#Constructive dialogue
jewishandmore · 7 days
Good Faith Judaism
“Good faith partners don’t quote scripture at each other.”
Working with people from multiple faith backgrounds, I often say this and find general agreement among accomplices in justice work.
Jewish teachers regularly cite sacred sources, from the Five Books of Moses all the way through current writings. Many Jews quote texts all the time and do much more than say: “Look, I have a source to back up my argument.” We have thousands of years of established procedures for “d’rash-ing” or interpreting texts.
As a rabbinic colleague pointed out, we try not to do this “at” each other, so much as with one another. We aim to be guided by some agreed upon principles in the process. We don’t always get it right. We can be argumentative and hurtful and divisive as much as anyone else, but we do try to unite around some basic ideas, like these, which are only a sample:
- Respect and Dignity — as one family of humanity, hailing from the same universal source, we try to treat one another as mutual bearers of an infinite spark, a shard of divinity. When we teach, generally, and particularly when we use our sacred texts, we aim to uphold these principles, and our teachings ought not defy them.
- Compassion and Inclusion — kindness, soulfulness, a high regard for each other’s humanity and human needs. While there are many sources in our traditions that can be used to divide and exclude, we should aim higher.
- Learning and Tradition — while wisdom often starts in a source text, Jews have embraced an evolution and movement with the times that progresses our texts with us. We are people of many books, some of which have only been written yesterday.
Rabbi Amy Scheinerman teaches about these principles and and many others, calling them “meta-commandments”[1] — underlying guidelines for applying Jewish teachings in practice.
We try not to use our texts as a bludgeon against one another. Sharing wisdom from ancient sources fulfills another important Jewish principle — bringing us together in community. When we use our sacred texts to sow division and enmity, we fall into historical challenges that Jewish wisdom has cautioned us against for millennia. Jewish teachings often attribute the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, in 70 CE, to “baseless hatred” between Jews, taking responsibility, perhaps unreasonably, for something that was clearly done to our ancestors by the Roman Empire.
Nearly seventy rabbis and rabbinical students from different affiliations recently joined together in an organization called Beit Kaplan, which is “a forum for the cultivation of a flourishing, dynamic Jewish civilization…With deep ties to Reconstructionist Judaism”[2].
Beit Kaplan rallied in support of students who left the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College last year because of the hostility directed at them as supporters of the State of Israel, self-proclaimed “liberal Zionists”. Beit Kaplan sponsored a gathering to hear the testimony of these former students on Monday, September 9, 2024.
On Friday, September 6, 2024, a rabbi and faculty member at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College (RRC) wrote a regular email to rabbinical students and advised them to not attend the Beit Kaplan gathering “both for the sake of your own well-being, and to not give the event undue attention”. The rabbi continued to provide “Torah framing” for help in dealing with “the problems that pain us” seemingly raised by the Beit Kaplan event.
The rabbi invoked that week’s Torah reading, called Shoftim, (Deuteronomy 16:18–21:9), declared that the students who left RRC were “those who provide false testimony” who spoke “unethically” and cited the verses that call for such people to be swept from your midst (Deut. 19:19) and killed for their crimes without pity (Deut. 19:21). While tempering this harsh decree from scripture with the Talmud’s qualifications that punishments should be the monetary payment for damages, the rabbi summed up with this interpretation: “There is still a consequence, and the consequence does not need to be identical to the initial action. There is mercy mixed in with justice.” The rabbi concluded with a nod to loving-kindness as a sign of power and rigor in pursuing communal justice.
This brazen use of sacred texts to condemn former community-members, disparage them as unethical liars, and then call for their punishment in vague terms shocked me. This was the kind of scriptural argument that justified American white supremacy, imposed patriarchy and misogyny onto generations of women, and argued for the subjugation of the Jewish people for nearly 2,000 years. That a rabbi made these claims, offered no evidence nor any judicial process by which those they accused could be condemned, and then alluded to punishments from Biblical and Talmudic times without any real qualifications, horrified and saddened me.
This rabbi used our shared sacred texts as a bludgeon against former students and potential colleagues as part of a message to prevent people from engaging with one another. In contrast, I propose an embrace of shared values as a necessary precursor to an argument from sacred sources. What we are arguing for is as important as which sources we use to support that argument. Quoting from the same passages in last week’s Torah reading (Deuteronomy 16:20), “Equity, equity you are to pursue”, or “Justice, justice shall you pursue”[3], we do so understanding that equity, and justice may be repeated in this verse to remind us to take others’ perspectives into account. Justice requires community and overcoming distances between one another — it is a collaborative project. In this way, I offer a Biblical interpretation that I believe asks us to participate in a system of community values that elevate all of us to behave better with one another.
As a graduate of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and a proud student of the teachings of Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan that inspired the founding of RRC, I implore the faculty and leadership of RRC to reconsider the words of one of your own. Please join us in this season of return and reconciliation in shared work of repair. Please engage with us and those who have shared their difficulties with RRC in good faith.
Let us teach and learn our texts with one another, and not use them as weapons against each other.
 [1] I have heard Rabbi Scheinerman teach this under the phrase “meta-mitzvah”, here is one place in print:  Scheinerman, A. (2018, October). Hospice, Interfaith, and Halakha. https://collegecommons.huc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/BullyPulpit_Rabbi_Amy_Scheinerman_Transcript_FINAL.pdf, Pages 4–5
[2] Beit Kaplan. (n.d.). The Rabbinic Partnership for Jewish Peoplehood. Retrieved September 10, 2024, from https://www.beitkaplan.org/
[3] The first translation is from: Fox, E. (1997). The Five Books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. Schocken.
And the second is from: Jewish Publication Society Inc. (2009). JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh. Jewish Publication Society of America.
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fructo · 2 months
currently reading "archer's voice" by mia sheridan and I just wanna say. why can't we have any male love interests that aren't physically perfect? yes, I know that this is the type of book that caters to a specific audience—and there's nothing wrong with that, let me be clear—that doesn't include me and it's not necessarily JUST this book
give me a love interest that ISN'T perfect. that doesn't have an "eight-pack" and a perfect body, according to the norms of society. give me a guy/girl who may not be pretty/handsome/perfect according to standards because it doesn't matter!! realistic characteristics that the reader may see in everyday life that are just as beautiful and they're not really flaws!!!
and yes, I'm also aware that these book love interests do exist, and I am very well picking out that niche genre of books as I already mentioned
but this is so important to me because my younger sister—someone who very well should NOT have been reading such a book in the first place, but that's another issue for another time—recommended this book to me. I wholly believe in the power of books and fiction in someone's life, and raising these unrealistic beauty standards and then exposing them to young adults and teenagers (as i said, that other issue for another time) is so damaging. when she was giving her copy to me, she spoke so passionately about how much she didn't want me to destroy it, and as i'm sitting here reading it, i'm just shocked.
so yes, I think we should 100% promote love interests with physical 'flaws' and great, healthy personalities. i may be biased simply due to the fact i'm very unaffected by physical characteristics myself but it's just so bloody exhausting to hear about these people's unrealistically perfect bodies.
especially when the author uses as an excuse to have the protagonist fall in love with the love interest so quickly. they share two conversations... but one shirtless scene and all of a sudden they're in love??? sex appeal should NOT justify unhealthy, toxic relationships. that could just be the asexual in me talking, but I really, really believe this.
I've always been so, so picky about the romance genre, and the slew of "booktok books" that my siblings consume is the antithesis of what I consider a good romance story, but that's just my personal opinion.
I don't shame people for reading; read what you want to!! but please, if anything I've said upsets you, please understand that this is my personal opinion and that my whole stance on these types of books does not matter. I just would like to see more realistic perspectives of romance in fiction.
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mywebthreenews · 10 months
Crypto: A Threat or a Boon? Analyzing the Debate and Exploring the Future in the U.S.
In recent years, cryptocurrencies have become a hot topic of debate and discussion. While some view them as a revolutionary form of currency and a potential solution to various financial issues, others, like Senator Elizabeth Warren, see them as a new threat to the United States. Warren has been vocal about her criticism of cryptocurrencies, highlighting their alleged role in financing terrorism,…
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aeontimaeuscrux · 11 months
The Virtues of Deliberation (Continued):
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worldwatcher3072 · 1 year
Bridging the Divide:
Combating Partisan Polarization in American Politics
In the realm of American politics, a shadow looms large – a shadow cast by the growing chasm of partisan polarization. As our nation grapples with complex challenges and opportunities, the stark divide between political parties threatens to stifle progress and compromise. In this blog post, we delve into the depths of this issue and explore potential strategies to bridge the gap and combat the corrosive effects of partisan polarization.
The Roots of Partisan Polarization
Partisan polarization isn't a new phenomenon, but its intensity and impact have become increasingly evident in recent years. Rooted in a multitude of factors, including ideological differences, media echo chambers, and gerrymandered districts, this polarization has created an environment where collaboration takes a back seat to confrontation.
The Consequences of Polarization
The consequences of partisan polarization are far-reaching. Legislative gridlock, where policy-making grinds to a halt due to an inability to find common ground, has become all too familiar. Public trust in institutions erodes as citizens witness their elected officials engaged in seemingly endless ideological battles, often at the expense of meaningful governance. Moreover, polarization can hinder innovative solutions to pressing issues, leaving critical problems unresolved.
Combating Partisan Polarization: Strategies for Unity
While the challenge of partisan polarization is daunting, it is not insurmountable. Here are some strategies that could help bridge the divide and promote more constructive dialogue and cooperation:
Promote Civility and Respect: Leaders from both sides of the aisle must set an example by engaging in civil and respectful discourse. Constructive debates and disagreements can lead to better solutions, but they should be grounded in mutual respect and a commitment to finding common ground.
Encourage Cross-Party Collaboration: Establish platforms and initiatives that encourage members of different parties to work together on shared goals. Cross-party alliances can demonstrate the potential for compromise and foster a culture of cooperation.
Foster Media Literacy: Educating citizens about media literacy can help counter the echo chamber effect, where individuals are exposed only to information that reinforces their existing beliefs. Encouraging critical thinking and a diverse range of news sources can lead to a more informed and well-rounded public discourse.
Address Gerrymandering: Redistricting reform can help mitigate the impact of gerrymandered districts, which often contribute to polarization by creating safe seats for one party or the other. Independent commissions and transparent processes can lead to more competitive elections and encourage candidates to appeal to a broader spectrum of voters.
Promote Civic Engagement: Encouraging citizens to actively participate in the political process can help counter apathy and disengagement. When people are actively involved, they become more invested in finding common ground and advocating for solutions that benefit everyone.
A Shared Responsibility
The task of combating partisan polarization is not solely the responsibility of politicians or policymakers. It is a collective effort that requires the engagement of citizens, communities, and institutions across the nation. By recognizing the dangers of polarization and committing to fostering a more inclusive and collaborative political environment, we can work toward a future where the United States thrives through unity, understanding, and progress.
In conclusion, while the challenge of partisan polarization is significant, it is not an insurmountable obstacle. By embracing a spirit of cooperation, promoting civility, and fostering a culture of open dialogue, we can begin to heal the divisions that threaten our democracy. Let us remember that the strength of our nation lies not just in our differences, but in our ability to come together for the greater good.
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livingwellnessblog · 1 year
Harmonizing Differences: Exploring Cancel Culture and a Taoist Philosophy of Unity
Delve into the connection between cancel culture, narcissism, and the Taoist philosophy of harmony. Discover five examples that highlight narcissistic tendencies within cancel culture, while incorporating wisdom from the Dao De Jing to promote understand
Cancel Culture and the Quest for Harmony: Exploring Narcissism in Society through the Lens of Taoism In the realm of public discourse, cancel culture has become a potent force, raising concerns about its connection to a narcissistic society. This thought-provoking blog post delves into the potential interplay between cancel culture and narcissism, shedding light on five compelling examples.…
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behold: my second least favorite string of words in the entirety of Tears of the Kingdom.
(it's a little less transparent why this time so I'll explain my thoughts under the cut)
So why do I not like this?
In so many words: because if you remove it, the scene still works, but you lose the moral certainty of what is going on.
This single sentence does so much legwork for the entire game (the kind I dislike), to the point where I'm about 60% sure it's the product of a rework that realized how ambiguous Rauru's position was as the Good Rightful King and needed to nervously reassure the players that Ganondorf Is and Always Was the Invader, Actually.
(no matter that it leaves the gerudos in this awkward in-between state of both invaders and victims, while never dwelling in the specifics of their history and their own agency in the entire thing; brushed off as a sin they have to expiate through loyalty to the winners of that particular strife, but without explicitely blaming them either to avoid the implications of what that would have looked like)
If you remove it, not only do you lose a pretty clunky line that detracts from Ganondorf's intimidating presence (who is he even speaking to? who needs to hear this right now?) that honestly speaks for itself when it comes to his experience with warfare, but also you lose any tension and any mystery regarding why he is attacking in the first place.
You also... kind of rob Ganondorf's motivations of their meaning. "Hyrule will bow down before me" leads to asking... why? What does he want? What does he see in those lands? And what little we get with Rauru and then Link during the final fight begs more questions; why do you prefer hardship to peace? Why do you value strength? What leads you to want to rule a land devoid of survivors, become a king without a kingdom? I don't think we ever get satisfactory answers. If you remove this sentence, on the other hand... Subtextually, it becomes pretty clear that his motivations is that he felt threatened by Rauru's power, which is ripe with subtext and questions about whether this is a legitimate reaction, whether his "no survivor" stance is due to a feeling of betrayal when his own people turned against him post the Demon King shenanigans... I'm not saying it would fix the entire game's writing, far from it, but it would already do *so much more*.
(genuinely, I think he could have stayed completely silent during the Molduga Assault, speaking only in the Show of Fealty before going completely nuts after Sonia's murder, and it would have worked MUCH better in terms of characterization but anyway anyway
EDIT: ALSO!!! that way he wouldn't speak hylian to fellow gerudos, which is weird inherently)
Without this line, the core of the tension between the gerudos and Hyrule comes front in his conversation with Rauru; it allows the cause of his hostility to be Rauru's invitations, that he would have taken as a threat, and would have still made him warlike and domineering without making him cartoonishly flat, because, once again, Rauru is not acting in a particularly more legitimate way when Zelda arrives in Ancient Hyrule; and it would have been... fair to point that out. And make for better characterization for Rauru, and Sonia, and Mineru, and everybody. But the priority was for Hyrule to be pictured as unquestionably holy; always legitimate, always truthful, always beautiful, always just.
Also, and this is more of a nitpick but: why would Ganondorf want Hyrule, specifically, to bow down before him also? Was he at war with the rest of the disparate tribes before, and just carried on his ambitions to the very very newly-founded kingdom as they allied under a new banner? (though it seems to be implies the lands were crawling under monsters in a generic sense, and not Ganondorf's attacks in particular) Why would he even consider Hyrule a legitimate entity worth taking over then, if it is so new, born from the will of a powerful rival, founded by what is basically a stranger to these lands? Why would he covet something so young instead of destroying it and just calling the lands Gerudo Lands II or Grooseland or something?
I don't think any of that was even accounted for, because, beyond everything else: to me, this sentence is so clearly and painfully crammed in here to shield Hyrule from any potential blame and immediately characterize Ganondorf as Bad without having to remove any of the causes that could lead one to side-eye Rauru's little pet project as equally questionable.
Beyond the clumsiness, it is cowardly --and, I think, a little damning.
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thevioletcaptain · 4 months
deancas + for once, nobody got hurt.
For once, nobody got hurt.
The ghost had gone quietly, gratitude softening his once-angry features as Cas helped him move on without a fight, and Dean can't help his disappointment at escaping unscathed.
It's not that he wanted to get hurt, exactly, it's just that if he had, he knows Cas would've traced gentle fingers over his forehead, his jaw, his shoulder, his hand -- would've sent sparking, tingling wisps of grace through Dean's veins to seek out the damage and heal it.
And he's greedy for that touch, even if he's sure he doesn't deserve it; even if he's afraid to ask for it directly.
So, when Cas asks if he's okay, Dean shakes his head.
"No," he says, heart thudding hard with equal parts guilt and relief as Cas immediately reaches for him, "I don't think I am."
[for this askbox game if anyone else wants to send me a prompt]
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gulava · 1 month
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this just oneshot me
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So I made a wip regarding this post.
I don't know if its good or not considering this is basically the first ever idea I've actually written for this phandom so, constructive criticism would be appreciated, both for this and dialogue cause idk how to write conversations lol.
It wasn’t often that Danny got to rest like this, surrounded by ice and cold in one of the deepest, secluded parts of the Far Frozen. His tail flicked lazily behind him as he rested.
Becoming the Ghost King – more like half king – was not what it was worth. Not that he even wanted to become the Ghost King, it sorta just. Happened. As does most things in his life. If it weren’t for that fruitloop he wouldn’t even be in this mess in the first place.
Becoming the Ghost King and then four weeks later waking up as a dragon was not in his to-do list thank you very much. At least the whole of Amity park was affected and not just him, minimises the chances of it being a personal strike against him.
But whoever made that wish should stub their pinkie toe.
(Weasley Weston sneezed, then screamed out loud as he stubbed his toe.)
Danny stretched, letting out a sigh of contentment (more so just blowing cold air out his nose) as he could hear the bones popping. He then laid back down, ready to recharge, relax and ignore whatever thing that’s happening in the outside world that doesn’t need his immediate attention.
Something is going to ruin this, isn’t it-
“Daniel!” The familiar voice of the other Ghost King’s – the other half – scream reverberates inside the room that Danny decided to hold up in, the area noticeably getting hotter as well.
-aaand there it is.
Danny keeps his head down, not opening his eyes as his tail lashes in the general direction of the phoenix-
“What do you want, Fruit Loop?” Danny’s voice was tired and exasperated, with a bit of aggression mixed in as well. 
-based on how he couldn’t feel a weight at the end of his tail, nor the squawk Vlad would let out if he managed to land a hit, he could say he missed. A pity.
Vlad scoffed, staring down the dragon at the end of his beak as he flew back a bit to avoid his tail, the temperature rising ever so slightly in the face of his irritation.
Luckily, this is the resting grounds of a Ghost King, so it wouldn’t be melting anytime soon. Unless he actually tries, of course. Vlad shuffled in place for a moment, turning the words over in his beak before taking a deep breath.
“Just spit it out already fruit-”
“The Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep is missing.” Predictably Danny did not take that news well, he quickly got up to his full height, his eyes wide open as cold mist leaves his mouth and his tail swishes in agitation.
“WHAT!?” Vlad huffed, “Calm down little badger. Panicking will get us nowhere.” Vlad then turned around, gesturing with his wing for Danny to follow before he quickly left the area, taking off in flight soon after.
Hahah here it is, idk how good it actually is, though.
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saltysplayt00ns · 6 months
Fraujar, Tribe & Page Rework
Hey guys, been awhile. needed a break and I got sucked into other stuff. So getting back onto this one and have seen the latest pages as well so may give quick-shot talks about it. ✨ Without further adieu ✨
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it's pretty rough and a few years old concept idea 😅
yeah, I wanted the dialogue to show both perspectives of the Leaders, while also not wanting to spill their guts out emotionally for they’re still strangers, despite being strangers. Adding, that there is tension between Ronja and Fraujar, rewritten,  both care about their families, which they should be, instead of them doing....whatever they were doing. Fraujar would also not marry and mate with his AUNT cause that is just inappropriate, you can’t scorn meteor or any tribe doing that, when you are literally doing the same darn thing.  
Both had experienced MT differently, Where in my head-canon, Whispervale had been monitoring Meteor Tribe and it’s whereabouts, they couldn’t get much intel and sent out Fuss ( the morally questionable marshmallow ) to scout and be a double agent among the crater, but after a while they did not get much and he disappeared nor heard from him, During those times from the first rebellion from Kargo and Ferah, to presently,  Fraujar been a refuge for abused and appressed meteor dogs, and has through those times. Only sees Meteor as a glass half empty, while Ronja tries to see it as a glass Half full, but not aggressively positive, she is a war veteran from Asmundr, so she can’t ignore what happened from past conflictions, not to mention her children are still part of the bloodline under Ranach, so their lives are just as much intertwined as she is. ( that includes the curse, ya know...the one upon the bloodline with the ghouls ).
Fraujar  would be a reasonable Dog, Kind but, Stern and Cautious. especially involving Keirr, being an intersection between MT ( Meteor-tribe)  and WSV ( Whispervale ). Would have it that Fraujar gradually becomes allies with Ronja, it’ll be a stranger-acquaintance- friends-Lovers it will also be slow burn cause - obviously BOTH, Are dealing with personal issues as well as that meteor wedge sort of thing.
Side-note, In my head-canon, Isabel is alive with other dogs that were hurt, and has adopted Ruan as her own pup, and not have died from birth after going through that traumatic event ( What has been stated ). I would not think she wants to deal with that at all, and would be more inclined to adopt or foster. I would think most would either be single, adopt, foster or just straight up date females.
 Fruajar didn't want Keirr or others to be near Meteor Tribe and their members, due to what happened to Fuss, an established member, and other unlucky stragglers without a tribe. Do to it being “ hell on Aedra '' and no good comes to it, while also trying to protect from that area. After some thought from Keirr, Isabel and Ferah, he went to visit Meteor Tribe with his strongest, and trusted warriors and also Isabel, since she wants to see it for herself as well, have a conclusion ( her son will be there with her ) . With the tour, seeing how meteor has seemed to change, then, Fruajar would bring Keirr along with Aira (since they were both supposed to find the pack together and not just Keirr ) as a form of Peace and initiation that Fraujar is making that step and Ronja can see that.
Wanted to also add how much the author tries to shoehorn Roamer and Rogio and any of his favorites and try to praise them or focus on them when there is a WHOLE CAST OF CHARACTERS he needs to focus on and develop. if you’re not wanting to develop them DON'T bring them in or kill them off cause they’re just filling up space,  collecting dust.   Then focusing on roamers, like a gray stu and forgetting that there was Kargo, ferah, ~~rogio~~ and others on Midnightguarde.
Extended Fraujar info.
Speaking of What Fraujar would be…did a little bit of him and the tribe.
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New Head-canon traits; Wisdom, Resilient, compassionate, Kind, Stern, reasonable, strategic decision-making, Cautious, Open display of emotions.
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Fruajar is  a Crested Veilhound, a fantastical breed I created for this segment, within the Taiga and Tundra terrains of the planet. An ethereal canine companion characterized by a sturdy build, a luxurious coat in Arctic hues, and distinctive crystalline horns. Though the horns are uncapped under hard coating that darkens over time and age, only shown when broken off and regrown. The head pieces are never consistent in form, and can grow weird shapes and structure. Bioluminescent patches emit a soft glow, inspired by their magical connection with the 
Caribright. Standing at 24 to 30 inches, these conceptual dog breeds play vital roles as companions and guardians in the nomadic lifestyle of the tribe, embodying the harmonious blend of strength and enchantment in the Arctic wilderness.
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The Caribright are Native Fauna on the planet. Serving as a spiritual guide and source of illumination during the article nights, these creatures share a symbiotic connection with the crested Veilhounds. The colors correlate with the dogs of arctic hues, grays and blues but the canines have an artic gradient of browns to more a liver color. A modest height of 3-4 feet ( 0.9 to 1.2 meters ) compared to the caribou of 3.6-4.6 ft. (  ) However their centerpiece;  celestial antlers are a different story, the glowing grandeur, ranging from 4-5 feet in length. Only known to glow when the night sky dances ( aurora borealis ) or at its darkest.
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In the Frostweald Tribe ( which is the OG whispervale), the Caribright and Crested Veilhounds forge a harmonious alliance, each offering unique strengths to the other. The Caribright's celestial glow becomes a guiding beacon in the Arctic nights, aiding the dogs in their nocturnal endeavors. In return, the Crested Veilhounds serve as vigilant guardians, ensuring the safety and companionship of the luminous Caribright. For their glows have been known to compromise their locations and draw unwanted guests. This dependency for each other extends beyond the practical, contributing to the tribe's spiritual bond, well-being and forming a relationship within the nomadic community. Together, they navigate the frost-laden landscapes, creating a living testament to the delicate dance between the elements of the Arctic wilderness.
a caribou-moose beast with celestial silver and ice-blue hues with variants of browns sometimes tanned. Its 4 to 5 feet antlers resembling celestial chandeliers branch out in intricate patterns, casting an otherworldly glow as the creature moves through the frost-kissed environment.
radiant luminescence eyes , reflect the celestial radiance of its antlers.
Fraujar rules over the Frostweald Tribe. A vast tribe of 150-200 members including the Fuana Caribou; the Caribright.
Born beneath the shimmering Northern Lights, he emerged as a promising member of the tribe, displaying a deep affinity for both the mystical and practical aspects of Arctic life.
Fraujar emerged as a natural leader. His strategic decision-making and ability to guide the community through icy adversities. 
Early in his life, During a harsh winter that tested the tribe's resilience, Fraujar faced the harsh realities of the Taiga and Tundra. A pivotal moment of the treacherous winter, turned to Fraujar for his strategic decision-making and resilience. Leading the community through the icy adversities, earned him the trust and admiration of his fellow tribe members.
As Fraujar's influence grew, so did his compassion. He was known for open displays of empathy, sharing in the joys and sorrows of his tribe. This vulnerability, rather than a weakness, fostered a deep connection with the community.
The turning point came when the previous chieftain succumbed to the unforgiving Arctic environment. In the moonlit gatherings, under the spectral glow of the Caribright, the tribe sought Fraujar to take on the mantle of leadership. Hesitant yet driven by a sense of duty, he accepted, becoming the chieftain of the Frostweald Tribe. however not all was accepting of him and migrated to other parts of the lands, more so when he impose himself in others tribes affairs out of the openness of his heart and morality.
Though Guided by the wisdom acquired through years of nomadic life and the lessons, Fraujar embraced a role of chieftain that balanced reason, kindness, and strategic insight. His compassion became both a strength and a vulnerability, forging familial bonds and instilling a deep sense of unity among the tribe.
wanted to try this again.
Page 1
Panel 1
Fraujar: "There's a palpable tension in the air. Your arrival here might have ignited some hostility."
Ronja: "Hostility…?"
Panel 2
Fraujar: "Indeed. The meteor has a history of grievances since—"
Ronja: "I'm well acquainted with Meteor's past."
Fraujar: "Then you know of the warnings issued."
Panel 3
Ronja: "Yes. But those are regarded merely as past transgressions. Circumstances have changed for the better."
Fraujar: "Changed…"
Panel 4
Fraujar: "You may portray yourself as an agent of positive change, but for how long until you find yourself at the receiving end? Until all you cherish is stripped away?"
Ronja: "I believe you've made your point, Fraujar. As have I."
Panel 5
[The two Jarls, Fraujar and Ronja, lock eyes, each refusing to yield.]
Panel 6
Fraujar: "Very well. I shall take my leave then."
Ronja: "May your journey be safe."
Page 2
Panel 1:
Fjordor: "Jarl Ronja!!!" the elderly male dog calls out.
Ronja: Her attention shifts to the approaching dog, recognizing the skull tribal paint. "Fjordor!"
Panel 2:
Fjordor: "You've heard of me."
Ronja: "How could I not? My companions speak highly of you, eager to express their gratitude."
Fjordor: "Companion and Jarl of Midnightguard. How fares your tribe?"
Ronja: "We're holding on…or so I hoped."
Panel 3:
Ronja: "Fjordor…I…they—" Ronja hesitates, reluctant to deliver the grim news to the Jarl of Midnightguard.
Fjordor: "Lady Ronja…?" His ears droop slightly more, sensing the weight of the unspoken news.
Ronja: "Kargo and Ferah joined my tribe after yours. They were caught between the Meteor and Ranach…"
Panel 4:
[Panel focuses on Fjordor's. His face falls, stricken by the news.]
Ronja: "…Kargo didn't survive."
Panel 5:
Fjordor: "And what of Ranach? Did the Fallen Jarl face justice?"
Ronja: "Worse. He escaped. That's why I'm warning you, don't let him get anywhere near you." Eyes narrow with grave concern.
Fjordor: "He won't get within an inch of me." His flared with determination and a flicker of warrior rage.
Enjoy this Blog meal XD
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thunderboltfire · 5 months
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Nela approaching her LI with kissing intentions
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vs Xeddrinth's face when doing the same
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bluastro-yellow · 1 year
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get it Kim has a lot to unpack do you get it
it's imperfect I'll never polish it just take it as it is I should have put aerostatics not airplanes...
#I don't know how the hell to draw kim#PLEASE gib me feedback#pretend the dialogue is better this is all I can do lol. but you get the gist of it#aaa give me constructive criticism. the other post about kim secretly being a loser made me think about what his apartment would look like#and this popped in my head I had to draw it#is this in character?#there's no eyebrow battle because in my head this happens some time in the future where kim opens up a little more easily#at this point he trust him with his secrets more (but not completely. harry's not touching the blue box today)#but it's a mixture of ''maybe if I tell x he will stop asking for more'' and real trust#but like do you see that happen#it's a secret because he doesn't want other people to learn that insisting can work#like I said in the tags of the other post I think he never lets anyone in to the point of avoiding calling the plumber even if the sink#has been broken for months#addition: fuck I should have putted more machines in there. I couldn't think of anything else other than radio controlled airplane#and a sewing machine. he must have more stuff like the camera.#he'd have some dangerous thing to warm the room#and nerd stuff. I'm not sure if he'd display it or keep it boxed somewhere#disco elysium#that's a convertible couch-bed if you can't tell. half covered with the Pile#pointless microblogging#it's so hard to draw them right they look different in every official thing#believe me I have tried#idk how to put more of the skills here :/#I have achieved peak kimharry brainrot I can't go back
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Whumptober 2023 No.2 - 'They don't care about you.'
Hero woke up in a cold sweat, seeing Villain towering over him their hands clasped behind their back, their mouth pressed into a tight line. They leaned down – getting close to Hero’s face.
‘Here’s what’s going to happen,’ their voice was clipped and short – leaving no room for protest, ‘You’re going to tell me exactly where Superhero is and you’re going to do it quickly,’
 Although their face stayed stoic Hero could clearly see a glint of sadistic enjoyment in their otherwise dull eyes. They paused, their gaze lingering on Hero’s trembling form. ‘Or we can do this the fun way…’ Their eyes flicked up to meet his, ‘Your choice.’
Hero’s eyes narrowed in defiance, silently signalling his answer. Villain sighed, finally letting their lips twist into a gleeful smirk. They strode over to a table. Hero didn’t need to see what was on it to know that the metal clinking probably wasn’t a good thing.
They stalked back over to him – a scalpel held loosely in their hands. They harshly pulled Hero's face close to theirs. Pain overwhelmed Hero’s senses as he felt the blade in his leg cut deeper and twist underneath his skin, and his screams filled the small room. Villain's cruel grin grew wider with every incision.
Minutes blended into hours, and by the time Villain felt satisfied Hero was slumped down, his clothes saturated with blood, his breaths wheezing and strained. As Villain left, they turned back to face him – their voice laced with mock sympathy:
‘They don’t care about you – they would’ve given you up in a heartbeat.’
The door slammed shut – plunging Hero into darkness once more.
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featherymainffins · 5 months
Now this might be because I have issues but is it just me or does Slay The Princess feel like an allegory for a relationship?
#like i dont even mean the actual textual stuff like the two gods loving each other i mean like#while the narrator himself does say that he is not the protagonist at all the voices do in fact count him as one of them and#both the narrator and the voices are described as shattered glass pieces on the floor#and im saying that just to contextualise what im about to say because i feel like the narrator is an echo of someone who was in#a relationship with another person and is trying to 'slay' the memory of this person and defeat death not only literally but#on a metaphorical level (as in the death of a relationship). if you do slay her you destroy her memory and in that way you do not know her#at all nor do you care to#and the routes would be the perspectives held by different parts of you. shes literally a being that changes based on who perceives her#but metaphorically thats just how people work isnt it? relationships are complicated and there is a part of you who sees someone as a razor#and there is a part of you who sees them as a damsel and another who sees them as a god etc etc#its like youre a person who is trying to make sense of the situation and; which is why the construct of the princess is made up of#several vessels called perspectives. you understand the whole of what you think only when you take apart all your perspectives;#and theres a you who isnt you anymore who doesnt want to do this. hes telling you to just destroy it. it was wholly wretched and wholly bad#and it changed which is a crime in itself. theres an echo of you. and theres you; built by this echo because thats how the self works#we are each our own god and we build ourselves. the different voices are like different parts of you#much like the vessels are the equivalent of the voices. theyre the finite confined perspectives; aspects of a whole person#and slaying her in this context would obviously mean literally just destroying the memory and deciding that change and all it brings#is an awful thing. though im not yet sure what the difference between leaving with the whole and between separating yourself#and leaving with just an aspect would be.#thats probably like the only thing thats kinda ruining this interpretation lol#oh and obviously a lot of the routes have like very strong relationship symbolism. specifically a lot of them feel like#scenes from a relationship that is falling apart. for example in the adversary and then the fury when you run away the dialogue#basically mimics a partner running away from a conflict and the other one destroying themselves because of it#witch and the thorn are both heavily Esop-coded and the text itself says that its about two people hurting each other even though they love#each other but both are afraid of the other one and of being vulnerable. thorn is about finding forgiveness in one another#and deciding to be better and love each other despite the hurt youve caused each other due to your problems#etc etc#like am i insane am i mental am i projecting?
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waywardsalt · 6 months
gonna be a hater in tags real quick
#i need to get this off my fuckin chest its haunted me for ages but for some reason rn its bad#i fucking HATE when ppl act like la’s koholin island and ph’s world of the ocean king are/work the same#HATE IT. also hate ppl treating oshus n the wind fish as the same character bc i think its fucking lazy n uncreative n unimaginative#and makes the loz world feel so much smaller. but like. why do ppl act like the world of the ocean king is another dream world#bc its fucking no??? no one in that place is a dream construct i hate ppl acting like linebeck isnt a ‘real person’ just a former dream#construct if they think hes from that world bc its not a fucking dream world its a real ass world at no point is it suggested that its a#dream world just that link n tetra are simultaneously dreaming in their own world that doesnt make oshuss world fake or w/e#its just a different parallel world or some shit where time flows different relative to the great sea go watch the ending dialogue#literally nothing in the game suggests that its in any way like how koholint works besides it being an ocean place#i feel like i see these ideas in l////u shit a lot (ESP ppl acting like linebeck is the same thing as marin) and it feels like. do ppl in#l////u just not look into the games too hard do they not double check canon material or do they just accept shit parroted around#bc its way too consistent for me to think its just some headcanon thing and it PISSES me rhe fuck off if im being real#the oshus/wind fish thing is annoying as fuck already but i DESPISE ppl acting like oshus’ world is a dream its so fucking annoying#whatever ph is harder to play like look up gameplay then. do some research. its not the same fucking thing#ok yeah do hcs sure but i really dont get the vibe that its just some headcanon i feel like ppl just dont know theyre not the fucking same#its not like koholint its more like fucking lorule if anything. god fucking dammit i hate that im so wound up by this shit#whatever. i do wish ao3 let you mute wholeass tags like with authors so i dont have to see l///u shit ever
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