1337wtfomgbbq · 7 months
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9d92hd9ge · 8 months
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 years
The cell division cycle, or cell cycle, is the process by which cells reproduce themselves and their genetic material, the nuclear DNA (Figure 1.28). (...) In vacuolated cells, the vacuole enlarges throughout interphase, and the plane of cell division bisects the vacuole during mitosis (see Figure 1.28). (...) Three cyclins have been shown to regulate the tobacco cell cycle, as shown in Figure 1.28:
1. G1/S cyclins, cyclin D, active late in G1.
2. S-type cyclins, cyclin A, active in late S phase.
3. M-type cyclins, cyclin B, active just prior to the mitotic phase.
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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life-spire · 11 months
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@ fhmi29
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detragefietser · 2 months
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joanofarc · 6 months
cyclin' round town!, poetry slam bam thank u mam (2024).
look left and look right for thoughts that just might collide into you i fell and i grew
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myths-of-fantasy · 4 months
I should be working on my other days
I am actually integrating magic more into The Black Wolf Capers.
Anyway VILE was now founded by a cult that worshipped a god, Greed who would offer his followers endless and eternal riches and is in constant conflict with the followers of Envy. Carmen was meant to be a vessel for Greed, merging with her soul to grant him physical form so he could better influence the world, but Dexter Wolfe tried to run off with her. It didn't work obviously, but eventually Carmen escaped before the transfer could happen.
Now VILE is chasing her around the world, both bc she's destroying their organization and also is preventing them from releasing Greed.
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grimgummies · 4 months
Temporarily makin my pinned post smthn I drew that I'm proud of because I'm allowed to as a treat :3c
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summerlycoris · 10 months
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Hell yeah! This is how you know it's summertime! CYCLONE SEASON M8'S
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sunreisets · 2 years
feeling like a proud psychopath
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jesserhousetion · 2 years
Cách chữa đau mắt đỏ hiệu quả cho trẻ sơ sinh không cần dùng thuốc
Trẻ nhỏ khi mới sinh rất dễ bị lây nhiễm chất bẩn hay vi khuẩn có hại vào mắt. Bởi vậy, khi mới lọt lòng, trẻ thường được bố mẹ nhỏ thuốc phòng bệnh vào mắt như dung dịch nitrat bạc. Tuy nhiên, nitrat bạc cũng không trừ diệt được một số vi trùng như trùng bệnh nấm chlamydia, cho nên trẻ thường được nhỏ thêm thuốc kháng sinh như cycline.
Một trong những biện pháp khắc phục tình trạng đau mắt đỏ ở trẻ sơ sinh phổ biến, hiệu quả nhất là sử dụng nước muối sinh lý (NaCl 0,9%) có bán sẵn tại các hiệu thuốc tây. Nước muối sinh lý sẽ có khả năng làm dịu mắt của bé cũng như làm sạch các tạp chất do nhiễm trùng gây ra nhờ vào tính năng khử trùng dạng nhẹ.
Một phương pháp chữa đau mắt đỏ an toàn, hiệu quả cho trẻ tại nhà đó là dùng khoai tây tươi. Thực tế, khoai tây tươi có khả năng hoạt động tương tự như một loại thuốc giảm đau tự nhiên sẽ giúp giảm kích ứng cho mắt bé.
Bố mẹ có thể dùng khoai tây để điều trị đau mắt đỏ cho trẻ sơ sinh như sau: Rửa sạch khoai tây rồi gọt vỏ, dùng dao sắc cắt một lát mỏng. Đặt một lát khoai tây lên mí mắt bị nhiễm trùng của bé, sau vài phút lấy ra.
Hoặc bố mẹ cũng có thể nghiền khoai tây và đắp lên mắt trẻ (giống như đắp mặt nạ) trong 5–10 phút. Có thể lặp lại nhiều lần sẽ có hiệu quả bất ngờ. Lưu ý, bố mẹ nên sử dụng khoai tây tươi sống để đắp cho trẻ.
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cncpathlabs · 2 years
Avail best offer on Cyclin d1 sp4 test home collection Near Me from CNC Pathlab at the affordable Cyclin d1 sp4 test In Delhi, Cyclin d1 sp4 test Cost Price in Delhi
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astaroth1357 · 1 year
It Must Be Done (Chat Spoilers for NB):
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MC: ..... *sets down their phone*
MC: I know what I must do.
*one hour later in the House of Lamentation, Mammon walks up the stairs to go get Satan for dinner, just to find their attendant already waiting outside of the fourthborn's door... putting on a bike helmet?*
Mammon: *walks up beside them, frowning* Eh? MC? Is that a helmet?
MC: *locks in the straps and makes sure they're secure*
MC: Yep.
Mammon: .... Okaaaaay? Are ya goin' cyclin' or....?
MC: Nope.
*the MC brings their hand up and bangs it against Satan's door before jogging to the far wall. They take just a few seconds to stop, flip around, and get into a running stance*
Mammon: What the hell are ya-??
*Satan swings open his door with a look of growing annoyance, prompting MC to start sprinting straight at him*
Satan: Huh??
*The blonde barely has time to process to what's happening before the MC goes airborne and careens head first into his chest, rocketing them both back into his bedroom*
*Mammon runs through the doorway and finds Satan sprawled out flat on his back with MC half on top of him, dazed. MC sits up and rubs their neck while he remains still*
MC: Ooooww... that hurt.... I told you it was dangerous.
Mammon: MC, why did you do that?! Are you insane?!? Get outta there he's gonna-!! He's...! gonna.....?
*Mammon watches in disbelief as Satan not only stays still, but slowly gets redder and redder from the tips of his ears down to his cheeks. Eventually he has to resort to masking his face behind his hands entirely while MC triumphantly grins*
MC: Was that what you wanted~?
Satan: *finally sits up, unable to look them in eye*
Satan: Please don't do that again...
Mammon: *watches the scene, getting more confused by the second* .... Y'all are weird. Come downstairs and eat already!
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detragefietser · 4 months
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Born today 60 years ago - rockin' and rollin' and cyclin'
📷 Mark Seliger
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jokertrap-ran · 5 months
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[Gakuen K] Kusanagi Izumo Route: White Day’s return gift Translation
*Translator’s note : MC’s name shall remain as my normal (水嶋ラン) *Gakuen K Masterlist / Gakuen K Mobile Masterlist *Spoiler FREE : Translations under cut !
Izumo: Are you really sure this is enough for your white day gift?
Ran: Yup. This plushie’s really cute!
Ran: Its eyes look just like yours!
Izumo: Really? Aw, now I’m flustered,
Izumo: I was actually plannin’ on gettin’ accessories for you or somethin’ like that…
Ran: Would that be better?
Izumo: No, I think it’s cute, and gettin’ a plushie really fits your character…
Izumo: I guess that marks the end of our shoppin’ session. How ‘bout we go for a drive?
Ran: A drive?
Izumo: Yeah. It’s cold out, but the weather’s nice, so let’s go somewhere further away.
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Izumo: —We’re here. A reward for sitting through the short drive.
Ran: Whoa…
Izumo: There are some things out there that are hard to see, even if they’re just right under your nose. We’re just a lil’ way out from the city, but you can see such a wide expanse of the starry sky. Amazin’ don’t you think?
Izumo: I came here a couple of years ago with Mikoto, cyclin’ ‘round the island on a bike. We chanced upon this place after decidin’ to do somethin’ stupid or another.
Izumo: You can get here quickly by car, but it’s a tad difficult to walk or cycle here. I often come here whenever I need to think.
Izumo: Lookin’ at the vast starry sky up there, my own��worries feel like a speck of dust in comparison.
Izumo: And the sound of the waves are also very soothin’…
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Ran: Kusanagi-san…
Izumo: But, well, now I have you. And you are like the soothin’ balm in my life, so I don’t have much use for the starry skies now, do I?
Izumo: You’ll get cold if you stay that far away. C’mere.
Ran: Okay.
Izumo: …Closer. Are you tryin’ to make space?
Ran: I’m not… It’s just embarrassing.
Izumo: What’s there to be embarrassed about? We’re the only ones here.
Izumo: No one will see… even if I kiss you here.
Ran: Kusanagi-san…
Izumo: What is it?
Ran: It’s… nothing.
Izumo: Haha, what’s with that? If you can’t find the right words, then shh.
Izumo: If you can’t speak… Well, there are other ways to communicate, no?
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Izumo: I drove here as quickly as I could, but it looks like we've failed to make it in time. Can you open it..?
Ran: No… I can't open it since it's past curfew.
Izumo: I see. Looks like it's time to pull out my trump card.
Ran: What trump card?
Izumo: Take my hand and hold on tight.
Izumo: And here we are. You're welcome, princess.
Ran: That's gotta be my first time entering through the balcony…
Izumo: Really? I used to get into my dorm through the balcony more often than not when I was in high school, puttin’ the door to shame.
Izumo: Oh, right. Do remember to lock your balcony door. Else, what are you gonna do if an intruder comes in?
Ran: Like you?
Izumo: Yup, like m— wait, no!
Izumo: So this is your room. It looked totally different back in my day.
Ran: Oh, oops. Wait here, I’ll go turn on the lights. Would you like something to drink?
Izumo: Nah, I don’t plan on stayin’ long. Plus… It’d be bad if someone caught me here.
Ran: Aw, that’s a pity. I wanted to stay with you a little longer…
Izumo: Do you really want that?
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Ran: Kusanagi-san…?
Izumo: What a coincidence, I am of the same mind as well. I… would stay with you till the sun rises if I could.
Izumo: While hearin’ your voice, and stayin’ awake till the sun rises.
Izumo: What will you do if I plead for you to allow me to do so?
Ran: I…
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Izumo: Haha… 0 points. When that happens, you’ve gotta turn them down at once without hesitation.
Izumo: I’m gonna leave before someone else, or heaven forbid, the dormitory supervisor finds out I’m here. Sorry, but this is goodbye for today.
Ran: Kusanagi-san…
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Next Scene: Question
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