#Circle of Profit
I think cancelling series that ended on cliffhangers should be banned, literally not allowed.
I am aware they sometimes don't know if they're gonna be cancelled until after the series is out, but so many goddamn series ended on cliffhangers only to be cancelled and I am sick and tired of it.
Esp if not based on anything (book, manga etc.), so you won't know the ending unless the creators decide to post it online (which never happens).
We need to normalize completing stories even if they're not the next BIG THING or at least giving the creators one more season to wrap things up. It's difficult to get invested in anything nowadays, because unless it explodes online you know you're pretty much screwed.
I'm actually more scared of liking something, then seeing its fandom even when small love it so much, and never see it through.
Yes, I am talking to Netflix directly actually.
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twilight-deviant · 6 months
Watcher fans sure are entitled and a little insane, ngl. "No one is going to sign up for your service! We're all poor! You've made the worst decision, and you'll be back in no time!" Saying this directly to the creators really reminds you of how low the respect for people you don't personally know has gone. I miss the forth wall between creator and audience.
I get and fully understand not having the money to support them, but... Watcher does have fans with money. A lot of them actually. They have merch sales. Their live tour sells out most venues. They have thousands of supporters on Patreon, where the cheapest tier is $5. They're able to gauge the rough finances of their staunchest supporters; that's how they landed on the subscription price. Yes, this move will reduce their viewership in sheer numbers, but to say all of their fans are broke and none will follow/support is factually incorrect.
It may not be a decision everyone agrees with, but severing the limitations of advertisers and youtube in favor of artistic freedom is a good thing. Yes, even if it comes with a loss of revenue. They understand that risk.
Also, I'm begging people to stop treating this like "another Netflix" or something and instead look at it as, "I am supporting a creator I like, similar to Patreon." They literally said in the video that they don't care if you share accounts. Get five friends, and you'll pay $1/mo.
I hate feeling compelled to rant in favor of their decision because I have my own reservations about whether it's the best move. However, I know it's not a choice they made lightly, and I like to think they understand that they'll need to branch out like crazy to entice subscribers.
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princehendir · 6 months
We need to figure out what's happening with the ao3 donation drives so that it can be replicated elsewhere. All else aside, the numbers they make are genuinely fucking impressive.
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mamanbou · 9 months
leopold's the sort of guy who catches feelings VERY quickly i think he was a little infatuated with jamie from the moment he thought of him beautiful, but didn't think much of it until he saw him again in ep 93. like the "...gwen's brother is cute....." to "oh no i like him as a person and even worse i'm going to spend the next several weeks painting him over and over" pipeline. he separated jamie (real person) from the pink demon (creature haunting his nightmares) very early on. but unlike with gwen he didn't pursue jamie in a dating capacity because he just sensed that wasn't where jamie's priorities were at, i think. also probably was scared of the brutality of rejection from ANOTHER pastel sibling in rhe space of 2 months or something. he was being respectful and channeling his crush in ways that are much more insane than simply asking jamie out (such as painting jamie 1 million times and turning his photobooth into a sting operation for jamie and crossing country borders to figure out why jamie ghosted him and lying to help jamie sneak into his employer's home without any context despite having just been ghosted). i think he would have stayed silent about it out of respect for god knows how long if jamie hadn't accused him of having no reason for doing all of these things. like leopold, point of pride, had to clarify that theres a very good reason he's spent months dropping everything to help at all costs whenever jamie stubbed his toe thank you very much!!!!
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larkthorne · 1 month
wow a post vaccine baby is no joke! Haha I'm in danger dot gif.....
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despertara · 8 months
Irene bro if you see this I want you to know I've been podcasting (talking loudly and emphatically to myself) abt that Grammy Gun post for Hours. I started ranting in the rb tags and then I got so mad I started a spreadsheet on my phone Yes I have the Excel app. No I did not finish my tags
#Pacing around my house ''IN LIEU OF A PERSONALITY TAYLOR HAS A MARKETING STRATEGY AND THAT'S WHY WHITE AMERICANS LOVE HER''#''BC SHE'S A WHITE GIRL NEPOBABY & THEREBY PERFECTLY EMBODIES WESTERN IDEALS: MARTYR COMPLEX + ARYAN PROFIT + QTY>QUALITY + CENTRIST + MID'#''AND IT'S PROBABLY TOO GENEROUS TO CALL HER A CENTRIST WHEN SHE'S NEVER REBUKED THE PPL WHO CLAIM HER AS THEIR ARYAN PRINCESS''#''THE VENN DIAGRAM OF PPL WHO ARE SICK OF HEARING ABT PALESTINE AND PPL WHO CAPE FOR TAYLOR IS ALMOST CERTAINLY A SINGLE PERFECT CIRCLE''#''IN WHAT WORLD IS SHE A TORTURED POET HER WRITING IS ON PAR WITH RUPI KAUR AND— WHO'S EMAILING ME FUCK OFF''#In the shower ''AND ANOTHER THING''#She's the physical manifestation of privileged ppl's desire to be oppressed bc they can't stand when the convo isn't abt them lmfaooooo#''it's hard for skinny white conventionally attractive cishet ppl whose fathers were bankers too!!! Don't erase my truth!!! 😭''#''Taylor is the number one most streamed/whatever artist in the world''#Popularity or notoriety? Bc the US is also well-known for Trump + Texas + public shootings + genocide + wasting money on football stadiums#But again! She's the Western/American Ideal Made Flesh! It's Punk To Have Money And Connections!#And Being White Is The Punkest Of ALL!#Oh my Christ I say this all the time but if university classes have to be offered on her they should be in Marketing and Ethics#She should be a business school case study and that is NOOOT a. Compliment#She couldn't even stick with country bc how truly country of an experience could she have had when her daddy was rich like#She doesn't have the range like idc if you like her just don't act like she's revolutionary when all her movements are calculated + LATERAL#It's not art it's business acumen please she is rewarded by the Grammies bc they respect her for upholding Capitalism I'm so tired#Remember when they gave AOTY to HARRY last year when Beyoncé and Benitito were RIGHT THERE#It's propaganda just like the news plzzzzzzzzzzzz you are all lemmings and she know it which is why she is so good at CONNING YOU#ME N BRO TAG#These are not the comments I wrote on that post you tagged me in btw I got out of the shower to write these FRESH#You know Kacey Musgraves is coming out w a new record too and even tho she got cut out of the CMAs last time she's still proudly country...#I am never drying my hair at this rate#Too busy explaining to you - in complete detail -..........
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obessivedork · 1 year
TBH as a writer appreciating the set-up of a character I ADORE Vivienne but her lack of proper character arc & the inability to argue with her more is as infuriating as with most of your companions in DAI, if not more when you play a Mage because you CAN’T grab her by the shoulders and shake her and say Ma’am if you’d had worse luck and wound up literally anywhere other than the Circle you did wind up at you would be a fundamentally different person please for Maker’s sake admit out loud that you only like the Circles because you managed to etch yourself some limited social power out of the broken and corrupt system you might not otherwise have been able to get for yourself and therefore you have not suffered the true effects of it!!!!
#not to mention real world issues with her being one of the VERY FEW important POC but I'm too white to discuss that well#just want it mentioned that I am aware of that#She's SO interesting I'm rotating her in my mind but I want to DRAG her to the fucking gallows circa pre-Hawke's rise to champiion!!!!!#I want to drag her to Kinloch and have her look the innocent children the Templars wanted to murder in the EYES#and tell them they deserve this for the crime of being born#She is SUCH a product of Chantry fearmongering and brainwashing it's so fascinating!!#Also the fact that her little story revolves around her lover and only her lover? bite bite bite maim kill BAD WRITERS >:(#/SHE/ should've got the Tranquil plot line. The realization that those people are lobotomized for profit and no actual REAL reasons#This is CANNON the Tranquil exist to FUND the circle and also because the chantry would rather fearmonger than teach to control magic#Like I don't expect her to pull a complete 180 on the Chantry and Circles but for fucks sake give me A LITTLE GROWTH PLEASE#She's the same bad bitch (affectionate) that she was in the beginning at the end! Just a little more politically powerful! It's SO BORING!#IDK. She could've been the divine that bans the practice of tranquility or something.#But bioware want us to forget the tranquil because they make their mage vs templar '''grey''' OBJECTIVELY AND CLEARLY NOT GREY#anyways the way DAI /WASTES/ its most interesting character concepts makes me SO mad and she's the biggest example imo#She & Sera PISS ME OFF with their wasted potential#tagging for my blog's sorting system not here to be a dick#dai#dragon age
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soryualeksi · 8 months
I'm not going to stop screaming about this as long as there is oxygen in my lungs.
Gaza is experiencing an attempt at genocide and the Western world, led by the US and its trusty lapdog Germany, is facilitating it.
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transxfiles · 1 year
if elon musk ever tried to put a chip in my brain i'd end up killing either him or myself. one of us has to die for that.
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ragnarssons · 2 years
boi am i glad for youtube, because the amount of people i saw on tumblr i saw being like “oooh favreau expects us to feel SORRY for pershing??!!” while literally everyone on youtube is like “nah fuck that guy, look at how he sucks on that episode, that eugenist bastard!” and i feel like i’m not the crazy one lmao. i see no moment in that episode where the writing tried to make us feel sorry for that weak bastard.
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hum--hallelujah · 1 year
Elliot man up and give me some bokehs. don't be afraid Elliot. this is what you need to do.
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
SWTORpadawan Writes - 2022: A Year In Review
Sorry this is more than a week late...
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2022 was a busy year for me, and while that was probably good for my professional and financial well-being, it was a down year for me creatively. Even when I wasn't swamped with work, I was usually feeling mentally burned out to write as much as I wish I could. Still, there were a few gems.
Overall - 13 pieces of various size in 12 months. Boo. I rarely bother to count my word counts; I try to prize quality over quantity. On the plus side, none of my pieces felt like completes failures.
High points! Collaborating with @raven-of-domain-kwaad​ / @the-raven-of-highever​ on a couple of AU pieces where I 'rescued' Kelsa and Élise Kine to my Adas Legacy. It was a fresh change of pace where I got to to explore one of my most complicated characters, Teeanah Malvern.
Likewise - Raven got me to write a pair of stories about Bela and Tasiele, two of the characters from my "Future Halcyon Legacy". (I need a better name for that one.) Space vampires, am I right?
@grandninjamasterren​ got me to write about lesbian robots. (It seemed like a good idea at the time.)
In terms of my various series - I'm glad I got to revisit Nas'ash'dia and Ozibaumnu in "Survivors". I'm even happier I got to revisit Tyzen Pyne in "Incomplete". (I hope to finish his story this year.)
I don’t know if “Convergence” is one of my better pieces, but it is the story I’m most relieved to get done. I literally had more than a dozen post-it notes on this thing in my old writing journal. It was a monstrosity, and half of it felt like shotgun-blast philosophy. The final product is at least readable.
I'm also encouraged that I had a new piece drop this week. I spent a month focusing on "How We Came to This Point", and it had been in my WIP Journal for a long while.  
Anyway - a complete list of my posted 2022 works are down below.
Let's hope 2023 is a good one. Both fic-wise and else-wise.  
- SWTORpadawan
Profitable February 15th, 2022
I Believe In You February 22nd, 2022
Survivors March 2nd, 2022
Until Dawn March 9th, 2022
Incomplete April 7th, 2022
You're Okay May 9th, 2022
Full Circle May 16th, 2022
Trouble June 8th, 2022
Convergence July 4th, 2022
In the Garden July 25th, 2022
This Moment August 22nd, 2022
Scars November 17th, 2022
Consort December 5, 2022
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larkthorne · 1 month
wow a post vaccine baby is no joke! Haha I'm in danger dot gif.....
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jakeowen · 2 years
i mean like good thing to support amber heard obviously but like. did the american ‘feminist movement’ just wake up???
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heartdirt · 1 year
i sometimes feel so alone in my day to day forms of activism. even my loved ones who i know for a fact hold similarly “radical” beliefs as me still don’t always show up in ways they could and it makes me feel like i’m an insane person for holding so steadfast to these small actions that don’t provide me or those around me with instant gratification
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lordiavolo22 · 2 years
no but really not to be silly or anything feederism (which does have its problems but thats not abt them rn) really does help u accept fat and not only accept it but praise it and love it and thats why i get kinda :/ when ppl are so quick to call it cringe
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