techniktagebuch · 11 months
Herbst 2023
Kein Auftrag ist auch keine Lösung
Im Rahmen meiner Berufstätigkeit als forensischer Unfallanalytiker bekomme ich einen Auftrag eines brandenburgischen Landgerichts. Während Berlin bedruckte Papierstapel aka Gerichtsakten verschickt, sind viele Bundesländer schon weiter. Leider hapert es an einem funktionierenden digitalen Postzustellsystem, an dem man auch als Teil der Privatwirtschaft partizipieren könnte. Für Rechtsanwälte gibt es das beA. Aber alle anderen gucken ziemlich in die Röhre. Manch einer hat sich zwar eine Lösung über EGVP gebastelt. Das ist dafür aber eigentlich nicht gedacht. Dann gibt es noch das eBO mit dem Ableger des MJP. Aber das ist allenfalls für Einzelpersonen, aber nicht für Organisationen (vulgo Firmen) geeignet. Um dem ganzen die Krone aufzusetzen: Ich habe zum Aufschreibezeitpunkt am 2. Januar 2024 ein DE-Mail-Postfach für die Firma eingerichtet. Dazu kann ich aber noch nichts berichten. Ich wusste bis vor kurzem gar nicht, dass es das überhaupt noch gibt.
Aber wo war ich vor diesem Ausflug in die Niederungen der digitalen Zustellungen im Behördenwesen stehengeblieben? Richtig, bei der Art und Weise, wie nicht-berlinische Gerichte Aufträge zustellen, nämlich (tadaaa!) per USB-Stick mit Passwortschutz. Das Passwort steht dann im Begleitschreiben. Auf dem Stick findet man, wenn man Glück hat, eine Datei mit dem Namen "Gesamtakte.pdf", hat man Pech, nur eine Sammlung kryptisch benannter Dateien als Sammlung von Schriftsätzen, Beschlüssen, Benachrichtigungen und so weiter in loser Schüttung.
Der Auftrag enthält außerdem den Hinweis, dass ich den Inhalt des Sticks keinesfalls auf meinen Computer kopieren darf. Wenn ich das Prinzip richtig verstehe, wird in dem Moment eine temporäre Kopie im Arbeitsspeicher angelegt, wenn ich eine Datei auf dem Stick öffne.
Da den USB-Stick ungeöffnet zurückzuschicken, auch keine Lösung ist, und beim Eingang der Stick in unserer Firma ohnehin schon auf Viren gescannt wurde, nehme ich den Auftrag an und bearbeite ihn bei Zeiten.
(Markus Winninghoff)
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Der GAU bei Microsoft
Entwendeter Schlüssel viel mächtiger
Alles ist bis heute geheim, Microsoft sagt offiziell nichts über einen wahrscheinlich bereits im Juni entwendeten Masterkey. Aber eine US-Behörde hatte Microsoft auf seltsame Vorgänge in ihren Online-Exchange-Konten aufmerksam gemacht, weil sie in Protokolldaten verdächtige Zugriffe auf ihre E-Mails registriert hatten.
Microsoft gestand, dass mutmaßlich chinesische Angreifer, die Microsoft als Storm-0558 bezeichnete, sich Zugriff auf das von Microsoft gehostete Exchange Online vornehmlich europäischer Regierungsbehörden verschafft hatten. Dafür wurde ein Signaturschlüssel von Microsoft genutzt, mit dem man sich selbst funktionierende Zugangstoken für Outlook Web Access (OWA) und Outlook.com ausstellen kann - also ein Masterkey.
Dies hätte eigentlich nur für "billige" Privatkundenaccounts funktionieren sollen, doch die digitale Unterschrift funktionierte auch im Azure Active Directory für Business-Kunden. Doch es kommt noch viel schlimmer: Die auf Cloud-Security spezialisierte Firma Wiz behauptet, dass sie mithilfe des von Microsoft veröffentlichten Fingerprints weitere Möglichkeiten des Mastekeys identifiziert hätten. Dabei hätten sie festgestellt, dass der gestohlene Schlüssel nicht nur bei Microsofts Exchange Online funktioniere, sondern fast überall in der Microsoft Cloud.
Und noch schlimmer: Damit ist nicht nur der Exchange Mail Dienst, sondern das gesamte Azure Active Directory betroffen. Sogar in die in Unternehmen selbst betriebenen Azure-AD-Instanzen und deren Cloud-Appikationen können/konnten die Angreifer mit dem Schlüssel eindringen. Inzwischen hat Microsoft den kompromittierten Schlüssel gesperrt - der Vertrauensverlust ist dennoch enorm.
Mehr dazu bei https://www.heise.de/news/Neue-Erkenntnisse-Microsofts-Cloud-Luecken-viel-groesser-als-angenommen-9224640.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3vi Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8470-20230725-der-gau-bei-microsoft.htm
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l3viat8an · 8 months
Roooooo hellppppp I’m having Lucifer smut brain rot- I know you’ve talked about this before but it’s just stuck in my brainnnnn
Imagine Lucifer overworked at his desk in his secret study just all this stress in his body that he doesn’t know how to relieve since he hast to finish these papers. MC noticed this and while he goes to the bathroom or gets another cup of coffee you sneak into his office and hide under his desk.
When he sits down again you run a hand up his thigh that causes him a jolt, he looks down to see you and before he can even ask what the hell you’re doing, you respond with a sultry comment about how you’re going to help him relieve tension as he works.
Que MC slowly massaging, licking, and taking his cock in their mouth. It doesn’t even register to Lucifer when he stopped reading his papers and just zoned out feeling MCs touch on his cock as he lets out quiet whimpers and groans. But he does know how badly he needed this.
Omggg I did talk about it a lil bit before!!! Taking care of Lucifer when he won’t stop working is an absolute must!!
Lucifer is startled when he feels a hand on his thigh, but quickly relaxes again when he realizes what you're doing-
He looks down to see you under his desk, a small smirk on your lips and he swallows hard, his eyes darkening as you start to free his cock. The papers and work long forgotten, as he focuses completely on the sensation of your touch.
"And what do you think you’re doing?" he breathes out, his hands resting on the armrests of his chair as you ignore his question. and instead lick the little beads of pre-cum from his tip, before taking him into your mouth, sucking gently and then letting your teeth graze over his length as you pull back only to suck him deeper into your mouth.
Lucifer can't stop the soft groans that slip passed his lips. He's never felt such relief and pleasure from a simple blowjob before. How bad did he need this? Really it’s almost like you're a soothing balm for his stress, and he can't get enough-
"You have no idea how much I needed this." he sighs and lets his eyes close, leaning back in his chair as he lets you take control. Just this once.
Your skilled mouth is driving him wild, and he can feel himself getting closer ‘n closer to the edge.
As Lucifer's pleasure builds, he can't help but reach down and grip your hair, more to ground himself then anything else. still letting you go at your own pace, "That's it, MC, ahh~ Keep going. Make me come."
He's so close now, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. You can feel his cock twitching in your mouth as he struggles to remain in control. But he’s not- you are. he groans of pleasure turn to needy moans as his grip tightens in your hair. Your eyes locked onto Lucifer’s face, he’s so cute like this, face flushed a deep red, letting you take care of him….
Lucifer's hips jerk up suddenly and you’re both caught off guard a little off guard from how quickly he came….and without warning you- he really did need this~
You swallow every drop, feeling the power you hold over him.
Lucifer collapses back in his chair, panting softly before he gestures for you to get up and to come sit on his thigh. leaning up to give you a quick kiss and whispers “Thank you,” against your lips, you giggle, giving him another sweet kiss and say “You’re welcome~”
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talk-danmei-to-me · 1 month
Pondering whether I should start treating 7 seas danmei translations like pokemon and y'know buy them all.
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iwt-v · 5 months
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"I'm Gentleman Death in silk and lace,
come to put out the candles.
The canker in the heart of the rose."
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gomacave · 4 months
raises you sephiroth in victorian goth attire (from that ask with the juri robe)
Not quite goth and not completely victorian but this sparked some sort of animalistic desire to draw seph in house of worth coats in me. + bonus aerith
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Love how i’ve been clocked as a fashion history liker lol 😭 i love rgu and anyone who mentions rgu to me gets +500 points in my mind. Also to me seph is a bit juri coded. Pathetic futch lesbian. So cool and good with a sword but secretly soooo sooo lonely and patehtic……
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valfeathers · 1 year
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quick sketch of my boys
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amethvysts · 5 months
ai liv eu amo TANTO o cenário vc e enzo na casa de praia, passam o dia juntos, no fim do dia ficam agarradinhos na rede e depois ele te comendo lentinho 😓 se você desenvolver isso serei feliz pra sempre
ai, diva, pq esse cenário realmente é meu sonho de consumo 🤧
logo no início do relacionamento, vocês decidem sair juntos em viagem. afinal, você só conhece uma pessoa numa viagem, né? então, embarcam numa roadtrip deliciosa pra alguma cidade no litoral. é ele que dirige, mas você toma conta da playlist e a viagem inteirinha é repleta de conversas sobre a paisagem, memórias de infância e um carpool karaoke muito improvisado.
dias de férias são daquele jeito que vocês já estão acostumados. acordar bem cedo pra aproveitar as praias — que o enzo sabe exatamente onde fica porque ele que planejou o itinerário e sabe olhar mapas —, ficar o dia de molho na areia até tarde, voltar pra casa que vocês alugaram, tomar um banho e meter o pé pra aproveitar a cidade e as feirinhas. compram anel combinando e ele sai comprando aquelas camisas de “fui pra não-sei-onde e lembrei de você” pra família.
mas, é claro que no meio da viagem vai rolar aquela vontade de um contato mais íntimo. vocês não são de pedra! e tão viajando justamente pra se conhecer! além disso, não é como se o enzo não ficasse duro sempre que te vê andando pra lá e pra cá com o teu biquininho vermelho. ou se ele não tivesse vontade de só arredar tua calcinha pro lado sempre que te vê paradinha na cozinha de manhã, usando só uma camisa dele e uma calcinha de renda que catou na mala, e te comer contra o balcão.
então, quando vocês transam pela primeira vez na viagem, acontece de forma muito natural, mesmo que estejam um pouco estabanados pelo tesão acumulado. os dias agitados não estavam permitindo que vocês só curtissem uma leseira dentro de casa, descansando, e quando surge a oportunidade, nenhum de vocês vai negar. depois de um lanchinho gostoso no café da tarde, isso é tudo o que vocês dois mais querem.
por isso, ele vai te beijar da cozinha até chegarem no quarto. a boca envolvendo a sua em um beijo lentinho, mas que deixa bem claro que ele quer te comer todinha. as mãos exploram o seu corpo, apertando a polpa da sua bunda até subir pros seus peitos, antes de agarrar sua nuca. ele chega até te olhar de cima, os olhinhos cor de âmbar semicerrados enquanto ele morde o seu lábio, se afastando só pra sussurrar o quanto precisa te foder.
é o tipo de foda em que ele se dedica a admirar e amar cada partezinha do teu corpo. as mãos traduzem em toque o quanto ele te venera e a boca murmura elogios contra a sua pele, já quente por ficar debaixo do sol por tanto tempo. distribui beijos molhados nas marquinhas do seu biquíni, deixa marcas de dente contra o corpo bronzeado, “você não faz ideia do que faz comigo, nena”.
antes de finalmente entrar em você, enzo aproveita pra só encostar o pau contra sua buceta. esfrega, te provoca, quase colocando a pontinha só pra subir e alcançar teu clitóris mais uma vez. apoia suas pernas nos ombros largos e usa da posição pra trilhar beijos ardentes da sua panturrilha até o pé. mas segura os teus tornozelos assim que, pra acabar com a tortura, se afunda em você. joga a cabeça pra trás, deixando um gemido longo e aliviado rasgar a garganta.
é um amorzinho que vai noite adentro. as mãos e as palavras cheinhas de carinho te confortam e te instigam a testar novas posições, a falar todas as sacanagens que surgem na tua cabeça — o que, se fosse com qualquer outro cara, você jamais cogitaria confessar em voz alta. te estufa, pressiona o seu ventre sempre que te sente gozar e coloca as tuas vontades a frente das dele, sempre. os quadris batendo contra os seus, numa foda barulhenta e deliciosa, não querem só te trazer ao ápice, mas enzo quer que você sinta prazer como nunca sentiu antes.
só vai parar quando vocês estiverem realmente muito cansados pra continuar, quando sentir que só de te tocar a pele, você treme e tenta se afastar dele, super estimulada. aí, vai te chamar pra deitar nos braços dele, te aconchegando até recuperarem a respiração, e então, quer te deixar super confortável na cama pra te limpar. “a gente deixa o banho pra amanhã, tá, amor?” não precisa muito pra te convencer, mas as palavras saem com tanto amor dos lábios do uruguaio que você só consegue assentir, com a cabeça vazia.
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girl-intrigued · 1 month
Contrary to Damian I think those photos of Marta and Fina kissing are truly beautiful and should be framed. They are actually perfect, in black & white and the leaves blurred with only Mafin in focus.
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P.S : I think Marta should give the photos to Fina so Fina can use them as a bookmark in her Madam Bovary book.
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Dancer and celebrity Cléo de Mérode
French postcard, mailed in 1904 to Toulouse, France
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laniidae-passerine · 3 months
I need to abuse Santiago in ways that contravene the Geneva Convention so I can fix him. and I need to save Claudia from the horrors. can someone go get me a torture matrix and a time machine please
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adoreine-archived · 7 months
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— furina / focalors rentry graphics 𝜗𝜚
🎮 please remember to credit me if you use anything that i made ! , ★
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 7 months
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eID des ePerso nicht mehr sicher?
Identität lässt sich auch hier stehlen
Die Antwort ist JEIN, denn ein anonymer Sicherheitsforscher mit dem Namen CtrlAlt hat zwar ein Beispiel aufgezeigt, wie ein Endgerät eines Anwenders durch eine über eine Pishing Mail erhaltene verseuchte App kompromittiert werden kann. Aber in so einem Fall gilt, wie bei allen Fällen, wo Menschen aus eigener "Dummheit" auf Angriffe hereinfallen - selbst schuld.
Mit dieser schnellen Antwort wollte sich Jürgen Schmidt, Leiter heise Security, nicht zufrieden geben und hat das Problem näher untersucht. Er geht vom Anspruch des eID-Verfahrens aus, den sich die Bundesregierung mal gestellt hatte und sagt: Doch der Anspruch des eID-Systems war und ist es, eine digitale Ausweisfunktion bereitzustellen, die auch dann noch sicher ist, wenn das Endgerät des Anwenders kompromittiert wurde – etwa wie hier mit einem Trojaner. Da hält die eID ihr Versprechen als unabhängiger Vertrauensanker nicht ein.
Im weiteren nennt er zwei Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten, eine davon lässt sich schnell anwenden. Es wäre bereits eine Hilfe, wenn die Nutzer eine Liste des BSI einsehen könnten, welche Apps und welche Updates vertrauenswürdig seien und eventuell auch Hinweise zu aktuellen Fake Apps als Warnung. Das BSI prüft diesen Vorschlag zur Zeit.
Der zweite Vorschlag geht ans Eingemachte. Dazu muss man wissen, dass eine ID-Feststellung in der eID App mit einer URL der Form eid://... beginnt. Solche URL-Schemes gelten bereits seit einigen Jahren nicht mehr als sicher, vor allem, wenn sich jede App, also auch ein Trojaner, dort registrieren kann. Sowohl für iOS als auch für Android gibt es sogenannte Universal URLs, bei denen definierte Deep-Links zum Anbieter den Aufruf einer App triggern, wie Heise Security vorschlägt. Die Antwort des BSI auf diesen Vorschlag ist wesentlich zurückhaltender, denn der Ansatz der Universal Links würde "das Ziel der Interoperabilität und Offenheit/Transparenz des eID Systems deutlich einschränken".
Die eID für den ePerso war ja vor vielen vielen Jahren aus der Taufe gehoben worden, um auch Firmen die Möglichkeit zu geben eine sichere Identifikation ihrer Nutzer sicherzustellen. Über Jahre gab es praktisch keine sinnvollen Anwendungen und auch heute kommen die immer noch wenig genutzten aus dem Öffentlichen Dienst. Selbst der vor 2 Jahren eingeführte und von uns verurteilte Zwang zur Freischaltung der eID in jedem neu ausgegebenen Personalausweis hat die Nutzerzahlen kaum beflügelt.
Wir zitieren hier gern eine Meldung aus dem Jahr 2010: Notbremse beim E-Personalausweis ziehen „Die übereilte Einführung des neuen Personalausweises fällt der Bundesregierung schneller auf die Füße als befürchtet" (Die Linke fordert Verzicht auf ePerso ) und verweisen auf über 50 Artikel (s.u.) in denen wir uns mit dem Thema "ePerso" beschäftigen mussten. Wir geben allerdings gerne zu, dass eine verlässliche und sichere Identifikation immerhin eine sinnvollere Anwendung als die ebenfalls staatlich eingeführte (und inzwischen beerdigte) DE-Mail mit stückweise verschlüsselten Nachrichten wäre.
Mehr dazu bei https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/eID-und-AusweisApp-kritische-Sicherheitsluecke-aber-auch-gefaehrlich-9632374.html und alle unsere Artikel zum ePerso https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/cgi-bin/searchart.pl?suche=ePerso&sel=meta
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3z6 Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8689-20240221-eid-des-eperso-nicht-mehr-sicher.html
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lours-postal · 9 days
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2024 – 624
image sur papier photographique
format A6 
collée sur support bristol 
format A5
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crithaus · 26 days
Vax bc Liam cannot methinks help being extremely gay all the time, is the one to bring up elaina most often in far more humanizing terms which is par for the course because he brings her up so often
And vex doesn't much besides responding to Vax or the iconic "do you think this is what mother saw before she died?" and I got to wonder how often she just sits there at this tavern or that stump on her watch especially early on thinking about her and how proud or not Eli'd be of her. Like obviously Vex doesn't like herself at the beginning, she's greedy and mean and callous and had killed innocent people and is selfish and everyone but Vax expects that of her and they don't really care, but at the end of the day she's not just effortlessly good all the time like keyleth, who doesn't even have the decency to struggle at being good and kind and flush with likeable traits,
That's what syldor had wanted of her ofc, what she failed to bring him, so naturally he wishes she was a spot he could just bleach out, so then what would elaina think after all that hard work and sacrifice and the hope she'd had for the better life she and Vax would have with their father, if she knew vex had not only not lived up to anyone's expectations but had done worse
oh I bet it eats her up thinking about the possibility that elaina would be so deeply disappointed ohhh
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westeroswisdom · 2 months
« Well, I’m not on social media, so I receive a lot of beautifully articulated fan letters that are often badass as well, and I never take it for granted. I use it all as motivation. It means the world to me, and it also means that in collaboration with Amanda Knight, the hair and makeup designer, and Caroline McCall, the costume designer, that our work has really paid off. It’s a testament to their hard work and talent. So I love it all. I read every single one of them, I swear to God. »
— Ewan Mitchell at Nerdist.
So Ewan doesn't use social media. Good for his sanity! 👍🏼
But he said in that interview that he does read all the hard copy mail he receives. So if you wish to share some thoughts with him or forward a picture you've drawn of Aemond Targaryen, he said he will look at it.
For obvious reasons, he's not giving out his home address. But at the bottom of this page from Leavesden Studios, where most HotD filming takes place, there's a postal address for the studios. Just include his name at the top of the address.
Where great productions happen | The Studios
In most countries there are somewhat different regulations for sending mail abroad than for sending mail inside a country. So consult the local post office before mailing anything. You don't want your letter to be returned for some bureaucratic reason like forgetting to write United Kingdom at the bottom of the address (if you're outside the UK).
Back to the interview...
I don't know whether Ewan was quoting somebody else or if the comment was original, but he described Aemond's mindset in a rather poetic way.
"If a child isn’t embraced by the village, they’ll burn it down to feel its warmth."
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