#Conservative Talk Radio
Martin Pengelly at The Guardian:
The former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani’s troubles deepened on Friday when he was suspended by WABC radio, for trying to use his show to discuss the lie that the 2020 presidential election was lost by Donald Trump because of electoral fraud. John Catsimatidis, a New York billionaire, Republican donor and owner of WABC, told the New York Times: “We’re not going to talk about fallacies of the November 2020 election. We warned him once. We warned him twice. And I get a text from him last night, and I get a text from him this morning that he refuses not to talk about it. “So he left me no option. I suspended him.” Giuliani said he had been fired.
In a lengthy statement, the former mayor said: “I’m learning from a leak to the New York Times that I’m being fired by John Catsimatidis and WABC because I refused to comply with their overly broad directive stating, word-for-word, that I’m ‘prohibited from engaging in conversations relating to the 2020 presidential election’.” A copy of a letter from Catsimatidis to Giuliani, dated 9 May and obtained by the Guardian, said Giuliani was “prohibited from engaging in conversations relating to the 2020 presidential election on your programs broadcast on WABC … and otherwise in your capacity as an agent of the station.
“These specific topics include, but are not limited to, the legitimacy of the election results, allegations of fraud effectuated by election workers, and your personal lawsuits relating to those allegations.” Claiming “a clear violation of free speech”, Giuliani said he would address the situation further on social media on Friday night. But he went on to say the move by WABC came “at a very suspicious time, just months before the 2024 election, and just as John and WABC continue to be pressured by Dominion Voting Systems and the Biden regime’s lawyers”.
[...] Catsimatidis told the Times that at the close of his WABC show on Thursday, Giuliani tried to speak about the 2020 election but was cut off by station employees. “Look, I like the guy as a person, but you can’t do that,” Catsimatidis told the paper. “You can’t cross the line. My view is that nobody really knows [about the 2020 result] but we had made a company policy. It’s over, life goes on.” In his statement, Giuliani accused Catsimatidis of “telling reporters I was informed ahead of time of these restrictions, which is demonstrably untrue.
WABC radio suspends serial election denier Rudy Giuliani for persistently disobeying directives to not discuss 2020 election lies.
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When it comes to Joe Rogan, I’m of two minds. On the one hand, he doesn’t really take responsibility for having a large platform that clearly reaches and influences a lot of people.
On the other, if you’re primarily getting your medical and political information from Joe Rogan podcasts, isn’t there a bit of personal responsibility that needs to be taken from the individual?
I have never listened to an entire episode of J*e R*gan. I will be up front about that. He is an old white guy catering to old white listeners, and I do not belong to any demographic that is of interest to him.
I do, however, know people who either did or still listen to him from time to time. He plays into white grievance culture, tells white people that people who look like me are to blame for all their problems, and that they themselves have no individual responsibility. So, no, I don't believe he feels even the slightest bit responsible for any of the damage he and his show have caused. And he urges his listeners to ignore what sense of responsibility they had, so while I do think his listeners should do their own critical thinking and ignore the vile bits, I have zero faith that they would actually do this.
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It’s always been illegal everywhere for non-citizens to vote in federal elections and the Republicans know it and they also know it almost never happens. If you’re not here legally you would have to be insane to draw attention to yourself by trying to vote.
This is just another bullshit lie being used as a scare tactic. What’s incredible is that millions of dumbass Republicans hicks believe this shit.
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thedawningofthehour · 2 months
I'm confused why is Angel a Trump supporter?
asdfghjkl I don't actually remember when or why we started saying that. He's just always been a dick and we accuse him of all sorts of shit. We've called him a terrorist, my mom accused him of being antifa once. Back when Trump had a Twitter we'd regularly tell him "stop tweeting, you're worse than the president!"
He's also a covid denier, and that one actually has basis in reality. Angel hates hands. Like, it can be a struggle to pet him sometimes because he'll occasionally remember that the magnificent bird scratchers are actually just ugly human hands and won't accept pets. (but will still demand them, which leads to a difficult situation) This causes conflict when we go to the bathroom to wash our hands, since he's usually playing/bird-loafing in there and gets very upset when we stick our disgusting bare human hands into his sink.
Obviously, during the height of covid we were making extra sure to wash our hands often and properly, and naturally Angel objected every time. He'd run laps around the sink, squeaking angrily, hissing and trying to bite our fingers.
So naturally we started saying he was objecting to hand-washing because he didn't believe in covid.
Mom: "Angel, this is our bathroom too. We're allowed to wash our hands in here. God, he's so mad, doesn't he know we're in a pandemic?"
Me: "I told you, he's a covid denier. He probably denies climate change too."
Mom: "Did you vote for Trump?!"
Angel: "Meep!"
Mom: 'aghast gasp'
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justgot1 · 1 month
TFW your new friend turns out to believe right wing propaganda.
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ineffablefool · 4 months
Hey, if you're having a good lol at Trump's ridiculously tiny hands on that New Yorker cover, then I hope you know that I -- a transmasc AFAB person with small hands and gotdamn do I wish I could change that -- am taking notes on Who Thinks Laughing At Transphobic Humor Is Fine, Actually, As Long As I Personally Think The Target Deserves It.
I am not telling anyone what to do, or not do; and here on our beloved hellsite, I am a total unknown to about 99.999944% of you, meaning you have essentially no reason to care what I think.
Maybe you've got a friend who's got Small Hands, though. Maybe he's dysphoric about it, or they get clocked a lot because of it, or xe is just tired of people pointing it out. Maybe at some point you told them, her, whatever, that no, there is nothing wrong with nir hands. They aren't laughable. Those are good hands, dammit, and you don't see a single funny thing about them, and anyone who does is just an asshole.
Oh, your friend might think, looking from your reaction to that image, and then down at their own little hands. So that was a lie, then.
Intellectual honesty would seem to lead to the conclusion that these cheap physical-appearance-based digs are either always appropriate regardless of your opinion of the target, or that they are never appropriate regardless of your opinion of the target. If you are scrambling to justify why it's totally cool, actually, to use transphobic humor if only you can find a target who's bad enough to "deserve" it -- that means you think transness can be worth mockery. You're just saving the transphobia for when you think nobody in the room will call you out for it.
I'm not the boss of you, though, so. If you really insist on your sacred right to being able to make fun of a dude's girly hands -- some dude, somewhere, there has to be a situation where you can finally make these jokes that you've been sitting on all this time -- then I guess that is your decision.
(same with any other kind of humor that trades on bigoted stereotypes. believe me, I'm not looking forward to all the upcoming political cartoons that will Very Creatively exaggerate Trump's weight, either.)
(inb4 "I'm trans and I will still laugh at Trump's small hands from now until doomsday": I guess that is your decision. It's probably good for your current followers and friends to know that about you, because that may give them info they need to make some decisions of their own.)
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nero-neptune · 1 month
"kkkamala" was this written by a super racist right-winger Or a super online leftist? the answer will shock you!
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nientedal · 1 year
well you see nobody should be allowed to access gender affirming care because MY Bible says ever y one hav t dsc pwooo bbtttRRRRR deet deet deet [dialup modem noise] bwUuuuu and you're all hhg to ffarpLA ing to Hell if nnn inp let anyone of SPROING dittttg [ricochet.mp3] the DOWNFALL of AMERICA if hhhhg bitDING the rrrrrrrestRest of your life lifSOUL if AnYYYknnone play god then weeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEE let let let horg jrrrPYtr to Hell if [kettle shriek] ktktkkckstPING control t own b odie s i'mmm very intelligent,
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Obama became president and then conservatives afraid of reverse racism becoming real were like we have to go back to the 50s.
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priestofberath · 1 year
Nothing can fuck up somebody's will to live like approximately 7 hours of conservative talk radio. I'm fine now but christ earlier today I was this fucking close to figuring out how to psychically induce a fatal heart attack in myself.
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Diana Falzone at Mediaite:
Rudy Giuliani is on the brink of losing yet another paycheck just days after being axed from his six-figure WABC radio gig over his inability to stop spewing election conspiracy theories. Several sources at Newsmax said the fate of Giuliani’s show on the conservative network’s streaming platform is up in the air. Top brass, which has raised alarms about his election rhetoric, are considering whether to pull the show and drop the former mayor of New York altogether.
Giuliani regularly pushes election conspiracy theories on his Newsmax2 show America’s Mayor Live, but those comments are edited out in post-production over fears they could expose the network to further liability as it faces major defamation lawsuits over its coverage of the 2020 election, sources said. Losing his Newsmax show would deal another blow to Giuliani, who is facing serious financial and legal peril. Two insiders confirmed he is being paid between $100,000 and $150,000 per year for the show. Giuliani declared bankruptcy late last year just days after he was ordered to pay $148 million to two Georgia election officials he falsely accused of committing fraud in the 2020 race between Donald Trump and President Joe Biden. Bankruptcy filings showed his assets at around $10 million, most of which is real estate, including his Upper East Side penthouse — which is now on the market.
Election denier Rudy Giuliani could be on the verge of losing his Newsmax2 show on top of his WABC show he lost over persistent disobedience of station edicts not to promote election denialism.
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renegadetalk-fm · 15 days
American Journal Friday Desperate Dems Launch Russiagate 2.0 Targeting Conservative Influencers
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dumkana16 · 3 months
if you're a woman who's socially awkward socially weird socially bad in whatever way doesn't matter why you're like that if it's social anxiety autism whatever else you're treated in the weirdest way and that way is BAD
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pwrn51 · 5 months
Animal Farm's Resonance in Today's Society
  Dan is taking a hiatus from sports to reflect on George Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” a novel rooted in the backdrop of a botched revolution in Russia. Orwell’s narrative vividly illustrates the peril of entrusting authority to the wrong hands, a timeless lesson resonating especially in today’s Orwellian-esque era. Both conservatives and liberals would do well to heed its moral implications amidst…
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kinialohaguy · 6 months
Pōʻalua Hemolele
Aloha kākou. Pōʻalua Hemolele (Holy Tuesday). Today is Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalanianaʻole day in Hawai’i. It is a State Holiday. Prince Kūhiō was often called Ke Ali‘i Maka‘āinana (Prince of the People) and is well known for his efforts to preserve and strengthen the Hawaiian people. Prince Kūhiō joined the Republican Party, was nominated as their candidate for Congress. Kūhiō was elected Hawai’i…
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