#Chakra control and consciousness
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hsmagazine254 · 2 years ago
Embracing Change: Taking Baby Steps Towards Personal Transformation - Positive Reflection Of The Week
Discover The Key Habits For Embracing Change & Cultivating Self-Awareness – Article by Shahwana You need to begin by taking baby steps towards becoming a better version of yourself. Awareness is the key to understanding yourself. Ask yourself: where do I need to apply this ‘change’ and why? First spend time alone; spend about 10 minutes a day on being aware of your personal habits, which on the…
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nayatarot777 · 9 months ago
What Should You Focus On About Your Internal Self?
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• Pile One •
Hi, Pile One! Welcome to your reading!
You’re being called to focus on your lack of productivity. It’s keeping you stagnant when you could be creating and manifesting great things for yourself. There needs to be a death to a part of you that’s stuck around for longer than necessary. You may be satisfied with less. Or seemingly satisfied with going without what you know that you could have. It’s time to change that. And it won’t be easy (a part of you will feel like it’s dying - because it is. Your ego will resist and try to drag you back from fully laying this procrastinator within you to rest) but it’ll catapult you out of this energy of being stuck in the same place. Your ego only resists death because it’s afraid of the unknown. Thats when you have to come in and soothe yourself by providing understanding to your ego about how the unknown is new, but positive. After death comes rebirth, right? There’ll be a brand new journey for you to embark on and learn about. You’ll be able to learn about your capabilities, your creative efforts and how far they can go, etc. This procrastination is a method of self-protection that your ego has utilised for a very long time, meaning that it’s afraid of experiencing failure which would ultimately lead to shame, disappointment, etc. However, it’s already experiencing these things because you’re allowing it to prevent you from doing anything anyway. There’s a reason why your ego is so closely linked to your inner-child. What do you do when a child doesn’t want to do something that you know would be good for them, due to their own fear? You calm them and slowly introduce them into the unknown that they’re afraid of, while reassuring them and praising them for ever step forward that they take. You don’t let them allow their fear to control them. You subdue their fear with comfort and assurance. This is what you need to do for yourself.
• Pile Two •
Hi, Pile Two! Welcome to your reading!
You are being called to focus on finding peace and contentment. Focus on finding satisfaction within yourself as well as a feeling of safety. There’s an internal transformation happening for you, and it does lead to this feeling of safety that we’re speaking of. You may have a history of not having the tools of self-protection, leaving you vulnerable to those who wanted to use you or take advantage of you. There’s a part of you opening up that is some type of warrior on behalf of yourself. A part of you that’s able to protect yourself from anyone who gets too close to you too soon. This protector is your intuition. Your crown chakra that’s the medium between your higher self and your human self. This is what’s opening and transforming within you. You may be experiencing ascension symptoms (specifically your third-eye opening a lot more, enabling you to read between the lines of what people say and the situations that you find yourself in). Trust that you don’t have to be in defence-mode anymore, because you’re capable of protecting yourself. Don’t be discouraged if you feel like your consciousness is slow to catch onto certain things either. Tapping into uncharted territory such as your intuition or your 3rd eye takes time. Let it develop naturally. The people who don’t usually end up going a bit crazy and unhinged because they’ve opened their third eye (their pineal gland) forcefully and too quickly. You don’t want to be one of them 🙃. You also need to ensure that you’re breathing life into your intuition. What do I mean by this? You need to validate that your intuition exists. Don’t suppress it - because that’s the opposite of giving life to something. That’s how you squash it, eventually killing it. Validate its existence and its being. Again, your intuition is the direct connection to your higher self. Your higher self is on a higher dimension compared to you, meaning that they see things that you can’t see with your physical eye - hence why you see symbolisms and messages in your metaphysical (non-physical eye - your third eye. Your mind’s eye). Try to bring to an end your habit of disregarding what you see spiritually.
• Pile Three •
Hi, Pile Three! Welcome to your reading!
There needs to be a lot of acknowledgement from you towards yourself in regard to how much work you’ve put into creating safety and peace within yourself. You’ve completed the journey that Pile Two is currently on. You’ve been busy putting yourself together internally, which your physical reality is probably reflecting in some way - as within, so without. I’m hearing “you can rest”. You’ve found a lot of the safety and peace that you were looking for, thanks to your own efforts. You can take some weight off of your shoulders and just relax. Get playful and treat yourself in some way. The reason why you’ve found this sense of safety is because you’ve protected your mind, in-turn protecting your peace. “The ALL is mind; the universe is mental” - for those of you who are avid readers, I suggest that you read The Kybalion if you haven’t already. It seems like you’ve already taught yourself one of the principles of mental alchemy, which probably means that you’ll be able to grasp the other principles relatively easily too. You’ve found peace because you’ve found trust in yourself and your inner-knowing. Your intuition has been working overtime 😂. Your intuition is why you can keep yourself in your serenity. I’m hearing clapping from your higher self. They’re proud of you. You’ve reached a stage that many of us are still working on completing. Now that this ability to connect and to have faith in your intuition comes so naturally to you, you can rest. You don’t have to be vigilant all of the time. If your intuition needs to tell you something, then it will. You don’t need to constantly stay alert to it because you’ve built a great connection to it now.
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thejournallo · 9 months ago
Witchy hacks: The movement of your body.
You probably heard this phrase too many times, but it is important to keep your body moving not only to increase your physical health but to improve your mental health too. But there is more. The movement that our body can make can actually release energy, and it can give us a lot of boosts in many ways.
In spirituality, movement is often seen as a way to release, channel, and harmonize energy within the body. Different spiritual traditions and practices emphasize various types of movement to achieve these goals. Here are some ways energy is believed to be released through movement in spirituality:
1. Yoga
a. Asanas (Postures)
Energy Flow: Yoga postures are designed to open energy channels (nadis) and centers (chakras) in the body. This facilitates the free flow of prana, or life force, enhancing physical and spiritual well-being.
Grounding and Balance: Specific poses help ground the practitioner and balance the flow of energy, aligning the body with the earth and promoting inner stability.
b. Pranayama (Breath Control)
Breath and Movement Coordination: Coordinating breath with movement helps regulate and release energy, purifying the body and calming the mind.
2. Tai Chi and Qigong
Chi (Qi) Flow: These ancient Chinese practices focus on slow, deliberate movements combined with deep breathing to cultivate and balance chi, the body's vital energy.
Energy Circulation: Movements are designed to enhance the circulation of chi through the meridians, or energy pathways, removing blockages and promoting overall health.
3. Dance
a. Ecstatic Dance
Expression and Release: Ecstatic dance involves spontaneous, freeform movement that allows individuals to express emotions and release pent-up energy. It’s often accompanied by rhythmic music that guides the flow of energy.
Trance States: The repetitive nature of dance can induce trance states, facilitating a deeper connection with the spiritual self and the collective energy of the group.
b. Cultural and Ritual Dance
Ceremonial Movements: Many cultures incorporate dance into spiritual rituals to honor deities, celebrate life events, and connect with ancestors. These movements are often symbolic, representing the flow of spiritual energy.
4. Martial Arts
Energy Control: Martial arts like Aikido, Kung Fu, and Capoeira involve movements that cultivate and direct internal energy. Practitioners learn to harness this energy for physical strength, mental clarity, and spiritual growth.
Mind-Body Connection: The discipline and focus required in martial arts enhance the mind-body connection, aligning physical actions with spiritual intent.
5. Breathwork and Movement
Holotropic Breathwork: This practice combines intense breathing with movement to access altered states of consciousness and release stored emotional energy.
Rebirthing: Involves rhythmic breathing and movement to release traumas and blocked energy from the body, leading to spiritual healing and transformation.
6. Shamanic Practices
Drumming and Movement: Shamanic traditions often use rhythmic drumming and dance to enter trance states, journeying into spiritual realms to retrieve knowledge and healing.
Ritual Movements: Specific movements in shamanic rituals are designed to summon, direct, and release spiritual energy for healing and transformation.
7. Meditative Movement
Walking Meditation: This practice involves slow, deliberate steps coordinated with breathing, enhancing mindfulness and the flow of spiritual energy.
Dynamic Meditation: Developed by Osho, this form combines vigorous movement, including shaking and dancing, with periods of stillness to release suppressed emotions and awaken spiritual energy.
In spirituality, movement is a powerful tool for releasing, channeling, and harmonizing energy. Practices like yoga, tai chi, dance, martial arts, breathwork, and shamanic rituals use specific movements to enhance the flow of spiritual energy, promote healing, and achieve higher states of consciousness. These practices underscore the profound connection between physical movement and spiritual well-being.
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reunionatdawn · 1 year ago
Weighing in on ATLA shipping discourse
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Iroh: You're not the man you used to be, Zuko. You are stronger and wiser and freer than you have ever been. And now you have come to the crossroads of your destiny. It's time for you to choose. It's time for you to choose good.
Why did Zuko have a fever after decided to let go of his Blue Spirit mask? Well, the imagery suggested that he experienced a Kundalini awakening. A Kundalini awakening is a profound spiritual experience that involves the activation and rising of Kundalini energy, located at the base of the spine. In Hindu and yogic traditions, Kundalini is often depicted as a coiled serpent, symbolizing dormant spiritual potential.
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Ida and Pingala are the two energy channels that run alongside the spinal column and correspond to the left and right sides of the body, respectively. Ida is associated with the feminine or yin aspect. It is linked to qualities such as calmness, receptivity, intuition, and nurturing. It is also associated with the moon, coolness, and the element of water.
Pingala represents the masculine or yang aspect. It is associated with qualities such as activity, dynamism, alertness, and willpower. It is associated with the sun, warmth, and the element of fire. In the yogic tradition, the balance and harmonization of Ida and Pingala are considered essential for achieving physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
Once the two energies combine at the crown chakra, a person's consciousness is supposed to transcend duality. What does that mean, exactly? It means to move beyond the perception of reality as consisting of opposing or dualistic concepts, such as good and bad, light and dark, right and wrong, or self and other. You understand that these apparent opposites are part of the same unified whole and are interconnected in a deeper, more profound way.
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"I was head writer of ATLA, and this is exactly how I see it! There was some controversy that Zuko made the "wrong choice" at the end of season 2. A lot of fans were ANGRY! But it had to be this way… we wanted him to get everything he thought he wanted. The triumphant return. His father's respect, and a seat at his right hand. Only then could Zuko truly outgrow these things, and choose to do the right thing in a meaningful way." (Aaron Ehasz)
So, the symbolism definitely favors Zutara in that respect. Katara learned through Zuko that the Fire Nation is not innately evil. Even though he hurt her with his "wrong" decision, part of her character arc was understanding why he did it and being able to forgive him. And because he made that choice, she could trauma-dump onto him and that led to her gaining closure about her mother's death.
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"I was head writer of ATLA. Azula and Zuko's relationship was not always well understood, even by the team internally. Azula loved Zuko, more than anyone save her father. She also felt competitive with him for their parents' attention of course, but since she had alienated herself from her mother, she focused her energy on pleasing dad… which of course meant acting in more and more intense and possibly evil ways." "By the end of the series, of course, her loss of her friends shatters the part of her identity that she could somehow control affection and love through intimidation. As a result she spirals… I did however intend to leave a kernel of humanity, and had we made a season 4 Azula would have completely bottomed and we would have explored the possibility of a path to redemption. True story!" (Aaron Ehasz)
But it's not even just Zutara. What I found interesting was that Azula was the blue dragon and Iroh the red dragon. Azula was crazy and needed to go down, right? By siding with his sister, you're meant to think that Zuko chose "evil" instead of "good". But it looks like some of the writers meant for it to be more complicated than that. There was no "good" or "evil" choice. Azula had a softer "yin" side, too.
Zuko wanted to get along with his sister. He did not want to kill her, even though Iroh thought that was the only option. The fact that Azula never got her redemption arc did a massive disservice to Zuko's arc as well. The fact that Azula had good in her is exactly why Zuko's choice in BSS couldn't truly be called "wrong" or "evil".
Azula loved Zuko and that idea wasn't conveyed very well in the cartoon. She was the one person on that beach who actually did understand him. She was jealous that Zuko chose the Avatar over her. And she knew that targeting Katara with her lightning was the best way to hurt Zuko. Katara found a non-lethal way to defeat Azula for Zuko's sake. Because after seeing how hard it was for him to fight her, she finally understood why he made his choice in Ba Sing Se.
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"[Azula] had not bottomed in the end of season 3, she had further to go. At the deepest moment in her own abyss she would have found: Zuko. Despite it all, her brother Zuko would be there for her. Believing in her, sticking by her, doing his best to understand and help her hold her pain that she can no longer hold alone. Zuko — patient, forgiving, and unconditionally loving – all strengths he gained from Uncle Iroh." "And I always imagined that after coming out the other side, she would be one of those people who hilariously over-shares her own feelings all the time, and that she would be a bit over-apologetic. Like a Canadian version of Azula." (Aaron Ehasz)
The first episode of Book 3 was called The Awakening. Aang literally awakened to the energy twisted up in the middle of his back. He did not complete his spiritual transformation. The Kundalini energy did not reach his crown chakra. It was still blocked because he had an attachment to Katara that he hadn't worked through yet.
Zuko's awakening was figurative. Mai didn't understand how he felt. Symbolically, when she turned his head to kiss him, it showed the audience the scarred side of his face. When Zuko lied his sister, the unscarred side of his face was shown. I suspect that the writer for the episode, Aaron Ehasz, wanted to hint that Zuko did still feel a connection to Katara and didn't want Azula going after her and Aang.
Zuko in The Crossroads of Destiny was not supposed to be the same Zuko from The Avatar State. Both versions of Zuko still wanted to go home. But 201 Zuko was motivated more by selfish attachment. 220 Zuko was more motivated by love. He loved Azula unconditionally. Even with all of her twisted, ugly, and cruel behavior. His consciousness had transcended the duality of Iroh and Azula being opposites where one is "bad" and the other is "good". During The Beach he was fantasizing about a time when Iroh played with both of them as little kids. Back when they were all a family.
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Mai: You know what will make you feel better? Ordering some servants around. I might be hungry for a whole tray of fruit tarts. And maybe a little palanquin ride around town. Double time.
I don't dislike Mai. I think she is an interesting character who was not a bad person or anything. I just thought she served a very specific narrative purpose. She was there to show how Zuko wasn't compatible with his old lifestyle anymore.
Mai wanted a typical socialite boyfriend. They really didn't get along too well or have much to say to each other during The Beach. She didn't like him when he started talking about his trauma and showed his uglier side. Zuko was insecure and jealous because he was not even sure if she really liked him. And she didn't even know the person he was after his banishment, only the person he was as a child. When he turned his head away from her, his unscarred side was shown.
Zuko: When I got to the meeting, everyone welcomed me. My father had saved me a seat. He wanted me next to him. I was literally at his right hand. Mai: Zuko, that's wonderful! You must be happy. Zuko: During the meeting, I was the perfect prince. The son my father wanted. But I wasn't me.
He walked out of that war meeting with the scarred side showing. Mai didn't love Zuko. She loved the perfect prince. The fantasy she built up in her head and the role Zuko was acting out at the start of the episode when he was ordering her the fancy fruit tarts.
Mai: I guess you just don't know people as well as you think you do. You miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear you.
Mai stood up to Azula to save Zuko, and she genuinely believed she loved him. But he left her behind to be with his new companions. If not for Ty Lee, she would have died. That should have been the end of that relationship. I thought it was very weird that they got back together. The NATLA writers should definitely find a different way to conclude Mai and Ty Lee's character arcs. Especially Mai. She deserved a more dignified ending than being left in prison and then threatening her ex-boyfriend to take her back.
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"I love that even though Aang is sort of not in this story very much, to me, he's-his presence is in all of these scenes 'cause you know he's like the little angel on her shoulder [...]" (Bryan Konietzko)
The main reason I think the shipping discourse in the ATLA fandom is so toxic is because the creators Mike and Bryan saw the narrative differently than the other writers. They seemed to have a completely different vision for the story and characters compared to the head writer. So, there were two conflicting visions and fans who liked one over the other could argue their side indefinitely. Bryke saw things as more black-and-white and good vs. evil. You can see it in some of the interviews and commentary, particularly with Bryan.
IMO, there really was no "good" and "evil" side in The Southern Raiders. There was no "angel" or "devil" sitting on Katara's shoulders. To Katatra, what Aang said must have sounded like nothing more than a trite platitude. It's true that in the end, she didn't choose violence. But I don't think Aang's words were very pertinent to her decision-making when she finally faced Yon Rha, LOL.
It's understandable why Aang would come off as preachy, though. He was just a child coping with his own grief. The Air Nomads' philosophy was one of the only things he had left of them, after all. Such a teaching was no doubt his own personal coping mechanism.
Aang was right in the sense that Katara didn't need to resort to violence in the end. But ya know, maybe she would have if she didn't have someone by her side who understood her inner darkness and accepted her even if she had chosen violence. Just like how Aang might have killed the sanbenders if Katara hadn't been there. And Katara would not have condemned him if he had done so.
"Zuko and Katara might have shared some sparks, but sometimes there are people along your 'journey of love' who are there to teach you about yourself and what you really need, but don't necessarily end up being your partner. Come on, kids! 'Zutara' never would have lasted! It was just dark and intriguing." (Bryan Konietzko)
Zuko was a character of duality. Yin and Yang. Light and shadow. His two sides were represented by the scarred side and non-scarred sides of his face. I think Bryan viewed Zutara as a "dark" ship because a big part of Zutara was about Katara's shadow side.
Just like Mai did with Zuko, Aang built up a fantasy version of Katara in his head. The perfect, well, "waifu," I guess. The endlessly patient feminine maternal figure. The sweet beautiful girl with such manageable hair. But that's only half of who she was. There was another side to her that he never saw. One that used bloodbending. Angry, hateful. Yes, even ugly. And that's not a bad thing. It's human.
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selineram3421 · 5 months ago
🌊The Water-Bending Sun Warrior☀
Zuko X Reader
Part 1
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The first time you entered the spirit world was when the moon died.
Everything was red for a bit and then you felt a deep ache in your heart before falling into darkness. It was strange at first, being awake but your body asleep. Seeing visions of a giant water-like creature commanding the waves.
Upon awakening, you heard your father speaking to the chief of the tribe.
"Please explain, I don't understand what's going on!", he cried.
"Your child is fine. They will wake soon and come back to the physical realm.", the chief replied.
The next few days were odd, you kept leaving your body, traveling to places you've never seen before. Strange spirits were everywhere and you learned to be extra careful.
You've tried to tell your father about your journeys but he refused to listen or believe it. It confused you how he could trust the word of the chief but not yours.
A few months have passed since then.
Sitting near a small stream of water, you moved your hand back and forth, following the flow. The water following your command.
The first time you made the discovery that you were a water-bender was when you were helping the healers in your village.
You didn't tell anyone but the old man who had helped you out of the spirit world when you fainted on the day of the dead moon.
His home was near the healers as he knew more about chakras and spiritual energies, being able to take care of wounds that would normally take longer to heal due to lingering trauma or evil spirits.
"A water-bender, the same as your mother.", the old man, Xbalanque explained. "You flow with the tide and the moon gives you strength."
"Is that why I lost consciousness that day?", you asked.
"Yes.", he nodded. "You are a little more sensitive to such things since you were born during an eclipse. Thankfully your mother heeded my warning and wore red, so it is not as bad as it could have been."
"Is there any way for me to control it? I feel like this won't be the last time.", you say with some concern.
There is a strong feeling in your gut that this "ability" would not cease.
"Ah, so you've felt it.", Xbalanque chuckles. "Yes, it will continue. And I have just the thing.", he says and stands up.
He walks over towards a shelf and begins to move various things, all trinkets that might be for fun or carry some importance. There were a lot of little things, some hung on the walls and some were bigger and had to be placed on the floor. All of them were colorful.
"Here we are!", the old man says and brings back a box as he walks over to you. "This was something I gave to your father and he gave it to your mother.", he explained and opened the box, taking out a necklace.
The ribbon fabric was like fresh red blood, the stone was obsidian with a carving on the surface that had gold in between to make out the image of a flame with a water drop in the middle.
"I gave him this stone and blessed it with protection.", he said and placed the necklace in your hands. "Your father used it to propose to your mother, as her customs from the North were for the person of interest to be presented with a betrothal necklace."
You stared down at the jewelry in your hand in awe.
There aren't many depictions of your mother, you can't really imagine her with anything at home. This gives you a small glimpse though.
Why is it here? You wondered.
"It was hard on your father when she passed. He gave this back to me with a foul tongue, saying it didn't work.", Xbalanque sighed. "But nothing can stand in the way of fate's plans."
"You can keep it. I have no use for it and I feel like your mother would have wanted you to take it.", he says. "Obsidian is used to contact ancestors, so you can always have a guide when you travel."
How convenient.
"Thank you.", you smiled and put the necklace on.
Visits to his house became common for you as you had many questions.
Now, looking at your reflection in the water, you still wore the necklace.
You haven't traveled recently but you have paid more visits to Xbalanque's residence, having more questions about the obsidian stone and its properties. His response was for you to meditate with it.
So that's what your plans were for today.
Maybe things will get more interesting after doing so.
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Wow, it's been a long while. I was stuck thinking about what to write for this part. This fic will update slowly.
Read tags for more details.
~Seline, the person.
Next: Part 2
🌊TW-BSW☀️ | Zuko ML
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talonabraxas · 2 months ago
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“All know that the drop merges into the ocean, but few know that the ocean merges into the drop.” ― Kabir
Sushamna - Atmanism Talon Abraxas Nadis: The Energy Rivers of Human Body
A student of the great Indian poet Kabir once asked him, “Kabir, where is God?” His answer was simple: “He is the breath within the breath.
” To understand the profound implications of Kabir’s reply, we need to look beyond the physical components of breath—the oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other molecules that stream in and out with our every inhalation and exhalation. Beyond this breath—yet within it—is prana, the universal vital energy that is quite literally the stuff of life.
For those of us who practice yoga, the challenge is to harness this energy so it can fuel our physical, mental, and spiritual development. To do this, we need to look deeply into the mysteries of the mind and the subtle body.
Fortunately, the early practitioners of Tantra voyaged into this inner landscape, mapping the many ways energy circulates within us. Among their most important discoveries were the Nadis, the vast network of energy channels that makes each individual an integrated, conscious, and vital whole.
The Sanskrit word Nadi derives from the root Nad, which means “flow,” “motion,” or “vibration.” The word itself suggests the fundamental nature of a  Nadi: to flow like water, finding the path of least resistance and nourishing everything in its path. The Nadis are our energetic irrigation system; in essence, they keep us alive.
According to many Tantric texts, the human body contains 72,000 Nadis that channel prana to every cell. Some are wide and rushing; others are a mere trickle. When this system flows freely, we are vital and healthy; when it becomes weak or congested, we struggle with poor mental and physical health. The practices of hatha yoga are so effective because they strengthen the flow of prana in our bodies, invigorating the current so that it carries away obstructions that block the free flow of energy.
Because Nadis like the chakras (psychoenergetic power centers), prana, and other aspects of the subtle body—don’t show up under microscopes, medical science has relegated them to the realm of the merely metaphorical. But traditional yogis believe that the subtle body is real and that understanding it and working with it complement and counterbalance the emphasis on gross physical anatomy that predominates our current yoga culture. Night and Day
Three Nadis are of particular interest to yogis. The Sushumna (most gracious) Nadi is the body’s great river, running from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, passing through each of the seven chakras in its course.
It is the channel through which kundalini shakti (the latent serpent power) —and the higher spiritual consciousness it can fuel—rises up from its origin at the Muladhara (root) chakra to its true home at the Sahasrara (thousand-fold) chakra at the crown of the head. In subtle body terms, the Sushumna nadi is the path to enlightenment.
The ida (comfort) and Pingala (tawny) nadis spiral around the Sushumna nadi like the double helix of our DNA, crossing each other at every chakra. If you visualize the caduceus, the symbol of modern medicine, you’ll get a rough idea of the relationships among the ida, Pingala, and Sushumna nadis. Eventually, all three meet at the Ajna (command) chakra, midway between the eyebrows.
The Ida Nadi begins and ends on the left side of Sushumna. Ida is regarded as the lunar Nadi, cool and nurturing by nature, and is said to control all mental processes and the more feminine aspects of our personality. The color white is used to represent the subtle vibrational quality of Ida. Pingala, the solar Nadi, begins and ends to the right of Sushumna. It is warm and stimulating by nature, controls all vital somatic processes, and oversees the more masculine aspects of our personality. The vibrational quality of Pingala is represented by the color red.
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The interaction between Ida and Pingala corresponds to the internal dance between intuition and rationality, consciousness and vital power, and the right and left brain hemispheres. In everyday life, one of these Nadis is always dominant. Although this dominance alternates throughout the day, one nadi tends to be ascendant more often and for longer periods than the other. This results in personality, behavior, and health issues that can be called Ida-like or Pingala-like.
Ida-like individuals have lunar, or nurturing, qualities but may lack the verve to sustain a strong yoga practice. They are full of potential, but unless they develop their Pingala side may never manifest that potential in either worldly affairs or spiritual development. Pingala-like individuals have solar qualities: type A personalities, lots of creativity, abundant vitality. But unless they develop their Ida side, they may lack the quietude, introspection, and receptivity necessary to yield to the grace of spiritual awakening.
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cygnus-cypres777 · 1 year ago
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Pick a Pile Tarot Reading : What do you need to know right now?
PILE 1 - Frozen Cherry Photo 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
What you need to know right now is that you should stand up for yourself more. I feel like you may be missing someone who was once close to you, just know that you are valid to feel this way. Let yourself heal. You may often suppress or conceal things that bother you, make sure you release these feelings by writing them down or doing something creative. Realize that you cannot control other people's perceptions of you and that it is often a reflection of themselves. You are not responsible for how other people perceive you. Continue to be yourself. Your own personal freedom is very important to you at this time, this is healthy and give yourself room to grow and change.
This is a very healing time for you and make sure you pour into yourself and love yourself. Acknowledge your emotions.
Thank you, my friend, good luck on your journey. 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
PILE 2 - Red Butterfly Photo 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
You need to stop comparing yourself to others. It is not productive. I feel a procrastination energy because you are afraid you do not have the skillset. I am here to tell you that is not true. You never know how successful you can be at something until you have compassion on yourself and put effort into it. Do something you have been putting off. The love and energy you put out into the universe is significant, don't think that your voice is unimportant because everyone's consciousness ripples with energy. Your intention does make an impact Pile 2, know this. The main home that is important for you to cultivate is the home and safety within yourself. Tune into your root chakra at this time, I believe this can be very helpful for you. Make sure you stay grounded.
Thank you, my friend, good luck on your journey. 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
PILE 3 - Heart Stoplight Photo 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
You are currently in an unstoppable energy. You should tune into the color yellow and your solar plexus chakra as this will help you manifest your goals. You should also focus on your nutrition and eat more fruits and vegetables as well as dark green veggies like broccoli and kale this can be very beneficial for you at this time. You should stop talking negatively to yourself because you need to be your own motivation. Encourage yourself and reflect. You need to open yourself up to receive good things from the universe, if you believe it will come to you. Release negative behaviors and cycles that hold you back.
Thank you, my friend, good luck on your journey. 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
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eatmangoesnekkid · 3 months ago
One thing about me is that you can take me out of the African village but you will never take the African village out of me. Can you wear underwear or bottoms in your home? Me, I can not —not in my home, maybe in an Airbnb at best! Wearing anything over my vulva and hips beyond a piece of fabric, dress, or skirt feels claustrophobic no matter how cold it is outside. And I truly believe that allowing our root chakra to breathe in our homes not only elevates our lower body sensitivity and vulva consciousness but also gives our entire body more life and unrepressed vitality. And definitely sleeping naked is amplifying for our total body wellbeing I promise.
Embodiment (being fully alive in our bodies) is often one of the most missing links in transformation work. We have bodies, but when we have all these layers of clothes on, we tend to forget about our bodies. Those who live in tropical or warm climates have more opportunity to be naturally embodied than those who don’t simply because they get to wear less clothing. And our tissues get to take an Air bath. The sanity!
Our world doesn’t like to see the full primal power of the feminine in women and tames it out of us as little girls. It lies to us and scares us with religion that teaches us to suppress the feminine in our maiden years, to be nice and sweet, and pleasing to our “sky-daddy.” Our bodies then become exhausted from having to use up and leak out a lot of life force energy in order to fit into these flaccid “good girls” frequencies never meant to hold our fullness.
“She is a virtuous woman!” The world celebrates us when we shrink our power, don’t move our breasts, bellies, and hips, have no relationship with our bodies below the neck and are always doing, doing, doing for everyone. Our world not-so-secretly wants us to be domesticated, bored, and dehydrated and thereby controllable, as we graduate from being “good girls” into our next phase, being “good moms,” awww “such perfect moms,” the Big Mamas who will sacrifice their health and magic to cook and clean up behind everyone in the family, including other grown adults until they get a stroke that sits down them permanently. Oh, our beloved world loves when we lose our playfulness and radiance, when we stop laughing and being silly, and all that is left for us to do is to self-soothe through shopping all the time, keeping corporate structures thriving and economically in tact. This world gets us to obey by labeling women who refuse to burn out and have accessed their enormous multidimensional creative power as bad, wrong, sluts or undesirable, which has never been further from the truth for many of us.
Begin to say “yes” to the path that allows you to organize structures in your every day life that do not allow you to lose connection with your body— hips, vulva, pussy, buttocks, lower back, legs, feet, breasts, spine, throat, belly/womb/cervix, etc.
And why on earth would I, as a grown arse woman, wear underwear or bottoms in my own home and oppress my female body, walking around with an angry vulva that can't fully breathe because I’m unwilling to move through physiological taboos, fears or discomforts built by masculine frameworks that shame wetness, arousal, desire, female health, etc? Why would I not give my body more of the blood, lymph, and air flow nutrition it craves? Chile, please! 🙏🏿
Me having fun before I descend into this work cocoon next week. —India Ame’ye
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premtattva · 9 months ago
☸ Untangling the Threads of Mahābhārata Concisely...
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The Sagacity of Mahābhārata through the Chakra System
Disclaimer: The sole reference of my source has been taken from Paramahansa Yogananda's "The Bhagavad Gita"
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Mahābhārata was formerly named Jayasaṃhitā, narrated by a great ancient seer Vedavyāsa(originally named Kṛṣṇadvaipāyana) and penned down by Lord Ganesha himself! Vyāsa is also regarded by many Hindus as a partial incarnation (Aṃśāvatāra ) of Vishnu.
According to Paramhansa Yogananda, the battlefield of Kurukshetra represents our own life. Dhṛtarāṣṭra is the blind and ignorant mind of ours which tends to give rise to 100 sense tendencies and desires. The 100 sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭrā are those sense tendencies. Pāṇḍu represents the wisdom, hence white. Hence Kurukṣetra is the battlefield of our mind, body and senses. It’s the battle of ignorance and wisdom, to find a way to rise up and get the status of Param Brahma.
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Draupadī represents the-- Kuṇḍalinī and the Pāṇḍavas-- the five chakras of our body.
 Sehdeva, the base chakra Mūlādhāra, means avoidance of attitude that prevents one from attaining Inner Peace.
 Nakula represents the Svādhiṣṭhāna Chakra, which correlates with "Niyama" and emphasizes the importance of adhering to attitudes that bring inner peace.
The third chakra, Maṇipūra, unequivocally symbolizes Arjuna. In yoga philosophy, the awakening of Maṇipūra instils fiery self-control. Despite a fleeting moment of weakness at the sight of his own people on the battlefield, Arjuna remains an embodiment of self-discipline and courage.
Bhīma represents the Anāhata Chakra, located at the heart. When this chakra is awakened, it brings intense feelings that can lead us towards devotion or emotions. Bhīma embodies this intense feeling in everything he does, whether right or wrong.
Yudhiṣṭhira embodies the Viśuddha Chakra, which, when awakened, is believed to bring a profound sense of tranquillity, devotion, and moral integrity, as illustrated in the Mahābhārata.
The  Āgyā/Ājñā chakra, positioned in the centre of the eyebrows, is associated with intuition and insight. It is believed to be the gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual awakening. During meditation, focusing on this chakra is said to facilitate a deep state of tranquillity and inner peace. In Mahābhārata this chakra is symbolized by none but Lord Kṛṣṇa himself, representing wisdom and divine perception.
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The ancient game of dice in the Mahābhārata symbolizes the timeless battle between ego and desire, mirroring the internal conflicts we all face in our lives. The game serves as a profound metaphor, illustrating the precarious nature of spiritual growth. It teaches us that even when we have attained a heightened state of awareness, there is always the potential for regression. This spiritual journey demands unwavering strength, resolve, and a resolute spirit, which are essential for the eventual union with the Divine.
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@janaknandini-singh999 @rhysaka @ashru-premika @ramayantika @swayamev
@krsnaradhika @krishnaaradhika @hinducosmos
@hindu-aesth @sanatantemple @bishh-kanya
@mrityuloknative @bharataesthetics @tumharimummykibahu
@bharatiya-naari-sab-pe-bhaari @shyamasundar
@ancienthinduism @maithili90-blog-blog
@bishh-kanya @devimayi @viharini @apricitycanvas
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megyulmi · 10 months ago
JJK Chapter 260 Spoilers!
➠ Sukuna’s vision and the Hallucinations that arise from the deterioration of body in Buddhism:
This is a personal opinion on why Sukuna saw Gojo in that particular moment of Chapter 260. It is based on the process of Death in Buddhism and the visions that one entering the process of dying experiences. Please note that the death process varies depending on the school of Buddhism and here I am referencing the Mahayana tradition and the works of a Tibetan monk - Thubten Yeshe.
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According to the work of Thubten Yeshe, the most important chakra (energy wheel) that runs through a body is the one located at the level of our heart as the heart chakra is considered the home of our very subtle mind (the mind is divided into the gross mind, the subtle mind, and the very subtle mind: the gross mind depends on the body and the five elements - earth, water, fire, air, and space. As soon as body functions stop, the gross mind stops. The subtle mind underpins the five senses - see, smell, hear, taste and feel the world of the spirit. The very subtle mind is the source of the clear light).
The activity of all types of mind, both gross and subtle, depends upon their supporting winds (of the energy) and where these are travelling. As long as they flow through any of the channels other than the central channel, these winds activate the gross minds that give rise to superstition and confusion. But when these winds enter, abide and dissolve into the central channel, as happens naturally at the time of death, the gross minds subside and the very subtle mind of clear light arises instead. This entire process happens automatically during death (as a process of deterioration) but very few are able to recognise it.
Here it is also important to note that the root of the Samsaric (endless cycle of life, death and rebirth) suffering is ego-grasping: the wrong view that holds onto a mistaken belief in a self-existent ‘I’ or ego-identity. Holding onto one’s ‘ego-identity’ at the time of the passing brings death in an uncontrolled manner, which forces the dying to enter an uncontrolled intermediate state.
Now to the actual process of dying: there are three stages - death, the intermediate state and rebirth. For us the process of death is important, so I will be discussing only this stage.
Death is the separation of the mind from the body. The body does not lose its ability to maintain consciousness all at once, but does so gradually with each element of the body losing its supportive ability in turn. First, the earth element sinks, or dissolves, into the water element and then the water element sinks into the fire and fire into the air, and the air element into consciousness itself. For example, when it is said that the earth element sinks into the water element, this means that as the solid portions of the body are losing their ability to function and are becoming less intimately interconnected with the dying person’s mind, the liquid element appears stronger and more evident. As these various physical elements become stronger and weaker in turn, the dying person experiences certain external and internal signs associated with the dissolution process.
When people, who have not trained themselves to go through the process of death during life, die they are out of control. They become overwhelmed as their bodily elements go out of balance and cease functioning harmoniously. It is therefore very difficult, if not impossible, for them to remain calmly aware of what is happening while experiencing visions. To put it simply, while desperately holding onto a supposedly solid sense of ‘I’ for security, they panic as the basis for one’s ego-identity – the body itself – begins to disintegrate.
As the earth element of their body deteriorates and the water element grows stronger, their mind is filled with the hallucination of a shimmering silver-blue mirage. They feel trapped and suffocated. Then the water element sinks into the fire element and a vision of swirling smoke appears. As this is happening they may feel that they are drowning or being carried away by swirling currents of water. Next, the fire element dissolves and their body gradually grows colder; they perceive a vision like that of sparks dancing over an open fire at night. Finally, the air element dissolves and their breathing becomes very shallow, and they may feel that they are being blown about like a leaf in the wind. Along with this experience comes the vision of a dying flame in a darkened room. As is the case when a candle is about to go out, the flame suddenly grows brighter as if exploding in a final burst of energy. Their breathing, which has been getting more and more difficult, now comes to a complete halt. To the outside world, they now seem to be dead. The visions one experiences in the process of death also vary from school to school (some see people, some see ‘demons’ or their fears, etc.).
I think that what we saw at the end of Chapter 260 was Yuuji causing damage so big to Sukuna’s heart chakra (in this particular case of jjk, soul) that he caused the elements of Sukuna’s body to deteriorate and enter different stages. We are seeing Sukuna being pushed to the edge of dying and his vision of ‘the ghost of the strongest’ is the representation of the visions (hallucinations) that arise from the uncontrolled mind at the moment of the beginning of the death process and the dissolution of the body. He is desperate (or trapped in a place/position he has never truly envisioned himself to be in) and clinging to the version of himself when his ego-identity was at its highest (i.e. defeating the strongest of the modern era). And how he sees Gojo, arising from the smoke (dust) is similar to how the hallucinations arise between the deterioration of the elements as well.
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honeydiamonds · 20 days ago
uttara phalguni’s subtle connection to bees 🐝
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🐝 1H uttara phalguni mercury lagnesh beyoncé
aryaman is said to rule the sevenfold path towards enlightenment which reflects the 7 higher heavens [bhurloka, bhuvarloka, svargaloka, maharloka, janahloka, tapaloka, satyaloka] and this path is embedded within every human being through the seven chakras. aang, a notably uttara phalguni character, must go on a journey similar to that of an arya to control his avatar powers. aryaman is heavily tied to the concept of the avatar, or the eternal & supreme atman that exists within every man. lastly, aang must learn to align his chakras at some point in the show. this process is also called a kundalini awakening, which is what happens to eve in the garden of eden after the serpent tempts her to eat the forbidden fruit.
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🐝 aang (voiced by an uttara phalguni sun) learning to purify and align the chakras so he can control his avatar state.
the idea of an avatar is tied to aryaman because aryaman rules the fact that our ancestors are ultimately past versions of ourselves (which is shown directly in the show as aang inherits fruits of spiritual wisdom from his previous lives as the avatar, which act as his “ancestors” in the spirit realm). aryaman is connected to the idea that we all share one eternal atman that makes us mankind. it is the evolution of consciousness, which was founded in krittika nakshatra, that advances us into civilized people (aryaman rules manners, etiquette and hospitality). this eternal atman experiences life through the life forms that are born and eventually die on earth (which is why aryaman is connected to reincarnation and the circle of life).
the “awakening” of the kundalini begins with the muladhara chakra, which is associated with the color red. uttara phalguni is the “latter reddish one.” a recurring theme in uttara phalguni is having a strong fear or dislike of red until the color completely completely over their lives and transforms them, which i think symbolizes the awakening of the kundalini [as the opposing nakshatra & yoni consort of uttara phalguni is uttara bhadrapada, the dormant kundalini itself 🐍]
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🐝 uttara phalguni sun + moon + venus (lagnesh) sanaa lathan in “something new”
as i’ve covered before, this nakshatra is associated with awakening of adam & eve after they ate the forbidden fruit and essentially experienced a kundalini awakening which allowed them to step into their divinity. the sutra of this nakshatra mentions a woman who is a “fruit-giver” and it was eve who handed adam the fruit and tempted him, which is a metaphor for her awakening to her sexuality and seducing him so that they could create children as God had tasked them to do in the first place. uttara phalguni natives are endlessly drawn to the concept of the dawn of creation, particularly eve’s role because this nakshatra deals with the cosmic woman awakening to her own sexuality, which is why we see these women dominating in the p*rn industry and why they have a tendency to be “late bloomers” earlier in life.
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🍎 uttara phalguni moon doja cat featured in the music video “baby, i’m jealous”
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🍎 uttara phalguni moon barbara stanwyck in “the lady eve”, where she plays a woman who knows her power over the lustful nature of man and seduces this cosmic adam (played by a krittika + purva phalguni man) for his fortune. uttara phalguni women use their sexuality to get what they want from men because of eve’s role in the fall from grace (to awaken to her sexual nature as a woman and then tempt adam with her newly found seductive powers) & the shakti to obtain wealth and prosperity through union/marriage.
uttara phalguni natives are strongly & unconsciously drawn to the concept of adam and eve’s fall from grace:
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with all of this being said once again…
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🐝 bhramari is the goddess of bees who resides in the heart chakra and emits the sound of buzzing bees. this buzzing noise is said to awaken the doormant kundalini. the doormant kundalini is uttara bhadrapada, while the awakening of it occurs in uttara phalguni. this is purely from my own astrological research throughout the years, so take it with a grain of salt.
🌸 bees pollinate flowers, which aids the growth of flowers. purva phalguni—uttara phalguni represent a tree (or any life form for that matter) growing from an “early tree” into a “latter tree” that is capable of producing fruit which contains seeds to begin the process all over again. this is why the pair are the physical manifestation of the circle of life on earth. magha nakshatra is the hidden realm in which ancestral spirits reincarnate from through the life that is conceived in purva phalguni nakshatra, whose shakti is “to procreate.” not to mention, the euphemism “the birds and the bees” is used to teach children the process of the circle of life. symbolically, bees represent life, rebirth and harmony. this connects to the phalgunis being the circle of life (aka samsara or reincarnation)
uttara phalguni being the “latter fruit tree” and technically the only portion of the phalgunis that is capable of producing fruit (as its sutra mentions a “fruit-giver”) oftentimes makes these natives “late bloomers” because growing into their fullest spiritual (and sometimes even sexual) potential is oftentimes a trademark journey for them. aang, for example, still had the body of a child but was actually over 100 years old as he remained “stuck” and frozen in an iceberg. this stifled his spiritual growth and kept him from physically growing into an adult.
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🌸 the way bees aid in the growth of flowers and help them bloom (in which this process is ruled by the phalgunis) reminds me of how the buzzing of bees awakens the kundalini, and how kundalini awakenings are tied to uttara phalguni & uttara bhadrapada. in fact, the first woman in the music industry to notably call herself “queen bee” 🐝 is (likely) uttara bhadrapada moon lil’ kim.
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learning this led me to doing research on any movies related to bees. one example i will mention is the bee movie. i wasn’t surprised to find that one of the voice actors was also the same man who voiced older simba in the lion king (matthew broderick). he likely has uttara phalguni moon (the latter portion of the circle of life; the child who grows into an adult and completes their destiny as the embodiment of their ancestors’ will). the cast of the bee movie primarily shares bhadrapada & phalguni placements.
thank you 🐝
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mika080 · 2 months ago
GaaSaku AO3 2024 Yearly Wrap Up
COMPLETED Fics in 2024, on Archive of Our Own.
There were 30 newly complete GaaSaku on AO3 last year!🎉💞
What Makes the Desert Beautiful by Storybelle When she was four, a neighbor looked at her bare wrist and couldn’t hide her recoil of disgust in time. “What a shame,” she murmured finally and patted Sakura's arm. Mebuki stood nearby, wringing her hands. They were causing a disturbance in the street, people turning to look as they passed by. Back then she hadn’t known how rude the neighbor was, that looking at anyone’s soulmark without permission, even a child’s, was the most impudent thing imaginable. “What a terrible shame.” She was twelve before she realized what the neighbor had meant.
Enthralled by bluemingqueen for onemoreword When he’d been a boy, half-crazed by the tailed beast inside him, he’d thought her blood sang to him because.he wanted to kill her. It wasn’t like that was an uncommon impulse for him in those days, after all. That he had to constantly force his fangs to retract whenever she was around was just one more sign of her destiny as his meal. When he’d come to Konoha to help defeat the last few Akatsuki members just after his eighteenth birthday, he watched her shatter the blonde bomber’s skull like a piece of delicate china, and he knew there was no going back. He would have Haruno Sakura, no matter what. (GaaSaku (featuring vampire Gaara!) for Word)
hopelessly devoted by 3raccoons Gaara finds a new treasure lost in his desert sands.
Threads of Eternity by Anonymous Years after Sakura Haruno and Granny Chiyo defeated Sasori of the Red Sand, his legacy comes back to haunt her. While on a mission, Sakura discovers an ancient, cursed book imbued with Sasori’s consciousness. Drawn into his world of puppetry and manipulation, Sakura begins learning his techniques to protect herself, but this only deepens his influence over her. Sasori’s presence grows stronger, manifesting through her chakra and threatening to regain a physical form. As Sakura struggles to keep control, her friends—including Gaara, who harbors deep feelings for her—become embroiled in the battle against Sasori’s return. When Sasori reclaims his puppet body, his dark obsession with Sakura becomes a physical threat. In a climactic confrontation, Gaara defeats Sasori for good, freeing Sakura from his grasp. Amidst the chaos, Gaara’s steadfast love for Sakura offers her the hope of rebuilding her life, unburdened by the shadow of Sasori’s influence. A tale of manipulation, resilience, and the strength of bonds, this story explores the blurred lines between power and control, legacy and choice, and the enduring impact of love and trust.
Sand In the Air by Sasuksakur Gaara was going insane, his love for Naruto making him lust day in and day out. He had shared a night with the blond and his wife, but it was not enough to satisfy his thirst. Maybe he started being pulled towards Sasuke because the other man was always loyal to Naruto, but then Sakura came along and changed everything for him.
Empty Words by LadyDyDy35 Fanfiction of a fanfiction: Follow the Sun; Excerpts in Time by LaceyJane After the whirlwind of events surrounding Kankuro's poisoning, Gaara can't figure out why Sakura is suddenly uncomfortable around him and decides to investigate. After the whirlwind of events surrounding Kankuro's poisoning, Sakura struggles to understand her feelings about the ANBU's words and Gaara's reaction to them.
Indulgent Afternoons by onemoreword Gaara was going to kill her at this rate... A little peak at an afternoon delight between the Kazekage and Konoha's Head Medic. Inspired by the art created by the great Kumeramen, available inside!
Betting it all for Sweets by LadyDyDy35 Shinki gets in trouble at school, and Gaara is forced to leave a work meeting to pick him up.
Wasurerarenai by FireThatFox Sakura is haunted by the memories of her deceased mentor and friend, Akasuna no Sasori. Reality and grief blend together, making each day without him more and more difficult to endure. Love is not rational, nor is guilt.
GaaSaku Fanfest 2024 by LadyDyDy35 This is a collection of 18 stories for GaaSaku Bingo Fanfest 2024. Fourteen are unrelated, and four are direct continuations of each other. Please note, Chapter 4 (only) contains the additional tags of: Medical Horror, Medical Caregiver Trauma, CPR Hands, Medical Procedures, Canon Character Death, Aged up Characters, SFW, Dead Dove-Do Not Read, Gaara is still technically a zombie, established relationship, Sakura needs therapy.
Hold Me, Darling by onemoreword Where Gaara is confused, Ino is aghast (and somewhat amused), and Sakura just wants to crawl up in a hole and die. She wondered how much longer she could keep this up before she finally exploded. Pure fluff during the early stages of Gaara and Sakura’s romance.
An Afternoon of Reflection by NightingaleFlow In an attempt to spice up their sex life, Gaara and Sakura try something new. Kinktober 2024 Fic 1/9: Mirror Sex
To-Do-List by EmmaLouiseFanfiction She had a very select list. A To-Do List of things to do to him. He had a very select list. A To-Do List of things to let her do to him. “There is no yes or no or maybe. You'll cum for me and that's all there is to it.” Sakura and Gaara are on vacation. But it’s not the sights and relaxation they came for.
Mission by Omgbrowhyareallusernamestaken Sakura gets send to the mission to sunakagure to find out about a missing scroll from the leaf village But something goes wrong.
Vistazo a la vida de Sakura Haruno by Serenity26 Fuerte Sakura Haruno Porque soy fan de esta pelirosa cuyo potencial fue desperdiciado, Kishimoto no sabe mucho sobre escribir mujeres y menos de relaciones (solo el Shikatema y el MinaKushi se salva). Veremos los posibles matrimonios y vida de nuestra Kunoichi favorita, que se merece su propio harem Bv La dama no va a estar detrás del emo vengador y solo vera a Naruto como si fuera un hermano. Esta chica se sabe cuidar sola y lo va a demostrar como se debe. Sé que debería concentrarme en mis historias pendientes, pero necesito escribir este fic.
Wheel of Fate by IndraOtsutsuki After impulsively buying a strange staff at a flea market, Ashura Senju's life is never the same. In the evening, a young man shows up at his apartment door and introduces himself as Indra Uchiha, a treasure hunter with a unique taste in styling and a strange personality. He shows great interest in the staff Ashura bought, but no matter how much money he offers, the young man refuses to give him what he wants. So Indra offers him a deal and some information about the staff. His story sounds like a cheap fantasy novel, but Ashura's interest is piqued and he embarks on the greatest adventure of his life.
GaaSaku - Kiss where it hurts by NightingaleFlow for ShrimpArmy She hates losing patients.
Un cerezo que florece en el desierto by XanandraEgoshipper Sakura Haruno no es la misma niña que ama e idólatra a Sasuke. Dándose cuenta de su valor decide dejar su obsesión por él atrás y encontrar su camino ninja y quizás el verdadero amor.
Twenty Truths about Gaara and Sakura's Relationship by Lady Lark (LadyLarkRune) Twenty things people didn't know, or necessarily want to know about the fifth Kakekage and the Hokage's apprentice. -Or- Exactly what it says on the tin...
Late Night Musings by Lady Lark (LadyLarkRune) Sakura has questions. Gaara has answers.
Naruto Citrus by Hina5enpai A collection of lemons! Multiple pairings, some canon and some not. Rated M. If you don't know why by now, you aren't old/mature enough to read this fic. Enjoy!
Learning The Act of Love by KristinaAnn85 Sakura has been distracted by the Kazekage for sometime now. Now facing at least six months in close proximity to him, will she get the chance to Learn the Act of Love?
I can't wait to get married by Ulyana_pan - Wouldn't marriage complicate our relationship? - At least marriage is meant to formalise it. - That's the complication.
【ALL樱】《去他妈的多重宇宙》 by sevenmilesofpaddy 佐助穿越在各个时空里,发现老婆都嫁给了别人。
A Hug For the Kazekage by BearfootTruck Gaara is attending to his usual duties as Kazekage when Sakura shows up. Happy National Hug Day!
oh, to be your heart by Scribomaniac A tender moment between Sakura and Gaara as they prepare themselves for the separation their roles in the war require of them.
The Kazekage And Her by Letstrythis4 Sakura is in Suna to help with some poisoned civilians, but the Gaara she spends time with isn't the same as the boy she met at the Chunin exams years ago. She plans to keep her feelings to herself... Until Gaara confronts her. (GaaSaku) - A little thing I had laying about from years ago. Originally on fanfic.
Oasis in the Desert by Child_of_the_Dark_Ones Gaara’s blessing has been that Sakura gave him the time of day. His perspective as he readies to make their relationship official.
Healing a pained heart by bipidi Sakura suffers from an illness caused by stress. Gaara will help her get through this. Tsunade agrees to send Sakura to Suna for a top secret experiment. Sarada doesn't exist in this story for plot purposes. Shinki has already been adopted by Gaara. Lots of poems in the upcoming chapters.
The Wedding Date by ShineeRedKookie Sakura Haruno had a big problem. A problem that involved fancy invitation cards, white doves, and wedding bells. And it was all her little sister's fault. How could Hinata be marrying before her? And worse. What could possibly be worse? A mother that would never let her live her single or common life down. And the groom, Sakura's Ex-Fiancé.
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santoschristos · 7 months ago
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List of Solfeggio Frequencies For the 7 Chakras
Benefits of the Solfeggio Chakra Frequencies
396hz - The Root Chakra
The root chakra is the first chakra and is located at the base of the spine. This chakra is associated with survival, safety and security. Someone with a blocked root chakra would typically be fearful or anxious.
Listening to the 396hz solfeggio frequency will help to stimulate the part of the subconscious brain that is associated with this blockage and help to unearth negative belief systems and feelings residing deep in the subconscious mind. When your root chakra is unblocked you should feel secure, connected to your body and grounded.
417hz - The Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra is located below the naval and relates to sexuality, creativity, intimacy and pleasure. If you feel sexual repression, lack of creativity, intimacy issues or you're someone who emotionally isolates yourself, then you’d be someone who needs to work on their sacral chakra.
Listening to the solfeggio frequency of 417hz will help to elicit more openness, creativity and sensuality. As a result you’ll experience more pleasure and harmony.
528hz - The Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus is located below the chest and above the naval. It is the centre of self-esteem, confidence and personal identity. Anyone who is struggling to live authentically, has control issues, manipulative tendencies or low self-esteem would be said to have a blocked solar plexus chakra.
To work on this frequency you should listen to 528hz. When you’ve opened your solar plexus, you should feel positive about life, open and honest to others and yourself.
‍639hz - The Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is located in the centre of the chest. It is associated with love, forgiveness and compassion. If you’re someone who is distrustful, unable to receive love or has difficulty maintaining relationships, then you should stimulate your heart chakra.
Listening to the solfeggio frequency, 639hz will help to restore balance. Once you’ve unblocked the heart chakra you will find that you are more open to receiving love, you give love more easily and effortlessly connect with others.
741hz - The Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is located at the centre of the neck and is your expression centre. If you’re someone who is shy, has difficulty expressing themselves or is arrogant, then you’re showing signs of a blocked throat chakra.
Listen to the solfeggio frequency 741hz to achieve balance. Once you’ve opened your throat chakra you’ll speak your truth, express yourself clearly and listen to your intuition.
852hz - The Third Eye Chakra
The third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows. It’s connected to intuitive ability, consciousness and wisdom. Signs of a blocked third eye chakra are lack of direction, confusion and doubt.
When you listen to the solfeggio frequency 852hz you will work toward becoming more intuitive, open and imaginative. You will only be ready to work on your third eye chakra when the first 5 chakras have been unblocked.
‍963hz - The Crown Chakra
The crown chakra is the final chakra and is located above the head. If you are someone who has a blocked crown chakra then you are cynical, close minded or have not worked through your first 6 chakras.
The crown chakra represents a higher state of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. Opening this chakra takes a lot of spiritual and mental awareness. Those who have opened their crown chakra will feel bliss and transcendence.
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When the cursed mark activated for the first time with power overflowing into him, he changed to whole another person. We know who Sasuke is and how he behaves. He is a selfless and a pure person. He is a person who rejects unnecessary violence against innocent people. He refused to kill people for his own gain. Only in the Kage Summit arc he lose his shit and fall deeply into darkness and killed those samurais. It was his brother's manipulation that led him to this point. And it leads him to doesn't care about his own body and health at all as long as he can achieve his goal (to avenge his clan / to kill his brother). The behavior here of his has nothing to do with Sakura. It was the feeling of a person who had tasted profound power for the first time that he could ever dreamed of. The burst of power in him raises the prospect that he will become stronger than ever. If Sasuke is doing this for his teammate, others who see the scene will jump in to lend a hand. But that's not what happening here and even Shikamaru realizes the danger from Sasuke, thus he runs away with Ino and Choji. Seeing this unhinged behavior of his, they even asked themselves whether this was Sasuke or not and what was happened to him. Sasuke was enjoying this and embracing that with his evil laugh.
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Upon waking up from a nightmare, the power 'it' was injected into him boosted his anger or rage and hatred, and all of which focused on his revenge and getting stronger. But unfortunately he doesn't remember any of these or what he said and done. After regaining consciousness, he forgot what had happened to him.
The same thing happened to Naruto when he awakened the Nine Tails. He doesn't remember much after that.
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Both Naruto and Sasuke was full of in their rage when they possessed so much power. Both situations are not the same. Naruto gone crazy when he thought he lost Sasuke and in Sasuke's case, it was the curse power that pushes him on making him to think he could gain his goal through this. Naruto could have killed Haku when he couldn't control his intense emotions, but when he saw that the person behind the mask was Haku, he repressed his Kurama chakra. When they saw a familiar face, both of their murderous aura slowly faded and come back to their normal form. And that doesn't mean it's a romantic scene. Both of them do not even remember any of these events and it is not even mentioned in any part of the manga. The only thing that was constantly used about what happened in the 'Forest of Death' was Sakura's callback to Sasuke worrying about Naruto.
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Whether he wakes up from death or whatever, the first thing he thinks about is 'Naruto'. This is not a new knowledge to us, right. He gives Naruto his priorities and attention instead of worrying about himself.
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He using the word 困る(komaru) - to be troubled; to be worried; to be bothered; to be embarrassed. The meaning of it quite depends on the context, and the tone in which you use it.
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When Sakura starts yelling about his Mark and expressing concern about it, he tells her that it's none of her business. Naruto still had no idea about the mark Sakura was referring to. When Naruto finally came to speak on Sakura's behalf, this is how Sasuke shut him up with the words Naruto wants to hear from him. ❝ I WANT TO FIGHT YOU, TOO ❞ And Naruto goes lub-dub lol
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Oh well, you know, it wasn't only just because of Sakura that his cursed seal faded. When he was in his conscious mind, he did control his cursed seal after seeing Naruto & Sakura worrying about him.
"Please withdraw.... They worry... maybe too much"
Who are you referring to?? Naruto didn't know about this. He'll be worried if he sees this, won't he??
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What a smile, Sasuke!! Despite being pained and tired from the match, hearing Naruto's voice, he smiles at him. Sakura was there and looking at him but Sasuke's gaze was only fixed on his 'usuratonkachi'. Kishi why are you so funny. Look at the panels lol.
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However, despite his best efforts to hide the curse mark from Naruto, Naruto finally sees it. When he asks Sakura about it, she recalls the promise she made to Sasuke in the 'Forest of Death'. It's all about Naruto and Sasuke, and the concern he only gives to Naruto. Kishi gave her that one moment and that was it, nothing special about it. No one remembers it, not even Sakura herself. In all her memories she was there kept as a third wheel witnessing every moment between Naruto and Sasuke.
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talonabraxas · 14 days ago
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Archangel Khamael “The One who Seeks God” Talon Abraxas
Chamuel has many powers, being one of the main emissaries of the Creator’s love, also called the Christ consciousness, and he can help on all matters of the heart and relationships.
In the physical world, this powerful angel helps us seek what our hearts truly long for, which means he can help us find peace in our relationships, a soul mate, new friends, a career, a lost object, or our soul purpose so we can live a more fulfilled and joyful life.
He can also help us overcome difficult situations in our life so that we can flow through our life more smoothly.
Chamuel is a symbol of inner peace and unconditional love, who can help us expand our self-forgiveness and self-esteem.
Archangel Chamuel – The Great Protector
Chamuel has great protective power; just like Archangel Michael, he protects our inner world from negative influences. So if you’re scared about world events, you may call upon archangel Chamuel to comfort you and bring protection and peace to your mind.
On a more global scale, the angel Chamuel plays a significant role in protecting the world from negative entities.
Archangel Chamuel – The Archangel of Love
Chamuel is pure infinite love in winged form, and his purpose is all about inspiring love into our hearts by holding and representing the Christ consciousness.
He helps us cleanse and balance our heart chakra from negative emotions, so we can develop our capacity to love and our positive energy, which is especially helpful for those with low self-worth so they can expand their sense of self-love.
This sweet and powerful angel teaches us to practice forgiveness and gratitude and helps us expand our self-love and find peace in our relationships with our inner selves.
He also inspires us to surrender to life’s ups and downs, not trying to control every outcome, so we can attain a state of bliss as we flow through life more confidently.
Archangel Chamuel – The Archangel of Soul Mates
As Chamuel specializes in all matters of the heart, he can help anyone looking to find their soul mate, this partner that loves us for who we are and may have shared many lifetimes with us in the past.
His lesson is first to learn to have acceptance and compassion for ourselves so that we can do the same with our soul mate and in any other relationship.
This angel is always delighted to help those of us who are seeking authentic and pure love and who want to experience successful romantic relationships.
Whatever the challenge you may face in your relationships, the angel Chamuel encourages us to love the one we’re with!
Archangel Chamuel – The Archangel of Peaceful relationships
Chamuel teaches us to love ourselves first to develop inner peace and loving relationships. He can help us build solid foundations in our relationships so they can last, be healthy and bring us joy and fulfillment.
The angel Chamuel inspires us to “Live and let live,” meaning that to be genuinely joyful is to accept what is, including what we don’t like in ourselves and other people.
He inspires us to let others learn their lessons and mistakes in their own time without interfering with our blame, anger, or critics, and he also helps us make new friendships.
Through the power of his love and compassion, the angel Chamuel can help us resolve conflicts with our friends or family and bring peace to damaged or strained relationships, as he can dissolve negative feelings between people so that we can have deeper relationships.
Archangel Chamuel – The Archangel of Career and Life Purpose
Chamuel can help us connect with our soul purpose when we are looking for more profound meaning and sense of purpose so that we can live a more fulfilled life.
You may call upon the angel Chamuel if you need to find a new job, as he can guide us with all aspects of our career, helping us build solid foundations so they can last and bring us joy.
Chamuel teaches us the value of working with the best intention possible, for the benefit of all humanity and not just ourselves, so that we feel truly fulfilled.
Archangel Chamuel – The Archangel of Abundance
As our capacity to be abundant is directly linked to our ability to love, Chamuel helps us to attract abundance and prosperity by dissolving negative beliefs we may have about money and assists in finding peace in our relationship with money,
So if you have money problems, you may call upon Chamuel so he can facilitate financial opportunities and gifts to come to you.
Archangel Chamuel – The Archangel of Lost Objects
Chamuel also assists people in finding lost objects, and if you need his help on this, visualize the thing you are looking for and call upon Archangel Chamuel to help you find it.
He may guide you through insights, visions, feelings, sensations, or thoughts. Just trust the process and follow your intuition.
Archangel Chamuel and the Pink Light Ray
With his twin flame Archangel Charity, Chamuel rules over the third ray of light, or flame of love, which is the pink ray of creative, active intelligence associated with the heart chakra. 
The pink ray can dissolve feelings of guilt, low self-esteem, or resentment through unconditional love and compassion so that you can forgive, release the past and expand the love in your heart chakra. Signs and symbols from Archangel Chamuel Archangel Chamuel color
Archangel Chamuel’s colors are the green and especially the pink, the heart chakra colors, so he may appear in visions in a glaze of pink and gold light or a rose bubble.
It is also sometimes associated with the ruby-red color of the root chakra. Archangel Chamuel symbols
Hearts are one of the main symbols of Chamuel, so if you start seeing hearts wherever you go, in stones, clouds, or graffitis in the street, you may now recognize the presence of Chamuel.
As for the flower, the rose is the symbol that signifies Chamuel’s presence and his angels of love. You may also use roses in your home to bring his loving presence.
The dove, known as a symbol of peace, is also a symbol of Archangel Chamuel and a sign that he may be around.
The number 7, the number of spiritual awakening, a fulfilled life, love, and luck, is also associated with the angel Chamuel, and you may see a series of seven, like 77, 777, or 7777, indicating his presence and support. Crystals associated with Archangel Chamuel
The crystals associated with Archangel Chamuel are Ruby, rose quartz, Red Jasper, Bloodstone, Carnelian, and Pink Tourmaline.
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triangular-eye · 9 months ago
dangers of combining mars & pluto
you have free will of course! but these are energies i don’t recommend mixing from my experience, as they can cause havoc & make it harder for you to keep control of the spell & intentions of it. these colours together more likely than not, cause disruptive changes which are unforeseen. but if you have a strong pluto or uranus in your natal chart, you can make these colours work if you are cautious & experienced enough.
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mars (aries/red) energy working with pluto (scorpio/black), is emotionally explosive. danger of creating an emotional tower moment/period in your day to day life. pluto (death & tower tarot cards) is uncontrollable. if pluto is healed, a person can attain power (perceived by himself), out of how one withstands the uncontrollable & remains untouched.
in an unhealthy pluto, combined in this way might attract karma with ‘soul vampires’/psychological predators, as pluto rules these topics & paired with mars, lord of instinct, anger & passion, how somebody ‘burns’. souls that leech & drain primarily operate from the lower consciousnesses (mindset of the root & sacral chakra/MARS categories).
those with an uncontrollable mars (it is a fire element afterall), tend to be overindulgent into every physical activity they find themselves into; whereas a healthy mars would view things as ‘i indulge in what ignites my passion for creating things.
aspects to
children/housing projects (venus), paintings/substances (neptune), internet projects (uranus), sex & sex industry (lilith), intense feelings/strong morals/due to hormonal cycle (moon), business projects/housing abroad/career trajectory (saturn), cross continent travel/career schooling/philosophical awakenings/application of morals (jupiter), critical thinking/thought process/verbal (mercury).
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