#Cicero Lee
moonpleaser · 2 months
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@d20zinejam is out !! here are all the pieces i did this year! :] i also ran the stitchmension 20 zine!
you can check out the bundle here !! it's pay what you want and all proceeds go toward the un occupied palestinian territory humanitarian fund
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unladyboss · 1 month
This is a big part of the reason he reacted so viscerally to Claire's I love you phone message
Because he was regularly made to, coerced into, manipulated into saying I love you, without meaning it.
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But more importantly
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Do we have a solution Donna whatever your middle name is Berzatto?
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OK, so my HC/prediction/wish is that DD will have the opportunity to pay back the HUGE Karmic debt she has with Carmy next season when Cicero either:
Goes to jail for money laundering or something shady like that, because there's no way that all those packages that keep coming to The Bear or all those shipments that Mickey and Richie used to drop off for him are legit.
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Dies (my favest option) → and here's why.
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Or goes bankrupt because he can't cover his shorts (the ones he's not even supposed to have and that would put the IRS all over his shady ass).
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So my theory is that back in S2 (6 years prior to the present day on the show) when Lee offered Donna a real state business deal, the piece of shit building in Wilmette with like 7 cracks in the foundation, she said she didn't need it at first, he said it was a good idea:
And eventually she ended up accepting the deal and now, 6 years later that deal must have paid off and she probably has a lot of money in the bank that will come really handy when Cicero can't fund the restaurant anymore, for whatever reason. Take a pick from the list above or come up with new reasons, IDC.
So, Donna will end up saving The Bear, and as Better Call Lee said, EVERYBODY WINS, because let's not forget this show is not about money, it's not like it's Succession. The Bear is about family and love and all the shittiness and redemption that comes with that, so when Donna in a very OOC move, completely unexpected, saves The Bear, THAT WOULD BE THE PERFECT CHANCE FOR HER TO MEND THE BROKEN RELATIONSHIP WITH HER SON, now that she's apparently clean.
And Carmy, who wouldn't accept money from his mother in a million years, in any other situation, would in this case because if that's the only way to save Syd's restaurant The Bear, he would swallow his pride.
So, as Lee said: Everybody wins.
I'm pretty sure this is not completely out there... It's plausible given where all those characters are currently standing after S3.
Let's see. Whatever works for Sydcarmy, I'll take it.
Bonus track: Once The Bear is safe, Donna and Carmy are on good terms, Sydcarmy gets a star and or a JB award, I'm assuming that by then C won't be an issue anymore, I don't see any obstacle for Sydcarmy to FINALLY HAPPEN if it hasn't already by then, that is. If it's not perfect, it doesn't go out, remember? Well... Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs
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coy-lee · 2 years
"Yes, Listener! I will remain in THIS VERY SPOT until you tell me otherwise. Spiders could eat my FACE off, and faithful Cicero would not move an inch~"
... Alright, arms up and keep them there~
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He can rock a crop top ngl 👀
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gothamnetwork · 2 years
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Come on, you're a doctor. A scientist. There are plenty of things in this world that can't be explained by rational science.
Gotham, Season 1, Episode 16: The Blind Fortune Teller
(inspired by this color palette)
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laganpagan · 2 years
༻Cicero TK Headcanons༺
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// I’ve been holding onto these for a few years so — wall of text incoming //
Type: Lee-Leaning Switch
Dear Sithis he is absolutely helpless
Cicero is extremely ticklish. He hasn’t had affection in over a decade. The touch starvation is real.
Brush a few fingers against his side or blow air on his neck, and he'll jump ten feet in the air.
He’s been poked accidentally here and there, but he’s actually never been tickled before.
The first time he does, he gets squirmy and panicky because he’s so unused to it. Afterward, he wouldn’t be able to focus on anything, he’d get too distracted thinking about it for the rest of the day.
Eventually, he realizes that he wants it to happen again, but he’s too nervous to ask and too afraid that you’ll never do it again.
So, instead of asking, he’ll poke you in the side, get in your space, annoy you, anything that would make you want to get him.
Over time, if you’re patient and reassuring, he’ll be comfortable enough to ask you directly (He's still going to be flustered as hell though).
If you ask to tickle him on the other hand, he will be SO happy. Instant good mood. He'll pretend like it's not a big deal, but inside he's melting.
He loves being tickled. Although he’s a jester, it’s not often that he gets to laugh so hard. That, and he really likes the attention.
Teasing him is his biggest weakness. So, he tries to talk/shout over you instead so that you don’t tease him yourself. (“It tickles! / Cicero is ticklish!”)
Any type of teasing works on him. Baby talk, being smug, observations, etc.
Sometimes, he’ll be the one teasing you, even if you’re the one tickling him to bits. (“Is that the best the Listener c-can do?” / “Th-this is nothing-!”)
Cicero’s ticklish everywhere, but his worst spots are his tummy and his sides. The scars on his left side are especially sensitive.
Tummy raspberries might kill him, but I think it would make him do the loudest and silliest laugh.
Light tickles are his favorite. Gently poking at his ribs, tracing circles on his sides, it's enough to get him giggling but not as overwhelming.
He’s very squirmy, but he can’t help it. He won’t actually try to get away though, more often than not he’ll just lean into you and kick his legs.
He likes to play chase, but he’ll always get himself captured on purpose. He’d play up the theatrics too. (“Oh no! Poor Cicero has been cornered! Whatever shall he do now?!”)
His laugh is very squeaky and giggly like it usually is, but it’s a lot more wheezy.
If you get him in a really bad spot, he’ll start to do this hysterical wheeze-cackle, like a madman.
If you get him really really badly, he’ll break character, and stop referring to himself in the third person.
He loves tickle fights. He's capable of fighting back, but most of the time he loses on purpose.
He gets really bad aftershocks. He'll be all giggly while hugging himself on the floor.
Giving him aftercare means the world to him. He’s become so used to taking care of the Night Mother that he’s baffled when someone does the same for him.
Cicero is the meanest and teasiest ler ever. He is horrifying. Making people laugh AND suffer? That has Cicero’s name written all over it.
He pays close attention to what spots make you squirm the most, what teases make you the most flustered---
He will remember them all. Every. Single. One.
He is ruthless and cunning. Cicero was an assassin after all. Targeting weak spots is his forte. Turns out it applies to more than murder.
You know that one line he does where his voice drops like ten octaves? Imagine him doing that while he's teasing you. goodbye
Sneak attack tickles. He’ll ‘test’ your ability to sense danger, and his own ability to sneak up on you.
If you’re a lot taller than him, he’ll jump up and latch onto your back like a koala. The only way you’d be able to pry him off is with a crowbar.
He makes sure to not dwell on one spot for too long. He switches from place to place very quickly and sporadically.
His favorite thing to do is to build up anticipation. Slow tapping, wiggling his fingers above you, or keeping his fingers still on one spot - watching you losing it without even doing anything.
Honestly, he’s going to try everything he can think of. And he’s creative. If you’re at the end of one of his ler moods, consider: running
Speaking of, he loves being the tickle monster, often chasing you while singing, “Cicero is coming to get youuuu!~” while laughing maniacally like a little freak
Cicero is a really fast runner, too. He'll slow down because he likes the chase, but if he's deadset on catching you, you don't stand a chance. He outran a werewolf across the entire province, his speed and stamina outweigh yours.
Another thing he likes to do is play "hide-and-seek". The both of you using your stealth for something so silly is really funny to him.
He's a sneaky little bastard. He'll come up to you and give you a hug, and before you know it he has a death grip on you while wrecking your sides.
Cicero loves seeing the Listener laugh. It fills him with pure joy. Especially if they’re the stoic, [Remain Silent] type.
It also fills him with joy to embarrass you. He'll provoke you in public situations, like running a finger up your spine while you’re talking to someone so that you make a weird sound.
Despite everything, he will learn what your limits are. He’s not entirely cruel, at least, not to you.
If you ask him for tickles, his brain will stop working (he’s excited and doesn’t know how to process it)
If Cicero finds out you like it, he'll explode. He's so happy to have someone that's just as playful as he is. He'll feel less nervous when asking for tickles, and when he's absolutely demolishing you.
Cicero takes great pride in being the only one able to ‘defeat’ the Listener. Of course, he will never tell anyone how he does it.
He is very good at giving aftercare. He'll fret if he went overboard, offering tea, a blanket, hugs - but preferably all three.
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salamansir · 1 year
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Posting this as it's own thing! I needed more cicero tickles in my life, and Berrian is here to provide ❤️
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
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I congratulate you upon the general Success Col. Lawrence's [John Laurens] negotiations at Versailles. I should be exceedingly happy to find all our negotiations succeed as well. Yet the gentleman has been calumniated in one of the English papers in a gross manner. His real character has been denied in the face of Europe, and he has been held up in a very inferior one. They have been told that he is deficient in experience and abilities; and that therefore congress supplied this deficiency, by putting him under the patronage of Mr. Payne [Thomas Paine]. From this scandal he has not wanted a vindication. He will need none in our country.
Source — Francis Dana to Arthur Lee, [May 17, 1781]
Laurens was infamous in Europe for his terrible diplomat skills to say the least.
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d20unfuckability · 1 year
Natalia Cicero Connie Lee Carter Bajar vs The American Dream
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"She’s insufferable. The sex would be godawful."
"fuck the protestant work ethic (NOT literally, because it’s the worst 🖕)"
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xolliwritez · 1 year
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unladyboss · 1 year
KBL: Carmy's Dad
Carmy's dad has the KBL on his shirt
The L stands for LEE but Lee isn't in the picture and he also took up with Donna Berzatto. So I guess lee wasn't as good a friend to Carmy's DAD as Cicero was.
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Although we did see Cicero kissing Donna weirdly on the mouth (ew).
Seriously, what was going on with those guys and Donna?
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Donna is helping Cicero with something. WTF could it be? Business? The same business where the $ The Bear needs when Cicero cuts the funding off, is gonna come from? 🤔
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Dying to know.
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coy-lee · 2 years
TK Masterpost
This is just a start for now.
But hopefully this is helpful for finding your fix!
Monkey Bar Sun
Crop Top
Lee Mood
Ni Hao Good Morning Sun
Captain Feather Sword
Overwhelmed Moon Meme
GIF Moon Teasing
Tangled Up Moon
OC diVo
diVo Doodles
diVo Gets Moon Good
Sunny with a Button/diVo loves it 
Cookie Thief pt1
Cookie Thief pt2
Cookie Thief End
Glitch and Sun Bonding
New Eclipse/Arcade GlitchSun,
 Moon and Eclipse/Walk The Plank
Eclipse Getting The Bois
Eclipse TKs Sun
OC Betelgeuse 
Sun and Moon:
Sun and Moon-rito
SaMS Minecraft
SaMS Wither Storm
Trying The TikTok Trend
Crop Top pt2
GIF Sun and Moon TK 
On the Wire/Graceful and Tangled
BallPit Shark
Stuck Up-Side-Down
Sunrito Recipe
Sunrito and Moon
Puppet Wants To Play
Puppet Wants to Play Bonus
Missing Hat pt1
Missing Hat pt2
Missing Hat pt3
Missing Hat pt4
Easter TKs
Sun and Moon Get Each Other
 Sun and Moon Vs Nightmarrione  
Glamrocks+Moon vs Sun TKs
Moon and the STAFF bots vs Sunny 
Moon Sneaking Peeks at Gifts 
SaMS Fanart:
S&MS Eclipse and Lunar   
SaMS Eclipse Redemption??? 
Lunar Tricks Bloodlust Moon
Sun and Lunar Arms Up for Moon
Sun Stuck in Lunar's Beanbag Chair
Curious Eclipse
Description: Eclipse is new to the daycare. His job is to watch over the attendants and monitor their well being. After observing Sun and Moon play a particular game, he becomes curious, and he tries to play the game with Sun himself. Moon can only help just watching for so long before he too joins the fun.
(lee!Sun, ler!Eclipse, ler!Moon)
Asking For It 
Description: Sun and Moon play a little cat and mouse until Moon catches the goof and pins him in a peculiar way. Now Sun needs to say what he wants from Moon, or not get it at all…
(lee!Sun, ler!Moon)
All Caught Up (With No Ulterior Motives)
Description: Sun and Moon play mind games. One loses, but both win.
(lee!Sun, ler!Moon)
Description: Sun is still packed with energy at the end of the day, and Moon thinks up a little solution for Sun’s little problem.
(lee!Sun, ler!Moon)
Motor Function Error
Description: One morning, Sun wakes up but finds that he suffered a motor malfunction during the night and cannot move. He can still feel sensations tho. It took time for the maintenance team to arrive for the day so Sun and Moon find a way to pass the time while they wait
( lee!Sun, ler!Moon ) 
Close Encounter With The Third Kind (Phantoms)
Description: There's something lurking in the dark corners of the daycare. Sun and Moon soon meet said being and have their expectations subverted. Turns out there are sillier reasons to fear the dark. 
( lee!Sun, sidelines!Moon, ler!divo )
Life's All A Game
Description: In the boys' loft, there is an arcade machine with a glitch. a sentient glitch. They find a way to visit him, and Sun finds himself at the mercy of someone much more powerful than he could have imagined. Luckily for him, and Moon, this guy just likes to have good old fashioned fun.
(lee!Sun, ler!Eclipse)
Someone Else's Turn To Play  
Description: It's been approximately 4 days since the bois encountered the darkness living in the daycare's shadows. Moon's been as serious as ever during the nighttime and it seems that after one of his patrols, diVo decides it's a perfect time to fix that.
( lee!Moon, lee!Sun, ler!diVo)
Videos With Featured Works:
Case of The Missing Hat 
Shenanigans of The Daycare  
A Starry Christmas
Gaster Gets Sans and Papyrus 
Gaster and Sans, Selfworth Fluff\
Hoomin AU Sans
Spamton Tangled in the Vines/Wires 
Spamton and FNAF OC Eclipse
A Jester Wrecking and Puppet
Seam and Spamton Razzles
Spamton Dress Up, Jevil "Helps" (+Seam) 
Teasy Ler Spamton Neo
Lee Seam, Ler Spamton and Jevil
Jevil Tickles Spamton GIF
Cheater, Cheater
Description: Spamton and Jevil do battle quite often. Spamton feels like Jevil is hiding the secret to freedom in that cell of his. Jevil knows better than that and would rather keep Spamton from finding out the no such secret exists. So, they duke it out, both wanting to win for their own reasons. This time, though, Jevil is a bit worried about how good Spamton has gotten at fighting him...so he takes the battle in a different direction. A very fun direction.
(lee!Spamton, ler!Jevil)
HELLO? [[tickling department]]? IT"S FOR YOU!
Description: With the player being away for who knows how long, Jevil and Spamton hang out in the void behind Seam's shop, attempting to entertain themselves the best they can. However when messes are to be kept to a minimum, All hope of escaping boredom is lost... or is it?
(Lee!Jevil Ler!Spamton, [implied]Lee!Spamton)
Detroit: Become Human
Gavin Taken Down A Notch By RK900
Blushing Cicero
Cicero Following Orders
Gravity Falls
Stanley and Ford Brother Roughhousing
Alternate Weirdmageddon 
Super Mario
Super Mario and "Mr. L"  
Gabe Reminds Cas of his Place 
Doodle Dump:
Gartic Phone Fun Doodles 
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yourbelgianthings · 2 years
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msculper · 1 year
GOD the way the ring wouldn’t exist without enslaved people!!!!
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best-d20-character · 1 year
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