#Cycle To Work Scheme Calculator
ginebikes · 6 months
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moonkissedvisions · 4 months
𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕿𝖆𝖗𝖔𝖙 𝖇𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖍 𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖘 ☾
We understand all Tarot cards as symbols. They essentially represent different aspects of our lives that reside in our souls and our subconscious minds. When we read Tarot cards, we are reading our energy, we are intuitively looking at our subconscious. We think of them as a mirror that reflects the multiple dimensions of our spirit to help us understand situations much better, and make our life more conscious and meaningful.
What are Tarot birth cards?
Tarot birth cards are symbols that shape our identity and lives from the moment we are born. They are our essence, an energy imprint, or even a map - like a birth chart but for Tarot cards- that can unlock a new understanding of ourselves, and all the potential of our life purpose.
Each of us has a pair of Major Arcana cards that represent our core self, so today I decided to explain all combinations. I explained the cards separately so you can combine them and see intuitively how they play out in your life.
Also, be noted that I only explain the "light" manifestation of each of them. So for example, if it says "selfless" the shadow aspect/backward expression of them is the opposite, "selfish". Or if it says "truth-seeker" its shadow would be "know-it-all". If you are curious about the shadow aspect of your birth cards or anything about them you can send me a question and I'll be happy to help.
Hey, don't forget to check out the awesome video link at the end of the post! It's worth watching if you want to dive deeper into the topic. Have a great time exploring!
Now let´s calculate yours!
and hope you enjoy it *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
How do I calculate mine?
The easiest way for me is to use the same method that we use to calculate our Life path number in numerology:
We add each digit of our birth date
Example: 11/22/1989
1+1+2+2+1+9+8+9= 33
2. We reduce it
3+3= 6
6 is The Lovers and The Devil (6 and 15).
As you can see, we got a pair of numbers that corresponds to a pair of Major Arcana cards.
important: IF YOU GET A 19, YOU HAVE TO REDUCE IT TWICE AND YOU´LL GET 3 MAJOR ARCANA: 19 (The Sun) -> 1+9=10 (The Wheel of Fortune) -> 1+0=1 (The Magician).
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1 and 10: The Magician, The Wheel of Fortune
The Magician: This energy has the ability to manifest anything. Your essence is skilled, cunning, tricky, scheming. You posses autonomy and initiative. You are an independent thinker. You have a great potential, but you also put in the work and have a lot of fun in the process. You are diplomatic and you reject bias. Entrepreneur. Self-motivated. You are honest and direct.
The Wheel of Fortune: You are lucky or at least, you know how to feel lucky to attract blessings. You understand the cycles of life and therefore you have the ability to co-create with the Universe intelligently. You often get surprised by the events in your life. You know how to use opportunities in your favor. Manifesting is something that you probably did consciously since young.
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19: The Sun (ALSO READ 1 AND 10)!
Adding to 1 and 10 cards, The Sun supplies your soul of creativity, popularity, happiness, honesty, harmony and serenity. You are a good friend. You are loyal and bring harmony, love and satisfaction to everyone´s lives. You are a leader, a celebrity, and people look up to you.
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2 and 11: The High Priestess, Justice
The High Priestess: You are sensitive and wise. You are aware of the subtle, small details. You are able to find the point of unity, the basics of the Universe, and you understand how everything is connected. You are intuitive, compassionate, and loving. You excel at anything related to the occult, the mysteries of the Universe and human psyche, and anything related to relationships, unions, and secrets.
Justice: You are unbiased, rational, harmonious. You know what´s right and what´s wrong and trust in natural order and the balance of things. You value truth more than anyone else. You are good with law, philosophy, and karma.
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2 and 20: The High Priestess, Judgment
Same qualities above for the High Priestess, combined with Judgment.
Judgment: The Judgment card adds in to the HP themes of awakening, spirituality, renovation. You may be someone who questions the status quo and the established norms and structures. You have the calling to awaken other people so you can rebuild and improve the system. You could connect to different dimensions and be a medium or have psychic abilities. You are otherworldly. You are also highly empathetic and sensitive.
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3 and 12: The Empress, The Hanged Man
The Empress: You enjoy helping other people, creating, and giving birth to something. You embody kindness, intelligence, expressiveness, communication and abundance. You are dynamic and could be good at doing many things, you likely do all at the same time. You are good at communicating your ideas with others and you give others creative insights.
The Hanged Man: You are artistic, original, altruistic and idealistic. You see the world from a different perspective and you always contribute with clever ideas. You are witty and have the potential to become a genius. You are generous.
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3 and 21: The Empress, The World
Here the qualities of the Empress are combined with those of The World card, so your creativity results in perfection, success, wholeness, finding your place in the world, feeling and being rewarded, self-realization. You are someone generous who help people with their creations and you make them realize their special place in the world as well. You are greatly admired. You are positive about people and life.
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4 and 13 : The Emperor, Death
The Emperor: You are gifted with stability, strength, structure and practicality. You are powerful, hard-working and generous. You have integrity and good morals. You protect what needs protection and give structure and functionality to things. You are methodical and pragmatic.
Death: Death combined with the Emperor can reestructure and make radical changes to the world. You know when things need to die and be rebirthed in new forms. You can transform the world with authority, integrity and diligency.
In case you got 4 and 22, The 22 can be considered The Fool. You can either consider the Fool along with The Emperor and Death, or only read the explanation above and dismiss it. If you choose to consider the Fool, read below:
The Fool: I picture it as if you were the Emperor but with a good sense of humor, carefree, crazy, not making sense at times, chaotic, and extravagant. It makes me think of "dad jokes". You do not take anything too seriously. You restructured things spontaneously and the result may not make a lot of sense. Or it could be that you make more of a freedom-oriented restructure/change. You are an innocent and energetic leader. Maybe you don´t even understand why people may see you as a leader or follow you, because you don´t even take yourself seriously and are very disorganized, lol.
(edit): When I was writing about this combo, the new president of Argentina Javier Milei came to my mind. He talks about re-structuring the country, making economic transformations, solving the problems of the economy and poverty, and changing the country for the better. But he also has a silly personality, he's kinda funny and people make fun of him, they call him crazy, they even speculate about him having mental illnesses, and he doesn't make sense to A LOT of people. At that time I was lazy to search for his number but I just did and you know what? He is a 4 and a 22. 😳
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5 and 14: The Hierophant, Temperance
The Hierophant: You are a teacher, someone wise who shares their knowledge and wisdom. You are patient, merciful, and modest. You guide others to goodness. You respect religion, tradition and family structures with open-mindedness and flexibility. You see everything as an experience and adventure and you like exploring different philosophies without getting attached.
Temperance: You can adapt to different people, ideas and environments, and you can bring different people together with peace, harmony and respect. You have the ability to solve conflicts. This combo makes a mentor, a guru, or a coach. You are balanced in logic and emotions and you are seen as mature.
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6 and 15 (or 33): The Lovers, The Devil
The Lovers: Opposite forces, love, complements. You know how to love, not only other people but the whole Universe. You are a sensual person. You appreciate beauty, art and can excel at many different things. You are a gentle person who is good at making decisions that brings in the frequency of love to your environment. Everything you do is coded with love and passion.
The Devil: You are passionate, magnetic. You border limits. You are highly influential in whatever you do. You can control and manipulate others, which is not necessarily a bad thing, it´s just that you understand human psychology and can easily get the attention of others. With this combo you can captivate, tempt and induce lust and desire in others, so you may be working in art, music, writing, marketing, design, even animation and programming.
I also like to think of The Lovers as oxytocin and The Devil as adrenaline/dopamine. Dopamine and oxytocin together make love and bring new life into the world.
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7 and 16: The Chariot, The Tower
The Chariot: You are someone intelligent, energetic, analytic, and introspective, who fights for radical changes and the evolution of society. You are a truth-seeker. You are fearless. You challenge the status quo and strive for spiritual and material progress. You are curious and love to learn new things that can change the world for the better.
The Tower: You mercilessly and strongly destruct what doesn´t serve the evolution of society and humanity. You break the equilibrum to build a better one. You are a rebel. You know that the truth always comes to light, and you also make it happen. You show the world what they couldn´t see and that's why you could be triggering. But it´s for the good. You challenge wrong convictions, judgments and beliefs, and you completely destruct them.
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8 and 17: Strength, The Star
Strength: You are someone resilient. You know the importance of controlling your actions, impulses, thoughts, emotions and everything you do with mental strength and intelligence. You know that if you manage your own forces, you can achieve all of your goals and also help others do the same. You are very determined and optimistic. You like to work hard, not only for yourself but for others. You are an example of the word management and you like being in charge.
The Star: You give others hope and enlightment. You are inspiring. You can provide a lot of healing and regeneration. You are selfless and generous. You are strong in faith, and that way you can give others the reassurance that they need. You see the good in everything and that is what helps you get you good results and be succesful.
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9 and 18: The Hermit, The Moon
The Hermit: You are interested in seeing what others can´t see. You look through things. You are deeply intuitive and contemplative. You search for answers in yourself by being in silence, in solitude, and looking inwards at your subconscious mind. You are wise, capable of offering advice and solving problems or mysteries. You are the healer who heals yourself first. You are personally uninterested in worldly matters and detached from the material.
The Moon: You can see through illusions and imagination because you connect to the dream realm. You are a good psychoanalyst. You are good with the occult. You are attracted to the unknown. You are a researcher, a detective, a healer of the most mysterious diseases. You are deeply spiritual and adventurous.
Carl Jung had this combo as his birth cards and I think this quote from him really represents it: Who looks outside dreams (The Moon), who looks inside awakes (The Hermit). The funny thing is, I didn´t know he had them when I read it and thought about the cards, but I was sure he had to be and I searched it, lol. I also have these as my cards so...
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
I hope you enjoyed this post and that it was helpful! Thank you for your support and please, keep supporting me if you like this one 🌷
video about birth cards
PAC: Messages from the Divine Feminine
PAC: Healing Messages
PAC: Your beauty
PAC: Your natural gifts
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as someone who's an azul kinnie im curious why you placed azul on the slightly dislike list considering you like scheming characters
[My TWST character tier list is here.]
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I think the easiest way to explain it is that I came in with the wrong expectations of him? I thought Azul would be similar to what Jade’s character actually was, so Jade ended up upstaging him in that regard. Essentially, not all scheming characters are equivalent; Azul has other traits which weigh him down for me.
I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ll reiterate it here because I feel it is very relevant for Azul. I… tend to not like “main” guys because of of how much they appear everywhere (including merch and marketing); it makes me feel like I’m being “pushed” to like them specifically rather than being allowed to think for myself about who I like. This is the case for dorm leaders, which includes Azul. Additionally, “main” guys tend to get more of a story focus (also true of the dorm leaders), and that in of itself can be a double edged sword. It means more information + backstory about that character, and while that’s great for lore and fleshing them out, it also means potentially polarizing the fans who were content with their perception of the character prior to the reveal. Once that change happens, it completely shifts how you see the character and then you can’t go back to how you felt before. This was a painful factor in what I call the “stock market crash” of my opinion of Azul Ashengrotto.
I actually quite liked him at first. I took his hand at the start when I first started playing TWST back in 2020 ^^! I even *gasp* simped a little??? (weird AU where Azul was my oshi instead of J word…) He was every bit an intelligent and calculating deal maker as I suspected he would be—well, at least that’s what the few vignettes available at the time and book 2 implied. Back then, only books 1 and 2 were available in full and book 3 was slooowly being updated in chunks. And really, I was liking book 3 a lot (he was still being a silly little scumbag, lol) and took no issue with it… UNTIL THE LAST PART DROPPED 💀 AND WE GOT HIS BACKSTORY…
Now 💦 I’m aware that the OB boys’ backstories usually garner sympathy and enhance the preexisting love we have for those characters but… Azul’s backstory actually had a very strong opposite effect on me. It was the moment I realized, “Hey, maybe I don’t like you as much as I thought I did.” I’d describe the feeling like having a pleasant dream and then you’re suddenly violently awoken by a loud alarm clock, a screeching parrot, and Sebek shouting in your ears at once.
I want to be clear when I say I do not mean to demean or to diminish Azul’s experiences of being bullied. I also do not mean to shame Azul for being (rightfully) upset about his circumstances or for being emotional. When I say that I started disliking Azul because of this backstory, it’s for a very personal reason: I just don’t like stories where a victim of bullying becomes a bully, thus perpetuating the cycle. It’s sad to see someone go down that path, spreading more hate because of the hate they had received before… and I’ll never believe that revenge is a good response for an injustice 😔 Azul’s case is a little different, as he does eventually go on to recognize how far he has strayed from the benevolent ideals of the Sea Witch and is now actively trying to work on himself (which I appreciate and applaud him for). However, it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth that I can’t quite scrub away. I think it’s because I found myself relating to kid!Azul in some ways, so that personal connection amplified the disappointment I felt in the decisions he made. It feels like looking into an alternate reality where I, too, went down a dark path—and that thought is unpleasant, to say the very least. Now I view Azul more like a cautionary tale and keep a safe distance from him.
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Chapter :  The Kitty Equivalence - Mitsunari’s strategy for affection confuses Okatsu, while Shohime’s scheme to avoid marrying the daimyo ... could use some work.
Mitsunari x OC; Nobunaga x Mai
Previous Chapter
Logline - In order to protect a political alliance, Katusko and Mitsunari must pretend an engagement. But this “all business” arrangement is threatened by a coup against Nobunaga… and by feelings.
From the Military Notes of Ishida Mitsunari…
Decision-making occurs in a recurring cycle of observe-orient-decide-act. An entity (whether an individual or an organization) that can process this cycle quickly, observing and reacting to unfolding events more rapidly than an opponent, can thereby "get inside" the opponent's decision cycle and gain the advantage.
Personal Comments: When Kitty first appeared in the gardens of Azuchi, she wanted nothing to do with me. I set out food out for her every day, until finally she allowed me close enough to touch her. I discovered that if I brought a temari ball or a bit of string out to the garden, she would enthusiastically jump at the string and chase after the ball (side comment: was unsuccessful in teaching her to return ball).
Eventually Kitty followed me inside and slept in my bed. Conclusion? Food + Play = Affection.
Might not this calculation be similar for a human female?
Okatsu eats.
Okatsu likes games.
Feeding and playing with Okatsu, should result in affection.
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I slept better than expected after my nightmare and only woke up at the sound of a rattle of dishes. In the light of day, my fears always seemed ridiculous and in my residual embarrassment, I considered pretending to be asleep, but the noise got closer. Cautiously, I peeped through half closed eyes to see Mitsunari setting a tray of food on the floor between the cushions.
“Breakfast in bed?” I asked before I could censor the modern out of my speech.
“Oh? Do you want me to put the tray on your futon?” Mitsunari picked up tray again, and I stopped him to prevent breakfast on bed.
“Thank you, but no. It was just an expression.” I scooted to the edge of the futon and examined the tray… and… Wow… that was a lot of fish. “Thank you for bringing it into the room.”
Since today’s agenda had Mitsunari meeting with Hideyoshi and Nobunaga in the archives room, I’d expected to have to hunt down the kitchens for a tray. It was sweet of Mitsunari to feed me before he left.
Ah, hot… tea? Huh. Nothing was coming out of the pot. I peeked under the lid – it was packed tightly with the tea leaves. Right. Masamune had warned me about Mitsunari’s tea making skills (or, lack of said skills). “It just needs to steep a bit longer.” I’d get rid of it after he left.
Mitsunari hovered anxiously over me.  “Is it to your liking? If you want anything else, like a bowl of milk, I can get it.”
“It’s all good.” A bowl of milk? Though I was getting better at understanding the Mitsunari-isms, that one was a head scratcher. Mentally shrugging, I mixed some of the fish in with the rice and… Mitsunari was … watching me. No… he was studying me. “Will you be eating too?”
“It’s nice of you to ask, but I have already eaten.” He continued to stare at me, and I could almost hear his internal circuits whirring.
Fine then. But it was freaking me out to be the only one eating. “If you want to read, I don’t mind.” Stop looking at me. I took a tiny bite, hyperaware of what I might look like chewing. Finally, I could stand it no longer. “It’s getting late… you don’t want to keep Nobunaga and Hideyoshi waiting.”
Looking startled, he leaped to his feet. “You are correct. I will see you in the archives later.”
Once he was gone, I hurried to finish what I could of the food, then decided to use the early morning time to get in some archery practice, as, according to the maid I flagged down, there were targets set up in a clearing beyond the courtyard.
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It wasn’t a great course for distance, as there were too many trees on the far end, but perfect for accuracy, and I was enjoying the peace and quiet and steady whump of my arrows, when Shohime joined me. As always, she looked like she had stepped out of a fashion magazine, had such a thing existed in this era. She was followed by one of Mozumi’s pages, who glared at me, either for daring to sully the presence of the Princess’s perfection, or because my existence was making her unhappy.
Unlike the page, Shohime was perfectly polite. “Is the training course to your liking?”
“Yes, the targets are well set up. Nice variety of sizes. Thank you.” A perfectly polite answer to a perfectly innocuous question. She was probably building up to something else.
“I think so too.” She set up and immediately hit every target with nearly as much accuracy as I had.
Ooh. It is so on.
I had been considering packing up and leaving her to it, but this was not a challenge I could back away from.  I went through a speed round and hit every target dead center. Ha! Take that Princess Perfect!
The page glared at me. Yeah. I ought to have let the princess win, but that’s a dangerous precedent. I wouldn’t want my muscles to get into the habit of missing shots.
Shohime stared at me for a long moment, then also performed a speed round. Her accuracy rivaled my own on the closer targets, but her distance shots weren’t as consistent. She side-eyed me as she waited for her page to bring back our arrows.
Hm. I could take a few steps backward and increase the distance, but I sensed that what Shohime really wanted was to talk to me… and that was confirmed when she turned to the page. “Maru, please leave us.”
He did, but not without a final glare in my direction.
Right. I waited patiently for her to state her case. Was she going to warn me away from her man? Break into a chorus of Jolene? Go mafia princess and make me an offer I couldn’t refuse? Would I wake up tomorrow with Moonlight’s head next to me on my futon?
She threw herself into my arms. “Lady Okatsu! You’ve got to help me!”
Ok. I hadn’t expected something this… wet. Where was Mai when I needed her? She might be better suited to dealing with an overemotional teenager. “Um, Shohime… shhhh… here… use my handkerchief.” I awkwardly patted her on her back. “What’s wrong?”
Her sobs grew louder.
What… what if something is really wrong? Just because she was still half a kid at seventeen didn’t mean there weren’t real world problems she was dealing with. “Are you in danger? Or… in trouble?” Was… she pregnant? Pregnancy would explain why her father was so desperate to have her engagement to the Tsuruga daimyo confirmed.
“Noooo.” She pulled back finally and looked at me with glistening eyes – Mai was right, Shohime is a pretty crier. “You’ll think I’m being a child, but you’re so smart and strong and brave.”
“You think so?” We’d just met. Sure, I like to think I’m smart and strong and brave but is it that evident to a stranger? Maybe it was.
“You must be. You’re old, Lady Okatsu, and you managed to avoid getting married until now, and now you’re engaged to someone as nice and beautiful as Mitsunari.” That last bit ended up as a wail.
I forced myself past that, because… “Shohime, is your fiancé abusive to you?”
Blink. Teardrop. Blink. Blink. There were tumbleweeds where her brain cells ought to be.
Sigh. “Is he mean to you?”
She sniffled. “He’s nice. He isn’t an ogre. Lady Yone thinks he’s terribly handsome and that I ought to be grateful that he has hair and teeth. But he’s older – like you. And he’s not Mitsunari.” The wail was back, as she said Mitsunari’s name at a decibel and pitch that likely broke glass somewhere in the castle.
I patted her on the back while she continued to sniffle. “I feel so guilty because he is so nice… he smiles at me all the time, but I don’t want him. I want Mitsunari.” Wail. Dogs were probably barking across the country. To be honest, I bet she could give Fume a run for her money.
Sniffle. Wail. Hiccup. Wail.
Well. Now she was just being dramatic.
It sounded like her fiancé was acceptable, albeit slightly out of her preferred age range… and possibly unexciting. But given who Mozumi could have chosen, she ought to count herself lucky. And… my job was to keep her away from Mitsunari, so I wasn’t going to help her with him. On the other hand, if I didn’t at least agree to find a solution, I was likely to be stuck patting her back all day. If she didn’t stop crying, I might even drown. “I’ll try to think of a way to help.”
She looked so immediately relieved and happy that I felt guilty, given that the odds of me being able to help her were pretty low. After all, what sort of future was there for her except for the one she had been raised and trained for? Accuracy in archery aside, I couldn’t see her crossing the country as a courier the way I did. True, I hadn’t been that much older than Shohime was now when I started working for Aki… but I’d had gymnastics and freerunning training already… and … well, Toshiie and I had pretty much raised ourselves. I had never been a pampered princess.
“Thank you, Lady Okatsu. I am certain that if you say you agree to the plan that Hideyoshi and Nobunaga will be happy for me to marry Mitsunari, too.” She gave me the puppy eyes, but they had no effect on me because my brain had needle scratched on “too.”
I must have looked appalled because she added quickly, “Don’t worry. I would be happy to be the second wife and leave you in charge of household duties. In fact, it’s an ideal solution as I imagine you’re too old to bear Mitsunari’s children.” She hugged me again and ran off.
What… just… happened?
I shook my head to clear it of the image of me as a house crone, bustling around to make things easy for Mitsunari and Shohime, their three adorable babies and forty kittens.
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My archery zen spoiled, I packed up my things and head back to the castle. As I passed through the main entry, I caught a movement on the staircase. Looking up, I saw Lady Yone watching me. She inclined her head, and I got an ice cream headache from the look on her face. Brrr. I bowed briefly in return and hurried to the archives.
I timed my entry well, as Nobunaga and Hideyoshi had just finished prioritizing which books they most wanted Mitsunari to read. I stood in the doorway watching, wondering if I was indeed closer to Hideyoshi and Nobunaga’s ages than I was to Mitsunari’s. Maybe? Or maybe he just looked younger and more innocent next to them.
Nobunaga noticed me first and held up a book. “Okatsu, Mitsunari tells me that you’re practicing your Portuguese. Instead of reading poetry, would you do me the favor of translating this book?”
He opened it up and handed it to me. It took me a moment of squinting at the text to conclude I would not be able to translate it. I flipped to the cover to confirm my suspicion. “This is in Italian, not Portuguese. The languages are similar, but not close enough that I’d even begin to be able to translate it beyond a word or two here or there.”
“Ah. A pity. I shall have to wait until it is available in Japanese. Or until I can acquire an Italian.” (I think he was joking. Maybe.) He put the book back on the shelf, and I was very glad it was not available to him. Nobunaga and Machiavelli would have been a dangerous combination.
He bowed and left us alone…
… with Hideyoshi.
Mitsunari settled happily down with what seemed like a thousand pieces of paper, while Hideyoshi loomed over me. “Where were you this morning?” He sounded just like a school administrator scolding a truant… I ought to know. I’d been a truant often enough.
“Keeping Shohime occupied on the archery field.” I settled down with the poem in my lap like an obedient little princess. “She is still… fixed on the idea of Mitsunari.”
The man in question didn’t even twitch at the sound of his name. He was already deep into his work.
“I don’t understand why.” Hideyoshi sounded like he was talking to himself.
Really? Way to diss your own vassal, Hideyoshi. “He’s smart, kind, young and attractive. Why wouldn’t she?” I shot another look at Mitsunari, who was smiling happily, beautifully over his book, oblivious to everything from the topic of conversation to the stultifying heat of the room. I picked up the poem and fanned myself with it.
Hideyoshi’s hands tightened on the scroll he was holding. He set it down. “I’m aware of that. However, Shohime’s fiancé is said to be all of that as well.” He reached over and plucked the poem out of my hands. “This is a book. Not your fan – which you appear to have left in your room.”
Oops. I had. Well. Too late for that now. I pushed the conversation away from Hideyoshi’s favorite ‘let’s criticize Katsuko’ topic. “You mentioned that she’s had a crush on Mitsunari since last summer. Maybe she’s not ready to give that up. Sometimes people can’t help wanting what they cannot have.”
“I know that.” Hideyoshi’s mood altered in a flash. He handed the book back to me, then straightened his spine and marched out of the room. Crap. I had forgotten his feelings for Mai.
Glancing at Mitsunari, I wondered how much, if any, of that he had heard. His mild gaze was already fastened on me. So… a change of subject was needed. I gestured to the stack of books in front of him. “They want you to read all of these books while we are here?”
“Yes. It’s wonderful.” Mitsunari smiled like Nobunaga had just given him a box of kittens. His enthusiasm for the task made me laugh. “Why are you laughing?”
“No reason. You seemed so happy it made me want to smile too.”  I’d had a mental image of Mitsunari sitting in a box with kittens climbing all over him – my brain filed that as cute overload. But I would keep that to myself.
“Interesting.” He didn’t elaborate. Instead, he picked up a book and began his “homework.”
I made myself as comfortable as I could on a cushion a couple meters away and forced myself into that Portuguese poem. While I was glad Mitsunari had a task he enjoyed, this poem was not nearly that exciting. Face it, Katsuko, you’re not much of a reader.
Still, I managed to focus and once I got into the rhythm of the language, I found it less of a slog. It was no “Song of Ice and Fire” but there were Gods and battles and sea voyages (I think) so there was that.
All was quiet, and peaceful, until--
A wadded up ball of paper landed in my lap. I looked at Mitsunari, but he was intent on making notes for Nobunaga. Had he meant to toss it away? Or was it a note?
I uncrumpled it – was blank. Flipped it over. Still blank. When I looked back at Mitsunari, his head was down, eyes focused on his task.
It was a mystery.
In case he wanted it back, I crumpled it up again and tossed it to him. My aim was perfect – it landed by his elbow. He didn’t acknowledge the paper, but the corner of his mouth lifted in a half-smile.
Shaking my head, I returned to the poem.
Twenty minutes or so later, the paper had returned to my lap.
Again, Mitsunari seemed oblivious to flying paper.
With a shrug, I tossed it back.
If it happened again, I would be ready for it. I pretended to be reading but kept my peripheral vision on Mitsunari. When the paper ball came at me a third time, I reached up and batted it out of the air. “Why are you throwing paper wads at me?”
“Do you not like it, Okatsu?” He frowned, and I felt guilty for asking.
“I neither dislike, nor like. I was simply wondering why.” Maybe he had overloaded that brain of his. “Do you need a break? It might be good for you to get outside for a little while.”
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The afternoon was as lovely as the morning. Hopefully the fresh breeze would blow away whatever fog that infected Mitsunari’s brain and contributed to the paper-tossing incident.
It looked like Hikosane had escaped his minders too. He was running around the courtyard with a temari ball, kicking it up into the air with his feet and knees, and laughing with kid-glee. Mitsunari nudged my shoulder with his. “We should join him – that looks to be fun play.”
Strange suggestion coming from Mitsunari, but it did look like fun, so I didn’t offer much protest. After all, healthy body, healthy mind, right?
Hikosane had invented a game with the temari that was somewhat like hot potato – whoever had the temari was ‘in danger’ as long as they were holding it. The object was to throw the ball to another player as soon as possible before you were caught by the others. It didn’t completely make sense – but the game had been created by a ten-year-old, so some allowance was needed. “I ought to have refined the rules more,” he said in that miniature adult way of his. “But none of my sisters will play with me.”
“None? There are more of them?” More Shohimes? That was… a frightening process.
“Yes. Shohime’s mother is my father’s first wife. She lives in Kyoto as part of the Emperor’s court. My mother was my father’s second wife, but she died when I was born, and I do not remember her. My four younger sisters are Lady Yone’s, who is my father’s third wife. Now second, I suppose.” He tossed the ball up in the air and caught it again.
As I said, the rules of the game didn’t make complete sense and although I couldn’t run as well in Okatsu’s kimono as I could in Katsu’s clothing, the modifications that Mai had designed at least let me move about relatively freely.
It came as no surprise to me that Mitsunari’s ability to aim was somewhat south of negative forty-two. His tosses got nowhere near the person he threw to, but that just added to the silliness of it. It went on this way for a good half hour or so, until I had the temari and Mitsunari ran straight toward me. I tossed it to Hikosane, but Mitsunari, distracted by the sudden appearance of Hideyoshi in the yard, was unable to stop his forward motion.
… and that’s how Mitsunari and I ended up in the ornamental fish pond.
Though to hear Hideyoshi tell it… it was my fault for encouraging the game to begin with.
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Awesome commissioned artwork by @fighting-and-drawing
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@katriniac @lorei-writes @bestbryn @lyds323 @briars7
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
Yan parent Apocalypse??? Woah
Maybe the reader has a reincarnation sort of power and turns out to be his child during the Egyptian era?
(the X-Men evolution version, but now that I think about it he doesn't get much character depth to him)
Oh heavens, I almost forgot he was a possible option- But, to be honest, yes, I can do that. Let's do this for you, Apocalypse Anon:
You had always had a... unique... power.
One that earned you quite the reputation.
You were a mutant who could reincarnate.
That meant you could live forever, basically, as when one life died, you'd pass to another, and the cycle repeated, unbreaking, unending, since as far back as you can remember. That being said...
You were afraid of your past.
Namely, your father, once a Pharoah, who wanted to remake the world in his image... En Sabah Nur, or what he would later be called, Apocalypse.
You did everything in your power in each life to ensure he never broke out of his eternal imprisonment. If he were to break free all H*ll would break loose. He was nearly all-powerful, a fighter, someone who waged wars and won then, not backing down and never giving in.
You were possibly the one sentient being he cared about. You were his child, after all.
His one heir, named a god in their own right...
And now all your hard work to ensure he never escaped had been destroyed. Crushed. Obliterated. All because some shape-shifting, mind-controller, and some poor teen with... a LOT of powers? broke in and broke the last seal on your father's tomb.
The moment he's released, you can see him drawing the powers from the poor girl, and the statue of the shapeshifter, nothing but a stone husk of her former glory.
"That's enough, En Sabah Nur! Release her!" you scream, charging into the fray. Yet you don't don't make it far enough to land a blow as Apocalypse uses his new abilities to toss you aside.
"That is enough, pest," he intones, then turns, starting to leave the rocky chamber. You can hear others approaching, a smaller mutant running past as he goes to check on the fallen teenager. To stop any further damage, you play your last card:
"Father! It's me! Your Lotus of the Nile, your Heir! Remember? You once saw one floating into the royal pools, upon which a bee landed, taking from it its nectar. You dubbed me your lotus, your nectar of the flower, the honey of the gods," you cry out carefully, voice echoing in the chamber. You watch warily as the mutant freezes, turning to face you. His eyes are hard to read, cold and calculating... After a small eternity, he finally speaks...
"Child... It has been too long... It seems I'm not alone," he says, then waves his hand. In a flash your pulled forward, forced along as he ascends into the upper chambers. "We have much to do, my dear lotus... Now, it is time to remake the world as it should have been."
You glance back, sighing quietly with relief. At least the other two were spared for now. You mouth to them a message:
"I'll help you. Eyes on the inside."
And then you and your father are brought into a battle, facing off against the mutants who've come to stop him, and all you can do is pray they believe you, trust you enough to supply them help from the inside of Apocalypse's schemes. If you survive his 'love' long enough...
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violetbranwen · 8 months
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This blog is a 18+ space, Minors, do not engage. If you are under the age of 18 you are not welcome here. Please heed these warnings and the warnings put in place on each individual fic and chapter. Your reading and consumption of my work is your responsibility but I will endeavour to mitigate any discomfort for you, the reader, as possible. Once again, this is a 18+ space and minors should not interact. 
Specific Warnings: None here reallly, some canon-typical violence, reader is a brat(but we all knew that right?), Grogu and Reader are menaces from the first second they meet, swearing, alcohol consumption, addiction reference(mild).
Summary: You're about to give up on your elaborate scheme, when a bounty hunter of unparalleled skill picks up your contract. The game is afoot. Please consider checking out my ko-fi or patreon if you want to support me. Thank you @reaperofmen for beta'ing this for me!!
[Bonus set after the series] Masterlist | Next Chapter ->
You reach the spaceport on Kamino a whole planetary cycle before the Wookiee bounty hunter Stiaarl if your calculations are right, and they often are. You spot her starfighter immediately and whistle low to yourself as you take in the beautiful craft. The Jedi interceptor sits pretty, polished Durasteel glinting in the bright artificial lighting of the hangar bay.
“Kriffer wasn’t joking when she said it was a beauty, shame about that monstrosity.”
You eye the modified cargo storage that’s been crudely welded between the landing gear. It’s like a low hanging belly, only just clearing the floor of the hangar. You shake your head morbidly at the idea of being stuffed in there if Stiaarl had caught you. You leap up onto the bright yellow fuselage with ease, making you way to the cockpit.
The bronze coloured Astromech docked in the front right side of the ship beeps at you in alarm, clearly noticing their master isn’t present as you override the cockpit locking mechanisms with your modified code scrambler. The Astromech’s ranting gets more frantic as it feels you shutting it out of the ship controls.
“Sorry buddy, you can either assist me, or I can leave you here to wait for your master.” You say, tilting your head to the side with an apologetic smile on your face.
The droid beeps and boops at you a few more times before making the hydraulic whine universally understood to be their way of sighing. The droid settles down and you nod, glad to have the support, flying without an Astromech would have been less than ideal.
“Once we get to our next location, you’re free to go your own way, I’ll be ditching this as soon as I land.”
You say as you start up the ship, pre-flight checks second nature as a message comes up on the center console.
R4: Stiaarl is a cruel master. Happy to help.
You smirk to yourself and shake your head as you finish your final preparations, the ship hovering off the ground as the landing gear folds up with a heavy clunk underneath you. You attach the gold headset, hailing the local tower to request approval for take-off.
“Hey, R4? Could you check something for me? Who was the original owner of this ship?”
You ask, wanting to see if what Stiaarl claimed about this ship was accurate. The go-ahead comes over your earpiece and you take the ship up into the stormy night sky. It takes no time at all to locate the hyperspace ring waiting in orbit around the planet through the guidance systems. You set autopilot for the dock just as a message pops up from R4 and laugh aloud at the result of the ownership search.
“Son of a Bantha wasn’t lying after all.”
You chuckle to yourself, keying in the co-ordinates for Tatooine. The irony not lost on you in the slightest.
The center console displays two words in bright red letters.
Anakin Skywalker.
You sit in a booth at the back of the cantina, keeping your head down as you bring up your data slate and look at the bounty on your head, scrolling through the current assigned pucks. Stiaarl was the highest ranked by far and even she hadn’t been remotely challenging to evade. You pull up the cancellation form, filling out the verifications that you – as the issuer of the contract – are still alive, mumbling some phrases in Basic into the camera to provide proof of life.
It takes you ten minutes but eventually you get to the big red cancel button on the holographic screen. You’re hovering over it nervously as a priority notification cuts across the screen.
Bounty Accepted: tap for details.
Your mouth ticks up at the corner but you don’t get your hopes up. You doubt there’s anyone remotely capable out there at this point, your ego is nothing but inflated seeing as you’ve bested some of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy.
You close the form, bookmarking it for later so you can go back and cancel it the moment you’ve entertained what will undoubtably be another dud. You swipe up, bringing up the bounty hunter’s profile and your breath catches in your throat.
No way?
The blue-white hologram of a Mandalorian helmet flickers in front of you as the name swirls around the shimmering bust.
You swipe through his previous conquests, noting some of the credit totals and wanted levels in awe. You accept the bounty request without a second thought. You consider cancelling the other hunters’ contracts and setting this as exclusive to Mando, but then it dawns on you, that running from multiple lesser hunters as well could make this much more interesting.
You up the bounty by another five thousand credits and send Mando a note to say you’ve received intel of the quarry being on Tatooine. You kick back, feet up on the cantina table as you lace your fingers behind your head, a smug grin on your face.
This is where the fun begins.
You get back to hangar 3-6 just as the binary suns are setting on the dust bowl of a planet. You enter through the back, and you’re surprised to see R4 still loitering around as you settle into the bunk you’re renting from Peli.
“Hey there little guy, surprised you haven’t taken off by now.”
Your wrist-comm beeps and the holo-reader displays the translation from Droid Binary to Basic.
Nowhere to go, no-one here likes droids.
“Sorry pal, maybe I can take you to some of the other hangars or spaceports and advocate for you?”
R4 beeps excitedly, the high-pitched whine near-painful as you wince down at him.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t get your hopes up, but don’t worry, no Jawas.”
A low shuddering whistle comes from the Astromech, and you can only imagine the horrors of being a droid on a Land Crawler.
You pat the little droid on the head affectionately before getting changed into something a little less conspicuous. You’d picked up some local robes to change into, and some heavy-duty boots. You replace your tattered and worn cloth mask with a colourful headscarf, wrapping the coarse material around in a practiced set of movements. It covers your hair and mouth, leaving just the curve of your nose, your eyes, and expanse of your forehead on display.
Once satisfied, you head out into the mess area Peli keeps for lodgers and you drop a handful of credits into the honesty box before prepping something large and hearty enough from Peli’s pantry to feed a full bunkhouse. You’re busy chopping vegetables as you hear a large ship rumble overhead, you turn over your shoulder to see it docking in 3-5. You shrug and turn back to your veggies as you turn up the radio, Tusken hip hop playing over the tired speakers.
As you’re settling the lid on the large pot, you’re met with the hiss of a blast door open and shut. Then you hear something you could have never predicted in Peli’s place.
The cooing of a baby. You turn to see Peli, her wild brown frizz smeared with grease and Maker knows what else, and the small, green skinned, pointy eared kid in her arms. Bright eyes shine up at you as the kid stills.
“Hey there squirt, wanna say hi to my favourite lodger?” Peli’s shrill tone is somewhat muted as she talks to the kid in her arms.
You feel a tingle at the base of your skull as the kid reaches out to you with his mind. You almost feel the little claws scraping against your consciousness, a question, probing but wordless between you.
“Hey there kiddo, what’s your name?” You ask the little guy with a smile as you wipe off your hands in your robes.
“Little thing doesn’t seem to speak yet but look how sweet he is!”
You’ve never seen Peli so soft, and you certainly never saw her as a maternal type, but then you definitely couldn’t deny the little guy’s a charmer, just by the way he reaches out to you with grabby hands.
Peli hands him over to you and immediately your consciousnesses connect. You smile down at him as you try and respond but your Force sensitivity is mid at best. But the kid smiles and giggles at your attempt as he babbles away at you.
You cradle him against your hip with one arm as you head back to the stew, Peli mutters something about the nerf herder docked in 3-5 not wanting to use droids so she had to take on the work herself before scurrying off.
You stir and taste the creamy concoction, adding in some seasoning here and there, topping up the liquid when it starts to thicken a little more than you’d like. All the while you chat away to the kid, explaining your elaborate plan to him, thinking nothing of it as he listens intently.
The clink of metal-on-metal interrupts your one-sided conversation and turn to greet the newcomer. Your blood runs cold as you take in the tall, Beskar-clad bounty hunter before you.
“You have something of mine.” The Mandalorian speaks and you don’t know what you had expected, but the low rumble through a modulator makes your tongue feel too big for your mouth. Your lips part as you try to decide whether you’re aroused, terrified, or a little bit of both.
“The kid?”
The bounty hunter nods and you smile under your face covering tilting your head to the side as you do, knowing he can see only fractionally more of your face than you can of his.
“I was just about to move on anyway,” You say with a fake chuckle, trying to let the tension leave your shoulders. You can already feel him sizing you up, and you know it wouldn’t take him long to figure out you were very out of place here, “Just letting the soup cool before I can take my cut.”
“You make the soup?”
“Uh-huh, kid loves it, so make sure you take some with you on your travels.”
You hold the kid out to the silver-clad giant in front of you, it takes every atom of your self-control to stop yourself from vibrating with excitement. You can already taste the thrill of the chase on your tongue.
“Call me Jaina,” You extend your free hand to shake but the Mandalorian just tilts his helmet down to look at your outstretched palm, “And you?”
“Mando is fine.”
His tone is clipped, even through the modulator, but you understand. The small amount you know about the Mandalorian people informs you that secrecy is often valued amongst different creeds.
“Ok then Mando, I’ll be in my bunk.”
You say as you ladle a few servings of soup out into your worn, scuffed up, food-safe storage pods. You juggle them in your arms as you wink at the kid, now safely in Mando’s armoured clutches. The kid gurgles happily at you as he waves his little claws at you. You leave without further comment but there’s a ghost of a word, or a phrase? On your mind.
Din watches you leave; his helmet overlay only confirming his suspicions. You’re his quarry. Your body type and Basic accent matching his intel. But he’d already run into another job before sizing you up. He’s nothing but a man of his word. You’d have to wait.
The kid stirs in his arms, and he looks down at his charge.
The kid huffs, rolling his large, dark eyes before pointing towards the direction in which you left.
“Don’t get attached kid.”
It’s been three days and finally Peli has given up the effort to find you a ship. You’d taken the credits instead, but worst of all, Mando hadn’t been seen in Mos Eisley for days. So, you’re drowning your sorrows in some hard liquor at the prospect of being let down once again.
You pull up your data slate and find the bounty cancellation draft, fingers burning at the remorse flowing through you. Your finger hovers over the cancel option as you resign yourself to the lesser addictions of the galaxy. Prostitution, Spice, Sabacc, Pazzak, betting on Fathier races.
You throw the data slate down in frustration as you neck an empty shot. You groan as you watch a single droplet slide down your glass into your eager mouth.
You waltz over to the bar, enthusiasm dimmed as you hand over another bunch of credits for a second bottle.
“I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold.”
The firm press of a blaster barrel against your spine has you grinning like a Lothcat. You’re sober enough that you know you’ve got a fighting chance.
“Took you long enough.”
“Had another job I needed to take care of, you were lower priority.”
You shift your feet, a small but important re-distribution of your weight as you try and bait the Mandalorian into getting closer. You reach slowly for the taser concealed in your belt, but the Mandalorian clocks your movements.
“No funny business.”
He growls as you’re pinned to the bar, a large, gloved hand wrapped around your neck. You feel the press of his body against yours, cool Beskar against your back as the air is knocked from your lungs.
“I’m impressed,” You let out a short huff, your smile only widening at his rough treatment of you, “You’re the first one to so much as get within spitting distance.”
“Flattery won’t get you anywhere.”
“Oh, I know.”
You smirk as you hear him reach for binders. He thinks he has you, he’s being complacent, the moment the barrel of his blaster falls from your body you act.
“I hope you and the kiddo like the soup, tin-can.”
You bark as you kick off the bar, pitching the pair of you backwards, the crack of Beskar hitting sandstone loud in your ear as you collide with a table. Your headscarf falls down, revealing your face as you fish out the modified sonic charge from your robes.
“Dank Farrik!” Mando roars as he flips you over, his knees either side of your hips as he reaches for your arms. But you squirm out of his grasp before he can lock his broad hands around your wrists. If you weren’t so pre-occupied by jabbing the charge into the side of his neck, just below his helmet, you’d notice the growing wetness pooling at your core at being manhandled by the larger man.
“See you around, Mando.”
You release the dead-man switch on the charge and watch as Mando seizes up, a feral growl pulses through the modulator as you heave his immobilised body off you. You’d feel a little guilty at how his body rocks and convulses under the charge if you weren’t crowing with triumph.
You throw the bartender a small pouch of credits for the damage before making a beeline back to Peli’s hangar.
By the time Din could move again, night had descended on Tatooine. He swears under his breath as he sees you’ve stolen his speeder bike, he breaks into a fast jog, hoping that there would be evidence enough to track you by. The lack of tracking fob for this job makes it harder to follow your movements, but for some reason it only spurs him on to prove to himself, to you, that he can do this.
“Where’d she go?”
Mando barks as he scoops Grogu out of Peli’s arms, the kid is uncharacteristically chipper as he squirms in Din’s arms.
“Spaceport would be my guess, couldn’t get her a ship in time.”
Peli chases after Mando, worry on her face as he’s angrier than when the rookie bounty hunter threatened her and the kid just the other night.
“She’s long gone by now Mando, no use chasing through the streets for her.”
The Mandalorian stops dead in his tracks, Peli collides into his back, and she swears in Jawaese as she feels her nose crunch painfully.
“You’re right, thanks for looking after the kid.” Mando turns and nods curtly at Peli before striding up the ramp of the crest, blood boiling under his cool-as-Hoth façade.
He straps the kid in, rubbing his thumb and forefinger over the soft skin of his left ear. The kid gurgles happily and touches Mando’s wrist with both his tiny little hands.
It’s the first time a word has been planted in his head like this and it makes him smile despite it all. He somehow knows in his gut that the kid isn’t talking – or thinking? – about him as a friend, more that he’s trying to tell Din he likes you.
“I told you, don’t get attached to her kid.”
Grogu huffs and activates the blast shielding of his pod, clearly determined to sulk for the next few hours.
Din gets the crest into orbit, his gloved fingers of his right-hand drumming on his thigh, the left cradling his chin as he tries to decide the next course of action. The low beeping of an incoming transmission startles him and he furrows his brow beneath his helmet, the sender is himself?
He narrows his eyes, cocking his head to the side as he opens it up.
“Hey Mando!”
The blue-grey hologram shows you, kid in hand as you both wave at the recorder. He ignores the way the sultry purr of your voice twists something in his stomach as he pays attention to your gloating.
“I bet you’re guessing where I’m heading next? Well, let’s just say I’m sick of deserts and hot weather, and It’ll be a warm day on Hoth before I go anywhere near snow.”
Din cocks his head, bringing up star maps as he quickly filters out desert planets like Jakku and Geonosis. Then he filters out the colder ones. He almost questions why you’re giving him clues, especially when there’s no fob out for you. Then he realises that you want him to chase you, no other bounty hunter has come close to capturing you, and here he is, having almost cuffed and bagged you within a few cycles. He smiles to himself at the challenge.
“Oh, and I don’t have any kind of environment suit, things give me a nasty rash on my rear end,” You prattle on and Mando can’t help but smile at your brazen attitude, “So there you have it Mando, catch me if you can.”
The recording starts on a loop and Mando hears the kid stirring behind him at the sound of your voice, the blast shield coming down as he watches the hologram with wide eyes.
“Don’t worry, we’ll see her again.”
Mando thanks the Maker that his face is obscured, otherwise the kid would see the grin on his face, and all his talk of not getting attached would be tainted by the knowledge that – like most parents – he isn’t very good at taking his own advice.
After the third replay Mando has narrowed it down to Eadu, Kashyyyk, Sorgan, or Endor. The first three are close together but Endor is the furthest out of the way, so he sets a course for Eadu. Worst case scenario, he picks up a few jobs on the way, and shows the kid around the galaxy a little more. He readies the Crest for the jump into Hyperspace and kicks back, indulgently watching your recording one last time.
He smirks to himself at the final line of your message before turning it off and heading to his bunk. He can’t stop replaying it in his head as he strips down to his flight suit. His helmet rests nearby and as his head hits the pillow your voice invades his mind once more.
Catch me if you can.
[Bonus set after the series] Masterlist | Next Chapter ->
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whoficky · 2 months
Until Morning
Rating: T
Pairing: 10th Doctor X Rose Tyler
Notes: I'm a sucker for reunion fics and I've been playing around with this idea for years now. After much procrastination, I figured the best way to get me to finish writing the thing was to jump in and start posting. Hope you like it!
Work Summary: As a weary Doctor, Martha Jones and Jack Harkness prepare to take on the Master, they find their hideout isn't as secure as they thought.
In a burst of blue light, a dimension hopping Rose Tyler finally finds the Doctor, but time is still not on their side.
What if you only had one night to spend with the love of your life?
Chapter 1
The rumbling in Jack’s stomach interrupted his attempt at hacking into the Master’s digital database.  He glanced up to see if Martha had heard, and sure enough, she was looking at him with raised eyebrows. 
“Bit hungry?” she asked from where she was perched on one of the chairs they’d scavenged. 
“More than a little,” Jack acknowledged as he leaned back for a stretch.  “God, I’d kill for something hot and fried right now.”
“Mmm, yeah,” Martha sighed, “I’m so hungry I think I’d even eat Mum’s cooking.  And she’s never met a vegetable she hasn’t boiled into mush.”  Jack chuckled along with her, but neither of them really had their hearts in it.  
It had been a long, rough day for both of them.  
Was it really only this morning that Jack had finally caught up with the Doctor again?  He tried to calculate the hours, but it was as much of a hopeless task as it had always been when time travel was involved.  He hadn’t slept or eaten more than half a protein pack since he’d hitched a ride to the end of the universe, and being immortal unfortunately didn’t prevent him from hunger pangs or the affects of sleep deprivation.  If he listened to his body, he figured it had been about a day, Earth time.  Two at the most.     
The fact that he was already loosing track of his usual twenty-four-hour cycle wasn’t surprising.  That was typical when adventuring with the Doctor.  That man sucked you right into a different sort of reality.  Running for their lives and helping the last sentient life in the universe seek Utopia was par for the course.  Despite a complicated history the Doctor and Jack had needed to work out, he’d been having a hell of a good time.  At first.
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But then the bumbling professor Yana had opened up an old pocket watch and everything had gone to hell.   In some ways it was a miracle - another survivor of the Time War.  But out of all the billions of refugees who could have survived, it’d had to be the Master - an utterly insane Time Lord who’d stollen the TARDIS, taken over the government, and captured Martha’s family.  The poor woman was beside herself waiting to learn what had become of them.  Jack knew it had killed her to run away when her parents were being hauled into that van.  He could relate.  His own sort of family, his Torchwood team, were MIA and his guts clenched when he thought of what the Master had done to them.   Even the Doctor could barely hide how all this was pushing him towards that edge he always danced around.  Jack had seen him go over it only once before, when they’d thought the Anne Droid had vaporized Rose Tyler.  He never wanted to see his old friend go there again.  The problem for all of them was that the Master had shown himself to be very good at hitting them where it hurt.  
So, here they were - holed up in this abandoned warehouse.  Hunted, anxious, and left with limited time and resources.  The Master had had eighteen months to put together a government takeover and whatever other schemes the madman had planned.  Jack doubted the three of them even had days to come up with a way to stop him.  It was very likely that humanity was on the brink of peril.     
Jack was so distracted by his thoughts that he almost flinched when Martha spoke again.
“Have you found anything?” she asked, getting up to look over his shoulder at the computer screen.        
“Almost there, I think,” he reported as he pushed his unease aside to resume working on Martha’s laptop.  “Tosh is usually the one to do this kind of thing, but I’m not too shabby at it.”   
“Tosh?” Martha asked confused.
“Oh, she’s part of my team at Torchwood.  Great with computers.  Gets along better with tech than people most of the time…And, hang on…BINGO!  I’m in!” Jack leant closer to the screen as he searched for various key words in the database.  “Oh yeah!” he said with relief, “Torchwood Four was sent off to the Himalayas.  Well that explains why they wouldn’t pick up the phone.  But hey, I’ll take it!  Better sent on some wild goose chase then mixed up in all this at ground zero.”  The knots in his stomach loosened a fraction as he plowed into a new search.
  “Aaaaand…” he said to stall as he clicked through a few folders, “Here we are, Martha!  Looks like Mom, Dad, and Sister have all been taken into custody for ‘questioning.’  They aren’t hurt though.  Just in custody.  See there’s some video footage.  And…” he scrolled down to make sure, “No mention of Leo,” he winked at her.
Martha seemed to take heart from that, “Guess he’s not as daft as I thought!” she laughed.  “My god, I’m talking about my brother on the run.  How did this happen?  And where is the Doctor?  He said he’d be right back.”
“Still setting up a security perimeter, I guess.  Though he’s certainly taking his time about it.”  Jack had the suspicion the “security perimeter” was really more an excuse for the Doctor to get some air and collect his thoughts.  God forbid the Time Lord showed an emotion in front of the humans, Jack thought with a smirk.        
“Maybe he can get some takeout while he’s at it.  I’m starving,” Martha plopped down on top of a large crate next to the fire they’d started in an old barrel.  
“So we’re back to food again?” Jack asked, shooting Martha a playful look to try and ease the lines of tension on her face.     
“Oh, I don’t know,” Martha chuckled, “I’m caught between fantasizing about it and trying to think of anything else.  Same goes for sleep.”
“Yeah I -” 
A flash of blue light illuminated the warehouse and the sharp sound of static filled the air.  Jack’s body reacted without thought, his training taking over as he leapt to his feet and moved into position to protect Martha.    
“Stay back!” he hissed at her as he stepped forward and pulled the gun from the holster at his hip.  The Doctor had disarmed it hours ago, but the intruder emerging from the crackling light wouldn’t know that.  It could still be a handy negotiating tool.  
“Hands up!” Jack barked as the light faded to reveal a humanoid who was still facing away from them.  His brain, now cleared from the fog of exhaustion, took a mere fraction of a second to catalogue the threat.  The figure was small, dressed in contemporary clothes and had shoulder length bleach blonde hair. He though he saw a flash of metal, maybe a small weapon strapped to her belt, but her hands were empty.  The figure had stumbled when she first appeared, but now was standing completely straight with her hands in the air.  There was something familiar about her posture though…
Then she spoke. “Jack?” 
He nearly dropped the gun when he heard that voice.  
But…it couldn’t be.  It was just traveling with Doctor again - she’d been on his mind was all.  He was tired and hungry and his mind was playing tricks on him.
“Who’s asking!” it was more a command for identification than a question.
“Oh my god!  Jack!” the figure turned around and this time Jack did drop the gun in favor of the blue and yellow blur that ran into his arms.
“Rosie?” he said amazed as his arms automatically folded around her.  His brain that had worked so quickly moments earlier slowed down as he tried to process this.  It was Rose.  Rose Tyler.  Rose Tyler had appeared out of nowhere in a supposedly secure building and was now in his arms hugging him hard enough that he’d be worrying about breathing if he was still mortal.  This wasn’t supposed to be possible.  The Doctor had said…ah, but then this wouldn’t be the first time the Time Lord had underestimated her.
“Oh god Jack, I’ve missed you!  But how are you here?  I thought you had di-,” seeming to catch herself, Rose stepped back out of his embrace, folded her arms, and looked him over.
“When is it for you?” she asked cautiously.  Looks like she’d kept her time traveling skills sharp, he thought grinning.
“Long after the Game Station,” he replied.  Just from a quick once over, Jack could tell that this Rose was a little older and a lot harder then when he’d seen her last, so it must have already happened for her too.  Still, a little caution wouldn’t hurt.  “And you?”
Rose stared at him in astonishment shaking her head slightly, “But Jack,” she said, “How are you here?  On Earth, right?  That’s where we are?  Oh Jack, you died!  The Daleks…”
“Yeah well, didn’t stick,” he shrugged, “Takes more than a fleet of pepper pots to kill me.  Although, I mostly have you to thank for that, sweetheart,” he winked.  “And as for why I’m here, well that’s a long story.  But the short of it is, I used my vortex manipulator to go back in time and then the damn thing burned out. Been looking for you and the Doc ever since.”
Rose’s face fell, “So we left you?  On that ship, all alone?  Jack, I’m so sorry!”
“Hey,” he said resting a hand on her shoulder, “You didn’t know.” And it was true. She hadn’t known.  Jack wondered what story the Doctor had told her to make her think he’d died.  He wondered how much she knew about her part in it all.   “And hey,” he assured her, “I’ve done alright for myself, don’t worry.”    
 She nodded and offered him a small smile, “Good Jack, that’s good.” 
She took a deep breath as if steeling herself for something.  “The Doctor…we got separated,” she admitted, eyes drifting away from his.  “I have no idea where he is, Jack.  I’ve been looking for him too.  For so long…” she looked so tired and Jack wondered what she’d been through in that parallel universe.  
“Yeah, well I may be able to help you with that.”  Her eyes snapped back to his as he continued, “Me and the lovely Miss Martha Jones here,” he gestured to Martha who was still standing a few steps behind him, “are hiding out in this stinking old warehouse because we are currently number two and three of Britain’s most wanted.”
“Two and three…” Rose said slowly, working it out, “and…Number One?”
“He’ll be back any minute,” Jack said smiling, overjoyed to be the person who got to give her the news that her search was over.  It looked like it had been a rough one for her.      
“Jack,” she said half laughing and shaking her head in astonishment before leaping back into his arms. He swung her around a few times until he faced Martha who had remained very still and quiet the last couple of minutes.  
“While we’re waiting on his Time Lordiness…Rose Tyler, meet Martha Jones.  Martha Jones, Rose Tyler.” 
Rose turned to face Martha.  Jack held his breath, wondering how this would play out.  There was a tense moment as both women sized each other up before Martha stepped forward, offering her hand, “Good to meet you,” she said perhaps a touch too formally, “The Doctor talks about you all the time.”
“He…he does?” Rose took Martha’s hand, but glanced back at Jack as if for confirmation, “He mentioned me?”
“Er…yeah,” Martha said stiffly, “Won’t shut up about you sometimes.”
“I…I didn’t think he’d…,” Rose began before breaking out in a wide grin as she gripped Martha’s hand in a firm shake, “Good to meet you too, Martha Jones!  I bet you’ve had a time of it, keeping those two blokes in line.  How long have you all been traveling together?”
“Er…” Jack’s heart really did go out to Martha as she struggled to keep her composure.  “Well, first it was just me and the Doctor - that was for, oh I don’t know, bout a year?”
“It’s hard to keep track,” Rose sympathized.
“Yeah, it is,” Martha agreed, “And, well, I just met Jack actually…”  
Before she could finish, a rain-slicked Doctor bounded through the doors already jabbering, “Alright, that should do it.  This is now a surveillance free zone!  We’ll be able to keep here safely until…”
Jack could tell the exact moment the Doctor noticed Rose.  If he lived to be five-billion years old, he was sure he’d never forget the utterly gobsmacked look on the Time Lord’s face.  
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coupleofdays · 1 year
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I often think about the time dilation that is apparently going on in the TRON films, meaning that time in the digital world is moving "slower" than in the real world. In the original film, it meant that Kevin Flynn had a grand adventure that seemed to go on for days (or just hours?), but returned to the real world just a few minutes after he disappeared from it. TRON Legacy hints that a very long time has passed for Kevin on the Grid before Sam shows up ("Long time." "You have no idea."), but it never outright states how much. Apparently some source material establishes that Kevin has lived about 1000 years from his perspective, though other calculations by fans seems to suggest even larger numbers. The upcoming TRON Identity apparently is also working under the premise that while only a few years have passed in the real world since the events of Legacy, in the digital world those events have passed into myth and legend.
In any case, this makes me really wonder about Quorra. As I recall, in the film she's a feisty, adventurous and somewhat naive young freedom fighter. But really, she too must be really old, and by the time Sam arrives, she must have Seen Some Shit, far more than any of us could comprehend. Having lived under Clu's dictatorship for a thousand years, the odds would be great that she would be bitter, cynical and just generally grim, but instead she's still laughing and being enthusiastic about going on fun adventures.
I read one theory that after a certain time, time on the Grid simply starts looping back and repeating, so Clu's fighting against the same uprisings over and over again for hundreds of years, and things only start to change when Sam arrives and moves the plot forward, so to speak. It's fascinating to think that Tron might have recruited a hundred different Renegades throughout the years, becoming more and more despairing as nothing seems to change, unaware that the system is resetting itself again and again.
This also made me imagine Quorra as a sort of Peter Pan figure: Eternally young and cheerful, always happy to go on new adventures, with Clu as her Captain Hook, always coming up with new evil schemes (or maybe just the same schemes over and over) for her to thwart. And most importantly, she would have a very short memory, slowly forgetting all her past struggles and staying eternally optimistic that the final victory is just ahead. If Sam (the Wendy to her Peter) had disappeared from the Grid without taking her with him, she would probably just have forgotten about him after a few cycles.
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darkhighness · 9 months
Good Omentober Day 1 - Pre-Fall
Prompts by @disaster-dog
Crowley's name pre-falling is Caphriel and uses she/her pronouns. I was really unsure of what to make her name for this one-shot but I feel like this works well enough. I've seen a few sources that believe that Caphriel could mean something akin to honesty or truth but I know there are multiple meanings.
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Somewhere amongst the stars was a young angel holding a scroll out in front of her.  Illustrated were the most fantastic nebulae and individual stars. The paper was alight with various calculations and diagrams and Caphriel couldn’t help but stare in pure wonder.
It was a design she had been working on for a long time and while it was a small aspect in the grand scheme of things, she took a moment to marvel at its beauty. She eventually moved the scroll to the side and sat absently twirling the ends of her warm-toned hair. It was her usual thinking position and she’d often been accused of day dreaming too much. She would reason that her ‘day-dreaming’ is what allowed her to work so well. No other angel could see things the way she did.
She was entirely interrupted though until another angel zipped past, running into her and rather abruptly snapping her out of her daze.
“Oh goodness I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean-” The angel stammered.
Caphriel was stunned by their glow. The angel in a fluster in front of them was positively radiant and she couldn’t take her eyes off of them. Their hair was simply the most perfect shade of white, even if it did look rather dishellved and spiky at this moment and Caphriel was entranced by the gorgeous wings that had now folded up behind them. She almost forgot to speak.
“Oh-oh! It’s okay. I was a bit out of sorts myself.” She chuckled slightly before making sure the other angel was okay. “You seem to be in a rush. Is everything okay?”
The angel nodded quickly before offering a timid smile. “Sorry, just want to impress God. I simply must be in the good books when she selects the guardians of earth.” 
Caphriel hummed slightly. Earth wasn’t something that usually excited her. As far as she was concerned, it was just God’s little pet project and everyone had to run around to help out. She’d done well enough at avoiding any real responsibility so far, happy to keep her head in the stars.
“I’m sure a little break wouldn’t go astray.” Caphriel smiled warmly, reaching out to straighten the collar of the other angel’s robe. “Can hardly be your best if you’re always rushing everywhere. Plus, what’s the good of being on earth if you never see what everyone’s doing up here?”
The white-haired angel was positively stunned by this statement. It was unheard of to not be enamoured by the home of God’s proudest creation, her humans. Caphriel sighed softly as she watched the face of the other angel fall. There was a reason she never talked about her opinions on Earth. All the angels loved it. She should have loved it too.
In all honestly, she wanted to have the same excitement but she had taken it rather personally. Before all this, she would talk to God regularly to show off her work. She was almost confused with the archangels she would talk to the Almighty that much but she simply found someone who loved the stars as much as she did. It hurt, to not have that connection anymore. It hurt to not feel the love of the Almighty. The only thing God loved anymore were her humans.
“Anyway,” Caphriel continued, “Would you like to see what I’m working on?”
There was a tiny glimmer behind the young angels eyes. This is what made her whole. Talking about her stars filled her whole body with joy and she was almost bursting. She summoned her journal that was brimming with ideas and had many loose pages strapped into it’s form. The journal had seen a lot of love and it had every idea, every sketch and every calculation Caphriel had ever produced. 
“This one, this was when I worked out how to get the stars to stay super close without them interrupting each other’s cycles. Did you know that if you put stars that close together, it almost looks like-”
“-they’re one star.” The other angel finished softly.
Caphriel nodded enthusiastically before closing the book. “It’s amazing. It’s like drawing but with lights. That’s what the Almighty used to say, at least.” 
The white-haired angel was enamoured with the book, surprised at how much work went into one aspect of the Almighty’s plan. “This is amazing. Wow, I never thought that someone could even come up with all this. I can’t wait to see it once you’re finished.” 
“Hopefully not too long now!” Caphriel chirped.
“And I’m sure her humans will love them.” The other angel added, smiling up at Caphriel who gave a curt nod in response. 
Without another word, the angel zipped off and Caphriel looked as they disappeared once again into the expanse. Caphriel, finally breaking from their angel-induced trance pulled her hair away from the curl she’d been fiddling with. Surely she couldn’t have been messing with her hair that whole time. 
That comment about the humans was bothering her though. They didn’t even exist yet and she was already living in their shadow. Her creations weren’t just something for these…things to look at. They were complicated and each nebula, each individual star had a story. She could hardly expect God’s little pets to understand. 
It was something beautiful and something much bigger than her. She pulled out an old unfinished sketch. She’d made stars that were close before but this, this was something fantastic. The type of stars that the angels would gush over. So close they looked like one. Inseparable. Like she used to be with the Almighty.
That was one thing the humans couldn’t possibly compete with, Caphriel reasoned. They could never come up with something like this. As he imagination ran wild, the page filled with colour. All she had to do now is make it work. If she could make sense of all the numbers it would be her perfect creations.
“Alpha Centauri.” She stammered, breathless, “Maybe then she’ll love me again.”
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versatileginger · 8 months
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Oberyn Martell x OC (Elara)
Warnings: AU, violence, weapons, mature themes, murder, everything you'd find in in Game of Thrones. 
Summary: In the embrace of existence, the brilliance of light finds its depth in the shadows, and conversely, the obscurity of darkness discovers its essence in the radiant dance of symbiotic contrast.
A/N: And thus it begins..
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In the frigid embrace of dawn's shadows, Elara's alarm, a shrill harbinger of monotony, tears through the cocoon of night. With the weariness of a thousand routines clinging to her, she reluctantly extracts herself from the dwindling warmth of her bed, limbs protesting against the relentless pull of another day. The bathroom, a witness to her perpetual metamorphosis, becomes the stage for her despondent ballet.
Her movements, mechanical and detached, guide her through the motions. Dark red strands cascade like forgotten aspirations as she prepares to face a world painted in grayscale. In the muted glow, a delicate layer of makeup becomes a futile attempt to conceal the exhaustion etched beneath her eyes. The closet, a repository of uninspired choices, relinquishes dark jeans, a nondescript grey t-shirt, and the obligatory leather jacket—a uniform of resignation. A baseball cap crowns her ensemble, a feeble shield against the relentless onslaught of the outside world.
This ritual, once a dance with promise, has devolved into a monotonous symphony played out too many times. Breakfast is reduced to the perfunctory gulp of a Red Bull, a liquid lifeline in a world devoid of vibrancy. Beyond the walls of her apartment, a dismal scene unfolds—the rain, a relentless torrent of forgotten dreams, drenching the world in melancholy.
The allure of a real job and the excitement of office life, once promising, have given way to a withered existence. In the field of sales, her days are a mechanical march through time, compliments falling on deaf ears, and a forced smile unable to breach the depths of her weary eyes. The conclusion of each day is a scripted routine—home, eat, bed—a haunting cycle that repeats like a tired echo.
Turning a desolate corner, she steps into an alley, undeniably shady but undoubtedly quicker. Her gaze scans forward, revealing a figure stationed at the alley's end. Confidence radiates from his stance, sharp features implying strength concealed in shadow. A fleeting glance is all he spares before disappearing, intentionally evading further observation. Just a few steps more, and a cloudiness descends upon her mind—an all-too-familiar precursor to the moment one realizes they're slipping into sleep.
In the heart of the alley, where shadows intertwine with the echoes of her wearied footsteps, she surrenders. Her body succumbs to the inexorable embrace of unconsciousness.
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At the desolate terminus of the alley, Oberyn stood, a sinister silhouette against the muted backdrop of shadows. The time had come for Elara, chosen by the scouts days ago, to be collected. As the right hand of the cell's leader in this city, Oberyn held a position of authority, a harbinger of ominous forces operating in the clandestine corners of the urban labyrinth.
Beside him, Lucian, a newcomer shrouded in uncertainty but wanting to prove himself, was present for a purpose—to ensure the subject's procurement unfolded according to plan. The alley, chosen strategically for its familiarity to Elara, became the stage for their sinister operation. Oberyn, making sure Lucian did what he was told, stood ready for damage control, a necessity when handling delicate matters like these.
Elara's form materialized at the entrance of the alley, an unwitting player in a meticulously orchestrated scheme. Oberyn recognized the calculated precision—they had anticipated her routine, exploiting the predictable path she took to work. Now, it was imperative to distance himself, and let Lucian do his thing and execute the extraction. In the realm of clandestine operations, every moment spent not in control was a risk, and Oberyn aimed to minimize those risks.
As the shadows tightened their grip, Elara moved further into the alley, unknowingly stepping into the carefully woven web of their plans. It was a successful day, a dark triumph for the cell that operated with ominous precision in the unseen recesses of the city's underbelly. The whispers of the alley, the echoes of their intentions, heralded the completion of another clandestine chapter, leaving behind only a sense of foreboding in the air.
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fizziefactory · 2 months
Profile: $ Manager Fizzy
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Model: Manager Fizzy, former Office Fizzy
Nicknames: "Office!Fizzy", "Manager!Fizzy" "Boss!Fizzy", "The Manager", "Bozzy", "Ratty" (formerly)
Pronouns: he/him | it/its | they/them
Height: 5’3”
Can always be found at: The Fizzy Factory in the Lust Ring
Vibes: Proper Funds — Tub Ring || The Fine Print — The Stupendium || O Superman — Laurie Anderson
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Instead of the usual colour scheme of the standard fizzies, he's got more earthy tones with a lot of green and brown.
His clothes resemble that of a green, striped tailcoat, rather than the usual jester-garb, its insides having a golden sheen.
At the end of his hat/horns, instead of bells, there are two souls-symbols
There are cuffs at the end of his trousers, instead of them flairing out like some clown bell-bottoms.
He got a lil bow tie ♡
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Oversees the Fizzy Factory located in the Greed Ring in Mammon and Asmodeus’ absence. When not running the ship, he has a couple of other tasks…
Guide newly made fizzies through their tasks and protocols, teaching them the ropes and disclosing what their life is going to be like from now on.
Going out to different fizzy-owners to do checkups on their status and condition all across the 9 rings. If an owner is missing/dead the fizzy needs to be returned or scrapped, if something is going against their contract (not lending out the bot to others for example, they need to get their own), or if the bot is missing for whatever reason… the Manager is the one who makes sure that the problem gets resolved, using whatever resources Mammon provides.
While he was originally meant for an office, and he now has other fizzies doing the paperwork for him, he still enjoys doing most of it himself. It was what he was made for after all, even if he is so much more by now.
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Asmodeus: He designed him. He has met him a couple of times while accompanying Mammon, but has a hard time holding a conversation with him.
Mammon: He works directly under Mammon, he's a trusted fizzy, at least as trusted and respected as a fizzy can be. Whatever Mammon doesn't get involved in, he shoves onto him instead.
Therapist!Fizzy: He works alongside Thizzy when he does the psych-evaluations of the fizzies. While he doesnt think too hard on their relationship, Thizzy hates him.
All fizzies: He sees himself as every fizzy’s caretaker, and them as his little sheep that he needs to herd to make sure they make it safely across the meadow that is Hell. Sometimes you lose a few sheep but that's par for the course.
The Manager started off as Ratty, just another Office Fizzy meant to handle all the paperwork, contracts and lawsuits that were being thrown around all across the Greed Ring. Working at the factory, specifically handling the fizzy-related paperwork, they were starting to have problems with fizzies not knowing how to perform their duties. In a frugal move, Ratty was grabbed from his chair and tossed out on the floor, tasked to get the new bots in order and make sure they do as they're told.
And that's when the cycle broke. The same, meaningless task he was meant to do all day every day, had just expanded. After doing what he was told, telling Others what to do… Ratty got more influence. Fizzies came to Him, asking Him what to do, and even the hellborne at the factory began to do the same. His words got more power, his decisions actually Mattered, and in time, he had gotten rid of all the hellborne from the factory, who only got in the way anyway.
He had made the factory completely fizzy-run, saving money since the bots were free labour once they were made, and he was feeling like a million bucks while doing so. Ratty became The Manager, and even Mammon began to rely on him, bringing him along and even updating his design.
He is smug, sly, cold and calculated, and sees all the little things that you think you can hide from him. While he ultimately is a fizzy and has no influence over anybody else but other fizzies, he knows what strings to pull to get what he wants.
When it comes to the fizzies… His fizzies.. he feels responsible for them. He was there at the very beginning, after all. If they're not doing their job right, it's his job to make sure they get their shit sorted out. He's like a toxic parent, looking down on them and believing he has all the answers to their problems. He just needs that sense of control, to never fall back. To not lose everything and become a part of the masses again. To become one of them.
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ginebikes · 8 months
Bike2Work Scheme | Electric Bikes and Accessories
As the UK's leading independent provider of the Government Cycle to Work scheme, Bike2Work enables employees to save on bikes and accessories, up to £1,000. The scheme covers the cost of your GIN X e-bike alone, with accessories not included.
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brainjohncena-blog · 3 months
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Step-by-Step Guide to Using Brain Payroll UK for Payroll Tax Calculations
Now that we have explored the features and functionality of Brain Payroll UK, let's provide a detailed step-by-step guide on using the software for UK payroll tax calculations. This guide will walk you through the entire process, starting from setting up the software to generating essential payroll reports.
Setting up the Software
Installation and Registration Process To get started with Brain Payroll UK, you need to install the software on your computer or access it through a web-based interface. The installation process is straightforward, and the software provides clear instructions to guide you through the registration process. Company and Employee Data Entry After installing and registering the software, you need to enter company and employee information into Brain Payroll UK. This includes details such as company name, address, employee names, addresses, tax codes, and other relevant information.
Tax Code Configuration Tax codes determine how much income tax should be deducted from an employee's salary. Brain Payroll UK allows you to configure tax codes based on the employee's circumstances, including personal allowances, tax bands, and any special tax considerations.
Inputting Payroll Data
Importing Employee Data To streamline the data entry process, Brain Payroll UK provides the option to import employee data from various sources, such as spreadsheets or existing HR systems. This feature saves time and minimizes the risk of data entry errors. Entering Salary and Hours Worked Once employee data is imported or manually entered, you can input salary and hours worked for each employee. Brain Payroll UK provides easy-to-use forms and fields to capture this information accurately.
Managing Overtime and Bonuses For employees who work overtime or receive bonuses, Brain Payroll UK allows you to manage these additional earnings efficiently. You can specify the overtime rates or bonus calculations within the software, ensuring accurate payroll tax calculations.
Running Payroll Calculations
Tax and National Insurance Calculations With Brain Payroll UK, you can run tax and National Insurance calculations with a few clicks. The software applies the appropriate tax rates, thresholds, and NI contribution rates based on the employee's information, ensuring accurate deductions.
Pension Contribution Calculations Brain Payroll UK simplifies pension contribution calculations by considering the employee's pension scheme and contribution rate. The software automatically deducts the correct amount from the employee's salary, ensuring compliance with pension regulations.
Student Loan Repayment Calculations If an employee has an outstanding student loan, Brain Payroll UK enables you to calculate the appropriate student loan repayment amount based on the employee's loan type, repayment threshold, and repayment plan. Other Deductions and Allowances Brain Payroll UK allows you to include additional deductions and allowances in payroll tax calculations. Whether it's childcare vouchers, cycle-to-work schemes, or charitable donations, the software provides a straightforward way to incorporate these variables.
Generating Payroll Reports
Payslips Brain Payroll UK enables businesses to generate professional payslips for employees. These payslips provide detailed information about the employee's earnings, deductions, and net pay, ensuring transparency and clarity.
Payroll summaries offer a high-level overview of payroll tax calculations for a specific period, such as a month or a year. Brain Payroll UK generates comprehensive summaries that provide insights into the total payroll costs, tax liabilities, and other essential information.
Tax and National Insurance Reports Businesses are required to provide accurate tax and National Insurance information to HMRC. Brain Payroll UK generates detailed reports that summarize the tax and National Insurance contributions made on behalf of employees, ensuring compliance and facilitating reporting to HMRC.
Read full blog: https://www.brainpayroll.co.uk/blog/how-brain-payroll-can-simplify-uk-payroll-tax-calculations
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timeclonemike · 5 months
Alchemy in the Wikke Archipelago
As Above, So Below: Like all magical practices in the islands, Alchemy is based around the study and use of cycles of energy and activity, specifically cycles that correspond with the passage of astral bodies through the sky. Nobody can argue that the activity of the sun has a defining influence on life, and the passage of the moon marks the tides; so it is also with the other planets even if their influence is more subtle in comparison. Rationalists are still attempting to isolate the exact mechanism by which astral bodies exert their influence on the world and everything in it, usually by reverse engineering the processes by which Elixirs and other Alchemical substances are made; light is obviously part of it, but there is definitely something else in play. (Great Works are accomplished less often, and with greater effort, meaning opportunities to study the involved processes are similarly scarce and difficult.)
Light, Sound, And Substance: Alchemical manuscripts often speak of attributes such as Sulfur, Mercury, and Salt, that do not necessarily correspond to the chemical substances of the same name. This has resulted in more than a few self taught or apprentice alchemists poisoning themselves, and the linguistic confusion alone has driven a wedge been Alchemists and non-magical chemists. Alchemists that have the benefit of an entire Society to maintain continuity of knowledge (and set proper safety standards for apprenticeships) understand that these terms are archaic definitions from proto-alchemy and proto-chemistry that stand for whole classes of properties instead; Salt represents the solidity of physical mass, Mercury stands for physical motion or mechanically measured energy, and Sulfur for heat, light, and electromagnetic energy. Learning how and under what conditions these properties can become interchangeable is the stereotypical pursuit of alchemists, but in practice learning the ins and outs of transmutation is only the first step in a long journey - and it involves so much mathematical calculation that the less devoted apprentices who want to make gold as a get rich quick scheme are filtered out very early.
Water Treatment: The body is between two thirds and three quarters water, depending on what medical authority is being used as a reference, and maintaining this balance is vital for all known vital processes. Water is also a relatively abundant substance in and around the islands (if not always fresh and drinkable) meaning it is and has been cheap and easy to experiment with magically. It has been argued that Alchemy originally started as a practice when water was discovered to be such a potent reservoir for magical energy; others argue that true Alchemy didn't begin until it was merged with Astronomy and the study of the heavens, but however it started, Alchemy boils down (pun intended) to collecting energy in water so that whoever or whatever drinks it gains the benefits (or drawbacks) of said energy. This was done earliest with plant life and herbs, harnessing existing cycles in plant growth throughout the seasons, though purely medical herbalism evolved independently of Alchemy and eventually lead to non-magical pharmacology. Later refinements involved complicated chemical processes done under auspicious astrological events, which were both more effective and more dangerous due to the risk of heavy metal poisoning.
Star Power: The most recent development in Alchemy involved the creation of the Alchemical Orrery, a miniaturized model of the solar system that replaced the planets with a set of mirrors made of their corresponding astrological and alchemical materials; gold, silver, tin, etc. Not every material is easily rendered reflective, and mercury being a liquid must be suspended in a carefully created hollow glass lens in order to maintain the proper shape, but the end result exploits the principle of As Above, So Below by recreating the same astrological influences on a smaller scale. The practical upside is that the Alchemical Society in particular, who could afford to build many such mechanisms and had the people to operate them around the clock, has become quite economically powerful; Elixirs and other substances that once took weeks or months to prepare in small batches can now be cranked out in bulk on a daily basis.
Skilled Trades: While the Orreries have drastically reduced the time scale needed for many things created with alchemy, this does come at a price. Part of that price is reduced efficacy; the mirrors capture less sunlight / moonlight / starlight compared to exposure to the actual Astral bodies they represent, and while the optics have been refined over many years and experiments the mass produced stuff still isn't as potent as the bespoke stuff. The other drawback is that operating an Orrery correctly requires the same knowledge of interacting forces that more traditional alchemy does, with the added burden of being able to make very precise calculations and adjustments to the mirrors and lenses, otherwise the astral influence will be dissipated or diffracted rather than concentrated. So the modern Alchemist has to be an accomplished herbalist, chemist, metallurgist, mathematician, astronomer, and astrologer like their predecessor, while also adding mechanic and precision tool-making machinist to the mix.
The Great Work: For the particularly visionary, stubborn, inspired, and insane Alchemist, there is also the ever-present temptation of the Great Work. This multi-stage process gradually transforms the body of the Alchemist into an idealized state, banishing weakness and illness and leaving only strength and grace and clarity. Like so many things in life, it is easier said than done, as the ritual preparations for each stage are increasingly complex and demanding, and the margin of error for failure shrinks dramatically the closer an Alchemist gets to perfection. (Which makes sense if you think about it.) The process depends on the body being present at certain locations where astral energy is exceptionally potent, during planetary conjunctions that either amplify or diminish a given astral influence. There are many different ways to pursue the Great Work, but importantly, they are mutually exclusive; an alchemist can start with any number of conjunctions or eclipses or alignments but each one is only compatible with certain combinations of events going forward, and each of THOSE available events leads to a smaller number of future events. Trying to use an incompatible time or place to progress the work invariably leaves the Alchemist with too much of one influence, not enough of another, or some combination of mutually antagonist forces in their body with no mitigating third element. None of these outcomes are pleasant or healthy, with the exact degree of each depending on how far the Great Work has progressed.
Quitting While You're Ahead: For those unable or unwilling to attempt the full Great Work, there are various points to stop along the way, known appropriately enough as Lesser Works. These enhance the body, senses, and mind, push back the aging process a fair bit, and also add a fair amount of social standing too. The established theory states that the third step of the Great Work is the last step before the point of no return; beyond that point, the simple passage of the seasons and the planets in their courses can incapacitate or kill an Alchemist as their body still tries to reconcile all of the different forces running around inside it. By way of comparison, missing a conjunction for a stage two ritual progression will leave the Alchemist moody and irritable and in ill health for a few days to a week surrounding it, while missing the stage three ritual can leave an Alchemist bedridden for a day or two, and it only gets worse from there. Nobody knows for sure what happens if somebody misses the final stage ritual, but fragmentary texts (as in, the texts were blown up into fragments) point to widespread destruction of some form or another.
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cryptoappfactory · 11 months
Product Based Group Sales commission Generation software for MLM Industry
For More Details Please Contact
Call / Whatsapp: +91 7397 2244 61
Website:  https://www.cryptoappfactory.com/
101, Kumaran Colony,
Vadapalani, Chennai.
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Product Based Group Sales commission Generation software for MLM Industry
MLM Commission Software
MLM Commission Software is a computer program that aids businesses in creating commission settings that are error-free and automates payout for each cycle of commission payments, ensuring accuracy and streamlining the procedure. Additionally, it aids in tracking and computing commissions according to particular compensation schemes and other predetermined parameters used by MLM firms.
Advanced commission processing engine with customizable commission configuration modules
Utilize the Crypto APP Factory Commission Software to set up commission calculation rules. For each commission payment cycle, the system automates payout and provides error-free configurations. Maintain your calm and let the system handle the challenging commission computations that follow each requirement.
Configure the compensation structure based on your business rules
Sales-commission analytics
To determine the state of the organization, business administrators can examine the ratio of commission payments to sales. Commission rules may be modified at any time in light of the findings from analytics.
Goal conversions
Discover the company's accomplishments based on distributor production for each commission payment cycle. To assure greater business conversions, new customised goals can be established based on goal conversions.
Commission predictive analytics
Similar to sales-commission analytics, it's critical to base future decisions on company data. By comparing the current commission data with the prior payout cycles, commission predictive analytics offer insights into company predictions.
Distributor commission tracker
Keep track of the business contacts and output that each distributor in your network makes. Give them feedback on their contributions and motivate the underachievers by using our highly suggested engagement tools to make them more proactive.
Rank configurations
Determine the level-based percentage of commissions that will be paid to your distributors. Based on the sales, raise the distributors' ranks and boost the amount of commission they receive to reflect their work.
Configurable commission payouts
Schedule the payment in advance based on the production and establish the commission payout cycle. To quickly select the commission payment date and view prior payments, a special commission calendar is offered.
Sales Commission tracking through a mobile app
Now, it’s easy to track your commission payouts and reports by accessing with your own mobile application anywhere, anytime
With the help of our mobile app, you can now use both large and small screen devices to access the MLM system. Our cross-platform mobile apps provide access to all features and options. Depending on the needs, we provide MLM mobile app services for iOS, Android, and other significant platforms.
Easy setup
Commission alerts
User-friendly navigation
Customizable look and feel
Manage your team anywhere
Quick payout report generation
Track commissions by date and time
Separate login for admin and distributors
Set commissions based on sales, ranks or recruits
Premium features to monitor your sales commission efficiently
A ready-made option for taking use of the Crypto APP Factory commission system's premium services
Internationalization tools
Depending on the geo-location, set distinct commission guidelines, bonuses and rewards, rank configurations, etc. Now you can quickly build up country-specific commission setups, which are these configurations set up independently for various nations.
Rank vesting
Depending on their efforts or priorities, sponsors can move distributors up the company rankings. When using this functionality, the commission conditions are not taken into account.
Auto-generated reports
For each payout cycle, commission payments and sales data are generated automatically. Depending on the needs, the report creation feature can be activated daily, weekly, monthly, regularly, or at any other specific time.
Commission Cues
Similar to the distributor performance tracking tool, it's critical to understand which rewards/bonuses indicate greater distributor motivation. Understanding your MLM business will improve if you concentrate on the commission cues.
Aren’t you satisfied with your present commission calculation MLM system?
Are you preparing to switch to a more expensive MLM program that operates more quickly and can help your company grow? We offer full migration services, a premium system without losing your current business data and customizations, so don't worry. What are you still holding out for? Switch to Crypto APP Factory software right away.
Talk to our executive now +971 50 912 5616
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ogsstechnologies · 11 months
Product Based Group Sales commission Generation software for MLM Industry
For More Details Please Contact
Call / Whatsapp: +971 50 912 5616
Website:  https://OGSStechnologies.ae
Office 101, Juma Al Majid Technic Building,
Salah Al Din St., Deira,
Dubai - UAE.
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Product Based Group Sales commission Generation software for MLM Industry
MLM Commission Software
MLM Commission Software is a computer program that aids businesses in creating commission settings that are error-free and automates payout for each cycle of commission payments, ensuring accuracy and streamlining the procedure. Additionally, it aids in tracking and computing commissions according to particular compensation schemes and other predetermined parameters used by MLM firms.
Advanced commission processing engine with customizable commission configuration modules
Utilize the OGSS Technologies Commission Software to set up commission calculation rules. For each commission payment cycle, the system automates payout and provides error-free configurations. Maintain your calm and let the system handle the challenging commission computations that follow each requirement.
Configure the compensation structure based on your business rules
Sales-commission analytics
To determine the state of the organization, business administrators can examine the ratio of commission payments to sales. Commission rules may be modified at any time in light of the findings from analytics.
Goal conversions
Discover the company's accomplishments based on distributor production for each commission payment cycle. To assure greater business conversions, new customised goals can be established based on goal conversions.
Commission predictive analytics
Similar to sales-commission analytics, it's critical to base future decisions on company data. By comparing the current commission data with the prior payout cycles, commission predictive analytics offer insights into company predictions.
Distributor commission tracker
Keep track of the business contacts and output that each distributor in your network makes. Give them feedback on their contributions and motivate the underachievers by using our highly suggested engagement tools to make them more proactive.
Rank configurations
Determine the level-based percentage of commissions that will be paid to your distributors. Based on the sales, raise the distributors' ranks and boost the amount of commission they receive to reflect their work.
Configurable commission payouts
Schedule the payment in advance based on the production and establish the commission payout cycle. To quickly select the commission payment date and view prior payments, a special commission calendar is offered.
Sales Commission tracking through a mobile app
Now, it’s easy to track your commission payouts and reports by accessing with your own mobile application anywhere, anytime
With the help of our mobile app, you can now use both large and small screen devices to access the MLM system. Our cross-platform mobile apps provide access to all features and options. Depending on the needs, we provide MLM mobile app services for iOS, Android, and other significant platforms.
Easy setup
Commission alerts
User-friendly navigation
Customizable look and feel
Manage your team anywhere
Quick payout report generation
Track commissions by date and time
Separate login for admin and distributors
Set commissions based on sales, ranks or recruits
Premium features to monitor your sales commission efficiently
A ready-made option for taking use of the OGSS Technologies commission system's premium services
Internationalization tools
Depending on the geo-location, set distinct commission guidelines, bonuses and rewards, rank configurations, etc. Now you can quickly build up country-specific commission setups, which are these configurations set up independently for various nations.
Rank vesting
Depending on their efforts or priorities, sponsors can move distributors up the company rankings. When using this functionality, the commission conditions are not taken into account.
Auto-generated reports
For each payout cycle, commission payments and sales data are generated automatically. Depending on the needs, the report creation feature can be activated daily, weekly, monthly, regularly, or at any other specific time.
Commission Cues
Similar to the distributor performance tracking tool, it's critical to understand which rewards/bonuses indicate greater distributor motivation. Understanding your MLM business will improve if you concentrate on the commission cues.
Aren’t you satisfied with your present commission calculation MLM system?
Are you preparing to switch to a more expensive MLM program that operates more quickly and can help your company grow? We offer full migration services, a premium system without losing your current business data and customizations, so don't worry. What are you still holding out for? Switch to OGSS Technologies software right away.
Talk to our executive now +971 50 912 5616
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