#Clarke and Dawe
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tilbageidanmark · 5 months ago
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First Photo of OceanGate Titan Sub Wreckage Released! Yeah!
So what happened in this case? - "The Front fell off"
(All the other memes I’ve made..)
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thevelveteenvamp · 1 month ago
This feels like the current reality of things.
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faxxmachine · 10 months ago
Sometimes I remember John Clarke is gone from this earth and I get very upset.
I hope Mr. Bryan Dawe is doing ok in the wake of his absence.
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jetsteelyourheart · 11 months ago
Bloodlines Book 4 The Fiery Heart by Richelle Mead
My book 4 Group Photo <3
Another photo that would never happen, but also I don't care. It's my Bloodlines Beach Episode Clarence's Secret Pool Episode
L to R:
Top: Marcus, Jackie Terwilliger, Malachai Wolfe, Adrian the Pool Boy (his final Form), & Neil
Mid: Zoe, Dorothy (feeders get to enjoy the hottub too), Clarence, Sydney, & Rowena
Front: Angeline, Trey, Jill & Eddie
Gang Excerpt from Book 4, chapter 1:
They piled in. There were five of them now, plus me, bringing us up to a lucky seven, had Sydney been there. When we'd first come to Palm Springs, there'd just been four. Jill, the reason we were all here. scooted in beside me and flashed me a grin.
Jill's three bodyguards climbed into the backseat. They were all dhampirs, a race born of mixed vampire and human heritage form the time our races had shared in free love. They were stronger and faster than the rest of us, making ideal warriors in the battle against Strigoi and royal assassins. Eddie Castile was the de facto leader of the group, a dependable rock who'd been with Jill from the beginning. Angeline Dawes, the red-haired spitfire, was slightly less dependable. And by "less dependable," I mean "not at all." She was a scrapper in a fight, though. The newest addition to the group was Neil Raymond, aka Tall, Proper, and Boring.
The last member of the party stood outside the car, refusing to get in. Zoe Sage, Sydney's sister.
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storks-notlarks · 3 months ago
I love it when you can see Brian's straight man demeanour crack under the irresistible force of John's extreme silliness
Just in case you've never seen the The Front Fell Off video, some of the funniest two minutes on the internet.
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dannyreviews · 1 year ago
Rolling Stone Magazine Top 250 Guitarists - The Omissions List
Once again, Rolling Stone Magazine puts together a list that no one asked for and it's a complete mess. Instead of analyzing craft and technique, Rolling Stone goes for popularity and mediocrity. Who in their right mind thinks that Joni Mitchell, not known primarily for her guitar work, is Top 10 material, but Slowhand himself, Eric Clapton only worth making it it to 35? Also, why is The Edge, probably the worst guitarist ever, have a place in the top 50 and Jose Feliciano, a master of classical style, not even crack the top 200? I can go on for hours about the inconsistencies, but for now, I will focus on the many guitarists that Rolling Stone left off.
Martin Barre
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Jeff "Skunk" Baxter
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George Benson
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Joe Bonamassa
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Doyle Bramhall II
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Roy Clark
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Mike Dawes
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Paco De Lucia
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Al Di Meola
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Dave Edmunds
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Tommy Emmanuel
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Peter Frampton
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Justin Hayward
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Allan Holdsworth
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Stephen Housden
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Antonio Carlos Jobim
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John Jorgenson
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Laurence Juber
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Terry Kath
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Leo Kottke
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Yngvie Malmsteen
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Gary Moore
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Steve Morse
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Joe Pass
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John Renbourn
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Louie Shelton
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Tommy Tedesco
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Robin Trower
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Bert Weedon
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John Williams
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If I left anyone off, include those names in the comments.
Update (11/12/2023): Just discovered Doyle Dykes and he was another omission from the Rolling Stone list. Because I’ve hit the 30 photo cap, he gets an acknowledgment here.
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petermorwood · 15 days ago
Once there was a bookshop.
Its name was "Dark They Were And Golden Eyed", the title of a Ray Bradbury short story.
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I'd seen it advertised in the back of my "Conan The Barbarian" comics, black-and-white UK reprints of the US originals which came out on the same day - Thursday, I think - as a two-hour first period history lesson (9AM-11AM).
So I bought my weekly Conan on the way to school as a pleasant back-of-the-class distraction from such A-Level delights as "Metternich and the Congress of Vienna" or "Bismarck and the origins of the Franco-Prussian War" or "Causes and Consequences of the French Revolution".
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I was getting into fantasy at that time because British publishers were bringing it out like there was no tomorrow - Robert E. Howard "Conan" stories from Sphere, Clark Ashton Smith "Zothique" stories from Panther, and the Michael Moorcock book-of-the-month club from Mayflower.
Dark They Were was a sort of holy grail, because London wasn’t exactly round the corner or even a mere long train ride away as Dublin might have been, and my parents weren't willing to let me make a trip like that all alone. (I also suspect Dad had checked a map and found that Dark They Were was in the heart of Soho, a place with Other Kinds Of Bookshop.)
I finally went to London after getting A-levels good enough for Uni, despite my History result not being what it might have been (no idea how that happened). :-P
Dad was right about the Other Kinds Of Bookshop, a couple of which I duly investigated and found to be educational, although not in the way intended. Even though the places I ate and drank and the books and records I bought on that same trip are long forgotten, I can still remember it.
Despite having at least my usual allowance of critical-faculty-blunting late teen hormones, the shops outweighed it with their air of furtive sleaze, like the carpet in a seedy bar that sticks to your shoes - except this was an all-body experience. They certainly filled me with desire, but that desire was for a long, hot shower.
So much for the main attraction of late-'70s Soho...
Far more attractive was my discovery, just a short walk round the corner from DTW, of 58 Dean Street Records, which specialised in soundtrack albums.
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I'd been buying soundtrack LPs for years, so what with DTW and 58, I was well laden on my way home, and none of those purchases needed hidden from the parents, either... :->
Despite that, Forever People in Bristol was an even more important SF bookshop, at least to me. For one thing it was easier to reach, less than an hour away when visiting an old school friend who at that time lived in Cardiff.
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For another thing, I'd become a keen fan of fantasy anthologies, which were like samplers or tasting menus for different writers - you could call them selection boxes,and Irish / UK readers will know what I mean by that.
FP was where I found imports like Offutt's "Swords Against Darkness" series and DAW's "Year's Best Fantasy" series. I'd already got the first two in Carter's "Flashing Swords" series as UK imprints...
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...so the instant I saw the US-import Number 5 I nabbed it.
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A bit later, back in Belfast, I found a novel by one of those writers in Queen’s University Bookshop.
It was set in the same world as the short story and though the cover was, er, a less than accurate summation of the contents, those contents made for a fascinating read.
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I met that writer twice, at SF conventions in 1985.
Then at a couple more in 1986.
After that came Boskone in 1987...
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And the rest is history.
(Pedantic writer note: this has two typos. There's no apostrophe on Authors' - unless it's short for Authors Have A Wedding and I doubt that - and there's an extra O where I don't need it, a first but far from last instance of having my name misspelled in print...)
Happy soon-to-be-38th Anniversary, loved!
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marleneoftheopera · 1 year ago
Holiday Audio/Video Gifts!
For the holiday season, here are some audio gifts from various shows and one Phantom video! The link to them is here and the info is below the cut:
Happy holidays and I hope you are all having time for some rest!
Jon Robyns, Paige Blankson, Joe Griffiths-Brown, Kelly Glyptis, Matt Harrop, Adam Linstead, Francesca Ellis, David Kristopher Brown, Maiya Hikasa August 22, 2023; London
Tim Howar, Harriet Jones, Nadim Naaman, Lara Martins, Nicholas Garrett, Arvid Larsen, John Ellis, Valerie Cutko, Kelsi Boyden March 19, 2023; Greece
Josh Piterman, Corinne Cowling (u/s), Danny Whitehead, Katy Hanna (u/s), Ross Dawes, Kris Manuel (u/s), Sophie Caton (u/s), Paul Ettore Tabone, Georgia Ware October 17, 2019; London ​Matinee.
Jeremy Stolle (u/s), Samantha Hill, Greg Mills (u/s), Michele McConnell, Richard Poole (u/s), Tim Jerome, Ellen Harvey, Christian Sebek, Kara Klein, Scott Mikita (u/s) March 9, 2013; Broadway Matinee performance.
John Owen-Jones, Deborah Dutcher, Matthew Cammelle, Bruce Montague, Charles Shirvell, Margaret Mary Kane (u/s), Janet Murphy, Jeremy Secomb, Lucy Middleton January 5, 2002; London
Love Never Dies
Tam Mutu, Celia Graham, David Thaxton, Daniel Dowling August 25, 2011; London Tam Mutu's last performance.
Les Miserables
Christopher Jacobsen (u/s Jean Valjean), Stewart Clarke (Javert), Katie Hall (Fantine), Will Callan (Marius), Lulu-Mae Pears (Cosette), Amena El-Kindy (Eponine), Luke Kempner (Thenardier), Claire Machin (Madame Thenardier), Dejan Van der Flyert (Enjolras), Alex Shaw (Gavroche), Clohe Sullivan (Little Cosette), Tom Hext (Grantaire/Majordomo), Adam Pearce (Bishop/Claquesous), Ellie Ann Lowe (Factory Girl), Jordan Simon Pollard (u/s Foreman/Bujon), Matt Dempsey (Bamatabopis/Lesgles), Annabelle Aquino, Hazel Baldwin, Emily Olive Boyd, Ben Culleton, Matt Hayden, Sam Kipling, Anouk Van Lake, Harry Lake, Ben Oatley, Jonathan Stevens, Phoebe Williams, Ollie Wray September 28, 2023; London 15,000th show in London and the 5th show for the new company.
Sunset Boulevard
Nicole Scherzinger (Norma), Tom Francis (Joe Gillis), David Thaxton (Max von Mayerling), Grace Hodgett Young (Betty Shaefer), Ahmed Hamaad (Artie), Tyler Davis (Sheldrake), Charlotte Jaconelli (Johanna), Jon Tsouras (Cecil B. de Mille) September 28, 2023; London
Laureen Jones (I), Richard Carson (Maxim de Winter), Kara Lane (Mrs Danvers), Sara Harlington (Beatrice), Neil Moor (Giles), Piers Bate (Frank Crewley), David Breeds (Ben), Alex James Ward (Jack Favell), Shrley Jameson (Mrs Van Hopper), Nicholas Lumley (Colonel Julian) September 27, 2023; Off-West End
POTO Video
Ian Jon Bourg, Olivia Safe (u/s), Kyle Gonyea 2001; Hamburg, Germany VOB files. One of the most legendary Phantom's opposite one of the youngest Christine's!
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youbutstupid · 10 months ago
If you see the quote “screw comfort characters, who’s your confront character” and you go for one of the women of the BAU as opposed to one of the hundreds of vile male unsubs then idk what to tell you other than you might wanna consider some internalised misogyny
I really don’t think Jordan Todd being a bit snappy with Morgan or Ashley Seaver interrupting Reid is enough to warrant them being seen as worse than characters such as Jacob Dawes, Frank Breitkopf, Charles Hankel, Jason Clark Battle, George Foyet, Ian Doyle, John Curtis, Malcolm Ford, Hastings and Askari, Carl Buford, Edgar Solomon, Peter Lewis, Elias Voit…. To name a few
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whats-in-a-sentence · 1 month ago
The felon Rufus Dawes had stretched himself in his bunk and tried to sleep.
"For the Term of His Natural Life" - Marcus Clarke
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John Clarke and Bryan Dawe - The Front Fell Off
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stereax · 1 year ago
Do you think it's a good idea for the Devils to trade for Markstrom?
And which player(s) do you think could go to Calgary?
Anons!!! I love anons sob sob!!!
everyone else hates me but anons got me <3
Okay, let's get into this one under the cut eh? :D
So. Do I want Markstrom?
Eh. Not really. I feel like Markstrom is far on the wrong side of thirty. We would have him for two years at that $6m cap hit, and then he'd probably be gone with the rise of Daws, Schmid, and/or Poulter, or another goalie we find or trade for. Markstrom is a very temporary solution to this problem.
That being said, we are in a spot where we can theoretically make a run for third in the Metro and then the postseason. Under this lens, getting Markstrom as soon as possible would be wildly beneficial to this. Additionally, Markstrom could mentor Daws, Schmid, and/or Poulter. So there are benefits to getting him.
I think Fitz sees that the goaltending NEEDS to be addressed and that Vanecek can't reliably be an NHL quality starter. So something should happen, either now, or at the draft, or before the next season. I seriously doubt he goes into the next season with Vitek and Daws.
So is it a good idea? Depends. Depends what happens, depends what we think the team is going to look like next year. (Remember, Mercer and Toffoli need new contracts, as well as others.) I think the Devils should have tried to land Mrazek before he extended with Chicago, honestly. Saros feels too expensive, but he would probably solve the goaltending issue longterm. Markstrom is a shorter term solution that could have a very limited shelf life and a Raanta-esque fall off a cliff.
What would a Markstrom trade look like? Vanecek has to go the other way, for starters, both capwise and just in general. Next, they're gonna want either Holtz or a first. I'd rather give them the first, even if I don't think Markstrom is worth it, especially not without retention. Then probably a later round pick like Fitzy's favorite third and a mid-tier prospect like a Clarke or a Vilen. See if you can get a late round pick too.
So to NJD - Markstrom, CGY 2024 5th (from CHI).
To CGY - Vanecek, Clarke, NJD 2025 1st, NJD 2024 3rd.
I don't want to sell the 2024 1st, given the current state of the team, plus its conditionality already attached to San Jose with the Meier trade. I think a first is a bit of an overpay too, but I don't think Calgary sells for less.
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devilsupdates · 1 year ago
Third and final period of the game
Incoming #NJDevils  power play.
Brandt Clarke to the box
And now it will be the #NJDevils  who have to come up with a big penalty kill. Haula going to the box for a hook.
Tomas Nosek laying his body on the line during this penalty kill.
#NJDevils  catch a huge break here, it's going to 4v4 with Arvidsson going off for a slash.
Dawson Mercer just got slammed into the boards. He was being hounded 3 to 1. He's on the bench hunched over, but seems like he's staying on there.
Kings get the power play goal. NJDevils  trail 2-1 with 5:37 to play
Daws to the bench for the extra attacker. Just under two minutes to play
94 seconds on the 3rd left.
41 seconds left #NJDevils  call timeout
Game over devils lose.
Tune in Saturday evening for stadium series against the flyers
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jezawitha-z · 1 year ago
Bus Journey - Tarlac City
🗓️ Sunday | January 14, 2024
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Ito yung dahilan talaga kung bakit gusto ko bumyahe ng maaga tapos sasakay sa bus na open window. I just love the morning breeze. As I also mentioned previously, favorite transpo ko talaga ang bus.
Instead na magmukmok over the weekend, I decided to prepare my bag and just go kung saan man mapunta basta goal ko lang makasakay ng bus. As of now hanggang Tarlac lang muna tinatry ko as panimula but I'm planning na palayo ng palayo sa susunod.
Just having a quick search ng cafe sa Tarlac before leaving and I found this cozy place na pasok talaga sa taste ko.
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📍Calle Cubeyertos
Fairlane Subdivision, 4011 4th St, Tarlac City, Tarlac
"You are now entering a stress free zone".
Tapos yung pinapatugtog pa nung time na yan:
It must have been love, but it's over now
It must have been good, but I lost it somehow
It must have been love, but it's over now
From the moment we touched, 'til the time had run out
Napapa-smile nalang ako sa ganda ng paligid pero nananadya talaga yung kanta. Hahahaha
I really love the ambience, with nature vibe, with antiques decor, napaka cozy, i found peace. I was able to talked to the owner and she's just an amazing woman like i don't want to end our convo and i hugged her when it's time say goodbye na. But I'll definitely go back here next weekend.
She was surprised na galing pa ako sa malayo na lugar and sobrang na appreciate nya kasi di pa daw talaga nya minamarket kasi the place and sila is not that ready pa. Parang pang family or friends lang daw muna sana pero syempre once it posted on social media at magustuhan ng mga tao, yun na yun.
Kasi she also asked me if paano ko daw nalaman yung lugar and since mag close ng 10am, mas maganda daw sana kung hapon ako pumunta (4pm-10pm) ulit sana mag open. So since may iba pa akong gagawin sa hapon kaya umaga ako nakapunta, i told her babalik ako next week at hapon na ako pupunta. Grabe laaaaang. Kaya di ko mapigilan yakapin syaaaa. "I'll expect you here again, punta ka ng hapon although medyo marami tao nun pero you can stay and bring your book and read", she added. Gooosssh myyyy heeeaaart 😭
The service, the vibe, the people, these makes me coming back talaga and ofcourse bonus na yung masarap din na food nila.
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Sakto lang din na 10am close ng Calle Cubeyertos, open naman SM City Tarlac ng ganung oras and good thing 1 ride lang (tricycle - 30php) pero pwede rin lakarin.
Akala mo may passport eh pero ticket lang talaga yan ng The Beekeeper. Habang nag hihintay ng oras, nag ikot muna sa mall at may booksale tapos ayun siguro ito muna kailangan ko na libro ngayon. Hahahaha
Nung papasok na sa sinehan, para namang na bother si kuya na action papanoorin ko.
Him: Ayaw nyo po ng drama maam?
Me: Tapos na ako sa drama kuya. (drama sa buhay)
Him: Ah mag-isa ka lang pala kaya ayaw mo ng drama.
Kuya naman eh. Alam ko naman mag isa nalang talaga ako. Hahaha charot. Tapos yung ticket pala nila walang seat number agad unlike sa SM Clark. Buti nalang apat lang ata kami nanood kanina kaya kahit saan mo nalang talaga gusto umupo.
After manood, nag hintay nalang ako ng bus na may aircon since mainit na pauwi.
Now I should sleep na. 😴🥱
Thanks for today, self.
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thewritepartner · 2 months ago
Veronica Noble & Hayden Darmody Maria Reyes & Josef Volkov Jane Song & Nova Volkova Princess Aurora & Martin Saunders Naomi Connelly & Charlie Walker Elise Drew & Clyde “Rory” Donovan / Daviau Virgil Dawes & Delphine Rosen Elena * & Felix Daviau Maxima Falcone & Amya Daviau Cleopatra Rios & Claudia Daviau Rosemary Daviau & Sidney Ahmed Aurelie Grimaldi & Villanelle Rousseau Alicia Bradley & Tommy Donovan Murphy Bowe & Sara Avraham [RETIRED] Lydia Asensio & Beth Heydari Adele Lim & Alexander Roscoe Aristides Karatasos & Amada Rosewell Eve Champion & Atlas R.ose Elijah Hadley & Jeremy Rider Elijah Hadley & Claudia Daviau (brotp) Clark Joseph “Joey” Hale & Beatrice Bowe Iris McCool & Adrian Valentine Romana Ventlukova & Francisco “Paco” Juarez Winter Ohlin & Harvey Hargrove Clover Klein Reeves & Jason Reeves Heaven Jacobs & Ricardo “Rico” Valdez Destiny Nash & Jayden Vanderbilt Aksel Markov & Zhenya Azminova Hunt Clayton “Huck" Sutter & Esme Dupont Marguerite “Mags” Couture Daviau & Ford Daviau Hector James “Jimmy” Fields & Echo Daviau Vivien Stone & Noah Roscoe Diana Keats Hart & John Hart Emma Silva & Cora Reeves Jesse Forbes & Yvette Mitchell Keeley MacTiernan & Evie Faraday Willa Nolan & Elektra Rush Lucy Pace & M.alcolm B.right Isobel Fraser & Richard Wayne/Blaine Hannah Roth & Rachel Temperance Piper Bloom & Louis Carter & Gale Demir Zoe McCrae & Violet Darling Charles “Charlie” Foster & Defne "Goldie" Adanir Chase Albertine & Reginald “Reggie” Hale Scott Bowen & Audrey Knox Martina Rocha & unknown (edited) Natalia “Tallie” Christiaens & Prince Nicolas Amari Kelsey Alice * & Patrick Thompson Kim Mi-rae & Max Sheffield Elvis Vega & Regina Jones Hunter * & Michael Valentine Zara Cavalcante & Andre Almeida Delta Kourakis & Lorenzo Fox Miles Takamoto Shields & Lunanera Rosano TBA (Gael Garcia Bernal fc) Tiffany Weiss & Gabriel Pelaxtla Jewel Weiss & Jared Arjona Michael * & Marta Rostro Byron Drew & James Drew Paloma (M.elissa B.arrera fc) & Zed Medini Devi Decker & Arman Demir Julia Baer & M.att M.urdock Ethan & Suna “Sunny” Bereket Jenaye & (C.hristian S.erratos FC) Arlo Smith & Baylee Blackwelder Enrique “Ricky” Narvaez & Avery Hebert Carmen Tomás & Giovanni “Gio” Murray Sade Bello & Maila Rule Danny & Honor Lancaster Juan & Carolina Burke Leticia “Tish” Reis & Mateo Landry Harris Lorraine Santos & Amber Halliday Nicholas Hirsch & Sloane Barry Hirsch Andrea Love & Zeppelin “Zep” Paige Derek Knox & Lily Hammersmith-Vane Sabrina Daenzer & Cash Dennison Adam Kimble & Celeste Morrison Aspen Smith & Cecilia “Cece” Morrison Diya Sharma & Niamh Curran Johnny St. James & Alma Dorset Zahid & Olivia Chevalier (Eve Hewson fc) Jason "Jay" Reyes & Charlotte Kamura Ford Daviau 2.0 & Grace Sterling
HOTEL CALIFORNIA MUMU: Benny Clemmins (1920s) & Celia Sedgewick (1815) Reyna Stokes (1990s) & Betty Miller (1967) Shane Shipka & TBA (Grace van Dien fc)
HEAVEN SPRINGS MUMU Star & Preston Knox Constantine & Robin Khang Cadence & Dougie Fray Owen & Luanne "Lulu" Castillo Raine & Circe the Siren Dawn & Carter Jacobs Moon Romero & Jinx Vanderbilt Rowan Lefebvre & Laurel Hemingway Rebel Vanderbilt & Javier The Vampire
SWEET SPOT MUMU Deacon & Savannah Newman Paris Kent & Josh Harris Tatiana Marie Cutler-Grace & Ethan James Camille “Cam” & Dylan Ramos (Rami Malek fc) & Nour Nazari
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favevoiceactorbracket · 2 years ago
Meet the Competing Voice Actors!
After the preliminaries and days of deliberating, here are you VOICE ACTORS COMPETING! One will take home the spot of Tumblr's Favorite Voice Actor!
A note before they are introduced! If you would like to support any of them send in an ask or make propaganda, any propaganda you make and post yourself should have me tagged! As well using the tags #favevabracket or #favevabracket2023!
And a quick reminder about the two rules that will be staying active!
No harrassment, hate, or vitriol will be tolerated. We are here to celebrate the work of voice actors not tear each other down
This is all for fun! Do not take it super seriously!
Good luck to all of our competitors!
Kirby Morrow
Rob Paulsen
Robbie Daymond
Tiana Camacho
Alex Hirsch
Khoi Dao
Megumi Ogata
Ray Chase
Sungwon Cho
tara strong
Yuri Lowenthal
Alejandro Saab
Billy Kametz
Billy West
bryce papenbrook
Cree Summer
Grey DeLisle-Griffin
Kevin Conroy
Phil Lamar
Zach Aguilar
Zeno Robinson
AJ Michalka
Alex Brightman
Allegra Clark
Ashley Johnson
Christopher R. Sabat
Daws Butler
Eartha Kitt
Erika Harlacher-Stone
Frank Welker
J. Michael Tatum
Jack De Sena
Jason Griffith
JK Simmons
John DiMaggio
June Foray
Kristen Schaal
Mark Hamill
Richard Horvitz
Steve Blum
Tom Kenny
Wendie Malick
Aaron Dismuke
Aaron Paul
Aimee Carrero
Alison Brie
Ami Koshimizu
Angela Bassett
Ashley Ball
ashly burch
Avi Roque
Ayumu Murase
Ben Schwartz, baby!
bill farmer
Bill Scott
brandon rogers
Caitlin Glass
Casey Kasem
Cassandra Lee Morris
Cecil Baldwin
Christine Cavanaugh
Clark Duke
Colleen Clinkenbeard
Daman Mills
Dan Castellaneta
Dan Provenmire
Dani Chambers
Dante Basco
Dave Fennoy
David Tennant
Deedee Magno Hall
Deven Mack
Doris Grau
Doug Boyd
Dylan Marron
Elizabeth Maxwell
EG Daily
Elijah Wood
Ellen McLain
Eric Vale
Erin Fitzgerald
Josey Montana McCoy
Greg Chun
Gu Jiangshan
Guilherme Briggs (brazilian)
Haley Tju
Harry Shearer
Haruka tomatsu
Helen Gould
Hynden Walch
Jack McBrayer
Jackson Publick
Jaime Lynn Marchi
Jason Griffith
Jason Liebrecht
jason marsden
Jennifer Hale
Jerry Jewell
Jim Cummings
Jim Ward
John Burgmeier
John Swasey
Johnny Yong Bosch
Julie Kavner
Justin Cook
Kaiji Tang
Katey Sagal
Kdin Jenzen
Keith David
Ken Sansom
Kent William
Kevin Brighting
Kevin R Free
Kieran Reagan
Kimberly Brooks
Kimiko glenn
Kyle Igneczi
Kyle McCarley
Laura Bailey
Lauren Tom
Leah Clark
Liam O’Brien
Lorenzo Music
Lucien Dodge
Lucille Bliss
Lydia Mackay
Lydia Nicholas
Maddie Blaustein
Mae Questel
Mae Whitman
Maggie Robertson
Mara Wilson
Mark Oliver
Matthew Mercer
Matthew Zahnzinger
Maurice LaMarche
Max Mittelman
Mel Blanc
Melissa Hutchinson
Michael Adamthwaite
Micheal Sinterniklaas
Mike Judge
Monical rial
Natsuki Hanae
Nicole Tompkins
Olivia Olson
Olivia Wilde
P.M. Seymour
Parker Simmons
Patricia Ja Lee
Patrick Pedraza
Paul Castro Jr
Paul Frees
Penny Parker
Pete Gustin ( i think thats how it's spelled)
Peter Cullen
Phil Harris
Phil Hartman
Ricco Fajardo
Roger Craig Smith
Roz Ryan
Sandra Oh
Sarah Miller-Crews
Sayaka Ohara
Scatman Crothers
Scott Adsit
Scott Mcneil
Stanley Tucci
Stephanie Beatriz
Stephen Merchant
Steve Whitmore
Tabitha st Germain
Takaya Kuroda
Tom Kane
Tress McNeil
Veronica Taylor
Vincent Tong
Will Arnett
Yasuo Yamada
Zach Callison
Bobbie Moyinhan
Josh Brener
Andrew Francis
Brent Millar
Sebastian Todd
Kestin Howard
Lizzy Hofe
Andy Cowley
Todd Haberkorn
Yoshimasa Hosoya
Russi Taylor
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