#Claire's stim
inafieldofdaisies · 1 month
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razornioccam · 6 months
disco elysium currently occupies a large portion of my brain. unfortunately 75% of that is busy looping the way evrart says harry's name
mista doobwuh
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magicalshopping · 9 days
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♡ Peek-A-Boo Ghost & Pumpkin Fidget Toy from Claire's ♡
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zombpuppy · 1 year
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puppy regressor leon w hints of claire! 🍓 (4 anon)
x x x | x x x | x x x
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spitblaze · 1 year
Gold and Silver are good kids and Gold likes to show up unannounced to Lance's house post-game to bother Silver and Silver is like 'ugh great just what I need a loud annoying weirdo' but they are neither loud nor annoying while they hang out they just quietly sit on the floor reading magazines abt pokemon or playing video games and sometimes Gold will shove something in Silver's face like 'WHOA CHECK THIS OUT' and Silver will be like 'can you quiet down. What stupid thing could possibly get you that excited' as if he wouldn't also be equally excited about the very cool article about Sharpedo Gold just found
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Claire: If I only could, I'd make a deal with God. Two avocados for ten bucks.
Jack: He'd say that's not very good.
Claire: I'd say, yea but you're God. Isn't money kind of beneath you?
Jack: He'd say, it's the principle!
Claire: And I'd say, do you want the avocados or not!?
The guys: Are you two high?
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talos-stims · 1 year
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claire's makeup | src src src
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biohazardstims · 2 years
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xefjoey / starcrossed stimboard !!!!!!!!
💚 🐶 💖 | 🌌 💞 🌌 | 💖 🦥 💚 | 🍓
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carciinogen · 2 years
✨•˚Joey Claire stimboard
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DISCLAIMER: none of the gifs or art used belong to me, feel free lmk if you know the credits or any of their sources! Most of my gifs come from a huge hoard I saved a while ago, so I'm not aware of most of their sources unfortunately.
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nicolaz-causesh4voc · 20 hours
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“Looking this good doesn’t come for free.”
Pop Star // Coco & Clair Clair
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8th-melody · 8 months
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Zalind x Clair stimboard for @lumi-ness-cence :)
x x x
x x x
x x x
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dragonsdendoodles · 2 months
hi! just wanted you to know that I love your art and you have some of the most correct Enoch hcs ever.
will you please provide some more?🥺🥺🥺
Thank you so much!!! Absolutely I will, I will talk about that one all day if you let me
When he’s not around, Horace can be found with a homunculus chilling somewhere on him, usually in his hands, on his shoulder, or on his hat. Just so Enoch can keep an eye on him. Not that he’s worried or anything (that would imply he has feelings)
He gets along surprisingly well with Olive and Claire when he’s not actively trying to annoy them. They’ll follow him around and he’ll let them play with his homunculi or put on puppet shows for them, and if she asks he’ll carry Claire around and give her piggyback rides, though most of the time he’ll pretend he’s annoyed with her for asking.
He’s very good with kids in general, just completely subconsciously. He doesn’t have a clue how that happened. In his words, small children like him and he has no idea why.
He has a love-hate relationship with his scars from the end of TDODA. Some days he thinks they’re badass, but some days he also gets really insecure about them because of other people’s reactions to them. When that happens, he’ll refuse to leave the loop or even sometimes his room for the rest of the day.
Enoch is actually very shy when meeting new people. If an ymbryne-in-training or someone new or important comes to the loop to talk to Miss Peregrine, he’ll spy on them from outside or from another room, but if they try to actually talk to him he retreats to the basement and doesn’t come out until they’re gone.
He can play trombone. Notice I did not say he could do it well.
He can also play piano, but that’s less a headcanon and more something kinda confirmed by MOW when he’s stated to have used up six hearts teaching a skeleton to play piano.
He was bullied pretty badly by Abe in the short time they lived together, but none of the kids fully believed him when he said something. He doesn’t blame them—he was new, and when he was new he was even more prickly and defensive than usual, so they’d usually assume he started it and was upset Abe was finishing it when he almost never did. He never told anyone how bad it got until he vented about it to Horace almost a century later, who now completely resents Abe. He refuses to let anyone even mention it to Jacob for fear of tainting his grandfather’s image in his head.
Enoch is one of if not the pickiest eater in the entire house. He has lived weeks off of McDonald’s French fries from the present and Jacob’s retrieval of them for him because everything else sounded like poison.
Noor introduced him to Hot Wheels and he is obsessed. He has a collection of them in his room and Miss Peregrine had to make a rule within the first day that he can’t put mouse hearts in them and make them into homemade RC cars because they’re too small to see on the floor and Bronwyn nearly got a concussion from trying to dodge one thinking it was a bug.
If he has any pride merch from the present at all, regardless of orientation, he has pins and buttons. Nothing else. Enoch does not see the point of all the different flags and symbols but he does see the beauty in being able to chase Horace around the house trying to stab him. The fact that the pins haven’t been confiscated is a miracle.
He chews on things to stim. Favorite objects include every pencil he has ever owned, a lanyard Jacob gave him from a college he’s never heard of, his nails until they start tasting like formaldehyde, and Horace’s fingers. Horace has given up on trying to stop this.
I have many, MANY more should you want more. Mostly for Enoch and Horace but for any of the kids really I think about them A Lot
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
Weirdboygirl Percy headcanons
(But it's almost entierly me just sharing my friends' because i'm a sap who wants them to be appreciated /lh)
When i say 'weirdboygirl',i mean it-Percy is transfem bigender and autistic with no masking ability based off canon subtext that borderlines on straight up text.He's also afrolatina/monoracial black dominican for the same reason and he's mostly femme but has a decent amount of masc thrown in there for gender fuckery and he's crustpunk with pastel/kidcore elements thrown in
He's a huge gamer who's got his own low cost setup and only dosen't do Lets Plays even though he has a vlog channel because with how he is that's setting himself up for getting viral meme'd
He thinks adult only shows and movies are absolute ass due to being too dark so he watches pg ones only including pre-schooler ones(Bluey is his favorite obviously)and he has no shame in it since he's not a freak about it
She listens to obscure podcasts and rambles about them and she's a part time artist thanks to her and Rachel being queerplatonic besties but she dosen't do grand materpieces and just draws weird shit and same for crafts
Her favorite musicians are nostalgic ex-weirdkid ones like My Chemical Romance and All Time Low and The Cheetah Girls and then it's shit like Everybody's Worried about Owen and The Cure and Meet Me @ The Altar and Metallica and a bunch of transfem artists and general genres they love are Lo-Fi Beats,Breakcore and Punk Rock
Her special interests are blue,video games,kidcore,cats and anarchy.Blue is not Percy's lifestyle but Percy's way of life,she plays only free games and uses an emulator for the rest,kidcore is a huge coping mechanism from her extremely brutal childhood,she employs a lot cat based things in their daily life and even naturally acts like a cat sometimes including a meowing vocal stim and she goes full force in Tales of Dead Seas,a Hoo one year later sequel that's about Percy dismantleing the greco-roman mythos world system starting with killing Zeus and things go up hill for everybody who's not a dickbag from there and this includes Percy gaining new powers even pre-deicide but actually having mentors this time and she actively helps out with activism in addition to all her direct action across all 5 books of her last official story
The only sea related things they love are because Sally does so she raised them in them all the time and they've got mixed feelings on them post claiming because of how awful Poseidon is but they very slowly reclaim it for themselves and the process is given big boost when their egg cracks as they use mermaid/seapunk aesthetics for presentation and their personality a little too and it gives them gender euphoria
They refuse to drink energy drinks that aren't blue colored so they have a whole stash of them and junk food too with a threatning note attached to it,their go to store is unironically Claire's and they made sure to beat the Hot Topic allegations by loud and proud announcing how much they hate them for being sellouts and fakeout freaks and they're neither a skater boy nor a surfer dude because ewww but a guitarist and a multitask helper at the Familia Jackson Beach Shack
He's also Nico and Hazel's eldest sibling figure and pseudo-dad that got them away from Hades forever and Sally legally adopted them so they all live together in the mortal world and stick together as a trio too in the mythos world.He's their caregiver but also their best friend and radicalized them and taught them how to be punks,Nico choosing tradgoth and Hazel pastel goth.Their relathionship is extremely intimate and equally silly but that dosen't mean they never had problems to unpack and fix-Siblings aren't perfect but real siblings are the ones who try to be anyway and don't expect eternal forgiveness regardless.That's what makes us siblings,not JUST blood
And they healed his inner child a lot just by hanging out with him and loving him and letting him take full responsibility in their best friendship and on the other end there's nobody who's helped Nico and Hazel heal and be stronger and be themselves like Percy has.They're eachother's whole world and multiverse and rubbed off on eachother significantly(Nico and Percy's love for video games,Percy and Hazel's artistry,Hazel and Nico's taste in food,all three of their love for kiddy things)and Percy helps Hazel with girls
He was Warrior Cats kid and gets back into it as an adult and loves it even more and yes,he roleplayed it his classmates during recess yet they pretended they hadn't and mocked and animalized him for years because how long his hyperfixation it is lasted and that's why he gave it up in his teenage years but returned to it and reclaimed the catlike behavior it gave him as autistic swag
Percy's five love languages:Humor,comfort,justice,unrestrained fun and diy'd gifts.All giving and recieving and none strictly platonic or romantic,Love is stored in the Percy
She knows how to diy so many things it's a running gag and includes things that don't exist,her biggest comfort characters are:Cookie Monster,Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy(she's a huge Flutterdash stan so she refuses to seperate them),Brandy's Cinderella,Shego,Cookie Nessa and Marina from Nintendo,Yang Xiao Long,Katara,Sonic The Hedgehog,Amy Rose and the Adventure Time Cast as a whole and her type is other autistic afrolatinos/afrolatinas who're pastel punk to her crustpunk
He (jokingly) kins Hobbie Brown and Gwen Stacy and looks like she could be Hobie's older brother
She acts and talks in ways people find offputting and strange but by now she's learned to stop being ashamed and happily embraced that she'll never be normal but that that dosen't mean she's not loved dearly and by so many people and realized that's what she truly wanted from the start instead of not being different from everyone else.Because she's the most awesome as all fuck person ever
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aralisj · 4 months
hi umm if you wouldn't mind......... would u drop the "carmy is autistic" list..... because you're so right he's so autistic-coded but i want to compare notes
You don't know the can of worms that you just opened. Know that I cracked my knuckles and kicked my feet excitedly when I got this ask and I would LOVE to hear your insights too.
This is pretty much the format I used for myself, so I do apologize if there's something wrong with it. Also, this is only my appreciation of it and autism is a spectrum, etc.
Difficulty socializing - Imitating forms of communication (sign for "sorry", cursing) - Unable to read when he's being rude (shitty) and need for external confirmation from Sydney - Uneasy in group gatherings (not joining the rest of the staff for family during his first weeks at The Beef), avoiding social events (never been to a party, misses family reunions) - Can be gregarious when masking/using costumes - specifically the scene with him pretending to be Logan at the party - "And [Mikey] had this amazing ability. He could just, he could walk into a room, and he could take the temperature of it instantly. You know, he could just, he could dial it. And, um… I'm not built like that, man. I, um… I didn't have a lot of friends growing up. I had a, a stutter when I was a kid. I was scared to speak half the time. And, uh, I got shitty grades 'cause I couldn't pay attention in school. I didn't get into college. I didn't have any girlfriends. I don't think I'm funny."
Problems with body language - Cannot read easily when he's being teased/mocked and when he isn't: - He gets really defensive when Mikey and Richie mention Claire even if they're being genuine and doesn't calm down until Stevie says so. - He doesn't realize Sydney is joking at first in the alley scene or her outright mocking him in the S3 trailer ("I can sense the sarcasm" "No, no, no. Not sarcasm, snark, contempt even.") - Asking Sydney constantly what's wrong - he listens intently which suggests that he cares but he genuinely can't pick up on what the problem is - Lack of eye contact, especially at the beginning, giving priority to looking at the food than whoever he's talking to. He seems more comfortable with looking at Syd and Richie in the eye than the rest.
Difficulty making friends and navigating relationships - No romantic relationships before Claire (we assume 🤷🏻‍♀️) - When Claire called him and told him that Fak said he was his best friend, Carmy took a second to process and then agreed. He genuinely has no idea. - The whole "a girl who is a friend" debacle
Stimming - Fiddling with his spoon, shaking hands and blinking hard - Arguably, also smoking
Routine -~Consistency~ - "And the routine of the kitchen was so… consistent and exacting and busy and hard and alive" - Wears almost the same outfit every day (white t-shirt, slacks, coat, apron) - Doesn't deal well with change
Special interests - Cooking, drawing, (vintage) fashion - he's really out there cooking in hundred dollar t-shirts and gifting Thom Browne chef whites - Creative and flourishing in his chosen field ("I felt like I could speak through the food, like I could communicate through creativity. And that kind of confidence, you know, like I was finally… I was good at something, that was so new, and that was so exciting") - Understanding the world and other people in terms of food
Abnormal sensory response - Cannot stand certain sounds (~ball breaker~) and doesn't mind others (alarm) - Possibly heightened sense of taste/smell?
From childhood and more notorious overtime - Described as weird and shy even as a child - Stutter - Bad at school
More notorious under stress - Meltdowns and lashing out (1x07, 2x10) - Gets overwhelmed when plans change - Shutdown/anxiety attack after sleeping with Claire
Not playing cooperatively - Individualistic and cutthroat in the kitchen - VERY task focused (when he’s cooking HE IS COOKING) - Territorial over his things (knife) - He has a hard time finding a managerial style that suits him, delegating, and motivating the staff
Detail oriented - Toothbrush cleaning - The bowl thing in S3 trailer - His ~everything~ tbh
Depression, anxiety and APD comorbidity - Having special interests/happy stimming/needs shut down at a young age resulting in a pessimistic mindset (waiting for the other shoe to drop), anxiety attacks and unhealthy attachment styles - His trauma plays a huge role in this too but autistic children are particularly prone to suffering abuse in silence/staying in toxic environments and relationships
Alexithymia - "I Googled fun." - "I guess all the time I feel like I'm kind of trapped because I can't… Describe how I'm feeling. So to ask someone else how they’re feeling, that seems, uh… I don’t know, insane?" - "I hate this feeling" "What feeling, Carm?" "Uh, I'm not sure."
Black and white thinking - Difficulty focusing on more than one thing at a time, a very clear example is the majority of S2 when he's trying to juggle a relationship with Claire with opening the restaurant, while actively compartimentalizing the two of them, ignoring Syd's calls while he's out, then Claire's when he's at the restaurant - At the beginning of S1, he's hanging onto the idea that there's only ONE way to properly run a restaurant - Whatever "advice" he gets from Al Anon meetings is taken to the extreme, causing most of his fuck ups of S1 (more on this) - In the same vein, my boy can't understand a metaphor to save his life
I'm keeping track of the list (more or less) here
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twig-the-edgelord · 2 months
This post contains important information, lore, or other little details involving my rewrites and OCs. This was mostly made for people who have recently found my blog and don't want to dig through the tags. This will most likely be updated and/or have a part two
Jack Clementine
First drawing (outdated)
Reference sheet (1 and 2), 963 info
Junior researcher (1)
Containment cell (1)
Best friend (1)
Amputation Experiments (1)
Interview (1)
Random ship names
Some things he doesn't know
Night Terror (1)
The idea of death (1)
Redesigns (2)
Clem off her meds (2)
Mikell Clementine
Reference sheet (1 and 2), part twos information
05-6 design (1)
Night terror
Trans terf (1)
Scars (1)
We went to the lake (1)
Teen Mikell and Jasmine (1)
Anomaly (1)
What happened to you? (2)
Jasmine Clementine
Info sheet (1)
Teen Mikell and Jasmine (1)
Jasmines death (2)
Sam Clementine
info sheet (1)
Claire Mcrose
Reference sheet (1)
Scars (1)
Claire and Celeste meeting (1)
Tattoos (1) (will be redone)
Junior researcher design (1)
Most of her story
Celeste Mcrose
Reference Sheet (1 and 2)
Info sheet (1)
Junior researcher design (1)
Claire and Celeste meeting (1)
Tj Clementine
Reference sheet (1 and 2)
Important info (1)
Important info (2)
What did you do to me (1)
Redesigns (2)
Sarah Clementine
Reference sheet (1 and 2), part two info
7 months old (1)
Synesthesia (1 and 2)
Evelyn Clementine
First drawing (out dated)
Reference sheet (1), info
We went to the lake (1)
Teen Adam, Evelyn, Abigail
Drunk (1)
Adam Clementine
Reference sheet (1)
Teen Adam, Evelyn and Abigail
Abigail Clementine
Teen Adam, Evelyn and Abigail
Drunk (1)
?? Clementine
Real face (1)
Angie Mcrose
Drawings (2)
Eleanor Clementine
Info sheet (1)
If they find out (1)
I hate you (2)
Teen to early adult (2)
Locked forms (2)
In-between locked forms (2)
Ally Clementine
Info sheet (1)
Teen design (2)
Kyle Clementine
Info sheet (1)
Reference sheet (2)
Teen design (2)
Info (1 and 2)
Reference, log (1)
Joining the council (1)
Jessica Willows
First appearance (1)
Reference sheet (1)
Josie Joans
First appearance (2)
Info sheet (2)
Make up and hair down (2)
Ashley Carson
Info sheet (2)
Camila Carson
Info sheet (2)
Anomaly (2)
Random info (1)
Birthdays (1 and 2)
Stimming (1 and 2)
Family tree (1)
Voice claims (1 and 2)
Scars (1) (outdated)
How everyone feels about each other (1 and 2) (Will be redone)
Whole family (1) (outdated)
Family reunion (1)
Two birds; one stone(1)
Two birds one stone animation
That weird salamander girl (2)
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talos-stims · 1 year
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