sweetdreams789 · 4 months
Milana - Child Sleep Expert, Consultant & Training
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Milana is Sleep Consultant & Expert with Sleep Sleep specialisations: Newborns, infants, toddlers & multiples. Book a consultation. In-home service. Video call.
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patienceparenting · 1 month
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Missing those glorious times when your toddler takes a freaking nap?
Yeah. I get it!
It's the best time to get stuff done, take a breather, watch a show, stare at the wall....
So if you want those naps BACK, reach out. We can work together one on one to solve problems and troubleshoot or I also offer a low-cost monthly membership with live regular coaching.
Change your life! Get those naps back. Your child will feel better and you'll feel lighter.
Here for you. ~ Patience
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businesspikuk · 4 months
Children's Sleeping Help: Creating Healthy Sleep Habits for Toddlers and Preschoolers
As children grow, their sleep needs change, and establishing healthy sleep habits becomes crucial for their overall development and well-being. If you're struggling with your toddler or preschooler's sleep, this guide will provide you with effective children's sleeping help to ensure your child gets the rest they need.
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Understanding Toddler and Preschooler Sleep Needs
Toddlers and preschoolers typically need about 11-14 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period, including naps. However, getting them to sleep and stay asleep can be challenging as they become more aware of their surroundings and may resist bedtime. Understanding their sleep needs and the factors that influence their sleep can help you provide the right support.
Establishing a Consistent Bedtime Routine
A consistent bedtime routine is key to providing children's sleeping help. A predictable sequence of calming activities can signal to your child that it's time to sleep. This might include activities like a warm bath, brushing teeth, reading a story, and some quiet time with soft music or gentle cuddling. Aim to start the routine at the same time each evening to create a sense of predictability.
Creating a Sleep-Friendly Environment
The sleep environment plays a significant role in helping your child sleep well. Ensure the room is dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature. Consider using blackout curtains to block out light and a white noise machine to mask household sounds. A comfortable bed with age-appropriate bedding and a favorite stuffed animal can also create a cozy and secure sleeping space.
Setting Clear Sleep Expectations
Clear and consistent sleep expectations are essential for helping your child understand and follow a sleep routine. Explain to your child the importance of sleep and establish rules around bedtime and nighttime behavior. Be consistent with these rules and follow through with gentle but firm reminders.
Addressing Nighttime Fears and Separation Anxiety
Many toddlers and preschoolers experience nighttime fears or separation anxiety, which can disrupt their sleep. Providing reassurance and comfort is crucial. Consider using a nightlight to ease fears of the dark and offering a security object like a favorite blanket or stuffed animal. Gradually helping your child become more comfortable sleeping alone can also be beneficial.
Encouraging Independent Sleep
Encouraging your child to fall asleep independently is an important step in fostering healthy sleep habits. Gradually reduce the amount of time you spend in the room as your child falls asleep, and encourage them to self-soothe if they wake up during the night. This can help your child develop the skills they need to fall back asleep on their own.
When to Seek Professional Help
If your child continues to have significant sleep issues despite your efforts, it might be time to seek professional help. Pediatricians, sleep specialists, or child psychologists can provide tailored children's sleeping help and address any underlying issues affecting your child's sleep.
By understanding your children sleeping needs needs and establishing a consistent and calming bedtime routine, you can help your toddler or preschooler develop healthy sleep habits. Remember, patience and consistency are key. With the right approach, you can create a peaceful sleep environment that supports your child's overall well-being.
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buttercuparry · 26 days
Urgent!! Help Alaa seek treatment for Hepatitis B
I cannot believe that even after 2 weeks we have not managed to raise 10k for Alaa al-Amsee ( @alaakh99 ) !!
She is a Palestinian mother, who has been suffering terribly from hepatitis for more than a month. She was already malnourished and sick from having to eat breads made out of animal feed and now, she is vomiting continuously.
Alaa is afraid for her 2 children, who depend on her. Maria is only 6 years old and Hamza is 4. Alaa writes that her son does not know the taste of a restful sleep as he is both terrorized by the sound of explosions and tired from the pain of skin infections.
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Currently at €7,205 / €100,000. She needs 10k by Sunday i.e. within 2 days! 
Funds coming in would mean she can  go consult a doctor for both herself and her son. 
The more the funds are delayed, the longer she and her family would suffer. So please don't ignore this. Participate in raffle and donate anything you can spare. Reblog if you can't.
Vetting: 307 on The Butterfly Effect Project
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nebulaafterdark · 2 months
The Succession (Part 2)
Summary: After the battle of Rook’s Rest, Queen Y/N is forced to rule alongside Prince Regent Aemond, in an attempt to keep her children safe and eventually seat her mother, Rhaenyra, on the throne. While attending her husband, on what appears to be his deathbed, she begins to unravel the dark truth of his near passing.
Aegon Targaryen x Velaryon(Strong)!Reader
Part 1
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Y/N wakes to a knock at the door. Rubbing sleep from her eyes, she sits upright. Aegon is still there, unmoving beside her. “Come.”
“Good morrow, your grace.” Her lady in waiting, Chérie, bows her head upon entry; a powder blue gown draped over one arm. “You must break your fast.”
“What ungodly hour is it?” The Queen grumbles, stretching both arms above her head.
“Nearly midday, my Queen.”
Y/N nods, taking her hand. “I need a favor of you.”
“A bath?” Chérie smirks.
Y/N stares down at herself, nightgown stained with blood and gods know what else. She huffs a laugh, “that as well.”
“I will ready the tub.”
“Are you seeking comfort, your grace?” She has lost her grandmother and her husband’s good health, “I could tend you.”
“No.” Y/N stares down at her hands.
“Forgive me for assuming.” She takes a step back, “I only want to help.”
Y/N moves forward, closing the space between them. “It was kind of you, Chérie. I appreciate your devotion, more than you know. There is something different I need of you.”
“Name it.”
“You know things…I must know them.”
“What is it you need know?” Chérie wonders.
“The truth of what happened at Rook’s Rest. I do not pretend to understand Aegon’s motivations. Gods willing, I may be able to ask him one day. But for now, I need know what befell him. Cole dances around it, the Hightowers will never be truthful with me.”
“Is there anything you do know? A talking point that might be of use as I consult the servants?” Chérie wonders.
Y/N leans in. “Helaena and Aemond stood at the foot of his bed last night. She asked if it was worth the price. Aemond denied any knowledge of what she meant. Still, Helaena does not speak to cause upset, she speaks when she has something to say. If he’s done this…the whole of our line may be in danger.”
Chérie sighs, “somedays I am glad to’ve been born a commoner.”
“For that I do not fault you.” Y/N forces a smile.
Chérie steals a glance at the king. “Will he live?”
“We’ve no way of knowing. I pray to the gods for his recovery, but it is a long road. He will never be as he was, so long as he lives, it matters naught to me.”
“There’s been word from King’s Landing.”
Rhaenyra’s head snaps up.
“Aegon has fallen, the stranger looms over his head. With Vhagar weakened in the attack, now is the time to act.”
“And what of my daughter?” The Queen ticks a finger against the table. “Has she been spotted since Aegon’s coronation?”
“We believe the princess lives, your grace. But upon second hand testimony, smallfolk in the streets, we cannot say for certain.”
“What was she doing?” Rhaenyra wonders, “my girl, when they saw her in the streets?”
The lords look to each other, “she marched beside the carriage with Aegon’s body.”
“That is proof enough. I must send word to her, she cannot think we have turned our backs on her. With Aegon gone, she may very well be Aemond’s next attempt.” Rhaenyra is sick over it.
“You must trust, as we have, that Aegon will care for her.”
“He cannot care for her, upon his deathbed. Should he pass, we leave her to whom? Aemond and Alicent? She will be put to the sword.” Rhaenyra shakes her head.
“Meleys was our largest dragon, your grace.” Ser Alfred reminds her.
“Which is why I must go.”
“You cannot, my Queen. You are the crown.”
“I will go.” Jacaerys fists the hilt of his sword.
“No,” Rhaenyra scoffs. “It is out of the question. You will be taken or slain.”
“Would you rather my sister or me?” Jace squares his shoulders. “Those are your choices.”
Y/N forces her meal down, spending the evening in her children’s rooms.
“Mama,” Visera calls to her, “I’ve made something for father.”
“I helped!” Dahlia chimes in. “Laenor wanted to, but he rubbed his hands all over it. The painting was nearly ruined.”
“Say it isn’t so, my loves.” Y/N lifts her eldest son onto her hip. “Shall I kiss his head off?”
“Do it.”
Y/N smiles, peppering Laenor’s sweet face with kisses as he squeals, thrashing wildly in her hold.
Dahlia and Visera giggle, entertained for the moment.
“And you, my prince, best have learned your lesson.” Y/N says, releasing her son onto the floor.
He scampers away, still screeching with glee.
“Mother?” Dahlia tugs at her mother’s skirts.
“Yes, my darling?”
“When will we see father?”
Y/N sighs, “come, sit with me.” She pats the cushions on either side of her.
Her daughters look to each other, then join her on the settee.
“Do you remember what Papa told you about sickness? How it is a war we wage alone, within our bodies?”
“Is he ill?”
“Not exactly,” Y/N explains, “nevertheless, his body is at war now. Battling to repair itself from great wounds, some we cannot see. Every hour, he is fighting his way back to us. But he must remain abed for now, in a state of sleep.”
“May we watch him sleep?” Visera wonders.
“I fear you might be saddened by it.”
“Why, Mama?”
“He looks a bit different, on the outside. But on the inside he is the same.” Y/N says, fighting for composure, “we mustn’t touch him, lest we cause more pain. And it is hard to keep our distance, when all we truly want is to wrap him in an embrace.”
“Mayhaps when we see him, we might hold each other instead.”
Y/N looks to her eldest daughter. “On the morrow, after his bandages are changed, I will bring you. And if it is too much for you, there is no shame in saying so. We love him dearly and he knows it.”
“That is what matters, I think.” Visera says, “if I were waging war, I would want to know someone loved me.”
Y/N sneaks down to the kitchens for a bit of cake, heading to Aegon’s apartments to eat it. The doors open onto Aemond, leaning over Aegon’s body.
“What are you doing?” She has no weapon, if she’s to kill him now, it will be with her bare hands or a serving spoon.
Aemond turns to her, with sly smile. “My brother was asking for you. He woke in pain, I was merely supplying him with milk of the poppy.”
Y/N forces her mouth to turn upward, “very kind of you, I thank you for looking in on him.”
Aemond nods, setting the empty cup on the bedside table. “Of course.”
“When he asked for me, what did he say?” She wonders, lying her plate of cake beside it.
“Only your name.”
Y/N nods.
“You have been a good and faithful wife to him. Aegon is blessed to have you.”
“Aemond,” Y/N breathes, “might I ask you something?”
His eye flickers about her, “of course, sweet niece.”
“What do you think was his undoing?” She motions to Aegon, “if you had to say?”
“It would be suited,” Y/N forces the awful words past her lips, “for someone to take that from him.”
“You should not say such things, my Queen. The thought alone is truly depraved.”
“Of course, forgive me.”
“What befell my brother is nothing short of a tragedy.” Aemond purrs, “you must keep your wits about you.”
“Were they locked in battle?” Y/N asks, “when my grandmother gave Meleys the order?”
Aemond purses his lips, “when dragons fly to war, it is men who burn. Aegon is not the first, he will not be the last. You should be grateful he returned to you.”
“I have lost a brother to war.” Y/N says, as if he needs reminding. “I know its cruelty.”
“A shame, indeed.” Aemond hums.
“I hope it was worth the price.”
“Y/N.” Alicent calls, “Aemond, what are you doing here?”
The prince looks to his mother, “I was merely checking in on our king.”
“You are kind to do so,” Alicent swallows, “as his wife is now here, you are relieved of said duty. Unless you wish the three of us to hold vigil.”
“Perhaps another time, mother.” Aemond nods, “I’ve more pressing matters to attend.” He brushes past them, closing the door to Aegon’s bedchamber behind him.
“What were you thinking?” Alicent demands, in a hushed whisper. “My son pleads for your life and you stand here tempting the very man who-”
“The very man who what?” Y/N dares her to say it. “Killed my brother? Or are you referring to some other atrocity I am not privy to?”
“Your children are in danger, my grandchildren, let me help you.” Alicent reaches for her.
Y/N bats her hand away, “don’t you touch me! My children are in danger because of you.”
“You know what Aemond is.” Kinslayer. Alicent swallows, hard. “My only concern is keeping you safe. What is to stop him from taking out the whole of Aegon’s line to make room for his own? The smallfolk riot in the streets, demanding we open the gates. Even they wish to flee, it is all going to ruin. They need to see you.”
“They will see me as you parade my body through the streets after my murder, not a moment before. I will not betray my mother or her claim.”
“I am not asking you to stand against Rhaenyra, I am asking you to stand for my son. Before it is too late. You owe him this. You forced him onto that saddle as much as I forced him upon the throne.”
“I?” Y/N snaps, “I am the one you blame for this? You think I would have my husband reduced to ash over a fucking chair?”
Alicent presses her lips together, “all Aegon has done is in your name. He rose and he fell for you alone.”
“I wanted this to be peaceful, you know. I truly did and my mother did, then again and again I was taken for a fool.”
“Aegon loves you. He went to meet Rhaenys for you, in hopes of creating new terms with your mother. Mayhaps others have used you, like a pawn to carry out their own agenda, but not Aegon. He never plotted, he never wavered, even in his condition, you are the agenda.”
“And I love him for it, but please know I did not ask him to meet with her. I would have gone myself rather than risk his life. That is why I have not fled, or stole away with my children to Dragonstone. Aegon is equally important to me.”
“You must ready yourself then, in the color of our house.”
“No,” Y/N narrows her eyes, “this is for my husband, who hangs precariously in the balance of life and death. I will attend this procession in the color of mourning, not Hightower green.”
In the absence of Daemon, Rhaenyra turns to Mysaria for counsel. “You know the ins and outs of King’s Landing better than any. I need an in.”
“Criston Cole made a mistake, parading a dragon’s head through the streets, like a prize of war. The people see an ill omen.” Mysaria tells her.
“Yes, as do I.”
“They are afraid, bread is scarce. The king has fallen, they whisper to each other that when Viserys lived there was peace.” They question the succession.
“But will whispers tear down stone? Break shields?” Save my daughter?
“Do not underestimate them, to the discontented, rumors are feed.” Mysaria continues. “What you cannot do, let others to do for you. There is more than one way to fight a war.”
Part 3
Series Taglist: @oh-you-mean-me @barnes70stark @lovelyteenagebeard @niyahnotnia @narwhal-swimmingintheocean
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koolades-world · 1 year
Demons and Humans not understanding each other
Inspired by several other posts I read about this same thing <3 honestly even if the brothers insisted it was safe, I would consult Satan, Lucifer or Barbatos
this is mostly mammon freaking out
Humans think the deadliest things are like, adorable, like Cerberus. Mammon especially does not understand why Mc wants to run towards the very dangerous, very mad three headed dog. A few times he has had to throw Mc over his shoulder to keep them from staying behind
“But he’s so cute! He just needs a snuggle buddy”
Humans can also be very stubborn if they’re too hot or cold but refuse to admit it. It’s fine with Lucifer does it because he’s one of the most powerful and therefore resilient demons in Hell, but not so much when Mc does it. Beel and Mammon love playing in the Devildom snow, but given that it’s the Devildom, it’s definitely a lot colder than it is in the human realm. Even after ten layers, Mc is still freezing but refuses to admit it.
“Mc, are ya shivering? I thought ya would be too warm under all that”
“I’m sweating with this one jacket”
“I’ll live! Let’s go back to the snowman”
“no I don’t think you will”
On the same note, sometimes demons forget humans can’t withstand crazy temperatures. Asmo will invite Mc to a popular bathhouse, sauna or hot springs, forgetting that the temperature would literally boil Mc alive
“Hey Asmo this is the place you wanted to go, right?”
“Yes! Isn’t is cute?”
“Everything except the part where I boil alive”
Some foods can kill humans just by being near them so imagine how the brother would feel when they learned this, it’s giving that lunatic pudding incident with Diavolo from that one card
“Mc! You’ll love this. Open wide!”
“Asmo I feel funny”
In retrospect, humans probably sleep a lot compared to demons. Some demons probably don’t sleep at all, except Sloth demons. Setting aside about eight to nine hours of the day just to sit idly might not make sense to them until they learn they will shut down without it
“How are you feeling about the exam we just took? Exam week is finally over.”
“Mc? Mc, Satan is talking to you. Why are you on the floor”
“No, I think they’re just asleep idiot”
“oh. wait, THEYRE ASLEEP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALL lucifer is gonna kill me”
I’d say both demons and humans are social creatures, but humans will go insane without social interaction. Yeah a demon would probably be upset if they didn’t talk to someone for thousands of years but I don’t think a human could last more than ten without losing grip on reality. Humans tend to copy each other, which is probably bizarre to demons. Humans don’t even understand yawning so demons definitely won’t
Going back to the food thing, demons can probably go ages without eating, besides Gluttony demons. Humans need to eat so frequently compared to them
“So you’re tellin’ me that if Mc doesn’t eat for a whole week, their insides start to eat themselves?!”
“Yes. But, Mc ate a few hours ago.”
(Mammon was already gone when Satan turned back around)
Demons probably also play game that would definitely kill humans. My brother and I used to play crazy games when we were little (our favorite game didn’t have a name but we would put Barbies in the toy train tracks and see what would happen when different Thomas and friends character would hit her. The train tracks would glow in the dark! I did not let him put my favorite doll in the train track and he had to listen since I was the older one, she was not a barbie and had bendy feet? that’s not for now) but we never seriously got at each other throats. I cannot imagine what games demons and demon children must play. Satan was born fully grown but imagine if he was born little and the brothers had to play his favorite games with him. I feel like they would find the Barbie game I played a little weird too. Like, they would probably tell me that I should’ve done it in real life since that would be better experience or something batshit like that
“Aww, Satan, do you remember all the times we played “Five minute eye stab” with Lucifer? You were so cute. Sometimes I think Luci let you win.”
“Do not talk to me Asmodeus.”
“I’m sorry, you played what?”
“One time we gave him an actual knife by accident and since he was good, he ended up stabbing Lucifer’s eye.”
“You’ll be next if you don’t shut up and let me read”
“Oh he’s fine now, clearly. Only took him a few hundred years to regain normal eye functions”
“Can we not talk about this anymore?”
Babe it is a miracle Mc is still alive
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nickysleepnanny · 2 years
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Baby Sleep Training
For some parents, sleep disturbances can be utterly destructive to their schedule, career and social life. If your child having sleepless nights is rubbing off on you in a detrimental way, seeking help of a sleep consultant is the right approach to address the problem. As a sleep consultant, I can help sleep train your child so they can have a restful sleep every night. Call now for a consultation. 
Website: https://www.nickysleepnanny.com/
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dawnbreakerluna · 2 months
i might… need you to elaborate on dilf sylus and dilf zayne pls
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oh just thinking about how dilf!sylus would wake up before you and your twins, despite having sleep trained them to wake at certain times to accommodate for your schedules. dilf!sylus who would prioritize the morning routine to be his responsibility, knowing that you need all the rest possible (for he will continue to say this down the line as the twins get older); everything down to bathing, dressing, feeding, that by the time you've woken up, he's prepared late breakfast/early lunch for you as your babies are being put down for their first nap of the day. he takes pride in consulting his personal stylists for the finest and most comfortable threads for clothes, even against your warnings that babies grow very quickly. while you are the thing he is most grateful for in this lifetime, he is so much more content now with how you had given him more blessings to hold dearly to his heart.
now when it comes to dilf!zayne, there is the expected scenario for as a doctor, he knows all the micro changes your body will go through with pregnancy. that aside, he finds himself at a bit of a challenge post-birth as he witnesses his daughter's growth with his very own eyes. dilf!zayne who seems off his routine more than usual in the glance of his colleagues; because though he has worked with children countless times, he finds his mind overwhelmed with all the possible dangers out there as he's combing out his toddler's damp hair. you end up being a pillar for those constant worries, that it gives dilf!zayne some room to be able to breathe. he's gotten better at making his daughter's pigtails look sleek and effortless, but more so focuses on the details of what makes her laugh, the food tastes that make little face her cringe in disgust, and ruining the house's pristine wallpaper to measure her growth in height. the most renowned cardiac surgeon in linkon city who is always well-kept and orderly. yet he doesn't mind the disruption in his schedule when it comes to his daughter's "happy accidents." he comes to accept that while raising his child will take everything, it most of all requires his patience and an open mind to the unexpected. but with you, his dearest, at his side, he knows it'll be alright.
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esoteric-chaos · 8 months
Safety in Witchcraft
What’s not talked about enough in the spiritual community is mundane safety along with spiritual. Critical thinking is vital. I wanted to share a lot of my personal rules for myself that I have adapted into my craft.
Fire safety, never leave an open flame unattended. Ever. Always burn in an open enough area with a fire safe dish or on ceramic tile away from animals and children. If you leave the room extinguish the flame. Do not sleep with fire going. I know we want to keep that spell going even during a nap but sometimes we don’t wake up in time for danger. This is absolutely vital to keep you safe. It won’t ruin a spell I promise or anger anything. Please do not add those herbs to that candle. I know it’s nice and pretty but that is a fire hazard. Stay safe.
On that note always have an open window or a well ventilated area when burning items. That goes for herbs, incense, or candle. Smoke inhalation can ruin your lungs.
Rodents, reptiles, birds, any animal is sensitive to scents and have small respiratory systems. Be careful using anything around them. Research what can be used around them. I mean research! Cross reference. Use veterinarian hospital guides, not pro essential oil blogs. Please don’t put any essential oils on your pets. They can be seriously harmed.
Moon water actually molds, very easily. So can herbal blends if not stored correctly. Check frequently and use before end of date. Distilled water is your friend to prolongs shelf-life along is storing in a cold dark place.
Witchcraft and magic is not a replacement for medical treatment and medically prescribed medication. It absolutely can aid your treatment but it is never a replacement.
Do not ingest any herbal remedies without consultation with your doctor and/or Herbalist. Especially if you have pre-existing conditions and need to take medications for it. Things can conflict and are deadly.
Also forage responsibly. Unless you are 100% certain what you have foraged is the correct plant. Don’t even chance it. It’s not worth sickness or in worst cases death.
Do NOT ingest essential oils. I don’t care what you have heard from pro essential oil pages. The distillery methods are not safe for ingestion. It can tear up your stomach lining and throat. Cause extreme nausea and vomiting. Seizures and in worst cases death.
Some covens and practitioners are not your friends. Be cautious and use stranger danger. Be cautious and never give out all of your personal information online. There are predatory people everywhere, including in this community. Please be safe. Always use your gut instinct.
Please feel free in the comments and tags to add important safety pointers you have.
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mrsdesade · 6 days
Hey, could you write a homelander x reader where she works at Vought and unknowingly gets his attention and he stalks her?
Hi dear anon, thanks for your patience!! I don't have much time to write full fics these days, because life is happening and I'm very busy physically and mentally, but I can happily offer some headcanons 💕
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Homelander's obsessive behaviors headcanons
First of all, his romantic gestures, while seemingly sweet, are often rooted in his need for control and his inability to understand healthy relationships. His actions can be seen as manipulative and even frightening, especially when considering his overall personality and powers.
Constant surveillance: He would employ his super hearing and x-ray vision to keep a constant watch on you. He might use these abilities to monitor your home, workplace, or any other place you frequently visit.
Data collection: He'd collect as much information as possible about his current obsession: you. This could include your daily routines, social media activity, and even your deepest fears and desires. He might use his Vought resources to access private databases.
Preserving memories: Homelander might keep a collection of items that remind him of you, like a lock of your hair or a piece of your clothing. Oh God If you gift something to him, he's going to cherish this like a museum piece.
Love bombing: He'll shower you with love and attention, he loves doing it, especially at the beginning of the relationship, to reel you in.
Unwanted gifts: Homelander would often leave small, often expensive gifts for his favourite persons in unexpected places. These gifts could be anything from flowers to jewelry, and they would always be personalized to show how well he knows you. Often with small notes inside. Doll, baby, my girl, nicknames are on plate.
Sudden appearances: Homelander would frequently appear where you least expects him. He might show up at yor work, your home, or even a random location you're visiting. At least three times at week, minimum.
Testing your loyalty: He might create situations to test your loyalty to him. This could involve putting you in a difficult position or asking you to do something that makes you uncomfortable.
Excessive praise: When you two are together he would shower you with compliments, often going overboard and making you feel uncomfortable. He might even compare you to other people, always putting you on a pedestal. You're his precious treasure and he loves you so goddamn much.
Isolation tactics: He might try to isolate you from their friends and family at some point, making you believe that he is the only one who truly understands your needs.
Future planning: He might make elaborate plans for your future together, down to the smallest details, without ever consulting you. He'll make grand plans for the two of you for sure. This could include things like buying a house together or having children.
Gaslighting: If you decide to start to question his behavior, Homelander might resort to gaslighting. He could make you doubt their own perceptions and memories, making you believe that you're just imagining things.
Public displays of affection: Homelander might engage in very public displays of affection, such as putting his arm around you in front of a crowd, or giving you a very long, lingering kiss. This is partly to show off his "perfect couple" image, but also to mark his territory.
Obsession with physical touch: Homelander might find ways to touch you, in every moment, he need that, even if it's just brushing against them or holding their hand. He would crave any form of physical contact.
Nightmares and sleep disturbances: His obsession for you would consume his thoughts, leading to vivid nightmares and difficulty sleeping. He might even develop a fear of losing you really easily. Despite his outward confidence, Homelander has a deep-seated fear of being abandoned. This fear can lead him to become increasingly possessive and controlling.
Thanks again for the request, enjoy! Kisses kisses! 💕
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thegoatsongs · 1 year
Now some Vampire Lore, which explains why Lucy mainly attacks children and is Voluptuous. Other than children being a much easier, vulnerable target for a new vampire, especially at night, and vampires being attractive to lure people to them:
One of Stoker's primary sources was Ármin Vámbéry, a Hungarian-Jewish traveler and orientalist. Van Helsing even gives him a shout-out in the book later. Stoker consulted him a lot about the legends in the Balkans and Austria-Hungary (which Transylvania was part of at the time).
Dracula is heavily based on the area's Strigoi. And partly on the Estries (who are associated with the Succubi: Beautiful, blood-thirsty female demons, with succubi thought to favor babies and young children as prey.) The Strigoi are closer to what we know as vampires due to them rising from the grave, or being created by something unholy. So Lucy turned into a child-drinking succubus.
The Strigoi and Estries both:
Gain vitality by drinking human blood
Can shapeshift
Influence people's minds
Mainly feed on infants and children
the Strigoi also target young girls, the Estries target all genders but mostly men
On the child feeding, Wilhelm Schmidt reports in 1865 the tradition "upon the birth of a child, when one tosses a stone behind oneself and exclaims "This into the mouth of the strigoi!" Note the stones found in the skulls of people suspected to have been vampires.
There are striking similarities between them and the Estries. Note the common "strix" root. Screaming is also a feature that they have, which is similar to the banshee.
More about the Count and less about Lucy: The Strigoi are associated with sorcery, which is very relevant in Dracula, as he used to be a sorcerer of Scholomance. The Strigoi influence people's minds, especially those who are ill, have sleeping issues, suffer from alcoholism, and more. This is shown by Dracula's influence on the sleepwalking Lucy and on Renfield.
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thewulf · 1 year
Pretty Girl || Aaron Hotchner
Summary: So, the request/idea is an Aaron Hotchner x F!Reader where the reader is actually a criminology or psychology professor and is good friends with Spencer... Read Rest Here
A/N: Loosely based on one of my favorite story lines because I sat here for an hour trying to come up with a good enough story that’d stump Reid and failed. Mosely Lane. Doesn't get fluffy until the end. Hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Y/N
Word Count: 5.4k +
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Dismissing the class for the weekend you sat back at your desk in the front of the auditorium strumming away at the keyboard. You heard the clapping before you saw him. Eyes crinkling a touch you smiled brilliantly at your longtime friend.
“Another excellent lecture Professor.” He grinned at you.
“Spencer!” You laughed shooting out of your seat hugging the tall lanky man tightly, “To what do I owe this visit to?” You asked after breaking apart from the hug.
His face shifted from one of joy to a downcast expression, “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t serious.” He sighed taking a seat on your desk, “We need some help.”
You nodded listening, “Go on.”
He looked down as if he was ashamed to ask for help. As if he should’ve been good enough to solve it. But nobody was perfect. Sometimes cases can get away from you. You’ve had it happen once when every decision you made was the wrong one. It was always awful when you realized you might’ve made a mistake that got somebody killed.
“Kids. They’re just kids.” His voice wobbled as he looked back up to you. You felt your heart clench at the voice crack, “Another child was found off the Potomac just north of here.”
Your cocked your eyebrow in curiosity, “A local case? How many children?” You asked quickly hopping from professor to profiler in your mind.
He drew a deep breath, “Ten.”
Your eyes widened, “Over how long?” That was a lot of murdered kids. Who in their sick minds could do something like that? You’d been around a lot of sick people in your years in criminology, but this was already coming to the top of the twisted pile. Killing kids was another level of sick you despised coming across.
“A year and a few months.”
Your eyes bugged even further, “Christ.”
He nodded solemnly tossing the case file down on your desk. He watched as you meticulously poured over everything the team had put together in two weeks. You hummed and hawed as you fingers ran across the pages. Reading everything.
“These poor babies.” You let out an equally defeated sigh looking at the pictures of the mutilated bodies of the innocent.
He hummed in agreement, “We can’t figure it out. Another girl just got abducted in the same way the last boy was. We just found his body. I’m missing something here. I can’t see it.” You looked up at him. He looked utterly defeated. Tired eyes gave way to the lack of sleep he’d been getting. Messy hair and wrinkled clothing also adored his figure.
“I’m in. Let’s go.” You shoved your laptop in your bag before closing the massive case file to read in the car.
He gave you a confused look, “Right now? Don’t you have to teach?”
You nodded, “I’ll cancel it. Let’s go. Time is ticking for the girl. First to the office.” Hurriedly, you stood next to him eyeing him to lead the way. He nodded seeing your seriousness, You followed him all the way back to Quantico after calling your Dean. It had some perks, being the Director of Criminology at Georgetown. It almost made you giggle it sounded so ludicrous.
You flashed your badge having consulted on a few cases for different departments of the FBI. Security let you through in a flash. You’d never worked with Spencer on an actual case of his. Hell, he’d normally figure it out before he’d ever dream of pulling an outsider into the team. But even he knew he was missing something. A puzzle piece he couldn’t seem to find. That’s when he thought of you. His longtime friend from postgrad. The two of you were ostracized early in your studies. You for being an incredibly intelligent female and him because he was a know it all. The two of you found each other and the rest was history. You stayed in academia while consulting on the side and Spencer went the FBI route. Luckily, you’d stayed in touch through all the years. You found it easy to love him as a friend once you knew how to deal with the boy genius.
“Team, this is Y/N. Y/N, the team.” Spence said quickly once he all but yanked you into the large conference room on the floor. Your eyes glossed over each of them quickly before falling to the one on the end. Tall, dark hair, dark eyes, and a smoldering look? Whew, he was just your type. He’d make you nervous. You didn’t see a ring on his finger as you scanned him from head to toe quickly.
You nodded bashfully. You could lecture hundreds of students but the eyes of six profilers right on you was rather intimidating, “Hello.” You nodded quickly walking over to the white board that listed intricate details of the case you hadn’t skimmed across in the file.
“Director of Criminology at Georgetown?” The handsome man stood next to you. A quick nod before turning your eyes back to the board.
“Yes, sir.” You cringed at your own voice sounding so unsure of herself. That wasn’t like you, not at all.
You noticed the hard stare turn to curiosity for a second before the stoic gaze returned, “Aaron Hotchner, BAU Unit Chief.”
Ahh, the infamous Hotchner. You had to admit it was almost fun putting faces to the names you’d heard from Spencer throughout all the years. At no time did he mention that Hotch was as striking as you’d found him to be. It never crossed your mind to find them online. It seemed too invasive on Spencer’s life but now you were second guessing that decision.
“Nice to meet you Agent Hotchner.”
He wasn’t being unfriendly, but he certainly wasn’t warm. You could tell he didn’t want you here but agreed out of necessity. They weren’t able to save the seven-year-old boy and Aaron was sure as hell not going to let the little eight-year-old girl meet the same fate because of pride. Even though it stung.
He didn’t reply though, only giving you a quick nod. He stood there rereading the same damn sentences he’d read over a thousand times over the last week.
“This is the order they were taken and killed?” You pointed to the wall seeing the boy-girl pattern curiously.
“Seven-year-old boy and then an eight-year-old girl every time. Over and over.” It sounded like the case had depleted him entirely. Haunted eyes scanned over each of the children’s faces. Helpless. All looking eerily similar too each other.
“And you all interviewed 21 suspects in northern Virginia.” You stated more than questioned as you looked up to the curious eyes. They were expecting you, but they weren’t expecting you.
The blonde woman nodded with a gentle look settling on her face, “All dead ends.”
“Can I read their case files?” You asked ready to spend the next few hours scouring over the notes. Maybe a fresh set of eyes could pick up on something they’d missed.
She nodded running out of the room to grab them. Spencer watched you before joining you at the table as you read through the entire file from where you left off in the car. You thanked JJ when she set another
“Y/N will stay here with Reid. The rest of us, we’re heading back out.” Spencer nodded reading what you were. Still not seeing anything. He watched as you scrunched your eyebrows and highlighted certain words on the page. Gray Honda. Black scooter. Pink bike. What were you onto? What did you see? He wracked his brain as you worked seamlessly between pages.
You read over the next potential suspect. He must’ve heard the small gasp escape from your lips. As he immediately urged you to go on by asking, “What is it?”
“The Darcy’s. We need to go back. There’s something here Spence.” Your finger held over a simple line in the interview. One that’d been glossed over. A seemingly useless detail in a sea of muddled mess of facts and fiction.
He shook his head not getting it continuing to urge on with his eyes, “He messed up. He slipped up and said gray.” You started reading from the transcript, “He said, ‘I took the car out for a spin at that time.’ And then JJ asked, ‘What kind of car to you drive Mr. Darcy?’ He responded, ‘A gray… shoot I mean black Honda Civic. Sold the gray one last year to a family member.’”
His head cocked, “A gray Honda Civic... oh, shit.” He dove into the papers finding exactly what you were looking for, “The interview with the witness who found the body. She spotted a gray Honda along her route.”
You nodded, “She thought it was odd because it was so early in the morning. Nobody is ever out.”
“We need to call Penelope.” Spencer gaped.
He pulled out his phone, “Garcia, who did David Darcy’s sell his car to last year?”
She hummed, “Well hello to you too! Give me a second boy genius.” You heard her typing away through the speaker phone, “Looks like it’s Mike Darcy. His brother.”
He looked at you with nothing but approval. He knew you were good at your job, but this was exceptional. You’d pieced it together so easily he was almost embarrassed he hadn’t caught that himself, “What do you have on him?” He asked. Again, silence with more typing before another really long silence and the faintest gasp.
“Garcia?” Spencer was finding it rather infuriating he was the one on the other side. He was the one who couldn’t seem to piece it all together. It wasn’t like him.
“He lost his entire family in a car accident two years ago. His wife and two children.”
He was shaking his head know all too well the aged of those two children, “An eight-year-old girl and a seven-year-old boy?”
“They don’t call you boy genius for nothing right?” Her laugh sounded strained but relieved. It wasn’t an easy life. Often times so much harder than you could ever dream of. The horror of humanity never ceased to amaze you in the worst ways imaginable.
“Thanks Penny. We gotta call Hotch.” Reid’s eyes were huge before as he dialed his boss’s number, “Hotch, you’re never going to believe this.” He walked off spouting off everything you’d just concluded. Letting out a huge sigh of relief, you listened to your friend off in the distance. It had to be the brother. That had to be the missing puzzle piece.
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You felt somebody watching you as you cleaned the files up. You’d begged Spencer to let you go but he straight up refused. Hotch wanted to talk to you or some bullshit like that. You’d, very reluctantly, agreed.
“We looked for days.” His voice sounded harsher. A bit meaner than it did earlier. You turned to meet his eyes that looked how his voice sounded, unhappy with you.
“Just needed a fresh set of eyes was all.” His eyes didn’t change. His state only seemed to harden as he took you in.
“Thank you. She was found safe.” It sounded as if it was torturing him to give you the thanks.
You nodded quickly turning back around to clean the mess up, “Anytime.” He didn’t look bad by any means. Must’ve been a pretty easy arrest. You’d seen Spencer at his worst after unsub’s had been confronted. It was inevitable when you hunted the worst of humanity.
“We won’t be needing your services any longer.” Your heart both sped up and dropped a little at that statement. He didn’t like you. Plain and simple. Had you done something to piss him off? Upset him somehow? You ran through the events of the last few hours and came up miserably short. You’d just have to ask Spencer later.
Before you could respond though an older, almost more intimidating than him, woman walked into the room shaking her head, “That’s not what we agreed on Aaron.” She turned to smile at you, “Erin Strauss, BAU Section Chief.” She walked over to shake your hand eyeing you up. You’d were curious to what she was thinking as she approached you.
“I didn’t agree.” He all but mumbled out. That didn’t sound like the intimidating man that had just tried to put you in your place moments before.
“One vote matters more.” She turned to him. She must’ve given him a look you couldn’t see because he mumbled an agreement. It was surely a sight to be seen. Spencer would eat this one up later. Your longtime friend loved gossiping even though he’d never admit to it.
“That was impressive.” She kept sizing you up, profiling you. She wasn’t shy about doing it either. She’s the big boss and she knew it, used it.
“A new set of eyes can do wonders.” You’d downplay it, for Aaron’s sake. Not that he deserved any of your mercy at this point. He hadn’t exactly been the nicest too you.
She nodded quick, “Sure.” She didn’t have the time to go back and forth with you, “You teach close?”
“Yes I do. Georgetown.” You kept it short and sweet not bothering to elaborate with details she clearly didn’t care about.
A smile broke out on her face, “Dean Willow is a dear old friend of mine. I’ll give him a call. We may call in the future. That is if you want.”
She was giving you the option now, “I would like that. Real world examples are invaluable for my students.” You could’ve sworn you heard a scoff from over her shoulder.
She smiled though, “Wonderful. I’ll give him a call later. Nice to meet you Doctor?” She questioned trying to find out more about you.
You nodded giving her the confirmation you too were one, just like Reid. He wasn’t the only one with a PhD, “Nice to meet you as well Erin.”
She walked off quickly leaving you alone with Aaron. Instead of chatting with him you turned back to the table trying to finish what you’d started long ago, cleaning the damn table up.
“You have no right.” His voice was much louder, much closer now.
Heart hammering in your chest you had to be strategic here, “It was an offer.” Your voice was soft, too soft, and gentle for the moment. You hated confrontation this aggressively, it always seemed to get the best of you.
His lips pursed as he considered his words, “Stay out of the way.” Was all he said before walking out just like Aaron. Yikes. That couldn’t have gone worse.
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You’d been called back for almost every local case and even a few further away ones that needed urgency on the clock. That’s where you’d seemed to thrive when the clock was ticking. It never seemed to get better with Aaron. He was cold with you. Never downright mean but brushing the line that he knew he couldn’t cross. Still, you’d never seemed to grow to dislike the man. Spencer let it slip that he felt like he let the entire team down when I came in and solved a case in hours.
You knew how finnicky pride could be. You knew just how dangerous that emotion could turn out to be. You’d let it get the better of you a few times. That was the difference between life and death though. The difference between bringing a family back together or giving them the worst news of their lives. So, you’d give Aaron a pass even if he didn’t really deserve it.
You’d also grown to adore his team. You’d made sure to ask Spencer time and time again to confirm that you weren’t overstepping but he shook it off each time telling you that he enjoyed having you on some of the cases. It brought him back to the fun they had in post-grad all those years ago. Naturally, you’d gravitated towards your friend during the cases you’d been asked to join. Aaron’s eyes always seemed to be glaring at you whenever you caught him. You had a sneaking suspicion you didn’t catch him nearly as often as you did.
Spencer would always just tell you that it was just Aaron. But it had been months now and he was still as ice cold as he was on day one. One by one you’d become close with each of the other members but never dreamed of approaching him. He’d let you know just how much he disliked you. You’d gotten the message loud and clear.
A call came through in the dead of night waking you from the light sleep you were in, always ready, “Hello?” You sounded groggy.
“Y/N. It’s Strauss. Another abduction. Fifteen-year-old girl this time.” She didn’t elaborate waiting for your response.
You sighed, “Why is it always children? I’ll be there in forty.”
Sleepily, you drove into Quantico. You were delighted to see you were the last on there, the team already at work. Yawning you slipped into the conference room greeted by a rather
“Y/N! You’re here. I was getting nervous.” Emily smiled patting your shoulder before moving over next to JJ.
Derek laughed, “Pretty boy was just about to call.”
You grinned looking over at Spence, “Sorry guys, the apartment is closer to Georgetown than it is here.” Your commute was just under an hour. Forty minutes if you pushed it.
“We’re just glad you’re here.” JJ chimed in patting the seat next to her, “We think we have a lead, come take a look.”
Hotch watched in awe as you moved to sit next to her. You’d seamlessly integrated yourself as a semi-permanent member of his team. They’d all seen you an integral member to specific types of cases. Cases that had time constraints. And unfortunately for you that seemed to be child abductions more often than not. Had he been too harsh on you? Was he doing it to protect his team that didn’t even need it? He had a sinking feeling he already knew the answers to those questions, and it wasn’t going to be what he wanted to hear.
He continued to watch as Rossi joked with you, Reid smiled far more often than he’d been used to, Derek already gave you the nickname ‘pretty girl’ to match Spencer’s own pretty boy. You brought ease and order to the team. You took the stress and siphoned it out of a situation. Even Aaron had to admit you were a hell of a profiler. He wasn’t blind either. He found you exceptionally beautiful. A detail Spencer conveniently left out.
He knew he might’ve already burnt that bridge with you though. He’d been nothing but an ass to you. You’d never snapped back though. Always taking everything in grace. You knew the pecking order and it wasn’t up to you to dismantle that or shake up the status quo.
Spencer noticed Hotch’s apprehension to his friend. Spence felt awful that his boss had yet to warm up to you. You were nothing but kind and incredibly good at your job. A combination that Hotch was usually a sucker for. Was his pride really that badly wounded?
He heard you let out a string of cuss words seeing the pictures of the last crime scene. Brutal. Absolute brutality. Whomever was doing this to children was beyond help.
“Jeeze Y/N, you kiss your boyfriend with that mouth?” Derek smirked laying it on thick. That comment brought Hotch right back into the present far too curious to hear what you had to say.
You threw your head back in laughter, “Hardly Derek. Between the teaching, directing and this. I don’t have the time to go meet anybody.”
Derek’s eyes flicked to Hotch’s so quickly even you didn’t catch it, “Who says you haven’t met him already?” Your eyes found his, a fiendish persona reveled in your bashfulness after tops of your cheeks turned a twinge pink.
You couldn’t let him win like that. Not with all those eyes listening in to the conversation intently, “In your wildest dreams Morgan.” A wink sent him into a fit of laughter. He too loved your ability to give and take. Knowing how to play along with him seamlessly.
Hotch coughed drawing all those curious eyes back to him, “Let’s get moving. Reid and JJ head back to police station and update the chief on the latest. Emily and Rossi go update the family. Morgan and Y/N you’re with me. Unsubs house.” You gave him a twisted look. You’d never been with him, and you’d certainly never been to an Unsubs residence while on a case. You were a profiler. A professor. Not a cop. Not comfortable with confrontation your heart was already picking up the pace just thinking about it.
“I don’t think this is a great idea sir…” You’d managed to mumble out once most of the team had cleared the room. You were sure your nervousness was full front, and center displayed across your facial features.
He cocked his head studying you again. Always studying you. Always on guard around you, “I think it is.”
You cursed under your breath almost embarrassed to admit it to him, “I’ve never done that before, going to an active scene.”
He shrugged loosening his gaze a smidge for the first in front of you, “First time for everything. You’ve been through the training in the last few months. You can do it.” He nodded eyeing the door but making sure your head was in it before he left. Last thing he needed was you not 100% ready and getting injured. He knew you were ready for it though. He’d had a daft curiously of how you’d handle that type of pressure.
The three of you sped to the crime scene. Morgan forced you to sit up front by diving into the truck and taking the entirely of the back seat up shooting you a sly grin before shutting the door. You felt the weight of the bulletproof vest
“Stay behind me, pretty girl. We’ll go room to room on the main level.” Derek spoke with conviction once the three of you made it to the front of the home. Your heart was hammering so hard you could hear the blood echoing in your ears. Focus. You could do this. Aaron believed you could.
Hotch nodded, “I’ll take upstairs. Listen to Morgan.” He ordered before nodding at Derek. All hell broke loose as you went room to room clearing. Before you heard the gunshots upstairs. Morgan rushed upstairs with you behind him. Hotch stood with his gun pointed at the now deceased unsub who had a shotgun in his own procession.
“The girl. Where is she?” You asked turning away from the blood spatter that laced the wall behind the body.
“Go, find her.” He barked turning away from the kill. You prayed that was something you never had to do.
You ran out downstairs searching. It wasn’t until you found the basement door that you flew down there. A strangled gasp came from your throat as you spotted the girl in the corner on a bloody mattress. You shuddered at the thought that it wasn’t only her blood coating that mattress.
“Hotch! Morgan! She’s down here!” You bellowed out dropping the gun immediately and softening your expression after witnessing the shaking, bound girl. She’d been beat up. Quite a few times by the look of differently faded bruises littered haphazardly around her hardly dressed body.
You unzipped your jacket clutching it in your hand. Putting your hands up you dropped down to your knees keeping a distance away letting her know you weren’t a threat. You put your hands up, “Hi sweetheart. My name is Y/N. I work for the FBI and we’re here to help you. Can I bring you this jacket to cover up?” You asked her in your most gentle voice. Like you were talking to the most helpless soul on the planet. She might’ve been at that very moment.
Aaron and Derek watched from the stairwell as you stood up walking over to her with slow small steps. Once you reached her you dropped down again, “Is it alright if I touch you? What hurts the worst sweetheart?”
She shook her head before breaking. Breaking down completely. The tears turned to ugly sobs. She reached out for you, and you grabbed her quickly. Pulling her right into your embrace. She fisted your shirt like her life depended on it unaware of the two men watching the scene unfold before them. They’d called for an ambulance and just had to wait. But you were there for her. He felt a light flutter in his stomach as he watched you caress her face and play with her hair. Whispering in her ear and hold her tight. You were a natural. Aaron could see it plain as day now.
Slowly her harsh wails turned to strained tears. Almost all her energy depleted as she leaned on you. You wrapped your jacket around her small frame to cover whatever decency she had left. The poor babies life was over as she knew it. Her life was going to be an uphill battle from this point going forward. Your heart shattered as you brought her back into your chest. Whispering those sweet reassurances to the utterly broken girl sitting in your lap.
Once the ambulance took her away Hotch turned towards you observing once more. Your usually chipper grin was downturned. It had affected you more than he had sensed. It was hard. Impossible sometimes. And this was a good outcome. An exceptional one even.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” He asked finally letting that guard down.
You nodded so softly he didn’t know if you truly meant it or not, “Yeah. I just… I’ve never done that. Spence always told me stories, but I guess… I don’t know.” You sighed at a loss for words.
He stepped forward placing a hand on your shoulder this time, “It’s okay. It’s difficult. We all know. But think of the good you’d done. You were there for her when she needed it most. We didn’t train you for that. You’re just a good person. Don’t let this job ever take that away from you.”
Your mouth almost dropped as listened to him. He was always a man of so few words this felt like an all on speech for you. So long was that hard gaze you grew to expect over the last few months and was replaced with something much softer and kinder. The look he gave him other agents. The ones he’s known and worked with for years. Maybe Spence was right, maybe he was warming up to you a bit.
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Things had been going well. Another month had passed, and you’d been called on for few more cases. You’d refused pay simply because you came and went as you had time. You called it tunning up for your professorship.
Aaron had completely warmed up to you over that time. You were still terribly timid around him. Old habits died hard with you. But he was trying. Making small gestures when you were around. Getting you coffee, holding open the door for you, smiling a little bit more.
It wasn’t lost on the team. They’d seen the change even if you refused to. Spencer constantly bugged you about it once Morgan put a big in his ear. Planted a seed that bloomed in that beautiful brain of his.   
Aaron had a scowl on his face watching you and Spencer joke around in the conference room. Why weren’t you even remotely like that with him?
“You could just tell her instead of shooting daggers at Reid.” Derek clapped his bosses back cracking a smile at him.
“She doesn’t like me.” The scowl dropped as he turned towards his agent.
“So, you think. More intimidated by you than doesn’t like you. You were kind of an ass there for a while.” Derek egged his boss on. It wasn’t often he was able to get under his skin.
Aaron rolled his eyes, through gritted teeth he answered him, “I know Morgan.”
“Why were you anyway?” He asked, digging for more and more. The true king of gossip at Quantico.
He shrugged, “To protect you guys. She was an outsider. We didn’t know anything about her.”
Derek let out a laugh that even drew your attention away from Spencer and over to them. Giving them a sheepish wave, you looked away back to Spence quickly. Aaron’s hard eyes turned soft made you feel a certain type of way. He was back to being that handsome man you first laid eyes on. A man who seemed so far out of your league it was laughable.
“Whatever you want to tell yourself boss man. But we both know that’s not the case. It’s okay to have feelings after Haley. It’s been years Hotch.” Morgan squeezed his shoulders urging his friend on, “I’m going to go grab Reid. Go apologize and tell her how you feel. You might be surprised. Go be happy instead of being jealous.”
He mumbled something incoherent but didn’t stop him. Spencer gave Derek a knowing look. You waved him off turning back to the case you were reviewing. It wasn’t a moment later the same chair Spencer
“I’m sorry.” He spit it out certainly not afraid to beat around the bush with it.
Tilting your head to the side you asked, “What for?”
“Being an ass your first few months here.” Again, he was com
You were a bit stunned, “Oh, thanks. I’m happy to be here.”
“You are an exceptional profiler Y/N and an incredible asset to this team. You’ve got a heart of gold. You work with victims better than anybody I’ve seen. Do you know how heartwarming that is to witness? You’re a natural with it all. So, I’m sorry. I’m so happy to have you here.” He let out a breath after airing it out there.
Your heart rate sped up to that rapid rate that made you feel almost uncomfortable, “You mean it?”
“Every last word.” He looked at you expectantly. It could go either way. Either really good or horrifically bad.
You gave him your first genuine smile. One he’s seen come out for everybody else except for him. Until now, “Thank you Aaron. That was very kind.”
He nodded, “Of course. It’s the truth.” You could tell he wanted to say more but didn’t know how to.
You felt a weird surge of confidence brush over you, “For the record. I’ve really enjoyed working for you. With you. I’ve learned a lot.” You too wanted to say something more, but the words were impossible to think of.
The tension was thick. But Aaron decided to cut it. Throwing caution to the wind, “Since you technically don’t work here I don’t think what I’m going to say next is really crossing the line.” He breathed taking a second before gathering the courage he needed, “You are absolutely beautiful Y/N. Inside and out. You’ve been chipping away at my heart ever since you stepped into this world. You are exceptional. I like you. Way more than a boss should. Way more than a friend should.”
Your mouth did drop this time. That was everything you wanted to hear and exactly what you expected not to hear. He liked you? You’d thought back on the month and didn’t see the signs. It seemed so obvious once he spoke it so clearly.
You started giggling at the hilarity of it all.
“What?” He asked smiling, easing back in his chair feeling eased by the lightness of the room.
“I can profile everything but my own damn life.” You kept giggling only to be stopped when he grabbed your hands.
“You’re even prettier when you laugh like that.”
Your blush was mad by now, “Thank you Aaron.”
“Would you let me take you out sometime? On a date? A proper one. Where we get dressed really nice. I’ll take you to a fancy restaurant. All that jazz.”
You smiled even wider, “If that’s really what you want.”
Squeezing your hand as a confirmation he nodded, “Pretty girl, it’s all I want.” His grin was everything as you both sat there smiling at each other like two lovesick fools.
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556
Request Taglist: @evansflowers
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patienceparenting · 1 month
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Stop Googling "best bedtime routine" - because one size does not fit all.
If you're tired (literally... so tired) of trying to figure out how to get your child to #@&%ing sleep.... try a 1-1 with me.
Sleep can really take a toll on your body, your work, your relationships, and more. If you've tried it all and just need some sleep, please reach out.
I've been helping parents for decades (successfully!) to get some dang sleep.
Babies, toddlers, and parents alike - love the end result. Everyone is much happier, much more well-rested, and some have even called it - a miracle.
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parkerdoeswriting · 1 year
Late Night Talking
(Dad!Spencer x GN!Babysitter!Reader)
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category: fluff oneshot
summary: spencer’s daughter wonders about his and reader’s relationship
warnings: pure cringey fluff
word count: 2k
A/N: HHHH might not do a part two for this it’s lowkey embarrassing……… ALSO DONT ASK WHY I KEEP POSTING CHILDREN AND PREGNANCY FANFICS IM FERAL RN
Spencer had been gone on a case for around two days now, his unit being called out to consult on a case somewhere in Tennessee. So now you were staying at his house for the meantime, babysitting his four year old Alice, who you had been a nanny for since she was around nine months old. She and Spencer were practically your family, even though you’d never say it out loud to anyone.
“I wanna watch Frozen!!” Alice pouts, holding the dvd case out for you.
“Munchkin.. it’s almost bedtime” you laugh, crouching down to match her height.
“Pleaseeeee?” she says, giving you the most adorable puppy dog eye look.
You recheck the time, mentally making calculations on how long the movie will take, since you wanted her to keep with her bedtime schedule. 
“Didn’t you watch it two days ago?” you question the four-year-old, raising your eyebrow at her. 
“It’s my favourite movie!” she exclaims, holding out the dvd case more, begging you to take it.
“Okay, but it’s our secret okay?” you shake your head, taking the dvd and standing up.
“Yay!” she jumps up and down, hugging your leg.
“Come on, let's get your jammies on first” you pick her up, carrying her to her room.
You spend a couple minutes changing her into her pajamas, which coincidentally were Frozen themed. You swiftly brushed her long brown hair, styling them into two French braids. You move her to the bathroom, helping her brush her teeth.
“Thank you” she smiles, making an ‘uppie’ motion at you.
“Course hun” you pick her up, giving her forehead a quick peck. 
You head back downstairs and place her on the polyester couch, wrapping her in a fluffy blanket. You smile at the scene before heading to the player, slipping in the dvd. You sit back down next to her, in which Alice responds by resting her head on your lap. You gently trace circles into the back of her head with your finger, emitting a yawn from her. 
Hans and Anna’s song starts playing in the background, causing you to hum along to the beat, which you knew by heart. Alice giggles faintly, her eyes still peeled to the television. 
“Love is an open dooooooooor!” you sing along, pretending to hold a microphone.
“You’re so silly!” she squeals, laughing and squirming around.
You chuckle, pinching her cheek, causing her to giggle more. The song ends, and you see as she sits up to look at you. 
“What’s wrong baby?” you ask her, rubbing her back.
“Are you married?” she asks, sitting in a criss-crossed position.
You laugh softly, shaking your head.
“Why do you ask, Ali?” you tilt your head.
“Do you want to be married?” she scooches closer to rest her head against your arm.
“One day, maybe, if I meet the right person” you smile, holding the back of her head.
“Oh..” she yawns, clinging to your arm.
You move her to your lap, readjusting your body so you're lying on the couch and she's resting on you, trying to get her to sleep.
“Is daddy the right person?” she asks, the sleepiness evident in her voice.
Your eyes practically bulge out of your head, your face red with embarrassment. 
“W-Why do you ask?” you play with her fingers, looking at how tiny they were compared to yours.
“Cause..” she mumbles quietly, a little shy to answer, “I want daddy to be happy, and he’s always happy when you're here”. 
The sentence sends a shockwave through your heart, causing your body to heat up.
“He is?” you ask, smiling. 
She smiles sleepily, nodding matter of factly before cuddling back into your chest. The movie plays in the background, but you don't pay attention, your head rushing with thoughts. You can hear faint snores mixing with the dialogues. You snap out of it, picking up the blanket and placing it over you both.
You check your phone for any new messages from Spencer, as he hasn’t called for his nightly phone call with Alice. You sigh as your notifications turn up empty, placing your phone back on the end table. You decide to get some hours of shut eye, having been exhausted from a day of entertaining an energetic kid. You shut off the tv, falling asleep moments later.
The next thing you know, you hear keys in the lock jingling, the door opening quietly. You hear footsteps stepping in and a bag dropping to the floor, you drowsily look over the couch, trying to see who it was.
Spencer walks into the living room, seeing your drowsy face and smiling. You put your finger to your lips, indicating for him to be silent, pointing it back down to where the sleeping Alice lays. He peers around the couch, laughing silently at the sight. You get up, gently picking her up, making sure she remains asleep as you bring her up the stairs to her room. You set her down, letting Spencer tuck her in. He leans down, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. She stirs slightly, a small smile creeping onto her face.
He looks back to you as you both leave her bedroom, and you notice the dark bags under his eyes. You smile softly, reaching out for him, giving him a small hug.
“You okay?” you whisper in his ear, his arms tightening around your waist.
“Rough case” he sighs, pulling away moments later.
“Wanna talk about it?” you head back down the stairs, getting ready to pack up your overnight bags so you can head to your apartment.
“I’m good, thanks” he follows closely behind you.
“Well then.. I should get going, if I wanna make the next subway” I smile sleepily at him, throwing various things back into my bag, making sure I have everything.
“You should really stay over.. it’s not safe for you to be out at this time” he speaks up, reaching for your shoulder.
“I wouldn’t want to impose..” you reply, your body heating up as you feel his touch.
“Please.. stay?” he says, his voice soft.
His words cause your heart to flutter, causing you to remember words his daughter said to you just hours earlier.
“He’s always happy when you're here”.
“Course” you smile once again at him, causing his face to blush a light pink.
He gives you a double handed thumbs up, before heading to the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water and a quick snack. You trail after him, watching his movements.
“I can heat up some leftovers for you.. if you want?” you offer, leaning against the smooth countertop.
“It’s alright, I’m not that hungry” he shakes his head, snacking on some mixed fruit.
“Are you sure, when's the last time you haven't eaten something that came out of a vending machine?” you tease him.
He chuckles, looking at you.
“I’m fine, really, thanks for worrying” he leans his lanky body against the counter, next to you.
You both stand in relative silence for a while, watching as his hands dip back into the bowl of fruits. 
“Alice asked me a funny question tonight” you laugh quietly.
“Oh?” he nudges you with his elbow, beckoning you to say more.
“Yeah, she asked if you were the person I wanted to marry..” you rub your neck. 
He chokes on the berry in his mouth, coughing loudly, he tries to cover his mouth so Alice can't hear.
“She what?!” he stumbles over his words, his face red like the berries he was eating.
“She also said you are always happy when I’m around” I tease him, poking his chest.
He groans, holding his head in his hands.
“I can’t believe I’m raising my own little profiler” he laughs, rubbing his forehead. 
As if on cue, a small “Daddy?” can be heard from the top of the stairs, alongside the sound of mini footsteps stomping down them.
“Baby.. hi” Spencer swiftly moves to her, swooping her into his arms.
“You’re home!” she exclaims, still sleepy.
“I am, were you good while I was away?” he looks at her, his eyebrow raised.
“Yuh huh!” she nods, her face tucking into his neck.
“Good, good” he rubs her back, looking over to you once again.
You smile at the scene, imagining what life would be like if you were actually their family. You approach them, giving her head a soft caress.
“Look at my braids!” she claps her hands together excitedly, showing them off proudly.
“They look gorgeous” he kisses the top of her head, lingering there for a second. 
“Can I sleep with you tonight?” Alice pouts at Spencer, her small fingers in his wild hair.
He bites his tongue, knowing it’s impossible to say no to a request like this. You know he’ll most likely say yes, as she wasn’t the only one missing the other. 
“Just for tonight, alright?” he says, making her squeal in excitement.
“Are you staying for a sleepover?” she redirects her attention to you, smiling.
I nod as well, my mouth curling into a smile.
“Yay!!” she starts to celebrate, but gets cut off by a long yawn.
You all head back up the stairs, grabbing your overnight bag as you pass it. Alice watches you from behind Spencer, her eyes fighting to stay open. You wave her goodnight as you turn to open the guest room door, but you are swiftly met with objections. 
“No.. sleep with me and daddy!” she frowns, reaching her hands out for you. 
“Sweetie..” Spencer says, his voice filled with sternness.
“I’m sure your father wouldn’t feel comfortable with that, sorry baby” I lean your lips near her forehead, giving her a kiss. 
“I’m.. I’m fine with it, if you are…” he mumbles quietly. 
“Come on!!” she attempts to grab you.
“I will, just let me change first, okay?” you chuckle, heading back inside the guest bedroom. 
You change into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top, brushing your hair and looking at yourself in the mirror. You make sure you look decent before heading to Spencer’s room, seeing Alice jumping around on his bed. 
“Hey monkeys” you giggle, making your way to the mattress. 
She happily jumps close to you, practically pulling you onto the bed. You sit down, crossing your legs together. 
“Okay Alice, it’s bedtime now, alright?” Spencer says, yawning as he rests his head on his pillow.
“Okayyy” she huffs, laying down beside him.
You rest on the edge of the right side, trying to put as much distance between you and Spencer as possible. Alice reaches for you, trying to pull you closer to her. You begrudgingly obey, rolling next to her. Spencer’s eyes watch you, a faint grin on his face. Alice attaches herself to you, cuddling into your chest. Your hand rests against her back, letting her face hide in your collarbone.
Spencer scooches closer, his hand resting on his daughter’s shoulder as she snoozes off. Your breathing hitches, your face flushing for the fifth time today. 
“I’m sorry if you feel pressured to do this, you can leave now if you really want to” he whispers, his eyes moving to his daughter's sleeping body.
“It’s fine” you remove your hand from her back, rubbing the back of your neck before returning it back to its position. 
He swallows nervously, moving his hand on top of yours. A grin creeps onto your face, moving your and his hand’s so they interlocked. His thumb caresses yours, sending little shivers into your body.
He moves closer to you, sandwiching Alice in the middle of you both. Her face was still pressed into you, her little hand clutching at the fabric of your tank top. His jaw rested above her head, trying desperately to touch foreheads with you, in which he succeeded. 
You could get used to this.. 
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raayllum · 2 months
It's not structurally sound, so Zym walks beside him, one wing tented protectively over his head just in case. At least that's what Soren said, eyes still with a fading yellow hue to them, traces of magic still stubbornly clinging on when Ezran had finally arrived.
The sky was still grey, flecked with smoke and embers, Callum slamming into him in a banther hug before Ez had even gotten his bearings—both sobbing a little, exhausted, relieved. Callum cupping his baby brother's cheeks and brushing away tears, till—Ezran had spotted him lurking over Callum's shoulder, dressed in greens and all too terribly alive.
The shouting match that had followed hadn't been pretty, but—
Opeli had stepped in. Soren had ushered everyone else away.
"He just needs some time to mourn," Corvus murmurs.
Ez had cried at the wedding, and cried on the way home. The putrid air stings his eyes now as he walks amongst the ruins, though no tears fall. His eyes are too full of something else, reconstructing everything around him perfectly. There's where the eastern tower stood before it crumbled into the courtyard. The balcony by the king's chambers where Ez had taken his first steps, toddling confidently towards his father's face. Half the battlements are blasted apart, barracks and weapons in splintered disarray. The rest of the castle isn't in much better shape.
His family's home, his family's legacy, all the precious things he hadn't taken with him to New Aurea, because why would he have? A box of mementos from his mother—the tie from her braid, a pressed flower from her wedding bouquet, a letter she'd written and sealed for him for his sixteenth birthday—buried in ash. Burnt to a crisp.
Every portrait of his father, his throne, his... A lump rises in his throat.
It's all gone.
Opeli has the grim work of consulting everyone to make a list of the dead, all the guards and servants and people—families—wiped out. Ez knows there will be names he recognizes. Even worse, there will be names he doesn't, people who lived and died here, in his castle, in his kingdom, and as king, he didn't even—
His vision blurs as he picks his way over charred brick, Zym following dutifully behind him with a tiny whine. He staggers over the collapsed walls, the massive pile, but picks out a spindle of what he knows is a rocking chair, sticking out from the side.
"My mother sat here," he explains to Zym, sitting down slowly on the pile of bricks. It's as comfortable a seat as anything else could be. "When she rocked me to sleep." He sniffles. His shoulders shake. "This was my nursery, Zym."
His Dad had kept it preserved, just for him. For whenever you want to feel close to her. And after his Dad's death, to both of them.
Zym presses his snout to Ezran's arm as they settle together, his castle consumed by dragon fire.
Ezran weeps in the middle of his nursery.
This is where tiny children are supposed to cry, after all.
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embrosegraves · 7 months
𝕃𝕒 𝔽𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕒 𝔸𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕠
(request) Fernando Alonso x Fem!Wife!Reader Family Picnic <3333
Warnings: I did have to consult Google Translate for some of the Spanish
2k words
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It was a good day. The sun was out, the temperature wasn’t too hot and the breeze was nice and cool. It would’ve been a crime if you didn’t take advantage of the beautiful weather. 
You shook your husband beside you. He grumbled half awake, turned over and tried to go to sleep again. You rolled your eyes at him. No matter what Fernando said to the contrary, he was getting old and as much as he didn’t like it, it definitely showed. You knew there was only one other way to make sure that Fernando was awake and out of the bed. 
“If you don’t get up right this second, I’m not going to let you touch me until the next F1 season.” You grunted while using as much of your strength as you could to push him off the bed. He landed on the ground with a loud THUD. 
“Hijo de puta!” He exclaimed as he hit the floor. [Motherfucker!]
“Oye! Watch your mouth, your kids are in the next room!” If it wasn’t funny, you might’ve sounded more angry at his foul language. [Hey!] 
 “What did I do to deserve this?” Fernando peeked his head over the side of the bed, taking his sweet time getting up. 
“If you had listened the first time I told you to get up, we wouldn’t be having this discussion, would we?” You asked, getting out of the bed and walking towards the ensuite. “Now stop whining, I need to get the kids up and ready. I have plans for today.” 
“You’ve been spending too much time around my mother.” Fernando finally stood up, and went to grab a shirt from the closet. “You’re becoming just like her.” 
“Good!” You shouted through the closed bathroom door. “Ana is an amazing woman!” 
Fernando could only shake his head in amusement, as he made his way out of the bedroom and into the hallway leading him to his children’s rooms. He first went to the opposite end of the hallway, knowing it would be easier to wake up his oldest children first. He knocked on the furthest door and waited.
“Yeah?” Fernando could hear that his eldest daughter, Marcella, had only just woken up. 
“Mamá has plans for today. Get dressed to go outside por favor.” 
“Bueno! I’ll be out in a bit.” 
Satisfied that Marcella was now awake and getting dressed, Fernando made his way to the next room. Knocking on the door, he wasn’t expecting for it to open. But apparently his son had other ideas. 
“Sí Papá?” Fernando Jr was his father’s carbon copy. A fact that Fernando just loved mentioning whenever he could. So you could avoid the confusion when talking to them both, you had started calling your son Junior. 
Fernando smiled and ruffled his son’s hair. “Your Mamá has something planned, so get dressed to go out.” 
“Oye! I just brushed my hair!” 
“You sound like your mother.” Fernando said as he walked off and towards the last door. 
“Good! Mamá is amazing!” 
Chuckling, Fernando gently opened the door that led to the nursery. He flicked the light on and stood in the doorway, just watching his twins’ little chests rise and fall as they slept. He almost didn’t want to wake them at all, but he knew that they would have the best time with whatever it was you had planned. Walking quietly he moved further into the nursery. Softly caressing their faces, Fernando woke them up as gently as he could. 
“Hola Pequeños. Buenos Días.” He made sure to keep his voice quiet when he saw their eyes open. [Hey Little Ones. Good morning.]
“Hola Papá.” said his youngest daughter, Magdalena. Her little voice was still riddled with sleep. She was lethargic as she crawled into her father’s arms, wrapping her tiny ones around Fernando’s neck as he rubbed her back. 
“¿Dormiste bien, Princesa?” she nodded her little head, too tired to speak. [Did you sleep well, Princess?]
By now Magdalena’s twin, Pedro, had sat up and was rubbing his eyes with his tiny fists. He yawned and also made his way onto his father’s lap. 
“¿Dónde está Mamá?” he asked. [Where is Mummy?”
“¿Deberíamos ir a buscarla?” Fernando received two little nods so he wrapped an arm securely around each of the twins and slowly walked out of their room. [Should we go look for her?]
Fernando walked towards the kitchen where he could hear you making breakfast. He could see Marcella and Junior going to sit down at the kitchen island, talking to each other about what teams they thought were going to do well during the Formula 1 season. 
Once everyone was done with eating breakfast, Marcella and Junior grabbed Pedro and Magdalena from their high chairs and went to help them change into some appropriate clothes for the day. Nando started cleaning up the breakfast dishes while you had gotten started on making some sandwiches. 
“What’s on the agenda today, Mi Amor?” Fernando asked, placing the last clean dish on the drying rack. 
“I was checking the weather for today before you got out of bed, and I’ve decided that we’re going to have a family picnic.” You replied, packing the sandwiches into ziploc bags and setting them aside. “I was thinking, we go to your parent’s house and ask if they’d like to join us.” 
Fernando came up beside you and started to help prepare little snacks for your children. “You know if we go there and ask, my mother will insist we have it on their property?” 
“Oh you think this plan is spontaneous?” The look on your face almost made Fernando nervous.
“It’s not?” 
You laughed and bumped him with your hip. “Amor, Ana and I have been planning this outing for weeks. You and your father are the only ones who didn’t know. No doubt Ana has told José by now, just like I am telling you now.” 
Moving to the fridge to grab some fruit that needed to be cut, you kept talking to him about the plan you had concocted with Ana. 
“Your mother had called me the other week saying how she misses you because you’re always travelling with Formula One, so I told her you were home this weekend. We started planning pretty quickly after that. Originally the plan was for Lorena and her children to join us as well, but something came up so Lorena is out being a successful and wonderful mother. We were always going to go to your parents- wash and cut the strawberries please- because they have the most space for Junior and the twins to run around. 
“And of course, Marcella will want somewhere with shade and that big awning over the pool and garden is just perfect for her. And your mother pointed out that at some point the twins will get tired so going to your parents’ means that the twins can sleep in the guest room there so we don’t have to leave and go home early.”
“Women scare me sometimes.” Fernando handed you the strawberries and you put them into a tupperware container before putting them in the basket you had found to put all the food in. 
“Good. It’s a healthy fear to have.” You said before yelling out to the kids that it was time to go. 
Junior ran down the stairs holding Pedro while Marcella followed behind him with Magdalena at a much slower pace.
“Junior, don't run with your brother, you could drop him.” 
“Lo siento Mamá.” Junior said sheepishly. [Sorry Mum.]
You opened your mouth to speak again but before you could, your phone started ringing in your pocket. Pulling it out, you saw it was Ana calling you. With a smile on your face you quickly answered the call. 
“Hola Ana! … Claro si-” You had begun walking to your office while you spoke with your mother in law. Fernando grabbed Pedro from Junior and had started ushering the children out to the car. [Hello Ana! … Of course yes-]
Marcella had become a professional at getting the twins in the car when you weren’t around, and Fernando was forever confused at how she had managed to get them to listen. Fernando had even asked her one day how she managed it but all she did was give him a wink and continued to do her schoolwork. 
Just as Fernando closed Marcella’s car door, you walked out of the house, phone and picnic basket in hand. When you got closer to the car, Fernando grabbed the picnic basket and put it in the boot of the car. Walking back, he opened and closed the passenger door for you before getting into the driver’s seat. 
The drive to Fernando’s parents wasn’t an extremely long journey. The 30 minute drive was spent listening to your young children blabber on about the scenery or about the kids at school. 
The only one of your children who wasn’t talking often was Marcella. The 16-year-old was texting on her phone with a smile on her face. Fernando had looked in the rearview mirror at her. 
“Who are you texting Cariño?” 
Marcella’s smile dissipated. “No one.” 
“Are you sure? You were smiling pretty big.” 
“It was no one Papá.” 
“I just want-” You smacked Fernando’s shoulder. You had spoken about how to approach this kind of situation years ago, when you had been pregnant with Marcella. Fernando went to start complaining but you interrupted him. 
“No, you will stop talking. If Marcella is texting someone, it is not our business.” You turned as much as you could in your seat to look at your daughter. “However, I do have two questions about them. One, how old are they? And two, do they make you happy?” 
Your daughter smiled at you, “They’re only a month older than me and they make me very happy.” 
“Then that’s all I care about.” 
Eventually you arrived at your In-Law’s. Everyone got out of the car and your children ran to the front door where their grandparents were waiting with arms open, ready for hugs. 
You greeted your father-in-law with a hug and a kiss to both his cheeks. You laughed when he made a joke about putting Fernando to work, getting the things from the car. 
“Of course! He’s been annoying lately so he’s got to make up for it.” 
You gave José one more hug before greeting Ana and walking inside with her. You heard Jose say something to Fernando that made you giggle.
“You know, ‘Happy Wife, Happy Life’ isn’t just a saying, right?” 
By the time the men had made it to the backyard, you and Ana had laid out the big picnic blanket and started making the drinks for the adults to enjoy. Fernando would have one drink at the beginning before sticking to water for the remainder of the day as he would be driving home. Ana had taken the basket from Fernando and began to set out the food you had prepared. You had finished the drinks and handed them out, rolling your eyes when you heard Fernando talking to his father about what happened in the car earlier with Marcella. 
“Fernando, I swear if I hear you talking about this again, you’re sleeping on the couch.” 
“I just wanted to make sure she was being careful! That’s my little girl.” He said, thanking you for the drink before turning to his dad. “What would you have done, Papá?” 
“Don’t involve me. I had no issues with Lorena.” 
“Mi Amor, do you remember when we were teenagers and I spent two weeks living with you and your family?” 
“Of course I remember. Two of the best weeks of my life.” He smirked and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“Yeah well, I spent those two weeks not speaking to my father because he kept asking me about my ‘secret boyfriend’. He never stopped asking about you so I stopped talking to him for two weeks. And I’m stubborn so if my mamá hadn’t knocked some sense into him, I would have never spoken to him again. Do you really want that with Marcella?” 
Fernando looked a little heartbroken and ashamed of how he had treated the situation. He had known that something had happened between you and your father but he didn’t realise it was like that. 
“I don’t think I’d ever forgive myself if she stopped talking to me.” 
“So don’t push her. She will come to us when she’s ready.” You said, squeezing him in comfort. “Now let’s put this out of our minds and enjoy a picnic with our children. Vamos.”
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This took me so long 😭😭😭 I wanted to make sure I was 100% happy with it
This definitely would've been so much bigger but I didn't want to make everyone wait even longer.
As always, likes, replies and reblogs are always appreciated <3
(also do you guys think it would be a good idea for me to set up a paypal or a kofi for my fics? I've been thinking about it a lot recently but idk)
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