#Colloidal Crystals
mindblowingscience · 3 months
A new technique that produces 3D models of individual crystals has opened a window for scientists to see the subtle deviations that emerge in their otherwise perfect patterns. Researchers from New York University (NYU) went back to the drawing board on how to look deep inside solids made of repeating units, and determine how they grow. With a short wavelength roughly the same size as many of the repeating units that make up crystals, X-rays have long allowed scientists to infer how a crystal's components fit together by measuring the angle at which the rays are diffracted.
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Improving crystal engineering with DNA
Northwestern investigators have demonstrated that fine-tuning DNA interaction strength can improve colloidal crystal engineering to enhance their use in creating an array of functional nanomaterials, according to a recent study published in ACS Nano.
Chad Mirkin, Ph.D., professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology and Oncology, the George B. Rathmann Professor of Chemistry at Northwestern's Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, and director of the International Institute for Nanotechnology, was senior author of the study.
Colloidal crystal engineering with DNA involves modifying nanoparticles into programmable atom equivalents, or "PAEs," which are used to form colloidal crystals that can then be used for designing programmable, synthetic DNA sequences.
Most recently, this process has focused on controlling crystal size and shape, however, even with established methods, it can be difficult to separate crystal formation, or nucleation, and growth.
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ITU course expectation: that I will read 50 pages about fluids
ITU course reality: me googling “what is a colloid” because I don’t know anything about fluids let alone 50 pages of advanced fluids
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anarcho-physicist · 9 months
i helped* write a new physics textbook and it has a cool (and free) website: softmatterbook.online
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*a little bit. The vast majority of the book was written by van Saarloos, Vitelli, and Zeravcic, but a whole bunch of people contributed little bits of writing (myself included) and are credited in the preface.
This book is an accumulation of some of the most fundamental results in soft matter physics, many of which were first discovered or derived very recently. The website hosts a bunch of extra resources (videos, notes, demos, etc.) sorted by the chapters of the book:
Fluid Dynamics
Brownian Motion
Liquid Crystals
Interfaces, Surfaces, & Membranes
Pattern Formation out of Equilibrium
Active Matter
From Designing Matter to Mimicking Life
It also lists a whole bunch of labs all around the world that are studying the sorts of systems described in the book, as well as mailing lists you can sign up for, conferences, workshops, youtube channels, and software packages. I'm absolutely biased (see below) but I think it's a really great resource for anybody interested in soft matter!
I spent the first year of my PhD helping to put this thing together. I translated research papers into problems, hunted for typos, and wrote most of the solutions in the instructor's manual. I don't make any money off the book sales (my PI told me they made it available for as cheap of a price as the publisher would allow), but my PhD stipend was funded for the year to work on this thing instead of having to TA.
I was ridiculously lucky to get the chance to work on this thing, even if at times it felt like learning how the academic sausage gets made.
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goldeneyedgirl · 1 year
AILess Whumptober Day 2: Insomnia
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sweet dreams (day 2: insomnia).
twilight, alice/jasper, pg, human/vampire au, post-new moon. no warnings.
I don't think this is my finest work, but you know what, we're here for the vibes.
After the Cullens leave, I feel like… like some part of me is missing. Like I’ve been hollowed out but I’m still forced to walk around. I physically ache. All I want to do is sleep, except when I am finally, finally allowed to crawl into my bed.
That’s when it’s utterly impossible.
Aunt Lorraine says it’s my ribs, my shoulder. It’s been three months, they shouldn’t still be keeping me awake. I know that, but Lorraine insists it’s nothing else.
She gives me a bottle of essential oil and another crystal. More of her hippie nonsense; my dresser is cluttered with the other rocks she’s given me to solve my problems. I had to hide my aspirin in the pocket of my winter coat and my inhaler in my school bag because I know she’d throw them away if she knew about I still had them. Colloidal silver, oils, and stones are the only things she’ll allow, and I cannot stand it. After two months of having every oil and potion and leaf pushed on me instead of the painkillers the doctor prescribed, my tolerance is stretched to the limit.
“Some lavender to help you sleep, and some blood-stone for under your pillow,” she says, as she walks around the basement, straightening my things. “That one is a classic jasper…”
I nearly throw the stone against the wall when she says that, as if she’s intentionally hurt me, but she keeps prattling about the healing power of the newest oil and rock she’s given me and I know she hasn’t realized what she’s said.
The rock feels cold in my hand.
She doesn’t stay long, she never does; the cushions on the couch are fluffed, my schoolwork has been pointedly stuffed into the bookcase, and my laundry hamper is full. That is the extent of the mothering I get in this house; Uncle Rod’s always working - when he is on furlough, he’s good to me. He cares; he reminds me that he wanted me here every single time.
But Lorraine is distant and it’s clear that she’s drawing the boundaries between my cousin and me. And it’s fine, Willa’s so little, Lorraine wants to focus on her. She’s her daughter, I’m just her niece by marriage. She probably hadn’t wanted some troubled teenage girl she’d never met moving into her basement.
It’s fine.
But I wish…
“Sleep well,” Lorraine finally says as she leaves, pointedly not closing the door behind her, and I listen to her climb the basement stairs. I wish… I wish I had someone to kiss the top of my head, tuck me in, and maybe hug me when I cry.
I haven’t had a mom hug in so long. I could really use one.
I wait until I hear Lorraine close the door at the top of the stairs before I get up, and go into the laundry room to brush my teeth, and firmly shut my bedroom door behind me. I check my phone on the charger, ignoring the spam messages that pop up. Every freakin’ night, the stupid texts promising me credit cards and car loans, the phone calls that are silent just long enough for me to hope, only for the automated message to click in. If I didn’t know better, I’d think someone had signed me up to all of it as a punishment.
The oil and stone are still on my nightstand when I get back, practically mocking me. I ignore it as I climb back into my bed; the book we’re assigned for English rests under my pillow. It’s optimistic to think I’ll open it tonight. I’m already weeks behind.
I lie still and wait for something. Sleep, preferably. But it doesn’t come.
Mostly I think about what I had. What I lost. I want to travel back in time and shake myself. Those broken ribs don’t hurt as much as what comes next, you stupid girl. Beg him, scream and cry and throw a real tantrum to make sure that he doesn’t dare leave you behind.
Breathe deep so you remember his scent, of rain and leather and ashes scattered to the wind. The way you could curl against him, your cheek against his chest, and that perfect stillness that was so wrong and yet so calming; the way he would slide his hand under your shirt and over the skin and bone of your hip in a way that wasn’t sensual or lascivious, just comforting and so perfectly intimate.
And remember all of it properly. That proper, perfect feeling of a maybe family. The way Esme asks you to bring over the photo album so she can see you as a baby, a child, and makes you tell her about every single photograph, side by side on the couch, her fingers tracing over each snapshot of your face. The way Carlisle listens to you so intensely, like what you’re saying is so important, and then really thinks about what he says in response. The way Emmett made you leave an inhaler in his truck, just in case - and always offered to go through the drive-thru when you were in the car. Rosalie never smiling at you, never ever being slightly welcoming, but being the one that always checked if you needed a ride home after school.
And Bella’s wry little smiles, a beat-up book in her lap, and her hair around her face as you tried to explain something to her - a fashion trend, pop culture, some grand plan in the nebulous future. The way Edward would always move over just a little so you could sit down at the piano with him, the music propped up on the stand arranged for you if you wanted to sing the tune along with him; never needing to tell him that it was a comforting reminder of doing the same thing with your mom before she got sick.
Then remind yourself it was far too perfect to have lasted any longer.
Feeble moonlight spills in from the narrow windows where the wall meets the ceiling - the joys of living in a basement. I sink deeper into my bed, and I look over at my nightstand where the blood-stone sits. If I could smash it, I would.
My phone buzzes absently. Looking to refinance? Call (206) 342-8631.
“I nearly had a mom and dad who could love me,” I whispered at it. “I nearly had a family forever. And someone who loved me no matter what.”
The tears are hot as they roll down my face. “Why couldn’t you stay? I… It was an accident, we could have fixed it.”
Nothing. It was just a rock, after all. The sleepless nights had caught up with me if I was talking to bedroom decor.
Rolling over to face the wall where my photo-wall had been, I squeeze my eyes shut and just plead with my brain to give me rest. More than the scant, soupy hour or two I got before dawn.
It refuses.
My chest hurts.
My phone buzzes again. Nickel off expired baby food today only!
I’d turn the stupid thing off, but I’d promised my sister that it didn’t matter what time of the day or night it was, if she called I would answer. There wasn’t much I else could do for her nearly three thousand miles away, but I could do that.
I didn’t feel this lonely in Mississippi. Not when mom died, not when dad remarried, not when I was at the hospital. I never thought of myself as being hopeful, but now… now I feel like there’s nothing. Just a void of days I have to fill. I can’t imagine feeling human enough to exist in the world as a functioning adult. I’m hanging on by my fingertips now, and it feels like it gets worse every single day.
It was so stupid. It was an accident. I think Dad or the hospital have hurt me worse.
My phone buzzes. Cheap Designer Gear!!! 1 Day Only!!
I glared over at my clock, as if it was the reason I was still awake, and not the hopelessness that had taken residence up in my bones. That my mind was traitorously replaying every chuckle, every quiet conversation, every gentle kiss. I wanted Jasper here with me now, tucked up beside me with a heavy book that would bore me to tears, his hand rubbing soothing circles on my back to help me sleep. And when I’d wake up, he’d be gone but there would be a little note folded on my pillow. I love you, I’ll see you at school. I had dozens of them in the shoe box I’d banished my photographs to. Thirty two nights, thirty two little notes in his beautiful handwriting, all with the same first line.
I love you.
My eyes slide shut and maybe just for a moment I can float; that in-between sleep that solves nothing but at least makes the time pass. I am warm, the pain is tolerable, and right now I can almost remember how it feels to have Jasper’s hand on my back soothing me to sleep as he reads…
And the illusion was gone. Rolling over to an empty bed and grabbing my phone, knocking half the items piled on my nightstand everywhere, I felt like I was probably going to smash it if it was another ad.
A call from a number I didn’t recognize; Cynthia was always losing her phone, but I was more horrified that she was calling me after three a.m; she was twelve, she needed to be in bed asleep or watching Youtube or something. Not calling me for help.
“Hello?” I croak, weeks of no sleep and hopelessness coming through in that one word. I sounded about eighty. “Cece?”
Silence. I waited for the automated message to click in for a few seconds, but nothing.
“Cece?” I asked again, suddenly close to tears. “Please, just say something.”
I was suddenly more awake than I had been in months, sitting up straight. Jasper, my Jasper.
He sounded terrible, desperate and broken and lost. A small part of me was relieved he was suffering as much as I was. A larger part was terrified because he was the one that took care of me, protected me; I didn’t know how to fix his problems.
But the largest part of me was just desperate for him not to hang up the phone.
“Jasper?” I sounded like a child when I said his name, and I heard his breath hitch.
“I’m here.”
I had a million questions for him. Where are you? Why are you calling? What’s wrong? Where’s your family? Why did you go?
None of them came out. Instead, I just started sobbing and was faintly aware of myself begging, pleading, with him to come home. Promising him that I’d do anything, anything if he’d just come back to Forks.
I don’t know how long I cried and begged but when I eventually ran out of tears, Jasper was still there, trying to calm me down.
“It hurts too much,” I sniffled down the phone. “I need you to come home, please.”
Silence. I could hear the sound of traffic; a payphone somewhere. This connection to him was tenuous, momentary, and the rising panic was making me feel sick.
“Alice,” his voice just made everything feel better, softer, and I would have given anything to have him beside me. “Alice, take a breath, you’re going to have an asthma attack or make yourself sick.” His voice had lost that desolate quality, had taken on that warmth that I remembered so well.
“Please come home,” I whispered. “I promise I’ll do whatever you want, I just need you here.” I could hear the wheeze in my voice, and Jasper probably could too. But I couldn’t bring myself to get up for my inhaler; it felt like if I moved, he’d be gone forever.
Silence. I could feel the tears building again.
“I’m coming,” he finally says, his voice cracking. I let out a sob. “I’ll be there soon, I promise. You need to rest, Alice. Why are you awake?”
“Can’t sleep,” I said, blotting my face with a tissue. “I just… can’t. I’m so tired Jasper, I need you to come home.”
“I’m coming home now, I promise.” My body is relaxing. “You need to sleep, Alice. Just close your eyes and I’ll wait for you to fall asleep, okay?”
“Do the others know you called me?” I said, curling into my pillow. I still had the letter they’d left me with, written by Rosalie, cold and impersonal. They had to go, they had to leave because they were a danger to me. That they would leave me to live out my life in peace and wished me the best. It was the kind of very polite missive that cut right through me and made me feel very small and insignificant.
“Don’t worry about the others,” Jasper said soothingly. “They’re fine. Everyone misses you. I miss you.”
“You do?” I sounded pitiful.
“So very much.” His voice cracks and I can hear the pain, the longing. “I’m so sorry Alice.”
“I’ll forgive you as soon as you get here,” I yawn. “In person, I promise. How far away are you?”
“It’s going to take me a couple of days, but I’ll leave as soon as you go to sleep.”
“Tell me,” I began, sleep prickling at me. “What you’ve been doing.”
His voice was warm and melodic and I couldn’t distinguish a single word of it as my mind grew fuzzier, aware of nothing but Jasper’s voice and the warmth of my phone screen.
Home, home, he was coming home. And we’d never, ever be parted again. I refused, I couldn’t. He was home…
Love you, love you. The words drip in my mind, the last conscious thought I had.
If this is a dream, I don’t want to wake up.
I blinked sleepily as my phone alarm went off for school, balanced on the edge of my nightstand. I had fallen asleep in an odd little cocoon of pillows and blankets but it was the deepest sleep I’d had in weeks.
I had only the vaguest memory of my dreams, of Jasper’s voice and comfort, tears of desperation and then of relief. I had felt safe, hopeful again. Whatever it had been, I felt clearer than I had in a long time.
And as I climbed out of bed, I saw the blood-stone, where it had fallen next to my pillow. Instead of tossing it amongst the others, I left it where it fell.
Maybe it would give me another nice dream tonight.
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tired-fandom-ndn · 2 years
Sorry to keep going on about this but I have anti-vaxx parents so it's important to me, but homeopathic groups are so fucking predatory. They specifically target people who are justifiably wary of the medical system (mainly women of color, especially black women) and people who are either chronically or terminally ill and desperate for something that makes them feel in control of their illness.
They push bullshit "traditional medicines" and use all the right buzzwords to make people scared of both medical professionals and standard Western medicine and then they push themselves as the "safe" and "natural" alternative. They employ cult tactics to make people scared of the world so that they don't feel like there's anyone they can trust except [insert "wellness" company].
They leap at any bit of fear, any tiny medical complication or bad experience, and they use that as their opening to dig into people's heads. The best case scenario for a lot of the victims of these groups is going fucking bankrupt because they spent thousands on what is essentially water that had a leaf in it for a very brief moment, but a lot of people end up dying because they put their trust in these scams. People try to use crystals and colloidal silver to treat their cancer, get "chakra" massages for their heart conditions, drink pennyroyal tea to induce "natural" abortions.
A lot of these groups also end up turning into actual cults, which is a whole other can of worms. The founders of these companies become controlling, violent, turn themselves into religious figures. Then suddenly people in the group find themselves transferring their "ascended" leader's mummified corpse across state lines in the car trunk.
And then the victims get blamed for it, mocked and harassed. And I get it but I'm also the child of someone who is neck deep in that mindset and I've seen much how fear is the driving force. And the more and more misinformation and disinformation becomes common not just online but also on the news and on tv, the more people end up falling into these groups.
You can argue that people who fall for those things are just idiots who don't know how to do research, but the simple fact is that search engines? News sites? Youtube? Social media entirely? Those are becoming increasingly dominated by "wellness" cults and anti-science nonsense and it's getting harder and harder to pull people out of that spiral. Especially right now, with how fucking terribly the US government at least has handled covid; people know they can't fully trust government agencies to take care of their health, and these predatory groups are just giving them explanations for that distrust, even if those explanations are wrong.
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umbralabraxant · 1 year
I’ve found more of those insects. How they’ve been surviving, I have no idea, leeching nutrition from anything on the surface of Azarath seems impossible, at least the areas I’ve been looking.
Putting it under a readmore as I’m using this as a kind of journal for the evening.
It’s entirely plausible that these creatures may be living in the same burrows that the ohares do, but I have a sneaking suspicion I’m somehow missing a bigger piece of the puzzle. There are far too many of them and they’re far too… territorial? to cohabitate. There also don’t appear to be any ohare burrows around here…
I accidentally disturbed an entire nest of the flying centipedes whist cleaning up the Gazing Pool. I had to wrap myself in my cloak and phase into the shadow of a nearby stump until they settled. I’d believe they were living off of the Pool somehow, if the water hadn’t been putrid and stagnant and filled with advanced rot.
Having now been bitten by these creatures several times and having one captured in a jar, I will be looking into what kind of insect they could be. I’ll post a picture of one once I’m back home, trying to upload images from Azarath seems like an act of futility.
The bites itch. After they’ve healed, there’s a period of time where they’re little more than a red spot flush with the skin. It’s about… two hours for me, after that, when the intense itching begins. The itching is worse than the initial electrocution or the cold ache afterwards. Though I’m not sure what my healing factor equates to in a normal human’s body, I believe it would take about 3-4 hours for the initial welting and stinging to go down, and then a day of red dotting, followed by the intense itching starting after about 30-ish hours.
Colloidal Oatmeal helps take the itch away slightly. I’ll… experiment on more homeopathic relief when I’m back home and I can shower all of the Gazing Pool Gunk off of my arms and legs.
…in better news, though, the Gazing Pool is clear. I haven’t gotten the systems working to turn the water flow on, and I still need to purify the water that’s still in there, but the pool is clear of overgrowth and refuse. I’ll find its crystal tomorrow and… worry about fish later.
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dsknsk · 11 months
'Lone Trail Event' (parody on 'Hardware Store')
Nothin' ever (ever) happens in this town Feelin' low down (down), not a lot to do around I thought that I would go right out of my mind Until Arknights X told it myself They said, "Hey, you know that vacant spot Right when Ines left it? Well, Rhine Lab bought it And on that spot they're gonna have a shop Where we can go get snakes and elves!"
Since then I've been walking on air (air) I can barely brush my teeth or comb my hair 'Cause I'm so excited and I really don't care I've been waiting since last June For this day to finally arrive I'm so happy (happy) now just to be alive 'Cause any minute now I'm gonna be inside Well, I hope it opens soon
I can't wait, (no I) I can't wait (oh when) When that chapter 12 will finally end? I'm playin' (yes I'm) playin', I'm a-playin' the Playin' the (Lone) Trail I'm playin', really playin' the Playin' (Lone) I'm playin' the (Lone) oh yes, I'm gonna play the Lone Trail Event!
In my sleeping bag I pulled through, all night Right at the Play/App Store^, then as soon as it was [Update] I pressed my thumb right up against the glass You know, I had to be first in line Gonna get me a permit and a block Want some furniture for every single dorm of my base See those medals? Very, very soon The entire set will be all mine
Ops with codenames walking down the aisles Rows of stages that go on for miles and miles Brand new flashy skins in a plethora of styles All arranged alphabetically And they're doing a promotional stunt There's a great big green sign out front That says every and each customer Will get an OliviAlter free
I can't wait, (no I) I can't wait (oh when) When that chapter 12 will finally end? I'm playin' (yes I'm) playin', I'm a-playin' the Playin' the (Lone) Trail I'm playin', really playin' the Playin' (Lone) I'm playin' the (Lone) oh yes, I'm gonna play the Lone Trail Event!
I can't wait, (no I) I can't wait (oh when) When that chapter 12 will finally end? I'm playin' (yes I'm) playin', I'm a-playin' the Playin' the (Lone) Trail I'm playin', really playin' the Playin' (Lone) I'm playin' the (Lone) oh yes, I'm gonna play the Lone Trail Event!
Would you look at all that stuff… They got^^ Originite Prime, Headhunting Permits, Module Blocks, Lungmen Dollars Experience Tapes, Keton Colloids, Data Supplement Sticks, White Horse Kohl, Bipolar Nanoflakes, Refined Solvents, Transmuted Salt Agglomerates, Orirock Clusters, Incandescent Alloy Nucleic Salt Sinters, Transmuted Salts, Crystallic Electronic Units Integrated Devices, RMA-70-12, D32 Steel, Compound Cutting Fluids, Skill Summaries 2 and 3, Orirock Cubes, Sugar, Polyester Oriron, Polyketon, Supporter Chips, OliviAlter Pots, Matching Furniture and Furniture parts And an infinite LMD sink
I can't wait, (no I) I can't wait (oh when) When that chapter 12 will finally end? I'm playin' (yes I'm) playin', I'm a-playin' the Playin' the (Lone) Trail I'm playin', really playin' the Playin' (Lone) I'm playin' the (Lone) oh yes, I'm playin' the Lone Trail Event
I'm playin' (yes I'm) playin', I'm a-playin' the Playin' the (Lone) Trail I'm playin', really playin' the Playin' (Lone) I'm playin' the (Lone) oh yes, I'm playin' the Lone Trail Event
I'm playin' (yes I'm) playin', I'm a-playin' the Playin' the (Lone) Trail I'm playin', really playin' the Playin' (Lone) I'm playin' the (Lone) oh yes, I'm playin' the Lone Trail Event
^ = Depending on whether you’re an Android or an Apple haver ^^ = Includes the shop content and the mission rewards total, doesn’t necessarily rhyme or match the length of the original bridge, repeat as much as you like
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On December 20th, or 21st 1805, depending on the source, the chemist Thomas Graham was born in Glasgow.
I like posts that perhaps people can easily explore and make a connection with, like in this case, if you are ever in George Square in Glasgow you can check out his statue and say “well at least I know a wee bit about the man now” rather than just reading the name and moving on to the more famous ones, like Burns , Watt or Scott.
Graham persisted in becoming a chemist, though his father, who wanted him to enter the church as a minister, disapproved and withdrew all his support. It was with the church in mind that he entered Glasgow University at the age of 14, but while there he became interested in science and nowadays is known as one of the founders of modern physical chemistry.
Thomas was the eldest of seven children of a merchant father. After attending preparatory school and high school he started classes at the university of Glasgow in 1819. He remained there for seven years taking an M.A. in 1826.  Graham was a lecturer in chemistry at the Mechanics Institution in Glasgow and then he was appointed professor of chemistry at Andersonian University in the city. It was at this point that he was able to devote more time to experimentation and the seven years he spent at Andersonian were busy. In 1837 he was appointed professor of Chemistry at London University (now University College, London) where he occupied the chair until 1855 when he succeeded Sir John Herschel as Master of the Mint and remained in that position until he died. Graham is best remembered for his discovery that under the same temperature and pressure the rate of effusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its atomic mass. Basically this law means that the smaller the atomic mass of the gas the faster it will diffuse. Graham was awarded the Keith prize in 1834 by the Royal Society of Edinburgh for this discovery. Thomas Graham is also remembered for his invention of dialysis. Between 1861 and 1864 Graham, while he was studying the ability of dissolved substances to pass through a membrane, noticed that substances that crystallized well like salt passed well through the membrane and substances that did not crystallize like gelatin did not. He distinguished these two classes of substances as crystalloids and colloids. This discovery led directly to the dialysis that is done on kidney patients today. Graham is also remembered for is characterization of phosphates in solution. For all of these discoveries Graham was awarded the Copley medal of the Royal Society in 1862. Thomas Graham died on September 16th, 186 and is buried at Glasgow Cathedral.
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kidneycop · 4 days
Natural Supplements For Kidney Stones
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Kidney stones are a painful condition that affects millions worldwide. While prescription medication is often used to treat and prevent stones, natural supplements can also provide relief. This article will explore some of the best herbal and dietary supplements for different types of kidney stones like calcium oxalate stones. Read on to learn natural ways to keep your kidneys stone-free and pain-free.
Best Supplements for Calcium Oxalate Stones
Calcium oxalate stones are the most common type, forming when too much calcium and oxalate collect in the urine. Best supplements for calcium oxalate stones for preventing and treating stones:
Citrus Fruits and Juices
Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are good sources of citrate, which attaches to calcium in the urine to help prevent stones from forming. Drink fresh citrus juices as part of a well-hydrated diet. The citrate can help dissolve small calcium oxalate crystals before they get bigger. Citrus fruits make for a tasty supplement.
Water is key for flushing out stones
Most experts recommend drinking at least ten 8-ounce glasses daily to steadily dilute and wash out the urine. For those with a history of stones, an even higher fluid intake of 12–14 glasses may be advisable. Being well hydrated promotes urinary output of around 2 litres each day which reduces the likelihood of crystal/stone formation. Even increasing water by just 1–2 glasses extra can slash risk significantly.
Magnesium is an unsung hero
Taking a magnesium supplement may help reduce the risk of recurrent calcium oxalate stones by competing with calcium absorption in the gut and increasing citrate levels in the urine. Magnesium is also needed to metabolize and flush out oxalate from the body. Opt for a chelated form like magnesium glycinate for maximum absorption.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, assists the liver in producing citrate to bind with calcium in the urine and reduce stone risks. A daily 25–50 mg supplement provides the recommended amount. B6 is non-toxic even at higher doses. Combined with citrus and magnesium, B6 supports urinary properties that hinder stone growth.
Also Read: Are Carrots and Cilantro Good for Your Kidneys?
Kidney Stone Treatment and Prevention
Natural kidney stone treatment focuses on dissolving any existing stones while long-term prevention maintains a stone-free state. Here are some top supplements:
Dandelion Leaf
Studies show dandelion leaf extract helps treat and prevent calcium kidney stones. The bitters stimulate bile flow and liver function to promote healthy digestion and metabolism. The potassium content balances sodium levels while diuretic properties flush out minerals through urine. It’s a gentle yet effective herbal remedy.
Plant Silica
Colloidal plant silica from horsetail and bamboo contains beneficial silicic acid to strengthen connective tissues in the kidneys and throughout the body. Some research indicates silica may also inhibit stone formation by binding excess minerals in urine before crystal buildup. It supports overall kidney and urinary tract health.
Oxalate-Blocking Probiotics
Certain probiotic strains like Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus plantarum help break down and eliminate oxalate in the gut before it’s absorbed. This reduces urinary oxalate levels linked to stone risk. Look for broad-spectrum probiotic supplements, or dietary sources of active cultures like yogurt, kimchi, and kefir.
Approaches towards kidney stone prevention and treatment have been shown to be very effective because they include dietary modifications along with enough amounts of water intake and the use of natural supplements based on the type of kidney stones. Compounds such as water, magnesium, lemon balm, citrus fruits, probiotics, and vitamin B6 are able to adjust the concentration of minerals that promote the formation of stones in the body.
Are recurring kidney stones stressing your body and budget? Kidney COP tailors organic supplement packs to your individual biochemistry, giving your kidneys the daily backup they deserve. Our dedicated advisors make kidney health attainable — inquire now to rid yourself of stones safely and for good.
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medicinalfoods · 1 month
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BACK IN STOCK MEGA HYDRATE & CRYSTAL ENERGY The summer heat is on. There is no better way to get hydrated this summer than with these amazing tools from Phi Sciences to energize and hydrate you at a cellular level. MEGA HYDRATE The Most Powerful Antioxidant Supplement Alkalizes Bio Terrain Increases Cellular Energy Production Negates negative effects of alcohol and tobacco Creates Healthy Blood Eliminates Jet Lag I knew the late, great Dr. Patrick Flanagan from 25 years ago doing dark field microsopy together in Las Vegas together. We'd prick people's fingers and watch their blood turn from sticky and coagulated, catsup-like consistency to flowing like wine- just 20 minutes after taking Mega Hydrate. Hydrogen is the "Fuel of Life" and found in fresh fruits and vegetable, but quickly dissipates after picking. Mega Hydrate has the ability to alkalize the bio terrain, neutralize free-radical damage from alcohol and smoking and if taken before and a flight then you can experience no jet lag! CRYSTAL ENERGY Makes water "Wetter" Increases Nutrient Absorption And waste removal Creates "Cellular Water" Escorts out heavy metals and toxins Dr. Flanagan, a child prodigy, wrote patents for NASA when he was 12 years old, the first book on "Pyramid Power" and known for the "Neurophone" allowing deaf people to hear through their skin. He studied the the Hunzas and found the colloids in their water had a lot to do with their longevity. This dual-tetrahedron silica molecule that escorts out heavy metals and toxins from the body, recreating the most hydrating "Hunza-like" water. By lowering the surface tension of the water and delivering nutrients directly into the cell Crystal Energy can cut your supplement dosage in half!
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Northwestern University researchers have uncovered a previously unknown property of colloidal crystals, highly ordered three-dimensional arrays of nanoparticles.
The team engineered colloidal crystals with complementary strands of DNA and found that dehydration crumpled the crystals, breaking down the DNA hydrogen bonds. But when researchers added water, the crystals bounced back to their original state within seconds.
The new study describes the shape memory that occurs after changes to a colloidal crystal's structure and that is not accessible in other types of crystals. In response to external stimuli, reversible structural changes in these new materials could lead to associated dynamic functional changes that make them useful in chemical and biological sensing, optics and soft robotics.
The paper will be published Oct. 12 in the journal Nature.
"The deformed crystal has completely different properties when it's broken down," said Northwestern's Chad A. Mirkin, who led the study. "But DNA retraces its steps. Imagine if a house was destroyed by a hurricane, but then that every nail and board returned to their original places to reform the house after the storm passed. That's essentially equivalent to what is happening here with these crystals at the nanoscale."
Read more.
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Guar Gum Powder: A Versatile Thickening and Stabilizing Agent
Guar gum powder, derived from the guar bean, is a highly valued natural hydrocolloid used extensively across various industries due to its unique properties. One of the most remarkable characteristics of guar gum is its ability to hydrate rapidly in cold water, forming a highly viscous solution even at low concentrations. This makes it an exceptionally effective thickening agent, significantly more potent than starch. Its colloidal nature, combined with stability over a wide pH range and its role as a superior friction loss-reducing agent, underscores its utility in diverse applications.
The Science Behind Guar Gum's Viscosity and Stability
The primary attribute that sets guar gum apart is its rapid hydration in cold water, leading to the formation of a high-viscosity solution. This viscosity is crucial in various industrial applications where thickening and stabilization are required. Guar gum's thickening power is 6 to 10 times greater than that of starch, making it a preferred choice in many formulations.
Its stability across a broad pH range makes guar gum versatile, suitable for products that require specific pH levels for optimal performance. Furthermore, guar gum enhances the flowability and pumpability of fluids, which is particularly beneficial in the oil and gas industry, where it is used as a friction loss-reducing agent in hydraulic fracturing.
Guar Gum Powder in Daily Products
Guar gum powder finds its way into numerous products we use daily, contributing to their texture, stability, and overall performance. It is extracted through industrial processes and utilized in various industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, textiles, and cosmetics.
Food Industry
In the food industry, guar gum powder is a critical ingredient. It acts as a stabilizer and thickener in products like ice creams, sauces, dressings, and baked goods. In ice creams, for instance, guar gum prevents the formation of ice crystals, ensuring a smooth texture. In sauces and dressings, it helps maintain a consistent viscosity, improving the mouthfeel and overall quality of the product.
Pharmaceutical Industry
Pharmaceuticals used in guar gum powder is used as a binder and disintegrant in tablet formulations. Its ability to control viscosity is also leveraged in liquid medications and suspensions, ensuring uniform consistency and stability over the shelf life of the product.
Chemical Industry
The chemical industry utilizes guar gum powder in various formulations, including paints, adhesives, and coatings. Its thickening properties help in achieving the desired consistency and stability, ensuring the end product performs as expected.
Textile Industry
Guar gum powder used in textile industry as a sizing agent. It helps in improving the strength and finish of fibers and fabrics, enhancing their durability and appearance.
Cosmetics Industry
Guar gum powder use in Cosmetics as a popular ingredient in lotions, creams, and shampoos. It acts as a thickener, stabilizer, and emulsifier, contributing to the product's consistency and effectiveness. Guar gum helps in maintaining the stability of emulsions, ensuring the product remains homogenous throughout its shelf life.
Health Benefits of Guar Gum Powder
Benefits of guar gum powder also offers various health benefits. It is a source of soluble fiber, which can aid in digestion and help regulate blood sugar levels. The fiber content in guar gum can promote satiety, making it beneficial for weight management. Additionally, guar gum's ability to form a gel-like substance in the digestive tract can slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, which may help in controlling blood sugar spikes.
High-Quality Guar Gum Powder from Abdullabhai Abdul Kader (Ahmedabad)
At Abdullabhai Abdul Kader, based in Ahmedabad, we pride ourselves on providing high-quality guar gum powder along with a range of other products like Kalonji seeds oil, natural food colors, sesame seed oil, and more. Our guar gum powder manufactured using state-of-the-art processes to ensure it meets the highest standards of quality and performance.
Commitment to Quality
We are committed to delivering products that meet stringent quality standards. Our guar gum powder undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets industry specifications for viscosity, purity, and microbial content. We understand the critical role that guar gum powder in various applications, and our quality assurance processes are designed to provide our customers with reliable and consistent products.
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Diverse Product Range
In addition to guar gum powder, we offer a diverse range of products to cater to different industry needs. Our portfolio includes natural food colors that are safe and effective for various food and beverage applications, Kalonji seeds known for their health benefits, high-quality cocoa powder for culinary uses, and sesame seed rich in nutrients.
Guar Gum Powder is a versatile and invaluable ingredient across multiple industries. Its ability to hydrate rapidly in cold water and form highly viscous solutions makes it an excellent thickening and stabilizing agent. Whether used in food products, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, textiles, or cosmetics, guar gum powder enhances the quality, stability, and performance of the end product.
At Abdullabhai Abdul Kader (Ahmedabad), we are dedicated to providing high quality guar gum powder and other essential products to meet the diverse needs of our customers. Our commitment to quality and excellence ensures that our products not only meet but exceed industry standards, contributing to the success of our clients across various sectors.
By leveraging the unique properties of guar gum powder, industries can improve their product formulations, enhance stability, and deliver superior performance. As a leading guar gum powder manufacturer, we continue to innovate and provide solutions that drive efficiency and quality in manufacturing processes.
Whether you are in the food industry looking for a reliable thickening agent, in the pharmaceutical sector needing a stable excipient, or in the cosmetics industry requiring a consistent emulsifier, guar gum powder offers a natural and effective solution. Trust Abdullabhai Abdul Kader (Ahmedabad) for your guar gum powder needs and experience the difference in quality and performance that our products bring to your applications.
With the increasing demand for natural and sustainable ingredients, guar gum powder stands out as a preferred choice for manufacturers seeking to enhance their product offerings while maintaining high standards of quality and safety. Explore the benefits of guar gum powder with Abdullabhai Abdul Kader (Ahmedabad) and elevate your products to new levels of excellence.
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sisiad · 4 months
Work hardening in colloidal crystals
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rainbowriderjt · 8 months
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Citrine is a variety of quartz whose color ranges from pale yellow to brown due to a submicroscopic distribution of colloidal ferric hydroxide impurities. Natural citrines are rare; most commercial citrines are heat-treated amethysts or smoky quartzes. However, a heat-treated amethyst will have small lines in the crystal, as opposed to a natural citrine's cloudy or smoky appearance.
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rohelp · 11 months
7 Amazing Benefits of RO Water Purifiers for Your Health
Advantages and Benefits of RO Water Purifiers
Millions of Indian people have water purifiers but they don’t know what are the benefit. If you have RO this question comes to your mind is safe to drink RO water? What are the Benefits of RO Water Purifiers ? Get ready to be surprised as we uncover the truth about your tap water and the 7 amazing benefits of RO.
This article will introduce you to the incredible advantages of RO water purifiers — your new health allies.
Before we start What are the advantages and disadvantages of RO water purification? Let’s first face a simple truth — your tap water could be carrying hidden risks.
Think of it as a secret stash of contaminants and pollutants that you don’t want to consume. Chlorine, heavy metals, and unwanted substances might be hiding in your glass. It’s time to be aware: your tap water might not be your healthiest option.
If you see there are plenty of Benefits of water purifiers but below we will uncover the 7 amazing benefits of ro water purifier.
Multiple stages of Water Purification:
What i that mean by multiple stages of water purifier This means a best RO consists 6–8 stages of water purification. These stages have their own work in purifying water.
Example: Dust Particles, Smell, Odour, Bacteria and viruses, and TDS Control, etc. get cleared on different stages.
Let’s dive into deep explore with stages vise.
Stage 1 : Pre Sediment filter
Pre Sediment filter is called pre-filter and this is usually fixed outside of the water purifier. The job of a Pre-filter is to control mud & visual impurities from water.
Stage 2 : Sediment Filter
Sediment Filter Yes you heard many time this filter name when a technician comes to service your purifier at your home.
And you have a question about this filter Does sediment filter reduce TDS? No this filter cant reduce TDS but the task of this filter to remove various suspended particles such as Dirts, Sand, and rust.
Stage 3: Carbon Filter
Carbon Filter What does the carbon filter remove? This filter plays a crucial role in water purifiers it removes unnecessary Chemicals and organic compounds.
Such as chlorine, pesticides, and other Volatile Organic Compounds.
Stage 4: RO Membrane
RO Membrane the Full of this ( Reverse Osmosis Membrane ) The RO membrane remove remaining germs, chemicals, excessive salt, and suspended particle which is remaining after the three stages.
UV CHAMBER This is the stage where any 1 to 2 percent germs left in this stage UV Chamber Kill the bacteria and it gives Pure water.
Stage 6 : Post Carbon
Post Carbon if you heard this filter Name Now this will come to your What does the post carbon filter do?
Post Carbon works in Different ways in your water purifier all stage have done their Job Post Carbon come into the picture. This filter adds taste to your water and it also removes remaining germ which is not removed earlier.
This will give you drinkable Pure water.
It is the last stage of the water filtration Process Where any germ will left this ultra filtration Filter removes germs like pyrogen and colloids.
Now your water is free from all types of germs, microbes, chemicals, excessive salt, bad taste, and bad odour.
Lastly, water will be received from the tap is clear crystal and drinkable. These are the first Benefits of RO Water Purifiers.
2. Protected From Waterborne Diseases:
Do you know? Less than Half of the Indian population can drink that’s both safe and properly handled.
why I’m telling you because the water you are using might be dangerous and contain harmful bacteria and viruses.
Source: According to a report from UNICEF.
Now Let’s Decode how RO Purifier protects you from waterborne diseases.
In Water Purifiers there is a part used called the semipermeable membrane that has microscopic pores it 0.0001 micron wide to purify and drinkable water.
but but but….
What is the use and what are Reverse osmosis water purifier benefits?
The answer is it extracts and eliminates the abundance of harmful bacteria, fungus, germs and parasites, viruses from the water.
Many RO water purifiers also include a UV chamber, which helps to eliminate any remaining bacteria and viruses in the water.
It means the water you get from the ro water purifier is safe from microorganisms that can cause diseases.
As a result, the ro water will keep you save from toxic water born diseases and keep you FIT-Healthy.
3. RO Water Maintain Good Oral Health :
Most of people ask Is RO water good for teeth? Yes but First let’s understand the Pros of using RO water purification.
So you often hear from dentists why they advise you to use RO water because RO water is good For your Oral Health and teeth cleaning.
Many people do not know the fact is if you drink unsafe water it affects your teeth badly.
Now you have read all these benefits but you have to read more benefits remaining. visit Here
This content was Published originally Here :
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