#DC if you don’t like Jason stop including him in crossovers
ayamari-no-goshi · 1 year
For my own sanity, I should probably block the Gotham War tag. There is so much going on, and it deeply upsets me.
While I get the writers are playing at Bruce’s actions not quite being his own, this arc is showing more and more that modern writers have completely lost the compassionate Batman a lot of fans were drawn to.
Yes, he’s a deeply flawed individual, but at the core of his being, he’s supposed to be someone who doesn’t want others to hurt the way he had.
But more and more, we’re seeing him do awful things to the people he’s supposed to love to the point it goes beyond abuse even before this whole thing with Zurr. And then the writers sweep it under the rug in the next arc with whomever he hurt just coming back like it never happened.
While I acknowledge not all fans want a close-knit Batfam, most of us want to at least see the consequences of this behavior. We want those at the brunt of it to acknowledge it and turn away from Bruce. We want Bruce to see what he’s doing and work on changing.
(Edit: this was written before the conclusion of the arc. They were brave enough to make Bruce, not Zur, at fault and nothing came about because of it, which infuriates me more)
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Short Nocturn in Gotham prompt
I have an idea, and no brain space for it so here ya go. If anyone makes a story off this, please tag me!
This is a dp x dc crossover. And Anger Management because I’m obsessed with Jazz x Jason.
Jazz lives in Gotham, and works as a psychologist for Arkham. Things are going as normal as can be expected for Gotham and an Amity Parker. She’s only dealt with a few muggings and kept her head down because she’s Liminal! and doesn’t want to get the attention of a certain group of vigilantes.
What if Nocturn came to Gotham? (I don’t remember much of the episode so hopefully this tracks)
I would personally start it out trying to trick the reader. (Sorry, It’s fun!) A cute chapter or 2, where Jazz and Jason are together. So normal. Super accepting of each other. With so much fluff it hurts. But slowly, as the story goes on, more and more things seem off. Like déjà vu, like she’s done this before?? (Kind of similar to the vibe of that one Doctor Who episode where Donna Noble gets saved to the Library database. I can’t remember if it’s a 2 part episode? I think it’s called Silence in the Library??? I don’t know, and I’m not looking it up. If you see River Song’s first episode with David Tennant’s Doctor then you’ve got the right one. I think.) Jazz just slowly sees inconsistencies, and brushes them off at first. Hey, she deserves a chance to be happy, okay?! But as time goes on, there are just too many to ignore. She has a nagging feeling something’s not right and briefly wonders if it’s a ghost. But the only one that makes sense is Nocturn and he can’t be in Gotham right? Right??!
When she discovers Jason’s Red Hood, the revelation almost shocks her awake (total mistake on Nocturn’s part. He thought the vigilante thing would keep her asleep or deepen her sleep since it’s kinda normal for her with her brother). She does some quick thinking as she feels herself waking up, and yep, it’s definitely Nocturn, and decides she needs help stopping him. Makes a plan. Not a great one, but hey, it was last second. Literally.
Meanwhile Jason POV shows he’s struggling with believing it too. Thinks she’s too good to be true. (I don’t know anything about the DC universe. I’m going off of the fic Friendly Neighborhood Vigilante by @gilbirda Go check it out, it’s amazing!) And when she discovers he’s Red Hood, she does something ghostly (prolly eyes or strong stuff) and he’s like holy crap she’s a meta, and before he’s had a chance to process anything she says something like “Come find me when you wake up.” (gives me Edge of Tomorrow: Live. Die. Repeat. vibes which just feels fitting here) and shoots him in the chest right before shooting herself (non lethal bullets cause what if you can die in your dream?) and that shocks him awake.
She wakes up at her desk in Arkham to find out that all of Gotham is asleep. Thankfully this includes the villains. (But not for long!)
Does she call Danny or try to deal with it herself?
Is Danny the Ghost King?
Does Jason actually go or does Jazz have to find him?
She’s definitely questioning whether what she had with Jason was real. He does the same with her. Personally, I would keep Batman asleep for a lot of it but that’s because I know nothing about him aside from Wayne Family Adventures (which I’ve been told doesn’t count), the classic old show I watch when I’m sick, and a few episodes from Batman: The Brave and The Bold. Also Young Justice, but that was years ago. Before season 3.
If they have nightmares:
Would Jason’s nightmare be the Joker killing him?
Maybe Jazz’s nightmare is about Dan trying to kill her? Or coming back?
And that’s all I got. Maybe I’ll try to write something eventually, but right now my heart is heavy and my brain is fog. So if you have any ideas, go for it and tag me! I would love to know how you would change/finish it!
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danothan · 9 months
dc dreams i’ve had in 2023
- reconnected with an old friend who asked what i’ve been up to lately and i immediately started showing him my (non-existent) flash collection, including but not limited to: flash jacket, flash lunchbox, and a flash figure (i need all of these now.)
- superman/GL crossover comic where clark kept outshining hal and hal was getting mad abt it but then clark gave him a big ol hug and it wasn’t such a big deal anymore
- my therapist made me annotate a batman comic bc they thought i would have a lot in common with him 😭 edit: the dream that diagnosed me w ocd.
- went to an ice creamery with jason who was begrudgingly playing a video game with damian bc dami wouldn’t stop yelling at him to over messages, but by the end of the dream he was proudly showing me his scores
- wally and martian manhunter’s nephew m’hammed were friends and wally was helping m’hammed disguise himself as human and hide in society and it took ages for anyone to pick up that “muhammed” was actually a martian. also wally was a kid but barry was already dead in this version :(
and the rest of em are below cut:
- nightwing/GL crossover comic where dick and hal were cowboys that came with cowboy trading cards
- dc pride parade where multiple alt universe barries showed up, one of them had the nonbinary flag painted on their face
- babysitting damian (twice recurring)
- halbarry making plans in the gc 🙄
- found a comic where hal was an orange lantern
- wonder woman was nimona’s mentor
- yja artemis finally became a character in the comics and they made a figure of her to celebrate!
- halcarol wedding in an airport
- brought my hal and superman plushies with me to go somewhere but i got confused why barry wasn’t with me :(
- tried to buy a christopher reeves’ superman vinyl for my sibling’s bday gift
- barry puppy plushies. 5 of them. woke up to have NONE.
- some terrible stuff was happening idk, i was too busy infodumping abt barry to someone and making sure they wrote it down. archiving history as the world ends ig, that’s my contribution
- found an awful comic called darkseid warside (?? had nothing to do w darkseid) that was beautifully drawn and had sooo many fun characters details (ex: barry won the lottery and named his winning ticket betty, there was also a letter in his handwriting that was perfect for character studying, hal kept sneaking selfies to commemorate his time w carol, ollie and roy were simultaneously trying to figure out how to talk to each other again and it was sad + sweet, etc) but it was so horribly written. so so ooc, basically injustice again but so much more gory, thawne died in the first issue and it wasn’t even bc of the flash, it was superman ripping his body into two and there were intestines splayed out everywhere (in front of the young justice too). it was so awful, but the character details and panelling were so unique, everything i couldve asked for, so i lamented abt having to buy it. the clerk was like “you don’t have to” and i was like “but im gonna 😔”
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tessatechaitea · 4 years
Justice League International #9 (1988)
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I guess that means Black Canary will have to defeat the Manhunters.
I read The Lord of the Rings trilogy when I was twelve and I'll admit that I thought Éowyn killing the Witch-king was a pretty good twist on the prophecy that he would not be killed by the hand of man. Later, as I got old enough to despise everything in the world because my sense of wonder had been worn down to a nub like a well-used eraser, I realized twelve year old me was a credulous little rat bastard who wouldn't know a good twist if it jumped up out of the lake as a drowned zombie boy and pulled him under just when he thought the film was over and he was safe. Wait a second. I don't want to discuss Éowyn anymore! Maybe I'll get back to it but I've just realized something more important. If Jason had drowned and remained a little boy from 1957 to 1979, how does he become a grown ass adult in the subsequent movies?! I suppose serious Friday the 13th fans believe Alice simply imagined being pulled into the lake, since the police found no trace of a small boy. And the actual Jason didn't drown at all but received such severe brain damage that he decided to live in the woods like Grizzly Adams. Maybe he didn't even remember his mother until she showed up to murder all those counselors and he learned who he was by observing the first movie from the woods. Then we was all, "Man! That woman killed Ma! I'll show her you can't behead my Ma and not get beheaded yourself!" Hmm, that was too easy to solve once I spent any time at all thinking about it. I wonder how many hours I could lose looking up what actual fans of the franchise think? I'll never know though because I dislike fans and fan theories almost as much as I dislike my twelve year old self for being so amazed by the Éowyn twist! Maybe the Éowyn twist is just as good as I thought it was 37 years ago. It's not like I've ever gone back to re-read The Lord of the Rings. I've only read a handful of books more than once in my life and have never re-read a book immediately after reading it until now with Gravity's Rainbow. You can blame Thomas Pynchon on my lack of reading comic books lately because his book was so fucking good and had so much going on that I had to read it again immediately. This issue takes place during the big DC Millennium event so it might be a bit confusing for me. I'll be damned if I'm going to dig through one of the forty comic book boxes lying around just to find Millennium to read before this.
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No thanks! I think I'll just muddle through!
Remember when DC had huge events that crossed over into every single comic they put out but were totally boring and inconsequential and didn't have "METAL!" in the title? I'm so glad those days are over and Scott Snyder has made crossover events super fucking hardcore and radical again! *five minutes of mouth guitar noises*
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Oh! Is this some of that Éowyn-like prophetic foreshadowing?!
Rocket Red #7 has to be the most lame attempt at having a team member betray the team, especially since he's immediately replaced by Rocket Red #4. "Whoa! What a twist!" I probably thought back at my still tender and rat-bastardly age of sixteen. Rocket Red #7 comes right out and tells everybody that he's a Manhunter. I guess part of the Manhunter philosophy is to first try and recruit man. If unsuccessful, only then do you hunt man. Batman explains to Manhunter Rocket Red #7 how to painfully shove offers like that up excretory orifices. After Black Canary gets on his ass several times for not including her in his exclamations of "gentlemen," Manhunter Rocket Red #7 learns to say, "No man—or woman—can escape the Manhunters!" So I guess no Éowyn twist this time. Hell, I'll probably never learn the twist for how the Manhunters can be defeated because that's the kind of plot point that's going to take place in the actual Millennium issues. And I probably won't re-read those for another few years!
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"Suck on this, manhunter!" was my most commonly used phrase in college.
Black Canary is so concerned about gender equality maybe she should be scolding Batman for not hiring any other women. Rocket Red #7 beats the shit out of everybody inside the ship (not Beetle's Bug for some reason probably explained in Millennium #1) and then flies out to stand on top of it and not say he's king of the world because Titanic wasn't the huge breakout romantic hit it would be a decade later. What a great movie! It had everything! Boobs, guns, people dying. Like an Agatha Christie novel but with boobs! Once Rocket Red #7 is outside of the ship, the members of the Justice League with actual, non-screaming-related super-powers take notice of him. That's because they're flying to show off to the others their super powers. The characters I'm talking about are Guy Gardner and Martian Manhunter. Booster Gold is also flying outside the ship but he's just a small town thief with a Legion flight ring and a force field. He doesn't even have a manly bulge in this super tight suit! One thing I learned that maybe I knew once but probably not for long because I don't think it was ever front loaded as part of his characterization is that Rocket Red (like all Rocket Reds) is a techno-empath. That means his suit allows him to control technology by crying or getting angry. If you know for a fact that it means something else, just keep it to yourself, okay? This isn't fucking Wikipedia. It's a stupid joke review blog that, most of the time, forgets to even review the comic book. Nobody knows how to stop Rocket Red #7 from crashing the ship into a Bialian oil refinery because if they try to stop him, he'll blow up the ship and kill everybody inside. Which, you know, will happen anyway if it crashes into the oil refinery. So I don't know why nobody tries to stop him anyway. They just fly ahead to save civilians. Luckily Rocket Reds #1-...I don't know, 53 (minus #7) save the day! I guess they use their Techno-Empathy to shut down Rocket Red #7's eyeballs.
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Oh yeah, Rocket Red #7 dies here. I mean, not here, exactly, because nobody stops the Manhunters. He dies a little later after the jump scare out of the pile of debris scene.
Max Lord consults his mysterious robotic sounding friend about the Manhunter threat but the dumb thing doesn't know any more than he does. Lord mentions that the Manhunters have gotten close to all of their potential recruits while looking at a monitor with those recruits. One of them is Halo and Geoforce from The Outsiders! Oh why oh why couldn't Halo have become a member?! Halo was my pre-Sailor Moon role model. I think I've just always wanted to be a hot young woman. Oh yeah. Didn't Doctor Jace turn out to be a Manhunter? The story ends with Maxwell Lord's personal assistant shooting him because she was also a Manhunter. How all these people were Manhunters, I'll never know! I suppose it's like when you've been playing a Dungeons & Dragons campaign for four months and suddenly one of the NPCs turns out to be a polymorphed dragon and you're all, "Holy shit! What a twist! This DM is devious!" But in reality, the DM only thought up the twist thirty minutes before that night's campaign. It's pretty much exactly like that. Every writer at DC must have gotten a memo from editorial that read: "One of your characters needs to be a Manhunter. It doesn't matter which one but it would be a lot more exciting if they were an important part of the team!" And Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatties read their memo, shrugged, and concluded they were only willing to rid themselves of Max Lord's secretary and the stupid, replaceable Rocket Red. A second short story finishes up this issue. It's about Jack-o-lantern of the now defunct Global Guardians being wooed by Bialian Rumaan Harjavti. He wants a super group of terrorists to threaten the Western world with. I guess they'll become Bialya's version of Qurac's Jihad. If it ever comes together, of course. Jack-o-Lantern would just be using Rumaan's money and support to get a new global team together. Probably. Justice League International #9 Rating: B. Did you know China has a university called the China University of Mining and Technology? That acronym is so close to being disgusting! Some translator should point it out so they can come up with a synonym for "mining" that begins with an "n" so they can sell a ton of school merch to the West.
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commonratmiraculous · 5 years
DC Crossover AU | swear warning
So all the Gotham AU’s have Marinette leaving Paris to fend for itself which while I’m not against the idea of Marinette going on holiday or getting a break seems a bit unrealistic for both Marinette’s personality AND that of the Batfam. It isn’t out of character for members of the Batfam to go to different countries for extended periods of time however.
So I propose this (though I apologise to Daminette shippers because this isn’t for you) older psydo-siblings Marinette and Adrien AU:
Damian, ten years old, is now living with his father and has just been told that everything he has learnt growing up is a lie and he should abandon it immediately.
Obviously, this doesn’t go down well with the ten year old ex-assassin in training.
To make matters worse Batman has just not-died? Everyone thinks he’s dead and there’s a lot of in-fighting in the family.
Tim wants to remain Robin, Dick thinks Damian should be Robin. There’s a lot of expectation on his shoulders and Damian still has no idea who he is as a person: most ten year olds at least think they know who they are.
So Damian just packs a bag, hijacks a JLA teleporter/zeta-tube and books it to Paris in the middle of the night, resolving to tell Alfred and Barbara where he is over video message because it would be easier.
Why Paris? Well they face near apocalypses regularly enough that Damian won’t be thrown off guard when he returns to Gotham.
While being different enough he won’t get bored.
It doesn’t take long for Barbara to demand an explanation for why Damian is suddenly in Paris of all places.
There’s an attack while Damian’s video chatting her and he can tell she feels guilty but he’s sticking to himself on this one.
Babs isn’t the type to disagree with Damian needing time away from the clusterfuck that is their family. Makes sure he has money and an apartment with a secret room for training and gear etc.
Babs actually wants to know more about the situation in Paris, most of the videoes look fake to her but her systems can’t figure out how. Damian is officially running a mission for Oracle.
He ends up pulling out his katana to help protect a few younger children who got seperated from their parents or carers in the park. Damian doen’t really have to do much, but he’s got a sword and that makes the kids feel safer.
Ladybug and Chat Noir notice the surprisingly capable child with a sword.
After the attack Chat Noir is the one to talk to Damian, who isn’t quite sure what to say just that everything he’s learnt about his upbringing thus far has been a lie and he’s looking to escape his expectations a bit.
Honestly, a ten year old who ran away from home to be free is the kind of person who gets Adrien’s immediate respect. And Chat promises to help with that but asks Damian to stay with a friend first.
Said friend is Marinette.
Damian pieces things together and assumes the two know eachothers identities because why would you work on a team and not know who the other person is.
Outs them both, Marinette for being Ladybug and Chat for being whoever the posters on the wall are.
When he realises what happened he - having been raised in a particularly large cult - suggests a magical secrecy vow that stops others from being able to overhear or read the secret. That way the danger of the other person knowing is reduced to zero.
He then suggests they train together because clearly they haven’t been doing enough of that and their enemies probably are.
Adrien talks about getting Chloé to help enroll Damian in Dupont, Damian decides to test to skip a few years so he’s in the same classes as them.
He likes being able to talk to people who don’t automatically assume he’s an idiot because he’s young. Though he’ll deny it.
There’s another call from Dick who is exactly the embarrassing guilty older brother he’s expected to be.
Meanwhile, Marinette and Adrien are steadfastly refusing to acknowledge they like eachother.
Marinette believes that Adrien is having second thoughts about his love declarations to Ladybug because he’s not saying anything. While Adrien is falling over himself because Ladybug turned him down and Marinette won’t speak to him at school and oh no.
All sides of the love square are aware of eachother but it’s still alive. It’s exactly that stupid.
By the time Dick has finished calling Wally has made it to the bakery to pick up Damian and take him to his new apartment. Damian taking both of their numbers so that he can contact them and vice versa.
Adrien and Marinette have found some kind of common ground by the time Damian is in Dupont taking tests for skipping a number of grades. It’s probably somewhere in Marichat territory.
This change shocks everyone in their class at the same time.
When they meet Damian they’re even more confused because Marinette and Adrien have bonded over co-parenting a ten year old???
Jason was the one who got away from Gotham when he heard that and he would not stop laughing.
Damian does make it into their class.
Kim thinks he can tease Alix over the fact she’s as short as a ten year old.
Damian teaches Alix how to flip Kim and she does.
Alix, Nathaniel and Damian are really good friends from then onwards.
Which is good because I’ve always headcanonned Damian getting into art.
Damian and Lila do not get along, though he’s treating her presence as a training exercise on building tolerance. He said as much to both Adrien and Marinette causing them to laugh.
Various members of the Batfamily have had few interactions with Gabriel Agreste, including but not limited to snarky comments about how they made it into school for Careers Day while living in the States.
Team Miraculous have also had encounters with the JLA. They’ve ended particularly badly in the beginning because of how the JLA was apparently aware of Tim’s breakdown over Bruce not being dead and looking for him, while not doing anything to provide help or listen. People who do that aren’t welcome in Paris.
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majingojira · 5 years
Batman Real-Time Aging Timeline
One of my fun hobbies is, well, a crossover universe where things age in real-time.  I’ve been working on a timeline involving masked vigilantism, and Batman is, of course, central to it.   Presented below is part of that rough timeline.  Things are still in flux, but understand that the primary sources for this are a few select crossover stories (IE: Batman & Captain America, Batman & Tarzan: Claws of the Catwoman, Batman vs Predator, Batgirl & Ghost, etc), and stories that involve real-time aging for the Bat-Family (IE: John Byrne’s Generations -- though even that is a bit weird).  And Pulps.  Lots and Lotas of Pulps.  Also, things are taken with a “Imagine trying to figure out what happened at Pearl Harbor when all you have to go on are the movies made from it” and most comics fall under the Michael Bay version.  
I’ll focus on dates of birth, mantel adoptions, marriages, retirements and the like, but I’ll also mention fun crossovers that occur along the way. Not all of them, but some.   So, brace yourself for weird.  But I did my best to include EVERYONE.  
1917 - Bruce Wayne born. 
1928 - Dick Grayson born. 
1929 - The Shadow saves the Waynes and their son from a mugger.  (Batman #259 - “The Night of the Shadow”) However, he only delays the inevitable as the Waynes are gunned down in front of the young Bruce who swears to never let that happen to anyone else. 
1930 - James Gordon, in an effort to clean up Gotham, takes to some mild vigilantism himself as “The Whisperer.” He does so for only a year before finding it too taxing.  Also: 
1931 - Barbara Gordon born. 
1937 - Bruce Wayne adopts the mantle of “Batman” to prey on the superstitions and cowardice of the criminal lot. 
1939-1945 - World War II
1939 - Batman/Tarzan: Claws of the Cat-Woman - Batman and Tarzan team up on an adventure.  A Wayne founded expedition to Africa was corrupted by Finnegan Dent (an uncle to DA Harvey Dent) and they looted ... Wakanda.  It’s Wakanda.  Sure, they don’t call it that, but Wakanda is already in the crossover universe, and how many bast-worshiping Egyptian civilizations exist in Africa?  One is enough.  Also, The Cat-Woman is a princess priestess of Bast stealing back the looted artifacts and uses a black leopard themed outfit for her escapades.  So, yeah, Catwoman is The Black Panther.  And she’s a dark-skinned African Woman named Khefretari.  The adventure concludes with her having to not use the mantle and ascend to kingship with the death of her father, but it is not the end of their story as she still has artifacts to return...
Batman and Superman meet for the first time. 
The Justice Society forms. As a social club for vigilantes and superhumans to unwind in.  They mostly share stories and shoot the breeze, but occasionally teamed up for larger missions, especially when America entered WWII. But it’s primary purpose is networking and recovery. 
1940 - Dick Grayson’s family is murdered in front of him.  Bruce Wayne adopts the boy and Dick soon joins Batman on his adventures as Robin the Boy Wonder.  
The Masked Vigilante Boom of the 1940s begins in earnest, with many people taking to vigilantism to battle crime. Black Canary and Green Arrow get their start among many others. 
1941 - Detective Comics #63 - Batman battles the master thief Raffles. 
1945 - Batman Meets Captain America - The Joker may be evil, but he’s at least not a Nazi! He ends up in a gulag for his troubles. He doesn’t find it very funny. 
1948 - The House of Un-American Activities starts to target Costumed Vigilantes.  The Justice Society disbanded in response.  Diana Trevor, Wonder Woman, starts working from inside the system to counter McArthy and J. Edgar Hoover.  Subtly and openly, be it the Holiday Girls (secretaries make excellent spies) or secretly abetting other superhumans. Still, most costumed vigilantes retire at this point.  As for the rest... Some are apprehended, others sign up with the government, and others still are killed in FBI Raids.  
As Superheroes are under fire from the government, several class-action lawsuits also hound more public figures of superheroes, and only a few survive with their reputations and resources intact. 
1949 - Dick Grayson goes to College (and later, law school).  
Khefretari/Selina Kyle finishes her mission and abdicates her role as Black Panther.  With the aid of Diana Trevor, she explains her situation to the UN world court.  In the end, she still serves some time for what she did (Colonizers gonna Colonize), but she is effectively let off with a slap on the wrist.  She did this to help mend the rift between herself and Bruce Wayne.  Doing so, however, removed her from the line of royal succession. Her brother, T’Chaka, father of T’Challa, becomes the next Black Panther.  Khefretari’s timing, however, could have been better, for you see ... 
1950 - Bruce Wayne marries Julie Madison.  
Bruce Wayne jr. born. 
Dick Grayson takes over as Batman II primarily with Bruce focusing a bit more on Family life.  However, he cannot leave it fully alone. 
Kathy Kane and Bette Kane attempt to help out their cousin Bruce on various cases, as Bat-Woman I and Bat-Girl I.  
1953 - Batman #253 - Batman and the Shadow meet as crime fighters for the first time. 
Kathy Kane and Bette Kane retire as Bat-Woman and Bat-Girl.  
1954 - Batman #259 - Batman and the Shadow meet again. 
Barbara Gordon is off to a party, and her own “Batgirl” costume gives her a minor edge when she stops a crime in progress. Thrilled with the idea, she begins to operate as Batgirl II.  Eventually getting Dick and Bruce to agree.  Because she will not take ‘no’ from either of them. 
Sandra Wu-San a.k.a. “Lady Shiva” is born. 
1955 - Julie Madison and Bruce Wayne divorce. Even married, even with family, Bruce is a might obsessive with this vow of vengeance.  
At this time, Bruce Wayne begins matching his wits against a man the comics report to be “Ra’s Al Ghul”, the Demon’s Head. He is also known as The Devil Doctor, Fu Manchu.  
Khefretari/Selina Kyle is now a free woman. 
1957 - Bruce Wayne marries Khefretari/Selina Kyle.  Helena Wayne born.
1958 - Batman: The Brave and the Bold “Trials of the Demon!” - Batman is summoned back to the 1890s by Jason Blood for help escaping being blamed for occult crimes.  Jason is subdued, but Holmes and Watson are there to help Batman adjust and rescue Jason Blood/The Demon Etrigan from the forces of hell itself. 
1959 - DC Comics: The New Frontier - The Centre attacks. 
Diana Trevor works out a government organization to better employ multi-mystery-man operations in the future with her at the head and thus limiting access to their identities or technologies by the other branches.  This is often called “The Justice League” or “The Avengers” among other things.  The laws about costumed vigilantism are changed somewhat.  The short of it is, Good Samaritan Laws apply now to people in masks, but vigilantism is still illegal.  Most Superheroes work either for government agencies or are deputized by such, work as private investigators, or bail bondsmen.  Some still act independently of that, but again, Good Samaritan laws apply. This is why the “No Killing” rule became so common in superhero stories at this time.  
1960 - Dick Grayson marries Barbara Gordon. They have a son, James Grayson.  
1961 - Birth of Jason Todd. 
1964 - Dick and Barbara Grayson’s second son, Dick Grayson Jr, is born. 
1966 - Batman/The Green Hornet - “A Piece of the Action”/“Batman’s Satisfaction”
1971 - The New Scooby-Doo Movies “The Dynamic Scooby-Doo Affair” - Batman and Robin meet Mysteries Inc. 
1973 - Barbara Grayson christens Helena Wayne as the new Batgirl (Batgirl III). Barbara Grayson refines the “Oracle Database”
1974 - Dick Grayson is critically injured on a case and retires as Batman.  Bruce Wayne Jr. becomes Batman III. 
Detective Comics #446 “Slaughter in Silver” - The new Batman crosses paths with The Shadow. 
1975 - Jason Todd is taken in by Bruce Wayne jr. 
1975-1984 - The “Biomega” War. 
1977 - Khefretari is nearly killed after suffering blackmail. Helena is incensed by this and becomes the Huntress to reflect her darker outlook. 
Batman Family #18 “A Choice of Destinies” - Helena Wayne joins the Lawfirm her family runs: Cranston, Grayson, and Wayne.  Founded by Bruce Wayne (Batman), Dick Grayson (Batrman II) and Lamont Cranston (The Shadow). 
1978 - Stephanie Brown born. 
1979 - Jason Todd starts college, Dick Grayson Jr. steps up to become Robin IV while he’s away.  Jason is ... a little annoyed at this, but doesn’t speak up about it. 
Tim Drake is born to Jack and Angela Drake.
Formation of The “New” Teen Titans, the prior group being a publicity op and little else.  The members are gathered by Raven, a sorceress daughter of an extremely powerful demonic entity (The First? Nyarlathotep?).  They include a Founder alien living on earth known as Garfield Logan or “Beast Boy”, Dick Grayson Jr. as first Robin IV and then Nightwing I, Kori’ander a.k.a. Starfire (a Vigori of Oden’Tall), Victor Stone a.k.a. “Cyborg” (a more severe cyberization given to a high school senior after a terrible accident than that of Steven Austin), and the amazonian handmaiden to the royal family known as Troia or Donna Troy/Wonder Girl. They are ‘supervised’ by Wally West a.k.a. The Flash III.  
1980 - Barbara Gordon survives an assassination attempt, but is left paralyzed from the waist down.  
The Oracle Database becomes the Oracle Network.
James Gordon sr. is tortured and nearly killed by the same assassins. 
Helena Wayne marries Santo Bertinelli, a young man born into a Mafia family who turned on them out of a sense of justice.  Helena Bertinelli Jr. born. 
Batman vs. The Incredible Hulk: The Monster and the Madman 
1981 - Fu Manchu/Ra’s Al Ghul meets his final end. Several groups spawn from the dissolving of his group, and others expand their bases of operations with the power vacuum established.  These include the Atlas Foundation, The Hand/The Foot, the League of Assassins, and the League of Shadows. Bruce Wayne and Khefretari fake their deaths to lead one of those splinter groups (after a Lazarus dip) in secret and try and turn the network towards good.  
Bruce Wayne Jr., Batman III, forms a covert band of metahumans dubbed “The Outsiders,” consisting of himself, chemical shifter Rex Mason (Metamorpho),  Geokinetic Brion Markov (Geo-Force), martial artist and enchanted weapon wielder Tatsu Yamashiro (Katana), atomic mutant Gabrielle Doe (Halo), Psychokinetic Emilia Briggs (Looker), and Electrical Mutant Jefferson Pierce (Black Lightning).  others join or leave over time, the team operates for a few years before disbanding. 
1982 - Jason Todd is killed in action.  Talia Al Ghul/The Daughter of the Demon, steals his body and revives it to begin twisting him into a weapon against the Wayne family that helped kill her father and leave Si-Fan in tatters.  Dick Grayson Jr. becomes Nightwing I. 
1983 - Cassandra Cain was born to “Lady Shiva” and David Cain. 
1984 - Carrie Kelly becomes Robin V to Bruce Wayne Jr.’s Batman III.
Spider-man and Batman: Disordered Minds
1985 - Batman and Spider-Man
1986 -  Detective Comics #572 “The Doomsday Book”  - Batman III (Bruce Wayne Jr.) and Robin V (Carrie Kelly) join Ralph Dibney (The Elongated Man) and aged private eye Slam Bradley on a case that takes them to London to prevent the assassination of Queen Elizabeth by Edgar Moriarity.  Mary Jane Watson-Parker is on the scene, herself a descendant of Doctor John Watson (and Red Sonja of Hyrkania), just in time for all to me the 132-year-old Sherlock Holmes as he helps ensure Edgar’s capture. Peter Parker, also on the scene as himself, learns that he is also a descendant of the Moriarity’s. Holmes gives the couple his blessing.
1987 - Dick Grayson Jr marries Kori’ander/Kory Anders/Starfire of Oden’tal.
1988 - Mar’i Grayson of Earth/Mary Grayson is born. 
1989 - Helena Bertinelli Sr. retires as Huntress.  
1990 - Harley Quinn first appears as the Joker’s go-to henchwoman. 
1993 - Damian Wayne born to Bruce Wayne Sr. and Khefretari.
Dr. Pamela Isley makes a bargain with the fae realms and becomes a creature of fairy similar to a Dryad. She is known only as Poison Ivy. 
1994 - Carrie Kelly becomes the “heroic” Catwoman in part to counter all the “Pretenders to the Throne” as it were (and to stop the Helenas from killing them outright for the insult). She also starts operating heavily within the Oracle Network, being groomed by Barbara to be her replacement. 
1995 - Tim Drake becomes Robin VI.  Stephanie Brown becomes The Spoiler.
Poison Ivy takes in Harley Quinn and helps her recover from the abuse the Joker heaped upon her or at least tries. She is kept as a ward of the fairies and has an extended life span as a result. It still takes her over a decade to get over “Mr. Jay.”
1996 - Carrie Kelly takes over the Oracle Network's primary leadership role. 
1998 - Helena Bertinelli Jr. takes up her mother’s mantle as Huntress.  
2000 - No Man’s Land begins. Cassandra Cain becomes Batgirl III.
2004 - Bruce Wayne Jr. starts working in an armored “Beyond” Batsuit. Tim Drake changed his costumed and started to be called “Red Robin” to his annoyance.  Jason Todd Attacks.  Cassandra Cain manages to annoy the editors of DC Comics.  
2005-2015 - The Biomega Menace trickles through with various attacks until it comes to a head in 2015 when it revives the Centre.  The beast is destroyed, ending the Biomega threat...for now. (Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire, Pacific Rim)
2005 - Bruce Wayne Sr. and Selena Wayne recruit Cassandra Cain among others for “Batman Inc” to help them take down the other Si-fan factions, in particular, the League of Shadows which followed Cassandra’s mother, Lady Shiva (who could care less about it, but her uncontrollable force-of-nature like movements were throwing everything into chaos).  Cassandra adopts the identity of “Hei Bianfu” (Black Bat) or just “Batman of Hong Kong.” 
Damian Wayne is sent to live with the rest of the “Bat-family” to hopefully temper the bad influences still remaining around his parents that had seeped into the boy’s development. 
Kate Kane becomes Batwoman II. 
Stephanie Brown becomes Batgirl V.  
2010 - Tim Drake starts taking over as Batman IV.  
Cassandra Cain becomes Nightwing III.
2011 - Tim Drake weds Stephanie Brown.  Cassandra Cain lives with them.  Their relationship is the stuff of tabloid platinum.  
2013 - Luke Fox joins the American Batman inc. as Batwing II. 
2014 - Duke Thomas starts leading the Robin gang, to Damian’s irritation.  Of the group, Terry McGinnis, Harper Row, Riko Sheridan, and Isabella Oritz, along with Duke, do eventually meet Damian’s exacting standards.  Eventually.    
2015 - Duke Thomas becomes The Signal. 
Night of the Monster Men: Gotham is threatened by a fierce attack from Biomega under the control of a man invoking the name of Hugo Strange.  4 of the monsters are unleashed, several of them also carry a variant of the Insania Virus in their blood and viscera.  When people are exposed to it, it drives them to high aggression or even transforming them into hideous beasts.  A cure is quickly deduced, and Hugo captured.  The Bat-family during this crisis consists of Timothy Drake (Batman IV), Cassandra Cain (Batwoman III), Stephanie Brown (Nightwing IV), Sin Lance (Orphan--visiting from the Arrow family), Tiffany Fox (Spoiler II), Duke Thomas (The Signal), and a being referred to as “Clayface” (Identity currently unknown). 
2020 - Damian Wayne takes over as the primary Batman, but also dons the Nightwing attire because he likes it.  Terry McGinnis and Duke Thomas share roles as “Batwing” or “Batman Beyond.”  Cassandra Cain is known as simply The Batt. Stephanie Brown as Nightwing IV, with Tiffany Fox as Batgirl V. Harper Row mostly operates behind the scenes, but has the identity of “Bluebird” to help when it's needed.  Tim Drake is fully entrenched as part of the Oracle network.  Riko Sheridan and Isabella Oritz share duties as Robins.  
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evilpixiea · 6 years
I didn’t know you liked vampire the masquerade omg, I’m excited. Ok, here I go because vampires are a good trope. In which clans would you put the batfamily in (I assume they all would be vampires)? I’m curious about how you made a worldbuilding meshing these two. Did you included other characters in your headcanons besides the batfamily? Don’t be surprised if I keep asking about it later, based on your answers. I never thought you’d like VTM and I’m excited
I am a very new fan of VtM and White Wolf's World of Darkness. I haven't even played my first session yet (next month!) so I'm not super knowledgeable.That said, I have honestly surprised myself with how much I am enjoying learning about it. I am normally more of a werewolf sorta gal so the fact that I am enjoying the Masquerade so much speaks, I think, to the quality of storytelling and world building. It really is very in depth and complex... so much to sink your teeth (heh) into.The long and short about my Batman/VtM crossover ideas are:Bruce's parents were shot to death by a mugger after coming out of a movie theatre... in 1920. He grew up and was embraced some time in the late 30s. As for which clan embraced him? Why... I think it would have to be the Venture. They would see the young millionaire (because billionaire is just a little too unlikely in this time period and fits with the Batman comics of the day) with no heirs and seeming every intention of flinging himself off a cliff given the opportunity and think he too valuable an asset to leave mortal.Only Bruce proves wilful and his tastes... not what one would expect from an upper class Venture. He likes criminals. And he likes them afraid. In fact, he needs that. Will cough up any blood that doesn't fit that description.He also refuses to kill despite his obvious disdain for his prey.And thus, in 1941, (because I'm a comic nerd and I like the idea of Detective Comics #27 being his first appearance) Batman is born.This, understandably causes come conflict between him and the ruling kindred class. After all, even back then, it was a pretty blatant Masquerade violation and Gotham is a bastion of the Camarilla.They decide he needs to be removed. But Bruce has friends in unexpected places. Ra's Al Ghul is a VERY old VERY powerful vampire. The leader of a large sect of Banu Haqim Assimites... and Bruce has caught his eye. He likes him. Wants to see what he can do. So he protects him.He also embraces a woman, Talia, who Bruce had known in life and who is raising Bruce's biological son, Damian.Bruce doesn't learn about his son but he does meet Talia again and the two have a brief affair before Bruce decides he needs to return to Gotham.He does so in secret and gathers his allies for a push against the old corrupted vampires (and his sire) who tried to kill him (again) and who he believes are corrupting Gotham.He recruits the help of his old butler, Alfred, and creates his own little Anarch movement, carving out territory in Gotham.Dick's his first recruit. A young Toreador who has been hiding in a travelling circus, using his gifts to delight and amaze the crowd.Jason comes next, some time later. A Brujah who is somewhat sceptical that this Ventrue really gives a shit about the lower classes of vampire but feels better about hunting in his half of the city than the half with the old guys that all want him dead.Barbara is a Nosferatu. Good at finding things, keeping secrets, and sticking to the shadows. She enters the picture in the early 70s.By this time Bruce has taken control of most of Gotham and has become old enough and powerful enough to be feared by most vampires in the area.Alfred is also still in the picture but not because he's a vampire. He's a ghoul. He drinks Bruce's blood to stay young and alive... but has no wish to become what Bruce is... despite many offers from the family members.Then modern nights start... and along with it superheroes. Oh, there had always been some. Strange bright people with all sorts of origins who set out to do good things. But now there is an alien that is fuelled by the sun, can shoot fire out of his eyes, and who is rallying gods behind him with a messages of truth and justice.This is where DC's timeline starts to win out over VtM's... just because I have a hard time believing the masquerade would stand up against Superman. People start to know about vampires and one vampire in particular who hasn't been very subtle these last century.This is when Clark meets Bruce and they start to learn about each other... as potential allies... potential enemies. Neither of them trust each other. Why should they? Sun god. Night stalker. Different worlds... and yet intertwined.Heh. Yeah. You can see what I'm doing here. I'm Superbat trash.Anyway. This attention brings about the second inquistion. People start hunting vampires again which causes the collapse of a lot of old vampire societies and structures. Including the old Camerilla organizations still active in Gotham and the Tremere pyramid.This is where Tim comes into the picture. He was a tremere blood slave but escaped when that collapsed and fled to Gotham, his closest Anarch state. He seeks refuge from his sire... and Bruce gives it to him. After all, it's always handy to have a blood mage hanging out in the basement... especially one as smart as this one.But then Damian comes back (adult of course) and embraced by his mother. Good at turning his blood to poison and stabbing people with it. Especially Tim.Annnnnndddd... that's sort of what I was thinking. Wow. This is longer than I thought it would be. I'm going to stop talking now............Okay. I lied. Bruce totally joins the Justice League and yes Hal he is a vampire but he's not going to bite so can you please stop leaving garlic around the watchtower? It doesn't do anything and is stinking up the place. Oh, and hey, turns out there is another type of blood Bruce can drink besides 'scared bad guy'. 'Horny Kryptonian' works just as well. Go figure.And that is my Vampire Masquerade Batman crossover. I hope you liked it.
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lyricfrost13 · 6 years
Top 10 Favorite Characters
It changes, and I like them all for different reasons, but it’s interesting to see how they connect and what they say about me. Some of the order is iffy - certain characters are too close to equals for me to decide - but I thought this would be fun.
10. Merlin
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I came in way late to the game with this fandom but dang if it didn’t hit everything I like. I love his smartassery, his power - Merlin plays at unassuming, bumbling goof, but he’s the center of so much of Camelot. As you’ll see in higher parts of the list, the secret identity thing - the dichotomy of the character - really gets me.
9. Belle
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She’s my favorite Disney Princess. But she also represents similar qualities to most of my favorite female characters - ones that are introverts or intellectuals that are put down for those very reasons. 
Hermione and Luna - who are unpopular because of their respective strangeness. Annabeth (as portrayed in the books or the Lightning Thief Musical - “I’ve always been the smart girl / but smart girl only gets a girl so far) who is known for her intellect, but is hyper aware that her pride is her worst flaw. I’d include them all, but I feel like I’d say the same things - it boils down to I identify so hard with them but I wish I had their ability to make my own strangeness a strength. So I picked Belle because she was the first to really make me feel this way. 
8. Derek Hale
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Again, weird way into the fandom - I saw the first few episodes as they aired, back in my early teens then completely dropped it. As I got into other fandoms,  Teen Wolf crossovers, then just straight up Teen Wolf. And then I recognized it - having to go back and figure out who was who, but still - and that was around the time 6B trailers were dropped. So really I know fandom!Derek better than canon - I just find him interesting as someone who has gone through so much pain (the writers just never stopped torturing him, huh?) and his dynamics that he could have had are really interesting.
Of course, this just made me even more excited about Tyler Hoechlin as Superman, which I personally think he nailed. 
7. Percy Jackson
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Right!  We’re getting higher on the list so the sassmasters are coming out. Percy is exactly the little rebel that just tries to do the right thing - he’s a kid thrown into a situation that grows up not wanting to be thrown anywhere.  In the books, he’s sarcastic, fun, and real. In the musical, he’s funny, just trying to keep up - he’s how he should be portrayed (after all, Chris McCarrell is literally Persassy)
6. Peter Parker
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If you ask me who my favorite superhero is, I’ll always automatically answer “Spider-Man”, and I’ll mean Peter Parker’s spidey.  Something about watching the Spectacular Spider Man cartoon, something about Peter’s attempts to just do the right thing even though people put him down for it - whatever it is, it speaks to me. Tom Holland’s definitely works into my image of how Spidey should be. 
5. Dick Grayson
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I know I said Spidey’s my favorite hero as far as gut reactions go, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like other ones more ultimately! Dickie’s Robin has had my heart since the og Teen Titans cartoon and the Static Shock one. What really gets me about Dick, though, is when he’s finally come into being Nightwing - he tries so hard to be what others need, and Nightwing feels like a freedom thing with him. (I’m seriously concerned about my boy, DC, what are you doing rn?)
4. Sirius Black
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THIS MAN. Okay. Sirius is so freaking interesting to me. He’s a drama queen, a prankster. But - his history, even though he’s a rebel, connects him to a darker part of the story. He’s a Black, he got disowned, he got accused of selling out his dearest friend! He has a temper like no one else, explosive and definitely reminiscent of the only other Black we know a lot about - Bellatrix. He and Remus play off of each other so well (cough wolfstar cough), and his complicated relationship with his past and present just really get me ugh. (PS the Mischief Managers give me my favorite portrayals of Wolfstar and Sirius and Regulus tbh. All of their stuff is fantastic)
3. Jason Todd
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Much as I love Nightwing, and have since I was younger, Jason Todd is my favorite member of the Bat Family. I was introduced to him through Jensen Ackles’ voice acting in that one animation, but just. Ugh. Something about how he built himself back up - revenge ridden or not - how he’s so irreverent and hopeful at the same time just. He’s so selfless and interesting and self-deprecating and I really don’t know what else about him just - 
he’s awesome. I really hope the live action version lives up to my expectations (which for now are incredibly low). 
2. Bucky Barnes
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And if you asked me who my favorite marvel character was, I’d go to Bucky. This man, who stood by his best friend through the CRAZIEST shit, comes along, gets tortured, still keeps fighting, practically dies, is tortured some more with a side of brainwashing - 
he’s been through the wringer, okay?
And yet he stands by Steve. And yet he doesn’t want to hurt anyone that doesn’t deserve it. He claws his way back to being semi - okay, judging by the post credits of Black Panther. He just works his way, tries for redemption for things that definitely weren’t his fault, doesn’t blame it on the world like so many would and - not to mention he’s a total badass and let’s give credit to Seb for absolutely being an amazing Bucky because seriously.
1. Gabriel
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The Trickster. The Archangel.  UGH. If you’ve followed me long enough you’ve seen my rants.  He’s wonderfully crass, tells the truth (well, the hard truths, not the important ones about himself), is so freaking self-aware. He knows he’s not strong enough to face his elder brothers. He knows exactly how to hit Lucifer where it hurts. He’s just - 
And despite what some might percieve as selfishness - which to be fair is consistent in his character - he takes care of himself first all the way up to the end and then he lays himself bare and vulnerable when there’s nothing left. (Letting Sam know what happened to him? Talking about everyone who left him to Asmodeus?) And lays it all on the line in the end - lays his life down. (I have accepted that in canon it’s probably permanent this time but in fanfic I do what I want.)
Anyway, thanks for looking at my rant and my faves feel free to rant back to me about them
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davidmann95 · 6 years
I haven't been able to tolerate a comics news site since ComicsAlliance shut down so what news out of SDCC is actually worth knowing about?
I’ve gotten so many questions regarding SDCC-related news that I figured I’d just do one big post, and this seems as opportune an ask to build that off of as any. To kick off, in terms of news that’s not for me but is a big deal, there’s a trailer for the next season of Doctor Who, and Star Wars: Clone Wars is shockingly coming back for a final reduced season years after the fact. Congrats to the fans of both franchises! Plus yesterday we got the announcement of Orlando and Foreman’s Electric Warriors for DC (as well as Orlando’s Dead Kings with Matt Smith at Aftershock Comics) and the Wonder Woman/Justice League Dark October crossover.
So first and foremost in terms of the reaction it picked up, OH MY GOD:
It’s like the Bat In The Sun team handed over their production to their shitty kids but made them work off a third of the budget. I kept seeing the jokes about it on Twitter, and I kept thinking they were surely hilarious exaggerations, AND NOT A ONE OF THEM EVEN SLIGHTLY WAS. At least it now makes sense why Hawk and Dove is here, given the Liefeld connection: this is 90s as helllllllllllllllllllllll, and while a part of me hopes it swerves unexpectedly in a couple seasons into Fun 90s DC with Starman and Wally West and an Electric Blue Superboy and Titans One Million, I can’t pretend I wouldn’t gleefully hatewatch this if it wasn’t behind a paywall. What it really comes down to is that, as I saw someone mention, the over-the-top content warning at the beginning isn’t actually by any means to get rid of anyone under 18, but specifically to appeal to them over anyone over it: there is nothing about this show not precision-crafted to appeal to teenagers watching something they technically aren’t supposed to, since anyone older than that will just laugh until the stars grow cold. And while it’s one line in particular that’s rightfully drawn all the attention, to me the clear defining moment is Beast Boy taking his big goofy dramatic leap, and you expect him to transform, but that ain’t happening (I fully expect he’ll just have claws and growl and do assorted Wolverine shit instead), because that kind of thing is for STUPID KIDS, whereas this is RAD. 
RAD, dare I say…to the EXTREME.
Also, the pilot Robin’s scene was presumably drawn from was written by Akiva Goldsman, Greg Berlanti, and Geoff Johns. So was it the guy behind Batman & Robin, the guy behind the CWverse, or the recent President of DC Comics who ushered FUCK BATMAN into the world? Because all three of those possibilities are equally hilarious. In any case, the rubicon has been crossed: easily one of the top ten, probably one of the five or so most iconic superheroes of all time said fuck in a piece of mass media. Where we go from here, nobody knows. But at the very least I’ll take the L for my original certainty that this would take place in the CW DCverse, because that clearly isn’t going to be the case. Though boy, imagine if it was. Personally I like to imagine this is a totally normal DCU, and suddenly going full 90s and murdering a bunch of people is their universe’s version of normal teen rebellion.
Additionally, it’s now seemingly set in stone that the fourth DC Universe live-action show alongside Titans, Doom Patrol, and Swamp Thing will be a Stargirl show where Courtney Whitmore learns about her legacy and tries to track down the Justice Society, described as in the flavor of Superman ‘78 and Wonder Woman. Again, if it wasn’t behind a paywall I’d check it out.
And before turning to comics proper, we learned from WB itself that there are no plans to idiotically pour millions into making a functional Justice League Snyder cut a thing, unsurprisingly making some of the worst people on the internet be just the absolute worst (I’m interested myself in it artistically even if I don’t think it would be very good, but at this point it would feel like a validation of some really rotten people’s behavior if this happened). Meanwhile the first trailer for the Dragon Ball Super movie dropped, and yeah, I’m still happy to see Broly. This looks big in a way Dragon Ball for all its action rarely gets, and seeing Paragus suggests Toriyama understood what worked about the original flick, which is a very good sign. Did they swap out Vic Mignogna as Broly though? Wouldn’t blame him, I know he’s said he hates the part, but surprising nonetheless. And the Spider-Man game dropped another trailer, along with a ‘Velocity’ bonus suit designed by Adi Granov.
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The big comics news of the day was of course the long-awaited confirmation that Green Lantern is being relaunched - apparently as The Green Lantern - in November by Grant Morrison and Liam Sharp. What’s surprising is that Morrison’s currently insisting that since the last decade or so of the franchise has dealt with constant upheaval and cosmic apocalypse, his run is going to scale back down to a character-focused study of Hal (“He’s a loner and a drifter and he’s an unreconstructed man. It was nice to do that and to go a little bit old-fashioned with it. He doesn’t belong here at all, you know? He’s longing for the heavens, and to be back up as a Green Lantern. We’re doing Hal Jordan where, you know he’s a good cop, but is he really a good guy? And we’re looking into his relationships and how he deals with people. And also the fact that, if you’ve got a job as a space cop, it’s hard to be stuck on the planet Earth. He has other lives on other planets.”) amidst him going about his duties and dealing with weird alien crimes and space threats, such as stopping aliens from ‘parking’ a planet-sized artificial megastructure near a sun and causing damage to nearby worlds, and solving the murder of a gaseous lifeform.
I doubt it’ll necessarily stay there forever - his Batman and Action Comics runs, after all, were both initially marketed as staying on the smaller side by his standards, and the one idea we know of Morrison having once had for the Green Lanterns back in the day was making them a multiversal force. But it’s remarkable how, well, normal this sounds coming from Morrison. Clearly this must be a passion project if he’s doing a monthly again for the first time in 5 years, especially since DiDio mentioned he had to be persuaded (ultimately persuading himself as his attempts to brush off the proposition led to him thinking about the possibilities and rapidly talking himself into it) to make time for this amidst an incredibly busy schedule of surely more profitable and creatively unshackled projects, but on the surface level? This sounds like the closest Morrison has come since his JLA days to writing a regular superhero comic. At this point in his career, I’m very, very curious what that’s going to look like. Just hoping he read the King/Shaner oneshot on whatever reread he surely went through to catch up on current continuity. And also hoping this guy was right that it’ll turn out “the REAL construct that was limited by our willpower and imagination all along was…REALITY.”
On smaller notes:
* Kelly Sue DeConnick and Robson Rocha are taking over Aquaman, with an opening arc that shows him washing up amnesiac on an isle of forgotten sea gods. DeConnick seems to be like the Jeffs Lemire and Parker where my appreciation of their work is limited to very, very specific slivers: none of her Marvel superhero stuff I’ve read did anything for me even if I could see the talent behind it, but her Lois story in the last issue of The Adventures of Superman was pitch-perfect (and also had a great Aquaman bit!). This gets at least an issue from me.
* DC announced new titles for DC Ink and DC Zoom, including Cassandra Cain, Oracle, Dick Grayson, Creeper, and Wonder Woman books, while also announcing some artists for the existing titles.
* Geoff Johns is doing (ugh) Shazam with Dave Eaglesham, who showed off a really great, fun cover suggesting the possibility of a tonal shift away from Johns writing the absolute worst version of that character imaginable. On the likelihood of said possibility though, I think @intergalactic-zoo put it best. I might just check it out in trade if word of mouth is overwhelmingly positive, but then, lots of otherwise rational people liked or at least saw merit in his original crack at it with Gary Frank, and you were all deliriously, impossibly wrong back then, too.
* And finally, speaking of Johns, he’s doing Batman: Three Jokers as a 3-issue mini with Jason Fabok, a smart move given that is precisely as much as I’m willing to invest in this out of morbid curiosity. What’s really baffling though is that it’s being released under Black Label. It would seem to destroy the stated purpose of the line by immediately releasing Very Important Continuity Comics under it, but maybe this means Batman’s gonna follow in his protege’s footsteps and say a fuck. Anyway, I’m mostly just hoping it isn’t revealed Fun Golden Age Joker is actually not the original in order to rub out the prospect that he was ever truly anything but a terrifying sidekick-butchering murder machine at the center of very serious stories, because that feels to be like a real possibility. And absolute no question one of the three is gonna turn out to be the lost child of Marionette and Mime in Doomsday Clock.
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fangzeronos · 6 years
SDCC 2018 wrap up
Ok now that SDCC is over, I feel like I should do a little wrap up for the weekend. I got to sit and wait for all the trailers and news to come out since I couldn’t afford to go, so this is gonna be strictly from the “Nerd on the Couch” perspective. I’m putting a read more in case anyone wanna skip this.
 Titans: The trailer was alright. Robin’s in a bad place because of Batman so his “Fuck Batman” line is justified. Starfire and Beast Boy could still use some work, but it was only the first trailer, so we’ll have to reserve judgement until the show comes out. I’m looking forward to it anyway.
 Young Justice Outsiders: It’s actually real. I thought for the last two years we’ve all been thinking it’s not coming and that we’ve all been living in a dream about wanting it back. I was in the middle of the store when I saw the trailer and my heart stopped. Two minutes of Season 2 recap, including Wally’s ‘death’ (HE ISN’T DEAD ALRIGHT!? HE’S JUST IN THE SPEED FORCE AND NOBODY CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE DAMMIT!!!) before we get the new footage. The new characters look amazing, Geoforce looks like he’s going to be a good character, hopefully we’ll get Terra since she’s “been missing for two years”. Still waiting to see M’gann, Kaldur, Beast Boy, and the rest of the season 2 cast, but I’m excited for this one more then Titans.
 And since both shows above are going to be on the DC Universe Online service, I can see paying $75 a year for it if we’re going to get more Young Justice. With all the shows coming out on DCUO, like Harley Quinn, Stargirl, Swamp Thing, Doom Patrol, and all of the older shows like Batman The Animated Series, Wonder Woman, the older DC movies and the comics, I can justify paying that much for a yearlong subscription.
 Supergirl: Season 4 looks like it’s going to be interesting. Agent Liberty seems like a decent antagonist, but with the way this show has done in the past, hyping a villain for the first half and then swapping it with a generic bad guy for the second, I don’t have much hope. It looks like they’re toning down the relationship drama from season 2 and 3, which is good. I’m honestly thinking they’re going to screw Lena’s character development and have her go evil Luthor judging by how season 3 ended with her “We can begin phase two” line and having the Harun-El made up that she gave to Alura. A few quick shots of Alex as Director of the DEO sporting a new haircut, nothing too revealing except for the Supergirl spacesuit at the end. I saw it and my mind went to the first Injustice 2 game trailer from 2016 with the armored look. I’m looking forward to the new season, not keen on it being on Sundays before the Charmed reboot but have to get the viewers for a remake somehow.
 Arrow: Oliver Queen in prison. That’s a hell of a concept for the season. We know something’s going to change and he’s going to be out by the fourth or fifth episode, possibly earlier. Decent shots of the other characters, Dinah wearing SCPD riot gear was a nice touch, Laurel-2 denouncing vigilantism makes for an interesting idea considering what the hell she’s done in the last seasons. Diaz is fine, not enjoying having him around again but since he didn’t get killed at the end of the last season, it’s fine. Longbow Hunters might make for interesting fodder, but we can’t be sure until the show starts. I’m sick of Felicity, but that arguments been done to death. We all know it was Roy in the Green Arrow suit in the end of the trailer. If it had been Diggle, we’d have seen his face and since we know Roy’s back, it doesn’t really give us many options to choose from. I’m glad it’s on Mondays now so I can watch it and keep up instead of being behind.
 Legends of Tomorrow: It looks great. This one has become one of my favorites on the network and I’m glad to see they’re getting more episodes. Hopefully this season doesn’t get shafted and end up getting thrown to a different night or time or cut in the middle for a different show. Bringing Constantine back for a regular spot is a good move considering what they’re going to be dealing with thanks to the fallout from killing Mallus. Dragons, demons, all sorts of magical and mythical creatures. “Couldn’t we be heroes just a little longer?” made me laugh and it’s that sort of thing that makes Legends stand out to me. It can be dark and gritty but still lighthearted and fun. It’s what Flash started to be and it’s what Arrow needs to be. I’m glad it’s going to be on Mondays along with Arrow.
 Flash: Coming off of the reveal that Mystery Girl is actually Barry and Iris’ daughter (which I’d had a feeling about anyway since she was so giddy at the wedding in the Crisis crossover), Nora seems to be a fun addition to the cast this year. I’m honestly looking forward to seeing what she messed up, why she came back, and why didn’t she learn from Barry’s mistakes about screwing with the Timeline. Cicada looks to be interesting, and I hope he’s going to be the main villain for the year. I want to know more about how Caitlin was Frost before the Accelerator and Flashpoint happened, or is it a side effect of Flashpoint two years later? Guess we’ll find out in October.
 Aquaman: The trailer looked amazing. This might just be part of what the DCEU needs to get its shit together and stop being so grimdark. Wonder Woman proved DC movies can do fun and lighthearted and still hit some dark themes and notes, and this looks like it’s going to do the same thing. Jason Mamoa looks as badass as he did in Justice League, Amber Heard is beautiful as Mera. Atlantis looked amazing. I’m thoroughly excited and December can’t come quick enough to see this.
 Shazam!: One of my favorite DC heroes, man. Zachary Levi just killed it in this trailer and I was laughing the whole way through. If the movie keeps that same energy up, I’ll be damn happy. March release for this one and I’m ready to go!
 Godzilla: King of the Monsters: It’s frigging Godzilla, fighting his own list of bad guys. Mothra, Rodan, King Ghidorah, all classics that should have been in the first one instead of the MUTO. I’ve always been a Godzilla nerd, so when I saw this trailer I was geeking the fuck out. I’m definitely excited for this one.
 Now, you’re probably wondering, “Hey, where’s Voltron in all of this?” and you’d be right that I haven’t talked about it yet. I have spent three days milling over the reveals from the Voltron panel and been trying the right ways to word things, so I don’t seem like I’m being an asshole and damning myself with what I’m going to say. Now, with that out of the way.
 The season 7 trailer looked good. We’re going back to Earth, so who knows how much time really has passed since the only indication we’ve had was the week that Kuron was in the Galra fighter before Keith and Black found him back in season 3. I’m sad to see that season 8 is going to be the last of VLD, but I can understand why, since they were only approved for so many episodes. Going back to a 13-episode season is the best thing they could have done. Keith piloting Black still kind of irks me, but with Shiro only having one arm, I guess it makes sense. I would much rather have Allura in Black, put Lance back in Blue, and give Red back to Keith, but that’s a whole other post.
 The big thing people took away from the panel was “You’ll meet Shiro’s significant other, Adam.” When I saw that on Twitter, I was…. I’m not gonna lie, I was disappointed. You’ve had six seasons of moments between Shiro and Allura, the Hand Touch, the way she looked at him when he said “You found me” at the end of the season, how adamant they are about saving each other every time they’re in danger, Shiro’s resolve to get her back in Season 1 after she threw him into the shuttle and got taken by the Galra. And now it’s all thrown out of the airlock?
 No offense to the writers, Josh Keaton who gets mad credit for keeping this close to the chest and not revealing anything, the fans that are a fan of this plot point for the next season, but I’m not a fan. Don’t get me wrong, LGBT representation in animation/kids’ media has come a long way in a few short years. Look at Steven Universe. One of the main characters is a literal fusion of two she-pronoun using space rocks. I just feel like this is shoehorned in like a checkmark on an RPG character creation. “PTSD? Check. Missing limb? Check. Male POC? Check. What else can we check to make people happy? OH! Gay! DOUBLE CHECK!!” is what it feels like to me. To me, this feels like the writers have been shadow stalking Tumblr, AO3, FF.net, everywhere else Voltron is big and made their choice but what the popular ships were in the search results.
 Make Shiro gay, fine. Make him bi, that’d be a better option because then we can ship him with whoever we want and not get comments that say that shipping Shiro with Allura or any other female member of this show is gay erasure. By saying “Shiro’s gay”, you’re shooting all of the other Shiro ships in the face. Shieth shippers are over the moon, Shallura shippers are sitting in a corner, Klance shippers are looking between the two going “WTF”, and the rest of the internet’s like “Why is it a big deal?”
 I feel like I should stop there about this. This is already more then a page in my word doc.
 SDCC 2018 was fun to watch from a distance. CW brought some good trailers, DC killed it with 8 trailers, and Voltron is what it is. Now begins the countdown for SDCC 2019.
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Engagement Party
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC, BatFam + Marvel - Jason Todd/Red Hood, feat. Bruce Wayne/Batman, Tony Stark/Iron Man & Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Rating: G
Original Idea: I can’t help but do fun crossovers!
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) This one may get some form of an expansion or a part 2 later but I don’t know yet. Probably not. But writing this one made me realize that... I have a type. At least when it comes to fictional characters. @welovegroot @batboys-and-other-messes
Ring-ring! Ring-ring! Ring-ring!
I grabbed my phone and glanced at the Caller ID. "Hey Jay, what's up?" I asked, buttoning up my nice coat before heading off to a friend's church---on a Thursday for a presentation.
"An old business pal of Bruce's just got engaged and is having a party to celebrate it. He's invited Bruce and his whole family to go up to New York for the weekend for the party. Obviously, B-man is going to go. And most of my brothers want to as well. And even though I'm still technically legally dead, I'm still part of Bruce's family and he wants me to go."
"And what does this have to do with me? Are you asking if I think you should go?"
"Not exactly. I'm inviting you to come as my date."
"I'm not a Wayne," I pointed out.
"You're dating me. You basically are a Wayne," Jason said.
"I don't have anything to wear to a high-brow party like that."
"What about that evening gown you wore to that party Bruce threw?"
"Is that fancy enough? I thought it was little more low-key," I said.
"No that one's perfect. Just pack it up, along with some shorts and jeans and whatever shirts and other stuff you need, and we'll swing by your place tomorrow morning on the way to New York. Sound good?"
I sighed. "Sure, Jason. I'll be ready."
"Great. See you then."
"Stark," Bruce greeted when the host of the party approached the Wayne Clan---including me on Jason's arm.
"Batsy," Mr. Stark replied.
My eyes widened at Jason. He shrugged. "Dude's a genius. He figured it out," he whispered.
"Tony, let me introduce my family," Bruce said. "This is my eldest son, Dick, and his date Barbara."
"Nice to meet you both," Stark said.
"You as well," Barbara put in.
"Then this is Jason and his girlfriend Tally."
Tony narrowed his eyes at me. "You seem somewhat familiar. Have we met before?"
I shrugged. "I don't think so, sir. I just have one of those faces. I hear that all the time," I said. Jason shook Tony's hand with his free one to get the attention off me.
Tony stared at Jason's hand. "Quite the grip you got there, young man!" he said.
Jason shrugged. "Bit of a gym rat," he explained.
"Well nice to meet you both."
"You too," Jason and I chorused.
"These two are my other sons, Tim and Damian. And then that is my only daughter, Cassie."
"Pleasure to meet you all. Honestly, I had no idea Brucie Wayne had this many kids. I always thought he was a loner."
All of us snickered and turned pointed glances at Bruce. He looked away and pretended not to notice.
"Care to dance, Tally?" Jason asked me to break the awkward silence.
"Absolutely. Let's go."
We headed for the dancefloor.
I gripped Jason's hand, hard. "You didn't tell me the party was going to be hosted by and in honor of Iron Man," I hissed. Jason chuckled.
"Didn't think it was important."
"Not important? That's the guy I wrote my eighth-grade biography project on! I could probably tell you more about him than he could!"
"I thought you wrote your biography project on JK Rowling?" Jason said.
"No that was tenth grade."
"Oh. My bad."
I shrugged. "No big deal. I barely remember the order I did some projects. I just remember those because my dad helped me make a lifeline with the Iron Man one but I did Rowling on my own after my skills with Illustrator and Photoshop improved."
We began to dance. I took a deep breath.
"I am in the wrong crowd. I don't belong here," I muttered.
"Neither do I, sweetheart," Jason replied. "We're both street kids in an upper-class world. We'll never feel right. But we get by and no one gets hurt."
"Jay…" I began.
"Hey, look! It's the Winter Soldier! What do you say? Should I introduce you?"
"You've met him?"
"No. But I'm a Wayne. I may not be comfortable in this crowd but that name has enough influence that I could introduce you to the Queen of England and she'd be gracious about it," Jason said.
"The Queen of England would be gracious about almost everything," I pointed out.
Jason tugged on my elbow. "C'mon Tally! Let's go meet the Winter Soldier!" he said. I followed after him, somewhat reluctantly, until we approached the man. He was the same height as Jason and almost as muscled. He had overlong dark brown hair, some of it pulled back away from his face. His skin was a pale dusty gold shade, but his eyes were as piercing steel blue as Jason's. "Sergeant Barnes," Jason greeted politely. The man turned to us. His left hand had a glove on it to hide the metal arm he sported. "My name is Jason Todd-Wayne. This is my girlfriend Tally."
I gave a little head dip of respect. "How do you do?"
"I'm alright, thanks," James Barnes said. "Call me Bucky, please. None of this 'Sergeant Barnes' business. I haven't been a sergeant in over half a century." He shook Jason's extended hand. "It's nice to meet you both. How do you know Tony?"
"Bruce Wayne is a business pal of his---and is also my adoptive father," Jason explained.
"I see. It's nice to meet you kids."
"You too," I said.
The Winter Soldier moved to leave.
"Sergeant---Bucky. Hold on for a moment," Jason said, letting go of me long enough to catch Bucky's attention. Bucky turned, eyebrows raised expectantly.
"Okay, look, normally I wouldn't be saying anything like this, but I just wanted to say I understand. When I was fifteen I was killed and then dragged back to life. Became an assassin. I know what it's like to lose everything and then become something else. I, uh…" He leaned closer to Bucky to whisper, "I'm the Red Hood. I understand what you've been through."
Bucky looked between Jason and me, almost surprised that a girl as small and innocent-looking as I am was dating a dangerous, violent assassin. "Thank you, Mr. Wayne. Even though what we've gone through was terrible, it's a comfort to know I'm not alone," he said.
He clapped Jason's shoulder in a friendly way. Jason smiled. "Yes it is," he replied.
Bucky patted Jason's shoulder. "Enjoy the party you two!"
"Thank you!" I called as he left.
Once he disappeared, I looked at Jason. "That was risky, revealing who you are," I pointed out.
Jason shrugged. "Guys like us tend to stick together---watch each other's backs. I think it's safer to tell him who I am than Mr. Perfect Captain America. Reformed assassins, both of us. That kind of person shares a bond no one else can have."
"Stop waxing poetic and dance with me," I complained.
"Of course, my love," Jason said with a playful grin, sweeping me into his arms and onto the dancefloor.
"So, when are those lovebirds tying the knot?" Tony asked Bruce as they watched Bruce's second-eldest son and his girlfriend dance. After the young man set her back on her feet, of course.
Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't know, Tony," he replied. "They've been dating for a while but I'm not sure if they're that serious about their relationship yet or not."
"Well, let them know they have my blessing if they do," Tony said sarcastically. Bruce's lips twitched in what was almost an amused smile.
"I will."
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coolgirl · 7 years
how do i start reading about the batkids i’m really overwhelmed help
fuck it if I know… probably the smartest way to tackle it is to follow this list, which pretty much covers the vital Batman related arcs. PERSONALLY, I don’t care about reading about all the batkids, I just picked my favorite ones and just.. read everything I could about them (and lucky for me my favorite batkids don’t have thousands and thousands of comics so ! yay!) here’s some reading orders I made (except for the Damian one)
Jason Todd
Stephanie Brown
Cassandra Cain
Damian Wayne
Duke Thomas
Okay so, if u wanna read it in some kind of order, heres a bit of a general chronological-ish list thats probably innacurate bc i haven’t read all of these and the ones i did read was.. a long time ago. anyways, i hope this is useful, and again, imo its not necessary to read everything in order, but this might help to know a bit whats the timeline of some major events i guess? also i’m definitely going to be editing this post as people point out the mistakes rip! 
(the batkids i added to this timeline are the ones that have active roles in rebirth atm, Dick, Barbara, Jason, Helena, Tim, Stephanie, Cass, Damian, Duke, and the basics of Azrael, Kate, and Luke because i love them)
Dick’s time as Robin (that i have no clue how it goes but uuuh read Robin Year One / The Long Halloween / Dark Victory / The New Teen Titans up until #53)
Batgirl: Year One  
Birth of the Demon and Son of the Demon (here’s the original comic about Damian getting conceived)
Jason time as Robin (post crisis) stop before death in the family
Nightwing: Year One 
Batgirl Special #1 - The Last Batgirl Story 
unfortunately… you gotta at least know a bit of what the killing joke is about
NOW read death in the family… two blows one after the other, If you’re reading the trade that includes a lonely place of dying DON’T read that yet
now you can read the rest of the new teen titans up to #59
now A Lovely Place of Dying, which is Tim’s introduction. 
rest of ntt if u wanna
NOW for oracle!barbara you can either read the suicide squad comics as a whole, which includes little hints of her coming back, or you can skip to  issues #48 and #49. Then The Batman Chronicles #5.
Huntress Vol. 1 - Helena Bertinelli’s introduction
NOW! Steph’s introduction happened on Detective Comics #618
Stephanie’s list, if you’re following the whole list stop at Robin #70 (Tim’s solo is really good to know about them)
Azrael vol. 1: Fallen Angel - Azrael’s introduction
Batman: Knightfall - you know the infamous pic of bane snapping batman’s back like a stick? here it is.
Nightwing (1996)
Young Justice (1998) (NOT the one based on the tv show)
Birds of Prey i would say.. up to #7 
Batman: No Man’s Land
now it’s Cass Time!  Batman #567 was her introduction, and Detective Comics #734 n Legends of the Dark Knight #120 are vital to her story.
Batman & Huntress: A Cry for Blood / Huntress: Year One
Titans (1999)  
Batman Gotham Knights (2000-2006) is a good comic for batfam interactions
Rest of Birds of Prey ig
Teen Titans (2003)
Batman: Hush
Batgirl Volume 1 up to #52
War Games (when Stephanie dies rip)
rest of Batgirl
Batman Lost Days / Batman: Under the Red Hood 
Robin #172-174 (2008) steph comes back!!
Batman: Batman and Son He (Damian) is here babette
Batgirl volume 2 (2008-2009) and  Batman and the Outsiders (2009) are good cass comics up to #14
Robin/Spoiler Special (2008) 
Batman R.I.P. 
Final Crisis
Batman: Last Rites
battle for the cowl SUCKS the only important thing to know is that Dick is Batman now
Batman & Robin (2011) up to #12
Batwoman: Elegy 
Batgirl (2009) up to #14
The Black Mirror is a really good bats dick story.. or so i’ve been told
Red Robin
Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne #1-4 
Batman and robin from #13 to #14
Batman: Return of Bruce wayne #5-6
Batman and Robin #15-16
Batman:The Return 
Batman INC. (2011)
everything else in Batman and Robin, and Batgirl
Gates of Gotham #1-5 (2011) 
OK NOW.. N52. So new 52 was the reboot and it basically just took everything i just mentioned and threw it out of a fucking window. Changes: Barbara is Batgirl again, Cass and Stephanie didnt exist in this timeline for like four years, somehow Jason isnt such a dick, i think Damian didn’t get so fucked over, and uuuh i have no clue what happened with Dick and Tim but i think their whole story with their teams (teen titans / titans / young justice) got incredibly fucked over. Almost every single member of the Batfam (that didn’t get booted from this contuinity) got either a solo or a team book, which are. super good to start, reading order be dammed, but the batfam went through a lot of shit (court of owls, the joker, bruce kinda died, jim gordon became batman, bruce didnt remember anything, dick kinda died and got exposed but came back as a spy, damian died, bruce lost his mind, they kinda went to hell, damian came back, dozens of robins ran around, etc etc etc) so im gonna try to order it as best as i can T__T
Batman, Vol. 4 (Secret City) / DC Comics: Zero Year / Batman, Vol. 5 (Dark City)- Okay so, this wasnt the starting storyline for New 52 but its basically the basis of the batfam and co and introduces Duke and Harper so it’s kinda vital.
Ok so here you can start reading the first volume of.. any of the titles lol. Red Hood and the Outlaws / Batgirl / Batwing / Nightwing / Batman and Robin / Teen Titans
Batman: The Night Of The Owls  
Batwoman (2011-2015) 
Batman INC up to #6 - im gonna be honest this run fucking sucks but uh important stuff happens here
Nightwing / Red Hood and the Outlaws / Batgirl / Batman and Robin / Batwing / Teen Titans Vol. 2 (approx the issue #9 of all these runs were included in the Night of the Owls crossover)
Death Of The Family - this one.. bad.. but ig its important
Nightwing / Red Hood and the Outlaws / Batgirl / Batman and Robin /  Batwing / Teen Titans Vol. 3
Batman INC #7-8 - okay so. Damian’s death. 
Requiem / Batman and Robin: Requiem - the aftermath of Damian’s death. The first one isn’t collected afaik so i liked you to a reading order if you’re interested 
Nightwing / Red Hood and the Outlaws / Batgirl / Batwing / Titans Vol. 4 (here’s Luke Fox’s introduction!)
Forever Evil - the one where shit happens to Dick that i think leads to Grayson and all that spy bs
Yeah.. Grayson now (vol 1-2) - Helena gets re-introduced here!
Red Hood and the Outlaws / Batgirl / Batwing / Teen Titans Vol. 5
Batman Eternal - where Steph gets re-introduced
Batman and Robin: Robin Rises
Batman Endgame (Batman #35 -#36, Batman Annual #3, Batman #37- #39) - Duke is back!!
Grayson Vol 3 
Superheavy (Batman #41-44 / Detective Comics #41-46) - ok so Bruce is gone and now Jim Gordon is Batman.. just nod and smile
Ok so now, Red Hood and the Outlaws and Batgirl don’t get involved in any big storylines anymore, and Teen Titans started from #1 again. 
Teen Titans Vol. 1-2
We are Robin Vol 1 
Batman and Robin Eternal - where Cass gets re-introduced 
Robin: Son of Batman Vol. 1
Red Hood/Arsenal Vol. 1
Robin War 
Grayson Vol 4
Teen Titans Vol. 3-4
Red Hood/Arsenal Vol.2
We Are Robin Vol. 2
Robin Son of Batman Vol. 2 
Super Heavy Part 2 (Detective Comics #47-52 / Batman #47-52 )
OKAY SO. Rebirth is a continuation of New 52, but with some changes bc almost every single damn character got.. lets say nerfed, and people didnt like it so they’re slowly bringing back some elements from pre 52. Here basically just read whatever whenever unless you wanna get into like. the metal event. then i would recommend you to start off the bat with that to get it out of the way as some comics have tie ins. Then heres where the kids appear
All-Star Batman (2016-2017): Bruce and Duke 
Batgirl (2016): Barbara and sometimes Dick
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey (2016): Barbara, Dick, and Helena
Batman (2016): originally Bruce and Duke but now its the Batman and Catwoman show
(if you’re interested in Duke i would say to read those two first as it explains where his character stands on Rebirth)
Batman and the Signal (2017): pretty self explanatory
Batman/Shadow (2017): Damian appears sometimes but.. i heard Bruce is a dick to him here so fuck it
Batwoman (2017): Kate and Julia 
Detective Comics (2016): Cassandra, Azrael, Kate, Tim, and Stephanie
Nightwing (2016): Dick, and sometimes Damian and Helena. 
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016): Just Jason except for the annual that had Dick too
Teen Titans (2016): Damian.. baby boy leads a team
Titans (2016): Dick
Super Sons (2017): Damian team sup with Jon Kent (Superman’s kid)
and finaaally.. some elseworld stories (basically aus) that have cute batkids interactions
Tiny Titans (2008-2015)
Lil’ Gotham (2013-2014)
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crazyfreckledginger · 7 years
DC x Reader - “Two Different People” [Part 1]
The Batboys and the Outlaws have a strange encounter with people that can only be described as being from a different universe.
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This fic includes Nightwing (Dick Grayson), Red Hood (Jason Todd), Red Robin (Tim Drake), Robin (Damian Wayne), Batman (Bruce Wayne) and Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff).
This is a DC/Marvel Crossover, if you don’t follow Marvel, don’t worry, I will make so that you will not have to know any background information to understand this fic. 
A/N: (F/S) means favorite singer. The reader has telekinesis powers (move objects with her mind), for Marvel readers, she had Scarlet Witch Powers and her adoptive older brother is Pietro Maximoff (yes I’m obsessed deal with it haters).
Warning: Implied smut, harassment
3rd Person PoV
Gotham was engulfed in an eerie atmosphere. Civilians had an unnatural gut feeling that something was about to happen. The Caped Cruisader and his sidekicks decided to investigate and keep an eye on every street in Gotham. Robin was in charge of the East side of Gotham, Red Robin of the West side, Red Hood if the South side, Nightwing of the North Side and Batman of the city center.  
Very few people were out, mostly trying to get home. Half of the gangs that created a large percent of the crime rates had completely disappeared, unwanting to get involve in whatever was going to happen. But some still hung around in alleys, too stupid to care about the gravity of the situation. One woman though, was either oblivious or feeling that danger could not stop her from living her life. She walked confidently down the roads, resisting the cold that was attempting to penetrate her coat. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair bounced on her shoulders with every step she took. Her hands were stuffed into her coat pockets, her bag, somehow, hanging securely on her shoulder. Her shoes tapped against the concrete pavement, making a nearly inaudible thump. The sound was masked by her relaxing music pulsating in her earphones. Faint water vapour floated in front of her every time she let out a breath, but quickly vanished as her slightly pink cheeks made contact with it. She lived in the East side of town, in one of the less dangerous neighborhoods of Gotham. unbeknownst to her, a gang had decided to hang out in that area. She maintained her pace as she spotted them, increasing the volume of her music to dismiss anything obscene that might come out of their mouths, all whilst ignoring their gaze. Her improvised attempt at being discreet was a poor one as one of the men stopped her in her path. His friends surrounding her. She successfully kept her confident composure as he reached out and took her earphones out of her ears, not gaining any agressive reactions from her, as she feared that she might have something more violent in return. He brought one of the earphones to his ear and smiled upon hearing the music.
“(F/S) eh? What an appropriate singer to be listening to on a time like this!” He chuckled. Pushing the earphones back to her.
Unsuspected by anyone, the youngest vigilante was silently watching the woman, curious about how composed she was, on the top of the nearest building, after warning his fellow vigilante mates about what was happening. A stubborn anti hero decided to show up, when Robin first annonced his statement, bored out of his skull, wanting to get a bit of action.
She tried to walk past him but the man stood in front of her again.
“Look, I don’t want you guys to ruin my already shitty day, so if you would please move out of my way, that would be great!” She stated politely. The men chuckled sinisterly.
By now, both Nightwing, Red Robin and Batman had joined the more reckless vigilantes on the rooftop.
Your PoV
“How about you give us a little bit of fun and we’ll let you go!” He proposed.
“Nah, you don’t deserve my time!” I replied non-chalantly. His eyes grew angry in a matter of seconds and he grabbed my shoulder in a painful grasp. His other arm started trailing down my hip to my ass. Luckily, he grabbed my free arm. I slid my bag to the floor and punched him in the nose before he could even get a piece of me. He groaned as he tried to maintain his balance a few feet away from me, holding his now-bloody nose. The other men strated marching towads me. I slid my bag across the pavement to have more space and kicked the guy that was the closest to me.
“You bitch!” He yelled as he fell to the floor, holding his bruising jaw. I kicked another one between his legs, making him groan and pushed him onto another one. I sucker punched the last one. He felt to the ground. They all groaned as I went to get my bag off the pavement.
“Have a nice recovery fellas!” I said sarcastically.
3rd Person PoV
“Damn, that was badass!” Jason whispered. Nightwing nudged him but silently thought the same thing.
“Stay focused!” Batman said, getting up from his crouched position.
“We’re not needed here, spread out.” As soon as he said that, three older versions of the Batmobile blocked the lady’s way.
Your PoV
As soon as I picked up my bag, screenching tires averted my attention from my it. A bald guy with a mask jumped out of the closest car. It was the, unfortunatly not too unfamiliar villian that terrorised Gotham a few years ago.
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“Follow me and you won’t be harmed!” Bane stood intimidately in front of me. I swallowed hard as I froze. His men raised their guns but he lifted his hand in the air to keep them from firing.
“And if I don’t?” I asked, narrowing my eyes. He chuckled. 
“Then we’ll take you by force!”
“Not in this lifetime you won’t!” I retorted, getting in a fighting position.
“Do not overestimate yourself!” He warned, walking closer and having his men ready to fight.
“Well don’t underestimate me!” I said, gritting my teeth.
“Well you’re all alone, I don’t see how you could take all of us with your special ablilities.” He mocked.
“Clearly you haven’t seen me in action, and who ever said I was alone?” I smirked. A dash of blue knocked three of Bane’s men out, making all of them confused, using this timing, I projected three men towards the cars, knocking them out cold. Bane walked towards me, wanting to kidnap me. I kicked him in the legs, making him fall to the ground. I jumped over him and punched one of his men. 
3rd Person PoV
A sniper assigned by Bane was installing himself on a nearby building. His orders being to shoot the girl if it was necessary, which it was. Bane’s men fell one by one into unconsciousness as he was nearly ready. He had a clear view of his target and is ready to shoot. Unfortunatly the Bats that had been studying the scene saw the sniper to late. A certain speedster, however, didn’t. He raced by him at an astonishing speed, throwing him into the air, making him hit the wall. Both of them had taken everyone out. She took a deep breath as she slowly regained her stamina. The Bats continued on studying her, until, in a matter of seconds, they were all lauched against the wall of the alley the fight had started in.
Your PoV
Loud thumps averted my attention from the now-knocked out men. I turned around and saw the Batfamily in a slightly dizzy state, my brother smirking at Red Hood.
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He said, rucshing to my side. The vigilantes slowly got up and inspected us.
“Who are you?” Batman asked.
“Why do you want to know?” Pietro glared.
“Then what are you?” He asked, averting my brother’s question.
“Mutants.” I stated, looking away from them. My brother saw my action and placed an arm around my shoulder, his body relaxing my muscles.
“We can help you!” Batman said.
“We don’t need your help!” Pietro sneered. He picked me up and raced us away from them.
3rd Person PoV
“Find them!” Batman ordered.
There will be a part 2
Comments are truly appreciated! 
 Tagging: @lumifuer  @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy  
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a-wayne-at-heart · 7 years
[Bruce, Jason, & Damian Panels] The New 52′s “Convergence: Batman and Robin” (2015)
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Writers have shown us time and time again that fatherhood does not come easy to one Bruce Wayne. It definitely wasn’t easy raising a Dick Grayson or a Tim Drake, let alone a Jason Todd or a Damian Wayne, even with Alfred Pennyworth around. (Not to mention his “daughters” and other less-troublesome “sons”). But we’ve gotta hand it to the ol’ Bat - he never stops trying.
This miniseries is aptly entitlted “Fathers & Sons”, and it’s easily becoming one of my favorites.
We’ve seen the pattern of resentment among the Robins that comes with feeling replaced. All the four (main) Batboys have gone through it at one point in their vigilante careers: Dick with Jason; Jason with Tim; Tim with Damian. And now, interestingly, Damian with Jason?
You’d think that the li’l former assassin would have gotten over his insecurities after having proven himself a more-than-capable Robin to both Bruce and Dick... Perhaps, it’s a testosterone thing? Or possessiveness over their father?
Whatever the reason, it paves the way for combination angst-and-fluff interactions that I absolutely adore!
A little backstory (and some spoilers):
"Convergence" was a company-wide DC Universe crossover event during the New 52 run focused on Braniac's obsession with collecting cities from ended timelines and trapping them in domes on a planet outside of space and time. It has several spin-offs, including this two-issue one.
In a domed Gotham City, Batman and Robin rescue Poison Ivy from some rogues. She had been cultivating Robinson park in order to feed the citizens for free, and her colleagues basically saw it as bad for criminal business. When Killer Croc attacks Batman, Red Hood (with his assistant Duela Dent, a.k.a. Scarlet) shows up unexpectedly and saves him.
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“Jason... Todd? Why’s he here?”
In the next set of panels, both Bruce and Damian question Jason’s sudden appearance - but probably for different reasons. Bruce seems genuinely curious but welcoming, while Damian’s more he’s-not-supposed-to-be-here.
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More under the cut:
“Where have you been?”
Not “Get lost, you’ve done enough”, not “I’m calling the cops on you”.
Awww, Bruce, your “daddy” is showing!
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“... Because I have help.”
Fandom tends to portray Batman as a lone wolf who hates working with others, when that’s only partly true. He rarely (openly) asks for help (for efficiency and martyr-ish reasons), but he also rarely has to. The Batfamily has his back whether he prefers it or not (which, I’m pretty sure, he does). And, once in a while, he’ll acknowledge it and have symptoms of gratefulness. 
In the last panel, I like how the artist puts the quote beside Damian’s face. I’d like to think that Bruce is either acknowledging the importance of having his Robins, or hinting to Damian that Jason’s contribution to the fight was valuable. 
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“Maybe it’s time you got yourself a new partner. Or an old one.”
Now, the following scene is very reminiscent of an exchange between Bruce and Tim regarding Damian (which I previously posted about here.) The irony being that Damian’s in Tim’s shoes this time, insecure about where he stands with Bruce now that the long-lost black sheep of the family has returned. Like Tim, he feels that said sheep should earn his place in the family and resents that Bruce seems to be forgetting years of ugly life-threatening disputes with Jason.
But, as far as parents go, Bruce is fair, to say the least. In moments like these, he tries to reassure the concerned child of his love and lets him/her see where the other is coming from.
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“Of all the things I learned from you... how to be a father was not one of them.”
If you’ve read the “Batman and Robin” series (the second volume, where Bruce reclaims the cowl from Dick, and Damian stays as his Robin), then you’ve seen the frustrating tug-of-war between Bruce and Damian. Bruce was learning how to be father; Damian, a son. There were so many lovely moments between them that actually made me tear up!
In this heartfelt scene, Bruce is seeking comfort from (the ghost of) his father. Clearly, Batman and son still have a ways to go. If there’s something that can get under Bruce’s skin - apart from his parents’ death, of course - it’s family tension.
(In spite of their argument, Bruce considers taking Damian on patrol, knowing how much his son loves it.)
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“I don’t want to fight you.”
I suppose being a fictional vigilante family affords them the right to be this ExtraTM  (on a rooftop, a helicopter on standby),  but really this is just your typical brotherly brawl at home.
Throughout the issue, we get a glimpse of a now-“reforming” Jason. He shows up out of nowhere, with no other agenda than to fight side-by-side with his family. He holds back his punches against Damian even when he could use “self defense” as an excuse to Bruce. (Maybe he can relate to Damian? After all, they’ve both tried to kill Tim out of Robin-fueled resentment.) His defenses are down when Bruce calls him out for his “unacceptable” behavior”. Here’s a Jason who wants a truce, however uneasy.
Damian’s disdain for Jason isn’t unfounded, though. Jason’s track record... Well. Come on. Plus, remember the time when he humiliated Batman and Robin, almost exposing Dick and Damian’s secret identities to the whole world via the internet? 
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“Both of you... STOP IT.”
And the “daddy” just keeps falling from his cape. 
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Before Bruce gets to answer such a loaded question, a disembodied voice interrupts their moment (whew!) and tells them that the cities will have to fight one another to survive. 
... Which, of course, is unacceptable to Bruce, whose mantra is that there is always another way. A group called The Extremists arrive in Gotham City and the Batboys are forced to push aside their differences to deal with the threat. 
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“Both of you... concentrate on your jobs.”
Damian’s snarky by nature, and Jason’s not one to just let a li’l brat get away with insulting him, so...
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Annnnnnd Batman breaks his no-civilian-names-in-the-field rule like a mother hen panicking for her two chicks.
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Now, this next set of panels just... *sigh*.
In a clever (or desperate?) attempt to get his sons to work together, Bruce actually uses his opponent to reenact a traumatic Batfamily moment. (I mean, how may Bane-like villains are there? And, how many parents do you know use life-and-death situations as teaching moments?)
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“We’ll get your father.”
And, just like that, a mutual protectiveness over their father (come on, Jason, just say it already) actually gets them to cooperate!
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“We still have a job to do. Together.”
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You know who you wouldn’t want as your enemy? Crime-fighting brothers who have just recently made ammends (and have Batman as their dad!).
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“Got you.”
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“I’m here...”
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"This is what we do. This is what we’ve always done. We protect the things that are precious to us.”
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“The universe made us orphans, but we don’t have to stay that way. Go be with your family, Bruce.”
And the cherry on top? Our favorite Batfamily “uncle”/co-parent droping by from the sky to share in the feels... (He clearly watched the whole thing unfold.)
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In spite of how much his children push him (or each other) away, Bruce doesn’t give up on them (and, well, vice versa). He’ll let them run away, but not without stuffing a care package in their knapsacks first (figuratively speaking).
World’s Greatest Detective, in peak physical condition, revered by superheroes and villains in the Multiverse... and “dad” is still his greatest challenge.
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dccomicsnews · 8 years
DC Comics News has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for March 1, 2017.
Check back every Friday with the DC Comics News Pull Box to see all the cool new DC Comics titles and collectibles that will be available at your favorite local comic shop! So, what titles or collectibles will you be picking up this Wednesday? You can sound off in the comments section below! Click on Comic shop Locator to find the comic shop nearest to you!
DCN Pull Box Triple Spotlight
SUPERMAN #18 $2.99
(W) Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason (A/CA) Patrick Gleason, Mick Gray
“SUPERMAN REBORN” part one! In DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1, the enigmatic Mr. Oz told this Superman, “You and your family are not what you believe you are. And neither was the fallen Superman.” Now, in the first Rebirth crossover between SUPERMAN and ACTION COMICS, the shocking truth behind Oz’s words is revealed. It begins with one of Oz’s prisoners escaping, and ends in a tragic moment for Lois and Superman. The covers by Patrick Gleason and Mick Gray and the variant covers by Gary Frank for SUPERMAN #18-19 and ACTION COMICS #975-976 will connect to form a single vertical image.
SAVAGE THINGS #1 (OF 8) $3.99
(W) Justin Jordan (A) Ibrahim Moustafa (CA) John Paul Leon
25 years ago, a secret government organization kidnapped children and trained them to be chaos agents who went on to foment unrest and execute enemies of the state around the world. When these cold and unfeeling creations proved too difficult to control, the powers that be exterminated their kill squad with extreme prejudice. Too bad it didn’t work. Now a rogue band of the worst monsters the world has ever known is cutting a swath of terror across the United States, threatening not just a disruption of the peace but to expose secrets their handlers never wanted to come to light. The only way to stop them is to call back the only man who ever walked away from them. His code name is Abel, and he’s not afraid of getting his hands bloody. This new eight-issue miniseries from writer Justin Jordan (The Legacy of Luther Strode) and artist Ibrahim Moustafa (High Crimes) features the action of the Jason Bourne movies with the gruesome horror of classic grindhouse!
(W) Sam Humphries (A/CA) Robson Rocha, Jay Leisten
“The Last Testament of the First Lantern”! Before the Green Lantern Corps, the Guardians of the Universe embedded a power battery inside a man, imbuing him with unimaginable power. Eventually fearing him, they stole that power back for their own control, but now Volthoom, the First Lantern, has returned with a plan to force Jessica and Simon to help him regain his lost godhood.
Variant Covers
Note: Variant Prices To Be Determined By Retailer
AQUAMAN #18 (Joshua Middleton variant) $2.99 BATMAN #18 (Tim Sale variant) $2.99 CYBORG #10 (Carlos D’Anda variant)$2.99 DEATH OF HAWKMAN #6 (Bill Sienkiewicz variant) $3.99 EVERAFTER FROM THE PAGES OF FABLES #7 (Mark Buckingham variant)$3.99 FLINTSTONES #9 (Rob Guillory variant) $3.99 GREEN ARROW #18 (Mike Grell variant) $2.99 GREEN LANTERNS #18 (Emanuela Lupacchino variant) $2.99 HARLEY QUINN #15 (Frank Cho variant) $2.99 JUSTICE LEAGUE #16 (Yanick Paquette variant) $2.99 NIGHTWING #16 (Ivan Reis and Oclair Albert variant) $2.99 SHADE THE CHANGING GIRL #6 (Becky Cloonan variant) $3.99 SUPERMAN #18 (Gary Frank variant) $2.99
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DC Comics Pull Box For 3-1-17 (New Comics and Merchandise) DC Comics News has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for March 1, 2017.
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thomasroach · 5 years
Top 10 Best Crossovers in Video Games
Crossover events have been around in video games for a while, but lately they have been soaring to new heights. Here are our top 10 best crossovers in video games.
Top 10 Best Crossovers in Video Games
Super Smash Bros.
Starting the list off right we have Super Smash Bros. This series began as a crossover game with just Nintendo franchises, but it has quickly evolved into something special. They began with Solid Snake and Sonic in Brawl, and evolved into something so much more. In due time, Cloud, Ryu, Pac-Man, Joker, Megaman, and the Belmonts have all joined its roster. That doesn’t even include the Monster Hunter boss fight in the World of Light in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. We eagerly await the next DLC character that will make their way to the game.
Assassin’s Creed Origins
Coming in at number nine we have Assassin’s Creed Origins. For those of you who don’t remember, this entry in the series had a cross over with Final Fantasy XV. You got a quest, a minor puzzle, a sword, and a Chocobo skin you could use on your horse. You also get to see Bahamut and Ardyn from the game during a brief cutscene, but unfortunately fighting them was not an option. The event itself wasn’t the biggest deal, but this was just the start of the crossover events for Ubisoft, and Japanese publishers as a whole.
Final Fantasy
For number eight, we are going to jump right into Final Fantasy. As mentioned earlier, Final Fantasy XV had a crossover with the Assassin’s Creed series, which also had some Cup Noodle quests you could do. The big crossovers in the Final Fantasy universe come from Final Fantasy XIV. Since its release, elements from Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy XV, Yo-Kai Watch, and Monster Hunter have all made an appearance. These cameos would bring with them new enemies, new quests, and new excellent mounts. Some of these events only happened once, so if you were there, you could nab yourself an item no one else can get. However, none can compare to the Monster Hunter Rathalos mount.
For number seven, we are going with another fighting series, SoulCalibur. As far as fighting games go, SoulCalibur has some of the best crossovers. Soulcalibur II on the Nintendo GameCube has Link as a playable character. The most recent SoulCalibur had both Geralt of Rivia and 2B from Nier: Automata join the fight. The most impressive one has to be from SoulCalibur IV, which feautured Yoda, Darth Vader, and Starkiller. Special shoutout to Spawn making an appearance in SoulCalibur II as well.
Ghost Recon Wildlands
Number six I didn’t even see coming, and that is the Predator event in Ghost Recon Wildlands. The game had two major crossover events, featuring both the Predator and Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell. The Predator event in particular had you hunting down the Predator with your squad in a jungle; what more could you want? The event was just a little too easy, but was still a good time nonetheless. The Sam Fisher event did something special as well, and had people talking about the series again for the first time in years.
Shovel Knight
Number five is more of personal pick, and goes to Shovel Knight. The game paid host to two guest fights, depending on the version you play. The Sony version has a Kratos boss fight, while the Microsoft version has the Battletoads to spar against. The other thing is that Shovel Knight himself gets around to different games pretty often. He can be found as an assist trophy in Smash Bros. Ultimate, makes an appearance in Yooka-Laylee, pops up in Crypt of the NecroDancer, and moonlights in many other games. Crossovers work both ways, so why not put him in other games.
Ubisoft/Nintendo Crossover Games
For number four I am combining Mario + Rabbids and Starlink for the Ubisoft/Nintendo crossovers. I remember when the leak for Mario + Rabbids came out, and people thought it could never work – myself included. Come E3 that year, and most of us changed our minds. The tactical combat aspect is a perfect fit for this bizarre game. While not quite as deep as XCOM, it was still a great first attempt as the game. Starlink and the Star Fox crossover was kind of meh, but that wasn’t really Star Fox’s fault. It does at least prove that Ubisoft can work with Nintendo’s IP and not mess it up.
Mortal Kombat
Our number three slot is the last fighting game on the list, going to Mortal Kombat. First off, we have to mention Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, which is an excellent crossover in theory, despite how the game turned out. Then you look at the DLC characters they have had over the years and you realize that they all fit perfectly in the game. Jason Voorhees, Kratos, Leatherface, Alien, Predator, and Freddy Krueger could have all easily come from Outworld. I mean look at Baraka and tell me there isn’t some Predator in him. Now that Mortal Kombat 11 is out, we await the next crossover character, who is rumored to be The Terminator.
For our number two pick, we have Fortnite. When it comes to crossovers in video games, Fortnite has the biggest ones out there – full stop. Fortnite has a John Wick skin, NFL skins, Guan Yu and Wu Kong skins, a Krampus skin, and many others packed into it. Those all pale in comparison to the event that took place during Avengers: Infinity War. For a limited time, you could find the Infinity Stones in Fortnite and become Thanos. If you were lucky enough to get these stones, you felt the power of a god for a brief moment and then either won or died, but it was fun. Fortnite would then follow up with a second event during Avengers: Endgame, where players could use weapons from the Avengers, like Captain America’s shield and Thor’s axe. The game just keeps going.
Monster Hunter World
Our number one pick has to go to Monster Hunter World. The game has had many crossover events since it launched in 2018. It all began with a Horizon: Zero Dawn crossover, where you could get a Watcher outfit for your Palico and a bow from the game. Then the Capcom crossovers started, with Ryu, Dante, and Megaman making appearances as skins for both the Hunter and the Palico. Our favorite Witcher got a quest line, and you could play as Geralt in-game. The best event has to be the Final Fantasy XIV crossover with the Behemoth monster. It was a perfect fit, and it is still one of the most unique fights in the game.
And that is our list of the top 10 best crossovers in video games. Let us know what you favorite gaming crossover is in the comments below.
The post Top 10 Best Crossovers in Video Games appeared first on GamersHeroes.
Top 10 Best Crossovers in Video Games published first on https://juanaframi.tumblr.com/
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