anything.
" and your not stupid, we all make mistakes my love. Once I accidentally— well I got drunk the morning of my Law exams and failed them, and that did set me at a disadvantage for my career but I still made it into this job" she continued to rub your knuckles and wip every tear that fell from your eyes.
" and this joke takes y/n, but it also gives.... it gave—" she took a deep breath before exhaling heavily. " it gave me you." Hearing these words made your heart flutter souly. Your little smile came across your face which emily mirrored.
" now, my sweet girl, my I take you home?" She spoke in a old French accent waving her hand a fancy motion, You both laughed until you were out of air. after the laughter died down She chuckled and placed a hand on your thigh squeezing the tender flesh which made your breath hitch.
The drive home was long but certainly not quiet at all, you and Emily blasted high 2000s music all the way until she arrived at your home. You knew there was gonna be alot to discuss the next day but you should be fine once you have emily by your side.
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tentacle-therapissed · 3 months
If Light Yagami smoked weed his overthinking would increase by 1000% and he’d implode instantly but if L smoked weed he’d mellow tf out for once and that’s the difference between the two of them
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benevolentcannibal · 8 months
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let's go in the garden, you'll find something waiting 💚💀
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politijohn · 11 months
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turtletaubwrites · 7 months
Bend Until You Break ~ Part 3
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Thank you so much for this request from the lovely @anemptypuddingcup !!🖤
Pairings: YANDERE!Trafalgar Law x Fem!Reader
Bend Until You Break ~ Masterlist
Word Count: 3208
Ao3 Link
Summary: Law gives you the choice to go against your doctor's recommendations as you begin your recovery. Are you clear headed enough to make the right choice?
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, DARK CONTENT, DUBCON, Dubious Consent, Swearing, Eventual Smut, Yandere, Manipulation, Power Imbalance, Hypermobility, Medical Examination, Medical Trauma, Medical Conditions, Chronic Pain, Injury, Physical Disability, Physical Therapy, Doctor/Patient, Abuse of Authority, Kidnapping, Possessive Behavior, Other Additional Tags to be Added, (Reader is described as having hair "above her shoulders" that she can brush), Needles, Drugs, Arguing, Massage, Praise Kink, Pain, Dissociation, Humiliation, Gaslighting, Non-Consensual Drug Use, (Implied)
A/N: I hate hospitals 😩 But for Law I might make an exception... Some of these medical issues may or may not have come from personal experience 🙃
Extra A/N: I am not a doctor, and this is not meant to be educational, or to contain any health advice. Please seek a health professional.
| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 |
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What is that sound? There’s another sound.
That soun–
A strangled cry left your throat, pain tearing through you.
Tight, fuck it’s so tight, can’t–
Your eyes were still too droopy to open as your hands scrambled at your neck. A sharp pinch twisted against your right wrist, and you felt the pull of wires restricting its movement. 
That beeping noise was louder now.
“Y/N, you’re okay, it’s okay. I’m right here.”
Law’s deep voice pulled you out, giving you a reason to open your eyes. He pulled your hands away from scratching at the neck brace, and you slumped with relief at his touch. 
Only to let out a choked scream at the pain.
“Shh, I’ve got you. Can you stay still for me? I know you can, you’re so strong.”
“I don’t want to be strong anymore.”
Your confession slipped quietly from your trembling lips as you tried to acclimate to the pain, tried to be still for him. 
His brow creased as he looked down at you, and you felt pathetic. You wanted to take it back.
Law brought those cool, tattooed fingers to your face, leaving featherlight touches along your temple and cheek. Your eyes fluttered closed, burning tears starting again.
“You’re right,” he rasped, brushing your tears away with his fingers, leaving the tissues in their box this time.
“You’ve been strong for so long, haven’t you? You shouldn’t have to fight so hard every day.”
Gentle sobs left your throat, interrupted by a small gasp.
His hand still traced your face in soothing lines, until he brushed his tear soaked thumb across your lips.
Your eyelids were still heavy, but you held them open to melt into the storm gray eyes above you. 
“You don’t need to be strong with me, Y/N,” he breathed, close enough to leave the warmth of his words on your face. “I’ll save you.”
I’m with Law. I’m okay.
Foggy dreams of Law’s hands on your face made your skin flush before you opened your eyes. 
That beeping got louder as you fought off the embarrassing thoughts you were having about your doctor’s hands, but the slight shift you made in the bed had you forgetting it all, groaning in pain.
“Nice and slow, Y/N. You’re safe, just take some deep breaths.”
Your doctor stepped into view, his eyes scanning your body before gifting you with a gentle smile. 
Attempting a small stretch of your arms was a bad choice, but it brought your attention to the rest of your body. 
The bed was still angled so that your upper body was lifted. Lying flat had been excruciating. But even with your raised position, it was difficult to look down at yourself over the neck brace. 
“Where are my clothes,” you muttered, looming horror growing at the feeling of a hospital gown against your skin. 
“I apologize, Y/N,” Law admitted gently, tilting his head toward the beeping machine. “I needed to monitor your vitals to ensure your safety since we used that medication to help you sleep. I’m afraid I had to cut through your top to avoid injuring your neck further. I was able to save your bra, and I have scrubs you can wear once your neck is healed enough for you to pull the clothes on by yourself.”
He just said a whole bunch of words. 
Your brain decided the best way to handle all of the emotions flying through your head was to ignore them.
“Why do I have an IV?” You changed the subject, lifting your wrist, and tugging all the tubes with it. 
“Again, since you hadn't had that drug before, I took this as a safety precaution. I assumed you would prefer a single needle versus the potential of many if I needed to administer more medication,” he explained as he disconnected you from the tubes, but left the placement on your wrist. “You’ve also been receiving fluids, which is essential after the traumatic night you had.”
A nod made you wince, so you thanked him softly, feeling warmth move through your chest as another hint of a smile touched his lips. 
“Do you have the energy to move, Y/N? I’d like to show you the room, and do another physical exam to see if you’ve improved since last night.”
The thought of moving hit you with the sudden realization that you needed to fucking pee.
“Is there a bathroom,” you asked, holding your breath from embarrassment. 
“Of course, it’s right here. Let me help you.”
After many whimpers, and groans, and heavy breaths, you were on your feet. Shaking with pain as he led you to the door, you knew that nothing else could have motivated you to walk right now. 
“Do you need help sit–”
“I’ll be fine,” you blurted out, closing the door. 
He’s my doctor. This is fine. He’s helping me because I’m injured, and he’s my doctor.
Those thoughts did not diminish your embarrassment, especially when you did struggle to fucking sit down. 
Gritting your teeth, and clinging to the safety bar, you managed to keep at least some sliver of your dignity by not yelling for him to help you. 
Shame rocked through you as you washed your hands, avoiding looking in the mirror. You didn’t want to know how wrecked you looked. 
But you looked anyway. 
You wanted to splash some water on your face, but couldn’t bend down to do it. 
“Y/N, are you doing alright in there?”
“I’m fine,” you called out as you fought with the ties of the gown. 
Oh my gods, he took all of my fucking clothes off.
That knowledge kicked in again as you tried to make sure every inch of your ass was covered.
“Can you put me to sleep again,” you half joked, taking his hand as he helped you through the door. 
“We don’t want to overdo it,” he said in that serious tone he’s so good at, leading you slowly toward the center of the room.
He sat backwards in that rolling chair. 
But his chair isn’t that color…
“Is this the same room,” you interrupted him, looking around by turning your body instead of your head. You couldn’t tell if the weird sounds you were hearing were real, or if you were just getting a headache from moving around.
“No,” he hummed, nodding slowly at you. “I’m impressed you were able to notice that in this state.” 
You followed the line of his arm as his tattooed finger pointed to a large door. 
“Those are my quarters. I had you moved to an adjacent room so that I can be close if you are in pain, or become injured again. That vent is open so I’ll be able to hear if you need me.”
He shifted his hand again, and you turned to follow it, your eyes a bit wide.
“You already know where your bathroom is. The third door leads out into the corridors of the Polar Tang, but Y/N,” he said, his voice taking on more force, “I request that you refrain from leaving these quarters until you are steadier on your feet. I would hate for you to become injured under my care.”
“But how–”
“Y/N,” he rasped, that low voice pulling you in, “let’s complete the exam before you tire yourself out, alright?”
“There you go,” he purred, “I love seeing you take care of yourself. Do you consent to me touching you?”
Your ‘yes’ was barely audible as you tried not to let his words, and the way his words sounded with that dangerous voice, make you fall over. 
Feeling his fingers on you might be your favorite thing in the world. Even as you whimpered in pain while he checked along your shoulders and spine. 
“This seems to be the problem area,” he noted, tracing lightly over your left shoulder down between your shoulder blade and spine, rubbing along a few of the vertebrae. 
“But my neck?”
“Everything’s connected, Y/N,” he breathed over your ear, making you shiver and wince. “Don’t worry. I’ll help you learn how your body works.”
Fuck, his voice.
There was no way, no fucking way that you could be dripping wet in a hospital gown while your body was stiff with pain. No way that tight coil of pressure could be building in your core over the only doctor that had ever helped you, ever believed you. 
I can’t fuck this up. 
“Are you feeling alright?”
“Mhm,” you lied, catching yourself before you nodded this time. 
“Let’s have you sit down. We need to take the brace off, so I can examine your neck again. It is going to be painful. Are you ready, or would you like to take a break first?”
“Fuck fuck fuckfuckfuck.”
“You are doing so well for me,” Law praised, gently removing the brace to press against your neck, asking you questions while you tried not to move.
How can I like his fingers touching me like this? What is wrong with me?
“Look at you. I’m so proud of how you’re handling this,” he rasped, soothing your whimpers as he secured the brace again.
“When will I be able to go home?”
Law’s jaw shifted a bit as he sat back, and it felt like the air in the room got heavy. 
“As your doctor, I had to make the call to protect your health. We left your island, and my recommendation is that you remain with me for the time being. I think we both realized that one more week of treatment would not be enough support for your chronic condition. This incident with your neck further proves your need to receive continued treatment.”
“Left the– We’re underwater,” you said in a small voice, realizing what the strange clanking sounds in the background must be. 
“You took me away,” you asked softly as your boyfriend’s warnings about Law started playing in your mind.
Fear ran through you then, and the metal room grew smaller, your oxygen growing harder to find. Panic hit your lungs, fast, shallow, useless breaths spiking your neck with pain.
“Y/N,” he drawled, that voice almost frightening now.
“But you were going to be there another week. Why did you take me? Why–”
“Y/N, I will take you back right now if that's what you want,” he soothed, voice warm and inviting. “Please let me explain why I had to make that choice. You weren’t able to make decisions for your own health and safety at the time. As your doctor, I had to do what I believed was best for your wellbeing.”
You stilled, your breath slowing, but staying shallow. That fuzzy distance started to take over, but you dug your nails into your palms to try to focus on what your doctor was saying. 
“Your boyfriend came to the ship in the morning, demanding to take you home.”
The image in your mind built up. That fight. The keys you left in the open door. 
You jolted a bit as Law laid his hand on your clenched fist. 
“He refused to listen when I explained your condition, and that it would be dangerous to move you so soon. He…” Law took in a heavy breath, looking to the ground as he shook his head. When he met your eyes again, his were deep and sad, but etched with kindness. 
“Y/N, your boyfriend accused me of taking advantage of your ‘obsession with being sick.”
Those words were thick like the nausea rising in your throat. 
He did say little things sometimes. Things that made it seem like he didn’t believe me. 
Law’s thumb stroked the back of your fist until you relaxed your hand. He took it in his before continuing with a gentle voice.
“He threatened to return with a group to take you by force. You are my patient, Y/N. I could not in good conscience release you in this current state. I had to make the call since couldn’t.”
That inner distance was coming again, all the sounds feeling washed out. Until he squeezed your hand, leaning in close. 
He smells good. 
“As your doctor, I must always do what is in your best interests. I believe that you should remain here under my care, at least until we have time to make progress with physical therapy. Until you feel safer in your own body.”
Your eyes had to close. It was all too much.
“However, it will always be your decision, Y/N,” he comforted. His voice was smooth, and thick, like some rich dessert. “If you choose to go against my recommendations, I will turn around right now. If you want to go back home, I will take you. All you have to do is tell me what you want.”
A trembling mouth opened, but you had no words to speak. 
“Y/N, I need you to really think about this. Think about what’s best for you.”
Law massaged your hand as he spoke in that liquid voice, a shiver breaking you out of the fog. 
“Where was he, Y/N,” he asked, not pausing for an answer. “You walked all the way here on your own, didn’t you? The amount of pain you were in was frightening, yet you chose to suffer alone. Why didn’t you ask for his help?”
He caught your rush of tears with a tissue, his voice raspy as he came closer to dry your face. 
“Do you want to go back to a place where all the doctors treat you like you’re crazy?”
Years of frustration, anger, and pain fell on you, but you tried to stay present, tried to think straight.
“Do you want to go back to a family that doesn’t believe you? To a partner that believes you’re pretending, that thinks you want to be sick?”
No. You didn’t.
But you tried to let it go, tried to think without emotions. You wanted to shake your head, to move, to fling some of these sickening feelings off of you. 
But you couldn’t move. You were in too much pain. 
And Law is the only person who cares. 
“You know, Y/N, I understand exactly how lonely and angry you must feel.”
He trapped you in the stone wall of his eyes again, and you’d never seen this look on his face before. 
“When I was a child, myself and everyone I knew got sick. They all died.”
“Even though I wasn’t contagious, even though I was just a child, every single doctor treated me like I was trash.”
The hand that was holding yours was squeezing tighter while you were frozen by his barely contained rage.
“There was only one person in the world who cared about me,” he muttered, the tension in his shoulders easing a bit.
“He did everything he could to save me. Even when I fought him. Even when I hurt him... He never stopped.”
The overwhelming closeness you’d felt in that metal room was easing, and the heat of tears building in your throat wasn’t for yourself this time.
Law rested his palm against your cheek, and that foggy dream floated through your mind.
“I’m not like all those doctors that abandoned us, that left us to suffer all alone,” he rasped, the twitching of his creasing brows giving you more emotion than you’d seen from him before.
“I will never abandon you, Y/N.”
His promise filled the air, as if this metal room were a ringing bell, the vibrations wracking through your body.
I feel like I should be scared. But why? He’s helping me. No one has ever helped me before. He’s just intense because he knows.
He knows this pain even more than I do. 
Of course he’d do all of this to help me. He’s just helping me.
Law kept his hand on your cheek while he waited for you to think. He didn’t push, just gave you time. You heard the heart rate monitor starting to slow as you breathed with him.
He had taught you to follow his breathing during exercises, and now it felt natural, soothing. 
“I want to stay with you. If you want to help me.”
“Of course I want to help you,” he purred, brushing a few strands from your forehead before stroking his fingers through your mussed up hair.
“I’m your doctor. You can trust me.”
“Are you alright,” he answered as he charged through the connecting door.
“I’m fine. Well, the same,” you reported, trying to shift your body up the bed. 
It was getting difficult for you to tell the passage of time underwater, but you knew it had been at least a week.
Your pain was reducing, and your range of motion was improving, but you were still on bed rest unless Law was with you to guide your movements.
“I’m sorry to bother you,” you said, a sheepish grin pulling at your lips. “I’m just… I’m so bored, Law. And if I listen to Bepo’s Uta tone dial one more time, I’m going to go insane.”
That crooked smile made your skin flush as he walked toward you. He started piling pillows onto your lap, gently moving your arms out of the way before propping them up.
“I believe you’ve healed enough to read a book with some support,” he rasped as he brought his fingers to your skin. He pressed lightly against your shoulders, your jaw, and around the edges of the brace. You only winced a little when he stuck his fingers in to check the tightness.
“Although, you’ll need to make sure you’re not straining yourself, so we’ll have to start with short periods of time. Can you do that for me, Y/N?”
“Yes,” you agreed with a smile. It felt like your birthday, finally getting to open and enjoy your presents.
“You like mysteries, right,” he asked as he walked toward the door.
“Oh, uh, yeah.” Your smile wilted just a bit as you tried to recall telling him that.
You hated being so loopy all the time. It felt like you were missing out on parts of your life. 
“This is one of my favorites,” you almost squealed, catching yourself before you wiggled in your hospital gown.
“Really,” he teased as he took it back, flipping through the pages. “I’ll go find you something you haven’t read then.”
“No, please. I love it, thank you.”
“Show me how you’ll be holding it, Y/N.”
Law’s hands on your arms made you crave his massages more than seemed healthy. With your neck as it had been, he wouldn’t risk hurting you. 
You still couldn’t lie flat anyway.
But I’m getting better. Then we can start. He can teach me how to take care of my body. He can touch me again.
Your own thoughts sent blood rushing to your face as you dove in, getting lost in one of your favorite mysteries. 
Even though you knew who the villain was, you always loved the thrill of the chase. 
And you still weren’t sure who you were rooting for. 
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a/n: I'm having so much fun 😈
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Tag List: @shewrites02 | @jadeddangel | @metonimia-de-bellota | @3v37773 | @dewdropsandfrogs | @nubigenouss
Part 4
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| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 |
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visionsofthefu · 2 years
The war on drugs is fascist and based on puritanical ideologies. It's the modern day equivalent of the 'witch-hunt', where a certain group are scapegoated and targeted for societal-ills, based on their recreational activities, rather than being about justice or about 'protecting people' which they claim their fascism is doing. Sure, there is some scope of 'protecting people from themselves ' but this is not the primary reason for the laws we are presented with.
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antiprohibit · 19 days
The Case for Legalizing and Safely Producing All Drugs
A farmer gathers his crop’s production The argument for legalizing and safely producing all drugs is gaining traction, driven by a mix of public health and economic concerns. The current approach to drug policy has failed to stem the tide of overdose deaths, with over 600,000 people having lost their lives to acute drug overdoses. To put that in perspective, this is more than the combined combat…
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thus-spoke-lo · 3 months
cw: gn!reader. yandere-ish law. implied medical abuse, captivity. use of restraints. non-consent due to drugging. use of needle/injection. using prompt from here. // Yandere Minific Masterlist
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The world fades in and out. Breathing feels like agony. Bursts of pain rocket through you as you wake, then sleep, then wake, then sleep again. Nothing is real until it is, until you finally open your eyes and see Law standing beside you, bathed in sterile white light.
“Oh good, you’re awake,” he says, something hidden behind his measured tone. “Thought I lost you there for a little while.”
Lost you…?
“But I—I was fine.” And you were fine, as far as you recalled. The skirmish was small, a rogue pirate ship trying to claim Law’s bounty was woefully underprepared when they attempted to board the Polar Tang, but you were holding your own…weren’t you? Sure, you took a few hits from dulled blades but that was nothing new and certainly nothing life-threatening. The last thing you can remember through this haze of pain and whatever is drip-drip-dripping from the I.V. bag attached to you is the feeling of being knocked forward by something heavy, a weight crushing you—then nothing, nothing until now.
You start to sit up but a thick leather strap over your chest pins you to the bed, and you’re suddenly aware of something around your wrists—handcuffs.
“Is this…” You trail off, keenly aware of Law’s predatory gaze as you start to protest. “Are these really necessary, captain?”
“It’s for your own safety,” he responds, tilting his head to stare at you, almost pityingly. “You’re too delicate. You need my protection.”
“But...I was fine.” And you were fine, the last you recalled. How in the hell could someone have gotten the jump on you so quickly?
“You only think you’re fine.” The condescension in his voice is almost palpable. Law starts to place his hand on yours and pauses, hovering just over it, just close enough you can feel the smooth latex brush your skin before he retracts and walks stiffly to the other side of the room. “Just…just let me heal your wounds, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart? Since when did your captain call you pet names?
You glance around the room and it looks odd—this isn’t the sick bay or the surgical theater on the Polar Tang, this is somewhere else entirely, it must be. You know your ship inside and out, you’ve restocked and organized those rooms hundreds of times and this was not your ship. Where the hell had he taken you?
“Captain,” you murmur, your throat painfully dry, tongue sticking to the roof of your mouth, “where are we?”
Law freezes in place, his back to you. “We’re on the Polar Tang.”
“No.” Your heart begins to pound, breathing becomes harder. “No we aren’t. Where are we? What did you do to me?”
“Do to you?” Law turns to face you, a syringe held tightly in his hand. “How could you ever think I would hurt you?”
“Captain, please I didn’t mean—”
The heart monitor screeches as you struggle against your restraints and Law rushes to your side, shushing you as he injects something into your arm, something that burns when it hits your bloodstream, something that takes the fight out of you as it moves like magma through your veins. It’s hard to move now, your limbs heavy, eyes grainy. Your pulse slows, breaths become steady and quiet again, like a heavy blanket was dropped on you, holding you down.
“It’s all okay now,” Law coos as he mops the sweat from your brow with a damp towel. “I’ll keep you safe now. I’m not going to lose anyone else I love, not again.”
Love. The word swirls around in your mind, again and again, until everything begins to fade and all there is, as your eyes flutter shut against your will, is Law.
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aha-chuu · 1 year
Can't stop thinking about the fact that Wriothesley is a former underground boxer.
Was it... legal? Did he do it for money? For the thrill? He's called a "Duke" now, but it's unclear if that was a title awarded for his ascension to the head of the Fortress of Meropide (like the monarch "knighting" outstanding people (Sir Patrick Stuart for example)). It's perfectly likely that he had a humble start in life.
The livestream also confirms that Wriothesley is a somewhat recent addition to Meropide, so I'd say he's only had this role for a few years at most. Does that mean he was boxing up until recently too?
Wriothesley is covered in scars (there's a huge one on his neck)... Is that from his past? Did someone pull a knife out in a fight, or was he attacked afterward from some disgruntled opponent?
If this was an illegal practice, he could have been set up to lose a fight and refused, then attacked by whatever mob bosses he fucked over.
Idk. I enjoy the idea that in his younger years he wasn't quite so upstanding - I have this image in my mind of little twenty-something Wriothesley getting caught when the underground fighting ring got taken down. Everyone's put on trial but really Neuvillette & the courts care about the organisers, not the fighters that got caught in the crossfire. And Wriothesley is all freshly scarred and clearly not guilty of all the financial crimes going on behind the scenes.
Obviously there's some class disparity in Fontaine. Wriothesley has that voiceline "don't break the law... seriously" but he also reformed Meropide and treats the reasonable inmates as equals. Imagine if that came from his history, seeing his peers be punished for actions that society forced them into. And maybe Wriothesley got off lightly, but he'd be able to empathise with all the people who didn't.
And there's that official art of Wriothesley and Neuvillette in the office together, which obviously doesn't confirm that they have met (yoimiya & Kaeya art lol), but they almost certainly have. So I wonder if it was that near miss with a guilty verdict that put Wriothesley on Neuvillette's radar. Neuvillette is caring, so maybe he took steps to help the people who got caught up in the fighting, including Wriothesley. And it's those connections that later allow Wriothesley to take a position in Meropide, making the reformations that treat those who are guilty more fairly.
Anyway yeah. Wriothesley.
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embracetheshipping · 7 months
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