#Chipster Explains
peachynekomi · 2 years
About Sonia, Ann, Niko, and Sora
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Back in 2017, I had created these OCs out of boredom/fun and pretty much kept designing them throughout 2017/2018.
From recollection, one of the inspirations for these four was HDN (Hyperdimension Neptunia) as they were originally going to represent the four companies instead of the consoles in my version:
Sonia - Sony Ann - Microsoft Niko - Nintendo Sora - Sega
Sora was a special case since she had the most changes throughout the late 2010s; her name was formally Kara, was originally an anthropomorphic wolf, and had blue hair with green eyes. Her hairstyles even had to go through multiple changes before getting the right one.
Ann was kept the same along with Niko since their initial designs (not in the picture) were still the same with Niko having her plaid skirt/bow, red scrunchies, and brown sweater along with her twin tails. Ann still has her signature hat with feather along with her green overall skirt and brown boots although I'm considering making her hair peach-colored instead of blonde.
Sonia used to be an adorable-looking OC as she was going to be an OC who looks adorable but gets irritated by someone calling her a child since she is supposed to be short. She does keep the big hat but had a change in her hairstyle and clothing.
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kimberlyannharts · 7 months
They do establish that Trip is an alien in the first couple episodes but Katie literally gets no elaboration on how she's so strong. It's just a thing she does. Maybe she's just silly
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randomdancingwhore · 3 years
Secret’s Out - Peter Parker x Bimbo! F! Reader
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Summary: It's time for Peter to tell his girlfriend about Spiderman. It won't be that hard, right?
Request: "I was wondering if I could request an x men bimbo reader? Or a spider man reader where peter goes to school with a girl who seems like a Total bimbo but instantly is like 'yeah of course I've been knowing that you're spider man, duh!" @chipster-21​ hope you like it!
Warnings: Sexual role play hinted at.
Notes: This request was supposed to come out ages ago, but I kinda got carried away with it for a while but don't worry, I shortened it, lol.
'Today is the day,' Peter thought, 'I'm gonna tell her.'
Peter paced back and forth in the hallway wearing his aunt's long frilly robe as Y/N reclined in his bedroom.
She had caught him off guard. He had just come back from a crime-fighting spree and was still in costume when Y/N burst in. With no other choice, Peter threw on the nearest clothing article, which just happened to be Aunt May's light pink robe.
He tried to explain that he just put it on for fun, an excuse that would typically work on her, but when Y/N furrowed her brow and said,
"That robe is salmon, and that's def' a summer/spring colour, but you have mega winter/fall undertones, and you know it. There’s nothing fun about unflattering colour combinations. Peter...are you like hiding something from me?"
He didn't know how to react, so he didn't. He stood there and stuttered till Y/N had walked into his room, most likely texting her friends about the situation.
He hated lying to her; she was already clueless about so much, but it was for her own good; she was known to talk without thinking much, and if she ever let it slip that she knew who Spiderman was, his enemies could hurt her.
But enough was enough. Lying to her was hurting her too.
Gathering his wits, he opened his bedroom door, ready to face Y/N.
She sat up on his bed and looked at him expectantly,
"Y/N, I have to tell you something..."
The girl suddenly began to bounce up and down, clapping ecstatically. "Omg! The big secret is coming out, this's just like that one episode of 'Love and HipHop Atlanta' where Erica told Safaree that she was like super preggo and then he literally drove off on a mini four-wheeler, which was like totes lame" Y/N watches a lot of mindless reality TV "Anyways, what were you saying?"
"It's just, I don't want you to think of me any differently after this"
"Babe, just spill already. The suspense is totally breaking me out, and I have an Insta shoot tomorrow."
Peter sighed, and with brief hesitation, he ripped open the bathrobe, exposing his spider-suit.
Y/N gasped "Are we like finally doing the Spiderman role play thing?" Instantly and without cause, Y/N begins to imitate a stereotypical damsel in distress "Oh, Spiderman won't you come save me from the evil men, please take me home and show me how that web-shooter of yours really works-"
"No! T-that's not what's going on, we're not doing that. This isn't just a costume; I'm Spiderman, Y/N, that's what I've been keeping from you, and I can't anymore because...I love you."
There's a brief moment of silence.
"Duhh," The girl chimes matter-of-factly.
"You knew I loved you?" He says softly
"No, I didn't know that part yet and ILYT BTW, Peter. I said, 'duhh' because I like already knew you were Spiderman."
Peter's eyes widen. "What?!"
"Spiderman has saved me like a dozen times and I’m doing this über exclusive perfume mixing class so I started like noticing scents and you two totally have the same smell," she explains.
Peter is horrified. "I have a smell?"
"Yeah,” she sang “You smell like 'teenaged boy who uses AXE body spray as a substitute for a social life,' with unique notes of A4 paper, freshly ironed clothes and strawberry shortcake frosting."
"That's...interesting, but why didn't you ever say anything about me being Spiderman?"
"Because I'm not supposed to say your secret out loud, obvi, that's what good super-hero girlfriends do; I read that on Pinterest."
Peter's heart warmed at that. He realized now that he never should have doubted Y/N.
The touching moment was cut short when Peter's bedroom door was swung open by his aunt.
The scene before her was of Y/N sitting on the bed with Peter standing in front of her, May's bathrobe held wide open and her nephew was seemingly showing off his 'web shooter' to his girlfriend.
"Peter!!!" She screamed.
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thebillyengland · 3 years
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Microchips implanted into one’s body are supposed to make daily life convenient. They open a perspective to replace traditional keys, cards, IDs, and even train tickets with a microchip. Despite how futuristic this information sounds in 2018 Business Insider published another article with attached video from AFP showing that state-owned SJ –national Swedish railway- started scanning hands of passengers with biometric chips to collect their train fare. Moreover, the article described “implant parties” organised since 2014 by Swedish biohacking group Bionyfiken. Implant parties are the type of gatherings where people can voluntarily get a microchip plugged.
To exemplify the significance of microchips in Sweden, it’s worth to mention the book called  „The Swedish Chipping Phenomenon” published by Lund University in 2019. The author, Moa Petersén mentions that „ Sweden is an unique example of a country where microchipping was accepted on its social level.” In her publication we can also find some data on the number of microchips which were inserted between 2014-2018. Moa Petersén described an event from  2017 covered by Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet. The source reports -“The microchipping in Almedalen was organized by the Swedish state-owned train company Statens Järnvägar (SJ), and the politician Karin Svensson Smith, then chairman of the government’s traffic committee. The fact that approximately 5,500 Swedes have inserted similar microchips into their hands between 2014 and 2018 has attracted great international attention.”
Additionally, to examine if the statement “Thousands of people in Sweden are inserting tiny microchips under their skin” is reliable we asked the founders of Chipster A Swedish company, which specializes in inserting implants, shared some valuable information concerning the issue. One of the co-founders Sina Amoor Pour stated – “There are approximately 6000 Swedes in total that have a chip. These are all the people that have been getting a chip since 2014.“ However what Sina Amoor points out: the key factor is placing this information in the perspective of time. The Swedish biohacker explained that “in average 1000 people have been getting the chip per year since 2014. But also you need to take into account that this was a lot more popular in 2014-2016 since it was a new thing and a lot of media were reporting on it. Since then the rate of people getting a chip has declined”. This leads to the following conclusion: although, statement from Pascale Davies article is true, the headline might be misleading. It suggests that the trend is increasing lately. Which according to Sina Amoor above mentioned statement it is gradually declining since 2016.
To sum up, we can examine that statement -thousands of Swedish have microchips inserted under their skin- is true. By this year there are about 6000 Swedish who have been chipped. Nevertheless, it is not a new trend and reached its peak in years 2014-2016.
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badsext · 4 years
Leap of Faith Part 6: Penny
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Penelope Elizabeth Nokes loved mud and frogs and flowers and insects. She was a playful and curious child, a ‘tomboy,’ often chided by the other children for her audacity.  “Girls aint supposed to do that!”  They never let her forget.  Her voice, her clothes, her hair: it was all wrong and she was always getting into trouble.
“She always turns up like a bad penny,” the kids would say.  “Here comes big, loud Penny to spoil our fun...Why don’t you just disappear?”  
Then one day she did. 
Thomas and Virginia Nokes were a very strict, traditional couple.  Seeing their daughter’s independent spirit as a threat to their way of life, they sent her to a place called Rosewood Academy.  It was a mental hospital disguised as a boarding school.  Penny was admitted on the basis of nothing more than her father’s signature on the check.  The doctors struggled to find an official diagnosis, but that didn’t stop them from locking her up and putting her on a cocktail of experimental drugs.
Rosewood had a handsome stone facade with an impressive garden, but the inside smelled of antiseptic.  The floor tiles were shit brown and the walls were the color of bile. It had all the charm of a Russian gulag.  This was where Penny got her first period at age twelve.  And it was where she had her first kiss with a girl behind a shelf in the facility’s underfunded, heavily censored library.   
A few years into her ‘treatment,’ Penny’s older brother, Michael (the favorite) had been drafted and shipped off to Korea in the Summer of 1950.  The Nokes’ decided Penny was ‘cured’ and brought her home again.  Their ‘brand new shiny Penny.’  But it was a difficult transition for the girl. She struggled through chemical withdrawal symptoms alone in her room, afraid that if her behavior offended her parents in any way she’d be sent back to Rosewood for good.
Penny was to start 10th grade in the fall.  In spite of their efforts to hide it, the news had spread quickly around their California suburb.  Some kids invited Penny to the lake for a swim.  When she got there someone suggested they all go skinny dipping.  “Wouldn’t that be wild? Besides nobody’d be able to see anything through water like this.”  It was true, the lake water did offer some camouflage.  Penny sank in up to her shoulders and took off her bathing suit, tossing it onto a nearby rock.  What the other kids didn’t know is that she had done this plenty of times when she was alone.  She honestly didn’t see what all the fuss was about. She swam out a little further, enjoying the beauty of the lake and the feel of the cool water on her skin.  She thought maybe this is the kind of thing people did to make friends.
Penny eventually noticed the other kids coming out of the water with their bathing suits on.  They stood on the beach watching, laughing.  Their leader, a boy from the football team with a head shaped like a thumb was holding her blue bathing suit and other clothes.
“She’s gotta come out sooner or later,” he taunted.  
Penny’s heart sank. She treaded water for a few minutes that felt much longer.  Then something strange happened.  Her entire body got that ‘pins and needles’ sensation that happens when your foot falls asleep.  She panicked and swam to the opposite shore, away from the others.  When she emerged from the water, she reached to cover her nakedness, but her efforts proved unnecessary because Penny Nokes had vanished into thin air.  She could still feel the weight of her body standing there, the heat and pressure of her arms crossed over her chest.  The sound of her labored breath and the water droplets rolling off her skin were the only tangible proof of her existence.
She pulled herself onto the grass and cried.  She was scared, wondering if she was dead.  Then surely she would remember drowning, she thought.  No, this was something else.  If it was a dream, it was the most vivid one she’d ever had (on or off drugs).  Penny knew about people with strange powers.  They had been in the news. Maybe that was it.  She latched onto this theory, stood up, and found her way to the lakefront where the other kids were getting nervous.
“Johnny, she’s been out there too long.  Something’s wrong.”
The girls started screaming, some of them crying.
“Shut up.  Everybody shut up,” the boy looked out over water with a hardened expression.  He raked his fingers over his blond crew cut.
“Somebody do something!, one of the girls shouted, but no one dared.
Penny watched their panic grow.  Then it suddenly got very quiet.  It was a strange feeling, being an observer to her own supposed drowning.  Johnny’s focus shifted quickly from disbelief to acceptance then to self preservation.  
“Okay.  We go home.  Nobody talks about this, you got it?”
They all just nodded, still in shock and too afraid of the alternatives.
Penny ran home, still invisible.  She worried how long it would last.  Her bare feet slapped the pavement all the way home.  She crept in the back door and up to her room.  There she stood in front of the mirror.  Her reflection materialized slowly.  She would come to learn that her powers would subside once she was out of immediate danger, and later, how to control them.  Taking in her reflection, she saw someone she barely recognized.  She had lost years, but now, when given the chance she had failed her experiment with normalcy.  
She got dressed and went downstairs for supper.  The phone rang.  Penny held her breath.   Virginia got up to answer it, shaking her head as she listened.  “Hmm...No, she’s right here.  Safe and sound, I’m afraid...Thank you.  Yes, you too.”  Someone must have squealed, a crisis of conscience. 
“What are you playing at?  Making these kids think you drowned in the lake?”
Virginia was not looking for a response to her question.  It was rhetorical, as it seemed all of her questions were.  Any attempt to explain or disagree was refuted.  Penny learned a long time ago it was best to accept it.  She nodded.
“I can’t take this, Thomas.  It’s too much.”
“I’ll make the call tomorrow morning.”  Penny’s father went back to his meat and potatoes.
Penny didn’t want to cry in front of her mother.  She finished her supper then excused herself to her room.  Not knowing what else to do, she grabbed her knapsack and filled it with clothes and a toothbrush.  She caught her reflection in the mirror again.  It was different this time.  Through the veil of tears was a spark of clarity, of determination.  Penny shut her eyes and let the feelings of hurt and anger wash over her.  A moment later she could see right through her eyelids as they had gone transparent along with the rest of her body. 
It was time to go.
@elliethesuperfruitlover @super-unpredictable98 @misskittysmagicportal @bubblyani @salvador-daley @helena-way07 @punknatch @magic-multicolored-miracle @slutforrobbiebro @sean-falco @preppy-lolita @cahtah-haht @bla-bla-bla-hut @bobateatae @bunbungirl14 @captainslugcat @nostalgiawings @maerenee930 @dopeybubbles @chipster-21 @ringpopdust @punknatch
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petertingle-yipyip · 4 years
Why - Sweet Pea
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//Absolutely not requested. I was half lucid listening to Shawn Mendes when this happened. Be nice.//
//Tags: @lover2448​ @chipster-21​ @southsidearchive​ // Warnings: Suggestive content, mild language, angst//
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Reader
Word Count: 2, 013
Summary: Y/N and Sweet Pea have a complicated relationship that doesn’t make sense to either of them. Y/N just wants to know Why.
Your nails down his back. His grip on your hips. Your legs hooked around his waist. His hips rolling against yours. Your pleas and cries, whining his name. His moans and pants, mumbling how much he wanted you.
“Hello?” Jughead sighed, waving his hand in front of your face. “Y/N? You there?”
You snapped from your daze, tearing your eyes from the pool table. You didn’t know why you couldn’t look away from him, why you couldn’t stop thinking of him. You had wanted him since you first met him, and you got him. For one night, he was yours. He was putty in your hand, eager to make it last. But now… Now it was like he never met you.
“Sorry.” You nodded, focusing on your friend that was sitting on a bar stool next to you. “What were you saying?”
“You were staring again.”
“I was not.”
“Just tell him something and get it over with.”
“He’s gonna act like he just met me because he does that every time.” You rolled your eyes, turning your body to face Jughead. “It’s not worth it.”
“Toni!” Sweet Pea said, his words slurred slightly as he approached the bar. “Two more, yeah?”
“Almost sounds like you had enough.” You commented into your drink with an eye roll.
Sweet Pea was a lot of things. You had come to understand that. He was brooding, dangerous, intimidating, bold, smart, and incredibly sexy. But he was also a boy, which meant he was demanding and rude. Despite it all, you wanted him. Your body craved his, to be pinned beneath his weight as he kissed down your neck to your chest. You wanted to watch as his lips travelled lower… And lower…
“Do I know you?” He answered with a drunken laugh.
“Nope.” You said with finality, your lips making the ‘p’ pop. “Let’s keep it that way, yeah?”
You stood from your seat, grabbing your jacket from the countertop. You quickly put it on as Sweet Pea continued to try to convince Toni to give him more beers. You shook your head in disappointment, disappointed that you had allowed yourself to give in to him. Disappointed that you thought it meant something to him. Disappointed that you knew you’d do it again.
You left the bar, walking down the familiar roads to Sunnyside. You let your mind wander, drifting to the one place that it never left. Sweet Pea.
Before you knew it, you were in your own bed. You were changed, under the covers, and ready to go to sleep when your phone rang. There was no name on the contact, just a snake emoji.
“Do I know you?” You repeated his question from earlier that night.
“That’s not what you were saying last night.” He teased.
“You’re drunk, Sweet Pea.” You sighed.
“I am not.”
“What do you want?”
“No, you don’t.” You countered. “You want someone that you don’t have to commit to. You want someone you can call and not have feelings for. Do you even know my name?”
“Y/N.” He said clearly, as if his slurred speech earlier was an act. “You’re Y/N.”
“You wouldn’t know it if you were sober, would you?” His silence was the only answer you needed. “You’re still drunk. Bye.”
The next day at school, you tried to act normal. But the night before, that conversation with Sweet Pea haunted your dreams. Everywhere you turned, he was there. Saying your name, leaning in closer and closer until his lips ghosted yours.
“Why do you put each other through hell?” Fangs asked, leaning on the lockers near yours. You closed the door partially to see his face. “Just tell him you like him!”
“He acts like he doesn’t know me, Fangs.” You told your friend. “Why bother?”
“Because he’s an idiot and doesn’t know how to talk to people!”
“No one will break first.” You shrugged. “He wants to pretend he doesn’t know me? That’s fine. He doesn’t want to acknowledge my existence? Whatever.”
“Why can’t you just get over yourselves?” He groaned.
“Ask him yourself.” You winked before slamming your locker shut and turning down the opposite way. It wasn’t even the way towards your class, but it was away from Sweet Pea.
Later that day, you found your friends in the student lounge. Jughead, Fangs, and Toni were seated together, laughing about something. You happily joined them, easily falling into their conversation. You sat on the couch next to Fangs, and you were so caught up in your laughter, you hadn’t noticed Sweet Pea sit next to you.
He was silent, just listening to you talk. He noted the concealer on your throat, covering the marks he knew he left. He glanced down at your hands, your perfectly manicured blue nails. He remembered how it felt when you ran them down his back and chest, the way they dug into his arm. He remembered your fingers tugging on his hair, your head thrown back to expose your neck. The whole night was burned into his memory, a night he never wanted to forget.
Sweet Pea wanted to be with you again. He wanted to spend another night with you, offering you pleasure so he could hear his name fall from your lips. So he could hear you beg and plead for him. He just wanted you. But you never spoke to him in public, acted as if you two didn’t know each other. He figured two could play that game.
“So, Y/N.” Toni looked at you with a devilish look. “Why are you still single?”
“Oh, jeez. Really?” You laughed.
“Yes, really.” Fangs joined in.
“I know this boy, but he’s like a curse.” You began explaining carefully. You had to stay vague, vague enough that she wouldn’t know who you meant but detailed enough that she’d be satisfied. “He’s everything a girl wants, and everything a girl doesn’t. He’s tall and sexy and hot as hell. But he’s also kind of a dick.”
“So why do you like him?” Jughead scoffed in amusement. Jughead and Fangs were the only ones who knew of your interest in Sweet Pea. They knew you were attracted to him, figured you only wanted him in the physical sense, and not the romantic sense. That’s what you thought too, until you finally got him.
After that night with Sweet Pea, you wanted more from. And not just sex. You wanted to wake up next to him. You wanted to call him just to hear his voice. You wanted to stay up late messaging him. You wanted late night rides with him. You wanted to go to dinner with him and make him laugh. You wanted to be with him, more than just physically. But knowing Sweet Pea, and the way he acted towards you, there was no chance that would happen. So, you tried to get him out of your head.
“I tried finding someone new.” You defended. “For so many nights… They don’t mean anything compared to him.”
“So, what?” Toni pressed. “Is he a Serpent or a Bulldog? Please tell me he isn’t a Ghoulie.”
“He’s definitely not a Ghoulie.” You laughed. “It doesn’t matter what he is, honestly. If you ask him, he doesn’t know who I am.”
“Maybe he’s not worth it then.” Toni said gently.
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
Days passed before you heard from Sweet Pea again. He didn’t call or text or acknowledge your presence anywhere. He showed up at your trailer at two in the morning. You were still up working on your lines for the play Kevin roped you into when he knocked. You opened the door without looking, still reading over your script. When you finished the scene, you looked up and saw him standing in your living room.
“What are you doing here?” You asked simply.
“I wanted to see you.” He shrugged.
“You see me at school and at the Wyrm. I don’t need you coming to my place whenever you want someone to suck yo-”
“It’s not about sex, Y/N.” He cut you off.
“Excuse me?” You laughed. “It’s only about sex with you. You don’t give a damn about me or what I want. That much you’ve made perfectly clear.”
“What do you want?”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Tell me.”
“Why not?”
“I’m not gonna say it cause you’ll just brush it off.” You snapped. “You don’t care! You’re gonna act like it means nothing at all.”
“It means something to me.” He said softly.
“You’re lying.” You laughed nervously. “I can’t tell you what I really want because you’re going to laugh in my face.”
“Y/N, I wasn’t re-”
“You’re gonna say you weren’t ready? You weren’t ready!?” You said loudly, throwing your hands to the side in a grand gesture. “That makes everything better, right? Cause you weren’t ready.” You laughed in disbelief. “You think you can come here and say you weren’t ready to commit to anything and that’ll make it okay? All that means is that you just wanted sex and you knew I’d give it to you.”
You paused, waiting for his response. You threw your script onto your coffee table and crossed your arms. He didn’t say anything, just wiped his face in frustration. Sweet Pea had come to tell you that he wasn’t ready to commit because he was afraid, afraid that he would get hurt again. When Josie left, it hurt Sweet Pea more than he showed. He knew he was in the wrong for using you the other night. But that was the only way that he could act on what he wanted and be okay after.
You wanted to push him away, to shove him out of your trailer and out of your life. You wanted to forget that Sweet Pea ever existed in your life, turn into complete strangers. But your heart wouldn’t let you do that. You cursed yourself for having such a soft heart. You figured this was the only chance you had to let him know what was really weighing on your mind, so you let yourself say all of it.
“You want to know the worst part?” You said with a shake of your head. “I would’ve slept with you again. I would’ve let it happen again and again. Want to know why? I’ll tell you anyways. Because I wanted you, Sweet Pea. I wanted to be with you but you pretend like you don’t know who I am. You pretend like we haven’t known each other for years.”
“Can I say something now?” He said finally.
“So you do know how to talk!” You said sarcastically. “By all means, go ahead.”
“What I did wasn’t right. I didn’t go about it the right way, and for that I’m sorry.” He began honestly. You weren’t convinced he was being honest, but coming to you in the middle night had to mean something. “I know you’re pissed and I know that you don’t care what I have to say right now. But I need to say it.”
“So say it and go.” You shrugged in defeat.
“The other night… The sex, it was the only way I could have you without having you. I didn’t think I was ready to commit to you and you deserve commitment. After Josie left, I was hurt. But you were there, checking on me and it really meant a lot to me.”
“You sure didn’t show it.”
“Yeah… I was wrong, Y/N.”
“When people ask about us, about why we treat each other the way that we do… You just brush it off. You act like I mean nothing at all.” You said softly. “If I’m what you want, why?”
“I thought if I pretended I didn’t care, eventually I wouldn’t.”
“You really hurt me, Sweet Pea.”
“I know and I’m s-”
“You’re sorry, I know.” You interrupted. “But it’s just not fair to ignore me until you need something… I’m sorry, but you need to go.”
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Emotions (pt. 11)
Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Billy tries to talk to y/n, but is stopped by everybody.
Word Count: 1202
Chapter 1 • Chp. Masterlist • Chapter 12
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Billy had it planned out. He would see you in biology, and pull you out of class to apologize. He'd do his best to be his sweetest with you during class, and the two of you could sneak off to your spot on the bleachers before any girls could annoy him. He'd tell you how much you mean to him, and you could forgive him. Hopefully.
He looked in the mirror, and made sure his hair was perfect. He put on his faded red t-shirt and the leather jacket he knew you loved so much. He slipped on his skinny jeans and took a deep breath. He could do this. You loved each other, and the two of you were meant to be. Of course he could do this.
Before Billy went to school, he stopped by a liquor store and bought some hostess cupcakes for you. When he did get to school, he waited for what felt like an eternity for fourth period to come. When it did come, he sat in his seat and waited impatiently for you to walk through those doors.
Billy felt his heart sink when the bell rang and you still didn't come. Girls were trying to get close to him, but he snapped at them to back off. The bell rang again and the period ended, and Billy buried his face in his hands. Almost everyone was out of the classroom for lunch when he saw that one guy, your friend, walk into class and ask for the homework. "Hey!" Billy shot up and walked over to Jonathan. "You're one of y/n's friends."
"Um, yeah. Can I help you man?"
"She's not at school is she?" Jonathan shook his head, and Billy frustratedly ran his fingers through his hair. "How bad did I hurt her?"
"Pretty bad. She, um, feels like a monster right now."
Billy looked down and let out a huff. "Shit! It's all my fault." He then looked at Jonathan. "How did you react to all that?"
"Um, it was my mom who believed in it first." Jonathan explained. "I didn't believe her; I was convinced that my little brother had drowned and died. But a bunch of stuff happened and it was really scary, but then we got him back and we all thought El and Five were dead. We later found out that Hopper was taking care of them, and kept it a secret to protect them from the people who wanted them back in their lab. After I soaked it all in I just sort of felt really bad for Five and Eleven."
Billy nodded. "Do you think she'll forgive me?" He asked.
"I don't know man, maybe? I can actually tell you mean it, even though I don't really like you right now. No offense."
"I know. I deserve it."
"She'd probably tell you mean it too. You know she's the most understanding from her family. Which reminds me, I'd stay away from El if I were you."
"El? Why?"
"Y/n's the more understanding one, but El is the protective one."
Billy could hear the warning in his words. "What's El's powers?"
"She can move things with her mind." He said. "I can honestly understand your point from all of this, and it's nice to see you come around so quickly, but you're gonna have to go through everyone else if you wanna speak to her."
Billy nodded, and gave Jonathan the hostess cupcakes. "Give this to her for me. Please." And with that he walked out of the class.
After school Jonathan drove over to your house, giving you your homework. He checked to make sure Hopper wasn't looking before sitting on the bed and handing you the cupcakes.
"Billy told me to give these to you." You picked up the pack of cupcakes in silence, a small smile forming on your face. That smile slowly faded though. "He really does feel bad for how he acted."
You looked down. "He shouldn't be dragged back into my problems. It's not right. It's better this way."
Jonathan nodded and left. Hopper came into your room to check up on you. "Where'd you get the hostess?" He asked.
"Jonathan got them for me. He remembered." Your voice became quiet. He nodded contently and walked away. You opened the wrapper and ate the cupcakes slowly, thinking about Billy. You wondered if this would really be best for him.
The next morning Billy got up early and drove to your house. He knocked on the door, and Hopper answered. "You." Hopper said, wide eyed.
"Wait right here." He slammed the door shut, coming back a second later with a bat, closing the door behind him. "Okay, now I'm ready!"
Billy backed up and stuck his hands out to avoid getting hit. "Sir, put the bat down. Just listen."
"I can use the bat to listen." He kept walking towards him.
"I–I'm sorry."
"You're damn right you are!"
"Sir, I'm still just 17."
"And I'm the sheriff!"
Hopper raised up his bat, but Billy quickly asked, "If you were me, how would've you reacted?!"
Hopper paused, and put the bat down slowly. He would've freaked out, and probably would've ran to Joyce. "Damnit kid, I don't know how you got me to like you, but I do."
Billy let out a sigh. "Can I see her?"
Hopper scratched the back of his head. "She doesn't wanna see you. She thinks it's better if she stays away from you. Says it's for your own good."
Billy shook his head. "No no no no, that's not true! It's fine, I don't care about whatever crap she has with her. I'm fine! Just please, let me see her."
Hopper sighed and nodded, turning around to see El glaring from the doorway. "Billy."
Hopper carefully walked over to her. "El, listen–" She had Hopper be pushed to the side of the porch, and kept him pinned there. "El!"
Billy was now scared. He thought about how it can be used the wrong way, but didn't actually expect it to be used like this. "Sunshine, please–"
"Mouth breather!" El screamed. The trees were beginning to shake roughly and, though nothing was there, Billy felt like he just got punched and fell to the ground.
"Eleven, I'm sorry!"
"You hurt my sister!" She stood right above of him.
"El, stop!" You yelled as you came out of the house.
She turned around and looked at you. "No! He's a bad guy! Mouth breather!"
"No he's not El! Stop it."
"No!" Eleven flung you back, put you quickly regained your footing.
"Calm down!" You screamed. She stumbled, feeling your power, but didn't back down. She kept pushing you against the house, but you still tried everything in your power to make her relax. "Calm down!"
Soon she collapsed, and you felt your body go limp.
When you woke up, you felt warm and cozy. You unconsciously snuggled into something that smelled really good.
"You're awake." Billy said. You immediately pushed him away and sat up. You stared at him, wide-eyed, and looked down in shame. "Don't tell me your shy again?" He teasingly asked.
"Why did you come here?" You asked quietly.
"To talk to you." He brushed some hair away from your face. "To say sorry."
"Don't. It's better for you if we keep are distance. You shouldn't be dragged into my problems, that's not fair on you."
"Shouldn't I decide that?" He got closer to you for a kiss, but you moved your face. This time there was no playful manner in doing so. "If you really think that you shouldn't be with anyone, then I guess I'll have to change your mind over time."
"Why are you making this harder?"
"If it feels hard, then it means you still have feelings for me." You kept your head low, and Billy reached over to kiss your cheek. "I'll see you at school tomorrow."
And with that he left. You laid back down and pushed your face into your pillow, wondering what to do.
Author Note: kinda short sorry :/
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@roxytheimmortal @shane-isa-shame @actuallyazriel @tanovic54321 @chipster-21 @jula-bear @ellie2468 @sassysmiles @frozenhuntress67 @fansanctuary @homewrites @tearsforhan @waymorecake4me @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @dustyblueboo @grave-details @marvellover48 @i-want-to-shoot-myself @jjlizz @newsieunion @amieleahx @alli-cat-winer
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scarlettwitcher · 4 years
What song makes you think of Geralt and why?
Honestly, it's 3 songs that remind me of Geralt for many reasons. (I blame you Kacey because the first few fics I ever read about Geralt where your song based fics and now I just associate it lol)
1. To be alone by Hozier. The first time I ever heard about this song was when I read this by @queenxxxsupreme. After listening to the song, I loved it. Everytime I heard it, it reminded me of Geralt and that story. I love the lyrics and the rhythm. The guitar is just "chef's kiss*.
2. As it was by Hozier. Since I loved To be alone, I listened to most of Hozier's music and I came across this song. The melody is so haunting, it just makes me think of Geralt. The witcher is a haunted man. Despite being so strong, he has this.. quality. I can't really explain it. He's a good, haunted man and this song makes me automatically think of him.
3. Wait by the river by Lord Huron. The lyrics always get to me. It actually makes me think of a one shot I wrote a few months ago. They're sweet and kind and it makes me think of the kind of love Geralt deserves.
If y'all have any song recommendations that make you think of Geralt, send them my way. I'm a whore for new music.
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Have a nice gif to look at while you read.
Some Forever Tags: @giftofdreams @mrswhozeewhatsis @persephonehemingway ​ @blacktithe7 ​ @donnaintx ​ @queenxxxsupreme ​
Witcher Tags: @alwayshave-faith @ayamenimthiriel @whitewolfandthefox @secretsthathauntus @sinnamon-bunn @aubageddon91 @strangerliaa @dressed-up-heartbreak @ex-templarsthot @laneygthememequeen @givemebooksorgivemedeath-blog @afterthenightprevails @l-km07 @msgeorgiarae @uncoolcloudyhead @moderapoppins @yokaimoon @nellaphine @thatshellfiredean @riviawitch3r @sxmmylee @hookedinto-stories @theatreandtessa @comfortingcreature @emiwrites3reads @bravura-cameos @xmother-mortemx ​ @wayward-dream ​ @mary-ann84 ​ @softchocomilk ​ @blablatiti ​ @saint-hardy ​ @fandomhell97 ​ @ly--canthrope ​ @robingreysantos ​ @aisling1985 ​ @katiejmac ​ @lumar014 ​ @littlebird342 ​ @yesno18 ​ @whitewolvesandwitches ​ @hellsenthero @seb-owns-these-tatas ​ @shondlenoodle​ @winchestergirl907​ @chimera4plums​ @fabiola-betancourt​ @chipster-21​ @staplerrrr @valkavill
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kimberlyannharts · 3 years
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TODAY ON POWER RANGERS: DINO FURY - it’s the final episode of s1 as well as the final episode of the Nickelodeon era!!  that’s right, after this Power Rangers stuff will be premiering exclusively on Netflix.  and the swan song is....a Javi/Solon Christmas episode?  fantastic
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shannygoatgruff · 4 years
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Stay Safe, Stay Home Writing Challenge - (Call me if you need anything) @waiting4inspiration​
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Modern Ivar x OC
Warning: Language, sexual innuendo, insecurity
Rating: M
Chapter 2 || Chapter 4
Chapter 3
“Bitch,” Cash acknowledged.
“Bitch,” Glenn replied, stunned.
“Bitch, I know, right? What the fuck?”
“Bitch,” Glenn answered. 
“Bitch,” Cash responded in disbelief.
“And bitch he got brothers? Shit, tell him I’m cute, Puerto Rican and a bottom. What’s up?” Sitting up, Glenn ran his fingers through his mess of auburn curls.  
“Bitch, focus! This is not about you, right now.” She rolled her eyes at his smiling face. “I’m sitting here like, no fucking way. I’m being played for real.” Cash pulled her hoodie up over her head to hide her embarrassment. “Do you think he’s serious? That can’t be him. There’s no way fucking way that’s him.” She covered her mouth with her hand to stifle a scream. “What the fuck am I doing here? I don’t meet some guy on the internet and hop across an ocean to meet him.”
“Bitch you are living your best life.” Glenn’s smile faded quickly as he looked at his best friend. It was time for her to get that serious BFF talking to that she so desperately needed. “You will meet him and either he looks like that or he doesn’t.”  God, I hope he does, he found himself thinking. He wanted so badly for his friend to end up with someone beautiful and special, just like her. “You already know you’re into this man. When you meet, if it’s him, see where it goes. Shit, you might even get a little. If it’s not him and you still like him – worst-case scenario, ya still might get you some.”
“What if it is him and I don’t like him?”
“Then give him my number, bitch. Oye, Papi..."
"Fuck you, bitch. I love you. Bye,” Cash said before hanging up the phone.   
She sat there for a few more minutes, debated calling Ivar back. After she stared and stared at those pictures, his smile, the one with him with no shirt...how happy he looked with his brothers, how could she not call him back? Holding her breath, she hit his name on her WhatsApp and listened to the chime in her ear.  
Ivar snatched his ringing phone from his brother’s hand and answered the call quickly. “Hello? Cash?”
“Hey. Did you get the pictures?” She closed her eyes dying to ask him what he thought. She wouldn’t do it though. This was going to be a fun vacation and she wasn’t going to have any expectations.  
Putting his earbuds back in his ears, Ivar scrolled back to the photos on his phone to look at her beautiful face and smiled. “I did. Thank you. You have a perfect smile.” He could swear he could hear her blushing through the phone. “I now have a face to go with the voice I dream about.”  
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“Ja, hallo?” The man who opened the door was blond, with the soft round face and he was not Ivar. His voice was deeper and a bit stuffier. Judging from the photo she had seen earlier, Cash ventured a safe guess that this was Ivar’s older brother. “Ah…you must be Cash.” He leaned against the door jam, shoving potato chips in his mouth, grinning. 
He inspected her, not long enough to make it creepy or awkward, but he did take the customary 3 seconds that men need to size up a woman. In that short amount of time, Hvitserk approved.  
“Hi. Is Ivar here?” Cash wondered if he could hear her heart pounding in her voice. This was a mistake. She shouldn’t have come. Not on this trip, not to his hotel room. None of it. She should have stayed her ass at home. 
Hvitserk stood at the door, nodding and smirking. She was about as nervous as Ivar was. God, they were cute. He couldn't wait to call Ubbe and Bjorn about this. 
"Can I come in?" She asked unsure why he standing there grinning at her like that.
"Oh, sure. You can take a seat. I have to find him. I will let him know you have arrived." 
She had so many questions. The first being, why was Ivar’s brother there? Was she about to be a MISSING post on Facebook? Was Ivar’s brother the one pretending to be Ivar, even though they sounded nothing alike?  
She took a seat on the couch and waited while the other man stepped out on the balcony. She heard two distinct voices speaking in a different language. She recognized Ivar’s voice right away and her heart skipped a beat.
The cigarette in Ivar’s hand started to shake. What was she doing here? They never made plans on what time they would meet. He still needed time to prepare. He needed to have a few drinks first. “I am not ready to meet her now.” He cut his eyes to try to peek around Hvitserk. “I can’t.” Oh God, what if he forgot how to speak English? Or what if his legs just gave out on him from being nervous?  
And if Hvitserk didn’t wipe that shit-eating grin off of his face he was going to punch him in the throat.
“Well, brother, she’s here and she's pretty cute.” Hvitserk was enjoying the hell out of this. He was so glad he came on this trip. “What are you so afraid of?” Ivar gave his brother a knowing look, then gestured to his legs. “Oh shit. You didn’t tell her?” The giggle that bubbled up from Hvitserk’s throat escaped before he could reign it in. “Ivar!”
Ivar watched as Hvitserk walked away and told Cash that he’d be out in a minute. There was no getting out of it now. He took one last strong pull off of the Marlboro before snuffing out the lit tip. With a deep exhalation of breath, he got to his feet, grabbed his crutches and slowly made his way through the balcony doors.
When he came through the door, he’d had his head down and his long, brown hair framed his face. As he made his way over to her, he straightened up and flung his hair back giving her a good look at him. 
Did her face always hurt this much when she smiled? 
Ivar watched mesmerized as Cash tucked her bottom lip between her teeth in an attempt not to smile. It didn’t work, not with a smile as beautiful and vibrant as hers. It was infectious. As soon as she smiled, he forgot that he was supposed to be embarrassed and he smiled, too.
Those eyes. What shade of blue are they? He has perfect teeth. Are Norwegians usually that tan?  The tight blue Henley shirt he wore did everything to make every muscle in his arms and chest stand out.
It felt like time was standing still.  Those cheekbones, and her lips…fawning chocolate eyes. Her coloring is like honey. That shade of yellow against her skin…and those long, delicate fingers. Oh, God.  
“Yup. Like two puppies. Standing in the middle of the room, staring at each other.” Hvitserk held his phone’s camera out to give a panoramic view. “They still haven’t said a word.” He switched the camera’s view back to himself and looked at his brothers' smiling faces. “He is finally going to get some ass,” Hvitserk said in his native language, laughing as he walked back into his bedroom.
“You’re so tall.” Her voice was as melodic as it was over the phone.
He was almost an entire foot taller than her. “Ja. You are just a little thing.” Ivar smiled shyly, looking down at Cash. There was the voice that she knew. She had drifted to sleep listening to him read to her or sing, so many times. She didn’t know when his voice became a comfort. “Is it okay to hug you?”  
He smelled like Dior Sauvage mixed with a hint of cigarettes. Cash closed her eyes against the warmth of his muscular chest and honestly didn’t want to let him go. She was half hoping he’d kiss her, but when she opened her eyes and looked up at him, he stepped back slightly and motioned toward the couch.  
“I know I just kinda barged in on you. But, there was no way I could take a nap…I was too nervous. I had to meet you in person. I had to know – you know? Part of me was wondering if you were honest about who you really were. I mean, men that look like you, don’t start online relationships with women in other countries. Then go to yet another country to actually meet them. Unless of course, they’re trying to get a Green Card or take all her money or something.” 
Ivar was amazed that she said all of that in one breath. He couldn’t quite understand everything she said, but he enjoyed watching her mouth move as she said it. “I cannot understand everything when you talk so fast.” Rubbing his thick hand across his chin, he kept looking toward the hallway, afraid that his older brother would come out of the room and embarrass him.  
“I’m sorry. I’m just really glad that you turned out to be you.”
“I am, too.” Hvitserk was going to come out of his room at any moment. Ivar could feel it. He was already nervous enough, he couldn’t take the chance of having Hvitserk ruin everything. They had to leave. “Do you maybe want to get some get some dinner now?” He was relieved when she agreed. He wanted time to properly talk to Cash and explain everything, but not with Hvitserk around. “Just give me a second and I will be ready.”
Cash watched him walk out of the room, noticing him limping on crutches, but she still found herself giggling like a schoolgirl. 
So this was Ivar? 
He was real and she was happy.
Tags:  Please let me know if you want to be added/deleted from tags:
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nikky-the-writer · 6 years
I don't need a savior
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Diego x Reader
Summary: AU! Diego sees Reader in the pricinct hurt for a few times and decides to help her!
Request: No
Warning:cursing, mentions of domestic violence
______________________________________________________________ It was the fifth time in the past four weeks that he had seen you at the same place he was. He was cuffed with his gaze on you a few desks further from him. He had noticed you the first time there a few months ago but then recently it had gotten more frequent. He would think that you were probably some random witness or maybe even a criminal but the bruises and cuts on your face indicated that you were a victim and every time he saw you there would be fresh bruises on you. He couldn’t understand it as you didn’t at all seem scared just annoyed, and it was probably because you were used to getting hurt. “Who is she?” Diego asked Detective Patch and she had to turn around to see about who he was talking about.
“That has nothing to do with you.” “Well, you are clearly not doing a good job as she had been here five times in four weeks as far as I know she could be here every day and still s-” “Diego, she doesn’t want our help, alright?” Patch said shrugging her shoulders as she knew very well who you were. “What do you mean?” Diego asked with his eyes wondering to you. “Every time she is taken in after neighbors call us, it’s most likely domestic violence, but the thing is that whenever we arrive she is alone. Not even neighbors had seen anyone, is just like whoever hurts her is either well hidden in the house or just comes and goes like a ghost.” “Really a ghost?” Diego asked almost rolling his eyes at her statement. He was aware that ghosts do exist but not that one would just randomly come to hurt a woman. “I didn’t say it was, I just made a comparison,” Patch stated glaring at him knowing already that he won’t let it go. “Then I will take care of your ghost just uncuff me,” Diego said already lifting his hands towards her but she just shook her head. “You just admitted to me that you are going to a commit a felony and I should let you go?” “I didn’t do such a thing,” Diego answered with his hands still raised waiting for what always happens. “Diego, just don’t get in trouble as it seems that whoever it is she is willing to protect them,” Patch explained as she unlocked the cuffs. She was more than sure that you were willing to defend whoever did that to you just as you were protecting them with not saying anything. “I understand.” Soon after Diego left, however, he didn’t go far, he waited for you to be released from the precinct to follow you. After another hour of waiting you walked out of the doors with your scarf close to your face and sunglasses covering your bruised eye. And although you were pretty much weak from everything that happened earlier you were still conscious enough to notice somebody following you. You had to admit that they were good at what they were doing, however, you had an advantage over them and because of that advantage; the secret you were keeping, you had to lose him. So, without any warning, you abruptly stopped in the empty street turning towards where you knew the man was. “If you intend to stalk someone maybe you should learn how to do it properly,” you said loud enough for him however nothing happened. “Seriously, I know you’ve been following me since I left the precinct,” you announced and the man finally moved from the shadows. “Was that so hard?” you questioned with your hands crossed over your chest. “I’m not going to hurt you,” Diego said immediately not wanting for you to get scared. “Have you ever thought that I could hurt you?” you questioned as you didn’t look scared at all so you didn’t quite get where he was seeing that. “Have you seen your face lately?” Diego said gesturing towards your face and you took off your sunglasses raising your eyebrow at him. “I don’t have to see it to feel the pain, but thank you for pointing it out,” you said faking a smile while trying to think of the way to get rid of him, as you seriously didn’t want to hurt him. “Who is doing that to you?” “Why should I tell you, Diego?” you said purposely saying his name. “Ho-” “I’ve seen you at precinct; you are some sort of superhero. Isn’t that what kids want to be and then they grow up?” you questioned with a smile on your face as you teased him. “Look, I just want to help you,” Diego said ignoring your childish behavior. “Have I asked for it?” you asked with your brows furrowed while staring directly at him. “No, but you clea-” “I don’t need a savior, alright? I don’t need to be saved, so go back to your cave or wherever you live,” you stated before turning your back to him, hoping that it would be enough for him to walk away. “And what if you end up dead?” his voice came out more softly than before, with worry evident in it. “Then I will be dead,” you said glancing back at him. He didn’t know it yet but nobody actually did, you were sort of different. You were one of the forty-three children born the same day however you were born with your twin and you could share the same body if needed as you both were warlocks, however one dark and the other pure. And your sister had troubles with controlling her powers and things escalate often. “Is that what you want?” “People die every day, you can’t save them all, but please go try to save those who actually want it. Don’t waste your time on me,” you said sternly before walking away. “Well, he was cute.” You heard your sisters voice in your head which made you roll your eyes, but she wasn’t wrong.
A/N: Thank you for reading!!Feedack is appreciated!!
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badsext · 4 years
Pumpkin Carving: Robert Sheehan x Reader (any gender)
Fluffy Halloween Treat request from my friend, @elliethesuperfruitlover :
Rob and Reader carve a pumpkin together. Reader accidentally cuts themselves. 🔪😳
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It was nice to get out of LA and have a genuine autumn experience. You figured it was time for Robbie to see the town where you grew up. The leaves were so colorful and Rob looked so cozy in a fluffy sweater. You grabbed some hot chocolates and took a hayride, leaning into his arms against the chill. You wandered together around the rows of pumpkins. Occasionally you would stop and say, “What about that one?” Then Robbie would crouch down, pick it up, knock on it, hold it up to his ear and have a whispered dialogue with it. He made you laugh so hard, you sprayed your hot chocolate.
Robbie followed you into the house carrying your prized pumpkin. It was the biggest, roundest and most orange one they had. You spread out some paper and Rob plopped it down on the table. The sharpest knife you could find in the kitchen was a serrated steak knife. As you began to carve out the lid you realized that this knife was not meant to cut through four inches of raw pumpkin flesh. After a ton of sawing and passing the knife back and forth a few times, you finally managed to get inside the thing. Then you dragged the trash can over to the table.
“Okay, you’re up...You need a spoon or are you going to use your hands?,” you asked presumptuously. He just pushed up his sleeves, removed his jewelry, and shoved his whole arm in up to the elbow.
“This is actually my favorite part.” He smiled as he removed a massive clump of pumpkin guts and held it just inches from your face before dropping it into the trash. He continued contentedly scooping until one of his curls escaped from his messy bun. “Hey, could you use your clean hands to...”. You were already there beside him, tucking the wayward strand back into place. He thanked you with a kiss.
“So, what kind of face are we putting on our friend here?,” he asked, slapping the hollow vegetable.
“Something spooky..like a traditional jack o lantern face with a twist.”
“I think I know what you mean.” He took the cap off the sharpie marker with his teeth and turned the pumpkin away from you while he worked in secret. His look of concentration was in the top three of your favorite expressions. He turned it around with a triumphant “Ta da!”
“That’s perfect!” You smiled, then suddenly felt weird about Robbie doing all the work. “I should get my hands dirty. I’ll cut out the eyes and you can do the mouth.”
You picked up the knife and began to cut, but the pumpkin was more slippery than you realized. The knife slipped and sliced into your opposite hand. You felt the sting immediately. Then blood started trickling out of the wound.
“Oh shit!,” you hissed.
“Oh, shit!,” Robbie agreed.
You dropped the knife and pointed the bloody apendage skyward because you heard somewhere it was supposed to help. Robbie led you over to the sink where you washed and rinsed it very gently. The wound continued to bleed. Robbie got you a clean dish towel and you wrapped it around your whole hand like a boxing glove.
“That cut seems pretty deep. You’ll need stitches. Let’s take you to hospital.”
“But it’s going to be so fucking expensive!”
“Well, you can’t just bleed out in this kitchen. God, this American healthcare system is shit.”
“Tell me about it.”
You took another peek under the towel. “Okay let’s go.”
As you walked out to the car you noticed Robbie heading towards the driver’s side.
“What are you doing?”
“Well, I can’t let you drive with your hand like that!”
“You don’t even have an American driver’s license.”
“Well it’s an emergency. If we get pulled over, I’ll explain.”
“You’ve never met an American cop, have you?”
“I’ll just be careful not to get pulled over.”
“Okay,” You sighed, handing him the keys.
Rob did drive carefully. He used turn signals and diligently checked all mirrors. The only fault with his driving was how he kept checking on you at every red light, failing to notice when it had turned green and the car behind would honk.
Everyone in the waiting room looked worse off than you, but that wound wasn’t going to stitch itself. The nurse allowed Robbie into the exam room with you. She took all your vitals and confirmed that you would need stitches. Then she escorted you to a bed and drew the curtain to wait for the doctor.
Robbie started making jokes about all the shenanigans you could get up to behind the curtain. You laughed and declined, offering him a rain check instead which he accepted with a sweet peck on the lips.
Robbie held your hand while the doctor sterilized the wound with iodine and numbed you for the pain. Right as the needle entered your skin, you instinctively turned away. Robbie was there to let you bury your face in his shoulder while the doctor finished her work. “All done,” she announced snapping off her gloves. You were so relieved. Robbie drove you home.
“You’ve been a naughty pumpkin! You’ll have to sit in the corner!,” he scolded the half finished jack o lantern staring back at you from the dining room table. It made you laugh a little harder than usual on the pain meds they gave you.
Robbie helped you change into pajamas to keep you from disturbing your stitches. Then he ordered a pizza and settled in for a movie night glued to the couch. You felt better already.
@moorehollandplz @bubblyani @helena-way07 @chipster-21 @zombiedixon89 @bitch4bagels @bi-satanist @renegadesheehan @ringpopdust @punknatch @deadlynyghtshayde @ur-honey-child @yeetskeetbuddy @miriamxsworld @blanketsandhoodies @readytofuxkingdie @zuzellap @dopeybubbles
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Emotions (pt. 9)
Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Y/n and Billy have the day to themselves, or so they think.
Word Count: 1376
Chapter 1 • Ch. Masterlist • Chapter 10
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You both drove through a forest, where you stopped at a lake. The whole place was beautiful, and there was a perfect breeze passing by. "This is really pretty, but what about the pool?" You asked. You felt his anxious feelings begining to grow, and clarified. "Not that I don't like this. I like the fact that it's just the two of us. I'm just curious."
"I didn't want anybody to bug us. Especially not Heather. She's working right now."
You nodded contently. "But I didn't bring a bathing suit."
Billy chuckled and took off his shirt. "So?" You smiled and shook your head, but followed his lead. You took off your shirt and jeans, leaving you in your panties and bra. "You sure you wanna stop there?"
You giggled. "What if someone passes by? My body's only for you to see."
He grinned, pulling your waist to give you a kiss. "How are you so good at having me cave in to you?"
You shrugged. "I just have that effect on you." He tried to kiss you, but you dodged the kiss and ran away from him, jumping in the water and him following after. "Yup. I just have that effect."
He then kissed you. "Yes you do."
You both swam and played water games with each other until you were hungry for some lunch. As you got out of the water to change back, you left your shirt off and shook the water out of your hair. "You trying to get me turned on doll?" Billy asked as you combed your hair with your fingers.
"Nope. You just get turned on easily babe."
"And there it is again. You know calling babe makes me turned on." You shook your head and giggled, walking to the car.
You went to a drive-thru and ate in the car together. Afterwards you put your shirt back on and walked over to these stones on an empty hiking trail, where you both laid down and snuggled up together, talking about each other. You two had this thing where you'd learn more tiny preferences about each other. "Umm, hostess." You said.
"Easy. Twinkies."
"I prefer those cupcakes." You said before kissing his neck gently. "I didn't know you were so vanilla."
He chuckled. "Trust me sweetheart, I ain't always so vanilla."
He tried to kiss you, but you sat up, dodging him. "Whatever you say babe. Where to next?"
"Come here." He tried to grab you, but you got off the rock. He gave you a wicked smile before getting off as well and began to chase you. You were both laughing as you did your best to run from him, but you both knew that he was better built than you. You tried running to the car and locking yourself in, but Billy shut the door and turned you around, pressing you against the car and giving you a hot kiss. "You need to stop getting me so riled up sweetheart."
"You need to stop making it so easy." You smiled.
"Car, now." There was no sort of negative connotation to his voice, only excitement.
You got in the passenger's seat. "Billy, we're not have sex in a parking lot–" He cut you off with a kiss, gently taking your bottom lip between his teeth before releasing it.
"Nobody said anything about a parking lot." You two then drove back to the forest and got into the backseat, where you both had a really fun time.
Later on he took you back to your house while you wore in his leather jacket as you got new clothes, heading for the shower. "A shower too?"
"We would have stayed out if you didn't rip my clothes." You said as you gently squeezed his shoulder while you passed by him.
"How was I supposed to know that your panties would rip?"
"And my shirt?"
Billy couldn't help but chuckle. "That was my bad."
You chuckled as well. "I'll be right out."
As Billy watched TV and waited for you to finish, Hopper walked inside. "Hey Billy. Where's y/n?"
"In the shower, sir." Billy responded. He realized that it sounded kind of bad, so he added, "She spilled soda all over herself."
Hopper nodded contently, before going over to him. "I actually wanted to talk to you." Billy nodded for him to continue. "I heard some things last night between the two of you."
Billy sat up, thinking something different. "No, I swear sir it's not what it might've sounded like–"
"I know it wasn't anything bad with the two of you." Billy nodded and relaxed. "But, um, I did hear some stuff about your family, only it was too vague. Billy, I'm the sheriff. As the sheriff I can take action over certain things. But you need to tell me so I can do something."
"Sir, I found from experience," Billy said. "That opening my mouth will only make things worse."
Before Hopper could respond to that, you came out of the bathroom. "Oh, hey Hopper. Do you want me to make you a sandwich?"
He glanced at you before looking back at Billy. "No, I can do it." He then made his lunch and left as you brushed your hair and told Billy that you were ready to go out again.
You both then went to a drive-in movie theater. "I didn't even know these were still open."
"Yup, that way I can do whatever I want to you without anyone else seeing."
He leaned in for a kiss but you pushed his face away. "Yeah, like watching the movie."
"You've been doing that a lot today sweetheart." He said as you grabbed your hand. "It's making me need you more."
You both made out passionately before Billy stroked his thumb under your shirt, causing you to pull away. "We just did it, and what if people see us?" You took his hands and put them on your waist. "I'm only meant for you." He looked at you in a daze. "Mm, I love it when you cave in."
"Fine, but get in the backseat." You didn't question him, and got out of the car and into the backseat. You saw Billy slide to the middle and pat his lap. "Climb on."
You sat on his lap, and he situated you to get comfy against him. He brushed the hair off your neck and began to kiss it tenderly. His hands went underneath your shirt and his fingers brushed over your stomach softly. "I make you happy, right?"
He stopped kissing you and turned you a bit. "What do you mean sweetheart? Course you make me happy." He gave you a smile. "Why wouldn't you think that?"
"Just wondering. I want you to be as happy as I am."
"I am." He hugged you and rested his head on your chest, where you played with his hair. "I love you. I love how you're becoming more confident in yourself."
You kissed the top of his head. "I got you to help me with that."
When you got to his house, Billy had lifted you up and you instinctively wrapped your legs around him. "Billy calm down." You giggled.
"Can't doll." He hurriedly shut the front door and put you on the kitchen counter. He immediately attached his lips to yours.
"Does anyone want to tell me what the fuck is going on here?" Neil asked as he slammed the front door.
Billy immediately backed up from you as you hopped off the counter. "I thought you'd be in Florida this weekend." Billy said weakly.
"Flight was pushed till tomorrow." He threw his car keys across the kitchen. "I leave for one second and you're slutting it up with someone that Max knows personally?"
He started to come at Billy, and you panicked. You didn't think when you pushed Neil right before he got to Billy and said, "Sleep!" He then collapsed, unconscious. Billy looked at you wide eyed. "I can explain!"
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@roxytheimmortal @shane-isa-shame @actuallyazriel @tanovic54321 @chipster-21 @jula-bear @ellie2468 @sassysmiles @frozenhuntress67 @fansanctuary @homewrites @tearsforhan @waymorecake4me
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cecesaurus · 5 years
Imagine Ivar secretly liking your affection pt II
A/N: MOAR Ivar x reader fluff. The only warning is that it's going to be obnoxiously cute!!! A second part was requested by the lovely @chipster-21
Aslaug hadn't seen [Y/N] in awhile and it saddened her. She was fond of the girl and figured Ivar had something to do with her absence since he seemed a lot more grumpier than usual lately. It was probably best that she didn't ask him about it. Ivar was sitting on top of a hill with Hvitserk, Ubbe, and Sigurd. They were looking over the view of Kattegat. The youngest brother was off in his own little world. He couldn't stop thinking about his cheek coming into contact with [Y/N]'s. The scene continuously replayed in his head.
"Dammit..." He grumbled to himself and laid back. He placed his arms behind his head for support and let out a sigh, his cheeks turning pink.
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"Poor Ivar. You have her on your mind, don't you?" Sigurd teased, turning his attention toward him. He said nothing and grunted in response. The other two chuckled to themselves. He had explained to them what happened before and they couldn't help, but to poke fun of him. Ivar had a girl who was willing to give him attention and show him love and he blew it, or so he thought.
"There you are!!" A familiar sing song voice chirped. All three boys smirked devilishly and eyed their little brother. Ivar grimaced, but didn't move. He was trying to appear calm and collected. It seemed like [Y/N] wasn't upset anymore.
"Aslaug told me to come look for you four after I paid her a visit since I hadn't seen her in awhile." The girl said, climbing on top of the boulder that they were sitting by. Ubbe smiled at her warmly and waved.
"Is that so, little bear? And why is that?" He asked, noticing that she was wearing trousers today.
"Mmm, she said that I looked bored and that I should play with one of you. I choose Ivar!!" The young girl shouted. She roared like a bear and leaped off the boulder, landing near him. She got on her knees and leaned in, noticing Ivar's crimson cheeks.
"Do you have a summer cold? Your cheeks are flushed! Should we take you to a healer?" [Y/N] sounded worried and touched foreheads with the youngest prince to see if he had a fever. He gasped and rolled away from her swiftly.
"....I'm fine, [Y/N]. Why can't you play with Ubbe or go listen to Sigurd play his instrument, hm?" He questioned, laying on his belly. She poked out her bottom lip like she did previously.
"No, no, no. You two have fun. We're going to head back now." Hvitserk gave Ivar a quick wink and stood up. The other two followed after and headed down the hill.
"Yay, now it's just us!!" She announced, crawling toward him.
"Splendid...." The blue eyed male grumbled, rolling once more so he was once again on his back. He sat up and felt her wrap her arms around his shoulders from behind.
"So....you really want to spend time with me? Even after I was mean to you, you'd still pick me out of all my brothers?" He questioned. She was a very perplexing individual, but that made her even more fascinating. She could be obnoxious at times, but he didn't mind her company.
"Mm, of course! Besides, I like spending time with you. I can just cuddle the grumpiness out of you!" She explained, hugging him tightly.
"....I....honestly wouldn't mind that." He whispered, nodding his head.
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"Good cause I would've done it regardless, Ivar."
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uniqueimagines · 6 years
Being Cared For pt.3
Paring: Sweet Pea  Reader
Requested: Kinda
Description: You and Sweet Pea finally have a late night talk after you have a nightmare and the net day it almost seems as if you are living a nightmare.
Warnings: None?
Word count: 1846
Series Part Links: Part 1, Part 2
“You can’t rush into this Pea. Her ex just beat her and left yesterday…” Fangs warns and you can feel Pea nod again, “I know. Trust me, I’ve waited this long… I just worry she will fall for someone else instead of me…”  Pea continues to run his fingers through your hair and sighs. The boys are both silent for a few moments and the quiet voices of the tv drone on until you finally fall asleep. It was only around 1pm when you finally fell asleep but Pea had the drapes drawn so most the light was kept out and you could sleep.
Around 3pm you begin to have a nightmare and your body begins shaking. Fangs was still there and notices you shaking as you are still in Pea’s lap. Both the boys look down at you concerned and Sweet Pea rubs your back again hoping it is enough to calm you for your nightmare. Unfortunately this one is much worse and you believe you are being choked. While still asleep you begin to scratch at your throat as if trying to pry someone’s hands away. Pea immediately grabs your hands and gently shakes you, “Y/N… Y/N/N!” You clench your fists around Pea’s hands aggressively digging your nails into his hand breaking skin and scream as you wake up. Pea doesn't seem to notice the pain in his hands as your nails dug in.
“Shh you’re okay it’s okay nobody is hurting you I’m here…” Pea pulls you back into his chest as you hyperventilate still recovering from the nightmare. Fangs gives Pea a concerned and curious look as you curl up tighter into Sweet Pea’s body. “I’m gonna head out now. I hope you feel better Y/N. If you need anything feel free to let me know.” Fangs gets up leaving without another word still watching Pea as he holds you close.
Sweet Pea holds you silently until you fall asleep again. You sleep the rest of the day the next time you wake up it’s nearly midnight and you and Pea were now in his room. You slowly sit up to be sure to not wake up Sweet Pea. You look down at Sweet Pea, he is lying outside the covers as it was a bit warm in the room and he was just wearing a pair of basketball shorts. You get a bit of butterflies in your stomach again as you look down at Pea the little light that comes through the blinds glowing against his bare chest and face. You look down on him for a few minutes thinking about the conversation you heard between him and Fangs and everything that had happened in the last 24 hours or so.
After a bit you slowly slide off the bed and tiptoe to the bathroom. You carefully pull off your shirt and stand staring into the mirror at the large bruise on your ribs. You clench your jaw tracing your fingers over the bruises on your cheeks and then your ribs. Shaking your head you pull your shirt back on and tiptoe back into the bedroom. You leave the door cracked to let some air circulate through the house and crawl back onto the bed. When the bed shifts under your weight you didn’t realize but you woke up Sweet Pea. You curl up against his body and pressing your head to his chest gently tracing figure eights on his abdomen and whisper, “I don’t know why you want to be with me… I’m ugly and weak and broken…”
“You are beautiful, resilient, and have been hurt. You are the best person I have ever met and I have wanted to be with you since we were 13. I saw how strong you were dealing with all that life had put you through. Why do you think I haven’t been with anyone for longer than a few weeks? I’ve tried getting over you Y/N but I couldn’t give up before knowing if you felt the same way.” You lay still as your heart races listening to Sweet Pea speak. You pull back from his body and look up at him, “Pea… I want this but can we take it slow and I don’t want to tell everyone. At least not yet… Is that okay?” Sweet Pea chuckles lightly and smirks down at you, “I am fine with whatever you want whenever you want but I doubt we can hide it from Fangs. He already is a bit suspicious.”
“I’ll deal with him tomorrow after work for now all I want is this…” you lean up pressing your lips to Pea’s as you press your hands flat against his chest. Pea kisses you back gently holding your hips. After a moment you pull away and curl up against his chest. “I have to work a 10 hour shift tomorrow starting early. I need to get some more sleep.” “Of course baby.” Pea holds you as the two of you fall asleep.
You wake up later that morning. You work every Monday through Thursday 10 hours at Pop’s and every Monday Wednesday Friday for 4 hours in the evening at the Wyrm.  It was Tuesday morning and you groan rubbing your eyes up 15 minutes before your alarm. It hurts to take a deep breath due to your bruised ribs but other than that you feel fairly good. Sweet Pea was laying with his head on your chest hugging your body protectively still fast asleep. You smile happily down at him and run your fingers through his hair and his eyes flutter open. “Morning Princess.” Pea says his voice sleepy and raspy.
“I’ve gotta take a shower and get ready.” You kiss his forehead and go to the bathroom taking a quick shower and coming out in just a towel 20 minute later. Pea had fallen back asleep and you quickly get dressed throwing your hair up in a ponytail. You write a note telling Sweets you will be off at 4:30 and asking if he will pick you up. Since you go up so early you had extra tie and decided to walk to work. It’s extremely quiet and still dark outside and you make it to Pop’s early. You clock on changing into your uniform and sitting behind the counter. It was always extremely slow on weekday mornings and it was just you and Pop. He gave you a small smile knowing you wouldn’t want to be asked about the bruises on your face.
It’s really slow up until 11am and a couple groups of Serpents and others come in. Fangs comes in with a couple of his male Serpent friends that you didn’t know the names of. Before he sits down you nod your head for him to come over to the register where you stand. When he stands close enough you can speak without anyone else hearing you explain, “So I just wanted to let you know now me and Pea are kinda a thing… I don’t wanna talk about it and I wanna keep it quiet for now can you please not tell anyone until I’m ready… I just left my ex less than a day and a half ago..” Fangs chuckles lightly and gives you a small smile, “Of course I’ll keep it quiet. I’m happy the two of you are finally together.” “Thank you” you walk with him to the table and take all of their orders.
The day was going extremely well and Sweets had texted you letting you know he can pick you up after work and he is just helping set up the Wyrm and to call him if you need anything. Fangs and his friends were still hanging out when you hear the bell above the door ring. You were standing beside Fang’s booth when you turn and see your ex standing in the doorway. Your heart begin to race and your body is paralyzed. You begin to stutter, “F-F-Fangs…” Fangs turns to look where you are staring and sees your ex coming towards you. “Ex?” He asks and you nod your head violently unable to speak or move your feet to run away.
Fangs jumps up in front of you and yells at the other two Serpents he is sitting with, “Get that guy out of here and make sure he never comes back!” At this point you are hyperventilating and you collapse to the ground but Fangs catches you gently helping you to sit. You begin scratching at your neck again like you did in your nightmare and Fangs grabs your hands stopping you. He holds your hands away from your neck and uses his other to pull out his phone calling Pea, “Sweets get down here right now! He came back.” Sweet Pea doesn’t say a word hanging up and immediately running out of the bar and jumping on his bike speeding to you.
Sweet Pea comes running in the door less than 5 minutes later and Fangs knew he went well beyond the speed limit to get here. You were still sitting on the floor hyperventilating and shaking trying to fight Fangs hands as he held you back from scratching your skin. Pea drops to his knees in front of you taking your hands from Fangs and gently rubbing them, “Shh I’m here your okay. He is gone.” Your eyes moved from their fixed point on the floor to Pea as he spoke and you wrapped your arms around his neck holding him tight. Pea picks you up and begins to carry you to the break room and Pop holds the door open for him.
Pea holds you in his lap sitting on the small couch in the break room for 10 minutes as your breathing calms. You finally pull back and ask, “Is he gone?” Pea looks down at you and nods, “The boys took him out of town and made it clear if he ever came back here he would be dead. You will never have to see him again.” You nod slowly, “Why would they do that for me? I’m not a Serpent. I’m nobody. They don’t even know me.” Pea gives you a small smile and rubs your back, “You may not be an official Serpent but you grew up with us. You are basically Toni’s sister and Fangs told them to, you are one of us. Official or not you are part of the family.” You stand off his lap, “I need to get back to work now. Thank you for helping me. Also can we invite Toni over tonight. You’re right she is my sister and I need to tell her about all this.” “Of course. I will go call her now. I’m gonna hang out till you’re off just in case you need something.” Sweet Pea gives you a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room to call Toni. You go back to work and you and everyone else pretended like nothing ever happened.
@chipster-21 @salutetomeyourptsdqueen
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to-write-ornah · 6 years
Not So Happy Birthday part 2.5
A/n: woohoooo this is a lot for me to post in one day and hopefully it'll become a habit (probably not but we can hope) anyways, enjoy this until I get part 3 out!
Warnings: none? I don't think?
You gently shoved your hands into the pockets of your oversized jacket and stepped inside.
The smell of burgers hit you as you walked in. Pop smiled at you, and you gave a polite nod, looking around for Jughead. You saw him sitting in the farthest booth to the left of the door, scowling.
'Oh great,' you thought, walking quickly toward your best friend.
"Hey Juggie," you greeted with a smile, sitting down across from him.
"So, is that your boyfriend." He said, irritation seeping into his words.
Your smile dissapeared as you groaned. "Jug, please don't-"
"Do you even know who that is? I'll bet you don't. He's in a gang, Y/n. He's not a good guy." He was staring right at you now, and his gaze was so intense you had to look away.
"Jughead, please stop." You sighed. "You don't know what you're talking about-"
"Oh I don't, do I?" He leaned back and crossed his arms. "He's only in the same gang my dads in. You know, the one my mom couldn't handle so she left-"
He paused and gave you a strange look. After a moment, his expression softened and he ran a hand down his face.
"Right. Sorry. You wanted to talk to me, not have me berate your boyfriend." You sent him a light glare for the last part but shook your head.
"It's fine, Jug. But you have to promise to hear me out; no getting mad, no leaving before I'm done."
He studied you for a moment. "Deal."
You took a deep breath. "I'm a Serpent."
His eyes widened and he sat straight up. "I-but you- why would- h-how-" he sputtered.
You sighed, shaking your head. "Want me to explain?" He nodded vigorously.
"Get ready for a monologue," you joked. "Okay, so it started back when my mom died."
"You mean when the Ghoulies killed her," Jughead interjected.
"Right. After they killed her. Well, do you know why they killed her?"
He shook his head.
"My dad used to be a Ghoulie."
Jugheads jaw dropped.
"He was only in the gang for a few months when he met my mom. All 'Romeo and Juliet' style. Basically, he dropped the Ghoulies to be with her. Now, obviously, the Serpents didn't trust him. Like at all. So my mom told them she would take responsibility for him; if he did anything it would be her fault. I guess they were good with that, so he got to join the Serpents. Except, they still didn't trust him. He didn't get any real jobs, nothing legit. He's been a supply runner since he joined. So basically, when my mom died, he told me that the Serpents wouldn't protect me anymore, pretty much because of him, unless I joined. And they definitely wouldn't protect Bace."
"Who's base?" A female voice asked behind you. You spun around to see a group of teenagers sitting at the table behind you. Betty Cooper, Archie Andrews, a brunette boy, and the raven haired girl who had spoken. Jughead groaned behind you.
"I told you guys I was coming alone." He emphasized the last word.
"Yeah, but you never said we couldn't come." Archie shrugged.
"So back to my question: who's 'base'?"
"Bace," you said, glaring at the table behind you, "is my little brother. And he's currently missing. So if you'd all get out of here, I can finish talking to Jughead and get to looking for him."
"Bace is gone?" You turned back to Jughead as the group behind you exchanged whispers. His face had gone slack, the only visible emotion was the shock in his eyes.
"Unless your 'friends' leave, we're gonna have to wait to finish our conversation." Jugheads gaze snapped to the teenagers behind you.
"Please, guys. Leave."
"Wait! We can help." Betty offered. "We're good at solving mysteries."
Before Jughead could stop you, you whirled around and glared. "No offense, Nancy Drew, but I don't need you and the Scooby Gang to find my brother. One, it's none of your business, and two, I know the people that have him, and they will kill you. Just leave."
Jughead gave them a pleading look. "Please, guys."
You turned back around and sat down, waiting until you heard them leave to address Jughead again.
"Sorry about them." He shrugged. "They think they're helping. They don't realize that they have no idea what's going on."
You sighed, bringing you hands to your face. "It's fine."
Jughead stared at your hands and you suddenly realized what he was looking at. You placed them on the table, bloody bandages and bruising on full display.
"Jug, look it's not-"
"How the hell did that happen?" His voice was hard. "Y/n who did that."
"I did, Jug." He looked up, surprised.
"What'd you do?"
"Hit a tree." You dismissed. "Look, Jughead, it's not just that Bace is gone. My dad is dead. We found his body yesterday."
Jughead covered his mouth with his hands.
"Y/n, I'm so sorry."
"It's fine, Jug." You shrugged. "I wasn't that close to him anyway. I'm just worried about Bace. I let him go on a supply run with my dad, and they never checked in. Everyone thought that my dad just stopped at some crappy bar or cheap casino and got wasted, so nobody looked into it until they were gone for almost three days." You shook your head. "It's my fault."
"It's not your fault." Jughead stopped himself before he could grab your hand, and reached for your arm instead. "You couldn't have known that would happen."
You shrugged. "It still happened. Anyways, that's what I needed to talk to you about. I didn't wanna be lying to you anymore, and now I'm not. I need to go." You stood, and Jughead stood with you.
"I can help." You paused at his words.
"How, Jug? You're not a Serpent. If we're being honest, you hate the Serpents. You really can't do anything. But I appreciate the offer."
Jughead shrugged. "I really wish I could help, though."
You stepped around the table and hugged him. "I know Juggie. Thanks."
You stepped back and turned around, sending him a smirk.
"Mind grabbing my phone for me? I've gotta get to the Wyrm."
Your best friend merely rolled his eyes and handed you your phone.
Twenty minutes later, you and Sweet Pea were pulling up outside the Whyte Wyrm. He got off the bike first and took off his helmet before helping you with yours. You sent him a smile as a thank you.
The bar looked the same as it always did. Music, Serpents playing pool, getting drunk at the bar. The atmosphere hadn't changed one bit. Which you had expected. Your dad wasn't very important to the Serpents. Only a few people would care he was dead, but the majority would be concerned about Bace. He was funny and charismatic, and always nice to people without being a pushover. Every neighborhood has that one kid all the adults love, and here, that kid was Bace.
You and Sweet Pea were walking toward the back room when a pair of arms wrapped around your torso and squeezed you tight.
"Y/n! I'm so glad you're okay! I was worried when we showed up last night, you looked pretty rough."
You pulled back and turned around, smiling at Toni when she came into view.
"Hey Toni. Thanks for coming last night." You looked over to see Fangs quietly talking to Sweet Pea. He stopped when he noticed your gaze and gave you a smile.
"There she is! Glad you're okay, Y/n/n. Although those hands look a little banged up." Fangs winked at you.
Toni grabbed your left hand, holding it up so she could see it.
"Shit, girl, how hard did you hit that tree?" You gave her a sheepish smile.
"Does everyone know about that?" Sweet Pea chuckled and pulled you into his side.
"Don't worry, babydoll. I only told Fangs and Toni."
"Hey, we kept quiet," Fangs put his hands up in surrender. "But, they are waiting for you in the back."
"We gotta go, princess." You waved goodbye to Toni and Fangs as Sweet Pea guided you through the crowd and into the back room.
Tallboy, FP Jones, and a few other older Serpents were gathered there, speaking in hushed tones. They all stopped the moment you entered the room. You shoved your hands back into your pockets.
"Y/n, it's good to see you." FP greeted. You nodded to him, separating yourself slightly from Sweet Pea.
"I know why I'm here, so let's just cut the bull shit. Nobody cares that my dad died, the only thing anyone's worried about is who did it and where Bace is."
FP raised a brow. "And do you know who it is that killed your father?"
"Sure as hell do. You all do. He might be the new leader for the Ghoulies, but he's not gonna forget old grudges. Especially if he had a chance to 'fix it'. Malachai had my dad killed and the Ghoulies took Bace."
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