#Cullen x reader
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DA HC - Celebrating Your Anniversary
Dragon Age x GN! Reader
Summary: How they would celebrate your anniversary.
Warnings/Tags: Established Relationship, Fluff, Anniversary, Kissing, Dates, Fancy Dinners, Camping
Characters: Solas, Varric Tethras, Cullen Rutherford, Iron Bull, Thom Ranier (Blackwall), Lucanis Dellamorte, Emmrich Volkarin, Lace Harding
- Didn't proofread much. I just slammed them into three grammar checkers, so have fun!
- Solas would remember your anniversary, but even if he didn't, you wouldn't know, as he makes every day with you feel as if it were your anniversary. Being his, finally his, he makes sure you know he has only eyes for you. Making sure you feel that he is yours, you are his.
- Yearly anniversaries, but monthly anniversaries, are not off the table. Taking the yearly dates more seriously, with monthly being a day of finding little surprises in places that are common to you. Leaving your favorite things in those spots, seeing as his face is plastered with a huge smile once you bring the gifts to his attention when finding them.
- The yearly anniversaries would be him worshiping you like a god, more than usual, of course. Almost refuses to have you lift a finger as he fills the day with surprises. Waking to the room being filled with glowing magic, spelling out your name and words of love, with the afternoon being filled with scenic views with shows of ancient elven magic. Ending the day with dinner and a slow dance, holding your body close, warming more than your cheeks, before playing a few songs that he composed on the piano, inspired heavily by his love for you.
- Never will he miss your anniversary but has a chance of forgetting it. In his mind, doing things with a bit of extra love to make it up to you out of guilt does things with extra love and care. Though with enough time or love, you could get the confession of his slip of the mind, knowing he couldn't lie when it comes to you.
- Making the days of your anniversary feel like they last forever; once Solas starts, he can't bear to stop loving your smile. Swearing the smile you wear once that date comes around is different, as much as you plead for him to let you spoil him back. Even when giving in to your pleas, he always finds a way to spoil you right back just to see that smile.
Setting down a plate of Orlesian frilly cakes in front of Solas, making him look up from his notes with pointed ears twitching. Greeted lovingly by a pair of violet eyes, seeing as Solas's eyes crease from the smile that stretched across his lips.
With a swift action, his arm wraps around your waist, pulling you in. Body pressed against his chest, thanking you with kisses that tickled your skin, making you squirm in his hold. Stopping the attack, watching him pull something from under his notes, Solas's eyes watched closely as your face lit up at his gift. Soaking in the smile that lined your lips, hoping it would last forever.
Varric Tethras
- Most of the time he would remember it's your anniversary, joking about it in bed, cuddled up warmly if he had remembered what day it was. Dances around the answer if he had forgotten, but eventually, you'd get it out of him that he did forget with a reminder it was only morning, and he has the whole day to make you forget he ever did.
- Celebrate your yearly and monthly anniversaries, though monthly ones are more spotty in celebration. Knowing if he remembers those when finding papers around the place that tell short stories of all the times he found himself falling in love with you all over again.
- Yearly anniversaries would be Varric trying his best to be the perfect man, with halfway through the day he gives up going back to being the man you love instead of an overly romantic guy that takes you to fancy restaurants. When all you want is to just be with him drinking and have Varric chew off your ear with stories that you’ve heard millions of times, but you’d never tell him that.
- Has missed your anniversary at least once since you've been together. A day filled with apologies and his mood being a bit down, trying his best to make it up to you. Gifting you things over the day. Little things that he says remind him of you, giving you a first read of your favorite book series of his, and rare home-cooked dinners.
- Varric is always sweet on you, even after your anniversary. The tender moments don't stop, though the moments are now filled with more jokes than before he loves you just as much as he does during your anniversary, now with more jokes filling those moments.
Watching Varric adoring every smile and face scrunch he pulled while telling you a story he's told you a hundred times, never telling him that fact, though, taking it as an opportunity to just watch him.
Soaking in his mere existence, every smile, frown, and furrow of his brow. Every move makes your mind melt as you're reminded why you feel head over heels for the man. That is until he catches you staring, breaking your longing stare with a charming kiss on the cheek.
Cullen Rutherford
- Very spotty when it comes to remembering it's your anniversary, but you give him grace, as most of the time he has a lot on his plate. Reminding him gently every morning on that date it's your anniversary, with a quick curse to himself, he tries to play it off just to panic for the rest of the morning trying to think and plan something for that day.
- Cause of his busy schedule, he prefers to celebrate yearly, but if he's reminded, a gift might end up on your desk or nightstand. Even with the yearly dates, he still has to do some work but tries to plan around it days before if he remembers days before.
- Once Cullen's done with work, he asks shyly for you to dress nicely; that is unless you have something for him once he comes out of his office. Then he stays in the whole night. But if you don't, he takes you away riding on a horse with the sunset in the background, just to arrive at the most breathtaking place. Having packed wine and cheese, wanting to share the sunset with you, telling you of how it reminded him of you and the first night he held you close.
- Having missed your anniversary from being on the battlefield commanding an army or locked away in his office, stumped with letters to write. Walking into the office to find him stressed or just passed out on the desk, ink staining his face when you wake him. Dragging him to bed, letting the commander get some sleep before spoiling him as you remind him what day it is, queuing the flood of apologies.
- The celebration of your anniversary would only last a day and a half, with Cullen being busy and all; he still tries to make up for the lost time from work. Stealing kisses from you the next day, along with leaving little letters or gifts he tucked away in your pockets early in the morning, to then get all shy when you mention them.
Walking into Cullen's office, seeing as he was noise-deep into writing a letter, someone who was not you having the note he had written to you in hand.
Spooking the commander as you sat atop the desk corner, meeting his amber eyes, watch and the rush of surprise disappear before softening at the sight of you—that is until he sees that piece of paper in your hand. Cullen's cheeks flash red as he looks off to the side, laughing nervously, having written the letter in a moment of passion. Needing a few glasses of drinks to get those words out of him without him stuttering and getting all blushy.
Iron Bull
- Qunari don't have anniversaries, so he would remember, as he doesn't practice or have a deep grasp on the celebration. Only having you to learn about it and to even start celebrating it. Even after that, he tries to remember wanting to see you smile.
- Would start either monthly or yearly depending on your preference, but monthlies are a good start, letting him have practice on what to do and what not to do and say. Gets the hang of the physical part of surprising, not so much on the gift-giving, bringing you parts of a dragon or even the whole thing to display somewhere, swearing to yourself if he didn't have horns, he'd be a cat.
- For the first few anniversaries, you would be planning until one day, months before the date, he asked to plan that year. Holding out hope, it wasn't a day of fighting wild beasts he thought were cool, but he surprised you with a night filled with breathtaking views only seen at night and creatures that light up in the darkness of the night. Ending the event at his favorite place to cool off, a hidden-away spring where bugs and creatures glowed around, thriving alongside your love for the bull.
- Misses your anniversary in the start, giving the hunk of a man some grace as this is new to him, coming from a culture that they don't even know who they are related to. Gently reminding the man he would be apologetic, of course, then for the rest of the day, having asked Krem what to do, he tells Bull to make it up to you. Surprising you with flowers and some gifts, with a shower of kisses and charming compliments to resolve everything.
- Learns from you how long the celebration lasts; whether for a day or a week, he goes along with you, not minding even if you want the whole year to feel like it's your anniversary. Over time, he'll read you; every morning when you wake up with a certain smile on your face, he'd know it's another day of celebration, also knowing he'd have to get up soon to make you breakfast in bed only to eat most of it once cuddled back up with you in bed.
Smiling as you watch, Bull sticks another spoonful of breakfast that he made for you that morning into his mouth, then chews happily before continuing with his stories of the time his crew killed a beast.
Hand resting atop your hand as the hunk of a bull sat in your shared bed next to you, not minding at all as he ate from the plate that was meant for you. Loving how he enjoys the days of your anniversary, but for you, it's days of adoring him as he makes the cutest person of himself without even knowing it.
Thom Ranier (Blackwall)
- Would remember it every year. Starting from the night before, being extra gushy and lovey-dovey, holding you close in bed as you both fall asleep. When waking on the day, he pulls out all the stops, making every anniversary a memorable one.
- Celebration only yearly; as much as the man loves you, he feels like monthly anniversaries are too childish. Also, monthly anniversaries made him feel as if the relationship wouldn't last long, needing to celebrate yearly to feel that your relationship would last for the years to come.
- Lets you sleep in, cuddling you before getting up to make breakfast, then bringing it to you in bed before setting up the horses to take you both to a place only he knew. Being in a different place every anniversary, never having seen him with it through the year, filled with entries of times you took his breath away. Always surprises you with a diary he kept for that year. Never having seen him with it through the year, filled with entries of times you took his breath away. It was a hefty book.
- Never misses your anniversary, always wanting to be by your side, always finding moments to write down in his anniversary diary. Being content in his mind, there would never be a possibility for him to miss that date.
- As long as he can pull surprises out of his pocket. Having planned the days out months in advance, making sure every day had a new surprise or special moment to be made into a memory.
Thom's warm hand cupped your cheek as he gazed into your eyes, lips inches from each other yearning to meet. Minutes before, having given you his forest memories of you—how the sun rested warmly on your skin, the way your eyes glow in the ray of the light.
Being only a small exert from the diary, having to close it at his request. Wanting you to read it later, needing this memory to be real instead of written down in a book for later.
Lucanis Dellamorte
- Always remembering it's your anniversary, holding them close to his heart as it's the first time he gets to share that special celebration with anyone. Refusing to fuck it up in any way and also having Spite to remind him every hour as the date nears.
- Early in the relationship, he celebrates your anniversary every month; if it weren't for not wanting to come off too much, he would celebrate every week or day. Really overworks himself wanting to show you every bit of love he has for you on those days. Even if you ask him to relax, a gift would do the same good; he'd never stop going all out for your yearly.
- Taking up a lot of contracts in advance, saving up for your yearly anniversary, taking you away on vacation to anywhere you wanted to go—even if it's just only the two of you for miles, he makes it happen. Working overtime to plan what fun things to do, where to buy your favorite things, and what gifts to get you, with Spite pitching in with a yell of what he wanted to get you.
- Heart drops into his stomach if he missed your anniversary; even with your reassurance that it was okay, it's not to him. Devastated at the thought of having missed the one special day he gets to celebrate the love he had for you in full, for the first person he'd ever been in a relationship with. Finally talking him down, telling the distressed man you would be happy even if he gave you a flower from the garden outside; all you want on that day is him; nothing else matters.
- For what he has planned, he makes sure the celebration lasts for days; even when running out of ideas on the tenth day, Spite is there, giving him more. The two are a menace when putting their heads together. Starting out romantic after the date, then turning into passion, and lastly, hunger.
Heat prickles through your cheeks as Lucanis's lips soften against yours. Minutes ago, admiring the view of the city lights, then feeling a warm hand planted underneath your shin, you were gently guided right into Lucanis's lips.
Accepting the smooth action, kissing him back, feeling through the kiss as he smiled before moving once again. The same hand trailing up, cupping your cheek with lips rough with passion. Doing the same hands combing through his hair as you dive into his kiss, swearing you could hear Spite faintly.
Emmrich Volkarin
- Definitely remembers it, your anniversary, you being the dearest thing to his heart; that date means so much to him, he could never forget it. Planning months in advance, even asking Manfred his opinion from time to time on decisions, wanting every detail of the date to be to die for.
- Would be open to a monthly celebration but has a bit more taste for a yearly anniversary, being able to make everything feel more extraordinary. Worries that the monthly anniversary would dull his yearly surprises. However, if you insisted, he would agree to only having every two- to four-month anniversary, as the man can only pull so many unique date and gift ideas out of him.
- For your yearly, he would take you to see the most extraordinary places in all the world, guiding you in waking the life around the environment, watching everything light up and dance around you both. Speaking of dancing, this man would invite you to dance, head against his shoulder as you danced with the glowing creatures and magic whispering loving whispers into your ear before pulling out the dinner he packed for the picnic you were to have there.
- Rare that he would ever miss your anniversary from forgetfulness, it would be the reason cause of work. Not teaching, but if the Necropolis needed him, he would have to go with a storage promise to make it up to you when he gets back. Making it up to you with days off of teaching and other work, leaving you two just to be together.
- The planned celebration would last no more than a week; by the end of the fourth day, he would be exhausted, leaving you to have a turn to spoil him. Loving every minute of you spoiling him, being the one to now be gifted his favorite things and have surprise meals with his favorite desserts, all for him to enjoy, definitely healing his inner child.
Watching adoringly as Emmrich took a bite of the dessert you made just for him, even when he asked many times if you wanted a bite, you declined every time. Wanting him to have it all to himself, knowing he'd have the biggest smile after.
Chatting your ear off as he did so on many things, watching his lips move with a smile that gets bigger and bigger with every bite. Taking notice with one of his bites as a bit of it stuck to his lip before he could wipe it away, you took the opportunity to wipe it away with your thumb. Stunning Emmrich, watching as you lick it off your thumb. Locking eyes with him, seeing red flashes across his cheeks, before you lean over the table kissing him.
Lace Harding
- Lace can be a bit forgetful, but that's one of the things you love about her. So focused on one thing, not even time mattered—a magical experience when it's with you. Looking into your eyes, amazed every time. If it weren't for the mornings of eyegazing, adoring her amazement at your existence, she would have remembered it was your anniversary.
- Love to celebrate both monthly and yearly anniversaries, though the monthly celebrations would be more a day of never leaving the bedroom. Spending most of the day in each other's arms, soaking up each other's warmth before getting up to make dinner together, only to barely get anything done, not being able to let each other go. Ultimately ending the night at one of your comfort restaurants before getting home and back into bed in her arms.
- Yearly anniversaries would be a camping trip; even if it wasn't your thing, she'd smooth-talk you into it. Lace loves seeing you all sweaty and covered in dirt; she thinks it's hot, so this is more of a gift to herself than to you. Never tell you where she's taking you, even covering your eyes when you get halfway there. Only to show you the more breathtaking view before telling you that's your view for the next few days.
- Finally, when reminding her what the date was, watching as her face drops with a red flush spreading across her whole face. The first words out of her mouth would be a curse before the flood of apologies started. Even with all the reassurance in the world, the only thing that would stop her would be a kiss, feeling as all of her worries melt away. Breaking the kiss, the next words out of her mouth are her swearing she's still going to make it up to you.
- The camping trip would last for five days at most. Having only brought food for the first three days, knowing she'd be busy in your arms, then the last days she'd hunt and gather for the both of you. Telling you she never wants it to end, but when it does, she does love the view of you when hiking back home.
Limbs tangled with each other, lips close to raw, minutes ago, breaking the hungered kiss with the breathtaking view in the background.
The fire had died out hours ago, making you rely on Lace for warmth. Happily doing so with open arms, only to attack you with a shower of kisses. Almost sad you have to go back, away from the night sky, brought out Lace's eyes that adored you greatly.
Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is any grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
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Fanfiction is protected under copyright law when plagiarism is involved. If you plagiarize my work, either a piece or whole in any language, I will take legal action. Inspiration or the same idea does NOT apply to this, only word-for-word plagiarism in any language.
Taglist: @blue124th @n0v4hertz @call-me-a-fool @hellok1ttycake @covertleathers @doombellow @teleanna
#solas#solas x reader#solas x inquisitor#solas dragon age#solas x female lavellan#varric x reader#varric tethras x reader#cullen rutherford x reader#cullen x inquisitor#cullen x reader#cullen x lavellan#iron bull x inquisitor#iron bull x lavellan#iron bull x trevelyan#blackwall x reader#blackwall x inquisitor#blackwall x lavellan#blackwall x trevelyan#thom rainier x reader#lucanis x rook#lucanis x reader#lucanis dellamorte x rook#lucanis dellamorte x reader#emmrich volkarin x rook#emmrich x rook#lace harding#lace harding x reader#lace harding x rook#harding x rook#мχ-ραѕтєℓωяιтιηg ωσякѕ
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edward cullen x fem!reader |edward sneaks into your bedroom like always. but this time, you ask him to hold you|

your body is tense as you curl around your woven sheets, the sudden cool air settling in the room as the corner of your mattress dips
you feel his heavy hand trace over your leg and you couldn't help the smile that was pulled from your lips
you turn over to see him and his golden eyes seem to soften as your arms open wide for him
"come and hold me, please"
he nods and you notice how his chest stops moving as he moves on top of the blanket, pulling your warm body to his cold one
you dig your nose into the sheets as his hands reaches over your body to hold yours, thumb brushing against your palm softly, putting you into a trance
the wind that drifts from the open window isn't nearly as cold as your boyfriend, but the goosebumps that lay upon your skin tingle with each stroke from him, igniting your insides from his love.
your body goes limp and your eyes roll back as sleep completely takes you, as relaxed as can be while he watches you fondly.

an: hehe trying something new. tell me if you guys like it! I'm still posting billy content don't worry!
#edward cullen x reader#edward cullen#twilight#breaking dawn#twilight saga#the twilight saga#robert pattinson#robert patterson#robert pattinson x reader#twilight x reader#twilight x y/n#twilight x you#cullen x reader#twilight fic#fanfic#fandom#fanfiction#fanfics#twilight imagine#edward cullen x you#edward cullen x y/n#edward cullen imagine#edward cullen fanfiction#twilight renaissance
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reader who is sensitive and takes everything to heart x cullens? (headcannons)
sureee ! hope you enjoy :)
cullens x sensitive reader hcs
Carlisle : Very patient with your feelings. It wouldn’t take him long to be considerate of the choice of words and would be exceptionally good with his wordplay so you won’t take anything the wrong way. Taking everything to heart and being sensitive wouldn’t bother him, it would let him know that you do in fact have a conscious and he would rather that than you to be heartless. You would apologize to him for being so sensitive and he would just brush it off as no big deal, claiming that you shouldn’t feel sorry for how you feel.
Esme : It doesn’t bother her at all. She’s sensitive herself so she understands completely. The jokes would be lighthearted since you take everything to heart, but it would be easy for her because of her compassionate nature. She would be the one to stick up for you if she sees that something is bothering you, telling people to leave you alone. She will tell you it’s okay and that you shouldn’t worry about what people have said to you. She always will make sure to pour kind words into you so you don’t have what someone said that stung, be carried in your heart.
Emmett : He doesn’t mean harm but he would definitely forget about your sensitive heart and would make jokes. When he sees you feel some type of way he would make sure to say things like, “It’s just a joke.” and “I didn’t mean it that way.” Because of his lighthearted personality who likes to make sure people have a good time, you would forgive him, knowing there was no malice behind it. He would defend you from other people who don’t take your feelings into consideration. It would be you to tell him that it’s okay and that he shouldn’t get upset. He just wants to see the smile on your face.
Alice : She would understand but she would want you to express your feelings if you felt a type of way about something. She doesn’t mind that your heart is sensitive, she’s in fact glad in away that you don’t have a cold heart and have feelings. If she jokes about something, she’s quick to say, “Just kidding” to the point where you would have to tell her that she doesn’t have to keep saying it. She can’t help it at times, she just wants to be extra careful and don’t want to be the cause of your feelings being hurt. She can be too careful at times.
Rosalie : It would take her a while to adjust to your feelings, she’s so used to giving it straight to people. She’s blunt so when you take what she says to heart, she often finds herself explaining that she didn’t mean it a certain way, she just wanted you to understand about something. She will apologize if you let her know that she hurt your sensitive feelings. She does encourages you to have thick skin, but in the end, she accepts your sensitive emotions to be apart of your personality. If someone else hurt your feelings though, she would want to give them hell.
Jasper : He understands since he can deeply feel your sensitive emotions. He doesn’t make jokes to make you feel some type of way. His wordplay makes you feel so secure that you don’t have to overthink on what he could’ve meant. Almost nothing but kind words are what pours out of his mouth. He likes to make you feel giddy inside and make you laugh more than anything so it doesn’t bother him that you have a sensitive personality. You tell him from time to time that he has a way with words.
Edward : He understands to a certain extent, depending on if he can read your mind or not. There will be times where he would be shocked that a certain remark that he made, made you take it to heart, but he will apologize with no problem. A few instances have happened where you would have to remind him of what he said that struck your sensitive feelings. Jokes would be made and one look on your face decides whether or not it resides well with you.
#twilight saga#carlisle cullen x reader#esme cullen x reader#emmett cullen x reader#alice cullen x reader#rosalie cullen x reader#jasper cullen x reader#x reader#twilight#cullen x reader#edward cullen x reader
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Wild Hearts
Jasper Hale x original character
Summary: When a new girl arrives at Forks, she seems to catch Jasper Hale's attention. However, he and his family are hiding a secret. What they don't know is that Evelyn has a secret of her own
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
Forks had quickly become Evelyn's favorite place. That day, the rain fell gracefully, creating small puddles of water on the ground and making the forest landscape outside the dark blonde's bedroom window even more mysterious. She hadn't explored the city much yet, but she hoped to be able to do so in the next few days.
She got a ride from Angela and Jessica to school, and the three of them had become quite close. One of the biggest reasons was that they had formed an alliance against the trio of Mike, Eric, and Tyler.
On the other hand, Alice also greeted her every day when she saw her in the hallway, and she had even seen Rosalie give her a small smile. It was somewhat surprising because Evelyn was sure that the blonde didn't like her, although Eve didn't know what she had done wrong. The one who didn't talk to her much was Jasper, even after they had gotten along when they walked to class together.
After saying goodbye to her friends, who had a different class than her, Evelyn headed to history class. The truth is that classes were a pain, not that they weren't interesting, but Evelyn couldn't pay attention for long, quickly getting lost in her thoughts. Besides, the words all got mixed up in her head, so trying to read the school books was very frustrating.
Evelyn then sat down at an empty table, resting her chin on her hand and looking around while she waited for the teacher to arrive. She entertained herself watching the other students, who were chatting animatedly since the class hadn't started yet.
However, her attention was diverted when Jasper pulled out the chair next to her and sat down, looking at her with a small smile.
"Hey, Jasper. How are you?"
"Hello, Evelyn." The vampire felt his chest tighten, and had to remind himself that he had to breathe in to maintain his disguise as a human. But Evelyn's smile, directed at him, drove him crazy. "I'm good, thank you. And you, darling?"
"I'm fine too! Really loving Forks. I'm planning on going for a walk here, maybe exploring the forest a bit."
"You should be careful, the forest can be dangerous." the boy warned worriedly. However, Evelyn couldn't answer because the teacher had finally arrived.
The subject was interesting, they were talking about the Civil War. However, and nothing new, Evelyn ended up getting distracted and missed what the professor was explaining, until she heard her name mentioned. She jumped in her chair, seeing that the whole class and the teacher were looking at her, waiting.
"Excuse me, can you repeat that?" Evelyn was sure that her face was completely red with embarrassment. Jasper, next to her, watched the situation with a frown. He didn't like feeling those feelings from his mate.
He sighed. "I asked you to read the document and tell me about the key turning points of the Civil War. Today, Miss Miller, preferably."
The girl looked at the board and her breathing quickened. As she already knew it was going to happen, although she still hoped for a miracle to happen, the words all got mixed up, preventing her from understanding what the professor wanted her to say.
The class was completely silent, watching the teacher lose his patience with the new student. "Well?" he snapped.
"I'm sorry, it's just that my dyslexia…"
Jasper was getting more and more irritated at seeing Evelyn's discomfort. Then, he leaned forward slightly, his voice low but carrying a strange, commanding weight. “The Battle of Gettysburg was the turning point for the Union. Lee's defeat ended the Confederacy's advance into the North and marked the beginning of their decline.”
The teacher raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed. “That's correct, but I didn't know your name was also Evelyn, Mr. Hale." Small chuckles echoed around the room. Evelyn only blushed more at this, looking at Jasper who seemed unaffected by the looks he was receiving. "But what made Gettysburg so significant?"
His Southern accent was even more noticeable as he continued. “It wasn't just the loss of troops. The morale of the Confederate Army took a hit they never recovered from. Combine that with the Union’s growing industrial advantage and—” He paused, as though catching himself. “Well, the outcome became inevitable.”
The teacher seemed slightly taken aback. “Well, that’s… very detailed, Jasper. Nice work.”
When the teacher resumed teaching, Evelyn was able to jump from her seat to hug the blond. “Thank you so much, Jasper. You didn’t have to do that. I’m sorry I put you in this position.”
“You didn’t put me in anything, Evelyn. Don’t worry about it.” Jasper tried to soothe Evelyn’s concern with his gift.
“No, I truly am sorry. It’s just that school is always so hard for me. I have… I have trouble learning.” she whispered, looking away from the vampire’s amber eyes.
“I can help you, if you want.” Anything to get closer to the girl. "I can explain the topics to you so you don't have to read anything."
"Would you mind doing that?" Eve asked hopefully. When he nodded, she straightened her back in excitement. "I really appreciate it. Thank you, Jasper. You're very sweet."
If Jasper were human, he was sure he would be blushing by now. After so many years alone, he had finally found his mate. She was so much better than any version of her he had ever imagined. Her beauty, both internal and external, the way she was so easy to make blush, her confidence. She was simply perfect. And he was a monster who didn’t deserve her.
He should leave her alone, he knew that. She couldn’t be with someone like him. But it was so hard resisting their bond. He didn’t know if that would ever be possible, for now, he was simply enjoying the moment.
Evelyn was standing by the lockers with Jessica and Angela, Jessica telling them about the latest school gossip. Evelyn wasn't the biggest fan of gossip, because since she didn't want anyone to get involved in her life, she didn't want anyone else's either.
A group entering the school caught her attention. It was the Cullens, talking quietly, but apparently a little angrily, among themselves. Edward looked at her, his eyes frustrated for some reason. Alice, following her brother's line of sight, waved at Evelyn and motioned for her to come over.
"Sorry, I'm just going to say hello to Alice. You can tell me the rest at lunch, Jessica." she said, starting to take a step toward the Cullens, but Jessica's voice stopped her.
"You're going to say hello to Alice Cullen?" Jessica shrieked. Evelyn looked at her with wide eyes, nodding slowly. "How did you manage to talk to them? Since the moment they arrived, they haven't spoken to anyone!"
"I'm sure you're exaggerating, Jessica. They're all very nice." The dark blonde replied, and without giving Jessica time to continue, she walked towards the vampire family. "Good morning."
She received a greeting from everyone, and a smile from Jasper that made her heart race. His pained expression lessened as Evelyn approached.
She didn't know how it was possible to know him for such a short time and feel such a strong connection with him. As if she wanted to spend every second of the day with him. It was a very strange feeling.
Emmett and Lucas exchanged a smile when they saw his brother completely in love with the girl. He looked like a puppy, all that was missing was wagging his tail when he saw his owner.
Alice, rolling her eyes at her boyfriend and brother's antics, crossed her arms with Evelyn's and started walking down the hallway. Rosalie stood on the other side of Evelyn, her face a little more serious.
"I love your outfit, Rosalie. You have to tell me where you got that sweater." Evelyn complimented sincerely.
"Thanks." The blonde smiled at Evelyn, also crossing her arm with the girl's. She really wasn't that bad, even though she was human. And her scent was so calming to be near, it made you forget about the tempting blood of other people.
The boys, who were left behind, opened their mouths in shock when they saw the vampire's action. Emmett kept hitting Jasper's arm, and if he wasn't a vampire, he would have been thrown back. But Jasper didn't even feel Emmett's hand, his gaze fixed on his mate. She managed to win everyone's hearts.
"Oh!" Alice gave a small excited squeal. "We have to go shopping together! How about today?"
"Sure! It should be fun. I haven't had much time to get to know the city yet."
"Why?" Rosalie asked curiously.
"I've been working at a dinner nearby." Evelyn informed. "And it takes up a lot of my time, especially since I have to study afterwards."
"Well, today we'll take you to Seattle to do some shopping! Shall we meet at the school entrance after lunch?" Alice suggested, receiving confirmation from the other two.
With a wave, they went their separate ways to their classes.
As she had expected, her day with the two Cullens had been one of Evelyn's best days in Forks so far. They had gone through all the stores in the mall, and even after Evelyn bought a scarf, Rosalie and Alice had insisted on buying her a warm coat. After much insistence, Evelyn finally agreed. The two had also bought some things for themselves and left the store when it was already dark, all holding huge bags.
Rose and Eve laughed at a joke Alice had made, the three of them having become very close friends that afternoon. On their way to the car, they saw the rest of the Cullen siblings, except for Edward. Jasper, Emmett, and Lucas were leaning against a black Volvo, arms crossed over their chests and waiting for the girls. The two vampires hurried to get to their boyfriends, while Evelyn followed a little behind with a big smile. She felt so happy. She had met so many people who were already so important to her in such a short time.
Jasper walked over to her, offering to carry the bags. Evelyn handed them to him, watching him put them in the trunk of his car. "You girls had fun?"
"So much fun! We have to do it again!" Alice exclaimed. Evelyn giggled, and Jasper was sure it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. It sounded like an angel singing, he would do anything to hear Evelyn giggle again.
"Well, maybe we'll go in my car and Jasper can drive Evelyn home." Rosalie said, the other agreeing. After saying goodbye with a hug to both Rosalie and Alice, Eve got in Jasper's car.
The two of them were silent, but it was comforting. Music blared through the car as Jasper drove, his attention intent on the road.
"We have a history test next week." The vampire broke the silence, glancing at the girl in the passenger seat. "If you want, I can help you study like we talked about."
"That would be great! Would you like tomorrow? I have to work, but then we could go to my place," she offered. But when Jasper didn't respond immediately, she began to ramble. "Or not. It's up to you. Whenever you want, really. I just made that suggestion, but you can say no—"
"Evelyn." He interrupted her speech with a chuckle. The way he said her name gave her chills. "Tomorrow would be fine. Your parents don't mind if I go to your house?"
"I live alone. So maybe around five o'clock?"
Jasper nodded. The two didn't speak again during the drive, both lost in their thoughts. When they arrived at Evelyn's house, Jasper gripped the steering wheel tighter. The house was quite old, and didn't seem to be in the best condition. He tried not to show on his face the emotions he felt when he saw where his mate lived. She deserved to live in a castle, not here.
He would give her anything she wanted.
#twilight x reader#twilight#jasper hale x reader#jasper hale#rosalie hale#cullen x reader#jasper hale x oc#twilight x oc#edward cullen x reader#twilight x y/n#twilight saga#new moon#bella swan
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Comedy short: fire safety with the Cullens
Paring: Cullen!Reader X Cullen!Family
Summary: just the Cullen children not talking anything serious.
A/n: based off a tic tok sound I found. I Don't know the original creator.
🩵Master list 🩵Emmett cullen story 🩵Eleazar Story
“Esme and I gathered you all here today to go over what we do if there's a fire in the house” carlisle stated.
“I'm running away as fast as I can, and if your in my way I'm gonna push you” Emmett joked.
“how about we go to the nearest window and jump?” y/n asked.
“no” carlisle said plainly. “we will all calm down and line up quietly” carlisle said like it was so obvious.
“you want us to stay happy and joyful while we burn?” Rose asked getting annoyed.
Y/n and Alice snickered as carlisle slowly started to get annoyed with his 'children'.
“'line up quietly'” Jasper said in his best carlisle impression. “is the fire sleeping?” he asked.
Ignoring Jasper, Carlisle continued to talk. “if everyone starts screaming I can't take a head count on who's missing”
“do a head count while everyone is burning?” Emmett aksed.
Esme rolled her eyes. “What if everyone started running and someone behind you trips and falls?” she hopped for a real awnser, she didn't get one.
“that's there fault, they should have run faster” Jasper said.
Carlisle sighed, getting annoyed. “you know what? We're just gonna hide under furniture”
“what's the fire doing? Playing hide and seek?” y/n asked. Edward chuckled.
“and we will be Leaving everything in the house” carlisle added, getting more iratated.
“no exceptions” Esme added.
“okay 'dad'” Edward started. “do you want pay for my CDs, books, and my piano?”
Trying not to laugh, y/n spoke up. “Dad do you want to pay for my funko pop collection and all my Elvis records? Beacuse I'll bring the whole shelf with me if I have too”
“I'm not leaving my jewelry behind, you know who much all that stuff cost?” Rosalie added.
“my god” Esme sighed.
“we will calm down beacuse I won't open the door until we're in a nice and tity line” Carlisle said.
“what if one of us is burning?” Edward asked.
“he's gonna tell us 'cAlM dOwN honEY`” Emmett joked.
“no he's gonna tell us to stop, drop, and roll” Edward snickered. Esme looks at carlisle trying not to giggle.
“how about we tie you to a chair and let you burn” Rosalie said getting annoyed.
“Rosalie Hale!” Esme said sternly, everyone eles started laughing while carlisle sighed in dispontment.
“do you think Eleazar and Carmen dose this with Gerett and the girls?” y/n aksed.
“no beacuse they're normal” Rosalie said making us all laugh.
#twilight imagines#Cullen x reader#Cullen family#Carlisle cullen x reader#Esme cullen x reader#Rosalie Hale x reader#Emmett cullen x reader#Alice cullen x reader#Jasper Hale x reader#Edward cullen x reader#Twilight#New moon#Eclipse#Breaking dawn
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Ok but putting a cloak on someone is so personal. The other person has to wrap it around you in almost a hug-like position, then readjust it on your shoulders so it sits right, then get in close to clasp it around your neck, and just imagining Cullen wrapping his cloak around you/your Inquisitor UGH
#dragon age inquisition#cullen rutherford#dai#commander cullen#cullen x inquisitor#dragon age#da#cullen x reader#cullen x trevelyan#cullen x lavellan#commander cullen imagine#commander cullen headcanon#cullen rutherford imagine#cullen rutherford headcanon#cullen rutherford x reader
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the young lovers
Summary: What if a Cullen was mated to the Volturi...
(English is not my first language!!)
Y/N Cullen was the last addition of the Cullen clan, like the rest she was dying from a cancer and Carlisle couldn’t let her die this young. She could be describe as the sweet and gentle Cullen that was connected to nature and the animals. She was having difficulties adjusting to this new life due to her connection, so the family thought it was best to let her stay with the Denali while having Bella and Edward’s wedding.
Of course they hadn’t planned Bella getting pregnant and the Volturi coming so technically Y/N reuniting with her family was going to be a battle and that didn’t please her, she didn’t want to fight but she also couldn’t let the people she loved die, so here she stood with her boots sinking in the snow and perfectly unmoving, staring ahead. But her brain was fuming, she could feel a pull guiding her to the other part of the field and she knew what that mean thanks to the story of the many couple around her. Edward was focus on the minds coming but still heard her thoughts and frown.
_I know Edward but we’ll see later, we have more important things to cared about.
_Thanks I know it’s difficult for you”
Their hushed conversation brought confusion to the other but the sounds of the rapid footsteps coming stopped their doubts. The moment Y/N saw their burgundy eyes, the world stopped, she didn’t register Carlisle talking or Edward going to Aro, she was just focused on her mate and what finally made her leave her stupor was Aro laugh.
“_Well Carlisle, it seems that our family will be uniting sooner than later!
_I’m afraid I don’t understand Aro…
_My dear friend, your youngest addition is mated to our dear… Demetri! The matter in our hands is more important but could we maybe talk about our young lovers’s case?
_Yes of course.”
After Alice that saved everyone life (well not Irina but she had it coming a bit), Aro and Marcus, Caius was not going to befriend with them, stayed to talk about the mated pair.
“_Well we can’t let Demetri stay here, he has duties in Volterra.
_But Y/N has her family and friends here, she was finally able to control her thirst.
_She could come to Volterra-
_Aro, maybe we could allow the two of them to have a place in between our two home? It would be fair to the both of them.
_Well it could work, thank you Marcus. What do you think? Demetri? Y/N? Carlisle?
_If that’s what Y/N want than she has my permission.
_I accept as well master.
_Oh… I mean that could be good… but we don’t even know each other, maybe we could do that first?
_Of course amore mio, anything you want.”
(i'll do a part 2 where we see more of the mated pair)
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The Booth
A/N: From a request I received about a week ago. The song I used is "Glue Song" by Beabadoobee.
• You had been at the recording studio all day, working on something Edward had drafted for you and wanted you to work on it for him. • As you jotted down the lyrics flooding your mind, you couldn't help but think about your beloved husband, Carlisle Cullen. • The two of you had met in 1917, you were a nurse at the hospital for American soldiers during the First World War and he was a surgeon. Unfortunately, during one of the mobile treatments you were doing, the Germans attacked the temporary hospital and it left you near death on the side of the road, surrounded by ash and rubble. • Carlisle found you within an hour, barely hanging on to life, and he didn't think twice about turning you due to the unmatchable amount of love he felt for you. • Since then, you have been attached by the hip, inseparable.
• After a few scratches and scribbles, you were pleased with the song you had so far. You decided you were going to play it through and make the necessary changes if there were any. • "I've never known someone like you," you sing. "Tangled and lovestruck by you, from the glue." • Carlisle decided he was going to pay you a surprise visit and give you the attention you had been so deprived of lately. He entered the building, the receptionist giving him the usual friendly nod and pointing him in the direction of the booth you were in today. • He could hear your voice echoing through his ears as he approached the door. Thinking it would be rude to interrupt, he stayed and listened for a while. • "I'm not lying when I say I've been stuck by the glue onto you," you continue, a smile spreading across Carlisle's face as he silently slips through the door without you noticing. "I've been stuck by glue. Right onto you. I've been stuck by glue." • He waits for you to strum out the last few chords before he speaks. "That was beautiful, my love" • You jump a little, causing him to chuckle. "Jesus, Carlisle. How you sneak around like that I have no idea." You stand up and wrap your arms around his neck, staring into his eyes lovingly. • "I can promise you that sneaking around is the last thing I would do," he grins, placing a soft kiss on your lips.
#twilight#twilight x yn#twilight x reader#peter facinelli#peter facinelli x yn#peter facinelli x reader#carlisle#carlisle x yn#carlisle x reader#cullen#cullen x reader#cullen x yn#carlisle cullen#carlisle cullen x yn#carlisle cullen x reader
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Hello loves! I'm Alixandra you guys can call me alix or whatever nicknames you like I love replying to comments hearing your thoughts/opinions and taking requests and I see every single follower of this blog like a friend of mineೃ⁀➷
This blog is a safe space for everyone with any skin color, nationality, pronouns, anyone with a certain condition, and people from the LGBTQ+ community I welcome you all with open arms and lots of love⋆. 𐙚 ̊
If you guys can't find some of my works, it's because they did really bad and I deleted them✩‧₊
I'm in so many Fandoms like: Marvel, DC, Harry potter, twilight, hunger games-----> if you're curious about any other fandoms I'm in or a movie or a celebrity I like ask and I'll answer gladly*ੈ✩
If anyone is interested in being friends in tiktok please don't be shy I would love that my username is: alixandramultifandom ˚౨ৎ˚
‧₊˚Masterlist ˚₊‧
Anything but lovers (ft.Dick grayson)
I have always loved you (ft.Dick grayson)
I love you more (ft.Dick grayson)
And all at once you are the one I’ve been waiting for (ft.Dick grayson)
Self defense (ft.Dick grayson)
Two idiots (ft.Dick grayson)
End game (ft.Dick grayson)
Playlist (ft.Dick grayson)
Wayne gala (ft.Dick grayson)
Aesthetic board and headcanons (ft.Dick grayson)
So it goes.... (ft.Dick grayson)
Him defending you (ft.Jason todd)
Joker junior imagine (ft.Tim drake)
Headcanons (ft.Battinson)
Being Injured headcanon (ft.Batboys+Bruce)
I wanna be a shark (ft.batfamily)
Taylor Swift songs (ft.Batboys+bruce)
My baby brother (ft.Dick grayson+Jason todd)
My partner (ft.Dick grayson+ jason todd+tim drake)
How would they hold your face (ft.multiple characters)
‧₊˚✧Marvel ✧˚₊‧
Headcanons (ft.Natasha romanoff)
Headcanons (ft.wanda maximoff)
After life (ft.rio vidal)
How would they hold your face (ft.Multiple characters)
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽Twilight ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
Too fast of an answer (ft.the cullene)
°❀⋆ Celebrities.ೃ࿔*:・
*ੈ✩༺my ramblings ༻*ੈ✩
Crying sessions
Favorite thing at the moment
Writing fanfiction isn't enough anymore
Y/n is a million different people
Brenton thwaites dick grayson is gorgeous!
Crushing on dick grayson
#dick grayson x reader#tim drake x reader#jason todd x reader#battinson x reader#y/n core#x y/n#brenton thwaites#rio vidal x reader#natasha romanoff x reader#wanda maximoff x reader#dcu#mcu#batfamily x reader#batboys#and your favorites#joker jr#twilight#cullen x reader#dc universe#marvel universe#x you#multifandom account#looking for mutuals
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*crashes into the room out of breath and a crazed look in my eyes*
“you are so difficult, i’m trying to tell you something!”
“tell me what? what could you possibly tell me that would change this?”
“i love you!”
Who were the first characters that came to mind for this prompt and how? I must know everything, I beseech you!
don’t hurt yourself nonnie!! 🤣
But I immediately saw this and it came down to an internal vote of Anders or Cullen!!!
The day seemed more frazzled than normal.
Talking to Iron Bull, meeting Josephine, breaking up whatever spat between Cassandra and—-
Or….wait! Was your meeting with Josephine today or tomorrow??
Noticing a letter that had King Alistair’s insignia on it, you felt your heart sink as you realized you were late for a meeting with him too.
Andraste preserve me, you thought as you snatched it and started to run for the door.
In your haste, you threw the door open and came to face the surprised face of Commander Cullen Rutherford. He seemed more nervous than usual? The slightest tinge of pink to his cheeks and under his eyes
“Inquisitor, you’re up early! Uhm, I—needed to speak with you—erm, about—.”
“Make it quick, Commander. I’m late for a meeting and who knows what else on this forsaken day!”
You hastily walked past him through the hall with the curly-haired man trailing behind you.
“Right, yes, as I was saying, I mean—-you and I, or rather I have started to—.”
There was a small sigh of frustration and the slightest eyeroll from you as he stumbled over his words.
Cullen could see the determined look on your face, no sign of listening on your part.
There was a deep sigh on Cullen’s end before he spoke.
“You are so difficult, I’m trying to tell you something.”
Throwing your hands up in exasperation, your voice was raised a few octaves.
“Tell me what, Cullen? What could you possibly tell me that would change this?”
You immediately regretted the biting tone in your voice as he flinched just the tiniest at your words.
“…I love you.”
It became so quiet in the hallways you swore a needle could drop.
Oh. Oh.
“Cullen, I—.”
“You don’t have to…say anything right now, but I had to tell you.”
There was no possible way you could leave him like this. Yes, the guilt was starting to eat at you but it was more than that.
Being thrown to each other’s side to work against Corypheus brought about more than just a professional dynamic. Late nights, travels, countless pouring over documents and physical training, you and the Commander were past being platonic.
Seeing a human side to Cullen was endearing to you, and there was a soft element that started to cultivate over all this time.
You grabbed the inside of his wrist, much to Cullen’s surprise, and pulled him close to hear your whisper.
“No, I mean it. I do apologize for my outburst.”
There was a glimmer of hope in his warm eyes as you tried to reassure him.
“We’ll talk later. I swear it, Cullen.”
#inbox requests#my writing#dragon age#dragon age x reader#cullen romance#cullen rutherford x reader#cullen rutherford#cullen x lavellan#cullavellan#commander cullen#cullen x trevelyan#dragon age inquistor#dragon age inquisition#cullen x inquisitor#dai#writing prompt#cullen x reader#commander cullen rutherford#cullen x amell
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My one and only husband ❤️🦁
#cullen rutherford#commander cullen#dragon age inquistor#dragon age inquisition#dragon age#procreate#art#illustration#digital aritst#digital arwork#digital fanart#dragon age fanart#cullen x trevelyan#cullen x inquisitor#cullen x lavellan#cullen x reader#cullen x female inquisitor
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𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙤𝙣 𝘼𝙜𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
⭑ 𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙎𝙞𝙜𝙣 𝙐𝙥 ⭑
𝙎𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙨 | 𝙁𝙚𝙣'𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙡 | 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙒𝙤𝙡𝙛
𝙑𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙘 𝙏𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙖𝙨
𝘾𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙣 𝙍𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙙
𝙄𝙧𝙤𝙣 𝘽𝙪𝙡𝙡
𝙏𝙝𝙤𝙢 𝙍𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙚𝙧 | 𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙡
𝙇𝙪𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙨 𝘿𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚
𝙀𝙢𝙢𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙑𝙤𝙡𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣
𝙇𝙖𝙘𝙚 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜
♥ mx-pastelwriting does not consent to their fanfiction being copied, copied & credited, translated, used in videos and/or audios, screenshotted, used in AI.
#mx-pastelwritingmasterlist#solas#solas x reader#solas x inquisitor#solas dragon age#solas x female lavellan#varric x reader#varric tethras x reader#cullen rutherford x reader#cullen x inquisitor#cullen x reader#cullen x lavellan#iron bull x inquisitor#iron bull x lavellan#iron bull x trevelyan#blackwall x reader#blackwall x inquisitor#blackwall x lavellan#blackwall x trevelyan#thom rainier x reader#lucanis x rook#lucanis x reader#lucanis dellamorte x rook#lucanis dellamorte x reader#emmrich volkarin x rook#emmrich x rook#lace harding#lace harding x reader#lace harding x rook#harding x rook
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Can someone please send me some nice requests for Dragon Age? I don’t care if it’s for Veilguard or Inquisition, I just want to read some interesting requests 😩
Also if someone has some fics to recommend of any fandom I write for and has a female character as protagonist: Please hit me up! 🫠
There are no fics I haven’t read 😭 I went through so many Dragon Age fics and I’m on withdrawal because I know all the recent ones 😭Please help a poor girl out 🥺😂
#requests#dragon age: inquisition cullen#dragon age inquistion headcanons#dragon age veilguard#dragon age solas#dai headcanons#dai solas#dai Cullen#da veilguard#datv rook#datv lucanis#datv headcanons#datv Emmerich#emmerich volkarin#Emmerich x Reader#Lucanis x Reader#solas x Reader#Davrin x Reader#Cullen x Reader#cullen rutherford x reader#fanfiction#fanfic#bg3#baldurs gate 3#twd#bg3 headcanons#twd x reader#bg3 gale x reader#bg3 halsin#bg3 halsin x reader
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i wonder - edward cullen x reader
You patiently waited as the doctor came in. The nurse already checked your vitals. She tells you it’s been a pretty eventful day.
His face was magical in a way but you felt comfortable. His smile was bright and shiny and you couldn’t help but bring out your own smile.
“I know you’re ready to get this thing off.” he says to you and you nod.
It was true. You were tired of doing everything with one hand. The special saw cut through the cast and you look at the limb that’s been covered for some time. It felt freeing.
You walk out of the room as you thank the doctor.
“Now remember, no playing right away. Wait for a few days to a week.”
“Aw, really?” you say with much disappointment.
“It’s important that you don’t rush it. Your other hand I’m sure is thanking you.”
“It’s no fun playing with one hand.” you say with a playful pout and Dr. Cullen laughs a bit. Placing a hand on your arm, “It won’t be fun to hurt it even more.”
He glances elsewhere and he then gives you a polite smile before sending you on your way. You see him walk in the direction of the boy and a girl, around your same age as they talked quietly.
You then flex your hand, seeing that your wrist was a bit smaller than your other one. You test out of your wrist, pretending to play a few notes as if you’re at a piano. You shake your head as you clutch it.
You wince a bit as you understood what Dr. Cullen meant. You then sigh a bit before pulling out your phone to let your parent know that you’re done and on your way home.
“You play?” you hear a voice. It startled you a bit but it was soothing.
You slowly look up. You see that the boy that Dr. Cullen seemed to know, was staring at you. He was by himself instead of with the girl you seen him with earlier, waiting for an answer. His gaze was intense, which made you look down for a moment as you nod.
“How do you know?” you ask quietly. You didn’t know why you felt shy.
“I saw you test your wrist out as if you were playing keys.” He says. You look up and he brings on a soft but friendly smile.
“Do..You play?” you ask.
You expected the same answer as always.
Your eyebrows raise a little in shock.
“Why are you…Surprised?” he asks with a low chuckle.
“Sorry..It’s just…I don’t know too many people who do play.”
“Did you just move here?” he asks.
“Yeah..I’ve been asking people..To you know, make friends but…” you end it with a shrug.
He opens his mouth to say something but you hear a small voice close to you.
“Can I talk to you for a minute?”
You turn around to see a brunette, she’s hanging near the corner of the hallway. She staring dead at the boy you were talking to.
You turn back to the boy in front of you. He had a look that showed he was conflicted.
You make a small wave and started to be on your way. You didn’t look back.
“It was nice while it lasted.” you say in your head.
“So what did the doctor say?” your parent asks you.
“They said I have to wait up to a week to get back into using both hands.” you say over dinner.
“Well, that’s not bad. You catch on quick.”
“I know…You know I want to enter the music competition soon.”
That’s when they paused their chewing.
“You’re…Thinking about joining that?” they ask. You nod.
“Oh.” they comment.
“What?” you ask.
“It’s just….It’s your hobby and all but..For it to be your career…It’s very hard to make a profitable career out of that.”
“So..All of these years of classes and lessons are just going to be thrown away? Just like that?”
“I’m not saying that. Maybe it shouldn’t come first. You’ve always have gotten great grades. Y/N, it’s your final year before you go out into the real world. Picking a smart and lucrative career choice will help you be more prepared while being comfortable and stable.”
You sigh as you dig into your dinner. The same old talk.
“You start school tomorrow. Are you excited?” they ask with a smile. You mutter out a yes.
You lie in bed in the new home. After the divorce of your parents, you had to choose which one to stay with to finish out your year. The parent you chose, chose to move away for new beginnings. You didn’t mind. You were a bit happy that you got to start fresh in a way. You were a bit tired of your old school and wasn’t afraid of change.
The heat blasted from the vents of the car as you wrung your fingers a bit. A hand meets your hand.
“Easy, Y/N. Your wrist finally starting to heal up.”
“I know. Sorry.” you say and the school comes into view.
“I will be here when school lets out. Have a good first day.” they say with a big smile.
You get out after giving your parent a quick hug and you slowly walk towards the building.
You looked at your phone, checking the room number of where your home room was.
Chatters of different students meeting up with their friends were surrounding you and your ears.
Your eyes catch a familiar face. The same boy from the hospital, was leaning against his car. He seemed just as surprised to see you as you.
You continue walking however, you didn’t want to be overbearing.
You kept saying yes to people asking you if you were new. You were a bit tired of the question.
At lunch, people from classes that you did make small talk with, did ask you to sit with them.
When school was over, you walked out to the school lot. You saw the same boy from the hospital. This time, he made an effort to make a small wave. A small smile formed on your lips as you waved back.
“Y/N. Over here!” you hear and you internally groan with embarrassment.
“I know what your car looks like.” you say as you close the car door. They only laugh.
The next day, you walk to the school stairs, you slipped on the patch of ice.
A hand catches you and your heart race. You steady your knees and you look up to find the same boy.
“Thanks.” you say and he nods with a tight grin.
You start to walk away.
“You never told me your name.” he says.
“You never told me yours.” you reply back as you look back at him.
Names were then exchanged.
Edward was his name.
You both began to walk side to side.
“How long have you been playing?” he asks with interest.
“Since I gained consciousness.” you say with a small laugh. It was true. You don’t remember the first lessons, you just remember always having to go. His small laugh sounded a bit like bell chimes. It made you prolong your eye contact with him.
“What about you? You seem to be the expert.” you say.
“A very long time.”
“What’s a long time?” you playfully challenge.
You watch as his eyebrows furrow, as he continues to walk.
“What’s wrong…?” you ask slowly in slight confusion.
Shaking his head slightly, you both stop at the classroom you were supposed to go in, “Nothing…I would like to hear you play sometime.”
“Really? Well some time next week I should be good.” you say as you raise your wrists and you walk in the classroom. As you sat down, you realize that he was still standing at the same spot you left him in. It wasn’t until you were fully seated, you see him walk away.
A teacher asks you if you could take some paperwork to the office. You accept since your class work is completed.
You walk in the office and find that Edward is murmuring to the woman at the front desk.
“Here you go.” you say and Edward turns around. The woman thanks you and tells him with apologetic intentions, “It’s January, I’m afraid I can’t do that, Mr. Cullen.”
You watch as he has a wave of frustration be painted on his face.
You held the door open for him as you exit out.
“Cullen…So, your dad is Dr. Cullen?” you observe and ask.
“Yes.” he answered. You both walk as if there isn’t a rush to get to anywhere.
“He’s nice.” you comment.
“It wouldn’t be the first time he’s heard that.” he says.
“So..The blonde girl is your girlfriend?”
“No. She’s my sister.”
“Oh. Sorry.” you say sheepishly.
“It’s alright.”
“She’s beautiful.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time she’s heard that.” he says with a grin that makes you return it.
“So…How many siblings do you have?”
“Two brothers and two sisters.”
“Eventful.” you say and enter back into the classroom.
“How was school?” your parent asks you over dinner.
“It was fine.”
“Any new friends?”
“A couple. The people and the teachers there are nice.” you say as you look at your food.
“That’s good.”
“I didn’t know Dr. Cullen’s son went to this high school.”
“You met him?”
“Yeah. He’s nice too.” you say.
“The entire family keeps to themselves I heard.”
You nod at that.
You were in the middle of reading a book.
“No class this period?”
You look up and Edward is peering down at you as you sat in a chair in the school library, being immersed in the plot.
“Study hall.” you say.
He nods.
“What about you?”
“Free period.” he says as he sits in a seat that’s close to yours.
“Oh.” you say and close your book.
You look at him. “You know, I meant to tell you something.”
“What’s that?” he asks as he searched your face.
“You have unique eyes. Is it some type of…Condition or something?”
“….I guess you can say that….Yeah..It’s a condition.”
“Oh. Do you want to dive into that?” you ask.
“I prefer not. Is that alright?”
“Fine by me.”
“How did you mess up your wrist?”
You chuckle a bit before answering.
It was his turn to match your chuckle.
“That’s interesting.”
“Yeah well…That’s what happened over the summer. Man, I was pissed. I was crying, not because of the pain, but because I couldn’t use both hands to play piano.” you say.
“Did you still use one hand?”
“Yeah. It’s boring though.” you say with a slight frown.
“Which wrist?”
You extend it.
“This one.”
You didn’t expect him to close his hand around it. His hands were cold, but it felt nice, like an ice pack. You’ve been using it to exercise it, so the cool sensation helped. In sync, you both lean in.
“Are you used to the cold? And snow?”
“Yeah. You?” you ask.
“Yeah. It’s my favorite time of the year.”
“Same. No annoying bugs.” you answer back.
He grins as he looked down at your wrist.
“Have you ever broken or sprained a bone before?” you ask.
“No.” he says.
“Aren’t you lucky.” you comment.
“I am.” he says and the bell rings.
You walk the halls to lunch, you find that the brunette girl from the hospital also went to the same school.
She looked at you only for a second before looking away.
In history, the teacher announced a project. You all had to pick a time period out of a bin, write in a journal and pretend to be someone who is living in the time period.
“Fun.” you said under your breath, you thought it was interesting.
A small journal was passed out, the teacher allowed you and others to work in groups if you wanted.
You started writing down your year in your journal.
“Are you working with someone?”
You look up to a familiar boy in the class. He was quiet, but sat in the back from the times you’ve been in this class.
You shake your head.
“Do you mind if we work together?”
“I don’t mind.” you say in a small voice.
As he sat down, he scoots his chair a bit away from you, but his presence was friendly enough that you didn’t feel offended, you felt a wave of calmness, you didn’t feel nervous like you thought you would be.
Smiling softly, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you speak in class.” you say.
He shrugged with his own quiet smile.
“What year did you get?” you ask.
“The 1980’s.” he says with a roll of his eyes, “What about you?”
“1860’s.” you say sharing your distaste for the year you had to do, with a roll of your own eyes. You quickly saw a sparkle in his eye.
“What? You think this time period was interesting?” you ask. He nods a bit.
“So much history happened within that time frame.” he said with certainty.
“At least the 80’s were fun. Big hair, good music, and colorful vibes.” you say as you thought of music videos.
“It was alright.” he says but clears his throat, “I’m a bit old fashioned. I don’t really care to learn much about that time period but it looks like I have to.”
“Yeah.” you say as you look at him.
“So. Have any trouble?” he asks.
“The heck did people do for fun back then?” you say. You wanted to snooze.
“Play games, read, gamble on horse races.” he lists.
“How do you know so much?” you ask as you doodle spirals on the edge of your paper to kill time.
“I guess you can say I’m a history geek.”
You laugh a little, “What’s your name?”
As the bell rang to leave, “Pray for me. Hopefully I won’t fall asleep while writing.” you say jokingly.
A small laugh escaped his throat, “You will be fine…You can always ask me questions..”
“Cool. See you…Around?”
He nods once as a small and petite girl skips to his side. She brightly shined her sparkling smile at you.
“Hi.” she greets.
You wave.
“You’re new right?”
You nod.
“When did you move here?”
“A little last week.” you answer. She grins as she nods in acknowledgment. Her energy was high. You felt it was a bit contagious as you couldn’t help feel the excitement rubbing off on you.
“Do you like it here?” she asks as you walk. She hugged Jasper’s arm as you all walk the hallway.
“It’s been good to me so far.” you say.
You all three talk as you made your way to your last class of the day. Learning the girl’s name you tell her, “Nice to meet you again Alice. See you, Jasper.”
Coming out to the school lot, you see that the rest of Edward’s family is looking at you by their cars.
You then knew who Edward’s siblings were. All expect one. He was muscular and he held the blonde girl close to him.
You felt a bit nervous.
It was the weekend. You were thankful that you got to sleep in.
Pulling out your keyboard, you fiddle with it with your one hand.
You were bored. You missed trying to learn complex notes but you knew that if you forced the fast recovery, you wouldn’t be better.
You scrolled through the website of the music competition. You knew exactly what song you wanted to play. You had to submit a recording.
You didn’t care about the prize money, but just to show off your talents was something that you wanted to do.
The weeks rolled by, you could finally play again. You parent comes home and that’s all they hear, the tinkering of the keyboard and the piano that was in the home.
“When’s your lesson?” they ask as you help them unload groceries.
“Next week. I’ve been practicing.” you say with a grin.
“That’s nice. Fill out for colleges yet?”
That’s when you got quiet.
“Y/N.” they say in a warning tone.
“I’m working on it. I just don’t know what I want to do yet.” you say.
“You were always good with tech. Maybe, do something with math. It’s your highest grade.”
“Ugh, no. I only make sure it’s my highest because it’s important.” you say. They only sigh with a slight shake of their head as they state, “Your time is ticking.”
In lab, you sighed as you mixed substances with your lab partner.
“You’re joining this class?” you heard your teacher ask.
You look up and you almost took your goggles off. Edward looks at you as you looked at him.
“Y/N, you have to weigh it.” your lab partner beside you, tells you, the pen is in their hand and ready to write down the information on the worksheet.
“Right. Sorry.” you say and weigh the concoction in the glass measuring cup.
You watch him join a group, making him the third person.
When class was over, “You’re in this class?” you ask, trying your best to hold your excitement. He was a year below you. You didn’t know why you were excited. You brushed it off as it being happy to see a familiar face.
“Yeah.” he says casually.
“Willingly?” you ask and he nods.
“Jeez, no offense but, do you enjoy suffering?” you ask. You hated that class. Especially lab days. You were glad that the next day was a study hall instead of a double period.
He laughs, “It’s not that bad. I enjoy science.”
You both enter the hall and you place your hands together, “Be my guardian angel?”
“Next report period when it’s time to pick partners, just pick me. You’ll get an easy A.” he says with a slight shrug.
Jasper suggested that you both take turns reading each other’s journals. The due date was the next day.
He did a good job. It made you want to live in the 80’s. For Jasper, it was as if he went through a time machine.
You slide each other your journals back.
“Man, what a ride. I would’ve thought you lived it.” you say. You didn’t miss the flash of happiness. He then makes his face neutral.
“I can say the same.” he says, almost looking proud at your journal.
“I thought you weren’t interested in that time frame?” he continued to ask as if he caught your hand in the cookie jar. You shrug with a smile.
“I’m not. But, you gotta do what you gotta do right?” you reply as gesture the classroom.
He nods at that.
Before you could push the door open to leave the school building, you heard, “Do you have a ride?”
You turn to see Alice.
“Oh, hey. Um…I do.” you say.
She seemed a bit disappointed.
“Well, tomorrow we have a two hour delay. We should come to school together.” she suggests as she picks her mood back up.
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, “How do you-”
The announcement came on, “A two hour delay is issued for Forks High School, tomorrow morning. Students don’t forget to….”
“Lucky guess. You should be gambler or something.” you say. She laughs a perfect laugh and links her arm with yours follows you outside.
“So, what do you say? I’ll get you breakfast.” she bribed.
“Oh wow, food? How could I say no?” you ask with a smile.
You still woke up at your usual time, you watched the snowflakes fall fast out of your window. You used the extra time to work the keyboard in your room with your headphones in. Your parent knows you have a way to school, they tell you to let them know if you need a ride back home.
You carefully walk down the steps. Edward leans against the car. You had to be careful with your steps as you observed the snowflakes that fell perfectly on him. You look away to not seem rude or weird. He closes the car door after you get in. Jasper and Alice is in the backseat.
“He was just standing out there like it isn’t freezing.” you say to them and they laugh as they looked at each other.
“I told you, it’s my favorite time of the year.” he says with a grin as he worked the steering wheel.
“You’re crazy, Edward.” you comments as you put your hands to the vents that blew out hot air.
“I know.” you heard him say.
People stared as you got out of the car. You didn’t know why. Your stomach was full from the breakfast that was in fact paid for by Alice. You had to fight with her to not be so sharing but she prevailed, saying she was keeping her promise.
“Uh.. Why are people staring?” you whispered to Edward as he walked close to you. Jasper had his arm around Alice.
“They just want to know how and why you’re around us.” he says with a lax expression.
Walking through the metal detectors and picking your bag back up.
“How do you know?” you ask.
“We stay to ourselves. Never felt the need to make new friends.” he explains as Jasper and Alice waved goodbye to you both.
After waving, you turn your head as you walk, “So, I’m the chosen one?” you say with a joking tone.
“That’s..One way to put it.” he says.
“So, answer their question. Why me?” you ask as you stop at your locker, placing your wet coat inside.
He leans next to the locker that’s beside you, “You don’t want friends?”
“Whatever.” you say with a light laugh, “If I don’t recall, you talked to me first.”
“I did?” he asks but you knew that he knew.
You shoot him a look.
“I still want to hear you play. It’s been more than a week.” he says.
With a slight smile as you look ahead of you as you walk, “You’ve been keeping count?”
“Call me excited. I want to see what you got.”
“Cool, I’ll send you a video when I get the chance.” you say and try to go into the classroom but a hand gently grasp your sweater covered arm. You look to him.
“In person.”
“Oh….Okay.” you say and you hesitantly walk in your classroom.
Your mind was on the thought of playing piano in front of Edward. You wondered how. Would he come over to your house? Would you go over his house? You immediately shook the thought out of your head. He already told you that him and his siblings really don’t bring people around them. But, you couldn’t help but wonder in your brain, “I wonder what made me the exception?”
You snap out of your thoughts. You clear your throat as the teacher and classroom was silent, waiting for your answer.
You look down on your worksheet and speak out an answer.
“Very good.” the teacher says and moves on.
Your class took notes in science, it didn’t help that you could see Edward from across the room. You didn’t know how it was possible for one to be so non sociable.
You sat sideways on the comfy library chair. It was in the back, the history section.
“Wait…You said you had two sisters. Who’s the brunette?” you ask in a bored tone, fidgeting idly with the book on one of the shelves.
“Bella Swan. She’s not related to us.”
“Oh. Your friend.”
Chuckling as he looked at his hands, “She’s not my friend.”
You look about. He watches you.
You sit up straighter, feeling slightly nervous under his gaze, “Something’s fishy.”
“What do you mean?” he asks in a stoic tone.
“Are you….” you sigh. He’s patient. You look down before looking up, “Are you and your siblings like….Blood related?”
He opens his mouth but you speak, “Sorry. That was rude. Damn.” you say.
“We are not.”
“Don’t you want to ask something else?”
“Is it obvious?” you ask and he nods.
“Well….” you say and look at him in the eye before looking at his fabric covered chest, “Are you all…Adopted?”
You look at him.
“So….” you sigh and shake your head and he asks, “What?”
You sigh a bit before giving him a nervous smile, “I see how Alice and Jasper act towards….Each other…I’m not judging but…”
“Yes. They’re dating.”
“Oh.” you say as you swallow and grab a book off of instinct.
“Are you weirded out?” he asks. He didn’t seem uncomfortable. He simply asked.
You open and close it as you look down. “Yeah.”
“Many are.”
“Like I said, who am I to be someone’s judge?” you propose.
He doesn’t say anything after that.
At lunch, you chewed slowly. You looked up a couple of times at Jasper’s table. The blonde girl and the brawny boy who was their brother. They all three glanced your way and you felt small in a way. But, you look back to what the person next to you at the table was saying.
You wondered if the other brother played a sport, but he didn’t hang out with the guys who were on actual teams.
The history teacher turns on a movie and makes everyone write down answers for the worksheet.
You were thankful for the distraction.
Pulling your coat out, you hear your name.
You turn around, to find Edward standing there.
You look.
“Do you have any plans after school?”
You rack your brain, but it’s been such a relaxed day, that homework was done.
“Um…” you say and you immediately think of your keyboard that you left on your bed.
“Honestly I’m just trying to get home and relax.”
He blinked at your answer.
Alice then bounces in your view.
“Hey, you.” she says with a smile.
“Oh. Hey. Thanks so much for this morning. That really meant a lot.” you say.
She touched your arm with a grin.
“Come on, ride back with us.” she persuades.
“We have a piano at our house.” she says.
“You did that on purpose.” you say with a small laugh as you close your locker and start to walk.
“What?” she asks.
“I wanted to go home and relax and here you are bribing me once again.” you say.
At your side, “Carlisle says that your wrists are way better.” Alice chirped.
“Who’s that?” you ask dripping in confusion.
“Sorry..Our father.”
You never thought to call your parent by their first name like that. But you still didn’t judge.
“Oh. Yeah. I’m just using my keyboard for right now.” you say as you walk out the school doors.
“Well.. Our piano is huge. You should see it. Maybe play for us.” she says as you walk down the school stairs.
“Hmm…” you say with dramatic sarcasm.
“Please?” she dragged on.
“You guys act like I’m a special composer or something.” you say as you look at both Alice and Edward.
“We’re parked over here.” Alice grabs your hand.
On a doctor’s salary, there was just no way. You subtly peered around the home.
The parents. They looked so vibrant. So youthful. Dr. Cullen almost shined as he stood next to his smiling wife.
“Hi, Dr. Cullen.” you say.
Esme was the mother’s name.
“I like your name.” you compliment. She seemed touched and complimented yours back.
“Carlisle is okay. I already know who you are Y/N.” he says in a friendly tone.
Shrugging your coat off, it’s taken out of your hands as Edward placed a hand on your shoulder.
You saw it. You silently let your jaw drop. You walk out from under Edward’s hand.
It sat tall and strong. It was grand. It was shiny as if it was newly purchased. You thought you were dreaming. You could almost hear it whispering your name.
“Oh my gosh.” you whisper.
“What is it?” You hear Esme ask.
“This piano….Do you mind if I-“
“Of course. Yes. Please do.” she says, almost excited as you.
You sit at the bench.
Edward was immediately near you and if you weren’t so distracted, you would’ve wondered how he had gotten there so fast.
With a smile that made your cheeks sore, your fingers pressed down on the keys with precision. Your foot tapped the pedal as music filled the living room. You stop your tiny concert short as you felt that you were overstaying your company.
“Why did you stop?” you collectively heard.
“Sorry..I didn’t know..” you say and you rise from the bench, feeling a bit sheepish from the attention.
The blonde that had her arms crossed looked at the area you were in, with slight interest. She reminded you of an ice queen.
“So. Whats the new rank?” the boy who was brawny spoke up. His voice was deep and displayed a smirk.
The blonde taps the back of her hand onto his chest with a clenched jaw. He looked at her with slight apologetics.
Edward chuckled next to you.
You knew off of the top, he knew how to liven up a room.
“Rank of what?” you ask.
“Nothing. Ignore him.” the blonde says snappily.
Emmett and Rosalie reminded you of Jasper and Alice in a way. You didn’t want to ask questions, but you couldn’t stop the questions from coming inside of your brain.
“You’re talented.” Esme says to you without drawing attention.
You show sincere appreciation.
You held and read his music sheets as you sat on his couch. His room was spacious. He invited you up as he could tell you weren’t going to touch the piano anymore.
Edward let you take the lead in the conversation. Allowing you to talk about yourself and what you want to do passionately.
“A competition?” he asks with interest. You only nod as you sat his sheets down.
“So. When am I going to see you play?” you ask.
He doesn’t say anything for a moment before peering at the floor for a moment.
“I’m keeping you to your word.” you say.
“Please do.”
#edward cullen#edward cullen x reader#twilight saga#cullen x reader#edward cullen x you#twilight x you#x you#fanfiction#fanfic#y/n imagines#y/n#x y/n#x reader#twilight x reader#twilight
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Wild Hearts
Jasper Hale x original character
Summary: When a new girl arrives at Forks, she seems to catch Jasper Hale's attention. However, he and his family are hiding a secret. What they don't know is that Evelyn has a secret of her own
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
Evelyn had taken the news that she and Jasper were mates surprisingly well. However, she had asked the vampire to take it slow and not to rush things. Jasper had accepted without a second thought; all he wanted was for Evelyn to be happy. He would wait hundreds of years for her if need be.
But the two had grown much closer. They exchanged small, innocent touches, were always glued together when they were together, and none of this went unnoticed by the rest of the school. The girls looked at Evelyn with envy, both for having caught Jasper's attention and for her mythical beauty, while the boys glared at Jasper with anger. The vampire was quick to return the glare and pull the dark blonde closer to him.
Evelyn had also spent more time at the Cullens' house. Jasper invited her over every day, and although he said it was because he always missed her, she knew that one of the reasons was also because he didn't like the conditions of her house. But she really liked her place, since it was the first time she lived alone. Always living in the demigod camp, she had to share her cabin with six other daughters of Aphrodite. Although they were very close friends, arguments always ended up happening.
Something else had also changed in Forks. Apparently they were going to receive a new student, Chief Swan's daughter. Once the man gave her a ride, he told her how happy he was to have his daughter living with him again after so many years apart.
That morning, it was Jasper who picked her up at home so they could go to school together. She was just putting on her boots when the doorbell rang.
"The door is open!" she shouted to the person on the other side, who she knew was Jasper as she heard his car pull up.
"Darling, how many times do I have to tell you to lock the door?" the vampire sighed and scratched the tip of his nose in exasperation. "It's dangerous, someone might come in."
"I knew it was you." She rolled her eyes at Jasper's protectiveness.
He saw her pull on her coat and point to the door, indicating that they should go. However, the boy motioned with his fingers for her to come closer to him. When she did, Jasper pulled her coat up tight, and grabbed a scarf from the coat rack and wrapped it around Evelyn's neck, making sure she was warm.
"We need to get you more warm clothes. Your cheeks are still rosy right now." he teased, seeing the demigod's gaze locked on him.
Their faces were extremely close, and Evelyn could feel herself blushing even more. Her eyes flicked down to Jasper's lips, which were forming a smirk, and back up to his eyes again.
She cleared her throat. "Must be the cold. We should go to school. And wipe that proud smile of your face."
When they arrived at school, everyone was talking about Bella Swan. Evelyn hadn't had the chance to meet her yet, but she made a point of introducing herself. Charlie had talked about Bella so much that Evelyn felt like she already knew her.
After a tiring morning, where Evelyn luckily had a few classes with Jasper and Rosalie, she and the Cullen family headed to the cafeteria. Alice was telling her about a new one that had opened in Seattle, while Lucas complained to Jasper about Evelyn stealing Alice's attention from him.
The blond vampire just laughed and put an arm around Evelyn's waist. Lucas took the opportunity to pull the little vampire towards him and make her spin a little as they entered the cafeteria, where the other students of the school were already gathered.
At a table, Evelyn saw her friends with the famous Bella. From Jessica's position, all leaning forward, she knew they were in gossip mode.
"Who are they?" Bella questioned, watching the Cullens walk with an inhuman grace, their skin as pale as chalk and their eyes as amber. Beside them, a girl who was not so pale, with a healthy brown skin, eyes as clear as the sky and who had a natural beauty that made all the heads present turn to her.
"The Cullens." Angela answered. "And that's Evelyn, she's our friend."
"Yes, she moved here at the beginning of the year. She's very nice, you'll like her." Jessica continued. "But she attracted the attention of the Cullens, and since then she's glued to Jasper, the boy who's been sending glares to everyone who dares to look at Eve."
"Don't be like that, Jess. Eve is friends with them, but she always makes time for us. Just yesterday we all went out together." Angela rolled her eyes.
"Anyway, they're Doctor and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They all moved down here from Alaska two years ago. They're all together. Like, together together. The blonde girl, Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett, they're a thing. I'm not even sure if that's legal."
"I don't know how you get along with those people, Evie." Rosalie rolled her eyes.
"What are they saying now?" Evelyn sighed, grabbing Jasper's arm affectionately. As much as she adored Jessica, she had a tendency to get too involved in other people's lives.
"The little dark-haired girl, Alice, she's really weird." Jessica continued, pointing at the vampire. "She's with Lucas. They're very different, he seems to be more shy while Alice is outgoing. Then, you have Jasper and Evelyn. They're kind of the hottest couple, even though Eve tells us several times that they're not dating."
"Yet." Angela giggled.
"Yup, I give it like two weeks. Everyone is so jealous of them." she said, watching them pass by their table. Evelyn stood on her tiptoes, and gave Jasper a light kiss on the cheek, leaving him to go to the Cullens, who sat at the farthest table while Evelyn sat with her friends.
"Let me guess, you guys are gossiping." Evelyn interrupted their conversation, sitting down next to Bella.
"Obviously." Jessica nodded amused.
"Hi, I'm Evelyn. And you must be Bella?"
"Yes, it's nice to meet you." The girl stammered a little.
She had realized why she had captured everyone's attention. Her face seemed to have been carefully constructed, her lips were full and pink, and her eyes a very clear blue. In addition, she seemed to always have a smile on her face. Bella couldn't find a single flaw.
Evelyn smiled, Bella and her father were both socially awkward. "Nice to meet you too. Your dad talks a lot about you."
"You know Charlie?" Bella questioned.
Evelyn found it a little strange that the girl called her father by his name, but she decided to ignore it. "Yes, he gives me a ride every now and then so I don't have to walk to school."
However, Bella's attention was already focused on the last Cullen to arrive in the cafeteria. Edward Cullen walked confidently, he had bronze colored hair and an air of mystery that only captured Bella's attention more. "Who's that?"
"That's Edward Cullen." Jessica murmured. Edward walked past their table, leaving a kiss on Evelyn's head, and as soon as he started walking away Jessica and Angela broke down in giggles. However, when he glanced at Bella over his shoulder, he seemed confused about something.
"Eve, you are so lucky." Angela groaned, dropping her head on the table.
"He's totally gorgeous, obviously. But apparently, no one here is good enough for him. Like I care." Jessica feigned disinterest. "They only care about Eve here. So, don't waste your time."
"I wasn't planning on it." Bella shook her head, but her gaze remained fixed on the boy.
Evelyn stared at the two with wide eyes. From the Cullen table, Jasper motioned for her to come over to them. The daughter of Aphrodite nodded, realizing they had something to say to her. "Sorry, girls, I'm just going to see a Jasper before we have to go to class."
"Young love, so beautiful." Jessica teased, Evelyn playfully tossed her a napkin and grabbed her things before heading to the other table.
"What is it?" she asked as she sat down next to Jasper, who immediately pulled her chair closer to his.
"Bella, the new girl, she's Edward's blood singer. And apparently he can't hear her thoughts."
"Like how you can't hear mine?"
"No." Edward shook his head thoughtfully. "It's different. I don't get static on her mind. I can't hear anything at all. It's silent."
That same day, Evelyn had to go to work at the dinner, being dropped off by Jasper who promised to pick her up as well. Even though he told her that she didn't have to work anymore, Evelyn refused. There was no way she would depend on Jasper, whether they were mates or not.
So, she got ready for her shift. She was cleaning a table when Charlie and Bella Swan entered the dinner, their presence being announced by the bell on the door.
"Charlie, Bella! How are you? Come, you can sit on this table and I'll bring you the menu." Evelyn greeted, leading them to a table in the corner of the dinner, where they could chat freely.
"Hey, Eve. Have you guys met at school today?"
Bella nodded, letting an awkward silence settle in. Before it could get worse, Evelyn brought the menus, and let them choose. Until the end of her shift, she only had the opportunity to say goodbye to the father-daughter duo, as the other waitress took over their table. Everyone in the town was very happy to see Bella with Chief Swan, and they all wanted to see if she remembered them. Of course, the girl had no idea who they were, which only made her more embarrassed.
When she left the establishment, Jasper was already waiting for her patiently. His serious look changed to one of adoration when he saw Evelyn walking towards him.
"Hello, darling. Did your shift go well? Did anyone give you any trouble?" Now that he knew why Evelyn was bringing so much attention, Jasper had become very protective of her. Even though he knew she could defend herself.
"Everything went really well. How is Edward?" she asked, getting into the car when Jasper opened the door for her.
"He's going to Alaska for a while, to the Denalis, who are friends of ours." Jasper explained, making sure to turn the car's heater up to full blast. "The smell of Bella's blood is too tempting and he's afraid of losing control. Rosalie isn't happy."
"Seems like Rose." she chuckled, lifting an arm and running her hand over Jasper's cheek in a caress. The vampire smiled, and turned his face slightly, but never taking his eyes off the road, to kiss the palm of her hand.
"Are you sleeping over tonight? It's really cold today, Emmett and Lucas are in charge of taking care of the fire. I think you'll give us the chance to use the fireplace for the first time." Jasper asked. "Please."
"Fine. But you can't let those two paint things on my face while I sleep. Last time it took half an hour for the paint to come off."
"Sure thing, Lyn."
#jasper hale x reader#jasper hale#rosalie hale#twilight x reader#twilight#jasper hale x you#jasper hale x oc#jasper hale x y/n#jasper whitlock#jasper whitlock x reader#twilight saga#cullen x reader
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Okay, hello! I love your work so much and wanted to make a request (if they're open let me know if I've been too rude to you dear) for "being Isabella Swan's big/little sister and being Jasper Cullen's mate." BECAUSE, at first he tried to repress that feeling by acting weird around her, and she hated the way he wrinkled his nose every time he saw her. Another thing, she grew up in Forka with Charlie... That's it, I'm sorry if I threw this too hard in your lap 😔. Kisses 💗
Being Bella's big sister and dating Jasper Hale headcanons
Paring: Jasper Hale X Swan!Reader
A/n: thank you for the request and don't feel bad for requesting, I always love writing for Twilight.
Main master list Emmett cullen story
So first off, I think thst you being Bella's older sister and living with Charlie kinda changes the story a bit. First off there's something special about you, but you living with humans all your life none notices.
You were about two when your parents devorced so when it came to living situations you stayed with your father.
You met the Cullens before Bella even showed up. Like everyone else at Forks High to took notice to the family. You weren't upsets with figuring out their background like everyone else though.
Your first day meeting Jasper was his first day in your history class. The only empty seat left was next to you.
He hesitated as he sat down next you. When he did he tensed up and turned his nose away. You glared at him wanting to know what his problem was. When the bell rang he was out in a flash.
The next few days he didn't show up. When he did he remained silent but didn't turn his nose like you stunk.
Instead of turning his nose away he would silently look at you then turn away before he would get cought. This went on through out the class. You would look at him then look away before he noticed.
The first words you actually exchange words till you had to work on a history project together.
“your name is y/n Swan right?” he asked. You nodded immediately falling for his southern accent. “yeah, and your Jasper”
He smiled slightly. “sorry for being so rued last week” you shrugged. “not a big deal, we all have bad days”
You guys continued to talk and he quickly got comfortable talking to you. He started to fall for everything about you. He knew you were his mate but he started finding small and big details about you that made him enternally thankful it was you.
Jasper took another aproch than his dear brother when it came to relationships. He 'corted' you by becoming friends with you first, you actually became best friends. As your relationship grew you became close to his siblings too, especially rose.
Your first date was the movies and suprisenly you guys just sat there for two hours laughing at the gore in the horror movie you picked.
After your first date he confessed to being a vampire and to his reilef you didn't freak out. He was so scared that you would leave him but he didn't want to lie to you.
“I understand if your scared... But I didn't want to start our relationship with a lie”
I immediately wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tight. “I don't care, I still want to be with you”
You started officially dating about a month before Bella showed up.
You don't get along with Bella or your mother, so let's just say you weren't thrilled when you found out she was moving to forks.
During the time she started to settle in at home with you and Charlie you spent more time with Jasper and his family. You told Jasper that you two never got along and the hate and neglect your mother caused you.
The first time Bella saw Jasper is when he was picking you up for school. She kept pushing on who he was but you bairly awnsered. “he's my boyfriend, bella”
Dispite Bella and Edward dealing with their problems you and Jasper have a very strong relationship.
You two may not have much in common but that doesn't mean you two don't show interest in each other's Passions.
Your a movie nerd so he'll happily watch any movie with you. He's a history buff and he's was around for most of it so if he wants to talk about something you'll always there to listen.
Speaking of history, it didn't take long for him to open up about him training new borns and Maria using him.
He's very gentle with you at first, he would hate himself if he ever hurt you, but later on in the relationship he's more confident and isn't afraid to touch you as much.
Speaking of which, his kisses are always full of passion and love. His favorite place to kiss you is on your forehead beacuse of how much taller he is than you.
He's always holding your hand. He always needs to be touching you and needs to be close to you. Emmett teases him for being Clingy but it's mostly just an anxiety thing, especially if he's around Humans he needs to ground himself by holding your hand or his arms around you.
If your wondering, Charlie loves him. At first he thought Jasper was weird(much like Edward) but he appreciated how kind and and well mannered he was. He knew he could trust Jasper with you.
Through your relationship with Jasper you had also gained a best friend through Rosalie and Emmett.
Rosalie loved you immediately and took you under her wing. Alice is a loyal friend but your not thst close.
Carlisle and Esme are like your second parents and they love you like your part of the family.
During the events of New Moon Jasper refused to break your heart. He knew that was Edward's plan with Bella, but he's not Edward. Yes they did move but you two stayed in contact. He would call you every day and you'll see each other on weekends.
He came to your graduation during the time the whole family moved then proposed to you a few months later.
Your wedding was unfortunately put on hold due to the who new-born army. It didn't bother you, you understood under the circumstances but Jasper was furious with not only Bella but Edward too. It wasn't their fault, he knew that, but then again Bella made it all about her and ignored the fact the vampires were after you too.
During the battle you were hurt causing Jasper to turn you. He didn't want to and he blamed himself for fighting instead of protecting you.
You loved being a vampire and never once blamed him. And it's a good thing he had experience with New-borns beacuse he was with you every step of the way during your transition.
You had your wedding about four months before Edward and Bella's. You went to Memphis for your honeymoon and stayed out till it was time to go home for the other wedding.
Oh I forgot to mention, Bree survived and since you were now an adult you and Jasper adopted her as your own. Your amazing parents and you three make an adorable family.
Later on in life and when everything was peaceful, no one dying or fighting, you two adpot two twins. They were both infants and needed loving parents.
Jasper is very loving husband and even if being a vampire is hard sometimes you wouldn't change your life for anything.
#Jasper Hale#Jasper Hale x reader#Jasper Hale headcanons#Jasper Hale imagines#Jasper Hale one shots#jackson rathbone#Twilight headcanons#Twilight imagines#Cullen x reader#Cullen clan headcanons#Bella swan#Bella swan x sister!reader#Edward cullen
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