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Pirate Batch- Echo- Part 5
Woo! It continues! You better believe I'm posting this without editing it!
This is a heartfelt conversation/ exposition dump/ worldbuilding nonsense shoehorned in cause I felt like it. Enjoy! Also, Rex keeps saying Echo's name cause he missed him :)
“Echo?” Rex’s mouth hung open in abject astonishment. “No. You can’t be Echo. You- you’re dead!”
Echo forced a weak smile. “Surprise?”
“But you can’t- No- no way. You can’t be alive; I can’t have left you while you were still alive!”
“Rex. It’s really me. It’s Echo-” but his reassurances didn’t seem to be helping at all as Rex rose back to his feet and stumbled a step away from him.
“Crosshair!” Rex roared as he marched back towards the sniper, whose head was craned as far as he could to watch the proceedings. “This is not funny!”
Crosshair gave an disgruntled huff as both Rex and Howzer loomed menacingly over him. “I’m not laughing, am I? That’s your pet soldier buddy, isn’t it? The one whose name you write into your journals and whisper in remembrances? The one you left-”
Rex socked him in the face with a blow that put Howzer’s efforts to shame. “Shut up! I swear to Manda, Crosshair if you say one more word, I really will be sending you back to Hunter in a box!”
Crosshair hissed a laugh. “Ohhh, touchy subject, is it?” He spat blood at Rex’s feet. “Torturing prisoners isn’t like you, Captain.”
Echo winced and tried to will Crosshair to stop talking.
“Shut your mouth Crosshair, I mean it!”
“Sir yes sir,” Crosshair crowed, and Rex pulled his fist back again.
For the sake of Crosshair’s probably broken nose and everyone’s collective sanity, Echo decided to intervene. “Rex!” he called the man’s attention back towards him. “Not all dominos fall, Rex! I’m still alive, it really is me, and I remember you. I hoped you could… tell me what happened to me?”
Rex seemed to deflate as he stepped back towards Echo’s corner. All traces of aggression were gone from his stance, and he slumped to sit against the wall beside Echo. “I’m sorry Echo. I should’ve kept my temper.”
Echo tried to be reassuring. “Hey, I don’t blame you. I’ve known that man a grand total of two days and I’ve already seen how quick he gets under people’s skin. But…” he leveled a cautious glance at Rex. “That really isn’t like you. Was it something he said? About me?”
Rex glowered, but he answered in a carefully calm voice. “I didn’t mean to leave you behind, Echo. I would never do that to you. You were… dead.”
Echo put a careful hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Rex. My memories of… before… are hazy at best. I haven’t the foggiest idea how I became this-” he gestured theatrically at himself with his metal hand, “but I do remember you. And I’m damn sure that whatever happened to me wasn’t your fault.”
Rex looked at his hand on his shoulder. “I wish I could believe you, Echo. But at least I can try to make up for all that now. You were looking for me?”
“Yes. I need you to tell me what happened. To me, to you, to the whole kriffing republic! What the kark is the Empire, Rex? What went so wrong?”
Rex gave a forced-sounding chucked. “Is that all? Well, if you’ve got some time, I can tell you about all of that. Is there anything else you need to know?”
“N-” Echo was about to shake his head no when a flash of recollection struck him without warning. A brief glimmer of happiness, completion, a laughing face with a tattoo on the temple. A name came to him.
“Yes, actually. Where’s Fives?”
When he spoke the name, Rex’s face fell. He ducked his head and gently removed Echo’s hand from his shoulder. He heaved himself to his feet as in a choked voice he said, “Yeah. I can- I can help with that too. Just- give me one minute, will you?” He walked back across the room to stop in front of Crosshair. From his awkward angle, Echo couldn’t see Crosshair clearly, but he hoped the sniper wasn’t about to do anything stupid. Well, anything else stupid, feral little tooka cat.
Rex noddled to one of the men hovering around the room. “Gregor, cut him free, will you?” The man pulled the hood and mask off his face and gave a cheery little salute of acknowledgement. As he cut through the ropes- with a rather formidable looking blade, Echo noted- Rex spoke again.
“I apologize for losing my temper, Crosshair. You did not deserve that, even if you are a complete aaray-shebs who can’t keep his nose out of my business.” As the ropes fell away, Crosshair’s hands came up and forced his broken nose back into alignment. He made a pointed show of ignoring Rex’s remorse and the way the man winced at the sharp crack of Crosshair’s nose realigning. Rex tried to continue. “I mean it. You aren’t my enemy.”
Crosshair slipped away from the pole as soon as he was able, waving aside Rex’s apology. “Yep, fine, whatever. Same time next month?” he directed this last goad at Howzer, who growled audibly in response.
Crosshair ignored them and looked back towards Echo. “I’ll be around, Tinman. Don’t do anything stupid.” He gave him a severe look before he turned and sprinted from the room so quickly it looked as if he had vanished into thin air.
“Thank Manda that’s over,” Rex sighed. Echo watched Howzer, Fireball, Gregor, and a fourth figure who had yet to remove his mask exchange glances behind Rex’s back as he returned to Echo and proffered a hand. “Now we can talk.” The others took their cue and dispersed through the far tunnels, leaving Echo and Rex alone in the cavernous room.
“So,” Rex began awkwardly, “I see you’ve met the Bad Batch?”
“Yep,” Echo chucked faintly. “Colorful characters, aren’t they?”
“That would be an understatement. But they’re good lads. I’m glad they found you instead of someone else. Where… did they find you?”
Echo scoffed. “Well apparently, they thought it was a bright idea to raid Skako Minor. According to Tech, they found me completely by accident.”
“Ha! That sounds like them. Is that where you got…” he trailed off as he gestured vaguely to Echo’s metallic limbs.
“Yeah, I’ve got some fancy new illegal technology embedded into my flesh. It isn’t pretty, but I guess I’m still alive. I’ve been a guest of Wat Tambour ever since- well, actually I was hoping you could tell me what happened before that.”
Rex blanched but answered. Slowly, measured, as if every word had to be examined at great length before being spoken. “You were under my command during the war. We were the 501st. We were the best, and that included you. I… I don’t know what you remember about the war, but you were one of the finest soldiers I’ve ever had the pleasure of training. Land and sea, you did it all. I can’t begin to tell you how proud I was- am- of you and… and Fives.”
Echo’s mind began to whirl. Memories of his service, of Rex in a blue uniform, of himself standing tall and proud among his brothers-in-arm. One man’s smiling face, eerily alike to his own. Were all these half-remembered people dead? Who were they? Who was Fives to him and why did it hurt to hear his name? So many questions he wanted to ask, but he kept silent and let Rex continue.
Well, no. He thought he had kept silent, but one question must have slipped out under his breath. He didn’t think it was audible, but Rex reacted like he’d been punched in the stomach.
“Fives was your brother, Echo. Your twin. You grew up together. I don’t… I can’t believe you wouldn’t remember that.”
Echo felt anger surge up suddenly. “Well excuse me if I don’t know what the kark is going on, on account of spending kriff knows how long in the dungeon of a demented mad scientist! Is this story going to cover brain damage? Because I’d really like to know why I don’t remember my own twin!”
As quickly as it came, the rage fled. Echo deflated and slumped lower against the wall. “Sorry,” he muttered.
Rex edged closer to him until their shoulders brushed. He caught Echo’s arm with his own. “No, I’m sorry. It’s not your fault. I’m just surprised is all. It’s a lot to take in.”
Echo snorted. “I’ll say. Would you like to continue? I’ll try to keep my mouth shut.”
Rex laughed briefly before sobering. “Sure, but feel free to interrupt at any time. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover and I’m not sure what you remember, so I’ll try to give you an overview, okay? Then we can fill in the details from there.”
“You and Fives were part of a five-man squad. Domino Squad. You were shiny new recruits when three of you died. All that remained was you and Fives. I picked the two of you to join my Torrent company. We fought the Separatists for a long time. Eventually, we were given a special mission- infiltration. We were sent to retrieve prisoners from a facility called the Citadel. One of these was a man called Tarkin, who incidentally is still out for our blood, but we’ll get to that. You were so brave, Echo; you tried to complete the mission, and it cost you your life. You blew up.”
Well, that would explain all the missing limbs. And probably the memory loss.
“All we could find of you was your helmet. We thought you were dead! Fives was inconsolable for a long time. He was never the same after that. I was worried he was losing his grip, to be honest. He started getting some pretty out there ideas, especially after an… incident with a friend of his.”
“That sounds… ominous.” Echo put in.
“You don’t know the half of it. Tup, his name was. I don’t think you ever met him. He got… sick. He started acting erratically. He shot his own commanding officer but had no memory of doing it! We all assumed he must have caught some disease or infection that was eating at his mind. Fives took him back to Kamino, and that was the last I heard of them for some time.”
Echo didn’t like where this was going. Kamino was his home island, but that didn’t mean he was oblivious to its dangers. The governor’s mad sister, Nala Se, was rumored to be experimenting on the citizens of Tipoca City. Some even whispered that she was practicing dark magic in that closed-off lab of hers. "What happened to Fives? Did he die?”
“He did,” Rex said. “But what is even worse is what happened before he died. Echo, he was losing his mind by the end. When he showed up again, he found me on Coruscant and was spouting madness about the Chancellor using Sith magic to manipulate people. He said it was why Tup did what he did. He begged me to listen to him but-” Rex’s voice broke, “I didn’t believe him in time. The Coruscant Guard arrived and- and they shot to kill. I’m sorry Echo.”
Echo felt numb. It made no sense. He could scarcely remember Fives existence until this day, but he felt as though a part of his soul had just died. The gnawing incompleteness drowned out all other thoughts or feelings, leaving only an aching void.
“So he died crazy.” Echo said. His voice was worryingly hollow to his own ears. “Alone and afraid.”
Rex sounded horrified. “No, Echo, I was there! I- I held him while he died! I gave him what peace I could, I swear to you.”
“But I wasn’t there. And now I’ll never see him again.”
“Echo, I’m so sorry.” There were warm arms around him, and he leaned into the comforting touch. He let his head fall against Rex’s shoulder, as much to comfort Rex as to comfort himself.
“I know Rex. It’s not your fault.”
And they stayed that way for several silent moments. Echo let himself grieve for what might have been the first time in his life, in the company of the man he trusted and admired most in the entire world.
When they had both regained some composure, Echo insisted they continue.
“Are you sure?” Rex asked. “You’ve already dealt with a lot, and I’m sure Hunter will come looking for you soon.”
“No, I need you to tell me the rest. How did the republic fall? What is the Empire? The world I’ve come back to is dangerous, Rex, so tell me what I need to know.”
Rex huffed, but acquiesced. “Fine. Settle in. This is a doozy.” Echo made a theatrical show of making himself comfortable against the stone wall. Rex rolled his eyes. “Alright then. The republic was winning the war. Everything was getting better. I was beginning to think that we might just be okay, but then we got word that the Jedi generals were traitors. We received an order to kill them on sight.”
“What? But they’re just some harmless mystics! They were great generals, weren’t they?”
“They were. At least, ours were. I don’t know if you remember them. Ahsoka? Anakin?”
Echo couldn’t bring anything to mind, so Rex moved on.
“Alright. That can be covered another time. Yes, they were mostly harmless, with the exception of one or two bad apples, which is also probably a story for another time. I didn’t think they could all have turned on us. But orders were orders, and a lot of the boys followed through. I know it doesn’t sound remarkable, but…. We turned on our leaders without a second thought. I felt like I was sleepwalking. It was a waking nightmare, like I wasn’t in control of my own mind. I really believed they needed to die. It didn’t last long for me. As soon as it came, it went, and I was myself again. But it was as if everyone else just didn’t care. The ship we were aboard crashed on a remote island, and I decided I couldn’t go back.
“As it turned out, I’m glad I didn’t. The Republic completely transformed into this new ‘Empire,’ with pricks like Tarkin in control and a shiny new Emperor Palpatine. I was angry that so many of my own men were going along with the new order. I didn’t think anything was amiss, until I remembered what Fives had said. Something controlling minds. Sith magic. I still thought it sounded crazy, until I saw….”
He trailed off. Echo gave him an encouraging nudge. “Go on. Whatever you tell me, I’ll believe you.”
“Cody is serving the Empire, Echo. I saw my brothers. People I grew up with. They were following horrible orders without a second thought. Cody turned on his Jedi! The one all the boys were betting he snogged-” Rex laughed brokenly- “And he didn’t even think twice. So, I have to believe that Fives was onto something. I have to believe that Cody and Wolffe and all the others aren’t in control. I know it’s a lot to ask you to believe in Sith magic, but my little underground has done some digging. There are legends that prove it might be possible, so I just have to hold out hope that I can break them out of it.”
There were silent tears running down Rex’s face, and Echo suddenly became aware of dampness on his own face as well. “I believe you Rex. I’m sorry.”
Rex swiped a hand over his eyes. “No, I’m sorry. I should’ve listened to Fives sooner. Maybe I could’ve stopped it. Maybe I’d at least know what I’m dealing with.” He took a bracing breath. “But for now, I just help who I can. We’re trying to topple the Empire, and we’re recruiting vode to do it. The Empire doesn’t treat any of its old G.A.R. soldiers very well. Especially those of us born on Kamino. So we’re trying to get them out before things get any worse.”
“Is that how you know the Bad Batch?” Echo asked.
“Yeah. They help me out from time to time. Hunter’s an old friend of Cody’s, so we met before everything went to hell. Then the others showed up. Crosshair and Howzer aren’t allowed to be near each other, by the way. Not even I know when and how they met.”
Echo laughed and stood. “Yeah, I think I’m better off not knowing. Thank you, Rex. For everything.”
Rex stood and clasped his forearm. “Of course, Echo. You are welcome anytime. If you need help, just find me.”
Echo pulled him into a firm embrace. When he pulled away, a thought struck him.
“Uh, Rex?” he said. “I don’t know how to get out of your secret revolution bunker.
Rex’s laugh rang out loud and sudden.
“Right. Knockout protocol on entry. Sorry about that. Why don’t I walk you back to the docks?”
#bad batch#sw tbb#tbb#the bad batch#star wars#pirate au#the havoc marauder sounds like a pirate ship#tbb crosshair#tbb echo#captain rex#tbb howzer#tbb gregor#tbb fireball
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New Year’s Eve with the 501st
I am not particularly proud of this drawing. I tried to use people tracing stencil things. Not sure I like it. But oh well.
Kix and Jesse are watching a movie. Jesse wants the remote
Echo is sleeping on the ground, using his Kama as a blanket
Rex was watching the movie and eating popcorn. He fell asleep.
Fives is preparing to wake him up with a noisemaker to the ear.
Cody is amused. I don’t know what the 212th is doing, but Cody popped in to say hello.
That blue blur is Hardcase. He’s extremely hyper from sugar and caffeine and etc. Caution, high velocity.
#new years eve#new years#501st legion#captain rex#arc trooper echo#arc trooper fives#clone trooper jesse#clone medic kix#commander cody#clone trooper hardcase#my art#digital art
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Baby Bad Batch New Years Nonsense
stuff I drew. Mostly while in a car. Very low effort.
Tech heard about the concept of a New Year’s party and decided to try it out. 99 found them some snacks and they made some silly hats and stuff. Tech is very full of sugar and caffeine, Wrecker and Hunter are playing a game but not really able to concentrate, Crosshair stole Lula and immediately fell asleep.
#bad batch#sw tbb#tbb#the bad batch#star wars#tbb tech#tbb wrecker#tbb crosshair#tbb hunter#cadet batch#new years#new years eve#tbb art#my art#art wip
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Pirate Batch- Christmas Special
(Happy Life Day! I wrote this very quickly and I'm posting it immediately. Maybe one day I'll learn how to write and revise my work.)
Omega was poked awake in the middle of the night to see Wrecker’s face looming over her, grinning maniacally. Her mind presented her with options.
“Who are we pranking?” she whispered.
Wrecker shook his head. “No one today.”
“What are we breaking?” she tried.
“Guess again!”
“Where are we going!” at last, she got an answer.
“We’re going into town!” Wrecker whisper-shouted, scooping her up out of bed with all her covers dragged up with her. He carried her out of her room, past the sleeping figures of the Marauder’s other occupants, and out onto the deck. He produced a coat, hat, and gloves from somewhere and left her to suit up. The night was chilly, after all, and while Wrecker was reckless, he knew better than to bring Omega home to Hunter with a cold.
Before she knew it, they were walking though dark street. Wrecker was vibrating with pent-up energy, but he was being unusually tight-lipped about their purpose.
“Why are we going into town?” Omega prompted eventually, when it became clear that no explanation was forthcoming. Wrecker stopped them by a market stall populated with trinkets and shinies. Omega was very familiar with the type of stall, but Hunter had a habit of gently steering her away from such items in favor of shopping for practical supplies.
She oohed and aahed at small pieces of sea glass and polished rocks while wrecker spoke to the lady running the stall. Omega picked up pieces of colorful fabric and handed them to Wrecker, who added them to their purchases without a word.
They walked away with several items, all extremely useless and very pretty. Omega decided to try again. “Are you going to tell me what we’re doing yet?” They approached a store.
Wrecker huffed a laugh and responded, “ever heard of a thing called Life Day, kid? - Grab those little candles for me, would you?” This last part was accompanied by a wave of the hand and Omega followed the gesture to a row of tiny candles off to her left.
She scooped them off the shelf and handed them over. “No. What’s Life Day?”
“It’s a holiday on some islands. Lots of celebrating, eating food, pretty lights, all sorts of things. It’s a good time. It’s also tomorrow.” He led them out of the store.
“Tomorrow?!” Omega echoed, “why haven’t I heard of it before now?”
“It’s a bit of a tricky subject for some of the boys,” Wrecker admitted. “Not always easy to find reason to celebrate. But I figured we could try to pull something together this year, since we got you with us an’ all.”
“So, what are we doing now?” They were veering off in yet another direction, and Omega was starting to lose track of where they were in space.
“Well, we’re picking up pretty things to decorate the ship with. And now I’m buying us Life Day presents.”
Omega looked at their new destination. A market stall selling fresh fruit. She could hardly dare to hope… “What are we getting?”
Wrecker took his time and settled on selecting six whole meilooruns. One for each of them?
Omega grinned widely as Wrecker paid for the wonderful treat and led her back toward the ship. “You really got us meilooruns? Can I eat it now?”
Wrecker patted her on the head with his free hand. “Nah, kid. Remember, they’re for Life Day. We’ll eat them tomorrow.”
When they arrived back aboard the Havoc Marauder, Wrecker stashed the meilooruns who-knows-where and came back to meet Omega on the deck. They worked tirelessly, and before long, they had created a wonderful masterpiece. Then, they went to bed.
The next morning, Omega woke to Hunter shouting.
“Wrecker? What did you do to the mast??”
Omega smiled to herself and ran up to the commotion.
There, in the middle of the deck, was the spoils of her and Wrecker’s work. The Marauder’s mast was resplendent in shining, glittering points of color that caught the light and shone like stars. Tiny candles, suspended in spheres of glass, hung from the rigging. Omega herself had adorned the mast with colorful swatches of fabric that fluttered faintly in the sea breeze. It was magnificent.
Or so she and Wrecker firmly believed.
Hunter was… surprised to say the least.
“Aw, come on, Cap’n!” Wrecker boomed smacking Hunter playfully on the shoulder and nearly sending him flying. “It’s pretty! Me an’ the kid decided to decorate for Life Day!”
“Ah, Life Day,” Tech and Echo emerged from belowdecks as well, the former adjusting his spectacles and looking interested. “A celebration started on the island of Kashyyyk to celebrate joy and harmony. Later adopted by many others as an event of feasting and festivities.” He broke off, upon seeing the decorated mast, “Wrecker, what did you do?”
The giant groaned dramatically. “Really, guys? It’s not like I chopped the mast or anything! We just wanted to celebrate!”
Echo decided to interject, “’We,’ which means you took Omega. Off the ship. At night. Without backup.”
“She was fine, Echo, I was watching her!” Wrecker insisted.
“He was,” Omega backed him up. “I think it’s great! And we still have to give everyone presents!”
She met Wrecker’s gaze excitedly, happy in shared conspiracy, which meant she was looking in the right direction for Crosshair to suddenly appear behind him and twine long arms around his throat.
“What. Is. Happening.” The sniper hissed in Wrecker’s ear.
Echo looked alarmed, Tech untroubled, and Wrecker and Hunter amused. The big man laughed and unstuck Crosshair from his neck with all the effort of shooing a fly. “We’re celebrating Life Day, Cross! Isn’t it pretty?”
Crosshair tore his glare from Wrecker to examine the decorated mast. His lip twitched and his eyes softened for a split second.
“Hmph.” He grunted. “Did you take any of that from me?”
“No, we bought it all,” Wrecker assured him.
“…right then.,” Crosshair pointed to a colorful piece of rock with a hole through it, suspended by a piece of twine. “Can I have that?”
“Uh… sure?” Wrecker said, exchanging a glance with Omega, who nodded supportively.
The trinket had vanished by the time she looked back.
Wrecker excused himself from the general milling about and returned with his hands held awkwardly behind his back. His jerked his head at Omega, and she came over to meet him.
“Is it time?” she asked, glancing behind him at the pile of meilooruns stacked in his massive arms.
“It’s time!” Wrecker agreed, and Omega took three of the meilooruns from him so he could carry the other three more easily. His shout drew the attention of the others, who looked at the pair in surprise before noticing the fruits they carried.
“Life Day gifts for everyone!” Wrecker boomed.
The two of them distributed the meilooruns and soon the whole crew was sitting together around the mast and eating and talking happily. Even Crosshair seemed to be enjoying himself, and Echo had a strangely misty look in his eyes as he chatted to Tech and Hunter. Omega sat with Wrecker, pleased with herself and delighted to be sharing a celebration with her family. She had her new brothers to protect her, a ship to live on and a meiloorun to eat.
Sure, they were on the run from the Empire, and sure they couldn’t catch a break from constant misadventures, and sure they had resorted to selling Echo for credits once or twice, but right now, everything was okay.
They were together, they were happy, and they were okay.
#bad batch#sw tbb#tbb#the bad batch#pirate au#star wars#the havoc marauder sounds like a pirate ship#tbb tech#tbb wrecker#tbb crosshair#tbb hunter#tbb omega#tbb echo#life day#merry christmas
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Pirate Batch- Echo- Part 4
(I should have edited this. Or proofread it. Or something. I didn't. Enjoy!)
Echo and the Bad Batch were dropped off by the quietest dock they could find around twilight. Phee reassured them that she’d be back to collect them in twenty-four hours.
“Or when I see something go boom,” she added to Echo before they parted ways, “so just survive until then, got it?” she slapped him cheerfully on the shoulder, but Echo was too distracted to answer her. Rex was here somewhere. Somewhere on this island where he once laughed and shared drinks and got into trouble, safe in the knowledge that he had his brothers around him. But there was no such levity anymore, and his new companions were wound tighter than if they were marching into an active battlefield.
The crew of the Havoc Marauder were kitted out well. Hunter sported his hat and oversized jacket, but concealed about his person was a pistol and a truly vicious-looking hunting knife that Echo wasn’t even going to bother asking the origin of. Wrecker was sporting a large overcoat, which he had complained about nonstop ever since Hunter had slapped it into his arms. “This is a stealth op, Wrecker,” Hunter had scolded, “and you’d stand out even if you weren’t carrying a blunderbuss under each arm. Now leave the guns or put on your damn jacket.”
Tech was dapper as always, but even he had a pistol strapped to his hip and he had a selection of suspicious-looking flasks tucked into a satchel at his side. Echo was certain by this point that anything Tech had a hand in was likely to kill, incapacitate, or just explode. The little nerd had a passion for dangerous technologies so clear that even Echo had picked up on it from their relatively few interactions.
Aaand then there was Crosshair. Echo was getting tired of the stalking aaray-shebs and his death glares, but he just had to take Hunter’s word and hope that the sniper didn’t actively wish him harm. He wouldn’t put much past him just now though, as the sheer number of pistols, daggers, blades and similarly deadly objects made it very clear that he was expecting to spill some blood. Hell, Hunter had to physically drag his rifle away from him spouting stealth and secrecy over the hissing protests of the irate sniper. Wrecker laughed at him the whole while, gleefully mocking Crosshair on his attachment to the -apparently- precious rifle.
As for Echo himself, there wasn’t much he could wield with only one good hand, but Hunter gave him a spare blade and Tech ominously promised that they’d “work on it.” Hunter gifted him an overcoat and a hood to disguise his metal appendages, but there wasn’t much any of them could do about his hand-
“Yet,” Tech added.
Regardless, they were as prepared as they were going to get, and it hurt to think of a jaunt into Coruscant as worthy of such precautions.
Different times, he supposed.
Just another thing he badly needed to talk to Rex about.
They strode together into the streets of Lower Coruscant, where even at the late hour crowds of people hurried every which way. The misty streets were bustling, as were the various dockside bars and inns. Hunter gave them a nod and they parted ways, dissipating into the crowds. Echo didn’t love this part of the plan, but he knew that they had a better chance of tracking down Rex if they split up, and it wasn’t as if he needed a babysitter just to walk down the street…
He couldn’t see the others anymore. The crowd swept him along in a great, flooding, whirling maelstrom of bodies and noise and he could breathe, couldn’t concentrate-
No people for so long. No sounds but his own screaming. No input but pain. Now there’s too much toomuchtoomuch-
Something knocked him to the ground and his head knocked against the cobblestone street. Around him people continued to rush by in currents, unheeding, unnoticing, until something snatched him up. He struggled against the hand on the back of his coat, dragging him into an alley and forcing him down to slump against a wall. Echo drew his knife. but was too disoriented to defend himself- oh, stars-
“Breathe, Tinman,” a harsh, familiar voice rasped in his ear.
Echo gasped a breath, conscious enough to slow his breathing too something less close to hyperventilating. He raised his eyes and, true enough, he was caught in the cold grip of the Havoc Marauder’s most unsettling crew member. He felt his insides shrivel a bit as he met that steely gaze, but Crosshair did not let him look away. One bony hand caught his wrist and stayed the knife in Echo’s trembling grip. When he tried to avert his eyes, the other grabbed him by the shoulder and shook. It wasn’t a gentle shake, but it wasn’t exactly rage in the sniper’s voice when he spoke: “No, stop it. Look at me.”
Echo couldn’t find it in himself to refuse, and he once again dragged his vision back into focus. Crosshair’s sharp eyes looked furious, but also- concerned? Was that possible? Was Echo so pitiable that even Crosshair was worried about him?? He didn’t like the thought, so he shook his wrist free of his hold and- hoping he wasn’t about to get stabbed- forced iron into his voice. “I’m fine. What are you doing here anyway. Weren’t we supposed to split up?”
Surprisingly, Crosshair backed off. He leaned against the wall above Echo’s still huddled form- not quite hanging back, but not crowding him either. He didn’t look at Echo as he replied, “Yeah, well. Don’t trust you, do I? Could get up to anything, maybe go call the Corries on us.” His lip curled into a half-hearted sneer. “Better I keep an eye on you, don’t you think?”
Echo hauled himself to his feet, mouth running on automatic as he tried to regain his balance. “Careful, mate,” he said, “I might almost think you’re worried about me.” As his brain caught up with him, Echo briefly wondered if he had a death wish.
Well, actually, he didn’t want to know the answer to that, but the fact remained. Don’t poke the angry sniper.
But once again he was surprised. Instead of tearing his eyeballs out, Crosshair just scoffed and shouldered past him into the street. “C’mon then. If you want this grand reunion of yours, there’s no sense hanging around here.” With that, he was off.
Watching Crosshair move through the busy streets was fascinating. For someone who struck Echo as allergic to all humanity, he slipped through the throngs of people as easily as an eel through still water. Echo was having difficulty keeping up with him, which was not aided by having no idea where they were even going. All he could do was keep his eyes on the sniper’s back and hope they would be arriving soon. As unnerving as he was, Echo was glad to have Crosshair as a guide. He tuned out the hustle and bustle of the street and simply moved one mechanical step at a time for what felt like ages.
Eventually- maybe minutes later, maybe an eternity- Crosshair halted his progress and pulled Echo into the shelter of a doorway. The doorframe was hanging empty in a wall that looked one strong storm away from collapsing. The cracked surfaces were cast in shadows even darker than the night around them. It was as inhospitable a place as could be found in the heart of a city; a house that had been abandoned and left to fall apart under its own weight. Such houses were overlooked by the general populace, but Echo knew they always had stories and secrets to tell. Why were they stopping here?
Crosshair tapped him on the shoulder and ducked into the house. Echo followed, mindful of the unstable construction waiting above his head. He couldn’t see well in the dark interior and he turned to find his companion again. It took some searching. Crosshair vanished seamlessly into the shadowy environment and for a moment Echo feared the man had simply left him. He was just beginning to panic when he caught a glimpse of silver curls and- glowing eyes? Crosshair’s eyes were faintly glowing in the darkness, and he was moving around as if he could see perfectly well.
Are they sure he’s not just a mean, mutant tooka?
The thought amused him enough to snort faintly, which drew the glowing eyes to him.
“Something funny, Tinman?”
“Oh, nothing,” Echo said, “just a passing thought. Say, what are we doing here exactly? Are we looking for something or did you just bring me here to kill me without your crew noticing.” Damn, there he goes again, provoking the armed and unpredictable gunman. Stop it, Echo.
“Don’t tempt me,” Crosshair growled. “We’re looking for your little friend, right? Happens I know where he lives.”
“Here?!” Echo turned away and gestured pointedly and the crumbling walls and the hazardous ceiling.
“Here.” An unfamiliar voice broke in.
There was a click and a soft rasp of breath from behind him.
The voice continued, “now why don’t you turn around nice and slow, or I’ll blow this little prick’s brains out.”
He spun around as slowly and quietly as he could manage on metal feet. Crosshair was standing in front of him, looking furious. Behind him, a man with a scar across his jaw was holding a pistol to the back of Crosshair’s skull.
Echo raised his hands- well hand and claw-hook… thing…- and spoke in his most nonthreatening voice, “No need for the threats. We’re just looking for someone. We won’t make trouble.”
“You won’t,” Crosshair muttered. He got a gun barrel jammed harder into his head in response.
“Shut up, you. We’ve got unfinished business and I’m real close to finishing it right now.” The man turned his attention back to Echo, a scar across his jaw pulling as he bared his teeth. “And what are you supposed to be? Why’re you poking around with HIM and why did he take you here?”
Echo shook his head frankly. “I have absolutely no idea how to answer any of that. I already told you we’re looking for someone.”
“Tinman needs to see your boss, Howzer,” Crosshair cut in unexpectedly, “Drop the guard dog osik so I don’t have to stab you.”
Fighting like cats and dogs, Echo mused, before catching himself. Focus, dammit!
Howzer seemed to consider this for a moment before appearing to reach some decision. Abruptly, he drew back his hand and clubbed Crosshair hard over the head with the butt of his gun. The sniper dropped like a stone and Echo’s extremely rusty, hard earned combat instincts screamed instructions at him. Unfortunately, before he could react, there was a swish and a thud and the world went dark.
Echo awoke.
Where was he? Was he back there again? Had it all been a dream after all?
CT-1409- CT-1409- CT-1409- CT-1409- CT-1409- CT-1409-
He was brought back to awareness with all the suddenness of being dumped in the sea. The man with the scar- Howzer? A hand waved in front of his face.
“Cool it, vod. We won’t hurt you.” He raised his voice to someone across the space. “Hey, Fireball! Come see to our guest a minute.”
Soon, Howzer was gone, and a new person was in his place. He smiled at Echo and said, “Hi, I’m called Fireball. You hungry?”
Echo’s mind was catching up to the situation at last, and he grudgingly accepted the bowl of something that was pushed towards him. He sniffed it cautiously.
Fireball chuckled. “It’s not poisoned, I swear. I have too much respect for food to sully it with tricks.”
Well, to hell with it. Echo tried some stew. It was good- except that it seemed to be burning his tongue inside his mouth. He must have made a face, because Fireball laughed and passed him a cup of water.
Echo’s eyes scanned his surroundings. It appeared to be a cellar of some kind, expanded and connected to tunnels in three walls. Wooden support pillars dotted the space intermittently. It looked like a perfect place to stay hidden from, say, an Empire. Speaking of staying hidden… “Where’s Crosshair.”
“Oh now, he thinks to ask,” the familiar rasp answered him. Echo looked up. On the far side of the room, a support pillar stood. It had ropes tied around it, and Echo hadn’t thought twice about it on his cursory sweep of the room. Now he studied it more carefully, he could vaguely make out the skinny silhouette of the sniper, half obscured by the angle and the pillar itself.
Howzer was standing nearby too, now Echo came to notice it. The man strode over to the sniper and brandished a fist at him. Undeterred, Crosshair continued, “Oh, sure, I get the ‘scary revolutionary’ routine while Echo gets food. Very fai- ugh!”
“Shut up, you.” Howzer said again.
Echo turned to Fireball in confusion. The man gave him an uneasy smile and explained, “We know Crosshair well enough to know to keep an eye on him. Hence why he’s tied to a pole and you’re not. Howzer…” He nodded towards the person in question, “Howzer hates him. We don’t know why, exactly, but it’s not like him to be this aggressive. Even if Crosshair is a skulking, nosy little thief who stumbles into every single one of our secure locations.”
“Has he ever sold you out?” Echo asked.
“No, actually. Which is weird. He knows too many of our secrets that really, we should have taken care of him by now, but he’s still around and we’re not dead yet. Guess he isn’t out to get us caught, just to be a skulking, nosy little thief. Even Rex has started to just get used to him.”
“Rex? Is he your leader? We really do need to talk to him.”
“Don’t worry, he should be here soon.” With that, Fireball stood up, leaving Echo alone and unobserved in the corner of the room, listening to Crosshair and Howzer exchange remarks and insults and occasional blows.
Crosshair, who had never said more than one complete sentence to Echo, apparently didn’t know how to shut his mouth. Maybe he only spoke when it was to antagonize other. Echo could see that being the case. Regardless, he hoped the sniper wasn’t going to land himself- or Echo- in too much trouble by keeping with his current attitude. He certainly seemed determined to needle Howzer -and kick at him when he stepped into range- until the other man hit back.
Not too much time passed before footsteps were heard down one of the wall passages. Three sets, by the sound of it. Before long a trio of figure emerged. All three were wearing hoods and cloaks that obscured almost every inch of them. They marched into the cellar and were met by Howzer, snapping a quick salute.
“Sir, he’s back.” Howzer said.
The lead figure looked passed Howzer towards Crosshair. He spoke, a bit muffled, and inclined his head, “Mir’sheb”
Crosshair smirked and returned the greeting. “Mirsh’kyramud.”
“Don’t break my second in command,” he warned Crosshair sternly. “I don’t want to send you back to Hunter in a box.” And that was apparently that. Howzer was clearly still seething, but the lead figure was clearly uninterested in the presence of the sniper. They talked indistinctly among themselves for a few moments longer, until Fireball came up to join them.
“There’s another thing, Sir.” Fireball said. He guided the leader towards Echo’s corner. “We picked up someone else in the house front. Someone who was looking for you specifically.”
They stopped in front of Echo. The leader pulled off his hood and mask, revealing a stern face and buzzed blond hair. Something in Echo’s brain sparked.
“Rex? Is that- is that you?” His words were suddenly not working properly, but he couldn’t stop himself as he stuttered on. “It’s- I’m- do you know who I am?”
Rex’s eyes were wide, and he sank to one knee and stared into Echo’s face. He looked as though he’d seen a ghost.
Mando’a words (Mando’
aaray-shebs: pain in the butt
osik: crap
vod: brother
Mir’sheb: smart-ass
Mirsh’kyramud: boring person. Lit. “brain assassin”
#bad batch#sw tbb#tbb#the bad batch#pirate au#star wars#the havoc marauder sounds like a pirate ship#tbb tech#tbb wrecker#tbb crosshair#tbb hunter#tbb echo#tbb howzer#captain rex
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Pirate Batch- Halloween Edition
Want to hear a story?
The night was dark, the sea was calm. The inky water lapped against the sides of the Havoc Marauder as below a red moon the ship drifted. The sea was silent. No land, no birds, no ships in sight. Within the belly of the pirate ship all was quiet as well. The crew adjourned to sleeping or quiet, solitary activities. Until a soft hiss broke the still air.
“Want to hear a story?”
Crosshair whispered into the quiet of the crew quarters. Omega, his target, looked up from where she was drawing on the floor.
“What sort of story?”
“Cross,” a sleepy voice interjected, “she really should be getting to bed-”
“Oh, come off it, Hunter. She can stay up a bit longer. It’s a good story.”
“Pleeeeeease Huntah?” Omega wheedled, “I promise I’ll go straight to my room when its done.”
With some more grumbling, Hunter relented. “Fine then. Make it quick, Crosshair.”
The lanky gunner looked offended. “You cannot rush good storytelling,” he admonished. He took a seat on the floor across from Omega and drew her lantern to him. Holding it up to his face, his sharp grin was ghoulishly cast in stark light and shadows. “And this calls for some very good storytelling.”
The others began to take interest in his odd display. Echo watched Crosshair with open puzzlement, for he considered himself lucky if to get any more than a sentence out of the skulking sniper. Was he about to speak for actual minutes? Tech found his curiosity piqued as well, and Wrecker was edging a little closer to the group on the floor- he seemed afraid to come to near to Crosshair.
Casting Wrecker an amused glance, Crosshair began. “This is the story of a girl who lived many hundreds of years ago. She was very sweet and kind, with golden ringlets of hair and big brown eyes-” Omega blinked hers in surprise at the familiar description.
“She was called Arla. She was a polite and kind girl, but she was also a very curious little girl. She lived with her stepmother and her old dog. Her stepmother was a strange old lady, who kept little Arla very close. She always told the girl it was to keep her safe. One day, Arla asked, ‘why mustn’t I stray beyond the courtyard? Why can’t I go to the water with my friends?’
The answer was always the same. ‘It isn’t safe by the water. There are dark things about the shore at night.’ Arla was a good child, and so she listened. But as she grew older, her curiosity grew too. What was so terrible that haunted the sea at night? Arla decided she would be bad. She decided she would go down to the shore when the moon was high and bright. After all, Arla thought, if it is bright enough to see, it couldn’t be so dangerous.
Arla had a plan. She packed up a bag with candles and rope and a sharp letter opener she took from her stepmother’s writing desk. She was all ready for any danger she could think of. But she could never have prepared for what happened next…”
Crosshair trailed off mysteriously. He let the silence remain, dramatically. Tech, who had found himself being drawn from his reading into the story, broke in and snapped, “oh come on, Cross! Get over yourself and tell the story.”
Crosshair snorted. “Fine. Heathen. If you’ll let me continue…”
“One night, under a bright red moon, Arla patted her dog goodbye and slipped out her bedroom window and tiptoed barefooted and silently out through the courtyard. When she came to the gate, she paused. Her stepmother’s warning echoed through her mind. Don’t go out. Stay away from the water. But Arla made up her mind and eased the gate open just enough to squeeze through. Under the red moonlight and distant stars, she hurried towards the shore.
She found her way to the beach. The sand was cool between her toes and the water looked like the blood of titans slowly drowning the world. Arla crept toward the sea. She wanted to know what she was missing for so long…
Trepidatiously, she touched a toe to the water. The surface rippled around her foot. But the ripples didn’t stop. They spread out and out and got bigger and bigger and Arla was so frightened she pulled her foot out of the water and hid her face behind her hands. She heard the waves crashing louder, louder.
She was scared, but she wanted to look. She peered between her fingers and saw a towering shape lurching across the water towards her. She scrambled away but it was upon her.
A great old ship. The sails were rotten and torn, the hull was in no way seaworthy. It looked like it had already seen shipwreck and yet here it was, running aground on this little strip of beach before her eyes.
it crashed to a halt, throwing up fountains of sand and seawater. Arla watched with horror as shadows began to writhe and erupt from the deck of the dead ship. The shadows congealed and became creatures. They scuttled down the sides of the ship and swarmed up the sand. Within moments, Arla was surrounded.
There was a creature in front of her. It was bigger than the others. It was not made of shadows anymore. Where it had been dark it now shone with blue iridescence. It had a face of sorts. Not human, and not like anything Arla had seen in her books. It reminded her of a painting she had once seen in Stepmother’s study. The painting had disappeared when Stepmother found her snooping about through Stepmother’s study for things to read. She had been put in her room with a few choice books. Stepmother told her not to go looking again. Arla had listened. Mostly.
The creature opened an incorporeal mouth. Its voice was not a sound so much as a feeling in her head. She heard it as if it were her own thoughts.
‘You are ours at last, child. We have need of you. Arla opened her mouth to scream or cry, or perhaps to ask ‘why,’ but her voice was stolen before she could utter a sound. The glowing creature grinned needle-sharp teeth and Arla was swept up by creatures of sea mist and shadow. For a time, she knew no more.
She woke up again in a dark room that swayed with the sea.
She found herself again staring into the there-and-yet-not eyes of the mist creature. This time, she found her voice. ‘Where am I? What are you? Where are we going?’ She was scared, but she wanted to know.
The mist creature twined tendril limbs around her arms and pulled her to her feet. ‘You are coming home with us. You will make everything well again.’ Arla did not understand, but she didn’t resist as she was swept along through cramped corridors and up a ladder to the deck of the dead ship.
She looked around. There was no land in sight, there was no wind, and the red moon painted everything in blood and darkness. She was frightened, but she was also excited to finally see what lay beyond her little world. She felt alive among the waves and the stars. But the feeling was fleeting, and she was soon consumed by worry as the mist creatures swirled around her.
The creatures all spoke in one voice as they swept about and nearly knocked her off her feet. ‘You will be one of us now… you will be the best of us… you will make the bleeding cease and stop the hurting of our homeland…’
The mist solidified into spikes, and she found herself surrounded by whirling blades of light. With a rush of air, a spear of mist shot towards her and sunk into her chest. She screamed, her voice joining the rushing wind. Another struck her in the back. A third shot into her head and her screaming stop. No sound came from her gaping mouth, but her eyes and mouth cast light out from her skull in radiant beams. Her skin began cracking and more fissures of light erupted out from her. She couldn’t see, could speak. She had the strength left for one more thought before the world dissolved into whiteness. ‘Why didn’t I listen?’
“WHAT?!” Wrecker barked. He’d been listening with horrified intensity as Crosshair told his tale. “She’s dead? Is that the end of your stupid story?”
“Stop interrupting me!” Crosshair snarled. “I’m not done yet. If you’d just let me finish…”
Arla’s body was lost, but her spirit remained. Somehow, Arla woke up again. She was in a whole new place that was as alien and mysterious to her as the red sea and the dead ship had been. The land was all reddish rock.
She felt floaty. She looked down at herself and saw only iridescent blue mist. Like the creatures that brought her here.
There was a pull in her mind. She turned her head and began to walk. Or at least to drift. As she went the reddish rock grew redder still. Streams of blood traced her path, growing wider and more numerous as she approached the source of the pull.
A great crater in the rock, the sides casting deep shadows, the whole thing glistening with dark blood. She drifted to the very edge, beside the largest of the red rivers. She knelt beside the stream and considered her own glowing hands.
‘You will make the bleeding cease…’
Arla did not want to be here. She did not want to help the mist creatures that took her here. But Arla was a good and kind child, and she was very good at helping those in need. And so, she put her hands into the blood and thought very hard.
Not about going home.
Not about how she was scared.
Only a little about how she missed her dog.
She thought about making it better.
The river began to glow around her hand. It spread quickly through the stream and into the crater and soon it was a blinding well of misty light. Before her eyes the very rocks that surrounded her lost their red color and lightened to clean grey.
And Arla found she could not move her hands.
‘you will make everything well again….’
Arla never returned to Earth. Her stepmother never got to know what it was she had failed to protect her child from. Her dog never again licked her face and lounged with her while reading. Instead, they simply watched the white moon and knew it was Arla who kept the blood from flowing and held the mist spirits away from the shores.
Except for the couple times a year when under a red moon she returns to Earth. She comes down from the moon to find another to take her place. She searches for inquisitive souls that might stray too close to the sea when the mists and the blood are abound.
Sometimes she wanders in a shape like the one she wore in life. Sometimes she is simply the mist on the sea. Other times she appears in people heads. She slips into the minds of curious little girls and draws them to her…
And they are never seen again.”
Crosshair stifled the light, and Omega gave a little yelp as the room became lit only by the red moonlight filtering through the porthole.
“Is it true Crosshair?” Omega whispered, “is Arla really out there somewhere tonight?”
Crosshair chuckled darkly. “Oh yes. And you are certainly a perfect target.”
Wrecker gasped loudly and folded Omega into a crushing embrace, as if to stop her from dissipating into nothingness and leaving them. “No! She can’t take ‘Mega from us!”
Tech rolled his eyes and sighed, “it’s just a story Wrecker.”
“Or is it…” Crosshair whispered with a wicked grin. He got a pillow to the face, courtesy of Hunter.
“Yes, it is.” Their captain grumbled. “Now everybody shut up and go to sleep.”
“But Huntah… I’m scared…” Omega said in a very small voice.
“Fine. Omega, you can stay with me. Crosshair, we will be having WORDS about this.”
Tech and Wrecker both attempted to add their own two cents, but they were swiftly cut off but more flying pillows- Hunter tended to keep a lot of them around for just this purpose.
Eventually, sleepy silence descended. Omega cuddled close to Hunter’s chest; the others all burrowed into their respective refuges. The last sound that was heard was a muttered growl from the lump of blankets that presumably contained the ship’s captain. “Honestly, why can’t you all be more like Echo? He fell asleep ages ago.”
I haven't edited this or anything. But Halloween, y'know?
I haven't written pirate AU Omega's introduction yet, but here she is.
#bad batch#sw tbb#tbb#the bad batch#pirate au#the havoc marauder sounds like a pirate ship#star wars#tbb hunter#tbb wrecker#tbb tech#tbb crosshair#tbb echo#tbb omega#halloween#ghost stories#happy halloween
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Pirate Batch! Echo- Part 3
Coruscant didn’t sound so bad to Echo. He’d been there several times, and he had fond memories of shore leave with his squad before…
But clearly things had changed. Echo guessed that Coruscant was not a popular place to go if you wanted to stay under the radar. At least, that was the impression he was left with as he watched the reactions of the Havoc Marauder’s crew.
In the wake of Hunter’s announcement, the entire group fell into an uncomfortable silence. Eyes darted around to one another’s faces; many throats were cleared. After several long, strained seconds, the tense atmosphere was broken, surprisingly by Crosshair. He snorted and stood up from the table abruptly. The hissing sound he made could have been considered a laugh, but not one with any sort of mirth. “We’re all going to die,” Crosshair said, before stalking out of the room. The others simply watched him go.
Then the spell broke. Wrecker stood and slapped Echo on the back- nearly sending his nose through the wooden tabletop- and began clearing dishes. In no time, he stacked everything up and disappeared towards the galley.
Next to go was Hunter, who had a perturbed look on his face as he muttered, “I’d better go make sure Cross doesn’t kill anything,” he gave them all a nod and an apologetic smile and left to follow the wayward crewman.
Last to leave were Tech and Phee. They had spent the last few dragging moments talking quietly about something Echo didn’t bother to overhear. Before he left, Tech paused his conversation and turned back to Echo.
“I imagine this reaction is not what you would anticipate, Echo,” Tech said. He did look mildly regretful, which Echo was starting to realize was about as much as could be expected from Tech. “I assure you we have good reason. I promise I will explain everything to you shortly. For now, I must simply implore you to trust us. You may claim a hammock, if you like, or return to my office if you prefer. I will be along to check on you shortly, once a few matters have been settled.” With that, he and Phee left.
Echo didn’t appreciate being sent to his room like a misbehaving child, much less being ‘checked on,’ but he supposed that there was something he was missing. Tech certainly seemed to think so. Out of uncertainty- or perhaps spite- Echo didn’t move from the table. Everyone had jobs to do or important conversations or something of some importance at least. Meanwhile he was simply here. Because there was no where else he could be.
He didn’t know how long he sat there at the deserted table, enjoying his impromptu pity party- he seemed to have a lot of those these days- when a motion caught his attention from the corner or his eye. He turned to see the scraggly tooka, Gonky, wobbling up to him. Echo stared at the tooka. The tooka stared back. It meowed. At least, Echo thought it was a meow. It could have been hacking up a hairball or wailing like a sea spirit for all Echo could tell. Clearly there was something very wrong with this tooka. The tooka butted its head against Echo’s metal shin and then took couple steps back and leapt up to land on his lap. Gonky settled himself on the astonished Echo’s legs and purred. Echo was torn between pulling the thing off him or letting himself enjoy the sensation of a living thing being near him. Even if it was a horrible orange tooka that seemed to be missing an ear, some fur, and most of its braincells.
Well, Echo mused, bitterly running his hand across his own hairless scalp, we might have some of that in common. Echo hooked his metal arm underneath the creature and heaved it up to lay across his shoulders the way he’d seen Wrecker do earlier that day. Finally finding the motivation to overcome his odd inertia, he stood up and clomped his way back towards Tech’s ‘office.’ The man had offered, after all and Echo did not fancy encountering a wild Crosshair in the crew quarters at some ungodly hour of the night.
Echo settled himself in the office hammock. It was a nice one. He wondered how frequently Tech left this room when there wasn’t a weird stray Echo inhabiting it. From the general state of the place, he guessed not often.
Echo tried not to feel to discouraged that his mind started to blur with fatigue the moment he lay down, transferring Gonky to lie on his stomach. After all, what did it matter if he was useless now? He could only hope that the crew of the Havoc Marauder would manage to get to Rex, and that maybe – just maybe- that would somehow make everything better. Rex had to know something, didn’t he? If he were honest with himself, it was a faint hope. So, he simply lay and petted Gonky’s scraggly head while he waited for things to make sense again.
He must have dozed off. When he woke up, he was staring directly into a pair of sharp and angry eyes. He bit his tongue to keep from crying out in alarm. Crosshair was perched on the edge of Tech’s desk, face alarmingly close to Echo’s and glaring as if he planned to set Echo’s skull ablaze by sheer will. Gonky awoke and hissed at the man. Crosshair tore his eyes from Echo’s just long enough to switch targets and hiss back at the cat. Gonky mewled and cowered beneath Echo’s metal knees.
Suddenly, the door opened with a bang and Wrecker tromped in. The giant man wasted no time in coming right up to them and hauling Crosshair off the desk by the back of his coat.
“Hunter said he wasn’t a security risk Cross. You can lay off the stalking now,” Wrecker set Crosshair down in the doorway, carefully positioning himself between Crosshair and Echo. Crosshair held Wreckers gaze defiantly, before taking a reluctant step away. Before he was out of sight, he cast one more glare straight into Echo’s soul. I’m watching you, was the clear message in his eyes, I do not trust you. Then he was gone.
“Be a person!” Wrecker shouted after him.
“Sorry ‘bout him,” Wrecker said, turning back to where Echo was extricating himself from the hammock, “he’s just jumpy around new people. Eventually he’ll get over it. Or not. We’ll see.” Wrecker snorted.
Echo tried to match the man’s humor, but he was pretty sure his smile was more a pained grimace than anything else. He forced a weak chuckle. “I guess I shouldn’t expect too much in the way of respectable company if even the captain has a skull tattoo over half his karking face.” Maker, please let him have judged Wrecker right…
He had. Wrecker burst out laughing, startling Gonky out of the hammock and sending the tooka bolting from the room.
“HA!” Wrecker boomed. “I told him it was a dumb tattoo!” he calmed somewhat and grinned widely at Echo, “Yer not wrong, mate. But word to the wise,” he leaned down to whisper conspiratorially- though Echo noticed that his whisper was still not much quieter than his regular voice.
“I learned its best just to encourage him. He’ll get real defensive about it if you mention it. Goes on and on about his ‘image’. Fun to watch Cross bug him ‘bout it, not that he has much of a leg to stand on,” Wrecker held his hand up on top of his head like tooka ears and gave a small hiss, “not exactly approachable either, is he?”
Echo laughed truly this time, and it felt… good. He breathed a bit easier for it, as if something heavy had been lifted from his chest. “Then it’s a good thing they’ve got you, isn’t it?” he tried.
Wrecker nodded happily. “That’s right! I’m here for-” he screwed up his brow in deep concentration- “Die-plo-ma-cy, I am! At least, when I’m not busy cracking skulls.”
Wrecker led Echo out of the office as they chatted, his presence alleviating some of Echo’s anxiety about wandering around on the ship. Echo decided he liked Wrecker, even if he was loud. He reminded him vaguely of someone he may have known once, before…
That reminded him. “Tech said he’d talk to me about Coruscant.”
Wrecker stopped walking, and Echo halted as well. The giant had led them among more hammocks to a corner of the compartment that must have been his bunk. Echo’s cursory inspection deduced that the place was a health hazard, an armory, and a child’s bedroom all rolled up into one. He thought he spotted something made of red and black fabric nestled among blankets and cannonballs. Something with a face?
Wrecker sat down on the floor and Echo copied him, electing to ignore their strange surroundings for the moment.
“Tech said I could fill ya in,” Wrecker started, “he’s either arguing with Hunter or snogging Phee, and either way I’d rather not bug him.”
“Tech and Phee?” Echo interrupted before he could stop himself.
Wrecker only laughed. “That’s what we said too!” he half-shouted. “And to be honest its more likely he’s off telling her about some fascinating new frog species or something. I dunno. Whatever works for them. We don’t pry. But he did send me to tell ya the game plan.”
“Coruscant’s not so friendly to folks like us these days. The Empire likes it there, and it likes us dead. We find it best to stick to the outer islands when we can. But we think your buddy Rex is there with his little Underground,” Echo’s ears perked up, and Wrecker continued, “apparently the best way to fight the Empire is from under its nose. I generally prefer a good explosion, but we help out where we can.”
“Phee said she’d take care of the Marauder for us while we slip in to check on things. If all goes to plan, we’ll either find Rex or we’ll find someone to get message to him. On that note,” Wrecker gave him a curious look, “what is it you want us to tell him ‘bout you?”
Echo hadn’t thought this far ahead. He had no idea what he wanted to say to Rex, especially if Rex thought he was dead for who knows how long. Wrecker seemed to sense his uncertainty.
“Don’t worry about it yet,” Wrecker said kindly, “we can’t be giving him too many details till we’re face to face anyway. How about a code or something’? Something he’ll recognize as from you?”
A tough question. Did he even remember enough to make a good code? As it turned out, he needn’t have worried. The words came spilling from him before his conscious mind could interfere.
“Tell him… not all Dominoes fall.”
#bad batch#tbb#sw tbb#the bad batch#pirate au#the havoc marauder sounds like a pirate ship#star wars#tbb tech#tbb hunter#tbb crosshair#tbb echo#tbb wrecker#tbb phee#tbb gonky#lula cameo!#I really hope i can get echo out of this room soon#but he's so angsty he just sits there until people come talk to him#he'll shake it off#hopefully
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Pirate Batch! Echo- Part 2
I'm back with 2500 words of Echo Angst! I'm having too much fun with these guys.
by the by, I don't know how to link things yet, but if you want to find all the rest of this AU (the echo parts kinda benefit from reading in order), just know that they're all tagged #the havoc marauder sounds like a pirate ship. Okay ENJOY
When Echo awoke in the dark the next day, still in the hammock, limbs still attached and decidedly not staring into the face of any Skakoan scientists, he found the evidence suggested the previous night had not been a dream. He tried not to groan too loudly as he freed himself of the hammock. He hurt- when didn’t he- but he felt more alive and rested than he had since…
Oh. Right. Echo may be awake and alive, be he had no kriffing idea how long he’d been out of the world. As far as he knew, everyone he’d ever known could be dead. Come to think of it, Echo wasn’t even sure how long a list it was to begin with.
His memories of before are hazy, hidden from sight by a veil of pain, fear, and crushing hopelessness. Maybe Echo would be able to claw his way through to the other side, but was there even anything to find?
Echo shook his head to physically dislodge the thoughts for the time being. Glancing around the room he guessed to be Tech’s ‘office,’ Echo figured he’d better locate his host. Or, failing that, an unguarded cup of caff.
He hobbled unsteadily toward the doorway, metal legs resisting use after so long without. Peeking his head out the doorway, he scanned the gloomy belowdecks of the ship; strung up hammocks, a few unlit lanterns hanging from walls, a compact table and a few chairs tucked neatly into a corner. His scanning eyes caught on something near a strung-up hammock. Echo did a double take. Two points of light gleamed at him from the darkness. They put him in mind of eyes.... Echo rubbed his own eyes and looked again. The lights were gone. Huh. Weird.
Echo continued his expedition, making his way towards a set of steps leading to- he presumed- the way out. He cautiously opened the door and stepped up onto the main deck of the Havoc Marauder. It was glorious. The sun shone brightly overhead- It seemed Echo had slept away the better part of the day- and the salty wind threatened to make him overbalance. The sounds and smells of a deck were carried to him across the water, and he supposed they were about to make port. For the first time since-
Echo felt alive.
He spent a few minutes just standing there on the deck, breathing, feeling, absorbing the world he had been removed from for so long. Eventually, he became aware of another presence on the deck.
“Tech?” he asked nervously, turning around to try and locate the presence. He hoped it was Tech. Strange as he was, Echo was at least sure that Tech didn’t wish him immediate harm. He could not know for sure about the rest of the ‘crew.’ He was not looking forward to introducing himself to whoever thought raiding Skako Minor was a good idea.
As soon as he’d thought it, a hand came down upon his shoulder from- above him? Echo spun around, fist flying to strike whatever was behind him.
He struck the wooden side of the ship’s forecastle, which cracked under his fist along with probably several of his fingers. He growled and clutched his hand to his stomach, cursing his own stupidity and whoever it was that owned the hand on his shoulder. A voice broke through his tirade of bitterness, calm and infuriatingly amused.
“Hey, hey, its okay, man. Look up.” Echo swivelled his eyes up towards the forecastle and to a man sitting at the railing, booted feet dangling over the edges. He had a kind smile on his face and his hands were raised placatingly. “You good?” the man’s gaze swept over Echo’s implants, his pained expression, finally coming to rest- surprisingly- on his one remaining hand.
“Tech told me you were pretty banged up. Don’t tell me you went and broke your good hand trying to add a new porthole to my ship?”
Echo decided to interpret the man’s amusement as concern and smoothed the lines of pain out of his face. The man snorted.
“Yeah, right. Broken hand won’t even make you blink, will it?” he bypassed the railing and neatly hopped down from the upper deck to land beside Echo, who spotted with a numb sense of bemusement the extremely accessible ladder that went completely unnoticed in favor of leaping around like a Kowakian monkey lizard. Either Echo was very out of practice with understanding people, or nobody on this boat knew the first thing about human interactions. Possibly both. His money was on both.
Now that he was closer to eye level, Echo got a better look at him. He stood a bit shorter than Echo, with long hair falling from under a black tricorn hat- was that a captain’s hat? His brown eyes met Echo’s and Echo noticed that what he thought was merely dramatic lighting cast by the man’s hat was in fact a huge, dark, skull tattoo that stretched across the entire left side of his face.
It did not put Echo at ease, no matter how smiley he was.
The man, apparently oblivious to Echo’s scrutiny, made a great show of straightening his red and black coat after his jump. Echo couldn’t help but notice as he did that the man’s jacket seemed just a little bit too big for him. The man kept talking. “The name’s Hunter, by the way. Captain Hunter if you must. This is my ship, the good ol’ Havoc Marauder. I’d offer to shake your hand, but…” he cut his eyes down to Echo’s hook, then to his throbbing left hand.
Echo was tired of this guy’s smirking and comments, so he stuck out his one hand, “nonsense,” he bit out, daring Hunter to shake his hand, “Call me Echo.”
To his credit, Hunter accepted the handshake, though Echo noticed he did not squeeze even the slightest bit. The sudden tension was broken by Hunter’s abrupt snort of laughter. “I like you already!” he declared, smacking Echo companionably on the shoulder. “But we are going to go find Tech’s first aid kit now.” Echo wanted to resist further, but he begrudgingly acquiesced- he didn’t fancy any permanent damage to his one remaining hand- and he felt the mood shift to one of acceptance. He felt distinctly as though he passed some sort of test, though he hadn’t the foggiest what it had been.
He led Echo across the deck to another door; he presumed it led to the captain’s quarters. Hunter chatted continually as his rifled about. “Got shot a few jobs back. I think Tech left some stuff here. I really don’t want to got fetch it from his nightmare box- his office” Hunter explained before Echo could even register his words- “aha! Found it!” Hunter lifted a small wooden box triumphantly over his head.
“C’mon, let’s go sit in the sun. I’ll fix up your hand while we wait for the rest of the crew to run their little errands.”
“Rest of the crew?” Echo asked, following Hunter back out onto the deck.
“Yep. Don’t think I run this boat myself, do you? I sent Tech and Wrecker into town on a rowboat. Wreck hates it, but it’s less conspicuous that way.” Hunter clumsily bandaged Echo’s fingers as he spoke. “Should get Tech to be doing this. He’s better at it, but long as there’s not much blood I can manage.”
Echo nodded absently. Wrecker and Tech were… interesting names. His mind helpfully produced Tech’s vaguely ominous descriptions of the crew from the night before. Anxiously, he looked about the ship’s deck, and found his eyes drawn to a patch of shadows, visibility obscured by heaps of rope and crates piled carelessly about. Two points of light looked back at him. Echo blinked. The lights remained.
He interrupted whatever Hunter was saying with a blurted “Do you have a tooka on this ship?”
Hunter paused. Hands stilling where the were packing away rolls of bandage. “Uh, yeah,” he said, “call ‘im Gonky. But Wrecker brought him into town with them. Said he’d been cooped up.”
“Why do you ask?” Hunter followed Echo’s gaze. “OH! That’s just Crosshair. Don’t mind him. I told him to keep an eye on you once you woke up and, well…” Hunter huffed a laugh and shook his head a bit. The lights flared a bit brighter, then vanished.
“But don’t worry. He won’t bite.”
Echo was thoroughly confused. Was anybody on this ship normal? He supposed that the answer was no, and not least because of Echo himself. On that subject…
“Look, Hunter. I don’t know what happened to me, I don’t know why you decided to pick me up, and I don’t know why you’re doing all this for me, but I have some people I need to find. I had friends who are probably dead right now, and with them, potentially any chance of piecing together the karking mess that is all… this-” Echo gestured wildly to encompass his entire self.
“And you have no reason to help me, but, well, I’m on your boat.” He met Hunter’s gaze, praying the man didn’t make him spell it out. Thankfully, Hunter seemed to understand. He nodded solemnly, all levity gone and replaced with complete seriousness.
“Of course,” he said. “Who do you need to find?”
Echo took a deep breath and made a shot in the dark. “I need to talk to captain Rex.”
The sun was getting low when the rest of the Marauder’s crew made an appearance. Echo was sitting in comfortable silence with Hunter, watching the sunset paint the water red and gold when a series of scuffling thumps was heard over the railing. In short order, three figures hauled themselves up over the side of the ship. The first was Tech, looking preoccupied, but he spared a friendly nod towards Echo. Next came a gigantic man, complaining loudly about the climb up to the deck and stretching out his massive arms. Echo spotted extensive scarring over one half of his face. He appeared to be wearing some sort of horrible orange fur scarf. To Echo’s alarm, the scarf got up and hopped off the man’s shoulders. It meowed. That must be Gonky, Echo decided, which meant that the giant who was now waving enthusiastically at him and Hunter was probably Wrecker.
The third was a woman with dark ropes of hair spilling out of a teal bandana. She gave Hunter a jaunty salute.
“Howdy, captain!” she said, striding up to stand next to Tech. “Browneyes here said I could stay for dinner.”
“Did he now,” Hunter gave her and Tech a stare of mock disapproval, before his face softened. “Of course you’re welcome, Genoa. Especially if you got the intel you promised.”
Genoa scoffed. “’do I have the intel,’ Hunter! Do you think so little of me. But you boys better tell me what you needed to know about Battle Droids for. I thought those old ghost stories were just Tech’s pastime obsession.” She rested he elbow against Tech’s shoulder.
Tech, looking offended, batted her arm aside. “It is not a pastime,” he insisted, “and anyways, we have a new development that makes such information vital.”
Tech glanced meaningfully at Echo. Genoa looked up as well.
Echo did not appreciate the attention. “Yeah. Oh.” He huffed. “Hunter. What was that you said about dinner?”
The company gathered around a table belowdecks, knocking elbows and jostling one another to pass around what appeared to be some kind of stew. Wrecker enthusiastically thrust a bowlful at him, and Echo accepted, though he took a good few moments scrutinizing it before daring to try a spoonful.
He took the opportunity to observe his new companions. Hunter was kind enough to officially introduce him to everyone. Phee Genoa and Wrecker both seemed decent sorts. He had yet to meet Crosshair-
Echo startled. Sitting directly across from him and the corner of the table – a place he was positive had been vacant before, was another man.
He was lanky as Tech, but considerably pointer. Everything about him had edges. His glare was dagger-sharp, his cheekbones and elbows jutted sharply, even the line of his shoulders had Echo reconsidering the meaning of the words ‘shoulder blades.’ He swore if the man opened his mouth, he’d have sharp teeth.
The man’s eyes gave him a piercing look over from beneath a few stray locks of short grey hair, before meeting Echo’s gaze and holding it.
Who knows how long later, Wrecker tapped Echo on the shoulder and broke him out of his impromptu starting contest. The big man laughed at Echo’s startled jump and gave him a reassuring pat. “That’s Crosshair,” he said, confirming Echo’s suspicions. He leaned down to whisper in Echo’s ear. “Careful, he bites.” -Echo wondered if he should believe Hunter or Wrecker on that front. He decided it was safer to believe Wrecker and keep his distance.
Wrecker reached an arm across the table and shoved Crosshair companionably, nearly sending the smaller man toppling out of his chair. As Crosshair hissed and Wrecker laughed, Echo found himself drifting back in time, peering back through the hazy veil, towards his own brotherly banter with people now long dead. He thought very hard and could almost make out who it was. Who might it have been? Shark-bait, Cutup, Hevy…
His dismal thoughts were interrupted by Hunter’s voice bringing him back to more immediate problems. “You’ve all met Echo,” he said, “you all saw what was on Skako Minor. Echo, you were on Skako Minor and you’ve been… modified using Wat Tambor’s technology.
“Tech can vouch for just how illegal that machinery is. Which puts us in a bit of a predicament. Phee did some listening about in bounty hunter circles and,”
He paused, before looking Echo in the eye. “Echo, you are officially property and illegal technology.”
Echo was stunned. He struggled to speak past confusion and mounting rage. “What?” he hissed, “I’m not property! And I didn’t choose this! I DIED!”
The table was silent. “I know, Echo,” Hunter said, with genuine concern in his voice, “But that’s the thing really. Corporal Echo’s dead. Killed in Action. Now you’re…” he couldn’t finish.
Tech’s voice picked up where Hunter had fallen. “In the eyes of the world, you are not him. It does not matter who they believe you to be. The relevant information is that every bounty hunter, the Empire, and all Skakoan allies will be looking for you. I’m- sorry.”
Echo thunked his head against the table. “Of course. Why would anyone let me have the audacity to fall to pieces as a free man. Better to go back into a lab somewhere instead.”
Wrecker put a hand against his back. It was nice. Echo didn’t want to raise his head, but he felt better knowing the giant was there. “Uh, Hunter,” Wrecker spoke up, not moving his hand, “you don’t happen to know what we’re gonna do ‘bout all this, do you?”
Hunter’s sigh was audible. “I do,” he said. “Or at least, I have a start. Echo told me the name of someone we need to track down. Just so happens I know where to look.”
“Where?” a new voice. Raspy and grating like sandpaper. Probably Crosshair, Echo deduced by process of elimination.
“Boys, we’re headed to Coruscant.”
BONUS-PIRATE PHEE (she was already a pirate. I didn't need to change much)
I'm not thrilled with this one. She looks too cowboy and her face is a bit wonky. I'm sorry, Phee!
The others were for reference, this one isn't really because for reference just use canon Phee. She's already a space pirate.
Oh well. I tried.
#bad batch#sw tbb#tbb#the bad batch#pirate au#star wars#the havoc marauder sounds like a pirate ship#tbb echo#tbb tech#tbb hunter#tbb crosshair#tbb wrecker#phee genoa#the true tbb pirate makes an appearance
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Kamino Lost


Song: Crying in the Rain by the Everly Brothers.
Angsty lil doodle. I don’t have the art skill to do it justice, but I’ve tied Crosshair to this song.
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Pirate Batch- There's an Echo in Here!
ahaha! I wrote more! in like an hour. and did not edit it. or make any good. I have much more planned for echo. I think I'm gonna make his section have a few parts to it, so he can have his first interactions with all the crew individually. Enjoy!
(also, because yay pirate batch @badbatchposts put up a pirate Hunter thing! thank you for the reblogs!)
Echo swam painfully to consciousness, leaving the blissful state of perfect nothing behind with no small regret. He hurt. But that was normal now, wasn’t it? The surgeries that left him feeling as though his bones were made of molten metal, the constant, endless, aching that encompassed his entire being, the bone-deep coldness that extended well past his abused skin. That was simply his life now, ever since…
Ever since.
Fully awake though he was, Echo did not open his eyes. What was the point? He’d either wake up and find himself under the cold and merciless scalpel of Wat Tambour, or he’d be in his equally cold cell, filthy and dark and completely cut off from any semblance of the world. Neither of these appealed.
And yet… why was he awake? Had something caught his senses. Echo strained his ears, cursing the metal contraption that gave him his hearing these days, and heard creaking. That sounded like wooden boards shifty gently, and behind that- could he hear waves???
Echo’s eyes snapped open, adrenaline granting strength enough to his leaden limbs to scramble upright. Heaving painful, rapid breaths he clawed himself backwards across whatever surface he’d been lying on, putting his back to a wall and trying to gauge his surroundings. He was in a room. A wooden, swaying, salt-smelling room. A ship?
His vision blurred, and he buried his head behind his flesh arm. His breathing somehow accelerated as his thoughts spiralled. He couldn’t see, he couldn’t think, he didn’t know what was happening.
An unknown amount of time later, a new sound broke through the gale of panic. A voice?
“Do not be alarmed. You are safe here.”
Not speaking Skakoan. As for safe… he’d believe it when he saw it. Even so, he raised his head.
“There we are. Your breathing has begun to slow to acceptable levels. How are you feeling?”
Echo tried very hard to focus on the speaker. A young man, quite tall, but with posture that made Echo’s back twinge just looking at him. He was watching Echo intently through orange tinted spectacles.
“Uh,” Echo didn’t know what to say, so he went with a classic. “Where am I? Who are you? How did I get here?”
“That is not the answer to my question, but you are alert enough to be suspicious and your eyes have focussed on me. This bodes well enough for now.”
The auburn-haired man ceased his inspection of Echo’s face and moved to sit next to him, taking out a notebook and pencil as he went. He scribbled incomprehensibly as he spoke, never pausing his speech or bothering to look at the pencil as he wrote.
“To answer your queries, you are abord the Havoc Marauder. Near the sleeping compartment. Sitting on my desk.”
Echo glanced down and saw that in the wake of his scramble to consciousness, numerous papers had been flung onto the floor below them. The man did not seem especially angry at him though, so Echo just kept listening.
“I am called Tech. Myself and my crew found you quite accidentally while raiding Purkoll. I have been waiting for you to regain consciousness and identify yourself.”
Here, Tech looked from Echo’s mechanical limbs to his head, to the implants in his emaciated torso, and his eyes betrayed concern but also curiosity. Echo shuddered a bit at the evident interest in his reconstruction, but at least Tech’s expression did not hold disgust.
The quick assessment unsettled him, but it kick-started his brain enough to start making sense of what he’d just heard. Had Tech asked his name? Not exactly, but it’d been a while since Echo had talked to anyone.
CT-1409. Corporal. In case of capture, say nothing else.
He wanted to be Echo again.
He cleared his throat, wondering why the words stuck so strongly to his windpipe. “I’m Echo. Corporal. 501st. Grand Army of the Republic.”
Echo saw a flash of emotion flicker across Tech’s face at the word Republic, and it made his heart freeze.
“Wait, you’re not Separatists too, are you? Why were you on Skako Minor??”
Tech glanced down at the notebook in his lap. Throughout the whole interaction, the pencil had been moving furiously, but it stilled for a moment.
“Ah. No,” Tech began, somewhat awkwardly, “We are not Separatists. We’re not Republic either for that matter, which is the issue really.” He looked echo squarely in the eye.
“The Republic fell years ago. There is only the Empire now.”
Echo saw red.
He forced himself to stand, ignoring the way his metal joints protested the movement, and caught Tech by the collar, hauling the man up until they were nose to nose.
“What do you mean ‘fell?’ What do you mean YEARS?! How long was I THERE” he shook the bemused Tech and screeched, “WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?!”
Throughout his tirade, Tech remained as still as a statue. Echo followed his gaze and realized that his attention was drawn to the metal hook fused onto Echo’s mutilated arm. Said hook was currently perilously close to gouging out Tech’s eye. Echo froze and released him, backing up a few steps and taking a breath. He still shook with rage and terror, but he didn’t think injuring the only friendly being he’d seen since….
-Since. -
-would help matters. Eventually, he became aware that Tech was talking again.
“Fascinating. You have subconsciously adapted to use your new appendages to the fullest advantage in combat. You have very useful instincts, no doubt honed by military or navy service.” He adjusted his crooked spectacles. Echo tried not to feel bad about the badly scratched state of his left lens.
“I’m sorry that I cannot answer your questions, Echo. I do not know how you came to be on Skako Minor. My crew and I were simply there for a job. Tambour’s contraptions are extremely illegal and very valuable if one knows who to sell to. And I have long held a fascination with his work-”
Echo took a threatening step towards him, but Tech kept talking, “do not look at me like that. I am simply interested. His fabled automatons, the ‘’battle droids,” the man had the audacity to look a little wistful.
“But I do not condone torturing and experimenting on prisoners of war.”
“Oh good,” Echo deadpanned.
He could sense Tech had more to say, but Echo was done. With Tech, with the world, with everything. He shuffled uncomfortably, before giving up on tact and asking, “Look. I get that we’ve still got a lot of ground to cover here, but can I please sleep before we go back to this kriffed-up game of twenty questions?”
Tech snapped himself out of whatever whirlpool of thoughts he’d gotten caught in and nodded brightly. “Oh, of course. This must be a very draining experience for you. Would you like to stay in here?” he gestured to where a hammock was strung up beside his desk. Echo wondered how often this guy slept in here to have a hammock already set up. “I would not recommend moving to the main sleeping area just now. Certain…individuals tend to react a tad violently when awakened.
Echo filed that information under ‘problems for another time’ and simply nodded.
As he lay gratefully in Tech’s offered hammock, he wondered just how much he’d missed. How did the war end? What was this Empire? Were any of his old allies still out there?
Am I alone now?
What am I going to do?
He had no answers. Right now, he had nothing but illegal appendages, missing memories, and a kriffing weird little man with a notebook.
Aboard the Havoc Marauder.
#bad batch#sw tbb#tbb#the bad batch#pirate au#star wars#the havoc marauder sounds like a pirate ship#tbb echo#tbb tech#he wears 501st blue :)#he's so done with everyone
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Pirate Batch Part 4- Crosshair
A wild Crosshair appears! The last thing I had pre-written. Now the hard part will begin. This is longer than the rest of them combined. I might have had too much fun with it. Be warned, I learned star wars swears just for this.
Crosshair you bloody idiot you should’ve known better. This was the only coherent thought Crosshair had been able to form for the past, say, ten minutes of frantic dashing through winding alleys and jumping fences. The rest of his thoughts were generally along the lines of “oh kriff,” “oh, God,” and - “DUCK!!”
He didn’t. A heartbeat later, he found laid out flat on his back, gasping and choking on nothing. Blinking bleary eyes, he strained to see what he’d run into. An enormous figure was looming over him, eyes and huge grin dimly visible. The giant reached down one huge hand caught Crosshair by the collar, hauling him up until his toes just barely brushed the ground. He paid no mind at all to Crosshair’s struggles.
“Got ‘im!” the man growled, looking past Crosshair’s shoulder as someone came up behind them.
“You’ve got something that belongs to me” a vaguely familiar voice stated. Crosshair willed his usually sharp eyes to focus on the smaller man who came around to stand beside the giant. “And I’d quite like it back.”
The newcomer was shorter than Cross but was strongly built. Maybe a year or two older than him. His long hair hung around a face bearing an expression of mild disinterest, as if all this were a minor inconvenience to an otherwise pleasant evening. Cross recognized him from the dockside bar, where he could always count on finding an easy mark or two. He’d thought this man was one such easy mark, with his guileless smile and a coat that was clearly made for someone much bigger than him. He’d been drinking and laughing and thoroughly distracted, and Cross had no trouble at all nicking his pocket watch, his coin purse, and some rolled up paper that had caught his fancy. It truly had been amateur of him to think it was that easy.
“You’re gonna have to be more specific,” Crosshair rasped when he’d regained enough breath to speak. He was met with no answer, so he rolled his eyes and tried “oh, whatever could you be talking about? I’m innocent and honest and-” he was cut off when the giant gave him a rough shake.
“Fine! Kark off! Lemme go or tell me what you want.” He pried ineffectually at the hand grasping his collar. He wished he’d thought to bring his knives.
The shorter man smiled and fixed him with an incredibly calculating look. Crosshair deduced that he was not nearly as inebriated as he’d made himself appear in the bar. No drunkard would stare that intently. The man explained, his manner entirely casual and unconcerned, “well, since you ask, I would quite like my watch back. Wrecker?”
The huge man’s other hand came up and started rummaging through the many pockets of Crosshair’s coat. He kicked and fought, snapping his teeth and hissing, but it made no difference.
“Here, boss,” Wrecker retrieved the pocket watch and handed it over, “this has got your name on it too,” the stolen coin purse was removed from another pocket. Cross noted the embroidery on the bag indicating it as the property of one Hunter Fett. Kark. He’d stolen from a Fett??
“You got anythin’ else?” Wrecker growled.
Crosshair rolled his eyes and snarked, “I’ve got all sorts of things. I collect the belongings of legendary idiots and sell them the mermaids. I’m quite popular among-” he was cut off by Wrecker’s hand over his mouth and another shake. Oh, of all the horrible timing, this final shake was enough to dislodge the small scroll where he’d hidden it beneath the bracer around his wrist. It tumbled to the ground with a very quiet fwap. He didn’t let his expression change, didn’t look at it at all. Hunter’s eyes fell to it anyway. Well, Kriff.
Cross had been looking forward to reading that… whatever it would’ve turned out to be. He bit Wrecker’s hand in retaliation. The big man yelped and jerked his hand back but didn’t let go of his collar.
Hunter knelt to retrieve the paper, tucking it in his pocket before meeting Crosshair’s glare with thoughtful amusement. “I think we’re done here,” he said. “Let the man go, Wrecker.”
Wrecker shook him once again, seemingly just because he could, before dropping him to the ground. Stumbling slightly to keep his feet under him, Cross glared daggers at the two of them before turning and dashing into the night.
____WRECKER POV______
Wrecker watched the weird little thief disappear into the gloom, footsteps making hardly a sound as he retreated. Beside him, Hunter sighed.
“Nice guy,” he said. Wrecker assumed he wasn’t serious. “Damn good pickpocket. Didn’t even notice he got the map. Probably could get into some places we couldn’t.”
Wrecker snorted and shook his smarting hand. “Charming personality.”
“Well, we keep Tech around-”
“Boss, no,” Wrecker started. He saw the look in Hunter’s eye. He did not want to deal with the consequences of Hunter’s so called ‘intuition.’
“But Wrecker-”
“The kid’s a crook, Hunter!”
“And we’re pirates. Your point?” Hunter smiled at Wreckers indignation.
Wrecker stammered a bit. He, personally, saw what the Bad Batch did as perfectly acceptable. It wasn’t their fault they kept angering powerful people with too much money and too little humanity. Tech often remarked that Wrecker had been cursed with an indomitable moral compass. Wrecker wasn’t sure he knew what that was, but he knew the wiry little snake who’d made off with Hunters stuff probably didn’t have one.
“He karking bit me!” Wrecker tried again. Hunter’s expression didn’t change.
Wrecker was at a loss. And yet, he knew it was better to trust Hunter’s judgement. If it didn’t work out, well, Wrecker would be there to knock some heads for him.
“Fine,” Wrecker relented, “if you really think we need ‘im, we’d better go find his hidey-hole.”
Cross dropped through the trapdoor just as the sun was beginning to appear over the horizon and heaved a sigh of relief. A bloody irritating night’s work to be sure, he mused as he crashed onto the beaten and tattered armchair that was the only furniture in the room, apart from a makeshift table he’d made himself. Not a productive day at all. Barely any haul to speak of, and he’d spent half the night running in circles to dissuade anyone -the bloody bastards who’d ruined his night’s work- tracking him back to his hideout.
Tired and fuming, he figured he might as well get some anger out. He stood and retrieved his throwing knives from the wooden chest that held most of his belongings. He slotted the knives into his pockets and flung one towards the far wall. It was snatched out of the air by an unfortunately familiar hand.
Wrecker stepped out of the shadows and tossed Crosshair’s knife back towards him. Crosshair caught it and spun it in his grip, retrieving another as well. He cast a glance towards his box, wishing he’d thought to grab his gun.
Wrecker kept advancing. Crosshair tried to hold his ground, but he didn’t fancy his chances against the giant, even with his arsenal of blades. If he could just get his rifle…
But he couldn’t. Instead, he found himself pushed backwards until he fell back into the old armchair. Wrecker pinned him there with a massive arm against his chest. “No biting.” Wrecker rumbled, pointing a stern finger in his face.
He noticed with a small degree of pride the red mark still visible on Wrecker’s hand. Experimentally, Crosshair stabbed the giant’s arm. He didn’t even flinch. Well, so much for that idea.
Cross already knew who’d be coming next, and sure enough Hunter stepped out of the shadows and smiled at him. “Let’s try this again,” Hunter said, “I’m Hunter Fett, this is Wrecker-” as if Crosshair hadn’t been able to piece that together yet- “And we are part of the Bad Batch.” Oof, what a name. Crosshair restrained an eyeroll.
“You are called Crosshair,” Hunter continued, “and are one of the most notorious thieves in Ord Mantell.” Here, he held up a wanted poster with a truly terrible rendition of Crosshair drawn on it. Cross noted the reward money with a hint of satisfaction.
“And yet,” Hunter put the poster away and glanced pointedly around the room, “you have precious little to show for it.”
“Wow. Rude.” Crosshair huffed, “I live here, you bastard.”
“You could be very useful to us,” Hunter said, a hint of ambition creeping into his voice, “we’ve got a job to do. It’ll pay well if we pull it off. Only problem is that it could use some… finesse,” -the word was carefully chosen- “And while I love my crew dearly, subtly is not exactly our strong suit.”
Hunter and Crosshair both looked at Wrecker, who merely shrugged and nodded.
Crosshair wasn’t feeling particularly charitably towards the pair of them, but they had a point. Wrecker would make an awful thief. But Crosshair was nothing if not defiant, so he snarled, “what if I don’t want to join your crew?”
“Then we will leave you be. And we won’t even compromise your… hidey hole.”
With that he backed away and climbed deftly towards the trapdoor in the ceiling, Wrecker finally lifting his grip on Crosshair to follow him. Hunter stuck his head in once more before vanishing, looking Crosshair dead in the eyes with a sincerity that stung his soul. “Ship’s docked in town. The Havoc Marauder. We’re leaving around noon. If you want it, we’ll have a place for you.” With that, they were gone, leaving Cross alone in his definitely compromised hideout with a lot on his mind.
He'd gotten a job offer from a kriffing Fett. A baby Fett, by the look of him, but still. He paced a bit, before striding to his locked chest and lifting the lid. He transferred the contents into his bag- a few items of clothing, some coins, toothpicks, and- of course- his many blades, pistols, and his prized rifle. It wasn’t much, and it didn’t look like he’d be back here for a while, so this was it. Kark, Fett had been right. His life’s work didn’t amount to kriff-all, did it? Building up a wall of pride had blinded him to the fact that, no matter what he stole- and he stole a lot- he’d never accumulate any value from it.
Finally, maybe just to assure himself he’d gained something from this way of life, he pried up a floorboard and pulled out a much more secret box. This one contained everything he stole that he couldn’t or wouldn’t sell. There really wasn’t a lot. Some shiny baubles he’d like the look of, jewelry belonging to the rich and powerful of Ord Mantell, and a stack of parchment. Cross made a habit of collecting paper he found on his outings, had taught himself to read with stolen letters, journals, and maps. It made him feel less isolated. He wasn’t one for talk- unless he aimed to infuriate an attacker- but the papers served as some company in his deep dark hiding places where only he would ever step.
He emptied as much of this as he could into his bag and stood with a sharp exhale. He glanced for one final time around his room, taking in the battered chair, his table, the walls pushed to collapse by repeated gunshots and knife throws, before scaling the wall and hopping out through the trapdoor. With any luck, something would still be here when -if-when- he came back. Unless those two idiots tailing him had let themselves be followed by every criminal in all of Ord Mantell. He suspected they had.
Running across rooftops, he made his way towards the docks- and an uncertain future.
BONUS: Where’s Tech? is he safe? Is he alright?
Tech was waiting on the ship for Hunter and Wrecker to return from their night of ‘gathering intel.’ He knew this to mean that they were most likely in the nearest establishment that served alcohol, picking up jobs and drinking heavily. Tech was content to let them have their fun, provided that had remembered to retrieve the lead they were expecting from a contact in Ord Mantell, and Tech would be there to haul them out of trouble when it inevitably came to that. Such was his lot in life.
He was surprised, therefore, to see them return somewhat early. Hunter handed him a tiny roll of parchment- a pitifully small lead considering the complexity of the job it entailed- and put forth a curious request.
“Tech, we need to know about the criminal population of Ord Mantell,” He said, “We’re looking for someone. You still got records on this place, right?” Of course, Tech thought, they only listen to me when they need something. Still, he nodded and strode belowdecks to retrieve the required intel, Hunter following and rattling off descriptors. Find one individual lowlife in Ord Mantell? Sure, finding a needle in a haystack was Tech’s job, after all.
“Give me five minutes.”
Tech descended the steep steps that led below deck with a preoccupied air. He’d needed to leave the ship to drag Hunter and Wrecker back aboard in time to leave and was in a suboptimal mood. The fools had gone out again and found trouble, as usual. But no one was bleeding out or turning blue, so Tech figured he had time to sort through his data for the upcoming journey. He hesitated in the doorway at the sound of soft breathing.
Sprawled across a previously unclaimed hammock lay a figure; he lay on his stomach, arms dangling, with a knife clutched in one hand and a pistol in the other. As soon as Tech touched the floor of the deck the man shot up- flailing a bit to be free of the hammock- and turned both weapons to face the door. `
The man was notably wiry, all sharp edges and no extra mass to speak of. He had steely grey hair despite his apparently quite young age. His gaze was uncannily sharp and undoubtably hostile and as he glared, Tech noted a slight shine to his eyes that put him in mind of a tooka cat at night. A vertical scar slashed through one gleaming eye.
The details together led Tech to the obvious conclusion. “You are Crosshair,” Tech said levelly. “True name unknown. Skilled thief and occasional killer, wanted for various petty crimes and a few larger ones pulled off reportedly ‘just for fun.’ The captain was very interested to know about you. Why?”
Before Crosshair could make any attempt at responding, Hunter’s voice broke in from above deck. “Gave him a job offer, Tech. Didn’t know if he’d show, but you know as well as I do we could use a thief for this gig.”
Tech considered the logic of that and, finding it sound, simply nodded. “Of course,” he said, “Welcome aboard the Havoc Marauder, Crosshair. I do hope you survive the experience.” With that, he walked past the bemused thief and into the room. He had books waiting for him, after all.
#bad batch#sw tbb#tbb#the bad batch#pirate au#star wars#the havoc marauder sounds like a pirate ship#tbb crosshair#tbb hunter#tbb tech#tbb wrecker#clone force 99#Toothpick man is having an interesting day
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Dragon. A Snake-Lookin' One
Scallllllles. They take sooo looonggggg
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Pirate Batch Continues- Tech's Troubles
A new challenger approaches! Tech's fun.
Tech’s life wasn’t going at all the way he predicted it would, although perhaps he should have foreseen that. The young scholar pondered his life choices as he sprinted through the darkened streets of Tipoca City.
He rounded a corner, splashing through unidentifiable puddles and dodging debris as he made for a side of town he’d never ventured before. Behind him were the angry shouts and pounding footsteps of his… concerned colleagues. Honestly, he thought, I didn’t say anything THAT bad. It’s not my fault the whole school faculty is so bloody closed-minded. Well, maybe Tech could have stood to withhold his interest in forbidden science just a little while in the presence of others, and okay, maybe he hadn’t been terribly diplomatic when the head librarian had confronted him about his studies, but did that really warrant having to flee from a mob of old stuckups? Tech came upon an open tavern and burst inside, closing the door quickly behind him and finding a wall to put his back against. The chatter of the occupants halted as everyone stared at him. Never had his attention been towards his appearance, but he was suddenly very aware of how much his crisp attire and tinted spectacles stood out amongst such company. Then the moment ended, and everyone returned to their business. Except, Tech noted, for one person. A young fellow- well, probably older than tech himself but that wasn’t hard- who was still staring at him with interest from across the room. He wore a tricorn hat atop long dark hair that fell messily about his face, a long red overcoat that looked at least a size too big, and rather ridiculously high leather boots. The odd outfit marked him as a sailor of some kind, probably of dubious legality. He sat next to a great hulking shape of a man, who hadn’t noticed Tech the way his companion had. Both fellows were armed. Tech heard the door burst open again and saw the headmaster of his school flounce into the room with fury raging in his dusty eyes. Tech weighed his options and strode towards the man in the hat, who was watching Tech and the newcomers with open amusement. “You, with the questionable attire”, Tech addressed him, “can I perhaps commission your services as a charter to anywhere but here?” he managed in one breath. The man’s big companion finally took an interest. “You get chased by old guys a lot?”
“A recent development,” Tech said and, hoping to speed things up a little, he fished out a handful of coins and held one up to them. “Do you accept my commission? I’m afraid I’m in rather a hurry.” The man in the hat smirked, his eyes flicking from the money in Tech’s hand, to his face, to the horde of angry scholars behind him. “Yeah, alright, fancy pants,” he said, “you seem like good company. Wrecker,” he addressed his hulking companion, “let’s take our new friend out the back way.” Wrecker laughed and jumped to his feet, punching tech companionably in the shoulder with enough force to send him staggering, before starting off to the back wall of the tavern. “Might I point out,” Tech panted, “that there is in fact no door on this side of the buildi-.” he trailed off as Wrecker kicked a sizable chunk out of the wooden wall. Tech shrugged and followed the mysterious pair out into the night. They ran towards the docks and towards a very curious ship. He was hurried aboard and below deck as the man in the hat started guiding the ship away from the shore. Tech took a seat against the wall and took in his surroundings, quickly forming a viable hypothesis regarding his current companions. The abundant weapons strewn about, the visible damage to the ship’s structure, and the notable absence of any navy emblems, certifications, or even flags painted quite the picture for the young scholar. He was pulled from his musings by the ship's two occupants returning from above deck. The man in the hat smiled at him and held out a hand in greeting. “Well, that was entertaining,” he said, “the name’s Hunter, and that’s Wrecker. What might your name be?” Tech hesitated only a moment before answering, “I am known as Tech,” he supplied, ignoring the man called Hunter’s still outstretched hand. “I thank you for your assistance and am prepared to pay for my safe delivery to a nearby port” Hunter’s grin widened, hearing the slight emphasis on the word ‘safe’. “Yeah, we could do that,” he said. “Or I could offer you a job. You don’t seem like the normal sort, and, well, neither are we. As you’ve probably guessed. I could use a guy with brains, and one with enough guts to use ‘em. You seem like the right sort, and yeah, I’m a little desperate. You interested?” Tech considered his alternatives- limited- and grasped Hunter’s hand, pulling himself to his feet. “Perhaps,” he admitted. That seemed good enough for Hunter, who put a friendly hand on his shoulder and said, “Well then, Tech. Welcome aboard the Havoc Marauder”.
#the bad batch#tbb#sw tbb#bad batch#star wars#pirate au#tbb tech#tbb hunter#tbb wrecker#the havoc marauder sounds like a pirate ship#what a dapper gentleman#jk he's as ridiculous as the rest of them
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Scales are fun. Time consuming. But fun.
This character needs a name. She is currently nameless.
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More Pirate Batch! Wrecker
One more right away, just to prove I've got the rest on the way.
Wrecker was content with his life as a dock worker. Or so he told himself, daily, while he spent long hours hauling heavy crates to and fro in the relentless wind and heat. Wrecker knew he was a strong guy, but even he was going to bed exhausted and dreading the morning that would begin the cycle of endless work once again. Until one day, he spied a strange looking visitor to the docks. A young man, maybe Wreckers age, stepped off a peculiar-looking ship, docked clumsily and with evident difficulty in a secluded corner in the pier. Wrecker would never claim himself to be the brightest sort, but to his eyes, this guy looked green. Both literally, and meta… figur… and that he looked inexperienced. The hat and coat he wore were impressive but didn’t quite fit him right. The ship was sleek and looked well armed, but it appeared damaged and shoddily repaired. And this kid stepped off the ship alone, with no visible escort or companions, and walked right past where Wrecker was gawking without even seeming to see him.
The whole of his workday, Wrecker’s thoughts kept straying to the half-hidden ship and the strange fellow who captained it. That evening, Wrecker went to it and undid the rope which held it. It was a sorry job that Wrecker couldn’t stand not correcting. With a mighty tug, the ship straightened out and drifted closer to the pier, where he fastened it more securely. Wrecker sat on the edge of the pier, legs dangling over the side and daydreaming about weaponry when raised voices caught his attention.
“Hey, you! With the silly hat!” Wrecker turned his head slightly towards the shout, not moving just yet. It didn’t pay to get involved and escalate things when it wasn’t necessary.
“Well lookie here,” a different voice added, “we’ve caught ourselves a Fett!”
That make Wrecker whip his head around, subtly be damned. Wrecker would never presume to be knowledgeable about, well, anything, but even he recognized that name. He scanned the docks until his eyes alighted on the same young man he’d noticed that morning. His carefully constructed air of confidence was cracking slightly as he took small steps back from two hulking figures lurching towards him.
“Hey, fellas, I was just leaving-” he tired, hands up placatingly.
“Yeah, right,” snorted one of the thugs- he was big and ugly, sure, but wrecker decided he could be dealt with, “you’re leaving, Fett? No way yer Jango. Not parading about with no backup and a coat that don’t even fit. You one of his brats?” he punctuated the sentence with a sharp jab of his huge finger. Wrecker’s feet were carrying him closer without any input from his brain.
The young man rolled his eyes, “I dunno about any Fett, but-” his gaze caught Wrecker’s and flashed from searching, to scheming, and finally, smug confidence, “-what was that you said about backup?” he ducked, turned and ran as the two thugs turned to find Wrecker behind them.
Wrecker gave them a chance. “You guys wanna back off and let this one go?” he asked. He meant it, too, but it seemed to Wrecker that people only ever wanted to solve problems by punching them. This suited him just fine. Predictably, the thugs bared teeth and fists, and wrecker mourned the state of peace he’d enjoyed minutes before. Oh well. It would be a short fight.
A short time later, Wrecker was sitting idly by the water, watching the sunlight play across the rippling surface of the bay. A smoky voice sounded from behind him. “Hey pal, you looking for a career change?”
“What?” Wrecker yelped and turned around to find the young captain standing over him with a calculating sort of smile. “What’re you- but who- i’m just a dock hand!”
The guy rolled his eyes. “Right. A dock hand who just saved my stupid skin, and – I notice- pulled my ship into port with your bare hands. You, my friend, are something special.” he sat down next to him, kicking his booted feet a little. “The names Hunter Fett, and I’m looking for a crew. I could use a big guy like you. You can probably guess why-" Wrecker tried not to glance at the man's short stature- "I can promise one hell of an adventure if you join up. And a significant amount of firepower.” Wrecker’s eyes lit up, for his nickname was well chosen. Firearms and cannons were his great obsession and his best talent. Hunter smirked. “I may be short on men, but I’ve got guns galore.”
And so Wrecker's new life began.
#the bad batch#tbb#sw tbb#bad batch#star wars#the havoc marauder sounds like a pirate ship#tbb wrecker#pirate au
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I made three versions of this drawing. Pick your fave?
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