#Color psychology
kishkilo · 1 year
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YELLOW: insecurity, cowardice, betrayal, sickness, caution, madness, dishonesty, fear
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beatrizjournal · 18 days
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“Throughout the Middle Ages, red had a religious significance. It was the color of the blood of Christ and the fires of Hell.”
“In Latin, the word for “black”, ater. Is associated with cruelty and evil. “Atrocious” and “atrocity” are derived from this Latinate stem. It is no surprise, then, that in Medieval paintings the devil was often painting in black”
1. From “color psychology.org/red/ ; 2. From “Google Arts and Culture” and the name is “The secret history of the Color Black”.
- Lately, I have been feeling restless which has reflected on my journals, I can’t seem to stick with one system. I don’t feel particularly attached to any of my notebooks. But I have been researching a bit about color psychology and the Middle Ages, as you can see from the excerpts above. Even though, the page you see there was a personal journal entry (it went with the color theme).
- Black has always been a color that I liked, so it has been interesting to research about the interpretations and symbolism that it had throughout history, the example here, is one of the most brutal ones, but then again so were the Middle Ages.
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urh2ogf · 10 months
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orange means fun !
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astro-rainbow777 · 10 months
☾✩₊⋆and their spiritual meanings⁺⋆✩☽
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Colour is, by dictionary definition, the frequency of light of which an object reflects. Although, To many spiritualist, we are all beings of light, which is why color brings great significance into our lives. It is possible that your favorite colour can say something about you, what you need in life, the type of people or environments you are naturally drawn to. Colour can represent many things in life, so today I will primarily be focusing on the personality, emotions, and spiritual messages each colour represents.
Thank you!!! I hope you enjoy <3
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✫ Red is primal color, in most cultures it represents life
✫ Red may symbolize strength, passion, love, anger, danger or power
✫ Red is associated with the Root Chakra (Representing safety, security, and stability)
✫ In Tarot, red is symbolic for power, authority, boldness, confidence, passion, leadership and strength
✫ When practicing your craft you can use a red candle to connect to your body, grounding, aligning yourself with your purpose, drawing in passion, self love and acceptance
✫ Red crystals can be used for motivation, inner strength, passion, drive, tenacity, and romance.
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✫ Orange is a sacred, communal and warm colour in many different cultures
✫ Orange is symbolic for optimism, joy, vitality, community, balance, energy, and enthusiasm
✫ Orange is associated with the Sacral Chakra (Represents creativity, sexuality, and intimacy)
✫ In Tarot, orange represents will power, courage, vitality and jealousy
✫ When practice your craft you can use an orange candle to attract friendships, respect, embrace sexuality, enhance creativity and connect to your inner child
✫ Orange crystals can help with your confidence, courage, vitality, embracing joy and playfulness, creative endeavors, or inner child healing.
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✫ Yellow represents happiness (duh), life, communication and success in many different cultures
✫ Yellow is symbolic for hope, spontaneity, curiosity, focus, cheer, intellect and hazards
✫ Yellow is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra (Represents self worth, will power, & responsibility)
✫ In Tarot yellow is symbolic for wisdom, confidence, hardship, hope, and timidty
✫ When practicing your craft you can use a yellow candle to manifest self confidence, obtaining will power, belief in self, courage, focus, intelligence, and knowledge
✫ You can use yellow crystals to help you be alert, have energy, balance, focus, confidence, self consciousness, optimism, warmth, and clarity
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✫In many cultures green represents harmony, rehabilitation, growth, change and abundance
✫ Green is symbolic for health, life, nature, envy, luck, money, renewal, freedom and tranquility
✫ Green is associated with the Heart Chakra (Representing love, self love and relationships)
✫ In Tarot, green represents youth, sentimentality, nature, adventure, growth, and health
✫ When practicing your craft you can use a green candle to connect to Earth, the seasons, open your heart, draw in abundance, attract luck, blessings,and good health
✫ Use green crystals to invoke spiritual transformation, attract lucky opportunities, align with prosperity, fertility, independence, and freedom
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✫ Blue represents calmness, spirituality, authority and peace, globally
✫ Blue is symbolic for emotions, serenity, peace, calm, trust, relaxation, sadness, grief, and fatigue
✫ Blue is associated with the Throat Chakra (Represents communication, speach, expression)
✫ In Tarot, blue represents emotions, imagination, sensitivity, memories, sentimentality and expansiveness
✫ When practicing your craft you can use a blue candle to bring clarity, reveal the truth, help with honesty, inner peace and calm, emotional peace, fulfillment and awareness
✫ Blue crystals can help you have more confidence in your voice, communication skills, bring clarity, connect to your emotions, patience, or attract peace and calm
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(I'm using violet as purple)
✫Violet/purple reprsents royalty, spirituality, art, mystery, magic, luxury and wealth around the world
✫ Violet is symbolic for imagination, wealth, uniqueness, creativity, spirituality, intuition, mysticism, and arrogance
✫ Violet is Associated with the Third Eye Chakra (Represents intuition, sense of purpose and direction)
✫ In Tarot, violet means high ideals, communion, spirituality, devotion and peace
✫ When practicing your craft you can use violet candles to manifest inspiration, deepen intuition or psychic abilities, enhance connection to the universe or higher power
✫ Violet crystals can be used for dream work, astral projection, meditation, divination practices (Tarot, divinative astrology, etc), and creative inspiration.
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✫ Around the world pink represents kindness, love, innocence, playful and beauty
✫ Pink represents compassion, innocence, sympathy, comforts, passivity, affection, and delicacy
✫ Pink is associated with the Crown Chakra (Represents connection to the divine, spiritual knowledge, and self realization)
✫ In Tarot, pink can be indicative of sensitivity, sorrow, friendship, forgiveness, and unconditional love
✫ When practicing your craft you can use pink candles to attract divine, unconditional love, beauty, kindness, forgiveness, gratitude, and connection to the collective
✫ You can use pink crystals to tap into your sensitivity, compassion, unconditional love, practice kindness, care, sympathy, trust, and faith
Thanks for reading, I really appreciate connecting with everyone on here and everyone who takes the time to read my work :)
Sending light and love,
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pixlelixr · 3 months
need people to recognize the difference between color theory and color psychology
color theory is looking at shades, values, contrast, what colors go well together, types of color palettes, complimentary colors, etc. it’s looking at just the colors themselves and seeing how they work together
Color psychology on the other hand is looking at the associations and meanings of colors. Like red means passion or anger, blue is calm or water, green is nature or good or money, etc
they are very similar and can overlap in many ways but are two separate things and I hate when people get the two mixed up/merge them together
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respectthepetty · 7 months
*clears throat and shifts feet *
How much do you think the colors apply to people in real life? How far are someone's true colors (hah) identifiable through the colors and accessories they wear? And does your brain highlight those for you in real life too? (If yes please elaborate please)
Do people choose the colors they like consciously and then over time the qualities/traits get magnified/infused (?) or do the qualities make you subconsciously choose those colors as silent representation of the inner self?
Like if a red rascal consistently and consciously is trying to be a green guy or blue boy, will wearing those colors change his red rascal-ness over time?
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read through this
Anon, go look at your closet. What does it say about you? Is it an accurate representation of who you are as a person.
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Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. But I KNOW colors apply to people in real life, and I've written about this in other posts:
Why the colors?
Color-coding groups
Cultural color coding
Real-life color coding
Real-life color coding Part 2
Visual Rhetoric
But I'm going to be more scientific in my answer here since you want specifics.
TLWR: The colors mean things in real life, but we cannot color code the same as in visual media.
Most of these research studies are hidden behind a paywall, but the links will show you the abstracts.
A 2013 study found that people who were ovulating wore more red and pink clothing. It was a subconscious decision to highlight they were fertile [x]. However, when the study was conducted again in 2021, the results were not significant. The researchers suggested this change was due to a shift in unwanted attention (e.g. MeToo Movement). [x]
But women who wear red in the service industry receive more tips from men. [x]
Sports psychologist have long noted that players who wear red are deemed more aggressive than those who wear blue. Players who wear green are judged more fairly. [x] [x]
Several studies have found that people who wear black are seen as more attractive, specifically men [x]. There is an entire book about the historical context of Men in Black. [x]
During times of global competitions (World Cup, Olympics, etc.) color association is the strongest for national identities. For example, this study showed that orange was consistently associated with The Netherlands regardless if the person wearing it was Dutch. [x]
Research in educational design, interior design, and architecture concludes that colors affect the space in terms of emotions and production. [x]
Plants react differently depending on the color of the lighting they receive [x]. Animals as well. [x]
Colors mean things.
However, when you ask how colors affect people in "real life" I always have to give a tiny lecture because the term "real life" is broad. I know what you are asking, but art is real life. What colors we see on our screens have a real-world connection; therefore, they have real life implications. Barbie being pink is real life because pink in Eurocentric ideals is a feminine color, and Barbie is the epitome of femininity. We see this carry over into other pieces of visual media like Power Rangers where for thirty years, the Pink Ranger has been a woman.
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The Japanese equivalent of Power Rangers finally had a male Pink Ranger in 2022, but culturally, Japan isn't tied to feminine pink the way the United States is. We use these colors in media because they mean something in real life.
But most people do not consciously go around choosing colors. People have favored colors, and they gravitate towards them more. People also have favored prints and styles such as florals or hoodies. So trying to categorize people based on the colors they wear in their everyday lives could quickly fall into dangerous territory, especially because a lot more goes into “real life” choices.
Neutral colors are more accessible in clothing – black and white. Blue can be found in nature; therefore, it has been easier to duplicate in dyes using natural resources. The red dye we typically use today comes from squishing a bug. When inventing new colors that weren’t seen in nature or that could not be duplicated through natural means, we used dangerous ingredients that could not and should not have been produced on a large scale.
All of this is to say that it is difficult for us to color code in real life because we do not have unlimited closets to pick items from like production teams. Most of us are not rich, so we must purchase what is available on the public market, and we must wear what we have available on the public market. Looking briefly at any clothing store, we can see how limiting those options can be:
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This man cannot be a Red Rascal nor a Pink Person because the options do not exist for him at this store, and this is true of most men’s clothing. Because we live in a binary society, we get binary options. Men can’t be colorful unless it's blue (standard boy color), but women can. Prime example - The Met Gala.
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And yet science tells me that we will find the man in the clothing ad more attractive in black. We will find him more approachable in white. We will deem him nonthreatening in blue-ish grey. We will see him as more of a worker in the tan/brown.
So, yes, I notice colors . . .  because we assign meaning to colors.
If I see someone in a red suit in a crowd of black, I’m going to think that person is bold and wants to stand out, but that might not be true of his everyday nature.
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People make subconscious decisions based on the society they live in, so if someone is feeling down or wants to appear more attractive, they might wear more black, but if someone wants to stand out or appear Dutch, they could wear orange.
But because it’s real life, we can’t always pick colors to match our emotions or personality. But we CAN do that in visual media, which is why we do. We can be more intentional about everything in visual media, so we are. Visual media is a more extravagant version of real life. So we can get the boy in the blue and the girl in the pink and when they come together, it makes purple.
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I could write about this all day, but I have to work for a living and actually get to teach about this ALL SEMESTER because there is a lot to unpack. This is art, biology, psychology, anthropology, sociology, marketing, and so much more because this is life.
Colors are real life.
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And they mean things.
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theereina · 9 months
Color Psychology
Color psychology is the study of how colors can affect human emotions, behavior, and perceptions. It explores the psychological impact that different colors can have on individuals and how they may influence mood, thoughts, and even physiological reactions. While color psychology is not an exact science and can vary based on cultural and personal associations, certain generalities are often observed. Here's a brief overview of the psychology associated with some colors:
Positive Attributes: Warmth, happiness, energy, optimism, creativity.
Negative Attributes: Caution, anxiety (in excess).
Positive Attributes: Calm, nurturing, romantic, feminine.
Negative Attributes: Immaturity (in excess).
Positive Attributes: Passion, excitement, energy, love.
Negative Attributes: Anger, aggression, intensity (in excess).
Positive Attributes: Calmness, trust, serenity, stability.
Negative Attributes: Coldness, sadness (in excess).
Positive Attributes: Enthusiasm, warmth, energy, creativity.
Negative Attributes: Overstimulation (in excess).
Positive Attributes: Harmony, balance, nature, growth.
Negative Attributes: Envy, inexperience (in excess).
Positive Attributes: Royalty, luxury, sophistication, spirituality.
Negative Attributes: Arrogance (in excess).
Positive Attributes: Wealth, prosperity, success, luxury.
Negative Attributes: Greed (in excess).
Positive Attributes: Neutrality, sophistication, balance.
Negative Attributes: Boredom, lack of emotion.
Positive Attributes: Stability, reliability, warmth, earthiness.
Negative Attributes: Dullness (in excess).
Positive Attributes: Elegance, sophistication, power, mystery.
Negative Attributes: Gloom, oppression (in excess).
Positive Attributes: Modernity, sleekness, sophistication.
Negative Attributes: Coldness (in excess).
Positive Attributes: Purity, cleanliness, simplicity, clarity.
Negative Attributes: Sterility, coldness (in excess).
It's important to note that individual experiences and cultural contexts play a significant role in shaping personal responses to colors. Additionally, color preferences and associations can vary widely from person to person.
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appleswan · 10 months
Batman as a character has always existed in a dark space in comics and I mean that very literally. He is called the DARK Knight, he comes out at night, his whole thing is bats and broody and he lives in GOTHAM which is notorious for its Gothic architecture. But the problem that occurs in utlizing that kind of aesthetic for a vigilante is that darkness is typically associated with violence.
Black as a color is psychologically linked with authority, prestige. You want the Black card, black tie is formal, and a nice tux is typically pressed and a deep black. Black is elegance, it's intelligence, and in that case it very much fits the character Bruce is established to be. However Black is also highly associated with death, and though you can take this as representation for Bruce's deep ties to mortality and his near constant mourning, people are more likely to associate Batman with death, with killing. Black is very stereotypically associated with villains even though Bruce and Batman are very notably not villains. Think Darth Vader, Maleficent, Voldemort, etc. The bad guys are very societally coded to wear the color black.
Which is why I think there are a lot of depictions of Batman that make him a very awful person. Bruce exists outside of the law but he adheres to his own moral code when he works as Batman, yet most major movies we see Bruce in depict him working not for justice but often times in revenge. He kills, he maims, he even brands villains. I think it's that association that makes people more willing to push Batman past being a hero. Its why people believe that he just harms mentally ill people and simple beggars. Because Batman is a dark character, and people expect dark characters to do morally ambiguous things.
The real kicker though, is that Batman isn't morally ambiguous. Not in the ways that people expect him to be. He is a hero through and through.
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weandthecolor · 1 year
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Color Psychology
Read the article here.
Follow WE AND THE COLOR on: Facebook I Twitter I Pinterest I YouTube I Instagram I Reddit
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regentbison · 1 year
by this point we all know that Beetlejuice has mood ring hair. I’ve decided to write a color-emotion index, cannon for me and my fics only (unless you also wish to use it), and I’ve also decided to share said index with you all
Green: happiness, joy
Bright green: ecstasy
Light green: amusement, anticipation
Dark green: mischievous, enthusiastic
Red: anger
Deep red: hatred, loathing
Light red: annoyed
Burgundy: jealousy
Purple: loneliness, sadness, upset
Light purple: regret, guilt, shame
Blue: calm, relief, content
Light blue: pride
Turquoise: awe, admiration
White: petrified
Light grey: fear
Dark grey: apprehension
Pink: love
Light pink: flustered
Hot pink: pleased
Orange: pain,
The deeper, the worse the pain is
Yellow: compassion, sincere
Highlighter yellow: interest
Dark yellow: trust
Black: depressed
Brown: confused
Light brown: uncomfortable
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accidentalslayer · 1 year
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"There's something about black. You feel hidden away in it." -Georgia O'Keeffe..
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its-all-down-hill · 2 months
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10marketeer · 2 months
Bugün sizinle sürülebilir tatlılar hakkında oldukça ilginç bir pazar araştırması paylaşmak istiyorum. "Sürülebilir Tatlılar Ambalaj Renk Paketleme Analizi" başlıklı bu çalışma, FMCG (Hızlı Tüketim Ürünleri) sektöründe ambalaj renklerinin ve paketleme stratejilerinin tüketici tercihleri üzerindeki etkisini kapsamlı bir şekilde inceliyor.
Bu araştırmada, sürülebilir tatlıların ambalaj tasarımı, renk seçimi ve paketleme stratejilerinin tüketici davranışları üzerindeki etkisi detaylı olarak ele alınmış. Özellikle ambalaj renginin, tüketici algısı ve satın alma kararları üzerindeki belirleyici rolü ön plana çıkarılmış.
Çalışma, FMCG sektöründe faaliyet gösteren firmalar için ambalaj tasarımı ve renk seçiminde dikkat edilmesi gereken kritik noktaları ortaya koyuyor. Tüketici zihninde olumlu bir imaj yaratmanın ve markanın tercih edilme olasılığını artırmanın yollarını anlatıyor. Ambalajın görsel unsurlarının tüketici üzerindeki etkilerini anlamak isteyen herkes için oldukça değerli bilgiler içeriyor.
Eğer FMCG sektöründe çalışıyorsanız ya da pazarlama stratejileri ile ilgileniyorsanız, bu araştırma tam size göre. Makalenin tamamına ulaşarak detaylı bilgi ve analizleri görebilirsiniz.
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uiuxden · 1 year
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Learn more about color theory and it’s application design. Discover the methods designers use when selecting colors from color wheel.  Full article is in the attachment to read. 
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glamourouschic · 1 year
the power of pink
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Pink was always associated with mindlessness, drama, chilishness or even stupidity, women wearing pink are not usually taken seriously, as we are too girly to be respected. But as Elle Woods once proven in Legally Blonde movie, you cannot judge a girls inteligence just by her hiper feminine attitude. So why don't we bring pink back into fashion. Why don't we show the world that pink is actually a strong color, as it combines both feminine strenght but also our softness. It's direct,
women who gain respect without provoking it by wearing mature, black outfits are even braver. (and im not crictising black at the moment) Yet it's disturbing that usually we do have to gain it.
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respectthepetty · 2 years
PSA: If you like Reading the Rainbow and enjoy my unhinged posts analyzing colors in queer media (I didn't update it in February *oops*!), try taking a visual rhetoric course.
What is visual rhetoric? It's how images persuade us, influence our thoughts, and reinforce a concept.
Why does it matter? We live in a very visual world, so everything we see affects our decisions and understanding of how we interact with the world.
Where could I find such a course? If you are a college student, it's hidden in the English department (we don't just wax poetic about the written word). Sometimes the course can be cross-listed with COMM or provided by that department. Art students from graphic designers to filmmakers, psych majors, and marketing majors can usually use it as an elective. I've seen some political science and textile majors strong-arm their advisors to sign off on it as well.
What if I'm not a college student? You could audit the course. You can also check your local community college and audit the course. Or you could check online. Many colleges offer the course free or for a small fee as the college attempts to design the course (pilot it).
What would I learn in it? Rhetorical theories and how they apply to images, visuals, and symbols. It won't just be about the colors though. You will likely analyze print advertisements and commercials for their concepts and meanings. You might examine propaganda, social movements, and political campaigns. You could possibly study famous photographers or other pieces. Endless possibilities really.
Is this stuff really that deep though? Let The Devil Wears Prada's Miranda Priestly explain:
This… “stuff”? Oh, okay. I see, you think this has nothing to do with you. You… go to your closet, and you select… I don’t know, that lumpy blue sweater for instance, because you’re trying to tell the world that you take yourself too seriously to care about what you put on your back, but what you don’t know is that that sweater is not just blue, it’s not turquoise, it’s not lapis, it’s actually cerulean.
You’re also blithely unaware of the fact that, in 2002, Oscar de la Renta did a collection of cerulean gowns, and then I think it was Yves Saint Laurent, wasn’t it?… who showed cerulean military jackets. [...]
And then cerulean quickly showed up in the collections of eight different designers. Then it filtered down through the department stores, and then trickled on down into some tragic casual corner where you, no doubt, fished it out of some clearance bin.
[...] so it’s sort of comical how you think that you’ve made a choice that exempts you from the fashion industry, when in fact, you’re wearing a sweater that was selected for you by the people in this room… from a pile of “stuff.”
Enjoy learning more about this "stuff" and, as always, feel free to share your thoughts with me and ask questions if you have any.
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