#Cooper McCoy
deputyash · 9 months
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Also! An absolutely adorable little doodle that @derelictheretic did of them as well! It is just so cute! 🥺 Thank you soo much! 🥰
Link to their art comm here! :3
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afarcryfrommymain · 1 year
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Voting and Info under the cut!
Kit Cross (@socially-awkward-skeleton)
About: Kit Cross, former soldier turned Deputy for the Hope County Sheriff's Department. She's cold and ruthless and all too happy to take out Peggies, until of course the Seeds start digging their fingers in and she becomes a feral and savage member of the cult's army better known as "The Lion".
Does your OC have anything to share?: "I've killed more people than I can remember, I won't be losing any sleep over a few more."
Cooper McCoy (@strafethesesinners)
About: Cooper McCoy is an ex-drug smuggler on the run from the law. He is hiding out in plain sight, pretending to be a sheriff’s deputy in Hope County, Montana. Through years of training and experience as the muscle for his drug smuggling gang, Cooper has honed his combat skills to perfection. He especially excels at hand to hand combat, and is much faster and stealthier than he looks. When he’s not fighting, Cooper is friendly, generous, flirty, and charming. Being half Australian and half Texan, Cooper is in love with the cowboy aesthetic.
Does your OC have anything to share?: “Come at me, partner”
Anything else we should know?: Cooper is just as likely to charm or seduce his way out of trouble as he is to fight. Though he won’t hesitate to react with extreme aggression if provoked. Cooper tends not to go for the kill unless absolutely necessary, preferring to incapacitate his opponents instead. Cooper is bisexual.
Coopers art is by @iigo-art
If contestants have any propaganda be sure to @ me with it
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marine-c · 2 years
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HIiiiii ! My gift for the Far Cry Secret Santa, there Cooper and John together = w= will you take this key or not?
Merry Christmas @strafethesesinners !!!!
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derelictheretic · 2 years
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OC KISS DAY 6: Cult!Cooper McCoy & Heather Lucille Valentine — A lustful kiss
thank you @strafethesesinners for letting me use your man for this !!
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direwombat · 1 year
💭 Sybille’s thoughts on Cooper?
ahhhh thank you! have a little bit of syb and cooper waking up from their most recent stoner film adventure lol. Coop's maybe a bit quieter here than he normally is but he's also hungover so...i hope i did him enough justice ;w;
Cooper goddamn McCoy has a hell of a way of bringing out the absolute worst of her in the best way possible. He's her favorite enabler.  
What had started as a simple night drinking turned into what must’ve been a series of poorly made gambles because the two of them had woken up four days later somewhere in the mountains wearing Cheeseburger costumes from the F.A.N.G. Center that were covered in blood. 
Fresh blood. 
Sybille moans, pressing her palm against her head. Her temples throb and she’s not entirely sure if she’s still got something Tweak gave her pumping in her veins or ambient Bliss causing the glimmering lights to dance in her vision. Christ her head hurts. 
“Jesus,” she hisses under her breath at the exact same time Cooper groans, “Sunnuva bitch.”
She pops the obnoxiously large bear-shaped mascot head off her costume and throws it to the side. Cooper does the same and the two of them sit in the grass, staring at each other dumbfoundedly. 
“The fuck happened last night?” Sybille asks?
Cooper hushes her with a meandering shush. “Words too bright,” he groans. 
Sybille ignores him and squints, taking in their surroundings. “Where are we?”
“Dunno,” Cooper groans.
“Well, whose region are we in?”
“‘S too warm to be the Whitetails,” she says slowly. “‘N those trees look like the ones in the Valley. I think we’re in the Valley.” She grows more confident in her assessment as she says it aloud. She stretches her arm out, slapping lightly at her companion. “Hey. Hey, we’re in the Valley.” 
They sit there in silence for a long moment. 
“We should probably try to find a road. Make our way back to town….or just someone’s house…” Cooper says.
Sybille groans, but she gets up, wobbling on her legs like a newborn deer. Her stomach churns and bile rises in her throat. “Oh God,” she breathes, She leans over with her hands on her knees to catch her breath. “Okay. Okay….” She rises. “Let’s go.” 
She helps Cooper up to his feet and the two begin to stumble their way down the mountain. 
“Fuck, this is Testy Festy all over again ain’t it?” Cooper says after a while. 
Sybille snorts, and picks her way over a gnarled system of tree roots. “Yeah, well at least then we were close to town. I ain’t got no clue where we are.”
“You remember anything from last night?” Cooper asks.
“No,” she answers. “You?”
“No…” Cooper says. “Shit. That ain’t good…what’s the last thing you remember?”
Sybille pauses, thoughtfully scrolling back until she finds something other than a black void. “We was at the Spread Eagle. Just came back from blowin’ up John’s sign. Came in for a victory round…”
“Oh yeah,” Cooper says. Then he starts laughing. “Some asshole bet we couldn’t do a Clutch Nixon stunt!”
“Shit, Cooper, what’d I tell you about gamblin’?” Sybille scolds.
“You were the one who made the bet!” Cooper exclaims.
What? No way. That can’t be right. But no -- wait…shit, maybe she did. She wracks her brain, scrubbing through her memories like it’s security camera footage. And lo and behold, she gets a flash of spitting in her own hand and shaking another man’s for a friendly wager of 500 bucks and an endless supply of moonshine if she and Cooper could not only pull off one Clutch Nixon stunt, but all of them.
She doesn’t remember the stipulation for losing, but given her and Cooper’s current state of affairs, she doesn’t feel too worried about that. 
Shit. She really is her daddy’s daughter, huh?
“Well, I think we won that bet,” she says flippantly. She’s then hit with another wave of nausea and almost vomits. “Shit. How many drugs did we take to pull that off?”
“All of them I think,” Cooper responds. And then he asks: “So, how do you think the bear suits came into play? And whose blood do you think this is?”
“No fuckin’ clue. ‘M sure Mary May will tell us when we get back,” Sybille sighs. She and Cooper are a riptide of destruction that puts Hurk and Sharky as a duo to shame. Half the county must be up in smoke after what they got up to, and hopefully a few Peggies fewer than before their memory failed them. It’s fun -- Cooper’s fun, Sybille thinks. Doin’ dumb and reckless shit makes me feel like a teenager again.
They lapse into silence, continuing on for another twenty minutes before seeing a break in the trees. Paved road. With a directional sign pointing towards Falls End. Just ten miles East! Both of them breathe out a sigh in relief.
“You wanna get a beer after this?” Cooper asks.
“Yeah, sure,” Sybille sighs. “Why not?” Whatever shit the two of them got up to, she needs to drink it off. And there’s no better drinking buddy she could ask for than Cooper McCoy. 
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isawiitch · 1 year
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goodbye riverdale :’)
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heckcareoxytwit · 6 months
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The X-Men take a break from the Danger Room training session when they received a call from Beast. He tells the X-Men about the news of Dazzler's abduction at the hands of the mutant-hating group, the Friends of Humanity. Hearing the news, Jubilee is in dismay because she had been waiting to go to Dazzler's concert. Everyone (except Jean Grey and Beast) leave the X-Mansion for the rescue mission. Jean Grey is forced to stay behind for her pregnancy while Beast is busy repairing Bishop's time travel device. Meanwhile, Gambit and Rogue are on a shopping trip when they received a call from Storm to aid their team in a mission.
Just as the X-Men arrive at the Friends of Humanity's hideout, they see Rogue and Gambit had already at the hideout where they are kicking the bigots' asses. The X-Men are fighting the mutant haters while Jubilee managed to locate Dazzler and rescue her. Just then, the authorities led by Valerie Cooper, arrive at the hideout where they arrest the Friends of Humanity goons. During the arrest, one of the Friends of Humanity goons sneer at the FBI agents for siding with the mutants but the scarred agent forces him to keep his mouth shut as he promised him that he would go free if he cooperates. While Valerie Cooper is talking to the X-Men, Wolverine sniffs out a familiar scent among the agents or the Friends of Humanity but he could not tell which one of them is the familiar enemy. Little did the X-Men know that the familiar enemy is actually Carl Denti, the FBI agent with scars on his face, he is the one who became X-Cutioner in one episode of X-Men 97 cartoon.
X-Men 97 #1, 2024
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wharfmageddon · 1 month
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Recent art that I haven’t posted + the 2 variations of the Bones drawing with and without the background
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deputyash · 9 months
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Ahh I got my art comm of Dove and @strafethesesinners's Cooper today from the absolutely wonderful @derelictheretic!! Look at them! They're so cute!! Everything is just perfect! Thank you! 💞🥰💞
Plus a bonus little doodle of them that is just so adorable! X3
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afarcryfrommymain · 1 year
SEMI-FINALS: Jason Spero V Cooper McCoy
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Jason Spero (@levithestripper)
About: Jason is 28 years old and the newest Junior Deputy. He’s a Hope County native, growing up with Nick and Sharky. He’s known as a big prankster, filling out the trifecta of silly little guys from Bumbfuck Nowhere, Montana Jason’s favorite memory is when after school one day, Nick double dog dared him to microwave a fork. Jason’s hair didn’t lay flat for a week after that.
Does your OC have anything to share?: “Shark said if I win—or at least not lose immediately—he’ll buy me dinner! Which is perfect, ’cause I’m starving!” —Jason
Anything else we should know?: Jason has mostly fluff where his brain should be. He and Sharky share a quarter of a brain cell which they both lost track of a half-mile down the road. Neither he nor Sharky realizes they’re dating until one of them kisses the other good night. Himbo 4 Himbo relationship goals. Jason also likes to call Sharky “Shark”.
Cooper McCoy (@strafethesesinners)
About: Cooper McCoy is an ex-drug smuggler on the run from the law. He is hiding out in plain sight, pretending to be a sheriff’s deputy in Hope County, Montana. Through years of training and experience as the muscle for his drug smuggling gang, Cooper has honed his combat skills to perfection. He especially excels at hand to hand combat, and is much faster and stealthier than he looks. When he’s not fighting, Cooper is friendly, generous, flirty, and charming. Being half Australian and half Texan, Cooper is in love with the cowboy aesthetic.
Does your OC have anything to share?: “Come at me, partner”
Anything else we should know?: Cooper is just as likely to charm or seduce his way out of trouble as he is to fight. Though he won’t hesitate to react with extreme aggression if provoked. Cooper tends not to go for the kill unless absolutely necessary, preferring to incapacitate his opponents instead. Cooper is bisexual.
Coopers art is by @iigo-art
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goddessofwisdom18 · 8 months
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The Four Queens 🃏
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derelictheretic · 1 year
Daemons for my boys perhaps? 🥺
OKAY FOR VALOR I IMMEDIATE THOUGHT OF A GECKO!! There are a lot of types of Geckos and I am leaning towards the more brightly coloured ones to match with the cyberpunk (and Valor's) style.
Lygodactylus williamsi are a nice teal colour and are described as bold, active and social, which could align pretty well with Valor! (They're also critically endangered which is pretty sad :">)
Geckos are nocturnal, have night vision and are able to scale mostly anything, all of these things I think aligns well with Valor and his lifestyle! It'd be easy for his Daemon to just ride around in one of his pockets or on his shoulder and help him on any job he goes on! Since Daemons are personified souls I'm not sure if they could get any cyberware but if they could Valor's Daemon could get some enhancements to help with hacking or the like!
I think the Gecko works because it's a bit of a reflection of a need to be able to move and get away from situations in a way. And maybe could show a subtle want to be seen (bright colours) but the need to be untouchable (small and able to stick to the ceiling lol)??
For Heath I am leaning towards a type of dog just because of the type of person he is, either a Labrador retriever, Doberman or maybe a Blue Heeler to stay closer to home!
I think the Blue Heeler works well for him after what I've read, they're known to be active, driven, people pleasers who are very loyal! It would make a good Daemon for him and fit into his lifestyle pretty well and as they're easily trained they would have passed his army training with ease.
They're very family orientated and cautious around strangers which I would say matches the vibes Heath gives me, his Daemon would be fiercely protective of his family (including Coop, even after the long years apart). Having a Blue Heeler as a Daemon would also add another layer to his outward "golden child" thing, since they're very popular, friendly and hard working. (And this could have caused some more strain between him and Coop 😔 big sad...)
And for Ward I'm tied between a Horse or a Widebeast!
"Horses are adapted to run, allowing them to quickly escape predators, and possess an excellent sense of balance and a strong fight-or-flight response."
"Horses are one of the most perceptive of all domestic animals."
From what I get from Ward's vibes he's quick in a fight and can kinda sense when someone's about to draw on him, so this matches up pretty well. Aside from that his Daemon being a horse would be pretty convenient for both of them and since Daemons try to settle as something that'll reflect their human this one really does make sense to me!
"Horses forgive, but do not forget. They especially remember bad situations!"
Also this because Ward on his revenge path would need a Daemon that wants the revenge twice as hard lol In this case his Daemon would chuck out the forgive part ashsjshshs
Wildebeast's are high endurance, nomadic animals which would fit with Ward's lifestyle pretty well too. They usually travel with a small herd but they're known to be pretty on guard and can fight off predators pretty well. (I saw some pictures, their horns do some damage and I think that'd come in handy if Ward gets into a fight!)
"Wildebeest are constantly moving throughout day and night."
Again that aligns with Ward's travelling around thing, and if he really wanted to or he lost his horse he could still catch a ride on his Daemon. I think I am leaning more towards Horse though!
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direwombat · 1 year
If you’re still doing these: what do you think of Cooper & Sybil? 🥺
oh man. i think it might be a little bumpy at first (and she'd probably put him in the same category as sharky and hurk -- ie, fun to drink and smoke weed with, but probably not one to take on serious missions of tactical importance), but tbh i think they've got potential?
syb is a thrill seeker and i think they'd get up to the most adrenaline pumping, reckless stunts ever (clutch nixon who?). she's normally fairly serious and stoic sprinkled with a bit of sarcasm and dark humor, but i think cooper could probably tease out her more wild and reckless side. probably wouldn't work as a long term thing, but i think they'd make a fantastic summer fling tbh
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strafethesesinners · 3 months
Which of the 16 Main Archetypes is your OC?
Browsing uquiz and decided to take this quiz for my boys and start a tag chain!
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The Outlaw
You're fiercely independent with a sense of self that keeps you from bending to societal constraints. Okay, so you don't make a lot of friends, but the ones you do have are loyal and have similar values. Other characters do resent you, but they have a secret jealously of your freedom and absolute disregard for their hierarchies. For example, the Sheriff of Nottingham (from Robin Hood) expresses his hidden envy of a life that he could never have. Other outlaws in literature are Roux from Chocolat by Joanne Harris, and Maurice Leblanc’s Arsène Lupin.
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The Damsel
You don't necessarily have to be female to get this result. You are one of the rarer types on this website, representing innocence, naivety, inexperience, and trust. You know there's bad in the world. but you've never given up on the good and cling to this even when bad things around you threaten to rip it away. Your positivity is unstoppable and you know there is always hope and wonder to be found in the world. You are in the company of Alice from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Tiny Tim from Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.
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The Trickster
No legends will be written about you, but you deserve a place in them anyway. Although most think of the hero, villain, or mentor archetypes, you may be even more iconic or liked. Before storytellers were repeating tales of Beowulf and King Arthur, they were gathering around the fire listening to stories about Coyote, Raven, and the spider god Anansi. You don't classify as necessarily good nor evil, you follow your own agenda and do whatever you need to accomplish that free of black/white morals. You probably stan antiheroes and antivillains. You are in the company of Puck from A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Loki from Norse mythology.
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The Hero
You think you're strong. Well, you have to be strong. You're some flavor of goodness, you're a defender and an avenger and an attacker all at once. The world isn't a kind place and some part of you cries at that. The others don't. You're tested, every day, every week, and you keep picking the morally right choices, yet it feels like you never get rewarded for that. People think you're flawless, but you don't think you are. You have too many regrets, and you always think you could've done more. You are in the company of Wonder Woman, Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, and many more heroes.
Tagging: @deputyash @stannussy @unleashed111 @unholymilf @adelaidedrubman @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @henbased @josephslittledeputy @lulu2992 @raresvtm @orionlancasterr @amistrio @chyrstis @isobel-thorm @teamhawkeye @cassietrn @blissfulalchemist @florbelles @belorage @purplehairsecretlair @g0dspeeed @voidbuggg @katsigian @rindemption @inafieldofdaisies @nonfunctioning-queer @titiagls @derelictheretic @aceghosts @simplegenius042 @strangefable
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rigginsstreet · 3 months
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anotherbluesunday · 5 months
✨Teaser: In Technicolor✨
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So some of you may know this, but my next fic that was set to release was originally called “Ballad of a Teenage Dream” and was a Wednesday x Skam crossover that showcased all the highs and lows of high school and the growing pains that come with the transition from teenager to young adult.
Well that story has been reworked, overhauled, and given new life.
I present to you my high school dramady, In Technicolor.
Set in Los Angeles, California, the story follows two groups of friends as their worlds collide. A modern spin on the social dynamics of Romeo and Juliet where two factions are warring but cannot remember why or why their bitter rivalry is so important to their identity, In Technicolor highlights the feuding of the wealthy and the everyday citizens to show the consequences that come from stripping culture and history from the city streets in the name of gentrification. It explores the complex relationships of families on either side of the fence to reveal that wealth does not always bring happiness. And finally, at the center of it all, the complicated friendships and relationships of the members of these two groups as they meld into one.
For our East LA champions, we follow the Addams siblings and their mismatched group of skateboarders, graffiti artists, musicians, and street racers.
For our Palisades elite, we focus on the Blossoms and Galpin’s—two families from extreme wealth that are not entirely honest about what they show the world.
Important Story Information: If the visuals were not enough to give it away, this story will be a crossover with a different fandom. Entering the mix is the ensemble from Riverdale. I do want to caution readers now, there will be crossover pairings, character retcon on both sides, ageing up, ageing down, and changes to character personalities.
One such example is that Wednesday isn’t allergic to color and isn’t entirely unapproachable. She smiles and laughs but only when around those she trusts like her family and friends. Pugsley has been aged up and is Wednesday’s twin brother. My face claim for this version of Pugsley is Xolo Mariduẽna and I have made Pugsley (who also will be going by “Lee”) more confident and hotheaded with some snark and sass. Second to that, my face claim for Pubert “Bertie” Addams is Malachi Barton and Pubert/Bertie will be one year younger than his siblings—the twins Wednesday and Pugsley age 17 and in their senior year and Bertie age 16 entering his junior year.
On the Riverdale side of the crossover, I have made certain changes that I don’t want to reveal just yet for Archie’s character. That surprise will come soon enough because next I will be posting moodboards for specific couples that will be at the center of this story. But one change I will discuss now to get it out there to avoid hate comments and harassment is the issue of is Cheryl bi or is she a lesbian. In my story, she’s bi and will be paired with a male lead. I understand that the actress for her character went back and forth on Cheryl’s orientation but, to me, Cheryl reads like a chaotic bisexual that goes back and forth on her identity because being bi is confusing enough. And as someone who is bi, I would like to see more representation and fiction for people like myself because fandoms are so quick to erase bisexuality and pansexuality and criticize us when we speak up about it. So in this story, Cheryl is bi and she has broken up with her most recent girlfriend before meeting her next partner who is a man. And it’s fine.
If this upsets you, just swipe off of this post. Don’t leave mean comments or take digs at me because I’m not for any of this fandom infighting nonsense. It’s fiction and these characters can be whatever you want them to be in your stories.
However, if you don’t mind Cheryl liking both men and women, you don’t have an opinion either way, or your curious to see how this’ll pan out, stay tuned. I’d love to share this story with you. All are welcome so long as things stay civil and breezy.
So with that, I look forward to updating with the couple’s board and then the first chapter titlecard along with the chapter itself. Until then, stay lovely and stay groovy.💜
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