#Chinese herbal products
kpcherbs · 1 day
Do You Know the Traditional Uses of E Zhu in Chinese Medicine?
E Zhu, known scientifically as Curcuma zedoaria, is a prominent herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) revered for its numerous health benefits. Here’s a quick overview of its traditional uses:
1. Pain Relief
E Zhu is celebrated for its analgesic properties. It’s often used to alleviate various types of pain, including menstrual cramps and abdominal discomfort. By promoting blood circulation, it helps reduce inflammation and provides relief.
2. Digestive Health
This herb is frequently recommended for digestive issues. E Zhu is known to soothe the digestive tract, relieve bloating, and enhance appetite. It's particularly effective for treating conditions related to stagnation, such as poor digestion.
3. Menstrual Health
E Zhu plays a vital role in women's health. It’s used to regulate menstrual cycles and alleviate symptoms of dysmenorrhea. By promoting the flow of Qi (energy) and blood, it helps to ease menstrual discomfort.
4. Anti-Cancer Properties
Research has shown that E Zhu may possess anti-cancer effects. Its active compounds have been studied for their potential to inhibit tumor growth, making it a valuable herb in supportive cancer care.
5. General Health Tonic
In TCM, E Zhu is considered a health tonic that supports overall well-being. It’s often included in herbal formulas to boost vitality and strengthen the immune system.
E Zhu is a versatile herb with deep roots in Chinese medicine. Whether used for pain relief, digestive support, or menstrual health, its traditional applications continue to be valued in holistic healing practices today. If you’re looking to incorporate E Zhu into your wellness routine, consult a qualified herbalist or practitioner to explore its potential benefits!
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dkniade · 2 months
I tried translating the description for the Tartaglia perfume in the Genshin Fragrances series (the perfume collab with Primaniacs), but I’m not fluent in Japanese so there might be grammar mistakes and nuances may be lost with word choice. So y’know, please take this with a grain of salt, and feel free to correct me!
This definitely follows the Japanese version’s characterization, haha
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Character: Tartaglia
Note: NSFW/suggestive, tone is slightly dark. Translation notes have a few violent example phrases
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But first, the layers of notes described on the website (in English):
Top Notes: Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Green Apple
Middle Notes: Jasmine, Orange Flower, Patchouly, Cumin
Last Notes: Floral Ozone, Nutmeg, Tonka Beans, Agarwood
(Would that smell nice? Does that match the vibe in the description? I’m not a perfume person, so…)
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Product Description
A dangerous light that gives rise to a sunny smile
A heart-piercing light fougère note
A citrus herbal that drifts aloofly, matching the liveliness of a glistening orange flower.
Though the chilly darkness of patchouli lurks in the background, the warmth of tonka beans dwells in that profile which looks back and shows a gentle expression.
It’s a strange contrast between comfort and a disturbing presence.
Giving off darkness and light while caught in a flash of zeal, a fragrance that puts you at his mercy completely.
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DO PEOPLE REALLY DESCRIBE PERFUMES LIKE THIS. I understand describing the actual ingredients (?) but the rest of it is very flowery. (Update: Primaniacs seems to specialize in interpreting manga/anime/video game characters as perfumes. I read through some descriptions for their other character perfumes; this is the style they use for all of them it seems.) The first two lines sound like a shounen anime opening… but the rest is like a reader insert imagine… And what’s with that last line??
(My initial translation for the last line “暗と明が放つ軽快な熱に浮かされ、どこまでも翻弄されるフレグランス” was “A fragrance that floats between a light heat emitting darkness and light, and toys with you endlessly” but after looking the words up in Weblio I think I messed up the definitions a lot.)
We really need to look up definitions for some words here… (using definitions and examples from weblio)
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朗らか (ほがらか):cheerful, bright, merry.
E.g. 朗らか微笑 (a bright smile), 朗らかに笑う (to laugh merrily)
射貫く(いぬく):to shoot through (a wall, the heart, etc.); to go through; to pierce; to hit (e.g. the bull's-eye)
躍動感(やくどうかん):energetic feeling; sense of liveliness; vigor
潜む(ひそむ):lurk (in, behind, under). E.g. 物陰に潜む (lurk in the shadows)
振り返る(ふりかえる):look/turn around; (physically) look back (at)
柔らか(やわらか):velvety (e.g. voice), tender, (physically) soft, mellow
—velvety?? 柔らかな表情… 表情 means expression, so, “tender expression”? “Gentle expression”? (Looks back at item description.) I feel like I’m reading a M-rated reader insert vignette.
心地よい(ここちよい)(adj.):comfortable; pleasant
不穏な(ふおんな):disquieting, unpeaceful
e.g. 不穏な犯罪 (a disturbing amount of crime), 形勢不穏なり (The outlook is grave.)
And now, the last sentence:
放つ(はなつ): (of a light or fragrance) give out/off; send out; put forth; emit
芳香を放つ (send forth fragrance; smell sweet)
軽快な(けいかいな)(adj.):lightweight, light
e.g. 軽快な手(a facile hand), 軽快な挙動(agile/nimble movements)
熱(ねつ):heat, temperature; fever; enthusiasm
Oh, it could also mean enthusiasm?
浮かす(うかす): to float, to get up (?), to save (money), to be on the mind (??)
e.g. 熱に浮かされる(to be delirious)
Note: this is the same wording used in the perfume description
So “軽快な熱に浮かされ” isn’t “floats between a light heat” but rather something like “caught in a flash of zeal”…?
どこまでも: anywhere; in every point, thoroughly; persistently
e.g. 彼はどこからどこまでも武士だ (He is every inch a samurai)
e.g. あなたにどこまでもついて行く。 (I will go with you anywhere.)
e.g. どこまでも目的を変えるな. (Keep to your purpose.)
翻弄される(ほんろうされる): (for people) be made a fool of (by)
e.g. 『源氏物語』に登場する玉鬘も数奇な運命と自らの美しさが引き起こす騒動に翻弄され続けた女性である。(Tamakazura in "The Tale of Genji" is also at the mercy of her fate due to the incidents triggered by her hapless fate and beauty.)
風波に翻弄される: to be toss about by wind and waves
e.g. 船は狂瀾怒濤に翻弄された (The ship was tossed about by the ranging waters)
e.g. 船は翻弄されていた。(The ship was at the mercy of the waves.)
The ship examples sound way more sexual than the other example sentences on the page involving (heterosexual) humans huh
There’s no doubt a sexual undertone with this last sentence. “Messed with”… “endlessly”/“thoroughly”… “at the mercy of”…
“A fragrance that toys with you endlessly”…?
“A fragrance that puts you completely at (his) mercy”?
“A fragrance that makes you completely submerged in him”?
using “submerged” to evoke the image of waves and water
But, that’s probably not the intention of the product description, and I’m just having fun here
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“A fragrance that gives off darkness and light, caught in a flash of zeal”…
…“and puts you at his mercy completely”…?
“Giving off darkness and light while caught in a flash of zeal, a fragrance that puts you at his mercy completely.”
(Putting this together is.. oh my, lmao. That is about the most erotic perfume description I’ve ever read, and for Tartaglia of all characters🤣 I’d like to imagine this as a battle, but that doesn’t work for him either—in the Chinese version.)
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allsadnshit · 19 days
hello! feel free to disregard if this is overly personal, but a close friend is getting exploratory surgery for her endo in a few weeks and i am brainstorming different ways i can give tangible support. im planning to cook a few meals and put together a care package, and i was wondering if u had any recs for specific products/natural medicine/meals? your candidness abt your own journey has been really moving to me and i would appreciate some insight! again apologies if it crosses a line and feel free to delete <3
that's so sweet! endo surgery is different for everyone - and also really taxing because you don't know what's gonna happen till they are in there (like if a lots gonna be cut out, if they don't find anything, etc)
I think meals is a 10/10 to have ready. Cooking is hard and nourishing food after surgery is soooo important! bone broths, herbal teas, congee, and things easy to digest and get the system back in flow.
My essentials were: cramp cream from the brand getsomedays (I hate their social media marketing and I think they post a lot of dumb stuff, but the cramp cream is their best product and I haven't found anything that works better), a heating pad, a meal tray with a soft bottom for eating in bed, maybe comfy slippers, SOMEONE WASH AND DRY THEIR SHEETS BEFORE SURGERY SO THE BED FEELS CLEAN AND GOOD, aaaaaand if they are offered opioids...which they likely will be....I HIGHLY recommend NOT taking them and opting for the other pain meds that are less addictive.
also if they are suggested birth controls or IUD after finding endo and they arent already on them - PLEAAAASE let them know there are OTHER options that won't destroy their body and hormones...Chinese medicine, holistic medicine (brands like Elix healing or root + bones), physical therapy for tightness and muscle strain...like literally anything else!!!!!!! and if they decide to take the birth control please make sure they look into the user experiences on reddit. Mine gave me such crazy heart palpitations I thought I was going insane or dying!
GOOD LUCK <33333 tell them recovery is a slow burn not a race
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fatehbaz · 10 months
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Regarding tenzu tablets:
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Caption reads: "Ottoman drugs containing rhubarb, cinnamon, mastic gum, Chinese tumeric, amber, musk, balm of Gilead, Meccan myrrh, white pepper, opium, rose water, cast into moulds & inscribed with healing incantations, 16C". Credited with a link to Yasmine Seale, on social media.
Original linked source doesn't mention where these particular tablets/molds were created, kept, displayed, etc. But I wanted to learn more and found a kinda recent summary of tenzu which was published by Nil Sarı (head of History of Medicine and Ethics Department at Istanbul University's Cerrahpasha medical school, president of Health History and Museology Association), which was presented at a conference in 2016:
Nil Sarı. "The Special Pharmaceutical Tablet “Tenzu” in Ottoman Medicine.” 7th International Congress for History of Islamic Medicine, October 24-28, Fez, Morocco, 2016: 24-28.
An excerpt of the text:
In Ottoman Turkish tenzu (tensuh) means "very rare beautiful thing" or "a box containing a variety of fragrances." Tenzu was also said to be the name of a place in Hitay (Eastern Turkistan / Xinjiang) where a medicinal clay - the main ingredient of the tablet tenzu - was imported from. Tenzu was a kind of theriac said to be effective against various ailments. Different tenzu prescriptions are noted in the texts [...] of several medical manuscripts of the 17th and 18th centuries. These tenzu prescriptions were described by various physicians, e.g. the head physicians Salih bin Nasrullah and Nuh Efendi as well as Hayatizade Mustafa Feyzi and Shaban Shifai who were palace physicians of the period. The special pharmaceutical tablet/pastille named "tenzu kursu" was formed in various shapes, i.e. oval, round, or rectangular. A measured amount of the drug preparation was compressed and shaped in a special brass mold named "tenzu kalibi" in Turkish. [...]
Prayers and ornamentations are engraved on the metal molds [...]. The expressions Deva al kulub (Drug for the heart) and Shifa al marghoob (The desired, yearned healing) inscribed on molds reinforce spirituality. [...] Inscriptions around the center of the other flower shaped pattern are Ferd, Hayy, Kayyum and feehi shifaun lin-naas (wherein is healing for mankind, Surah an-Nahl, verse 69). [...] Al-Hayy and Al-Qayyum are often used together. Al-Hayy signifies "ever-lasting life", and Al-Qayyum "self-existing life". [...] Sihhat bad (Have a good health) and Afiyet bad (Have a good appetite) are inscribed. [...] A. Suheyl Unver and Hayri Sozen published several tenzu prescriptions in their book "Turk Farmakaloji Tarihi I.", in 1960. [...] Tenzu prescriptions are found in several medical manuscripts kept in the Topkapi Palace Library, Suleymaniye Library and Istanbul University Rare Books Library.
Clay is a main ingredient [...]. Tiyn-i Tenzu is an unknown red colored clay. However, Terra Sigillata (Tiyn-i mahtum / muhurlu toprak) and Armenian Clay (Kil ermeni) are found in the prescriptions. [...] There are also animal products in the compositions, i.e. ambergris (amber), bezoar (badzehr), kermes (kirmiz), musk (misk), raw silk (harir-i ham / ham ipek), [...] and burnt deer antler (yanmisgeyik boynuzu). There are a wide variety of herbal drugs in the compositions, i.e. Acorus calamus [...], Aloe vera (Sabir), [...] Anchusa offinalis (Lisan-i sevr cicegi), Artemisia absinthium [...], Bambusa arundinaceae [...], Chenopodium album [...], Cinnamon (Darcin), Citrus aurantium [...], Crocus sativus (Za'feran), Embellia ribes [...], Gummi mastix [...], Heliotropium arborsecens [...], Nardustachys jatamansi [...], Potentilla reptans [...], Pterocarpus santalinus [...], Red rose/Rosa gallica [...], Rheum officinale (Ravend), Rumez acetosellaseed [...], Ruta graveolens (Keci Sadefi/Sedef Otu), Terminalia citrina [...], Terminalia chebula [...], Tormentilla (Tormentila).
Shaping and storage of these drugs are explained alongside some of the tenzu prescriptions. According to a recipe, all ingredients are beaten very thin on a porphyry (onyx marble) [...]. Each dose wrapped in gold foil is anointed an amount of almond oil. It is pressed into the mold, dried in the shade and stored in wood boxes. [...] Drugs in tablet form was an old tradition. In general, the preparation is poured onto a tray. [...] After dried in the shade, orange leaves are put between them. Stored in colored glass containers, they're reused when needed, squashed with water and drunk as a syrup. Also, flat pills made of a drachma weight were retained on the tongue in the mouth [...]. Although drugs in tablet form were used throughout Ottoman history either as a pastille or to be converted into syrup, the tenzu tablet molds were designed for the Ottoman sultans and members of the dynasty to make special tablets decorated with calligraphy [...].
[End of excerpt.]
All of these images are cropped screenshots of the PDF scan of the printed "conference works"; the PDF was uploaded online by Nil Sarı.
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emanation-aura · 1 year
I think Baizhu and Sucrose should meet.
Dr. “everyone says my medicine tastes too bitter” Baizhu and Alchemist “I have an obsession with increasing the sweetness capacity of Sweet Flowers” Sucrose.
Inspired by the Haw Flakes those Chinese doctors give you to take with their bitter herbal concoctions, but Sucrose is the supplier, because she can pack ultra dense high fructose sweet flower powder into small flakes because of the absurdly high yields she has on her Sweet Flowers. Bubu Pharmacy, already well respected, shoots up in popularity with everyone because of the new Bitterness Mitigation treat they offer for Dr. Bai’s most foul-tasting medicines. In turn, Baizhu negotiates, in Liyuen fashion, a tidy contract with his supplier, and Sucrose now has so much extra funding for her experiments, gosh, she doesn’t even have to siphon funds from Mondstadt’s taxpayers anymore, she can devote her full attention to Sweet Flower Optimisation without worrying about her productivity in alchemical pursuits for the average citizen.
When word of this “Sucrose Sweet” gets around via Liyue, the trading port of Teyvat, suddenly everyone in and around Teyvat wants to buy from her (it even gets the attention of the Abyss Order, somehow). Akademiya scholars come to study her sweet flower specimens. Jean bans the sweet in Mondstadt because holy shit Sucrose, every child with unrestricted access to these is going to get tooth decay…
and then Sucrose, via her (completely natural!) study of bones, finds a way to make the sweet flowers non-destructive to the teeth (let’s pretend some alchemical magic goes on). Sucrose proceeds to completely outclass her mentor and rivals Lord Sangemah Bay’s wealth in revenue from selling really sweet candy. She does in fact get an offer from Dori to buy the rights to the product, but Albedo helps her put her foot down… and then Alice hears about this from Klee and begins her own interference, and suddenly Sucrose’s life is so radically different that she realises she has the capital and power to do whatever she wants.
Hire Kaveh (constellation Paradisea), pride of the Kshahrewar, and be able to fund and delegate work to Amurta students and volunteers, focusing on all the most important work herself…
Paradise is finally within reach.
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momoxxxrinn · 2 years
Op straw hats crew what do they do if you ask them to buy you or do they have pads/ tampons while you're on your period having cramps dying on your bed cause you can't move due to pain.
Warning: none just fluff, enjoy (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ no spoilers.
Editor's note: I wrote this in middle of night sorry if there's typo and English isn't my first language. I use shortcut words.
Feature: Luffy,Sanji,Zoro,Usopp, Nami,Robin,Franky,Brook,Jinbe, Chopper
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Nami & Robin
Nami & Robin : realistically they both always have pad or tampon nearby. Will let you have as many as you need according to your flow. Because they don't need to go out to buy for you they stay behind feeding you food.
Robin would feed you more like Chinese herbal medicinal soup to relieve pain. Made you bone broth with angelica sinensis or more common ginseng help with bloating, helps with blood circulation flow preventing cramps and digestion. She used to read and learn along her journey before joining the straw hats. She has been all by herself until now so she definitely would love to help you. Saying ton of benefits and most ingredients in a common household kitchen but she uses scientific names.
Nami definitely feeds you chocolate, mikan juice or pasta anything high in iron and magnesium. Cause losing blood might lead you to feel headache or worse pass out and pasta, mikan juice replenishes iron in your body. Nami doesn't want you to pass out from anemia. Chocolate gives magnesium which helps your mood better and gives you energy, chocolate is delicious in general. Either let Sanji cook your favourite food or make food that easy to digest herself. probably cost you big money.
Both of them literally have big sister energy you never had. Would bring you entertainment together like sharing their favourite books or gossip or fashion magazine. Try to let you rest as much as possible. Help you with different hacks like warm water bottle trick if they don't have pad warmer available. If you like to be alone they would sure you got your rest, not letting Luffy or anyone bother you I repeat, especially Luffy. Spoil you with anything you want.
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Vinsmoke Sanji
Sanji: would do anything for you, honestly probably know a few famous pads tampons brands but not sure which one you use so he got all the one that would seem to helping bringing more comfort. Would be really proud and waiting your praise. He knows it's probably uncomfortable for you so he bought some painkillers.
On the way back to sunny, saw bunch of good ingredients for you, easy to digest, nutritional and probably bought too much cause he want to give you a super comfort 3 course meal. Definitely don't forget ice-cream cause ice cream make everything better. Bought you a bouquet of lavender for relaxation. He's a romantis
Honestly, he won't let anyone know what he's doing cause he doesn't want you to get uncomfortable with others with your period if you're more personal type of person and don't necessarily need to announce your time of month. Respect you and woman in general cause it's painful, and how strong woman are. Do his research to develop new recipes to relief cramps.
Would giving you facial treatment for your period acne. Do skincare together to keep you company. Actually really enjoyed it.
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Roronoa Zoro
Zoro: understandable, totally know that biologically woman body are different than man. The impact of Kuina feeling of the hardships of woman in society in term of swordsmanship is deeper than he realized. Of course his respect towards woman is grew more once you educate him.
Totally get lost every second so you don't expect much from him but surprisingly he did return safely with an actual thing you requested. Probably ended up finding one piece along the way.
Struggling to choose type you use, asking stranger to help him and low-key everyone in the store recommended him different brands products so he ended up buying all. Would be type of guy thinking what size is your vagina. Yes, he knows the biological sciences different woman body with man but that doesn't mean he know everything about woman organs. This man simply an idiot so cut him some slack.
He knows Nami Robin dealing with cramps time to time. Would actually help them when usually he don't, cause he's aware Nami Robin independent and won't need help unless they ask but he love doing small things that make your day a bit better, won't ask for praise or acknowledgement. Woman around him shape the way he is honestly, if you educate him he probably listen but tend to got it wrong sometimes. Again he is muscle head, you gotta go slowly. Once he got it through his skull, he would force you to rest.
Actually asked Sanji to cook you easy digest food, Zoro would bring to you himself. Then asking Sanji to teach him how to cook that recipe. Totally shocked some other crew too lol. Don't really need to do it often cause there's the "love cook". Bring you soft blanket or even use his shoulder as you pillow if needed, those thick yummy muscle. Once he understands more, he encouraged you to exercise or stretch to a point you can handle. His excuse is to best way to relief cramps. This training muscle maniac.
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God Usopp
Usopp: have no problems. Honestly probably the most normal among other crew. To him it just like another errands. Understand how period, uterus work and don't mind helping others if needed. Ngl Nami probably had sent him to buy her pad or tampon before, so boi got experience and from experience, food make anyone happy and in this situation it make you happy but gotta watch out from glutinous monkey food stealer Luffy.
Ask and you shall receive. If you ask for anything he would drop what he's doing just to make your day better especially dealing with something you can't helped.
Definitely keep a box or two of pads tampons you Nami Robin use. Would make you lay down and gently massage your lower abdomen to help relax your muscles. Genuinely really good at massaging. I mean look at those biceps muscles. He would be one of the guy who keeps heat pad with him, carrying inside his bag
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Jinbe: Imagined a single father with teenage daughter, flustered because his lack of knowledge. Would ask Nami Robin more about woman body. Even though he is older gentleman and sometimes around woman his knowledge is have limits. Know what is period or cramps is, it just he never experienced someone asking his help on this situation and feeling need to do his best is adorable.
Would read intensely the description on the pads tampons brand and selection and decently did a good job. Realized people around him keep starring and not wanting any attention he grab the most comfortable and long lasting pads he saw. If you used tampons, too bad he still struggling to understand how it works that's. Accidentally gives you life time supplies lol.
Keep asking you if he did was acceptable and reassuring him he did a good job. Later learn he could help more than that. Would be happy you ask for his help. I low-key want to hug him and relive my pain. I need a squish mellow out of this guy.
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Tony Tony Chopper
Chopper: yes he's definitely is a child in my opinion but regardless he's the doctor. And naturally he learn from Dr Kureha about sex education and woman body too. Tbh Dr Kureha already passed far from her menopause tho. So chopper is not innocent but he still pure tho, definitely don't really understand about lust or that desire of human but it is what it is.
Would believe this task is his time to finally show his usefulness. This is his first big boi errand. He does understand is really matter and important. Of course it's important but not to some extreme intense level. He's cute when he's trying his best. Please give him cotton candy and lots praise the moment he return.
Definitely know what he supposed to do and probably overwhelmed which to choose and ended up buying little bit of everything. Thin, ultra smooth, scented, unscented, wings, non wings, night time, longer version etc. There's probably an older woman helping him after seeing his struggling. Have very wholesome moment with new humans, very kind to him which suprise him. Please create new happy memories for him with human.
Definitely thought buying ice-cream for both of you to share but realized ice-cream may not be the best desserts so he chose something soft, fluffy, sweet marshmallows for you. Ngl he keep staring at your snacks so you feed him. Too adorable. See he put so much effort for you. Better appreciate this child. Since he's the doctor he give you painkillers and herbal remedies to relieve your symptoms.
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Monkey D. Luffy
Luffy: what can I say about this man. He's aware of world situation, different between woman body than his and pretty much normal information of a person his age. He's not idiot just umm.. stupid on not this topic, I guess?? Even with his awareness, he don't know cramps exist and once he learn that he's reaction is the most hilarious ever. Super shocked how bad the pain is for you.
Therefore after a few minutes learning new information off he goes buy the necessity you needed. Bought the first thing he saw and call it a day of success. Later learn he bought the wrong stuff, there's difference between a pad and a baby diaper or panty liner. Need Robin to help him out while teaching him new stuff but definitely didn't throughly understand it but somehow got it.
Was excited to bring you food but miraculously it arrived half eaten. Yes magic. Would stretching and making funny faces to crack you up, got drag away by Nami cause you need rest.
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Franky: he's second oldest person in the strawhat and obviously he's an adult and even he got 2 younger sister he adopted. Older brother you can always rely on. Would buy you brand his sister use cause he didn't remember to ask you what brand you use. He's use to taking care of his sister so it's a habit going straight to the store and getting what you need and realised a few minutes later but he's too far to go back.
A type of person would gift you candy but made out of cola, like gummy cola, chewing cola flavour candy etc. Asked if you need massage cause low-key his new invention is a portable massage machine. If you let him use you as his guinea pig first user, he be extremely grateful. Your comments and review is matter. Give you a heating pad that immediately heat up in a second you need and there's temperature changes according to your liking for your lower abdomen. His invention is useful for daily use not just robot nerd.
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Brook: if there's a song to make people sleepy there's a chance of song to relief pain exist or at least distracting you from your pain. Not sure if period products know 50 plus years ago available so got you covered by literally buy like 10 bag full of goodies.
Besides his playful and kinda unique personality, he is the oldest crew members and there's time he can be mature, mostly not but that's his coping mechanism. Love setting up warm bath, sprinkle with few drops of any essential oils you love or he just put lavender oil for relaxing your mind and body. A few oil of rosemary and sage would help better. This man loves bath and the most bizarre thing he did was filled the bathtub with milk, hoping your skin soaked up with all the benefits. 100% asking what colour panties you wearing. If he ask big mom definitely would ask yours. What a way to icebreaking.
Hope y'all enjoy it and thank you for reading this goddamn long writing. ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ 💕
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viewfromgumlog · 1 month
Blog 1: Chinese Medicine, Me & Food
“A chronic illness turns the patient into a good doctor.” 
Chinese proverb
My Experience with traditional Western Medicine
In 2001, I had a complete hysterectomy because I had a seven-pound uterine fibroid. Then in 2002, a needle biopsy of my thyroid was too encased in scar tissue to get an exact diagnosis of the cause of my many symptoms. I had a total thyroidectomy, revealing that I had Hashimoto’s Disease. That surgery, along with thyroid medication, is supposed to end the Hashimoto’s symptoms, but it has not. Getting doctors to believe this to be true proves to be problematic. Their solutions come with risks and side effects I am unwilling to endure.
My Journey 
Years of living with digestive issues and other “weird” symptoms has led me to researching and trying measures beyond traditional Western medicine. Therefore, I have been on a journey to become my own health advocate. I have read plenty of articles written by functional medicine practitioners as well as research results from scientific journals. 
Over 40 years ago, I gave up alcohol and other mind- or mood-altering drugs. 30 years ago, I gave up coffee and switched to tea. About 15 years ago, I gave up gluten. A couple of years ago, I gave up dairy products other than fermented ones. I have several food and airborne allergies. I have lived on a personalized version of Autoimmune Paleo diet (AIP) for many years.
Where I am at Now
I have had periods of no digestive problems throughout these years. But they are back along with other unhealthy symptoms. Frankly, I am tired of giving stuff up! Since I have had success with acupuncture in the past, I decided to try a more comprehensive Chinese medicine approach. I have an upcoming appointment with an acupuncturist and met with her about Chinese medicine herbal remedies. She gave me many references to consult.
What I Will Share with You
I am going to take a Chinese medicine approach to my relationship to food. As I explore this path, I will share with you what I learn, what obstacles I encounter, and what appears to be working.
Please join me.
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Star Anise
Herbal action: antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, aromatic
Common name: badiane, star anise, Chinese star anise
Scientific name: Illicium verum
Family name: Schisandraceae
Parts used: pods, seeds
Gender: Masculine
Elemental Correspondences: Air
Planetary Associations: Jupiter
Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Sagittarius
Deities: Buddha, Quan Yin
Chakra Associations: Third Eye, Root Chakra
Magical Properties Of Star Anise:
Star anise is perfect for increasing psychic connection, divine healing and protection, and increased success in lucky endeavors.
Mystically speaking, some of star anise’s magical properties include improving one’s telepathic abilities, providing divine healing and protection, and boosting one’s chances of having a successful undertaking.
Calm: Use an incense blend or essential oil containing this herb to help instill a sense of productive calm.
Good Luck: Tuck this star-shaped seed pod into a green pouch or orange pouch, visualize yourself being lucky, and carry it in your purse to bring good luck.
Protection: Carry it in your bag or inside of a mojo bag or sachet to ward off the evil eye. Make a garland out of the full seed pods and hang along your door.
Psychic Awareness: Simply sniff the aroma of this herb to help awaken your psychic senses. Use the seeds as a pendulum by stringing the largest one onto a black or purple string.
How to use star anise in food and drinks:
Many people enjoy throwing some star anise pods into their coffee to enrich the beverage’s flavor and add some licorice-like undertones to it. A single pod can be used 2-3 times this way. You can also brew a star anise tea by putting 1-2 whole star anise pods in a cup, filling it with boiling water, and letting steep for about 10 minutes. Combine with cinnamon for extra spiciness!
In Chinese cooking, star anise is one of the main ingredients in the Chinese five spice powder (star anise, cumin, cinnamon, peppercorns and cloves), that is used for seasoning meat.
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Boiling Isles Cuisines Concept
Varieties of ‘Smaller’ Meat Sources for less risk against larger beasts (Example: Fairies, Jackalope or Slime)
More Relies on fruits, mushrooms, herbs, and numbers of non-starchy plants.
Freshwater from natural sources as the main drink.
Low Carb, Low Fat (Mostly from ‘meat’), and mostly Proteins, Minerals, and Nutrients for magic-based performance.
Prefer to be consumed raw, partly cooked, or boiling as stew/soup. (Nutrition Conserving Values) 
Imperial/Covens: Influences from 18th Century British Cuisine
Starch Carbohydrate for occasions, especially bakery. (Rice, Noodle, and most non-Bakery Flour product are not quite popular)
More refining on food. Examples, jerkies, juice, sugar, or brewed drinks.
Introducing to fermentation/pickling
Covens & Regional Sub-Cuisines
More technique, cooking tools & utensils. 
Earth Cuisines Approaching, especially 
East Asian
South Asian & Southeast Asian
Influences of Nutrition Sciences
De-Covenization & Emerging “Fusion” Cuisines
Earth Technology: Some Embrace, Some Against, and Some Twist
Electricity(Or Magical Equivalent) & Clean Water for All
Examples of the Cuisines
Fresh Fairy Herbal Salad: A Heterogeneous Mixed “Salad” of live fairies, sliced acidic juice, and herbs that make fairies weaks(or even passed out without dying before being eaten).
Inspiration: Goong Then “Dancing Shrimp” from Thailand/ Southeast Asian Spicy Salad/ Live Sashimi
Mushroom & Peels Stew: Leftover Fruit Peels sometimes are good to suppress the odor of some foul-smelt mushroom, give some complex flavors, and also less food waste. 
Inspiration: Bowl of Browns from George R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones/Worcestershire Sauce/Chinese Herbs
Fire Salamander Molt Rind: Collected Molt of Fire Salamander that fried by reaction between the chemical in it & salt, making it crispy & more edible. However, spicy & coarse, preferred as seasoning. 
Inspiration: Pork Rind, Fire Flake(A:TLA), and “Cruelty-Free Meat”
Golden Snails: The freshwater snail coated & stewed in yolk & herbs/spices-based gravy that made the food look golden. Considered as delicacy for its difficulty from harvesting ingredients to cooking it perfectly
Inspiration: Salted Egg-based Stir Fried/ French Cuisine/ Thick Stew
Fairy Pie
Bard’s Banshee Brew: Drink for the vocal-based bards to have the more enduring, yet, soft & flexible throats. (Alcoholic)
Candied Bile-Apple: Pineapple-like fruit that grew around the right feet of Titan(which have the color & smell of bile somehow, with tastes of complex saltiness, bitterness, and umami). It is candied to be consumed easier, as a health-enhancing food.
Griffon Breasts: Taste like chicken mixed with gamey beef. Usually being cooked as steak for the wealthy, like the Blights. Enjoyed with acidic “gravy”.
Boiling Isles’ Curry Stew: Based on Japanese Curry Rice, which is cooked to be eaten by itself. It’s composed of local spices & Earth’s dried spices, protein of choices, and some vegetables (mostly not potatoes).
Nutty O’nut: Doughnut that is made of local nut-based flour & baked instead of fried. Plus, being enjoyed with hot drinks & some fruits.
PB&J (Peanut Blood & Jackalope) Sandwich: Peanut-based version “Apple Blood”, made into jam that enjoyed with Jackalope meat
Smile Dip
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saturnintransit8 · 4 months
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as an fyi, i'm remaining anon on purpose. my alias henceforth is saturn8!
i included modern astrology in the description because that's the easiest way to describe what astrology i study. BUT the names of my branches of choice are humanistic astrology and psychological astrology. humanistic astrology came first. it was created by dane rudhyar, an avid theosophist (*slight, but noticeable cringe*) after he attended a few carl jung lectures. dane rudhyar founded it based on the dharmic principle - that we each have a "job" to do in life; we have a purpose. additionally, that we are each products of our environment and that our purpose is a culmination of the efforts of humanity that lived before us. that we evolve and change overtime. so the rudhyar system of astrology is oriented around helping people understand what they need to know to grow and change within the context of their physical environment and natal chart. he emphasized that fate-ridden astrology is outdated and that a person-centered astrology must emerge to accomodate the more self-aware man. we do have the ability to make choices and choose our futures. this shift from fated astrology to free will astrology is why dane rudhyar is referred to as "the father of modern astrology".
psychological astrology was birthed from humanistic. pioneers include liz greene (a claimed jungian analyst), erin sullivan (she passed in spring 2024; may she rest in peace), and jeffrey wolfe green (most known for his evolutionary astrology tho). it looks at the birth chart as a map of personality, psyche, and unconscious. psychological astrology aims to delineate potential growth opportunities as well - but from within. in the words of carl gustav jung, "until the unconscious becomes conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it fate." it really aims to help the querent understand themselves so that they can develop themselves. psychological is more popular largely due to the early enthusiasts ability to attach it to something tangible; to psychology. pop astrology (you know, sun-sign astrology, co-star, and horoscopes) is a derivative of psychological astrology.
in additon to astrology, i'm deeply interested in holistic healing modalities such as western herbalism, chinese medicine, ayurveda, and jungian/depth psychology. other interests include alchemy, gnosticism, henri bergson's philosophical approach, cycles, understanding the nature of reality, mythology, sociology, climate change... & others.
i have sooo many things that i want to write about! i'm constantly connecting astrological principles to my life and want to express those thoughts somewhere in a casual way.
thanks for your time!
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kpcherbs · 4 days
Ling Zhi (Red): The Ancient Herbal Secret for Longevity and Vitality
Ling Zhi, also known as Red Reishi, has been revered for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Often referred to as the "Mushroom of Immortality," Ling Zhi has been used to promote health, longevity, and vitality. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of this powerful herb and how it supports overall well-being.
What is Ling Zhi (Red)?
Ling Zhi is a type of mushroom commonly used in Chinese herbal medicine. It has been treasured for over 2,000 years due to its rich array of health benefits. The mushroom grows in humid, forested areas, mainly in Asia. Its distinctive red color and fan-like shape make it easily recognizable.
Key Health Benefits of Ling Zhi
Boosts Immune System
One of the primary benefits of Ling Zhi is its ability to enhance the immune system. By supporting the body’s natural defenses, this mushroom helps to ward off illnesses and infections.
Reduces Stress and Fatigue
Ling Zhi is often used to reduce stress and improve sleep quality. It is believed to have calming properties, making it a popular choice for those looking to relieve fatigue and anxiety.
Supports Heart Health
Research suggests that Ling Zhi may help lower cholesterol levels and improve circulation, making it an excellent herb for promoting heart health.
Promotes Longevity
In Chinese herbal medicine, Ling Zhi is known for its anti-aging properties. The mushroom is packed with antioxidants that combat free radicals, contributing to a longer, healthier life.
How to Use Ling Zhi (Red)
Ling Zhi can be consumed in various forms, including powders, capsules, and teas. Traditionally, it was brewed into a tea or soup, but modern advancements have made it easier to incorporate into your daily routine. Here are a few tips on how to use it:
Teas: Brew dried Ling Zhi slices in hot water for a soothing drink.
Capsules: Take as a daily supplement for convenience.
Powder: Add Ling Zhi powder to smoothies or soups for an extra health boost.
Why Choose Chinese Herbal Medicine?
Chinese herbal medicine offers a holistic approach to health and wellness. Unlike conventional treatments that often focus on symptoms, Chinese herbal medicine aims to address the root cause of imbalances in the body. Herbs like Ling Zhi (Red) are used to support the body’s natural healing process and maintain overall harmony.
Ling Zhi: A Time-Tested Solution for Health
In the world of Chinese herbal medicine, Ling Zhi has stood the test of time. Its long history of use and numerous health benefits make it a popular choice for those seeking natural remedies. Whether you’re looking to boost your immune system, reduce stress, or promote heart health, Ling Zhi is a versatile and powerful herb worth considering.
Final Thoughts
Ling Zhi (Red) continues to be a favorite in Chinese herbal medicine for its ability to promote vitality and longevity. If you're interested in natural ways to enhance your health, adding this ancient mushroom to your wellness routine could be the answer.
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justforbooks · 4 months
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How TikTok Shop ads turned an obscure, inaccurate book into a bestseller
If you’ve spent enough time scrolling through TikTok, you might have seen a video from an account like @tybuggyreviews, a handle with half a million followers that exclusively posts videos selling products through the TikTok Shop.
The creator, whose verified Instagram account identifies him as Tarik Garrett, used the @tybuggyreviews account to pitch viewers on supplements, water flossers, earbuds, workout machines, bible study guides, probiotics for women to help “that smell down there,” watch bands, inspirational hoodies, inspirational T-shirts, face massagers, foot massagers, rhinestone necklaces, oil pulling kits, and colon cleanses.
In the TikTok Shop, creators earn a commission for each sale linked to their account. Garrett’s product videos got tens of thousands of views. A few even topped a million views. But nothing from his account took off quite like his sales pitch for an obscure 2019 publication called The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies.
“Now I see why they’re trying to remove TikTok. This book right here? This book of herbal remedies? They do not want us to see this book,” Garrett said at the beginning of one Shop video, referring to a new US law that requires TikTok’s Chinese parent company to either sell the app or face a ban. TikTok is challenging the law in court, arguing that lawmakers citing national security concerns as a reason to pass the bill did not adequately argue why those concerns should supersede the First Amendment. The law, to be clear, does not cite the Lost Book of Herbal Remedies’s availability on the TikTok Shop as a reason for banning the platform.
Garrett posted his pitch for the book on April 15. As of May 7, the video had more than 16 million views. Garrett opened the book and showed pages of its recommendations, urging users to take screenshots (and purchase a copy of their own) before it’s too late.
The camera lingered on a list of plants that, the book claimed, were treatments for cancer, drug addiction, heart attacks, and herpes. As of Wednesday, the listing for The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies that Garrett linked to has more than 60,000 sales on the TikTok Shop. To put that number in perspective, appearing on a bestseller list generally requires 5,000–10,000 sales in a week.
And that interest isn’t staying exclusively on TikTok. Google search interest in the book’s title spiked on the same day Garrett posted his video. The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies was, as of Wednesday, May 8, ranked 10 on Amazon’s bestseller list for books, and has appeared toward the top of Amazon’s bestseller rankings for the past three weeks.
A spokesperson for TikTok said that videos linking to Shop products must abide by both the community guidelines, which ban medical misinformation, and Shop policies, which do not allow misleading content. If a video violates only the Shop policies, they said, they’ll simply remove the link to the Shop but keep the content up. If it violates community guidelines, the video comes down.
The violations were enough for TikTok to remove his product review account. Garrett did not respond to a series of emailed questions.
How e-commerce took over TikTok
TikTok has long been good at guessing what its users might want to see, but less good at monetizing that trick. When the platform launched its Shop feature in the United States last fall, the For You page shifted, pushing video after video like those made by @tybuggyreviews in the hope that its users will start buying the products that go viral on TikTok directly from their store.
The result became a For You page with constant interruptions from random product pitches. The Shop ads, like much of the content pushed on TikTok, are personalized, though TikTok Shop recommendations are heavily influenced by reporting on stories like this one. Your results may differ. And yet, it is clear that TikTok has catapulted the Remedies book into relevance beyond a niche audience. The company earns money off of the explosion of sales on the shop, some of which come from creators who are explicitly promoting unproven cancer “cures” and conspiracy theories about the platform.
Like the Shadow Work Journal, a workbook that went super viral on TikTok Shop several months ago as a mental health tool — despite its dubious effectiveness — The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies is part of a swell of wellness creators, brands, and products that have found success reaching new audiences on TikTok Shop.
Shop videos have become a sort of “loophole” for health misinformation on TikTok, said Evan Thornburg, a bioethicist who posts on TikTok as @gaygtownbae and studies mis/disinformation and public health. Creators, and those with something to sell, know that Shop videos will get privileged on For You pages. Some creators may use those videos to promote dangerous health claims. In other cases, Thornburg noted, “the creator promoting the material isn’t necessarily spouting off disinformation, but the material that they’re convincing people to purchase is.”
A recipe for misinformation
The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies appears to be a case of both: The book contains misleading information, and creators are circulating misleading health claims in order to sell books. A video with nearly 1 million views promoting the book’s TikTok Shop listing is basically a series of ominous, AI-generated images with an AI voiceover. The video claims that the book contains secrets previously locked away in an ancient book located in the “Vatican library,” and that The Lost Book of Herbal Medicine was previously only available on the “dark web” before surfacing on TikTok. (Not true: The book is for sale on Amazon, the author’s website, and appears to be available through some academic and public library systems.) Another Shop video with more than 1 million views is captioned, “Cure for over 550 diseases, even cancer.”
I scanned through a copy of The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies this week. The 300-page book contains a disclaimer noting that it’s intended to “provide information about natural medicine, cures, and remedies that people have used in the past,” that it is not medical advice, and that some of the “remedies and cures found within do not comply with FDA guidelines.” It’s split into two parts: an alphabetical listing of ailments and conditions alongside the plants that the authors believe can cure or treat them, and an alphabetical list of plants, sorted by region, with instructions on how to prepare them.
The list of ailments the book includes proposed treatments for cancer, several STDs, mental health disorders, and digestive issues, among many other things. A few stand out: The book lists cures for smallpox, strep, and staph infections. There’s an emergency medicine section that includes plant remedies for serious medical conditions like internal bleeding and poisoning.
Flip to the entries for the plants and you’ll find lists of claims referring to research that is not cited. An entry promoting Ashwagandha’s “anti tumor effects” and ability to “kill ... cancerous cells” refers to “research,” but does not note that, while there is some indication that Ashwagandha can slow the growth of cancer cells, these studies were conducted on rodents and have yet to be replicated on humans.
Nicole Apelian, one of the book’s authors, while active on TikTok, it’s not her main social media presence. Her TikTok bio encourages her 17,000 followers there to check her out on Instagram, where she has 100,000 followers. Apelain also runs Nicole’s Apothecary, an herbal shop mentioned in the book that sells some of the tinctures she recommends, sells memberships to an online “Academy” for fans of her book, and advertises her paid appearances and workshops.
The endless whack-a-mole
As a journalist, there’s a pattern that becomes evident when writing about health misinformation on social media: something gets views, you assess the real or potential harm and try to understand its context, you contact the company to ask about the harmful thing. Maybe the video or post or group is taken down, maybe it’s not. The company gives you a statement, refers you to their policies on misinformation, and then you publish the article. This happens over and over because writing about misleading health information is a game of whack-a-mole that feels harder and harder to win.
Thornburg, the bioethicist, noted a couple reasons why we can’t climb out of this purgatory. First, meaningful moderation of a platform like TikTok is somewhat implausible. Social media companies are “never going to prioritize the amount of labor that would need to consistently be put into misinformation management,” they said.
Most sites rely on a combination of human moderators and AI, and it’s difficult to create automated moderation tools that don’t also censor allowed content. For example: health misinformation targeting minority communities often taps into legitimate distrust of medical professionals and institutions that have roots in recent history. An AI tool designed to moderate keywords associated with this sort of targeted misinformation might also sweep up criticism of health care systems in general.
And second, the creators who profit off health misinformation are really good at figuring out what they can say where, and what Thornburg calls “life boating” their audiences from one platform to another as needed. “You will have people who will drive interest in something through TikTok because the virality and the algorithm are aggressive,” Thornburg said. Then, their profile will link out to their Instagram or Linktree or YouTube channel.
Health misinformation on social media is a million cross-pollinating moving targets. TikTok Shop is a hot spot right now. Later, it might be something else on another platform. Chasing this content from platform to platform, harm to harm, viral video to viral video, is exhausting.
At the end, Thornburg shared the question that drives a lot of their work in this space, “Who do we consider accountable for these things that are harmful and regulate them or hold them to certain standards?” Often, it’s not really the person behind the individual piece of content driving the incentives for making it.
As a result, Garrett’s account was taken down, along with a few other popular videos advertising a book that has already sold tens of thousands of copies. As long as the incentives remain, it won’t be long until the next product promising a miracle starts polluting my For You page.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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National Herb Day
It is National Herb Day on May 4! It is usually celebrated annually on the first Saturday of May. The HerbDay Coalition, an organization of five non-profit groups, started National Herb Day to raise awareness about the useful properties and importance of herbs in daily life. They also work towards encouraging people to learn more about the herbs and provide a better understanding of the extensive uses of herbs in daily life. Herbs are extensively used in food, medicines, and cosmetics. They also served as the first medicines ever used by humans to cure various ailments.
History of National Herb Day
Botanically, herbs are classified as the green parts of a plant used in food or medicine. Herbs are as old as human civilizations and have been used for cooking and medicine since time immemorial. There is well-preserved archaeological evidence pointing to the use of herbs 60,000 years ago. Neanderthals, ancestors of modern Homo sapiens, started using herbs for healing. In a way, we can say that herbs predate even that of recorded history and form the origin of much of modern medicine. Archeologists have discovered traces of pollen and other plant materials near burials, indicating the use of herbs.
There is hardly any civilization that didn’t take advantage of the use of herbs. The Sumerians, Egyptians, Indians, and Chinese all used herbs independently of one another. They created clay tablets that date back 5,000 years and listed hundreds of medicinal plants on them. In Egypt, texts like Papyrus Ebers describe ailments, treatments, and around 850 medicinal plants. The Indian medicinal school of Ayurveda, which uses natural remedies and herbal medicine to cure health conditions, is still prevalent in this modern age. Ayurvedic medicine has used many herbs dating back to 4000 B.C.
The study and use of herbs thrived in the Middle Ages when most cultures attributed spiritual qualities to herbs. A prominent example is the holy status of basil leaves in India. There is also a resurgence in the use of herbs in the last 40 years due to the impact of chemical drugs and the investment in pharmaceutical research and development. To address the growing popularity of herbs and to spread their importance, the HerbDay Coalition started National Herb Day.
National Herb Day timeline
6,000 Years Ago
The Rise of Ayurveda
The “Rig Veda” and the “Atharva Veda,” the Vedic scriptures of Hinduism, mention the prevalence of medicinal plants and Ayurveda.
5,000 Years Ago
Sumerian Texts on Herbs
Sumerians write about hundreds of medicinal herbs on clay tablets.
1526 A.D.
The First English Herbal
Peter Treveris prints “Grete Herball,” the first English herbal.
1600 — 1700
The Era of Bubonic Plague
The popularity of herbal medicines declines because of their ineffectiveness against the Bubonic Plague.
National Herb Day FAQs
How many herbs are there in the United States?
There are approximately 75 to 100 herbs listed in the National Library of Medicine
What is the most popular herb in the world?
Cumin is generally considered the most popular herb in the world.
Is an herb a vegetable?
Herbs are a subset of vegetables, which are generally composed of flavorful leaves of plants such as cilantro and basil.
National Herb Day Activities
Buy herbal products: Herbal products are rich in medicinal properties and nutrient values. Purchase herbal products for your daily use.
Invite friends for an herbal-themed party: Invite friends for an herbal-themed party. Create food and decorations in the shape of various herbs available in your locality.
Create an herbal garden: Create an herbal garden in your backyard. Try herbs that are already available in your locality before expanding your horizons over time.
5 Facts About Herbs That You Should Know
Stronger flavor for dried herbs: Both dried and fresh herbs can be used, but dried herbs have a stronger flavor.
Herbalists and botanists: In the middle ages, botanists were known as herbalists.
Herbal: The book of plants: A book containing the names, legends, stories, and descriptions of plants is called a ‘herbal.’
Herbal medicine users: 80% of people worldwide use herbal medicines.
Herbal medicines in Germany: Around 600 to 700 plant-based medicines are available in Germany.
Why We Love National Herb Day
Low side effects: Herbal medicines have fewer side effects compared to modern medications. It may be slow compared to modern medicine, but certain herbal medicines are effective against many lifestyle diseases.
Good for health: Herbs are good for your health. They are rich in nutrients and have medicinal value.
A second option: Herbal medicines are a second option for various lifestyle diseases. Major diseases like diabetes can be controlled with herbal remedies.
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chinesepatentmedicine · 7 months
Virtual Wellness: Chinese Patent Herbal Medicine Online Guide
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining holistic wellness has become more crucial than ever. Amidst the hustle and bustle, our digestive system often bears the brunt of stress and unhealthy lifestyle choices. Thankfully, Chinese Medicines for Stomach Problems offers a holistic approach to wellness, particularly in addressing stomach problems. With the advent of virtual platforms, accessing these ancient remedies has become easier and more convenient than ever before.
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 At the heart of their services lies a profound understanding of the intricate relationship between mind, body, and environment. Their online guide is a treasure trove of knowledge, offering insights into Chinese medicines tailored to alleviate various stomach issues.
One of the standout features of Chinese Patent Herbal Medicine Online is its emphasis on authenticity and efficacy. Unlike conventional medicines that often focus solely on symptom relief, Chinese herbal remedies target the underlying causes of digestive disturbances. From bloating and indigestion to more complex issues like gastritis or irritable bowel syndrome, their curated selection of herbal formulas addresses a spectrum of stomach ailments with precision and care.
Navigating their website is a seamless experience, thanks to its user-friendly interface and wealth of informative resources. Whether you're a newcomer to Chinese herbal medicine or a seasoned enthusiast, you'll find valuable insights and guidance to support your wellness journey. From detailed product descriptions to usage instructions and potential side effects, every aspect is meticulously covered to empower users with knowledge and understanding.
 With just a few clicks, users can browse through their extensive collection of herbal remedies, place orders, and have them delivered right to their doorstep. This convenience is especially beneficial for those with busy schedules or limited access to traditional brick-and-mortar stores.
With their commitment to authenticity, efficacy, and accessibility, they stand as a beacon of hope in the realm of virtual wellness. Embark on your journey towards digestive health today, armed with the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine.
Visit Chinese Patent Herbal Medicine Online to explore their offerings and embark on your journey towards holistic wellness.
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vanilla-cigarillos · 1 year
3 Useful Mushrooms In An Apothecary!
Mushroom dance, mushroom dance, whatever could it mean~
Mushrooms are amazing! These fun-guys are excellent for a multitude of reasons, so many in fact that if I attempted to list them out now this post would be excessively long. So instead, I’m going to give you a little post about a couple of lovely mushrooms that are incredibly useful in your home apothecary!
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Lion’s Mane
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Latin Name: Hericium erinaceus
This funky lil mushie is best known as a nervous system tonic! It shares the immunomodulant and anti-inflammatory activity of several other mushrooms used in herbalism practices.
Laboratory studies have found that polysaccharide-rich extracts such as that of lion’s mane promote the health of the gastrointestinal mucosa, protect against gastric ulcers, and may help eradicate the Helicobacter pylori bacterium (He et al., 2017). 
Traditionally, lion’s mane is used to calm the shen (lightly translated as “spirit”). Herbs that calm shen are noted as being helpful in  easing anxiety, depression, etc. This aligns with clinical evidence that shows lion’s mane can help alleviate depression and anxiety and enhance mental focus (Nagano et al., 2010), without any overly stimulating effect.
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Latin Name: Cordyceps militaris
Don’t worry, this isn’t like The Last Of Us! Cordyceps are actually very useful in traditional Chinese medicine.
Note that there are hundreds of species within the Cordyceps and Ophiocordyceps genera. The species included in official Chinese pharmacopeia is Ophiocordyceps sinensis (formerly Cordyceps sinensis), although Cordyceps militaris is generally a fungi used interchangeably with the former.
On top of its usage as an immunomodulant, cordyceps is also used in many instances of  recovery after illness, persistent fatigue, and for support of respiratory, and kidney health (Hobbs, 1996; Lin & Li, 2011). 
For anyone looking to use cordyceps, it’s important to know that there are some significant quality control issues with any wild cordyceps products. Wild cordyceps are at risk of being host other types of less-desirable fungi (Winston & Maimes, 2007), including the kind we often refer to as “mold” and isn’t considered safe to ingest! Commercially grown cordyceps mycelial extract is available as an alternative to wild cordyceps and doesn’t have the same contamination concerns for product users.
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Latin Name: Grifola frondosa
The beta-glucan polysaccharides found in maitake have been extensively researched for use in a wide variety of immune conditions. Maitake is also being looked into as an interest in cardiovascular and metabolic health. It is speculatedd that this special little mushie may have hypoglycemic and hypotensive activity, help regulate blood lipid levels, and assist in weight loss (important to note that these actions have not been confirmed through clinical trials). Preclinical trials have demonstrated that maitake may be helpful in restoring insulin sensitivity and regulate blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes.
Wonderfully enough, maitake is also considered to be an excellent culinary mushroom! It is described to have a rich and buttery flavor with a meaty texture.
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homeremediestube · 11 months
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7 Strongest Immune Boost Supplements: Harnessing Nature's Power for Optimal Health
A robust immune system is essential for maintaining optimal health and warding off illnesses. While a healthy lifestyle forms the foundation for immune support, certain supplements can provide an extra boost. In this article, we will explore the seven strongest immune boost supplements, ranked from bottom to top based on their efficacy and scientific evidence. From lesser-known herbal remedies to well-established vitamins, we will uncover the power of these supplements in strengthening our body's natural defense mechanisms.
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Echinacea is a popular herbal remedy renowned for its immune-enhancing properties. It is believed to stimulate the production of white blood cells and activate immune responses. Although some studies suggest that echinacea may help reduce the duration and severity of colds and respiratory infections, the evidence remains mixed. While it may provide a modest immune boost, further research is needed to establish its efficacy conclusively.
Garlic, a culinary staple, contains compounds that exhibit antimicrobial and immune-boosting properties. Allicin, a sulfur compound found in garlic, has been shown to enhance immune responses and reduce the risk of certain infections. However, more research is needed to determine the specific mechanisms and optimal dosage for immune support. While garlic can be a valuable addition to a healthy diet, its immune-boosting effects may be more pronounced when consumed raw or in supplement form.
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Astragalus, a herb used in traditional Chinese medicine, is believed to strengthen the immune system and enhance overall vitality. It contains compounds that have been shown to stimulate immune cells and modulate immune responses. While some studies suggest that astragalus may help reduce the risk of respiratory infections, more rigorous research is needed to establish its efficacy definitively. Astragalus supplements are generally considered safe but should be used with caution, especially by individuals with certain medical conditions or those taking immunosuppressive medications.
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Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant that plays a vital role in supporting immune function. It helps stimulate the production of white blood cells and antibodies, enhancing the body's defense against infections. While vitamin C is commonly associated with reducing the duration and severity of colds, its overall impact on immune health may vary between individuals. While it is readily available in various food sources, vitamin C supplements can be beneficial, especially for individuals with inadequate dietary intake or increased requirements.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D, often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," is crucial for immune system modulation and overall health. It plays a vital role in regulating immune responses and supporting the function of immune cells. Deficiencies in vitamin D have been linked to an increased susceptibility to infections and autoimmune diseases. While sunlight exposure is the primary source of vitamin D, supplementation may be necessary, particularly in regions with limited sunlight or for individuals with low levels. Consultation with a healthcare professional and regular monitoring of vitamin D levels are recommended for optimal supplementation.
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Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in immune function. It is involved in the development and function of immune cells, including white blood cells and natural killer cells. Zinc supplementation has been shown to reduce the severity and duration of colds and respiratory infections. It also supports wound healing and helps regulate immune responses. However, excessive zinc intake can have adverse effects, and it is essential to follow recommended dosages and consult a healthcare professional before starting supplementation.
Probiotics, beneficial bacteria that support gut health, have a profound impact on immune function. They help maintain a healthy balance of gut flora, which plays a crucial role in immune regulation. Probiotic supplements containing specific strains, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, have shown promising results in enhancing immune responses and reducing the risk of respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. However, the efficacy of probiotics may vary depending on the strain, dosage, and individual factors. It is advisable to choose high-quality probiotic supplements and consult a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.
While a balanced lifestyle remains the cornerstone of immune health, certain supplements can provide additional support. From echinacea and garlic to vitamin C, D, zinc, and probiotics, these immune boost supplements offer valuable assistance in strengthening our body's natural defenses. It is important to note that individual responses may vary, and consultation with healthcare professionals is crucial for personalized guidance. With a holistic approach to wellness and the right combination of supplements, we can empower our immune system to thrive.
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