#and he botched it
ragnarssons · 2 years
boi am i glad for youtube, because the amount of people i saw on tumblr i saw being like “oooh favreau expects us to feel SORRY for pershing??!!” while literally everyone on youtube is like “nah fuck that guy, look at how he sucks on that episode, that eugenist bastard!” and i feel like i’m not the crazy one lmao. i see no moment in that episode where the writing tried to make us feel sorry for that weak bastard.
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canisalbus · 8 months
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Side note, managed to sketch this dog's silly little bike seat head from a challenging angle and then got immediately terrified of potentially goofing it up in the inking stage.
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bluerosefox · 8 months
Presence Pressure
Danny learned the reason why both his adopted parents and the GIW find it a little hard to somewhat track him down in human form (unlike when he's in ghost form) is because when he was still in the LOA he learned to suppress his presence (he was always good stealth, blending in, and other things like that, unlike his brother who didn't have the patience for it) and he does it subconsciously in human form but not in ghost form.
After finding that out he starts to train his ghost form to suppress his core/presence to that nearly of a blob ghost (and boy has it been fun being able to sneak his way into fights when his rogues come to town. Skulker is both the best and worst, he enjoys the challenge, Danny won't lie he enjoys testing his abilities against the 'greatest hunter')
Once Danny got a good handle on it, his parents suddenly burst into his room and announced that they're heading to Gotham tonight!
Cause apparently that 'ghost scum' ecto-signature has been detected there and they finally found it after months of recalibrating their inventions to find his trail. (And where his parents went the GIW have their eyes in his parents which meant they're not to far behind)
Danny is stunned (he forgot Damian and his DNA were very similar due to being 'hand-crafted' and the fact they grew up around the Lazarus Pits, that Danny suspected was dirty ecto now)
Oh... oh no.
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doctorsiren · 7 months
Will you ever draw more 7yg defenseworth? I absolutely adore the drawings you did for the last post on this! :)
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Defenseworth getting his disbarment letter + doodles from various points during the 7yg ^^
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masterrainb0w · 3 months
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I think the Peachyville horror might be the husbands that made us along the way.
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wrathofrats · 21 days
Do you guys think pebble had a meltdown when he learned that dewdrop was planning on transitioning elements? Years spent watching delta decay in front of him and wishing no other ghoul would ever suffer the same fate, that this was a cautious tale? Do you think when mist told him, he ran to the new cardinal, trying desperately to explain through tears why he couldn’t let him go through with it? Do you think he confronted aether, telling him dews blood would be on his hands?
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shih-na · 21 days
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Ironclad's demon form, based on the cards 'Fire Breathing' and 'Berserk'
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sweetsprig · 13 days
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Unrestrained new wave fun!
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yeah-thats-probably-it · 10 months
The type of man Jeeves finds acceptable for his niece is kind of telling tbh. Like, when all he knew was that Biffy didn’t keep his appointment with Mabel at her hotel, he wouldn’t let them within miles of each other
But as soon as Bertie is like ‘no no, you’ve got it wrong! Biffy isn’t playing with her affections, he’s just a barely-functional scatterbrained disaster who can’t remember his beloved’s last name or the hotel she was staying in’
Jeeves is like ‘oh, is that how it was? Well that’s fine then 😌’ and proceeds to help them get together
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starrysharks · 5 months
can you draw dr krankenstein a bit embarrassed? I just think he would look so cute.
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you were right, he does look cute ^^
(and also thank you for the advice you sent in your other ask! i did try to simplify octavia's shapes in her current design, but krankenstein still needs a bit of work... funny seeing as he's a perfectionist lol)
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I scream and bite and gnash my teeth every time someone disregards House’s very real chronic pain
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kithtaehyung · 2 months
im sorry but his little helmet popping off when he fell has me crying
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my man lost his sonic rings😭😭 BUT ALSO?? the fact he got right back up and got the helmet when the police were walking over🧍‍♀️”lying on the ground” my assssss the people spreading lies are sick!!!
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bisexualfbiagents · 1 year
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Hey, Scully, that word unruhe, unrest, is bothering me. Maybe he thought he was curing them somehow, saving him from damnation. From those things in the pictures, you know, he called them the howlers.
THE X FILES GIF MEME [2/20] EPISODES Unruhe (4.04)
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mykneeshurt · 11 months
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My face is currently my pfp 🌚👀🤪
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Why did my Merlin sim just fistfight Death himself
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l0nelyappariti0n · 7 months
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