#Correction: pissed off Jason
dankovskaya · 2 years
The hardest part I think is deciding which of the 300 possible interpretations of Red Hood Jason I want to go with
#It's like... Red Hood Jason is inherently fucked but only a lunatic would take his canonical behavior at face value and him actually doing#genuine good with the identity does NOT preclude him from being deeply thoroughly fucked but I also don't want him to be completely#morally sanitized because I think it's hot when he is wrong.#I'm thinking a heavily edited interpretation of utrh with essentially the same outcome under different circumstances#Followed by a limbo state where there are Heavily Mixed Fucking Neighborhood Opinions of the red hood because he is doing#some genuinely good and helpful shit courtesy of classism correction but he is also very much still executing the occasional#Broadly Abusive Person possibly in the streets possibly in broad daylight with no um. Oversight. so.#I would like to think whatever harm he causes (there must be some harm.) is due to self destructiveness and biting off more than he can#chew AND like. Attracting attention in ways that make things worse even though he knows better i.e. getting pissed off and killing a cop#Or just generally openly targeting powerful people and assuming he can wholly handle the consequences on his own even though#that cannot always be the case.#On top of you know. Just generally being an asshole interpersonally and severely antisocial and therefore failing to actually make or#maintain any sort of relationship with the community he is attempting to protect etc#You can't have relationships with people if you're dead. Haha... ENTER KIANA.
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Court case for the jokers punishment
So the joker got an infection and eventually kicked the bucket
Bruce is nutral if a little sad
Jason is pissed he couldn't kill him
And all of the other batfam are releived that the jokers not out and about anymore, and atleast the family fight on the joker ends
During a family meeting to discuss the jokers death a Lazarus pit opened up and a...butler? Servent? Footman? Who knowes! someone in a suit...
Oh and he was floating off the ground and translucent
The batfam were on high alert and instant attack mode, damian tried to stab the guy and ended up tumbling through him
Bruce walked up and intended to intimidate him, but the guy walked through him...and right for jason
:you are jason todd, correct
:why do'you care
:you are the jason todd killed by the joker and reserected by currupted ectoplasm, correct
:my death is none of your business!
:mr todd, as a victem of the joker you are entiteled to a say in the jokers punishment
The whole room got quiet, jason was freaking out but...also calm. The pit was reacting to this guy like...comradery? Companionship? It wasent negative but not positive either
Bruce was still trying to intimidate the guy into giving them answers
Tim and dick were just staring
and damian was making another swing with his sword
:w-what do you mean, jokers punishment ???
The guy pulled out a seat and told everyone to sit, he pulled out a file and put it in front of jason, bruce went to grab it but the guy slapped his hand away
:only mr todd and trusted members of the ghost kings high court may read it
That was the first time he acknowledged bruce and he didnt like being ignored, jason couldn't hold in his chuckle at B getting frustrated
Slowly jason picked up the file and began to read, the paper on the top was a basic file of jason todd before he died, age,school, adoption date, birth place basic things though the thing that stood out was the words at the bottom
Cause of death: joker
Following it was the date, time, wepon and location of his death
He flipped to the next page and saw a similar file to robin, the day he started training, his first day out, how he met bruce, an analysis of his fighting gear from that time, his patrol rout
And at the bottom was the same thing with the same information
Cause of death: joker
Jason was starting to worry why he wasent freaking out about this file he was kinda a numb giddy if that made sense, the batfam were all looking at him expectingly and the butler guy was just watching him
:why are you watching me??
: oh, you see, some ghosts tend to...loose themselves a bit when confronted with...sensitive information, I'm just making sure you wont panic
That got a look from dick and tim, bruce just "hmm"ed and damian was still glaring at the guy
Jason turned to the next page and saw another thing like the last pages, except this one was much more recent, age, height, the day he came back to the public eye,
But there was alot more concerning writing
Death date, date of reserection, level of corruption, death age, core growth, manifested abilities
Jason gave a look to the guy but didnt freak out, though everyone at the table saw the look and was starting to get concerned, jason didnt know what to make of the information let along what it ment
He turned the page and saw one for red hood, age, number of wepons, occupation, date he made his davew, number of times he tried to kill the joker, ect;
Jason tried to ignore all the things that stood out and gave him a sinking feeling and the pit had an...odd reaction
He flipped a page and rather than another log thing there were pictures, mostly id photos and things accessible to the public, but there were also alot of photos that looked like tim took them when he was playing watchdog
He flipped the page and read the following:
You jason todd, due to the crimes and atrocities commiced to you by john, kur aka:the joker
One week after the jokers death he will be tryed and condemed for his actions, and dispite the unusual circumstances surounsing your existence you are entiteled to a say in how the joker is punished
Due to your previous and current occupation you have much more sway over the outcome of the trial then most of his other victmes though they will still have their say
You will not be forced to attend any trial or judgement, as this selecting processes is voluntary and you may reject having any involvement in the case of the jokers soul, condemnation or punishment
And dew to your unique standing with parties that for whatever reason (the big bad bat, you know who) may want to joker to get a lighter sentence than diserved the batman will not have nor get any power or say over the conditions of the joker. he will not have any say and you do not have to lisen to him on any matters concerning this trial
I thank you for your time and any question you may have berry( the ghost who delivered this to you) will answer any and all questions
High king of the infinet realms: phantom
P.S: most people in the infinite realmes kinda have a grudge against the batman so don't be shocked if berry dose something to him
Jason closed the file, handed it back to berry and just...sat there for a good 5 minutes
:mr todd do you have any questions you need answering
l:... I've been out of the loop d'ya think you could...give the the details of...whatevers going on...and what court trial for the jokers soul?
:ah i can do that mr todd.
So 24 hours ago the joker passed away, dew to the ambient ectoplasm in gothem he bacame a ghost in the infinite realms
At jasons confused look he said he'd explain later
:the high king of the infinet realms immediately had his soul captured and he is currently waiting for his trial
The joker has killed alot of people in the infinite realms and they want their pound of fleash, and king phantom is beyond willing to give it to them
So anyone willing is going to his trial next week to condem him
You were killed by the joker and are under unique circumstances, in fact it was up in the air weather to let you have a say or not, but you were dead and thus entitled to a say in his punishment
Because you fought the joker and died to protect gothem you have a larger sway over the outcome than most
:... so what your saying is... i can fuck over the joker even when hes dead?
:hhahaha hell yeah!!!
Jason jumped up and started laughing like a lunitic, now it made sence why the pit was giddy, it knew he'd finally get his pound of fleash and B couldn't do shit!!!
Batman: that cant be fair
: whyever not
: he's already dead just let him rest
:after all the things he's done...never
: he's already been punished leave him be
That was the wrong thing to say as berry jumped out of the chair, knocking it over and jamming the table into the rest of the batfams ribs
:he die-
:WE ALL DIED!! HE'S DIED, I'VE DIED, HELL YOU'VE DIED! That dose not excuse his crimes! Besids! What do you think he'd do in the infinite realms! Think you egotistical furrie a madman with no punishment, developing powers and access to multiple universes! Its a disaster waiting to happn you idiot
:it's still unfair, i will stop it
: how moron! you have no say in this you are naither a victme or a trusted member of the high kings court, you have no power
:then I'll talk to this king
:*snort* sure you will...mr todd do you have anymore questions?
Jasons giddiness froze at being put on the spot so suddenly he froze mid-cackle and had to stand properly before he answered berrys question
J: uhh... how to i get to the trial, thing on the right time
: a servent will escourt you,AND ONLY YOU, to the event. Good day and fuck you!!
Berry opened a portal, stepped through and gave bruce the finger
Everyone kinda stared at where the portal was, jason was the one to break the silence by giggling
: hahaha i still get to fuck over the joker and, for once, you can't stop me, later you egotistical furrie
Jason ran to his bike and floored it out of the batcave, he has to plan
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blackbirdi · 6 months
Game Night (Not a Good Idea)
Brief Description: Things heard during Wayne family game night.
Point of View: 3rd Person
Word Count: 1334
Character: Batfam x platonic!Reader
Every Sunday Bruce tries to get all his kids (whether adopted or not) back to the manor for supper and a game night. And while some of the time the games are fun and a bonding moment for everyone, most of the time it's a battleground.
Things said playing: Super Smash Bros
A very pissed off Timothy Drake: DAMIAN! I AM ON YOUR TEAM; STOP PUSHING ME OFF!
A frustrated Stephanie Brown: DODGE IT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?
Y/n L/n: *Playing the game for the first time in years* I don't know the controls...
Jason Todd throwing his controller against the wall after his team lost for the seventh time in a row: THIS IS BULLSHIT!
Things said playing: Twister
A defeated before the game even begins Duke Thomas: No. Straight up, no. We all know Dick's going to win; what's the point in even playing?
A very flexible and cocky Dick Grayson: What do you mean you can't reach the green circle? It's literally so easy!
Jason: *His eye twitching* Kill yourself.
A tired of the complaining, Bruce Wayne: Dick, you're not playing this round.
Dick, heartbroken: What? Why?
The rest of the Batkids: *Cheering*
Things said playing: Jenga
Damian Wayne, who just knocked the tower over: DRAKE BUMPED INTO ME! HE MADE ME KNOCK IT OVER JUST SO I WOULD LOSE!
Tim, who is sitting over ten feet from him: What? No, I didn't.
Damian: YES, YOU DID!
A very confused and slightly disappointed Barbara Gordon: Why did you choose that one?
Y/n, who chose the most difficult one to remove: *Practically in tears* I DON'T KNOW!
Anyone after knocking the tower over: I fucking hate this game.
Things said playing: Among Us
*While they're waiting in the lobby (the game hasn't even begun)*
Tim: It's Damian.
Damian: Fuck you.
Bruce, after being the first killed for the fifth time in a row: Do you hate me that much?
Steph (a crewmate): *Walking past Bruce's body and not reporting it* Yes.
Babs (a crewmate), who people are now suspecting: You're not supposed to give any hints that you got killed, Bruce.
*Y/n and Cass being revealed as the imposters*
The Batfamily after being positive that Y/n and Cass were the only ones who weren't the imposters (other than those murdered): WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WERE THE IMPOSTER?
Y/n and Cass: *Cackling*
Things said playing: Charades
Jason, after they ran out of time and didn't guess it: *Looking at the card* What you acted out was not fucking Ratatouille.
Damian, who was very much not doing anything to hint towards Ratatouille: YES, IT WAS!
Babs after picking up the most complicated things possible to act out: What the fuck is this?
Bruce: I burned the zombie card by the way.
Jason, Tim, Steph, Damian, and Y/n: *Groaning in disappointment*
Things said playing: Just Dance
Cass: *Doing everything perfectly*
Everyone else: How the fuck are you doing that?
Cass: *Giggling* What are you doing?
Y/n: I don't fucking know.
Duke: I am the epitome of a graceful dancer, Tim. *Proceeds to trip over the coffee table and land flat on his face*
Things said playing: Any game involving riddles
Any of the Batkids: I CALL DUKE/STEPH!
Bruce: *Reading a riddle that was writing in Shakespearean (ye old English)*
All of the Batkids: w h a t
Duke/Steph: I'm telling you, it's *correct answer*
Jason: No, it's not. It's *very much the wrong answer*
Duke/Steph, feeling petty: Fine, we'll go with *Jason's answer*
Bruce: It's *the answer Duke/Steph originally had*
Duke/Steph: *Waiting for Jason to admit they were right*
Jason, who refuses to take the blame: Jeez, you're terrible at this game.
Things said playing: Spoons
(if you don't know what Spoons is, search it up because I don't know how to describe it, but it is the most fun game ever and you're missing out.)
Y/n: *Holding onto the spoon like her life depends on it* YOU CAN'T GRAB IT FROM ME! IT'S ALREADY IN MY HAND!
Steph: *Clawing at Y/n's hand* GIVE IT HERE!
Dick: *Cradling his hand* I think Jason broke my hand.
Jason, with the most "I don't give a shit" voice ever: Damn. That sucks.
All the Batkids at one point: *Quite literally throwing themselves across the table to grab the last spoon*
Bruce: *Tired Dad SighTM*
Things said playing: Monopoly
Jason, who owns all but one railroad: I swear to God, Tim, if you land on the last railroad and buy it...
Tim, lands on the last rail road: *Buys it*
Jason: *Lunges across the table to strangle him*
Y/n, after buying Park Place a while ago: *Lands on Boardwalk* You bitches are about to be financially murdered.
*After red hotels have been added to over half the board, and there are at least two green houses on every spot*
Duke: Can I just stay in jail?
Things said playing: Uno
Cass: Uno!
Steph: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Tim: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Y/n: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Jason: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Duke: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Dick: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Damian: *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Babs: Sorry, Cass *Places Pick Up 4 card*
Cass, trying not to fucking snap: You guys fucking suck.
(I'm sobbing. She's picking up 28 cards. NOOO, CASS)
*It's down to just Tim and Damian; the others have all gotten rid of their cards*
Tim, after being skipped for the fifth time in a row: *Near tears* HOW MANY FUCKING SKIP CARDS DO YOU HAVE?
Damian: *Placing another one down* Yes.
*Whenever someone wins*
The rest of the Batkids: *Starts a fist fight*
*Cue Uno getting banned from being played at a Game Night.*
Things said playing: Mario Kart
Babs, throwing a green shell: *Bounces off the wall and hits her instead of the person ahead of her* I'm going to kill someone.
Dick: *Picks Rainbow Road*
The rest of the Batkids: Fuck you.
Cass, before they start playing: Oh, I suck at this game.
Cass: *Wins over half the races*
Y/n: Yup.
Y/n: That's why I did it.
Steph: *Getting pissed that she got 2nd*
Bruce: *Trying to console her* It's fine, Steph. It's just a game.
Bruce: *Too scared to play with his kids because of how angry he's been seeing them getting* No.
Steph: That's what I fucking thought.
Y/n, after being hit by Jason's red shell for the third time in a row: *Throwing the controller at Jason* I'M DONE! I'M FUCKING DONE!
Jason: *Cackles*
Tim: *Looking at someone else's screen and not realizing it* I am so good at this.
*His character is actually continuously hitting a wall*
Duke: *Gets a blue shell* It's over for you, Cass!
Damian: *Uses Thunderbolt, thus getting rid of Duke's blue shell before he can use it*
*Duke, trying to stop himself from attacking Damian*
Damian: *About to get first place* And victory is–
Duke: *Blue shells him* That's what you get, you little bastard.
*Damian proceeds to literally bite Duke*
*Bruce, trying to ban Mario Kart from Game Night*
All the Batkids: BOO! I'm not coming back if you do.
*Mario Kart has not been banned*
Bonus! (Involves only Babs, Dick, Jason, Steph, Cass, Tim, and Y/n)
Things said playing: Cards Against Humanity
Y/n, holding the prompt for this round: *Looking at the responses the rest gave her* You all are fucking terrible human beings.
Babs: It's a damn game, Y/n. No one actually meant it.
Dick: Hey! My card was not that bad!
Cass: Come on, it's funny!
Jason: Yes.
Steph: Thank you.
Tim: You're one to talk.
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normal-nightmare · 2 days
Honestly the sheer amount of gay subtext between Dick and Jason in Gotham Knights is like,, literally insane. It's impossible to ignore??
"Oh but they're brothers-" not in this game they're not! Talia refers to Jason as "Your friend Jason" when you confront Talia if you play as anyone who isn't Jason. No one corrects her either; not Barbara, Tim, OR Dick. They just get mad at her over her insisting they be glad she brought Jason back even though she took away his autonomy (Dick especially is PISSED- protective boyfriend much? Lol). Talia herself just says he's their 'friend', not brother. And I don't recall a single time any of them refer to each other as siblings in any form.
Yes they call themselves a family in the game, but it's pretty clearly in a found family way. I'd honestly compare it to the Titans, since they're a found family too, and also a team (and the batfamily works much like a team here). Plus, Barbara is part of it too, and she dated Dick in the past lol. So the batfamily very much is NOT a nuclear family in Gotham Knights, as well as the comics (though DC keeps trying to push it that way...).
Anyways there's just. So much gay subtext between Dick and Jason, and it's so obvious it's damn near just text. Their personal stories are pretty tied up in each other, especially Dicks focusing quite a bit on Jason. Their interactions and how they act around each other also hint at something more going on, little things like constantly being paired together or being physically close more often than not, to interactions being just straight up flirting:
The rooftop scene, implications of Jason looking at Dicks ass??, Dick mentioning the Belfry needs a cat and Jason taking the chance to tease and flirt with him and this audibly flusters Dick; Dick consistently calling Jason things like big guy, swole, tiger, etc; the suggestive implications when you play multi-player with Dick and Jason during the labyrinth mission that Dick "took [Jason] to Hogans Alley, and..." and Jason cutting him off with a "Okay, it's you! Fine. We don't talk about that night." (Note that Dick sounds shy and he trails off and gets quiet while talking, while Jason is very embarrassed at the memory Dick mentions)
...honestly, I could go on and on about it. Pretty much none of this feels at all platonic, it feels more pre-relationship than anything.
I just,, God it's so overtly gay?? There's no other explanation. And I'm looking at it from a very objective perspective, no shipper lenses here.
Anyways jaydick is pretty much canon in Gotham Knights and that's incredible to me
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writing-mlm · 7 months
jason todd x reader please 😔
The ShopKeep and the Hobbyist [J.T]
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Summary: Jason's been going to this bookstore for long enough that he's developed a bit of a reputation with them. If only the cute cashier would understand he's trying to flirt but as fate would have it, one knife chase later, and maybe they're more than worker and costumer. Pairing: Jason Todd x Male!Reader WC: 7.3k TW: use of fag but its a quote
Jason traveled out of Gotham once a week, always on a Sunday, always to the same location for three entire hours. Everyone knew that Sunday from noon to four— accounting for traffic and eating out that might happen, that Jason was absolutely unavailable. Unless you physically went to track him down. 
But that’s yet to happen. 
It’s Sunday and Jason arrived at the normal spot earlier than usual. Traffic was amazing, no accidents on the way out of Gotham, and the highway was thankfully void. He parked his bike in his normal spot, right in front of the store, and lifted the visor to the helmet before heading inside. 
The Open Book had always welcomed Jason, even when the shop was closed in the middle of a blizzard. And he helped where he could (Wayne Enterprises always made a large monthly donation to the shop and for some odd reason, someone had gifted the shop a fake bird that is able to stop any thefts(odd)). 
“New shipment came in today,” The store owner's grandson greeted him, leaning across the counter to grab at the basket of free candies the shop offered. “Snagged this vintage-looking book collection for ya.” Ever since word that a Wayne kid visits the bookshop, sales have grown so it’s hard keeping certain items in stock. Especially the fancy-looking titles. 
“Do tell,” He grabs a bite-sized chocolate and rips the packet open while you set your lollipop wrapper into your apron pocket before ducking under the counter. 
   “Shits heavy,” You grunt, slamming the box onto the table and read the label. “Uhh, ‘William Shakespeare, Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. Published According to the True Originall Copies, 1623.’ Original is spelled wrong, though,” You look up at him and pause at his wide-eyed, clearly shocked expression. 
“Shakespeare fan?” You ask, opening the flap to the box. “There’s a bunch of them in here. I think this was someone’s collection.” 
“Do you know how much it’s worth?” Jason laughs, peering into the box, and then whistles. 
   “Probably a hundred at the most,” You shrug and he slaps the table with a loud Ha! that makes you look at him, crossing his arms. “Fifty?” 
“Try nine mil,” The lollipop falls from your mouth as you look from Jason to the book collection. 
   “For all of it?” You gape. 
   “For the top book,” He corrects. “Thank god you snagged it before someone who cared did.” 
“Yeah,” You sigh, staring at the book and taking in all of the details. That’s more than you’ll ever make in a lifetime. “What should I do? Do you want it?”
“Want it like I need air,” He admits, handing you another lollipop. “But you should probably auction it, get a stack and whatnot.”
“Grams would get pissed,” You shake your head and slide the box towards him. “Believes books should be read, not stored as an artifact, yknow? Think she marked this box as a hundred, want me to ring it up?” He looks at you and takes his helmet off so you can fully see his are you stupid? look that’s plastered on his face. 
   “(Y/n),” Jason slides the box back. “This is worth more than every single book in here!” And as much as he pained Jason to say that, he knew it was true. With over two entire floors filled with books, they were but a drop in the bucket compared to that singular box sitting between the two of you. 
“It’s just paper and ink,” You shrug, staring at the box. “Besides, she’d get mad if I did and I can’t exactly hide nine million dollars!” Sighing through his nose, he agrees to buy the box and has you set it aside while he goes about shopping.
“You’re staring,” Someone tells him as they walk past and his head spins around to see who it is. It’s one of your younger sisters, around twelve or thirteen, if he remembers right. 
   “Wasn’t,” He tells her and picks up a book. “I was looking at this book!” She turns back to him and raises her eyebrows at the title before grinning. 
   “Didn’t take you as an Ice Breaker fan,” She chides and walks away while Jason stares at the book. It could’ve been basically any other book. Putting the book back, Jason returns to his actual book shopping which only takes ten or so minutes. He knows his bag is going to be heavy with the Shakeseapre books so he can’t get too many other books this week. 
“Light load,” You comment, scanning the books. “You bought this one a month ago, too.” You note, holding off on scanning A Good Girls Guide to Murder. 
   “My sister wants to read it,” He explains, flipping through the pages. “And she likes to dogear pages.” Cringing, you scan the book and read him his total before leaning against the counter. It’s a large enough counter that most of your body can rest against it while he pays while you use your phone to order some lunch. 
“That place sucks ass,” Jason comments as he’s putting his card away. You roll your eyes and look up at him. 
   “I’m hungry as shit and there’s no good places around within a reasonable price, this place has decent grilled cheeses.” You justify and he finishes paying. 
   “What would you have gotten?” He muses, leaning against the counter so the two of you are face to face. Staring at the sad picture of a grilled cheese you huff. 
“Five guys,” You admit, looking back at him. He nods, silently urging you to continue while looking you up and down, his eyes slowly moving. You also don’t notice it or the small smile on his face when you don’t move away from him. “Strawberry milkshake and grilled cheeseburger.” You finished. 
   “No fries?” He asks and you shake your head. 
   “I don’t really eat fries from there,” You admit, fiddling with the skin around your nails. 
“Sounds good,” He tilts his head a bit, grinning so his canines are showing. He watches as your eyes dip once and then twice to his lips before they finally stay on his face. 
   “It’s fucking good. An arm and a leg, but still,” Standing up, you groan and stretch. He stands up too and puts on his helmet. You watch and wait for him to dip his head down before giving his head two pats. For good luck, of course. 
When he leaves, you return to your seat and look over the shop. There’s a dozen or so people inside, some people who are clearly not there for books as they’re recording those random interviews with the tiny microphones and such. You should really stop them, maybe put up a sign or something. But they’re leaving anyway. So it doesn’t really matter. 
“Did you kiss?” Your sister asks, walking over to grab one of the candies.  
   “Girl,” Your face scrunches and she tosses the wrapper at you but it falls short. 
    “Just saying, seemed awfully close.” She shrugs. “I would’ve made a move on him a long time ago.”
“You’re ten.” Huffing, she huffs back and puts her hands on her hips. 
   “Nineteen,” She corrects. Making a talking motion with your hand, she smacks it away and throws a fireball candy at you. “That’s why you’re forty and a virgin!” 
“Neither of those are true,” You stress, tossing the candy back into the bowl. “And didn’t you just get dumped by some loser who said he’d absolutely eat a turducken covered in chocolate?” She rolls her eyes and walks behind the counter to sign into work. 
   “I dumped him,” She corrects. “Unlike your failed relationship with the guy who wanted you to pretend to be a woman.” 
“Too low,” You sigh, shaking your head. “Too low.” 
With your lunch break in full swing, you’re upstairs in the break room watching some crappy straight-to-DVD movie your father had bought years back while eating the very sad grilled cheese when the door opens. Half expecting it to be another family member, you don’t look away from the TV and give a small hey but when no one replies you look towards the door and hum surprised to see Jason there. Even more so on who let him in 
“Missed me?” You grin, watching as he closes the door behind him and rolls his eyes. 
   “Little delivery,” He corrects and motions for you to turn back to the movie. You do, albeit a bit hesitant to do so, but you try not to look back when you hear him getting closer. “Close your eyes, too.” He adds when you look as far back as you can without turning your head. Groaning, you cover your eyes with your hand just to prove you’re not peeking and hear him set something down on the spot next to you. 
“See you next week!” He pats your back before snatching the half-eaten grilled cheese from your hand and you take it as a sign you can open your eyes. You’re not even upset he’s eating your lunch, it wasn’t good. Looking at what he had set down, you see the familiar white and red bag and crack a smile. 
   “You got me Five Guys?” Your head whips to the door but it’s already shutting and you can hear his heavy boots quickly running down the stairs. Turning back to the bag, you pull your phone out and scroll to find his contact. 
Thank you
we feast tonight 
The two of you don’t text much, mostly if he had forgotten something in the shop or given him a heads-up that the bookstore was closed for the day. Hell, his contact name is still Jason (bookstore fav). But he reads it immediately and thumbs up the last text. 
This grilled cheese sucks by the way
It feels like plastic
Probably is lol
While Jason is very much a regular at the shop, you don’t really remember when he first started to frequent the shop. Just that one Sunday, you had seen the time and noticed he was late to the shop. He’d come in almost three hours later than he normally did and watched as you sighed, tossing his favorite candy at him before ushering him to the counter. He listened as you told him that next time he is late he needs to text or you’d send out an amber alert yourself. 
He truly hadn’t thought anyone had noticed the change in his routine. Especially someone he only saw once a week. It had been a really shitty night for him and an ever-shitter morning, feeling like a ghost wandering through Gotham, living in a life he never should have. 
He apologized with a grin and gave you his number. He also spent a little extra time in the shop, loving the familiar smell around him. He loves the bookstore more than he loves his guns, more than he loves most things really. It’s the only normal thing in his life and truly, Jason doesn’t know what he’d do without it. Without you, honestly. He’s only ever there when you are and a place is only as welcoming as the people inhabiting it. 
Which is why he’d picked up the 2 am phone call so fast. 
“Jason?” You whisper shout into the phone. He can hear some harsh wind and some distant shouts in the background, but it took much less than that for him to abandon his patrol and start over to you. “Shit— I’m sorry but I don’t know who else to call.” You add, the clarity hitting that during an emergency you called the guy who lived nearly half an hour away on a good day.
   “It’s okay, doll,” He replies and you dare to glance behind you. Maybe they’d given up by now, but no. “What’s wrong?” He asks as you round a corner. “Where are you?” He quickly adds and you glance at the road signs. 
“Uhh, heading towards Second Ave and Belcher Street. My friend's boyfriend thinks she’s cheating with me and him and his friends are chasing me,” You explain.
   “Guns?” He asks, already leaving the Gotham border. 
   “No,” You huff, the strain of running heavy on your chest. “Just knives.” 
That’s good, he tells himself. Distance is what you should be focusing on. But he knows that the regular person cannot run for nearly as long as he can and realistically, you’re bound to get tired much sooner than multiple people. 
   “Is there a crowd nearby?” You can hear some muffling to his voice but that’s honestly the least of your issues. “Maybe a club or hospital.” He adds when you don’t respond fast enough. 
   “No,” You strain. “Just apartments and shit. God, fuck! Do you think I should climb the fire escape?” There are several ahead of you, and one of them is low enough for you to grab. 
“Can you?” He asks. 
   “Yeah— yeah,” Jumping up, you pull yourself up and start climbing up to the roof. “Shit, I’m really high up,” You pant, daring to look over the edge and see the guys climbing up. “They’re climbing up,” You tell him, quickly backing away and trying to find an exit. What type of roof doesn’t have a fucking exit? 
“I’ve seen people jump from roof to roof,” You're thinking out loud at this point, trying to find some type of solution to your stupid idea. “Can’t be that hard, right?”
“Depends on the distance,” He truthfully tells you and you look at the two nearby roofs. 
   “Definitely too far. I’m fucked.” 
“Still on Second and Blecher?” He asks and you mutter a yeah when you see them reach the roof. 
   “They’re up,” You mumble. “I could jump and live, yeah?” Glancing to your left, you see a dumpster and reassure yourself that you’d be fine. 
   “Do you think you can come back down the fire escape?” He asks. “Is there one behind the building?” Looking behind you, you let out a loud sigh.    
“Yeah— yes, heading down.” Rushing down as fast as you can, you reach the ground as they’re in the middle and run back into the main road. 
“Head back down the way you came,” Jason instructs. He’s only five minutes away at this point, maybe three if he tries hard enough. He just needs you to buy five more minutes. 
Running for what felt like an eternity, your legs are burning and your chest is tight. Maybe that one time you lied during your physical exam was coming back to bite you. 
But they’re still chasing you and Jason is still guiding you. You’re sure you’re about to pass out when a motorcycle drifts in front of you. 
“Red Hood?” You gape, panting. The fuck? 
   “Come on,” You hear him and Jason say. You’ll worry about that once you’re away from those absolute track-and-field freaks chasing you. Getting on the motorcycle, he holds your thigh with one hand before pulling off. 
The ride is silent as you’re catching your breath and just making sure you’re okay in general. Aside from the insane burn in your calves, you’re fine. The ride does a lot to calm you down, by the time he reaches the shop your head is pressed to his back and you’re holding him not as tight as you were before. 
“I don’t know your address,” He admits and you laugh into his back. After all that happened it’s a little humorous that your biggest issue is Jason getting your address. You give it to him and it takes him a second but he has the route mapped out before he pulls back onto the street. 
“I’m staying the night.” He tells you as you get off of the bike. You don’t protest, not in the slightest. You’re far too tired to do so anyway. Instead, you wave him over and head upstairs. He tries to hide his helmet from the camera view but you tell him they don’t work. 
“This guy got robbed two days ago; whole building found out the cameras are fake,” You explain while leaning against the elevator wall.
   “And you feel safe?” He incredulously asks, looking you over. Even buildings in Gotham have working cameras.  
    “I have a gun,” You shrug while he looks at you with more of an analyzing gaze, a little surprised you’d have a gun. “And no valuables. My electronics are all secondhand for that exact reason.”
“So, steal the couch?” He jokes. 
   “If it can fit through the door, it’s yours!” Patting his arm, you exit the elevator and fish out your keys. Thankfully you hadn’t dropped them during the chase. 
“What happened?” He asks as soon as you close and double lock the door. Looking at him, you drop your phone and keys onto the kitchen island before heading back to the door. 
   “My friend, Gina,” You start with a sigh, kicking your shoes off. “She used to be my beard in high school. But we never officially broke up, I guess because she posted a story saying happy six-year anniversary. With a bunch of pictures of us together. Her boyfriend saw and he’s always been…” Rolling your hand, you open your closet and grab a new outfit. “He thinks I’m lying ‘bout being gay. Because I’m too… I dunno what he thinks. But he says I don’t look gay and he’s never seen me with a guy before.” You explain with a huff. “Not my fault I’ve been single for two years, y'know. I got school and work and whatever!” Slamming the closet shut, you sigh and apologize. 
“I’m gonna take a shower, feel free to snoop and prod. And take the boots off, I just moped.” 
“Course,” He doesn’t move an inch as he unties his boots and walks to the shoe rack to set them down. You thank him and head into the bathroom. 
“If you gotta piss or shit, go ahead. I got a curtain and a strong scent blaster plugged in.” You tell him at the doorway to the bathroom. 
  “Noted.” He laughs but it drops once the door closes. 
He finds himself making sure the windows are locked and the curtains are properly drawn. He grabs his phone and saves your address into his personal map before he goes to check to see what type of security measures you have. And there’s not many, just a gun that’s badly hidden in your bedside table and the extra lock on the door. 
But there’s not much to the apartment, the decor is extremely minimal but he remembers you talking about saving to buy a house in the countryside. Or at least outside of a city. Own land and all that. 
He can’t decide if that’s good or not, there’s nothing to steal for sure, but it’s also really sad. There’s no personal touch to your apartment, it reminds him of one of his safe houses. 
He settles himself into the couch once he’s checked over everything, listening to the sounds of the shower and eventually, he hears the shower turn off. 
When you return to the living room in a pair of shorts, you’re a little surprised that Jason is still there. 
“Bruce Wayne as Batman makes a lotta sense,” Opening the fridge, you pull out two water bottles before setting them on the counter. 
“(Y/n),” Jason stops that conversation. “You should file a police report.”
“Fuck is that gonna do?” You huff, closing the fridge and opening the freezer to grab a popsicle. “Gina will hate me, cops will just forget to file it, and then I get harassed.” 
“They tried to kill you,” He stresses, blocking you from moving away from the fridge. You stare at him, a little upset that he’s caring so much. You feel bad for even calling him and sending him out of his way. And now he’s staying for who knows how long. Not to mention now you know his biggest secret— a family secret at that, one that you can tell one person, and suddenly the whole world knows. 
   “Happens every day,” You shrug but honestly, yeah, that shit scared you. His face drops and he snatches the popsicle from your hand before tossing it on the counter to your left. 
“No. Not to you. Not to most people. So what if Gina hates you afterward? Do you want a friend that’s known you since high school who would rather side with her crazy boyfriend?” 
“Of course not!” You groan. “But it’s Gina. She’s always been there and— and this is a one-time thing,”
“You sound ridiculous,” He tells you as he walks out of the small kitchen and into the living room. “Trying to kill someone isn’t a fucking one-off. It’s a crime, a legit crime. Has Gina even checked if you’re okay?” He points to the phone that’s still on the counter; the same phone he knows for a fact hasn’t buzzed once. 
   “No.” There's no need to check your phone, you already know there’s nothing from her. She’d never text you first. He nods as if to say there’s your answer. 
“Look, Jason. It was scary as fuck,” You admit. “But I’m good. And I thank you, but you should go home. I just…” Looking off to the wall. “I don’t know why I called you, I feel like shit for dragging you away from your home.”
“I was spending my night watching Harley and Ivy dry hump in front of a newly exploded power plant. You didn’t take me away from shit.” He blinks before heading to the couch. “Besides, it’s too late to drive back. I’m beat,”
“You’re lying,” You deadpan, tossing a water bottle between your hands. 
   “Am I?” He fake yawns, leaning back on the couch. “Can I get a blanket?” Clearly, he’s not going to leave, and it would be bad as a host to not make him comfortable. Asshole. 
   “Fine,” He grins as you walk away. 
“Oh and Jason, Gram’s told me about the payment plan you set up. Taking advantage of a woman who can’t speak English is rude. She thinks you’re paying five dollars a week for some back dues you owe.” It was actually five hundred thousand dollars a week, which was absurd but hey, if he insists. 
   “It’s just nine million,” He calls back. “Not even my money and B won’t notice it’s gone.” 
Just nine million, you repeat to yourself as you find a suitable blanket. It’s one of those thick fur blankets with a tiger on the front. 
“The couch is a pull-out, by the way.” Heading back into the living room, you tuck the blanket under your arm. “I’ve used it like once. It’s pretty comfortable unless you want the bed.” You add, setting the blanket on the edge of the couch. There’s no coffee table, you don’t see a reason for one. 
   “I can sleep on gravel, doll. I’m fine, thank you.” For some reason, his eyes are having a hard time staying on your face but you’re busy walking back into the kitchen to notice. 
“If you’re hungry make anything, I’m going grocery shopping in two days anyway.” Tossing the popsicle back into the freezer, you lean against the counter and watch him. It’s a little staring contest you have going on. His eyelashes are nice, real pretty boy-esque. 
The silence and tension in the apartment is broken by four rapid knocks to the front door followed by a worried: “(Y/n)?”
“Gina,” You tell Jason as he’s already off of the couch and halfway to the front door by the time you stand up straight. When you walk up behind him you pause, when did he have time to grab a gun? But he’s looking through the peephole before looking back to you and holding up two fingers. You almost laugh, this isn’t some military operation; just a… friend? at your door. 
“Please,” Gina says through the door. “We just— K wants to apologize,” Huffing, you look at Jason who’s standing behind the door, one hand on the top lock. He truly doesn’t want to unlock it, but it’s your apartment. Your call. 
   “Says who?” K snaps, his voice a lot more muffled than hers is. 
   “You’re going to fucking apologize.” She snaps right back. 
He raises an eyebrow and you nod to the door against your better judgment. He unlocks the door and stands in front of them, really standing over them with his damn height, the arm holding the gun hidden behind the door. You can basically hear Gina pause when she sees him. 
“Who are you?” Gina asks, looking him up and down. 
   “A friend.” He answers simply and then looks over to you. “Your friend is here.” 
“Thanks, Jay.” You smile and usher him into your bedroom with two quick glances. “Gina,” You greet a little harshly as you stand at the door. “Kyle.” You look at him for only a second. 
   “It’s K.” He corrects. 
“Can we come in?” She asks, stepping forward. “I explained everything to K and he’s sorry.” She looks back at him and he’s just standing there with this stupid look on his face. 
   “Is he?” You ask, looking at Kyle. “Because when he was screaming: I knew you weren’t a fag; I’m gonna cut your dick off; stop running bitch; and since you wanna pretend you’re a fag come and taste our dicks he just didn’t seem real sorry.” She cringes, he hadn’t said that part through the yelling they were doing. 
“I don’t wanna lose you,” She places a hand on the door, not that you were planning on closing it just yet. “Let us in and he’ll apologize.” Sighing, you look at her and frown. Between not even texting to see if you’re okay and then coming over with the audacity to think that a fucking apology would smooth things over, you were peeved. 
   “You’re losing one of us tonight. Him or me.” She takes a step back and frowns, her eyebrows knitting as your words settle in her. But at that moment, you knew the friendship was over. It shouldn’t ever take that long for an answer like that. 
“(Y/n), he’s sorry!” She almost shouts, shouting as if you had given her this impossible task. You want to reply, you want to yell, and to get into it then and there. But it’s no use. Your neighbors are sleeping, you’re tired, and far from a mood where you want to interact with them. As such, you close the door and put the locks back on. 
She shouts some things from the other side but you’re not listening as you enter your bedroom. 
Jason was standing right next to the door, startling you. If he hadn’t been so close you wouldn’t have seen him in the darkness. 
“Is that a requirement for vigilantes?” You ask, clutching your chest in an exaggeration. “Y’all are fucking spooky,” Tossing yourself onto your bed, you stare up at him. 
“She’s still at the door,” He ignores the comment on his family business once again. Instead, his eyes trained on your front door, watching and waiting to see what their next move is going to be. You hope for their sake it’s leaving because his hand is still on the safety of his gun. 
   “Not like they can get in,” You shrug, laying flat on your back. “I never give my key to anyone and it takes a full round of bullets to break the door.” 
“You know that how?” He asks, setting his gun down on the dresser. 
   “Last year my neighbor's crazy ex tried to break in but the door didn’t budge.” 
“Of course,” His head dips back into the bedroom, watching you. “Sleep, I’ll be in the living room.” 
“Okay,” Turning your head to look at him, you grin. “If you get nightmares, the bed is free.” Patting the empty space, Jason rolls his eyes with a grin and leaves the room. “Your gun?” You call after him, staring at the handgun still on your dresser. 
   “I have two more!” He calls back. 
“How the fuck?” But he doesn’t answer. 
The next morning you wake up to the sound of the front door closing. It stirs you, really, but you’re lucid enough to realize that hey, either Jason treated you like a one-night stand or someone had broken in. 
Sitting up in the bed, you collect yourself for a moment and grab his gun on your way out. While you’re surely not as keen as Jason is, you like to think you’re observant enough. The door is locked again, so you figure he didn’t leave and someone didn’t break in. 
“Jason?” You turn the corner to the kitchen and see him standing with a bag of Ihop, staring at you as if he’d gotten caught stealing from the cookie jar. 
   “Good morning,” His eyes flicker to the gun as you set it on the counter. A part of him is proud that you were hesitant enough to bring the gun with you. “I got breakfast.” 
“Aw,” You grin. “Post hate crime meal!” 
“That’s an insane sentence,” He tells you, unpacking what he had gotten. “I didn’t know what you’d like, so I got you blueberry pancakes, french toast, eggs, and bacon. And the orange juice,” He places two boxes and a large cup of orange juice in front of you, then the straw. But you’re just focused on the fact that you know for a fact that wasn’t a random order. You’d posted about that exact order once before. Maybe a month or so ago. 
   “Oh,” You hum, looking at the food and then at him. “That’s sweet. Thank you.” He hums back, dropping the bag down to the floor, and takes his food. He’d gotten strawberry pancakes, hash browns, an omelet, and a coffee. 
Now you feel bad for not having a coffee table. 
“Wanna watch something while we eat?” You point your thumb toward the living room and he nods. 
While in the middle of watching Breaking Bad, you get up to set the empty containers in the sink and the cup in the trash while Jason watches. He doesn’t really know what to do, he wants to sleep, having stayed up the entire night in case anything happened but he’s enjoying his time with you. Even if the circumstances were… less than ideal. 
“Do you work today?” He asks when you’re walking back. 
   “Depends if my sister calls out,” Sitting, you turn your body to look at him. “I work Wednesday through Sunday, most weeks, at least.” 
“Are you going to make the report?” He also turns his body to you, watching as you toss your head back and sigh. 
   “Probably not,” You admit, looking back at him. “It’s more effort than I care to do,” He blinks, clearly disappointed but he’s not going to push. 
   “You should carry a weapon.” Jason’s not really asking, he’s telling you. “How good are you with a gun?” 
“Not sure,” 
“You bought a gun without training for it?” He asks, slowly as if he’s waiting for you to correct him and tell him that you actually go to the gun range in your free time. 
   “My dad got me it when I moved out.” You shrug, feeling a little ashamed because now he’s looking at you like you’re insane. “He said I needed protection and he doesn’t believe in mace or tasers.” 
“Clearly you do!” He throws his hand up towards the door. “We’re going to the gun range today.” 
“Jay!” You groan, nudging his leg with your foot. He grabs it and slides you down the couch. “I’m fine.” He just hums and leans over you, it doesn’t do much. Aside from shutting you up. 
He’s staring at you, his eyes unwavering from yours while you can’t seem to settle on where to look. It’s making you nervous— he’s making you nervous. The proximity isn’t the biggest issue, no the issue is the fact that you don’t mind that he’s above you, his hand right next to your head, and for fucks sake his breathing is even. 
“You’re going.” 
Weirdly enough, the shooting range wasn’t in some building. No, Jason had decided to drive the hour's ride to a private lot. While normally you don’t agree to be in the middle of butt fuck nowhere without your own means of leaving, you were willing to bend your rules this one time. 
He has you help with setting up the cans and the body dummies, which are incredibly lifelike. A little creepy, but whatever floats his boat, you guess. He also puts up a new target sheet on a metal wall before he returns to hand you a handgun and ear mufflers. 
“Don’t hold it like that,” He blinks as you’re pointing the gun directly at your foot. You’re not a fool, you’ve played a couple of shooter games before. 
   “The safety is on,” You justify but point it toward the ground instead. Just to keep him happy. He just sighs and grabs his own gun, pointing it toward the dummy. 
“Stand like this,” He watches you from the corner of his eye as you mimic his stance. It’s a little uncomfortable but very technical. “A little straighter.” Fixing your posture he nods and drops his stance to adjust your grip on the gun. He takes your hands and adjusts them appropriately. “It’s not accurate for beginners, but I learned this way.” He explains as he steps behind you and lowers himself to your height. It’s hard when you’re not the same six foot-five that he is, but that’s neither here nor there. 
With his line of sight that is the same as yours, he raises your hands a little higher and a little to the left. You trust his judgment, you’re no fool on how accurate Red Hood is with his guns. 
It's silent, so silent that you can hear him breathing even through the heavy earmuffs. Whether you like it or not, you start to stop focusing on the task at hand and on him. He smells like your soap, too. It’s a little too domestic for the setting you’re in. 
“Take it off of safety,” He instructs, taking two steps away. Doing as he says, you want to roll your shoulders back but you’re worried you’d lose the position. “Go ahead.” His arms cross as he stares ahead at the dummy and you catch the flex of muscle under his shirt. 
Adjusting yourself as lowkey as you can, you close one eye and press the trigger. It's harder than you would’ve thought, giving you only a moment to back out. Following through, you let the recoil push you back a little before looking at the dummy. It didn’t hit the center of the head, instead grazing over the ear. 
“Close,” Jason looks over at you as you’re rubbing your shoulder but stops when you catch him looking at you. “Again?”
“I mean,” One of your friends, Tasha, takes a long sip of her drink. “None of us wanted to say anything but Gina is a bitch.” Frowning, you push around your food with the back of your fork. What was supposed to be your friend group's monthly putting ended up becoming a major therapy session when they noticed that Gina wasn’t there. 
   “Yeah,” Dante gives you a sort of frown sort of smile. “But you’d been friends with her for longer than us, so it wasn’t really our place.” 
“It’s crazy that it took her boyfriend trying to kill me to realize that, though.” It felt a bit weird, she’d always been in your life, and before the whole incident, you never would’ve thought you’d be without her. But life was the same, if not better with her gone. You didn’t realize how much you didn’t need her until now and honestly, you’re just upset it didn’t happen sooner.
Especially considering all of your other friends didn’t like her. 
“Speaking of,” Alex cranes her neck to look at you. “Who’s Jason?” She grins as your eyes narrow. You’re not one to divulge about your life, especially over text. 
   “How do you know about him?” Setting your fork down, she snorts before digging back into her meal. 
   “Girl, I was the Uber Eats driver.” She explains and looks to the others who are clearly out of the loop. “My first order of the day, some guy named Jason with a blank profile. Whatever, right? I pick up the Ihop order— he knows your taste, cute.” She quickly adds. “And then, I get the address. I’m just thinking (Y/n) created a fake profile. Nah, bro!” She covers her mouth to stop her laughing and to stop any potential food from flying out of her mouth. 
“I knock and this tall guy with this hot face scar opens the door. If he would’ve asked I would’ve taken the tip,” And she didn’t mean money. 
“Clearly he already did!” Dante cackles, watching as you drown yourself in the soda you’d ordered. The others laugh while you have to do damage control. 
“Jay’s a friend who happened to be in the neighborhood when Kyle was chasing me,” The three look at each other, ever aware of the fact that you’re staring at your plate while talking. They just assume the friend part is a lie. “And he spent the night. On the couch.” You add, looking at each of them to make sure that they understand. 
  “And ordered you breakfast in bed. And he left a hundred-dollar tip,” Alex swirls her pasta around her fork while the others gape at the news. 
   “Oh girl,” Tasha looks over at you. “He got a sister?” 
“Too young for your old ass!” You laugh while she pretends to be offended. “His sisters are nineteen and eighteen.” You wondered if you should add Barbra to his list of family. But you think she’s more of an acquaintance than family. But you could be wrong. 
   “You know his family?” Tasha’s eyebrows furrow. 
   “I know of his family. Never met that before.”
“Ah, waiting for the one-year mark?” Alex nods as if she had caught the drift you are trying to get at. 
   “Oh my god,” Rolling your eyes, you lean back in your seat. 
“What? You’re acting like you’re not attracted to that man. He’s fine as hell!” Alex pushes her hair behind her ear as she talks. “Might have to revoke your gay card.” 
“I never said that, it’s just…” Rubbing your hands on your pants, your face scrunches. “He could be straight.” Now, you weren’t going to deny the fact that Jason was attractive. He was the embodiment of your personal preferences, but you were a chronic overthinker with these sorts of things. To the point where it needs to be spelled out for you to get any hints. 
“He got you breakfast in bed.” Dante sounds out each word, putting an equal amount of extra emphasis on it. Just to make sure it really sinks in. 
   “I did that for you guys before!” You defend. 
    “Fine— fine, how do you know him?” Tasha asks and the others nod, happily awaiting your response. 
“He comes into the shop every Sunday. He’s been coming for about four years, give or take.” You shrug and they blink at each other. This is why you’re still single. 
    “Isn’t he the one that bought you Five Guys last month?” Dante is now physically turned to you, his eyes wide and you grumble. You never told them about that. 
   “You’re lying,” Alex cackles. “That’s your man and you don’t wanna admit it. Five guys is expensive.” 
“How about this?” Dante rolls his hand before you can even reply to Alex. “If one of Tasha’s friends got her an expensive lunch without asking, showed up to her job every single shift for four years, stayed with her after a traumatic night, got her breakfast, and didn’t leave until she was truly safe; how much platonic energy does that give you?” 
“Not a lot, but—“
“Nah,” Dante holds your hands as he speaks. “I love you, so don’t take this the wrong way but you’re stupid as fuck. He wants you.”
“He wants the books I sell. And my friendship.”
“He wants to spread something other than pages.” He shakes his head and you snort. “Ask him out, if he says no. Then I owe you a grand.”
“You don’t have a grand.” You deadpan and he nods. 
   “I’m so sure he’ll say yes that I’m making that bet.”
“Fine,” You huff. “But if this ruins my friendship you all owe me lunch for a month.” Surprisingly, they all agree and you settle on asking him on the upcoming Sunday. So, the very next day. 
“Why are your friends watching you?” Your sister asks as she walks behind you to grab one of the display books and swap it for a different one. 
   “Don’t worry about them,” You mutter, too busy watching the window; waiting for the motorcycle to stop in front of the store. She notices, of course, and stands behind you before deciding it was time to take her break and join your friends upstairs. 
Eventually, you see his motorcycle pull up and sigh, fixing your apron but stop when you hear them snickering. This whole situation was stupid, that’s what you’ve decided. But you’ve made your bed, it was time to lie in it. 
Jason walks in, his eyes immediately finding yours but you’re busy ringing someone up. He grabs the basket from the front of the shop and walks around the shop until he sees the line is gone. 
“Jay,” You grin, holding onto the counter. 
   “(Y/n),” His eyes focus on your hands for a second before he grabs a chocolate from the basket. Glancing at your friends, you fix your posture and reassure yourself. “Anything new?” Typically, you’d already be talking about what’s new but there’s just this hanging silence. 
“Nah,” You shake your head but still double-check the inventory log. “But we’re getting some um… science fiction stuff next week.” He’s not too big on those, maybe once in a blue moon he’ll actually buy one. He goes to talk but your phone dings before he can open his mouth. Watching as you grab your phone, your eyes scan over a text before you huff and silence it. 
“I heard about…” You trail into a whisper. “The Riddler kidnapping, you okay?” Not the best way to lead into asking someone out, but hey. Could’ve been worse. 
   “I’m fine,” He nods. “Arms a little sore but I’ll live.” 
“Long enough to go on a date with me?” You ask, a bit quicker than you intended but thankfully your words haven’t jumped up. He laughs, his eyes closing and you falter, glancing up at your friends for some type of support. 
   “That was a bold transition,” He settles himself down. “When are you free?”
“Oh shit, for real?” You grin. “I’m free Monday. Or whenever you are, really. My shifts are pretty flexible,” 
“I’ll pick you up Monday,” 
“I asked you on the date,” You huff. “I’m picking you up.” He crosses his arms and his eyes lower into a sort of unamused expression. 
   “You’ll pick me up, from Gotham?” He asks, just to make sure you know what you’d be signing up for. Truthfully, you hadn’t. And as such, you weigh your options— you don’t even have a car to offer to pick him up in. Damn. 
    “Fine, Monday at eight.” Giving in, he nods and glances around the shop. 
   “I don’t need a book today, see you tomorrow.” He looks you up and down, this time you watch as his eyes slowly drag down and tilt your head. 
“Looking like you already wanna kiss me, Jay.” You joke as his eyes reach yours again. 
   “Since you offered.” He grins and sneaks one single kiss that lasts less than a second. 
“I get off in thirty,”
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martyrsex · 7 months
Jason Todd x female reader
Summary: You pissed him off more than anyone else in the world. With your killing, with the dirty job you do. The truth is, you asked for what was coming for you. And he was more than happy to deliver.
Warnings: SHORT SMUT (it's not super long.) dirty talk, degradation, very mean Jason
Disclaimer: english is NOT my first language, so probably there are mistakes. Feel free to correct me.
Your heels collide against the floor of your apartment. It was a nice place — expensive, full of luxuries that you were able to provide yourself with. You were proud of yourself, really. Accomplishing so much in such a little age. You know how people see you. How your friends perceive you. A rich heir, a daddy’s girl. Little do they know you are your own daddy, or whatever the phrase is. It doesn’t matter.
Little do they know that you kill people for a living. You’re such a sweet girl. So polite and happy. You snicker, thinking about the idiots the surround you. None of them realize your little disfarce. They think you truly are the innocent, charming little girl that makes everyone love her. It’s almost irritating, how nobody ever sees the real you. They don’t seem to realize the person behind the smile, the killer behind the delicate body.
You grab a cigarette, lightning while sipping a Blue Label from an elegant glass of whiskey. Observing Gotham lights from your giant window, that extends from your feet towards the roof. Your office, inside your penthouse apartment. Today, today was a good day. Today you deserved a Blue Label. Nothing more; it wasn’t good enough for a Macallan Valerio 1926, even if you do have the bottle. But it was good enough for a Blue Label.
So you drink, and appreciate the view of Gotham. Gotham, that provides you with so much opportunities. It’s not a city for everyone. Hell, it isn’t the best city for almost anyone. But for you? Gotham was perfect just as it is. Dirty, rough and wicked.
Today is going to be a good night, you think. You couldn’t know how right you were.
Finally. He was finally able to track where that bitch lives. Jason is not one that usually delivers those kind of offensive words towards women. In reality, that’s his line. He is okay with murder, hell, he is one, but misogyny is the line for him. But you. You deserve every single bad word he can thinks of. He despises you.
Six months ago, a bunch of killings started to happen in the higher classes of Gotham. Entrepreneurs being killed at cold blood, for no clear reason. Then, his own targets started to come down too. The crime lords, the drug lords, the sex traffickers, all coming down, one by one. He thought it was a good thing. Someone else is also doing the job. He didn’t felt jealous his targets were being taken down by other hands. Hell, he was happy.
But those who remained, the criminals that remained, those weren’t being taken down. They were growing, expanding their business. And then he thought they would be over too, if not by his hands, by the hands of whoever that was ending everyone with such ability. But it wasn’t the case. He realized, maybe too late, that there were specific man who had protection.
With a quick research of his own, asking the right questions at the right contacts, he found out. It wasn’t a vigilante who was ending the criminals or the business man. It was a hired assassin.
And he knew he had to take you down when you started killing innocent people for money. When it wasn’t just the douchebags anymore. It was just rich people, being killed because your clients wanted to take over the money or the business. Does he have a huge amount of sympathy for rich snobs? No. But an innocent is an innocent. And he wasn’t letting that slide.
But you had a pattern, he realized. No women or children. Those were not killed. Mostly, your victims were rich, white man. It doesn’t make it any less worst for Jason. Well, maybe a little, but even so, he needs to take you down. But what really pissed him off is not the work you do. What pisses him off the most is how your always, always one step ahead of him.
But not anymore. He was finally able to track your home, after three months of search. Gotham is a huge city, and you hid your tracks so well he didn’t even know your name till now. He never saw your face. He just knows you’re a woman. And now, where you live. Well, he expects he is right about it, because if he isn’t, he’s going to invade an extremely wealthy apartment and that might cause problems.
So he just hopes his informants were right.
You were inside your bathtub, big enough for ten people, reading a deliciously smutty book and drinking red wine. You didn’t have much time for romance in your life, unfortunately. So you read books, that deliver you a tingling sensation in the pit of your stomach. Your hair was up in a bun, showing your elegant features.
Jason enters the apartment through the window of one of the living rooms. The sight of the luxurious apartment, bought with the blood of innocent people, disgusted him. He stepped carefully, observing the surroundings. The light was off. Maybe you were out working or attending to a ball. He knew you did that a lot. He gets into one of the corridors, and realizes there is no one in this floor. But there is stairs in the end of the corridor, and he goes up to the second floor.
The second floor is just as big as the first, and every light is off. He enters inside another living room. No — a library. Then at a second kitchen, a cinema room, and a lot of another stupid luxuries that he didn’t give a shit about. But there is a room he didn’t check already, and he opens the door. Big bed. A piano inside the room. More walls filled with books and paintings. Very elegant, cozy.
He notices then, a small light coming from under a door. He grabs his gun, and with no second thought, opens the door forcefully, making it slam on the wall. He points the gun at you, that is still inside the ridiculously big bathtub, full of bubbles. You close your book and stares at him, and then he stares at you, and for one second Jason truly believes he is in the wrong place, because there is no way a woman with that face could be a hired killer.
But then you smile. “Jason Todd. Came here to join me?”
A chill runs down his spine. How the fuck did you know about his identity? He tries not to demonstrate how shaken he is by your revelation.
“Get out of the tub. Hands up in the air where I can see.” He says, his voice cold. It sends a chill down your spine.
“That’s not a proper way to treat a lady, you know. I’d like some privacy.” You say, voice sweet like venom.
“Pity. Hands up.” He insists on the matter, gripping his gun tighter, his finger on the trigger. This woman is dangerous and he knows it. A single moment of inattention, she can end him like a snake.
You chuckle, and stands up, the bubbles and foam running down your exposed body. You step cautiously out of the tub, not really mind the fact that he could see your whole body in full display. Your mind is worried with a different thing: just how the hell you will get out of this situation.
You could kill him, yes. It would be harder than your usual target, but you both are inside of your home. He’s in your territory. Even if he’s the one holding the gun, you still have the upper hand; you just need to distract him enough to catch one of your daggers.
But the truth is, you don’t really wanna kill him. Yes, he’s been a pain in the ass the last six months. But he was a good man. You respected that, eve if you’re not good yourself.
"At least be a gentleman and handle me that towel." You say, pointing at the towel hanging close to where Jason stands. He thinks for a moment. Maybe it's a trick. But you are indeed naked, and he feels a little bad exposing a woman at an arrest while being completely naked.
So he turns around slightly to grab the towel, and that's all the time you need to burst running through the bathroom door. As soon as he realizes he curses loudly and goes after you, but you already caught a dagger that was in a counter.
He thinks about shooting you, that would make it all easier. But something inside his guts doesn't allow him to. So he keeps pointing at you, a dagger in your hand, and you're ready to strike.
The chill of the cold air makes shivers run down your naked body. you're still dripping wet, the bun now undone, your hair falling down till it's complete length.
Jason catches his breath. You were beautiful. He was working though, no time to get distracted by skin. Even if it is the most perfect thing he ever seen.
"Drop the weapon and get into your knees. Or I'll shoot." He says, coldly.
"I wouldn't shoot me if I were you. You'll create enemies I don't think you're interested in." You reply, and you're not bluffing.
You're crazy, he realizes. To burst towards him while he is holding a gun. He missed, yes, but he could have shot you accidentally is some vital place, and he doesn't want that either. You're nuts.
"On your knees. Now." He says, almost barking. Before he can say anything else, you strike forward. He shoots, but misses. In the meantime, you are able to draw a deep cut in his arm.
He hisses at the cut in his forearm, and you're about to deliver another one to his chest, but he grabs your wrist , shoving you against the wall. He is physically stronger than you, so you'll need to get out of the situation in another way.
"Be fucking quiet." He says, when you open your mouth to say something. You smirk, staring at him.
He can't help but feel attracted towards you, completely bare against that wall, his hand holding your wrists upon your hand. He looks at you and an urge to fuck you right there gets him.
Because he hate you, he really does. Even more now that you managed to play him for a fool. He hates you, and he hates that you're so hot, so tempting. He hates that he can't help but stare at your tits, or notice how small you look compared to him, and how tight you would be.
And he hates it even more because he knows he can't.
"You want me, don't you?" You say, noticing his silence. It's just a whisper. But you have a smile on your face. And then he knows, you want it too.
But you're still a damn assassin who needs a lesson. And he's glad to give it to you.
He grabs your hair, and with force shoves you into the ground, on your knees in front of him. You frown, looking up at his face. You try to stand up again, but he point the gun at you.
"Stay quiet." He says, his voice breathy. God, is he really going to do this? Yeah. Fuck it. He can see it in your eyes. You desire him too.
So with his other hand he starts to undo his belt, letting in fall on the floor. He opens his zipper, and without shame or regret he pulls his cock out, pumping slowly.
Your eyes widened. Okay. This wasn't what you were expecting, but it's way better than be arrested. So you go for it.
You open your lips, inviting him. He doesn't lose time, shoving his whole length down your throat, making you gag. He still points a gun to your head with one hand, the other moving your head, his balls hitting your chin every single time.
"Fuck- you should quit your job as an assassin, ya know? You're way better like this." He says, mockingly. You get irritated, and tries to push him away to do some snarky comment, but he pulls you into his hips again, making you close your eyes.
You relax your jaw and your throat, and lets him facefuck you. He grunts, you gag, and you don't know for how long the whole ordeal went, but suddenly he grabbed your hair again and pulled you up, his cock slipping out of your mouth with a pop.
"Turn around." He says, harshly.
"Fuck off-" you try to say, even when you feel your legs trembling at his hot, dominant tone.
He scoffs, the sound lightly different because of his mask, and with a pull on your arm makes you turn around. He grabs your ass and open it, kneeling behind you, observing your pussy.
"You're wet. Pathetic slut." He says, and stands up again. He doesn't waste time and shoves himself inside of you, making you moan softly. He was so big, and the stretch was so painfully delicious.
He starts to fuck you like you're a toy, not slowing down and not really giving a damn about your pleas. He grabs your throat, forcing your back against his chest, your breasts tightly pressed against the wall.
"Shut your mouth and take it like the good whore you are." He says in your ear, making irritation grow inside of you. You try to think about something clever to say back to him, anything really, but you can't.
All you can think about is how he hits all the sweet spots inside of you, making you squirm. He slaps your ass, grip tight in your throat.
"God- slow down-" You manage to say.
"Shh. I said for you to be quiet and take it." He says, slapping you again, harder this time.
He gets out of you, and throws you on the bed. You try to create some distance between you two, but he grabs your ankle and pulls you back into him. Not giving you time to think before he slaps your abused cunt.
You let out a little scream, trying to close your legs. No point in it. He forces them open, observing the wet mess that you are.
"Maybe I won't arrest you, after all. Maybe I should keep you to myself. As my personal slut. What do you think?" He whispers, and puts his dick back into you. You moan, unable to respond, too focused in getting fucked.
His hips slam against you, reaching a point so deep no one ever reached before.
"Jason- oh God-" You say, hands going to his shoulders, bringing him closer.
He chuckles, one hand going between your bodies to pinch your clit. You arch your back at the soft pain, moaning.
"You like that? You like being fucked like a whore?" He asks, giving you a little slap on the face. It's not hurtful, just a reminder of who is in charge.
And you find yourself nodding, too lost in the pleasure.
The pleasure is like a wave, with each thrust of his hips you find yourself moaning louder, almost shouting his name. He takes his mask off, and kisses you, his tongue invading your mouth and tasting your lips.
He moves positions again, putting you on all fours. It keeps going for a long time, your eyes rolling up your skull, one of his hands on your ass and the other one grabbing your hair, pulling your head backwards.
"Fuck- you're tight for a whore-" He says, chuckling.
"That's because I'm- oh- I'm not one!" You say, irritated.
"Oh, you don't like me calling you a whore? What about my little whore? Sounds better?"
You clench around him, because yes, it does sounds better. He notices and chuckles again, a little breathy, but still able to talk.
"That's what I thought."
After everything, he did actually arrest you. He gave you time to put your clothes on, the gun always pointed. But it doesn't matter. You'll be free in two days, and you both know that.
And Jason finds himself... excited about the thought of your freedom.
the smut was a little shorter than what I planned, but I intend on doing more of this type of fics. with more smut. hehe.
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eldritchdreamss · 6 months
I have a thought about Reverse Robins au
Basically I saw something about how Reverse Robins is just Robins with their names changed, so Damian has Dick's personality, Tim has Jason's and so on. Something else I'd like to point out is that most of the time they still all had used the name Robin which...I don't think they would have? If I remember correctly (Which I might not be so please correct me if I'm wrong), Robin was originally used because it was a nickname that Dick's mother had used for him which is one of the reasons why Dick gets so pissed at Bruce in one of their fights about Jason taking over the mantle.
With that being said I think that tension about being replaced wouldn't be as prevalent as it is in these fics, at least not in the sense of "Robin" but as siblings. I realize "replaced" isn't the right way to describe this in more of a sibling dynamic, what mean is when siblings get jealous of each other(typically of the younger siblings) when the attention of the parent/s moves off them, if that makes any sense.
Something else the post I saw pointed out was that we never see Steph, Duke, or Cass in these fics and like...why don't we??? It's almost like they don't exist at all, or maybe people are just forgetting about them because they're "not Robins"(even though Steph was Robin at one point but I won't get into that here).
One thing that I'd like to put out there; why is it just the robins/batfam being reversed? I'd love to see the other teams being reversed as well, superman, flash and arrow for example. Idk, I just think it'd be interesting if we branched out a bit to other families/teams with this same concept. I will say it is interesting to see Reversed Robins interacting with each others teams in the fics that branch out to it.
I guess that's one of my main things though, similar to the post I saw(which unfortunately I'm unable to find again) is that it's just the Robins..with their names being switched but keeping the personalities of the original order. I would love to see the dynamic change with the actual characters changing. Yes, Damian becomes the oldest and Dick becomes the youngest, but they're still Dick and Damian; two completely different characters with their own issues that wouldn't change to be like the other just because the order of their ages have changed. The same goes for Jason and Tim.
Idk, I just think that there are so many things that could be done in this au that isn't being taken advantage of. If they wouldn't be called Robin what would their names be, and if the order they're taken in by Bruce and their ages changed how would that affect their dynamic and their stories? Would their stories be changed drastically or would they stay relatively the same with only a few minor changes for it to make sense? Obviously there are parts that are integral to their character that can't/shouldn't be changed without changing the character too much, how would people work around that? How would their relationships with the people around them change, even if they're the only ones who's ages are being switch around or not? Again, there are so many things that could be done to make it more interesting in my opinion.
All this to say, I do love the Reverse Robins Au, I just wish people would take a little more creative liberty with it. I also would like to know other peoples thoughts on this as well.
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vermillioncrown · 1 month
This is going to be a huge post because you've picked up so much of what we put down I'm just 🥰🥹
@sunshinerotting replied to your post “(@rozaceous) dpnf ch 11: housebroken”:
will be rereading immediately but i love your guys’ characters very much and the way you write the canon characters makes so much sense. the way the people in that house interact with each other is so interesting to me because if tim was actually the normal boy he thinks he is the entire balance would be thrown off. no one else could’ve done what he does in that dynamic. they’re like a jigsaw puzzle to me. i have more thoughts give me a sec
thank you so much! roz and i keep joking that this fic is now an au of an au of an au of an au... and on and on, and then it's like. what makes this still a fic and not a fully original setting and work? we had to sell readers on a lot, that these characters (outside of our SIs) were still some flavor of canon. especially, "who is the core of tim drake?" and yeah, he's so not fucking normal. but he's not obviously wacky, either.
​out of order now i don’t remember chapter numbers: when jason showed up like a huge asshole i texted my friend about it. very much “he WOULD fucking do that but by god is it PISSING ME OFF” and it was!! love that genuinely. might not be what was intended but i do think he IS odd and sad and unable to move through the cycle of grief fully enough to show back up like a haunting and not expect it to get to allie like that. zero ability to understand how loved he is. 10/10 more...
GAH to know you texted abt our fic!!!! 🥹🥹🥹 best praise tbh. and the second sell: how is jason an asshole but worth rooting for later? or at least, allowed into the enclosure lol. we might not have had it summarized as neatly as you did, but roz and i are in full agreement you Read jason here. that's exactly what we wanted, that's so much of what we take from his character in various canons.
allie reminds me of a bobcat which feels weird to say but she’s so nonthreatening outwardly and she minds her business but the second someone steps in on her people it’s like Oh. oh right. teeth and claws. when jason showed back up i felt so much for her. there was no way for her to move. korvin acts in ways similar to me, which i will examine on my own time and not in your comments. i do love how everyone in this house has their own preferred flavor of Avoidance
you also have such a read on allie, i love it. i'll leave her to roz but i'll say my piece that i sometimes get bummed that korvin's so obviously wacky + a lot of gender stuff at play (the audience/demographic of ff readers, we live in a society and all that) that make more ppl focus on korvin over allie whereas they're both equally wack. and korvin's behavior makes the most sense when taken as a convoluted male re-socialization of someone initially female-socialized but rewarded in a male-dominated space. AND both of them are AuDHD, word of god putting that out there. add on the isekai brainworms, and yeah, isekai is just an extended analogy for masking → hence the different flavors of avoidance
tim is somehow the most well-adjusted in this regard, before jason shows up maybe, and thats so crazy. tim drake. Tim Drake ????comparatively well-adjusted to anyone ??? i know i’m forgetting something so i’ll come back but writing that down genuinely through me off a little bit. lol
you also recognize that jason ranks above tim in "well-adjusted" here, god, how does it feel to be so correct. and tim is well-adjusted here! he's never had to be a vigilante! but he's also much lonelier than in canon. something that made retrospective sense while we were writing is that he fell out of liking ball sports (despite not being a desk nerd) is that...who does he have to enjoy them with in this au?
threw not through. anyway I FORGOT ABOUT RUTABAGA. I AM SO SORRY RUTABAGA. the amount of love between the characters is so important to me bc it’s always there no matter how fucked the bats are about showing it normally. the brownstone does end up feeling like a safe space like it somehow feels so easy most of the time and then when tangential forces (sorry dick) show up it’s like the air changes. but allie and korvin and tim all have such Personalities its insane it works out like that.
RUTIE BEST GIRL, forgiven lol. YES YES YES there is so much love and it's like, the love doesn't stop you from doing the work. the bats are so fucked up, and we only get a glimpse of dick and korvin's relationship where you can see the maladapted consequences on both of their parts, dick not being fully equipped to "raise" korvin and korvin wanting to be easy/convenient for dick. and korvin's deep-seated not-abandonment issues tied with family and cultural trauma/burden.
(i still stand by the "good older brother dick grayson" tag, he's just. oh there's a lot. if you read between the lines there's so much being implied for TPAC)
but having allie in this 'verse, allie and korvin together ground each other. that's why they're so co-dependent in the beginning (it's healthier at the end), that's why they still had the wherewithal to seek an outside friend, and yes, that is why the brownstone is like that. their place that they made with their own hands.
obviously jason was an issue initially (it felt redundant to write that sentence) but he’s such a necessary part of them by being 1) necessary to allie and 2) the catalyst allie and korvin needed to end up where they are. i do think ppl that important to each other need one big unavoidable conflict to avoid stagnation like obviously he was a necessary part of the story but he was a Necessary Part Of The Story. does this make sense?? four strand braid.
AND YES DUDE you literally. we were writing this and we had the vibe, but we literally did not articulate it to each other until the very end that jason's actually necessary to make all of them normal. i love everything you're saying about needing one unavoidable conflict to resolve. he is part of a four strand braid. it's so strong. it's critical. korvin still finds jason annoying and vice versa. and yet they'd both say the household contains all of them by the end.
i just like that they start off alone and end up together. that’s my thing. jigsaw puzzle. polycule of all time. i can’t think of a way in which another person would ever get that close to them the dynamics are so perfect to me. every need is accounted for. its like a perfect little box in my mind. i think thats it for now lol i’m happy you guys write together. not just bc i love it but also bc it’s so clear u guys have fun doing it and that makes me happy <3
WE MADE IT. it's one thing to prescribe "hey guys this is a polycule" but selling it? the logistics of a polycule? not so easy, and it has to be tailored to the situation and characters. not all of them are romantically/sexually involved, nor do they have straight-forward relationships (hence, qpr), so having you say it fits and they seem seamless is like. top tier praise. coherence, it's everything we've aimed for.
thank you for all of your thoughts! we do have tons of fun and that's why we love sharing what we have! and we hope to keep doing projects like this, or we'll just be at each other's side while we work on our individual fics.
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readerwithsalt · 1 year
Rating the Differences In How People Reacted to Nico Saying He Would Not Be Accepted At Camp.
(Btw not a hater on percico, jasico, or solangelo in this post, this is just fact checking lol)
1. Percy
In Battle of the Labyrinth, Nico is 11 years old and Percy is 15. At the end of the book Nico asks:
“do you really think they’ll ever accept me here?”
Percy says nothing. An indication of - No.
Now a lot of people say that since Percy was only a child it’s not his fault that he didn’t try harder to make him stay, but this doesn’t make much sense.
Percy is a teenage camp counselor meant to teach and protect the younger halfbloods. He even calls himself a leader in the camp. In this book he’s gone overboard with trying to find Nico and feeling a large sense of protectiveness over him but doesn’t have that same energy with wanting him to stay at camp and allows this actual child who is eleven, to leave by himself because in Percy’s own words:
‘Nico would have to find his own dark path.’
I realize Nico didn’t feel welcome and brushed Percy off a bit but honestly If my godly parent didn’t have a cabin I wouldn’t have felt welcome either. Percy should’ve petitioned the whole “maybe we should care about other gods besides the olympians” much sooner.
Rating 3/10 (maybe a 4/10)
2. Jason
The first time Nico insinuates that he is not welcome at the camp, he and Jason are on a balcony. This is after Nico’s forced outing and Jason is feeling different towards Nico than previous chapters. He is more protective and feels like he understands Nico a little more.
Jason says things along the lines of:
“maybe you should take a chance and come out of the shadows, it’s better than hiding.”
Nico gets quiet and very angry at the word.
“hiding?” He whispers.
And Jason gets frightened but stands his ground, even when the floor starts cracking under Nico’s pissed off boots. Nico ends up brushing Jason off and says that he’s made his mind up and for the moment Jason decides to not push further.
Until Blood of Olympus. At the end of this book Nico has already decided to give camp another chance (though I’m not quite sure what the difference is between giving camp another chance in this book vs the last Olympian) but Jason runs up to him, ready to give him all he’s got one last time. Pretty much:
“I know you said your leaving but I’ve got to try one more time-“
“I’m staying”
So this proves Jason was not going to force Nico to stay nor tell him camp wouldn’t accept him. But he was still ready to keep this boy at camp since he felt a connection with him, and cared alot, enough to offer his father food and prayers to help Nico.
He didn’t want to stand by and say nothing, nor did he want to gaslight Nico and make him feel dumb for wanting to leave. He respected Nico a lot here, and didn’t make Nico feel like his past experiences meant absolutely nothing….
Rating 10/10
3. Will
When Nico insinuates to Will Solace that he’s leaving bc he won’t be accepted, this is the very first interaction between the pair in the 8 previous books ever.
At first Will is surprised and then gets very angry. He begins telling Nico angrily that no one had ever pushed him away (incorrect) and that he’d completely pushed himself away (not quite correct).
He says Nico would see people want to be his friend if he ‘got out of his brooding cloud’
To say that to Nico, the most traumatized and lonely character in the books, is a slap in the face to the readers and the character. In my opinion.
He gaslights Nico in such an extreme way without even knowing him that it surprised me that some people thought this was ‘cute’. People have pushed Nico away out of fear and stuff. We know this because we’ve been in their heads. We’ve heard the offhand comments.
Will either knows what people say about him (which makes his statement even more rude and hurtful) or he turns a blind eye and pretends not to (even worse).
Some readers say that he only said this because it was true or that Nico needed to hear it but this is simply not true. Will solace is pretty much saying what Jason was but in the worst way possible.
I would have given this character the benefit of the doubt and say ‘hey, maybe he’s grown to understand Nico more’ but after reading a passage in tsats this year, apparently Will still thinks the exact same thing proving he still doesn’t quite respect or understand Nicos past experiences even by the end of tsats and even though he’s been dating Nico about a year….
I wonder if it’s toxic positivity or something….
extra. Hazel.
I just put her in here because she understands Nicos situation the most. They are both children of the underworld and are treated differently at their camps. Although, Rome doesn’t quite have the gated fence community that camp halfblood does (or did). Rome treats Hazel more of like her own person rather than the child of so and so. Camp halfblood seems to see Nico as just his parentage most of the time. Same for the children of minor gods.
So I was pretty surprised at BOO for having Nico try AGAIN at this camp that doesn’t quite deserve him instead of going with his sister to a place that made him feel a bit more welcome (even if Rome calls children of Hades and Neptune bad luck).
Hazel is kind of out of the loop about Nico wanting to leave but let’s be honest, if Nico had really left Hazel would be the first to run after him and make him stay with her lol.
I do believe Nico should have stayed with his favorite person that he cares about the most instead of a random background character that tends to gaslight a bit and a camp that looks at him differently for things he can’t control.
100/10 bc it’s Hazel~
(Also read this new comic about an alternate tsats au on @nove-thee its going to get good I can tell lol.)
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purple-obsidian · 3 months
Your fic and your Ak Jason man, aaaaaauuughhh it's getting the brainrot even harder
I wanted to know your take on your ak Jason with a reader that treats him with the most gentle touch, the sweetest words (probably a reader with a savior complex). Cause I got the picture of Jason being defensive as hell as he feels like some kind of 'healing project' for reader or a charity case
thank you, my dearest anon <3 I am so happy that you enjoy!
i think you’re right, jay would get defensive and possibly angry at reader if he felt like he was being treated like a charity case. he’s very much in a state of mind where he’s trying to restore his dignity [after joker stripped him of it, to put it lightly.] I don’t think jason is the type to care too much about what others think, but he does, at this point, demand respect from his men and reader, even if he doesn’t give respect back. so being coddled or infantalized has the potential of pissing him off.
but in the same breath, i think jason would secretly enjoy being doted on in such a way. in my own au/storyline, i imagine him and reader were dating before he died, but they were like 16 or 17, super young and still in the honeymoon stage. they never really fought a whole lot, every real memory jason has of reader is a good one, filled with the excitement of being desired by someone for the first time and reciprocating love. having reader be extra gentle and accommodating to him and his needs would reinforce that idealized image of her in his head, and make him feel even safer with her.
the reoccurring theme here is the back and forth, the mood swings, the instability of his mental state and ego.
a lot of his reaction would depend on the context. in front of his goons or other criminals, he would be embarrassed and pissed at reader if they were to be all sweet and gentle with him. [in ‘say it back’, I briefly referenced a time where reader told jason she loved him in front of his militia and he just laughed at her, same energy here.]
if they were alone, i think he would tolerate it or even play along until reader said something to set him off. in ‘let go’, we see him stay calm and level-headed while reader is patching him up, but as soon as she challenges him and his way of thinking, he’s triggered and has an extremely emotional response.
i didn’t want portray reader in that ‘savior complex’ way, though. thats one of the struggles for me with doing reader inserts instead of oc’s. for complex storylines like this, it’s hard to not imbue reader with some personality or assume what they would do. but i wanted to show that reader is also very much at war within herself, knowing jason’s treatment of her is wrong but being so in love with him and worried for his well-being that she can’t bring herself to abandon him, even if it would be well within her right to do so.
remember, jason was robin. the best of the best. a shining star among the ever-growing darkness that is gotham. he used to be her hero, everyone’s hero, and she still sees him in that light, and hopes he will find himself, hopes that her love and support will be enough to fill the dark void in his heart. not because she sees herself as his savior, but because she knows jason won’t let anyone else get close to him or help him, and she just wants him to be happy. which is why i am trying to write her as extremely tolerant but still confident enough to challenge him or correct him on things. she wants to remind him who he is, and encourage him to be better. she’s also, of course, somewhat scared of him now too, which brings up a whole other topic. i have another ask in my inbox talking about that so i’ll save it for later.
tldr; having reader be extra gentle and sweet with him would probably confuse his emotions even more, adding to his ups and downs, resulting in more yelling but also open him up to some more moments of vulnerability. deep down he craves such gentleness, but he struggles with allowing himself to accept it because of his deep-seeded insecurities that were exacerbated by jokers torture and manipulation.
thanks for the ask!
xoxo sid
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Omg baby pockets 😩❤️ she holds my heart
Sleepwalking is the only way Bruce could describe it. Your eyes are open, you're moving and speaking, but nothing really seems to penetrate.
He suspected you were on drugs. It wouldn't surprise him. But it did piss him off. His eyes narrowed and as he watched you sleep walk through dinner, it only got worse.
You were maintaining well, whatever you were on. Tim hadn't noticed. But it was clear that Alfred and Dick realized something wasn't right. But then- they had a frame of reference for "normal".
When you excused yourself, pleading homework, Bruce nods and Alfred, while no one was looking, picked up the spoon you had used. Knowing that toxicology could be run from the saliva on it.
Bruce glared at the computer screen. "Well."
"Nothing out of the ordinary?" Alfred asked.
"Nothing illegal," Bruce confirmed. "At least horribly. A little Alcohol, some nicotine, and allergy medication."
"Worrying though."
"Yes," Bruce agreed.
"I already asked him," Alfred said. "He said that she's doing her best."
"I just don't understand," Bruce said. "She was fine two days ago."
"Maybe she's tired," he posited. "She was very... busy."
Bruce frowned. It didn't make sense. But it did. There were a lot of discordant pieces. Things he couldn't get a full picture of. But of course, Nissa- well. He didn't like to think about it, but it was possible that you had the same illness she did. And without knowing who your father was- He sighed. As long as your drug screens came up mostly clean. As long as there wasn't anything too outside "normal" for a kid your age. Or anything he couldn't account for maybe he could get a picture.
The problem was, of course, that you could hide things well. Really well. Your grades were fine. You were keeping up on things- really you were probably the least worrying child in the house. And that... he didn't know what to do with that either.
"I'm sorry," Bruce said, "About your mother."
"Me too," you tell him.
Now that you'd had a medication, your thinking was clearer. And you seemed to have recovered your voice. That was something.
"And I'm sorry," he said, "that I didn't know what to do-"
"That wasn't your job. Not really."
Bruce smiled a little and laid his hand on your head gently. Stroking your hair- something he'd usually only been able to do when you slept. "I shouldn't have said anything until I knew."
"I'm crazy not stupid I knew something was wrong-"
"You're not crazy," Bruce corrected. "You're-"
"Please don't say I'm sick," you sigh. "It's exhausting having people feel bad for you all the time."
"Is that what it feels like?" he asked curiously.
"Sometimes," you tell him. "I hate it. Almost makes me understand why my mom was high all the time. Once you fuck up so much no one cares anymore, at least they stop drowning you in sympathy. At least when they talk down to you you deserve it."
Bruce nodded. It made sense and it didn't. Which- might partly be medicine. Still. You had a voice again. And you were calmed down.
"Where did Jason-"
"He went to go get something to eat while you were out," Bruce explained. "I told him I'd stay-"
"Don't you got goons to beat up?"
"Figured the others could handle it for now," he said simply.
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some-rotten-nest · 1 year
Random DC/DP headcannons bc I can't sleep
Expect many typos
Danny hates storms, especially thunderstorms bc of the lighting cracking in the sky
Danny wears a power cuff like a bracelet that dampens his more violent powers bc he's scared of them (wail, large-scale ice like with undergrowth etc)
In one of his magazines, instead of bullets Jason keeps solid ectoplasm just in case, and so it's not conspicous
In his Phantom form Danny has a streak of black hair where his white usually is
Jason is fright knight (unless it's a Jason-Danny biologically related fic. Ghost Zone law says no one you share blood with (clones included) can become fright knight (but they can join the court and have other ranks))
Danny made a contingency plan against himself and with the help of a sibling (Cass most likely, though she did seem a bit sad) got it on the bat-computer. Password protected so Danny can't get into it. Bruce doesn't know and won't know until/if Danny goes bad. Bruce made a separate one for him.
Tim gets low and non-harmfil doses of ectoplasm in his coffee bc it is like a shit ton of caffeine for a living person. (Yes, some Amity Park drinks have ectoplasm in them too)
Danny asks Bruce, Tim and Lucius for help with Ghost King Shit TM
Duke has to squint when looking directly at ectoplasm (Danny's trying to find some solution but there isn't one)
Jason has a shadow core
Damian got extinct animals from Danny as a birthday gift multiple times (a dodo bird named Delilah, a messenger pigeon names Luke and a splendid posion frog named Ares)
To piss Bruce off, Jason got a pterodactyl he's named Flynn that he takes on patrol. Safe to safe, people get a hella more scared of Red Hood. Bruce hates it but Jason does actually love Flynn and Bruce can't bring himself to take Flynn awya
Danny made a patrol playlist for every member of the bat family and beyond bc he has one for when he goes out as Phantom (they all listen to their playlists and love them)
Before Danny was fully pulled into the family, he'd flinch at Dick's escrima sticks and still catches himself staring the weapon, his heart pounding
Danny found out Captain Marvel was a kid bc while on a mission with him, Captain Marvel pointed out that there was a pirate ship hovering above them and that Danny should probably deal with that. He'd, and any other Amity Parker that overhead, never laughed so badly in his entire life. Billy was never so scared & confused.
Bart and Danny are friends bc Dan had leveled most of the future before the Beatles took over what was left (I'm actually not that sure about Bart's backstory so feel free to correct me if something's wrong here)
Cass and Danny have staring contests alot. Sometimes the others think they've fallen asleep with their eyes open. They didn't.
Danny had a Twitter account for Phantom without Bruce knowing, but when Steph was trying to convince Bruce to let her have one she mentioned it and Danny had to delete it (he has an alt he now posts every embarrassing thing Batman does and has ever done)
Puns. So many puns between Dick & Danny.
Danny mumbles in his sleep
Crows flock to Danny like hungry tigers. Damian's envious but he gets to pet & feed them so it's mostly okay.
GW likes Jason and let's him borrow books whenever he wants to (also any destroyed book ends up with GW but that's a pretty common hc) but Jason has to swear not to give them to Danny. Not that Danny wants them.
Duke is helping Tucker out with studies and Tucker Duke with tech. Technus sometimes shows up too to help.
Johnny and Jason are dEAD bffs
Sam and Babs get on like a house on fire
Talia met Danny and they're actually friendly to each other. Sure, she's trying to trick Danny into giving her his throne, but Danny knew that and wasn't about to let that happen
Danny will randomly punch his siblings, smirk, then bow and say "my leige" and run away. The sibling now has the crown and is chasing to punch Danny back because honestly fuck that
Constantine is slightly terrified of Danny and Bruce uses it like a threat-- "John, if you don't answer, Danny will contact you." It works like a charm
When too excited, Danny and Jason will start talking in Ghost speech. It freaks everyone else but Damian and Cass out bc the same sounds came from the pits
Take, edit, have fun with whatever you want here. It's just bs that crawls around my brain for funsies and won't let me sleep.
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dual1pa · 11 months
hard hitter
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eddie munson x reader with she/her pronouns
warnings: eddie getting bullied, violence (reader hitting jason, mentions of blood), swearing, overall fluff, kissing, reader getting called a bitch
She was never the "violent" type.
It took a lot to get her pissed off - and this was one of them.
She walked into the cafeteria with several textbooks in her hands. Clung to her body was the Hellfire Club shirt her best friend, Eddie, made specifically for her.
The HFC logo wasn't the same as the other members of the club. No, being as she was the first - and only - girl of the group.
"It needs to be different. You're unique, you're special," he told her on her first day.
The familiar logo was printed on the black and white ringer tee like everyone else's, however, it was in a smaller print that was placed snugly in the corner - typically on top of your right breast.
She matched her shirt with a pair of loose-fitted jeans and beat-up black converse shoes.
Before she made it over to her lunch table - which consisted of Eddie and his friends, along with four freshmen - she spotted Jason leaning over and saying something to Eddie. Two of Jason's football buddies stood behind him in case Eddie decided to try anything.
Hoping that he would go away before she got there, she got in line for lunch.
She grabbed a tray and placed a caesar salad and a bag of regular potato chips, paid, and walked over to her open seat next to Eddie.
Unfortunately for the entire table, Jason was still there and Eddie looked pissed.
She sat down next to Eddie and placed a comforting hand on his leg.
"Oh look, you're girlfriend is here to save you."
"She's not my girlfriend," he snapped back, getting angrier by the second as Jason continued to get in his face.
Eddie's words stung her like a bee - sure, he wasn't wrong, but she wouldn't mind if he was her boyfriend.
"Oh yeah, that's right. She's too hot to go out with a loser like you," he - as well as his buddies - laughed at his comment.
That's it.
"Jason, why don't you just fuck off and leave us alone?"
"Don't even bother with him," Eddie told her, surprised by her words.
"No, I'm sick and tired of this fucking asshole hassling you every day. And for what? So he can make himself feel better by belitting others since he doesn't get that at home?"
Eddie's friends giggled at her comment.
"Watch it, bitch."
Without thinking, she got up and walked over to him, and whacked him as hard as he could with the blue lunch tray.
"Not so tough now are you, Jason?" she yelled, grabbing the attention of the other students who cheered her on.
Eddie quickly got up and carried her away from the situation as she continued yelling swear and belittling words to the star basketball player.
It's like she couldn't stop. Everything she was holding in just came out, everything she wanted to say to that asshole.
Eddie kept yelling her name as she continued to scream at Jason.
As soon as things calmed down, she was taken to the principal's office.
When she was brought into the room, Jason was already sitting with an ice pack on his cheek.
She rolled her eyes and sat down next to him.
The principal, Mr. Howard, looked upset at her, disappointed even.
He said her name and shook his head, "You're such a good student, why jeopardize that for getting into a fight? I spoke to your teachers and I'm told that you're the shy type."
"I was tired of seeing my boyfriend bullied by this ass-," she corrected herself, "Jason and him getting away with it every time. It's not fair. You guys don't do anything when he's being bullied."
It was then she realized she called Eddie her boyfriend, it just slipped out and she became very defensive.
"Yes, what Jason did was wrong and he will be punished for it. Both of you have an in-school suspension for three days. You will be given extra work by your teachers and have to do a project together for a grade."
The both of them tried to argue with him, but it wouldn't work.
Eddie waited for her after school to make sure she was okay.
Once he saw her leaving the building with her bookbag hung on one shoulder and the current book she was reading, he got up from the bench and ran over to give her a hug. She dropped her books and hugged him tightly.
"Are you okay? What did Howard give you?"
"ISS, and i have to do a joint project with Jason, but I'm not sorry for what I did. You were being bullied by that asshole."
Eddie sighed, pushing her hair behind her ear, "Thank you for defending me."
The two of them looked into each other's eyes for some time. Eddie was the first to break contact, but only to look down at her plump lips.
"You know what's funny?" she asked.
"When I was asked why I hit Jason, I said that you were my boyfriend," she laughed.
"Oh really?" he asked.
She nodded.
"Is that what you want me to be? Your boyfriend," he wrapped her hands around her waist.
"Is that what you want?" she asked, their lips inches apart.
"Yes," he said, finally pushing their lips together.
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vinyhaaa · 1 month
Every time i read hoo, it pisses me off because as much as i like rick, he's such a bad writer. Oh my god. And mostly, it's about jason and about half of his relationships, and it's very clear that rick has favoritism. For example, Reyna replacing him in like one day , i get her running a camp by herself at about 15 for 8 months, but her not making camp Jupiter look for jason and leaving it to octavion ?? Unlike camp halfblood + the hunters looking for percy ?!?!!? And then people say that "Jason lead her on!!" Dude, legit, his memories got erased, and then he basically had these "fake" feelings for this girl he didn't even know. Also their fake ass reunion ?? Like no "are you okay, jason ?? Where did u go for 8 months, ??" LIKE HELLO ?!?! enough abt Reyna + Jason , let's move on to Hazel. As much as i love Hazel and she's like my n1 (aside from jason) She treated him so badly 😭 That whole scene in Moa also was very crazy bc jason did NOTTT say "Hey let's not save her brother and focus on the quest instead !!" I'm pretty sure he just said "Can we really trust him" BECAUSE I WOULD ASK THAT TO NICO LITERALLY KNEW ABT BOTH CAMPS AJD DIDN'T TELL ANYONE BRO COULD'VE STARTED A WAR IF HE WANTED TO AND JASON DIDN'T KNOW HIM THAT WELL SO DUHH HE WOULD ASK THAT QUESTION. Anyway, and then Hazel held a huge grudge for jason for a book straight ?? 😭 + When she found out that jason died and correct me if I'm wrong she literally said, "Ur death really hurt, Piper!!!!" Did Piper not break up with him and then got someone like a month later ?? ☹️ Moving onto Piper !!! Also, as much as i love Piper, i did NOT fw her charm speaking jason ?? 😕 And then (as i mentioned before) Her breaking up with him calling their relationship fake saying their feelings were fake and then after his death she gets a gf like a month later ???
Moving on to Rick's favoritism.
Him Nerfing jason, almost every book , Him having to ask Jupiter for his powers ?? Literally, no big three kid had to do ts, but jason did ?? + Jason losing his cool coin sword for no reason And also that whole scene in the boo where jason basically just faced his mother the person that could've basically changed his life meeting her as a mania + getting stabed in the back by a traitor , Literally and the sword legit went RIGHT through went his back so realistically it might of took him maybe like a week to actually get better but instead rick made him go save percy not knowing that he could maybe swim or even breathe legit risking his life for the 80th time and then focuses on his head injury for like half of the book ??? 😭
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Damian the Dog
Inspired by Grumpy Cat, written by @adrestar
So what if Marinette moved to Gotham Academy, probably because of Lila bullshit or Guardian Duties.
She is mostly alone so she get a dog who she named Damian.
I actually look up on what type of dog she would have because I don't have a lot of knowledge on dogs. I wanted a small cute black dog. I am going with a Pomeranian or a Scottish Terrier.
It's all fine and going dandy. When one day, Damian overhears the new girl talking about him.
Marinette of course has zero interest in celebrities so she has no clue she is in the same class as Damian Wayne. Her classmates asked if she had any pets so she starts talking about her cute little Dami and showing off pictures of him.
"Look at my Dami. Isn't he adorable?" Marinette cooed, "I just love running my hands through those thick black luscious hair."
Damian gets the idea that Marinette is a stalker or a fangirl who is deluded herself into thinking she is dating him but brushes her off as mostly harmless. He can correct her at any time she steps out of the line.
Let the misunderstandings commence!
Fast forward the next few days, where Marinette keeps talking about her dog and no one has clued her in on the fact that there is a human with the same name as her dog going to classes with her.
Human Damian thinks she has very active imagination, going as far as to fake bite marks on her arms after a supposed passionate embrace.
(Damian the Dog is still being trained. Idk abt raising dogs so I hope I am right.)
The weekend arrive and Damian is at the dog park with Titus. Then he heard the insufferable voice calling out for him,
"Damian. Where are you? Come out. Damian. Dami."
He hid himself for a while, hoping she will give up sooner or later. But no, she keeps coming closer to the spot where he was hiding and calling out his name. Then, Titus blew his cover by coming back with the ball he was sent to fetch.
Thinking he had no choice but to reveal himself, he burst out of the bushes, scaring Marinette.
Meanwhile, Marinette was at the dog park to let Damian out of the apartment and get some exercise. She was kept an eye on him as he ran around but after a phone call from Jagged Stone for a new jacket, she had lost sight of her dog.
Then, while she looked for Damian the dog, someone jumped out of the bushes, giving her a scarce.
She realised that he was a boy from her classes and before she could ask if he had seen her dog, he began yelling at her.
"Listen up, harlot. Get out of your delusional fantasies of dating me and leave me alone." He yelled at a very confused Marinette. Human Damian continued to threaten her with lawsuits on the grounds of stalking, defamation and false claims.
Marinette gets fucking pissed at what the rude guy was yelling at her for no reasons but before she could retort, he stomped away with his dog trailing behind him.
"Come on, Titus. We don't have spend more time with this waste of space."
Marinette is so furious that if she was in Paris, she would have been akumatised for sure. She decided to calm down and go look for Damian, not the human. Arriving at home, she found a lawyer waiting for her and they handed her a thick files of all the charges she was being sued for. It was official she had met someone worse than the Chloe Bourgeosis.
So Marinette decides to stress bake about the problem. Ultimately, she made too much and decided to give away some to her next door neighbour, Jason.
Marinette had been living in Gotham for about a month and Jason knows about her habit to stress bake. They first met when Jason accidentally snuck up on her and she judo-flipped him who was 3 times bigger than her. Jason is impressed and Marinette is mortified. They became friends. Jason cooks her meals sometimes and she bake him desserts. It was a fair trade.
Anyway, Jason asks about her problem and Marinette starts a rant about this rich entitled dick she met who was from her class and she had coincidentally met him at the dog park while looking for Damian. Then, he called her a bunch of insults and names, accused her of stalking him and he had sent lawsuits to her address. Which was bad because she had her business as MDC to consider and this will affect her income.
While ranting, Marinette saw Jason's law degree which he had displayed, partially for his cover as a normal civi but mostly to brag to his siblings about being the only one who graduated from college and law school and rub it in Bruce's face. (We all seen the Jason became a lawyer to get Joker a death sentence post right? So Joker is dead here.)
"Can you be my lawyer? Or can you recommend me one? I promise I can pay you."
Jason patted her head, "Pixie, I will do this for free. I don't know which prick decided to mess with you but I will make him pay. Besides, I can't stand guys like that. You are actually doing me a bit of a favor to knock someone like that down a few pegs. Legally."
Marinette insisted to pay him but Jason compromised to get a cake for an entire month instead for taking the job.
When Jason looked through the papers, he noticed it was from the Wayne Family Lawyers so he decided to go to the Manor to get to the bottom of it. Jason arrived in the middle of Damian on a warpath.
He asked Tim who was the closest and furiously typing on his laptop about what is going on with Damian.
Tim answered, "Apparently there's this girl who is stalking Damian. She claimed to be dating him at school and she showed up while he was out with Titus, looking for him. Right now, I am just checking if she is just delusional and harmless or someone dangerous."
Jason connects the dots between Dog Damian and Human Damian and he tried not to burst out laughing right then and there. "That's good to hear. Anyways, I came here because I forgot something. I am going to see Alfred before I go. Have fun with the lawsuits."
Jason spent the rest of the way home, cackling and the funniest way to win the case.
On the day of the court date,
The rest of the Waynes are surprised to see Jason there in a suit. Dick was understandable, Tim was just there to make sure it goes smoothly, Bruce is also reasonable, Damian is the 'victim'.
"Todd, why are you here?"
"You'll see."
Then, they started telling people to enter before they could get more answers. They soon found out that Jason was the lawyer for the other side.
"Todd, you traitor. How dare you work for the opposition!"
Marinette had arrived with a pet carrier with a dog which Damian claimed was to appeal to his animal lover side.
blah blah blah. Legal procession. I don't know how it goes.
Anyways, it is time for Marinette's defense.
"Your honor, I would like to present evidence which proved that my cilent is innocent in all the charges the plaintiff has accused her of."
Jason brought out the pet carrier and took out Dog Damian.
"Your honor, this is my client's dog. She was gifted this dog before she moved here to Gotham. I have the receipts to prove this."
"What is the point of this?"
Jason dramatically held up the adorable fluffy black dog which looked like a doll in his hands, "Your honor, the dog's name is Damian." Jason claimed while staring straight at Human Damian.
Dog Damian woofed at the sound of his name. There was a shocked silence that followed.
Jason proceed to give more evidence that yes, the dog name is actually Damian like giving commands using his name and adoption certificate to get rid of any doubt.
"He claimed to have heard her talking about her dating but what were the actual words you heard her say?"
"That I am adorable and she likes running her fingers through my soft dark hair."
"Your honor, my cilent was actually bragging about how cute her dog is and how she likes petting Damian the dog's obviously black fur. And you also claimed that she stalked you to the dog park and called out your name several time. She was there by coincidence because the park is the closest to her apartment and she was calling his name because she had lost sight of Damian. Dog Damian I mean. It was Human Damian's fault for assuming she was calling out for him."
Jason continued to explained how each claim was Damian's own misunderstanding of the situation and there are statements from his classmates who confirmed that Marinette was talking about her pet dog. They didn't told her about Human Damian because they found it funny that her dog had the same name.
"In addition, my cilent had no idea who Damian Wayne was. Only knowing him as her classmate. "
Tim is right now filming and having the best time of his life as he watched Damian wished that the ground would swallow him whole. Dick is trying so hard not to laugh while Bruce's lips were twitching.
Jason decides to make a counter-law suit for the emotional damage and potential financial damage Human Damian had caused Marinette by suing her for millions when she was just a struggling student, getting by on her own income in a foreign country.
Marinette stopped him, "Jason, this is enough. I am fine with a hand-written apology."
"The amount I am asking for is just a drop of water of an ocean for them. They are that filthy rich. Besides, you can get that motorcycle side-car for Damian you had been eyeing a while ago. You can also use the money to buy dog stuff that you couldn't before because of your budget."
Marinette hesitated and agreed. The case ended with it in Marinette's favor.
Tim approached them as they exited with Marinette hugging Damian (the dog) and Jason grinning in glee over his victory and simultaneously humiliated Damian (the human) in the process. Tim high-fived Jason.
Tim offered a job to Marinette because he had done a background check on her due to the potential threat she posed and found out about MDC. He does it because he liked her talent and it would look great to have Wayne Enterprise on her resume. Also the best dirt on Damian.
Marinette told him that she would think about it and he gave her a card.
Damian wrote the apology letter, very embarrassed by the entire trial. His pride wouldn't recover for a while and he took it out on Jason who knew about it the entire time and didn't tried to stop and clear up the misunderstanding.
The next day at school, Marinette went to Damian's seat and said, "Good morning, Human Damian."
"Why are you calling me like that?"
"I am sorry. I thought you would appreciate the clarification of which Damian I am referring to. I wouldn't want to end up in court again after being branded as a delusional fangirl of yours because I was just talking about my adorable Dami. I meant to say My adorable dog, Dami. Human Damian."
For the next few months, everyone keeps referring to Damian as Human Damian.
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captainsophiestark · 1 year
Destroy All Comers
Jason Todd x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my Year of Olympians and part of a bigger challenge being run by @yearofcreation2023​! It features a ton of other awesome creators and runs all year, so go check it out!
Fandom: DC
Prompt: Athena; Wisdom and Warfare
Summary: When Y/N's regular co-coach, Dick Grayson, is called away during an important period in the 8th grade girls' basketball season, Jason Todd has to step in and take his place.
Word Count: 3,124
Category: Fluff, Humor
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
Jason's POV
"Why do I have to do it?"
"Because you're the only one available to take my place! Besides, you might actually have fun doing it once you give it a try."
I huffed and crossed my arms. Grayson had a mission overseas coming up, and he'd asked me to take his place. Not as Blüdhaven's vigilante, oh no. As the co-coach for a kid's basketball league.
It was dead last on the list of things I cared about or wanted to do. But Grayson had recently helped me out with a problem of my own, and he'd made it very clear he wasn't above calling in that favor.
"C'mon, Jay. It's only two weeks. Ten practices and one tournament, that's all you have to get through."
I sighed heavily through my nose and stared at the ceiling for a few long beats. Then, I dropped my eyes back to Dick, keeping my expression completely unimpressed.
"Fine. But you better not get hurt on this stupid mission, because I'm not covering for you a single second past that tournament."
"Alright, great work! Let's take five for water and then get into our layup drills!"
I smiled and clapped a few of the girls on the back as they headed off the court to their bags on the sidelines. Coaching my little niece's basketball team was one of my absolute favorite activities, and I'd been doing it since they were first graders. Now, this was their last year before high school, and we all wanted to go out on a high note. We had a tournament in two weeks that would help set us up nicely for the end of the season if it went well for us.
Every single one of us was absolutely locked in.
Every one of us, of course, except my co-coach.
Dick Grayson, my new best friend since we'd started volunteering together at our family members' school (my niece and his little brother) and I'd managed to rope him into helping me with my niece's basketball team, was my usual co-coach. Unfortunately, he apparently had a big commitment out of town that he couldn't get out of, so he'd be missing the tournament and two weeks leading up to it. I'd been a little upset, and then mostly just teased him for a 'lack of commitment' I knew he didn't actually have before promising to keep him updated on everything. His replacement, however, I was starting to have a real problem with.
Dick told me he'd convinced one of his brothers to fill in for him this week, just so I wouldn't be left wrangling a bunch of thirteen and fourteen year-olds alone. Dick had spoken very highly of him, but he was currently half an hour late to his first practice, and I was starting to get a bad feeling that he'd be more of a hindrance than a help.
Just as the thought floated through my mind, I heard the doors to the gym swing open. I looked up to see a tall, muscle-y guy with a leather jacket stride through the door. Dick had told me they weren't biological brothers, but even with the white streak in this guy's otherwise jet black hair, I knew he was Dick's brother. He came to a stop in front of me, and I might've been a little thrown off by his good looks if I wasn't also so pissed.
"Coach Y/N, I take it?" he asked, holding out a hand for me to shake. I just scowled back at him.
"Yeah. And you're Mr. Thirty Minutes Late To Practice."
The guy–definitely Jason Todd, since he didn't correct me–narrowed his eyes slightly as he dropped his hand back to his side.
"Yeah, sorry. It was kind of a rough night."
I took a second to breathe in deeply, then let the breath out through my nose. This guy was Dick's brother, after all, and for all I knew he might've had a perfectly good reason for being late. I made myself meet his eyes and forced down some of the impatience I'd been feeling.
"Jason. It's good to meet you. Thank you for volunteering while Dick's gone." He nodded and shifted on his feet, looking a little uncomfortable. I sighed. "How much do you know about basketball?"
"Some," he said with a shrug. "I played for a little while when I was really young, and I watch it sometimes now, but that's it."
"Alright. Well, for today, I'm just going to have you run the girls through some simple drills like defensive slides and foot fires while I work on plays and some specific moves with the other half. Deal?"
I turned to share the new plan with the girls, but stopped and turned back again after a few steps. Jason still slouched a few feet away from me looking disgruntled.
"Listen, Jason? I really do appreciate the help, but... the girls and I take this very seriously. If you can't do that for the next two weeks... I think we might be better off without you."
I turned before Jason could really even react, not particularly interested in a comeback. The girls were waiting for me, after all, done with their water break and ready to get back into the action.
We split off into separate groups for the next hour, Jason running drills the girls probably could've done on their own while I worked with a few at a time on more position-specific drills. Finally, with half an hour left, we took one more break before it would be time to spend the last half hour scrimaging. I stood off to one side mentally making the first two groups of five, but stopped my mental planning when Jason wandered over to me, looking more than a little tired.
"How you holding up?" I asked, only half trying to conceal a smile and laugh. Jason huffed.
"They're insane," he said, slumping against the wall next to me and crossing his arms. "They interrupted me five times in the first drill to tell me I was explaining it wrong. And they were mean about it, too!"
I didn't even bother trying to hide my smile this time. "Yeah, I wasn't kidding when I said they took this seriously. It helps to have another adult in their area when I'm doing other stuff, but... they could probably run those drills themselves."
Jason gave a thoughtful hum, but didn't say anything else. I gave him a second and finished making the first set of teams in my head, then stepped to the middle of the court and clapped my hands.
"Alright girls! Let's get this scrimmage going!"
We flew through the last half hour of practice, all of the girls in excellent form. Jason kept watching, seeming much more interested and engaged than before, but he didn't chime in with anything. For the last two minutes, we practiced wild half-court shots "just in case" (and mostly for fun), then huddled up at center court as the parents started to arrive.
"Alright, great practice today everybody, as usual," I said. Even though it was the end of practice, no one looked like they were itching to go; everyone stayed laser-focus locked on me. "Now that today is over, we officially have nine practices left before our tournament next weekend. That means nine practices to get as good as we can possibly get."
The girls hooted and hollered, and our captain, Angie, chimed in.
"And to get ready to destroy all comers!"
The other girls cheered for her statement, and I grinned.
"Damned right. You girls are incredible, and should already be so proud of how far we've come. The other teams aren't gonna know what hit 'em next weekend!"
A chorus of "yeah!"s.
"Good! Now, what team?"
"What team?"
"Destroy all comers!"
"Alright! We'll see you girls tomorrow!"
They all cheered, wished me a good night, and wandered off to find their parents. I watched them go with a smile as Jason wandered up to my side.
"That's not how I remember the High School Musical cheer going."
I shrugged. "Our mascot's the wildcats, but we're our own entity. Our own, slightly more cutthroat entity."
"I like it."
I finally turned to look at Jason and found him already staring at me with a mischievous smile.
"Listen, I know I wasn't very helpful today," he started. I snorted, but gave him a small smile so he knew I was mostly teasing. "But, if you'll let me... I have a couple ideas that might help over the next few weeks."
I raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? What did you have in mind?"
"Okay girls, lean into the contact! Stand your ground, really let your opponent push into you and push right back!"
I smiled as I watched Jason work with the girls. For our second practice together, he'd come early to walk me through a more detailed plan of some ideas he'd had. Like Dick, he had better experience than me with physical training and the best way to help other people strengthen themselves and specific areas. Unlike Dick, he'd immediately leaned into my more ruthless energy, and had come up with a new strategy we were in the middle of implementing.
Within a few seconds, Group A–the offensive group–stepped away from their partners. Group B, the defenders, stumbled and, in some cases, even fell. Jason beamed around at all of them.
"Great work, that's exactly what we want. Ref can't call you for anything, and the other team'll think a little harder before laying all over you in the paint again."
The girls' feral grins were response enough to tell me how they felt about that new strategy. I couldn't help mirroring their expressions as they went to get water and I went to stand by Jason.
"Nice work," I said. Jason turned to grin at me, and my heart skipped a beat in a way it never did when I coached with Dick. "I've gotta say, day one was rough, but I love the energy you've been bringing since."
"What, you're telling me Dick didn't bring the scorched-Earth energy?" he joked. I chuckled, shrugging at the thought of my usual partner being paired with the phrase "scorched-Earth".
"Dick came up with some absolutely insane yet somehow effective strategic trick plays," I said. "He's always a positive, encouraging energy, especially when the rest of us get a little too intense. But yeah, his usual role is the balance to our bloodthirstiness."
Jason nodded. "Sounds like him. Usually, at least."
I squinted a little at that as Jason stared off at the far wall, but then he shook his head and turned back to me. Slowly, a grin spread across his face, and I swear it was contagious as I mirrored him. Then, he spoke.
"I'm planning on bringing a slightly different energy to the team."
"Alright girls, this is it!" I cried, staring around at the huddle of intense, focused faces around me. "We win this, and we not only win the tournament, but we're set up with the number one seed for the postseason. You've played amazing so far, and nobody can take that away from you. Keep it up for the rest of this game, and let's finish this thing!"
Everyone nodded as I spoke, an excited fire flickering in every person's eyes. After two weeks of practice and some new strategies from Jason, we'd spent Saturday carving through our early opponents like they were nothing. Now, after a long Sunday, we'd battled our way to the championship game. We'd gone into halftime tied, and the next two quarters would be everything for us.
If Dick were here, he would've referenced the "Sixteen Minutes" song from High School Musical, since that's how much game time we had left. But he wasn't here, and Jason and I both had different things on our minds.
"We're tied, which means we can take this as a fresh start," I continued. "Go out there and outplay them for the next two quarters, and it's ours. Leave it all on the floor and show them just who they're messing with."
The girls cheered, and I glanced up at Jason.
"Coach? Anything to add?"
"Yeah. I've only been here two weeks, but that was enough to realize that this team is full of the toughest, scariest competitors I've ever seen. So go out there, show no mercy, and crush anybody that tries to stand in your way!"
The girls and I all roared in approval, and Jason's feral grin fit right in with all of us. It was hard to believe he'd really only been here two weeks; he seemed like part of the team that'd always been here.
The buzzer sounded behind us, signaling it was time to retake the court.
"Alright girls, let's do this!" I shouted. "What team?"
"Wildcats!" screamed everyone, Jason included, at the top of their lungs.
"What team?"
"Destroy all comers!"
The girls clapped as our starters headed out onto the floor and Jason and I shifted to stand next to each other at the front of the bench, just off the court.
"See the looks we just got from the opposing team?" asked Jason with a grin. Behind him, the other players and coaches were still giving us side-eye and concerned looks. I smiled.
"Oh yeah. The intimidation mind game is half the reason for that cheer."
Jason and I fist-bumped, and then turned our attention back to the game as it got underway. One way or another, this was it.
Despite the intimidation to start the second half, the other team put up a great fight. It wasn't easy, but our girls managed to persevere. Jason went wild whenever one of them used a move he'd taught, and we both spent the game screaming from the sidelines with encouragement, play calls, and just a bit of extreme, "destroy all comers" mindset. In the end, we won by eight. All our girls rushed the court, screaming and celebrating, then tamped it down long enough to be good sports and go through handshakes with the other team. Afterwards, we all gathered in a corner of the gym to do a debrief before the celebrations continued.
"Alright, I'll keep this short since I see your parents waiting to join in the celebration," I said, grinning around at my team. "You guys played amazing. You should be so, so proud of yourselves. I know I'm crazy proud of you. You worked your butts off, put it all out on the floor, and won the tournament! We've still got plenty of work ahead of us before the season's over, but that's a problem for later. For now, celebrate! Celebrate yourselves, this victory, and everything we've accomplished as a team."
The girls smiled and nodded through my speech, and when I finished, they paused before going off to their celebrations to each give me a tight hug. Then, one by one, they did the same to Jason. A few of the girls who'd used his moves thanked him for his help, and most of them paused to tell him they'd miss him. I just watched as Jason's face went from shocked, to slightly uncomfortable, to a bit of a frown.
He waved the last girl off, watching them go. Slowly, I sidled up to him, watching our team meet up with their friends and parents. I gave him a second, then sighed.
"I need to call Dick," I said. "I promised him I'd let him know how the tournament came out, like, seven times before he left, he was so upset to miss it."
Jason just gave a little noncommittal "hm" without looking at me. I watched him for a second, still staring after our team, then continued.
"You know... a lot of teams in our league have three coaches, not just two." Jason snapped his head around to look at me with wide eyes. "I don't want you to feel like you have to, but... I think the girls seriously love you, and it looks like you had fun. I'm sure Dick wouldn't mind if you wanted to... stick around?"
Slowly, his expression morphed into a smile, and his eyes slid from me back to where the girls were high-fiving and reliving the weekend. He stood a little straighter, his smile widening, and then he turned back to me with a glint in his eye. Not for the first time since I started working with him, my heart skipped a beat.
"I've got a question before I agree," he said. I raised an eyebrow and nodded for him to continue. "Is there any rule about coaches asking each other on dates?"
Now it was Jason's turn to watch with a grin while I managed a shocked expression. After a few seconds, a smile started tugging at my lips as I processed his words. Before I could answer, he held up his hands and continued.
"I'm asking, of course, to see if I need to wait until the end of the season. Grayson may be good at the peppiness and creative trick plays, but clearly this team thrives with coaches as ruthless as them."
I beamed at him, my heart floating in my chest. "Fortunately for us, there's no rule against coaches going on dates. The girls are gonna be merciless teasing us about it though. They were relentless for weeks when Dick first joined the team, and we weren't actually dating."
Jason smiled and took a step closer to me.
"I think we can handle them."
"Mmm, I'm not sure you're right, but I'm willing to do it anyway."
"You wanna go get drinks now? Celebrate a little for our first date?"
"I'm in." He held out his hand to me and I took it, then held up my phone with my other hand. "Just let me call Dick before we go."
Jason nodded, and I dialed Dick's number on FaceTime. Jason leaned over my shoulder, our arms linked together and a massive grin on his face. The phone rang for a long time, then finally, Dick's face appeared on screen. He looked a little tired and rumpled, but he smiled when he saw us.
"Hey guys! How'd it go?"
"We won!" I shouted.
"You've got a new co-coach, Dickie Bird!" shouted Jason at the same time.
Dick laughed, then beamed back at both of us through the camera. "That's great! Jay, I'm glad you ended up loving it as much as I thought you might."
Jason grinned. "Yeah, well, before I started you forgot to mention the cutthroat team energy."
Dick grimaced a little as Jason went on, probably realizing he now had TWO insane co-coaches to try to balance out, but I just smiled. For the rest of this season, I'd be working with my favorite kids in the world, my best friend, and a possible new boyfriend.
No one else in the league was going to stand a chance.
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